From d7dc94ef488b21601e641eedbcbf41bc03f918c6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Erwan Jahier <>
Date: Fri, 22 May 2015 16:10:37 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] --gen-autotest: also generates an arocle to compare lustre
 programs with lesar

+ the utils/lustrequiv script that tries to state that 2 nodes a equivalent or not
using lesar and lurette.
 src/      | 41 ++++++++++++++++++++++++--
 utils/lustrequiv | 76 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 114 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
 create mode 100755 utils/lustrequiv

diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 44d6a181..a35829a5 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(* Time-stamp: <modified the 26/02/2015 (at 11:22) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(* Time-stamp: <modified the 19/05/2015 (at 14:55) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 open Verbose
 open AstV6
@@ -148,7 +148,8 @@ let (gen_autotest_files : LicPrg.t -> Lv6Id.idref option -> Lv6MainArgs.t -> uni
       let rec gen_ok str = if List.mem str all_vars then gen_ok ("_"^str) else str in
       gen_ok "ok" 
-    let prg = prg ^") returns("^ok^":bool;"^(String.concat ";" locals_str)^");\nlet\n" in
+    let prg = "-- oracle to compare Lustre compilers\n" ^ prg in
+    let prg = prg ^") \nreturns("^ok^":bool;"^(String.concat ";" locals_str)^");\nlet\n" in
     let locals_name  = fst locals in
     let invars_name  = fst invars in
     let prg = prg^"  ("^(String.concat "," locals_name)^") = "^name in
@@ -176,10 +177,44 @@ let (gen_autotest_files : LicPrg.t -> Lv6Id.idref option -> Lv6MainArgs.t -> uni
                        (List.flatten (List.map2 var_to_equals locals outvars))) ^");\ntel;\n"
       with _ -> assert false
+    let prg = prg^"\n-- oracle to compare two programs \n" in
+    let prg = prg^"node "^name^"_oracle_prog("^(String.concat ";" (invars_str)) in
+    let prg = prg ^") \nreturns("^ok^":bool;"^(String.concat ";" locals_str) in
+    let prg = prg ^");\nvar\n"^(String.concat ";" outvars_str)^";\nlet\n" in
+    let locals_name  = fst locals in
+    let invars_name  = fst invars in
+    let outvars_name  = fst outvars in
+    let prg = prg^"  ("^(String.concat "," outvars_name)^") = P1" in
+    let prg = prg^"("^(String.concat "," invars_name)^");\n" in
+    let prg = prg^"  ("^(String.concat "," locals_name)^") = P2" in
+    let prg = prg^"("^(String.concat "," invars_name)^");\n  "^ok^" = (" in
+    let (var_to_equals : Soc.var -> Soc.var -> string list) =
+      fun (x,t) (y,_) -> 
+        let rec aux x y t =
+          match t with 
+            | Data.Real -> ["r_equal("^x^","^y^")"]
+            | Data.Array(t,n) -> 
+              let res = ref [] in
+              for i = 0 to n-1 do
+                let istr = string_of_int i in
+                res := !res @ aux (x^"["^istr^"]") (y^"["^istr^"]") t
+              done;
+              !res
+            | Data.Struct(n,fl) ->
+              let do_field (fn,ft) = aux (x^"."^fn) (y^"."^fn) ft in
+              List.flatten ( do_field fl)
+            | _ ->  [x^"="^y]
+        in
+        aux x y t
+    in
+    let prg = try prg^(String.concat " and\n \t\t  " 
+                       (List.flatten (List.map2 var_to_equals locals outvars))) ^");\ntel;\n"
+      with _ -> assert false
+    in
     let prg = prg ^ "
 node r_abs(x:real) returns (res:real);
-  res = if x > 0.0 then x else -x;
+  res = if x < 0.0 then -x else x;
 const seuil = 0.0001;
diff --git a/utils/lustrequiv b/utils/lustrequiv
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..c2d1c522
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/lustrequiv
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+# compares with lesar and lurette the behavior of 2 lustre programs
+if [ $# -ne $EXPECTED_ARGS ]
+    echo "usage: $0 lustrefile1 node1 lustrefile2 node2
+    Uses lurette and lesar to state if node1 and node2 are equivalent or not.
+    "      
+    file1=$1
+    node1=$2
+    file2=$3
+    node2=$4
+    oracle_node=${node1}_oracle
+    oracle_file=_${oracle_node}.lus
+    env=_${node1}_env.lut
+    echo " Are nodes $node1@$file1 and $node2@$file2 equivalent?"
+    echo " let's check it with lurette... "
+    set -x #echo on
+    if
+        lus2lic $file1 -n $node1 --gen-autotest -np;
+        then
+        echo "lus2lic --gen-autotest done"
+    else
+        echo "Error when calling 'lus2lic $file1 -n $node1 --gen-autotest -np'"
+        exit 2
+    fi
+    lus2lic $file1 -n $node1 -ec  >> $oracle_file ;
+    lus2lic $file2 -n $node2 -ec  >> $oracle_file ;
+    echo "node P1 = ${node1}"  >> $oracle_file;
+    echo "node P2 = ${node2}"  >> $oracle_file;
+    lurettetop  -p 6  -seed 42 \
+        -rp "sut:v6:$file2:$node2" \
+        -rp "env:lutin:$env" \
+        -rp "oracle:v6:$oracle_file:$oracle_node" \
+        -go -l 100 -ns2c --stop-on-oracle-error;
+    set - #echo off
+    if [ $? -eq 0 ] # Test du code de sortie de la commande "lurettetop".
+        then
+        echo " ===> nodes $node1@$file1 and $node2@$file2 _SEEMS_ to be equivalent"
+        echo " let's check it with lesar... "
+    else if [ $? -eq 1 ] 
+        then
+        echo " ===> nodes $node1@$file1 and $node2@$file2 _ARE NOT_ equivalent (cf lurette.rif)"
+        exit 
+    else
+        echo " A pb occured in lurettop (exit $?)"
+        exit 
+    fi
+    fi
+    set -x #echo on
+    lus2lic -ec ${oracle_file} -n ${node1}_oracle_prog -o  ${node1}
+    ecverif ${node1} 
+    set - #echo off
+    if [ $? -eq 0 ] # Test du code de sortie de la commande "lurettetop".
+        then
+        echo
+        echo  " ===> nodes $node1@$file1 and $node2@$file2 _ARE_ equivalent"
+    else
+        echo " ===> nodes $node1@$file1 and $node2@$file2 _seems_ to differ"
+    fi
+    exit 0
\ No newline at end of file