From a9980c4388298fd9a961b22aefceaf17b222e3f2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Erwan Jahier <>
Date: Wed, 17 Apr 2013 11:02:59 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Add --gen-autotest option that generates  a Lutin file and an
 oracle Lustre file suitable to compare the result of 2 Lustre compilers

 src/  |  4 +--
 src/      |  4 +--
 src/  |  7 +++++
 src/lv6MainArgs.mli |  1 +
 src/         | 75 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------
 src/      | 16 +++++-----
 test/lus2lic.sum    |  2 +-            | 23 +++++---------
 todo.org_archive    | 39 +++++++++++++++++++++++
 9 files changed, 128 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index e1b86186..87db94f8 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(** Time-stamp: <modified the 11/04/2013 (at 17:31) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(** Time-stamp: <modified the 15/04/2013 (at 14:47) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 let dbg = (Verbose.get_flag "exec")
@@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ let build_data_deps_from_actions:  (Lic.type_ -> Data.t) -> t -> action list ->
           let (clk, rhs, _, _,_) = action in
           let dep_vars = match clk with
             | Lic.BaseLic -> rhs
-            | Lic.ClockVar int -> assert false
+            | Lic.ClockVar int -> rhs
             | Lic.On ((cc,cv,ct),_) -> (Soc.Var(cv, lic_to_data_type ct))::rhs
           let deps = actions_of_vars dep_vars tbl in
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index c4f18ac8..623a1a65 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(* Time-stamp: <modified the 12/04/2013 (at 08:47) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(* Time-stamp: <modified the 17/04/2013 (at 11:10) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 open Lv6errors
 open Printf
@@ -691,7 +691,7 @@ and string_of_clock (ck : Lic.clock) =
           (*     | ClockVar i -> "_clock_var_" ^ (string_of_int i) *)
 and op2string op = 
-  (* Une verrue pour compatible avec les outils qui mangent du ec...  *)
+  (* Une verrue pour être compatible avec les outils qui mangent du ec...  *)
   if && op = AstPredef.INT2REAL_n then "real"  else 
     AstPredef.op2string op
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index cb028b44..49007e34 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ type t = {
   mutable dont_expand_nodes :  string list;
   mutable expand_enums :  bool;
   mutable expand_arrays :  bool;
+  mutable gen_autotest :  bool;
   mutable oc :  Pervasives.out_channel;
   mutable tlex :  bool;
   mutable exec :  bool;
@@ -71,6 +72,7 @@ let (make_opt : unit -> t) =
       dont_expand_nodes =  [];
       expand_enums =  false;
       expand_arrays =  false;
+      gen_autotest =  false;
       (** the output channel *)
       oc =  Pervasives.stdout;
       tlex =  false;
@@ -306,6 +308,11 @@ let mkoptab (opt:t) : unit = (
       (Arg.Unit (fun () -> global_opt.nonreg_test <- true))
       ["Avoid printing full path error msgs to ease non-reg test decision"]
+    mkopt opt ~hide:true
+      ["--gen-autotest"]
+      (Arg.Unit (fun () -> opt.gen_autotest <- true))
+      ["Generate a Lutin file and an oracle Lustre file suitable to compare the result of 2 Lustre compilers"]
+    ;
     (* misc debug flag *)
     mkopt opt ~hide:true
       ["-dbg"; "--debug"]	
diff --git a/src/lv6MainArgs.mli b/src/lv6MainArgs.mli
index ba8eb9ad..269207d6 100644
--- a/src/lv6MainArgs.mli
+++ b/src/lv6MainArgs.mli
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ type t = {
   mutable dont_expand_nodes :  string list;
   mutable expand_enums :  bool;
   mutable expand_arrays :  bool;
+  mutable gen_autotest :  bool;
   mutable oc :  Pervasives.out_channel;
   mutable tlex :  bool;
   mutable exec :  bool;
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index d12d356b..cb75a239 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(* Time-stamp: <modified the 12/04/2013 (at 08:47) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(* Time-stamp: <modified the 17/04/2013 (at 11:19) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 open Verbose
 open AstV6
@@ -20,6 +20,50 @@ let rec first_pack_in =
     | (AstV6.NSModel _)::tail -> first_pack_in tail
     | [] -> raise (Global_error "No package has been provided")
+let (gen_lutin : LicPrg.t -> Ident.idref option -> unit) =
+  fun lic_prg main_node  -> 
+    (match main_node with
+      | None -> (print_string "No node is specified\n"; flush stdout)
+      | Some main_node -> 
+        let msk, zesoc = Lic2soc.f lic_prg (Lic.node_key_of_idref main_node) in
+        let soc = try Soc.SocMap.find msk zesoc with Not_found -> assert false in
+        let invars,outvars=soc.Soc.profile in
+        let invars = SocExec.expand_profile invars in
+        let outvars = SocExec.expand_profile outvars in
+        let invars_str  = (fun (n,t) -> n^":"^(Data.type_to_string t)) invars in
+        let outvars_str = (fun (n,t) -> n^":"^(Data.type_to_string t)) outvars in
+        let name = main_node.Ident.id_id in
+        let lutin_file_name = ("_"^name^"_env.lut") in
+        let oc = open_out lutin_file_name in
+        Lv6util.dump_entete oc; 
+        output_string oc ("node " ^ (name) ^ "_env("^ (String.concat ";" outvars_str) ^ 
+                         ") returns(" ^ (String.concat ";" invars_str) ^ ") =\n   loop true \n");
+        flush oc; 
+        close_out oc;
+        output_string stdout (lutin_file_name ^" generated.\n"); 
+        let oracle_file_name = ("_"^name^"_oracle.lus") in
+        let oc = open_out oracle_file_name in
+        let locals = (fun (n,t) -> n^"_bis",t) outvars in
+        let prg = "node "^name^"_oracle("^(String.concat ";" (invars_str@outvars_str)) in
+        let prg = prg ^") returns(ok:bool);\n" in
+        let locals_str = (fun (n,t) -> n^":"^(Data.type_to_string t)) locals in
+        let prg = prg ^ "var\n  " ^ (String.concat ";\n  " locals_str) ^ ";\nlet\n" in
+        let locals_name  = fst locals in
+        let invars_name  = fst invars in
+        let outvars_name = fst outvars in
+        let prg = prg^"  ("^(String.concat "," locals_name)^") = "^name in
+        let prg = prg^"("^(String.concat "," invars_name)^");\n" in
+        let prg = prg^"  ok = ("^ (String.concat "," outvars_name) ^ "=" in
+        let prg = prg^ (String.concat "," locals_name) ^ ");\ntel;\n"  in
+        Lv6util.dump_entete oc; 
+        output_string oc prg;
+        flush oc; 
+        close_out oc;
+        output_string stdout (oracle_file_name ^" generated.\n"); 
+        flush stdout
+    )
 let main  = (
   (* Compile.init_appli () ; *)
   (* parse_args (); *)
@@ -46,8 +90,9 @@ let main  = (
   (try (
     let nsl = Compile.get_source_list opt opt.infiles in
     let lic_prg = Compile.doit opt nsl main_node in
-    if opt.exec then
+    if opt.Lv6MainArgs.gen_autotest then 
+      gen_lutin lic_prg main_node
+    else if opt.exec then
       (match main_node with
         | None -> (
           let first_file = List.hd opt.infiles in
@@ -76,7 +121,7 @@ let main  = (
     Verbose.exe ~level:3 (fun () -> Gc.print_stat stdout);
-  ) with 
+   ) with 
       Sys_error(s) ->
         prerr_string (s^"\n");
         my_exit opt 1
@@ -94,7 +139,7 @@ let main  = (
       print_compile_error lxm msg;
       my_exit opt 1
     | L2lCheckLoops.Error(lxm,msg,lic_prg) -> 
-      (* Sometime it helps to see the current state of the faulty program *)
+          (* Sometime it helps to see the current state of the faulty program *)
       LicPrg.to_file opt lic_prg main_node;
       flush  opt.oc;
       print_compile_error lxm msg;
@@ -109,15 +154,15 @@ let main  = (
           "\n*** You migth want to sent a bug report to "^Lv6version.maintainer ^"\n") ; 
       my_exit opt 2
-(* | Compile_node_error(nkey,lxm,msg) -> ( *)
-(* print_compile_node_error nkey lxm msg ; *)
-(* exit 1 *)
-(* ) *)
-(* | Global_node_error(nkey,msg) -> ( *)
-(* print_global_node_error nkey msg ; *)
-(* exit 1 *)
-(* ) *)
+       (* | Compile_node_error(nkey,lxm,msg) -> ( *)
+       (* print_compile_node_error nkey lxm msg ; *)
+       (* exit 1 *)
+       (* ) *)
+       (* | Global_node_error(nkey,msg) -> ( *)
+       (* print_global_node_error nkey msg ; *)
+       (* exit 1 *)
+       (* ) *)
-    close_out opt.oc
+  close_out opt.oc
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index e59a30b7..ac3cd35b 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(* Time-stamp: <modified the 12/04/2013 (at 16:05) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(* Time-stamp: <modified the 15/04/2013 (at 15:54) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 open Soc
 open Data
@@ -316,11 +316,11 @@ let (f : Lv6MainArgs.t -> Soc.tbl -> Soc.key -> unit) =
     let exp_vntl_o_str = vntl_of_profile exp_vntl_o in
     let oc = 
       if  opt.Lv6MainArgs.outfile  = "" then stdout else
-      let rif_file =
-        try (Filename.chop_extension opt.Lv6MainArgs.outfile) ^ ".rif" 
-        with _  -> opt.Lv6MainArgs.outfile ^ ".rif"
-      in
-      open_out rif_file 
+        let rif_file =
+          try (Filename.chop_extension opt.Lv6MainArgs.outfile) ^ ".rif" 
+          with _  -> opt.Lv6MainArgs.outfile ^ ".rif"
+        in
+        open_out rif_file 
     Lv6util.dump_entete oc;
     Rif_base.write_interface oc exp_vntl_i_str exp_vntl_o_str None None;
@@ -342,7 +342,9 @@ let rec (do_step : Soc.tbl -> Soc.t -> SocExecValue.ctx -> SocExecValue.ctx) =
 let rec (do_step_dbg : Soc.tbl -> Soc.t -> Event.ctx -> SocExecValue.ctx ->
          (SocExecValue.ctx -> Event.t) -> Event.t) =
   fun soc_tbl soc ectx ctx cont ->
-    let (datal:Data.subst list) = SocExecValue.substs_to_data_subst ctx.s in
+    (*  XXX un peu exegéré de mettre tout ?*)
+(*     let (datal:Data.subst list) = SocExecValue.substs_to_data_subst ctx.s in *)
+    let (datal:Data.subst list) = SocExecValue.filter_top_subst ctx.s in
     let (soc_name,_,_) = soc.key in
     let ectx = { 
       ectx with 
diff --git a/test/lus2lic.sum b/test/lus2lic.sum
index bbda5b85..f4b7ae83 100644
--- a/test/lus2lic.sum
+++ b/test/lus2lic.sum
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-Test Run By jahier on Fri Apr 12 16:10:00 2013
+Test Run By jahier on Wed Apr 17 10:59:56 2013
 Native configuration is i686-pc-linux-gnu
 		=== lus2lic tests ===
diff --git a/ b/
index 91b587d3..ebe836b5 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -2,21 +2,6 @@
 #+CATEGORY: lv6
 * lus2lic -exec
-** TODO revoir l'intégration à rif_base et genlex
-   - State "TODO"       from ""           [2013-03-19 Tue 10:25]
-** TODO Unifier les modules Data de Lustre V6 et Lutin
-   - State "TODO"       from ""           [2013-04-02 Tue 08:33]
-ie. rajouter les tableaux, struct, et enum en lutin quitte à ne pas s'en servir
-tout de suite.
-Ca va facilité l'utilisation sans duplic de code du module rif_base
-** TODO Integrer ce mode -exec dans lurette, à la facon dont je l'ai fait pour Lutin
-   - State "TODO"       from ""           [2013-03-30 Sat 14:35]
-Question : comment j'integre ? via un lus2lic.a ?
 ** TODO Trouver un moyen d'automatiser des tests
    - State "TODO"       from ""           [2013-03-19 Tue 10:35]
@@ -27,7 +12,13 @@ faudrait rajouter une option dans lurette qui, en cas de variables
 manquantes, genere le programme lutin qui va bien (loop true) plutot
 que de lancer luciole
+Un truc de ce gout là semble fonctionner :
+./lus2lic trivial3.lus -n trivial3_condact --gen-autotest
+ ./lus2lic trivial3.lus -n trivial3_condact -ec >> _trivial3_condact_oracle.lus
+ ~/lurette/bin/lurettetop -rp "sut:v6:trivial3.lus:trivial3_condact" -rp "env:lutin:_trivial3_condact_env.lut" -rp ""
+Reste à l'integrer dans file:test/lus2lic.tests/non-reg.exp
 ** TODO Écrire un test qui mette en jeu exhaustivement tous les operateurs
diff --git a/todo.org_archive b/todo.org_archive
index 373bf31d..6e7a708d 100644
--- a/todo.org_archive
+++ b/todo.org_archive
@@ -629,6 +629,45 @@ vs "-> pre" as it is done actually in file:~/lus2lic/src/
+* TODO Unifier les modules Data de Lustre V6 et Lutin
+   - State "TODO"       from ""           [2013-04-02 Tue 08:33]
+  :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2013-04-17 Wed 10:52
+  :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/lus2lic/
+  :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: lus2lic -exec
+  :END:
+ie. rajouter les tableaux, struct, et enum en lutin quitte à ne pas s'en servir
+tout de suite.
+Ca va facilité l'utilisation sans duplic de code du module rif_base
+* TODO revoir l'intégration à rif_base et genlex
+  - State "TODO"       from ""           [2013-03-19 Tue 10:25]
+  :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2013-04-17 Wed 10:52
+  :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/lus2lic/
+  :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: lus2lic -exec
+  :END:
+* TODO Integrer ce mode -exec dans lurette, à la facon dont je l'ai fait pour Lutin
+   - State "TODO"       from ""           [2013-03-30 Sat 14:35]
+  :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2013-04-17 Wed 10:53
+  :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/lus2lic/
+  :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: lus2lic -exec
+  :END:
+Question : comment j'integre ? via un lus2lic.a ?