From e563a99d0318c3884b295151d53022f71c836dcf Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Erwan Jahier <>
Date: Mon, 25 Feb 2013 18:14:45 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Plug the lic2loc files directly onto the Lic.

Indeed, the data structure in output of the lis2loc parser was very
similar to Lic.t/LicPrg.t. Hence, this shunt.

At this stage it compiles, but it's untested and does not work.
 Makefile            |  15 ++
 src/  | 214 +++++++++++++++
 src/actionsDeps.mli |  48 ++++
 src/      |   8 +-
 src/       |   2 +-
 src/          |   7 +-
 src/      | 628 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 src/lic2soc.mli     |   3 +
 src/          |  64 +++++
 src/    | 523 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 src/socPredef.mli   |  19 ++
 src/     | 361 +++++++++++++++++++++++++
 src/socUtils.mli    |  42 +++
 src/     |  39 +++
 src/toposort.mli    |  14 +
 test/lus2lic.sum    |   2 +-
 test/lus2lic.time   |   2 +-
 17 files changed, 1984 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 src/
 create mode 100644 src/actionsDeps.mli
 create mode 100644 src/
 create mode 100644 src/lic2soc.mli
 create mode 100644 src/
 create mode 100644 src/
 create mode 100644 src/socPredef.mli
 create mode 100644 src/
 create mode 100644 src/socUtils.mli
 create mode 100644 src/
 create mode 100644 src/toposort.mli

diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index df88731e..3ca5f4ca 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -34,6 +34,20 @@ ifeq ($(HOSTTYPE),cygwin)
+	$(OBJDIR)/ \
+	$(OBJDIR)/socUtils.mli \
+	$(OBJDIR)/ \
+	$(OBJDIR)/socPredef.mli \
+	$(OBJDIR)/ \
+	$(OBJDIR)/toposort.mli \
+	$(OBJDIR)/ \
+	$(OBJDIR)/actionsDeps.mli \
+	$(OBJDIR)/ \
+	$(OBJDIR)/lic2soc.mli \
+	$(OBJDIR)/
 	$(OBJDIR)/ \
 	$(OBJDIR)/verbose.mli \
@@ -69,6 +83,7 @@ SOURCES =  \
 	$(OBJDIR)/ \
 	$(OBJDIR)/licPrg.mli \
 	$(OBJDIR)/ \
 	$(OBJDIR)/unifyType.mli \
 	$(OBJDIR)/ \
 	$(OBJDIR)/unifyClock.mli \
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..316877e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
+(** Time-stamp: <modified the 21/02/2013 (at 11:12) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(* exported *)
+type inputs = Soc.var_expr list
+type outputs = Soc.var_expr list
+type action = Lic.clock * inputs * outputs * Soc.atomic_operation * Lxm.t
+let string_of_action: (action -> string) = 
+  fun (c, i, o, p, lxm) ->
+  (* Version surchargée de Soc.string_of_operation pour afficher les "=" *)
+  let string_of_operation = function
+    | Soc.Assign -> ""
+    | op -> SocUtils.string_of_operation op
+  in
+  let string_of_params p = String.concat ", " ( SocUtils.string_of_filter p) in
+    if o = [] then
+      Format.sprintf "%s(%s)"
+        (string_of_operation p)
+        (string_of_params i)
+    else
+      Format.sprintf "%s = %s(%s) on %s"
+        (string_of_params o)
+        (string_of_operation p)
+        (string_of_params i)
+        (Lic.string_of_clock c)
+let string_of_action_simple: (action -> string) = 
+  fun (c, i, o, p,_) ->
+  (* Version surchargée de SocUtils.string_of_operation : l'objectif est d'afficher,
+     en cas de cycle combinatoire, un message d'erreur que parle le plus possible
+     à l'utilisateur qui a programmé en V6... Pour cela le mieux (je pense) est 
+     simplement de rendre la variable sur laquelle porte 
+  let string_of_operation = function
+    | Soc.Assign -> ""
+    | op -> SocUtils.string_of_operation op
+  in
+  let string_of_params p = String.concat ", " ( SocUtils.string_of_filter p) in
+    if o = [] then
+      Format.sprintf "%s(%s)"
+        (string_of_operation p)
+        (string_of_params i)
+    else
+      Format.sprintf "%s = %s(%s)"
+        (string_of_params o)
+        (string_of_operation p)
+        (string_of_params i)
+module OrderedAction = struct
+  type t = action
+  let compare = compare
+(** Gère un ensemble d'actions uniques. *)
+module Actions = Set.Make(OrderedAction)
+module MapAction = Map.Make(OrderedAction)
+(** maps an action to the set of actions that it depends on *)
+(* exported *)
+type t = Actions.t MapAction.t
+(* exported *)
+let empty: t = MapAction.empty
+(* exported *)
+let (find_deps: t -> action -> action list) = 
+  fun m a ->
+    try Actions.elements (MapAction.find a m) with Not_found -> []
+(** Ajoute une liste de dépendances à une action. *)
+let add_deps: t -> action -> action list -> t = fun m a -> function
+  | [] -> m
+  | al ->
+      let actions = try MapAction.find a m with Not_found -> Actions.empty in
+      let actions = List.fold_left (fun set a -> Actions.add a set) actions al in
+        MapAction.add a actions m
+(* exported *)
+let (concat: t -> t -> t) =
+  fun m1 m2 ->
+    MapAction.fold (fun key value m -> add_deps m key (Actions.elements value)) m1 m2
+(* exported *)
+let (generate_deps_from_step_policy: 
+       Soc.precedence list -> (string * action) list -> t) =
+  fun precedences actions ->
+    let generate_deps_for_action:
+        (t -> string * string list -> t) = 
+      fun ad (action_name, actions_needed) ->
+        let main_action = snd (List.find (fun (n, _) -> n = action_name) actions) in
+        let deps =
+            (fun dep_name -> snd (List.find (fun (n, _) -> n = dep_name) actions))
+            actions_needed
+        in
+          add_deps ad main_action deps
+    in
+      List.fold_left (generate_deps_for_action) empty precedences
+module OrderedSocVar = struct
+  type t = Soc.var_expr
+  let compare = compare
+module VarMap = Map.Make(OrderedSocVar)
+(** A Data structure that maps a Soc.var_expr to all the
+    actions that use that variable in outputs. 
+    It is used to know which actions impact which outputs.
+type var2actions_tbl = Actions.t VarMap.t
+(** TODO jb: On a peut-être pas besoin de stocker les actions dans des set, il
+    devrait n'y avoir qu'une seule action pour chaque sortie en théorie (?) 
+let (get_var2actions_tbl : action list -> var2actions_tbl) = 
+  fun al ->
+    let (tabulate_action : var2actions_tbl -> action -> var2actions_tbl) = 
+      fun tbl action -> 
+        let _, _, outputs, _, lxm = action in
+        let (tabulate_output:var2actions_tbl -> Soc.var_expr -> var2actions_tbl) =
+          fun tbl output ->
+            let tabulate_action = try VarMap.find output tbl
+            with Not_found -> Actions.empty
+            in
+              VarMap.add output (Actions.add action tabulate_action) tbl
+        in
+          List.fold_left tabulate_output tbl outputs
+    in
+      List.fold_left tabulate_action VarMap.empty al
+(** Returns the actions that depends on a set of vars.
+    [find_input_deps input_vars al] trouve toutes les actions de [al] qui
+    ont besoin d'être effectuées avant de pouvoir se servir de [input_vars]
+    comme entrée d'une autre action.
+    TODO: gérer les dépendances entre des filtres plus complexes,
+    comme par ex., l'utilisation d'un champ d'une structure nécessite
+    d'avoir initialisé la structure parente.
+let rec (find_input_deps: Soc.var_expr list -> var2actions_tbl -> action list) =
+  fun input_vars tbl ->
+    let find_deps i =
+      try Actions.elements (VarMap.find i tbl)
+      with Not_found -> []
+    in
+      List.flatten ( find_deps input_vars)
+(* exported *)
+let build_data_deps_from_actions: t -> action list -> t = 
+  fun deps al ->
+    let tbl = get_var2actions_tbl al in
+    let deps =
+      List.fold_left 
+        (fun acc_deps action ->
+           let (_, inputs, _, _,_) = action in
+           let deps = find_input_deps inputs tbl in
+             if deps = [] then acc_deps else add_deps acc_deps action deps
+        ) 
+        deps
+        al
+    in
+      deps
+(* Some Printers to ease the debugging *)
+(** Printer pour [Actions.t] *)
+let string_of_actions: Actions.t -> string = fun s ->
+  let to_string a acc =
+    acc ^ (string_of_action a) ^ " ; "
+  in
+    "Actions(" ^ (Actions.fold to_string s "") ^ ")"
+let to_string: t -> string = fun m ->
+  let to_string key value acc =
+    let entry =
+      Format.sprintf "%s \n       depends on « %s »"
+        (string_of_action key)
+        (string_of_actions value)
+    in
+      acc ^ entry ^ "\n"
+  in
+    "ActionsDeps{\n" ^ (MapAction.fold to_string m "") ^ "}"
+let string_of_var2actions_tbl: var2actions_tbl -> string = 
+  fun s ->
+    let to_string key value acc =
+      let entry = Format.sprintf "%s => %s" (SocUtils.string_of_filter key) 
+        (string_of_actions value)
+      in
+        acc ^ entry ^ "\n"
+    in
+      "FilterAction{\n" ^ (VarMap.fold to_string s "") ^ "}"
diff --git a/src/actionsDeps.mli b/src/actionsDeps.mli
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..69613360
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/actionsDeps.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+(** Time-stamp: <modified the 21/02/2013 (at 11:11) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(** Compute dependencies between actions  *)
+type t
+val empty : t
+(** Linear in the size of the first parameter *)
+val concat: t -> t -> t
+(** An action is an intermediary data type that is used to translate expressions
+    into [Soc.gao]. It is basically a clocked Soc.atomic_operation with arguments.
+    The idea is that each expression is translated into one or several actions.
+    And those clocks are then translated into guards, so that each action is
+    translated into a gao.
+    A more natural Module to define that type in would have been Soc, but that
+    module is meant to be shared with other front-ends (e.g., lucid-synchrone),
+    and I prefer that module not to depend on 
+    - such a cutting (expr -> action -> gao)
+    - The [Eff.clock] name (could have been a module parameter though).
+  *)
+type inputs = Soc.var_expr list
+type outputs = Soc.var_expr list
+type action = Lic.clock * inputs * outputs * Soc.atomic_operation * Lxm.t
+val string_of_action_simple: action -> string
+(** Compute the action dependencies that comes from the I/O. 
+    Construit des dépendances entre les actions en reliant les entrées et
+    les sorties de ces actions. 
+val build_data_deps_from_actions: t -> action list -> t
+(** Use the dependency constraints that come from the SOC (e.g., 'get' before 'set'
+    in memory SOC).
+val generate_deps_from_step_policy: Soc.precedence list -> (string * action) list -> t
+(** Returns the list of actions that depends on the action in argument. *)
+val find_deps: t -> action -> action list
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index ca8b7a79..0c47a64d 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(* Time-stamp: <modified the 13/02/2013 (at 14:56) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(* Time-stamp: <modified the 25/02/2013 (at 18:13) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 open Lxm
 open Errors
@@ -68,5 +68,11 @@ let (doit : AstV6.pack_or_model list -> Ident.idref option -> LicPrg.t) =
     (* Currently only works in this mode *)
     if  ! then L2lCheckLoops.doit zelic;
     L2lCheckOutputs.doit zelic;
+    (* XXX just to see if it compiles *)
+(*     let zesoc = Lic2soc.f zelic in *)
+(*     SocUtils.output true "xxx" zesoc; *)
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 3f1ff667..9179d3f8 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(* Time-stamp: <modified the 12/02/2013 (at 18:23) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(* Time-stamp: <modified the 25/02/2013 (at 17:09) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 (** *)
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 83516cfb..b8f40451 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(* Time-stamp: <modified the 13/02/2013 (at 15:58) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(* Time-stamp: <modified the 20/02/2013 (at 11:19) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 (** Define the Data Structure representing Compiled programs. *)
@@ -163,6 +163,8 @@ and val_exp_core =
       (by_name_op srcflagged * (Ident.t srcflagged * val_exp) list)
   | Merge of Ident.t srcflagged * (const srcflagged * val_exp) list
 and by_name_op =
   | STRUCT of Ident.long
   | STRUCT_with of Ident.long * Ident.t (* XXX devrait etre une expression !!! *)
@@ -420,8 +422,7 @@ let ident_of_type = function
   | Struct_type_eff   (id, _) -> id
   | TypeVar Any -> Ident.out_of_pack "any"
   | (TypeVar AnyNum) -> Ident.out_of_pack "anynum"
-  | _ -> assert false
+  | Array_type_eff(_,_) -> assert false
 (* Utilitaires liés aux node_key *)
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8abe38f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,628 @@
+(** Time-stamp: <modified the 25/02/2013 (at 18:09) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+open Lxm
+open Lic
+type action = ActionsDeps.action
+(* Raised when a soc that haven't been translated yet is used in
+   another soc during the translation *)
+exception Undef_soc of Lic.node_key
+(** Informations liées au contexte de traduction. *)
+type ctx    = {
+  prg           : LicPrg.t;
+  last_temp_var : int;
+  last_mem      : int;
+  locals        : Soc.var list;
+let create_context: (LicPrg.t -> ctx) =
+  fun prg ->
+    {
+      prg = prg;
+      last_temp_var = 0;
+      last_mem      = 0;
+      locals        = [];
+    }
+let rec lic_to_soc_type: (Lic.type_ -> Soc.var_type) = 
+  function
+  | Lic.Bool_type_eff -> Soc.Bool
+  | Lic.Int_type_eff  -> Soc.Int
+  | Lic.Real_type_eff -> Soc.Real
+  | Lic.External_type_eff s -> Soc.Extern (Ident.string_of_long s)
+  | Lic.Enum_type_eff     (id, l) -> (
+    Soc.Enum(Ident.string_of_long id, Ident.string_of_long l)
+  )
+  | Lic.Struct_type_eff   (id, fl) -> (
+    let trans_field (id,(t,_)) = (* fde_value is ignored. Good idea? *)
+      Ident.to_string id, lic_to_soc_type t
+    in
+    let id = Ident.string_of_long id in
+    Soc.Struct(id, trans_field fl)
+  )
+  | Lic.Array_type_eff(ty,i) -> Soc.Array(lic_to_soc_type ty,i)
+  | Lic.Abstract_type_eff (id, _) -> assert false
+  | Lic.TypeVar Lic.Any -> assert false
+  | Lic.TypeVar Lic.AnyNum -> assert false
+(** Renomme une variable définie par l'utilisateur.
+    On veut éviter de créer des variables temporaires portant le même nom que
+    celles définies par l'utilisateur. Donc on renomme simplement celles de
+    l'utilisateur, c'est le plus simple. 
+XXX obselete ?
+Mieux vaudrait utiliser le meme mechanisme que celui utilisé
+actuellement lors des l2l*.ml 
+let rename_user_var: (string -> string) = fun s ->
+  let prefix = "_" in
+  let suffix = "" in
+    prefix ^ s ^ suffix
+let is_predefined_const: string -> Lic.type_ option = 
+  function
+    | "true" | "false" -> Some Lic.Bool_type_eff
+    | _ -> None
+(* Returns the list of indexes represented by the slice *)
+let (slice_info_to_index_list : Lic.slice_info -> int list) =
+  fun si -> 
+    let (f,l,s) = (si.Lic.se_first, si.Lic.se_last, si.Lic.se_step) in
+    let rec aux f =
+      if f>l && s > 0 || f<l && s <0 then [] else
+        f::(aux (f+s))
+    in
+      aux f
+let rec get_leaf: (LicPrg.t -> Lic.val_exp -> Soc.var_expr list option) = 
+  fun licprg val_exp  ->
+    let v = val_exp.Lic.ve_core in
+    let type_ = val_exp.Lic.ve_typ in
+    match v with
+      | Lic.CallByNameLic(by_name_op_flg,fl) -> assert false
+      | Lic.Merge(c_flg, cl) -> assert false
+      | Lic.CallByPosLic (by_pos_op_flg, val_exp_list) -> (
+        match with
+          | Lic.PREDEF_CALL _ -> assert false (* todo *)
+          | Lic.VAR_REF name -> 
+            let type_ = (List.hd type_) in
+            let translation =
+              match is_predefined_const name with
+                | Some type_ -> Soc.Const(name,  lic_to_soc_type type_)
+                | None -> Soc.Var(rename_user_var name, lic_to_soc_type type_)
+            in
+            Some [translation]
+          | Lic.CONST_REF l -> (
+            let type_ = lic_to_soc_type (List.hd type_) in
+            Some [Soc.Const(Ident.string_of_long l, type_)]
+          )
+          | Lic.STRUCT_ACCESS(field) -> (
+            let expr = match val_exp_list with [e] -> e | _ -> assert false in
+            let type_ = lic_to_soc_type (List.hd type_) in
+            let filter_expr = match get_leaf licprg expr with
+              | Some [f] -> f
+              | None -> assert false
+              | _ ->  assert false
+            in
+            Some [Soc.Field(filter_expr, field, type_)]
+          )
+          | Lic.ARRAY_ACCES i -> (
+            let expr = match val_exp_list with [e] -> e | _ -> assert false in
+            let type_ = lic_to_soc_type (List.hd type_) in
+            let filter_expr = match get_leaf licprg expr with
+              | Some [f] -> f
+              | None -> assert false  (* should not happen, since the expression should be a leaf *)
+              | _ -> assert false (* We should get only ONE filter, otherwise it doesn't make any
+                                     sense *)
+            in
+            Some [Soc.Index(filter_expr, i, type_)]
+          )
+          | Lic.TUPLE -> (
+            let var_values = (get_leaf licprg) val_exp_list in
+            let del_some = function | None -> assert false | Some x -> x in
+            Some (List.flatten ( del_some var_values))
+          )
+          | Lic.ARRAY_SLICE si -> (
+            let id = match val_exp_list with 
+              | [{Lic.ve_core=Lic.CallByPosLic({it=Lic.VAR_REF id},[])}] -> id
+              | _ -> assert false
+            in
+            let type_elt_ref,type_ref = 
+              match type_ with
+                | [Lic.Array_type_eff(t,i)]  -> 
+                  let t_soc = lic_to_soc_type t in
+                  t_soc,  Soc.Array(t_soc,i)
+                | _ -> assert false (* should not occur *)
+            in
+            let index_list = slice_info_to_index_list si in
+            let exploded_array =  
+              (* val_exp is a var ident (t) of type array; we want to gen the list
+                 t[i1], ...,t[in], where the index are specified by the slice 
+              *)
+                (fun i -> Soc.Index(Soc.Const(id, type_ref), i, type_elt_ref))
+                index_list
+            in
+            Some(exploded_array)
+          )   
+          | Lic.CALL _
+          | Lic.PRE
+          | Lic.ARROW
+          | Lic.FBY
+          | Lic.CURRENT
+          | Lic.WHEN(_)
+          | Lic.CONCAT
+          | Lic.HAT _
+          | Lic.ARRAY
+            -> None
+      )      
+(** Traduction d'une partie gauche d'équation en filtre d'accès soc. *)
+let rec filter_of_left_part: (LicPrg.t -> Lic.left -> Soc.var_expr list) = 
+  fun licprg lp -> 
+    let type_ = Lic.type_of_left lp in
+    match lp with
+      | Lic.LeftVarLic  (vi, _lxm) -> (
+        [Soc.Var (rename_user_var vi.Lic.var_name_eff, lic_to_soc_type vi.Lic.var_type_eff)]
+      )
+      | Lic.LeftFieldLic(lp,field,t) -> (
+        let lpl = filter_of_left_part licprg lp in
+ (fun lp -> Soc.Field(lp, field, lic_to_soc_type t)) lpl
+      )
+      | Lic.LeftArrayLic(lp,index,t) -> (
+        let lpl = filter_of_left_part licprg lp in
+ (fun lp -> Soc.Index(lp, index, lic_to_soc_type t (* type_ ? *))) lpl
+      )
+      | Lic.LeftSliceLic(lp,si,t) -> (
+      (* we expand left part slices *)
+        let lpl = filter_of_left_part licprg lp in
+        let index_list = slice_info_to_index_list si in
+        List.flatten ( (
+          fun lp -> (fun index -> Soc.Index(lp, index, lic_to_soc_type t)) index_list) lpl)
+      )
+let rec (gao_of_action: action -> Soc.gao) = 
+  fun (ck, il, ol, op, lxm) ->
+    let rec unpack_clock = function
+      | Lic.BaseLic -> Soc.Call (ol, op, il)
+      | Lic.ClockVar i -> assert false
+      | Lic.On((c, value), inner_clock) ->
+(*         let inner_clock = match inner_clock_opt with *)
+(*           | Some x -> x *)
+(*           | None ->  *)
+(*                 (* TODO? Retreive the clock of c *) *)
+(*             Errors.internal lxm; *)
+(*             assert false  *)
+(*         in *)
+        Soc.Case (Ident.string_of_idref c, [value, [unpack_clock inner_clock]] )
+    in
+    unpack_clock ck
+(* Construit une méthode à partir des informations données *)
+let build_meth: Lxm.t -> string -> Lic.node_exp -> Soc.var list -> 
+  action list -> Soc.step_method =
+  fun lxm name node locals actions ->
+    (* Converti les entrées/sorties d'un noeud en index
+       d'entrées/sorties du composant *)
+    let convert_node_interface = fun l ->
+      fst (List.fold_left (fun (a, i) _ -> a @ [i], i+1) ([], 0) l)
+    in
+      {
+        Soc.socm_name    = name;
+        Soc.socm_inputs  = convert_node_interface node.Lic.inlist_eff;
+        Soc.socm_outputs = convert_node_interface node.Lic.outlist_eff; 
+        Soc.socm_impl    = 
+          Some (locals, gao_of_action actions)
+      }
+let (lic_to_soc_var : Lic.var_info -> Soc.var) = 
+  fun vi -> 
+    vi.Lic.var_name_eff, lic_to_soc_type vi.Lic.var_type_eff
+let component_profile_of_node: Lic.node_exp -> Soc.var list * Soc.var list =
+  fun n ->
+    let inputs  = lic_to_soc_var n.Lic.inlist_eff in
+    let outputs = lic_to_soc_var n.Lic.outlist_eff in
+    inputs, outputs 
+let (val_exp_to_filter: LicPrg.t -> Lic.val_exp -> Soc.var_expr) =
+  fun licprg val_exp ->
+    let v = val_exp.Lic.ve_core in
+    let type_ = val_exp.Lic.ve_typ in
+    match v with
+      | CallByNameLic(by_name_op_flg,fl) -> assert false
+      | Merge(c_flg, cl) -> assert false
+      | CallByPosLic (by_pos_op_flg, val_exp_list) -> (
+        match with
+          | VAR_REF name -> 
+            let type_ = (List.hd type_) in
+            let translation =
+              match is_predefined_const name with
+                | Some type_ -> Soc.Const(name,  lic_to_soc_type type_)
+                | None -> Soc.Var(rename_user_var name, lic_to_soc_type type_)
+            in
+            translation
+          | CONST_REF l -> (
+            let type_ = lic_to_soc_type (List.hd type_) in
+            Soc.Const(Ident.string_of_long l, type_)
+          )
+          | STRUCT_ACCESS(field) -> (
+            let expr = match val_exp_list with [e] -> e | _ -> assert false in
+            let type_ = match type_ with [t] -> lic_to_soc_type t | _ -> assert false in
+            let filter_expr = match get_leaf licprg expr with
+              | Some [f] -> f
+              | None -> assert false
+              | _ ->  assert false
+            in
+            Soc.Field(filter_expr, field, type_)
+          )
+          | ARRAY_ACCES i -> (
+            let expr = match val_exp_list with [e] -> e | _ -> assert false in
+            let type_ = lic_to_soc_type (List.hd type_) in
+            let filter_expr = match get_leaf licprg expr with
+              | Some [f] -> f
+              | None -> assert false
+              | _ -> assert false
+            in
+            Soc.Index(filter_expr, i, type_)
+          )
+          | PREDEF_CALL _
+          | CALL _
+          | PRE
+          | ARROW
+          | FBY
+          | CURRENT
+          | WHEN(_)
+          | TUPLE
+          | CONCAT
+          | HAT _
+          | ARRAY
+          | ARRAY_SLICE _ -> 
+            let lxm = by_pos_op_flg.src in
+            let msg = (Lxm.details lxm) ^ 
+              ": only one operator per equation is allowed.\n"
+            in
+            raise (Errors.Global_error msg)
+      )
+type memory = Soc.memory * action list (* mémoire + initialisation *)
+(** Créé une opération à partir d'un nom de méthode d'un composant. *)
+let component_meth_to_operation: 
+    Soc.component -> string -> memory option -> Soc.atomic_operation =
+  fun comp func_name -> function
+    | None -> 
+        let (node_name,_,_) = comp.Soc.socc_key in
+          Soc.Procedure (node_name ^ "_" ^ func_name)
+    | Some (m, _) -> Soc.Method(m, func_name)
+(* Créé une action concernant un appel de procédure ou de méthode. *)
+let (action_of_method: Lxm.t -> Soc.component -> Lic.clock -> Soc.var_expr list -> 
+      Soc.var_expr list -> memory option -> Soc.step_method -> action) =
+  fun lxm c clk il ol mem m ->
+    let nth i l = 
+      try List.nth l i 
+      with _ -> 
+        print_string (
+          "\n*** Cannot get the " ^ (string_of_int (i+1)) ^ 
+            "th element of a list of size " ^ (string_of_int (List.length l))^"\n");
+        flush stdout;
+        assert false 
+    in
+    let inputs  = (fun i -> nth i il) m.Soc.socm_inputs  in
+    let outputs = (fun i -> nth i ol) m.Soc.socm_outputs in
+    let call_action = component_meth_to_operation c m.Soc.socm_name mem in
+      (clk, inputs, outputs, call_action, lxm)
+(** Créé un nouveau nom pour une mémoire. *)
+let create_new_memory: (ctx -> ctx * string) = fun ctx ->
+  let prefix  = "m" in
+  let suffix  = ""  in
+  let make id = Format.sprintf "%s%d%s" prefix id suffix in
+  let new_ctx = {ctx with last_mem = ctx.last_mem + 1 } in
+    new_ctx, make new_ctx.last_mem
+ (** Créé une nouvelle mémoire pour être utilisée dans un composant.
+    Pendant la traduction d'un opérateur, on s'apercoit que cet opérateur
+    dispose d'une mémoire.
+    Il faut donc qu'on créé une mémoire représentant ce composant (issue de la
+    traduction de cet opérateur), afin de garder son état dans le composant
+    résultant de ce noeud. *)
+let create_memory_from_component: (ctx -> Soc.component -> ctx * Soc.memory) = 
+  fun ctx c ->
+    let ctx, mem_name = create_new_memory ctx in
+      ctx, Soc.CompMem(mem_name, c.Soc.socc_key)
+let (make_memory : Lxm.t -> Lic.clock -> ctx -> Soc.component -> 
+      Soc.var_expr list -> Soc.var_expr list -> ctx * memory option) =
+  fun lxm clk ctx component inputs lpl -> 
+    match component.Soc.socc_memories with
+      | [] -> ctx, None
+      | _  ->
+          let ctx, m = create_memory_from_component ctx component in
+          let init_actions = match component.Soc.socc_init with
+            | Some i -> [action_of_method lxm component clk inputs lpl (Some (m, [])) i]
+            | None -> assert false
+                (* memory component do have a memory... *)
+          in
+            ctx, Some(m, init_actions)
+(** Transforme une expression en action(s), et retourne la liste des variables
+    créées pour stocker le résultat du calcul de cette expression.
+    Ces nouvelles variables serviront d'entrées pour l'expression parente. 
+type e2a_acc = ctx * action list * Soc.var_expr list * memory list * ActionsDeps.t
+module NkMap = Map.Make(
+  struct
+    type t = Lic.node_key
+    let compare = compare
+  end
+type comp_tbl = Soc.component NkMap.t
+let rec (actions_of_expression_acc: Lxm.t -> comp_tbl ->  
+         Lic.clock -> Soc.var_expr list -> e2a_acc -> Lic.val_exp -> e2a_acc) =
+  fun lxm comp_tbl clk lpl acc expr ->
+    let (ctx, al, iol, ml, deps) = acc in
+    match get_leaf ctx.prg expr with
+      | Some names -> 
+        (* expr est déjà une feuille (un ident ou une constante), RAF. *)
+        let action = clk, names, lpl, Soc.Assign,lxm in
+        (ctx, action::al, iol@names, ml, deps)
+      | None -> (
+        let v = expr.Lic.ve_core in
+        match v with
+          | CallByNameLic(by_name_op_flg,fl) -> (
+            (* Pas de composant pour les structures non plus.  On se
+               contente d'éclater la structure en autant d'égalités
+               que nécessaire.  *)
+            let lxm = by_name_op_flg.src in
+            let filter_to_field filter field ftype =
+              let ftype =  match ftype with [x] -> x | _ -> assert false in
+              let filter = match filter with [x] -> x | _ -> assert false in
+              Soc.Field(filter, field, lic_to_soc_type ftype)
+            in
+            let actions = 
+                (fun (fn, fv) -> 
+                  let ft = fv.ve_typ in
+                  let fv = val_exp_to_filter ctx.prg fv in
+                  (clk, 
+                   [fv],
+                   [filter_to_field lpl ft], 
+                   Soc.Assign,
+                   lxm
+                  )
+                )
+                fl
+            in
+            ctx, actions@al, iol, ml, deps
+          )
+          | Merge(c_flg, cl) -> assert false
+          | CallByPosLic (by_pos_op_flg, val_exp_list) -> (
+            match with
+              (* handled via get_leaf *)
+              | Lic.ARRAY_SLICE _ | Lic.VAR_REF _ | Lic.CONST_REF _
+              | Lic.ARRAY_ACCES _ | Lic.STRUCT_ACCESS _ | Lic.TUPLE
+                -> assert false
+              | Lic.WHEN ck -> (assert false
+(*                 (* L'opérateur when n'est pas un composant, il modifie *)
+(*                    simplement les conditions de traitement des expressions. *) *)
+(*                 let ctx, actions, inputs, mems, deps = *)
+(*                   actions_of_expression_list comp_tbl clk lpl acc val_exp_list *)
+(*                 in *)
+(*                 let new_clock =  *)
+(*                   match ck with *)
+(*                     | AstCore.Base -> CE_base *)
+(*                     | AstCore.NamedClock {it=(cc,cv)} -> *)
+(*                       CE_clock(name, value, clk) *)
+(*                         Clocking.clock_eff_of_clock_exp ctx.prg ck  *)
+(*                 in *)
+(*                 let ctx, outputs, actions_reclocked =  *)
+(*                   match actions with *)
+(*                     | [] -> *)
+(*                       (* L'expression du when est une feuille, on créé quand *)
+(*                          même une nouvelle action pour clocker la feuille. *) *)
+(*                       ctx, lpl, [new_clock, inputs, lpl, Soc.Assign, lxm] *)
+(*                     | _  -> *)
+(*                       ctx, inputs, *)
+(*                       (* Remplacement de l'horloge des actions de l'expression *)
+(*                          par la nouvelle horloge issue du `when`. *) *)
+(*               *)
+(*                         (fun (_, i,o,op,lxm) -> new_clock,i,o,op,lxm)  *)
+(*                         actions *)
+(*                 in *)
+(*                 ctx, actions_reclocked, outputs, mems, deps *)
+              )
+              | PREDEF_CALL _ | CALL _ | PRE | ARROW | FBY | CURRENT | CONCAT
+              | HAT _ | ARRAY  -> (
+                (* build the component of "expr" *)
+                let component : Soc.component =
+                  let args_types : Soc.var_type list =
+           lic_to_soc_type 
+                      (List.flatten ( (fun ve -> ve.ve_typ) val_exp_list))
+                  in
+                  match 
+                    SocPredef.component_interface_of_pos_op lxm args_types
+                  with
+                    | SocPredef.SC soc -> soc
+                    | SocPredef.Undef nk -> 
+                      try NkMap.find nk comp_tbl
+                      with Not_found -> raise (Undef_soc nk)
+                in
+                (* Use that component to build the corresponding
+                   - actions
+                   - memories
+                   - action dependances
+                *)
+                let inputs : Soc.var_expr list =
+         (val_exp_to_filter ctx.prg) val_exp_list in
+                let ctx, mem_opt = make_memory lxm clk ctx component inputs lpl in
+                let actions =
+                  let m2act = action_of_method lxm component clk inputs lpl mem_opt in
+         m2act component.Soc.socc_step
+                in
+                let dependances : ActionsDeps.t =
+                  let (prefixed_actions : (Soc.ident * action) list) = List.map2
+                    (fun s a -> s.Soc.socm_name,a) component.Soc.socc_step actions
+                  in
+                  ActionsDeps.generate_deps_from_step_policy
+                    component.Soc.socc_precedences prefixed_actions
+                in
+                let mem = match mem_opt with Some m -> [m] | None -> [] in
+                (ctx, actions, lpl, mem, dependances)
+              )
+          )
+      )
+(** Traduction d'une liste d'expressions. *)                                                           
+and (actions_of_expression_list: Lxm.t -> comp_tbl -> Lic.clock -> Soc.var_expr list -> 
+     e2a_acc -> Lic.val_exp list -> e2a_acc) =
+  fun lxm comp_tbl clk lpl expr_list acc ->
+    List.fold_left (actions_of_expression_acc lxm comp_tbl clk lpl) expr_list acc
+let (actions_of_expression : Lxm.t -> comp_tbl -> ctx -> Lic.clock -> Soc.var_expr list ->
+      Lic.val_exp -> e2a_acc) =
+  fun lxm comp_tbl ctx clk lpl expr ->
+    let acc0 = (ctx, [], [], [], ActionsDeps.empty) in
+      actions_of_expression_acc lxm comp_tbl clk lpl acc0 expr
+ (** Traduction d'une équation complète.
+    On traduit d'abord l'expression de l'équation, puis on fait une égalité
+    entre les variables issues de la traduction de l'expression et la partie
+    gauche de l'équation. *)
+let (actions_of_equation: Lxm.t -> comp_tbl -> ctx -> Lic.eq_info -> 
+      ctx * action list * memory list * ActionsDeps.t) = 
+  fun lxm comp_tbl ctx (left_part, right_part) ->
+    let clk = right_part.ve_clk in
+    let clk = match clk with [clk] -> clk | _ -> assert false in
+    let left_loc = (filter_of_left_part ctx.prg) left_part in
+    let left_loc = List.flatten left_loc in
+    let ctx, actions, _, memories, deps =
+      actions_of_expression lxm comp_tbl ctx clk left_loc right_part
+    in
+(*     let final_action = clk_l, inputs, left_loc, Soc.Identity in *)
+(*     let deps = add deps final_action actions in *)
+      ctx, actions, memories, deps
+(** Traduit un noeud en composant Soc. *)
+let rec (component_of_node: LicPrg.t -> Lic.node_exp -> comp_tbl -> ctx * Soc.component) =
+  fun licprg node comp_tbl ->
+    match node.Lic.def_eff with
+      | ExternLic -> assert false
+      | MetaOpLic node_key -> assert false 
+      | AbstractLic None -> assert false (* None if extern in the provide part *)
+      | AbstractLic  (Some node_exp) -> component_of_node licprg node_exp comp_tbl
+      | BodyLic b -> 
+        let lxm = node.lxm in
+        let ctx = create_context  licprg in
+        let ctx, actions, mems, deps =
+          (* on itere sur la liste des équations *)
+          List.fold_left
+            (fun (c, a, m, d) eq ->
+              let nc, na, nm, nd = actions_of_equation eq.src comp_tbl c in
+              nc, a @ na, m @ nm, (ActionsDeps.concat nd d)
+            )
+            (ctx, [], [], ActionsDeps.empty)
+            b.eqs_eff
+        in
+        (* Construction des dépendances entre les expressions *)
+        let all_deps = ActionsDeps.build_data_deps_from_actions deps actions in
+        let actions = 
+          try Toposort.f 
+                ActionsDeps.string_of_action_simple actions (ActionsDeps.find_deps all_deps)
+          with Toposort.DependencyCycle(x,l) ->
+            let msg = "A combinational cycle been detected "^
+              (Lxm.details lxm)^": \n  "^x^"\n  "^(String.concat "\n  " l)
+            in
+            raise (Errors.Global_error msg)
+        in
+        let (locals: Soc.var list) = 
+          match node.Lic.loclist_eff with
+            | None -> []
+            | Some l -> (lic_to_soc_var) l 
+        in
+        let meth = build_meth lxm "step" node (locals @ ctx.locals) actions in
+        let profile = component_profile_of_node node in
+        let memories, init_actions = List.split mems in
+        let init_meth = match init_actions with
+          | []      -> None
+          | actions -> Some (build_meth lxm "init" node [] (List.flatten actions))
+        in
+        let io_list = node.Lic.inlist_eff @ node.Lic.outlist_eff in 
+        let io_type = (fun vi -> lic_to_soc_type vi.var_type_eff) io_list in
+        let comp = {
+          Soc.socc_key         = fst (fst node.Lic.node_key_eff), io_type, None;
+          Soc.socc_profile     = profile;
+          Soc.socc_memories    = memories;
+          Soc.socc_init        = init_meth;
+          Soc.socc_step        = [meth];
+          Soc.socc_precedences = []; (* TODO pour l'instant, on ne gère qu'une 
+                                        seule méthode *)
+        } 
+        in
+        ctx, comp
+open Soc
+(* exported *)
+let f: (LicPrg.t -> Soc.component list) = 
+  fun prog ->
+    let rec (process_node:Lic.node_key -> Lic.node_exp -> comp_tbl -> comp_tbl) =
+      fun nk node acc_comp -> 
+        let name = (* Lic.string_of_node_key *) nk in
+        if NkMap.mem name acc_comp then acc_comp else
+          (match SocPredef.of_node_key name with
+            | SocPredef.SC soc -> NkMap.add name soc acc_comp  
+            | SocPredef.Undef nk -> 
+              try
+                (match LicPrg.find_node prog nk with
+                  | None  -> assert false 
+                  | Some node_def -> 
+                    let _, soc = component_of_node prog node_def acc_comp in
+                    NkMap.add name soc acc_comp 
+                )
+              with
+                | Undef_soc n_ukn ->
+                  (* Il manque une dépendance, on essaie de
+                     la traduire puis de retraduire le noeud courant. *)
+                  (match LicPrg.find_node prog n_ukn  with 
+                    | None -> assert false
+                    | Some node_ukn -> 
+                      let comps = process_node n_ukn node_ukn acc_comp in
+                      process_node name node comps
+                  )
+          )
+    in
+    let soc_string_map =  LicPrg.fold_nodes process_node prog NkMap.empty in
+    let soc_list = NkMap.fold (fun n soc acc -> soc::acc) soc_string_map [] in
+    soc_list
diff --git a/src/lic2soc.mli b/src/lic2soc.mli
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6f43c3fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lic2soc.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+(** Time-stamp: <modified the 20/02/2013 (at 10:50) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+val f: LicPrg.t -> Soc.component list
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..491cbdb6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+(** Synchronous Object Component *)
+(* Just a string because :
+   - it's more ocamldebug-friendly  
+   - Name clashing issues ougth to have been fixed before
+ *)
+type ident = string
+type var_type =
+  | Bool | Int | Real
+  | Extern of ident
+  | Enum   of (ident * ident list)
+  | Struct of ident * (ident * var_type) list
+  | Array  of (var_type * int)
+  | Alpha of int
+type var = ident * var_type
+type component_key = 
+    ident * 
+    var_type list *  (* I/O type list *)
+    (int * int * int) option (* to deal with slices (useful?) *)
+type memory =
+  | CompMem of ident * component_key (* Memory name * instanciated component key *)
+  | VarMem of var
+(* Variable denotation *)
+type var_expr =
+  | Var   of ident * var_type
+  | Const of ident * var_type (* useful? *)
+  | Field of var_expr * ident * var_type
+  | Index of var_expr * int * var_type
+type atomic_operation =
+  | Assign (* Wire *)
+  | Method    of memory * ident (* step call *)
+  | Procedure of ident (* memoryless method made explicit *)
+(* Guarded Atomic Operation *)
+type gao =
+  | Case of ident * (ident * gao list) list
+  | Call of var_expr list * atomic_operation * var_expr list
+         (* outputs       * op               * inputs *)
+type step_method = {
+  socm_name    : ident;
+  socm_inputs  : int list;
+  socm_outputs : int list;
+  socm_impl    : (var list * gao list) option; (* local vars + body *)
+type precedence = ident * ident list   
+(* maps a step method name with the list of step methods that should
+   be called _before_ in the current step *)
+type component = {
+  socc_key      : component_key;
+  socc_profile  : var list * var list;
+  socc_memories : memory list;
+  socc_init     : step_method option;
+  socc_step     : step_method list;
+  socc_precedences : precedence list;
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9ed70a02
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,523 @@
+(* Time-stamp: <modified the 21/02/2013 (at 11:10) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(** Synchronous Object Code for Predefined operators. *)
+let finish_me lxm 
+    = print_string ("\"^(Lxm.details lxm)^" ->  finish me!\n")
+open Soc
+(* Some aliases *)
+let b = Soc.Bool
+let i = Soc.Int
+let r = Soc.Real
+let alpha = Soc.Alpha 0
+let bb = ["x", b], ["z", b]
+let ii = ["x", i], ["z", i]
+let rr = ["x", r], ["z", r]
+let ri = ["r", r], ["i", i]
+let ir = ["i", i], ["r", r ]
+let aa = ["x", alpha], ["z", alpha]
+let bbb = ["x", b; "y", b], ["z", b]
+let iii = ["x", i; "y", i], ["z", i]
+let rrr = ["x", r; "y", r], ["z", r]
+let rrb = ["x", r; "y", r], ["z", b]
+let iib = ["x", i; "y", i], ["z", b]
+let aaa = ["i", alpha; "x", alpha], ["z", alpha]
+let step11 = { (* a useful alias again *)
+  socm_name    = "step";
+  socm_inputs  = [0];
+  socm_outputs = [0];
+  socm_impl    = None;
+let step21 = { (* a useful alias again *)
+  socm_name    = "step";
+  socm_inputs  = [0;1];
+  socm_outputs = [0];
+  socm_impl    = None;
+(* used to build predef soc with no memory *)
+let make_soc key profile steps =  {
+      socc_key      = key;
+      socc_profile  = profile;
+      socc_memories = [];
+      socc_init     = None;
+      socc_precedences  = [];
+      socc_step     = steps;
+    }
+type soc_comp_opt = SC of Soc.component | Undef of Lic.node_key
+(* exported *)
+let of_node_key : Lic.node_key -> soc_comp_opt = 
+  fun nk -> 
+    match fst nk with
+      | "Lustre","mod" -> SC (make_soc ("mod", [], None) ii [step11])
+      | "Lustre","iuminus" -> SC (make_soc ("iuminus", [], None) ii [step11])
+      | "Lustre","ruminus" -> SC (make_soc ("ruminus", [], None) rr [step11])
+      | "Lustre","not" -> SC (make_soc ("not", [], None) bb [step11])
+      | "Lustre","real2int" -> SC (make_soc ("real2int", [], None) ri [step11])
+      | "Lustre","int2real" -> SC (make_soc ("int2real", [], None) ir [step11])
+      | "Lustre","iplus"  -> SC (make_soc ("iplus",  [], None) iii [step21])      
+      | "Lustre","rplus"  -> SC (make_soc ("rplus",  [], None) rrr [step21])
+      | "Lustre","itimes" -> SC (make_soc ("itimes", [], None) iii [step21])
+      | "Lustre","rtimes" -> SC (make_soc ("rtimes", [], None) rrr [step21])
+      | "Lustre","idiv"   -> SC (make_soc ("idiv",   [], None) iii [step21])
+      | "Lustre","rdiv"   -> SC (make_soc ("rdiv",   [], None) rrr [step21])
+      | "Lustre","iminus" -> SC (make_soc ("iminus", [], None) iii [step21])
+      | "Lustre","rminus" -> SC (make_soc ("rminus", [], None) rrr [step21])
+      | "Lustre","ilt"  -> SC (make_soc ("ilt",  [], None) iib [step21])
+      | "Lustre","rlt"  -> SC (make_soc ("rlt",  [], None) rrb [step21])
+      | "Lustre","igt"  -> SC (make_soc ("igt",  [], None) iib [step21])
+      | "Lustre","rgt"  -> SC (make_soc ("rgt",  [], None) rrb [step21])
+      | "Lustre","ilte" -> SC (make_soc ("ilte", [], None) iib [step21])
+      | "Lustre","rlte" -> SC (make_soc ("rlte", [], None) rrb [step21])
+      | "Lustre","igte" -> SC (make_soc ("igte", [], None) iib [step21])
+      | "Lustre","rgte" -> SC (make_soc ("rgte", [], None) rrb [step21])
+      | "Lustre","and" -> SC (make_soc ("and", [], None) bbb [step21])
+      | "Lustre","beq" -> SC (make_soc ("beq", [], None) bbb [step21])
+      | "Lustre","ieq" -> SC (make_soc ("ieq", [], None) iib [step21])
+      | "Lustre","req" -> SC (make_soc ("req", [], None) rrb [step21])
+      | "Lustre","neq" -> SC (make_soc ("neq", [], None) bbb [step21])
+      | "Lustre","or"  -> SC (make_soc ("or",  [], None) bbb [step21])
+      | "Lustre","xor" -> SC (make_soc ("xor", [], None) bbb [step21])
+      | "Lustre","impl" -> SC (make_soc ("impl", [], None) bbb [step21])
+      | "Lustre","current" -> SC (make_soc ("current", [alpha], None) aa [step11])
+      | "Lustre","fby"  -> SC {
+        socc_key      = "fby", [alpha], None;
+        socc_profile  = aaa;
+        socc_memories = [VarMem("m", alpha)];
+        socc_step  = [
+          {
+            socm_name    = "get";
+            socm_inputs  = [];
+            socm_outputs = [0];
+            socm_impl    = None;
+          };
+          {
+            socm_name    = "set";
+            socm_inputs  = [1];
+            socm_outputs = [];
+            socm_impl    = None
+          };
+        ];
+        socc_precedences   = ["set", ["get"]];
+        socc_init      = Some {
+          socm_name    = "init";
+          socm_inputs  = [0] ;
+          socm_outputs = [];
+          socm_impl    = None;
+        };
+      } 
+      | "Lustre","pre"  -> SC {
+        socc_key      = "pre", [alpha], None;
+        socc_profile  = aa;
+        socc_memories = [VarMem("m", alpha)];
+        socc_step  = [
+          {
+            socm_name    = "get";
+            socm_inputs  = [];
+            socm_outputs = [0];
+            socm_impl    = None;
+          };
+          {
+            socm_name    = "set";
+            socm_inputs  = [0];
+            socm_outputs = [];
+            socm_impl    = None
+          };
+        ];
+        socc_precedences = ["set", ["get"]];
+        socc_init      = Some {
+          socm_name    = "init";
+          socm_inputs  = [] ; (* XXX ??? *)
+          socm_outputs = [];
+          socm_impl    = None;
+        };
+      }
+      | "Lustre","arrow"  -> SC {
+        socc_key      = "arrow", [alpha], None;
+        socc_profile  = aaa;
+        socc_memories = [];
+        socc_step  = [
+          {
+            socm_name    = "step";
+            socm_inputs  = [1];
+            socm_outputs = [0];
+            socm_impl    = None;
+          };
+        ];
+        socc_precedences   = [];
+        socc_init      = Some {
+          socm_name    = "init";
+          socm_inputs  = [0];
+          socm_outputs = [];
+          socm_impl    = None;
+        };
+      } 
+      | "Lustre","if"  -> SC {
+        socc_key      = "if", [alpha], None;
+        socc_profile  = (
+          ["c", b ; "x", alpha; "y", alpha],
+          ["z", alpha]
+        );
+        socc_memories = [];
+        socc_init     = None;
+        socc_precedences  = [];
+        socc_step     = [
+          {
+            socm_name    = "step";
+            socm_inputs  = [0; 1; 2];
+            socm_outputs = [0];
+            socm_impl    = None;
+          }
+        ];
+      }
+      | _ -> Undef nk
+(** Instancie un composant polymorphe avec un type concret. *)
+let instanciate_component: component -> Soc.var_type -> component = 
+  fun c concrete_type ->
+    let new_profile =
+ (fun (n, i) -> n, concrete_type) (fst c.socc_profile),
+ (fun (n, i) -> n, concrete_type) (snd c.socc_profile)
+    in
+    let (key1, key2, key3) = c.socc_key in 
+    let new_key = (key1, (fun _ -> concrete_type) key2, key3) in
+    let new_memories =
+        (function | VarMem(n, t) -> VarMem(n, concrete_type) | _ -> assert false) 
+        c.socc_memories
+    in
+      { 
+        c with 
+          socc_key = new_key;
+          socc_profile = new_profile;
+          socc_memories = new_memories;
+      }
+  XXX Faut-il definir une version générique des composants tranches ? 
+  Je les ai défini directement via "make_slice_component", ce qui
+  n'est pas homogene avec la facon dont sont traités les autres
+  composants génériques style 'fby'.
+  Le truc, c'est que je ne sais pas trop quoi mettre dans la version
+  générique, et comme celle-ci est destinée à être instanciée... En
+  effet, le type de sortie des composants tranche depend de la
+  slice_info passé en parametre lors de l'instanciation des composant
+  génériques. Je pourrais mettre un type alpha, mais je trouve ca
+  idiot, alors je ne le fais pas...
+  Une autre solution pour rendre ce traitement homogene serait de ne
+  pas passer par une version générique pour les composants fby et
+  consort. A voir.
+  idem pour "x^n" (Hat_n).
+let make_slice_component: Lic.slice_info -> Soc.var_type -> component = 
+  fun si t -> 
+    let (f,l,step) = (si.Lic.se_first, si.Lic.se_last,si.Lic.se_step) in
+    let sub_array_type = 
+      match t with
+        | Soc.Array(t_elt,size) -> 
+            let slice_size = 1+abs( (l - f) / step) in
+              Soc.Array(t_elt, slice_size)
+        | _ -> assert false
+    in
+      {
+        socc_key = ("array_slice", [t], Some (f, l, step));
+        socc_profile  = (["t", t], ["st", sub_array_type ]);
+        socc_memories = [];
+        socc_step  = [
+          {
+            socm_name    = "step";
+            socm_inputs  = [0];
+            socm_outputs = [0];
+            socm_impl    = None;
+          };
+        ];
+        socc_precedences   = [];
+        socc_init      = None;
+      } 
+let make_array_component: int -> Soc.var_type -> component = 
+  fun i t -> 
+    let array_type = 
+      match t with
+        | Soc.Alpha _ -> assert false
+        | t -> Soc.Array(t,i)
+    in
+      {
+        socc_key = ("hat", [array_type], None);
+        socc_profile  = (["t", t], ["st", array_type]);
+        socc_memories = [];
+        socc_step  = [
+          {
+            socm_name    = "step";
+            socm_inputs  = [0];
+            socm_outputs = [0];
+            socm_impl    = None;
+          };
+        ];
+        socc_precedences   = [];
+        socc_init      = None;
+      } 
+let component_interface_of_predef: 
+    Lxm.t -> AstPredef.op -> Soc.var_type list -> soc_comp_opt =
+  fun lxm op types ->
+    match (op, types) with
+      | AstPredef.IPLUS_n, [Int; Int]   -> of_node_key (("Lustre","iplus"), [])
+      | AstPredef.PLUS_n,  [Int; Int]   -> of_node_key (("Lustre","iplus"), [])
+      | AstPredef.PLUS_n,  [Real; Real] -> of_node_key (("Lustre","rplus"), [])
+      | AstPredef.RPLUS_n, [Real; Real] -> of_node_key (("Lustre","rplus"), [])
+      | AstPredef.ITIMES_n,[Int; Int]   -> of_node_key (("Lustre","itimes"), [])
+      | AstPredef.TIMES_n, [Int; Int]   -> of_node_key (("Lustre","itimes"), [])
+      | AstPredef.TIMES_n, [Real; Real] -> of_node_key (("Lustre","rtimes"), [])
+      | AstPredef.RTIMES_n,[Real; Real] -> of_node_key (("Lustre","rtimes"), [])
+      | AstPredef.ISLASH_n,[Int; Int]   -> of_node_key (("Lustre","idiv"), [])
+      | AstPredef.SLASH_n, [Int; Int]   -> of_node_key (("Lustre","idiv"), [])
+      | AstPredef.DIV_n,   [Int; Int]   -> of_node_key (("Lustre","idiv"), [])
+      | AstPredef.MOD_n,   [Int;Int]    -> of_node_key (("Lustre","mod"), [])
+      | AstPredef.SLASH_n, [Real; Real] -> of_node_key (("Lustre","rdiv"), [])
+      | AstPredef.RSLASH_n,[Real; Real] -> of_node_key (("Lustre","rdiv"), [])
+      | AstPredef.MINUS_n, [Int; Int]   -> of_node_key (("Lustre","iminus"), [])
+      | AstPredef.IMINUS_n,[Int; Int]   -> of_node_key (("Lustre","iminus"), [])
+      | AstPredef.MINUS_n, [Real; Real] -> of_node_key (("Lustre","rminus"), [])
+      | AstPredef.RMINUS_n,[Real; Real] -> of_node_key (("Lustre","rminus"), [])
+      | AstPredef.UMINUS_n,[Int]        -> of_node_key (("Lustre","iuminus"), [])
+      | AstPredef.IUMINUS_n, [Int]      -> of_node_key (("Lustre","iuminus"), [])
+      | AstPredef.UMINUS_n,  [Real]     -> of_node_key (("Lustre","ruminus"), [])
+      | AstPredef.RUMINUS_n, [Real]     -> of_node_key (("Lustre","ruminus"), [])
+      | AstPredef.LT_n, [Int; Int]      -> of_node_key (("Lustre","ilt"), [])
+      | AstPredef.LT_n, [Real; Real]    -> of_node_key (("Lustre","rlt"), [])
+      | AstPredef.GT_n, [Int; Int]      -> of_node_key (("Lustre","igt"), [])
+      | AstPredef.GT_n, [Real; Real]    -> of_node_key (("Lustre","rgt"), [])
+      | AstPredef.LTE_n, [Int; Int]     -> of_node_key (("Lustre","ilte"), [])
+      | AstPredef.LTE_n, [Real; Real]   -> of_node_key (("Lustre","rlte"), [])
+      | AstPredef.GTE_n, [Int; Int]     -> of_node_key (("Lustre","igte"), [])
+      | AstPredef.GTE_n, [Real; Real]   -> of_node_key (("Lustre","rgte"), [])
+      | AstPredef.AND_n, [Bool; Bool]   -> of_node_key (("Lustre","and"), [])
+      | AstPredef.OR_n,  [Bool; Bool]   -> of_node_key (("Lustre","or"), [])
+      | AstPredef.XOR_n, [Bool; Bool]   -> of_node_key (("Lustre","xor"), [])
+      | AstPredef.IMPL_n, [Bool; Bool]  -> of_node_key (("Lustre","impl"), [])
+      | AstPredef.EQ_n, [Bool; Bool]    -> of_node_key (("Lustre","beq"), [])
+      | AstPredef.EQ_n, [Int; Int]      -> of_node_key (("Lustre","ieq"), [])
+      | AstPredef.EQ_n, [Real; Real]    -> of_node_key (("Lustre","req"), [])
+      | AstPredef.NEQ_n, [Bool; Bool]   -> of_node_key (("Lustre","neq"), [])
+      | AstPredef.NOT_n, [Bool]         -> of_node_key (("Lustre","not"), [])
+      | AstPredef.TRUE_n, [] -> finish_me lxm ; assert false (* todo *)
+      | AstPredef.FALSE_n, [] -> finish_me lxm ; assert false (* todo *)
+      | AstPredef.RCONST_n _, [] -> finish_me lxm ; assert false (* todo *)
+      | AstPredef.ICONST_n _, [] -> finish_me lxm ; assert false (* todo *)
+      | AstPredef.REAL2INT_n, [Real] -> finish_me lxm ; assert false (* todo *)
+      | AstPredef.INT2REAL_n, [Int] -> finish_me lxm ; assert false (* todo *)
+      | AstPredef.NOR_n, _ -> finish_me lxm ; assert false (* todo *)
+      | AstPredef.DIESE_n, _ -> finish_me lxm ; assert false (* todo *)
+      | AstPredef.IF_n, _ ->
+        let concrete_type = List.nth types 0 in 
+        (match of_node_key (("Lustre","if"), []) with
+          | SC comp -> SC(instanciate_component comp concrete_type)
+          | Undef _ -> assert false
+        )
+      (* « incorrect lic » *)
+      | AstPredef.IUMINUS_n, _ -> assert false
+      | AstPredef.IMINUS_n, _ -> assert false
+      | AstPredef.RUMINUS_n, _ -> assert false
+      | AstPredef.RMINUS_n, _ -> assert false
+      | AstPredef.TRUE_n, _ -> assert false 
+      | AstPredef.FALSE_n, _ -> assert false
+      | AstPredef.RCONST_n _, _ -> assert false
+      | AstPredef.ICONST_n _, _ -> assert false
+      | AstPredef.REAL2INT_n, _ -> assert false
+      | AstPredef.INT2REAL_n, _ -> assert false
+      | AstPredef.PLUS_n, _   -> assert false 
+      | AstPredef.IPLUS_n, _   -> assert false 
+      | AstPredef.RPLUS_n, _   -> assert false 
+      | AstPredef.TIMES_n, _  -> assert false
+      | AstPredef.ITIMES_n, _  -> assert false
+      | AstPredef.RTIMES_n, _  -> assert false
+      | AstPredef.DIV_n, _    -> assert false
+      | AstPredef.MOD_n, _    -> assert false
+      | AstPredef.SLASH_n, _  -> assert false
+      | AstPredef.ISLASH_n, _  -> assert false
+      | AstPredef.RSLASH_n, _  -> assert false
+      | AstPredef.MINUS_n, _  -> assert false
+      | AstPredef.UMINUS_n, _ -> assert false
+      | AstPredef.GT_n, _   -> assert false
+      | AstPredef.LT_n, _   -> assert false
+      | AstPredef.LTE_n, _  -> assert false
+      | AstPredef.GTE_n, _  -> assert false
+      | AstPredef.AND_n, _  -> assert false
+      | AstPredef.OR_n, _   -> assert false
+      | AstPredef.XOR_n, _  -> assert false
+      | AstPredef.IMPL_n, _ -> assert false
+      | AstPredef.EQ_n, _   -> assert false
+      | AstPredef.NEQ_n, _  -> assert false
+      | AstPredef.NOT_n, _  -> assert false
+let (component_interface_of_pos_op: 
+       Lxm.t -> Lic.by_pos_op -> Soc.var_type list -> soc_comp_opt) =
+  fun lxm op types ->
+    match (op, types) with
+      | Lic.PREDEF_CALL op, _   -> component_interface_of_predef lxm op types
+      | Lic.CALL op, _   -> assert false (* XXX todo *)
+      | Lic.FBY, _ -> 
+        let concrete_type = List.nth types 0 in 
+        (match of_node_key (("Lustre","fby"), []) with
+          | SC comp -> SC(instanciate_component comp concrete_type)
+          | Undef _ -> assert false
+        )
+      | Lic.PRE, _ ->
+        let concrete_type = List.nth types 0 in 
+        (match of_node_key (("Lustre","pre"), []) with
+          | SC comp -> SC(instanciate_component comp concrete_type)
+          | Undef _ -> assert false
+        )
+      | Lic.CURRENT, _ ->
+        let concrete_type = List.nth types 0 in 
+        (match of_node_key (("Lustre","current"), []) with 
+          | SC comp -> SC(instanciate_component comp concrete_type)
+          | Undef _ -> assert false
+        )
+      | Lic.ARROW, _ ->
+        let concrete_type = List.nth types 0 in 
+        (match of_node_key (("Lustre","arrow"), []) with
+          | SC comp -> SC(instanciate_component comp concrete_type)
+          | Undef _ -> assert false
+        )  
+      | Lic.HAT i,_ -> 
+        let elt_type = List.nth types 0 in 
+        SC(make_array_component i elt_type)
+      | Lic.ARRAY, _-> finish_me lxm ; assert false
+      | Lic.CONCAT ,_-> finish_me lxm ; assert false
+      (* Those are not components *)
+      | Lic.ARRAY_SLICE sinfo,_  -> assert false
+      | Lic.VAR_REF _, _ -> assert false
+      | Lic.CONST_REF _, _ -> assert false
+      | Lic.STRUCT_ACCESS _, _ -> assert false
+      | Lic.WHEN _, _ -> assert false
+      | Lic.TUPLE, _ -> assert false
+      | Lic.ARRAY_ACCES _, _ -> assert false
+21/02/2013 : ai-je vraiment besoin de ca maintenant que les metaop ont été encapsulé
+dans des noeuds ? bon, je garde quelque temps en commentaire au cas ou...
+      | Lic.Fill(node,size), _ 
+      | Lic.FillRed(node,size), _ 
+      | Lic.Red(node,size), _ -> 
+        (match of_node_key node with
+          | Undef name -> Undef name
+             (* Given 
+                - a node n of type 
+                tau * tau_1 * ... * tau_n -> tau * teta_1 * ... * teta_l
+                - a integer c
+                the red expression has the profile: 
+                tau * tau_1^c * ... * tau_n^c  -> tau * teta_1^c * ... * teta_l^c
+             *)
+          | SC c -> 
+            let arrayse l = 
+              let exp (id,t) = 
+                match t with 
+                  | Soc.Alpha _  -> assert false 
+                  | t -> id, Soc.Array(t,size)
+              in
+              match l with 
+                | [] -> assert false 
+                | (id,t)::tail ->(id, t):: ( exp tail)
+            in
+            SC { 
+                     (* XXX la clef devrait contenir le node et la taille ? 
+		                  Les composants iterateurs ne meritent ils pas un traitement
+		                  specifique ?
+		                  Ce que je veux, c'est 
+		                  - y mettre toute l'information necessaire pour pouvoir generer 
+		                  la boucle for qui va bien,
+		                  - garder une forme synthetique qui permette de faire des 
+		                  analyses et de la vérification
+	                  *)
+              socc_key = ("fillred" ^ node ^ (string_of_int size), [], None);
+              socc_profile  = 
+                (arrayse (fst c.socc_profile), arrayse (snd c.socc_profile));
+              socc_memories = c.socc_memories;
+              socc_step  = c.socc_step; 
+                     (* XXX non ! le probleme, c'est que cette methode step 
+		                  doit être fabriquée à partir de la methode step 
+		                  du noeud itéré, et que je n'ai rien pour exprimer 
+		                  ce genre de truc pour l'instant.
+	                  *)
+              socc_precedences  = [];
+              socc_init = c.socc_init; (* XXX non ! *)
+            } 
+        )
+      | Lic.Map(node,size), _ -> 
+        (match of_node_key node with
+          | Undef name -> Undef name
+          | SC c -> 
+                 (* Given 
+                    - a node n of type: tau_1 * ... * tau_n -> teta_1 * ... * teta_l
+                    - an integer c
+                    The profile of map is: 
+                    tau_1^c * ... * tau_n^c -> teta_1^c * ... * teta_l^c
+                 *)
+            let arrayse l = 
+              let exp (id,t) = 
+                match t with 
+                  | Soc.Alpha _  -> assert false 
+                  | t -> id, Soc.Array(t,size)
+              in
+              ( exp l)
+            in
+            SC { 
+              socc_key = ("map" ^ node ^ (string_of_int size), [], None);
+              socc_profile  = 
+                (arrayse (fst c.socc_profile), arrayse (snd c.socc_profile));
+              socc_memories = c.socc_memories;
+              socc_step  = c.socc_step; (* XXX non ! *)
+              socc_precedences   = [];
+              socc_init      = c.socc_init;
+            } 
+        )
+      | Lic.BoolRed(i,j,k), _  -> Errors.finish_me lxm ; assert false
+      (* Cas particulier du boolred *)
+      | Lic.DIESE, _-> Errors.finish_me lxm ; assert false
+      | Lic.NOR ,_-> Errors.finish_me lxm ; assert false
+ *)
diff --git a/src/socPredef.mli b/src/socPredef.mli
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0e8b5f64
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/socPredef.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+(* Time-stamp: <modified the 21/02/2013 (at 10:19) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(** Synchronous Object Code for Predefined operators. *)
+type soc_comp_opt = SC of Soc.component | Undef of Lic.node_key
+val of_node_key : Lic.node_key -> soc_comp_opt
+(** Associe un opérateur Lustre et le type de ses opérandes à un SOC
+    et sa fonction de typage.
+    Le type des opérandes permet de traiter les opérateurs surchargés. 
+val component_interface_of_pos_op: 
+    Lxm.t -> Lic.by_pos_op -> Soc.var_type list -> soc_comp_opt
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ccc34154
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,361 @@
+(** Time-stamp: <modified the 30/06/2009 (at 11:45) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+open Soc
+(** Donne toute les méthodes d'un composant.
+    C'est la liste des méthodes du composant, et la méthode d'initialisation le
+    cas échéant. *)
+let get_all_methods: component -> step_method list = fun c ->
+  match c.socc_init with
+    | None   -> c.socc_step
+    | Some m -> m :: c.socc_step
+(** Fonctions de représentation des objets LOC. *)
+(** Aliases *)
+let str_ff       = Format.str_formatter
+let flush_str_ff = Format.flush_str_formatter
+let fprintf      = Format.fprintf
+(** Encapsule l'appel à une fonction avec formatter pour sortir une string. *)
+let call_fun_ff: ((Format.formatter -> unit) -> string) = fun f ->
+  let b = Buffer.create 50 in
+  let ff = Format.formatter_of_buffer b in
+    f ff;
+    Format.pp_print_flush ff ();
+    let s = Buffer.contents b in
+      Buffer.reset b;
+      s
+(* Type *)
+let rec string_of_type_ref_ff: (Soc.var_type -> Format.formatter -> unit) = fun v ff -> 
+  let str =
+    match v with
+      | Soc.Bool -> "bool"
+      | Soc.Int -> "int"
+      | Soc.Real-> "real"
+      | Soc.Extern s -> s ^ "(*extern*)"
+      | Soc.Enum  (s, sl) -> "enum " ^ s ^ " {" ^ (String.concat ", " sl) ^ "}"
+      | Soc.Struct (sid,_) -> sid ^ "(*struct*)"
+      | Soc.Array (ty, sz) -> Printf.sprintf "%s^%d" (string_of_type_ref ty) sz 
+      | Soc.Alpha nb ->
+        (* On génère des "types" à la Caml : 'a, 'b, 'c, etc. *)
+        let a_value = Char.code('a') in
+        let z_value = Char.code('z') in
+        let str =
+          if (nb >= 0 && nb <= (z_value - a_value)) then
+            ("'" ^ (Char.escaped (Char.chr(a_value + nb))))
+          else
+            ("'a" ^ (string_of_int nb))
+        in
+          str
+  in
+    fprintf ff "%s" str 
+and string_of_type_ref: (Soc.var_type -> string) = fun v ->
+  call_fun_ff (string_of_type_ref_ff v)
+(* Clé de composant *)
+let string_of_component_key_ff: (Soc.component_key -> Format.formatter -> unit) = 
+  fun (id, types, si_opt) ff ->
+    (match types with
+      | [] -> fprintf ff "%s" id
+      | _  -> fprintf ff "(%s)%s" 
+          (String.concat " * " ( string_of_type_ref types)) id);
+    (match si_opt with
+       | None -> ()
+       | Some(f,l,step) -> fprintf ff "[%d .. %d step %d]"  f l step)
+let string_of_component_key: (Soc.component_key -> string) = fun v ->
+  call_fun_ff (string_of_component_key_ff v)
+(* Variable *)
+let string_of_var_ff: (Soc.var -> Format.formatter -> unit) = fun (id, type_) ff ->
+  fprintf ff "%s: %s" id (string_of_type_ref type_)
+let string_of_var: (Soc.var -> string) = fun v ->
+  call_fun_ff (string_of_var_ff v)
+(* Mémoire *)
+let string_of_memory_ff: (memory -> Format.formatter -> unit) = fun v ff ->
+  let name =  match v with
+    | CompMem(id, _) -> id
+    | VarMem v       -> string_of_var v
+  in
+    fprintf ff "%s" name
+let string_of_memory: (memory -> string) = fun v ->
+  call_fun_ff (string_of_memory_ff v)
+(* Déclaration d'une mémoire *)
+let string_of_memory_decl_ff: (memory -> Format.formatter -> unit) = fun v ff -> match v with
+  | CompMem(id, key) -> fprintf ff "%s : %s" id (string_of_component_key key)
+  | VarMem v         -> fprintf ff "%s" (string_of_var v)
+let string_of_memory_decl: (memory -> string) = fun v ->
+  call_fun_ff (string_of_memory_decl_ff v)
+(* Opération *)
+let string_of_operation_ff: (atomic_operation -> Format.formatter -> unit) = fun v ff -> match v with
+  | Assign          -> () (* On suppose qu'il est déjà affiché dans string_of_gao *)
+  | Method(obj, meth) -> fprintf ff "%s.%s" (string_of_memory obj) meth
+  | Procedure proc    -> fprintf ff "%s" proc
+let string_of_operation: (atomic_operation -> string) = fun v ->
+  call_fun_ff (string_of_operation_ff v)
+(* Filtre d'accès *)
+let rec string_of_filter_ff: (Soc.var_expr -> Format.formatter -> unit) = 
+  fun v ff -> match v with
+    | Const(id, _) 
+    | Var (id,_)   -> fprintf ff "%s" id
+    | Field(f, id,_) -> string_of_filter_ff f ff; fprintf ff ".%s" id
+    | Index(f, index,_) -> string_of_filter_ff f ff; fprintf ff "[%d]" index
+let string_of_filter: (Soc.var_expr -> string) = fun v ->
+  call_fun_ff (string_of_filter_ff v)
+(* Code *)
+let rec string_of_gao_ff: (gao -> Format.formatter -> unit) = fun v ff -> match v with
+  | Case (ck, cases) ->
+      let string_of_case: (ident * gao list -> unit) = fun (id, c) ->
+        fprintf ff "@[case %s:@[" id;
+        string_of_gaos_list_ff c ff;
+        fprintf ff "@]@]"
+      in
+        fprintf ff "switch(%s) {" ck;
+        List.iter string_of_case cases;
+        fprintf ff "}"
+  | Call(dests, op, srcs) ->
+      let _ =
+        match dests with
+          | [] -> () (* pas de destinations, on affiche pas de "=" *)
+          | _  -> 
+              let dests = String.concat ", " ( string_of_filter dests) in
+                fprintf ff "%s = " dests
+      in
+      let srcs  = String.concat ", " ( string_of_filter srcs) in
+        string_of_operation_ff op ff;
+        fprintf ff "(%s)" srcs;
+and string_of_gaos_list_ff: (gao list -> Format.formatter -> unit) = fun gaos ff ->
+  List.iter (
+    fun c ->
+      fprintf ff "@[";
+      string_of_gao_ff c ff;
+      fprintf ff ";@]@,"
+  ) gaos
+let string_of_gao: (gao -> string) = fun v ->
+  call_fun_ff (string_of_gao_ff v)
+let string_of_gaos_list: (gao list -> string) = fun v ->
+  call_fun_ff (string_of_gaos_list_ff v)
+(* Profil de méthode *)
+let string_interface_of_method_ff: (component -> step_method -> Format.formatter -> unit) = fun c m ff ->
+  let string_var_from_index: (Soc.var list -> int -> string) = fun vl i ->
+    string_of_var (List.nth vl i)
+  in
+    fprintf ff "%s(%s) -> (%s)"
+      m.socm_name
+      (String.concat "; " ( (string_var_from_index (fst c.socc_profile)) m.socm_inputs))
+      (String.concat "; " ( (string_var_from_index (snd c.socc_profile)) m.socm_outputs))
+let string_interface_of_method: (component -> step_method -> string) = fun c m ->
+  call_fun_ff (string_interface_of_method_ff c m)
+(* Méthode complète *)
+let string_of_method_ff: (component -> step_method -> Format.formatter -> unit) = fun c m ff ->
+  fprintf ff "@[<v>@[<v 2>";
+  string_interface_of_method_ff c m ff;
+  match m.socm_impl with
+    | None -> fprintf ff "@]@]"
+    | Some i ->
+        let locals, gaos = i in
+          fprintf ff ": {@;";
+          fprintf ff "@[<v>-- locals vars@;";
+          List.iter (
+            fun v ->
+              string_of_var_ff v ff;
+              fprintf ff ";@,";
+          ) locals;
+          fprintf ff "@]@;@[<v>-- code@;";
+          string_of_gaos_list_ff gaos ff;
+          fprintf ff "@]@]@ }@]"
+let string_of_method: (component -> step_method -> string) = fun c m ->
+  call_fun_ff (string_of_method_ff c m)
+(* Ordre des méthodes *)
+let string_of_precedence_ff: (string * string list -> Format.formatter -> unit) = fun (m, needs) ff ->
+  fprintf ff "%s < [%s]" m (String.concat "; " needs)
+let string_of_precedence: (string * string list -> string) = fun v ->
+  call_fun_ff (string_of_precedence_ff v)
+(** Profile d'un composant *)
+let string_of_profile_ff: Soc.var list * Soc.var list -> Format.formatter -> unit = fun (ins, outs) ff ->
+  fprintf ff "profile: @[(%s) ->@ (%s)@]"
+    (String.concat "; " ( string_of_var ins))
+    (String.concat "; " ( string_of_var outs))
+let string_of_profile: Soc.var list * Soc.var list -> string = fun profile ->
+  call_fun_ff (string_of_profile_ff profile)
+(* Convertion des éléments d'un composant *)
+(* Convertion du profil ... *)
+let string_of_component_profile_ff: (component -> Format.formatter -> unit) = fun comp ff ->
+  string_of_profile_ff comp.socc_profile ff
+let string_of_component_profile: (component -> string) = fun comp ->
+  call_fun_ff (string_of_component_profile_ff comp)
+(* ... des contraintes *)
+let string_of_comp_constraints_ff: (component -> Format.formatter -> unit) = fun comp ff ->
+  fprintf ff "constraints: @[";
+  match comp.socc_precedences with
+    | [] -> fprintf ff "[]@]"
+    | _ ->
+        fprintf ff "%s@]"
+          (String.concat "; " ( string_of_precedence comp.socc_precedences))
+let string_of_component_factory_ff: (
+  component -> Format.formatter ->
+    (component -> step_method -> Format.formatter -> unit) -> (* Formatage des méthodes *)
+    (memory -> Format.formatter -> unit) option -> (* Formatage des mémoires *)
+    unit
+) = fun comp ff format_meth format_mem ->
+  let display_mem () = 
+    match format_mem with
+      | None -> ()
+      | Some f -> (
+          fprintf ff "@[<v 2>memories:@,";
+          List.iter (
+            fun m ->
+              f m ff;
+              fprintf ff ";@,"
+          ) comp.socc_memories
+        )
+  in
+  let display_init () =
+    match comp.socc_init with
+      | None -> fprintf ff "@[<v 2>init: -@]"
+      | Some m -> (
+          fprintf ff "@[<v 2>init:@,";
+          format_meth comp m ff;
+          fprintf ff "@]"
+        )
+  in
+    fprintf ff "@[<v>@[<v 2>component ";
+    string_of_component_key_ff comp.socc_key ff;
+    fprintf ff ":@,@[<v>";
+    string_of_component_profile_ff comp ff;
+    fprintf ff "@]@,@[<v>";
+    display_mem();
+    fprintf ff "@]@,@[<v>";
+    string_of_comp_constraints_ff comp ff;
+    fprintf ff "@]@,@[<v>";
+    display_init();
+    fprintf ff "@]@,@[<v>";
+    fprintf ff "@[<v 2>steps:@,";
+    List.iter (
+      fun s ->
+        fprintf ff "@[";
+        format_meth comp s ff;
+        fprintf ff "@]@,"
+    ) comp.socc_step;
+    fprintf ff "@]@]@]@]@."
+(* Interface d'un composant *)
+let string_interface_of_component_ff: (component -> Format.formatter -> unit) = fun comp ff ->
+  string_of_component_factory_ff comp ff
+    string_interface_of_method_ff
+    None
+let string_interface_of_component: (component -> string) = fun v ->
+    call_fun_ff (string_interface_of_component_ff v)
+(* Composant complet *)
+let string_of_component_ff: (component -> Format.formatter -> unit) = fun comp ff ->
+  string_of_component_factory_ff comp ff
+    string_of_method_ff
+    (Some string_of_memory_decl_ff)
+let string_of_component: (component -> string) = fun v ->
+    call_fun_ff (string_of_component_ff v)
+let dump_entete oc = 
+  let time = Unix.localtime (Unix.time ()) in
+  let sys_call, _ = Array.fold_left 
+    (fun (acc,i) x -> 
+       if 70 < i + (String.length x) then 
+	 acc ^ "\n--\t\t" ^ x, String.length ("\n--\t\t" ^ x)
+       else 
+	 acc ^ " " ^ x , (i+1+(String.length x))
+    )
+    ("",0) 
+    Sys.argv
+  and 
+      date = ( 
+	(string_of_int time.Unix.tm_mday) ^ "/" ^
+	  (string_of_int (time.Unix.tm_mon+1)) ^  "/" ^
+	  (string_of_int (1900+time.Unix.tm_year))
+      )
+  and time_str = (
+    (string_of_int time.Unix.tm_hour) ^  ":" ^
+      (if time.Unix.tm_min < 10 then "0" else "") ^
+      (string_of_int time.Unix.tm_min) ^   ":" ^
+      (if time.Unix.tm_sec < 10 then "0" else "") ^
+      (string_of_int time.Unix.tm_sec) 
+  )
+    (*   and user = Unix.getlogin () *)
+  and hostname = Unix.gethostname ()
+  in
+    output_string oc
+      ("-- This file was generated by "^Sys.argv.(0)^" version " ^ Version.str ^ 
+         ".\n--\t" ^ sys_call ^ "
+-- on " ^ hostname ^ 
+         (* 	 "by "^ user ^ *)
+         " the " ^ date ^ " at " ^ time_str ^ "\n\n");
+    flush oc
+let output: (bool -> string -> component list -> unit) = 
+  fun no_header pkg_name components ->
+    let header = "Package '" ^ pkg_name ^ "' :" in
+    let deco   = (String.make (String.length header) '=') in
+      if no_header then () else dump_entete stdout ;
+      print_string (deco ^ "\n" ^ header ^ "\n" ^ deco ^ "\n" ^ "\n");
+      print_string (
+        String.concat "\n\n" ( string_of_component components)
+      );
+      flush stdout
diff --git a/src/socUtils.mli b/src/socUtils.mli
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3ce0371a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/socUtils.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+(** Time-stamp: <modified the 25/02/2013 (at 18:03) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(** Donne toute les méthodes d'un composant. *)
+val get_all_methods: Soc.component -> Soc.step_method list
+(** Fonctions de représentation des objets SOC. *)
+val string_of_type_ref            : Soc.var_type -> string
+val string_of_component_key       : Soc.component_key -> string
+val string_of_var                 : Soc.var -> string
+val string_of_memory              : Soc.memory -> string
+val string_of_operation           : Soc.atomic_operation -> string
+val string_of_gao                 : Soc.gao -> string
+val string_of_gaos_list           : Soc.gao list -> string
+val string_of_filter              : Soc.var_expr -> string
+val string_of_method              : Soc.component -> Soc.step_method -> string
+val string_interface_of_method    : Soc.component -> Soc.step_method -> string
+val string_of_precedence          : Soc.precedence -> string
+val string_of_profile             : Soc.var list * Soc.var list -> string
+val string_interface_of_component : Soc.component -> string
+val string_of_component           : Soc.component -> string
+val string_of_type_ref_ff         : Soc.var_type       -> Format.formatter -> unit
+val string_of_component_key_ff    : Soc.component_key  -> Format.formatter -> unit
+val string_of_var_ff              : Soc.var            -> Format.formatter -> unit
+val string_of_memory_ff           : Soc.memory         -> Format.formatter -> unit
+val string_of_operation_ff        : Soc.atomic_operation      -> Format.formatter -> unit
+val string_of_filter_ff           : Soc.var_expr         -> Format.formatter -> unit
+val string_of_gao_ff              : Soc.gao           -> Format.formatter -> unit
+val string_of_method_ff           : Soc.component      -> Soc.step_method -> Format.formatter -> unit
+val string_interface_of_method_ff : Soc.component      -> Soc.step_method -> Format.formatter -> unit
+val string_of_precedence_ff       : string * string list   -> Format.formatter -> unit
+val string_of_profile_ff          : Soc.var list * Soc.var list    -> Format.formatter -> unit
+val string_interface_of_component_ff : Soc.component           -> Format.formatter -> unit
+val string_of_component_ff        : Soc.component              -> Format.formatter -> unit
+(** [output header_flag pack_name] dumps the soc list into a
+    file. [header_flag] states whether or not headers (comment)
+    should be printed *)
+val output: bool -> string -> Soc.component list -> unit
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d1a72796
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+(** See documentation in the .mli *)
+exception DependencyCycle of string * string list
+(** Do the actual topological sort.
+    This function takes several parameters :
+    @param acc this is the accumulator, which contains already sorted values
+    @param in_process contains values which are currently being processed (to detect cyclic dependencies)
+    @param to_sort this is the list to sort
+    @param dep_fun gives dependencies for a specific value from to_sort list *)
+let rec topological_sort_acc: 
+    ('a -> string) -> 'a list -> 'a list -> 'a list -> ('a -> 'a list) -> 'a list = 
+  fun a2str acc in_process to_sort dep_fun -> match to_sort with
+    | [] -> acc
+    | x::tl ->
+        if List.mem x in_process then
+          (* If this element is already marked as being processed, it must be
+             a cyclic dependency *)
+          raise (DependencyCycle(a2str x, a2str in_process))
+        else if List.mem x acc then
+          (* If the element is already in the accumulator, it means
+             we've already sorted it. *)
+          topological_sort_acc a2str acc in_process tl dep_fun
+        else
+          (* Else, we compute the dependencies for this value *)
+          let dependencies = dep_fun x in
+          let dependencies_sorted =
+            topological_sort_acc a2str acc (x :: in_process) dependencies dep_fun
+          in
+          let acc = dependencies_sorted @ [x] in
+            topological_sort_acc a2str acc in_process tl dep_fun
+let f: ('a -> string) -> 'a list -> ('a -> 'a list) -> 'a list =
+  fun a2str to_sort dep_fun -> topological_sort_acc a2str [] [] to_sort dep_fun
diff --git a/src/toposort.mli b/src/toposort.mli
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c517d2f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/toposort.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+(** This module contains various tools used thorough the compiler. *)
+(** [topolocical_sort printer l dep_fun] does a topological sort on
+    the list [l], using the function [f] to find dependency in some
+    user-specific structure for each elements of [l], and recursively
+    for each dependencies found.
+    The dependency structure is unknown to this function, since [dep_fun] is
+    the interface between each other.
+    Throws a DependencyCycle exception a if cyclic dependency is found. *)
+val f : ('a -> string) -> 'a list -> ('a -> 'a list) -> 'a list
+exception DependencyCycle of string * string list
diff --git a/test/lus2lic.sum b/test/lus2lic.sum
index 322c9529..3d235b10 100644
--- a/test/lus2lic.sum
+++ b/test/lus2lic.sum
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-Test Run By jahier on Wed Feb 13 14:16:05 2013
+Test Run By jahier on Mon Feb 25 18:13:41 2013
 Native configuration is i686-pc-linux-gnu
 		=== lus2lic tests ===
diff --git a/test/lus2lic.time b/test/lus2lic.time
index dfafd0d5..76997001 100644
--- a/test/lus2lic.time
+++ b/test/lus2lic.time
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-testcase ./lus2lic.tests/non-reg.exp completed in 23 seconds
+testcase ./lus2lic.tests/non-reg.exp completed in 24 seconds
 testcase ./lus2lic.tests/progression.exp completed in 0 seconds