From e64e10318a1cbdcf9780e799d4c67341826e3e2f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Erwan Jahier <>
Date: Tue, 3 Jun 2008 15:05:00 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Wrap     the     parser    output     with     a    new    
 function, SolveIdent.recognize_predef_op  that  replaces  node call  by 
 Predef constructor  when   necessary,  via  a  complete   traversal  of  the
 SyntaxTree (instead  of doing it  in the parser). The  rationales for this
 change are that:

- it is quite tedious to do it in parser as multiple locations are involved
- I did missed some locations
- It makes the parser more focused on parsing issues
- that traversal  is a first step  do deal with  idref solving (hence
 the name of the new module that contains that function

Note that lsrc/test/should_work/fab_test/lecteur.lus was using
"plus" as a variable ident, which raised an error, which
 src/Makefile                              |   2 +
 src/TODO                                  |  56 ++++++++
 src/                         |   4 +-
 src/                              |   5 +-
 src/                       |  27 ++--
 src/                               |   5 +-
 src/parser.mly                            |  17 +--
 src/                        |  24 +---
 src/                             |   7 +-
 src/                    |  12 +-
 src/                         | 162 ++++++++++++++++++++++
 src/solveIdent.mli                        |  21 +++
 src/                          |  13 +-
 src/                     |   4 +-
 src/test/should_work/fab_test/lecteur.lus |  18 +--
 src/test/test.res.exp                     |  24 ++--
 16 files changed, 313 insertions(+), 88 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 src/
 create mode 100644 src/solveIdent.mli

diff --git a/src/Makefile b/src/Makefile
index 6c1f830c..123d42f8 100644
--- a/src/Makefile
+++ b/src/Makefile
@@ -19,6 +19,8 @@ SOURCES =  \
 	./ \
 	./ \
 	./ \
+	./solveIdent.mli \
+	./ \
 	./ \
 	./parser.mly \
 	./lexer.mll \
diff --git a/src/TODO b/src/TODO
index a270b25f..f095bf87 100644
--- a/src/TODO
+++ b/src/TODO
@@ -103,6 +103,7 @@
 m'en etre completement debarassé au niveau du compiledData, et ca
 n'est pas le cas pour l'instant...
+* traiter les types int, real, bool dans Predef ?
@@ -138,6 +139,61 @@ let
+* Paramatrize the AS  (cf SyntaxTreeCore) by the kind  of ident that is
+used.  Indeed, during parsing,  we cannot always know what Ident.long
+should we have, given an Ident.idref,  or a Ident.t. The idea is then
+to write a function resolve_name which profile is
+(Ident.idref) SyntaxTreeCore.t -> (long) SyntaxTreeCore.t
+en fait,  je ne  devrais pas avoir  une distinction entre  Ident.t et
+Ident.long.  Au parsing, je ne devrais generer que des idref, puis je
+devrais les transformer en Ident.t  (apres merge entre les ident.t et
+Meme les variables locales, je pourrais leur coller le nom du package
+ou  leur  noeud  sont  définis (juste  histoire  d'etre  homogene)...
+Mouais.  Disons que le nom du package pourrait être optionnel dans le
+type Ident.t, pour qu'on ne soit  pas obligé de coller le nom du pack
+aux vars locales. a voir.  L'interet  de ma manip, c'est que une fois
+que la gestion des idents  est cantonnée à un module travaillant sur
+un type abstrait, je peux changer ca à ma guise apres.
+par ailleurs, ce nouveau Ident.t contiendrait également la
+facon dont il était reférencé dans le programme source
+(pour le pretty-print).  Il pourrait etre defini ainsi :
+ 	type t = pack_name * string * string
+nb :  il reste  meme des idref  dans compiledData  ! Je ne  sais plus
+precisement  pour  quelle raison  d'ailleurs.  Je  me souviens  avoir
+essayer des mettre  des ident à la place, et j'ai  du renoncer car je
+ne m'en sortais pas.
+qu : à quoi ressemblera resolve_name ?
+ -> a un gros parcours recursif sur SyntaxTreeCore.t ! 
+o inconvénients
+ - va y avoir beaucoup de loc qui ne feront rien dans cette fonction...
+ - pas mal d'effort pour obtenir grosso-merdo le même code rangé autrement
+o  avantages
+ - ce sera mieux rangé ! (tout ce qui traite de ca dans un module à lui)
+ - cette histoire de résolution de noms est éparpillée dans plein de 
+   modules, qu'elle pollue et fait grossir (cf lazycompiler)
+ - merger ident.t et long, je suis sur que ca va simplifier plein de choses
+ - 
+par exemple, les fonctions LazyCompiler.solve_x_idref n'auraient plus
+rien à faire dans ce module  ! Le truc c'est que cette fonction n'est
+pas bien compliquée ni bien longue...
 * evalEq.translate_left_part : faire plus de verification sur les
 index de slice 
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 9b2c3af1..454359e9 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(** Time-stamp: <modified the 29/05/2008 (at 15:01) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(** Time-stamp: <modified the 03/06/2008 (at 11:34) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 open Lxm
 open SyntaxTree
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ let (doit:
 		  | StaticParamNode (s, inl, outl, has_memory) -> (
 		      let by_pos_op = match ( with
 			| StaticArgIdent idr -> 
-			    ParserUtils.call_or_predef(Lxm.flagit ((idr,[])) arg.src)
+			    CALL_n(Lxm.flagit ((idr,[])) arg.src)
 			| StaticArgNode by_pos_op -> by_pos_op 
 			| _ -> instance_error () 
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 3f936616..539da0af 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(** Time-stamp: <modified the 21/05/2008 (at 14:37) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(** Time-stamp: <modified the 03/06/2008 (at 09:50) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 (* J'ai appele ca symbol (mais ca remplace le ident) :
 c'est juste une couche qui garantit l'unicite en memoire
@@ -138,3 +138,6 @@ let (long_of_idref : idref -> long) =
 	Some p -> (p, name_of_idref idr)
       | None   -> (!dft_pack_name, name_of_idref idr)
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index c05d68bb..e9d7c54b 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(** Time-stamp: <modified the 30/05/2008 (at 16:50) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(** Time-stamp: <modified the 03/06/2008 (at 15:03) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 open Lxm
@@ -530,19 +530,18 @@ and (node_check_do: t -> CompiledData.node_key -> Lxm.t -> SymbolTab.t ->
 	(fun id lxm -> 
 	   try lookup_var local_env (Ident.of_idref id) lxm
 	   with Not_found ->
-	     print_string ((Lxm.details lxm) ^ 
-			     "\n cannot find " ^ (Ident.string_of_idref id) ^ 
-			     " into the node variable table ");
-	     Hashtbl.iter
-	       (fun id vi_eff ->
-		  print_string(
-		    "\n\t" ^ (Ident.to_string id) ^ " -> " ^
-		      (CompiledDataDump.string_of_var_info_eff vi_eff))
-	       )
-	       local_env.lenv_vars;
-	     flush stdout;
-	     assert false
-	);
+	     raise (Compile_error(
+		      lxm,
+		      "\n*** '"^(Ident.string_of_idref id)^
+			"': Unknown variable.\n*** Current variables are: " ^
+		    (Hashtbl.fold
+		      (fun id vi_eff acc ->
+			 acc ^ (Format.sprintf 
+			   "\n\t%s" (CompiledDataDump.string_of_var_info_eff vi_eff))
+		      )
+		      local_env.lenv_vars
+		      ""
+		    ))));
       id2const =
 	(fun id lxm ->
 	   try lookup_const local_env id lxm
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index f34f6d0a..bf68eaf2 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(** Time-stamp: <modified the 30/05/2008 (at 17:15) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(** Time-stamp: <modified the 03/06/2008 (at 10:16) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 (** Here follows a description of the different modules used by this lus2lic compiler.
@@ -126,7 +126,8 @@ let test_lex ( lexbuf ) = (
 (* Retourne un parse_tree *)
 let lus_load lexbuf = (
-  (Parser.sxLusFile Lexer.lexer lexbuf)
+  SolveIdent.recognize_predef_op 
+    (Parser.sxLusFile Lexer.lexer lexbuf)
 (* Dump d'un packbody *)
diff --git a/src/parser.mly b/src/parser.mly
index d4988cb1..415e6dad 100644
--- a/src/parser.mly
+++ b/src/parser.mly
@@ -250,7 +250,7 @@ let (treat_node_alias : bool -> Lxm.t -> static_param srcflagged list ->
       name = nstr;
       static_params = statics;
       vars    = vars;
-      def     = Alias (flagit (call_or_predef value) value.src);
+      def     = Alias (flagit (CALL_n value) value.src);
       has_mem = has_memory;
       is_safe = true;
@@ -1186,10 +1186,10 @@ sxPredefOp:
 		sxEffectiveNode TK_OPEN_PAR sxExpression TK_CLOSE_PAR
-		{ naryexp $1.src (call_or_predef $1) [$3] }
+		{ naryexp $1.src (CALL_n $1) [$3] }
 	/* WARNING ! il faut remettre la liste à l'endroit */
 	|	sxEffectiveNode TK_OPEN_PAR sxExpList2 TK_CLOSE_PAR
-		{ naryexp $1.src (call_or_predef $1) (List.rev $3) }
+		{ naryexp $1.src (CALL_n $1) (List.rev $3) }
 /* Effective node : une constrcution qui designe un noeud */
@@ -1233,9 +1233,9 @@ sxStaticArg:
 	| TK_CONST sxExpression
 	    { {src=$1 ; it=StaticArgConst $2 } }
 	| TK_NODE sxEffectiveNode
-	    { {src=$1 ; it=StaticArgNode (call_or_predef $2) } }
+	    { {src=$1 ; it=StaticArgNode (CALL_n $2) } }
 	| TK_FUNCTION sxEffectiveNode
-	    { {src=$1 ; it=StaticArgNode (call_or_predef $2) } }
+	    { {src=$1 ; it=StaticArgNode (CALL_n $2) } }
 	| sxPredefOp
 			{ {src=$1.src; it=StaticArgNode $ } }
 	  /* un ident OU une expression simple (à résoudre) */
@@ -1245,10 +1245,7 @@ sxStaticArg:
 	      match $1 with 
 		| CallByPos (op, x) -> (
 		    match with
-		      | IDENT_n idref -> 
-			  (match is_a_predef idref [] with
-			     | None -> {src=op.src ; it = StaticArgIdent idref }
-			     | Some predef -> {src=op.src; it= StaticArgNode predef})
+		      | IDENT_n idref -> {src=op.src ; it = StaticArgIdent idref }
 		      | _ -> {src=op.src ; it= StaticArgConst $1}
 		| CallByName _ -> 
@@ -1260,7 +1257,7 @@ sxStaticArg:
 			{ {src=$1.src; it=StaticArgType $1} }
 		/* un node sans ambiguite */
 	|	sxSurelyNode
-			{ {src=$1.src; it=StaticArgNode (call_or_predef $1)} }
+			{ {src=$1.src; it=StaticArgNode (CALL_n $1)} }
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 7a03fded..6c58533c 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(** Time-stamp: <modified the 27/05/2008 (at 16:54) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(** Time-stamp: <modified the 03/06/2008 (at 14:40) by Erwan Jahier> *)
@@ -142,24 +142,4 @@ let bynameexp lxm op nelst = CallByName( {src = lxm ; it = op } , nelst )
 open Ident
-(* used in the parser to recognize if an idref is a predefined operator *)
-let (is_a_predef : Ident.idref -> static_arg Lxm.srcflagged list -> by_pos_op option) =
-  fun idref sargs -> 
-    match idref.id_pack with
-      | None (* We consider that the Lustre package is «use»d by default *) 
-      | Some "Lustre" -> (
-	  try Some (Predef (Predef.string_to_op idref.id_id, sargs))
-	  with Not_found -> None
-	)
-      | Some _ -> None
-(* used in the parser to recognize if a node is a predefined operator *)
-let (call_or_predef : node_exp Lxm.srcflagged -> by_pos_op) =
-  fun nef -> 
-    let {it=(idref, sargs); src=lxm } = nef in
-      match is_a_predef idref sargs with
-	| None -> CALL_n nef
-	| Some op -> op
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 60425170..6da21969 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-(** Time-stamp: <modified the 27/05/2008 (at 17:05) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(** Time-stamp: <modified the 03/06/2008 (at 14:21) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(* XXX shoud not type int, real, and bool be handled there ? *)
 type op =   
 (* zero-ary *)
@@ -137,7 +137,8 @@ let (string_to_op : string -> op) =
     | "if" -> IF_n
 	(* n-ary *)
     | "nor" -> NOR_n
-    | "diese" -> DIESE_n (* XXX should i put "#" instead ??? *)
+    | "#" -> DIESE_n 
+    | "diese" -> DIESE_n
     (* overloaded operator *)
     | "uminus" -> UMINUS_n
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 3a19a7c9..cac4473e 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(** Time-stamp: <modified the 30/05/2008 (at 17:47) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(** Time-stamp: <modified the 03/06/2008 (at 14:53) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 open Predef
@@ -40,8 +40,8 @@ let (type_error2 : string -> string -> string -> 'a) =
 let arity_error (v : 'a list) (expect : string) =
   raise (EvalType_error(
-	   Printf.sprintf "arity error (%d arguments, whereas %s were expected)" 
-	     (List.length v) expect))
+	   Printf.sprintf "\n*** arity error: %d argument%s, whereas %s were expected"
+	     (List.length v) (if List.length v>1 then "s" else "") expect))
 (* exported *)
 let (type_error_const : const_eff list -> string -> 'a) =
@@ -52,8 +52,8 @@ let (type_error_const : const_eff list -> string -> 'a) =
 (* exported *)
 let arity_error_const (v : const_eff list) (expect : string) =
   raise (EvalConst_error(
-	   Printf.sprintf "arity error (%d arguments, whereas %s were expected)" 
-	     (List.length v) expect))
+	   Printf.sprintf "\n*** arity error: %d argument%s, whereas %s were expected"
+	     (List.length v) (if List.length v>1 then "s" else "") expect))
 let not_evaluable op l =
   raise (EvalConst_error(
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ let aab_profile = [(id "i1",Any);(id "i2",Any)], [(id "o", b)] (* 'a -> 'a -> bo
 let baaa_profile = [(id "c", b);(id "b1",Any);(id "b2",Any)], [(id "o",Any)] 
   (* for if-then-else *)
-(** overloaded operator profiless *)
+(** overloaded operator profiles *)
 let oo_profile  = [(id "i",Overload)], [(id "o",Overload)]
 let ooo_profile = [(id "i1",Overload);(id "i2",Overload)], [(id "o",Overload)]
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..028d5926
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
+(** Time-stamp: <modified the 03/06/2008 (at 14:19) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+let (get_predef : Ident.idref -> Predef.op option) =
+  fun idref -> 
+    let get_op () =
+      try Some (Predef.string_to_op (Ident.to_string (Ident.name_of_idref idref)))
+      with Not_found -> None
+    in
+    match Ident.pack_of_idref idref with
+      | None -> get_op () (* The Lustre package is «use»d by default *) 
+      | Some p -> if (Ident.pack_name_to_string p) = "Lustre" then get_op () else None
+open SyntaxTree
+open SyntaxTreeCore
+open Lxm
+let flag f x_flg = Lxm.flagit (f x_flg.src
+let fopt f = function None -> None | Some x -> Some (f x)
+(* just a tedious recursive traversal of the syntax tree, replacing idref
+   that match predef op with the Predef constructor *)
+(* exported *)
+let rec (recognize_predef_op : SyntaxTree.t -> SyntaxTree.t) = function
+  | PRPackBody(sl,pb) -> PRPackBody(sl, r_packbody pb)
+  | PRPack_or_models(sl,pml) -> PRPack_or_models(sl, r_pack_or_model pml)
+and r_pack_or_model = function   
+  | NSPack(pi) -> NSPack(flag r_pack_info pi)
+  | NSModel(mi) -> NSModel(flag r_model_info mi)
+and r_pack_info pi = { pi with pa_def = r_pack_def pi.pa_def } 
+and r_model_info mi = 
+  { mi with 
+      mo_needs = (flag r_static_param) mi.mo_needs;
+      mo_provides = r_item_info_flg_list mi.mo_provides;
+      mo_body = r_packbody  mi.mo_body;
+  }
+and r_pack_def = function
+  | PackGiven(pg) -> PackGiven(r_pack_given pg)
+  | PackInstance(pi) -> PackInstance(r_pack_instance pi)
+and r_pack_given pg = { 
+  pg with
+    pg_provides = r_item_info_flg_list pg.pg_provides;
+    pg_body = r_packbody pg.pg_body;
+and r_pack_instance pi = { pi with pi_args = (flag r_static_arg) pi.pi_args }
+and r_static_param sp = sp 
+and r_static_arg = function
+  | StaticArgIdent(idref) -> (
+      match get_predef idref with
+	| None -> StaticArgIdent idref
+	| Some predef -> StaticArgNode (Predef (predef,[]))
+    )
+  | StaticArgConst(ve) -> StaticArgConst(r_val_exp ve)
+  | StaticArgType(te) -> StaticArgType(te)
+  | StaticArgNode(by_pos_op) -> StaticArgNode(r_by_pos_op by_pos_op)
+and r_by_pos_op = function
+  | Predef(op,args)  -> Predef(op,args) (* assert false *)
+  | CALL_n { src=lxm;it=(idref,sargs) } -> (
+      match get_predef idref with
+	| None -> CALL_n { src=lxm;it= r_node_exp (idref,sargs) }
+	| Some op -> Predef (op, (flag r_static_arg)  sargs)
+    )
+  | IDENT_n(idref) -> (
+      match get_predef idref with
+	| None -> IDENT_n(idref)
+	| Some op -> Predef (op,[])
+    )
+  | ARRAY_ACCES_n(val_exp) -> ARRAY_ACCES_n(r_val_exp val_exp)
+  | ARRAY_SLICE_n(slice_info) -> ARRAY_SLICE_n(r_slice_info slice_info)
+  | x -> x
+and r_node_exp (idref, sargs) =
+  (idref, (flag r_static_arg) sargs)
+and r_slice_info si = {
+  si_first = r_val_exp si.si_first;
+  si_last  = r_val_exp si.si_last;
+  si_step  = fopt r_val_exp si.si_step;
+and r_val_exp = function
+  | CallByPos (by_pos_op, Oper vel) -> 
+      CallByPos(flag r_by_pos_op by_pos_op, Oper ( r_val_exp vel))
+  | CallByName(by_name_op, args) -> 
+      CallByName(by_name_op, (fun (id, ve) -> id, r_val_exp ve) args)
+and r_item_info_flg_list = function
+  | None -> None
+  | Some iil -> Some ( (flag r_item_info) iil)
+and r_item_info = function
+  | ConstInfo ci -> ConstInfo(r_const_info ci)
+  | TypeInfo  ti -> TypeInfo (r_type_info ti)
+  | NodeInfo  ni -> NodeInfo (r_node_info ni)
+and r_const_info = function
+  | ExternalConst(id,te,ve_opt) -> ExternalConst(id,te, fopt r_val_exp ve_opt)
+  | EnumConst(id,te) -> EnumConst(id,te)
+  | DefinedConst(id,te,ve) -> DefinedConst(id,te, r_val_exp ve)
+and r_type_info = function 
+  | ExternalType(id) -> ExternalType(id)
+  | AliasedType(id,te) -> AliasedType(id,te)
+  | EnumType(id,te) -> EnumType(id,te)
+  | StructType(sti) -> StructType(r_struct_type_info sti)
+  | ArrayType(id,te,ve) -> ArrayType(id,te, r_val_exp ve)
+and r_node_info ni = {
+  ni with
+    static_params = (flag r_static_param) ni.static_params;
+    def = r_node_def ni.def;
+and r_struct_type_info sti =
+  Hashtbl.iter 
+    (fun id fi -> Hashtbl.replace sti.st_ftable id (flag r_field_info fi)) 
+    sti.st_ftable;
+  sti
+and r_field_info fi = { fi with fd_value = fopt r_val_exp fi.fd_value }
+and r_node_def = function
+  | Extern -> Extern
+  | Abstract -> Abstract
+  | Body(node_body) -> Body(r_node_body node_body)
+  | Alias(by_pos_op) -> Alias(flag r_by_pos_op by_pos_op)
+and r_packbody pb = 
+  Hashtbl.iter 
+    (fun id i -> Hashtbl.replace pb.pk_const_table id (flag r_const_info i))
+       pb.pk_const_table;
+  Hashtbl.iter
+    (fun id i -> Hashtbl.replace pb.pk_type_table id (flag r_type_info i)) 
+    pb.pk_type_table;
+  Hashtbl.iter 
+    (fun id i -> Hashtbl.replace pb.pk_node_table id (flag r_node_info i)) 
+    pb.pk_node_table;
+  pb
+and r_node_body nb = {
+  asserts = (flag r_val_exp) nb.asserts;
+  eqs     = (flag r_eq_info) nb.eqs;
+and r_eq_info (lpl,ve) = ( r_left_part lpl, r_val_exp ve)
+and r_left_part = function 
+  | LeftVar(id) -> LeftVar(id)
+  | LeftField(lp,id) -> LeftField(r_left_part lp,id)
+  | LeftArray(lp,ve) -> LeftArray(r_left_part lp, flag r_val_exp ve)  
+  | LeftSlice(lp,si) -> LeftSlice(r_left_part lp, flag r_slice_info si)
diff --git a/src/solveIdent.mli b/src/solveIdent.mli
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..affc5df7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/solveIdent.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+(** Time-stamp: <modified the 03/06/2008 (at 14:25) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+  Perform a (tedious) recursive traversal of the syntax tree, and
+  replace idref that corresponds to predefined items with the
+  SyntaxTreeCore.Predef constructor.
+  TODO : Solves idref references 
+  To do that, first paramatrize the AS (cf SyntaxTreeCore) by the
+  kind of ident that is used.  Indeed, during parsing, we cannot
+  always know what Ident.long should we have, given an Ident.idref,
+  or a Ident.t. The idea is then to write a function resolve_name
+  which profile is
+  (Ident.idref) SyntaxTreeCore.t -> (long) SyntaxTreeCore.t
+val recognize_predef_op : SyntaxTree.t -> SyntaxTree.t
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 21d2e4fc..e3ad29ad 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(** Time-stamp: <modified the 02/06/2008 (at 13:13) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(** Time-stamp: <modified the 02/06/2008 (at 14:29) by Erwan Jahier> *)
     Table des infos sources : une couche au dessus de SyntaxTree pour mieux
@@ -108,10 +108,13 @@ let (pack_body_env: t -> Ident.pack_name -> SymbolTab.t) =
 let (pack_prov_env: t -> Ident.pack_name -> Lxm.t -> SymbolTab.t option) =
   fun this p lxm -> 
     try (Hashtbl.find this.st_pack_mng_tab p).pm_provide_stab
-    with Not_found -> 
-      raise(Compile_error(
-	      lxm, "\n*** Could not find package " ^(Ident.pack_name_to_string p) ^
-		" in the package table"))
+    with Not_found -> raise(Compile_error(lxm, ""))
+(** XXX This can occur is a lot of different contexts, so it is difficult to
+    give a good error message. *)
+(* "\n*** Could not find package " ^(Ident.pack_name_to_string p) ^ 
+ " in the package table" *)
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 7f8b89de..424ab2a5 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(** Time-stamp: <modified the 29/05/2008 (at 09:42) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(** Time-stamp: <modified the 02/06/2008 (at 16:27) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 (** (Raw) Abstract syntax tree of source programs. *)
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ and by_pos_op =
 (* zeroaire *)
   | Predef of Predef.op * static_arg srcflagged list (* e.g., map<<toto,3>> *)
   | CALL_n of node_exp srcflagged (* e.g., a_node<<xx>> *)
-  | IDENT_n  of Ident.idref
+  | IDENT_n  of Ident.idref (* constant or variable *)
   | PRE_n
   | ARROW_n
diff --git a/src/test/should_work/fab_test/lecteur.lus b/src/test/should_work/fab_test/lecteur.lus
index d2c86b1b..2bb8dd3e 100644
--- a/src/test/should_work/fab_test/lecteur.lus
+++ b/src/test/should_work/fab_test/lecteur.lus
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
-node Environnement(diff: int; plus,moins: bool) returns (ok: bool);
+node Environnement(diff: int; Plus,Moins: bool) returns (ok: bool);
   ok = (-4 <= diff and diff <= 4) and 
-     (if (true -> pre plus) then diff >= 1 else true) and
-     (if (false -> pre moins) then diff <= -1 else true);
+     (if (true -> pre Plus) then diff >= 1 else true) and
+     (if (false -> pre Moins) then diff <= -1 else true);
-node Controleur(diff: int) returns (vitesse: int; plus,moins: bool);
+node Controleur(diff: int) returns (vitesse: int; Plus,Moins: bool);
   vitesse = 0 -> pre(vitesse)+diff;
-  plus = vitesse <= 9;
-  moins = vitesse >= 11;
+  Plus = vitesse <= 9;
+  Moins = vitesse >= 11;
 node Propriete(vitesse: int) returns (ok: bool);
@@ -23,10 +23,10 @@ tel
 node lecteur(diff:int) returns (ok: bool);
 var vitesse: int; 
-    plus,moins,realiste: bool;
+    Plus,Moins,realiste: bool;
-  (vitesse,plus,moins) = Controleur(diff);
-  realiste =  Environnement(diff,plus,moins);
+  (vitesse,Plus,Moins) = Controleur(diff);
+  realiste =  Environnement(diff,Plus,Moins);
   ok = Propriete(vitesse);
diff --git a/src/test/test.res.exp b/src/test/test.res.exp
index 95e7fa8b..40db3a49 100644
--- a/src/test/test.res.exp
+++ b/src/test/test.res.exp
@@ -8437,37 +8437,37 @@ node lecteur__Controleur(
 returns (
-	plus:bool;
-	moins:bool);
+	Plus:bool;
+	Moins:bool);
    vitesse = 0 -> (pre(vitesse) + diff);
-   plus = (vitesse <= 9);
-   moins = (vitesse >= 11);
+   Plus = (vitesse <= 9);
+   Moins = (vitesse >= 11);
 -- end of node lecteur__Controleur
 node lecteur__Environnement(
-	plus:bool;
-	moins:bool) 
+	Plus:bool;
+	Moins:bool) 
 returns (
-    ok = ((((-(4) <= diff) and (diff <= 4)) and  if (true -> pre(plus)) then
-	((diff >= 1)) else (true)) and  if (false -> pre(moins)) then ((diff <=
+    ok = ((((-(4) <= diff) and (diff <= 4)) and  if (true -> pre(Plus)) then
+	((diff >= 1)) else (true)) and  if (false -> pre(Moins)) then ((diff <=
 	 -(1))) else (true));
 -- end of node lecteur__Environnement
 node lecteur__lecteur(diff:int) returns (ok:bool);
-   plus:bool;
-   moins:bool;
+   Plus:bool;
+   Moins:bool;
-   (vitesse, plus, moins) = lecteur__Controleur(diff);
-   realiste = lecteur__Environnement(diff, plus, moins);
+   (vitesse, Plus, Moins) = lecteur__Controleur(diff);
+   realiste = lecteur__Environnement(diff, Plus, Moins);
    ok = lecteur__Propriete(vitesse);
 -- end of node lecteur__lecteur