From be68e8c5395f50ff5862e4610bacd33a41bffcd0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Erwan Jahier <>
Date: Mon, 23 Jun 2008 15:52:34 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] A  new implementation of  uniqueOutput that  is more 
 efficient, more compact, cleaner, and correct wrt negative steps in array

 src/Makefile                         |   1 +
 src/test/should_work/Pascal/left.lus |   6 +-
 src/test/test.res.exp                |   2 +-
 src/                  | 497 ++++++++++-----------------
 src/uniqueOutput.mli                 |   6 +
 5 files changed, 195 insertions(+), 317 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 src/uniqueOutput.mli

diff --git a/src/Makefile b/src/Makefile
index 982f1974..e5f82a44 100644
--- a/src/Makefile
+++ b/src/Makefile
@@ -50,6 +50,7 @@ SOURCES =  \
 	./ \
 	./getEff.mli \
 	./ \
+	./uniqueOutput.mli \
 	./ \
 	./ \
 	./lazyCompiler.mli \
diff --git a/src/test/should_work/Pascal/left.lus b/src/test/should_work/Pascal/left.lus
index aa21f4f5..8d9d5415 100644
--- a/src/test/should_work/Pascal/left.lus
+++ b/src/test/should_work/Pascal/left.lus
@@ -7,12 +7,12 @@ type truc = struct {
 node toto(x : bool) returns (t : truc^3);
---        t[0].a[0..98 step 2][48..0 step -2] = true^25;	
-        t[0].a[0..98 step 2][0..48 step 2] = true^25;	
+        t[0].a[0..98 step 2][48..0 step -2] = true^25;	
+--        t[0].a[0..98 step 2][0..48 step 2] = true^25;	
 	t[0].a[0..98 step 2][1..49 step 2] = false^25;	
 	t[0].a[1..99 step 2][0] = true;
 	t[0].a[1..99 step 2][1] = true;
 	t[0].a[5..99 step 2] = false^48;
-	t[0].b = 42;
+        t[0].b = 42;
 	t[1..2] = (truc { a = true^100; b = 0 })^2;
diff --git a/src/test/test.res.exp b/src/test/test.res.exp
index 3f22b15b..ad14bdd3 100644
--- a/src/test/test.res.exp
+++ b/src/test/test.res.exp
@@ -2960,7 +2960,7 @@ Opening file /home/jahier/lus2lic/src/test/should_work/Pascal/left.lus
 type left::truc = left::truc {a : bool^100; b : int};
 node left::toto(x:bool) returns (t:left::truc^3);
-   t[0].a[0..98 step 2][0..48 step 2] = true^25;
+   t[0].a[0..98 step 2][48..0 step -2] = true^25;
    t[0].a[0..98 step 2][1..49 step 2] = false^25;
    t[0].a[1..99 step 2][0] = true;
    t[0].a[1..99 step 2][1] = true;
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 8c322759..e2adcb25 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -1,334 +1,205 @@
+(** Time-stamp: <modified the 23/06/2008 (at 15:51) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 open CompiledData
 open Lxm
 open Errors
-(* given a list of (output) [var_info_eff] [vl], and a list of
-   [left_eff] [lel], we want to check that each variable is defined
-   exactly once by the [left_eff].  To do that, we first transform
-   [vl] into a list of variable atoms. 
-type atom = string
-(*   | Var   of (var_info_eff) *)
-(*   | Field of (atom * Ident.t) *)
-(*   | Array of (atom * int) *)
-let rec (var_info_eff_to_atoms: var_info_eff -> atom list) = 
-  fun v -> 
-    type_eff_to_atoms (Ident.to_string v.var_name_eff) v.var_type_eff
-and make_int_list acc i = if i < 0 then acc else make_int_list (i::acc) (i-1)
-and slice_info_to_int_list si i =
-  if (
-      (si.se_step > 0 && i > si.se_last)
-    ||
-      (si.se_step < 0 && i < si.se_last)
-  ) 
-  then 
-    [] 
-  else
-    i::(slice_info_to_int_list si (i + si.se_step))
-and (type_eff_to_atoms : atom -> type_eff -> atom list) =
-  fun str type_eff ->
-    let res = 
-      match type_eff with
-	| Bool_type_eff
-	| Int_type_eff
-	| Real_type_eff
-	| Any 
-	| Overload  
-	| External_type_eff _
-	| Enum_type_eff(_,_) -> [str]
-	| Array_type_eff(te,i) -> 
-	    List.flatten
-	      (
-		 (fun i -> type_eff_to_atoms (str ^ "[" ^(string_of_int i)^"]") te)
-		 (make_int_list [] (i-1)))
-	| Struct_type_eff(name, fl) -> 
-	    List.flatten
-	      (
-		 (fun (id,(te,_)) -> 
-		    type_eff_to_atoms (str ^ "." ^(Ident.to_string id)) te
-		 )
-		 fl)
-    in  
-      res
-(* Generates the string corresponding to the [left_eff].  It returns
-   a list of strings because of the slices.  Indeed, when generating
-   the string for the [left_eff] corresponding to "expr[2..3].a", we
-   actually want to generate 2 strings:
-   - "expr[2].a", and
-   - "expr[3].a"
-   le pb, c'est que pour "t[1..10][2..4]", je veux pas générer
-   - "t[1][2]", etc., 
-   mais "t[3]", "t[4]", "t[5]" ! arg... il me faut faire quelque chose
-   pour les tranches de tranches.
-   meme chose pour "T[1..4 step 2][1]" en fait (qui vaut t[3])
-   il faudrait que je normalise tout ca avant. Il y a plein de facon de dire
-   la même chose.
-   -> rendre le step positif
-   -> mise a plat des tranches de tranches
-   -> mise a plat d'une tranche suivis d'un acces à un tableau 
+(** [left_eff] is a kind of list, but which is in a « bad » order for
+    easy checking; [eff_left] contains just the same information, but
+    the list is made explicit and the infomartion (struct or array
+    accesses) is ordered in the « good » way.
-and (left_eff_to_string : left_eff -> atom list) = 
-  fun le -> 
-    let res = 
-      match le with
-	| LeftVarEff  (v,_) -> [Ident.to_string v.var_name_eff]
-	| LeftFieldEff(le,id,te) -> 
-	    let strl = left_eff_to_string le in
- (fun str -> str^"."^(Ident.to_string id)) strl
-	| LeftArrayEff(le,i,te)  -> 
-	    let strl = left_eff_to_string le in
- (fun str -> (str ^ "[" ^ (string_of_int i) ^ "]")) strl
-	| LeftSliceEff(LeftSliceEff(le,si1,te1),si2,te2) -> 
-	    assert false
+type eff_left = var_info_eff * Lxm.t * filter list
+and filter = 
+  | Slice of int * int * int * type_eff
+  | Faccess of Ident.t * type_eff
+  | Aaccess of int * type_eff
+let rec (left_eff_to_eff_left: left_eff -> eff_left) = 
+  fun le ->
+    let rec (aux : type_eff -> filter list -> left_eff -> eff_left) = 
+      fun te_top acc le -> match le with
+	| LeftVarEff  (v,lxm) -> v, lxm, acc
+	| LeftFieldEff(le,id,te) -> aux te (Faccess(id,te)::acc) le
+	| LeftArrayEff(le,i,te)  -> aux te (Aaccess(i,te)::acc) le
 	| LeftSliceEff(le,si,te) -> 
-	    let strl = left_eff_to_string le in
-	      List.flatten
-		(
-		   (fun i -> 
-		      (fun str -> (str^"["^(string_of_int i) ^ "]")) 
-		      strl)
-		   (slice_info_to_int_list si si.se_first)
-		)
+	    aux te (Slice(si.se_first,si.se_last,si.se_step,te)::acc) le
-      res
-and (left_eff_to_atoms : left_eff * Lxm.t -> (atom * Lxm.t) list) =
-  fun (le,lxm) ->
-    let res = 
-      match le with
-	| LeftVarEff  (v,lxm) -> (fun a -> a,lxm) (var_info_eff_to_atoms v)
-	| LeftArrayEff(LeftSliceEff(le1,si1,te1),l,te2) ->
-	    (* le1[i..j step k][l] = le1[i + k*l] *)
-	    let (i,j,k) = 
-	      if si1.se_step > 0 
-	      then (si1.se_first, si1.se_last,si1.se_step) 
-	      else (si1.se_last, si1.se_first, - si1.se_step) 
-	    in
-	    let new_l = i + l * k in
-	      left_eff_to_atoms (LeftArrayEff(le1, new_l, te2), lxm)
-	| LeftSliceEff(LeftSliceEff(le1,si1,te1),si2,te2) ->
-	    (* we need we interpret on-the-fly slices of slices... 
-	       le1[i1..j1 step k1][i2..j2 step k2] = 
-	              le1[   i1+i2*k1 
-	                  .. i1+(j2+i2*(k1-1))*k2
-	                step k1*k2 ]
-	       if k1 and k2 are positive.
-	       k1<0, k2>0
-	       what happens if one (or both) are negative ?
-	    *)
-	    let (i1,j1,k1) = (si1.se_first, si1.se_last,si1.se_step) in
-	    let (i2,j2,k2) = (si2.se_first, si2.se_last,si2.se_step) in
-	    let si12 = {
-	      se_first = i1+i2*k1;
-	      se_last  = i1+(j2+i2*(k1-1))*k2;
-	      se_step  = k1 * k2; (* bug si < 0 ! *)
-	      se_width = -1;
-	    }
-	    in
-	      left_eff_to_atoms(LeftSliceEff(le1, si12,te2), lxm)
-	| LeftFieldEff(le2,_,te)
-	| LeftArrayEff(le2,_,te)
-	| LeftSliceEff(le2,_,Array_type_eff(te,_)) ->	    
-	    let al = left_eff_to_string le in
- (fun a -> a,lxm)
-		(List.flatten ( (fun a -> type_eff_to_atoms a te) al))
+    let te_top = (var_info_of_left_eff le).var_type_eff in
+    let (v,lxm,f) = aux te_top [] le in
+    let (_,f) =
+      (* we don't want to associate to each accessors the type of the
+	 « accessed elements », but its own type. E.g., if "t" is an
+	 array of bool, we want to associate 't[0]' and an array of
+	 bool, and not to a bool.  *)
+      List.fold_left 
+	(fun (te_top,acc) el -> 
+	   match el with
+	     | Slice(i,j,k,te) -> te, (Slice(i,j,k,te_top))::acc
+	     | Faccess(id,te)  -> te, (Faccess(id,te_top))::acc
+	     | Aaccess(i,te)   -> te, (Aaccess(i,te_top))::acc
+	)
+	(te_top,[])
+	f
+    in
+      (v,lxm, List.rev f) 
+(** Used to represent how much « defined » a variable is. *)
+type var_def_state =
+  | VDS_def
+  | VDS_undef
+  | VDS_struct of (Ident.t * var_def_state) list
+  | VDS_array of var_def_state array
+let id2str = Ident.to_string
+let int2str = string_of_int
+(* Returns the list of undefined variables *)
+let (vds_to_string : var_info_eff -> var_def_state -> string list) =
+  fun v vds -> 
+    let rec aux vds v acc = match vds with
+      | VDS_def -> acc
+      | VDS_undef -> v::acc
+      | VDS_struct(fl) -> 
+	  List.fold_left (fun acc (id,vds) -> aux vds (v^"."^(id2str id)) acc) acc fl
+      | VDS_array(a) -> fst
+	  (Array.fold_left
+	     (fun (acc,i) vds -> aux vds (v^"["^(int2str i) ^"]") acc, i+1) (acc,0) a)
-      res
-module StrSet = Set.Make(String)
+      aux vds (id2str v.var_name_eff) []
+(** This is main function: it computes a new [var_def_state] from an
+    [var_def_state] and a [eff_left].  *)
+let (update_var_def_state : var_def_state -> eff_left -> var_def_state) = 
+  fun vds (v, lxm, filters) ->
+    let rec (update_vds : string -> var_def_state -> filter list -> var_def_state) =
+      fun v vds filters -> 
+	if vds = VDS_def then 
+	  let msg = "\n*** Variable " ^ v ^ " is defined twice." in 
+	    raise (Compile_error(lxm, msg))
+	else
+	  match filters with
+	    | [] -> VDS_def
+	    | Slice(i,j,k,te)::tail -> update_slice v i j k tail 
+		(match vds with
+		   | VDS_array(a) -> a
+		   | VDS_undef -> undef_array_of_type te
+		   | _ -> assert false (* by type checking *)
+		)
+	    | Aaccess(i,te)::tail -> update_array_access v i  tail
+		(match vds with
+		   | VDS_array(a) -> a
+		   | VDS_undef -> undef_array_of_type te
+		   | _ -> assert false (* by type checking *)
+		)
+	    | Faccess(id,te)::tail -> update_field_access v id tail 
+		(match vds with 
+		   | VDS_struct(fl) -> fl
+		   | VDS_undef -> undef_struct_of_type te
+		   | _ -> assert false (* by type checking *)
+		)
-let (check_aux : Lxm.t -> var_info_eff list -> (left_eff * Lxm.t) list -> unit) =
-  fun lxm vl lel ->
-    let l1 = List.flatten ( var_info_eff_to_atoms vl) in
-    let l2 = List.flatten ( left_eff_to_atoms lel) in
-(*     let _ =  *)
-(*       print_string ("\noutputs to be defined: "); *)
-(*       List.iter (fun str -> print_string (str ^ ", ")) l1; *)
-(*       print_string ("\ndefined left eff: "); *)
-(*       List.iter (fun (str,_) -> print_string (str ^ ", ")) l2; *)
-(*       print_string "\n checking...\n"; *)
-(*       flush stdout *)
-(*     in *)
-    let set1 = List.fold_left (fun set x -> StrSet.add x set) StrSet.empty l1 in
-    let set2 =
-      List.fold_left
-	(fun set (elt,lxm) -> 
-	   if StrSet.mem elt set then StrSet.remove elt set else
-	     let msg =
-	       if StrSet.mem elt set1 then 
-		 "\n*** This variable is defined twice: " ^ elt
-	       else
-		 "\n*** This variable is undeclared: " ^ elt
-	     in
-	       raise (Compile_error(lxm, msg))
-	)
-	set1
-	l2
+    and undef_array_of_type = function
+      | Array_type_eff(_,size) -> Array.make size VDS_undef
+      | _ -> assert false
+    and undef_struct_of_type = function
+      | Struct_type_eff(_,fl) -> (fun (id,_) -> id, VDS_undef) fl
+      | _ -> assert false
+    and array_for_all pred a = Array.fold_left (fun acc x -> acc && (pred x)) true a 
+    and update_slice v i j k filters a =
+      let v = v^"["^(int2str i)^ ".."^(int2str j)^
+	(if k=1 then "]" else " step "^(int2str k)^"]") 
+      in
+      let sub_size = ((j-i)/k+1) in
+      let sub_a = Array.make sub_size VDS_undef in
+      let vds = 
+	for l=0 to sub_size-1 do sub_a.(l) <- a.(i+l*k) done;
+	update_vds v (VDS_array sub_a) filters 
+      in
+	(match vds with
+	   | VDS_undef
+	   | VDS_struct(_) -> assert false
+	   | VDS_def      -> for l=0 to sub_size-1 do a.(i+l*k) <- VDS_def   done
+	   | VDS_array sa -> for l=0 to sub_size-1 do a.(i+l*k) <- sub_a.(l) done
+	);
+	if array_for_all (fun elt -> elt = VDS_def) a then VDS_def else VDS_array(a)
+    and update_array_access v i filters a =
+      let v = v ^ "["  ^ (int2str i) ^ "]" in
+      let vds_i = update_vds v a.(i) filters in
+	a.(i) <- vds_i;
+	if array_for_all (fun elt -> elt = VDS_def) a then VDS_def else VDS_array(a)
+    and update_field_access v id filters fl =
+      let vds_id = List.assoc id fl in
+      let v = v ^ "." ^ (id2str id) in
+      let vds = update_vds v vds_id filters in
+      let fl = replace_field id vds fl in
+	if List.for_all (fun (_,vds) -> vds = VDS_def) fl
+	then VDS_def
+	else VDS_struct(fl)
+    and replace_field fn new_fv l =
+      match l with
+	| (id,fv)::tail ->
+	    if id = fn then (id,new_fv)::tail
+	    else (id,fv)::(replace_field fn new_fv tail)
+	| [] -> assert false (* fn is necessarily in l *)
-      if not (StrSet.is_empty set2) then
-	let vars = (StrSet.fold (fun elt acc -> elt::acc) set2 []) in
-	let msg = 
-	  (if List.length vars = 1 then 
-	    "\n*** The following variable is undefined: "
-	  else
-	    "\n*** The following variables are undefined: ") ^
-	  (String.concat ", " vars)
-	in
-	  raise (Compile_error(lxm, msg))
+    let res = update_vds (id2str v.var_name_eff) vds filters in
+      res
-(* Check that each output is defined exactly once *)
+(** Sort out the left_eff according to the variable they define. *)
+module VarMap = Map.Make(struct type t = var_info_eff let compare = compare end)
+let (partition_var : left_eff list -> (left_eff list) VarMap.t) = 
+  fun l ->
+    let f tab le =  
+      let v = var_info_of_left_eff le in
+	try VarMap.add v (le::(VarMap.find v tab)) tab
+	with Not_found ->  VarMap.add v [le] tab
+    in
+      List.fold_left f VarMap.empty l
+(* exported *)
 let (check : CompiledData.node_exp_eff -> Lxm.t -> unit) =
   fun node lxm -> 
-    let ol  = match node.loclist_eff with
-	None -> node.outlist_eff 
+    let vars_to_check  = match node.loclist_eff with
+      | None -> node.outlist_eff 
       | Some l -> node.outlist_eff @ l
+    in
+    let (check_one_var : Lxm.t -> var_info_eff -> left_eff list -> unit) =
+      fun lxm v lel ->
+	let ell = left_eff_to_eff_left lel in
+	  match List.fold_left update_var_def_state VDS_undef ell with
+	    | VDS_def -> ()
+	    | vds -> 
+		let msg = "\n*** Undefined variable(s): " ^ 
+		  (String.concat ", " (vds_to_string v vds)) 
+		in
+		  raise (Compile_error(lxm, msg))
       match node.def_eff with  
 	| ExternEff 
 	| AbstractEff -> ()
-	| BodyEff{ eqs_eff = eql } -> 
-	    let lpll = 
-		(fun ({ it = (lel,_); src = lxm }) -> 
- (fun le -> (le,lxm)) lel
-		) 
-		eql 
-	    in
-	    let (lpl:(left_eff * Lxm.t) list) = List.flatten lpll in
-	      check_aux lxm ol lpl
-(* Then, for each chunk, we search in [lel] a element [le] that
-   concerns v, and we compute the list of chunks that correspond to
-   the part of a that is not covered by [le]. That new list of chunks
-   is added to the list of chunks to be checked. And we continue
-   until there are no more chunks or no more [left_eff].
-   In order to reduce the complexity of that algo, we first partition
-   the [lel] according to the variable they define.
-(* module VarMap = Map.Make(struct type t=var_info_eff let compare = compare end) *)
-(*  *)
-(* let (partition_var : left_eff list -> (left_eff list) VarMap.t) =  *)
-(*   fun l ->  *)
-(*     List.fold_left *)
-(*       (fun tab le ->  *)
-(* 	 let v = var_info_of_left_eff le in *)
-(* 	   try VarMap.add v (le::(VarMap.find v tab)) tab *)
-(* 	   with Not_found ->  VarMap.add v [le] tab *)
-(*       ) *)
-(*       VarMap.empty *)
-(*       l *)
-(*      *)
-(*  *)
-(* (* Hence, given a list of [left_eff] that all concerns v, it is less *)
-(*    expensive (we operate on smaller lists) to check that [v] is *)
-(*    completety and uniquely defined. *)
-(*  *)
-(*    The idea to perform that check is to, from a left_eff and from a var_info_eff, *)
-(*    generates the list of atomic variables they defined. e.g., an array of *)
-(*    size 10 will generated 10 atomic variables. Then, we just have to *)
-(*    compare the list that comes from the left_eff, and the one that comes from *)
-(*    the output variables. *)
-(*    *)
-(* *) *)
-(*  *)
-(* type atom = *)
-(*   | Var of  *)
-(*   | Field of *)
-(* let ( *)
-(*  *)
-(*  *)
-(*  *)
-(*  *)
-(*  *)
-(*  *)
-(*  *)
-(*  *)
-(*  *)
-(*  *)
-(*  *)
-(*  *)
-(*  *)
-(* let (check_one_chunk : chunk -> left_eff -> chunk list) = *)
-(*   fun c le -> match c,le with *)
-(*   | Var v -> ( *)
-(*       match le with *)
-(* 	| LeftVarEff  (_,_) -> [] *)
-(* 	| LeftFieldEff(le,id,Struct_type_eff(_,fl)) ->  *)
-(* 	    let fl = List.filter (fun f -> f <> id) fl in *)
-(* (fun (id, (te,_)) -> ) fl *)
-(* 	| LeftArrayEff(le,i,_) ->  *)
-(* 	| LeftSliceEff(le,si,_) ->  *)
-(*     ) *)
-(*  *)
-(*   | Field(c,id),        LeftFieldEff(le,id,_) ->  *)
-(*   | Array(c,i),         LeftArrayEff(le,i,_) ->  *)
-(*   | Slice(c, low, high),LeftSliceEff(le,si,_) ->  *)
-(*      ddd *)
-(*  *)
-(*  *)
-(* let (reconstruct : var_info_eff -> chunk list ->  *)
-(*  *)
-(*  *)
-(*  *)
-(* let (check_one_var : var_info_eff -> left_eff_list -> unit) = *)
-(*   fun v lel ->  *)
-(*     let rec (aux : chunk list -> left_eff_list -> unit) = *)
-(*       fun cl lel ->  *)
-(* 	match cl with *)
-(* 	  | [] -> if lel <> [] then failwith "output variable defined twice" *)
-(* 	  | x::cl -> let new_chunks = check_one_chunk x lel *)
-(* 	    in *)
-(* 	      aux [Var v] lel *)
-(*  *)
-(* let (check_one_chunk : chunk -> left_eff list -> chunk list) = *)
-(*   fun al le ->  *)
-(*     (* checks that le is used in [lel]: *)
-(*        Removes the part that is used, but it migth add some chunks *) *)
-(*     match le with *)
-(*   | LeftVarEff(v,_) -> ( *)
-(*       let (al1, al2) = List.partition (fun a -> a = Var(v)) al in *)
-(*       match al1 with *)
-(* 	| [] -> failwith "output variable undefined" *)
-(* 	| _::_ -> failwith "output variable defined twice" *)
-(* 	| [_] -> al2 *)
-(*     ) *)
-(*   | LeftFieldEff(le,id,_) ->  ( *)
-(*       let (al1, al2) = List.partition (fun a -> a = Field(_,id)) al in *)
-(*       match al1 with *)
-(* 	| [] -> failwith "output variable undefined" *)
-(* 	| _::_ -> failwith "output variable defined twice" *)
-(* 	| [_] -> al2 *)
-(*     ) *)
-(*   | LeftArrayEff(le,i,_)  ->  *)
-(*   | LeftSliceEff(le, si,_) ->  *)
-(*  *)
-(* (* (* (*  *) *) *) *)
+	| BodyEff{ eqs_eff = eql } ->
+	    let lel = List.flatten ( (fun {it=(left,_)} -> left) eql) in
+	    let lel_map = partition_var lel in
+	      List.iter
+		(fun v ->
+		   try check_one_var lxm v (VarMap.find v lel_map)
+		   with Not_found -> 
+		     let msg = "\n*** Undefined variable: " ^ (id2str v.var_name_eff)
+		     in
+		       raise (Compile_error(lxm, msg))
+		)
+		vars_to_check
diff --git a/src/uniqueOutput.mli b/src/uniqueOutput.mli
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5bbab223
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/uniqueOutput.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+(** Time-stamp: <modified the 23/06/2008 (at 15:48) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(** Check that each output and each local variable is defined at most
+    and at least once. *)
+val check : CompiledData.node_exp_eff -> Lxm.t -> unit