diff --git a/src/lic.ml b/src/lic.ml
index 29b432812f4ad3bb75e2888cadf0fcbcadf328a0..99ca2cca9ed1d1750f2706f5f672b3e3d2a63c82 100644
--- a/src/lic.ml
+++ b/src/lic.ml
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(* Time-stamp: <modified the 06/02/2013 (at 17:55) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(* Time-stamp: <modified the 07/02/2013 (at 09:48) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 (** Define the Data Structure representing Compiled programs. *)
@@ -645,17 +645,7 @@ let (clock_of_left: left -> clock) =
     snd (var_info_of_left left).var_clock_eff
-(* utils N.B peut etre different de LicDump ! *)
-let string_of_ident x =
-   if !Global.no_prefix
-(* XXX Ce genre de test n'a VRAIMENT rien a faire ici. Dans licDump, ok, mais 
-   pas ici.
-   Bon, ca oblige à dupliquer un peu le code, mais tant pis !
- *)
-   then Ident.no_pack_string_of_long x
-   else Ident.string_of_long2 x
+let string_of_ident = Ident.string_of_long2
 let rec string_of_type = function
   | Bool_type_eff -> "bool"
diff --git a/src/licDump.ml b/src/licDump.ml
index 4d69271f3591333535bd30478a4015f1e891be33..f746982dca4200a5374d4de913bf6b7cf6cfb3bd 100644
--- a/src/licDump.ml
+++ b/src/licDump.ml
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(* Time-stamp: <modified the 06/02/2013 (at 17:56) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(* Time-stamp: <modified the 07/02/2013 (at 09:57) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 open Errors
 open Printf
@@ -39,6 +39,10 @@ let rec is_a_tuple (e:Lic.val_exp) : bool =
     | _ -> false
+let string_of_ident x =
+   if !Global.no_prefix
+   then Ident.no_pack_string_of_long x
+   else Ident.string_of_long2 x
 let rec string_of_const_eff =
@@ -151,7 +155,77 @@ and string_def_of_type_eff = function
 (* exported *)
 (* On prend le meme que Lic *)
-and string_of_type_eff = Lic.string_of_type
+and string_of_type_eff  = function
+  | Bool_type_eff -> "bool"
+  | Int_type_eff  -> "int"
+  | Real_type_eff -> "real"
+  | External_type_eff (name) -> (string_of_ident name)
+  | Abstract_type_eff (name, t) -> (string_of_ident name)
+  | Enum_type_eff (name, _) -> (string_of_ident name)
+  | Array_type_eff (ty, sz) ->
+    Printf.sprintf "%s^%d" (string_of_type_eff ty) sz
+  | Struct_type_eff (name, _) -> (string_of_ident name)
+  | TypeVar Any -> "any"
+  | (TypeVar AnyNum) -> "anynum"
+and string_of_type_list = function
+  | []  -> ""
+  | [x] -> string_of_type_eff x
+  | l   -> String.concat " * " (List.map string_of_type_eff l)
+and string_of_type_profile (i, o) =
+  (string_of_type_list i)^" -> "^(string_of_type_list o)
+and string_of_const = function
+  | Bool_const_eff true -> "true"
+  | Bool_const_eff false -> "false"
+  | Int_const_eff i -> (sprintf "%d" i)
+  | Real_const_eff r -> r
+  | Extern_const_eff (s,_) -> (string_of_ident s)
+  | Abstract_const_eff (s,t,v,_) -> (string_of_ident s)
+  | Enum_const_eff   (s,_) -> (string_of_ident s)
+  | Struct_const_eff (fl, t) -> 
+    let string_of_field (id, veff) =
+      (Ident.to_string id)^" = "^ (string_of_const veff)
+    in
+    Printf.sprintf "%s{%s}"
+      (string_of_type_eff t)
+      (String.concat "; " (List.map string_of_field fl))
+  | Array_const_eff (ctab, t) ->
+    Printf.sprintf "[%s]"
+      (String.concat ", " (List.map string_of_const ctab))
+  | Tuple_const_eff   cl ->
+    Printf.sprintf "(%s)"
+      (String.concat ", " (List.map string_of_const cl))
+and string_of_var_info x =
+  (AstCore.string_of_var_nature x.var_nature_eff) ^ " " ^
+    (Ident.to_string x.var_name_eff) ^ ":"^(string_of_type_eff x.var_type_eff)^
+    (string_of_clock (snd x.var_clock_eff)^"("^ (Ident.to_string (fst x.var_clock_eff)) ^","^
+    (string_of_int x.var_number_eff)^")")
+and string_of_var_list vl = String.concat " ; " (List.map string_of_var_info vl)
+and string_of_node_key = function
+  | (ik, []) ->
+    (string_of_ident ik)
+  | (ik, sargs)  -> Printf.sprintf "%s<<%s>>"
+    (string_of_ident ik)
+    (String.concat ", " (List.map string_of_static_arg sargs))
+and string_of_static_arg = function
+  | ConstStaticArgLic(id, ceff) -> Printf.sprintf "const %s = %s" id (string_of_const ceff)
+  | TypeStaticArgLic (id, teff) -> Printf.sprintf "type %s = %s" id (string_of_type_eff teff)
+  (* | NodeStaticArgLic (id, ((long,sargs), _, _), _) -> *)
+  | NodeStaticArgLic (id, nk) ->
+    Printf.sprintf "node %s = %s" id (string_of_node_key nk)
+and string_of_type_var tv = string_of_type_eff (TypeVar tv)
+and string_of_type_matches pm =
+  let sotm (tv,t) = Printf.sprintf "%s <- %s"
+    (string_of_type_var tv) (string_of_type_eff t)
+  in
+  String.concat ", " (List.map sotm pm)
 (* for printing recursive node *)
 and string_of_node_key_rec (nkey: node_key) = 
@@ -177,11 +251,6 @@ and string_of_node_key_def (nkey: node_key) =
     | (ik, salst) ->
       let astrings = List.map (string_of_static_arg) salst in
       sprintf "%s<<%s>>" (Ident.string_of_long ik) (String.concat ", " astrings)
-and string_of_static_arg (sa : Lic.static_arg) =
-  match sa with
-    | ConstStaticArgLic (id, ceff) -> sprintf "%s" (string_of_const_eff ceff)
-    | TypeStaticArgLic  (id, teff) -> sprintf "%s" (string_of_type_eff teff)
-    | NodeStaticArgLic  (id, nk) -> string_of_node_key_rec nk
 (* for inventing a name to parametrized nodes *)
 and static_arg2string_bis (sa : Lic.static_arg) =
diff --git a/src/unifyClock.mli b/src/unifyClock.mli
index 07afd0b4b418f20a490dfce3051bef8dea6d8166..44794cac3a37990ff418c2c9161b542304bcb6b9 100644
--- a/src/unifyClock.mli
+++ b/src/unifyClock.mli
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(* Time-stamp: <modified the 18/01/2013 (at 08:32) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(* Time-stamp: <modified the 07/02/2013 (at 09:41) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 (** Sub module of EvalClock that defines clock-checking utilities.
diff --git a/test/lus2lic.sum b/test/lus2lic.sum
index 1ee9be6f1a7fdcba43515a75889c7cc1a61e78e3..48e6204b486b83863155f87c8c54b7126fa4c804 100644
--- a/test/lus2lic.sum
+++ b/test/lus2lic.sum
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-Test Run By jahier on Wed Feb  6 18:01:32 2013
+Test Run By jahier on Thu Feb  7 09:53:07 2013
 Native configuration is i686-pc-linux-gnu
 		=== lus2lic tests ===
diff --git a/test/lus2lic.time b/test/lus2lic.time
index 4ac89b10a875b7fdbdd807f103b329fbf36ac663..76997001418c69fdba5c738b15d75c03a8b0ec06 100644
--- a/test/lus2lic.time
+++ b/test/lus2lic.time
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-testcase ./lus2lic.tests/non-reg.exp completed in 23 seconds
-testcase ./lus2lic.tests/progression.exp completed in 1 seconds
+testcase ./lus2lic.tests/non-reg.exp completed in 24 seconds
+testcase ./lus2lic.tests/progression.exp completed in 0 seconds
diff --git a/todo.org b/todo.org
index c5ecf9b92ad3f5c5e8f679ba5e9b52050a608c3d..a7816e26f897f6d4bd883df64f71cdd651df1a8b 100644
--- a/todo.org
+++ b/todo.org
@@ -75,15 +75,6 @@ du with ?
 comment fait caml ?
   - State "TODO"       from ""           [2012-10-26 Fri 14:59]
-** TODO const_to_val_eff n'a vraiment rien à faire dans UnifyClock !!!
-   - State "TODO"       from ""           [2013-01-29 Tue 14:26]
-** TODO aucune fonction dans Lic.*_to_string ne devrait dependre des options de compil
-   - State "TODO"       from ""           [2013-02-01 Fri 17:54]
-cf le XXX  file:src/lic.ml::655
 * Languages issues
 ** TODO Verifier les boucles combinatoires meme quand on ne genere pas de ec
diff --git a/todo.org_archive b/todo.org_archive
index d014b851248ff0d7334caa329c1b4e25dbd003c8..d2b53f84ab609db361ae1c61558a68dd7501e762 100644
--- a/todo.org_archive
+++ b/todo.org_archive
@@ -404,6 +404,33 @@ cf file:./src/lic.ml::206
 y virer !!
   - State "TODO"       from ""           [2012-10-26 Fri 14:59]
+* TODO const_to_val_eff n'a vraiment rien à faire dans UnifyClock !!!
+   - State "TODO"       from ""           [2013-01-29 Tue 14:26]
+  :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2013-02-07 Thu 09:42
+  :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/lus2lic/todo.org
+  :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Aesthetes issues
+  :END:
+mouarf, pourquoi pas en fait.
+* TODO aucune fonction dans Lic.*_to_string ne devrait dependre des options de compil
+   - State "TODO"       from ""           [2013-02-01 Fri 17:54]
+  :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2013-02-07 Thu 09:54
+  :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/lus2lic/todo.org
+  :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Aesthetes issues
+  :END:
+cf le XXX  file:src/lic.ml::655