diff --git a/src/eff.ml b/src/eff.ml
index 1f5ae5708e9049014bf039374882399df7e37228..8ce7dd8a6713afa90b35304ece30620d75f0f65d 100644
--- a/src/eff.ml
+++ b/src/eff.ml
@@ -132,6 +132,8 @@ and type_ =
   | Overload 
       (* [Overload] is like [Any], except that it can only be [int] or [real] *)
+(* Utile : arguments et profils *)
+and node_profile = (Ident.t * type_) list * (Ident.t * type_) list
 and slice_info = {
 (** Dénotation de tranche de tableau correcte :
@@ -240,6 +242,7 @@ and const =
   | Struct_const_eff of ((Ident.t * const) list * type_)
       (* type_ tableau : liste des valeurs + type_ des elts + taille *)
   | Array_const_eff of (const list * type_)
+  | Tuple_const_eff of const list
         Type: val   
@@ -315,6 +318,7 @@ and node_body = {
 and item_key = Ident.long
 and node_key = item_key * static_arg list
 and static_arg =
+	(* may be a tuple *)
   | ConstStaticArgEff of (Ident.t * const)
   | TypeStaticArgEff  of (Ident.t * type_)
   | NodeStaticArgEff  of (Ident.t * sarg_node_eff * node_exp)
diff --git a/src/getEff.ml b/src/getEff.ml
index 33f86e551b51660f7733cba27ef89ec2a9dd10fe..81f2f546849c7a8a31ab6fcebe95d3c8cb888b48 100644
--- a/src/getEff.ml
+++ b/src/getEff.ml
@@ -377,64 +377,13 @@ and (translate_val_exp : Eff.id_solver -> UnifyClock.subst ->
             let s, vef_core =
               match by_pos_op with
-                  (* put that in another module ? yes, see above.*)
-                | Predef_n(CondAct,  sargs)
-                | Predef_n(Map,  sargs)
-                | Predef_n(Fill, sargs)
-                | Predef_n(Red,  sargs)
-                | Predef_n(FillRed, sargs)
-                | Predef_n(BoolRed, sargs) -> 
-                    (* We will make use of [vel_eff] to resolve the polymorphism *)
-                    let vel_eff, type_ll = 
-                      List.split (List.map (EvalType.f id_solver) vel_eff) 
-                    in
-                    let type_l : Eff.type_ list = List.flatten type_ll in
-                    let sargs_eff = translate_predef_static_args id_solver sargs lxm in
-                    let iter_op = match by_pos_op with 
-                        Predef_n(op,_) -> op | _ -> assert false
-                    in
-                    let iter_profile = match by_pos_op with
-                      | Predef_n(Map,_) ->  
-                          PredefEvalType.map_profile lxm sargs_eff
-                      | Predef_n(Fill,_) | Predef_n(Red,_) | Predef_n(FillRed,_) ->
-                          PredefEvalType.fillred_profile lxm sargs_eff
-                      | Predef_n(BoolRed,_) ->   
-                          PredefEvalType.boolred_profile lxm sargs_eff
-                      | _  -> assert false
-                    in
-                    let type_l_exp = snd (List.split (fst iter_profile)) in
-                    let sargs_eff = 
-                      if List.length type_l <> List.length type_l_exp then
-                        let str = Printf.sprintf 
-                          "the iterator has a wrong arity: %s instead of %s"
-                          (string_of_int (List.length type_l))
-                          (string_of_int (List.length type_l_exp))
-                        in
-                        raise (Compile_error(lxm, str))
-                      else
-                      match UnifyType.f type_l type_l_exp with
-                        | UnifyType.Equal -> sargs_eff
-                        | UnifyType.Unif typ ->
-                            (* The iterated nodes was polymorphic, but we know here
-                               that the type variable was [typ]. 
-                            *)
-                            dump_polymorphic_nodes typ;
-             List.map (instanciate_type typ) sargs_eff
-                        | UnifyType.Ko str -> raise (Compile_error(lxm,  str))
-                    in
-                      s, mk_by_pos_op (Eff.Predef(iter_op, sargs_eff)) 
-                (* other predef operators *)
-                | Predef_n(op, args) -> 
+              (* put that in another module ? yes, see above.*)
                 | Predef_n(op, sargs) -> (
-         try translate_predef_macro id_solver lxm op sargs (s, vel_eff)
-         with Not_found -> 
-           assert (sargs=[]);
-           s, mk_by_pos_op(Predef (op,[]))
-      )
+                   try translate_predef_macro id_solver lxm op sargs (s, vel_eff)
+                   with Not_found -> 
+                      assert (sargs=[]);
+                      s, mk_by_pos_op(Predef (op,[]))
+                   )
                 | CALL_n node_exp_f -> 
                     s, mk_by_pos_op(Eff.CALL (flagit (node id_solver node_exp_f) 
@@ -533,14 +482,20 @@ and translate_predef_macro id_solver lxm zemacro sargs (s,vel_eff) =
    let type_l : Eff.type_ list = List.flatten type_ll in
+   (* Vérif légère du profil statique : vérifie si le nombre et la nature
+      d'arg peut convenir *)
    let sargs_eff = translate_predef_static_args id_solver zemacro sargs lxm in
+   (* Vérif complète du type, on utilise des fonctions ad hoc pour
+      chaque macro predef, (AFAIRE : pas très beau ... *)
    let iter_profile = match zemacro with
-   | Map ->  
+   | Map ->
       PredefEvalType.map_profile lxm sargs_eff
    | Fill | Red | FillRed ->
       PredefEvalType.fillred_profile lxm sargs_eff
-   | BoolRed ->   
+   | BoolRed ->
       PredefEvalType.boolred_profile lxm sargs_eff
+   | CondAct ->
+      PredefEvalType.condact_profile lxm sargs_eff
    | _  -> raise Not_found
    let type_l_exp = snd (List.split (fst iter_profile)) in
@@ -725,12 +680,26 @@ and translate_predef_static_args
       | _ -> raise (Compile_error(lxm, "bad arguments number for array iterator"))
+   | CondAct -> (
+      (* expects 1 node, 1 (tuple) constant *)
+      match sargs with
+      | [n; d] ->
+         let node_eff = get_node id_solver n.it n.src in
+         let node_arg =
+            node_eff.node_key_eff, node_eff.inlist_eff, node_eff.outlist_eff
+         in
+         [
+            NodeStaticArgEff(Ident.of_string "node", node_arg, node_eff);
+            ConstStaticArgEff(Ident.of_string "default", get_const id_solver d.it d.src)
+         ]
+      | _ -> raise (Compile_error(lxm, "bad arguments number for condact macro"))
+   )
    | _ -> (
       (* expects 0 sargs ! *)
       match sargs with
       | [] -> []
       | _ ->  
-         raise (Compile_error(lxm, "bad arguments number for array iterator"))
+         raise (Compile_error(lxm, "bad arguments number for predef macro"))
diff --git a/src/lazyCompiler.ml b/src/lazyCompiler.ml
index d5eace705ed82321e8b8677218f4cce456f468bf..71233ae2346287256801be85fed06eb90b79c8eb 100644
--- a/src/lazyCompiler.ml
+++ b/src/lazyCompiler.ml
@@ -724,7 +724,8 @@ and (node_check_do: t -> Eff.node_key -> Lxm.t -> SymbolTab.t ->
         (fun id lxm ->
            try lookup_const local_env id lxm
            with Not_found ->
-             solve_const_idref this symbols provide_flag pack_name id lxm);
+             solve_const_idref this symbols provide_flag pack_name id lxm
+			);
       id2type  =
         (fun id lxm ->
            try lookup_type local_env id lxm
diff --git a/src/licDump.ml b/src/licDump.ml
index ef7dd5300a7df90ee6f1917a21d6fab34620d1b0..15d3e1974388eef998370f0e331fe63b2469a9d1 100644
--- a/src/licDump.ml
+++ b/src/licDump.ml
@@ -74,6 +74,10 @@ let rec string_of_const_eff =
 	let vl = List.map string_of_const_eff ctab in
 	  "["^(String.concat ", " vl)^"]"
+and string_of_const_eff_list =
+	function
+	| [c] -> string_of_const_eff c
+	| cl -> "(" ^ (String.concat ", " (List.map string_of_const_eff cl)) ^ ")"
 (* modify numbers notations in such a way that they
    become "valid" identifiers. Policy:
@@ -113,6 +117,11 @@ and string_ident_of_const_eff c =
     | Array_const_eff (ctab, t) -> string_of_type_eff t
+and string_ident_of_const_eff_list cl =
+	match cl with
+	| [c] -> string_ident_of_const_eff c
+	| _ -> "(" ^ (String.concat ", " (List.map string_ident_of_const_eff cl)) ^ ")"
 and string_of_const_eff_opt = function
   | None -> ""
   | Some val_exp_eff -> string_of_const_eff val_exp_eff
diff --git a/src/predefEvalType.ml b/src/predefEvalType.ml
index 82a8feef9c91521b8054dfca6f77191bdc1dd9b8..418b4fc642bb305da8f7258d8773f31950519630 100644
--- a/src/predefEvalType.ml
+++ b/src/predefEvalType.ml
@@ -75,56 +75,63 @@ let (type_to_array_type: Eff.var_info list -> int -> (Ident.t * Eff.type_) list)
     List.map (fun vi -> vi.var_name_eff, Array_type_eff(vi.var_type_eff,c)) l
 (* Extract the node and the constant from a list of static args *)
-let (get_node_and_constant: Lxm.t -> 
+let (get_node_and_int_const: Lxm.t -> 
        Eff.static_arg list -> Eff.item_key * var_info list * var_info list * int) =
   fun lxm sargs -> 
       match sargs with
         | [NodeStaticArgEff(_,((n,_), inlist, outlist), _);
-           ConstStaticArgEff(_,Int_const_eff c)] -> n, inlist, outlist, c
+           ConstStaticArgEff(_, Int_const_eff c)] -> n, inlist, outlist, c
-	| [NodeStaticArgEff(_,((n,_), inlist, outlist), _); 
+	| [
+		NodeStaticArgEff(_,((n,_), inlist, outlist), _); 
 	   ConstStaticArgEff(_, Abstract_const_eff(l,_,Int_const_eff c, true))] ->
 	    n, inlist, outlist, c
-        | [NodeStaticArgEff(_,_,_); ConstStaticArgEff(_, Extern_const_eff(l, _))] ->
-            let msg = "an integer is expected, whereas an extern constant (" ^ 
-              (Ident.string_of_long l) ^ ") was provided.\n"
-            in
-              raise (Compile_error(lxm, msg))
-        | [NodeStaticArgEff(_,_,_); ConstStaticArgEff(_, Abstract_const_eff(l,_,_, false))] ->
-            let msg = "an integer is expected, whereas an abstract constant (" ^ 
-              (Ident.string_of_long l) ^ ") was provided.\n"
-            in
-              raise (Compile_error(lxm, msg))
-        | [NodeStaticArgEff(_,((n,_), inlist, outlist),_); ConstStaticArgEff(_, const)] ->
-            let msg = "an integer is expected, whereas a " ^ 
-              (LicDump.string_of_type_eff4msg (Eff.type_of_const const)) ^
-              " was provided.\n"
-            in
-              raise (Compile_error(lxm, msg))
-        | _ -> 
-            let msg = "*** an integer and a node are expected.\n" in
-              raise (Compile_error(lxm, msg))
+   | [NodeStaticArgEff(_,_,_);
+		ConstStaticArgEff(_, zcl) ]
+		->
+		let msg = "immediate integer expected, but get \""
+			^ (LicDump.string_of_const_eff zcl)
+			^ "\"\n"
+		in raise (Compile_error(lxm, msg))
+	| _ ->
+		let msg = "*** an integer and a node are expected.\n" in
+		raise (Compile_error(lxm, msg))
+Typers for predef macros/iterators
+let get_id_type vi = vi.var_name_eff, vi.var_type_eff
-let map_profile =
-  (* Given 
-     - a node n of type: tau_1 * ... * tau_n -> teta_1 * ... * teta_l
-     - a constant c (nb : sargs = [n,c])
-     The profile of map is: tau_1^c * ... * tau_n^c -> teta_1^c * ... * teta_l^c
-    *)
-  fun lxm sargs -> 
-    let (n, inlist, outlist, c) = get_node_and_constant lxm sargs in
+let condact_profile (lxm: Lxm.t) (sargs: Eff.static_arg list) : Eff.node_profile =
+(* Given 
+  - a node n of type: tau_1 * ... * tau_n -> teta_1 * ... * teta_l
+  - a (tuple) constant dflt : teta_1 * ... * teta_l
+  The profile of condact is:
+		bool * tau_1 * ... * tau_n -> teta_1 * ... * teta_l
+	let n, inlist, outlist, dflt = 
+   match sargs with
+	[NodeStaticArgEff(_,((n,_), inlist, outlist), _);
+    ConstStaticArgEff(_,dflt)] -> n, inlist, outlist, dflt in
+	assert false
+let map_profile (lxm: Lxm.t) (sargs: Eff.static_arg list) : Eff.node_profile =
+(* Given 
+   - a node n of type: tau_1 * ... * tau_n -> teta_1 * ... * teta_l
+   - a constant c (nb : sargs = [n,c])
+  The profile of map is: tau_1^c * ... * tau_n^c -> teta_1^c * ... * teta_l^c
+    let (n, inlist, outlist, c) = get_node_and_int_const lxm sargs in
     let lti = type_to_array_type inlist c in
     let lto = type_to_array_type outlist c in
     let res = (lti, lto) in
-let get_id_type vi = vi.var_name_eff, vi.var_type_eff
-let (fillred_profile : Lxm.t -> Eff.static_arg list -> 
-      (Ident.t * Eff.type_) list * (Ident.t * Eff.type_) list) =
+let fillred_profile (lxm: Lxm.t) (sargs: Eff.static_arg list) : Eff.node_profile =
   (* Given 
      - a node n of type tau * tau_1 * ... * tau_n -> tau * teta_1 * ... * teta_l
      - a constant c (nb : sargs = [n,c])
@@ -132,8 +139,7 @@ let (fillred_profile : Lxm.t -> Eff.static_arg list ->
      returns the profile: 
         tau * tau_1^c * ... * tau_n^c  -> tau * teta_1^c * ... * teta_l^c
-  fun lxm sargs ->
-    let (n, inlist, outlist, c) = get_node_and_constant lxm sargs in
+    let (n, inlist, outlist, c) = get_node_and_int_const lxm sargs in
     let _ = assert(inlist <> [] && outlist <> []) in
     let lti = (get_id_type (List.hd inlist))::
       type_to_array_type (List.tl inlist) c in
@@ -172,8 +178,7 @@ let (fillred_profile : Lxm.t -> Eff.static_arg list ->
    returns the profile bool^k -> bool
-let boolred_profile =     
-  fun lxm sargs -> 
+let boolred_profile (lxm: Lxm.t) (sargs: Eff.static_arg list) : Eff.node_profile =
     let (get_three_constants: Lxm.t -> Eff.static_arg list -> int * int * int) =
       fun lxm sargs ->
         match sargs with
@@ -184,13 +189,11 @@ let boolred_profile =
     let (_i,_j,k) = get_three_constants lxm sargs in
       [id "i",  (Array_type_eff(Bool_type_eff,k))], [id "o", b]
-type node_profile = (Ident.t * Eff.type_) list * (Ident.t * Eff.type_) list
-let (op2profile : Predef.op -> Lxm.t -> Eff.static_arg list -> node_profile) = 
+let (op2profile : Predef.op -> Lxm.t -> Eff.static_arg list -> Eff.node_profile) = 
   fun op lxm sargs -> 
     let res =
       match op with
diff --git a/src/predefEvalType.mli b/src/predefEvalType.mli
index 76839f7eb6879b7d09ab2f7983b1a94e72e0a71b..b4034a45486795d9b208e51798ac8ee9cd812107 100644
--- a/src/predefEvalType.mli
+++ b/src/predefEvalType.mli
@@ -18,9 +18,8 @@ val f : Predef.op -> Lxm.t -> Eff.static_arg list -> typer
 val make_node_exp_eff : 
   bool option -> Predef.op -> Lxm.t -> Eff.static_arg list -> Eff.node_exp
-type node_profile = (Ident.t * Eff.type_) list * (Ident.t * Eff.type_) list
-val fillred_profile : Lxm.t -> Eff.static_arg list -> node_profile
-val map_profile     : Lxm.t -> Eff.static_arg list -> node_profile
-val boolred_profile : Lxm.t -> Eff.static_arg list -> node_profile
+(* TODO : rather ugly, one type-checker per macro ! *)
+val fillred_profile : Lxm.t -> Eff.static_arg list -> Eff.node_profile
+val map_profile     : Lxm.t -> Eff.static_arg list -> Eff.node_profile
+val boolred_profile : Lxm.t -> Eff.static_arg list -> Eff.node_profile
+val condact_profile : Lxm.t -> Eff.static_arg list -> Eff.node_profile