diff --git a/src/Makefile b/src/Makefile
index 35ea5c016a87494b9209b47f55e657cba2cb8159..c838f97816b8c6f249a22684c20c6ff55eb22a35 100644
--- a/src/Makefile
+++ b/src/Makefile
@@ -51,6 +51,9 @@ tags: $(MLONLY_SOURCES)
 test: $(RESULT)
 	cd test; make test
+utest: $(RESULT)
+	cd test; make utest
diff --git a/src/OCamlMakefile b/src/OCamlMakefile
index a75fcd784b4df6564f67ac670e19c4d51b9157e0..20ef17c6ef6295d7a74efa68c137e6ae4c3e25be 100644
--- a/src/OCamlMakefile
+++ b/src/OCamlMakefile
@@ -667,6 +667,7 @@ pdfdoc:	doc/latex/doc.pdf
 # generates all supported forms of documentation
 doc: htdoc ladoc psdoc pdfdoc
diff --git a/src/TAGS b/src/TAGS
index dc2c53b4cdfd37167b458bb2b6a4eaf8c8bdd5ff..b69d3698b3af9c887878d79fa73c8bc1e972ac2a 100644
--- a/src/TAGS
+++ b/src/TAGS
@@ -146,32 +146,32 @@ let rec ff24,501
 let (doitdoit8,131
-type pack_namepack_name5,90
-type longlong6,109
-let (pack_of_longpack_of_long8,136
-let (of_longof_long11,184
-let (to_stringto_string14,219
-let (of_stringof_string17,265
-let (pack_name_of_stringpack_name_of_string20,311
-let (pack_name_to_stringpack_name_to_string23,375
-let (string_of_longstring_of_long26,439
-let (long_to_stringlong_to_string28,510
-let (make_longmake_long31,569
-let dft_pack_namedft_pack_name34,636
-let (set_dft_pack_nameset_dft_pack_name36,710
-let (to_pack_nameto_pack_name40,794
-type idrefidref50,877
-      id_packid_pack52,897
-      id_idid_id53,931
-let (pack_of_idrefpack_of_idref56,955
-let (name_of_idrefname_of_idref59,1029
-let idref_of_stringidref_of_string64,1111
-let (long_of_stringlong_of_string71,1350
-let string_of_idrefstring_of_idref78,1577
-let (long_of_idreflong_of_idref84,1682
+type pack_namepack_name45,806
+type longlong46,825
+let (pack_of_longpack_of_long48,852
+let (of_longof_long51,900
+let (to_stringto_string54,935
+let (of_stringof_string57,981
+let (pack_name_of_stringpack_name_of_string60,1027
+let (pack_name_to_stringpack_name_to_string63,1091
+let (string_of_longstring_of_long66,1155
+let (long_to_stringlong_to_string68,1226
+let (make_longmake_long71,1285
+let dft_pack_namedft_pack_name74,1352
+let (set_dft_pack_nameset_dft_pack_name76,1426
+let (to_pack_nameto_pack_name80,1510
+type idrefidref90,1593
+      id_packid_pack92,1613
+      id_idid_id93,1647
+let (pack_of_idrefpack_of_idref96,1671
+let (name_of_idrefname_of_idref99,1745
+let idref_of_stringidref_of_string104,1827
+let (long_of_stringlong_of_string111,2066
+let string_of_idrefstring_of_idref118,2293
+let (long_of_idreflong_of_idref124,2398
@@ -225,25 +225,25 @@ let last_lexemelast_lexeme54,1137
 let makemake56,1167
 let last_madelast_made66,1467
-let usage_msgusage_msg45,970
-type lpp_argslpp_args51,1220
-  mutable infileinfile52,1238
-  mutable main_nodemain_node53,1266
-  mutable runmoderunmode54,1297
-let rec _LPP_ARGS_LPP_ARGS56,1328
-and set_infileset_infile62,1506
-and set_run_modeset_run_mode73,1758
-and print_versionprint_version76,1830
-and arg_listarg_list79,1912
-    parse_argsparse_args103,2703
-let test_lextest_lex111,2897
-let lus_loadlus_load124,3220
-let dump_bodydump_body129,3313
-let dump_nsdump_ns135,3498
-let get_source_listget_source_list153,3995
-let mainmain166,4338
+let usage_msgusage_msg52,1080
+type lpp_argslpp_args58,1330
+  mutable infileinfile59,1348
+  mutable main_nodemain_node60,1376
+  mutable runmoderunmode61,1407
+let rec _LPP_ARGS_LPP_ARGS63,1438
+and set_infileset_infile69,1616
+and set_run_modeset_run_mode80,1868
+and print_versionprint_version83,1940
+and arg_listarg_list86,2022
+    parse_argsparse_args110,2813
+let test_lextest_lex118,3007
+let lus_loadlus_load131,3330
+let dump_bodydump_body136,3423
+let dump_nsdump_ns142,3608
+let get_source_listget_source_list160,4105
+let mainmain173,4448
@@ -274,228 +274,204 @@ let iter_constsiter_consts89,2317
 let iter_opersiter_opers90,2375
 let dumpdump92,2432
-type pack_mngpack_mng46,1419
-  pm_lxmpm_lxm48,1462
-  pm_raw_srcpm_raw_src50,1503
-  pm_actual_srcpm_actual_src52,1566
-  pm_user_itemspm_user_items55,1680
-  pm_body_stabpm_body_stab57,1813
-  pm_provide_stabpm_provide_stab59,1903
-  st_listst_list76,2432
-  st_raw_mod_tabst_raw_mod_tab77,2476
-  st_raw_pack_tabst_raw_pack_tab78,2540
-  st_pack_mng_tabst_pack_mng_tab80,2648
-let pack_listpack_list85,2716
-let pack_body_envpack_body_env90,2821
-let pack_prov_envpack_prov_env95,2943
-let init_user_itemsinit_user_items104,3277
-let create_pack_mngcreate_pack_mng185,5676
-let rec createcreate222,6810
-    init_raw_tabsinit_raw_tabs254,7839
-    init_pack_mng_stabsinit_pack_mng_stabs290,9054
-let find_typefind_type372,11528
-let find_constfind_const376,11641
-let find_operfind_oper380,11755
-let dumpdump387,11884
 let put_in_tabput_in_tab7,85
-type 'a errorerror15,397
-    OkOk16,415
-  | ErrorError17,428
-    PRPackBodyPRPackBody24,592
-  | PRPack_or_modelsPRPack_or_models25,619
-  pack_or_modelpack_or_model27,666
-    NSPackNSPack28,684
-  | NSModelNSModel29,721
-  model_infomodel_info31,763
-    mo_namemo_name32,780
-    mo_usesmo_uses33,813
-    mo_needsmo_needs34,861
-    mo_providesmo_provides36,950
-    mo_bodymo_body37,1001
-and pack_infopack_info39,1030
-    pa_namepa_name40,1048
-    pa_defpa_def41,1080
-  pack_defpack_def44,1112
-    PackGivenPackGiven45,1126
-  | PackInstancePackInstance46,1154
-  pack_givenpack_given48,1192
-    pg_usespg_uses49,1210
-    pg_providespg_provides51,1302
-    pg_bodypg_body52,1353
-  pack_instancepack_instance55,1386
-    pi_modelpi_model56,1406
-    pi_argspi_args57,1431
-  packbodypackbody65,1656
-    pk_const_tablepk_const_table66,1671
-    pk_type_tablepk_type_table67,1737
-    pk_oper_tablepk_oper_table68,1803
-    pk_def_listpk_def_list69,1869
-  item_identitem_ident72,1917
-    ConstItemConstItem76,2024
-  | TypeItemTypeItem77,2049
-  | OperItemOperItem78,2074
-  item_infoitem_info80,2103
-    ConstInfoConstInfo81,2117
-  | TypeInfoTypeInfo82,2145
-  | OperInfoOperInfo83,2172
-  const_infoconst_info88,2369
-    ExternalConstExternalConst89,2385
-  | EnumConstEnumConst90,2428
-  | DefinedConstDefinedConst91,2471
-  type_infotype_info96,2696
-    ExternalTypeExternalType97,2710
-  | AliasedTypeAliasedType98,2740
-  | EnumTypeEnumType99,2781
-  | StructTypeStructType101,2896
-  struct_type_infostruct_type_info111,3385
-    st_namest_name112,3408
-    st_flistst_flist113,3432
-    st_ftablest_ftable114,3462
-and field_infofield_info116,3527
-  fd_namefd_name117,3546
-  fd_typefd_type118,3569
-  fd_valuefd_value119,3593
-  type_exptype_exp127,3955
-  type_exp_coretype_exp_core129,3996
-    Bool_type_expBool_type_exp130,4014
-  | Int_type_expInt_type_exp131,4032
-  | Real_type_expReal_type_exp132,4049
-  | Named_type_expNamed_type_exp133,4067
-  | Array_type_expArray_type_exp134,4103
-  oper_infooper_info140,4369
-    NodeNode141,4383
-  | FuncFunc142,4406
-  func_infofunc_info147,4596
-    fn_namefn_name148,4612
-    fn_inparsfn_inpars149,4639
-    fn_outparsfn_outpars150,4691
-  node_infonode_info157,4955
-    ni_nameni_name158,4971
-    ni_staticlistni_staticlist159,5001
-    ni_valueni_value160,5051
-and node_profilenode_profile162,5079
-and node_defnode_def163,5150
-    NodeExternNodeExtern164,5165
-  | NodeBodyNodeBody165,5196
-  | NodeAliasNodeAlias166,5223
-and node_bodynode_body173,5593
-  nbdy_inlistnbdy_inlist174,5611
-  nbdy_outlistnbdy_outlist175,5645
-  nbdy_loclistnbdy_loclist176,5679
-  nbdy_vartablenbdy_vartable177,5713
-  nbdy_assertsnbdy_asserts178,5749
-  nbdy_eqsnbdy_eqs179,5795
-and var_info_tablevar_info_table181,5841
-and static_paramstatic_param182,5903
-    StaticParamTypeStaticParamType183,5922
-  | StaticParamConstStaticParamConst184,5954
-  | StaticParamNodeStaticParamNode185,5999
-and var_infovar_info186,6085
-  va_natureva_nature187,6102
-  va_nameva_name188,6128
-  va_typeva_type189,6151
-  va_clockva_clock190,6175
-and var_naturevar_nature192,6202
-    VarInputVarInput193,6219
-  | VarOutputVarOutput194,6232
-  | VarLocalVarLocal195,6246
-and eq_infoeq_info196,6259
-  eq_lefteq_left197,6275
-  eq_righteq_right198,6304
-and clock_expclock_exp201,6386
-    BaseClockBaseClock202,6402
-  | NamedClockNamedClock203,6416
-and left_partleft_part204,6452
-    LeftVarLeftVar206,6523
-  | LeftFieldLeftField207,6558
-  | LeftArrayLeftArray208,6609
-  | LeftSliceLeftSlice209,6662
-and slice_infoslice_info210,6716
-  si_firstsi_first211,6735
-  si_lastsi_last212,6758
-  si_stepsi_step213,6781
-and val_expval_exp226,7325
-    CallByPosCallByPos227,7339
-  | CallByNameCallByName228,7397
-and by_pos_opby_pos_op231,7522
-    NULL_expNULL_exp233,7557
-  | TRUE_nTRUE_n234,7570
-  | FALSE_nFALSE_n235,7581
-  | ICONST_nICONST_n236,7593
-  | RCONST_nRCONST_n237,7617
-  | IDENT_nIDENT_n238,7641
-  | NOT_nNOT_n240,7686
-  | UMINUS_nUMINUS_n241,7696
-  | PRE_nPRE_n242,7709
-  | CURRENT_nCURRENT_n243,7719
-  | REAL2INT_nREAL2INT_n244,7733
-  | INT2REAL_nINT2REAL_n245,7748
-  | ARROW_nARROW_n247,7784
-  | FBY_nFBY_n248,7796
-  | WHEN_nWHEN_n249,7806
-  | AND_nAND_n250,7817
-  | OR_nOR_n251,7827
-  | XOR_nXOR_n252,7836
-  | IMPL_nIMPL_n253,7846
-  | EQ_nEQ_n254,7857
-  | NEQ_nNEQ_n255,7866
-  | LT_nLT_n256,7876
-  | LTE_nLTE_n257,7885
-  | GT_nGT_n258,7895
-  | GTE_nGTE_n259,7904
-  | DIV_nDIV_n260,7914
-  | MOD_nMOD_n261,7924
-  | MINUS_nMINUS_n262,7934
-  | PLUS_nPLUS_n263,7946
-  | SLASH_nSLASH_n264,7957
-  | TIMES_nTIMES_n265,7969
-  | POWER_nPOWER_n266,7981
-  | HAT_nHAT_n267,7993
-  | CONCAT_nCONCAT_n268,8003
-  | IF_nIF_n270,8038
-  | WITH_nWITH_n271,8047
-  | NOR_nNOR_n273,8078
-  | DIESE_nDIESE_n274,8088
-  | TUPLE_nTUPLE_n275,8100
-  | ARRAY_nARRAY_n276,8112
-  | PROJ_nPROJ_n282,8383
-  | CALL_nCALL_n284,8448
-and by_name_opby_name_op295,8781
-  | STRUCT_EXP_nSTRUCT_EXP_n298,8863
-and oper_expoper_exp300,8921
-    CallPreDefCallPreDef301,8936
-  | CallUsrDefCallUsrDef302,8964
-and static_argstatic_arg310,9230
-    StaticArgIdentStaticArgIdent311,9247
-  | StaticArgConstStaticArgConst312,9281
-  | StaticArgTypeStaticArgType313,9311
-  | StaticArgNodeStaticArgNode314,9342
-let give_pack_this_namegive_pack_this_name321,9512
-let leafexpleafexp336,9821
-let unexpunexp340,9893
-let binexpbinexp344,9968
-let ternexpternexp348,10052
-let naryexpnaryexp352,10144
-let bynameexpbynameexp356,10223
-let make_packbodymake_packbody371,10742
-let add_infoadd_info390,11310
-let lexeme_of_val_explexeme_of_val_exp422,12246
-let rec lexeme_of_left_partlexeme_of_left_part426,12376
-let lexeme_of_pack_or_modellexeme_of_pack_or_model433,12588
+type 'a errorerror18,456
+    OkOk19,474
+  | ErrorError20,487
+    PRPackBodyPRPackBody27,651
+  | PRPack_or_modelsPRPack_or_models28,678
+  pack_or_modelpack_or_model30,725
+    NSPackNSPack31,743
+  | NSModelNSModel32,780
+  model_infomodel_info34,822
+    mo_namemo_name35,839
+    mo_usesmo_uses36,872
+    mo_needsmo_needs37,920
+    mo_providesmo_provides39,1009
+    mo_bodymo_body40,1060
+and pack_infopack_info42,1089
+    pa_namepa_name43,1107
+    pa_defpa_def44,1139
+  pack_defpack_def47,1171
+    PackGivenPackGiven48,1185
+  | PackInstancePackInstance49,1213
+  pack_givenpack_given51,1251
+    pg_usespg_uses52,1269
+    pg_providespg_provides54,1361
+    pg_bodypg_body55,1412
+  pack_instancepack_instance58,1445
+    pi_modelpi_model59,1465
+    pi_argspi_args60,1490
+  packbodypackbody68,1715
+    pk_const_tablepk_const_table69,1730
+    pk_type_tablepk_type_table70,1796
+    pk_oper_tablepk_oper_table71,1862
+    pk_def_listpk_def_list72,1928
+  item_identitem_ident75,1976
+    ConstItemConstItem79,2083
+  | TypeItemTypeItem80,2108
+  | OperItemOperItem81,2133
+  item_infoitem_info83,2162
+    ConstInfoConstInfo84,2176
+  | TypeInfoTypeInfo85,2204
+  | OperInfoOperInfo86,2231
+  const_infoconst_info91,2428
+    ExternalConstExternalConst92,2444
+  | EnumConstEnumConst93,2487
+  | DefinedConstDefinedConst94,2530
+  type_infotype_info99,2755
+    ExternalTypeExternalType100,2769
+  | AliasedTypeAliasedType101,2799
+  | EnumTypeEnumType102,2840
+  | StructTypeStructType104,2955
+  struct_type_infostruct_type_info114,3444
+    st_namest_name115,3467
+    st_flistst_flist116,3491
+    st_ftablest_ftable117,3521
+and field_infofield_info119,3586
+  fd_namefd_name120,3605
+  fd_typefd_type121,3628
+  fd_valuefd_value122,3652
+  type_exptype_exp130,4014
+  type_exp_coretype_exp_core132,4055
+    Bool_type_expBool_type_exp133,4073
+  | Int_type_expInt_type_exp134,4091
+  | Real_type_expReal_type_exp135,4108
+  | Named_type_expNamed_type_exp136,4126
+  | Array_type_expArray_type_exp137,4162
+  oper_infooper_info143,4428
+    NodeNode144,4442
+  | FuncFunc145,4465
+  func_infofunc_info150,4655
+    fn_namefn_name151,4671
+    fn_inparsfn_inpars152,4698
+    fn_outparsfn_outpars153,4750
+  node_infonode_info160,5014
+    ni_nameni_name161,5030
+    ni_staticlistni_staticlist162,5060
+    ni_valueni_value163,5110
+and node_profilenode_profile165,5138
+and node_defnode_def166,5209
+    NodeExternNodeExtern167,5224
+  | NodeBodyNodeBody168,5255
+  | NodeAliasNodeAlias169,5282
+and node_bodynode_body176,5652
+  nbdy_inlistnbdy_inlist177,5670
+  nbdy_outlistnbdy_outlist178,5704
+  nbdy_loclistnbdy_loclist179,5738
+  nbdy_vartablenbdy_vartable180,5772
+  nbdy_assertsnbdy_asserts181,5808
+  nbdy_eqsnbdy_eqs182,5854
+and var_info_tablevar_info_table184,5900
+and static_paramstatic_param185,5962
+    StaticParamTypeStaticParamType186,5981
+  | StaticParamConstStaticParamConst187,6013
+  | StaticParamNodeStaticParamNode188,6058
+and var_infovar_info189,6144
+  va_natureva_nature190,6161
+  va_nameva_name191,6187
+  va_typeva_type192,6210
+  va_clockva_clock193,6234
+and var_naturevar_nature195,6261
+    VarInputVarInput196,6278
+  | VarOutputVarOutput197,6291
+  | VarLocalVarLocal198,6305
+and eq_infoeq_info199,6318
+  eq_lefteq_left200,6334
+  eq_righteq_right201,6363
+and clock_expclock_exp204,6445
+    BaseClockBaseClock205,6461
+  | NamedClockNamedClock206,6475
+and left_partleft_part207,6511
+    LeftVarLeftVar209,6582
+  | LeftFieldLeftField210,6617
+  | LeftArrayLeftArray211,6668
+  | LeftSliceLeftSlice212,6721
+and slice_infoslice_info213,6775
+  si_firstsi_first214,6794
+  si_lastsi_last215,6817
+  si_stepsi_step216,6840
+and val_expval_exp229,7384
+    CallByPosCallByPos230,7398
+  | CallByNameCallByName231,7456
+and by_pos_opby_pos_op234,7581
+    NULL_expNULL_exp236,7616
+  | TRUE_nTRUE_n237,7629
+  | FALSE_nFALSE_n238,7640
+  | ICONST_nICONST_n239,7652
+  | RCONST_nRCONST_n240,7676
+  | IDENT_nIDENT_n241,7700
+  | NOT_nNOT_n243,7745
+  | UMINUS_nUMINUS_n244,7755
+  | PRE_nPRE_n245,7768
+  | CURRENT_nCURRENT_n246,7778
+  | REAL2INT_nREAL2INT_n247,7792
+  | INT2REAL_nINT2REAL_n248,7807
+  | ARROW_nARROW_n250,7843
+  | FBY_nFBY_n251,7855
+  | WHEN_nWHEN_n252,7865
+  | AND_nAND_n253,7876
+  | OR_nOR_n254,7886
+  | XOR_nXOR_n255,7895
+  | IMPL_nIMPL_n256,7905
+  | EQ_nEQ_n257,7916
+  | NEQ_nNEQ_n258,7925
+  | LT_nLT_n259,7935
+  | LTE_nLTE_n260,7944
+  | GT_nGT_n261,7954
+  | GTE_nGTE_n262,7963
+  | DIV_nDIV_n263,7973
+  | MOD_nMOD_n264,7983
+  | MINUS_nMINUS_n265,7993
+  | PLUS_nPLUS_n266,8005
+  | SLASH_nSLASH_n267,8016
+  | TIMES_nTIMES_n268,8028
+  | POWER_nPOWER_n269,8040
+  | HAT_nHAT_n270,8052
+  | CONCAT_nCONCAT_n271,8062
+  | IF_nIF_n273,8097
+  | WITH_nWITH_n274,8106
+  | NOR_nNOR_n276,8137
+  | DIESE_nDIESE_n277,8147
+  | TUPLE_nTUPLE_n278,8159
+  | ARRAY_nARRAY_n279,8171
+  | PROJ_nPROJ_n285,8442
+  | CALL_nCALL_n287,8507
+and by_name_opby_name_op298,8840
+  | STRUCT_EXP_nSTRUCT_EXP_n301,8922
+and oper_expoper_exp303,8980
+    CallPreDefCallPreDef304,8995
+  | CallUsrDefCallUsrDef305,9023
+and static_argstatic_arg313,9289
+    StaticArgIdentStaticArgIdent314,9306
+  | StaticArgConstStaticArgConst315,9340
+  | StaticArgTypeStaticArgType316,9370
+  | StaticArgNodeStaticArgNode317,9401
+let give_pack_this_namegive_pack_this_name324,9571
+let leafexpleafexp339,9880
+let unexpunexp343,9952
+let binexpbinexp347,10027
+let ternexpternexp351,10111
+let naryexpnaryexp355,10203
+let bynameexpbynameexp359,10282
+let make_packbodymake_packbody374,10801
+let add_infoadd_info393,11369
+let lexeme_of_val_explexeme_of_val_exp425,12305
+let rec lexeme_of_left_partlexeme_of_left_part429,12435
+let lexeme_of_pack_or_modellexeme_of_pack_or_model436,12647
diff --git a/src/compile.ml b/src/compile.ml
index d3610d04de0b57e5829cd8955997691ef19b0788..131a2d0a654091892beee928a2c10f929d3ba073 100644
--- a/src/compile.ml
+++ b/src/compile.ml
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(** Time-stamp: <modified the 21/12/2007 (at 14:34) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(** Time-stamp: <modified the 28/01/2008 (at 14:10) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 open Lxm
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ let (doit : SyntaxTree.pack_or_model list -> Ident.idref -> unit) =
       CompiledData.make_simple_node_key (Ident.long_of_idref main_node) 
-      Verbose.put 
+      Verbose.printf 
 	"-- MAIN NODE: \"%s\"\n" (CompiledData.string_of_node_key main_node_key);
       (* Pour chaque package, on a un solveur de références
diff --git a/src/main.ml b/src/main.ml
index b79a04d242e51312a57915f607cb6076ebfe22e2..7554fad7902deddaf2d861e9a55e2ac7b0e7b146 100644
--- a/src/main.ml
+++ b/src/main.ml
@@ -1,24 +1,31 @@
-(** Time-stamp: <modified the 19/12/2007 (at 11:16) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(** Time-stamp: <modified the 28/01/2008 (at 14:10) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 (** Here follows a description of the different modules used by this lus2lic compiler.
-(1) First, the Lustre files are parsed,
+(1) First of all, the Lustre files are parsed,
 which results into a parse tree containing raw source expressions.
-   SyntaxTree.ml  -> shoudl rather be called rawSyntaxTab.ml ?
+   syntaxTree.ml  -> should rather be called rawSyntaxTab.ml ?
-(2) Reference checking at module level + model expansion
+(2) Then, we perform reference checking at module level + model expansion.
       symbolTab.mli/ml (type/const/oper)
-(3) Finally, the compilation (checking+const/type evaluation) is performed .
+syntaxTab is a kind of layer above syntaxTree to make things easier afterwards.
+(3) Finally, the compilation (checking+const/type evaluation) is performed.
@@ -136,11 +143,11 @@ let dump_ns (ns: SyntaxTree.pack_or_model) = (
   let os = Format.formatter_of_out_channel stdout in
     match ns with
 	NSPack pf -> (
-	  (* Verbose.put (lazy ("DUMP PACKDEF\n")); *)
+	  (* Verbose.printf (lazy ("DUMP PACKDEF\n")); *)
 	  SyntaxTreeDump.packinfo os pf
       | NSModel mf -> (
-	  (* Verbose.put (lazy ("DUMP MODDEF\n")); *)
+	  (* Verbose.printf (lazy ("DUMP MODDEF\n")); *)
 	  SyntaxTreeDump.modelinfo os mf
diff --git a/src/syntaxTab.ml b/src/syntaxTab.ml
index 7a7f71198cfead147819da39afa85e6ad73dcc0e..56bb62638bd8b04a1638e14e8695068fd42238ea 100644
--- a/src/syntaxTab.ml
+++ b/src/syntaxTab.ml
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(** Time-stamp: <modified the 18/12/2007 (at 11:13) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(** Time-stamp: <modified the 28/01/2008 (at 14:16) by Erwan Jahier> *)
     Table des infos sources : une couche au dessus de SyntaxTree pour mieux
@@ -39,12 +39,15 @@ open SyntaxTabUtils
     dans la partie provide ou body.
     Il contient aussi une table des items exportés pour faciliter le
-    traitement des "use" du package. C'est une correspondance nature+nom
-    simple -> nom complet (c.a.d. SyntaxTree.item_ident -> Ident.long)
+    traitement des "use" du package. C'est une correspondance 
+        nature + nom simple -> nom complet 
+    (c.a.d. ??? + SyntaxTree.item_ident -> Ident.long)
 type pack_mng = {
-  (* le lexeme de ref *)
+  (* le lexeme associé au package? *)
   pm_lxm : Lxm.t;
   (* le source brut *)
   pm_raw_src : SyntaxTree.pack_info;
@@ -74,27 +77,30 @@ type pack_mng = {
 type t = {
   (* liste + tables des sources bruts *)
   st_list : SyntaxTree.pack_or_model list ;
-  st_raw_mod_tab : (Ident.t , model_info srcflaged) Hashtbl.t ;
+  st_raw_mod_tab  : (Ident.t , model_info srcflaged) Hashtbl.t ;
   st_raw_pack_tab : (Ident.pack_name , pack_info srcflaged) Hashtbl.t ;
   (* table des managers de packs *)
   st_pack_mng_tab : (Ident.pack_name , pack_mng)  Hashtbl.t; 
-let pack_list this = 
-  Hashtbl.fold (fun n p l -> n::l) this.st_pack_mng_tab []
+(* exported *)
+let (pack_list:t -> Ident.pack_name list) =
+  fun this -> 
+    Hashtbl.fold (fun n p l -> n::l) this.st_pack_mng_tab []
-(* accès aux infos *)
-let pack_body_env this  p = 
-  try  (Hashtbl.find this.st_pack_mng_tab p).pm_body_stab
-  with Not_found -> assert false
+(* exported *)
+let (pack_body_env: t -> Ident.pack_name -> SymbolTab.t) =
+  fun this p -> 
+    try  (Hashtbl.find this.st_pack_mng_tab p).pm_body_stab
+    with Not_found -> assert false
-let pack_prov_env this  p = 
-  try (Hashtbl.find this.st_pack_mng_tab p).pm_provide_stab
-  with Not_found -> assert false
+(* exported *)
+let (pack_prov_env: t -> Ident.pack_name -> SymbolTab.t option) =
+  fun this p -> 
+    try (Hashtbl.find this.st_pack_mng_tab p).pm_provide_stab
+    with Not_found -> assert false
@@ -108,7 +114,7 @@ let init_user_items (this: pack_mng) = (
       (xci: SyntaxTree.const_info srcflaged)
       = (
-	Verbose.put "       export const %s\n" (Ident.to_string s);
+	Verbose.printf "       export const %s\n" (Ident.to_string s);
 	put_in_tab "const" this.pm_user_items
 	  (ConstItem s)
 	  (Lxm.flagit (Ident.make_long pname s) xci.src)
@@ -118,37 +124,37 @@ let init_user_items (this: pack_mng) = (
   let export_type
       (s: Ident.t)
       (xti: SyntaxTree.type_info srcflaged)
-      = (
-	let _ = match (xti.it) with
-	    EnumType (_, ecl) -> (
-	      (* Cas particulier des types enums *)
-	      (* on exporte les constantes ... *)
-	      let treat_enum_const ec = (
-		let s = ec.it in
-		let lxm = ec.src in
-		  Verbose.put "       export enum const %s\n" (Ident.to_string s);
-		  put_in_tab "const" this.pm_user_items
-		    (ConstItem s)
-		    (Lxm.flagit (Ident.make_long pname s) lxm)
-	      ) in
-		List.iter treat_enum_const ecl
-	    )
-	  | ExternalType _
-	  | AliasedType _ 
-	  | StructType _ -> ()
-	in
-	  Verbose.put "       export type %s\n" (Ident.to_string s);
-	  put_in_tab "type" this.pm_user_items
-	    (TypeItem s)
-	    (Lxm.flagit (Ident.make_long pname  s) xti.src)
-      )
+      = 
+    ( match (xti.it) with
+	  EnumType (_, ecl) -> (
+	    (* Cas particulier des types enums *)
+	    (* on exporte les constantes ... *)
+	    let treat_enum_const ec = (
+	      let s = ec.it in
+	      let lxm = ec.src in
+		Verbose.printf "       export enum const %s\n" (Ident.to_string s);
+		put_in_tab "const" this.pm_user_items
+		  (ConstItem s)
+		  (Lxm.flagit (Ident.make_long pname s) lxm)
+	    ) in
+	      List.iter treat_enum_const ecl
+	  )
+	| ExternalType _
+	| AliasedType _ 
+	| StructType _ -> ()
+    );
+    Verbose.printf "       export type %s\n" (Ident.to_string s);
+    put_in_tab "type" this.pm_user_items
+      (TypeItem s)
+      (Lxm.flagit (Ident.make_long pname  s) xti.src)
     (* EXPORTATION D'UN oper_info *)
   let export_oper
       (s: Ident.t)
       (xoi: SyntaxTree.oper_info srcflaged)
       = (
-	Verbose.put "       export oper %s\n" (Ident.to_string s);
+	Verbose.printf "       export oper %s\n" (Ident.to_string s);
 	put_in_tab "oper" this.pm_user_items
 	  (OperItem s)
 	  (Lxm.flagit (Ident.make_long pname  s) xoi.src)
@@ -219,147 +225,145 @@ Se fait en plusieurs passes :
    (pour la partie provide et pour la partie body)
-let rec create (sl : SyntaxTree.pack_or_model list) = (
-  (* liste + tables des sources bruts *)
-  let res = {
-    st_list = sl ;
-    st_raw_mod_tab = Hashtbl.create 50;
-    st_raw_pack_tab = Hashtbl.create 50; 
-    st_pack_mng_tab = Hashtbl.create 50; 
-  } in
-    Verbose.put "*** SyntaxTab.create pass 1\n";
-    (* passe 1 *)
-    init_raw_tabs res sl ;
-    (* passe 2 *)
-    Verbose.put "*** SyntaxTab.create pass 2\n";
-    let init_pack_mng pname pdata = (
-      Verbose.put "    init pack %s\n" (Ident.pack_name_to_string pname);
-      let pg = ExpandPack.doit res.st_raw_mod_tab pdata in
-	Hashtbl.add res.st_pack_mng_tab 
-	  pname
-	  (create_pack_mng pdata pg)
-    ) in
-      Hashtbl.iter init_pack_mng res.st_raw_pack_tab ;
-      (* passe 3 *)
-      Verbose.put "*** SyntaxTab.create pass 3\n";
-      Hashtbl.iter (init_pack_mng_stabs res) res.st_pack_mng_tab ;
-      (* resultat *)
-      Verbose.put "*** SyntaxTab.create done\n";
-      res
-    (***** PASSE 1 *****)
-    (* init des tables string -> mod ou pack *)
-    init_raw_tabs (this : t) (sl : SyntaxTree.pack_or_model list) =
-      (* on itère pour chaque pack_or_model : *)
-      let treat_ns ns = 
-	match ns with
-	    (* cas d'un package *)
-	  | SyntaxTree.NSPack  pi ->
-	      let lxm = pi.Lxm.src in
-	      let nme = (Lxm.pack_name lxm) in
-		put_in_tab "package" this.st_raw_pack_tab nme pi
-	  | SyntaxTree.NSModel mi -> (* cas d'un modele *)
-	      let lxm = mi.Lxm.src in
-	      let nme = (Lxm.id lxm) in
-		put_in_tab "model" this.st_raw_mod_tab nme mi
-      in
-	List.iter treat_ns sl
-    (***** PASSE 3 *****)
-    (* Essentiellement le remplissage des champs de pack_mng : 
-       pm_provide_stab : SymbolTab.t
-       table qui permettra de résoudre les refs. simples
-       à l'intérieur de la partie provides.
-       pm_body_stab : SymbolTab.t ;
-       table qui permettra de résoudre les refs. simples
-       à l'intérieur de la partie body.
-       N.B. s'il n'y a pas de provides explicite, on construit
-       une unique table qui sert pour les deux !
-       Comment ça marche :
-       - on traite en premier les éventuels "use",
-       - puis les déclaration locales qui peuvent éventuellement
-       masquer les précédentes (warning ?)
-    *)
-    init_pack_mng_stabs (this: t) (pname: Ident.pack_name) (pm: pack_mng) = (
-      let pg = pm.pm_actual_src in
-	Verbose.put "    symbol tables for pack %s\n"
-	  (Ident.pack_name_to_string pname);
-	let treat_uses px = (
-	  let pname = px.it in
-	  let lxm = px.src in
-	  let pum = try (
-	    Hashtbl.find this.st_pack_mng_tab pname
-	  ) with Not_found -> (
-	    raise(Compile_error(lxm, "unknown package"))
-	  ) in
-	  let fill_used_item
-	      (ii: SyntaxTree.item_ident)
-	      (iks: Ident.long Lxm.srcflaged) =
-	    (
-	      match ii with
-		| ConstItem n -> (
-		    SymbolTab.add_import_const pm.pm_body_stab n iks.it;
-		    match pm.pm_provide_stab with
-			Some pt -> SymbolTab.add_import_const pt n iks.it
-		      | None -> ()
-		  )
-		| TypeItem n -> (
-		      SymbolTab.add_import_type pm.pm_body_stab n iks.it;
-		      match pm.pm_provide_stab with
-			  Some pt -> SymbolTab.add_import_type pt n iks.it
-			| None -> ()
-		    )
-		| OperItem n -> (
-		      SymbolTab.add_import_oper pm.pm_body_stab n iks.it;
-		      match pm.pm_provide_stab with
-			  Some pt -> SymbolTab.add_import_oper pt n iks.it
-			| None -> ()
-		    )
-	    ) in
-	    Hashtbl.iter fill_used_item pum.pm_user_items
-	) in
-	  List.iter treat_uses pg.pg_uses ;
-	  (* ... dans le body : *)
-	  Hashtbl.iter (SymbolTab.add_type pm.pm_body_stab)	
-	    pg.pg_body.pk_type_table;
-	  Hashtbl.iter (SymbolTab.add_const pm.pm_body_stab)	
-	    pg.pg_body.pk_const_table;
-	  Hashtbl.iter (SymbolTab.add_oper pm.pm_body_stab)	
-	    pg.pg_body.pk_oper_table;
-	  (* ... dans le provide : *)
-	  match pg.pg_provides with
-	    | None -> () 
-	    | Some spflg -> (
-		let pptab = match pm.pm_provide_stab with
-		    Some pt -> pt
-		  | None -> assert false
-		in
-		let treat_prov x = (
-		  let lxm = x.src in
-		  let s = (Lxm.id lxm) in
-		    match (x.it) with
-		      | TypeInfo xti -> 
-			  SymbolTab.add_type pptab s (Lxm.flagit xti lxm) 
-		      | ConstInfo xci -> 
-			  SymbolTab.add_const pptab s (Lxm.flagit xci lxm)
-		      | OperInfo xoi ->
-			  SymbolTab.add_oper pptab s (Lxm.flagit xoi lxm)
-		) in
-		  List.iter treat_prov spflg
+let rec (create  : SyntaxTree.pack_or_model list -> t) =
+  fun sl -> 
+    (* liste + tables des sources bruts *)
+    let res = {
+      st_list = sl ;
+      st_raw_mod_tab = Hashtbl.create 50;
+      st_raw_pack_tab = Hashtbl.create 50; 
+      st_pack_mng_tab = Hashtbl.create 50; 
+    } 
+    in
+      Verbose.printf "*** SyntaxTab.create pass 1\n";
+      (* passe 1 *)
+      init_raw_tabs res sl ;
+      (* passe 2 *)
+      Verbose.printf "*** SyntaxTab.create pass 2\n";
+      let init_pack_mng pname pdata = (
+	Verbose.printf "    init pack %s\n" (Ident.pack_name_to_string pname);
+	let pg = ExpandPack.doit res.st_raw_mod_tab pdata in
+	  Hashtbl.add res.st_pack_mng_tab 
+	    pname
+	    (create_pack_mng pdata pg)
+      ) in
+	Hashtbl.iter init_pack_mng res.st_raw_pack_tab ;
+	(* passe 3 *)
+	Verbose.printf "*** SyntaxTab.create pass 3\n";
+	Hashtbl.iter (init_pack_mng_stabs res) res.st_pack_mng_tab ;
+	(* resultat *)
+	Verbose.printf "*** SyntaxTab.create done\n";
+	res
+ and
+(***** PASSE 1 *****)
+(* init des tables string -> mod ou pack *)
+init_raw_tabs (this : t) (sl : SyntaxTree.pack_or_model list) =
+    (* on itère pour chaque pack_or_model : *)
+    let treat_ns ns = 
+      match ns with
+	  (* cas d'un package *)
+	| SyntaxTree.NSPack  pi ->
+	    let lxm = pi.Lxm.src in
+	    let nme = (Lxm.pack_name lxm) in
+	      put_in_tab "package" this.st_raw_pack_tab nme pi
+	| SyntaxTree.NSModel mi -> (* cas d'un modele *)
+	    let lxm = mi.Lxm.src in
+	    let nme = (Lxm.id lxm) in
+	      put_in_tab "model" this.st_raw_mod_tab nme mi
+    in
+      List.iter treat_ns sl
+ and
+(***** PASSE 3 *****)
+(* Essentiellement le remplissage des champs de pack_mng : 
+   pm_provide_stab : SymbolTab.t
+   table qui permettra de résoudre les refs simples
+   à l'intérieur de la partie provides.
+   pm_body_stab : SymbolTab.t ;
+   table qui permettra de résoudre les refs simples
+   à l'intérieur de la partie body.
+   N.B. s'il n'y a pas de provides explicite, on construit
+   une unique table qui sert pour les deux !
+   Comment ça marche :
+   - on traite en premier les éventuels "use",
+   - puis les déclarations locales qui peuvent éventuellement
+   masquer les précédentes (warning ?)
+init_pack_mng_stabs (this: t) (pname: Ident.pack_name) (pm: pack_mng) = (
+  let pg = pm.pm_actual_src in
+    Verbose.printf "   init symbol tables for pack %s\n"
+      (Ident.pack_name_to_string pname);
+    let treat_uses px = (
+      let pname = px.it in
+      let lxm = px.src in
+      let pum = try (
+	Hashtbl.find this.st_pack_mng_tab pname
+      ) with Not_found -> (
+	raise(Compile_error(lxm, "unknown package"))
+      ) in
+      let fill_used_item
+	  (ii: SyntaxTree.item_ident)
+	  (iks: Ident.long Lxm.srcflaged) =
+	(
+	  match ii with
+	    | ConstItem n -> (
+		SymbolTab.add_import_const pm.pm_body_stab n iks.it;
+		match pm.pm_provide_stab with
+		    Some pt -> SymbolTab.add_import_const pt n iks.it
+		  | None -> ()
-    )
+	    | TypeItem n -> (
+		SymbolTab.add_import_type pm.pm_body_stab n iks.it;
+		match pm.pm_provide_stab with
+		    Some pt -> SymbolTab.add_import_type pt n iks.it
+		  | None -> ()
+	      )
+	    | OperItem n -> (
+		SymbolTab.add_import_oper pm.pm_body_stab n iks.it;
+		match pm.pm_provide_stab with
+		    Some pt -> SymbolTab.add_import_oper pt n iks.it
+		  | None -> ()
+	      )
+	) in
+	Hashtbl.iter fill_used_item pum.pm_user_items
+    ) 
+    in
+      List.iter treat_uses pg.pg_uses ;
+      (* ... dans le body : *)
+      Hashtbl.iter (SymbolTab.add_type pm.pm_body_stab)	 pg.pg_body.pk_type_table;
+      Hashtbl.iter (SymbolTab.add_const pm.pm_body_stab) pg.pg_body.pk_const_table;
+      Hashtbl.iter (SymbolTab.add_oper pm.pm_body_stab)	 pg.pg_body.pk_oper_table;
+      (* ... dans le provide : *)
+      match pg.pg_provides with
+	| None -> () 
+	| Some spflg -> (
+	    let pptab = match pm.pm_provide_stab with
+		Some pt -> pt
+	      | None -> assert false
+	    in
+	    let treat_prov x = (
+	      let lxm = x.src in
+	      let s = (Lxm.id lxm) in
+		match (x.it) with
+		  | TypeInfo xti -> 
+		      SymbolTab.add_type pptab s (Lxm.flagit xti lxm) 
+		  | ConstInfo xci -> 
+		      SymbolTab.add_const pptab s (Lxm.flagit xci lxm)
+		  | OperInfo xoi ->
+		      SymbolTab.add_oper pptab s (Lxm.flagit xoi lxm)
+	    ) in
+	      List.iter treat_prov spflg
+	  )
 Associations :
@@ -384,4 +388,33 @@ let find_oper (genv: t) (pck: string) (idr: Ident.t) =
 (* exported *)
-let dump x = print_string "XXX dump: finishme!"
+let (dump : t -> unit) =
+  fun x -> 
+    let p = Verbose.print_string in
+      p "*** « Syntax table dump:\n";
+      p " \t - Package or model list:\n\t\t";
+      (* st_list : SyntaxTree.pack_or_model list ; *)
+      List.iter 
+	(fun pm -> p (SyntaxTree.pack_or_model_to_string pm); p "\n\t\t") 
+	x.st_list ;
+      p "\n\t - Raw module table: ";
+      (* st_raw_mod_tab  : (Ident.t , model_info srcflaged) Hashtbl.t ; *)
+      Hashtbl.iter 
+	(fun id _mi -> p ((Ident.to_string id) ^ " "))
+	x.st_raw_mod_tab;
+      p "\n\t - Raw Package table: ";
+      (* st_raw_pack_tab : (Ident.pack_name , pack_info srcflaged) Hashtbl.t ; *)
+      Hashtbl.iter 
+	(fun pn pi -> p ((Ident.pack_name_to_string pn) ^ " ")) 
+	x.st_raw_pack_tab;
+      p "\n\t - Package manager table: ";
+      (* st_pack_mng_tab : (Ident.pack_name , pack_mng)  Hashtbl.t;  *)
+      Hashtbl.iter 
+	(fun pn pm -> p ((Ident.pack_name_to_string pn) ^ " ")) 
+	x.st_pack_mng_tab;
+      p "\nEnd of Syntax table dump. »\n"
diff --git a/src/syntaxTree.ml b/src/syntaxTree.ml
index 9c4a90680fec615154b3277f7dd0128f05e1c697..bd1927bc5dadb64fc73090fa004a0e0330a1ac74 100644
--- a/src/syntaxTree.ml
+++ b/src/syntaxTree.ml
@@ -1,7 +1,10 @@
-(** Time-stamp: <modified the 17/12/2007 (at 17:54) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(** Time-stamp: <modified the 28/01/2008 (at 14:01) by Erwan Jahier> *)
-(** Abstract syntax of source programs *)
+(** (Raw) Abstract syntax tree of source programs. 
+This syntax tree represented by Hash tables.
 open Printf
 open Lxm  (* pour la remontée au source *)
@@ -435,3 +438,9 @@ let lexeme_of_pack_or_model = (
       NSPack p -> p.src
     | NSModel m -> m.src
+let (pack_or_model_to_string: pack_or_model -> string) =
+  function
+    | NSPack  pi -> Ident.pack_name_to_string pi.it.pa_name ^ " (pack) "
+    | NSModel mi -> Ident.pack_name_to_string mi.it.mo_name ^ " (model) "
diff --git a/src/test/test.res b/src/test/test.res
index e80d5b376d7e5457ce2224a7431bd5038dd9d457..86852591d0806e6e189c593c820fe003beb2cb95 100644
--- a/src/test/test.res
+++ b/src/test/test.res
@@ -19,13 +19,25 @@ Non-regression tests
        export oper fby1
        export type t
 *** SyntaxTab.create pass 3
-    symbol tables for pack inter
-    symbol tables for pack mainPack
-    symbol tables for pack pint
-    symbol tables for pack pbool
-    symbol tables for pack preal
+   init symbol tables for pack inter
+   init symbol tables for pack mainPack
+   init symbol tables for pack pint
+   init symbol tables for pack pbool
+   init symbol tables for pack preal
 *** SyntaxTab.create done
-XXX dump: finishme!-- MAIN NODE: "pint::main"
+ « Syntax table dump:
+ 	 Package or model list:modSimple (model) 
+		pint (pack) 
+		pbool (pack) 
+		preal (pack) 
+		inter (pack) 
+		mainPack (pack) 
+	 Raw module table: modSimple 
+	 Raw Package table: inter mainPack pint pbool preal 
+	 Package manager table: inter mainPack pint pbool preal 
+End of Syntax table dump. »
+-- MAIN NODE: "pint::main"
 package preal
    type t -> real
 package pbool
@@ -45,9 +57,16 @@ package inter
        export type Toto
        export oper bibi
 *** SyntaxTab.create pass 3
-    symbol tables for pack dummy
+   init symbol tables for pack dummy
 *** SyntaxTab.create done
-XXX dump: finishme!-- MAIN NODE: "struct0::main"
+ « Syntax table dump:
+ 	 Package or model list:struct0 (pack) 
+	 Raw module table: 
+	 Raw Package table: dummy 
+	 Package manager table: dummy 
+End of Syntax table dump. »
+-- MAIN NODE: "struct0::main"
 package dummy
    type Toto -> dummy::Toto
@@ -60,9 +79,16 @@ package dummy
        export oper min_n
        export oper max
 *** SyntaxTab.create pass 3
-    symbol tables for pack dummy
+   init symbol tables for pack dummy
 *** SyntaxTab.create done
-XXX dump: finishme!-- MAIN NODE: "t0::main"
+ « Syntax table dump:
+ 	 Package or model list:t0 (pack) 
+	 Raw module table: 
+	 Raw Package table: dummy 
+	 Package manager table: dummy 
+End of Syntax table dump. »
+-- MAIN NODE: "t0::main"
 package dummy
 ====> ../lus2lic -vl 3 t2.lus
@@ -75,9 +101,16 @@ package dummy
        export oper consensus_bis
        export oper consensus
 *** SyntaxTab.create pass 3
-    symbol tables for pack dummy
+   init symbol tables for pack dummy
 *** SyntaxTab.create done
-XXX dump: finishme!-- MAIN NODE: "t2::main"
+ « Syntax table dump:
+ 	 Package or model list:t2 (pack) 
+	 Raw module table: 
+	 Raw Package table: dummy 
+	 Package manager table: dummy 
+End of Syntax table dump. »
+-- MAIN NODE: "t2::main"
 package dummy
 ====> ../lus2lic -vl 3 test.lus
@@ -87,9 +120,16 @@ package dummy
        export const y
        export type titi
 *** SyntaxTab.create pass 3
-    symbol tables for pack P1
+   init symbol tables for pack P1
 *** SyntaxTab.create done
-XXX dump: finishme!-- MAIN NODE: "P1::main"
+ « Syntax table dump:
+ 	 Package or model list:P1 (pack) 
+	 Raw module table: 
+	 Raw Package table: P1 
+	 Package manager table: P1 
+End of Syntax table dump. »
+-- MAIN NODE: "P1::main"
 package P1
    type titi -> P1::titi
@@ -99,9 +139,16 @@ package P1
     init pack dummy
        export oper trivial
 *** SyntaxTab.create pass 3
-    symbol tables for pack dummy
+   init symbol tables for pack dummy
 *** SyntaxTab.create done
-XXX dump: finishme!-- MAIN NODE: "trivial::main"
+ « Syntax table dump:
+ 	 Package or model list:trivial (pack) 
+	 Raw module table: 
+	 Raw Package table: dummy 
+	 Package manager table: dummy 
+End of Syntax table dump. »
+-- MAIN NODE: "trivial::main"
 package dummy
 ====> ../lus2lic -vl 3 x.lus
@@ -114,9 +161,16 @@ package dummy
        export const x
        export const y
 *** SyntaxTab.create pass 3
-    symbol tables for pack dummy
+   init symbol tables for pack dummy
 *** SyntaxTab.create done
-XXX dump: finishme!-- MAIN NODE: "x::main"
+ « Syntax table dump:
+ 	 Package or model list:x (pack) 
+	 Raw module table: 
+	 Raw Package table: dummy 
+	 Package manager table: dummy 
+End of Syntax table dump. »
+-- MAIN NODE: "x::main"
 package dummy
 ====> ../lus2lic -vl 3 consensus.lus
@@ -128,9 +182,16 @@ package dummy
        export oper consensus
        export oper c8
 *** SyntaxTab.create pass 3
-    symbol tables for pack dummy
+   init symbol tables for pack dummy
 *** SyntaxTab.create done
-XXX dump: finishme!-- MAIN NODE: "consensus::main"
+ « Syntax table dump:
+ 	 Package or model list:consensus (pack) 
+	 Raw module table: 
+	 Raw Package table: dummy 
+	 Package manager table: dummy 
+End of Syntax table dump. »
+-- MAIN NODE: "consensus::main"
 package dummy
 ====> ../lus2lic -vl 3 left.lus
@@ -140,9 +201,16 @@ package dummy
        export type truc
        export oper toto
 *** SyntaxTab.create pass 3
-    symbol tables for pack dummy
+   init symbol tables for pack dummy
 *** SyntaxTab.create done
-XXX dump: finishme!-- MAIN NODE: "left::main"
+ « Syntax table dump:
+ 	 Package or model list:left (pack) 
+	 Raw module table: 
+	 Raw Package table: dummy 
+	 Package manager table: dummy 
+End of Syntax table dump. »
+-- MAIN NODE: "left::main"
 package dummy
    type truc -> dummy::truc
@@ -175,13 +243,25 @@ package dummy
        export oper fby1
        export type t
 *** SyntaxTab.create pass 3
-    symbol tables for pack inter
-    symbol tables for pack mainPack
-    symbol tables for pack pint
-    symbol tables for pack pbool
-    symbol tables for pack preal
+   init symbol tables for pack inter
+   init symbol tables for pack mainPack
+   init symbol tables for pack pint
+   init symbol tables for pack pbool
+   init symbol tables for pack preal
 *** SyntaxTab.create done
-XXX dump: finishme!-- MAIN NODE: "pint::main"
+ « Syntax table dump:
+ 	 Package or model list:modSimple (model) 
+		pint (pack) 
+		pbool (pack) 
+		preal (pack) 
+		inter (pack) 
+		mainPack (pack) 
+	 Raw module table: modSimple 
+	 Raw Package table: inter mainPack pint pbool preal 
+	 Package manager table: inter mainPack pint pbool preal 
+End of Syntax table dump. »
+-- MAIN NODE: "pint::main"
 package preal
    type t -> real
 package pbool
@@ -217,13 +297,25 @@ package inter
        export oper fby1
        export type t
 *** SyntaxTab.create pass 3
-    symbol tables for pack inter
-    symbol tables for pack mainPack
-    symbol tables for pack pint
-    symbol tables for pack pbool
-    symbol tables for pack preal
+   init symbol tables for pack inter
+   init symbol tables for pack mainPack
+   init symbol tables for pack pint
+   init symbol tables for pack pbool
+   init symbol tables for pack preal
 *** SyntaxTab.create done
-XXX dump: finishme!-- MAIN NODE: "pint::main"
+ « Syntax table dump:
+ 	 Package or model list:modSimple (model) 
+		pint (pack) 
+		pbool (pack) 
+		preal (pack) 
+		inter (pack) 
+		mainPack (pack) 
+	 Raw module table: modSimple 
+	 Raw Package table: inter mainPack pint pbool preal 
+	 Package manager table: inter mainPack pint pbool preal 
+End of Syntax table dump. »
+-- MAIN NODE: "pint::main"
 package preal
    type t -> real
 package pbool
@@ -245,9 +337,16 @@ package inter
        export oper map2
        export oper toto
 *** SyntaxTab.create pass 3
-    symbol tables for pack dummy
+   init symbol tables for pack dummy
 *** SyntaxTab.create done
-XXX dump: finishme!-- MAIN NODE: "t::main"
+ « Syntax table dump:
+ 	 Package or model list:t (pack) 
+	 Raw module table: 
+	 Raw Package table: dummy 
+	 Package manager table: dummy 
+End of Syntax table dump. »
+-- MAIN NODE: "t::main"
 package dummy
 ====> ../lus2lic -vl 3 trivial.lus
@@ -256,9 +355,16 @@ package dummy
     init pack dummy
        export oper trivial
 *** SyntaxTab.create pass 3
-    symbol tables for pack dummy
+   init symbol tables for pack dummy
 *** SyntaxTab.create done
-XXX dump: finishme!-- MAIN NODE: "trivial::main"
+ « Syntax table dump:
+ 	 Package or model list:trivial (pack) 
+	 Raw module table: 
+	 Raw Package table: dummy 
+	 Package manager table: dummy 
+End of Syntax table dump. »
+-- MAIN NODE: "trivial::main"
 package dummy
 ====> ../lus2lic -vl 3 t1.lus
@@ -269,7 +375,14 @@ package dummy
        export oper consensus
        export oper bt_void
 *** SyntaxTab.create pass 3
-    symbol tables for pack dummy
+   init symbol tables for pack dummy
 *** SyntaxTab.create done
-XXX dump: finishme!-- MAIN NODE: "t1::main"
+ « Syntax table dump:
+ 	 Package or model list:t1 (pack) 
+	 Raw module table: 
+	 Raw Package table: dummy 
+	 Package manager table: dummy 
+End of Syntax table dump. »
+-- MAIN NODE: "t1::main"
 package dummy
diff --git a/src/test/test.res.exp b/src/test/test.res.exp
index e80d5b376d7e5457ce2224a7431bd5038dd9d457..86852591d0806e6e189c593c820fe003beb2cb95 100644
--- a/src/test/test.res.exp
+++ b/src/test/test.res.exp
@@ -19,13 +19,25 @@ Non-regression tests
        export oper fby1
        export type t
 *** SyntaxTab.create pass 3
-    symbol tables for pack inter
-    symbol tables for pack mainPack
-    symbol tables for pack pint
-    symbol tables for pack pbool
-    symbol tables for pack preal
+   init symbol tables for pack inter
+   init symbol tables for pack mainPack
+   init symbol tables for pack pint
+   init symbol tables for pack pbool
+   init symbol tables for pack preal
 *** SyntaxTab.create done
-XXX dump: finishme!-- MAIN NODE: "pint::main"
+ « Syntax table dump:
+ 	 Package or model list:modSimple (model) 
+		pint (pack) 
+		pbool (pack) 
+		preal (pack) 
+		inter (pack) 
+		mainPack (pack) 
+	 Raw module table: modSimple 
+	 Raw Package table: inter mainPack pint pbool preal 
+	 Package manager table: inter mainPack pint pbool preal 
+End of Syntax table dump. »
+-- MAIN NODE: "pint::main"
 package preal
    type t -> real
 package pbool
@@ -45,9 +57,16 @@ package inter
        export type Toto
        export oper bibi
 *** SyntaxTab.create pass 3
-    symbol tables for pack dummy
+   init symbol tables for pack dummy
 *** SyntaxTab.create done
-XXX dump: finishme!-- MAIN NODE: "struct0::main"
+ « Syntax table dump:
+ 	 Package or model list:struct0 (pack) 
+	 Raw module table: 
+	 Raw Package table: dummy 
+	 Package manager table: dummy 
+End of Syntax table dump. »
+-- MAIN NODE: "struct0::main"
 package dummy
    type Toto -> dummy::Toto
@@ -60,9 +79,16 @@ package dummy
        export oper min_n
        export oper max
 *** SyntaxTab.create pass 3
-    symbol tables for pack dummy
+   init symbol tables for pack dummy
 *** SyntaxTab.create done
-XXX dump: finishme!-- MAIN NODE: "t0::main"
+ « Syntax table dump:
+ 	 Package or model list:t0 (pack) 
+	 Raw module table: 
+	 Raw Package table: dummy 
+	 Package manager table: dummy 
+End of Syntax table dump. »
+-- MAIN NODE: "t0::main"
 package dummy
 ====> ../lus2lic -vl 3 t2.lus
@@ -75,9 +101,16 @@ package dummy
        export oper consensus_bis
        export oper consensus
 *** SyntaxTab.create pass 3
-    symbol tables for pack dummy
+   init symbol tables for pack dummy
 *** SyntaxTab.create done
-XXX dump: finishme!-- MAIN NODE: "t2::main"
+ « Syntax table dump:
+ 	 Package or model list:t2 (pack) 
+	 Raw module table: 
+	 Raw Package table: dummy 
+	 Package manager table: dummy 
+End of Syntax table dump. »
+-- MAIN NODE: "t2::main"
 package dummy
 ====> ../lus2lic -vl 3 test.lus
@@ -87,9 +120,16 @@ package dummy
        export const y
        export type titi
 *** SyntaxTab.create pass 3
-    symbol tables for pack P1
+   init symbol tables for pack P1
 *** SyntaxTab.create done
-XXX dump: finishme!-- MAIN NODE: "P1::main"
+ « Syntax table dump:
+ 	 Package or model list:P1 (pack) 
+	 Raw module table: 
+	 Raw Package table: P1 
+	 Package manager table: P1 
+End of Syntax table dump. »
+-- MAIN NODE: "P1::main"
 package P1
    type titi -> P1::titi
@@ -99,9 +139,16 @@ package P1
     init pack dummy
        export oper trivial
 *** SyntaxTab.create pass 3
-    symbol tables for pack dummy
+   init symbol tables for pack dummy
 *** SyntaxTab.create done
-XXX dump: finishme!-- MAIN NODE: "trivial::main"
+ « Syntax table dump:
+ 	 Package or model list:trivial (pack) 
+	 Raw module table: 
+	 Raw Package table: dummy 
+	 Package manager table: dummy 
+End of Syntax table dump. »
+-- MAIN NODE: "trivial::main"
 package dummy
 ====> ../lus2lic -vl 3 x.lus
@@ -114,9 +161,16 @@ package dummy
        export const x
        export const y
 *** SyntaxTab.create pass 3
-    symbol tables for pack dummy
+   init symbol tables for pack dummy
 *** SyntaxTab.create done
-XXX dump: finishme!-- MAIN NODE: "x::main"
+ « Syntax table dump:
+ 	 Package or model list:x (pack) 
+	 Raw module table: 
+	 Raw Package table: dummy 
+	 Package manager table: dummy 
+End of Syntax table dump. »
+-- MAIN NODE: "x::main"
 package dummy
 ====> ../lus2lic -vl 3 consensus.lus
@@ -128,9 +182,16 @@ package dummy
        export oper consensus
        export oper c8
 *** SyntaxTab.create pass 3
-    symbol tables for pack dummy
+   init symbol tables for pack dummy
 *** SyntaxTab.create done
-XXX dump: finishme!-- MAIN NODE: "consensus::main"
+ « Syntax table dump:
+ 	 Package or model list:consensus (pack) 
+	 Raw module table: 
+	 Raw Package table: dummy 
+	 Package manager table: dummy 
+End of Syntax table dump. »
+-- MAIN NODE: "consensus::main"
 package dummy
 ====> ../lus2lic -vl 3 left.lus
@@ -140,9 +201,16 @@ package dummy
        export type truc
        export oper toto
 *** SyntaxTab.create pass 3
-    symbol tables for pack dummy
+   init symbol tables for pack dummy
 *** SyntaxTab.create done
-XXX dump: finishme!-- MAIN NODE: "left::main"
+ « Syntax table dump:
+ 	 Package or model list:left (pack) 
+	 Raw module table: 
+	 Raw Package table: dummy 
+	 Package manager table: dummy 
+End of Syntax table dump. »
+-- MAIN NODE: "left::main"
 package dummy
    type truc -> dummy::truc
@@ -175,13 +243,25 @@ package dummy
        export oper fby1
        export type t
 *** SyntaxTab.create pass 3
-    symbol tables for pack inter
-    symbol tables for pack mainPack
-    symbol tables for pack pint
-    symbol tables for pack pbool
-    symbol tables for pack preal
+   init symbol tables for pack inter
+   init symbol tables for pack mainPack
+   init symbol tables for pack pint
+   init symbol tables for pack pbool
+   init symbol tables for pack preal
 *** SyntaxTab.create done
-XXX dump: finishme!-- MAIN NODE: "pint::main"
+ « Syntax table dump:
+ 	 Package or model list:modSimple (model) 
+		pint (pack) 
+		pbool (pack) 
+		preal (pack) 
+		inter (pack) 
+		mainPack (pack) 
+	 Raw module table: modSimple 
+	 Raw Package table: inter mainPack pint pbool preal 
+	 Package manager table: inter mainPack pint pbool preal 
+End of Syntax table dump. »
+-- MAIN NODE: "pint::main"
 package preal
    type t -> real
 package pbool
@@ -217,13 +297,25 @@ package inter
        export oper fby1
        export type t
 *** SyntaxTab.create pass 3
-    symbol tables for pack inter
-    symbol tables for pack mainPack
-    symbol tables for pack pint
-    symbol tables for pack pbool
-    symbol tables for pack preal
+   init symbol tables for pack inter
+   init symbol tables for pack mainPack
+   init symbol tables for pack pint
+   init symbol tables for pack pbool
+   init symbol tables for pack preal
 *** SyntaxTab.create done
-XXX dump: finishme!-- MAIN NODE: "pint::main"
+ « Syntax table dump:
+ 	 Package or model list:modSimple (model) 
+		pint (pack) 
+		pbool (pack) 
+		preal (pack) 
+		inter (pack) 
+		mainPack (pack) 
+	 Raw module table: modSimple 
+	 Raw Package table: inter mainPack pint pbool preal 
+	 Package manager table: inter mainPack pint pbool preal 
+End of Syntax table dump. »
+-- MAIN NODE: "pint::main"
 package preal
    type t -> real
 package pbool
@@ -245,9 +337,16 @@ package inter
        export oper map2
        export oper toto
 *** SyntaxTab.create pass 3
-    symbol tables for pack dummy
+   init symbol tables for pack dummy
 *** SyntaxTab.create done
-XXX dump: finishme!-- MAIN NODE: "t::main"
+ « Syntax table dump:
+ 	 Package or model list:t (pack) 
+	 Raw module table: 
+	 Raw Package table: dummy 
+	 Package manager table: dummy 
+End of Syntax table dump. »
+-- MAIN NODE: "t::main"
 package dummy
 ====> ../lus2lic -vl 3 trivial.lus
@@ -256,9 +355,16 @@ package dummy
     init pack dummy
        export oper trivial
 *** SyntaxTab.create pass 3
-    symbol tables for pack dummy
+   init symbol tables for pack dummy
 *** SyntaxTab.create done
-XXX dump: finishme!-- MAIN NODE: "trivial::main"
+ « Syntax table dump:
+ 	 Package or model list:trivial (pack) 
+	 Raw module table: 
+	 Raw Package table: dummy 
+	 Package manager table: dummy 
+End of Syntax table dump. »
+-- MAIN NODE: "trivial::main"
 package dummy
 ====> ../lus2lic -vl 3 t1.lus
@@ -269,7 +375,14 @@ package dummy
        export oper consensus
        export oper bt_void
 *** SyntaxTab.create pass 3
-    symbol tables for pack dummy
+   init symbol tables for pack dummy
 *** SyntaxTab.create done
-XXX dump: finishme!-- MAIN NODE: "t1::main"
+ « Syntax table dump:
+ 	 Package or model list:t1 (pack) 
+	 Raw module table: 
+	 Raw Package table: dummy 
+	 Package manager table: dummy 
+End of Syntax table dump. »
+-- MAIN NODE: "t1::main"
 package dummy
diff --git a/src/verbose.ml b/src/verbose.ml
index 50bf8ccb9cdaf9fb434a180a2804ad06b77e1afa..9761f4ea8f3bc119ba0f880301b1dc11e8cfdfda 100644
--- a/src/verbose.ml
+++ b/src/verbose.ml
@@ -30,9 +30,12 @@ let set_level (l:int) = ( _level := l )
 let get_level () = !_level
-let put ?(level=1) s = Printf.kprintf
+let printf ?(level=1) s = Printf.kprintf
   (fun t -> if (!_level >= level) then (print_string t) else ()) s
+let print_string ?(level=1) s = 
+  if (!_level >= level) then (print_string s)
 (**** VERSION GORE *****)
diff --git a/src/verbose.mli b/src/verbose.mli
index c94ed0710fdc03c9a9f74c459178cc4d4ba0b4c3..3124d327dacccb78e1db7248ac72de38f9658750 100644
--- a/src/verbose.mli
+++ b/src/verbose.mli
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(** Time-stamp: <modified the 18/12/2007 (at 14:29) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(** Time-stamp: <modified the 28/01/2008 (at 14:13) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 	module : Verbose
@@ -16,4 +16,5 @@ Verbose.put "format" args...
 val set_level : int -> unit
 val get_level : unit -> int
-val put : ?level:int -> ('a, unit, string, unit) format4 -> 'a
+val printf : ?level:int -> ('a, unit, string, unit) format4 -> 'a
+val print_string : ?level:int -> string -> unit
diff --git a/src/version.ml b/src/version.ml
index 8702233f67a0e65da9c717b390265be33386c5d2..a4071868963ab295be7dfa7dc84283e0fe2606dd 100644
--- a/src/version.ml
+++ b/src/version.ml
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 (* Automatically generated from src/Makefile *) 
 let tool = "lus2lic"
 let branch = "u0"
-let commit = "10"
-let sha_1 = "a2f521dd15d3377a8a10e46fefdf415ad68effa9"
+let commit = "11"
+let sha_1 = "cbec21161346256d244e19c3f507170352f9bb4f"
 let str = (branch ^ "." ^ commit)