From bf652e18c0640a5eee4cb2f376ecceb0d80575e8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Erwan Jahier <>
Date: Tue, 21 May 2013 09:36:26 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Fix the handling of slices in left-hand-side.

 nb : #FAILS=84->81
 Makefile            |  2 +-
 src/  |  5 +++--
 src/         | 30 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 src/data.mli        |  2 +-
 src/          |  4 ++--
 src/      | 43 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------
 src/          |  6 ++++--
 src/ | 35 ++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------
 src/    |  7 +++----
 src/     |  5 +++--
 test/lus2lic.sum    | 16 ++++++++--------
 test/lus2lic.time   |  4 ++--            |  5 -----
 todo.org_archive    | 14 ++++++++++++++
 14 files changed, 120 insertions(+), 58 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 0aff698f..369f8e61 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ diff:
-	$(OTAGS) -v $(shell $(OCAMLC) -where)/*.mli   $(OBJDIR)/*.ml
+	$(OTAGS) -v $(shell $(OCAMLC) -where)/*.mli   src/*.ml
 	rm -f lv6.log; git log > lv6.log
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 36995c28..dbbe99b4 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(** Time-stamp: <modified the 15/05/2013 (at 11:00) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(** Time-stamp: <modified the 17/05/2013 (at 17:45) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 let dbg = (Verbose.get_flag "deps")
@@ -135,10 +135,11 @@ let rec (get_top_var : Soc.var_expr  -> Soc.var_expr) =
   fun var -> 
 (* if var = t.[2].field, then it returns (also) t.[2] and t  *)
     match var with
+      | Soc.Slice(ve,_,_,_,_,_)
       | Soc.Field(ve,_,_)  
       | Soc.Index(ve,_,_) -> get_top_var ve
       | Soc.Var(_,vt)
-      | Soc.Const(_,vt) -> var
+      | Soc.Const(_,vt) -> var 
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index ebc89a78..e589c956 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -79,14 +79,30 @@ let (type_of_string : string -> t) =
 type vntl = (string * string) list
 type subst = (string * v) 
+type access = Idx of int | Fld of ident | Sle of int * int * int * int
-type access = Idx of int | Fld of ident
+let get_array_elt a i = 
+  match a with
+    | A a -> a.(i)
+    | _ -> assert false
 (* exported *)
 let rec (update_val : v -> v -> access list -> v) =
   fun pre_v v access -> 
     match pre_v,access with
       | _,[] -> v
+      | A a, (Sle(f,l,s,w))::access -> (
+        let j = ref 0 in
+        for i = f to l do
+          if (i - f) mod s = 0 then 
+            let v_j = get_array_elt v !j in
+            let a_i = update_val a.(i) v_j access in        
+            a.(i) <- a_i;
+            incr j;
+        done;
+        A a
+      )
       | A a, (Idx i)::access -> 
         let a_i = update_val a.(i) v access in
         a.(i) <- a_i;
@@ -103,6 +119,18 @@ let rec (create_val : t -> v -> access list -> v) =
   fun vt v access ->
     match vt,access with
       | _,[] -> v
+      | Array(vt,size), (Sle(f,l,s,w))::access -> (
+        let j = ref 0 in
+        let a = Array.make size U in
+        for i = f to l do
+          if (i - f) mod s = 0 then 
+            let v_j = get_array_elt v !j in
+            let a_i = create_val vt v_j access in
+            a.(i) <- a_i;
+            incr j;
+        done;
+        A a
+      )
       | Array(vt,size), (Idx i)::access -> 
         let a = Array.make size U in
         let a_i = create_val vt v access in
diff --git a/src/data.mli b/src/data.mli
index d12a6733..b91b8de3 100644
--- a/src/data.mli
+++ b/src/data.mli
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ val type_of_string : string -> t
 type vntl = (string * string) list
 type subst = (string * v) 
-type access = Idx of int | Fld of ident
+type access = Idx of int | Fld of ident | Sle of int * int * int * int
 (* Replace access(pre_v) by v in pre_v *)
 val update_val : v -> v -> access list -> v
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 000e5d4a..5b47933d 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(* Time-stamp: <modified the 26/04/2013 (at 15:16) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(* Time-stamp: <modified the 16/05/2013 (at 16:02) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 (** Define the Data Structure representing Compiled programs. *)
@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ and left =
   N.B. On garde aussi l'info source des idents au cas ou.*)
   | LeftVarLic  of (var_info * Lxm.t)
   | LeftFieldLic of (left * Ident.t * type_)
-  | LeftArrayLic of (left * int * type_)
+  | LeftArrayLic of (left * int * type_) (* XXX should be called LeftArrayIndexLic? *)
   | LeftSliceLic of (left * slice_info * type_)
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 9e33e499..206e0eae 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(** Time-stamp: <modified the 16/05/2013 (at 09:15) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(** Time-stamp: <modified the 17/05/2013 (at 17:46) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 open Lxm
 open Lic
@@ -81,14 +81,14 @@ let is_predefined_const: string -> Lic.type_ option =
 (* Returns the list of indexes represented by the slice *)
-let (slice_info_to_index_list : Lic.slice_info -> int list) =
-  fun si -> 
-    let (f,l,s) = (si.Lic.se_first, si.Lic.se_last, si.Lic.se_step) in
-    let rec aux f =
-      if f>l && s > 0 || f<l && s <0 then [] else
-        f::(aux (f+s))
-    in
-      aux f
+(* let (slice_info_to_index_list : Lic.slice_info -> int list) = *)
+(*   fun si ->  *)
+(*     let (f,l,s) = (si.Lic.se_first, si.Lic.se_last, si.Lic.se_step) in *)
+(*     let rec aux f = *)
+(*       if f>l && s > 0 || f<l && s <0 then [] else *)
+(*         f::(aux (f+s)) *)
+(*     in *)
+(*       aux f *)
 let rec (lic2soc_const : Lic.const -> Soc.var_expr list) =
@@ -208,11 +208,9 @@ let rec filter_of_left_part: (LicPrg.t -> Lic.left -> Soc.var_expr list) = (fun lp -> Soc.Index(lp, index, lic_to_data_type t (* type_ ? *))) lpl
       | Lic.LeftSliceLic(lp,si,t) -> (
-      (* we expand left part slices *)
         let lpl = filter_of_left_part licprg lp in
-        let index_list = slice_info_to_index_list si in
-        List.flatten ( (
-          fun lp -> (fun index -> Soc.Index(lp, index, lic_to_data_type t)) index_list) lpl)
+ (fun lp -> Soc.Slice(lp, si.se_first, si.se_last, si.se_step, 
+                                      si.se_width, lic_to_data_type t)) lpl
@@ -432,8 +430,17 @@ let by_pos_op_to_soc_ident = function
   | _  -> assert false
-let (get_exp_type : Soc.var_expr list -> Data.t  list) =
- Soc.data_type_of_var_expr
+let (get_exp_type : Soc.var_expr list -> Data.t list) =
+  fun vl -> 
+    let tl = Soc.data_type_of_var_expr vl in
+    tl
+(*     let res = *)
+(*       match tl with *)
+(*         | [] -> assert false *)
+(*         | [t] -> t *)
+(*         | t::_ -> Data.Array(t, List.length tl) *)
+(*     in *)
+(*     res   *)
 let rec (actions_of_expression_acc: Lxm.t -> Soc.tbl ->  
          Lic.clock -> Soc.var_expr list -> e2a_acc -> Lic.val_exp -> e2a_acc) =
@@ -502,7 +509,8 @@ let rec (actions_of_expression_acc: Lxm.t -> Soc.tbl ->
                       (List.flatten ( (fun ve -> ve.ve_typ) val_exp_list))
-                  let res_type = get_exp_type lpl in
+                  let res_type = lic_to_data_type expr.ve_typ in
+(*                   let res_type =  get_exp_type lpl in *)
                   let full_profile = args_types @ res_type in
                   let si_opt = match with
                       Lic.ARRAY_SLICE si -> Some si | _ -> None
@@ -534,7 +542,8 @@ let rec (actions_of_expression_acc: Lxm.t -> Soc.tbl ->
                   (List.flatten ( (fun (_,ve) -> ve.ve_typ) cl))
-              let res_type = get_exp_type lpl in
+(*               let res_type = lic_to_data_type expr.ve_typ in *)
+              let res_type =  get_exp_type lpl in
               let full_profile = args_types @ res_type in
               let sk = make_soc_key_of_node_exp (("Lustre","merge"),[]) None full_profile in
               try Soc.SocMap.find sk soc_tbl 
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 165648af..32f1ca4f 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(* Time-stamp: <modified the 10/05/2013 (at 16:21) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(* Time-stamp: <modified the 17/05/2013 (at 17:41) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 (** Synchronous Object Component *)
@@ -23,13 +23,15 @@ type var_expr =
   | Const of var (* useful? *)
   | Field of var_expr * ident * Data.t
   | Index of var_expr * int * Data.t
+  | Slice of var_expr * int * int * int * int * Data.t (* first, last, step, width *)
 let (data_type_of_var_expr : var_expr -> Data.t) =
   | Var(_,vt)
   | Const(_,vt)
   | Field(_, _,vt)
-  | Index(_,_,vt) -> vt
+  | Index(_,_,vt) 
+  | Slice(_,_,_,_,_,vt) -> vt
 type atomic_operation =
   | Assign (* Wire *)
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index e062df08..71095d33 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(* Time-stamp: <modified the 15/05/2013 (at 16:22) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(* Time-stamp: <modified the 21/05/2013 (at 08:13) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 let dbg = (Verbose.get_flag "exec")
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ let rec (get_top_var_type : Soc.var_expr -> Data.t) =
     match ve with
       | Var(_,vt)  -> vt
       | Index(ve,_,_)  
-      | Field(ve, _, _)  -> get_top_var_type ve
+      | Field(ve, _, _) | Slice(ve,_,_,_,_,_) -> get_top_var_type ve
       | Const(id,_) -> assert false
@@ -48,11 +48,11 @@ open Data
 let rec (get_access : Soc.var_expr -> Data.access list) =
   fun ve -> 
     match ve with
+      | Const(id,_) -> assert false
       | Var(id,_)  -> []
       | Index(ve,i,_)  -> (Idx i)::(get_access ve)
       | Field(ve, n,_)  -> (Fld n)::(get_access ve)
-      | Const(id,_) -> assert false
+      | Slice(ve,f,l,s,w,_) -> (Sle (f,l,s,w))::(get_access ve)
 let (update_leaf : var_expr -> v -> v -> substs) =
   fun ve v pre_v -> 
@@ -67,12 +67,10 @@ let (create_leaf : var_expr -> v -> substs) =
     let new_v = create_val top_vt v access in
 let rec (get_top_id : Soc.var_expr -> ident) =
   | Var(id,_) | Const(id,_) -> id
-  | Field(ve, _, _) | Index(ve,_,_) -> get_top_id ve
+  | Field(ve, _, _) | Index(ve,_,_) | Slice(ve,_,_,_,_,_) -> get_top_id ve
 (* exported *)
 let (sadd_partial : substs  -> var_expr -> path -> Data.v -> substs) =
@@ -264,14 +262,29 @@ let rec (get_value : ctx -> var_expr -> Data.v) =
           | _ -> assert false (* should not occur *)
-      | Index(ve,i,vt) -> 
+      | Index(ve,i,vt) -> (
         let a = get_value ctx ve in
         match a with
           | A a -> a.(i)
           | U  -> U
-(*             dump_substs ctx.s;flush stdout; *)
-(*             failwith ((SocUtils.string_of_filter ve) ^ " not defined\n") *)
+          (*             dump_substs ctx.s;flush stdout; *)
+          (*             failwith ((SocUtils.string_of_filter ve) ^ " not defined\n") *)
+          | _ -> assert false (* should not occur *)
+      )
+      | Soc.Slice(ve,f,l,s,w,vt) -> 
+        let a = get_value ctx ve in
+        match a with
+          | A a ->
+            let slice = Array.sub a f w in
+            let j = ref 0 in
+            for i = f to l do
+              if (i - f) mod s = 0 then (
+                slice.(!j) <- a.(i);
+                incr j
+              )
+            done;
+            A slice
+          | U  -> U
           | _ -> assert false (* should not occur *)
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 855c2843..43edb98f 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(* Time-stamp: <modified the 15/05/2013 (at 16:57) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(* Time-stamp: <modified the 17/05/2013 (at 17:44) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 (** Synchronous Object Code for Predefined operators. *)
@@ -517,9 +517,8 @@ let (soc_interface_of_pos_op:
         let i = (List.length types) in
         (make_array_soc i elt_type)
-      | Lic.ARRAY_SLICE sinfo, [Array (t, s)], _ -> 
-(*         assert false *)
-        (make_array_slice_soc sinfo s t)
+      | Lic.ARRAY_SLICE sinfo, [Array (t, s)], _ -> (make_array_slice_soc sinfo s t)
+      | Lic.ARRAY_SLICE sinfo, [], _ -> assert false
       | Lic.CONCAT, [Array (t1, s1); Array (t2, s2)], _->  
         assert (t1=t2);
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index c49f0a90..7d62d18d 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(** Time-stamp: <modified the 26/04/2013 (at 09:42) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(** Time-stamp: <modified the 17/05/2013 (at 17:43) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 open Soc
@@ -88,7 +88,8 @@ let rec string_of_filter_ff: (Soc.var_expr -> Format.formatter -> unit) =
     | Var (id,_)   -> fprintf ff "%s" id
     | Field(f, id,_) -> string_of_filter_ff f ff; fprintf ff ".%s" id
     | Index(f, index,_) -> string_of_filter_ff f ff; fprintf ff "[%d]" index
+    | Slice(f,fi,la,st,wi,vt) ->  string_of_filter_ff f ff; fprintf ff "[%d..%d step %d]" fi la st 
 let string_of_filter: (Soc.var_expr -> string) = fun v ->
   call_fun_ff (string_of_filter_ff v)
diff --git a/test/lus2lic.sum b/test/lus2lic.sum
index 4719f6d5..728de6c7 100644
--- a/test/lus2lic.sum
+++ b/test/lus2lic.sum
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-Test Run By jahier on Fri May 17 11:06:34 2013
+Test Run By jahier on Tue May 21 09:29:18 2013
 Native configuration is i686-pc-linux-gnu
 		=== lus2lic tests ===
@@ -304,7 +304,7 @@ PASS: ../utils/test_lus2lic_no_node should_work/ec.lus
 PASS: ./lus2lic {-o /tmp/morel3.lic should_work/morel3.lus}
 PASS: ./lus2lic {-ec -o /tmp/ should_work/morel3.lus}
 PASS: ./ec2c {-o /tmp/morel3.c /tmp/}
-FAIL: Try to compare lus2lic -exec and ecexe: ../utils/test_lus2lic_no_node should_work/morel3.lus
+PASS: ../utils/test_lus2lic_no_node should_work/morel3.lus
 PASS: ./lus2lic {-o /tmp/fresh_name.lic should_work/fresh_name.lus}
 PASS: ./lus2lic {-ec -o /tmp/ should_work/fresh_name.lus}
 PASS: ./ec2c {-o /tmp/fresh_name.c /tmp/}
@@ -539,7 +539,7 @@ FAIL: Try to compare lus2lic -exec and ecexe: ../utils/test_lus2lic_no_node shou
 PASS: ./lus2lic {-o /tmp/left.lic should_work/left.lus}
 PASS: ./lus2lic {-ec -o /tmp/ should_work/left.lus}
 PASS: ./ec2c {-o /tmp/left.c /tmp/}
-PASS: ../utils/test_lus2lic_no_node should_work/left.lus
+UNRESOLVED: Time out: ../utils/test_lus2lic_no_node should_work/left.lus
 PASS: ./lus2lic {-o /tmp/ts04.lic should_work/ts04.lus}
 PASS: ./lus2lic {-ec -o /tmp/ should_work/ts04.lus}
 PASS: ./ec2c {-o /tmp/ts04.c /tmp/}
@@ -557,7 +557,7 @@ PASS: ../utils/test_lus2lic_no_node should_work/nc2.lus
 PASS: ./lus2lic {-o /tmp/morel.lic should_work/morel.lus}
 PASS: ./lus2lic {-ec -o /tmp/ should_work/morel.lus}
 PASS: ./ec2c {-o /tmp/morel.c /tmp/}
-FAIL: Try to compare lus2lic -exec and ecexe: ../utils/test_lus2lic_no_node should_work/morel.lus
+PASS: ../utils/test_lus2lic_no_node should_work/morel.lus
 PASS: ./lus2lic {-o /tmp/SOURIS.lic should_work/SOURIS.lus}
 PASS: ./lus2lic {-ec -o /tmp/ should_work/SOURIS.lus}
 PASS: ./ec2c {-o /tmp/SOURIS.c /tmp/}
@@ -653,7 +653,7 @@ PASS: ../utils/test_lus2lic_no_node should_work/iterFibo.lus
 PASS: ./lus2lic {-o /tmp/morel2.lic should_work/morel2.lus}
 PASS: ./lus2lic {-ec -o /tmp/ should_work/morel2.lus}
 PASS: ./ec2c {-o /tmp/morel2.c /tmp/}
-FAIL: Try to compare lus2lic -exec and ecexe: ../utils/test_lus2lic_no_node should_work/morel2.lus
+PASS: ../utils/test_lus2lic_no_node should_work/morel2.lus
 PASS: ./lus2lic {-o /tmp/minmax1.lic should_work/minmax1.lus}
 PASS: ./lus2lic {-ec -o /tmp/ should_work/minmax1.lus}
 PASS: ./ec2c {-o /tmp/minmax1.c /tmp/}
@@ -1039,8 +1039,8 @@ XPASS: Test bad programs (semantics): lus2lic {-o /tmp/bug.lic should_fail/seman
 		=== lus2lic Summary ===
-# of expected passes		873
-# of unexpected failures	84
+# of expected passes		875
+# of unexpected failures	81
 # of unexpected successes	12
 # of expected failures		37
-# of unresolved testcases	21
+# of unresolved testcases	22
diff --git a/test/lus2lic.time b/test/lus2lic.time
index 4774bdaf..f1ae924f 100644
--- a/test/lus2lic.time
+++ b/test/lus2lic.time
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-testcase ./lus2lic.tests/non-reg.exp completed in 333 seconds
-testcase ./lus2lic.tests/progression.exp completed in 0 seconds
+testcase ./lus2lic.tests/non-reg.exp completed in 313 seconds
+testcase ./lus2lic.tests/progression.exp completed in 2 seconds
diff --git a/ b/
index 1ff8abc7..8ddc98f1 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -3,11 +3,6 @@
 * lus2lic -exec
-** TODO oops: lus2lic internal error
-   - State "TODO"       from ""           [2013-05-10 Fri 17:46]
-	File "objlinux/", line 680, column 18
- when compiling lustre program should_work/morel3.lus
 ** TODO oops: lus2lic internal error
    - State "TODO"       from ""           [2013-05-10 Fri 18:05]
 	File "objlinux/", line 680, column 18
diff --git a/todo.org_archive b/todo.org_archive
index b369cf7f..71f5b7cb 100644
--- a/todo.org_archive
+++ b/todo.org_archive
@@ -740,6 +740,20 @@ cf file:src/
 Bon, finalement, j'oblige les gens a ecrire Lustre::gt et puis ca marre.
+* TODO oops: lus2lic internal error
+   - State "TODO"       from ""           [2013-05-10 Fri 17:46]
+  :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2013-05-21 Tue 09:31
+  :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/lus2lic/
+  :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: lus2lic -exec
+  :END:
+	File "objlinux/", line 680, column 18
+ when compiling lustre program should_work/morel3.lus
+-> It was due to a bad handling in slices apprearinf at the lhs od equations.