From ec68a79c765f907feb08a0a74eff5262bc4cd18c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Erwan Jahier <>
Date: Fri, 26 Aug 2016 10:36:44 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] --when-on-ident: Make sure we don't create the same var twice
 and replace enumerated clock in the var_info even if it does not appear in a

nb : luciole-rif is now  in the rdbg repo.
 _oasis                  |   2 +-
 src/         |   5 +-
 src/      | 217 ++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------
 src/              |   4 +-
 src/          |  14 +--
 src/           |   2 +-
 src/       |  22 ++--
 src/      |   7 +-
 src/       |   4 +-
 src/ |   3 +-
 utils/luciole-rif       |  30 ------
 11 files changed, 163 insertions(+), 147 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100755 utils/luciole-rif

diff --git a/_oasis b/_oasis
index ec90b2c5..51dd635d 100644
--- a/_oasis
+++ b/_oasis
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 OASISFormat: 0.4
 Name:        lustre-v6
-Version:     1.654
+Version:     1.655
 Synopsis:    The Lustre V6 Verimag compiler
 Description: This package contains:
    (1) lus2lic: the (current) name of the compiler (and interpreter via -exec).
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index d9e1f00c..fed08a5b 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -195,7 +195,8 @@ and (split_val_exp : bool -> bool -> Lic.val_exp -> Lic.val_exp * split_acc) =
           let clk_l = ve.ve_clk in 
           let typ_l = ve.ve_typ in  
           assert (List.length typ_l = List.length clk_l);
-          let nv_l = List.map2 new_var typ_l clk_l  in
+          let nv_l = List.map2 new_var typ_l clk_l 
+          in
           let lxm = lxm_of_val_exp ve in
           let vi2val_exp nv = 
             let _,clk = nv.var_clock_eff in
@@ -215,7 +216,7 @@ and (split_val_exp : bool -> bool -> Lic.val_exp -> Lic.val_exp * split_acc) =
           let lpl = (fun nv -> LeftVarLic(nv, lxm)) nv_l in
           let eq = Lxm.flagit (lpl, rhs) lxm in
 		    nve, (eql@[eq], vl@nv_l)
-      )   
+      )
       | CallByPosLic({it=Lic.VAR_REF _}, _) -> ve, ([],[])
       | CallByPosLic({it=Lic.CONST_REF _}, _) -> ve, ([],[])
       | CallByPosLic({src=lxm;it=Lic.CONST _}, _)
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 4b6aa85c..f9916076 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(** Time-stamp: <modified the 07/06/2016 (at 13:30) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(** Time-stamp: <modified the 25/08/2016 (at 17:20) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 open Lxm
 open Lic
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ open AstPredef
 let dbg =  (Lv6Verbose.get_flag "woi")
 (** The functions below accumulate 
    (1) the assertions
@@ -20,37 +21,15 @@ type acc =
     * Lic.val_exp srcflagged list (* assertions *)
     * clock_tbl
-let rec update_clock : clock_tbl -> clock -> clock = 
-  fun clk_tbl clk -> 
-  match clk with
-  | BaseLic | ClockVar _ -> clk
-  | On((cc,cv,ct),sclk) ->
-     let sclk = update_clock clk_tbl sclk in
-     try 
-       let nv = Hashtbl.find clk_tbl (cc,cv) in
-       On((("Lustre","true"),nv.var_name_eff, Bool_type_eff), sclk)
-     with Not_found -> 
-       On((cc,cv,ct),sclk)
- let update_var_info : clock_tbl -> var_info -> var_info = 
-   fun tbl vi -> 
-    let (id, clk) = vi.var_clock_eff in
-    { vi with var_clock_eff = id, update_clock tbl clk }
- let rec update_left : clock_tbl -> left -> left = 
-   fun tbl l -> 
-   match l with
-   | LeftVarLic(vi,lxm) -> LeftVarLic(update_var_info tbl vi,lxm)
-   | LeftFieldLic(l,id,t) -> LeftFieldLic(update_left tbl l,id,t)
-   | LeftArrayLic(l,i,t) -> LeftArrayLic(update_left tbl l,i,t)
-   | LeftSliceLic(l,si,t) -> LeftSliceLic(update_left tbl l,si,t)
- let new_var (cc,cv) type_eff clock_eff clk_tbl = 
-   try Hashtbl.find clk_tbl (cc,cv) 
-   with Not_found -> 
+let new_var (cc,cv) type_eff clock_eff clk_tbl = 
+   try Hashtbl.find clk_tbl (cc,cv), true
+   with Not_found ->
      let str = (snd cc) ^ "_" ^ cv in
+     let str2 = (snd cc) ^ "(" ^ cv ^")" in
+     Lv6Verbose.exe
+       ~flag:dbg
+       (fun() -> Printf.printf
+                   "L2lWhenOnId: '%s' not found; create a var\n" str2);
      let id = Lv6Id.of_string (FreshName.local_var str) in 
      let var =
@@ -62,56 +41,109 @@ let rec update_clock : clock_tbl -> clock -> clock =
      Hashtbl.add clk_tbl (cc,cv) var;
-     var
+     var,false
-(* The one that perform the real work, namely:
+(* The one that performs the real work, namely:
-- invent a fresh var name NV
-- replace 'when Idle(st)' by 'when NV'
-- generate the equation defining NV (NV=(Idle=st);)
+- if it hasn't been created yet
+   - invent a fresh var name NV, 
+   - generate the equation defining NV (NV=(Idle=st);)
 let (gen_ident : Lxm.t -> Lv6Id.long -> Lv6Id.t -> type_ -> Lic.clock -> acc -> 
-                 Lic.by_pos_op srcflagged * acc ) =
-  fun lxm cc cv ct clk (vl,eql,al,tbl) -> (* On(Idle, st, enum_t)  *)
-  let nv = new_var (cc,cv) Bool_type_eff clk tbl in
+                  var_info * acc ) =
+   fun lxm cc cv ct clk (vl,eql,al,tbl) -> (* On(Idle, st, enum_t)  *)
+   let nv, already_done = new_var (cc,cv) Bool_type_eff clk tbl in
+     let ve1 = {
+       ve_typ = [ct];
+       ve_clk = [clk]; 
+       ve_core = CallByPosLic(Lxm.flagit (Lic.CONST_REF cc) lxm,[])		
+     }
+     in
+     let ve2 = {
+       ve_typ = [ct];
+       ve_clk = [clk]; 
+       ve_core = CallByPosLic(Lxm.flagit (Lic.VAR_REF cv) lxm,[])		
+     }
+     in 
+     let ve = (* Idle=st *){
+       ve_typ = [Bool_type_eff];
+       ve_clk = [clk]; 
+       ve_core = 
+         CallByPosLic({it=Lic.PREDEF_CALL({it=(("Lustre","eq"),[]);src=lxm});src=lxm}, 
+                      [ve1;ve2])
+     }
+     in
+     if already_done then
+       nv, (vl,eql,al,tbl)
+     else
+       let new_eq = (* NV=(Idle=st) *) {src=lxm;it=[LeftVarLic (nv, lxm)], ve} in
+       nv,  (nv::vl,new_eq::eql,al,tbl)
+let rec update_clock : Lxm.t -> acc -> clock -> clock * acc = 
+  fun lxm acc clk ->
+  match clk with
+  | BaseLic | ClockVar _ -> clk, acc
+  | On((cc,cv,ct),sclk) ->
+     let sclk, acc = update_clock lxm acc sclk in
+     let (_,_,_,clk_tbl) = acc in
+     try 
+       let nv = Hashtbl.find clk_tbl (cc,cv) in
+       On((("Lustre","true"),nv.var_name_eff, Bool_type_eff), sclk), acc
+     with Not_found ->
+       if cc = ("Lustre","true") || cc = ("Lustre","false") then 
+         On((cc,cv,ct),sclk), acc
+       else
+         let nv, acc = gen_ident lxm cc cv ct sclk acc in
+         On((("Lustre","true"),nv.var_name_eff, Bool_type_eff), sclk), acc
-  let ve1 = {
-    ve_typ = [ct];
-    ve_clk = [clk]; 
-    ve_core = CallByPosLic(Lxm.flagit (Lic.CONST_REF cc) lxm,[])		
-  }
-  in
-  let ve2 = {
-    ve_typ = [ct];
-    ve_clk = [clk]; 
-    ve_core = CallByPosLic(Lxm.flagit (Lic.VAR_REF cv) lxm,[])		
-  }
-  in 
-  let ve = (* Idle=st *){
-    ve_typ = [Bool_type_eff];
-    ve_clk = [clk]; 
-    ve_core = 
-      CallByPosLic({it=Lic.PREDEF_CALL({it=(("Lustre","eq"),[]);src=lxm});src=lxm}, 
-                   [ve1;ve2])
-  }
-  in
-  let new_eq = (* NV=(Idle=st) *) {src=lxm;it=[LeftVarLic (nv, lxm)], ve} in
-  let true_cc = "Lustre","true" in
-  let op = WHEN (On((true_cc, nv.var_name_eff, Bool_type_eff),clk)) in
-  Lxm.flagit op lxm,  (nv::vl,new_eq::eql,al,tbl)
+let update_var_info : Lxm.t -> acc -> var_info -> var_info * acc = 
+  fun lxm acc vi ->
+  let (id, clk) = vi.var_clock_eff in
+  let clk, acc = update_clock lxm acc clk in
+  Lv6Verbose.exe
+    ~flag:dbg
+    (fun() -> Printf.printf
+                "#DBG: L2lWhenOnId;  update_var_info %s\n" id);
+  { vi with var_clock_eff = id, clk }, acc
+let update_var_info_list : Lxm.t -> var_info list * acc -> var_info ->
+                           var_info list * acc = 
+  fun lxm (res,acc) vi ->
+  let vi, acc = update_var_info lxm acc vi in
+  vi::res, acc
+ let rec update_left : acc -> left -> left * acc = 
+   fun acc l -> 
+   match l with
+   | LeftVarLic(vi,lxm) ->
+      let vi, acc = update_var_info lxm acc vi in
+      LeftVarLic(vi,lxm), acc
+   | LeftFieldLic(l,id,t) -> 
+      let l, acc = update_left acc l in
+      LeftFieldLic(l,id,t),acc
+   | LeftArrayLic(l,i,t) -> 
+      let l, acc = update_left acc l in
+      LeftArrayLic(l,i,t), acc
+   | LeftSliceLic(l,si,t) -> 
+      let l, acc = update_left acc l in
+      LeftSliceLic(l,si,t), acc
+ let rec update_left_list : left list * acc -> left -> left list * acc = 
+   fun (ll,acc) l -> 
+   let l, acc = update_left acc l in
+   l::ll, acc
 (* All the remaining are admnistrative functions *)
 let rec (do_eq : LicPrg.t -> Lic.eq_info srcflagged -> acc -> acc) =
   fun licprg { src = lxm_eq ; it = (left_list, ve) } acc -> 
     let ve, (nv,neqs,nass,tbl) = do_val_exp licprg ve acc in
-    let left_list = (update_left tbl) left_list in
+    let left_list,acc = List.fold_left update_left_list ([],acc) left_list in
+    let left_list = List.rev left_list in
     nv, { src = lxm_eq ; it = (left_list, ve) }::neqs, nass,tbl
 and (do_val_exp: LicPrg.t -> val_exp -> acc -> val_exp * acc) =
@@ -150,12 +182,20 @@ and (do_val_exp: LicPrg.t -> val_exp -> acc -> val_exp * acc) =
             (List.rev vel)
 	       match with
-          | WHEN (On((_,_,Bool_type_eff),_)) -> (* nothing to do in this case *)
+          | WHEN (On((cc,cv,Bool_type_eff),clk)) -> (* nothing to do in this case *)
+             let clk, acc = update_clock op.src acc clk in              
+             let new_op = WHEN (On((cc, cv, Bool_type_eff),clk)) in
+             let op = Lxm.flagit new_op op.src in
+             CallByPosLic(op, vel), acc
+          | WHEN (On((cc,cv,ct),clk)) ->
+             let clk, acc = update_clock op.src acc clk in              
+             let nv, acc = gen_ident op.src cc cv ct clk acc in
+             let true_cc = "Lustre","true" in
+             let new_op = WHEN (On((true_cc, nv.var_name_eff, Bool_type_eff),clk)) in
+             let op = Lxm.flagit new_op op.src in
              CallByPosLic(op, vel), acc
-          | WHEN (On((cc,cv,ct),clk)) -> 
-             let op, acc = gen_ident op.src cc cv ct clk acc in
+          | _ ->
              CallByPosLic(op, vel), acc
-          | _ -> CallByPosLic(op, vel), acc
     { ve with ve_core = ve_core },acc
@@ -169,14 +209,14 @@ and (do_val_exp_flag:  LicPrg.t -> val_exp srcflagged -> acc ->
 and (do_node : LicPrg.t -> Lic.node_exp -> Lic.node_exp) =
   fun licprg n -> 
   let tbl = Hashtbl.create 0 in
-  let aux licprg n =
+  let aux licprg n acc =
     match n.def_eff with
-      | ExternLic | MetaOpLic | AbstractLic _ -> n
+      | ExternLic | MetaOpLic | AbstractLic _ -> n,acc
       | BodyLic b ->
         let acc = List.fold_left 
-          (fun acc eq -> do_eq licprg eq acc) 
-          ([],[],[],tbl) 
-          (List.rev b.eqs_eff)
+                    (fun acc eq -> do_eq licprg eq acc)
+                    acc
+                    (List.rev b.eqs_eff)
         let acc = List.fold_left 
           (fun acc ve -> 
@@ -191,19 +231,20 @@ and (do_node : LicPrg.t -> Lic.node_exp -> Lic.node_exp) =
           | None -> nv (* SNO, but eats no bread *)
           | Some v -> List.rev_append nv v
-        let update_var_info = update_var_info tbl in
+        let uvi = update_var_info_list n.lxm in
+        let inlist_eff,acc  = List.fold_left uvi ([],acc) n.inlist_eff in
+        let outlist_eff,acc = List.fold_left uvi ([],acc) n.outlist_eff in
+        let loclist_eff,acc = List.fold_left uvi ([],acc) nlocs in        
         { n with 
-          def_eff = BodyLic  { 
-            eqs_eff = neqs; 
-            asserts_eff = nass;
-          };
-          inlist_eff  = update_var_info n.inlist_eff;
-          outlist_eff = update_var_info n.outlist_eff;
-          loclist_eff = Some ( update_var_info nlocs);
-        }
+          def_eff = BodyLic { eqs_eff = neqs; asserts_eff = nass };
+          inlist_eff  = List.rev inlist_eff;
+          outlist_eff = List.rev outlist_eff;
+          loclist_eff = Some (List.rev loclist_eff)
+        },acc
-  let n = aux licprg n in
-  let n = aux licprg n in (* do it twice to make sure they are all substituted *)
+  let n,(_,_,_,tbl) = aux licprg n ([],[],[],tbl) in
+  let n,acc = aux licprg n  ([],[],[],tbl) in
+  (* do it twice to make sure they are all substituted *)
 (* exported *)
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 5e77e45c..db8d35d0 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(* Time-stamp: <modified the 31/05/2016 (at 17:17) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(* Time-stamp: <modified the 07/07/2016 (at 10:23) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 (** Define the Data Structure representing Compiled programs. By
     compiled we mean that constant are propagated, packages are
@@ -215,8 +215,6 @@ and by_pos_op =
 and const =
     (* type predef *)
     Bool_const_eff of bool
   | Int_const_eff of string
   | Real_const_eff of string
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 7357c06d..df271a00 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(* Time-stamp: <modified the 31/05/2016 (at 15:18) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(* Time-stamp: <modified the 26/08/2016 (at 10:32) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 open Lv6errors
 open Printf
@@ -573,14 +573,14 @@ and string_of_val_exp_eff_core ve_core =
   | Merge (ve, [({it=Bool_const_eff false}, cf); ({it=Bool_const_eff true}, ct)]) -> 
      if global_opt.lv4 then (
        "if " ^ (string_of_val_exp_eff ve) ^ " then current (" ^
-         (string_of_val_exp_eff ct) ^ ") else current (" ^ 
-           (string_of_val_exp_eff cf) ^")" 
-     ) else  (
+         (string_of_val_exp_eff ct) ^ ") else current (" ^
+           (string_of_val_exp_eff cf) ^")"
+     ) else (
 	    if global_opt.kcg then (
          "merge ( " ^ (string_of_val_exp_eff ve) ^ ";" ^
-           (string_of_val_exp_eff ct) ^ "when " ^(string_of_val_exp_eff ve) ^ ";" ^ 
-             (string_of_val_exp_eff cf) ^ "when not " ^ (string_of_val_exp_eff ve) ^ ")" 
-       ) else  (
+           (string_of_val_exp_eff ct) ^ "when " ^(string_of_val_exp_eff ve) ^ ";" ^
+             (string_of_val_exp_eff cf) ^ "when not " ^ (string_of_val_exp_eff ve) ^ ")"
+       ) else (
          "merge " ^ (string_of_val_exp_eff ve) ^ " (true -> " ^
            (string_of_val_exp_eff ct) ^ ") (false -> "^  (string_of_val_exp_eff cf) ^")"
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index d2a22a01..8dd05e7f 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(* Time-stamp: <modified the 27/05/2016 (at 16:02) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(* Time-stamp: <modified the 24/08/2016 (at 14:49) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 open Lxm
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 4ff2a93f..489443b9 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(* Time-stamp: <modified the 01/06/2016 (at 17:34) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(* Time-stamp: <modified the 25/08/2016 (at 16:50) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 open Lxm
 open Lv6errors
@@ -51,11 +51,6 @@ let (doit : Lv6MainArgs.t -> AstV6.pack_or_model list -> Lv6Id.idref option -> L
         profile_info "Optimizing if/then/else...\n";
         L2lOptimIte.doit zelic)
-    let zelic = (* should be done after, as optim_ite introduces some 'when' *)
-      if not Lv6MainArgs.global_opt.Lv6MainArgs.when_on_ident then zelic else ( 
-        profile_info "Creating ident on when statements if necessary...\n";
-        L2lWhenOnId.doit zelic)
-    in  
     let zelic = 
       (* élimination polymorphisme  surcharge *)
       profile_info "Removing polymorphism...\n";
@@ -68,7 +63,8 @@ let (doit : Lv6MainArgs.t -> AstV6.pack_or_model list -> Lv6Id.idref option -> L
     let zelic =
-      if Lv6MainArgs.global_opt.Lv6MainArgs.kcg && not opt.Lv6MainArgs.inline_iterator  then 
+      if Lv6MainArgs.global_opt.Lv6MainArgs.kcg && not opt.Lv6MainArgs.inline_iterator
+      then 
 	     L2lExpandMetaOp.doit_boolred zelic
@@ -85,6 +81,12 @@ let (doit : Lv6MainArgs.t -> AstV6.pack_or_model list -> Lv6Id.idref option -> L
+    let zelic =
+      (* should be done after L2lOptimIte, as it introduces some 'when' *)
+      if not Lv6MainArgs.global_opt.Lv6MainArgs.when_on_ident then zelic else ( 
+        profile_info "Creating ident on when statements if necessary...\n";
+        L2lWhenOnId.doit zelic)
+    in  
     let zelic = 
       if opt.Lv6MainArgs.expand_node_call <> [] || opt.Lv6MainArgs.expand_nodes then (
         let mn:Lv6Id.idref = 
@@ -96,7 +98,9 @@ let (doit : Lv6MainArgs.t -> AstV6.pack_or_model list -> Lv6Id.idref option -> L
           | Some mn -> mn
-        let ids_to_expand = ( Lv6Id.idref_of_string opt.Lv6MainArgs.expand_node_call) in
+        let ids_to_expand =
+ Lv6Id.idref_of_string opt.Lv6MainArgs.expand_node_call
+        in
         let long_match_idref (p,n) idref =
           (* if no pack is specified, we match them all *)
           (Lv6Id.name_of_idref idref = n)
@@ -145,7 +149,7 @@ let (doit : Lv6MainArgs.t -> AstV6.pack_or_model list -> Lv6Id.idref option -> L
       L2lCheckLoops.doit zelic
     profile_info "Check unique outputs...\n";
-    L2lCheckOutputs.doit zelic;
+    L2lCheckOutputs.doit zelic; 
     profile_info "Lic Compilation done!\n";
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 94e9755a..b2b9e29d 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(* Time-stamp: <modified the 03/06/2016 (at 11:08) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(* Time-stamp: <modified the 26/08/2016 (at 10:18) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 Le manager d'argument adapté de celui de lutin, plus joli
 N.B. solution un peu batarde : les options sont stockées, comme avant, dans Global,
@@ -318,10 +318,11 @@ let mkoptab (opt:t) : unit = (
       (Arg.Unit (fun _ -> global_opt.expand_enums <- AsInt))
       [" Translate enums using integers (to be kind with data plotters)"]
-    mkopt opt ~doc_level:Advanced
+    mkopt opt ~doc_level:Dev
       ["-eeb"; "--expand-enums-as-bool"]
       (Arg.Unit (fun _ -> global_opt.expand_enums <- AsBool))
-      [" Translate enums using boolean arrays (to be kind with model-checkers)"]
+      [" Translate enums using boolean arrays (to be kind with model-checkers)";
+       "ZZZ: buggy for arrays and using bools is not necessary for lesar."]
     mkopt opt ~doc_level:Advanced
       ["-esa"; "--expand-structs-and-arrays"]
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 7b1fb29e..771f2999 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 (** Automatically generated from Makefile *) 
 let tool = "lus2lic"
 let branch = "master"
-let commit = "654"
-let sha_1 = "579d15a3cca62430283d44d291684fca4d112454"
+let commit = "655"
+let sha_1 = "c62a8e7015fddbd0c797f63bff56dd0170876a4b"
 let str = (branch ^ "." ^ commit ^ " (" ^ sha_1 ^ ")")
 let maintainer = ""
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index ff99b6b5..4968389a 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(* Time-stamp: <modified the 10/04/2015 (at 17:06) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(* Time-stamp: <modified the 26/08/2016 (at 10:34) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 open Data
 open Soc
@@ -355,6 +355,7 @@ let (get_iterator : Soc.t -> string -> Soc.t -> int -> string) =
           buff := !buff^(Soc2cStack.gen_assign telt a_out a_in_bis) 
+      | _,_ -> assert false (* SNO *)
diff --git a/utils/luciole-rif b/utils/luciole-rif
deleted file mode 100755
index 0b79427d..00000000
--- a/utils/luciole-rif
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-# set -x #echo on
-if [ "$#" -eq 0 ]; then
-    echo "usage: $TOOL [any sys call that reads/writes in RIF]
-   $TOOL lutin -rif env.lut -n main
-   $TOOL lus2lic -rif controller.lus -n main 
-    "
-    exit 01
-case $1 in
-    *lutin|*lus2lic)
-        eval  "rdbg-batch -lurette -l 1000 --sut-stdio \"$@ -rif\""
-        ;;
-    *)
-        eval  "rdbg-batch -lurette -l 1000 --sut-stdio \"$@\""
-        ;;
-rm rdbg_luciole.c
-rm rdbg_luciole.dro
-echo "@0: bye"
-# pbs: 
-#  - killing luciole does not kill the process