diff --git a/release-lv6/Makefile b/release-lv6/Makefile
index 787490958c4e963ce0f5e59b4326d5b3fe18979e..c67b1988c49eb4c4959440554ebb4a2062468b40 100644
--- a/release-lv6/Makefile
+++ b/release-lv6/Makefile
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ RELNAME=$(RELNAME_PREFIX)$(shell date +%d-%m-%y)-$(shell uname)
 all: dir doc lus2lic lic2c test_files
-	rm -rf $(RELNAME) && mkdir $(RELNAME)
+	(rm -rf $(RELNAME) && mkdir $(RELNAME)) || mkdir $(RELNAME)
 	cp -rf rel-skel/* $(RELNAME)/
diff --git a/src/TODO b/src/TODO
index 9a699e1d0a355f36b573edc76e0eacfd1efdb32f..6914773d639dc9a7795c303d4bb9869ab9f4c4a5 100644
--- a/src/TODO
+++ b/src/TODO
@@ -148,6 +148,19 @@ n'est pas le cas pour l'instant... cf  [solve_ident]
 * --help devrait  retourner la liste des  operateurs predefinis, avec
     leur type
+* mettre un meilleur message d'erreur :
+node mapinf2 (t1, t2: int^10) returns (res :  bool^10);
+  res = map<< =>,  true>>(t1, t2);
+                          ^^^^ 
+style : un entier est attendu (plutot qu'un ' internal error (lus2lic) occurred in file predefEvalType.ml, line 84, column 15')
+* En lic, dois-je generer lustre::ilt ou bien Lustre::lt ?
+Générer lustre::ilt n'est pas tres compliqué, mais ca m'obliqe 
+à rajouter un LTI_n, LTR_n, etc., ce qui est un peu pénible
+et probablement géré à terme au niveau du lic.
 *** facile
diff --git a/src/eff.ml b/src/eff.ml
index a7f8d534651f7260003e7dafb5e568efeb28618b..592063f1f015190ad224d3157ad8422c7b5efd10 100644
--- a/src/eff.ml
+++ b/src/eff.ml
@@ -375,7 +375,8 @@ let (lookup_type: local_env -> Ident.idref -> Lxm.t -> type_) =
 let (lookup_node: 
        local_env -> Ident.idref -> static_arg list -> Lxm.t -> sarg_node_eff) = 
-  fun env id sargs lmx -> Hashtbl.find env.lenv_nodes (Ident.name_of_idref id)
+  fun env id sargs lmx -> 
+    Hashtbl.find env.lenv_nodes (Ident.name_of_idref id)
 let (lookup_const: local_env -> Ident.idref -> Lxm.t -> const) = 
   fun env id lmx ->  
diff --git a/src/getEff.ml b/src/getEff.ml
index 5f5235f0a90a672554deea3c86013678530afcee..158d0a5ae28d28a5b66b9390a2b0e3da75ddd879 100644
--- a/src/getEff.ml
+++ b/src/getEff.ml
@@ -598,22 +598,22 @@ and (instanciate_type: Eff.type_ -> Eff.static_arg -> Eff.static_arg) =
 		   int and real? 
-	      |  { id_pack = Some "Lustre" ; id_id = "lt" } -> 
-		   let op = if t = Int_type_eff then "ilt" 
-		   else if t = Real_type_eff then "rlt" else "lt" in
-		     make_long "Lustre" op
-	      |  { id_pack = Some "Lustre" ; id_id = "gt" } -> 
-		   let op = if t = Int_type_eff then "igt" 
-		   else if t = Real_type_eff then "rgt" else "gt" in
-		     make_long "Lustre" op
-	      |  { id_pack = Some "Lustre" ; id_id = "lte" } -> 
-		   let op = if t = Int_type_eff then "ilte" 
-		   else if t = Real_type_eff then "rlte" else "lte" in
-		     make_long "Lustre" op
-	      |  { id_pack = Some "Lustre" ; id_id = "gte" } -> 
-		   let op = if t = Int_type_eff then "igte" 
-		   else if t = Real_type_eff then "rgte" else "gte" in
-		     make_long "Lustre" op
+(* 	      |  { id_pack = Some "Lustre" ; id_id = "lt" } ->   *)
+(* 		   let op = if t = Int_type_eff then "ilt"   *)
+(* 		   else if t = Real_type_eff then "rlt" else "lt" in  *)
+(* 		     make_long "Lustre" op *)
+(* 	      |  { id_pack = Some "Lustre" ; id_id = "gt" } ->  *)
+(* 		   let op = if t = Int_type_eff then "igt"  *)
+(* 		   else if t = Real_type_eff then "rgt" else "gt" in *)
+(* 		     make_long "Lustre" op *)
+(* 	      |  { id_pack = Some "Lustre" ; id_id = "lte" } ->  *)
+(* 		   let op = if t = Int_type_eff then "ilte"  *)
+(* 		   else if t = Real_type_eff then "rlte" else "lte" in *)
+(* 		     make_long "Lustre" op *)
+(* 	      |  { id_pack = Some "Lustre" ; id_id = "gte" } ->  *)
+(* 		   let op = if t = Int_type_eff then "igte"  *)
+(* 		   else if t = Real_type_eff then "rgte" else "gte" in *)
+(* 		     make_long "Lustre" op *)
 	      |  { id_pack = Some "Lustre" ; id_id = "equal" } -> 
 		   let op = if t = Int_type_eff then "iequal" 
diff --git a/src/lazyCompiler.ml b/src/lazyCompiler.ml
index 080f5e0b6f10131e873ce779205073b353d8e67e..8e0b7236c6cc1e420661a8ad9ef4dd54bdb30537 100644
--- a/src/lazyCompiler.ml
+++ b/src/lazyCompiler.ml
@@ -46,27 +46,27 @@ type t = {
 (* exported *)
 let (create : SyntaxTab.t -> t) =
-fun tbl -> 
-  let nodes_tbl =   Hashtbl.create 0 in
-  let prov_nodes_tbl =   Hashtbl.create 0 in
-    List.iter
-      (fun op -> 
-         let op_str = Predef.op2string op in
-         let op_eff = PredefEvalType.make_node_exp_eff None op (Lxm.dummy op_str) [] in
-         let op_key = Predef.op_to_long op, [] in
-           Hashtbl.add nodes_tbl op_key (Eff.Checked op_eff);
-           Hashtbl.add prov_nodes_tbl op_key (Eff.Checked op_eff)
-      )
-      Predef.iterable_op;
-    {
-      src_tab = tbl;
-      types = Hashtbl.create 0;
-      consts =  Hashtbl.create 0;
-      nodes  = nodes_tbl;
-      prov_types = Hashtbl.create 0;
-      prov_consts =  Hashtbl.create 0;
-      prov_nodes  = prov_nodes_tbl;
-  } 
+  fun tbl -> 
+    let nodes_tbl =   Hashtbl.create 0 in
+    let prov_nodes_tbl =   Hashtbl.create 0 in
+      List.iter
+	(fun op -> 
+           let op_str = Predef.op2string op in
+           let op_eff = PredefEvalType.make_node_exp_eff None op (Lxm.dummy op_str) [] in
+           let op_key = Predef.op_to_long op, [] in
+             Hashtbl.add nodes_tbl op_key (Eff.Checked op_eff);
+             Hashtbl.add prov_nodes_tbl op_key (Eff.Checked op_eff)
+	)
+	Predef.iterable_op;
+      {
+	src_tab = tbl;
+	types = Hashtbl.create 0;
+	consts =  Hashtbl.create 0;
+	nodes  = nodes_tbl;
+	prov_types = Hashtbl.create 0;
+	prov_consts =  Hashtbl.create 0;
+	prov_nodes  = prov_nodes_tbl;
+      } 
@@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ let x_check_interface
       match xp_prov_symbols_opt with
         | None -> 
             (* if [xp] have no provided symbol table, the whole package is exported. *)
-            x_check this x_key lxm
+            x_check this x_key lxm 
         | Some xp_prov_symbols ->
             let x_def = match find_x xp_prov_symbols xn lxm with
               | SymbolTab.Local x -> x
@@ -213,7 +213,20 @@ let (lookup_const_eff:(Eff.item_key, Eff.const Eff.check_flag) Hashtbl.t ->
 let (lookup_node_exp_eff:
        (Eff.node_key, Eff.node_exp Eff.check_flag) Hashtbl.t -> 
       Eff.node_key -> Lxm.t -> Eff.node_exp) = 
-  lookup_x_eff "node ref "  (fun k -> fst k)
+  fun tbl key lxm -> 
+    try lookup_x_eff "node ref "  (fun k -> fst k) tbl key lxm
+    with 
+	Not_found -> 
+	  if fst (fst key) = "Lustre" then (
+	    let msg = "*** " ^ (snd (fst key)) ^ ": unknown Lustre operator. "^
+	      "Available operators are:\n" ^
+	    (Hashtbl.fold (fun (long,_) _ acc -> acc ^  ("\t - "^ (Ident.string_of_long long ) ^ "\n")) tbl "")
+	    in
+              raise (Compile_error(lxm, msg))
+	  )
+	  else 
+	    raise Not_found
+(*   lookup_x_eff "node ref "  (fun k -> fst k) *)
 (** This function performs the identifier (idref) resolution,
@@ -592,8 +605,9 @@ and (node_check_do: t -> Eff.node_key -> Lxm.t -> SymbolTab.t ->
         (fun id sargs lxm ->
              let node_id, inlist, outlist = lookup_node local_env  id sargs lxm in
-               node_check this (node_id,[]) lxm  
-                 (* XXX *)
+	     let node_id = Ident.idref_of_long node_id in
+	       solve_node_idref this symbols provide_flag pack_name node_id  [] lxm
+(*                node_check this (node_id,[]) lxm   *)
                 Not_found -> 
@@ -836,7 +850,7 @@ and (node_check_do: t -> Eff.node_key -> Lxm.t -> SymbolTab.t ->
     let res = if !Global.one_op_per_equation then Split.node local_env res else res in
     let res = 
-      if !Global.inline_iterator 
+      if !Global.inline_iterator
       then Inline.iterators local_env node_id_solver res 
       else res 
diff --git a/src/licDump.ml b/src/licDump.ml
index ab7417bc79c1232e52590e16eaf359973247f368..4e0b506cbccf486bdce9286c51b3a1fc51f5277a 100644
--- a/src/licDump.ml
+++ b/src/licDump.ml
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
 open Printf
 open Lxm
 open Eff
+open List
 let (long : Ident.long -> string) = Ident.string_of_long
 (*   fun id ->  *)
@@ -264,7 +265,7 @@ and (string_of_leff_list : Eff.left list -> string) =
       (String.concat ", " (List.map string_of_leff l)) ^ 
       (if List.length l = 1 then "" else ")") 
+and sov ve = string_of_val_exp_eff ve
 and (string_of_by_pos_op_eff: Eff.by_pos_op srcflagged -> Eff.val_exp list -> string) =
   fun posop vel -> 
     let tuple vel = (String.concat ", " (List.map string_of_val_exp_eff vel)) in
@@ -305,7 +306,43 @@ and (string_of_by_pos_op_eff: Eff.by_pos_op srcflagged -> Eff.val_exp list -> st
 	| CALL nee, _  -> (
 	    if nee.it.def_eff = ExternEff then
-	      ((string_of_node_key_iter nee.src nee.it.node_key_eff) ^ (tuple_par vel))
+	     if !Global.lv4 then
+	       (match nee.it.node_key_eff with 
+		  (* predef op that are iterated are translated into node_exp ;
+		     hence, we need to do (again) a particular threatment to have
+		     a node ouput (i.e., "2>a" vs "Lustre::lt(2,a)" *)
+		| ("Lustre","lt"),  [] -> sov (hd vel) ^ " < " ^ sov (hd (tl vel))
+		| ("Lustre","lte"),  [] -> sov (hd vel) ^ " <= " ^ sov (hd (tl vel))
+		| ("Lustre","gt"),  [] -> sov (hd vel) ^ " > " ^ sov (hd (tl vel))
+		| ("Lustre","gte"),  [] -> sov (hd vel) ^ " >= " ^ sov (hd (tl vel))
+		| ("Lustre","eq"),  [] -> sov (hd vel) ^ " = " ^ sov (hd (tl vel))
+		| ("Lustre","diff"),  [] -> sov (hd vel) ^ " <> " ^ sov (hd (tl vel))
+		| ("Lustre","plus"),  [] -> sov (hd vel) ^ " +  " ^ sov (hd (tl vel)) 
+		| ("Lustre","iplus"),  [] -> sov (hd vel) ^ " +  " ^ sov (hd (tl vel)) 
+		| ("Lustre","rplus"),  [] -> sov (hd vel) ^ " +  " ^ sov (hd (tl vel)) 
+		| ("Lustre","uminus"),  [] -> sov (hd vel) ^ " - " ^ sov (hd (tl vel)) 
+		| ("Lustre","iuminus"),  [] -> sov (hd vel) ^ " - " ^ sov (hd (tl vel)) 
+		| ("Lustre","ruminus"),  [] -> sov (hd vel) ^ " - " ^ sov (hd (tl vel)) 
+		| ("Lustre","minus"),  [] -> sov (hd vel) ^ " - " ^ sov (hd (tl vel)) 
+		| ("Lustre","iminus"),  [] -> sov (hd vel) ^ " - " ^ sov (hd (tl vel)) 
+		| ("Lustre","rminus"),  [] -> sov (hd vel) ^ " - " ^ sov (hd (tl vel)) 
+		| ("Lustre","div"),  [] -> sov (hd vel) ^ " / " ^ sov (hd (tl vel)) 
+		| ("Lustre","idiv"),  [] -> sov (hd vel) ^ " / " ^ sov (hd (tl vel)) 
+		| ("Lustre","rdiv"),  [] -> sov (hd vel) ^ " / " ^ sov (hd (tl vel))
+		| ("Lustre","times"),  [] -> sov (hd vel) ^ " * " ^ sov (hd (tl vel)) 
+		| ("Lustre","rtimes"),  [] -> sov (hd vel) ^ " * " ^ sov (hd (tl vel)) 
+		| ("Lustre","itimes"),  [] -> sov (hd vel) ^ " * " ^ sov (hd (tl vel)) 
+		| ("Lustre","slash"),  [] -> sov (hd vel) ^ " / " ^ sov (hd (tl vel)) 
+		| ("Lustre","rslash"),  [] -> sov (hd vel) ^ " / " ^ sov (hd (tl vel)) 
+		| ("Lustre","islash"),  [] -> sov (hd vel) ^ " / " ^ sov (hd (tl vel)) 
+		| ("Lustre","impl"),  [] -> sov (hd vel) ^ " => " ^ sov (hd (tl vel)) 
+		| ("Lustre","mod"),  [] -> sov (hd vel) ^ " mod " ^ sov (hd (tl vel)) 
+		| _ -> 
+		    ((string_of_node_key_iter nee.src nee.it.node_key_eff) ^ (tuple_par vel))
+	       )
+	     else
+ 	       ((string_of_node_key_iter nee.src nee.it.node_key_eff) ^ (tuple_par vel))
 	      (* recursive node cannot be extern *)
 	      ((string_of_node_key_rec nee.it.node_key_eff) ^ (tuple_par vel))
diff --git a/src/syntaxTab.ml b/src/syntaxTab.ml
index 8da71b4867a1559a1cdb3c38fd23a46d73476849..a0520a2c7430659391ded4c4fe8745add1d2a1e7 100644
--- a/src/syntaxTab.ml
+++ b/src/syntaxTab.ml
@@ -109,11 +109,12 @@ let (pack_prov_env: t -> Ident.pack_name -> Lxm.t -> SymbolTab.t option) =
   fun this p lxm -> 
     try (Hashtbl.find this.st_pack_mng_tab p).pm_provide_stab
     with Not_found -> 
-      let msg = 
-        ("\n*** Could not find package " ^(Ident.pack_name_to_string p) ^ 
-           " in the package table" )
-      in
-        raise(Compile_error(lxm, msg))
+(*       let msg =  *)
+(*         ("\n*** Could not find package " ^(Ident.pack_name_to_string p) ^  *)
+(*            " in the package table" ) *)
+(*       in *)
+	None  
+(*         raise(Compile_error(lxm, msg))   *)
diff --git a/src/test/test.res.exp b/src/test/test.res.exp
index 31dee10e0d4f76d07dd346dc7cda370374501038..611d1451fd27c2ca91905667638d3980518b85c3 100644
--- a/src/test/test.res.exp
+++ b/src/test/test.res.exp
@@ -12378,7 +12378,7 @@ Opening file should_work/demo/mapinf.lus
 node mapinf::mapinf(t1:A_int_10; t2:A_int_10) returns (res:A_bool_10);
-   res = map<<Lustre::ilt, 10>>(t1, t2);
+   res = map<<Lustre::lt, 10>>(t1, t2);
 -- end of node mapinf::mapinf
 -- automatically defined aliases: