diff --git a/src/lazyCompiler.ml b/src/lazyCompiler.ml
index 7d742f479278b4aeb4ccde160a65e8d5ff5bd188..91ac961fe4b699c3db0b9e5830492abd42c8e909 100644
--- a/src/lazyCompiler.ml
+++ b/src/lazyCompiler.ml
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(** Time-stamp: <modified the 03/03/2009 (at 17:43) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(** Time-stamp: <modified the 04/03/2009 (at 10:29) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 open Lxm
@@ -342,13 +342,13 @@ and (const_check_interface_do: t -> Ident.long -> Lxm.t -> SymbolTab.t ->
       match prov_const_eff, body_const_eff with
         | Eff.Extern_const_eff (_), _ -> assert false
         | Eff.Abstract_const_eff (id, teff, v, is_exported),
-          Eff.Abstract_const_eff (body_id, body_teff, body_v, body_is_exported)
+            Eff.Abstract_const_eff (body_id, body_teff, body_v, body_is_exported)
             assert false
               (* indeed, how can a body constant be extern and have a value? *)
         | Eff.Abstract_const_eff (id, teff, v, is_exported),
-          Eff.Extern_const_eff (body_id, body_teff) 
+              Eff.Extern_const_eff (body_id, body_teff) 
             if (id <> cn) then assert false
             else if not (Eff.type_are_compatible teff body_teff) then 
@@ -380,8 +380,8 @@ and (const_check_interface_do: t -> Ident.long -> Lxm.t -> SymbolTab.t ->
                   raise(Compile_error (const_def.src, " constant values mismatch"))
                   Eff.Abstract_const_eff (id, teff, body_const_eff, is_exported)
         | Eff.Enum_const_eff (_, _), _
         | Eff.Bool_const_eff _, _
@@ -389,7 +389,7 @@ and (const_check_interface_do: t -> Ident.long -> Lxm.t -> SymbolTab.t ->
         | Eff.Real_const_eff _, _
         | Eff.Struct_const_eff (_,_), _
         | Eff.Array_const_eff (_,_), _
-          ->
+            ->
             if prov_const_eff = body_const_eff then
@@ -463,7 +463,7 @@ and (type_check_do: t -> Ident.long -> Lxm.t -> SymbolTab.t -> bool ->
         | Struct_type_eff(_) -> true
         | Any | Overload | Bool_type_eff | Int_type_eff | Real_type_eff
         | External_type_eff(_) | Abstract_type_eff(_) | Enum_type_eff(_) 
-          -> false
+            -> false
           (not provide_flag) 
@@ -502,29 +502,29 @@ and (const_check_do : t -> Ident.long -> Lxm.t -> SymbolTab.t -> bool ->
           | ExternalConst (id, texp, val_opt) ->
               let lid = Ident.make_long currpack id in
               let teff = GetEff.typ id_solver texp in
-              if provide_flag then 
-                match val_opt with
-                  | None  -> 
-                      (* we put a fake value here as we don't know yet the 
-                         concrete value. this will be filled in 
-                         const_check_interface_do. I could have put an option
-                         type, but that would make quite a lot of noise in the
-                         remaining...
-                      *) 
-                      Abstract_const_eff(lid, teff, Int_const_eff (-666), false)
-                  | Some c -> 
-                      let ceff = match EvalConst.f id_solver c with
-                        | [ceff] -> ceff
-                        | _  -> assert false
-                      in
-                        Abstract_const_eff(lid, teff, ceff, true)
-              else
-                (match val_opt with
-                  | None  -> Extern_const_eff(lid, teff)
-                  | Some c -> assert false
-                      (* indeed, how can a body constant be extern and have a value? *)
-                )
+                if provide_flag then 
+                  match val_opt with
+                    | None  -> 
+                        (* we put a fake value here as we don't know yet the 
+                           concrete value. this will be filled in 
+                           const_check_interface_do. I could have put an option
+                           type, but that would make quite a lot of noise in the
+                           remaining...
+                        *) 
+                        Abstract_const_eff(lid, teff, Int_const_eff (-666), false)
+                    | Some c -> 
+                        let ceff = match EvalConst.f id_solver c with
+                          | [ceff] -> ceff
+                          | _  -> assert false
+                        in
+                          Abstract_const_eff(lid, teff, ceff, true)
+                else
+                  (match val_opt with
+                     | None  -> Extern_const_eff(lid, teff)
+                     | Some c -> assert false
+                         (* indeed, how can a body constant be extern and have a value? *)
+                  )
           | EnumConst (id, texp) ->
               Enum_const_eff ((Ident.make_long currpack id), GetEff.typ id_solver texp)
@@ -539,14 +539,14 @@ and (const_check_do : t -> Ident.long -> Lxm.t -> SymbolTab.t -> bool ->
                             if (tdecl = teff ) then ceff else 
                                 (Compile_error (const_def.src, Printf.sprintf
-                                " this constant is declared as '%s' but evaluated as '%s'"
-                                (LicDump.string_of_type_eff4msg tdecl)
-                                (LicDump.string_of_type_eff4msg teff)
+                                                  " this constant is declared as '%s' but evaluated as '%s'"
+                                                  (LicDump.string_of_type_eff4msg tdecl)
+                                                  (LicDump.string_of_type_eff4msg teff)
                 | [] -> assert false (* should not occur *)
                 | _::_ -> raise (Compile_error(const_def.src, 
-                                             "bad constant value: tuple not allowed"))
+                                               "bad constant value: tuple not allowed"))
       let is_struct_or_array = match const_eff with 
@@ -559,8 +559,8 @@ and (const_check_do : t -> Ident.long -> Lxm.t -> SymbolTab.t -> bool ->
           (not provide_flag 
-          && (not (!Global.expand_structs & is_struct_or_array)) 
-          && not !Global.ec (* ec does not need constant decl *)
+           && (not (!Global.expand_structs & is_struct_or_array)) 
+           && not !Global.ec (* ec does not need constant decl *)
           ) || is_extern_const
           output_string !Global.oc (LicDump.const_decl cn const_eff);
@@ -625,7 +625,7 @@ and (node_check_interface_do: t -> Eff.node_key -> Lxm.t ->
       else if 
         (List.exists2 type_is_not_comp
            prov_node_exp_eff.outlist_eff body_node_exp_eff.outlist_eff) 
-        (* ougth to be checked above: well, it eats no bread to keep that check *)
+          (* ougth to be checked above: well, it eats no bread to keep that check *)
         let msg = msg_prefix ^ "bad output profile. \n*** " ^ 
           (String.concat "*" (List.map str_of_var prov_node_exp_eff.outlist_eff)) ^
@@ -668,14 +668,14 @@ and (node_check_do: t -> Eff.node_key -> Lxm.t -> SymbolTab.t ->
                       "\n*** '"^(Ident.string_of_idref id)^
                         "': Unknown variable.\n*** Current variables are: " ^
-                    (Hashtbl.fold
-                      (fun id vi_eff acc ->
-                         acc ^ (Format.sprintf 
-                           "\n\t%s" (LicDump.string_of_var_info_eff4msg vi_eff))
-                      )
-                      local_env.lenv_vars
-                      ""
-                    ))));
+                        (Hashtbl.fold
+                           (fun id vi_eff acc ->
+                              acc ^ (Format.sprintf 
+                                       "\n\t%s" (LicDump.string_of_var_info_eff4msg vi_eff))
+                           )
+                           local_env.lenv_vars
+                           ""
+                        ))));
       id2const =
         (fun id lxm ->
            try lookup_const local_env id lxm
@@ -689,10 +689,10 @@ and (node_check_do: t -> Eff.node_key -> Lxm.t -> SymbolTab.t ->
       id2node  =
         (fun id sargs lxm ->
-             let node_id, inlist, outlist = lookup_node local_env  id sargs lxm in
-	     let node_id = Ident.idref_of_long node_id in
-	       solve_node_idref this symbols provide_flag pack_name node_id  [] lxm
-(*                node_check this (node_id,[]) lxm   *)
+              let node_id, inlist, outlist = lookup_node local_env  id sargs lxm in
+	      let node_id = Ident.idref_of_long node_id in
+	        solve_node_idref this symbols provide_flag pack_name node_id  [] lxm
+                  (*                node_check this (node_id,[]) lxm   *)
                 Not_found -> 
@@ -735,7 +735,7 @@ and (node_check_do: t -> Eff.node_key -> Lxm.t -> SymbolTab.t ->
             let (sort_vars : Ident.t list -> Ident.t list) =
               fun l -> 
                 (* I cannot use List.sort as I only have a partial order on vars
-                 -> hence I perform a topological sort *)
+                   -> hence I perform a topological sort *)
                 let rec depends_on v1 v2 =
                   match (find_var_info lxm vars v1).it.var_clock with
                     | Base -> false
@@ -763,7 +763,7 @@ and (node_check_do: t -> Eff.node_key -> Lxm.t -> SymbolTab.t ->
                                     (Ident.to_string v) ^ " depends on " ^
                                     (Ident.to_string v2) ^ ", which depends on " ^
                                     (Ident.to_string v))
-                                )
+                              )
                               let l1,l2 = List.partition (fun v -> v=v2) l in
                                 if l1 = [] then
@@ -804,44 +804,84 @@ and (node_check_do: t -> Eff.node_key -> Lxm.t -> SymbolTab.t ->
                 is_polym_eff = !is_polymorphic
-    let (make_alias_node : Eff.node_exp -> Eff.node_exp) =
-      fun aliased_node -> 
-        (* builds a  node that calls the aliased node. It looks like:
-             node alias_node( ins ) returns ( outs );
-             let
-               outs = aliased_node(ins);
-             tel
+    let (make_alias_node : Eff.node_exp -> node_vars option -> Eff.node_exp) =
+      fun aliased_node vars_opt -> 
+        (* builds a node that  calls the aliased node. It looks like:
+           node  alias_node(ins) returns (outs);  
+           let 
+              outs = aliased_node(ins); 
+           tel           
+           When instanciating  models with polymorphic  operators, it
+           may   happen  that   some  exported   user   nodes  become
+           polymorphic (via node alias  precisely). But in that case,
+           a non-polymorphic profile is given in the package provided
+           part. In such a case, we can use the types of the provided
+           part (itl and otl) instead of the polymorphic ones.
-        let (outs:Eff.left list) =
-          List.map  (fun vi -> LeftVarEff (vi, lxm)) aliased_node.outlist_eff
+        let (il,ol) = Eff.profile_of_node_exp aliased_node in
+        let (il_decl, ol_decl) = 
+          match vars_opt with
+            | None -> (il,ol) (* no type profile is declared; we use the alias one *)
+            | Some vars ->
+                (* a type profile is declared; let's check there are compatible *)
+                let vi_il, vi_ol = 
+                  List.map (fun id -> find_var_info lxm vars id) vars.inlist,
+                  List.map (fun id -> find_var_info lxm vars id) vars.outlist
+                in
+                let aux vi = GetEff.typ node_id_solver vi.it.var_type in
+                let (il_decl, ol_decl) = List.map aux vi_il, List.map aux vi_ol in
+                let i_unif_res = UnifyType.f il_decl il
+                and o_unif_res = UnifyType.f ol_decl ol
+                in
+                  (match i_unif_res with
+                     | UnifyType.Ko msg -> raise(Compile_error(lxm, msg))
+                     | UnifyType.Equal -> ()
+                     | UnifyType.Unif t ->  GetEff.dump_polymorphic_nodes t
+                  );
+                  (match o_unif_res with
+                     | UnifyType.Ko msg -> raise(Compile_error (lxm, msg))
+                     | UnifyType.Equal -> ()
+                     | UnifyType.Unif t ->  GetEff.dump_polymorphic_nodes t
+                  );
+                  (* ok, there are compatible. We use the declared profile. *)
+                  (il_decl, ol_decl)
+        in
+        let instanciate_var_info vi t = { vi with var_type_eff = t } in
+        let vil = List.map2 instanciate_var_info aliased_node.inlist_eff  il_decl 
+        and vol = List.map2 instanciate_var_info aliased_node.outlist_eff ol_decl in
+        let (outs:Eff.left list) = List.map  (fun vi -> LeftVarEff (vi, lxm)) vol
         and (aliased_node_call : Eff.val_exp) =
-              (Lxm.flagit (Eff.CALL(Lxm.flagit aliased_node lxm)) lxm, 
-               OperEff
-                 (List.map 
-                    (fun vi -> (* build operands*)
-                       let ve = CallByPosEff(
-                         Lxm.flagit (Eff.IDENT 
-                                (Ident.to_idref vi.var_name_eff)) lxm, OperEff [])
-		       in
-			 EvalType.add ve [vi.var_type_eff];
-			 EvalClock.add ve [vi.var_clock_eff];
-			 ve
-                    )
-                    aliased_node.inlist_eff)))
+            (Lxm.flagit (Eff.CALL(Lxm.flagit aliased_node lxm)) lxm, 
+             OperEff
+               (List.map 
+                  (fun vi -> (* build operands*)
+                     let ve = CallByPosEff(
+                       Lxm.flagit (Eff.IDENT 
+                                     (Ident.to_idref vi.var_name_eff)) lxm, OperEff [])
+		     in
+		       EvalType.add ve [vi.var_type_eff];
+		       EvalClock.add ve [vi.var_clock_eff];
+		       ve
+                  )
+                  vil)))
 	let tl = List.map Eff.type_of_left outs in
 	let cl = List.map (fun l -> (Eff.var_info_of_left l).var_clock_eff) outs in
-	EvalType.add aliased_node_call tl;
-	EvalClock.add aliased_node_call cl;
+	  EvalType.add aliased_node_call tl;
+	  EvalClock.add aliased_node_call cl;
             aliased_node with
               node_key_eff = nk;
+              inlist_eff = vil;
+              outlist_eff = vol;
               loclist_eff = None;
               def_eff = BodyEff(
                 { asserts_eff = []; 
                   eqs_eff = [Lxm.flagit (outs, aliased_node_call) lxm] 
+              is_polym_eff = List.exists Eff.is_polymorphic (il_decl@ol_decl);
       (* let's go *)
@@ -888,110 +928,48 @@ and (node_check_do: t -> Eff.node_key -> Lxm.t -> SymbolTab.t ->
                     raise (Compile_error (lxm, "can not alias this operator, sorry"))
                       (* does it make sense to alias when, pre, etc? *)
-          in
-          let (alias_node : Eff.node_exp) = make_alias_node aliased_node in
-            (* update the local_env table *)
-          let _ = 
-            let update_local_env_table vi =
-              Hashtbl.add local_env.lenv_vars vi.var_name_eff vi
-              List.iter update_local_env_table alias_node.inlist_eff;
-              List.iter update_local_env_table alias_node.outlist_eff;
-              match alias_node.loclist_eff with 
-                  None -> () | Some l -> List.iter update_local_env_table l;
-          in
-          let instanciate_node n itl otl =
-            (** replace the types i/o of n by [itl] (input type list)
-                and [otl] (output type list).
-                Indeed, when instanciating models with polymorphic
-                operators, it may happen that some exported user
-                nodes become polymorphic (via node alias
-                precisely). But in that case, a non-polymorphic
-                profile is given in the package provided part. In
-                such a case, we can use the types of the provided
-                part (itl and otl) instead of the polymorphic ones.
-                The tricky part is that it is not enough to modify the
-                inlist_eff and the outlist_eff fields: i/o vars (var_info) migth
-                appear in left part.
-                It also changes the is_polym_eff field.
-                I hope this is all...
-            *)
-            let instanciate_var_info vi t = (vi, { vi with var_type_eff = t }) in
-            let instanciate_type t1 t2 = match t1 with Any | Overload -> t2 | _ -> t1
+            let (alias_node : Eff.node_exp) = 
+              try make_alias_node aliased_node node_def.it.vars 
+              with Not_found -> assert false (* defense against List.assoc *)
-            let si = List.map2 instanciate_var_info n.inlist_eff itl
-            and so = List.map2 instanciate_var_info n.outlist_eff otl in
-            let s = List.rev_append si so in
-            let instanciate_left left = 
-              let rec aux = function 
-                | LeftVarEff  (vi,lxm) -> 
-                    let nvi = List.assoc vi s in
-                      LeftVarEff(nvi,lxm), nvi.var_type_eff
-                | LeftFieldEff(l,id,t) -> 
-                    let nl,nt = aux l in
-                      LeftFieldEff(nl, id, instanciate_type t nt), nt
-                | LeftArrayEff(l,i,t)  ->  
-                    let nl,nt = aux l in
-                      LeftArrayEff(nl, i, instanciate_type t nt), nt
-                | LeftSliceEff(l,si,t) ->  
-                    let nl,nt = aux l in
-                      LeftSliceEff(nl, si, instanciate_type t nt), nt
+            (* update the local_env table *)
+            let _ = 
+              let update_local_env_table vi =
+                Hashtbl.add local_env.lenv_vars vi.var_name_eff vi
-                fst (aux left)
+                List.iter update_local_env_table alias_node.inlist_eff;
+                List.iter update_local_env_table alias_node.outlist_eff;
+                match alias_node.loclist_eff with 
+                    None -> () | Some l -> List.iter update_local_env_table l;
-            let instanciate_eq { it = (ll,ve); src = lxm } =
-              { it = (List.map instanciate_left ll,ve); src = lxm }
-            in
-              { n with
-                  inlist_eff = List.map2 
-                  (fun vi texp -> { vi with var_type_eff = texp }) n.inlist_eff itl;
-                  outlist_eff = List.map2 
-                  (fun vi texp -> { vi with var_type_eff = texp }) n.outlist_eff otl;
-                  def_eff = (match n.def_eff with
-                    | ExternEff | AbstractEff -> n.def_eff
-                    | BodyEff nb -> BodyEff
-                        { nb with eqs_eff = List.map instanciate_eq nb.eqs_eff });
-                  is_polym_eff = List.exists Eff.is_polymorphic (itl @ otl);
-              }
-          in
-            (* end of [instanciate_node] *)
-            (* Check that the declared profile (if any) matches with the alias *)
-            match node_def.it.vars with
-              | None -> alias_node
-              | Some vars ->
-                  let vi_il, vi_ol = 
-                    List.map (fun id -> find_var_info lxm vars id) vars.inlist,
-                    List.map (fun id -> find_var_info lxm vars id) vars.outlist
-                  in
-                  let aux vi = GetEff.typ node_id_solver vi.it.var_type
-                  in
-                  let (il,ol) = Eff.profile_of_node_exp alias_node in
-                  let (il_exp, ol_exp) = List.map aux vi_il, List.map aux vi_ol in
-                  let i_unif_res = UnifyType.f il_exp il
-                  and o_unif_res = UnifyType.f ol_exp ol
-                  in
-                    (match i_unif_res with
-                      | UnifyType.Ko msg -> raise(Compile_error(lxm, msg))
-                      | UnifyType.Equal -> ()
-                      | UnifyType.Unif t ->  GetEff.dump_polymorphic_nodes t
-                    );
-                    (match o_unif_res with
-                      | UnifyType.Ko msg -> raise(Compile_error (lxm, msg))
-                      | UnifyType.Equal -> ()
-                      | UnifyType.Unif t ->  GetEff.dump_polymorphic_nodes t
-                    );
-                    try
-                      instanciate_node alias_node il_exp ol_exp
-                    with 
-                        Not_found -> assert false (* defense against List.assoc *)
+              (* Check that the declared profile (if any) matches with the alias *)
+              match node_def.it.vars with
+                | None -> alias_node
+                | Some vars ->
+                    let vi_il, vi_ol = 
+                      List.map (fun id -> find_var_info lxm vars id) vars.inlist,
+                      List.map (fun id -> find_var_info lxm vars id) vars.outlist
+                    in
+                    let aux vi = GetEff.typ node_id_solver vi.it.var_type
+                    in
+                    let (il,ol) = Eff.profile_of_node_exp alias_node in
+                    let (il_exp, ol_exp) = List.map aux vi_il, List.map aux vi_ol in
+                    let i_unif_res = UnifyType.f il_exp il
+                    and o_unif_res = UnifyType.f ol_exp ol
+                    in
+                      (match i_unif_res with
+                         | UnifyType.Ko msg -> raise(Compile_error(lxm, msg))
+                         | UnifyType.Equal -> ()
+                         | UnifyType.Unif t ->  GetEff.dump_polymorphic_nodes t
+                      );
+                      (match o_unif_res with
+                         | UnifyType.Ko msg -> raise(Compile_error (lxm, msg))
+                         | UnifyType.Equal -> ()
+                         | UnifyType.Unif t ->  GetEff.dump_polymorphic_nodes t
+                      );
+                      alias_node
             (* End Alias *)
@@ -1042,7 +1020,7 @@ and (node_check_do: t -> Eff.node_key -> Lxm.t -> SymbolTab.t ->
       (* nb: we print res_struct, but we return res, because the structure and
          array expansion modify the node profiles.
-     *)
+      *)
diff --git a/src/test/Makefile b/src/test/Makefile
index 907480a8471ab6a4cd75eea97bc6943332566e7f..b878b39a4186bd487e01e81850a60744b880bffa 100644
--- a/src/test/Makefile
+++ b/src/test/Makefile
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ test_ec:
 		(ec2c /tmp/xx.ec >> test_ec.res 2>&1 && echo -n "ok ") || echo " KO!";\
 	done; \
 	diff -u test_ec.res.exp test_ec.res > test_ec.diff || \
-		(cat test.diff ; echo "cf test.diff"; exit 1)
+		(cat test_ec.diff ; echo "cf test_ec.diff"; exit 1)
@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ test_lv4:
 		(lus2ec /tmp/xx.lus `lusinfo /tmp/xx.lus nodes | head -n 1` >> test_lv4.res 2>&1 && echo -n "ok ") || echo " KO!";\
 	done; \
 	diff -u test_lv4.res.exp test_lv4.res > test_lv4.diff || \
-		(cat test.diff ; echo "cf test.diff"; exit 1)
+		(cat test_lv4.diff ; echo "cf test_lv4.diff"; exit 1)