diff --git a/src/Makefile b/src/Makefile
index 327b55f316ac8543215ae0532854814c0facc5e0..1cde6f9a45f885ee8782fb46c9241addaee95ed8 100644
--- a/src/Makefile
+++ b/src/Makefile
@@ -26,8 +26,8 @@ SOURCES =  \
 	./lexer.mll \
 	./syntaxTabUtils.mli \
 	./syntaxTabUtils.ml \
-	./expandPack.mli \
-	./expandPack.ml \
+	./instanciateModel.mli \
+	./instanciateModel.ml \
 	./symbolTab.mli \
 	./symbolTab.ml \
 	./eff.ml \
diff --git a/src/expandPack.ml b/src/expandPack.ml
deleted file mode 100644
index f5822ddf1edb73120a5c8582cfe15a5945c6c5f3..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/expandPack.ml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,171 +0,0 @@
-(** Time-stamp: <modified the 28/08/2008 (at 10:27) by Erwan Jahier> *)
-open Lxm
-open SyntaxTree
-open SyntaxTreeCore
-open Errors
-open SyntaxTabUtils
-let (doit:
-       (Ident.t, SyntaxTree.model_info Lxm.srcflagged) Hashtbl.t ->
-      (SyntaxTree.pack_info  Lxm.srcflagged) ->
-      SyntaxTree.pack_given) =
-  fun mtab pdata -> (
-    match (pdata.it.pa_def) with
-        PackGiven pg -> pg
-          (* on garde tel-quel ... *)
-      | PackInstance pi -> (
-          (* recherche du modèle *)
-          let mi = try Hashtbl.find mtab pi.pi_model 
-          with Not_found ->
-            let msg = Printf.sprintf "bad pack instance: model %s undeclared"
-              (Ident.to_string pi.pi_model)
-            in
-              raise ( Compile_error (pdata.src, msg))
-          in
-            (*-----------INIT-----------------------------------*)
-            (* On part du packbody du modèle, dont on duplique les tables :*)
-          let ctab = Hashtbl.copy mi.it.mo_body.pk_const_table in
-          let ttab = Hashtbl.copy mi.it.mo_body.pk_type_table in
-          let otab = Hashtbl.copy mi.it.mo_body.pk_node_table in
-            (* liste des nouveaux define ... *)
-          let newdefs = ref [] in
-            (* liste des nouveaux provides ... *)
-          let newprov = ref [] in
-            (* On met en correspondance les pi_args avec les mo_needs *)
-          let args = pi.pi_args in
-          let pars = mi.it.mo_needs in
-            (*--------------------------------------------------*)
-          (* la fonction qui traite un couple ... *)
-          let (check_arg : static_param srcflagged -> static_arg srcflagged -> unit) =
-            fun param arg -> 
-              (* message d'erreur standard *)
-              let instance_error () = 
-                let msg = Printf.sprintf
-                  "bad argument in package instance: %s" (Lxm.details param.src)
-                in
-                  raise (Compile_error (arg.src, msg)) 
-              in
-                (* on a soit un ident, à checker plus tard, soit une
-                   expression de la bonne nature *)
-                match (param.it) with
-                  | StaticParamType s -> (
-                      let te = match (arg.it) with
-                          StaticArgIdent idr -> 
-                            Lxm.flagit (Named_type_exp idr) arg.src
-                        | StaticArgType x -> x
-                        | _ -> instance_error ()
-                      in
-                      let ti = AliasedType (s, te) in
-                      let x = Lxm.flagit (TypeInfo ti) param.src in
-                        newprov := x::!newprov ;
-                        let y = Lxm.flagit ti param.src in
-                          put_in_tab "type" ttab s y ;
-                          newdefs := (TypeItem s)::!newdefs
-                    ) 
-                  | StaticParamConst (s,te) -> (
-                      let ce = match (arg.it) with
-                        | StaticArgIdent idr -> 
-                            ParserUtils.leafexp arg.src (IDENT_n idr) 
-                        | StaticArgConst x -> x
-                        | _ -> instance_error ()
-                      in
-                      let ci = DefinedConst (s, Some te, ce) in
-                      let x = Lxm.flagit (ConstInfo ci) param.src in
-                        newprov := x::!newprov ;
-                        let y = Lxm.flagit ci param.src in
-                          put_in_tab "const" ctab s y ;
-                          newdefs := (ConstItem s)::!newdefs
-                    ) 
-                  | StaticParamNode (s, inl, outl, has_memory) -> (
-                      let by_pos_op = match (arg.it) with
-                        | StaticArgIdent idr -> 
-                            CALL_n(Lxm.flagit ((idr,[])) arg.src)
-                        | StaticArgNode by_pos_op -> by_pos_op 
-                        | _ -> instance_error () 
-                      in
-                      let sparams = [] in
-                      let ni = {
-                        name = s;
-                        static_params = sparams;
-                        vars = Some (ParserUtils.build_node_var inl outl None);
-                        def = Alias (flagit by_pos_op arg.src);
-                        has_mem = has_memory;
-                        is_safe = true;
-                      } 
-                      in
-                      let x = Lxm.flagit (NodeInfo ni) param.src in
-                        newprov := x::!newprov ;
-                        let y = Lxm.flagit ni param.src in
-                          put_in_tab "node" otab s y ;
-                          newdefs := (NodeItem (s,sparams))::!newdefs
-                    ) 
-                      (* check_arg *)
-          in
-          let (sargs_pack : Ident.pack_name srcflagged list) =
-            List.fold_left
-              (fun acc arg -> 
-                (match arg.it with
-                   | StaticArgIdent(idref) ->
-                       (match Ident.pack_of_idref idref with
-                          | None -> acc
-                          | Some p -> 
-                              let p_flagged = Lxm.flagit p arg.src in
-                                if List.mem p_flagged acc then acc else p_flagged::acc
-                       )
-                   | _ -> acc
-                )
-              )
-              []
-              args
-          in
-          let pars_nb = string_of_int (List.length pars)
-          and args_nb = string_of_int (List.length args) in
-            try (
-              (*------------TRAITEMENT---------------------------------*)
-              if (pars_nb <> args_nb) then
-                raise(Compile_error 
-                        (pdata.src, 
-                         ("\n*** " ^pars_nb ^ 
-                            " arguments are expected, but "^args_nb^
-                            " were provided when defining package "^
-                            (Ident.pack_name_to_string pdata.it.pa_name)
-                         )));
-              List.iter2 check_arg pars args;
-              (* on fabrique un pack_given valide avec les infos récoltées *)   
-              let body = {
-                pk_const_table = ctab ;
-                pk_type_table = ttab ;
-                pk_node_table = otab ;
-                pk_def_list = List.append
-                  (mi.it.mo_body.pk_def_list) 
-                  (List.rev !newdefs)
-              } in
-                (* les provides du modèle + les nouveaux de newprov *)
-                (* SAUF SI ON EXPORTE DEJA TOUT !                   *)
-              let prov = match (mi.it.mo_provides) with
-                  Some l -> (
-                    Some (List.append l (List.rev !newprov))
-                  ) 
-                |  None -> None
-              in
-              let pg = {
-                (* les uses du modèle + les packages utilisés par les arg statiques *)
-                pg_uses = mi.it.mo_uses @ sargs_pack;
-                pg_provides = prov ;
-                pg_body = body ;
-              } in
-                pg
-            ) with Invalid_argument _ -> (
-              let msg = Printf.sprintf
-                "bad pack instance: %d args provided while model %s has %d params"
-                (List.length args)
-                (Ident.to_string pi.pi_model)
-                (List.length pars)
-              in
-                raise ( Compile_error (pdata.src, msg))
-            )
-        )
-  )
diff --git a/src/instanciateModel.ml b/src/instanciateModel.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b2aa1377d9e19439f358081015f515b5955cdd17
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/instanciateModel.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+(** Time-stamp: <modified the 23/10/2008 (at 10:59) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+open Lxm
+open SyntaxTree
+open SyntaxTreeCore
+open Errors
+open SyntaxTabUtils
+let instance_error lxm = 
+  let msg = Printf.sprintf
+    "bad argument in package instance: %s" (Lxm.details lxm)
+  in
+    raise (Compile_error (lxm, msg)) 
+(* Model instanciation is done via a call by name binding.  This
+   function checks whether each parameter matches one of the arguments,
+   and returns (by appending it to an accumulator):
+   - the item (const, type, node) corresponding to the parameter:
+   - its definition.
+type check_arg_acc = item_ident list * item_info srcflagged list
+type tables = 
+    (Ident.t, const_info Lxm.srcflagged) Hashtbl.t *
+    (Ident.t, type_info Lxm.srcflagged) Hashtbl.t *
+    (Ident.t, node_info Lxm.srcflagged) Hashtbl.t 
+let (check_arg : tables -> (Ident.t * static_arg srcflagged) list -> check_arg_acc -> 
+      static_param srcflagged -> check_arg_acc) =
+  fun (ctab, ttab, ntab) args (defs, prov) param -> 
+    let find_arg id =
+      try List.assoc id args with Not_found -> instance_error param.src
+    in
+      match param.it with
+        | StaticParamType s -> (
+            let arg = find_arg s in
+            let te = match arg.it with
+              | StaticArgIdent idr -> Lxm.flagit (Named_type_exp idr) arg.src
+              | StaticArgType x -> x
+              | _ -> instance_error param.src
+            in
+            let ti = AliasedType (s, te) in
+            let x = Lxm.flagit (TypeInfo ti) param.src in
+            let y = Lxm.flagit ti param.src in
+              put_in_tab "type" ttab s y;
+              ((TypeItem s)::defs, x::prov)
+          )
+        | StaticParamConst (s,te) -> (
+            let arg = find_arg s in
+            let ce = match (arg.it) with
+              | StaticArgIdent idr -> ParserUtils.leafexp arg.src (IDENT_n idr) 
+              | StaticArgConst x -> x
+              | _ -> instance_error param.src
+            in
+            let ci = DefinedConst (s, Some te, ce) in
+            let x = Lxm.flagit (ConstInfo ci) param.src in
+            let y = Lxm.flagit ci param.src in
+              put_in_tab "const" ctab s y ;
+              ((ConstItem s)::defs, x::prov)
+          ) 
+        | StaticParamNode (s, inl, outl, has_memory) -> (
+            let arg = find_arg s in
+            let by_pos_op = match (arg.it) with
+              | StaticArgIdent idr -> CALL_n(Lxm.flagit ((idr,[])) arg.src)
+              | StaticArgNode by_pos_op -> by_pos_op 
+              | _ -> instance_error param.src 
+            in
+            let sparams = [] in
+            let ni = {
+              name = s;
+              static_params = sparams;
+              vars = Some (ParserUtils.build_node_var inl outl None);
+              def = Alias (flagit by_pos_op arg.src);
+              has_mem = has_memory;
+              is_safe = true;
+            } 
+            in
+            let x = Lxm.flagit (NodeInfo ni) param.src in
+            let y = Lxm.flagit ni param.src in
+              put_in_tab "node" ntab s y ;
+              ((NodeItem (s,sparams))::defs, x::prov)
+          )
+let (f: (Ident.t, SyntaxTree.model_info Lxm.srcflagged) Hashtbl.t ->
+      (SyntaxTree.pack_info  Lxm.srcflagged) -> SyntaxTree.pack_given) =
+  fun mtab pdata ->
+    match (pdata.it.pa_def) with
+      | PackGiven pg -> pg 
+      | PackInstance pi ->
+          let mi = try Hashtbl.find mtab pi.pi_model  with Not_found ->
+            let msg = Printf.sprintf "bad pack instance: model %s undeclared"
+              (Ident.to_string pi.pi_model)
+            in
+              raise ( Compile_error (pdata.src, msg))
+          in
+            (* On part du packbody du modèle, dont on duplique les tables *)
+          let ctab = Hashtbl.copy mi.it.mo_body.pk_const_table in
+          let ttab = Hashtbl.copy mi.it.mo_body.pk_type_table in
+          let ntab = Hashtbl.copy mi.it.mo_body.pk_node_table in
+          let args = pi.pi_args in
+          let pars = mi.it.mo_needs in
+          let (used_packages : Ident.pack_name srcflagged list) =
+            (* We add to the list of used packages the packages that are explicitely
+               used in the model arguments *)
+            List.fold_left
+              (fun acc (_,arg) -> 
+                 (match arg.it with
+                    | StaticArgIdent(idref) ->
+                        (match Ident.pack_of_idref idref with
+                           | None -> acc
+                           | Some p -> 
+                               let p_flagged = Lxm.flagit p arg.src in
+                                 if List.mem p_flagged acc then acc else p_flagged::acc
+                        )
+                    | _ -> acc
+                 )
+              )
+              mi.it.mo_uses
+              args
+          in
+          let (newdefs, newprov) = 
+            List.fold_left (check_arg (ctab, ttab, ntab) args) ([],[]) pars 
+          in
+          let pars_nb = string_of_int (List.length pars)
+          and args_nb = string_of_int (List.length args) in
+            try (
+              (*------------TRAITEMENT---------------------------------*)
+              if (pars_nb <> args_nb) then
+                let msg = "\n*** " ^pars_nb ^ " arguments are expected, but "^args_nb^
+                  " were provided when defining package "^
+                  (Ident.pack_name_to_string pdata.it.pa_name)
+                in
+                  raise(Compile_error (pdata.src, msg))
+              else
+                (* on fabrique un pack_given valide avec les infos récoltées *)   
+                let body = {
+                  pk_const_table = ctab ;
+                  pk_type_table = ttab ;
+                  pk_node_table = ntab ;
+                  pk_def_list = (mi.it.mo_body.pk_def_list) @ (List.rev newdefs)
+                } 
+                in
+                  (* les provides du modèle + les nouveaux de newprov *)
+                  (* SAUF SI ON EXPORTE DEJA TOUT !                   *)
+                let prov = match (mi.it.mo_provides) with
+                  | Some l -> Some (l @ (List.rev newprov))
+                  | None -> None
+                in
+                  {
+                    pg_uses = used_packages;
+                    pg_provides = prov ;
+                    pg_body = body ;
+                  }
+            ) 
+            with Invalid_argument _ ->
+              let msg = Printf.sprintf
+                "bad pack instance: %d args provided while model %s has %d params"
+                (List.length args) (Ident.to_string pi.pi_model) (List.length pars)
+              in
+                raise (Compile_error (pdata.src, msg))
diff --git a/src/expandPack.mli b/src/instanciateModel.mli
similarity index 93%
rename from src/expandPack.mli
rename to src/instanciateModel.mli
index 971327947edf880ddcde46babaccc34bf7930693..360a988394eeac94bcfad3ed28a3bc045f54abc4 100644
--- a/src/expandPack.mli
+++ b/src/instanciateModel.mli
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-(** Time-stamp: <modified the 07/02/2008 (at 11:25) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(** Time-stamp: <modified the 23/10/2008 (at 11:34) by Erwan Jahier> *)
-MODULE : ExpandPack
+MODULE : InstanciateModel
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ SI BESOIN.
-MODULE : ExpandPack
+MODULE : InstanciateModel
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ On met en relation les couples (param formel, arg effectif) :
-val doit : 
+val f : 
   (* la table des sources de modeles *)
   (Ident.t, SyntaxTree.model_info Lxm.srcflagged) Hashtbl.t ->
   (* la def de pack à traiter *)
diff --git a/src/lexer.mll b/src/lexer.mll
index 89099b09a5bb5f430f5eb471586ae52ecb1444e7..625efbb4933f11fec7f2b03bb1c4e6e3853b4681 100644
--- a/src/lexer.mll
+++ b/src/lexer.mll
@@ -143,6 +143,7 @@ let token_code tk = (
                 | TK_TYPE      lxm -> ("TK_TYPE" , lxm)
                 | TK_VAR       lxm -> ("TK_VAR" , lxm)
                 | TK_WHEN      lxm -> ("TK_WHEN" , lxm)
+                | TK_MERGE      lxm -> ("TK_MERGE" , lxm)
                 | TK_WITH      lxm -> ("TK_WITH" , lxm)
                 | TK_XOR       lxm -> ("TK_XOR" , lxm)
                 | TK_MODEL     lxm -> ("TK_MODEL" , lxm)
diff --git a/src/main.ml b/src/main.ml
index 85a16b152401cd7719b90be5bb3fddaebae722ae..61254dd577e5e3f9ec2981059b9e05516830b3b6 100644
--- a/src/main.ml
+++ b/src/main.ml
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(** Time-stamp: <modified the 17/09/2008 (at 11:50) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(** Time-stamp: <modified the 23/10/2008 (at 11:32) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 (** Here follows a description of the different modules used by this lus2lic compiler.
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ which results into a parse tree containing raw source expressions.
-      expandPack.mli/ml
+      instanciateModel.mli/ml
       symbolTab.mli/ml (type/const/node)
 syntaxTab is a kind of layer above syntaxTree to make things easier afterwards.
diff --git a/src/parser.mly b/src/parser.mly
index ce6e640eb25b963b850c24d4aaf2ef92bf7e64d0..d4a5d24cfc8bacfb4bbda9565bdf443932c8ede5 100644
--- a/src/parser.mly
+++ b/src/parser.mly
@@ -345,7 +345,7 @@ sxEq_or_Is:
         TK_PACKAGE sxIdent sxEq_or_Is sxIdent TK_OPEN_PAR
-                sxStaticArgList
+                sxByNameStaticArgList
                 let pdef = PackInstance {
@@ -930,6 +930,60 @@ sxStaticArg:
         |       sxSurelyNode
                         { {src=$1.src; it=StaticArgNode (CALL_n $1)} }
+/* for model arguments (copy-pasted from call by position StaticArg */
+                sxByNameStaticArg
+                { [$1] }
+        |       sxByNameStaticArgList TK_COMA sxByNameStaticArg
+                { $3::$1 }
+        /* let's be permissive... */
+        |       sxByNameStaticArgList TK_SEMICOL sxByNameStaticArg
+                { $3::$1 }
+        ;
+/* Faut se tordre l'esprit ici !
+- la nature est explicite,
+          - la nature est immediate (type, const ou node predefini)
+          - la nature est sans ambiguite const (expressions simples)
+          - la nature est compile-time (juste un ident, a résoudre)
+          */
+          /* nature explicite */
+        | TK_TYPE sxIdent TK_EQ sxType 
+            {  (Lxm.id $2, {src=$1 ; it= StaticArgType $4 }) }
+        | TK_CONST sxIdent TK_EQ sxExpression
+            {  (Lxm.id $2, {src=$1 ; it= StaticArgConst $4 }) }
+        | TK_NODE sxIdent TK_EQ sxEffectiveNode
+            {  (Lxm.id $2, {src=$1 ; it= StaticArgNode (CALL_n $4) }) }
+        | TK_FUNCTION sxIdent TK_EQ sxEffectiveNode
+            {  (Lxm.id $2, {src=$1 ; it= StaticArgNode (CALL_n $4) }) }
+        | sxIdent TK_EQ sxPredefOp
+            { Lxm.id $1, {src=$3.src; it=StaticArgNode $3.it } }
+          /* un ident OU une expression simple (à résoudre) */
+          /* c'est au retour qu'on choisit */
+        | sxIdent TK_EQ sxSimpleExp
+            { Lxm.id $1, 
+              match $3 with 
+                | CallByPos (op, x) -> (
+                    match op.it with
+                      | IDENT_n idref -> {src=op.src ; it = StaticArgIdent idref }
+                      | _ -> {src=op.src ; it= StaticArgConst $3}
+                  ) 
+                | CallByName _ -> 
+                    print_string "*** unexpected static argument\n";
+                    assert false
+            }
+                /* un type sans ambiguite */
+        | sxIdent TK_EQ sxSurelyType
+                        { Lxm.id $1, {src=$3.src; it=StaticArgType $3} }
+                /* un node sans ambiguite */
+        | sxIdent TK_EQ sxSurelyNode
+                        { Lxm.id $1, {src=$3.src; it=StaticArgNode (CALL_n $3)} }
         |       sxIdentRef TK_OPEN_STATIC_PAR sxStaticArgList TK_CLOSE_STATIC_PAR
diff --git a/src/solveIdent.ml b/src/solveIdent.ml
index 7d5168348d974310ce8db14bdbc8259de0539bde..3417d2a4e184ae8f8da74b91ba93438e93571edd 100644
--- a/src/solveIdent.ml
+++ b/src/solveIdent.ml
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(** Time-stamp: <modified the 29/08/2008 (at 09:34) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(** Time-stamp: <modified the 23/10/2008 (at 10:53) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 let (get_predef : Ident.idref -> Predef.op option) =
@@ -50,19 +50,34 @@ and r_pack_given pg = {
     pg_body = r_packbody pg.pg_body;
-and r_pack_instance pi = { pi with pi_args = List.map (flag r_static_arg) pi.pi_args }
+and r_pack_instance pi = { pi with pi_args = List.map r_by_name_static_arg pi.pi_args }
 and r_static_param sp = sp 
-and r_static_arg = function
-  | StaticArgIdent(idref) -> (
-      match get_predef idref with
-	| None -> StaticArgIdent idref
-	| Some predef -> StaticArgNode (Predef_n (predef,[]))
-    )
-  | StaticArgConst(ve) -> StaticArgConst(r_val_exp ve)
-  | StaticArgType(te) -> StaticArgType(te)
-  | StaticArgNode(by_pos_op) -> StaticArgNode(r_by_pos_op by_pos_op)
+and r_by_name_static_arg (id,arg) = 
+  let arg_it = 
+    match arg.it with
+      | StaticArgIdent(idref) -> (
+          match get_predef idref with
+	    | None -> StaticArgIdent idref
+	    | Some predef -> StaticArgNode (Predef_n (predef,[]))
+        )
+      | StaticArgConst(ve) -> StaticArgConst(r_val_exp ve)
+      | StaticArgType(te) -> StaticArgType(te)
+      | StaticArgNode(by_pos_op) -> StaticArgNode(r_by_pos_op by_pos_op)
+  in
+    id, Lxm.flagit arg_it arg.src
+and r_static_arg arg = 
+  match arg with
+    | StaticArgIdent(idref) -> (
+        match get_predef idref with
+	  | None -> StaticArgIdent idref
+	  | Some predef -> StaticArgNode (Predef_n (predef,[]))
+      )
+    | StaticArgConst(ve) -> StaticArgConst(r_val_exp ve)
+    | StaticArgType(te) -> StaticArgType(te)
+    | StaticArgNode(by_pos_op) -> StaticArgNode(r_by_pos_op by_pos_op)
 and r_by_pos_op = function
   | Predef_n(op,args)  -> Predef_n(op,args) (* assert false *)
diff --git a/src/syntaxTab.ml b/src/syntaxTab.ml
index 9748040625ebaab394dd72020422c8a48acd2466..fe6b49e2c30facea0fc68973227f0d2d3d57520b 100644
--- a/src/syntaxTab.ml
+++ b/src/syntaxTab.ml
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(** Time-stamp: <modified the 22/07/2008 (at 16:06) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(** Time-stamp: <modified the 23/10/2008 (at 11:33) by Erwan Jahier> *)
     Table des infos sources : une couche au dessus de SyntaxTree pour mieux
@@ -225,7 +225,7 @@ CREATION
 Se fait en plusieurs passes :
 1) mise en place des tables "raw" mod et pack (string -> source pack/mod)
-2) instanciations éventuelle des packs (voir ExpandPack)
+2) instanciations éventuelle des packs (voir InstanciateModel)
    et initialisation des pack_mng (en particulier des infos pour les users)
 3) pour chaque pack, création des symbol_table contextuelles
    (pour la partie provide et pour la partie body)
@@ -248,7 +248,7 @@ let rec (create  : SyntaxTree.pack_or_model list -> t) =
       Verbose.printf ~level:3 "*** SyntaxTab.create pass 2\n";
       let init_pack_mng pname pdata = (
 	Verbose.printf ~level:3 "    init pack %s\n" (Ident.pack_name_to_string pname);
-	let pg = ExpandPack.doit res.st_raw_mod_tab pdata in
+	let pg = InstanciateModel.f res.st_raw_mod_tab pdata in
 	  Hashtbl.add res.st_pack_mng_tab 
 	    (create_pack_mng pdata pg)
diff --git a/src/syntaxTabUtils.mli b/src/syntaxTabUtils.mli
index 51ec01caf0e0f2aa7e62f1108ea7274f4cd40db3..d37cad85e5c4082f1da1ba116b4fba1ccf9da09d 100644
--- a/src/syntaxTabUtils.mli
+++ b/src/syntaxTabUtils.mli
@@ -1,13 +1,6 @@
-(** Time-stamp: <modified the 07/02/2008 (at 11:27) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(** Time-stamp: <modified the 23/10/2008 (at 11:37) by Erwan Jahier> *)
-MODULE : compUtils
-Utilitaires pour la compil, au dessus de Lxm et Errors
+(* Utilitaires pour la compil, au dessus de Lxm et Errors  *)
 (** Insert an item in the lexeme table. Raise [Compile_error] if already defined. *)
diff --git a/src/syntaxTree.ml b/src/syntaxTree.ml
index 5f3b7a8f018d211bf17f1e4840058c35e5bd35b2..e5e611ed1d35312fb2622d5cea1df8696acafd39 100644
--- a/src/syntaxTree.ml
+++ b/src/syntaxTree.ml
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(** Time-stamp: <modified the 30/05/2008 (at 10:26) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(** Time-stamp: <modified the 23/10/2008 (at 10:51) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 (** (Raw) Abstract syntax tree of source programs. 
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ and
   pack_instance = {
     pi_model : Ident.t ;
-    pi_args : static_arg srcflagged list ;
+    pi_args : (Ident.t * static_arg srcflagged) list ;
     (** Collection de noeuds, types const etc.
 	- une table pour chaque sorte de defs
diff --git a/src/syntaxTreeCore.ml b/src/syntaxTreeCore.ml
index 89c35c4eff50f1f1147de9e3653b1c9e12367f14..b504252bd6ff8febc1e16c0407dde484069097a9 100644
--- a/src/syntaxTreeCore.ml
+++ b/src/syntaxTreeCore.ml
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(** Time-stamp: <modified the 04/09/2008 (at 14:40) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(** Time-stamp: <modified the 22/10/2008 (at 17:38) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 (** (Raw) Abstract syntax tree of source programs. *)
diff --git a/src/syntaxTreeDump.ml b/src/syntaxTreeDump.ml
index 6536701af95e6059353166bea9307f74777fea87..de36de22410ee0fc06b1a8dd9fe681e04ceef6a6 100644
--- a/src/syntaxTreeDump.ml
+++ b/src/syntaxTreeDump.ml
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(** Time-stamp: <modified the 15/09/2008 (at 15:36) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(** Time-stamp: <modified the 23/10/2008 (at 10:34) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 open Lxm
@@ -511,22 +511,22 @@ and dump_node_exp
 and dump_static_arg_list 
     (os : Format.formatter)
-    (lst: static_arg srcflagged list)
+    (lst: (Ident.t * static_arg srcflagged) list)
     = (
       match lst with
-	  [] -> ()
+	| [] -> ()
 	| [sa] -> fprintf os "%a" dump_static_arg sa.it
-	| sa::reste -> 
+	| sa::reste ->
 	    fprintf os "%a, @,%a" dump_static_arg sa.it dump_static_arg_list reste
 and dump_static_arg
     (os : Format.formatter)
-    (sa: static_arg)
-    =
+    ((id,sa): Ident.t * static_arg)
+    = (Ident.to_string id) ^ " = " ^
       match sa with
-	| StaticArgIdent id -> fprintf os "%s" (Ident.string_of_idref id) 
+	| StaticArgIdent id -> fprintf os "%s" (Ident.string_of_idref id)
 	| StaticArgConst ve -> fprintf os "const %a"    dump_val_exp ve
-	| StaticArgType  te -> fprintf os "type %a"     dump_type_exp te 
+	| StaticArgType  te -> fprintf os "type %a"     dump_type_exp te
 	| StaticArgNode  op -> fprintf os "node %s"     (op2string op)
 (* 	| StaticArgFunc  ne -> fprintf os "function %a" dump_node_exp ne *)
diff --git a/src/test/should_work/NONREG/Int.lus b/src/test/should_work/NONREG/Int.lus
index 40de251a631602428026a2fab04ca9dc88b61037..d41add5e893db3ca0c42b528c9e7a5f979ab8f2d 100644
--- a/src/test/should_work/NONREG/Int.lus
+++ b/src/test/should_work/NONREG/Int.lus
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ end
 --  instances
-package Int8 is Int(8);
+package Int8 is Int(n=8);
 package mainPack
 uses Int8;
diff --git a/src/test/should_work/NONREG/model.lus b/src/test/should_work/NONREG/model.lus
index c1c4fcb01f704f8e761f27b91270b004aed0b5a4..ff10ad3674d598c432d8c988ebd3726cf52c40b2 100644
--- a/src/test/should_work/NONREG/model.lus
+++ b/src/test/should_work/NONREG/model.lus
@@ -25,4 +25,4 @@ body
-package p = m(int, u::egal);
\ No newline at end of file
+package p = m(elementType=int, _isEqualTo_=u::egal);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/test/should_work/Pascal/newpacks.lus b/src/test/should_work/Pascal/newpacks.lus
index af7dbdafe15aadb3aeb35c546cf1d297053cb240..8c2833820eb902c3971971e3c5f0f4503eb5fcf8 100644
--- a/src/test/should_work/Pascal/newpacks.lus
+++ b/src/test/should_work/Pascal/newpacks.lus
@@ -19,9 +19,9 @@ end
 -- qq instances de modSimple
-package pint is modSimple(int);
-package pbool is modSimple(bool);
-package preal is modSimple(real);
+package pint is modSimple(t=int);
+package pbool is modSimple(t=bool);
+package preal is modSimple(t=real);
@@ -40,11 +40,6 @@ body
   -- qq instances de modSimple
-   --package pint is modSimple(int);
-   --package pbool is modSimple(bool);
-   --package preal is modSimple(real);
-   --package pSel is modSimple( selType{ i: int; b: bool; r: real } );
 	const n: int = -4;
 	node preced(in: selType) returns (out, out2: selType);
diff --git a/src/test/should_work/Pascal/p.lus b/src/test/should_work/Pascal/p.lus
index 2f584f7c41ad6379612538c66ef32b38ac6360d6..5e18d8bc7da52c8bf1f8905624b415a8b34117b7 100644
--- a/src/test/should_work/Pascal/p.lus
+++ b/src/test/should_work/Pascal/p.lus
@@ -19,9 +19,9 @@ end
 -- qq instances de modSimple
-package pint is modSimple(int);
-package pbool is modSimple(bool);
-package preal is modSimple(real);
+package pint is modSimple(t=int);
+package pbool is modSimple(t=bool);
+package preal is modSimple(t=real);
@@ -40,11 +40,11 @@ body
   -- qq instances de modSimple
-   --package pint is modSimple(int);
-   --package pbool is modSimple(bool);
-   --package preal is modSimple(real);
+   --package pint is modSimple(t=int);
+   --package pbool is modSimple(t=bool);
+   --package preal is modSimple(t=real);
-   --package pSel is modSimple( { i: int; b: bool; r: real } );
+   --package pSel is modSimple( t={ i: int; b: bool; r: real } );
 	const n: int = -4;
 	node preced(in: selType) returns (out, out2: selType);
diff --git a/src/test/should_work/Pascal/packs.lus b/src/test/should_work/Pascal/packs.lus
index 07f2eba5f4170aea609350b2a4a823e07bab1fc3..411a8fe1aa8e71ce6792540ee8cc180b1a25352d 100644
--- a/src/test/should_work/Pascal/packs.lus
+++ b/src/test/should_work/Pascal/packs.lus
@@ -14,9 +14,9 @@ end
 -- qq instances de modSimple
-package pint is modSimple(int);
-package pbool is modSimple(bool);
-package preal is modSimple(real);
+package pint is modSimple(t=int);
+package pbool is modSimple(t=bool);
+package preal is modSimple(t=real);
diff --git a/src/test/should_work/packEnvTest/Condact.lus b/src/test/should_work/packEnvTest/Condact.lus
index d7c75765c9baecfbf9b89ccb6ab2e33e85e529be..2d9a362583605badecda7fe5ba111e42f93245f8 100644
--- a/src/test/should_work/packEnvTest/Condact.lus
+++ b/src/test/should_work/packEnvTest/Condact.lus
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ body
-package TestCondact  = Condact(int, int, Util::carre);
+package TestCondact  = Condact(t1=int, t2=int, n=Util::carre);
 model Condact 
diff --git a/src/test/should_work/packEnvTest/contractForElementSelectionInArray/main.lus b/src/test/should_work/packEnvTest/contractForElementSelectionInArray/main.lus
index eb8826fb13861d9e6cc7606f9eab43256190fdaa..00c2e8b267dbb7cbc21b7541212d8e45f757ab6d 100644
--- a/src/test/should_work/packEnvTest/contractForElementSelectionInArray/main.lus
+++ b/src/test/should_work/packEnvTest/contractForElementSelectionInArray/main.lus
@@ -13,7 +13,12 @@ end
 --package intArray is packageTableau(int, 10, Lustre::eq, Lustre::igt);
 --package intArray is packageTableau(int, 10, =,  Lustre::igt);
-package intArray = packageTableau(int, 10, Lustre::eq, util::igt);
+package intArray = 
+  packageTableau(
+                 elementType=int, 
+                 size=10, 
+                 _isEqualTo_=Lustre::eq, 
+                 _isGreaterThan_=util::igt);
 package main
   uses intArray;--, intArray2, intArray3;
diff --git a/src/test/should_work/packEnvTest/iter.lus b/src/test/should_work/packEnvTest/iter.lus
index 89a7d509623e3baa84579fa4ede660afb0127da9..eebf33eab5e56fede12a5c31254fdcbe67a0874f 100644
--- a/src/test/should_work/packEnvTest/iter.lus
+++ b/src/test/should_work/packEnvTest/iter.lus
@@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ body
-package p = iter(3, int, +);
-package p = iter(3, int, Lustre::iplus);
+-- package p = iter(size=3, t=int, n=+);
+package p = iter(size=3, t=int, n=Lustre::iplus);
 package main uses p;
diff --git a/src/test/should_work/packEnvTest/model.lus b/src/test/should_work/packEnvTest/model.lus
index ea36f240eccb59bc4a3553a4620a1702b16e5cf5..b26152a329b89fcd8b31c4242d3843958e505cfe 100644
--- a/src/test/should_work/packEnvTest/model.lus
+++ b/src/test/should_work/packEnvTest/model.lus
@@ -6,4 +6,4 @@ body
   node fby1(init, fb: t) returns (next: t);
   let next = init -> pre fb; tel
-package pint is modSimple(int);
+package pint is modSimple(t=int);
diff --git a/src/test/should_work/packEnvTest/modelInst.lus b/src/test/should_work/packEnvTest/modelInst.lus
index f7f463c8da26a3332ca9ca01e83e1c4fcd78b204..49ee39f5dac21f9519e43922d7d9672e87531253 100644
--- a/src/test/should_work/packEnvTest/modelInst.lus
+++ b/src/test/should_work/packEnvTest/modelInst.lus
@@ -19,9 +19,9 @@ tel
 -- le package principal definit une instance de "m1" localement
-package Pint = m1( int );
-package Pbool = m1( bool );
-package Preal = m1( real );
+package Pint = m1( t=int );
+package Pbool = m1( t=bool );
+package Preal = m1( t=real );
 package main
   uses Pint;
diff --git a/src/test/should_work/packEnvTest/packages.lus b/src/test/should_work/packEnvTest/packages.lus
index e45433d58fd28679dc4d41d56bef3fa822eed766..943d819991f299a9adcf6736bec808358dce5b26 100644
--- a/src/test/should_work/packEnvTest/packages.lus
+++ b/src/test/should_work/packEnvTest/packages.lus
@@ -17,9 +17,9 @@ end
 -- qq instances de modSimple
-package pint is modSimple(int);
-package pbool is modSimple(bool);
-package preal is modSimple(real);
+package pint is modSimple(t=int);
+package pbool is modSimple(t=bool);
+package preal is modSimple(t=real);
diff --git a/src/test/should_work/packEnvTest/packages2.lus b/src/test/should_work/packEnvTest/packages2.lus
index 1e2361732f660885c07d79292b0311ac8e6cb72a..d8102b271cf90a835f5d212dc4844823096c940c 100644
--- a/src/test/should_work/packEnvTest/packages2.lus
+++ b/src/test/should_work/packEnvTest/packages2.lus
@@ -19,9 +19,9 @@ end
 -- qq instances de modSimple
-package pint is modSimple(int);
-package pbool is modSimple(bool);
-package preal is modSimple(real);
+package pint is modSimple(t=int);
+package pbool is modSimple(t=bool);
+package preal is modSimple(t=real);
@@ -42,11 +42,11 @@ type selType = { i: int; b: bool; r: real };
   -- qq instances de modSimple
-   --package pint is modSimple(int);
-   --package pbool is modSimple(bool);
-   --package preal is modSimple(real);
+   --package pint is modSimple(t=int);
+   --package pbool is modSimple(t=bool);
+   --package preal is modSimple(t=real);
-   --package pSel is modSimple( { i: int; b: bool; r: real } );
+   --package pSel is modSimple( t={ i: int; b: bool; r: real } );
 const n: int = -4;
 node preced(in: selType) returns (out, out2: selType);
diff --git a/src/test/should_work/packEnvTest/polymorphic_pack.lus b/src/test/should_work/packEnvTest/polymorphic_pack.lus
index 635c8c35d1511eb6ab625a4d685edfab8924ecb2..28495654108b8e19c0602ce3505b94de62333f56 100644
--- a/src/test/should_work/packEnvTest/polymorphic_pack.lus
+++ b/src/test/should_work/packEnvTest/polymorphic_pack.lus
@@ -14,6 +14,6 @@ end
 -- generates a type 'o' ! Raler ?
 -- Dois-je refuser les packages polymorphes ?
-package p = iter(3, int, +);
+package p = iter(size=3, t=int, n=+);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/test/test.res.exp b/src/test/test.res.exp
index 63b9fa6d9f71c7e9bad4af41e06587d658c9f69d..bf06bd74807f9a6e05bdd4bc52c69b4b7107b561 100644
--- a/src/test/test.res.exp
+++ b/src/test/test.res.exp
@@ -18299,9 +18299,25 @@ type A_int_10 = int^10;
 ====> ../lus2lic -vl 2 --compile-all-items should_work/packEnvTest/iter.lus
 Opening file should_work/packEnvTest/iter.lus
-*** Error in file "should_work/packEnvTest/iter.lus", line 16, col 9 to 9, token 'p':
-*** package already declared in line:15, col:9 to 9
+type _p::t = int;
+const p::size = 3;
+node p::n(i1:int; i2:int) returns (o:int);
+   o = Lustre::iplus(i1, i2);
+-- end of node p::n
+node p::map2(x:A_int_3; y:A_int_3) returns (z:A_int_3);
+   z = map<<p::n, 3>>(x, y);
+-- end of node p::map2
+node main::main(t1:A_int_3; t2:A_int_3) returns (t12:A_int_3);
+   t12 = p::map2(t1, t2);
+-- end of node main::main
+-- automatically defined aliases:
+type A_int_3 = int^3;
 ====> ../lus2lic -vl 2 --compile-all-items should_work/packEnvTest/model.lus