diff --git a/lib/action.ml b/lib/action.ml
index cdb2460b4553e3883a52c490d12050206253b8bb..aff73f56a9a046036db37edd98e443f5f85380eb 100644
--- a/lib/action.ml
+++ b/lib/action.ml
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(** Time-stamp: <modified the 14/06/2024 (at 14:10) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(** Time-stamp: <modified the 19/06/2024 (at 17:49) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 (* exported *)
 type rhs = Soc.var_expr list
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ let to_string: (t -> string) =
   let string_of_operation = function
     | Soc.Assign -> ""
     | Soc.Method((n, _sk),_sname,_) -> n
-    | Soc.Procedure((name,_,_),_)   -> name
+    | Soc.Procedure((name,_,_),_,_)   -> name
   let string_of_params p = String.concat ", " (List.map SocUtils.string_of_filter p) in
diff --git a/lib/actionsDeps.mli b/lib/actionsDeps.mli
index 2ef0d92042ab2d284803539af348dd48c1d70843..bf7e2db1cb05e1b476f9cf664170ccf9b3a96690 100644
--- a/lib/actionsDeps.mli
+++ b/lib/actionsDeps.mli
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(** Time-stamp: <modified the 20/03/2022 (at 22:19) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(** Time-stamp: <modified the 19/06/2024 (at 14:54) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 (** Compute dependencies between actions  *)
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ val concat: t -> t -> t
 (** Compute  the action  dependencies that  comes from  the equations
-    Ajoute à une  liste de dépendances existante  celles issues d'une
+    Ajoute à une  liste de dépendances existantes celles issues d'une
    liste d'actions (dont les entrées dépendent des sorties).
     Lic2soc.lic_to_soc_type is passed in argument to break a dep loop
@@ -36,4 +36,3 @@ val remove_dep :  t -> Action.t -> t
 val depends_on : t -> Action.t -> Action.t -> bool
 val to_string: t -> string
diff --git a/lib/lic2soc.ml b/lib/lic2soc.ml
index b577f593d927e7e669038d6df1d10e1431e6aed4..f5368cb39d28a822099dd22ba201242772005247 100644
--- a/lib/lic2soc.ml
+++ b/lib/lic2soc.ml
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(** Time-stamp: <modified the 17/06/2024 (at 14:28) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(** Time-stamp: <modified the 20/06/2024 (at 09:01) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 (* XXX ce module est mal écrit. A reprendre. (R1) *)
@@ -256,6 +256,29 @@ let build_step: Lxm.t -> string -> Lic.node_exp -> Soc.var list -> Soc.gao list
         Soc.impl     = Soc.Gaol (locals, gaol)
+(* In multi-task mode, we need 2 steps *)
+let build_step_mt: Lxm.t -> string -> Lic.node_exp -> Soc.var list -> Soc.gao list ->
+  Soc.step_method * Soc.step_method =
+  fun lxm name node locals gaol ->
+  let convert_node_interface = fun l ->
+    fst (List.fold_left (fun (a, i) _ -> a @ [i], i+1) ([], 0) l)
+  in
+  {
+    Soc.name    = name^"0"; (* cf naming convention in
+                               Soc2cIdent.is_step_method_preambule  *)
+    Soc.lxm     = lxm;
+    Soc.idx_ins  = convert_node_interface node.Lic.inlist_eff;
+    Soc.idx_outs = [];
+    Soc.impl     = Soc.Gaol ([], [])
+  },
+  {
+    Soc.name    = name;
+    Soc.lxm     = lxm;
+    Soc.idx_ins  = [];
+    Soc.idx_outs = convert_node_interface node.Lic.outlist_eff;
+    Soc.impl     = Soc.Gaol (locals, gaol)
+  }
 let build_extern_step: Lxm.t -> string -> Lic.node_exp -> Soc.step_method =
   fun lxm name node ->
     (* Converti les entrées/sorties d'un noeud en index
@@ -467,7 +490,7 @@ let soc_step_to_operation:
     Soc.ident -> Soc.t -> Soc.instance option -> Soc.task option -> Soc.atomic_operation =
   fun name comp i_opt t_opt ->
   match i_opt with
-    | None -> Soc.Procedure (comp.Soc.key, t_opt)
+    | None -> Soc.Procedure (comp.Soc.key, name, t_opt)
     | Some (i) -> Soc.Method(i,name, t_opt)
 let (action_of_step : Lxm.t -> Soc.t -> Lic.clock -> Soc.var_expr list ->
@@ -781,6 +804,7 @@ let (actions_of_equation: Lxm.t -> Soc.tbl -> ctx -> Lic.eq_info ->
     let is_task = is_a_task lxm in
     let ctx, actions, _, instances, tasks, deps =
       actions_of_expression lxm soc_tbl ctx clk left_loc is_task right_part
+      (* XXX c'est ici qu'on coupe l'action en 2 *)
     (*     let tasks = if not is_task then tasks else xxx:: tasks in *)
       ctx, actions, instances, tasks, deps
@@ -792,155 +816,210 @@ let profile_info = Lv6Verbose.profile_info
 let f: (LicPrg.t -> Lic.node_key -> Soc.key * Soc.tbl) =
   fun prog mnk ->
-    let rec (process_node : Lic.node_key -> Soc.tbl -> Soc.key * Soc.tbl) =
-      fun nk soc_tbl ->
-        profile_info ("Lic2soc.process_node "^(Lic.string_of_node_key nk)^"\n");
-        let node =
-          match LicPrg.find_node prog nk with
-          | None  ->
-            prerr_string (
-              "*** "^ (LicDump.string_of_node_key_rec false false nk) ^
-              " not defined (as lic).\n" ^
-              "*** Defined nodes are:"^
-              (String.concat
-                 ",\n"
-                 (List.map (fun (nk,_) ->
-                      "\""^LicDump.string_of_node_key_rec false false nk ^"\"")
-                     (LicPrg.list_nodes prog)))
-            );
-            assert false
-          | Some node_exp -> node_exp
-        in
-        let sk = soc_key_of_node_exp node in
-        let soc_tbl =
-          if SocMap.mem sk soc_tbl then soc_tbl else
-            try
-              (match LicPrg.find_node prog nk with
-               | None  -> assert false
-               | Some node_def ->
-                 (match soc_of_node prog node_def soc_tbl with
-                  | Some(_,soc,soc_tbl) -> SocUtils.add sk soc soc_tbl
-                  | None ->
-                    print_string ("Undefined soc : " ^ (string_of_node_key nk) ^ "\n");
-                    flush stdout;
-                    soc_tbl
-                 )
-              )
-            with
-            | Undef_soc (_sk,_lxm,Lic.CALL { it = nk2 ;_}, _types,_) ->
-              (* Il manque une dépendance, on essaie de la
-                 traduire puis de retraduire le noeud courant.
-                 ZZZ ca part facilement en vrille ici si une erreur
-                 a été faite en amont...
-              *)
-              let soc_tbl = snd (process_node nk2 soc_tbl) in
-              snd (process_node nk soc_tbl)
-            | Undef_soc (sk,lxm,pos_op, types, fby_init_opt) -> (
-                let soc =
-                  SocPredef.soc_interface_of_pos_op lxm pos_op types fby_init_opt
-                in
-                if (sk<>soc.key) then (
-                  print_string ("Soc key mismatch :\n\t" ^
-                                (SocUtils.string_of_soc_key sk) ^ "\n<>\n\t" ^
-                                (SocUtils.string_of_soc_key soc.key) ^ "\n");
+  let rec (process_node : Lic.node_key -> Soc.tbl -> Soc.key * Soc.tbl) =
+    fun nk soc_tbl ->
+      profile_info ("Lic2soc.process_node "^(Lic.string_of_node_key nk)^"\n");
+      let node =
+        match LicPrg.find_node prog nk with
+        | None  ->
+          prerr_string (
+            "*** "^ (LicDump.string_of_node_key_rec false false nk) ^
+            " not defined (as lic).\n" ^
+            "*** Defined nodes are:"^
+            (String.concat
+               ",\n"
+               (List.map (fun (nk,_) ->
+                    "\""^LicDump.string_of_node_key_rec false false nk ^"\"")
+                   (LicPrg.list_nodes prog)))
+          );
+          assert false
+        | Some node_exp -> node_exp
+      in
+      let sk = soc_key_of_node_exp node in
+      let soc_tbl =
+        if SocMap.mem sk soc_tbl then soc_tbl else
+          try
+            (match LicPrg.find_node prog nk with
+             | None  -> assert false
+             | Some node_def ->
+               (match soc_of_node prog node_def soc_tbl with
+                | Some(_,soc,soc_tbl) -> SocUtils.add sk soc soc_tbl
+                | None ->
+                  print_string ("Undefined soc : " ^ (string_of_node_key nk) ^ "\n");
                   flush stdout;
-                  assert false
-                );
-                let soc_tbl = SocUtils.add soc.key soc soc_tbl in
-                snd (process_node nk soc_tbl)
-              )
-            | Polymorphic ->
-              let msg = (Lxm.details node.lxm) ^
-                        ": cannot infer the type of this polymorphic node."^
-                        " Please be more specific.\n"
-              in
-              raise (Lv6errors.Global_error msg)
+                  soc_tbl
+               )
+            )
+          with
+          | Undef_soc (_sk,_lxm,Lic.CALL { it = nk2 ;_}, _types,_) ->
+            (* Il manque une dépendance, on essaie de la
+               traduire puis de retraduire le noeud courant.
+               ZZZ ca part facilement en vrille ici si une erreur
+               a été faite en amont...
+            *)
+            let soc_tbl = snd (process_node nk2 soc_tbl) in
+            snd (process_node nk soc_tbl)
-        in
-        sk, soc_tbl
+          | Undef_soc (sk,lxm,pos_op, types, fby_init_opt) -> (
+              let soc =
+                SocPredef.soc_interface_of_pos_op lxm pos_op types fby_init_opt
+              in
+              if (sk<>soc.key) then (
+                print_string ("Soc key mismatch :\n\t" ^
+                              (SocUtils.string_of_soc_key sk) ^ "\n<>\n\t" ^
+                              (SocUtils.string_of_soc_key soc.key) ^ "\n");
+                flush stdout;
+                assert false
+              );
+              let soc_tbl = SocUtils.add soc.key soc soc_tbl in
+              snd (process_node nk soc_tbl)
+            )
+          | Polymorphic ->
+            let msg = (Lxm.details node.lxm) ^
+                      ": cannot infer the type of this polymorphic node."^
+                      " Please be more specific.\n"
+            in
+            raise (Lv6errors.Global_error msg)
-    and make_condact_soc node condact_node soc_key soc_tbl ctx lxm vel =
-      let nsk, soc_tbl = process_node condact_node soc_tbl in
-      let nsoc = SocUtils.find lxm nsk soc_tbl in
-      let nsoc_step = match nsoc.step with [s] -> s
-                                         | _ -> assert false (* hmm. Iterating on a pre will not work. XXX fixme ! *)
-      in
-      let _ctx,inst =
-        match make_instance lxm Lic.BaseLic ctx nsoc with
-        | ctx,Some inst -> ctx,[inst]
-        | ctx,None -> ctx,[]
-      in
-      let soc_key =
-        let x,y,_=soc_key in
-        x,y, Soc.MemInit(Soc.Const("_true", Data.Bool)) (* the first step flag *)
-      let soc = {
-        Soc.key       = soc_key ;
-        Soc.profile   = soc_profile_of_node node;
-        Soc.clock_profile = [];
-        Soc.instances = inst ;
-        Soc.tasks     = [] ;
-        Soc.step      = [
-          {
-            name     = "step";
-            lxm      = lxm;
-            idx_ins  = nsoc_step.idx_ins@[List.length nsoc_step.idx_ins];
-            idx_outs = nsoc_step.idx_outs;
-            impl     = Condact(nsk, List.flatten (List.map lic2soc_const vel));
-          }
-        ];
-        Soc.memory      = Soc.Mem Data.Bool; (* to hold the first step flag *)
-        Soc.precedences = [];
-        Soc.assertions  = [ (* something to do? *)];
-      }
-      in
-      soc_tbl, soc
-    (* Produit des soc de noeuds. *)
-    and (soc_of_node: LicPrg.t -> Lic.node_exp -> Soc.tbl ->
-         (ctx * Soc.t * Soc.tbl) option) =
-      fun licprg node soc_tbl ->
-        profile_info ("Lic2soc.soc_of_node "^
-                      (Lic.string_of_node_key node.node_key_eff)^"\n");
-        let io_list = node.Lic.inlist_eff @ node.Lic.outlist_eff in
-        let io_type = List.map (fun vi -> lic_to_data_type vi.var_type_eff) io_list in
-        let soc_key = make_soc_key_of_node_key node.Lic.node_key_eff None io_type in
-        let lxm = node.Lic.lxm in
-        let ctx = create_context licprg in
-        let (soc_of_body: Lic.node_body -> Soc.tbl -> (ctx * Soc.t * Soc.tbl) option) =
-          fun b soc_tbl ->
-            profile_info "   Lic2soc.soc_of_node: computing actions...\n";
-            let ctx, actions, instances, tasks,  deps =
-              (* on itere sur la liste des équations *)
-              List.fold_left
-                (fun (c, a, i, t, d) eq ->
-                   let nc, na, ni, nt, nd = actions_of_equation eq.src soc_tbl c eq.it in
-                   nc, List.rev_append na a,
-                   List.rev_append ni i,
-                   List.rev_append nt t,
-                   (ActionsDeps.concat nd d)
+      sk, soc_tbl
+  and make_condact_soc node condact_node soc_key soc_tbl ctx lxm vel =
+    let nsk, soc_tbl = process_node condact_node soc_tbl in
+    let nsoc = SocUtils.find lxm nsk soc_tbl in
+    let nsoc_step = match nsoc.step with [s] -> s
+                                       | _ -> assert false (* hmm. Iterating on a pre will not work. XXX fixme ! *)
+    in
+    let _ctx,inst =
+      match make_instance lxm Lic.BaseLic ctx nsoc with
+      | ctx,Some inst -> ctx,[inst]
+      | ctx,None -> ctx,[]
+    in
+    let soc_key =
+      let x,y,_=soc_key in
+      x,y, Soc.MemInit(Soc.Const("_true", Data.Bool)) (* the first step flag *)
+    in
+    let soc = {
+      Soc.key       = soc_key ;
+      Soc.profile   = soc_profile_of_node node;
+      Soc.clock_profile = [];
+      Soc.instances = inst ;
+      Soc.tasks     = [] ;
+      Soc.step      = [
+        {
+          name     = "step";
+          lxm      = lxm;
+          idx_ins  = nsoc_step.idx_ins@[List.length nsoc_step.idx_ins];
+          idx_outs = nsoc_step.idx_outs;
+          impl     = Condact(nsk, List.flatten (List.map lic2soc_const vel));
+        }
+      ];
+      Soc.memory      = Soc.Mem Data.Bool; (* to hold the first step flag *)
+      Soc.precedences = [];
+      Soc.assertions  = [ (* something to do? *)];
+    }
+    in
+    soc_tbl, soc
+  (* Produit des soc de noeuds. *)
+  and (soc_of_node: LicPrg.t -> Lic.node_exp -> Soc.tbl ->
+       (ctx * Soc.t * Soc.tbl) option) =
+    fun licprg node soc_tbl ->
+      profile_info ("Lic2soc.soc_of_node "^
+                    (Lic.string_of_node_key node.node_key_eff)^"\n");
+      let io_list = node.Lic.inlist_eff @ node.Lic.outlist_eff in
+      let io_type = List.map (fun vi -> lic_to_data_type vi.var_type_eff) io_list in
+      let soc_key = make_soc_key_of_node_key node.Lic.node_key_eff None io_type in
+      let lxm = node.Lic.lxm in
+      let ctx = create_context licprg in
+      let (soc_of_body: Lic.node_body -> Soc.tbl -> (ctx * Soc.t * Soc.tbl) option) =
+        fun b soc_tbl ->
+          profile_info "   Lic2soc.soc_of_node: computing actions...\n";
+          let ctx, actions, instances, tasks,  deps =
+            (* on itere sur la liste des équations *)
+            List.fold_left
+              (fun (c, a, i, t, d) eq ->
+                 let nc, na, ni, nt, nd = actions_of_equation eq.src soc_tbl c eq.it in
+                 nc, List.rev_append na a,
+                 List.rev_append ni i,
+                 List.rev_append nt t,
+                 (ActionsDeps.concat nd d)
+              )
+              (ctx, [], [], [], ActionsDeps.empty)
+              b.eqs_eff
+          in
+          let actions =
+            (* We sort the actions so that TASK_START are scheduled as soon as
+               Possible, and TASK_JOIN are scheduled as late as possible *)
+            let l1, l2 =
+              List.partition
+                (fun (_,_,_,gao, _) ->
+                   match gao with
+                   | Assign
+                   | Method ((_,(_,_,_)),_, None)
+                   | Procedure(_, _, None)
+                     -> false
+                   | Method ((_,(_,_,_)), sname, Some _)
+                   | Procedure(_, sname, Some _)
+                     ->
+                     Soc2cIdent.is_step_method_preambule sname
-                (ctx, [], [], [], ActionsDeps.empty)
-                b.eqs_eff
-            in
-            (* Construction des dépendances entre les expressions *)
-            profile_info "   Lic2soc.soc_of_node: computing dependencies...\n";
-            let all_deps =
-              ActionsDeps.build_data_deps_from_actions lic_to_data_type deps actions
-            in
-            Lv6Verbose.exe ~flag:dbg
-              (fun () -> print_string (ActionsDeps.to_string all_deps); flush stdout);
-            profile_info "   SortActions.f: sorting actions...\n";
-            let gaol = SortActions.f actions all_deps lxm in
+                actions
+            in (* put all the  <node>_step0 methods run in a task into l1 *)
+            let l2, l3 =
+              List.partition
+                (fun (_,_,_,gao, _) ->
+                   match gao with
+                   | Assign
+                   | Method ((_,(_,_,_)),_, None)
+                   | Procedure(_, _, None)
+                     -> true
+                   | Method ((_,(_,_,_)),_, Some _)
+                   | Procedure(_, _, Some _)
+                     -> false
+                )
+                l2
+            in (* put all the  <node>_step methods run in a task into l3 *)
+            l1 @ l2 @l3
+          in
+          (* Construction des dépendances entre les expressions *)
+          profile_info "   Lic2soc.soc_of_node: computing dependencies...\n";
+          let all_deps =
+            ActionsDeps.build_data_deps_from_actions lic_to_data_type deps actions
+          in
+          Lv6Verbose.exe ~flag:dbg
+            (fun () -> print_string (ActionsDeps.to_string all_deps); flush stdout);
+          profile_info "   SortActions.f: sorting actions...\n";
+          let gaol = SortActions.f actions all_deps lxm in
-            profile_info "   Lic2soc.soc_of_node: actions sorted. \n";
-            let (locals: Soc.var list) =
-              match node.Lic.loclist_eff with
-              | None -> []
-              | Some l ->  List.map (lic_to_soc_var) l
+          profile_info "   Lic2soc.soc_of_node: actions sorted. \n";
+          let (locals: Soc.var list) =
+            match node.Lic.loclist_eff with
+            | None -> []
+            | Some l ->  List.map (lic_to_soc_var) l
+          in
+          if Lv6MainArgs.global_opt.Lv6MainArgs.multi_task  then
+            let step1, step2  = build_step_mt lxm "step" node (locals @ ctx.locals) gaol in
+            let soc = {
+              Soc.key         = soc_key;
+              Soc.profile     = soc_profile_of_node node;
+              Soc.clock_profile = [];
+              Soc.instances   = instances ;
+              Soc.tasks       = tasks;
+              Soc.step        = [step1;step2 ] ;
+              Soc.memory      = Soc.No_mem;
+              Soc.precedences = [ "step", ["step0"]] ;
+              Soc.assertions  =
+                if Lv6MainArgs.global_opt.Lv6MainArgs.gen_autotest then
+                  [] (* In this mode no code is generated and the var creation
+                        is inhibited in L2Lsplit *)
+                else
+                  List.map (lic_val_exp_to_soc_var licprg) b.asserts_eff;
+            }
+            Some(ctx, soc, soc_tbl)
+          else
             let step = build_step lxm "step" node (locals @ ctx.locals) gaol in
             let soc = {
               Soc.key         = soc_key;
@@ -948,9 +1027,9 @@ let f: (LicPrg.t -> Lic.node_key -> Soc.key * Soc.tbl) =
               Soc.clock_profile = [];
               Soc.instances   = instances ;
               Soc.tasks       = tasks;
-              Soc.step        = [step];
+              Soc.step        = [step  (* XXX c'est ici qu'on doire generer 2 step en mode multi-task *)] ;
               Soc.memory      = Soc.No_mem;
-              Soc.precedences = [];
+              Soc.precedences = [ (*["step1", ["step2"]] *)];
               Soc.assertions  =
                 if Lv6MainArgs.global_opt.Lv6MainArgs.gen_autotest then
                   [] (* In this mode no code is generated and the var creation
@@ -960,127 +1039,127 @@ let f: (LicPrg.t -> Lic.node_key -> Soc.key * Soc.tbl) =
             Some(ctx, soc, soc_tbl)
-        in
-        let (soc_of_metaop: Lic.node_key -> Soc.tbl -> (ctx * Soc.t * Soc.tbl) option) =
-          fun nk soc_tbl ->
-            profile_info "Lic2soc.soc_of_metaop...\n";
-            match snd (fst nk), List.sort compare (snd nk) with
-            | ("map"|"red"|"fill"|"fillred"|"fold"),[
-                ConstStaticArgLic(_,Int_const_eff(c)); NodeStaticArgLic(_,iter_node)]
-            | ("map"|"red"|"fill"|"fillred"|"fold"),[
-                ConstStaticArgLic(_,Int_const_eff(c)); TypeStaticArgLic(_);
-                NodeStaticArgLic(_,iter_node)] -> ( (*red, fill, fillred, map *)
-                let nsk, soc_tbl = process_node iter_node soc_tbl in
-                let nsoc = SocUtils.find lxm nsk soc_tbl in
-                let nsoc_step = match nsoc.step with
-                    [s] -> s
-                  | _ -> assert false (* Iterating on a pre will not work. XXX fixme ! *)
-                in
-                let rec make_n_instance ctx acc n =
-                  if n=0 then ctx, List.rev acc else
-                    match make_instance lxm Lic.BaseLic ctx nsoc with
-                    | ctx,Some inst -> make_n_instance ctx (inst::acc) (n-1)
-                    | ctx,None -> ctx,[]
-                in
-                let c = int_of_string c in
-                let ctx, instances = make_n_instance ctx [] c in
+      in
+      let (soc_of_metaop: Lic.node_key -> Soc.tbl -> (ctx * Soc.t * Soc.tbl) option) =
+        fun nk soc_tbl ->
+          profile_info "Lic2soc.soc_of_metaop...\n";
+          match snd (fst nk), List.sort compare (snd nk) with
+          | ("map"|"red"|"fill"|"fillred"|"fold"),[
+              ConstStaticArgLic(_,Int_const_eff(c)); NodeStaticArgLic(_,iter_node)]
+          | ("map"|"red"|"fill"|"fillred"|"fold"),[
+              ConstStaticArgLic(_,Int_const_eff(c)); TypeStaticArgLic(_);
+              NodeStaticArgLic(_,iter_node)] -> ( (*red, fill, fillred, map *)
+              let nsk, soc_tbl = process_node iter_node soc_tbl in
+              let nsoc = SocUtils.find lxm nsk soc_tbl in
+              let nsoc_step = match nsoc.step with
+                  [s] -> s
+                | _ -> assert false (* Iterating on a pre will not work. XXX fixme ! *)
+              in
+              let rec make_n_instance ctx acc n =
+                if n=0 then ctx, List.rev acc else
+                  match make_instance lxm Lic.BaseLic ctx nsoc with
+                  | ctx,Some inst -> make_n_instance ctx (inst::acc) (n-1)
+                  | ctx,None -> ctx,[]
+              in
+              let c = int_of_string c in
+              let ctx, instances = make_n_instance ctx [] c in
+              let soc = {
+                Soc.key       = soc_key;
+                Soc.profile   = soc_profile_of_node node;
+                Soc.clock_profile = [];
+                Soc.instances = instances ;
+                Soc.tasks     = [] ;
+                Soc.step      = [
+                  {
+                    name     = "step";
+                    lxm      = lxm;
+                    idx_ins  = nsoc_step.idx_ins;
+                    idx_outs = nsoc_step.idx_outs;
+                    impl     = Iterator(snd (fst nk), nsk, c);
+                  }
+                ];
+                Soc.memory    = Soc.No_mem;
+                Soc.precedences = [];
+                Soc.assertions  = [];
+              }
+              in
+              Some(ctx, soc, soc_tbl)
+            )
+          | ("condact"), [
+              ConstStaticArgLic("dflt",Tuple_const_eff vel);
+              NodeStaticArgLic("oper",condact_node)
+            ] -> (
+              let soc_tbl,soc =
+                make_condact_soc node condact_node soc_key soc_tbl ctx lxm vel
+              in
+              Some(ctx, soc, soc_tbl)
+            )
+          | ("condact"), [
+              ConstStaticArgLic("dflt",const); NodeStaticArgLic ("oper",condact_node)
+            ] -> (
+              let soc_tbl,soc =
+                make_condact_soc node condact_node soc_key soc_tbl ctx lxm [const] in
+              Some(ctx, soc, soc_tbl)
+            )
+          | _e ->
+            match (nk) with
+            | ("Lustre","boolred"), [ConstStaticArgLic(_,Int_const_eff(i));
+                                     ConstStaticArgLic(_,Int_const_eff(j));
+                                     ConstStaticArgLic(_,Int_const_eff(k)) ] -> (
+                let i,j,k = int_of_string i, int_of_string j, int_of_string k in
                 let soc = {
                   Soc.key       = soc_key;
                   Soc.profile   = soc_profile_of_node node;
                   Soc.clock_profile = [];
-                  Soc.instances = instances ;
+                  Soc.instances = [] ;
                   Soc.tasks     = [] ;
                   Soc.step      = [
                       name     = "step";
                       lxm      = lxm;
-                      idx_ins  = nsoc_step.idx_ins;
-                      idx_outs = nsoc_step.idx_outs;
-                      impl     = Iterator(snd (fst nk), nsk, c);
+                      idx_ins  = [0];
+                      idx_outs = [0];
+                      impl     = Boolred(i,j,k);
-                  Soc.memory    = Soc.No_mem;
+                  Soc.memory      = Soc.No_mem;
                   Soc.precedences = [];
                   Soc.assertions  = [];
                 Some(ctx, soc, soc_tbl)
-            | ("condact"), [
-                ConstStaticArgLic("dflt",Tuple_const_eff vel);
-                NodeStaticArgLic("oper",condact_node)
-              ] -> (
-                let soc_tbl,soc =
-                  make_condact_soc node condact_node soc_key soc_tbl ctx lxm vel
-                in
-                Some(ctx, soc, soc_tbl)
-              )
-            | ("condact"), [
-                ConstStaticArgLic("dflt",const); NodeStaticArgLic ("oper",condact_node)
-              ] -> (
-                let soc_tbl,soc =
-                  make_condact_soc node condact_node soc_key soc_tbl ctx lxm [const] in
-                Some(ctx, soc, soc_tbl)
-              )
-            | _e ->
-              match (nk) with
-              | ("Lustre","boolred"), [ConstStaticArgLic(_,Int_const_eff(i));
-                                       ConstStaticArgLic(_,Int_const_eff(j));
-                                       ConstStaticArgLic(_,Int_const_eff(k)) ] -> (
-                  let i,j,k = int_of_string i, int_of_string j, int_of_string k in
-                  let soc = {
-                    Soc.key       = soc_key;
-                    Soc.profile   = soc_profile_of_node node;
-                    Soc.clock_profile = [];
-                    Soc.instances = [] ;
-                    Soc.tasks     = [] ;
-                    Soc.step      = [
-                      {
-                        name     = "step";
-                        lxm      = lxm;
-                        idx_ins  = [0];
-                        idx_outs = [0];
-                        impl     = Boolred(i,j,k);
-                      }
-                    ];
-                    Soc.memory      = Soc.No_mem;
-                    Soc.precedences = [];
-                    Soc.assertions  = [];
-                  }
-                  in
-                  Some(ctx, soc, soc_tbl)
-                )
-              | _ -> assert false
-        in
-        let (soc_of_extern: Lic.node_exp -> Soc.tbl -> (ctx * Soc.t * Soc.tbl) option) =
-          fun node soc_tbl ->
-            try
-              let soc = SocPredef.of_soc_key lxm soc_key in
-              Some(ctx, soc, soc_tbl)
-            with _ ->
-              (* This extern node is not a predef *)
-              let step = build_extern_step lxm "step" node in
-              let soc = {
-                Soc.key         = soc_key;
-                Soc.profile     = soc_profile_of_node node;
-                Soc.clock_profile = [];
-                Soc.instances   = [] ;
-                Soc.tasks     = [] ;
-                Soc.step        = [step];
-                Soc.memory      =
-                  if node.Lic.has_mem_eff then Soc.Mem_hidden else Soc.No_mem;
-                Soc.precedences = [];
-                Soc.assertions  = [];
-              }
-              in
-              Some(ctx, soc, soc_tbl)
-        in
-        match node.Lic.def_eff with
-        | AbstractLic None -> assert false (* None if extern in the provide part *)
-        | AbstractLic (Some node_exp) -> soc_of_node licprg node_exp soc_tbl
-        | MetaOpLic                   -> soc_of_metaop node.Lic.node_key_eff soc_tbl
-        | BodyLic b                   -> soc_of_body b soc_tbl
-        | ExternLic                   -> soc_of_extern node soc_tbl
-    in
-    process_node mnk SocMap.empty
+            | _ -> assert false
+      in
+      let (soc_of_extern: Lic.node_exp -> Soc.tbl -> (ctx * Soc.t * Soc.tbl) option) =
+        fun node soc_tbl ->
+          try
+            let soc = SocPredef.of_soc_key lxm soc_key in
+            Some(ctx, soc, soc_tbl)
+          with _ ->
+            (* This extern node is not a predef *)
+            let step = build_extern_step lxm "step" node in
+            let soc = {
+              Soc.key         = soc_key;
+              Soc.profile     = soc_profile_of_node node;
+              Soc.clock_profile = [];
+              Soc.instances   = [] ;
+              Soc.tasks     = [] ;
+              Soc.step        = [step];
+              Soc.memory      =
+                if node.Lic.has_mem_eff then Soc.Mem_hidden else Soc.No_mem;
+              Soc.precedences = [];
+              Soc.assertions  = [];
+            }
+            in
+            Some(ctx, soc, soc_tbl)
+      in
+      match node.Lic.def_eff with
+      | AbstractLic None -> assert false (* None if extern in the provide part *)
+      | AbstractLic (Some node_exp) -> soc_of_node licprg node_exp soc_tbl
+      | MetaOpLic                   -> soc_of_metaop node.Lic.node_key_eff soc_tbl
+      | BodyLic b                   -> soc_of_body b soc_tbl
+      | ExternLic                   -> soc_of_extern node soc_tbl
+  in
+  process_node mnk SocMap.empty
diff --git a/lib/soc.ml b/lib/soc.ml
index bbe3fadde42b55bd17f78b9b4c09f89be6dd9ff8..e5e3c0d7e0100c432be9da0099e3f455d55f6cb6 100644
--- a/lib/soc.ml
+++ b/lib/soc.ml
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(* Time-stamp: <modified the 17/06/2024 (at 11:20) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(* Time-stamp: <modified the 19/06/2024 (at 17:46) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 (** Synchronous Object Components
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ let (data_type_of_var_expr : var_expr -> Data.t) =
 type atomic_operation =
   | Assign (* Wire *)
   | Method    of instance * ident * task option (* node step call ; the ident is the step name *)
-  | Procedure of key * task option (* memoryless method made explicit (a good idea?) *)
+  | Procedure of key * ident * task option (* memoryless method made explicit (a good idea?) *)
 (* Guarded Atomic Operation *)
diff --git a/lib/soc2c.ml b/lib/soc2c.ml
index f51a58dbc0a2b4bb67d63212f6716ec21a44912c..6f97c2e254b349ec077e93e3123967337802e8f4 100644
--- a/lib/soc2c.ml
+++ b/lib/soc2c.ml
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(* Time-stamp: <modified the 18/06/2024 (at 16:19) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(* Time-stamp: <modified the 20/06/2024 (at 09:26) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 (* let put (os: out_channel) (fmt:('a, unit, string, unit) format4) : 'a = *)
@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ let (gao2c : Soc.tbl -> 'a soc_pp -> Soc.gao -> unit) =
         List.iter (fun ve  -> assert(var_expr_is_not_a_slice ve)) vel_out;
         Soc2cDep.gen_step_call sp.soc called_soc (task_opt <> None) vel_out vel_in ctx sname step_arg
-    | Call(vel_out, Procedure (sk, task_opt), vel_in, lxm) -> (
+    | Call(vel_out, Procedure (sk, sname, task_opt), vel_in, lxm) -> (
         let called_soc = SocUtils.find lxm sk stbl in
         let ctx, step_arg =
@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ let (gao2c : Soc.tbl -> 'a soc_pp -> Soc.gao -> unit) =
            flush stdout;
            raise Delete_C_files
-        Soc2cDep.gen_step_call sp.soc called_soc (task_opt <> None) vel_out vel_in ctx "step" step_arg
+        Soc2cDep.gen_step_call sp.soc called_soc (task_opt <> None) vel_out vel_in ctx sname step_arg
   sp.cput (gao2str gao)
@@ -154,6 +154,7 @@ let (step2c : Soc.tbl -> 'a soc_pp -> Soc.step_method -> unit) =
   if inlined_soc sp.soc.key then () (* don't generate code if inlined *) else
     (*     let sname = Soc2cDep.step_name sp.soc.key sm.name in *)
     let sname = Soc2cDep.step_name sp.soc.key sm.name in
+    if Soc2cIdent.is_step_method_preambule sname then () else
     if sm.impl<>Extern then (
       let decl, def, ctype = Soc2cDep.get_step_prototype sm sp.soc in
       sp.hput (Printf.sprintf "%s\n" decl);
@@ -271,7 +272,7 @@ let (get_used_soc : Soc.t -> KeySet.t) =
          (fun acc (_,gaol) -> List.fold_left get_soc_of_gao acc gaol) acc l
     | Call(_,Assign,_,_) -> acc
     | Call(_,Method((_,sk),_,_),_,_)
-    | Call(_,Procedure (sk,_),_,_) -> KeySet.add sk acc
+    | Call(_,Procedure (sk,_,_),_,_) -> KeySet.add sk acc
   let get_soc_of_step acc sm =
     match sm.impl with
diff --git a/lib/soc2cIdent.ml b/lib/soc2cIdent.ml
index 151f2ba5e2ff66468d83afa131a07c08764daaa4..9f5c6d7cca05914ab28995d3c580641598b9232a 100644
--- a/lib/soc2cIdent.ml
+++ b/lib/soc2cIdent.ml
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(* Time-stamp: <modified the 17/06/2024 (at 15:34) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(* Time-stamp: <modified the 19/06/2024 (at 23:16) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 let colcol = Str.regexp "::"
 let prime = Str.regexp "'"
@@ -100,3 +100,9 @@ let (get_ctx_name : Soc.key -> string) =
 (* This function is injective *)
 let (get_soc_name : Soc.key -> string) =
   fun sk -> (get_base_name sk)
+(* Naming  Convention TASK_START  corresponds to gao  which step_name
+   ends  with "_step0"  (nb  possible step  names  are "get",  "set",
+   "<node>_step0" and "<node>_step" *)
+let is_step_method_preambule step_name =
+   step_name.[String.length step_name - 1] = '0'
diff --git a/lib/soc2cIoCtx.ml b/lib/soc2cIoCtx.ml
index 1282d6589ff47f6e69023e4dc4140c12ea924ff3..186f0d6e3af685559e8bb2e5f0deb1668f72c57d 100644
--- a/lib/soc2cIoCtx.ml
+++ b/lib/soc2cIoCtx.ml
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(* Time-stamp: <modified the 18/06/2024 (at 15:15) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(* Time-stamp: <modified the 19/06/2024 (at 23:17) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 open Soc2cUtil
 open Soc2cIdent
@@ -179,7 +179,9 @@ let (gen_step_call : Soc.t -> Soc.t -> bool -> Soc.var_expr list -> Soc.var_expr
         (String.concat "" l) ^"\n"
-    let call_step_str = (if para then "//" else "  ") ^ Printf.sprintf " %s(%s);\n"
+    let call_step_str =
+      (if para || Soc2cIdent.is_step_method_preambule sname then "//" else "  ")
+      ^ Printf.sprintf " %s(%s);\n"
         (step_name called_soc.key sname) step_arg in
     (set_inputs_str ^ call_step_str ^get_output_str)
@@ -188,12 +190,14 @@ let (get_procedures: Soc.t -> Soc.key list) =
   fun soc ->
   let rec of_gao = function
     | Case (_, id_gaol_l, _) ->
-      id_gaol_l |> List.map (fun (_, gaol) -> List.map of_gao gaol) |> List.flatten |> List.flatten
-    | Call (_, Procedure (k, None), _,_) ->
-      if not Lv6MainArgs.global_opt.Lv6MainArgs.gen_c_inline_predef || not (Soc2cPredef.is_call_supported k) then
+      id_gaol_l |> List.map (fun (_, gaol) -> List.map of_gao gaol) |>
+      List.flatten |> List.flatten
+    | Call (_, Procedure (k, _, None), _,_) ->
+      if not Lv6MainArgs.global_opt.Lv6MainArgs.gen_c_inline_predef
+      || not (Soc2cPredef.is_call_supported k) then
-      []
+        []
     | Call (_, _, _,_) -> []
   soc.step |> List.map (fun sm -> match sm.impl with
diff --git a/lib/soc2cUtil.ml b/lib/soc2cUtil.ml
index 802aee324dfa960fcf7183c8da94f9331fc97ebb..d6c9e5425c9632ca3b3c71d0dcb8571c90777f72 100644
--- a/lib/soc2cUtil.ml
+++ b/lib/soc2cUtil.ml
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(* Time-stamp: <modified the 14/06/2024 (at 14:09) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(* Time-stamp: <modified the 19/06/2024 (at 17:50) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 open Soc2cIdent
 open Data
@@ -80,47 +80,47 @@ let string_of_flow_decl_w7annot gaol (id, t) =
     let input_list = List.map SocUtils.lustre_string_of_var_expr ins in
     match ao, input_list with
     | Assign,_ -> None
-    | Procedure (("Lustre::ruminus",_,_),_), [a] -> Some (Printf.sprintf "-%s" a)
-    | Procedure (("Lustre::iuminus",_,_),_), [a] -> Some (Printf.sprintf "-%s" a)
-    | Procedure (("Lustre::uminus",_,_),_), [a] -> Some (Printf.sprintf "-%s" a)
-    | Procedure (("Lustre::not",_,_),_), [a] -> Some (Printf.sprintf "not(%s)" a)
-    | Procedure (("Lustre::real2int",_,_),_), [a] -> Some (Printf.sprintf "real2int(%s)" a)
-    | Procedure (("Lustre::int2real",_,_),_), [a] -> Some (Printf.sprintf "int2real(%s)" a)
-    | Procedure (("Lustre::mod",_,_),_), [a;b] -> Some (Printf.sprintf "%s mod %s" a b)
-    | Procedure (("Lustre::iplus" ,_,_),_), [a;b] -> Some (Printf.sprintf "%s+%s" a b)
-    | Procedure (("Lustre::rplus" ,_,_),_), [a;b] -> Some (Printf.sprintf "%s+%s" a b)
-    | Procedure (("Lustre::plus" ,_,_),_), [a;b] -> Some (Printf.sprintf "%s+%s" a b)
-    | Procedure (("Lustre::times",_,_),_), [a;b] -> Some (Printf.sprintf "%s*%s" a b)
-    | Procedure (("Lustre::itimes",_,_),_), [a;b] -> Some (Printf.sprintf "%s*%s" a b)
-    | Procedure (("Lustre::rtimes",_,_),_), [a;b] -> Some (Printf.sprintf "%s*%s" a b)
-    | Procedure (("Lustre::slash",_,_),_), [a;b] -> Some (Printf.sprintf "%s/%s" a b)
-    | Procedure (("Lustre::islash",_,_),_), [a;b] -> Some (Printf.sprintf "%s/%s" a b)
-    | Procedure (("Lustre::rslash",_,_),_), [a;b] -> Some (Printf.sprintf "%s/%s" a b)
-    | Procedure (("Lustre::div",_,_),_), [a;b] -> Some (Printf.sprintf "%s/%s" a b)
-    | Procedure (("Lustre::idiv",_,_),_), [a;b] -> Some (Printf.sprintf "%s/%s" a b)
-    | Procedure (("Lustre::rdiv",_,_),_), [a;b] -> Some (Printf.sprintf "%s/%s" a b)
-    | Procedure (("Lustre::minus",_,_),_), [a;b] -> Some (Printf.sprintf "%s-%s" a b)
-    | Procedure (("Lustre::iminus",_,_),_), [a;b] -> Some (Printf.sprintf "%s-%s" a b)
-    | Procedure (("Lustre::rminus",_,_),_), [a;b] -> Some (Printf.sprintf "%s-%s" a b)
-    | Procedure (("Lustre::lt" ,_,_),_), [a;b] -> Some (Printf.sprintf "%s<%s" a b)
-    | Procedure (("Lustre::gt" ,_,_),_), [a;b] -> Some (Printf.sprintf "%s>%s" a b)
-    | Procedure (("Lustre::lte",_,_),_), [a;b] -> Some (Printf.sprintf "%s<=%s" a b)
-    | Procedure (("Lustre::gte",_,_),_), [a;b] -> Some (Printf.sprintf "%s>=%s" a b)
-    | Procedure (("Lustre::ilt" ,_,_),_), [a;b] -> Some (Printf.sprintf "%s<%s" a b)
-    | Procedure (("Lustre::igt" ,_,_),_), [a;b] -> Some (Printf.sprintf "%s>%s" a b)
-    | Procedure (("Lustre::ilte",_,_),_), [a;b] -> Some (Printf.sprintf "%s<=%s" a b)
-    | Procedure (("Lustre::igte",_,_),_), [a;b] -> Some (Printf.sprintf "%s>=%s" a b)
-    | Procedure (("Lustre::rlt" ,_,_),_), [a;b] -> Some (Printf.sprintf "%s<%s" a b)
-    | Procedure (("Lustre::rgt" ,_,_),_), [a;b] -> Some (Printf.sprintf "%s>%s" a b)
-    | Procedure (("Lustre::rlte",_,_),_), [a;b] -> Some (Printf.sprintf "%s<=%s" a b)
-    | Procedure (("Lustre::rgte",_,_),_), [a;b] -> Some (Printf.sprintf "%s>=%s" a b)
-    | Procedure (("Lustre::impl",_,_),_), [a;b] -> Some (Printf.sprintf "%s=>%s" a b)
-    | Procedure (("Lustre::xor",_,_),_), [a;b] -> Some (Printf.sprintf "%s xor %s" a b)
-    | Procedure (("Lustre::neq",_,_),_), [a;b] -> Some (Printf.sprintf "not(%s=%s)" a b)
-    | Procedure (("Lustre::eq",_,_),_), [a;b] -> Some (Printf.sprintf "%s=%s" a b)
-    | Procedure (("Lustre::or",_,_),_), [a;b] -> Some (Printf.sprintf "%s or %s" a b)
-    | Procedure (("Lustre::and",_,_),_), [a;b] -> Some (Printf.sprintf "%s and %s" a b)
-    | Procedure (("Lustre::if",_,_),_),[c;t;e] ->
+    | Procedure (("Lustre::ruminus",_,_),_,_), [a] -> Some (Printf.sprintf "-%s" a)
+    | Procedure (("Lustre::iuminus",_,_),_,_), [a] -> Some (Printf.sprintf "-%s" a)
+    | Procedure (("Lustre::uminus",_,_),_,_), [a] -> Some (Printf.sprintf "-%s" a)
+    | Procedure (("Lustre::not",_,_),_,_), [a] -> Some (Printf.sprintf "not(%s)" a)
+    | Procedure (("Lustre::real2int",_,_),_,_), [a] -> Some (Printf.sprintf "real2int(%s)" a)
+    | Procedure (("Lustre::int2real",_,_),_,_), [a] -> Some (Printf.sprintf "int2real(%s)" a)
+    | Procedure (("Lustre::mod",_,_),_,_), [a;b] -> Some (Printf.sprintf "%s mod %s" a b)
+    | Procedure (("Lustre::iplus" ,_,_),_,_), [a;b] -> Some (Printf.sprintf "%s+%s" a b)
+    | Procedure (("Lustre::rplus" ,_,_),_,_), [a;b] -> Some (Printf.sprintf "%s+%s" a b)
+    | Procedure (("Lustre::plus" ,_,_),_,_), [a;b] -> Some (Printf.sprintf "%s+%s" a b)
+    | Procedure (("Lustre::times",_,_),_,_), [a;b] -> Some (Printf.sprintf "%s*%s" a b)
+    | Procedure (("Lustre::itimes",_,_),_,_), [a;b] -> Some (Printf.sprintf "%s*%s" a b)
+    | Procedure (("Lustre::rtimes",_,_),_,_), [a;b] -> Some (Printf.sprintf "%s*%s" a b)
+    | Procedure (("Lustre::slash",_,_),_,_), [a;b] -> Some (Printf.sprintf "%s/%s" a b)
+    | Procedure (("Lustre::islash",_,_),_,_), [a;b] -> Some (Printf.sprintf "%s/%s" a b)
+    | Procedure (("Lustre::rslash",_,_),_,_), [a;b] -> Some (Printf.sprintf "%s/%s" a b)
+    | Procedure (("Lustre::div",_,_),_,_), [a;b] -> Some (Printf.sprintf "%s/%s" a b)
+    | Procedure (("Lustre::idiv",_,_),_,_), [a;b] -> Some (Printf.sprintf "%s/%s" a b)
+    | Procedure (("Lustre::rdiv",_,_),_,_), [a;b] -> Some (Printf.sprintf "%s/%s" a b)
+    | Procedure (("Lustre::minus",_,_),_,_), [a;b] -> Some (Printf.sprintf "%s-%s" a b)
+    | Procedure (("Lustre::iminus",_,_),_,_), [a;b] -> Some (Printf.sprintf "%s-%s" a b)
+    | Procedure (("Lustre::rminus",_,_),_,_), [a;b] -> Some (Printf.sprintf "%s-%s" a b)
+    | Procedure (("Lustre::lt" ,_,_),_,_), [a;b] -> Some (Printf.sprintf "%s<%s" a b)
+    | Procedure (("Lustre::gt" ,_,_),_,_), [a;b] -> Some (Printf.sprintf "%s>%s" a b)
+    | Procedure (("Lustre::lte",_,_),_,_), [a;b] -> Some (Printf.sprintf "%s<=%s" a b)
+    | Procedure (("Lustre::gte",_,_),_,_), [a;b] -> Some (Printf.sprintf "%s>=%s" a b)
+    | Procedure (("Lustre::ilt" ,_,_),_,_), [a;b] -> Some (Printf.sprintf "%s<%s" a b)
+    | Procedure (("Lustre::igt" ,_,_),_,_), [a;b] -> Some (Printf.sprintf "%s>%s" a b)
+    | Procedure (("Lustre::ilte",_,_),_,_), [a;b] -> Some (Printf.sprintf "%s<=%s" a b)
+    | Procedure (("Lustre::igte",_,_),_,_), [a;b] -> Some (Printf.sprintf "%s>=%s" a b)
+    | Procedure (("Lustre::rlt" ,_,_),_,_), [a;b] -> Some (Printf.sprintf "%s<%s" a b)
+    | Procedure (("Lustre::rgt" ,_,_),_,_), [a;b] -> Some (Printf.sprintf "%s>%s" a b)
+    | Procedure (("Lustre::rlte",_,_),_,_), [a;b] -> Some (Printf.sprintf "%s<=%s" a b)
+    | Procedure (("Lustre::rgte",_,_),_,_), [a;b] -> Some (Printf.sprintf "%s>=%s" a b)
+    | Procedure (("Lustre::impl",_,_),_,_), [a;b] -> Some (Printf.sprintf "%s=>%s" a b)
+    | Procedure (("Lustre::xor",_,_),_,_), [a;b] -> Some (Printf.sprintf "%s xor %s" a b)
+    | Procedure (("Lustre::neq",_,_),_,_), [a;b] -> Some (Printf.sprintf "not(%s=%s)" a b)
+    | Procedure (("Lustre::eq",_,_),_,_), [a;b] -> Some (Printf.sprintf "%s=%s" a b)
+    | Procedure (("Lustre::or",_,_),_,_), [a;b] -> Some (Printf.sprintf "%s or %s" a b)
+    | Procedure (("Lustre::and",_,_),_,_), [a;b] -> Some (Printf.sprintf "%s and %s" a b)
+    | Procedure (("Lustre::if",_,_),_,_),[c;t;e] ->
        Some (Printf.sprintf "if %s then %s else %s" c t e)
     | Method((_,("Lustre::arrow",_,_)),_,_), [a;b] -> Some (Printf.sprintf "%s -> %s" a b)
@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ let string_of_flow_decl_w7annot gaol (id, t) =
         Some (Printf.sprintf "pre(%s)" id)
     | Method((_,(id,_,_)),_,_),_
-    | Procedure((id,_,_),_),_ ->
+    | Procedure((id,_,_),_,_),_ ->
        let inputs = String.concat "," input_list in
        let id = if String.length id > 8 && String.sub id 0 8 = "Lustre::" then
                   String.sub id 8 ((String.length id) - 8) else id
diff --git a/lib/socExec.ml b/lib/socExec.ml
index f9e15329c7c01f7fb6c4d046afaa60630473af23..7799b1baa291020277fa5e062d31125f4451b91d 100644
--- a/lib/socExec.ml
+++ b/lib/socExec.ml
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(* Time-stamp: <modified the 14/06/2024 (at 14:11) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(* Time-stamp: <modified the 19/06/2024 (at 17:47) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 open Soc
 open Data
@@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ and (do_gao : Lxm.t -> Soc.tbl -> SocExecValue.ctx -> gao -> SocExecValue.ctx) =
-  | Call(vel_out, Procedure (sk,_), vel_in,lxm) -> (
+  | Call(vel_out, Procedure (sk,_,_), vel_in,lxm) -> (
     let (proc_name,_,_) = sk in
     let path_saved = ctx.cpath in
     let ctx = { ctx with cpath = proc_name::ctx.cpath } in
diff --git a/lib/socExecDbg.ml b/lib/socExecDbg.ml
index 4111a8b631e47c1e779112df8c51ce466d62e284..43aa96e7e0b0255f59ddecb6ae347289c7e71724 100644
--- a/lib/socExecDbg.ml
+++ b/lib/socExecDbg.ml
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(* Time-stamp: <modified the 14/06/2024 (at 14:09) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(* Time-stamp: <modified the 19/06/2024 (at 17:50) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 open Soc
 open Data
 open SocExecValue
@@ -495,7 +495,7 @@ and (do_gao : Soc.tbl -> RdbgEvent.t -> gao -> SocExecValue.ctx ->
     fcont ectx val_ctx
-  | Call(vel_out, Procedure (sk,_), vel_in, lxm) -> (
+  | Call(vel_out, Procedure (sk,_,_), vel_in, lxm) -> (
     let (proc_name,_,_) = sk in
     let path_saved = val_ctx.cpath in
     let val_ctx = { val_ctx with cpath = proc_name::val_ctx.cpath } in
diff --git a/lib/socNameC.ml b/lib/socNameC.ml
index 10b6766680cc17a159bc44be2355a008d7aebf82..764c831aed7aa53cc3bcb956a1b0029cddbcabc0 100644
--- a/lib/socNameC.ml
+++ b/lib/socNameC.ml
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(** Time-stamp: <modified the 14/06/2024 (at 13:57) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(** Time-stamp: <modified the 19/06/2024 (at 17:50) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 type variable_type = {
   id: int;
@@ -54,13 +54,17 @@ open Soc
 let get_variables_assoc : Soc.t -> (string * variable_type) list = fun soc ->
   let i,o = soc.profile in
   let io_nb = List.length i + (List.length o) in
-  let step_impl =
+  let step_impl_list =
     match soc.step with
-    | [sm] -> sm.impl
+    | [sm] -> [sm.impl]
+    | [sm1; sm2] ->
+      assert(Lv6MainArgs.global_opt.Lv6MainArgs.multi_task);
+      [sm1.impl; sm2.impl]
     | [] -> assert false
-    | _::_ -> assert false
+    | _::_::_ -> assert false
-  let lvars =
+  let lvars step_impl =
     match step_impl with
     | Gaol (vl,_) -> vl
     | Predef
@@ -69,19 +73,20 @@ let get_variables_assoc : Soc.t -> (string * variable_type) list = fun soc ->
     | Condact _
     | Extern   -> []
-  List.mapi (var_to_variable_type io_nb) lvars
+  List.mapi (var_to_variable_type io_nb) (List.map lvars step_impl_list |> List.flatten)
 let get_variables : Soc.t -> variable_type list = fun soc ->
   snd(List.split (get_variables_assoc soc))
 let get_gaol soc =
-  let step_impl =
+  let step_impl_list =
     match soc.step with
-    | [sm] -> sm.impl
+    | [sm] -> [sm.impl]
+    | [sm1; sm2] -> [sm1.impl; sm2.impl]
     | [] -> assert false
-    | _::_ -> assert false
+    | _::_::_ -> assert false
-  let gaol =
+  let gaol step_impl =
     match step_impl with
     | Gaol (_,gaol) -> gaol
     | Predef -> assert false
@@ -90,7 +95,7 @@ let get_gaol soc =
     | Condact _ -> assert false
     | Extern   ->  assert false
-  gaol
+  List.map gaol step_impl_list |> List.flatten
 let get_nodes : Soc.t -> node_type list = fun soc ->
   let gaol = get_gaol soc in
@@ -100,7 +105,7 @@ let get_nodes : Soc.t -> node_type list = fun soc ->
       let is_method, k = match ao with
         | Assign -> assert false
         | Method((_,k),_,_) -> true, k
-        | Procedure (k,_) -> false, k
+        | Procedure (k,_,_) -> false, k
       if Hashtbl.mem tbl k then
         cpt, acc
@@ -145,7 +150,7 @@ let get_instances : Soc.t -> instance_type list = fun soc ->
     match gao with
     | Call(_,Assign,_,_) -> assert false
     | Call(args_out, Method((_,k), _,_), args_in, _)
-    | Call(args_out, Procedure (k,_)     , args_in, _) ->
+    | Call(args_out, Procedure (k,_,_)   , args_in, _) ->
       let node_cpt, _inst_cpt = match Hashtbl.find_opt ltbl k with
         | None  -> incr node_cpt_ref; Hashtbl.add ltbl k (!node_cpt_ref, 0); !node_cpt_ref, 0
         | Some (node_cpt, inst_cpt) ->
diff --git a/lib/socUtils.ml b/lib/socUtils.ml
index 76e213537ee420c595d35dfb54b80cbd25805850..2eccd72928a4298f123f1dced408b5912be539dc 100644
--- a/lib/socUtils.ml
+++ b/lib/socUtils.ml
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(** Time-stamp: <modified the 17/06/2024 (at 15:38) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(** Time-stamp: <modified the 19/06/2024 (at 17:50) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 open Soc
@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ let string_of_operation_ff: (atomic_operation -> Format.formatter -> unit) =
   fun v ff -> match v with
   | Assign          -> () (* On suppose qu'il est déjà affiché dans string_of_gao *)
   | Method((n, _sk),sname,_) -> fprintf ff "%s.%s" n sname
-  | Procedure(proc,_)    -> fprintf ff "%s" (string_of_soc_key proc)
+  | Procedure(proc,_,_)    -> fprintf ff "%s" (string_of_soc_key proc)
 let string_of_operation: (atomic_operation -> string) = fun v ->
   call_fun_ff (string_of_operation_ff v)
diff --git a/lib/topoSort.ml b/lib/topoSort.ml
index 91ef8b364c4663b4ec872c8b5bc702a9efb5f2a0..6c84ec4995dc63776edaf15a4c36ed82d4287dca 100644
--- a/lib/topoSort.ml
+++ b/lib/topoSort.ml
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(** Time-stamp: <modified the 17/07/2017 (at 16:55) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(** Time-stamp: <modified the 19/06/2024 (at 14:30) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 module type PartialOrder =
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ module Make(PO: PartialOrder) = struct
   type color_table = color Mapt.t
   let (grey_actions : color_table -> elt list) =
-    fun ct -> 
+    fun ct ->
       (fun x color acc -> if color=Grey then x::acc else acc) ct []
@@ -66,27 +66,27 @@ module Make(PO: PartialOrder) = struct
       List.rev res
     f x []
   let rec (visit : store -> color_table -> elt -> color_table) =
-  fun store color_t n ->
+    fun store color_t n ->
     if not (PO.have_dep store n) then Mapt.add n Black color_t else
       let color_t =
-	     List.fold_left
-	       (fun color_t nt -> 
-	         try
-	           match Mapt.find nt color_t with
-		        | Grey ->
+	List.fold_left
+	  (fun color_t nt ->
+	     try
+	       match Mapt.find nt color_t with
+	       | Grey ->
                  let c = smallest_cycle store n (grey_actions color_t) in
                  raise (DependencyCycle (n, c))
-		          | Black -> color_t
-	         with 
-		          (* The node [nt] is white *)
-		          Not_found -> visit store color_t nt
-	       ) 
-	       (Mapt.add n Grey color_t)
-	       (PO.find_dep store n)
+	       | Black -> color_t
+	     with
+	     (* The node [nt] is white *)
+	       Not_found -> visit store color_t nt
+	  )
+	  (Mapt.add n Grey color_t)
+	  (PO.find_dep store n)
-	   Mapt.add n Black color_t
+      Mapt.add n Black color_t
 (* TEDLT *)
 let (check_there_is_no_cycle : store -> elt list -> unit) =
@@ -94,28 +94,27 @@ let (check_there_is_no_cycle : store -> elt list -> unit) =
   ignore (List.fold_left (fun acc x -> visit store acc x) Mapt.empty l)
 let (f : store -> elt list -> elt list) =
-  fun store l -> 
-    let visited_init = 
-      List.fold_left (fun acc x -> Mapt.add x false acc) Mapt.empty l 
-    in
-    let rec aux (store:store) (acc:elt list) (l:elt list)  (visited:bool Mapt.t) = 
-      (* The graph contains no cycle! *)
-      match l with
-	     | [] -> List.rev acc
-	     | x::tail -> 
-	       if (try Mapt.find x visited 
-              with Not_found -> 
-                true (* migth occur if a dep is not the list to be sorted *))
-	       then 
-	         aux store acc tail visited 
-          else 
-              let x_succ = PO.find_dep store x in
-              if x_succ = [] then
-	             aux store (x::acc) tail (Mapt.add x true visited)
-              else
-	             aux (PO.remove_dep store x) acc (x_succ @ l)  visited
-    in
-    check_there_is_no_cycle store l;
-    aux store [] l visited_init
+  fun store l ->
+  let visited_init =
+    List.fold_left (fun acc x -> Mapt.add x false acc) Mapt.empty l
+  in
+  let rec aux (store:store) (acc:elt list) (l:elt list)  (visited:bool Mapt.t) =
+    (* The graph contains no cycle! *)
+    match l with
+    | [] -> List.rev acc
+    | x::tail ->
+      if
+        (try Mapt.find x visited with Not_found (* migth occur if a dep is not the list to be sorted *) -> true)
+      then
+        aux store acc tail visited
+      else
+        let x_succ = PO.find_dep store x in
+        if x_succ = [] then
+          aux store (x::acc) tail (Mapt.add x true visited)
+        else
+          aux (PO.remove_dep store x) acc (x_succ @ l)  visited
+  in
+  check_there_is_no_cycle store l;
+  aux store [] l visited_init
diff --git a/lib/topoSort.mli b/lib/topoSort.mli
index 192670778c395ca1bee4d5ffac98b6d59038eec0..e975574902f803c8f157719e91cbf516f518e25e 100644
--- a/lib/topoSort.mli
+++ b/lib/topoSort.mli
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(** Time-stamp: <modified the 03/02/2016 (at 10:04) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(** Time-stamp: <modified the 19/06/2024 (at 14:38) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 module type PartialOrder =
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ module type PartialOrder =
     type elt
     type store
     val have_dep : store -> elt -> bool
-    val find_dep : store -> elt -> elt list
+    val find_dep : store -> elt -> elt list (* elt at the beginning of the list have higher priotity *)
     val remove_dep:store -> elt -> store
@@ -20,6 +20,6 @@ module type S =
-module Make(PO: PartialOrder) : S 
+module Make(PO: PartialOrder) : S
        with type elt = PO.elt
        with type store = PO.store
diff --git a/test/lus2lic.sum b/test/lus2lic.sum
index c84aaf16e205d02eb4fd4929d2359765efe1ea4e..08446a6bcd791cd549c069a84da19ae1a49bd0c2 100644
--- a/test/lus2lic.sum
+++ b/test/lus2lic.sum
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 ==> lus2lic0.sum <==
-Test run by jahier on Tue Jun 18 15:52:59 
+Test run by jahier on Thu Jun 20 09:25:19 
 Native configuration is x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
 		=== lus2lic0 tests ===
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ XFAIL: Test bad programs (assert): test_lus2lic_no_node should_fail/assert/lecte
 XFAIL: Test bad programs (assert): test_lus2lic_no_node should_fail/assert/s.lus
 ==> lus2lic1.sum <==
-Test run by jahier on Tue Jun 18 15:53:00 
+Test run by jahier on Thu Jun 20 09:25:20 
 Native configuration is x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
 		=== lus2lic1 tests ===
@@ -738,7 +738,7 @@ PASS: /home/jahier/lus2lic/test/../utils/compare_lv6_and_lv6_en multipar.lus {}
 PASS: /home/jahier/lus2lic/test/../utils/compare_gcc_and_clang multipar.lus {}
 ==> lus2lic2.sum <==
-Test run by jahier on Tue Jun 18 15:59:06 
+Test run by jahier on Thu Jun 20 09:31:36 
 Native configuration is x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
 		=== lus2lic2 tests ===
@@ -1386,7 +1386,7 @@ PASS: /home/jahier/lus2lic/test/../utils/compare_gcc_and_clang zzz2.lus {}
 PASS: /home/jahier/lus2lic/test/../utils/compare_2ch_and_2cs zzz2.lus {}
 ==> lus2lic3.sum <==
-Test run by jahier on Tue Jun 18 16:06:01 
+Test run by jahier on Thu Jun 20 09:37:51 
 Native configuration is x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
 		=== lus2lic3 tests ===
@@ -2013,7 +2013,7 @@ PASS: /home/jahier/lus2lic/test/../utils/check_knc multipar.lus {}
 ==> lus2lic4.sum <==
-Test run by jahier on Tue Jun 18 16:08:08 
+Test run by jahier on Thu Jun 20 09:40:08 
 Native configuration is x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
 		=== lus2lic4 tests ===
@@ -2639,11 +2639,11 @@ PASS: /home/jahier/lus2lic/test/../utils/compare_2ch_and_2cs multipar.lus {}
 # Total number of failures: 29
 lus2lic0.log:testcase ./lus2lic.tests/test0.exp completed in 1 seconds
-lus2lic1.log:testcase ./lus2lic.tests/test1.exp completed in 366 seconds
-lus2lic2.log:testcase ./lus2lic.tests/test2.exp completed in 414 seconds
-lus2lic3.log:testcase ./lus2lic.tests/test3.exp completed in 127 seconds
-lus2lic4.log:testcase ./lus2lic.tests/test4.exp completed in 114 seconds
+lus2lic1.log:testcase ./lus2lic.tests/test1.exp completed in 376 seconds
+lus2lic2.log:testcase ./lus2lic.tests/test2.exp completed in 374 seconds
+lus2lic3.log:testcase ./lus2lic.tests/test3.exp completed in 136 seconds
+lus2lic4.log:testcase ./lus2lic.tests/test4.exp completed in 132 seconds
 * Ref time: 
-435.18user 137.98system 17:02.91elapsed 56%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 94892maxresident)k
-247408inputs+907320outputs (1170major+35412857minor)pagefaults 0swaps
+442.11user 147.30system 17:01.02elapsed 57%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 99320maxresident)k
+271488inputs+906648outputs (2566major+35369759minor)pagefaults 0swaps
 * Quick time (-j 4):