diff --git a/src/ident.ml b/src/ident.ml
index b40a3c8f03e474a07875375e26b001f67dac0989..c399a627aff2eb82e9cd5a590f1db6ef972fa68b 100644
--- a/src/ident.ml
+++ b/src/ident.ml
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(* Time-stamp: <modified the 01/02/2013 (at 17:32) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(* Time-stamp: <modified the 04/02/2013 (at 18:46) by Erwan JAHIER> *)
 (* J'ai appele ca symbol (mais ca remplace le ident) :
 c'est juste une couche qui garantit l'unicite en memoire
diff --git a/src/licDump.ml b/src/licDump.ml
index 5cec0adfdf9ee03c85b47e33ad36bbe5430f764c..f81a6584b1a5d911ee922b11d9fe3ea1d97386de 100644
--- a/src/licDump.ml
+++ b/src/licDump.ml
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(* Time-stamp: <modified the 01/02/2013 (at 16:18) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(* Time-stamp: <modified the 04/02/2013 (at 19:02) by Erwan JAHIER> *)
 open Errors
 open Printf
@@ -226,15 +226,7 @@ and string_of_decl var_info_eff =
       (string_of_type_eff var_info_eff.var_type_eff) 
   let clk_str = (string_of_clock (snd var_info_eff.var_clock_eff)) in
-  let vt_str = 
-    if !Global.ec && 
-      (match (snd var_info_eff.var_clock_eff) with 
-          BaseLic | ClockVar _ ->  false 
-        | _ -> true)
-    then "(" ^ vt_str ^ ")" 
-    else vt_str 
-  in
-  vt_str ^ clk_str
+     if !Global.ec then vt_str else vt_str ^ clk_str
 and (string_of_type_decl_list : Lic.var_info list -> string -> string) =
   fun tel sep -> 
@@ -436,10 +428,15 @@ and string_of_val_exp_eff_core ve_core =
       (* ICI : on pourrait afficher en commentaire l'éventuel type_matches ? *)
       (string_of_by_pos_op_eff by_pos_op_eff vel) 
-    | Merge (ve, [({it=Bool_const_eff true}, ct); ({it=Bool_const_eff false}, cf)]) 
-    | Merge (ve, [({it=Bool_const_eff false}, cf); ({it=Bool_const_eff true}, ct)]) -> (
-      "merge(" ^ (Ident.to_string ve.it) ^ ", " ^
-        (string_of_val_exp_eff ct) ^ ", "^  (string_of_val_exp_eff cf) ^")"
+    | Merge (ve, [({it=Bool_const_eff true }, ct); ({it=Bool_const_eff false}, cf)]) 
+    | Merge (ve, [({it=Bool_const_eff false}, cf); ({it=Bool_const_eff true}, ct)]) -> 
+      if !Global.lv4 then (
+        "if " ^ (Ident.to_string ve.it) ^ " then current (" ^
+          (string_of_val_exp_eff ct) ^ ") else current (" ^ 
+          (string_of_val_exp_eff cf) ^")" 
+      ) else  (
+      "merge " ^ (Ident.to_string ve.it) ^ " (true -> " ^
+        (string_of_val_exp_eff ct) ^ ") (false -> "^  (string_of_val_exp_eff cf) ^")"
     | Merge (ve, cl) -> (
       "merge " ^ (Ident.to_string ve.it) ^ " " ^
diff --git a/test/lus2lic.log.ref b/test/lus2lic.log.ref
index 31bfbd55638a38365abab8770d6ca580b9dfc2ea..63e3b305527b5a56182231a6f6dde5d25f1900dc 100644
--- a/test/lus2lic.log.ref
+++ b/test/lus2lic.log.ref
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-Test Run By jahier on Fri Feb  1 17:47:52 2013
+Test Run By jahier on Mon Feb  4 19:16:58 2013
 Native configuration is i686-pc-linux-gnu
 		=== lus2lic tests ===
@@ -1428,9 +1428,7 @@ PASS: ./lus2lic {-o /tmp/merge.lic should_work/merge.lus}
 spawn ./lus2lic -ec -o /tmp/merge.ec should_work/merge.lus
 PASS: ./lus2lic {-ec -o /tmp/merge.ec should_work/merge.lus}
 spawn ./ec2c -o /tmp/merge.c /tmp/merge.ec
-syntax error     - at line 14
-syntax errors...
-FAIL: Try ec2c on the result: ./ec2c {-o /tmp/merge.c /tmp/merge.ec}
+PASS: ./ec2c {-o /tmp/merge.c /tmp/merge.ec}
 spawn ./lus2lic -o /tmp/decl.lic should_work/decl.lus
 PASS: ./lus2lic {-o /tmp/decl.lic should_work/decl.lus}
 spawn ./lus2lic -ec -o /tmp/decl.ec should_work/decl.lus
@@ -1715,42 +1713,10 @@ spawn ./lus2lic -o /tmp/m.lic should_fail/semantics/m.lus
 XFAIL: Test bad programs (semantics): lus2lic {-o /tmp/m.lic should_fail/semantics/m.lus}
 testcase ./lus2lic.tests/non-reg.exp completed in 54 seconds
 Running ./lus2lic.tests/progression.exp ...
-spawn ./lus2lic -o /tmp/when_enum.out should_work/broken/when_enum.lus
-*** Error in file "/home/jahier/lus2lic/test/should_work/broken/when_enum.lus", line 10, col 11 to 14, token 'toto':
-*** clock error: The two following clocks are not unifiable:
-***	 on when_enum::A(a) on base
-***	 on clk on base
-FAIL: without any option: ./lus2lic {    -o /tmp/when_enum.out should_work/broken/when_enum.lus}
-spawn ./lus2lic -ec -o /tmp/when_enum.ec should_work/broken/when_enum.lus
-*** Error in file "/home/jahier/lus2lic/test/should_work/broken/when_enum.lus", line 10, col 11 to 14, token 'toto':
-*** clock error: The two following clocks are not unifiable:
-***	 on A(a) on base
-***	 on clk on base
-FAIL: Generate ec code  : ./lus2lic {-ec -o /tmp/when_enum.ec  should_work/broken/when_enum.lus}
 spawn ./lus2lic -o /tmp/when_not.out should_work/broken/when_not.lus
-*** Error in file "/home/jahier/lus2lic/test/should_work/broken/when_not.lus", line 7, col 11 to 16, token 'clock4':
-*** clock error: The two following clocks are not unifiable:
-***	 on not a on base
-***	 on clock4_u on base
-FAIL: without any option: ./lus2lic {    -o /tmp/when_not.out should_work/broken/when_not.lus}
+PASS: ./lus2lic {    -o /tmp/when_not.out should_work/broken/when_not.lus}
 spawn ./lus2lic -ec -o /tmp/when_not.ec should_work/broken/when_not.lus
-*** Error in file "/home/jahier/lus2lic/test/should_work/broken/when_not.lus", line 7, col 11 to 16, token 'clock4':
-*** clock error: The two following clocks are not unifiable:
-***	 on not a on base
-***	 on clock4_u on base
-FAIL: Generate ec code  : ./lus2lic {-ec -o /tmp/when_not.ec  should_work/broken/when_not.lus}
+PASS: ./lus2lic {-ec -o /tmp/when_not.ec  should_work/broken/when_not.lus}
 spawn ./lus2lic -o /tmp/packages.out should_work/broken/packages.lus
 PASS: ./lus2lic {    -o /tmp/packages.out should_work/broken/packages.lus}
 spawn ./lus2lic -ec -o /tmp/packages.ec should_work/broken/packages.lus
@@ -1759,34 +1725,10 @@ spawn ./lus2lic -o /tmp/when_node.out should_work/broken/when_node.lus
 PASS: ./lus2lic {    -o /tmp/when_node.out should_work/broken/when_node.lus}
 spawn ./lus2lic -ec -o /tmp/when_node.ec should_work/broken/when_node.lus
 PASS: ./lus2lic {-ec -o /tmp/when_node.ec  should_work/broken/when_node.lus}
-spawn ./lus2lic -o /tmp/testSystem.out should_work/broken/testSystem.lus
-*** Error in file "/home/jahier/lus2lic/test/should_work/broken/testSystem.lus", line 3, col 5 to 8, token 'capt':
-*** unknown package
-FAIL: without any option: ./lus2lic {    -o /tmp/testSystem.out should_work/broken/testSystem.lus}
-spawn ./lus2lic -ec -o /tmp/testSystem.ec should_work/broken/testSystem.lus
-*** Error in file "/home/jahier/lus2lic/test/should_work/broken/testSystem.lus", line 3, col 5 to 8, token 'capt':
-*** unknown package
-FAIL: Generate ec code  : ./lus2lic {-ec -o /tmp/testSystem.ec  should_work/broken/testSystem.lus}
 spawn ./lus2lic -o /tmp/car-orig.out should_work/broken/car-orig.lus
-*** Error in file "/home/jahier/lus2lic/test/should_work/broken/car-orig.lus", line 95, col 40 to 40, token '=':
-*** type error: 
-*** type 'bool * int' was provided whereas
-*** type 'any * any' was expected
-***    bool and int are not unifiable
-FAIL: without any option: ./lus2lic {    -o /tmp/car-orig.out should_work/broken/car-orig.lus}
+PASS: ./lus2lic {    -o /tmp/car-orig.out should_work/broken/car-orig.lus}
 spawn ./lus2lic -ec -o /tmp/car-orig.ec should_work/broken/car-orig.lus
-*** Error in file "/home/jahier/lus2lic/test/should_work/broken/car-orig.lus", line 95, col 40 to 40, token '=':
-*** type error: 
-*** type 'bool * int' was provided whereas
-*** type 'any * any' was expected
-***    bool and int are not unifiable
-FAIL: Generate ec code  : ./lus2lic {-ec -o /tmp/car-orig.ec  should_work/broken/car-orig.lus}
+PASS: ./lus2lic {-ec -o /tmp/car-orig.ec  should_work/broken/car-orig.lus}
 spawn ./lus2lic -o /tmp/bad_call03.lic should_fail/type/broken/bad_call03.lus
 XPASS: Test bad programs (type): lus2lic {-o /tmp/bad_call03.lic should_fail/type/broken/bad_call03.lus}
 spawn ./lus2lic -o /tmp/ts03.lic should_fail/type/broken/ts03.lus
@@ -1806,13 +1748,12 @@ spawn ./lus2lic -o /tmp/activation1.lic should_fail/semantics/broken/activation1
 XPASS: Test bad programs (semantics): lus2lic {-o /tmp/activation1.lic should_fail/semantics/broken/activation1.lus}
 spawn ./lus2lic -o /tmp/bug.lic should_fail/semantics/broken/bug.lus
 XPASS: Test bad programs (semantics): lus2lic {-o /tmp/bug.lic should_fail/semantics/broken/bug.lus}
-testcase ./lus2lic.tests/progression.exp completed in 0 seconds
+testcase ./lus2lic.tests/progression.exp completed in 1 seconds
 		=== lus2lic Summary ===
-# of expected passes		734
-# of unexpected failures	9
+# of expected passes		739
 # of unexpected successes	11
 # of expected failures		37
 # of unresolved testcases	2
-runtest completed at Fri Feb  1 17:48:46 2013
+runtest completed at Mon Feb  4 19:17:53 2013
diff --git a/test/lus2lic.sum b/test/lus2lic.sum
index fa0d3fd6562ac95352ab37dbbd29695094fa2ca6..3797267e749845c4618673d2deab7c421ff9f5e6 100644
--- a/test/lus2lic.sum
+++ b/test/lus2lic.sum
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-Test Run By jahier on Fri Feb  1 17:52:18 2013
+Test Run By jahier on Mon Feb  4 19:26:05 2013
 Native configuration is i686-pc-linux-gnu
 		=== lus2lic tests ===
@@ -716,7 +716,7 @@ PASS: ./lus2lic {-ec -o /tmp/clock1_2ms.ec should_work/clock1_2ms.lus}
 PASS: ./ec2c {-o /tmp/clock1_2ms.c /tmp/clock1_2ms.ec}
 PASS: ./lus2lic {-o /tmp/merge.lic should_work/merge.lus}
 PASS: ./lus2lic {-ec -o /tmp/merge.ec should_work/merge.lus}
-FAIL: Try ec2c on the result: ./ec2c {-o /tmp/merge.c /tmp/merge.ec}
+PASS: ./ec2c {-o /tmp/merge.c /tmp/merge.ec}
 PASS: ./lus2lic {-o /tmp/decl.lic should_work/decl.lus}
 PASS: ./lus2lic {-ec -o /tmp/decl.ec should_work/decl.lus}
 PASS: ./ec2c {-o /tmp/decl.c /tmp/decl.ec}
@@ -782,18 +782,14 @@ XFAIL: Test bad programs (semantics): lus2lic {-o /tmp/patrick.lic should_fail/s
 XFAIL: Test bad programs (semantics): lus2lic {-o /tmp/const.lic should_fail/semantics/const.lus}
 XFAIL: Test bad programs (semantics): lus2lic {-o /tmp/m.lic should_fail/semantics/m.lus}
 Running ./lus2lic.tests/progression.exp ...
-FAIL: without any option: ./lus2lic {    -o /tmp/when_enum.out should_work/broken/when_enum.lus}
-FAIL: Generate ec code  : ./lus2lic {-ec -o /tmp/when_enum.ec  should_work/broken/when_enum.lus}
-FAIL: without any option: ./lus2lic {    -o /tmp/when_not.out should_work/broken/when_not.lus}
-FAIL: Generate ec code  : ./lus2lic {-ec -o /tmp/when_not.ec  should_work/broken/when_not.lus}
+PASS: ./lus2lic {    -o /tmp/when_not.out should_work/broken/when_not.lus}
+PASS: ./lus2lic {-ec -o /tmp/when_not.ec  should_work/broken/when_not.lus}
 PASS: ./lus2lic {    -o /tmp/packages.out should_work/broken/packages.lus}
 PASS: ./lus2lic {-ec -o /tmp/packages.ec  should_work/broken/packages.lus}
 PASS: ./lus2lic {    -o /tmp/when_node.out should_work/broken/when_node.lus}
 PASS: ./lus2lic {-ec -o /tmp/when_node.ec  should_work/broken/when_node.lus}
-FAIL: without any option: ./lus2lic {    -o /tmp/testSystem.out should_work/broken/testSystem.lus}
-FAIL: Generate ec code  : ./lus2lic {-ec -o /tmp/testSystem.ec  should_work/broken/testSystem.lus}
-FAIL: without any option: ./lus2lic {    -o /tmp/car-orig.out should_work/broken/car-orig.lus}
-FAIL: Generate ec code  : ./lus2lic {-ec -o /tmp/car-orig.ec  should_work/broken/car-orig.lus}
+PASS: ./lus2lic {    -o /tmp/car-orig.out should_work/broken/car-orig.lus}
+PASS: ./lus2lic {-ec -o /tmp/car-orig.ec  should_work/broken/car-orig.lus}
 XPASS: Test bad programs (type): lus2lic {-o /tmp/bad_call03.lic should_fail/type/broken/bad_call03.lus}
 XFAIL: Test bad programs (type): lus2lic {-o /tmp/ts03.lic should_fail/type/broken/ts03.lus}
 XPASS: Test bad programs (semantics): lus2lic {-o /tmp/piege.lic should_fail/semantics/broken/piege.lus}
@@ -805,8 +801,7 @@ XPASS: Test bad programs (semantics): lus2lic {-o /tmp/bug.lic should_fail/seman
 		=== lus2lic Summary ===
-# of expected passes		734
-# of unexpected failures	9
+# of expected passes		739
 # of unexpected successes	11
 # of expected failures		37
 # of unresolved testcases	2
diff --git a/test/should_fail/semantics/broken/piege.lus b/test/should_fail/semantics/broken/piege.lus
index 3c0033cf4d7b849da1a34fba6acdb20eedae2ab3..85ba4a124a1e603b0c35d0e5e669bd673addfa5a 100644
--- a/test/should_fail/semantics/broken/piege.lus
+++ b/test/should_fail/semantics/broken/piege.lus
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
+-- Could work with a smart modular compilation à la raymond-pouzet or à la v4
--- out depend on out:  should be rejected!
+-- out depend on out:  should be rejected! (unless we inline)
 node piege(in : bool) returns (out : bool);
    out = in and aux1(aux2(out,out));
diff --git a/test/should_work/broken/car-orig.lus b/test/should_work/broken/car-orig.lus
index 0edd7b4dc48d05f1f6b7c3fdfd9424c1053db570..9d9b920397a5951a06bcb5e3595f66a56f8ed66b 100644
--- a/test/should_work/broken/car-orig.lus
+++ b/test/should_work/broken/car-orig.lus
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ tel
  node CD(f_ir:int) returns(presence:bool)
-   presence = if(f_ir>100) then 1 else 0;
+   presence = (f_ir>100);
 -- 1 imply there is no obstacle in front
 --0 imply there is a obstacle in front
@@ -71,20 +71,20 @@ tel
   node STARTPOS(l_gap:bool;shaft_l:int) returns(start:int);
-start = 0 -> if(shaft_l = 0 and l_gap =1 ) then 0 
-           else if ((pre(l_gap)=0) and (shaft_l<>0)) then shaft_l
+start = 0 -> if(shaft_l = 0 and l_gap  ) then 0 
+           else if ((pre(l_gap)=false) and (shaft_l<>0)) then shaft_l
            else pre(start);  
-node PARKING_LENGHT(shaft_l,start_pos:int) returns(park_lenght:int);
+node PARKING_LENGHT_SUFFICIENT(shaft_l,start_pos:int) returns(park_lenght:bool);
-  park_lenght = if((shaft_l - start_pos) > REQ_GAP) then 1 else 0;  -- 1 indicate sufficient parking space else not sufficient
+  park_lenght = ((shaft_l - start_pos) > REQ_GAP);  -- 1 indicate sufficient parking space else not sufficient
 node required_back1(shaft_l,start_back:int) returns(done_back1:bool);
-       done_back1 = if(shaft_l -start_back = 20) then 1 else 0;
+       done_back1 = (shaft_l -start_back = 20);
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ node required_back1(shaft_l,start_back:int) returns(done_back1:bool);
 node STARTBACK1_POS(gap_found:bool;shaft_l:int) returns(back1:int);
     back1 = 0 -> if(shaft_l = 0 and gap_found  ) then 0
-                 else if(pre(gap_found) =0 and shaft_l<>0 ) then shaft_l 
+                 else if(pre(gap_found) =false and shaft_l<>0 ) then shaft_l 
                  else pre(back1);
@@ -111,31 +111,31 @@ var dir1,vel1,empty_start_pos,mode,start_back_pos,start_rightturn_pos:int; block
 -- mode =6 : parking(bcking2)
 -- mode =7 :stop(buzzer off)
-   left_gap = 0 -> gap1(LEFT_IR_VALUE);
+   left_gap = false -> gap1(LEFT_IR_VALUE);
-    blocked =  0 ->CD(FRONT_IR_VALUE); 
+    blocked =  false ->CD(FRONT_IR_VALUE); 
     empty_start_pos = 0 -> STARTPOS(left_gap,SHAFT_COUNT_LEFT);
-    enough_gap = 0 -> PARKING_LENGHT(SHAFT_COUNT_LEFT, empty_start_pos);
+    enough_gap = false -> PARKING_LENGHT_SUFFICIENT(SHAFT_COUNT_LEFT, empty_start_pos);
-    start_back_pos  = 0 -> if (enough_gap=1) then STARTBACK1_POS(enough_gap,SHAFT_COUNT_LEFT) else 0;
-    enough_back1 = 0 ->  if (enough_gap=1) then required_back1(SHAFT_COUNT_LEFT, start_back_pos) else 0;
+    start_back_pos  = 0 -> if (enough_gap) then STARTBACK1_POS(enough_gap,SHAFT_COUNT_LEFT) else 0;
+    enough_back1 = false ->  if (enough_gap) then required_back1(SHAFT_COUNT_LEFT, start_back_pos) else false;
  --   turn_r_Complete = 0 -> if(enough_back = 1) then TURN_RIGHT(REQ_RIGHT_DEGREE) else 0;
-    start_rightturn_pos = 0 -> if ((pre(mode)=4) and (enough_back1 =1)) then SHAFT_COUNT_LEFT else pre(start_rightturn_pos);
-    turn_r_Complete = 0 -> if ((pre(mode)=5) and (SHAFT_COUNT_LEFT - start_rightturn_pos >= 25)) then 1 else 0;  
-   mode = 1 -> if(pre(mode) = 1 and  blocked = 0 and enough_gap =0 ) then 2  --  waiting mode
-                else if(pre(mode) = 1 and blocked = 1 and enough_gap=0) then 1  -- farward  mode
-                else if(pre(mode) = 2 and blocked = 0  and enough_gap=0 ) then 2    -- waiting mode
-                 else if(pre(mode) = 2 and blocked = 1 and enough_gap=0 ) then 1   --  farward mode
-                  else if(pre(mode) =2 and enough_gap=1) then 3 -- parking mode(buzzer on)
-                  else if(pre(mode) = 1 and enough_gap=1) then 3-- parking mode(buzzer on)
+    start_rightturn_pos = 0 -> if ((pre(mode)=4) and (enough_back1)) then SHAFT_COUNT_LEFT else pre(start_rightturn_pos);
+    turn_r_Complete = false -> ((pre(mode)=5) and (SHAFT_COUNT_LEFT - start_rightturn_pos >= 25));  
+   mode = 1 -> if(pre(mode) = 1 and  blocked = false and enough_gap = false ) then 2  --  waiting mode
+                else if(pre(mode) = 1 and blocked  and enough_gap= false) then 1  -- farward  mode
+                else if(pre(mode) = 2 and blocked = false  and enough_gap=false ) then 2    -- waiting mode
+                 else if(pre(mode) = 2 and blocked and enough_gap=false ) then 1   --  farward mode
+                  else if(pre(mode) =2 and enough_gap) then 3 -- parking mode(buzzer on)
+                  else if(pre(mode) = 1 and enough_gap) then 3-- parking mode(buzzer on)
                  else if(pre(mode) = 3) then 4 -- first back by small amount  (parking back)
-                 else if(pre(mode)=4 and enough_back1=0 ) then 4-- not enough backing
-                 else if(pre(mode)=4 and enough_back1=1 ) then 5  -- complete backing process, goes to turn right mode
-                 else if(pre(mode) = 5 and turn_r_Complete = 0 ) then 5-- not completed turning
-                 else if(pre(mode) = 5 and turn_r_Complete = 1) then 6 -- after turn right , go to stop mode
+                 else if(pre(mode)=4 and enough_back1=false ) then 4-- not enough backing
+                 else if(pre(mode)=4 and enough_back1 ) then 5  -- complete backing process, goes to turn right mode
+                 else if(pre(mode) = 5 and turn_r_Complete = false ) then 5-- not completed turning
+                 else if(pre(mode) = 5 and turn_r_Complete ) then 6 -- after turn right , go to stop mode
                   else 6;
@@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ let
   (DIRECTION,VELOCITY) = if (mode =1 or mode =3) then (dir1,vel1) else if(mode =4) then (2,vel1) else if(mode = 5) then (3,vel1) else  (0,0);
-    BUZZER   =  if(mode = 3 or mode =4 or mode =5) then 1 else 0 ;  -- buzzer on imply that car is parking mode else off
+    BUZZER   =  (mode = 3 or mode =4 or mode =5) ;  -- buzzer on imply that car is parking mode else off
diff --git a/test/should_work/broken/testSystem.lus b/test/should_work/broken/testSystem.lus
deleted file mode 100644
index 90b0f313df4eed5398f55064af2842cf0796520f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/test/should_work/broken/testSystem.lus
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,218 +0,0 @@
-package system
-uses capt, boite, pilote;
-node system(in : bool;
-            Hcapt, Hpilote : bool;
-            semMemAutP : bool) --Happli : bool;) 
-  (HupdatePiloteData : bool;
-  -- dataBoiteCP_IN :int when Hcapt;
-   piloteData : int when HupdatePiloteData; -- when HrinstCount ; when dataBoiteCP_PUT !!!!!!!!!!!!!
---   localDataFromRead : int;
---   HrinstCount : bool; 
---   indCount : int;
---   retard : int; nbrCopy : int^10
-   );
-node system (in : bool; 
-             Hcapt, Hpilote : bool;
-             semMemAutP : bool) -- Happli : bool;) 
-returns (--v : bool;
-         HupdatePiloteData : bool;
-         piloteData : int when HupdatePiloteData;
-         ) -- when dataBoiteCP_PUT;
---         localDataFromRead : int;
---         Hcapt, Hpilote, Happli : bool;
---         HrinstCount : bool; 
-  --indCount : int;
---         retard : int; nbrCopy : int^10);
-  --var --Hcapt, Hpilote, Happli : bool; -- les horloges
-  --dataBoiteCP_IN, 
-  --    dataBoiteCP_OUT : int; -- donn?es en entr?es/sorties de la boite aux lettres
-  --    dataBoiteCP_PUT, dataBoiteCP_GET : bool; -- commandes de la boite aux lettres
-  --    semMemTakeP, semMemTakeR, semMemGive : bool; -- commandes du s?maphore
-  --    semMemAutP,semMemAutR : bool; -- autorisations en sortie du  s?maphore
-  --piloteData, readData : int;
-  --    getMem, 
-  --    putMem : bool;
---  free, demandeR : bool;
-  dataBoiteCP_OUT : int when dataBoiteCP_GET;
-  dataBoiteCP_IN : int when dataBoiteCP_PUT;
---  piloteData : int when HupdatePiloteData;
---  readData : int;
---  getMem : bool;
-  dataBoiteCP_PUT : bool;
-  dataBoiteCP_GET : bool; 
---  semMemTakeP : bool;
---   semMemTakeR : bool;
---   semMemGive : bool;
---   semMemAutP : bool;
---   semMemAutR : bool;
-  putMem : bool;
---   localErasedDataFromBoiteCP : int;
---   localCopiedDataFromBoiteCP : int;
---   localErasedDataFromPilote : int when Hpilote;
---   localCopiedDataFromPilote : int when Hpilote;
---   localErasedDataFromMem : int when putMem;
---   localCopiedDataFromMem : int when putMem;
---   productionEvent, 
---   consumptionEvent, 
---   eraseMemEvent,
---   eraseBoiteCPEvent, 
---   erasePiloteEvent, 
---   copyBoiteCPEvent,
---   copyPiloteEvent, 
---   copyMemEvent : bool;
---  sortieCapt : int when Hcapt;
-   sortieCapt : int when Hcapt;
-  toto : bool;
---  (Hcapt, Hpilote, Happli) = ctrl(in);
---   dataBoiteCP_IN = sortieCapt;
-  -- capt : done !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-  (dataBoiteCP_PUT,
-   sortieCapt)
---   productionEvent)
-    = capt(Hcapt);
---           HrinstCount, 
---           indCount);
-  -- dataBoiteCP_IN : when HrinstCount !!
-  toto = Hcapt and dataBoiteCP_PUT;
-  dataBoiteCP_IN = current(sortieCapt) when dataBoiteCP_PUT;
-  -- boiteCP :  done !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-  (dataBoiteCP_OUT) = 
---   localErasedDataFromBoiteCP, 
---   localCopiedDataFromBoiteCP, 
---   copyBoiteCPEvent, 
---   eraseBoiteCPEvent) = 
-     boite(
-           dataBoiteCP_GET, 
-           dataBoiteCP_PUT, 
-           --current(dataBoiteCP_IN) when dataBoiteCP_PUT);
-           dataBoiteCP_IN);
-  -- dataBoiteCP_IN : when dataBoiteCP_PUT
-  -- dataBoiteCP_OUT : when dataBoiteCP_GET
-  -- pilote : done !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-  (--semMemTakeP, 
-   putMem, 
-   dataBoiteCP_GET, 
-   HupdatePiloteData, 
-   piloteData)
-   -- when HupdatePiloteData
---   localErasedDataFromPilote, 
---   erasePiloteEvent, 
---   copyPiloteEvent, 
---   localCopiedDataFromPilote) 
-       = pilote(Hpilote, 
-                semMemAutP, 
---                HupdatePiloteData, 
-                current(dataBoiteCP_OUT));
-  -- piloteData : when semMemAutP
-  -- localErasedDataFromPilote : when Hpilote
-  -- localCopiedDataFromPilote : when Hpilote
-  -- assert HupdatePiloteData = Hpilote and semAutP;
---  HupdatePiloteData = Hpilote and semMemAutP;
-  -- semMem, mem : done !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
---  (semMemGive, 
---   readData, 
---    localErasedDataFromMem, 
---    localCopiedDataFromMem, 
---    eraseMemEvent, 
---    copyMemEvent) 
---          = mem(getMem, 
---                putMem, 
---                piloteData);
---   (semMemAutP, 
---    semMemAutR, 
---    free, 
---    demandeR) 
---        = semMem(semMemTakeP, 
---                 semMemTakeR, 
---                 semMemGive);
-  -- piloteData : when putMem
-  -- localDataErasedFromMem, localDataCopiedDataFromMem : when putMem
-  -- read : done !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
---   (getMem, 
---    semMemTakeR, 
---    localDataFromRead, 
---    consumptionEvent) 
---          = read(Happli, 
---                 semMemAutR, 
---                 readData);
-  -- observer : done !!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????????????
---   (retard, 
---    indCount,  
---    HrinstCount, 
---    nbrCopy)
---        = observer(current(dataBoiteCP_IN), 
---                   localDataFromRead, 
---                   localErasedDataFromBoiteCP, 
---                   localCopiedDataFromBoiteCP, 
---                   current(localErasedDataFromPilote), 
---                   current(localCopiedDataFromPilote), 
---                   current(localErasedDataFromMem), 
---                   current(localCopiedDataFromMem),  
---                   productionEvent, 
---                   consumptionEvent, 
---                   eraseMemEvent,
---                   eraseBoiteCPEvent, 
---                   erasePiloteEvent, 
---                   copyBoiteCPEvent,
---                   copyPiloteEvent, 
---                   copyMemEvent);
--- une valeur bidon;
--- v = not(dataBoiteCP_IN=-1) and not(localDataFromRead=-1);
---  res = false -> v or pre(res);
-assert Hcapt = dataBoiteCP_PUT;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/should_work/broken/when_enum.lus b/test/should_work/broken/when_enum.lus
deleted file mode 100644
index df436c416ad494f14df8378e48bf826009bc8e57..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/test/should_work/broken/when_enum.lus
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-type t = enum {A,  B,  C};
-node clock(a : t ; b,  c: bool) returns (x: bool when a; y: bool when a);
-  clk :  bool;
-  clk = tutu(a);
-  (x, y) = toto(b when clk, c when A(a)); -- clock error !
-extern node toto(u: bool; v: bool) returns (x: bool; y: bool);
-extern node tutu(u: t) returns (x: bool);
diff --git a/test/should_work/broken/when_not.lus b/test/should_work/broken/when_not.lus
index 650f545f395c7f33b02e811171d37fd8fc8caa84..ea3fb0ad48447d71fe926f03658cce7197932b1f 100644
--- a/test/should_work/broken/when_not.lus
+++ b/test/should_work/broken/when_not.lus
@@ -3,13 +3,12 @@
 node clock(a: bool; b: bool) returns (c: bool; d: bool when c);
-  -- XXX should we accept that ?
   (c, d) = clock4(a, b when not(a));
 -- Entree sur entree et sortie sur sortie:  ok
-extern node clock4(clock4_u: bool; clock4_v: bool when clock4_u) 
+extern node clock4(clock4_u: bool; clock4_v: bool when not clock4_u) 
 returns (clock4_x: bool; clock4_y: bool when clock4_x);