diff --git a/src/eff.ml b/src/eff.ml
index 65d80475ce63744f78a47d5fda83a930f1fdebe7..e2498fd862ad2ee900ae59cc24df34290aa8a4a4 100644
--- a/src/eff.ml
+++ b/src/eff.ml
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(** Time-stamp: <modified the 15/09/2008 (at 15:21) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(** Time-stamp: <modified the 23/10/2008 (at 15:16) by Erwan Jahier> *)
@@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ and const =
     (* type predef *)
     Bool_const_eff of bool
   | Int_const_eff of int
-  | Real_const_eff of float
+  | Real_const_eff of string
       (* type atomique non predef : on précise le type *)
   | Extern_const_eff of (Ident.long * type_ * const option)
   | Enum_const_eff   of (Ident.long * type_)
@@ -455,9 +455,9 @@ let rec (subst_type : type_ -> type_ -> type_) =
 let (type_of_const: const -> type_) =
-    | Bool_const_eff v -> Bool_type_eff
-    | Int_const_eff  v -> Int_type_eff
-    | Real_const_eff v -> Real_type_eff
+    | Bool_const_eff _ -> Bool_type_eff
+    | Int_const_eff  _ -> Int_type_eff
+    | Real_const_eff _ -> Real_type_eff
     | Extern_const_eff (s,  teff, vopt) -> teff
     | Enum_const_eff   (s,  teff) -> teff
     | Struct_const_eff (fl, teff) -> teff
diff --git a/src/lexer.mll b/src/lexer.mll
index 625efbb4933f11fec7f2b03bb1c4e6e3853b4681..c560f029275b58acc07d289cbe96111b81758ed2 100644
--- a/src/lexer.mll
+++ b/src/lexer.mll
@@ -262,11 +262,12 @@ rule lexer = parse
 (* constantes entières et réelles *)
         |  chiffres  { TK_ICONST (Lxm.make lexbuf ) }
-        |  chiffres (exposant) { TK_RCONST (Lxm.make lexbuf ) }
+        |  ( '-' )? chiffres (exposant) { TK_RCONST (Lxm.make lexbuf ) }
-        |  chiffres '.' (chiffres)? (exposant)? { TK_RCONST (Lxm.make lexbuf ) }
+        |  ( '-' )? chiffres '.' (chiffres)? (exposant)? 
+            { TK_RCONST (Lxm.make lexbuf ) }
-        |  '.' chiffres (exposant)? { TK_RCONST (Lxm.make lexbuf ) }
+        |  ( '-' )? '.' chiffres (exposant)? { TK_RCONST (Lxm.make lexbuf ) }
 (* mot-clé ou identificateur *)
         | ['_' 'A'-'Z' 'a'-'z'] ['A'-'Z' 'a'-'z' '\'' '_' '0'-'9'] *
diff --git a/src/licDump.ml b/src/licDump.ml
index 0fd69c21acfaf20815e450a34918e8d289bec8de..9aa28d0b74588c760b0013a5bd73b2d594b82134 100644
--- a/src/licDump.ml
+++ b/src/licDump.ml
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(** Time-stamp: <modified the 23/10/2008 (at 15:12) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(** Time-stamp: <modified the 23/10/2008 (at 15:16) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 open Printf
 open Lxm
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ let rec string_of_const_eff = (
     | Bool_const_eff true -> "true"
     | Bool_const_eff false -> "false"
     | Int_const_eff i -> sprintf "%d" i
-    | Real_const_eff r -> sprintf "%f" r
+    | Real_const_eff r -> r
     | Extern_const_eff (s,t,vopt) -> (long s) ^ (string_of_const_eff_opt vopt)
     | Enum_const_eff   (s,t) -> (long s)
     | Struct_const_eff (fl, t) -> (
diff --git a/src/predefEvalConst.ml b/src/predefEvalConst.ml
index b0a7ce8b1dd3b11800345fbccb04de559f98b92e..928e969391fa28d9e5d554968eb1084e1124c57d 100644
--- a/src/predefEvalConst.ml
+++ b/src/predefEvalConst.ml
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(** Time-stamp: <modified the 28/08/2008 (at 17:30) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(** Time-stamp: <modified the 23/10/2008 (at 15:48) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 open Predef
 open Eff
@@ -10,6 +10,9 @@ type const_evaluator = Eff.const evaluator
 exception EvalConst_error of string
+let eval_real_error () =
+  raise (EvalConst_error "reals cannot be evaluated, sorry.")
 (* exported *)
 let (type_error_const : Eff.const list -> string -> 'a) =
   fun v expect -> 
@@ -33,8 +36,8 @@ let (ooo_evaluator:(int -> int -> int) -> (float -> float -> float) ->
       const_evaluator) =
   fun opi opr -> fun ll -> match List.flatten ll with
       | [Int_const_eff v0; Int_const_eff v1] -> [Int_const_eff (opi v0 v1)]
-      | [Real_const_eff v0; Real_const_eff v1] -> [Real_const_eff (opr v0 v1)]
-          (* XXX should we evaluate reals ??? *)
+       | [Real_const_eff v0; Real_const_eff v1] -> eval_real_error ()
+           (* [Real_const_eff (opr v0 v1)] *)
       | _ -> assert false (* should not occur because eval_type is called before *)
 let (iii_evaluator:(int -> int -> int) -> const_evaluator) =
@@ -49,7 +52,8 @@ let (aab_evaluator:('a -> 'a -> bool) -> const_evaluator) =
 let (fff_evaluator:(float -> float -> float) -> const_evaluator) =
   fun op -> fun ll -> match List.flatten ll with
-    | [Real_const_eff v0; Real_const_eff v1] -> [Real_const_eff (op v0 v1)]
+    | [Real_const_eff v0; Real_const_eff v1] -> eval_real_error ()
+(*         [Real_const_eff (op v0 v1)] *)
     | _ -> assert false (* should not occur because eval_type is called before *)
 let (bb_evaluator:(bool -> bool) -> const_evaluator) =
@@ -64,24 +68,17 @@ let (ii_evaluator:(int -> int) -> const_evaluator) =
 let (ff_evaluator:(float -> float) -> const_evaluator) =
   fun op -> fun ll -> match List.flatten ll with
-    | [Real_const_eff v0] -> [Real_const_eff (op v0)]
+    | [Real_const_eff v0] -> eval_real_error () (* [Real_const_eff (op v0)] *)
     | _ -> assert false (* should not occur because eval_type is called before *)
 let (oo_evaluator:(int -> int) -> (float -> float) -> const_evaluator) =
   fun opi opr  -> fun ll -> match List.flatten ll with
     | [Int_const_eff v0] -> [Int_const_eff (opi v0)]
-    | [Real_const_eff v0] -> [Real_const_eff (opr v0)]
-        (* XXX should we evaluate reals ??? *)
+    | [Real_const_eff v0] -> eval_real_error () (* [Real_const_eff (opr v0)] *)
     | _ -> assert false (* should not occur because eval_type is called before *)
 let (sf_evaluator: Ident.t -> const_evaluator) =
-  fun id ceff_ll -> 
-    try let v = float_of_string (Ident.to_string id) in
-      [Real_const_eff v]
-    with Failure  "float_of_string" -> 
-      raise (EvalConst_error(
-        Printf.sprintf "\n*** fail to convert the string \"%s\" into a float"
-          (Ident.to_string id)))
+  fun id ceff_ll ->  [Real_const_eff (Ident.to_string id)]
 let (si_evaluator: Ident.t -> const_evaluator) =
   fun id ceff_ll -> 
@@ -96,12 +93,12 @@ let (sb_evaluator: bool -> const_evaluator) =
   fun v ceff_ll -> 
       [Bool_const_eff v]
-let (fi_evaluator:(float -> int) -> const_evaluator) =
+let (fi_evaluator:(string -> int) -> const_evaluator) =
   fun op -> fun ll -> match List.flatten ll with
-    | [Real_const_eff v0] -> [Int_const_eff (op v0)]
+     | [Real_const_eff v0] ->  [Int_const_eff (op v0)] 
     | _ -> assert false (* should not occur because [eval_type] is called before *)
-let (if_evaluator: (int -> float) -> const_evaluator) =
+let (if_evaluator: (int -> string) -> const_evaluator) =
   fun op -> fun ll -> match List.flatten ll with
     | [Int_const_eff v0] -> [Real_const_eff (op v0)]
     | _ -> assert false (* should not occur because [eval_type] is called before *)
@@ -134,8 +131,8 @@ let (f: op -> Lxm.t -> Eff.static_arg list -> const_evaluator) =
       | ICONST_n id -> si_evaluator id ll
       | RCONST_n id -> sf_evaluator id ll
       | NOT_n -> bb_evaluator (not) ll
-      | REAL2INT_n -> fi_evaluator int_of_float ll
-      | INT2REAL_n -> if_evaluator float_of_int ll
+      | REAL2INT_n -> fi_evaluator int_of_string ll
+      | INT2REAL_n -> if_evaluator string_of_int ll
       | AND_n  -> bbb_evaluator (&&) ll
       | OR_n   -> bbb_evaluator (||) ll
       | XOR_n  -> bbb_evaluator (<>) ll
diff --git a/src/test/should_fail/semantics/bug.lus b/src/test/should_fail/semantics/bug.lus
index 53264d1ddc4f5c741ed36e1bbb2fc31015ea59d4..b5bbccd7a664a38e8d6875ef1c588746060f7557 100644
--- a/src/test/should_fail/semantics/bug.lus
+++ b/src/test/should_fail/semantics/bug.lus
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ let
         -- realO = 10.0 -> pre(realO) * realI;
         -- (intO, realO) = (10 -> pre(intO) * intI, 10.0 -> pre(realO) * realI);
         -- (intO, realO) = (10,10.0) -> (pre(intO) * intI, pre(realO) * realI);
-        (intO, realO) = (ze_const_int+x+y,10.0-10.0-10.0) -> (intI, pre(realO) * realI);
+        (intO, realO) = (ze_const_int+x+y,10.0 - 10.0 - 10.0) -> (intI, pre(realO) * realI);
         x = 0 -> if active then y else pre(x)+1;
         y = 1 -> if active then pre(y)+1 else x;
diff --git a/src/test/should_fail/semantics/const3.lus b/src/test/should_fail/semantics/const3.lus
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5aeffbe53aeffb7efed1d7d88f9bbcf3f7ec66b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/should_fail/semantics/const3.lus
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+const pi = 3.1416;
+const right = pi/2.;
diff --git a/src/test/should_fail/type/const2.lus b/src/test/should_fail/type/const2.lus
index ba01eef27645737481cf9f71155b8b642516d40c..feb44c1faf228e1ccfcbd14857e6df20ff0de3b2 100644
--- a/src/test/should_fail/type/const2.lus
+++ b/src/test/should_fail/type/const2.lus
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ const
   c9=not false;
-  e2 = 3+2.5;
   e1 = if(2<>6.5) then true+1 else 2->4;
diff --git a/src/test/should_work/NONREG/simple.lus b/src/test/should_work/NONREG/simple.lus
index 65774fbfbae5a234054d556dd2734997a08d4854..9115f8d6455440c0148a15bfe6438fe3304d4274 100644
--- a/src/test/should_work/NONREG/simple.lus
+++ b/src/test/should_work/NONREG/simple.lus
@@ -8,7 +8,6 @@ type W = T^(size+2);
 const c = true;
 const size = 16;
 const pi = 3.1416;
-const right = pi/2.;
 const u = #(true, false, true);
 extern function f1 (x: int) returns (y: int);
diff --git a/src/test/should_work/Pascal/heater_control.lus b/src/test/should_work/Pascal/heater_control.lus
index 6acf7fcf93d399198279d0fd4ef04a22c764d93c..02937bde1ed22c22e68586f9822d34dab7d6d566 100644
--- a/src/test/should_work/Pascal/heater_control.lus
+++ b/src/test/should_work/Pascal/heater_control.lus
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
 --        o Otherwise, it keeps its previous state.
-const FAILURE = - 999.0; -- a fake temperature given when all sensors are broken
+const FAILURE = -999.0; -- a fake temperature given when all sensors are broken
 const TMIN = 6.0;
 const TMAX = 9.0;
diff --git a/src/test/should_work/Pascal/onlyroll.lus b/src/test/should_work/Pascal/onlyroll.lus
index 582c294f2e1bbdf3f5156e4b5ed53f83a000476c..d0a2a1618597d650d6afcfbf1840464cccb02684 100644
--- a/src/test/should_work/Pascal/onlyroll.lus
+++ b/src/test/should_work/Pascal/onlyroll.lus
@@ -25,20 +25,20 @@ const
 	  NRmaxR                =  25.3 ;
 	  NRminR                = -25.3 ;       -- NominalRange for roll
-	  NRmaxP                =   5.1 ;
-	  NRminP                = - 5.1 ;       -- NominalRange for pitch
+	  NRmaxP                =  5.1 ;
+	  NRminP                = -5.1 ;       -- NominalRange for pitch
-	  NRmaxY                =   5.0 ;
-	  NRminY                = - 5.0 ;       -- NominalRange for yaw
+	  NRmaxY                =  5.0 ;
+	  NRminY                = -5.0 ;       -- NominalRange for yaw
-	  HORmaxR               =   285.0 ;
-	  HORminR               = - 285.0 ;     -- Hard Over Range for roll
+	  HORmaxR               =  285.0 ;
+	  HORminR               = -285.0 ;     -- Hard Over Range for roll
-	  HORmaxP               =   57.0 ;
-	  HORminP               = - 57.0 ;      -- Hard Over Range for pitch
+	  HORmaxP               =  57.0 ;
+	  HORminP               = -57.0 ;      -- Hard Over Range for pitch
-	  HORmaxY               =   57.0 ;
-	  HORminY               = - 57.0 ;	    -- Hard Over Range for yaw
+	  HORmaxY               =  57.0 ;
+	  HORminY               = -57.0 ;	    -- Hard Over Range for yaw
 	  TIME5                 = 4      ;      -- specified in point 5, page 4 (value ?)
diff --git a/src/test/should_work/demo/lustre_test1_ok.lus b/src/test/should_work/demo/lustre_test1_ok.lus
index 6271f58ca90a0080021a105c8c0e241619dd3fc9..0c2d029ed4afe98ec381491aefc3e6b68779326a 100644
--- a/src/test/should_work/demo/lustre_test1_ok.lus
+++ b/src/test/should_work/demo/lustre_test1_ok.lus
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ tel
 node TransFnc_1(E:real) returns(S:real);
 var Sm_1 :real;
-	S = 1.0*E -0.5*Sm_1 ;
+	S = 1.0*E - 0.5*Sm_1 ;
 	Sm_1 = 0.0->pre(S) ;
diff --git a/src/test/should_work/fab_test/onlyroll.lus b/src/test/should_work/fab_test/onlyroll.lus
index 4998a3302b2fe7e5cbad64c4ce5134870cd51525..8df4aeb3c906a5f192b41c862620f8b049d60bd5 100644
--- a/src/test/should_work/fab_test/onlyroll.lus
+++ b/src/test/should_work/fab_test/onlyroll.lus
@@ -25,20 +25,20 @@ const
 	  NRmaxR                =  25.3 ;
 	  NRminR                = -25.3 ;       -- NominalRange for roll
-	  NRmaxP                =   5.1 ;
-	  NRminP                = - 5.1 ;       -- NominalRange for pitch
+	  NRmaxP                =  5.1 ;
+	  NRminP                = -5.1 ;       -- NominalRange for pitch
-	  NRmaxY                =   5.0 ;
-	  NRminY                = - 5.0 ;       -- NominalRange for yaw
+	  NRmaxY                =  5.0 ;
+	  NRminY                = -5.0 ;       -- NominalRange for yaw
-	  HORmaxR               =   285.0 ;
-	  HORminR               = - 285.0 ;     -- Hard Over Range for roll
+	  HORmaxR               =  285.0 ;
+	  HORminR               = -285.0 ;     -- Hard Over Range for roll
-	  HORmaxP               =   57.0 ;
-	  HORminP               = - 57.0 ;      -- Hard Over Range for pitch
+	  HORmaxP               =  57.0 ;
+	  HORminP               = -57.0 ;      -- Hard Over Range for pitch
-	  HORmaxY               =   57.0 ;
-	  HORminY               = - 57.0 ;	    -- Hard Over Range for yaw
+	  HORmaxY               =  57.0 ;
+	  HORminY               = -57.0 ;	    -- Hard Over Range for yaw
 	  TIME5                 = 4      ;      -- specified in point 5, page 4 (value ?)
diff --git a/src/test/should_work/fab_test/onlyroll2.lus b/src/test/should_work/fab_test/onlyroll2.lus
index cac7294a34e362e46cb0722035376dfb73cc65ad..a51ebfe1df2d74c32c201e95f636fefb6b211173 100644
--- a/src/test/should_work/fab_test/onlyroll2.lus
+++ b/src/test/should_work/fab_test/onlyroll2.lus
@@ -25,20 +25,20 @@ const
 	  NRmaxR                =  25.3 ;
 	  NRminR                = -25.3 ;       -- NominalRange for roll
-	  NRmaxP                =   5.1 ;
-	  NRminP                = - 5.1 ;       -- NominalRange for pitch
+	  NRmaxP                =  5.1 ;
+	  NRminP                = -5.1 ;       -- NominalRange for pitch
-	  NRmaxY                =   5.0 ;
-	  NRminY                = - 5.0 ;       -- NominalRange for yaw
+	  NRmaxY                =  5.0 ;
+	  NRminY                = -5.0 ;       -- NominalRange for yaw
-	  HORmaxR               =   285.0 ;
-	  HORminR               = - 285.0 ;     -- Hard Over Range for roll
+	  HORmaxR               =  285.0 ;
+	  HORminR               = -285.0 ;     -- Hard Over Range for roll
-	  HORmaxP               =   57.0 ;
-	  HORminP               = - 57.0 ;      -- Hard Over Range for pitch
+	  HORmaxP               =  57.0 ;
+	  HORminP               = -57.0 ;      -- Hard Over Range for pitch
-	  HORmaxY               =   57.0 ;
-	  HORminY               = - 57.0 ;	    -- Hard Over Range for yaw
+	  HORmaxY               =  57.0 ;
+	  HORminY               = -57.0 ;	    -- Hard Over Range for yaw
 	  TIME5                 = 4      ;      -- specified in point 5, page 4 (value ?)
diff --git a/src/test/test.res.exp b/src/test/test.res.exp
index 79a4f7bae22bc26458ff31562a7ce5db1015b7b8..302f1ba7a5208511953587ff16a54863249b6e06 100644
--- a/src/test/test.res.exp
+++ b/src/test/test.res.exp
@@ -2501,9 +2501,9 @@ tel
 ====> ../lus2lic -vl 2 --compile-all-items should_work/NONREG/deconne.lus
 Opening file should_work/NONREG/deconne.lus
 type _deconne::pendule;
-const deconne::G = 10.000000;
-const deconne::L = 2.000000;
-const deconne::T = 0.100000;
+const deconne::G = 10.0;
+const deconne::L = 2.0;
+const deconne::T = 0.1;
 extern function deconne::make_pend(
@@ -2943,7 +2943,7 @@ type _hanane::t2;
 type _hanane::t3;
 type _hanane::tabStruct = _hanane::structT^2;
 const hanane::b = true;
-const hanane::c = 3.140000;
+const hanane::c = 3.14;
 node hanane::hanane(
@@ -7344,9 +7344,8 @@ type _simple::U = struct  {a : int; b : _simple::H};
 type _simple::V = _simple::U^4;
 const simple::size = 16;
 type _simple::W = int^18;
-const simple::pi = 3.141600;
-const simple::right = 1.570800;
 const simple::u = false;
+const simple::pi = 3.1416;
 const simple::c = true;
 node simple::simple(e:bool; a:_simple::U) returns (b:int);
@@ -7999,10 +7998,10 @@ tel
 ====> ../lus2lic -vl 2 --compile-all-items should_work/Pascal/heater_control.lus
 Opening file should_work/Pascal/heater_control.lus
-const heater_control::FAILURE = -999.000000;
-const heater_control::TMIN = 6.000000;
-const heater_control::TMAX = 9.000000;
-const heater_control::DELTA = 0.500000;
+const heater_control::FAILURE = -999.0;
+const heater_control::TMIN = 6.0;
+const heater_control::TMAX = 9.0;
+const heater_control::DELTA = 0.5;
 node heater_control::not_a_sauna2(
@@ -8331,34 +8330,34 @@ const inter::n = -4;
 ====> ../lus2lic -vl 2 --compile-all-items should_work/Pascal/onlyroll.lus
 Opening file should_work/Pascal/onlyroll.lus
-const onlyroll::NRminP = -5.100000;
-const onlyroll::NRminR = -25.300000;
-const onlyroll::NRmaxP = 5.100000;
-const onlyroll::DELTA_PITCH = 3.000000;
-const onlyroll::NRmaxR = 25.300000;
-const onlyroll::FAIL_SAFE_PITCH_VALUE = 4.000000;
-const onlyroll::DELTA_YAW = 2.730000;
-const onlyroll::NRminY = -5.000000;
-const onlyroll::HORminP = -57.000000;
-const onlyroll::XFAIL_SAFE_ROLL_VALUE = 1.100000;
-const onlyroll::NRmaxY = 5.000000;
-const onlyroll::HORminR = -285.000000;
-const onlyroll::HORmaxP = 57.000000;
-const onlyroll::CROSS_CH_TOL_PITCH = 10.100000;
-const onlyroll::HORmaxR = 285.000000;
-const onlyroll::FAIL_SAFE_YAW_VALUE = 4.000000;
-const onlyroll::HORminY = -57.000000;
-const onlyroll::DELTA_ROLL = 14.900000;
-const onlyroll::FAIL_SAFE_ROLL_VALUE = 1.000000;
+const onlyroll::NRminP = -5.1;
+const onlyroll::NRminR = -25.3;
+const onlyroll::NRmaxP = 5.1;
+const onlyroll::DELTA_PITCH = 3.0;
+const onlyroll::NRmaxR = 25.3;
+const onlyroll::FAIL_SAFE_PITCH_VALUE = 4.0;
+const onlyroll::DELTA_YAW = 2.73;
+const onlyroll::NRminY = -5.0;
+const onlyroll::HORminP = -57.0;
+const onlyroll::XFAIL_SAFE_ROLL_VALUE = 1.1;
+const onlyroll::NRmaxY = 5.0;
+const onlyroll::HORminR = -285.0;
+const onlyroll::HORmaxP = 57.0;
+const onlyroll::CROSS_CH_TOL_PITCH = 10.1;
+const onlyroll::HORmaxR = 285.0;
+const onlyroll::FAIL_SAFE_YAW_VALUE = 4.0;
+const onlyroll::HORminY = -57.0;
+const onlyroll::DELTA_ROLL = 14.9;
+const onlyroll::FAIL_SAFE_ROLL_VALUE = 1.0;
 const onlyroll::OneSecond = 10;
-const onlyroll::HORmaxY = 57.000000;
+const onlyroll::HORmaxY = 57.0;
 const onlyroll::TIME_ROLL = 3;
-const onlyroll::CROSS_CH_TOL_ROLL = 51.000000;
-const onlyroll::BID_LAST = 2.200000;
+const onlyroll::CROSS_CH_TOL_ROLL = 51.0;
+const onlyroll::BID_LAST = 2.2;
 const onlyroll::TIME5 = 4;
 const onlyroll::SAFE_COUNTER_TIME = 3;
-const onlyroll::BID_VAL = 3.300000;
-const onlyroll::CROSS_CH_TOL_YAW = 10.000000;
+const onlyroll::BID_VAL = 3.3;
+const onlyroll::CROSS_CH_TOL_YAW = 10.0;
 const onlyroll::TIME_CROSS_ROLL = 3;
 node onlyroll::noneof(
@@ -9586,7 +9585,7 @@ Opening file should_work/Pascal/pfs.lus
 ====> ../lus2lic -vl 2 --compile-all-items should_work/Pascal/struct.lus
 Opening file should_work/Pascal/struct.lus
-type _struct::complex = struct  {re : real = 0.000000; im : real = 0.000000};
+type _struct::complex = struct  {re : real = 0.; im : real = 0.};
 node struct::plus(
@@ -10147,16 +10146,16 @@ type _Gyroscope2::CFF_Eltstruct = struct  {indx : int; indx_toChange : int; valu
 type _Gyroscope2::Faulty_ChannelT = struct  {valuea : real; valueb : real};
 type _Gyroscope2::Faulty_Array = A__Gyroscope2::Faulty_ChannelT_4^3;
 type _Gyroscope2::CFF_struct = struct  {indx : int; indx_toChange : int; tabToFill : A__Gyroscope2::Valid_ChannelT_3};
-const Gyroscope2::DELTA_PITCH = 2.000000;
-const Gyroscope2::DELTA_YAW = 2.000000;
-const Gyroscope2::DELTA_TO_GOD_YAW = 2.000000;
-const Gyroscope2::DELTA_ROLL = 2.000000;
-const Gyroscope2::CROSS_CHANNEL_TOLERANCE = 1.000000;
-const Gyroscope2::GOD_PITCH = 16.000000;
-const Gyroscope2::GOD_ROLL = 15.000000;
-const Gyroscope2::GOD_YAW = 14.000000;
-const Gyroscope2::DELTA_TO_GOD_ROLL = 2.000000;
-const Gyroscope2::DELTA_TO_GOD_PITCH = 2.000000;
+const Gyroscope2::DELTA_PITCH = 2.0;
+const Gyroscope2::DELTA_YAW = 2.0;
+const Gyroscope2::DELTA_TO_GOD_YAW = 2.0;
+const Gyroscope2::DELTA_ROLL = 2.0;
+const Gyroscope2::CROSS_CHANNEL_TOLERANCE = 1.0;
+const Gyroscope2::GOD_PITCH = 16.0;
+const Gyroscope2::GOD_ROLL = 15.0;
+const Gyroscope2::GOD_YAW = 14.0;
+const Gyroscope2::DELTA_TO_GOD_ROLL = 2.0;
+const Gyroscope2::DELTA_TO_GOD_PITCH = 2.0;
 node Gyroscope2::abs(in:real) returns (out:real);
@@ -10892,7 +10891,7 @@ type _decl::t5 = A__decl::t1_8^5;
 type _decl::coord = struct  {x : real; y : real};
 type _decl::coord_tab = _decl::coord^1;
 type _decl::couleur = enum {decl::bleu, decl::blanc, decl::rouge};
-const decl::e = 8.500000;
+const decl::e = 8.5;
 const decl::a:int;
 const decl::b:int;
 const decl::c:int;
@@ -10937,7 +10936,7 @@ type _declaration::t5 = A__declaration::t1_8^5;
 type _declaration::coord = struct  {x : real; y : real};
 type _declaration::coord_tab = _declaration::coord^1;
 type _declaration::couleur = enum {declaration::bleu, declaration::blanc, declaration::rouge};
-const declaration::e = 8.500000;
+const declaration::e = 8.5;
 const declaration::a:int;
 const declaration::b:int;
 const declaration::c:int;
@@ -11004,7 +11003,7 @@ type _def::t3;
 type _def::tabStruct = _def::structT^2;
 const def::id_int = 5;
 const def::b = true;
-const def::c = 3.140000;
+const def::c = 3.14;
 node def::def(
@@ -11792,6 +11791,11 @@ tel
 -- end of node sample_time_change::MainNode
+====> ../lus2lic -vl 2 --compile-all-items should_work/fab_test/.#onlyroll2.lus
+Opening file should_work/fab_test/.#onlyroll2.lus
+should_work/fab_test/.#onlyroll2.lus: No such file or directory
 ====> ../lus2lic -vl 2 --compile-all-items should_work/fab_test/bob.lus
 Opening file should_work/fab_test/bob.lus
@@ -12826,34 +12830,34 @@ tel
 ====> ../lus2lic -vl 2 --compile-all-items should_work/fab_test/onlyroll.lus
 Opening file should_work/fab_test/onlyroll.lus
-const onlyroll::NRminP = -5.100000;
-const onlyroll::NRminR = -25.300000;
-const onlyroll::NRmaxP = 5.100000;
-const onlyroll::DELTA_PITCH = 3.000000;
-const onlyroll::NRmaxR = 25.300000;
-const onlyroll::FAIL_SAFE_PITCH_VALUE = 4.000000;
-const onlyroll::DELTA_YAW = 2.730000;
-const onlyroll::NRminY = -5.000000;
-const onlyroll::HORminP = -57.000000;
-const onlyroll::XFAIL_SAFE_ROLL_VALUE = 1.100000;
-const onlyroll::NRmaxY = 5.000000;
-const onlyroll::HORminR = -285.000000;
-const onlyroll::HORmaxP = 57.000000;
-const onlyroll::CROSS_CH_TOL_PITCH = 10.100000;
-const onlyroll::HORmaxR = 285.000000;
-const onlyroll::FAIL_SAFE_YAW_VALUE = 4.000000;
-const onlyroll::HORminY = -57.000000;
-const onlyroll::DELTA_ROLL = 14.900000;
-const onlyroll::FAIL_SAFE_ROLL_VALUE = 1.000000;
+const onlyroll::NRminP = -5.1;
+const onlyroll::NRminR = -25.3;
+const onlyroll::NRmaxP = 5.1;
+const onlyroll::DELTA_PITCH = 3.0;
+const onlyroll::NRmaxR = 25.3;
+const onlyroll::FAIL_SAFE_PITCH_VALUE = 4.0;
+const onlyroll::DELTA_YAW = 2.73;
+const onlyroll::NRminY = -5.0;
+const onlyroll::HORminP = -57.0;
+const onlyroll::XFAIL_SAFE_ROLL_VALUE = 1.1;
+const onlyroll::NRmaxY = 5.0;
+const onlyroll::HORminR = -285.0;
+const onlyroll::HORmaxP = 57.0;
+const onlyroll::CROSS_CH_TOL_PITCH = 10.1;
+const onlyroll::HORmaxR = 285.0;
+const onlyroll::FAIL_SAFE_YAW_VALUE = 4.0;
+const onlyroll::HORminY = -57.0;
+const onlyroll::DELTA_ROLL = 14.9;
+const onlyroll::FAIL_SAFE_ROLL_VALUE = 1.0;
 const onlyroll::OneSecond = 10;
-const onlyroll::HORmaxY = 57.000000;
+const onlyroll::HORmaxY = 57.0;
 const onlyroll::TIME_ROLL = 3;
-const onlyroll::CROSS_CH_TOL_ROLL = 51.000000;
-const onlyroll::BID_LAST = 2.200000;
+const onlyroll::CROSS_CH_TOL_ROLL = 51.0;
+const onlyroll::BID_LAST = 2.2;
 const onlyroll::TIME5 = 4;
 const onlyroll::SAFE_COUNTER_TIME = 3;
-const onlyroll::BID_VAL = 3.300000;
-const onlyroll::CROSS_CH_TOL_YAW = 10.000000;
+const onlyroll::BID_VAL = 3.3;
+const onlyroll::CROSS_CH_TOL_YAW = 10.0;
 const onlyroll::TIME_CROSS_ROLL = 3;
 node onlyroll::noneof(
@@ -13941,34 +13945,34 @@ tel
 ====> ../lus2lic -vl 2 --compile-all-items should_work/fab_test/onlyroll2.lus
 Opening file should_work/fab_test/onlyroll2.lus
-const onlyroll2::NRminP = -5.100000;
-const onlyroll2::NRminR = -25.300000;
-const onlyroll2::NRmaxP = 5.100000;
-const onlyroll2::DELTA_PITCH = 3.000000;
-const onlyroll2::NRmaxR = 25.300000;
-const onlyroll2::FAIL_SAFE_PITCH_VALUE = 4.000000;
-const onlyroll2::DELTA_YAW = 2.730000;
-const onlyroll2::NRminY = -5.000000;
-const onlyroll2::HORminP = -57.000000;
-const onlyroll2::XFAIL_SAFE_ROLL_VALUE = 1.100000;
-const onlyroll2::NRmaxY = 5.000000;
-const onlyroll2::HORminR = -285.000000;
-const onlyroll2::HORmaxP = 57.000000;
-const onlyroll2::CROSS_CH_TOL_PITCH = 10.100000;
-const onlyroll2::HORmaxR = 285.000000;
-const onlyroll2::FAIL_SAFE_YAW_VALUE = 4.000000;
-const onlyroll2::HORminY = -57.000000;
-const onlyroll2::DELTA_ROLL = 14.900000;
-const onlyroll2::FAIL_SAFE_ROLL_VALUE = 1.000000;
+const onlyroll2::NRminP = -5.1;
+const onlyroll2::NRminR = -25.3;
+const onlyroll2::NRmaxP = 5.1;
+const onlyroll2::DELTA_PITCH = 3.0;
+const onlyroll2::NRmaxR = 25.3;
+const onlyroll2::FAIL_SAFE_PITCH_VALUE = 4.0;
+const onlyroll2::DELTA_YAW = 2.73;
+const onlyroll2::NRminY = -5.0;
+const onlyroll2::HORminP = -57.0;
+const onlyroll2::XFAIL_SAFE_ROLL_VALUE = 1.1;
+const onlyroll2::NRmaxY = 5.0;
+const onlyroll2::HORminR = -285.0;
+const onlyroll2::HORmaxP = 57.0;
+const onlyroll2::CROSS_CH_TOL_PITCH = 10.1;
+const onlyroll2::HORmaxR = 285.0;
+const onlyroll2::FAIL_SAFE_YAW_VALUE = 4.0;
+const onlyroll2::HORminY = -57.0;
+const onlyroll2::DELTA_ROLL = 14.9;
+const onlyroll2::FAIL_SAFE_ROLL_VALUE = 1.0;
 const onlyroll2::OneSecond = 10;
-const onlyroll2::HORmaxY = 57.000000;
+const onlyroll2::HORmaxY = 57.0;
 const onlyroll2::TIME_ROLL = 3;
-const onlyroll2::CROSS_CH_TOL_ROLL = 51.000000;
-const onlyroll2::BID_LAST = 2.200000;
+const onlyroll2::CROSS_CH_TOL_ROLL = 51.0;
+const onlyroll2::BID_LAST = 2.2;
 const onlyroll2::TIME5 = 4;
 const onlyroll2::SAFE_COUNTER_TIME = 3;
-const onlyroll2::BID_VAL = 3.300000;
-const onlyroll2::CROSS_CH_TOL_YAW = 10.000000;
+const onlyroll2::BID_VAL = 3.3;
+const onlyroll2::CROSS_CH_TOL_YAW = 10.0;
 const onlyroll2::TIME_CROSS_ROLL = 3;
 node onlyroll2::noneof(
@@ -15323,16 +15327,16 @@ Opening file should_work/lionel/Gyroscope.lus
 type _Gyroscope::Faulty_ChannelT = struct  {valuea : real; valueb : real};
 type _Gyroscope::Faulty_Array = A__Gyroscope::Faulty_ChannelT_4^3;
 type _Gyroscope::Valid_ChannelT = struct  {local_failure : bool; local_value : real};
-const Gyroscope::DELTA_PITCH = 2.000000;
-const Gyroscope::DELTA_YAW = 2.000000;
-const Gyroscope::DELTA_TO_GOD_YAW = 2.000000;
-const Gyroscope::DELTA_ROLL = 2.000000;
-const Gyroscope::GOD_PITCH = 16.000000;
-const Gyroscope::GOD_ROLL = 15.000000;
-const Gyroscope::GOD_YAW = 14.000000;
-const Gyroscope::DELTA_TO_GOD_ROLL = 2.000000;
+const Gyroscope::DELTA_PITCH = 2.0;
+const Gyroscope::DELTA_YAW = 2.0;
+const Gyroscope::DELTA_TO_GOD_YAW = 2.0;
+const Gyroscope::DELTA_ROLL = 2.0;
+const Gyroscope::GOD_PITCH = 16.0;
+const Gyroscope::GOD_ROLL = 15.0;
+const Gyroscope::GOD_YAW = 14.0;
+const Gyroscope::DELTA_TO_GOD_ROLL = 2.0;
 const Gyroscope::TIME = 3;
-const Gyroscope::DELTA_TO_GOD_PITCH = 2.000000;
+const Gyroscope::DELTA_TO_GOD_PITCH = 2.0;
 node Gyroscope::abs(in:real) returns (out:real);
@@ -17757,7 +17761,7 @@ tel
 ====> ../lus2lic -vl 2 --compile-all-items should_work/packEnvTest/complex.lus
 Opening file should_work/packEnvTest/complex.lus
 type _complex::t = struct  {re : real; im : real};
-const complex::i = _complex::t{re = 0.000000; im = 1.000000};
+const complex::i = _complex::t{re = 0.; im = 1.};
 function complex::re(c:_complex::t) returns (re:real);
    re = c.re;
@@ -18367,7 +18371,7 @@ let
    _v1 = pre in;
 -- end of node Pbool::n
-const main::pi = 3.141590;
+const main::pi = 3.14159;
 node main::main(
@@ -18547,9 +18551,9 @@ type A_int_3 = int^3;
 ====> ../lus2lic -vl 2 --compile-all-items should_work/to_sort_out/asservi.lus
 Opening file should_work/to_sort_out/asservi.lus
 type _asservi::pendule;
-const asservi::G = 10.000000;
-const asservi::L = 2.000000;
-const asservi::T = 0.100000;
+const asservi::G = 10.0;
+const asservi::L = 2.0;
+const asservi::T = 0.1;
 node asservi::D(x:real) returns (d:real);
@@ -19048,6 +19052,15 @@ Opening file should_fail/semantics/const2.lus
 *** syntax error
+====> ../lus2lic -vl 2 --compile-all-items should_fail/semantics/const3.lus
+Opening file should_fail/semantics/const3.lus
+*** Error in file "should_fail/semantics/const3.lus", line 2, col 17 to 17, token '/':
+*** can't eval constant: reals cannot be evaluated, sorry.
+const const3::pi = 3.1416;
 ====> ../lus2lic -vl 2 --compile-all-items should_fail/semantics/cpt_dc.lus
 Opening file should_fail/semantics/cpt_dc.lus