diff --git a/src/Makefile b/src/Makefile
index 682f9d1f615d5c377f89a80f43e9d53100113213..130ca0db7bb4de64c825b1dd61f18501c8d94e1f 100644
--- a/src/Makefile
+++ b/src/Makefile
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ MLONLY_SOURCES=$(filter %.ml %.mll %.mly, $(SOURCES))
 # for using the debugger
 	mv *.mli mli
+	make MLONLY=yes SOURCES="$(MLONLY_SOURCES)" dc || true
 	mv mli/* .
diff --git a/src/compiledData.ml b/src/compiledData.ml
index 5c3a39196e89d4cec16aef546f9d717eef192c70..3266688780f35b609a1cb39f028b58b4050c8ba1 100644
--- a/src/compiledData.ml
+++ b/src/compiledData.ml
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(** Time-stamp: <modified the 11/02/2008 (at 15:34) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(** Time-stamp: <modified the 12/02/2008 (at 10:18) by Erwan Jahier> *)
@@ -288,7 +288,7 @@ Type : static_arg_eff
 	N.B. si la liste d'args est vide, c'est un noeud simple.
 and static_arg_eff =
-    ConstStaticArgEff of (Ident.t * const_eff)
+  | ConstStaticArgEff of (Ident.t * const_eff)
   | TypeStaticArgEff  of (Ident.t * type_eff)
   | OperStaticArgEff  of (Ident.t * oper_eff)
diff --git a/src/evalConst.ml b/src/evalConst.ml
index ecb5a4ca7eecbfb33e832b59a36b3bc48f886a38..98d546aeb435840b933ffd46deefc30a886c617a 100644
--- a/src/evalConst.ml
+++ b/src/evalConst.ml
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(** Time-stamp: <modified the 07/02/2008 (at 11:25) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(** Time-stamp: <modified the 12/02/2008 (at 11:05) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 open Printf 
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ exception EvalArray_error of string
 EvalConst_error :
 	- levée localement dans les sous-fonctions,
-	- captée dans eval_const et tranformée en Compile_error.
+	- captée dans EvalConst.f et tranformée en Compile_error.
 exception EvalConst_error of string
@@ -496,7 +496,7 @@ let rec compute_homomorphic_op
 	Evaluation récursive des expressions constantes
-eval_const :
+f :
 	- entrées :  id_solver et val_exp
 	- sortie :        const_eff list
 	- Effet de bord : Compile_error 
@@ -504,7 +504,7 @@ R
 	-> résoud les références aux idents
 	-> gère les appels récursifs (évaluation des arguments) 
-let rec eval_const
+let rec f
     (env : id_solver) 
     (vexp : val_exp)
     = (
@@ -729,7 +729,7 @@ let rec eval_const
 	(* Corps de la fonction principale      *)
       in rec_eval_const vexp 
-    ) (* fin de eval_const *)
+    ) (* fin de f *)
@@ -748,7 +748,7 @@ and eval_array_size
     (env : id_solver)
     (szexp : val_exp)
     = (
-      match (eval_const env szexp) with
+      match (f env szexp) with
 	| [Int_const_eff sz] -> (
 	    if (sz > 0) then sz
 	    else raise(EvalArray_error(sprintf "bad array size %d" sz))
@@ -782,7 +782,7 @@ and eval_array_index
     (ixexp : val_exp)
     (sz : int)
     = (
-      match (eval_const env ixexp) with
+      match (f env ixexp) with
 	  [Int_const_eff i] -> (
 	    if ((i >= 0) && (i < sz)) then i
 	    else raise(EvalArray_error(
@@ -826,7 +826,7 @@ and eval_array_slice
       let step = (
 	match sl.si_step with
 	  | Some stepexp -> (
-	      match (eval_const env stepexp) with
+	      match (f env stepexp) with
 		| [Int_const_eff s] ->  s (* ok *)
 		| [x] -> raise(EvalArray_error(
diff --git a/src/evalConst.mli b/src/evalConst.mli
index 4f3ed0c8ca39a4506ce3a8bd7fb53f03375e9ded..94a2d2c7ffef40545e55ec240a31bb39fb9b6398 100644
--- a/src/evalConst.mli
+++ b/src/evalConst.mli
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(** Time-stamp: <modified the 07/02/2008 (at 11:28) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(** Time-stamp: <modified the 12/02/2008 (at 11:12) by Erwan Jahier> *)
@@ -62,8 +62,7 @@ FONCTIONS DERIVEES : (permet de pr
 exception EvalArray_error of string
-val eval_const : CompiledData.id_solver -> SyntaxTreeCore.val_exp -> 
-  CompiledData.const_eff list
+val f : CompiledData.id_solver -> SyntaxTreeCore.val_exp -> CompiledData.const_eff list
    Rôle : calcule une taille de tableau 
diff --git a/src/lazyCompiler.ml b/src/lazyCompiler.ml
index bf9482dfadb3feab056d7447dd291a762d3b8062..5881a427b25818c96f1f8e619a8cc502e4e1ae64 100644
--- a/src/lazyCompiler.ml
+++ b/src/lazyCompiler.ml
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(** Time-stamp: <modified the 11/02/2008 (at 17:46) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(** Time-stamp: <modified the 12/02/2008 (at 16:31) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 open Lxm
@@ -8,6 +8,8 @@ open SyntaxTreeCore
 open CompiledData
+let finish_me msg = print_string ("\n\tXXX LazyCompiler:"^msg^" ->  finish me!\n");
 (** Returns the ident on which the recursion was detected, plus an execution
     stack description. 
@@ -113,7 +115,7 @@ let x_check
     let x_pack_symbols = SyntaxTab.pack_body_env this.src_tab x_pack in
     let x_def = match find_x x_pack_symbols xn lxm with
       | SymbolTab.Here x_def -> x_def
-      | SymbolTab.NotHere _ -> assert false
+      | SymbolTab.NotHere _ -> assert false (* should not occur *)
     let res = x_check_do this x_key lxm x_pack_symbols x_pack x_def in
       Hashtbl.replace tab x_key (Checked res);
@@ -135,7 +137,7 @@ let x_check_interface
 	| Some xp_prov_symbols ->
 	    let x_def = match find_x xp_prov_symbols xn lxm with
 	      | SymbolTab.Here x -> x
-	      | SymbolTab.NotHere _ -> assert false
+	      | SymbolTab.NotHere _ -> assert false (* should not occur *)
 	      x_check_interface_do this x_key lxm xp_prov_symbols xp x_def
@@ -309,7 +311,7 @@ and (type_check_do: t -> Ident.long -> Lxm.t -> SymbolTab.t -> Ident.pack_name -
 	match type_def.it with
-	  | ArrayType _ -> assert false (* todo *)
+	  | ArrayType _ -> finish_me " array handling "; assert false
 	  | ExternalType s        -> External_type_eff (Ident.make_long pack_name s)
 	  | AliasedType (s, texp) -> EvalType.f eval_env texp
 	  | EnumType (s, clst) -> (
@@ -324,7 +326,7 @@ and (type_check_do: t -> Ident.long -> Lxm.t -> SymbolTab.t -> Ident.pack_name -
 		  match field_def.it.fd_value with
 		    | None -> (fname, teff, None)
 		    | Some vexp -> (
-			let veff = EvalConst.eval_const eval_env vexp in
+			let veff = EvalConst.f eval_env vexp in
 			  match veff with
 			    | [v] -> (
 				let tv = type_of_const_eff v in
@@ -340,7 +342,7 @@ and (type_check_do: t -> Ident.long -> Lxm.t -> SymbolTab.t -> Ident.pack_name -
 					   (string_of_type_eff tv)
-			    | [] -> assert false
+			    | [] -> assert false (* should not occur *)
 			    | _::_ -> 
 				raise ( Compile_error(
@@ -383,7 +385,7 @@ and (const_check_do : t -> Ident.long -> Lxm.t -> SymbolTab.t -> Ident.pack_name
 	      Enum_const_eff ((Ident.make_long currpack id), EvalType.f eval_env texp)
 	  | DefinedConst (id, texp_opt, vexp ) -> (
-	      match (EvalConst.eval_const eval_env vexp) with
+	      match (EvalConst.f eval_env vexp) with
 		| [ceff] -> (
 		    match texp_opt with
 		      | None -> ceff
@@ -402,7 +404,7 @@ and (const_check_do : t -> Ident.long -> Lxm.t -> SymbolTab.t -> Ident.pack_name
-		| [] -> assert false
+		| [] -> assert false (* should not occur *)
 		| _::_ -> raise (Compile_error
 				    "bad constant value: tuple not allowed"))
@@ -444,8 +446,6 @@ and (node_check_do: t -> CompiledData.node_key -> Lxm.t -> SymbolTab.t ->
   fun this nk lxm symbols pack_name node_def ->
       - verifier les params statiques ?
-      - verifier que le profil du noeud est le meme que la version du body
-      - y'a d'la redondance dans node_info. On verifie ici la cohérence ?
     let id_solver = {
       id2const = solve_const_idref this symbols pack_name;
@@ -464,10 +464,12 @@ and (node_check_do: t -> CompiledData.node_key -> Lxm.t -> SymbolTab.t ->
       match node_def.it with
 	| Node n -> 
 	    (match n.uni_def with
-	       | NodeAlias (None, {src=_;it= CallPreDef(node)} ) ->
-		   assert false
-	       | NodeAlias (None, {src=_;it=CallUsrDef(idref, static_params)} ) ->
-		   solve_node_idref this symbols pack_name idref lxm
+	       | NodeAlias (None, {src=_;it= CallPreDef(node)}) ->
+		   finish_me "" ; assert false
+	       | NodeAlias (None, {src=_;it= CallUsrDef(idref, static_args )}) ->
+		   solve_node_idref 
+		     this symbols pack_name idref id_solver static_args lxm
 	       | NodeAlias (Some (vi_il, vi_ol), _) 
 	       | NodeExtern(vi_il, vi_ol) -> 
@@ -491,12 +493,22 @@ and (node_check_do: t -> CompiledData.node_key -> Lxm.t -> SymbolTab.t ->
 (** solving node references *)
-and (solve_node_idref : t -> SymbolTab.t -> Ident.pack_name -> Ident.idref -> Lxm.t
-      -> CompiledData.node_eff) =
-  fun this symbols currpack idr lxm ->
+and (solve_node_idref : t -> SymbolTab.t -> Ident.pack_name -> Ident.idref ->
+      CompiledData.id_solver -> static_arg srcflagged list -> Lxm.t -> 
+      CompiledData.node_eff) =
+   XXX devrait retourner des oper_eff, non ? 
+  fun this symbols currpack idr id_solver sargs lxm ->
       node_check_interface node_check SymbolTab.find_node "node"
-      (fun p id -> (Ident.make_long p id,[])) (* XXX faux !!! juste pour essayer...*)
+      (fun p id ->
+	 let long = Ident.make_long p id 
+	 and sargs_eff = 
+	   List.map (check_static_arg this symbols currpack id_solver id) sargs 
+	 in
+	   (long, sargs_eff)
+      )
       this symbols currpack idr lxm
 and (node_check: t -> CompiledData.node_key -> Lxm.t -> CompiledData.node_eff) =
@@ -514,6 +526,46 @@ and (node_check_interface:
       (fun nk -> Ident.pack_of_long (fst nk))
       (fun nk -> Ident.of_long (fst nk)) this nk
+and (check_static_arg : t -> SymbolTab.t -> Ident.pack_name -> 
+      CompiledData.id_solver -> Ident.t -> SyntaxTreeCore.static_arg srcflagged -> 
+      CompiledData.static_arg_eff) =
+  fun this symbols pn id_solver id sa ->
+    match sa.it with
+      | StaticArgIdent idref -> ( (* migth be a const, a type, or a node *)
+	  try 
+	    let sargs = [] in (* ok? *)
+	    let neff = solve_node_idref this symbols pn idref id_solver sargs sa.src in
+	      OperStaticArgEff (id, NodeOper neff)
+	  with Compile_error _ -> 
+	  try 
+	    let teff = solve_type_idref this symbols pn idref sa.src in
+	      TypeStaticArgEff (id, teff)
+	  with Compile_error _ -> 
+	  try 
+	    let ceff = solve_const_idref this symbols pn idref sa.src in
+	      ConstStaticArgEff (id, ceff)
+	  with Compile_error _ -> 
+	    (raise(Compile_error(sa.src,"unbounded ident")))
+	)
+      | StaticArgConst ce ->
+	  let ceff = EvalConst.f id_solver ce in
+	    (match ceff with
+	       | [ceff] -> ConstStaticArgEff (id,ceff)
+	       | _ -> assert false (* should not occur *)
+	    )
+      | StaticArgType te -> (TypeStaticArgEff (id, EvalType.f id_solver te))
+      | StaticArgNode (CallPreDef predef_node) ->
+	  finish_me (" node parameter handling - predefined operator " ^
+		       (SyntaxTreeDump.op2string predef_node));
+	  assert false
+      | StaticArgNode (CallUsrDef (idref, s_args)) -> 
+	  let neff = solve_node_idref this symbols pn idref id_solver s_args sa.src in
+	    OperStaticArgEff (id, NodeOper neff)
@@ -540,16 +592,38 @@ let test_constants pack_name this =
   test_item this "const" const_check_interface  Ident.string_of_long
     string_of_const_eff  (fun id -> Ident.make_long pack_name id)
-let test_nodes pack_name  this  =
-  test_item this "oper" node_check_interface CompiledData.string_of_node_key
-    string_of_node_eff (fun id -> (Ident.make_long pack_name id, [])) 
+let (get_static_params : (node_info Lxm.srcflagged) SymbolTab.hereflagged -> 
+      static_param srcflagged list option) =
+  fun node_info_flagged -> 
+    match node_info_flagged with
+      | SymbolTab.Here nif -> 
+	  (match nif.it with
+	     | Node ni -> 
+		 if ni.uni_static_params  = [] 
+		 then None 
+		 else Some ni.uni_static_params 
+	     | ExtNode eni -> None (* XXX it should be possible to have some! *)
+	  )
+      | SymbolTab.NotHere id -> 
+	  None (* do test imported node. there will be tested anyway *)
+let test_nodes pack_name this id ni_f =
+  match get_static_params ni_f with
+    | Some sp -> 
+	Verbose.print_string (" ### skipping " ^ (Ident.to_string id) ^ "\n");
+	flush stdout
+    (* too difficult to test such node easily, so we skip it *)
+    | None ->
+	test_item this "oper" node_check_interface CompiledData.string_of_node_key
+	  string_of_node_eff (fun id -> (Ident.make_long pack_name id, [])) id ni_f
 let test (this: t) = (
   (* src_tab : SyntaxTab.t; *)
   let testpack pack_name = (
     Verbose.printf " * package %s\n" (Ident.pack_name_to_string pack_name);
-    let prov_symbols = 
+    let prov_symbols =
       match SyntaxTab.pack_prov_env this.src_tab pack_name with
 	| Some tab -> tab
 	| None -> SyntaxTab.pack_body_env this.src_tab pack_name
diff --git a/src/syntaxTreeCore.ml b/src/syntaxTreeCore.ml
index 7f711ec9ca184e8f8876f00acf9dcbf30c31161a..764b9e95c37ece85bb40fe02b363f191c731a5b0 100644
--- a/src/syntaxTreeCore.ml
+++ b/src/syntaxTreeCore.ml
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(** Time-stamp: <modified the 11/02/2008 (at 15:38) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(** Time-stamp: <modified the 12/02/2008 (at 11:39) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 (** (Raw) Abstract syntax tree of source programs. *)
@@ -177,13 +177,13 @@ and by_name_op =
 and node_exp =
   | CallPreDef of predef_node
   | CallUsrDef of (Ident.idref * static_arg srcflagged list)
-	  (*
-	    Params statiques effectifs :
-	    - val_exp (pour les constantes)
-	    - type_exp (pour les types)
-	    - node_exp (pour les node)
-	    - ident : a résoudre, peut etre const, type ou node 
-	  *)
+      (*
+	Params statiques effectifs :
+	- val_exp (pour les constantes)
+	- type_exp (pour les types)
+	- node_exp (pour les node)
+	- ident : a résoudre, peut etre const, type ou node 
+      *)
 and static_arg =
   | StaticArgIdent of Ident.idref
   | StaticArgConst of val_exp
diff --git a/src/test/Makefile b/src/test/Makefile
index bf852a5790c37ced9fdec9da82ce8c01f2e2a38f..79ed53dc538c133a0cfbe953054e62810d98fcc0 100644
--- a/src/test/Makefile
+++ b/src/test/Makefile
@@ -58,6 +58,12 @@ test:
 	diff -u test.res.exp test.res > test.diff || (cat test.diff ; echo "cf test.diff")
+	echo -e "There were $(shell grep Error test.res | wc -l) errors."
+	grep Error test.res
 	cp test.res test.res.exp 
diff --git a/src/test/test.res.exp b/src/test/test.res.exp
index 0e91be82ef41d6aaed2b21b330313e508595dfb0..33dd72985130813467579dccd6b6abeec650faa6 100644
--- a/src/test/test.res.exp
+++ b/src/test/test.res.exp
@@ -165,9 +165,13 @@ End of Syntax table dump. 
  * package dummy
 	Exported types:
 	Exported constants:
-*** Error in file "t2.lus", line 28, col 6 to 7, token 't1': unknown type
 	Exported nodes:
+ ### skipping fold_left
+	XXX LazyCompiler: node parameter handling - predefined operator and ->  finish me!
+*** oops: an internal error occurred in file lazyCompiler.ml, line 561, column 3
+*** when compiling lustre program t2.lus
 ====> ../lus2lic -vl 3  test.lus
@@ -578,9 +582,10 @@ End of Syntax table dump. 
  * package dummy
 	Exported types:
 	Exported constants:
-*** Error in file "t1.lus", line 23, col 6 to 7, token 't1': unknown type
 	Exported nodes:
+ ### skipping fold_left
+ ### skipping consensus
+ ### skipping bt_void
 ====> ../lus2lic -vl 3  onlyroll.lus