diff --git a/src/TODO b/src/TODO
index 4533407b91e073de3c3974c458aa062e6be3d32b..1cc5670655daa096b511c0e5d679a1a1028b9b8e 100644
--- a/src/TODO
+++ b/src/TODO
@@ -125,12 +125,6 @@ A faire
 * Attacher l'horloge des expressions aux expressions elle-meme,
 plutot que d'utiliser une hashtbl (comme pour le type).
-* Maintenant que le type est attaché aux val_exp, il ne devrait plus y
-avoir de type attaché a certains variants (eg, STRUCT_ACCESS) ; du coup,
-ca permettrait de virer les bouts de types checking qui sont fait dans
-GetEff.tralnate_val_exp, alors que pour tous les autres cas, cela est
-fait dans EvalType.
 * Ne pas  générer de  "current", "->", "pre"  (i.e., les  traduire en
   termes de "merge" et "fby").
diff --git a/src/eff.ml b/src/eff.ml
index f7d3f5edc36255388908c80e66a41864a57ed00e..b0e249cebe75361ed53123e135067cd3920c76ac 100644
--- a/src/eff.ml
+++ b/src/eff.ml
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(** Time-stamp: <modified the 11/03/2009 (at 14:13) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(** Time-stamp: <modified the 11/03/2009 (at 17:36) by Erwan Jahier> *)
@@ -163,13 +163,13 @@ and eq_info = left list * val_exp
 and val_exp =
     { core :  val_exp_core ; 
-      typ : type_ list 
+      typ : type_ list ;
         (* An empty list means that its type has not been computed (EvalType.f) yet.
            a cleaner solution would be to define two versions of val_exp: one with
            type info, and one without. But it is a big mutually recursive thing,
            and doing that would be a little bit heavy...
-        (* ; clk : clock *) 
+(*       clk : clock  *)
 and val_exp_core =
   | CallByPosEff  of (by_pos_op srcflagged * operands)
@@ -200,12 +200,12 @@ and by_pos_op =
   | HAT of int * val_exp
   | ARRAY of val_exp  list
-  | STRUCT_ACCESS of Ident.t * type_
+  | STRUCT_ACCESS of Ident.t
 (* those are different from [by_pos_op] *)
-  | ARRAY_ACCES of int * type_ (* index + type_ of the element *)
-  | ARRAY_SLICE of slice_info * type_ 
+  | ARRAY_ACCES of int
+  | ARRAY_SLICE of slice_info
   | MERGE       of (Ident.t * (Ident.t list))  
@@ -513,7 +513,8 @@ let rec (const_to_val_eff: Lxm.t -> bool -> const -> val_exp) =
   fun lxm expand_const const -> 
     let mk_by_pos_op by_pos_op_eff =
       { core = CallByPosEff(flagit by_pos_op_eff lxm, OperEff []) ; 
-        typ = [type_of_const const] }
+        typ = [type_of_const const] ;
+      }
     let id_of_int i = Ident.of_string (string_of_int i) in
       match const with
diff --git a/src/evalClock.ml b/src/evalClock.ml
index c019b09095c78fdcc6e46ba84d6a27793ba0ef87..382addca1fdbfc521622dbd1f874b984ed9c08ad 100644
--- a/src/evalClock.ml
+++ b/src/evalClock.ml
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(** Time-stamp: <modified the 09/03/2009 (at 16:46) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(** Time-stamp: <modified the 11/03/2009 (at 17:44) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 open Predef
@@ -432,8 +432,8 @@ and (eval_by_pos_clock : Eff.id_solver -> Eff.by_pos_op -> Lxm.t -> Eff.val_exp
       (* One argument. *)
       | Eff.PRE,args
       | Eff.STRUCT_ACCESS _,args
-      | Eff.ARRAY_ACCES  (_, _),args
-      | Eff.ARRAY_SLICE (_,_),args  -> 
+      | Eff.ARRAY_ACCES  (_),args
+      | Eff.ARRAY_SLICE (_),args  -> 
           assert(List.length args = 1);
           f_aux id_solver s (List.hd args)
diff --git a/src/evalConst.ml b/src/evalConst.ml
index e0d90af5557bd1b76b82400f9c09d8deb74f9c36..18746713a50e5ba84293cffb731ae24ecf1e87ac 100644
--- a/src/evalConst.ml
+++ b/src/evalConst.ml
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(** Time-stamp: <modified the 11/02/2009 (at 18:09) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(** Time-stamp: <modified the 11/03/2009 (at 17:39) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 open Printf 
@@ -280,7 +280,12 @@ let rec f
                       | [Array_const_eff (elts, typelts)] -> (
                             let sz = List.length elts in
-                            let effix = eval_array_index env ix sz lxm in
+                            let effix = eval_array_index env ix lxm in
+                            let _ = if effix > sz then 
+                              raise(EvalType_error(
+                                  sprintf "array index %d out of bounds 0..%d" 
+                                    effix (sz-1)))
+                            in
                               [List.nth elts effix]
                           with EvalArray_error msg -> raise(EvalConst_error msg)
@@ -292,11 +297,9 @@ let rec f
                       | [Array_const_eff (l, t)] -> (l, t) 
                       | x -> type_error_const x "some array"
-                    (* on en déduit la taille du tableau *) 
-                  let sz = List.length elts in
                     (* évalue la slice *)
-                      let sliceff = eval_array_slice env sl sz lxm in
+                      let sliceff = eval_array_slice env sl lxm in
                         make_slice_const elts typelts sliceff
                         EvalArray_error msg -> raise(EvalConst_error msg)
@@ -437,14 +440,13 @@ and (eval_array_size: Eff.id_solver -> val_exp -> int) =
 and eval_array_index
     (env : Eff.id_solver)
     (ixexp : val_exp)
-    (sz : int)
     (lxm : Lxm.t)
       match (f env ixexp) with
         | [Int_const_eff i] 
-        | [Abstract_const_eff(_,_, (Int_const_eff i), true)] -> check_int i sz
+        | [Abstract_const_eff(_,_, (Int_const_eff i), true)] -> i 
         | [Abstract_const_eff(id,_,_,false)] ->
             raise(EvalArray_error("The const " ^ (Ident.string_of_long id) ^ 
                                     " is abstract"))
@@ -463,10 +465,10 @@ and eval_array_index
       EvalArray_error msg -> 
         raise (Compile_error(lxm, "\n*** can't eval constant: "^msg))
- and check_int i sz =
-    if ((i >= 0) && (i < sz)) then i
-    else raise(EvalArray_error(
-                 sprintf "array index %d out of bounds 0..%d" i (sz-1)))
+(*  and check_int i sz = *)
+(*     if ((i >= 0) && (i < sz)) then i *)
+(*     else raise(EvalArray_error( *)
+(*                  sprintf "array index %d out of bounds 0..%d" i (sz-1))) *)
@@ -485,10 +487,10 @@ and eval_array_index
   Effets de bord :
   EvalArray_error msg si pas bon
-and eval_array_slice (env : Eff.id_solver) (sl : slice_info) (sz : int) (lxm : Lxm.t) =
+and eval_array_slice (env : Eff.id_solver) (sl : slice_info) (lxm : Lxm.t) =
-    let first_ix = eval_array_index env sl.si_first sz lxm in 
-    let last_ix = eval_array_index env sl.si_last sz lxm in
+    let first_ix = eval_array_index env sl.si_first lxm in 
+    let last_ix = eval_array_index env sl.si_last lxm in
     let step =
       match sl.si_step with
         | Some stepexp -> (
diff --git a/src/evalConst.mli b/src/evalConst.mli
index 182b1a5310072f4437f50112143636a3d191d985..4ba80e9c93084da15f0e861015d5d6be66246c75 100644
--- a/src/evalConst.mli
+++ b/src/evalConst.mli
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(** Time-stamp: <modified the 29/08/2008 (at 10:21) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(** Time-stamp: <modified the 11/03/2009 (at 17:38) by Erwan Jahier> *)
@@ -85,13 +85,12 @@ val eval_array_size : Eff.id_solver -> SyntaxTreeCore.val_exp -> int
 	id_solver, val_exp, taille du tableau
    Sorties :
-	int (entre 0 et taille du tableau -1
+	int (entre 0 et taille du tableau -1)
    Effets de bord :
 	EvalArray_error msg si pas bon
-val eval_array_index : Eff.id_solver -> SyntaxTreeCore.val_exp -> 
-  int -> Lxm.t -> int
+val eval_array_index : Eff.id_solver -> SyntaxTreeCore.val_exp -> Lxm.t -> int
    Rôle :
@@ -109,5 +108,4 @@ val eval_array_index : Eff.id_solver -> SyntaxTreeCore.val_exp ->
 	EvalArray_error msg si pas bon
 val eval_array_slice : 
-  Eff.id_solver -> SyntaxTreeCore.slice_info -> int -> Lxm.t -> 
-  Eff.slice_info
+  Eff.id_solver -> SyntaxTreeCore.slice_info -> Lxm.t -> Eff.slice_info
diff --git a/src/evalType.ml b/src/evalType.ml
index b485b45121c41520f0f96d8fa314d9bed9e8a62a..f8f7b5030774c4c71df1893077029d251477af73 100644
--- a/src/evalType.ml
+++ b/src/evalType.ml
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(** Time-stamp: <modified the 11/03/2009 (at 14:17) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(** Time-stamp: <modified the 11/03/2009 (at 17:44) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 open Predef
@@ -110,22 +110,67 @@ and (eval_by_pos_type : Eff.id_solver -> Eff.by_pos_op -> Lxm.t ->
             None, args, tve
-      | Eff.STRUCT_ACCESS (fid,teff) -> 
-          let args, targs = List.split (List.map (f id_solver) args) in
-           (* The type check of teff wrt targs has been done in
-              GetEff.translate_val_exp (XXX which is not the rigth
-              place to do that IMHO ; here would be a better place) *)
-            None, args, [teff]
+      | Eff.STRUCT_ACCESS (fid) ->
+          assert (List.length args = 1);          
+          let arg, targ = f id_solver (List.hd args) in
+          let teff_field =
+            match targ with
+              | [Struct_type_eff (name, fl)] -> (
+                  try fst (List.assoc fid fl)
+                  with Not_found ->
+                    raise (
+                      PredefEvalType.EvalType_error
+                        (Printf.sprintf "%s is not a field of struct %s"
+                           (Ident.to_string fid)
+                           (LicDump.string_of_type_eff4msg (List.hd targ))))
+                )
+              | [x] -> PredefEvalType.type_error [x] "struct type"
+              | x -> PredefEvalType.arity_error x "1"
+          in
+            None, [arg], [teff_field]
-      | Eff.ARRAY_ACCES  (_, teff) ->
-          let args, targs = List.split (List.map (f id_solver) args) in
-            (* Ditto XXX type check teff wrt targs here *)
-            None, args, [teff]
+      | Eff.ARRAY_ACCES(i) ->
+          assert (List.length args = 1);          
+          let arg, targ = f id_solver (List.hd args) in
+          let sz, teff =
+            match targ with
+              | [Array_type_eff(teff_elt, size)] -> size, teff_elt
+              | _ ->
+                  let msg = 
+                    "\n*** Type error: '"^(LicDump.string_of_type_eff_list4msg targ) ^
+                      "' was expected to be an array"
+                  in
+                    raise (Compile_error(lxm, msg))
+          in
+          let _ = if ((i >= 0) && (i < sz)) then () else
+            raise(
+              EvalType_error(sprintf "array index %d out of bounds 0..%d" i (sz-1)))
+          in
+            None, [arg], [teff]
-      | Eff.ARRAY_SLICE  (sieff,teff) ->
-          let args, targs = List.split (List.map (f id_solver) args) in
-            (* Ditto XXX type check teff wrt targs here *)
-            None, args, [Array_type_eff(teff, sieff.se_width)]
+      | Eff.ARRAY_SLICE(sieff) ->
+          assert (List.length args = 1);          
+          let arg, targ = f id_solver (List.hd args) in
+          let sz, teff_elt =
+            match targ with
+              | [Array_type_eff(teff_elt, size)] -> size, teff_elt
+              | _ ->
+                  raise (Compile_error(
+                           lxm, "\n*** Type error: '" ^ 
+                             (LicDump.string_of_type_eff_list targ) ^ 
+                             "' was expected to be an array"))
+          in
+          let _ = if ((sieff.se_first >= 0) && (sieff.se_first < sz)) then () else
+            raise(
+              EvalType_error(sprintf "array index %d out of bounds 0..%d" 
+                               sieff.se_first (sz-1)))
+          in
+          let _ = if ((sieff.se_last >= 0) && (sieff.se_last < sz)) then () else
+            raise(
+              EvalType_error(sprintf "array index %d out of bounds 0..%d" 
+                               sieff.se_last (sz-1)))
+          in
+            None, [arg], [Array_type_eff(teff_elt, sieff.se_width)]
       | Eff.HAT(size,ceff) -> 
           let ceff, teff_list = f id_solver ceff in
@@ -227,7 +272,7 @@ and (eval_by_name_type : Eff.id_solver -> Eff.by_name_op -> Lxm.t ->
                            (* let's check the type of fv *)
                          let fv, fv_type = f id_solver fv in
-                         let fv_type = (* XXX ignored? *)
+                         let _fv_type = (* XXX ignored? *)
                            match UnifyType.f [ft] fv_type with
                              | UnifyType.Unif t -> t
                              | UnifyType.Equal -> ft
diff --git a/src/getEff.ml b/src/getEff.ml
index 1b185b1d4259c92e1a82d49ac591a92937835a03..d48da298aa9c9aa9ff1b88710f32c768c3fcbd7b 100644
--- a/src/getEff.ml
+++ b/src/getEff.ml
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(** Time-stamp: <modified the 11/03/2009 (at 11:26) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(** Time-stamp: <modified the 11/03/2009 (at 17:45) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 open Lxm
@@ -331,7 +331,7 @@ and (translate_left_part : id_solver -> SyntaxTreeCore.left_part -> Eff.left) =
           let lxm = vef.src in
             match teff with
               | Array_type_eff(teff_elt, size) ->
-                  let index = EvalConst.eval_array_index id_solver vef.it size lxm in
+                  let index = EvalConst.eval_array_index id_solver vef.it lxm in
                     LeftArrayEff(lp_eff, index, teff_elt)
               | _ -> raise (Compile_error(vef.src, "an array was expected"))
@@ -341,7 +341,7 @@ and (translate_left_part : id_solver -> SyntaxTreeCore.left_part -> Eff.left) =
           let teff = Eff.type_of_left lp_eff in
             match teff with  
               | Array_type_eff(teff_elt, size) -> 
-                  let sieff = translate_slice_info id_solver sif.it size sif.src in
+                  let sieff = translate_slice_info id_solver sif.it sif.src in
                   let size_slice = sieff.se_width in
                   let teff_slice = Array_type_eff(teff_elt, size_slice) in
                     LeftSliceEff(lp_eff, sieff, teff_slice)
@@ -453,23 +453,7 @@ and (translate_val_exp : Eff.id_solver -> SyntaxTreeCore.val_exp -> Eff.val_exp)
                         mk_by_pos_op (Eff.WITH (translate_val_exp id_solver e2))
                 | STRUCT_ACCESS_n fid ->
-                    assert (List.length vel_eff = 1);
-                    let _, teff = EvalType.f id_solver (List.hd vel_eff) in
-                    let teff_field =
-                      match teff with
-                        | [Struct_type_eff (name, fl)] -> (
-                            try fst (List.assoc fid fl)
-                            with Not_found ->
-                              raise (
-                                PredefEvalType.EvalType_error
-                                  (Printf.sprintf "%s is not a field of struct %s"
-                                     (Ident.to_string fid)
-                                     (LicDump.string_of_type_eff4msg (List.hd teff))))
-                          )
-                        | [x] -> PredefEvalType.type_error [x] "struct type"
-                        | x -> PredefEvalType.arity_error x "1"
-                    in
-                      mk_by_pos_op (Eff.STRUCT_ACCESS (fid,teff_field))
+                      mk_by_pos_op (Eff.STRUCT_ACCESS (fid))
                 | WHEN_n Base -> mk_by_pos_op (Eff.WHEN Base)
                 | WHEN_n (NamedClock { it = (cc,cv) ; src = lxm }) -> 
@@ -477,42 +461,14 @@ and (translate_val_exp : Eff.id_solver -> SyntaxTreeCore.val_exp -> Eff.val_exp)
                       mk_by_pos_op (Eff.WHEN (NamedClock { it = (cc,cv) ; src = lxm }))
                 | ARRAY_ACCES_n ve_index ->
-                    let _, teff = 
-                      assert (List.length vel = 1);
-                      EvalType.f id_solver (List.hd vel_eff)
-                    in
-                    let size, teff_elt =
-                      match teff with
-                        | [Array_type_eff(teff_elt, size)] -> size, teff_elt
-                        | _ ->
-                            raise (Compile_error(
-                                     lxm, "\n*** Type error: '" ^ 
-                                       (LicDump.string_of_type_eff_list teff) ^ 
-                                       "' was expected to be an array"))
-                    in
                       mk_by_pos_op (
-                          EvalConst.eval_array_index id_solver ve_index size lxm, 
-                          teff_elt
-                        ))
+                          EvalConst.eval_array_index id_solver ve_index lxm))
                 | ARRAY_SLICE_n si ->
-                    let _, teff = 
-                      assert (List.length vel = 1);
-                      EvalType.f id_solver (List.hd vel_eff)
-                    in
-                    let size, teff_elt =
-                      match teff with
-                        | [Array_type_eff(teff_elt, size)] -> size, teff_elt
-                        | _ ->
-                            raise (Compile_error(
-                                     lxm, "\n*** Type error: '" ^ 
-                                       (LicDump.string_of_type_eff_list teff) ^ 
-                                       "' was expected to be an array"))
-                    in
-                      mk_by_pos_op 
-                        (Eff.ARRAY_SLICE(
-                           EvalConst.eval_array_slice id_solver si size lxm, teff_elt))
+                    mk_by_pos_op 
+                      (Eff.ARRAY_SLICE(
+                         EvalConst.eval_array_slice id_solver si lxm))
                 | HAT_n -> (
                     match vel with
@@ -723,10 +679,10 @@ and (translate_predef_static_args: Eff.id_solver ->
           raise (Compile_error(lxm, "bad arguments number for array iterator"))
-and (translate_slice_info  : Eff.id_solver -> SyntaxTreeCore.slice_info -> int -> 
+and (translate_slice_info  : Eff.id_solver -> SyntaxTreeCore.slice_info -> 
       Lxm.t -> Eff.slice_info) =
-  fun id_solver si size lxm ->
-    EvalConst.eval_array_slice id_solver si size lxm
+  fun id_solver si lxm ->
+    EvalConst.eval_array_slice id_solver si lxm
diff --git a/src/inline.ml b/src/inline.ml
index 9bc53095316047c90f138c9e8c0b3edf4f6cc198..5ec0f5e0d8bb40011977267f94721dd3798de185 100644
--- a/src/inline.ml
+++ b/src/inline.ml
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(** Time-stamp: <modified the 11/03/2009 (at 11:19) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(** Time-stamp: <modified the 11/03/2009 (at 17:35) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 open Lxm
@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ let rec (inline_eq: Eff.local_env ->
                        (fun arg -> 
                           let targ = arg.typ in
                           let t_elt = elt_type_of_array targ in
-                          let op_flg = { src = lxm_ve ; it = ARRAY_ACCES(i,t_elt) } in
+                          let op_flg = { src = lxm_ve ; it = ARRAY_ACCES(i) } in
                           let narg = {
                             core = CallByPosEff(op_flg, OperEff [arg]);
                             typ = [t_elt]
@@ -209,7 +209,7 @@ let rec (inline_eq: Eff.local_env ->
                        (fun arg ->
                           let t_elt = elt_type_of_array arg.typ in
-                          let op_flg = {src = lxm_ve ; it = ARRAY_ACCES(i,t_elt)} in
+                          let op_flg = {src = lxm_ve ; it = ARRAY_ACCES(i)} in
                           let new_arg = 
                             { core = CallByPosEff(op_flg, OperEff [arg]); typ=[t_elt] }
@@ -377,7 +377,7 @@ let rec (inline_eq: Eff.local_env ->
                   | _ -> assert false
               let make_ite i = (* returns '(if A[i] then 1 else 0)' *)
-                let a_op = { it = ARRAY_ACCES(i,type_elt) ; src = lxm_ve } in
+                let a_op = { it = ARRAY_ACCES(i) ; src = lxm_ve } in
                 let a_i = { typ = [type_elt]; 
                             core = CallByPosEff(a_op, OperEff [array]) } 
diff --git a/src/licDump.ml b/src/licDump.ml
index 10789eea5a94a9ae75c944030026b2be09306096..c5ffcc00a94b3a5844a2a6a7c4c179b1d663a50d 100644
--- a/src/licDump.ml
+++ b/src/licDump.ml
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(** Time-stamp: <modified the 10/03/2009 (at 10:02) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(** Time-stamp: <modified the 11/03/2009 (at 17:42) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 open Printf
 open Lxm
@@ -201,6 +201,11 @@ and string_of_type_eff_list = function
   | [x] -> string_of_type_eff x
   | l   -> String.concat " * " (List.map string_of_type_eff l)
+and string_of_type_eff_list4msg = function
+  | []  -> ""
+  | [x] -> string_of_type_eff4msg x
+  | l   -> String.concat " * " (List.map string_of_type_eff4msg l)
 (* for printing recursive node *)
 and string_of_node_key_rec (nkey: node_key) = 
@@ -407,16 +412,16 @@ and (string_of_by_pos_op_eff: Eff.by_pos_op srcflagged -> Eff.val_exp list -> st
 	    (string_of_val_exp_eff ve1) ^ " | " ^ (string_of_val_exp_eff ve2)
 	| HAT (i, ve), _ -> (string_of_val_exp_eff ve) ^ "^" ^ (string_of_int i)
 	| ARRAY vel, _ -> tuple_square vel
-	| STRUCT_ACCESS(id,_), [ve1] ->
+	| STRUCT_ACCESS(id), [ve1] ->
 	    (string_of_val_exp_eff ve1) ^ "." ^ (Ident.to_string id)
-	| ARRAY_ACCES(i, type_eff), [ve1] ->
+	| ARRAY_ACCES(i), [ve1] ->
 	    (string_of_val_exp_eff ve1) ^ "[" ^ (string_of_int i) ^ "]"
-	| ARRAY_SLICE(si_eff, type_eff), [ve1] -> 
+	| ARRAY_SLICE(si_eff), [ve1] -> 
 	    (string_of_val_exp_eff ve1) ^ (string_of_slice_info_eff si_eff)
-	| ARRAY_SLICE(_,_), _ -> assert false (* todo *)
+	| ARRAY_SLICE(_), _ -> assert false (* todo *)
 	| MERGE _, _ -> assert false (* todo *)
             (* 	| ITERATOR _, _ -> assert false (* todo *) *)
@@ -425,7 +430,7 @@ and (string_of_by_pos_op_eff: Eff.by_pos_op srcflagged -> Eff.val_exp list -> st
 	| FBY, _ -> assert false
 	| CONCAT, _ -> assert false
 	| STRUCT_ACCESS(_), _ -> assert false
-	| ARRAY_ACCES(i, type_eff), _ -> assert false
+	| ARRAY_ACCES(i), _ -> assert false
     let do_not_parenthesize = function 
       | IDENT _,_ 
diff --git a/src/licDump.mli b/src/licDump.mli
index 3523a393d600f0a2c8f0fe76548d12d5d7a69013..4c9f36c57177c6deceadb2eba3b4c78d597010f9 100644
--- a/src/licDump.mli
+++ b/src/licDump.mli
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(** Time-stamp: <modified the 10/03/2009 (at 10:02) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(** Time-stamp: <modified the 11/03/2009 (at 17:32) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 val string_of_node_key_rec : Eff.node_key -> string
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ val string_of_leff : Eff.left -> string
 val string_of_type_eff : Eff.type_ -> string
 val string_of_type_eff4msg : Eff.type_ -> string
 val string_of_type_eff_list : Eff.type_ list -> string
+val string_of_type_eff_list4msg : Eff.type_ list -> string
 val type_eff_list_to_string :Eff.type_ list -> string
 val type_decl: Ident.long -> Eff.type_ -> string
diff --git a/src/structArrayExpand.ml b/src/structArrayExpand.ml
index f2c3da9750e46947fd1ed993a942f75fe7936690..e04c732fdc9540442f94dbb5ff70a28b3a17d59c 100644
--- a/src/structArrayExpand.ml
+++ b/src/structArrayExpand.ml
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(** Time-stamp: <modified the 10/03/2009 (at 14:39) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(** Time-stamp: <modified the 11/03/2009 (at 17:45) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 (* Replace structures and arrays by as many variables as necessary.
    Since structures can be recursive, it migth be a lot of new variables...
@@ -238,19 +238,19 @@ and (var_trees_of_val_exp : Eff.local_env -> Eff.id_solver -> acc -> Eff.val_exp
             let lxm = by_pos_op.src in
             let by_pos_op = by_pos_op.it in
               (match by_pos_op with
-                 | STRUCT_ACCESS (id,teff) -> 
+                 | STRUCT_ACCESS (id) -> 
 		     let ve = try List.hd vel with _ -> assert false in
 		       (match loop ve with
 			  | acc, S fl -> acc, List.assoc id fl 
 			  | _, (A _ | L _)  -> assert false
-                 | ARRAY_ACCES (i,teff) ->
+                 | ARRAY_ACCES (i) ->
 		     let ve = try List.hd vel with _ -> assert false in
 		       (match loop ve with
 			  | acc, A array -> acc, List.nth array i
 			  | _, (S _ | L _)  -> assert false
-                 | ARRAY_SLICE (si,t) ->
+                 | ARRAY_SLICE (si) ->
 		     let ve = try List.hd vel with _ -> assert false in
 		       (match loop ve with
 			  | acc, A array ->