From b3699ebcdac72bc75ef82fcc80375dd2bde7bfec Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Erwan Jahier <>
Date: Tue, 20 May 2008 12:06:41 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Add support for the map array iterator.

 src/TODO               |   5 +
 src/            |   4 +-
 src/ |  28 ++++-
 src/test/test.res.exp  | 265 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
 4 files changed, 286 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/TODO b/src/TODO
index d54ae6d7..6a993f39 100644
--- a/src/TODO
+++ b/src/TODO
@@ -96,6 +96,11 @@
 *** facile
+* bug dans le program principal ne peut pas s'appeller "main" à cause
+du (stupide) test que je fais dans set_infile...
+* Verifier que les test de map_red couvre les cas tordus.
 * BUG dans test/should_work/NONREG/Int.lus
 la constante 'Int8::zero' a pour type 'bool^8' au lieu de 'Int8::Int'
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index e375e318..19225bc5 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(** Time-stamp: <modified the 13/05/2008 (at 09:47) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(** Time-stamp: <modified the 20/05/2008 (at 12:04) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 (** Here follows a description of the different modules used by this lus2lic compiler.
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ and arg_list = [
   ( "-o", Arg.String(function x -> _lus2lic_ARGS.outfile <- x),
     "  <file name> set the output file name"
-  ( "-n", Arg.String(function x -> _lus2lic_ARGS.main_node <- x),
+  ( "-n", Arg.String(fun x -> _lus2lic_ARGS.main_node <- x),
     "  <node> set the main node"
   ( "--compile-all-items", Arg.Unit
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 26f9fc2f..7c2fc2c9 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(** Time-stamp: <modified the 20/05/2008 (at 11:33) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(** Time-stamp: <modified the 20/05/2008 (at 11:42) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 open Predef
@@ -204,6 +204,30 @@ let (map_typer : static_arg_eff list -> typer) =
 	let str_l = CompiledDataDump.string_of_type_eff lti_power_c in
 	  type_error teff_l (String.concat "*" str_l)
+let (red_typer : static_arg_eff list -> typer) =
+  fun sargs teff_ll ->
+    (* Given 
+       - a node N of type tau * tau_1 * ... * tau_n -> tau 
+       - a constant c (nb : sargs = [N,c])
+       - a list of type teff_l
+       This function:
+       -  checks that t_eff = [tau; tau_1^c;...; tau_n^c] 
+       -  returns the list of types [tau] 
+    *)
+    let teff_l = List.flatten teff_ll in
+    let (n,c) = get_node_and_constant sargs in
+    let (lti,lto) = CompiledData.profile_of_node_exp_eff n in
+    let lti_power_c = 
+      assert (lti <> []);
+      (List.hd lti)::(type_to_array_type ( lti) c) 
+    in
+      if lti_power_c = teff_l then 
+	(assert (lto <> []); lto)
+      else
+	let str_l = CompiledDataDump.string_of_type_eff lti_power_c in
+	  type_error teff_l (String.concat "*" str_l)
 let (fill_typer : static_arg_eff list -> typer) =
   fun sargs teff_ll ->
     (* Given 
@@ -292,7 +316,7 @@ let (type_eval: op -> static_arg_eff list -> typer) =
   | Map -> map_typer sargs 
   | Fill -> fill_typer sargs
-  | Red -> assert false
+  | Red -> red_typer sargs
   | MapRed -> mapred_typer sargs
   | BoolRed -> boolred_typer 
diff --git a/src/test/test.res.exp b/src/test/test.res.exp
index 81b60353..aa0850ab 100644
--- a/src/test/test.res.exp
+++ b/src/test/test.res.exp
@@ -7570,8 +7570,35 @@ let
 -- end of node iter__plus
-*** oops: an internal error occurred in file, line 295, column 11
-*** when compiling lustre program should_work/fab_test/iter.lus
+node iter__garcia(
+	accu_in:int;
+	elt_in:int) 
+returns (
+	accu_out:int;
+	elt_out:int);
+   accu_out = (accu_in + 1);
+   elt_out = (elt_in + accu_out);
+-- end of node iter__garcia
+node iter__iter(
+	init:int) 
+returns (
+	Tab_out:int^5;
+	Red_plus:int;
+	zorroTab:int^5;
+	zorroAcc:int);
+   T_inter:int^5;
+   bidon:int;
+   (bidon, T_inter) = fill<<node iter__filled, const 5>>(init);
+   Tab_out = map<<node iter__mapped, const 5>>(T_inter);
+   Red_plus = red(-(100), Tab_out);
+   (zorroAcc, zorroTab) = map_red(0, [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]);
+-- end of node iter__iter
 ====> ../lus2lic -vl 3 --compile-all-items should_work/fab_test/iterate.lus
@@ -7625,8 +7652,59 @@ let
 -- end of node iterate__redduced
-*** oops: an internal error occurred in file, line 295, column 11
-*** when compiling lustre program should_work/fab_test/iterate.lus
+node iterate__filled(
+	accu_in:int) 
+returns (
+	accu_out:int;
+	elt_out1:int;
+	elt_out2:int);
+   accu_out = (accu_in + 1);
+   elt_out1 = accu_in;
+   elt_out2 = (accu_in * 2);
+-- end of node iterate__filled
+node iterate__map_redduced(
+	accu_in:int;
+	elt_in1:int;
+	elt_in2:int) 
+returns (
+	accu_out:int;
+	elt_out1:int;
+	elt_out2:int;
+	elt_out3:int);
+   accu_out = (accu_in + 1);
+   elt_out1 = elt_in1;
+   elt_out2 = elt_in2;
+   elt_out3 = (elt_in1 + elt_in2);
+-- end of node iterate__map_redduced
+node iterate__iterate(
+	IN1:int^10;
+	IN2:int^10) 
+returns (
+	OUT:int^10;
+	out_map1:int^10;
+	out_map2:int^10;
+	out_red1:int;
+	out_fill1:int^10;
+	out_fill2:int^10;
+	out_mapred1:int;
+	out_mapred2:int^10;
+	out_mapred3:int^10);
+   bidon:int;
+   (out_map1, out_map2) = map(IN1, IN2);
+   out_red1 = red<<node iterate__redduced, const 10>>(0, IN1, IN2);
+   (bidon, out_fill1, out_fill2) = fill<<node iterate__filled, const 10>>(0);
+    (out_mapred1, out_mapred2, out_mapred3, OUT) = map_red<<node
+	 iterate__map_redduced, const 10>>(0, IN1, IN2);
+-- end of node iterate__iterate
 ====> ../lus2lic -vl 3 --compile-all-items should_work/fab_test/lecteur.lus
@@ -9555,8 +9633,19 @@ let
 -- end of node FillFollowedByRed__filled
-*** oops: an internal error occurred in file, line 295, column 11
-*** when compiling lustre program should_work/lionel/FillFollowedByRed.lus
+node FillFollowedByRed__FillFollowedByRed(
+	initFill:real) 
+returns (
+	ok:bool);
+   TabOutFill:real^10;
+   bidon:real;
+    (bidon, TabOutFill) = fill<<node FillFollowedByRed__filled, const
+	 10>>(initFill);
+   ok = red(true, TabOutFill);
+-- end of node FillFollowedByRed__FillFollowedByRed
 ====> ../lus2lic -vl 3 --compile-all-items should_work/lionel/Gyroscope.lus
@@ -9675,8 +9764,36 @@ let
 -- end of node shiftFill_ludic__n_selectOneStage
-*** oops: an internal error occurred in file, line 295, column 11
-*** when compiling lustre program should_work/lionel/ProduitBool/shiftFill_ludic.lus
+node shiftFill_ludic__n_selectElementOfRank_inArray_(
+	i_rankToSelect:int;
+	i_array:bool^10) 
+returns (
+	o_elementSelected:bool);
+   v_iterationResult: {currentRank : int; rankToSelect : int; elementSelected : bool};
+   v_iterationResult = red(xxx todo , i_array);
+   o_elementSelected = v_iterationResult.elementSelected;
+-- end of node shiftFill_ludic__n_selectElementOfRank_inArray_
+node shiftFill_ludic__n_shiftFill(
+	i_acc_in: {multiplieur : bool^10;
+	rank : int;
+	actual_rank : int}) 
+returns (
+	o_acc_out: {multiplieur : bool^10;
+	rank : int;
+	actual_rank : int};
+	o_elt_out:bool);
+   o_acc_out = xxx todo ;
+    o_elt_out =  if (((i_acc_in.actual_rank >= i_acc_in.rank) and
+	(i_acc_in.actual_rank < (i_acc_in.rank + c_size)))) then
+	(shiftFill_ludic__n_selectElementOfRank_inArray_(i_acc_in.actual_rank,
+	 i_acc_in.multiplieur)) else (false);
+-- end of node shiftFill_ludic__n_shiftFill
 ====> ../lus2lic -vl 3 --compile-all-items should_work/lionel/ProduitBool/shift_ludic.lus
@@ -9746,8 +9863,49 @@ let
 -- end of node shift_ludic__n_selectOneStage
-*** oops: an internal error occurred in file, line 295, column 11
-*** when compiling lustre program should_work/lionel/ProduitBool/shift_ludic.lus
+node shift_ludic__n_selectElementOfRank_inArray_(
+	i_rankToSelect:int;
+	i_array:bool^10) 
+returns (
+	o_elementSelected:bool);
+   v_iterationResult: {currentRank : int; rankToSelect : int; elementSelected : bool};
+   v_iterationResult = red(xxx todo , i_array);
+   o_elementSelected = v_iterationResult.elementSelected;
+-- end of node shift_ludic__n_selectElementOfRank_inArray_
+node shift_ludic__n_shiftFill(
+	i_acc_in: {multiplieur : bool^10;
+	rank : int;
+	actual_rank : int}) 
+returns (
+	o_acc_out: {multiplieur : bool^10;
+	rank : int;
+	actual_rank : int};
+	o_elt_out:bool);
+   o_acc_out = xxx todo ;
+    o_elt_out =  if (((i_acc_in.actual_rank >= i_acc_in.rank) and
+	(i_acc_in.actual_rank < (i_acc_in.rank + c_size)))) then
+	(shift_ludic__n_selectElementOfRank_inArray_(i_acc_in.actual_rank,
+	 i_acc_in.multiplieur)) else (false);
+-- end of node shift_ludic__n_shiftFill
+node shift_ludic__n_shift(
+	i_acc_in: {multiplieur : bool^10;
+	rank : int}) 
+returns (
+	o_ligne:bool^20);
+   v_bidon: {multiplieur : bool^10; rank : int; actual_rank : int};
+    (v_bidon, o_ligne) = fill<<node shift_ludic__n_shiftFill, const 20>>(xxx
+	 todo );
+-- end of node shift_ludic__n_shift
 ====> ../lus2lic -vl 3 --compile-all-items should_work/lionel/arrays.lus
@@ -10391,8 +10549,91 @@ let
 -- end of node tri__minFromRank
-*** oops: an internal error occurred in file, line 295, column 11
-*** when compiling lustre program should_work/packEnvTest/contractForElementSelectionInArray/tri.lus
+node tri__select(
+	accu_in: {RankToFind : int;
+	CurrentRank : int;
+	Val : int};
+	elt:int) 
+returns (
+	accu_out: {RankToFind : int;
+	CurrentRank : int;
+	Val : int});
+   accu_out = xxx todo ;
+-- end of node tri__select
+node tri__Exchange_i_j(
+	accu_in: {MinVal : int;
+	MinRank : int;
+	RankFrom : int;
+	CurrentVal : int;
+	Rank : int};
+	eltIn:int) 
+returns (
+	accu_out: {MinVal : int;
+	MinRank : int;
+	RankFrom : int;
+	CurrentVal : int;
+	Rank : int};
+	eltOut:int);
+   accu_out = xxx todo ;
+    eltOut =  if ((accu_in.Rank = accu_in.MinRank)) then (accu_in.CurrentVal)
+	else ( if ((accu_in.Rank = accu_in.RankFrom)) then (accu_in.MinVal) else
+	 (eltIn));
+-- end of node tri__Exchange_i_j
+node tri__UnarySort(
+	accu_in: {CurrentRank : int;
+	Tab : int^10};
+	eltIn:int) 
+returns (
+	accu_out: {CurrentRank : int;
+	Tab : int^10});
+   accu_out_select: {RankToFind : int; CurrentRank : int; Val : int};
+   accu_out_min: {MinVal : int; MinRank : int; RankFrom : int; Rank : int};
+   accu_out_exchange: {MinVal : int; MinRank : int; RankFrom : int; CurrentVal : int; Rank : int};
+   localTab:int^10;
+   accu_out_min = red(xxx todo , accu_in.Tab);
+   accu_out_select = red(xxx todo , accu_in.Tab);
+   (accu_out_exchange, localTab) = map_red(xxx todo , accu_in.Tab);
+   accu_out = xxx todo ;
+-- end of node tri__UnarySort
+node tri__main(TIn:int^10) returns (TSorted:int^10);
+   UnarySort_accu_out: {CurrentRank : int; Tab : int^10};
+   UnarySort_accu_out = red(xxx todo , [7, 8, 4, 3, 2, 9, 1, 10, 2, 7]);
+   TSorted = UnarySort_accu_out.Tab;
+-- end of node tri__main
+node tri__sorted_iter(
+	accu_in: {prev_elt : int;
+	prop_is_tt : bool};
+	elt:int) 
+returns (
+	accu_out: {prev_elt : int;
+	prop_is_tt : bool});
+   accu_out = xxx todo ;
+-- end of node tri__sorted_iter
+node tri__Sorted(TIn:int^10) returns (res:bool);
+   accu_out: {prev_elt : int; prop_is_tt : bool};
+   TSorted:int^10;
+   TSorted = tri__main(TIn);
+   accu_out = red(xxx todo , TSorted);
+   res = accu_out.prop_is_tt;
+-- end of node tri__Sorted
 ====> ../lus2lic -vl 3 --compile-all-items should_work/packEnvTest/modelInst.lus