From a0ee285c6f638bb3ab8c6de5693ab61759cf0135 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Erwan Jahier <>
Date: Thu, 28 Aug 2008 10:33:23 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] untabify all files.

 src/         |   32 +-
 src/    |  176 +++---
 src/       |  246 ++++----
 src/       |  684 ++++++++++-----------
 src/        |  206 +++----
 src/      |  310 +++++-----
 src/          |  440 +++++++-------
 src/           |    6 +-
 src/    |  814 ++++++++++++-------------
 src/lexer.mll          |  426 +++++++-------
 src/         |  258 ++++----
 src/             |   20 +-
 src/            |  158 ++---
 src/parser.mly         | 1276 ++++++++++++++++++++--------------------
 src/     |  192 +++---
 src/          |   10 +-
 src/ |    6 +-
 src/ |  154 ++---
 src/  |  184 +++---
 19 files changed, 2799 insertions(+), 2799 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index e398361b..305670bc 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(** Time-stamp: <modified the 22/07/2008 (at 10:55) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(** Time-stamp: <modified the 28/08/2008 (at 10:24) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 open Lxm
@@ -34,18 +34,18 @@ let (doit : SyntaxTree.pack_or_model list -> Ident.idref option -> unit) =
     match main_node with
       | None -> LazyCompiler.compile_all lzcomp
       | Some main_node -> 
-	  (* la clée "absolue" du main node (pas d'args statiques) *)
-	  let main_node_key = 
-	    CompiledData.make_simple_node_key (Ident.long_of_idref main_node) 
-	  in
-	    Verbose.printf 
-	      "-- MAIN NODE: \"%s\"\n" 
-	      (LicDump.string_of_node_key_rec main_node_key);
-	    if !Global.compile_all_items then
-	      LazyCompiler.compile_all lzcomp
-	    else
-	      ignore(LazyCompiler.node_check lzcomp main_node_key 
-		       (match Ident.pack_of_idref main_node with 
-			  | None -> Lxm.dummy "" 
-			  | Some pn  -> Lxm.dummy (Ident.pack_name_to_string pn)))
+          (* la clée "absolue" du main node (pas d'args statiques) *)
+          let main_node_key = 
+            CompiledData.make_simple_node_key (Ident.long_of_idref main_node) 
+          in
+            Verbose.printf 
+              "-- MAIN NODE: \"%s\"\n" 
+              (LicDump.string_of_node_key_rec main_node_key);
+            if !Global.compile_all_items then
+              LazyCompiler.compile_all lzcomp
+            else
+              ignore(LazyCompiler.node_check lzcomp main_node_key 
+                       (match Ident.pack_of_idref main_node with 
+                          | None -> Lxm.dummy "" 
+                          | Some pn  -> Lxm.dummy (Ident.pack_name_to_string pn)))
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 472ca6bd..c160cf4c 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -1,86 +1,86 @@
-(** Time-stamp: <modified the 27/08/2008 (at 15:40) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(** Time-stamp: <modified the 28/08/2008 (at 10:26) by Erwan Jahier> *)
-	module : CompiledData
-	date :
+        module : CompiledData
+        date :
+        DESCRIPTION :
-	Définition des structures de données utilisée pour la compil,
-	plus des utilitaires pour les messages d'erreurs, de bug etc.
-	N.B. on utilise beaucoup l'adjectif "effectif", qui signifie
-	simplement "correct".
+        Définition des structures de données utilisée pour la compil,
+        plus des utilitaires pour les messages d'erreurs, de bug etc.
+        N.B. on utilise beaucoup l'adjectif "effectif", qui signifie
+        simplement "correct".
-	D'une manière générale, la compil d'une entité syntaxique
-	"toto" est implémentée par une fonction check_toto, qui
-	prend en entrée (entr'autre) un toto et renvoie un
-	toto_eff.
+        D'une manière générale, la compil d'une entité syntaxique
+        "toto" est implémentée par une fonction check_toto, qui
+        prend en entrée (entr'autre) un toto et renvoie un
+        toto_eff.
-	- type_eff :
-	dénotation de type effectif, implémente l'équivalence des types,
-	construit à partir d'une type_exp.
+        - type_eff :
+        dénotation de type effectif, implémente l'équivalence des types,
+        construit à partir d'une type_exp.
-	- const_eff :
-	dénotation de constante effective,
-	construit à partir d'une val_exp => IL S'AGIT DE LA REPRESENTATION
+        - const_eff :
+        dénotation de constante effective,
+        construit à partir d'une val_exp => IL S'AGIT DE LA REPRESENTATION
-	- var_info_eff :
-	déclaration de variable,
-	construit à partir de var_info.
+        - var_info_eff :
+        déclaration de variable,
+        construit à partir de var_info.
-	- val_eff :
-	union entre const_eff et var_info_eff.
+        - val_eff :
+        union entre const_eff et var_info_eff.
-	- slice_info_eff :
-	dénotation de tranche de tableau,
-	construit à partir de slice_info.
+        - slice_info_eff :
+        dénotation de tranche de tableau,
+        construit à partir de slice_info.
-	- left_eff :
-	version compilée de left_part
+        - left_eff :
+        version compilée de left_part
-	- eq_info_eff :
-	version compilée de eq_info 
+        - eq_info_eff :
+        version compilée de eq_info 
-	- node_exp_eff :
-	dénotation d'opération,
-	peut être  predef ou utilisateur,
-	construit à partir de node_exp.
+        - node_exp_eff :
+        dénotation d'opération,
+        peut être  predef ou utilisateur,
+        construit à partir de node_exp.
-	- static_arg_eff :
-	déclaration d'un static arg
+        - static_arg_eff :
+        déclaration d'un static arg
-	- pack_env :
-	la "grosse" structure de données qui gère la compilation
-	des packages => implémentée dans CheckGlobal pour la partie type/const/function
-	(initialisation) et dans CheckNode pour la partie node/template qui
-	est faite à la demande.
+        - pack_env :
+        la "grosse" structure de données qui gère la compilation
+        des packages => implémentée dans CheckGlobal pour la partie type/const/function
+        (initialisation) et dans CheckNode pour la partie node/template qui
+        est faite à la demande.
-	- local_env :
-	structure qui gère l'environnement de compilation
-	d'un noeud/template.
+        - local_env :
+        structure qui gère l'environnement de compilation
+        d'un noeud/template.
-	- id_solver (en fait, une structure qui contient plusieurs fonctions,
-	  une pour traiter les constantes, une pour traiter les types)
+        - id_solver (en fait, une structure qui contient plusieurs fonctions,
+          une pour traiter les constantes, une pour traiter les types)
+        UTILITAIRES :
-	- type_of_const_eff : renvoie le type_eff d'une const_eff
-	- string_of_type_eff : pretty-print d'un type_eff 
-	- string_of_const_eff : pretty-print d'une const_eff 
-	- string_of_node_key : pretty-print d'un node_key
-	_ string_of_slice_eff :
+        - type_of_const_eff : renvoie le type_eff d'une const_eff
+        - string_of_type_eff : pretty-print d'un type_eff 
+        - string_of_const_eff : pretty-print d'une const_eff 
+        - string_of_node_key : pretty-print d'un node_key
+        _ string_of_slice_eff :
@@ -92,12 +92,12 @@ open SyntaxTreeCore
 Type : id_solver
-	Joue le rôle d'environnemnt : contient des fonctions
-	pour résoudre les réferences aux idents.
-	(voir par exemple EvalConst, EvalType)
+        Joue le rôle d'environnemnt : contient des fonctions
+        pour résoudre les réferences aux idents.
+        (voir par exemple EvalConst, EvalType)
 N.B. On fournit les constructeurs des id_solver courants, voir :
 type id_solver = {
   (* XXX I should not have [idref] in this module !!! *)
@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ type id_solver = {
   - pas d'alias
   - taille des tableaux résolues
 and type_eff =
   | Bool_type_eff
   | Int_type_eff
@@ -223,19 +223,19 @@ and const_eff =
       (* type tableau : liste des valeurs + type des elts + taille *)
   | Array_const_eff of (const_eff array * type_eff)
-	Type: val_eff	
-	-----------------------------------------------------------------------
-	Une constante ou une variable
-	=> item de la table des symboles de valeurs
-	----------------------------------------------------------------------*)
+        Type: val_eff   
+        -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+        Une constante ou une variable
+        => item de la table des symboles de valeurs
+        ----------------------------------------------------------------------*)
 (* and val_eff = *)
 (*     ConstEff of const_eff *)
 (*   | VarEff of var_info_eff *)
-	Type: var_info_eff	
-	-----------------------------------------------------------------------
-	Info associée à un ident de variable
-	----------------------------------------------------------------------*)
+        Type: var_info_eff      
+        -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+        Info associée à un ident de variable
+        ----------------------------------------------------------------------*)
       (* ICI à completer/modifier sans doute *)
 and var_info_eff = {
   var_name_eff   : Ident.t;
@@ -289,7 +289,7 @@ and static_arg_eff =
   | NodeStaticArgEff  of (Ident.t * node_exp_eff)
 (** Type check_flag
@@ -369,31 +369,31 @@ let (lookup_node: local_env -> Ident.idref -> static_arg_eff list -> Lxm.t ->
 let (lookup_const: local_env -> Ident.idref -> Lxm.t -> const_eff) = 
   fun env id lmx ->  
     Hashtbl.find env.lenv_const (Ident.name_of_idref id) 
 let (lookup_var: local_env -> Ident.t -> Lxm.t -> var_info_eff) = 
   fun env id lmx ->  
     Hashtbl.find env.lenv_vars id
 let (make_local_env : node_key -> local_env) =
   fun nk ->
     let res =
-	lenv_node_key = nk;
-	lenv_types = Hashtbl.create 0;
-	lenv_const = Hashtbl.create 0;
-	lenv_nodes = Hashtbl.create 0;
-	lenv_vars  = Hashtbl.create 0;
+        lenv_node_key = nk;
+        lenv_types = Hashtbl.create 0;
+        lenv_const = Hashtbl.create 0;
+        lenv_nodes = Hashtbl.create 0;
+        lenv_vars  = Hashtbl.create 0;
       (* fill tables using static arg info *)
-	(function
-	   | ConstStaticArgEff(id,ce) -> Hashtbl.add res.lenv_const id ce
-	   | TypeStaticArgEff(id,te)  -> Hashtbl.add res.lenv_types id te
-	   | NodeStaticArgEff(id, ne) -> Hashtbl.add res.lenv_nodes id ne
-	)
-	(snd nk);
+        (function
+           | ConstStaticArgEff(id,ce) -> Hashtbl.add res.lenv_const id ce
+           | TypeStaticArgEff(id,te)  -> Hashtbl.add res.lenv_types id te
+           | NodeStaticArgEff(id, ne) -> Hashtbl.add res.lenv_nodes id ne
+        )
+        (snd nk);
@@ -431,10 +431,10 @@ let rec (subst_type : type_eff -> type_eff -> type_eff) =
     | External_type_eff l -> External_type_eff l
     | Enum_type_eff(l,el) ->  Enum_type_eff(l,el)
     | Array_type_eff(teff_ext,i) -> 
-	Array_type_eff(subst_type t teff_ext, i)
+        Array_type_eff(subst_type t teff_ext, i)
     | Struct_type_eff(l, fl) -> 
-	Struct_type_eff(
-	  l, (fun (id,(teff,copt)) -> (id,(subst_type t teff,copt))) fl)
+        Struct_type_eff(
+          l, (fun (id,(teff,copt)) -> (id,(subst_type t teff,copt))) fl)
     | Any 
     | Overload -> t
@@ -448,7 +448,7 @@ let (type_of_const_eff: const_eff -> type_eff) =
     | Enum_const_eff   (s,  teff) -> teff
     | Struct_const_eff (fl, teff) -> teff
     | Array_const_eff  (ct, teff) -> Array_type_eff (teff, Array.length ct)
 let (type_eff_of_left_eff: left_eff -> type_eff) =
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index f613700b..622e59af 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(** Time-stamp: <modified the 21/08/2008 (at 15:50) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(** Time-stamp: <modified the 28/08/2008 (at 10:26) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 open Predef
@@ -92,20 +92,20 @@ let rec (var_info_eff_of_left_eff: left_eff -> var_info_eff) =
   | LeftFieldEff (l, id,_) -> 
       let v = var_info_eff_of_left_eff l in
       let new_name = (Ident.to_string v.var_name_eff) ^ "." ^ (Ident.to_string id) in
-	{ v with  var_name_eff = Ident.of_string new_name }
+        { v with  var_name_eff = Ident.of_string new_name }
   | LeftArrayEff (l,i,_) -> 
       let v = var_info_eff_of_left_eff l in
       let new_name = (Ident.to_string v.var_name_eff) ^ "[" ^ 
-	(string_of_int i) ^ "]" 
+        (string_of_int i) ^ "]" 
-	{ v with  var_name_eff = Ident.of_string new_name }
+        { v with  var_name_eff = Ident.of_string new_name }
   | LeftSliceEff (l,si,_) -> 
       let v = var_info_eff_of_left_eff l in
       let new_name = (Ident.to_string v.var_name_eff) ^ (string_of_slice_info_eff si)
-	{ v with  var_name_eff = Ident.of_string new_name }
+        { v with  var_name_eff = Ident.of_string new_name }
 let var_info_eff_to_clock_eff v = v.var_clock_eff
@@ -130,33 +130,33 @@ let rec (is_a_sub_clock : Lxm.t -> subst -> clock_eff -> clock_eff -> subst opti
        sens). Returns Some updated substitution if it is the case,
        and None otherwise *)
     match sc,c with 
-	(* the base clock is a sub-clock of all clocks *)
+        (* the base clock is a sub-clock of all clocks *)
       | BaseEff, (BaseEff|On(_,_)|ClockVar _) -> Some s
       | On(v,clk), BaseEff -> None
       | On(v,clk), On(v2,clk2) -> (
-	  try Some(UnifyClock.f lxm s clk clk2)
-	  with _ -> is_a_sub_clock lxm s sc clk2 
-	)
+          try Some(UnifyClock.f lxm s clk clk2)
+          with _ -> is_a_sub_clock lxm s sc clk2 
+        )
       | ClockVar j, BaseEff -> assert false
       | ClockVar i, On(_,_)
       | ClockVar i, ClockVar _ ->
-	  (* XXX can it occur? if yes, something should be done 
-	     the problem being that several things are possible
-	     (there is no unique sub-clock of a clock...
+          (* XXX can it occur? if yes, something should be done 
+             the problem being that several things are possible
+             (there is no unique sub-clock of a clock...
-	     Well, ok, let's suppose that they are equal for the time being,
-	     which seems wrong in the general case.
-	  *) 
-	  let s1,s2 = s in 
-	    Some (s1,(i,c)::s2)
+             Well, ok, let's suppose that they are equal for the time being,
+             which seems wrong in the general case.
+          *) 
+          let s1,s2 = s in 
+            Some (s1,(i,c)::s2)
       | On(_,_), ClockVar i -> (* Ditto *)
-	  let s1,s2 = s in 
-	    Some (s1,(i,sc)::s2) 
+          let s1,s2 = s in 
+            Some (s1,(i,sc)::s2) 
 type clock_profile = clock_eff list * clock_eff list
 let (get_clock_profile : node_exp_eff -> clock_profile) = 
@@ -240,12 +240,12 @@ and f_aux id_solver s ve =
   let cel, s = 
     match ve with
       | CallByPosEff ({it=posop; src=lxm}, OperEff args) ->
-	  eval_by_pos_clock id_solver posop lxm args s
+          eval_by_pos_clock id_solver posop lxm args s
       | CallByNameEff ({it=nmop; src=lxm}, nmargs ) ->
-	  try eval_by_name_clock id_solver nmop lxm nmargs s
-	  with EvalConst_error msg ->
-	    raise (Compile_error(lxm, "\n*** can't eval constant: "^msg))
+          try eval_by_name_clock id_solver nmop lxm nmargs s
+          with EvalConst_error msg ->
+            raise (Compile_error(lxm, "\n*** can't eval constant: "^msg))
     tabulate_res ve cel;
     cel, s
@@ -255,7 +255,7 @@ and (f_list : id_solver -> subst -> val_exp_eff list -> clock_eff list list * su
   fun id_solver s args ->
     let aux (acc,s) arg =
       let cil, s = f_aux id_solver s arg in 
-	(cil::acc, s)
+        (cil::acc, s)
     let (cil, s) = List.fold_left aux ([],s) args in
     let cil = List.rev cil in
@@ -266,96 +266,96 @@ and (eval_by_pos_clock : id_solver -> by_pos_op_eff -> Lxm.t -> val_exp_eff list
   fun id_solver posop lxm args s ->
     match posop with
       | CURRENT_eff -> ( (* we return the clock of the argument *)
-	  let clocks_of_args, s = f_list id_solver s args in
-	    match List.flatten clocks_of_args with
-	      | [BaseEff] -> [BaseEff],s
-	      | [On(_,clk)] -> [clk],s
-	      | _ -> assert false
-	)
+          let clocks_of_args, s = f_list id_solver s args in
+            match List.flatten clocks_of_args with
+              | [BaseEff] -> [BaseEff],s
+              | [On(_,clk)] -> [clk],s
+              | _ -> assert false
+        )
       | WHENOT_eff clk_var  -> assert false (* use merge when it is implemented *)
       | WHEN_eff clk_var -> (
-	  let clk = var_info_eff_to_clock_eff clk_var in
-	    (match f_list id_solver s args with
-	       | [[c1];_], s -> ( 
-		   match is_a_sub_clock lxm s c1 clk with
-		     | None -> 
-			 let msg = "\n*** clock error: '" ^ (ci2str (c1)) ^ 
-			   "' is not a sub-clock of '" ^ (ci2str (clk)) ^ "'"
-			 in
-			   raise (Compile_error(lxm, msg))
-		     | Some s -> 
-			 let clk_of_c1,s =
-			   match c1 with
-			     | BaseEff -> assert false
-			     | On(var,_) -> On(var, clk), s
-			     | ClockVar i ->
-				 let cc1 = On(make_dummy_var "const",clk) in
-				 let (s1,s2) = s in
-				   cc1, (s1,(i,cc1)::s2)
-			 in
-			   ([clk_of_c1], s)
-		 )
-	       | [c1;_], s -> 
-		   let msg = "when on tuples not yet supported." in 
-		     raise (Compile_error(lxm, msg))
-	       |  _ -> assert false (* "(x1,x2) when node (x,y)" *)
-	    )
-	)
+          let clk = var_info_eff_to_clock_eff clk_var in
+            (match f_list id_solver s args with
+               | [[c1];_], s -> ( 
+                   match is_a_sub_clock lxm s c1 clk with
+                     | None -> 
+                         let msg = "\n*** clock error: '" ^ (ci2str (c1)) ^ 
+                           "' is not a sub-clock of '" ^ (ci2str (clk)) ^ "'"
+                         in
+                           raise (Compile_error(lxm, msg))
+                     | Some s -> 
+                         let clk_of_c1,s =
+                           match c1 with
+                             | BaseEff -> assert false
+                             | On(var,_) -> On(var, clk), s
+                             | ClockVar i ->
+                                 let cc1 = On(make_dummy_var "const",clk) in
+                                 let (s1,s2) = s in
+                                   cc1, (s1,(i,cc1)::s2)
+                         in
+                           ([clk_of_c1], s)
+                 )
+               | [c1;_], s -> 
+                   let msg = "when on tuples not yet supported." in 
+                     raise (Compile_error(lxm, msg))
+               |  _ -> assert false (* "(x1,x2) when node (x,y)" *)
+            )
+        )
       | MERGE_eff _ -> assert false
-	  (* 	  f_aux id_solver (List.hd args) *)
+          (*      f_aux id_solver (List.hd args) *)
       | HAT_eff(i,ve) -> f_aux id_solver s ve
-	  (* nb: the args have been put inside the HAT_eff constructor *)
+          (* nb: the args have been put inside the HAT_eff constructor *)
       | CONST_eff (idref,_) -> [get_constant_clock ()],s
       | IDENT_eff idref -> (
-	  try ([var_info_eff_to_clock_eff (id_solver.id2var idref lxm)], s)
-	  with _ ->  (* => it is a constant *) [get_constant_clock ()],s
-	)
+          try ([var_info_eff_to_clock_eff (id_solver.id2var idref lxm)], s)
+          with _ ->  (* => it is a constant *) [get_constant_clock ()],s
+        )
       | CALL_eff node_exp_eff -> 
-	  let (cil_arg, cil_res) = get_clock_profile in
-	    (*  the value of the base clock of a node is actually relative
-		to the context into which the node is called.
-		Hence we create a fresh var clock, that will be instanciated
-		by the caller.
-	    *)
-	  let rel_base = ClockVar (UnifyClock.get_var_type ()) in
-	  let rec (replace_base : clock_eff -> clock_eff -> clock_eff) =
-	    fun rel_base ci -> 
-	      (* [replace_base rel_base ci ] replaces in [ci] any occurences of the
-		 base clock by [rel_base] *)
-	      match ci with
-		| BaseEff -> rel_base
-		| On(v,clk) -> On(v, replace_base rel_base clk)
-		| ClockVar i -> ci
-	  in
-	  let cil_arg = (replace_base rel_base) cil_arg in 
-	  let cil_res = (replace_base rel_base) cil_res in 
-	  let clk_args, s = f_list id_solver s args in
-	  let s = check_args lxm s cil_arg (List.flatten clk_args) in
- (apply_subst s) cil_res, s
+          let (cil_arg, cil_res) = get_clock_profile in
+            (*  the value of the base clock of a node is actually relative
+                to the context into which the node is called.
+                Hence we create a fresh var clock, that will be instanciated
+                by the caller.
+            *)
+          let rel_base = ClockVar (UnifyClock.get_var_type ()) in
+          let rec (replace_base : clock_eff -> clock_eff -> clock_eff) =
+            fun rel_base ci -> 
+              (* [replace_base rel_base ci ] replaces in [ci] any occurences of the
+                 base clock by [rel_base] *)
+              match ci with
+                | BaseEff -> rel_base
+                | On(v,clk) -> On(v, replace_base rel_base clk)
+                | ClockVar i -> ci
+          in
+          let cil_arg = (replace_base rel_base) cil_arg in 
+          let cil_res = (replace_base rel_base) cil_res in 
+          let clk_args, s = f_list id_solver s args in
+          let s = check_args lxm s cil_arg (List.flatten clk_args) in
+   (apply_subst s) cil_res, s
       (* One argument. *)
       | PRE_eff
       | STRUCT_ACCESS_eff _
       | ARRAY_ACCES_eff  (_, _)
       | ARRAY_SLICE_eff (_,_)  -> 
-	  assert(List.length args = 1);
-	  f_aux id_solver s (List.hd args)
+          assert(List.length args = 1);
+          f_aux id_solver s (List.hd args)
       | Predef_eff (op,sargs)  -> 
-	  let clk_args, s =  f_list id_solver s args in
+          let clk_args, s =  f_list id_solver s args in
-	  let flat_clk_args = List.flatten clk_args in (* => mono-clock! *)
-	  let clk_list, s = 	  
-	    if args = [] then [],s else
-	      let _clk,s = UnifyClock.list lxm flat_clk_args s in
- ( (apply_subst s)) clk_args, s
-	  in
-	    PredefEvalClock.f op lxm sargs clk_list, s 
+          let flat_clk_args = List.flatten clk_args in (* => mono-clock! *)
+          let clk_list, s =       
+            if args = [] then [],s else
+              let _clk,s = UnifyClock.list lxm flat_clk_args s in
+       ( (apply_subst s)) clk_args, s
+          in
+            PredefEvalClock.f op lxm sargs clk_list, s 
       (* may have tuples as arguments *)
       | TUPLE_eff
@@ -363,25 +363,25 @@ and (eval_by_pos_clock : id_solver -> by_pos_op_eff -> Lxm.t -> val_exp_eff list
       | FBY_eff   
       | CONCAT_eff
       | ARRAY_eff -> (
-	  (* Check that all args are of the same (unifiable) clocks.
-	     XXX : we suppose that all those operators are
-	     mono-clocks (i.e., when they return tuples, all elements
-	     are on the same clock).  It would be sensible to have,
-	     e.g., arrows on multiple clocks. We'll refine later.  *)
-	  let clk_args, s =  f_list id_solver s args in
-	  let flat_clk_args = List.flatten clk_args in (* => mono-clock! *)
-	  let clk,s = UnifyClock.list lxm flat_clk_args s in
-	  let clk_list =
-	    match posop with
-	      | TUPLE_eff -> (apply_subst s) flat_clk_args
-	      | _ -> (apply_subst s) (List.hd clk_args)
-	  in
-	    clk_list, s
-	)
+          (* Check that all args are of the same (unifiable) clocks.
+             XXX : we suppose that all those operators are
+             mono-clocks (i.e., when they return tuples, all elements
+             are on the same clock).  It would be sensible to have,
+             e.g., arrows on multiple clocks. We'll refine later.  *)
+          let clk_args, s =  f_list id_solver s args in
+          let flat_clk_args = List.flatten clk_args in (* => mono-clock! *)
+          let clk,s = UnifyClock.list lxm flat_clk_args s in
+          let clk_list =
+            match posop with
+              | TUPLE_eff -> (apply_subst s) flat_clk_args
+              | _ -> (apply_subst s) (List.hd clk_args)
+          in
+            clk_list, s
+        )
       | WITH_eff(ve) -> f_aux id_solver s ve 
 and (eval_by_name_clock : id_solver -> by_name_op_eff -> Lxm.t -> 
       (Ident.t Lxm.srcflagged * val_exp_eff) list -> subst -> 
@@ -390,10 +390,10 @@ and (eval_by_name_clock : id_solver -> by_name_op_eff -> Lxm.t ->
     match namop with
       | STRUCT_anonymous_eff -> assert false (* cf EvalType.f *)
       | STRUCT_eff _ ->
-	  let args = (fun (id,ve) -> ve) namargs in
-	  (* XXX The 3 following lines duplicates the code of TUPLE_eff and co *)
-	  let clk_args, s =  f_list id_solver s args in
-	  let flat_clk_args = List.flatten clk_args in (* => mono-clock! *)
-	  let clk,s = UnifyClock.list lxm flat_clk_args s in
-	  let clk_list = (apply_subst s) (List.hd clk_args) in
-	    clk_list, s
+          let args = (fun (id,ve) -> ve) namargs in
+          (* XXX The 3 following lines duplicates the code of TUPLE_eff and co *)
+          let clk_args, s =  f_list id_solver s args in
+          let flat_clk_args = List.flatten clk_args in (* => mono-clock! *)
+          let clk,s = UnifyClock.list lxm flat_clk_args s in
+          let clk_list = (apply_subst s) (List.hd clk_args) in
+            clk_list, s
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 188203a7..ac108ca5 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(** Time-stamp: <modified the 22/07/2008 (at 10:55) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(** Time-stamp: <modified the 28/08/2008 (at 10:26) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 open Printf 
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ open PredefEvalType
 EvalArray_error :
-	- levée par les fonctions dédiées aux tableaux
+        - levée par les fonctions dédiées aux tableaux
 exception EvalArray_error of string
@@ -27,8 +27,8 @@ let finish_me msg = print_string ("\n\tXXX"^msg^" ->  finish me!\n
 let not_evaluable_construct str =
   raise (EvalConst_error(
-	   Printf.sprintf "The construct %s is not allowed in static expression" 
-	     str))
+           Printf.sprintf "The construct %s is not allowed in static expression" 
+             str))
 Utilitaire :
@@ -52,27 +52,27 @@ let (make_array_const : const_eff list array -> const_eff) =
     let expected_type = ref None in
     let treat_arg (op : const_eff list) =
       match op with
-	| [x] -> (
-	    (* non tuple *)
-	    let xtyp = type_of_const_eff x in
-	      match (!expected_type) with
-		| None -> expected_type := Some xtyp; x
-		| Some t -> (
-		    if (t = xtyp) then x else 
-		      raise (EvalConst_error(
-			       "type error in array, "^
-				 (LicDump.string_of_type_eff xtyp)^
-				 " mixed with " ^ LicDump.string_of_type_eff t
-			     ))
-		  )
-	  )
-	| _  ->  (* tuple *)
-	    raise (EvalConst_error("array of tuple not allowed"))
+        | [x] -> (
+            (* non tuple *)
+            let xtyp = type_of_const_eff x in
+              match (!expected_type) with
+                | None -> expected_type := Some xtyp; x
+                | Some t -> (
+                    if (t = xtyp) then x else 
+                      raise (EvalConst_error(
+                               "type error in array, "^
+                                 (LicDump.string_of_type_eff xtyp)^
+                                 " mixed with " ^ LicDump.string_of_type_eff t
+                             ))
+                  )
+          )
+        | _  ->  (* tuple *)
+            raise (EvalConst_error("array of tuple not allowed"))
     let res = treat_arg ops in
       match (!expected_type) with
-	| None -> raise (EvalConst_error("empty array"))
-	| Some t -> Array_const_eff(res, t)
+        | None -> raise (EvalConst_error("empty array"))
+        | Some t -> Array_const_eff(res, t)
@@ -86,296 +86,296 @@ let make_struct_const
     (* on verifie qu'on a bien un type struct *)
     match teff with
-	Struct_type_eff (tnm, flst) -> (
-	  (* on construit la liste dans le BON ordre *)
-	  let make_eff_field ((fn: Ident.t),((ft:type_eff),(fv:const_eff option))) = (
-	    try (
-	      (* on prend en priorité dans arg_tab *)
-	      match (Hashtbl.find arg_tab fn) with
-		  (lxm, v) -> (
-		    (* effet de bord : on vire la valeur de arg_tab *)
-		    Hashtbl.remove arg_tab fn ;
-		    let vt = type_of_const_eff v in
-		      if (vt = ft) then (fn, v) (*ok*)
-		      else raise (Compile_error(
-				    lxm , 
-				    sprintf
-				      "\n*** type error in struct %s, %s instead of %s"
-				      (Ident.string_of_long tnm)
-				      (LicDump.string_of_type_eff vt)
-				      (LicDump.string_of_type_eff ft) 
-				  )) 
-		  )
-	    ) with Not_found -> (
-	      (* sinon la valeur par défaut *)
-	      match fv with
-		  Some v -> (fn, v) (* ok : v correcte par construction *)
-		| None -> 
-		    raise (EvalConst_error(
-			     sprintf
-			       "bad struct expression, no value given for field %s" 
-					     (Ident.to_string fn)
-			   ))
-	    )
-	  ) in
-	    (* on mappe flst pour avoir la liste dans le bon ordre *)
-	  let eff_fields = make_eff_field flst in
-	    (* si arg_tab n'est pas vide, erreur sur le premier *) 
-	  let raise_error (id : Ident.t) ((lxm : Lxm.t), (veff : const_eff)) 
-	      = raise(Compile_error(
-			lxm, 
-			sprintf
-			  "\n*** %s is not a field of struct %s" 
-			  (Ident.to_string id) 
-			  (LicDump.string_of_type_eff(teff))
-		      )) 
-	  in 
-	    Hashtbl.iter raise_error arg_tab ;
-	    (* ok : tout s'est bien passé ! *)
-	    Struct_const_eff (eff_fields, teff)
-	) 
+        Struct_type_eff (tnm, flst) -> (
+          (* on construit la liste dans le BON ordre *)
+          let make_eff_field ((fn: Ident.t),((ft:type_eff),(fv:const_eff option))) = (
+            try (
+              (* on prend en priorité dans arg_tab *)
+              match (Hashtbl.find arg_tab fn) with
+                  (lxm, v) -> (
+                    (* effet de bord : on vire la valeur de arg_tab *)
+                    Hashtbl.remove arg_tab fn ;
+                    let vt = type_of_const_eff v in
+                      if (vt = ft) then (fn, v) (*ok*)
+                      else raise (Compile_error(
+                                    lxm , 
+                                    sprintf
+                                      "\n*** type error in struct %s, %s instead of %s"
+                                      (Ident.string_of_long tnm)
+                                      (LicDump.string_of_type_eff vt)
+                                      (LicDump.string_of_type_eff ft) 
+                                  )) 
+                  )
+            ) with Not_found -> (
+              (* sinon la valeur par défaut *)
+              match fv with
+                  Some v -> (fn, v) (* ok : v correcte par construction *)
+                | None -> 
+                    raise (EvalConst_error(
+                             sprintf
+                               "bad struct expression, no value given for field %s" 
+                                             (Ident.to_string fn)
+                           ))
+            )
+          ) in
+            (* on mappe flst pour avoir la liste dans le bon ordre *)
+          let eff_fields = make_eff_field flst in
+            (* si arg_tab n'est pas vide, erreur sur le premier *) 
+          let raise_error (id : Ident.t) ((lxm : Lxm.t), (veff : const_eff)) 
+              = raise(Compile_error(
+                        lxm, 
+                        sprintf
+                          "\n*** %s is not a field of struct %s" 
+                          (Ident.to_string id) 
+                          (LicDump.string_of_type_eff(teff))
+                      )) 
+          in 
+            Hashtbl.iter raise_error arg_tab ;
+            (* ok : tout s'est bien passé ! *)
+            Struct_const_eff (eff_fields, teff)
+        ) 
       | _ -> raise (EvalConst_error(
-			  sprintf
-			    "struct type expected instead of %s" 
-			    (LicDump.string_of_type_eff teff)
-			))
+                          sprintf
+                            "struct type expected instead of %s" 
+                            (LicDump.string_of_type_eff teff)
+                        ))
 let l2ll l = if l = [] then [] else [l]
-	Evaluation récursive des expressions constantes
+        Evaluation récursive des expressions constantes
 f :
-	- entrées :  id_solver et val_exp
-	- sortie :        const_eff list
-	- Effet de bord : Compile_error 
+        - entrées :  id_solver et val_exp
+        - sortie :        const_eff list
+        - Effet de bord : Compile_error 
 Rôle :
-	-> résoud les références aux idents
-	-> gère les appels récursifs (évaluation des arguments) 
+        -> résoud les références aux idents
+        -> gère les appels récursifs (évaluation des arguments) 
 let rec f
     (env : id_solver) 
     (vexp : val_exp)
     = (
-	fonction récursive principale
-	-> capte les nv
-	-> récupère les EvalConst_error 
-	-----------------------------------*)
+        fonction récursive principale
+        -> capte les nv
+        -> récupère les EvalConst_error 
+        -----------------------------------*)
       let rec rec_eval_const (vexp : val_exp) = (
-	match vexp with
-	  | CallByPos  ({it=posop; src=lxm}, Oper args) -> (
-	      try eval_by_pos_const posop lxm args
-	      with
-		| EvalType_error msg -> 
-		    raise (Compile_error(lxm, "type error: "^msg))
-		| EvalConst_error msg ->
-		    raise (Compile_error(lxm, "\n*** can't eval constant: "^msg))
-	    )
-	  | CallByName ({it=nmop; src=lxm}, nmargs ) -> (
-	      try eval_by_name_const nmop lxm nmargs
-	      with EvalConst_error msg ->
-		raise (Compile_error(lxm, "\n*** can't eval constant: "^msg))
-	    )
+        match vexp with
+          | CallByPos  ({it=posop; src=lxm}, Oper args) -> (
+              try eval_by_pos_const posop lxm args
+              with
+                | EvalType_error msg -> 
+                    raise (Compile_error(lxm, "type error: "^msg))
+                | EvalConst_error msg ->
+                    raise (Compile_error(lxm, "\n*** can't eval constant: "^msg))
+            )
+          | CallByName ({it=nmop; src=lxm}, nmargs ) -> (
+              try eval_by_name_const nmop lxm nmargs
+              with EvalConst_error msg ->
+                raise (Compile_error(lxm, "\n*** can't eval constant: "^msg))
+            )
-	(*-----------------------------------
-	  fonction récursive secondaire
-	  eval. exp classique (by pos)
-	  N.B. On distingue les opérations 
-	  classiques (avec extention tableau
-	  implicie) des autres. Ici, on traite
-	  toutes les opérations non classiques. 
-	  -----------------------------------*)
+        (*-----------------------------------
+          fonction récursive secondaire
+          eval. exp classique (by pos)
+          N.B. On distingue les opérations 
+          classiques (avec extention tableau
+          implicie) des autres. Ici, on traite
+          toutes les opérations non classiques. 
+          -----------------------------------*)
       and eval_by_pos_const
-	  (posop : by_pos_op)   (* l'operateur *)
-	  (lxm : Lxm.t)      (* source de l'opérateur *)
-	  (args : val_exp list) (* arguments *)
-	  = (
-	    match (posop) with 
-		(* capte les idents de constantes *)
-		IDENT_n  id  -> (
-		  (* 2007-07 on interdit les externes *)
-		  match (env.id2const id lxm) with
-		    | Extern_const_eff(_,_, Some const_eff) -> [const_eff]
-		    | Extern_const_eff(_,_,None) -> 
-			raise (EvalConst_error(
-				 sprintf "\n*** cannot access this abstract constant value"))
-		    | x -> [ x ]
-		)
-		  (* opérateur lazzy *)
-	      | WITH_n(a0,a1,a2) -> (
-		  match (rec_eval_const a0) with
-		      [ Bool_const_eff true] -> rec_eval_const a1
-		    | [ Bool_const_eff false] -> rec_eval_const a2
-		    | x -> type_error_const x "bool"
-		)
-		  (* mettre à plat la liste des args *)
-	      | TUPLE_n -> ( List.flatten ( rec_eval_const args))
-		  (* les tableaux de tuples sont interdits *)
-	      | HAT_n -> (
-		  match args with
-		    | [cexp; szexp] -> (
-			try
-			  let sz = eval_array_size env szexp in
-			    match rec_eval_const cexp with
-			      | [cst] ->
-				  let atab = Array.make sz cst in	
-				    [ Array_const_eff (atab, type_of_const_eff cst) ]
-			      | x -> 
-				  raise (EvalConst_error("array of tuple not allowed"))
-			with 
-			    EvalArray_error msg -> raise(EvalConst_error msg)
-		      ) 
-		    | _ -> raise(EvalConst_error
-				   (sprintf "arity error: 2 expected instead of %d" 
-				      (List.length args)))
-		)
-	      | CONCAT_n -> (
-		  let ops = ( rec_eval_const args) in
-		    match ops with
-		      | [[Array_const_eff (v0, t0)];
-			 [Array_const_eff (v1, t1)]] -> (
-			  if(t0 = t1) then 
-			    [Array_const_eff (Array.append v0 v1, t0)]	
-			  else 
-			    raise(EvalConst_error(
-				    sprintf 
-				      "\n*** type combination error, can't concat %s with %s"
-				      (LicDump.string_of_type_eff(t0)) 
-				      (LicDump.string_of_type_eff(t1)) 
-				  ))
-			)
-		      | [_;_] -> 
-			  raise(EvalConst_error(
-				  "type combination error, array type expected"))
-		      | _ -> raise(EvalConst_error
-				     (sprintf "arity error: 2 expected instead of %d" 
-					(List.length ops)))
-		)
-	      | ARRAY_n -> (
-		  let ops = ( rec_eval_const args) in
-		    [make_array_const (Array.of_list ops)]
-		)
-	      | ARRAY_ACCES_n ix -> (
-		  let effargs = List.flatten ( rec_eval_const args) in
-		    match effargs with
-		      | [Array_const_eff (elts, typelts)] -> (
-			  try
-			    let sz = Array.length elts in
-			    let effix = eval_array_index env ix sz lxm in
-			      [Array.get elts effix ]
-			  with EvalArray_error msg -> raise(EvalConst_error msg)
-			)
-		      |  _  -> type_error_const effargs "some array"
-		)
-	      | ARRAY_SLICE_n sl -> (
-		  let (elts, typelts) =
-		    match List.flatten ( rec_eval_const args) with
-		      | [Array_const_eff (l, t)] -> (l, t) 
-		      | x -> type_error_const x "some array"
-		  in
-		    (* on en déduit la taille du tableau *) 
-		  let sz = Array.length elts in
-		    (* évalue la slice *)
-		    try
-		      let sliceff = eval_array_slice env sl sz lxm in
-			make_slice_const elts typelts sliceff
-		    with
-			EvalArray_error msg -> raise(EvalConst_error msg)
-		) 
+          (posop : by_pos_op)   (* l'operateur *)
+          (lxm : Lxm.t)      (* source de l'opérateur *)
+          (args : val_exp list) (* arguments *)
+          = (
+            match (posop) with 
+                (* capte les idents de constantes *)
+                IDENT_n  id  -> (
+                  (* 2007-07 on interdit les externes *)
+                  match (env.id2const id lxm) with
+                    | Extern_const_eff(_,_, Some const_eff) -> [const_eff]
+                    | Extern_const_eff(_,_,None) -> 
+                        raise (EvalConst_error(
+                                 sprintf "\n*** cannot access this abstract constant value"))
+                    | x -> [ x ]
+                )
+                  (* opérateur lazzy *)
+              | WITH_n(a0,a1,a2) -> (
+                  match (rec_eval_const a0) with
+                      [ Bool_const_eff true] -> rec_eval_const a1
+                    | [ Bool_const_eff false] -> rec_eval_const a2
+                    | x -> type_error_const x "bool"
+                )
+                  (* mettre à plat la liste des args *)
+              | TUPLE_n -> ( List.flatten ( rec_eval_const args))
+                  (* les tableaux de tuples sont interdits *)
+              | HAT_n -> (
+                  match args with
+                    | [cexp; szexp] -> (
+                        try
+                          let sz = eval_array_size env szexp in
+                            match rec_eval_const cexp with
+                              | [cst] ->
+                                  let atab = Array.make sz cst in       
+                                    [ Array_const_eff (atab, type_of_const_eff cst) ]
+                              | x -> 
+                                  raise (EvalConst_error("array of tuple not allowed"))
+                        with 
+                            EvalArray_error msg -> raise(EvalConst_error msg)
+                      ) 
+                    | _ -> raise(EvalConst_error
+                                   (sprintf "arity error: 2 expected instead of %d" 
+                                      (List.length args)))
+                )
+              | CONCAT_n -> (
+                  let ops = ( rec_eval_const args) in
+                    match ops with
+                      | [[Array_const_eff (v0, t0)];
+                         [Array_const_eff (v1, t1)]] -> (
+                          if(t0 = t1) then 
+                            [Array_const_eff (Array.append v0 v1, t0)]  
+                          else 
+                            raise(EvalConst_error(
+                                    sprintf 
+                                      "\n*** type combination error, can't concat %s with %s"
+                                      (LicDump.string_of_type_eff(t0)) 
+                                      (LicDump.string_of_type_eff(t1)) 
+                                  ))
+                        )
+                      | [_;_] -> 
+                          raise(EvalConst_error(
+                                  "type combination error, array type expected"))
+                      | _ -> raise(EvalConst_error
+                                     (sprintf "arity error: 2 expected instead of %d" 
+                                        (List.length ops)))
+                )
+              | ARRAY_n -> (
+                  let ops = ( rec_eval_const args) in
+                    [make_array_const (Array.of_list ops)]
+                )
+              | ARRAY_ACCES_n ix -> (
+                  let effargs = List.flatten ( rec_eval_const args) in
+                    match effargs with
+                      | [Array_const_eff (elts, typelts)] -> (
+                          try
+                            let sz = Array.length elts in
+                            let effix = eval_array_index env ix sz lxm in
+                              [Array.get elts effix ]
+                          with EvalArray_error msg -> raise(EvalConst_error msg)
+                        )
+                      |  _  -> type_error_const effargs "some array"
+                )
+              | ARRAY_SLICE_n sl -> (
+                  let (elts, typelts) =
+                    match List.flatten ( rec_eval_const args) with
+                      | [Array_const_eff (l, t)] -> (l, t) 
+                      | x -> type_error_const x "some array"
+                  in
+                    (* on en déduit la taille du tableau *) 
+                  let sz = Array.length elts in
+                    (* évalue la slice *)
+                    try
+                      let sliceff = eval_array_slice env sl sz lxm in
+                        make_slice_const elts typelts sliceff
+                    with
+                        EvalArray_error msg -> raise(EvalConst_error msg)
+                ) 
-	      | STRUCT_ACCESS_n fid -> 
-		  let ceff_list = List.flatten ( rec_eval_const args) in
-		    (match ceff_list with 
-		       | [Struct_const_eff (flst, typ)] -> (
-			   try [(List.assoc fid flst)]
-			   with Not_found -> 
-			     raise (EvalConst_error
-				      (Printf.sprintf "%s is not a field of struct %s" 
-					 (Ident.to_string fid) 
-					 (LicDump.string_of_type_eff(typ))))
-			 )
-		       | [x] -> type_error_const [x] "struct type"
-		       | x -> arity_error_const x "1"
-		    )
+              | STRUCT_ACCESS_n fid -> 
+                  let ceff_list = List.flatten ( rec_eval_const args) in
+                    (match ceff_list with 
+                       | [Struct_const_eff (flst, typ)] -> (
+                           try [(List.assoc fid flst)]
+                           with Not_found -> 
+                             raise (EvalConst_error
+                                      (Printf.sprintf "%s is not a field of struct %s" 
+                                         (Ident.to_string fid) 
+                                         (LicDump.string_of_type_eff(typ))))
+                         )
+                       | [x] -> type_error_const [x] "struct type"
+                       | x -> arity_error_const x "1"
+                    )
-	      | CALL_n _ -> not_evaluable_construct "node call"
-	      | MERGE_n _ -> not_evaluable_construct "merge"
-	      | WHEN_n -> not_evaluable_construct "when"
-	      | FBY_n -> not_evaluable_construct "fby"
-	      | ARROW_n -> not_evaluable_construct "->"
-	      | CURRENT_n -> not_evaluable_construct "current"
-	      | PRE_n -> not_evaluable_construct "pre"
+              | CALL_n _ -> not_evaluable_construct "node call"
+              | MERGE_n _ -> not_evaluable_construct "merge"
+              | WHEN_n -> not_evaluable_construct "when"
+              | FBY_n -> not_evaluable_construct "fby"
+              | ARROW_n -> not_evaluable_construct "->"
+              | CURRENT_n -> not_evaluable_construct "current"
+              | PRE_n -> not_evaluable_construct "pre"
-	      | Predef(op,sargs)
-		-> 
-		  if sargs = [] then
-		    let effargs =  ( rec_eval_const args) in
-		      PredefEvalConst.f op lxm [] effargs
-		  else
-		    (* Well, it migth be possible after all... TODO *)
-		    not_evaluable_construct (op2string op)
-	  ) (* FIN DE : eval_by_pos_const *)
-	(*-------------------------------------*)
-	(* Fonction récursive secondaire       *)
-	(*-------------------------------------*)
-	(* -> Eval. d'une expression spéciale  *)
-	(* "par nom"                           *)
-	(*-------------------------------------*)
+              | Predef(op,sargs)
+                -> 
+                  if sargs = [] then
+                    let effargs =  ( rec_eval_const args) in
+                      PredefEvalConst.f op lxm [] effargs
+                  else
+                    (* Well, it migth be possible after all... TODO *)
+                    not_evaluable_construct (op2string op)
+          ) (* FIN DE : eval_by_pos_const *)
+        (*-------------------------------------*)
+        (* Fonction récursive secondaire       *)
+        (*-------------------------------------*)
+        (* -> Eval. d'une expression spéciale  *)
+        (* "par nom"                           *)
+        (*-------------------------------------*)
       and eval_by_name_const
-	  (namop : by_name_op)   (* l'operateur *)
-	  (lxm : Lxm.t)      (* source de l'opérateur *)
-	  (namargs : (Ident.t srcflagged * val_exp) list) (* arguments *)
-	  = (
-	    match namop with
-	      |	STRUCT_anonymous_n -> 
-		  finish_me "anonymous struct"; 
-		  assert false
-	      | STRUCT_n opid -> (
-		  (* effet de bord : on tabule les param effectif *)
-		  let arg_tab = Hashtbl.create 50 in 
-		  let treat_one_arg ((pid:Ident.t srcflagged), (pexp:val_exp)) =
-		    if 
-		      (Hashtbl.mem arg_tab 
-		    then
-		      raise(EvalConst_error(
-			      sprintf
-				"multiple definition of param %s in %s call"
-				(Ident.to_string
-				(Ident.string_of_idref opid)))
-		    else 
-		      let v = rec_eval_const pexp in
-			match v with
-			  | [x] -> Hashtbl.add arg_tab (pid.src, x)
-			  | _ -> 
-			      raise(
-				EvalConst_error(
-				  sprintf
-				    "unexpected tuple value for param %s in %s call"
-				    (Ident.to_string
-				    (Ident.string_of_idref opid)
-				))
-		  in 
-		    List.iter treat_one_arg namargs ;
-		    (* pour l'instant, on ne traite que les constructions de struct *)
-		    try let teff = env.id2type opid lxm in
-		      [make_struct_const teff arg_tab]
-		    with _ -> 
-		      raise(EvalConst_error(
-			      sprintf "struct type expected instead of %s"
-				(Ident.string_of_idref opid)))
-		)
-	  ) (* FIN DE : eval_by_name_const *)
-	(*-------------------------------------*)
-	(* Corps de la fonction principale      *)
-	(*-------------------------------------*)
+          (namop : by_name_op)   (* l'operateur *)
+          (lxm : Lxm.t)      (* source de l'opérateur *)
+          (namargs : (Ident.t srcflagged * val_exp) list) (* arguments *)
+          = (
+            match namop with
+              | STRUCT_anonymous_n -> 
+                  finish_me "anonymous struct"; 
+                  assert false
+              | STRUCT_n opid -> (
+                  (* effet de bord : on tabule les param effectif *)
+                  let arg_tab = Hashtbl.create 50 in 
+                  let treat_one_arg ((pid:Ident.t srcflagged), (pexp:val_exp)) =
+                    if 
+                      (Hashtbl.mem arg_tab 
+                    then
+                      raise(EvalConst_error(
+                              sprintf
+                                "multiple definition of param %s in %s call"
+                                (Ident.to_string
+                                (Ident.string_of_idref opid)))
+                    else 
+                      let v = rec_eval_const pexp in
+                        match v with
+                          | [x] -> Hashtbl.add arg_tab (pid.src, x)
+                          | _ -> 
+                              raise(
+                                EvalConst_error(
+                                  sprintf
+                                    "unexpected tuple value for param %s in %s call"
+                                    (Ident.to_string
+                                    (Ident.string_of_idref opid)
+                                ))
+                  in 
+                    List.iter treat_one_arg namargs ;
+                    (* pour l'instant, on ne traite que les constructions de struct *)
+                    try let teff = env.id2type opid lxm in
+                      [make_struct_const teff arg_tab]
+                    with _ -> 
+                      raise(EvalConst_error(
+                              sprintf "struct type expected instead of %s"
+                                (Ident.string_of_idref opid)))
+                )
+          ) (* FIN DE : eval_by_name_const *)
+        (*-------------------------------------*)
+        (* Corps de la fonction principale      *)
+        (*-------------------------------------*)
-	rec_eval_const vexp 
+        rec_eval_const vexp 
     ) (* fin de f *)
@@ -396,14 +396,14 @@ and (eval_array_size: id_solver -> val_exp -> int) =
   fun id_solver szexp -> 
     match (f id_solver szexp) with
       | [Int_const_eff sz] -> 
-	  if (sz > 0) then sz else
-	    raise(EvalArray_error(sprintf "bad array size %d" sz))
+          if (sz > 0) then sz else
+            raise(EvalArray_error(sprintf "bad array size %d" sz))
       | [x] -> 
-	  raise(EvalArray_error(sprintf  "bad array size, int expected but get %s"
-			(LicDump.string_of_type_eff(type_of_const_eff x)))) 
+          raise(EvalArray_error(sprintf  "bad array size, int expected but get %s"
+                        (LicDump.string_of_type_eff(type_of_const_eff x)))) 
       | _ -> 
-	  raise(EvalArray_error(sprintf "bad array size, int expected, not a tuple"))
+          raise(EvalArray_error(sprintf "bad array size, int expected, not a tuple"))
@@ -427,28 +427,28 @@ and eval_array_index
       match (f env ixexp) with
-	| [Int_const_eff i] 
-	| [Extern_const_eff(_,_, Some (Int_const_eff i))] -> check_int i sz
-	| [Extern_const_eff(id,_,None)] ->
-	    raise(EvalArray_error("The extern const " ^ (Ident.string_of_long id) ^ 
-				    " is abstract"))
-	| [Extern_const_eff(_,_, Some x)] 
-	| [x] -> raise(EvalArray_error(sprintf 
-			"bad array index, int expected but get %s"
-			(LicDump.string_of_type_eff(type_of_const_eff x)))
-		      ) 
-	| _ -> raise(EvalArray_error(
-		       sprintf "bad array index, int expected but get a tuple"))
+        | [Int_const_eff i] 
+        | [Extern_const_eff(_,_, Some (Int_const_eff i))] -> check_int i sz
+        | [Extern_const_eff(id,_,None)] ->
+            raise(EvalArray_error("The extern const " ^ (Ident.string_of_long id) ^ 
+                                    " is abstract"))
+        | [Extern_const_eff(_,_, Some x)] 
+        | [x] -> raise(EvalArray_error(sprintf 
+                        "bad array index, int expected but get %s"
+                        (LicDump.string_of_type_eff(type_of_const_eff x)))
+                      ) 
+        | _ -> raise(EvalArray_error(
+                       sprintf "bad array index, int expected but get a tuple"))
       EvalArray_error msg -> 
-	raise (Compile_error(lxm, "\n*** can't eval constant: "^msg))
+        raise (Compile_error(lxm, "\n*** can't eval constant: "^msg))
  and check_int i sz =
     if ((i >= 0) && (i < sz)) then i
     else raise(EvalArray_error(
-		 sprintf "array index %d out of bounds 0..%d" i (sz-1)))
+                 sprintf "array index %d out of bounds 0..%d" i (sz-1)))
@@ -473,42 +473,42 @@ and eval_array_slice (env : id_solver) (sl : slice_info) (sz : int) (lxm : Lxm.t
     let last_ix = eval_array_index env sl.si_last sz lxm in
     let step =
       match sl.si_step with
-	| Some stepexp -> (
-	    match (f env stepexp) with
-	      | [Int_const_eff s] ->  s (* ok *)		    
-	      | [x] -> raise(EvalArray_error(
-		      sprintf  "bad array step, int expected but get %s"
-			(LicDump.string_of_type_eff (type_of_const_eff x)))) 
-	      | _ -> raise(EvalArray_error(
-			     sprintf "bad array step, int expected but get a tuple"))
-	  )
-	| None -> if (first_ix <= last_ix) then 1 else -1
+        | Some stepexp -> (
+            match (f env stepexp) with
+              | [Int_const_eff s] ->  s (* ok *)                    
+              | [x] -> raise(EvalArray_error(
+                      sprintf  "bad array step, int expected but get %s"
+                        (LicDump.string_of_type_eff (type_of_const_eff x)))) 
+              | _ -> raise(EvalArray_error(
+                             sprintf "bad array step, int expected but get a tuple"))
+          )
+        | None -> if (first_ix <= last_ix) then 1 else -1
-	(step = 0) 
-	|| ((step > 0) && (first_ix > last_ix))
-	|| ((step < 0) && (first_ix < last_ix))
+        (step = 0) 
+        || ((step > 0) && (first_ix > last_ix))
+        || ((step < 0) && (first_ix < last_ix))
-	let msg = sprintf "bad array slice [%d..%d] step %d" first_ix last_ix step in
-	  raise (EvalArray_error msg)
+        let msg = sprintf "bad array slice [%d..%d] step %d" first_ix last_ix step in
+          raise (EvalArray_error msg)
-	(* index relatif du dernier *)
-	let last_rel = abs (last_ix-first_ix) in
-	let abs_step = abs step in
-	  (* le dernier est-il pris dans la tranche ? *)
-	  if ((last_rel mod abs_step) <> 0) then
-	    warning lxm (sprintf "last index out of slice [%d..%d step %d]" 
-			   first_ix last_ix step);
-	  let width = 1 + last_rel/abs_step in
-	    (* on force le dernier a être dans la tranche *)
-	  let real_last_ix = first_ix + (width-1) * step in
-	    (* (first_ix,last_ix,step,width) *)
-	    {
-   	      se_first = first_ix;
-   	      se_last = real_last_ix;
-   	      se_step = step;
-   	      se_width = width
-	    }
+        (* index relatif du dernier *)
+        let last_rel = abs (last_ix-first_ix) in
+        let abs_step = abs step in
+          (* le dernier est-il pris dans la tranche ? *)
+          if ((last_rel mod abs_step) <> 0) then
+            warning lxm (sprintf "last index out of slice [%d..%d step %d]" 
+                           first_ix last_ix step);
+          let width = 1 + last_rel/abs_step in
+            (* on force le dernier a être dans la tranche *)
+          let real_last_ix = first_ix + (width-1) * step in
+            (* (first_ix,last_ix,step,width) *)
+            {
+              se_first = first_ix;
+              se_last = real_last_ix;
+              se_step = step;
+              se_width = width
+            }
       EvalArray_error msg -> 
-	raise (Compile_error(lxm, "\n*** can't eval constant: "^msg))
+        raise (Compile_error(lxm, "\n*** can't eval constant: "^msg))
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 666da7c0..5211210e 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(** Time-stamp: <modified the 28/08/2008 (at 09:19) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(** Time-stamp: <modified the 28/08/2008 (at 10:27) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 open Predef
@@ -35,14 +35,14 @@ let rec (f : id_solver -> val_exp_eff -> type_eff list) =
     let res = 
       match ve with
         | CallByPosEff ({it=posop; src=lxm}, OperEff args) -> (
-	    try eval_by_pos_type id_solver posop lxm args
-	    with EvalType_error msg -> 
-	      raise (Compile_error(lxm, "type error: "^msg))
-	  )
+            try eval_by_pos_type id_solver posop lxm args
+            with EvalType_error msg -> 
+              raise (Compile_error(lxm, "type error: "^msg))
+          )
         | CallByNameEff ({it=nmop; src=lxm}, nmargs ) ->
-	    try eval_by_name_type id_solver nmop lxm nmargs
-	    with EvalConst_error msg ->
-	      raise (Compile_error(lxm, "\n*** can't eval constant: "^msg))
+            try eval_by_name_type id_solver nmop lxm nmargs
+            with EvalConst_error msg ->
+              raise (Compile_error(lxm, "\n*** can't eval constant: "^msg))
       tabulate_res ve res;
@@ -71,117 +71,117 @@ and (eval_by_pos_type :
       | CALL_eff node_exp_eff -> 
-	  let lti = (fun v -> v.var_type_eff) in
-	  let lto = (fun v -> v.var_type_eff) in
-	  let t_args = List.flatten ( (f id_solver) args) in
-	  let llti = List.length lti and lt_args = List.length t_args in
-	    if llti <> lt_args then
-	      raise (EvalType_error(
-		       sprintf 
-	                 "\n*** arity error: %d argument(s) are expected, whereas %d is/are provided"
-		         llti lt_args))
-	    else
-	      (match UnifyType.f lti t_args with
-		 | UnifyType.Equal -> lto
-		 | UnifyType.Unif subst -> (subst_type subst) lto
-		 | UnifyType.Ko msg -> raise (Compile_error(lxm, msg))
-	      )
+          let lti = (fun v -> v.var_type_eff) in
+          let lto = (fun v -> v.var_type_eff) in
+          let t_args = List.flatten ( (f id_solver) args) in
+          let llti = List.length lti and lt_args = List.length t_args in
+            if llti <> lt_args then
+              raise (EvalType_error(
+                       sprintf 
+                         "\n*** arity error: %d argument(s) are expected, whereas %d is/are provided"
+                         llti lt_args))
+            else
+              (match UnifyType.f lti t_args with
+                 | UnifyType.Equal -> lto
+                 | UnifyType.Unif subst -> (subst_type subst) lto
+                 | UnifyType.Ko msg -> raise (Compile_error(lxm, msg))
+              )
       | CONST_eff (id,_) -> [type_of_const_eff (id_solver.id2const id lxm)]
       | IDENT_eff id  -> (
-	  (* [id] migth be a constant, but also a variable *)
-	  try [type_of_const_eff (id_solver.id2const id lxm)]
-	  with _ -> [(id_solver.id2var id lxm).var_type_eff]
-	)	
+          (* [id] migth be a constant, but also a variable *)
+          try [type_of_const_eff (id_solver.id2const id lxm)]
+          with _ -> [(id_solver.id2var id lxm).var_type_eff]
+        )       
       | WITH_eff(ve) -> f id_solver ve
       | TUPLE_eff -> List.flatten ( (f id_solver) args)
       | CONCAT_eff -> (
-	  match (f id_solver) args with
-	    | [[Array_type_eff (teff0, size0)]; [Array_type_eff (teff1, size1)]] ->
-		let teff = 
-		  match UnifyType.f [teff0] [teff1] with
-		    | UnifyType.Equal -> teff1
-		    | UnifyType.Unif subst -> subst_type subst teff1
-		    | UnifyType.Ko msg -> raise (Compile_error(lxm, msg))
-		in
-		  [Array_type_eff (teff, size0+size1)]
-	    | _ -> 
-		raise(EvalType_error(sprintf "arity error: 2 expected instead of %d" 
-				       (List.length args)))
-	)
+          match (f id_solver) args with
+            | [[Array_type_eff (teff0, size0)]; [Array_type_eff (teff1, size1)]] ->
+                let teff = 
+                  match UnifyType.f [teff0] [teff1] with
+                    | UnifyType.Equal -> teff1
+                    | UnifyType.Unif subst -> subst_type subst teff1
+                    | UnifyType.Ko msg -> raise (Compile_error(lxm, msg))
+                in
+                  [Array_type_eff (teff, size0+size1)]
+            | _ -> 
+                raise(EvalType_error(sprintf "arity error: 2 expected instead of %d" 
+                                       (List.length args)))
+        )
       | STRUCT_ACCESS_eff fid -> (
-	  let type_args_eff = List.flatten ( (f id_solver) args) in
-	    match type_args_eff with 
-	      | [Struct_type_eff (name, fl)] -> (
-		  try [fst (List.assoc fid fl)]
-		  with Not_found -> 
-		    raise (EvalType_error
-	                     (Printf.sprintf "%s is not a field of struct %s" 
-			        (Ident.to_string fid) 
-			        (LicDump.string_of_type_eff(List.hd type_args_eff))))
-		)
-	      | [x] -> type_error [x] "struct type"
-	      | x -> arity_error x "1"
-	)
+          let type_args_eff = List.flatten ( (f id_solver) args) in
+            match type_args_eff with 
+              | [Struct_type_eff (name, fl)] -> (
+                  try [fst (List.assoc fid fl)]
+                  with Not_found -> 
+                    raise (EvalType_error
+                             (Printf.sprintf "%s is not a field of struct %s" 
+                                (Ident.to_string fid) 
+                                (LicDump.string_of_type_eff(List.hd type_args_eff))))
+                )
+              | [x] -> type_error [x] "struct type"
+              | x -> arity_error x "1"
+        )
       | ARRAY_ACCES_eff  (_, teff) -> [teff] (* XXX check args type! *)
       | ARRAY_SLICE_eff  (sieff,teff) -> 
-	  [Array_type_eff(teff, sieff.se_width)]
+          [Array_type_eff(teff, sieff.se_width)]
       | HAT_eff(size,ceff) -> 
-	  let teff_list = f id_solver ceff in
- (fun teff -> Array_type_eff(teff, size)) teff_list
+          let teff_list = f id_solver ceff in
+   (fun teff -> Array_type_eff(teff, size)) teff_list
       | ARRAY_eff ->
-	  (* check that args are of the same type *)
-	  let type_args_eff = ( (f id_solver) args) in
-	  let teff_elt =
-	    List.fold_left
-	      (fun acc teff ->
-		 match acc with
-		   | [] -> teff
-		   | [sacc] -> if acc = teff then acc else
-		       raise(EvalType_error(
-			       "all array elements should be of the same type"))
-		   | _ -> assert false
-	      )
-	      []
-	      type_args_eff
-	  in
-	    assert (List.length teff_elt = 1);
-	    [Array_type_eff(List.hd teff_elt, List.length args)]
+          (* check that args are of the same type *)
+          let type_args_eff = ( (f id_solver) args) in
+          let teff_elt =
+            List.fold_left
+              (fun acc teff ->
+                 match acc with
+                   | [] -> teff
+                   | [sacc] -> if acc = teff then acc else
+                       raise(EvalType_error(
+                               "all array elements should be of the same type"))
+                   | _ -> assert false
+              )
+              []
+              type_args_eff
+          in
+            assert (List.length teff_elt = 1);
+            [Array_type_eff(List.hd teff_elt, List.length args)]
       | WHENOT_eff _ 
       | WHEN_eff _ -> (
-	  let type_args_eff = (f id_solver) args in
-	    match type_args_eff with
-	      | [teff; [Bool_type_eff]] 
-	      | [teff; [Enum_type_eff _] ] -> teff
+          let type_args_eff = (f id_solver) args in
+            match type_args_eff with
+              | [teff; [Bool_type_eff]] 
+              | [teff; [Enum_type_eff _] ] -> teff
               | [_;teff] -> 
                   let msg ="the type of a clock cannot be " ^ 
                     (String.concat "," ( LicDump.string_of_type_eff teff) )
-	      | _ -> raise(EvalType_error("arity error (2 args expected)"))
-	)
+              | _ -> raise(EvalType_error("arity error (2 args expected)"))
+        )
       | ARROW_eff
       | FBY_eff -> (
-	  let type_args_eff = (f id_solver) args in
-	    match type_args_eff with
-	      | [init; teff] -> if init = teff then teff else 
-		  raise(EvalType_error("type mismatch. "))
-	      | _ -> raise(EvalType_error("arity error (2 args expected)"))
-	)
+          let type_args_eff = (f id_solver) args in
+            match type_args_eff with
+              | [init; teff] -> if init = teff then teff else 
+                  raise(EvalType_error("type mismatch. "))
+              | _ -> raise(EvalType_error("arity error (2 args expected)"))
+        )
       | CURRENT_eff 
       | PRE_eff -> (
-	  let type_args_eff = (f id_solver) args in
-	    match type_args_eff with
-	      | [teff] -> teff
-	      | _ -> raise(EvalType_error("arity error (1 arg expected)"))
-	)
+          let type_args_eff = (f id_solver) args in
+            match type_args_eff with
+              | [teff] -> teff
+              | _ -> raise(EvalType_error("arity error (1 arg expected)"))
+        )
       | MERGE_eff _ -> finish_me "merge"; assert false
@@ -191,17 +191,17 @@ and (eval_by_name_type : id_solver -> by_name_op_eff -> Lxm.t ->
   fun id_solver namop lxm namargs -> 
     match namop with
       | STRUCT_anonymous_eff -> 
-	  (* ??? comment faire ici pour recuperer son type ???
-	     il faut que je recherche à l'aide des noms de champs
-	     le type structure qui va bien !
-	     - creer une table [liste des noms de champs -> ident de type structure] ?
-	     - rajouter dans la table a sa creation une entree dont le nom
-	     est composé du nom des champs ?
-	  *)
-	  finish_me "anonymous struct not yet supported"; 
-	  assert false
-            (* 	  failwith "Finish me: anonymous struct not yet supported" *)
+          (* ??? comment faire ici pour recuperer son type ???
+             il faut que je recherche à l'aide des noms de champs
+             le type structure qui va bien !
+             - creer une table [liste des noms de champs -> ident de type structure] ?
+             - rajouter dans la table a sa creation une entree dont le nom
+             est composé du nom des champs ?
+          *)
+          finish_me "anonymous struct not yet supported"; 
+          assert false
+            (*    failwith "Finish me: anonymous struct not yet supported" *)
       | STRUCT_eff (pn,opid) -> [id_solver.id2type opid lxm]
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 454359e9..f5822ddf 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(** Time-stamp: <modified the 03/06/2008 (at 11:34) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(** Time-stamp: <modified the 28/08/2008 (at 10:27) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 open Lxm
 open SyntaxTree
@@ -12,160 +12,160 @@ let (doit:
       SyntaxTree.pack_given) =
   fun mtab pdata -> (
     match ( with
-	PackGiven pg -> pg
-	  (* on garde tel-quel ... *)
+        PackGiven pg -> pg
+          (* on garde tel-quel ... *)
       | PackInstance pi -> (
-	  (* recherche du modèle *)
-	  let mi = try Hashtbl.find mtab pi.pi_model 
-	  with Not_found ->
-	    let msg = Printf.sprintf "bad pack instance: model %s undeclared"
-	      (Ident.to_string pi.pi_model)
-	    in
-	      raise ( Compile_error (pdata.src, msg))
-	  in
-	    (*-----------INIT-----------------------------------*)
-	    (* On part du packbody du modèle, dont on duplique les tables :*)
-	  let ctab = Hashtbl.copy in
-	  let ttab = Hashtbl.copy in
-	  let otab = Hashtbl.copy in
-	    (* liste des nouveaux define ... *)
-	  let newdefs = ref [] in
-	    (* liste des nouveaux provides ... *)
-	  let newprov = ref [] in
-	    (* On met en correspondance les pi_args avec les mo_needs *)
-	  let args = pi.pi_args in
-	  let pars = in
-	    (*--------------------------------------------------*)
+          (* recherche du modèle *)
+          let mi = try Hashtbl.find mtab pi.pi_model 
+          with Not_found ->
+            let msg = Printf.sprintf "bad pack instance: model %s undeclared"
+              (Ident.to_string pi.pi_model)
+            in
+              raise ( Compile_error (pdata.src, msg))
+          in
+            (*-----------INIT-----------------------------------*)
+            (* On part du packbody du modèle, dont on duplique les tables :*)
+          let ctab = Hashtbl.copy in
+          let ttab = Hashtbl.copy in
+          let otab = Hashtbl.copy in
+            (* liste des nouveaux define ... *)
+          let newdefs = ref [] in
+            (* liste des nouveaux provides ... *)
+          let newprov = ref [] in
+            (* On met en correspondance les pi_args avec les mo_needs *)
+          let args = pi.pi_args in
+          let pars = in
+            (*--------------------------------------------------*)
-	  (* la fonction qui traite un couple ... *)
-	  let (check_arg : static_param srcflagged -> static_arg srcflagged -> unit) =
-	    fun param arg -> 
-	      (* message d'erreur standard *)
-	      let instance_error () = 
-		let msg = Printf.sprintf
-		  "bad argument in package instance: %s" (Lxm.details param.src)
-		in
-		  raise (Compile_error (arg.src, msg)) 
-	      in
-		(* on a soit un ident, à checker plus tard, soit une
-		   expression de la bonne nature *)
-		match ( with
-		  | StaticParamType s -> (
-		      let te = match ( with
-			  StaticArgIdent idr -> 
-			    Lxm.flagit (Named_type_exp idr) arg.src
-			| StaticArgType x -> x
-			| _ -> instance_error ()
-		      in
-		      let ti = AliasedType (s, te) in
-		      let x = Lxm.flagit (TypeInfo ti) param.src in
-			newprov := x::!newprov ;
-			let y = Lxm.flagit ti param.src in
-			  put_in_tab "type" ttab s y ;
-			  newdefs := (TypeItem s)::!newdefs
-		    ) 
-		  | StaticParamConst (s,te) -> (
-		      let ce = match ( with
-			| StaticArgIdent idr -> 
-			    ParserUtils.leafexp arg.src (IDENT_n idr) 
-			| StaticArgConst x -> x
-			| _ -> instance_error ()
-		      in
-		      let ci = DefinedConst (s, Some te, ce) in
-		      let x = Lxm.flagit (ConstInfo ci) param.src in
-			newprov := x::!newprov ;
-			let y = Lxm.flagit ci param.src in
-			  put_in_tab "const" ctab s y ;
-			  newdefs := (ConstItem s)::!newdefs
-		    ) 
-		  | StaticParamNode (s, inl, outl, has_memory) -> (
-		      let by_pos_op = match ( with
-			| StaticArgIdent idr -> 
-			    CALL_n(Lxm.flagit ((idr,[])) arg.src)
-			| StaticArgNode by_pos_op -> by_pos_op 
-			| _ -> instance_error () 
-		      in
-		      let sparams = [] in
-		      let ni = {
-			name = s;
-			static_params = sparams;
-			vars = Some (ParserUtils.build_node_var inl outl None);
-			def = Alias (flagit by_pos_op arg.src);
-			has_mem = has_memory;
-			is_safe = true;
-		      } 
-		      in
-		      let x = Lxm.flagit (NodeInfo ni) param.src in
-			newprov := x::!newprov ;
-			let y = Lxm.flagit ni param.src in
-			  put_in_tab "node" otab s y ;
-			  newdefs := (NodeItem (s,sparams))::!newdefs
-		    ) 
-		      (* check_arg *)
-	  in
-	  let (sargs_pack : Ident.pack_name srcflagged list) =
-	    List.fold_left
-	      (fun acc arg -> 
-		(match with
-		   | StaticArgIdent(idref) ->
-		       (match Ident.pack_of_idref idref with
-			  | None -> acc
-			  | Some p -> 
-			      let p_flagged = Lxm.flagit p arg.src in
-				if List.mem p_flagged acc then acc else p_flagged::acc
-		       )
-		   | _ -> acc
-		)
-	      )
-	      []
-	      args
-	  in
-	  let pars_nb = string_of_int (List.length pars)
-	  and args_nb = string_of_int (List.length args) in
-	    try (
-	      (*------------TRAITEMENT---------------------------------*)
-	      if (pars_nb <> args_nb) then
-		raise(Compile_error 
-			(pdata.src, 
-			 ("\n*** " ^pars_nb ^ 
-			    " arguments are expected, but "^args_nb^
-			    " were provided when defining package "^
-			    (Ident.pack_name_to_string
-			 )));
-	      List.iter2 check_arg pars args;
-	      (* on fabrique un pack_given valide avec les infos récoltées *)	
-	      let body = {
-		pk_const_table = ctab ;
-		pk_type_table = ttab ;
-		pk_node_table = otab ;
-		pk_def_list = List.append
-		  ( 
-		  (List.rev !newdefs)
-	      } in
-		(* les provides du modèle + les nouveaux de newprov *)
-		(* SAUF SI ON EXPORTE DEJA TOUT !                   *)
-	      let prov = match ( with
-		  Some l -> (
-		    Some (List.append l (List.rev !newprov))
-		  ) 
-		|  None -> None
-	      in
-	      let pg = {
-		(* les uses du modèle + les packages utilisés par les arg statiques *)
-		pg_uses = @ sargs_pack;
-		pg_provides = prov ;
-		pg_body = body ;
-	      } in
-		pg
-	    ) with Invalid_argument _ -> (
-	      let msg = Printf.sprintf
-		"bad pack instance: %d args provided while model %s has %d params"
-		(List.length args)
-		(Ident.to_string pi.pi_model)
-		(List.length pars)
-	      in
-		raise ( Compile_error (pdata.src, msg))
-	    )
-	)
+          (* la fonction qui traite un couple ... *)
+          let (check_arg : static_param srcflagged -> static_arg srcflagged -> unit) =
+            fun param arg -> 
+              (* message d'erreur standard *)
+              let instance_error () = 
+                let msg = Printf.sprintf
+                  "bad argument in package instance: %s" (Lxm.details param.src)
+                in
+                  raise (Compile_error (arg.src, msg)) 
+              in
+                (* on a soit un ident, à checker plus tard, soit une
+                   expression de la bonne nature *)
+                match ( with
+                  | StaticParamType s -> (
+                      let te = match ( with
+                          StaticArgIdent idr -> 
+                            Lxm.flagit (Named_type_exp idr) arg.src
+                        | StaticArgType x -> x
+                        | _ -> instance_error ()
+                      in
+                      let ti = AliasedType (s, te) in
+                      let x = Lxm.flagit (TypeInfo ti) param.src in
+                        newprov := x::!newprov ;
+                        let y = Lxm.flagit ti param.src in
+                          put_in_tab "type" ttab s y ;
+                          newdefs := (TypeItem s)::!newdefs
+                    ) 
+                  | StaticParamConst (s,te) -> (
+                      let ce = match ( with
+                        | StaticArgIdent idr -> 
+                            ParserUtils.leafexp arg.src (IDENT_n idr) 
+                        | StaticArgConst x -> x
+                        | _ -> instance_error ()
+                      in
+                      let ci = DefinedConst (s, Some te, ce) in
+                      let x = Lxm.flagit (ConstInfo ci) param.src in
+                        newprov := x::!newprov ;
+                        let y = Lxm.flagit ci param.src in
+                          put_in_tab "const" ctab s y ;
+                          newdefs := (ConstItem s)::!newdefs
+                    ) 
+                  | StaticParamNode (s, inl, outl, has_memory) -> (
+                      let by_pos_op = match ( with
+                        | StaticArgIdent idr -> 
+                            CALL_n(Lxm.flagit ((idr,[])) arg.src)
+                        | StaticArgNode by_pos_op -> by_pos_op 
+                        | _ -> instance_error () 
+                      in
+                      let sparams = [] in
+                      let ni = {
+                        name = s;
+                        static_params = sparams;
+                        vars = Some (ParserUtils.build_node_var inl outl None);
+                        def = Alias (flagit by_pos_op arg.src);
+                        has_mem = has_memory;
+                        is_safe = true;
+                      } 
+                      in
+                      let x = Lxm.flagit (NodeInfo ni) param.src in
+                        newprov := x::!newprov ;
+                        let y = Lxm.flagit ni param.src in
+                          put_in_tab "node" otab s y ;
+                          newdefs := (NodeItem (s,sparams))::!newdefs
+                    ) 
+                      (* check_arg *)
+          in
+          let (sargs_pack : Ident.pack_name srcflagged list) =
+            List.fold_left
+              (fun acc arg -> 
+                (match with
+                   | StaticArgIdent(idref) ->
+                       (match Ident.pack_of_idref idref with
+                          | None -> acc
+                          | Some p -> 
+                              let p_flagged = Lxm.flagit p arg.src in
+                                if List.mem p_flagged acc then acc else p_flagged::acc
+                       )
+                   | _ -> acc
+                )
+              )
+              []
+              args
+          in
+          let pars_nb = string_of_int (List.length pars)
+          and args_nb = string_of_int (List.length args) in
+            try (
+              (*------------TRAITEMENT---------------------------------*)
+              if (pars_nb <> args_nb) then
+                raise(Compile_error 
+                        (pdata.src, 
+                         ("\n*** " ^pars_nb ^ 
+                            " arguments are expected, but "^args_nb^
+                            " were provided when defining package "^
+                            (Ident.pack_name_to_string
+                         )));
+              List.iter2 check_arg pars args;
+              (* on fabrique un pack_given valide avec les infos récoltées *)   
+              let body = {
+                pk_const_table = ctab ;
+                pk_type_table = ttab ;
+                pk_node_table = otab ;
+                pk_def_list = List.append
+                  ( 
+                  (List.rev !newdefs)
+              } in
+                (* les provides du modèle + les nouveaux de newprov *)
+                (* SAUF SI ON EXPORTE DEJA TOUT !                   *)
+              let prov = match ( with
+                  Some l -> (
+                    Some (List.append l (List.rev !newprov))
+                  ) 
+                |  None -> None
+              in
+              let pg = {
+                (* les uses du modèle + les packages utilisés par les arg statiques *)
+                pg_uses = @ sargs_pack;
+                pg_provides = prov ;
+                pg_body = body ;
+              } in
+                pg
+            ) with Invalid_argument _ -> (
+              let msg = Printf.sprintf
+                "bad pack instance: %d args provided while model %s has %d params"
+                (List.length args)
+                (Ident.to_string pi.pi_model)
+                (List.length pars)
+              in
+                raise ( Compile_error (pdata.src, msg))
+            )
+        )
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 06d2e31e..7ea8a6f7 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(** Time-stamp: <modified the 22/08/2008 (at 15:55) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(** Time-stamp: <modified the 28/08/2008 (at 10:27) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 open Lxm
@@ -14,20 +14,20 @@ exception GetEffType_error of string
 (* exported *)
 let rec (typ:CompiledData.id_solver -> SyntaxTreeCore.type_exp -> 
-	  CompiledData.type_eff)=
+          CompiledData.type_eff)=
   fun env texp ->
     try (
       match with
-     	| Bool_type_exp -> Bool_type_eff
-	| Int_type_exp  -> Int_type_eff
-	| Real_type_exp -> Real_type_eff
-	| Named_type_exp s -> env.id2type s texp.src
-	| Array_type_exp (elt_texp, szexp) ->
-	    let elt_teff = typ env elt_texp in
-	      try
-		let sz = EvalConst.eval_array_size env szexp in
-		  Array_type_eff (elt_teff, sz)
-	      with EvalConst.EvalArray_error msg -> raise(GetEffType_error msg)
+        | Bool_type_exp -> Bool_type_eff
+        | Int_type_exp  -> Int_type_eff
+        | Real_type_exp -> Real_type_eff
+        | Named_type_exp s -> env.id2type s texp.src
+        | Array_type_exp (elt_texp, szexp) ->
+            let elt_teff = typ env elt_texp in
+              try
+                let sz = EvalConst.eval_array_size env szexp in
+                  Array_type_eff (elt_teff, sz)
+              with EvalConst.EvalArray_error msg -> raise(GetEffType_error msg)
     with GetEffType_error msg ->
       raise (Compile_error(texp.src, "can't eval type: "^msg))
@@ -38,8 +38,8 @@ let rec (clock : CompiledData.id_solver -> var_info -> CompiledData.clock_eff)=
     match v.var_clock  with
       | Base -> On(v.var_name,BaseEff)
       | NamedClock id ->
-	  let id_v = id_solver.id2var (Ident.to_idref id.src in
-	    On(v.var_name, id_v.var_clock_eff)
+          let id_v = id_solver.id2var (Ident.to_idref id.src in
+            On(v.var_name, id_v.var_clock_eff)
@@ -50,25 +50,25 @@ and (type_check_equation: id_solver -> eq_info srcflagged -> left_eff list ->
     let lpl_teff = type_eff_of_left_eff lpl_eff in
     let right_part = EvalType.f id_solver ve_eff in
       if (List.length lpl_teff <> List.length right_part) then
-	raise (Compile_error(eq_info.src, 
-			     "tuple size error: \n*** the tuple size is\n***\t"^ 
-			       (string_of_int (List.length lpl_teff)) ^
-			       " for the left-hand-side, and \n***\t" ^ 
-			       (string_of_int (List.length right_part)) ^
-			       " for the right-hand-side"))
+        raise (Compile_error(eq_info.src, 
+                             "tuple size error: \n*** the tuple size is\n***\t"^ 
+                               (string_of_int (List.length lpl_teff)) ^
+                               " for the left-hand-side, and \n***\t" ^ 
+                               (string_of_int (List.length right_part)) ^
+                               " for the right-hand-side"))
-	List.iter2
-	  (fun le re -> 
-	     if le <> re then
-	       let msg = "type mismatch: \n***\t'" 
-		 ^ (LicDump.string_of_type_eff le) ^ 
-		 "' (left-hand-side) \n*** is not compatible with \n***\t'" 
-		 ^ (LicDump.string_of_type_eff re) ^ "' (right-hand-side)"
-	       in
-		 raise (Compile_error(eq_info.src, msg))
-	  )
-	  lpl_teff
-	  right_part
+        List.iter2
+          (fun le re -> 
+             if le <> re then
+               let msg = "type mismatch: \n***\t'" 
+                 ^ (LicDump.string_of_type_eff le) ^ 
+                 "' (left-hand-side) \n*** is not compatible with \n***\t'" 
+                 ^ (LicDump.string_of_type_eff re) ^ "' (right-hand-side)"
+               in
+                 raise (Compile_error(eq_info.src, msg))
+          )
+          lpl_teff
+          right_part
 (* Checks that the left part has the same clock as the right one. *)
 and (clock_check_equation:id_solver -> eq_info srcflagged -> left_eff list ->
@@ -89,18 +89,18 @@ let (get_static_params_from_idref : SymbolTab.t -> Lxm.t -> Ident.idref ->
 (* exported *)
 let rec (node : CompiledData.id_solver -> SyntaxTreeCore.node_exp srcflagged -> 
-	  CompiledData.node_exp_eff) =
+          CompiledData.node_exp_eff) =
   fun id_solver { src = lxm; it=(idref, static_args) } ->
     let static_params = get_static_params_from_idref id_solver.symbols lxm idref in
     let static_args_eff = 
       assert(List.length static_params = List.length static_args);
       List.map2 (check_static_arg id_solver) 
-	static_params 
-	static_args 
+        static_params 
+        static_args 
       id_solver.id2node idref static_args_eff lxm
 (** [check_static_arg this pn id sa (symbols, acc)] compile a static arg 
     into a static_arg_eff
@@ -111,58 +111,58 @@ and (check_static_arg : CompiledData.id_solver ->
   fun node_id_solver sp sa -> 
     let sa_eff =
       match, with
-	| StaticArgIdent idref, StaticParamConst(id, _type_exp) ->
-	    let ceff = node_id_solver.id2const idref sa.src in
-	      ConstStaticArgEff (id, ceff)
-	| StaticArgIdent idref, StaticParamType(id) ->
-	    let teff = node_id_solver.id2type idref sa.src in
-	      TypeStaticArgEff (id, teff)
-	| StaticArgIdent idref, StaticParamNode(id,_,_,_) ->
-	    let sargs = [] in
-	      (* We suppose that static arg cannot themselves be 
-		 template calls (eg, f<<g<<3>>>> is forbidden) 
-	      *)
-	    let neff = node_id_solver.id2node idref sargs sa.src in
-	      NodeStaticArgEff (id, neff)
-	| StaticArgConst ce, StaticParamConst(id, _type_exp) -> (
-	    let ceff = EvalConst.f node_id_solver ce in
-	      match ceff with
-		| [ceff] -> ConstStaticArgEff (id,ceff)
-		| _ -> assert false (* should not occur *)
-	  )
-	| StaticArgType te, StaticParamType id -> 
-	    let teff = typ node_id_solver te in
-	      TypeStaticArgEff (id, teff)
-	| StaticArgNode(CALL_n ne), StaticParamNode(id,_,_,_) ->
-	    let neff = node node_id_solver ne in
-	      NodeStaticArgEff (id, neff)
-	| StaticArgNode(Predef (op,sargs)), StaticParamNode(id,_,_,_) ->
-	    let sargs_eff = 
-	      translate_predef_static_args node_id_solver sargs sa.src
-	    in
-	    let opeff = PredefEvalType.make_node_exp_eff None op sa.src sargs_eff in
-	      NodeStaticArgEff (id, opeff)
-	| StaticArgNode(      
-	    |ARROW_n|PRE_n)), _ -> assert false
-	| StaticArgType _, StaticParamNode(id,_,_,_) 
-	| StaticArgType _, StaticParamConst(id,_) 
-	| StaticArgNode _, StaticParamType(id) 
-	| StaticArgNode _, StaticParamConst(id,_) 
-	| StaticArgConst _, StaticParamNode(id,_,_,_) 
-	| StaticArgConst _, StaticParamType(id) 
-	    -> 
-	    assert false (* can it occur actually? Let's wait it occurs...*)
+        | StaticArgIdent idref, StaticParamConst(id, _type_exp) ->
+            let ceff = node_id_solver.id2const idref sa.src in
+              ConstStaticArgEff (id, ceff)
+        | StaticArgIdent idref, StaticParamType(id) ->
+            let teff = node_id_solver.id2type idref sa.src in
+              TypeStaticArgEff (id, teff)
+        | StaticArgIdent idref, StaticParamNode(id,_,_,_) ->
+            let sargs = [] in
+              (* We suppose that static arg cannot themselves be 
+                 template calls (eg, f<<g<<3>>>> is forbidden) 
+              *)
+            let neff = node_id_solver.id2node idref sargs sa.src in
+              NodeStaticArgEff (id, neff)
+        | StaticArgConst ce, StaticParamConst(id, _type_exp) -> (
+            let ceff = EvalConst.f node_id_solver ce in
+              match ceff with
+                | [ceff] -> ConstStaticArgEff (id,ceff)
+                | _ -> assert false (* should not occur *)
+          )
+        | StaticArgType te, StaticParamType id -> 
+            let teff = typ node_id_solver te in
+              TypeStaticArgEff (id, teff)
+        | StaticArgNode(CALL_n ne), StaticParamNode(id,_,_,_) ->
+            let neff = node node_id_solver ne in
+              NodeStaticArgEff (id, neff)
+        | StaticArgNode(Predef (op,sargs)), StaticParamNode(id,_,_,_) ->
+            let sargs_eff = 
+              translate_predef_static_args node_id_solver sargs sa.src
+            in
+            let opeff = PredefEvalType.make_node_exp_eff None op sa.src sargs_eff in
+              NodeStaticArgEff (id, opeff)
+        | StaticArgNode(      
+            |ARRAY_n|HAT_n|CONCAT_n|WITH_n(_)|TUPLE_n|WHEN_n|CURRENT_n|FBY_n
+            |ARROW_n|PRE_n)), _ -> assert false
+        | StaticArgType _, StaticParamNode(id,_,_,_) 
+        | StaticArgType _, StaticParamConst(id,_) 
+        | StaticArgNode _, StaticParamType(id) 
+        | StaticArgNode _, StaticParamConst(id,_) 
+        | StaticArgConst _, StaticParamNode(id,_,_,_) 
+        | StaticArgConst _, StaticParamType(id) 
+            -> 
+            assert false (* can it occur actually? Let's wait it occurs...*)
@@ -185,62 +185,62 @@ and (translate_left_part : id_solver -> left_part -> left_eff) =
   fun id_solver lp_top -> 
     match lp_top with
       | LeftVar id -> 
-	  let vi_eff = 
+          let vi_eff = 
             id_solver.id2var (Ident.idref_of_string (Ident.to_string id.src 
-	    LeftVarEff (vi_eff, id.src)
+            LeftVarEff (vi_eff, id.src)
       | LeftField (lp, id) -> (
-	  let lp_eff = translate_left_part id_solver lp in
-	  let teff = CompiledData.type_eff_of_left_eff lp_eff in
-	    (* check that [lp_eff] is a struct that have a field named [id] *)
-	    match teff with
-	      | Struct_type_eff(_, fl) -> (
-		  try let (teff_field,_) = List.assoc fl in
-		    LeftFieldEff(lp_eff,, teff_field)
-		  with Not_found ->
-		    raise (Compile_error(id.src, "bad field name in structure"))
-		)
-	      | _  -> raise (Compile_error(id.src, "a structure was expected"))
-	)
+          let lp_eff = translate_left_part id_solver lp in
+          let teff = CompiledData.type_eff_of_left_eff lp_eff in
+            (* check that [lp_eff] is a struct that have a field named [id] *)
+            match teff with
+              | Struct_type_eff(_, fl) -> (
+                  try let (teff_field,_) = List.assoc fl in
+                    LeftFieldEff(lp_eff,, teff_field)
+                  with Not_found ->
+                    raise (Compile_error(id.src, "bad field name in structure"))
+                )
+              | _  -> raise (Compile_error(id.src, "a structure was expected"))
+        )
       | LeftArray (lp, vef) -> (
-	  let lp_eff = translate_left_part id_solver lp in
-	  let teff = CompiledData.type_eff_of_left_eff lp_eff in
-	  let lxm = vef.src in
-	    match teff with
-	      | Array_type_eff(teff_elt, size) ->
-		  let index = EvalConst.eval_array_index id_solver size lxm in
-		    LeftArrayEff(lp_eff, index, teff_elt)
-	      | _ -> raise (Compile_error(vef.src, "an array was expected"))
-	)
+          let lp_eff = translate_left_part id_solver lp in
+          let teff = CompiledData.type_eff_of_left_eff lp_eff in
+          let lxm = vef.src in
+            match teff with
+              | Array_type_eff(teff_elt, size) ->
+                  let index = EvalConst.eval_array_index id_solver size lxm in
+                    LeftArrayEff(lp_eff, index, teff_elt)
+              | _ -> raise (Compile_error(vef.src, "an array was expected"))
+        )
       | LeftSlice (lp, sif) -> (
-	  let lp_eff = translate_left_part id_solver lp in
-	  let teff = CompiledData.type_eff_of_left_eff lp_eff in
-	    match teff with  
-	      | Array_type_eff(teff_elt, size) -> 
-		  let sieff = translate_slice_info id_solver size sif.src in
-		  let size_slice = sieff.se_width in
-		  let teff_slice = Array_type_eff(teff_elt, size_slice) in
-		    LeftSliceEff(lp_eff, sieff, teff_slice)
-	      | _ -> raise (Compile_error(sif.src, "an array was expected"))
-	)
+          let lp_eff = translate_left_part id_solver lp in
+          let teff = CompiledData.type_eff_of_left_eff lp_eff in
+            match teff with  
+              | Array_type_eff(teff_elt, size) -> 
+                  let sieff = translate_slice_info id_solver size sif.src in
+                  let size_slice = sieff.se_width in
+                  let teff_slice = Array_type_eff(teff_elt, size_slice) in
+                    LeftSliceEff(lp_eff, sieff, teff_slice)
+              | _ -> raise (Compile_error(sif.src, "an array was expected"))
+        )
 and (translate_val_exp : id_solver -> val_exp -> val_exp_eff) =
   fun id_solver ve ->
     match ve with
       | CallByName(by_name_op, field_list) ->
-	  (CallByNameEff(
-	     flagit (translate_by_name_op id_solver by_name_op) by_name_op.src,
- (translate_field id_solver) field_list))
+          (CallByNameEff(
+             flagit (translate_by_name_op id_solver by_name_op) by_name_op.src,
+    (translate_field id_solver) field_list))
       | CallByPos(by_pos_op, Oper vel) ->
-	  let vel_eff = (translate_val_exp id_solver) vel in
-	  let by_pos_op_eff = translate_by_pos_op id_solver by_pos_op vel in
-	    CallByPosEff(flagit by_pos_op_eff by_pos_op.src, OperEff vel_eff)
+          let vel_eff = (translate_val_exp id_solver) vel in
+          let by_pos_op_eff = translate_by_pos_op id_solver by_pos_op vel in
+            CallByPosEff(flagit by_pos_op_eff by_pos_op.src, OperEff vel_eff)
 and translate_by_name_op id_solver op = 
   match with
     | STRUCT_anonymous_n -> STRUCT_anonymous_eff
@@ -269,14 +269,14 @@ and get_const id_solver const_or_const_ident lxm =
 and get_node id_solver node_or_node_ident lxm =
   match node_or_node_ident with
     | StaticArgIdent(id) -> 
-	let sargs = [] in (* I should do something more clever here to support 
-			     imbricated use of iterators (e.g., "map<<map<<..." *)
-	  id_solver.id2node id sargs lxm 
+        let sargs = [] in (* I should do something more clever here to support 
+                             imbricated use of iterators (e.g., "map<<map<<..." *)
+          id_solver.id2node id sargs lxm 
     | StaticArgNode(CALL_n ne) -> node id_solver ne
     | StaticArgNode(Predef (op,sargs)) ->
-	let sargs_eff = translate_predef_static_args id_solver sargs lxm in
-	  PredefEvalType.make_node_exp_eff None op lxm sargs_eff 
+        let sargs_eff = translate_predef_static_args id_solver sargs lxm in
+          PredefEvalType.make_node_exp_eff None op lxm sargs_eff 
     | StaticArgNode(_) -> assert false
     | StaticArgType _ 
@@ -290,25 +290,25 @@ and (translate_predef_static_args: id_solver -> static_arg srcflagged list ->
     match sargs with
       | [] -> []
       | [{src=lxm_c1;it=c1}; {src=lxm_c2;it=c2}; {src=lxm_c3;it=c3}] -> 
-	  [
-	    ConstStaticArgEff(Ident.of_string "min", get_const id_solver c1 lxm_c1);
-	    ConstStaticArgEff(Ident.of_string "max", get_const id_solver c2 lxm_c2);
-	    ConstStaticArgEff(Ident.of_string "size",get_const id_solver c3 lxm_c3)
-	  ]
+          [
+            ConstStaticArgEff(Ident.of_string "min", get_const id_solver c1 lxm_c1);
+            ConstStaticArgEff(Ident.of_string "max", get_const id_solver c2 lxm_c2);
+            ConstStaticArgEff(Ident.of_string "size",get_const id_solver c3 lxm_c3)
+          ]
       | [{src=lxm_n;it=node}; {src=lxm_c;it=const}] -> 
-	  let node_eff = get_node id_solver node lxm_n in
-	    [NodeStaticArgEff(Ident.of_string "node", node_eff);
- 	     ConstStaticArgEff(Ident.of_string "size",get_const id_solver const lxm_c)]
+          let node_eff = get_node id_solver node lxm_n in
+            [NodeStaticArgEff(Ident.of_string "node", node_eff);
+             ConstStaticArgEff(Ident.of_string "size",get_const id_solver const lxm_c)]
       | _ ->  
- 	  raise (Compile_error(lxm, "bad arguments number for array iterator"))
+          raise (Compile_error(lxm, "bad arguments number for array iterator"))
 and (translate_iteror: id_solver -> by_pos_op -> Lxm.t -> by_pos_op_eff) =
   fun id_solver op lxm ->
     match op with 
       | Predef(iter_op, sargs) ->
-	  Predef_eff(iter_op, translate_predef_static_args id_solver sargs lxm)
+          Predef_eff(iter_op, translate_predef_static_args id_solver sargs lxm)
       | _ -> assert false
@@ -316,7 +316,7 @@ and (translate_by_pos_op : id_solver -> by_pos_op srcflagged -> val_exp list ->
       by_pos_op_eff) =
   fun id_solver {it=by_pos_op;src=lxm} args ->
     match by_pos_op with
-	(* put that in another module ? yes, see above.*)
+        (* put that in another module ? yes, see above.*)
       | Predef(Map,  _)
       | Predef(Fill, _)
       | Predef(Red,  _)
@@ -325,9 +325,9 @@ and (translate_by_pos_op : id_solver -> by_pos_op srcflagged -> val_exp list ->
       (* other predef operators *)
       | Predef(op, args) -> assert (args=[]); Predef_eff (op,[])
       | CALL_n node_exp_f -> 
-	  CALL_eff (flagit (node id_solver node_exp_f) node_exp_f.src)
+          CALL_eff (flagit (node id_solver node_exp_f) node_exp_f.src)
       | IDENT_n idref -> (
@@ -357,79 +357,79 @@ and (translate_by_pos_op : id_solver -> by_pos_op srcflagged -> val_exp list ->
       | TUPLE_n -> TUPLE_eff
       | ARRAY_n -> ARRAY_eff
       | WITH_n(c,e1,e2) ->
-	  let c_eff = EvalConst.f id_solver c in
-	    if c_eff = [ Bool_const_eff true ]  then
-	      WITH_eff (translate_val_exp id_solver e1)
-	    else 
-	      WITH_eff (translate_val_exp id_solver e2) 
+          let c_eff = EvalConst.f id_solver c in
+            if c_eff = [ Bool_const_eff true ]  then
+              WITH_eff (translate_val_exp id_solver e1)
+            else 
+              WITH_eff (translate_val_exp id_solver e2) 
       | STRUCT_ACCESS_n id -> STRUCT_ACCESS_eff id
       | WHEN_n -> 
-	  (match (translate_val_exp id_solver) args with
-	     | [_;CallByPosEff({it=IDENT_eff id; src=lxm}, _)] -> 
-		 let clk = try (id_solver.id2var id lxm) with _ -> assert false in
-		   WHEN_eff clk
-	     | [_;CallByPosEff
-		  ({it=Predef_eff(NOT_n,[])}, 
-		   OperEff [CallByPosEff({src = lxm; it = IDENT_eff id}, _)])] ->
-		 let clk = try (id_solver.id2var id lxm) with _ -> assert false in
-		   WHENOT_eff clk
-	     | _  ->
-		 let msg = "syntax error: clock expr expected" in 
-		   raise (Compile_error(lxm, msg))
-	  )
+          (match (translate_val_exp id_solver) args with
+             | [_;CallByPosEff({it=IDENT_eff id; src=lxm}, _)] -> 
+                 let clk = try (id_solver.id2var id lxm) with _ -> assert false in
+                   WHEN_eff clk
+             | [_;CallByPosEff
+                  ({it=Predef_eff(NOT_n,[])}, 
+                   OperEff [CallByPosEff({src = lxm; it = IDENT_eff id}, _)])] ->
+                 let clk = try (id_solver.id2var id lxm) with _ -> assert false in
+                   WHENOT_eff clk
+             | _  ->
+                 let msg = "syntax error: clock expr expected" in 
+                   raise (Compile_error(lxm, msg))
+          )
       | ARRAY_ACCES_n ve_index ->
-	  let teff = 
-	    assert (List.length args = 1);
-	    EvalType.f id_solver (translate_val_exp id_solver (List.hd args))
-	  in
-	  let size, teff_elt =
-	    match teff with
-	      | [Array_type_eff(teff_elt, size)] -> size, teff_elt
-	      | _ ->
-		  raise (Compile_error(
-			   lxm, "\n*** Type error: '" ^ 
-			     (LicDump.string_of_type_eff_list teff) ^ 
-			     "' was expected to be an array"))
-	  in
-	    ARRAY_ACCES_eff(
-	      EvalConst.eval_array_index id_solver ve_index size lxm, 
-	      teff_elt
-	    )
+          let teff = 
+            assert (List.length args = 1);
+            EvalType.f id_solver (translate_val_exp id_solver (List.hd args))
+          in
+          let size, teff_elt =
+            match teff with
+              | [Array_type_eff(teff_elt, size)] -> size, teff_elt
+              | _ ->
+                  raise (Compile_error(
+                           lxm, "\n*** Type error: '" ^ 
+                             (LicDump.string_of_type_eff_list teff) ^ 
+                             "' was expected to be an array"))
+          in
+            ARRAY_ACCES_eff(
+              EvalConst.eval_array_index id_solver ve_index size lxm, 
+              teff_elt
+            )
       | ARRAY_SLICE_n si ->
-	  let teff = 
-	    assert (List.length args = 1);
-	    EvalType.f id_solver (translate_val_exp id_solver (List.hd args))
-	  in
-	  let size, teff_elt =
-	    match teff with
-	      | [Array_type_eff(teff_elt, size)] -> size, teff_elt
-	      | _ ->
-		  raise (Compile_error(
-			   lxm, "\n*** Type error: '" ^ 
-			     (LicDump.string_of_type_eff_list teff) ^ 
-			     "' was expected to be an array"))
-	  in
-	    ARRAY_SLICE_eff(EvalConst.eval_array_slice id_solver si size lxm, 
-			    teff_elt)
+          let teff = 
+            assert (List.length args = 1);
+            EvalType.f id_solver (translate_val_exp id_solver (List.hd args))
+          in
+          let size, teff_elt =
+            match teff with
+              | [Array_type_eff(teff_elt, size)] -> size, teff_elt
+              | _ ->
+                  raise (Compile_error(
+                           lxm, "\n*** Type error: '" ^ 
+                             (LicDump.string_of_type_eff_list teff) ^ 
+                             "' was expected to be an array"))
+          in
+            ARRAY_SLICE_eff(EvalConst.eval_array_slice id_solver si size lxm, 
+                            teff_elt)
       | HAT_n -> (
-	  match args with
-	    | [exp; ve_size] -> 
-		let size_const_eff = EvalConst.f id_solver ve_size 
-		and exp_eff = translate_val_exp id_solver exp in 
-		  (match size_const_eff with
-		     | [Int_const_eff size] -> HAT_eff(size, exp_eff)
-		     | _ -> assert false)
-	    | _ -> assert false
-	)
+          match args with
+            | [exp; ve_size] -> 
+                let size_const_eff = EvalConst.f id_solver ve_size 
+                and exp_eff = translate_val_exp id_solver exp in 
+                  (match size_const_eff with
+                     | [Int_const_eff size] -> HAT_eff(size, exp_eff)
+                     | _ -> assert false)
+            | _ -> assert false
+        )
       | MERGE_n(id, idl) -> MERGE_eff(id, idl)
 and (translate_slice_info  : id_solver -> slice_info -> int -> Lxm.t -> 
       slice_info_eff) =
   fun id_solver si size lxm ->
@@ -445,15 +445,15 @@ let (assertion : CompiledData.id_solver -> SyntaxTreeCore.val_exp Lxm.srcflagged
     (* Check that the assert is a bool. *)
     let evaled_exp = EvalType.f id_solver val_exp_eff in
-	(fun ve -> 
-	   if ve <> Bool_type_eff then
-	     let msg = "type mismatch: \n\tthe content of the assertion is of type " 
-	       ^ (LicDump.string_of_type_eff ve) 
-	       ^ " whereas it shoud be a Boolean\n"
-	     in
-	       raise (Compile_error(vef.src, msg))
-	)
-	evaled_exp;
+        (fun ve -> 
+           if ve <> Bool_type_eff then
+             let msg = "type mismatch: \n\tthe content of the assertion is of type " 
+               ^ (LicDump.string_of_type_eff ve) 
+               ^ " whereas it shoud be a Boolean\n"
+             in
+               raise (Compile_error(vef.src, msg))
+        )
+        evaled_exp;
       (* type is ok *)
       (* Clock check the assertion*)
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index b4552018..5b9873a5 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(** Time-stamp: <modified the 23/07/2008 (at 10:05) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(** Time-stamp: <modified the 28/08/2008 (at 10:28) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 (* J'ai appele ca symbol (mais ca remplace le ident) :
 c'est juste une couche qui garantit l'unicite en memoire
@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ let idref_of_string s = (
 let (long_of_string : string -> long) =
   fun s -> 
     match (Str.split (Str.regexp "::") s) with
-	[i] -> !dft_pack_name, i
+        [i] -> !dft_pack_name, i
       | [p;i]-> p, i
       | _ -> raise (Failure ("idref_of_string: \""^s^"\" not a proper ident")) 
@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ let (to_idref : t -> idref) =
 let (long_of_idref : idref -> long) =
   fun idr -> 
     match pack_of_idref idr with
-	Some p -> (p, name_of_idref idr)
+        Some p -> (p, name_of_idref idr)
       | None   -> (!dft_pack_name, name_of_idref idr)
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 132c9bef..2fbecf86 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(** Time-stamp: <modified the 27/08/2008 (at 11:43) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(** Time-stamp: <modified the 28/08/2008 (at 10:28) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 open Lxm
@@ -155,9 +155,9 @@ let x_check
     let x_def = match find_x x_pack_symbols xn lxm with
       | SymbolTab.Local x_def -> x_def
       | SymbolTab.Imported (lid,_) -> 
-	  print_string ("*** " ^ (Ident.string_of_long lid) ^ "???\n" ^ 
-			  (Lxm.details lxm));
-	  assert false (* should not occur *)
+          print_string ("*** " ^ (Ident.string_of_long lid) ^ "???\n" ^ 
+                          (Lxm.details lxm));
+          assert false (* should not occur *)
     let res = x_check_do this x_key lxm x_pack_symbols false x_pack x_def in
       Hashtbl.replace tab x_key (Checked res);
@@ -173,15 +173,15 @@ let x_check_interface
     let xp_prov_symbols_opt = SyntaxTab.pack_prov_env this.src_tab xp lxm in
     let res = (* [xp] migth have no provided symbol table *)
       match xp_prov_symbols_opt with
-	| None -> 
-	    (* if [xp] have no provided symbol table, the whole package is exported. *)
-	    x_check this x_key lxm
-	| Some xp_prov_symbols ->
-	    let x_def = match find_x xp_prov_symbols xn lxm with
-	      | SymbolTab.Local x -> x
-	      | SymbolTab.Imported _ -> assert false (* should not occur *)
-	    in
-	      x_check_interface_do this x_key lxm xp_prov_symbols xp x_def
+        | None -> 
+            (* if [xp] have no provided symbol table, the whole package is exported. *)
+            x_check this x_key lxm
+        | Some xp_prov_symbols ->
+            let x_def = match find_x xp_prov_symbols xn lxm with
+              | SymbolTab.Local x -> x
+              | SymbolTab.Imported _ -> assert false (* should not occur *)
+            in
+              x_check_interface_do this x_key lxm xp_prov_symbols xp x_def
       Hashtbl.replace tab x_key (Checked res);
@@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ let lookup_x_eff x_label id_of_x_key x_tab x_key lxm  =
     match Hashtbl.find x_tab x_key with
       | Checked res -> res
       | Checking -> 
-	  raise (Recursion_error (id_of_x_key x_key, [x_label^(Lxm.details lxm)]))
+          raise (Recursion_error (id_of_x_key x_key, [x_label^(Lxm.details lxm)]))
       | Incorrect -> raise (BadCheckRef_error)
 let (lookup_type_eff: (item_key, CompiledData.type_eff check_flag) Hashtbl.t -> 
@@ -223,21 +223,21 @@ let solve_x_idref
     match Ident.pack_of_idref idr with
       | Some p -> x_check_interface this (to_x_key p s) lxm
       | None ->
-	  (* no pack name: it must be in the symbols table *)
-	  try
-	    match (find_x symbols s lxm) with
-	      | SymbolTab.Local x_info -> 
-		  if provide_flag 
-		  then x_check_interface this (to_x_key currpack s) lxm
-		  else x_check this (to_x_key currpack s) lxm
+          (* no pack name: it must be in the symbols table *)
+          try
+            match (find_x symbols s lxm) with
+              | SymbolTab.Local x_info -> 
+                  if provide_flag 
+                  then x_check_interface this (to_x_key currpack s) lxm
+                  else x_check this (to_x_key currpack s) lxm
-	      | SymbolTab.Imported(fid,params) -> 
-		  let (pi,si) = (Ident.pack_of_long fid, Ident.of_long fid) in
-		    assert(params=[]); (* todo *)
-		    x_check_interface this (to_x_key pi si) lxm
+              | SymbolTab.Imported(fid,params) -> 
+                  let (pi,si) = (Ident.pack_of_long fid, Ident.of_long fid) in
+                    assert(params=[]); (* todo *)
+                    x_check_interface this (to_x_key pi si) lxm
-	  with Not_found -> 
-	    (raise (Compile_error(lxm,"unbounded " ^ x_label ^ " ident")))
+          with Not_found -> 
+            (raise (Compile_error(lxm,"unbounded " ^ x_label ^ " ident")))
 (* And now we can start the big mutually recursive definition... *)
@@ -299,14 +299,14 @@ and (type_check_interface_do: t -> Ident.long -> Lxm.t -> SymbolTab.t ->
       type_check_do this type_name lxm prov_symbols true pack_name type_def
       if CompiledData.type_eff_are_compatible prov_type_eff body_type_eff then
-	prov_type_eff
+        prov_type_eff
-	raise(Compile_error (
-		type_def.src,
-		("provided type \n\t" ^ 
-		   (LicDump.string_of_type_eff prov_type_eff) ^
-		   "\n is not compatible with its implementation \n\t" ^ 
-		   (LicDump.string_of_type_eff body_type_eff))))
+        raise(Compile_error (
+                type_def.src,
+                ("provided type \n\t" ^ 
+                   (LicDump.string_of_type_eff prov_type_eff) ^
+                   "\n is not compatible with its implementation \n\t" ^ 
+                   (LicDump.string_of_type_eff body_type_eff))))
 and (const_check_interface_do: t -> Ident.long -> Lxm.t -> SymbolTab.t -> 
@@ -316,35 +316,35 @@ and (const_check_interface_do: t -> Ident.long -> Lxm.t -> SymbolTab.t ->
     let prov_const_eff = const_check_do this cn lxm prov_symbols true p const_def in
     let body_const_eff = const_check this cn lxm in
       match prov_const_eff with
-	| Extern_const_eff (id, teff_prov, v_opt) ->
-	    let teff_body = type_of_const_eff body_const_eff in
-	    if (id <> cn) then
-	      assert false
-	    else if v_opt <> None && v_opt <> Some(body_const_eff) then
-	      raise(Compile_error (const_def.src, " constant values mismatch"))
-	    else if CompiledData.type_eff_are_compatible teff_prov teff_body then 
-	      prov_const_eff 
-	    else 
-	      raise(Compile_error (
-		      const_def.src,
-		      ("provided constant type \n***\t" ^ 
-			 (LicDump.string_of_type_eff teff_prov)  ^ 
-			 "   is not compatible with its implementation \n***\t" ^ 
-			 (LicDump.string_of_type_eff teff_body) ^ "")
-		      ))
-	| Enum_const_eff (_, _)
-	| Bool_const_eff _
-	| Int_const_eff _
-	| Real_const_eff _
-	| Struct_const_eff (_,_)
-	| Array_const_eff (_,_)
-	  ->
-	    if prov_const_eff = body_const_eff then
-	      body_const_eff
-	    else
-	      raise(Compile_error (
-		      const_def.src, 
-		      "\n*** provided constant does not match with its definition."))
+        | Extern_const_eff (id, teff_prov, v_opt) ->
+            let teff_body = type_of_const_eff body_const_eff in
+            if (id <> cn) then
+              assert false
+            else if v_opt <> None && v_opt <> Some(body_const_eff) then
+              raise(Compile_error (const_def.src, " constant values mismatch"))
+            else if CompiledData.type_eff_are_compatible teff_prov teff_body then 
+              prov_const_eff 
+            else 
+              raise(Compile_error (
+                      const_def.src,
+                      ("provided constant type \n***\t" ^ 
+                         (LicDump.string_of_type_eff teff_prov)  ^ 
+                         "   is not compatible with its implementation \n***\t" ^ 
+                         (LicDump.string_of_type_eff teff_body) ^ "")
+                      ))
+        | Enum_const_eff (_, _)
+        | Bool_const_eff _
+        | Int_const_eff _
+        | Real_const_eff _
+        | Struct_const_eff (_,_)
+        | Array_const_eff (_,_)
+          ->
+            if prov_const_eff = body_const_eff then
+              body_const_eff
+            else
+              raise(Compile_error (
+                      const_def.src, 
+                      "\n*** provided constant does not match with its definition."))
 and (type_check_do: t -> Ident.long -> Lxm.t -> SymbolTab.t -> bool -> 
@@ -354,63 +354,63 @@ and (type_check_do: t -> Ident.long -> Lxm.t -> SymbolTab.t -> bool ->
     try (
       (* Solveur d'idref pour les appels à eval_type/eval_const *)
       let id_solver = {
-	id2var   = (fun idref lxm -> assert false (* should not occur *)); 
-	id2const = solve_const_idref this symbols provide_flag pack_name;
-	id2type  = solve_type_idref this symbols provide_flag pack_name;
-	id2node  = solve_node_idref this symbols provide_flag pack_name;
-	symbols  = symbols;
+        id2var   = (fun idref lxm -> assert false (* should not occur *)); 
+        id2const = solve_const_idref this symbols provide_flag pack_name;
+        id2type  = solve_type_idref this symbols provide_flag pack_name;
+        id2node  = solve_node_idref this symbols provide_flag pack_name;
+        symbols  = symbols;
       let type_eff = 
-	match with
-	  | ArrayType _ -> finish_me " array handling "; assert false
-	  | ExternalType s        -> External_type_eff (Ident.make_long pack_name s)
-	  | AliasedType (s, texp) -> GetEff.typ id_solver texp
-	  | EnumType (s, clst) -> (
-	      let n = Ident.make_long pack_name s in
-	      let add_pack_name x = Ident.make_long pack_name in
-		Enum_type_eff (n, add_pack_name clst)
-	    )
-	  | StructType sti -> (
-	      let make_field (fname : Ident.t) =
-		let field_def = Hashtbl.find sti.st_ftable fname in
-		let teff = GetEff.typ id_solver in
-		  match with
-		    | None -> (fname, (teff, None))
-		    | Some vexp -> (
-			let veff = EvalConst.f id_solver vexp in
-			  match veff with
-			    | [v] -> (
-				let tv = type_of_const_eff v in
-				  if (tv = teff) then (fname, (teff, Some v)) else 
-				    raise 
-				      (Compile_error(field_def.src, Printf.sprintf
-						       " this field is declared as '%s' but evaluated as '%s'"
-						       (LicDump.string_of_type_eff teff)
-						       (LicDump.string_of_type_eff tv)))
-			      )
-			    | [] -> assert false (* should not occur *)
-			    | _::_ -> 
-				raise (Compile_error(field_def.src,
-						     "bad field value: tuple not allowed"))
-		      )
-	      in
-	      let n = Ident.make_long pack_name sti.st_name in
-	      let eff_fields = make_field sti.st_flist in
-		Struct_type_eff (n, eff_fields)
-	    )
+        match with
+          | ArrayType _ -> finish_me " array handling "; assert false
+          | ExternalType s        -> External_type_eff (Ident.make_long pack_name s)
+          | AliasedType (s, texp) -> GetEff.typ id_solver texp
+          | EnumType (s, clst) -> (
+              let n = Ident.make_long pack_name s in
+              let add_pack_name x = Ident.make_long pack_name in
+                Enum_type_eff (n, add_pack_name clst)
+            )
+          | StructType sti -> (
+              let make_field (fname : Ident.t) =
+                let field_def = Hashtbl.find sti.st_ftable fname in
+                let teff = GetEff.typ id_solver in
+                  match with
+                    | None -> (fname, (teff, None))
+                    | Some vexp -> (
+                        let veff = EvalConst.f id_solver vexp in
+                          match veff with
+                            | [v] -> (
+                                let tv = type_of_const_eff v in
+                                  if (tv = teff) then (fname, (teff, Some v)) else 
+                                    raise 
+                                      (Compile_error(field_def.src, Printf.sprintf
+                                                       " this field is declared as '%s' but evaluated as '%s'"
+                                                       (LicDump.string_of_type_eff teff)
+                                                       (LicDump.string_of_type_eff tv)))
+                              )
+                            | [] -> assert false (* should not occur *)
+                            | _::_ -> 
+                                raise (Compile_error(field_def.src,
+                                                     "bad field value: tuple not allowed"))
+                      )
+              in
+              let n = Ident.make_long pack_name sti.st_name in
+              let eff_fields = make_field sti.st_flist in
+                Struct_type_eff (n, eff_fields)
+            )
-	if not provide_flag then
- 	  output_string !Global.oc (LicDump.type_decl type_name type_eff);
-	type_eff
+        if not provide_flag then
+          output_string !Global.oc (LicDump.type_decl type_name type_eff);
+        type_eff
-	(* capte et complete/stoppe les recursions *)
-	Recursion_error (root, stack) ->
-	  if (root = type_name) then recursion_error type_def.src stack else
-	    raise ( Recursion_error (root, ("type ref "^(Lxm.details lxm))::stack))
+        (* capte et complete/stoppe les recursions *)
+        Recursion_error (root, stack) ->
+          if (root = type_name) then recursion_error type_def.src stack else
+            raise ( Recursion_error (root, ("type ref "^(Lxm.details lxm))::stack))
 and (const_check_do : t -> Ident.long -> Lxm.t -> SymbolTab.t -> bool -> 
       Ident.pack_name -> SyntaxTreeCore.const_info srcflagged -> 
       CompiledData.const_eff) =
@@ -421,58 +421,58 @@ and (const_check_do : t -> Ident.long -> Lxm.t -> SymbolTab.t -> bool ->
     try (
       (* Solveur d'idref pour les  les appels à eval_type/eval_const *)
       let id_solver = {
-	id2var   = (fun idref lxm -> assert false (* should not occur *)); 
-	id2const = solve_const_idref this symbols provide_flag currpack;
-	id2type  = solve_type_idref  this symbols provide_flag currpack;
-	id2node  = solve_node_idref  this symbols provide_flag currpack;
-	symbols  = symbols;
+        id2var   = (fun idref lxm -> assert false (* should not occur *)); 
+        id2const = solve_const_idref this symbols provide_flag currpack;
+        id2type  = solve_type_idref  this symbols provide_flag currpack;
+        id2node  = solve_node_idref  this symbols provide_flag currpack;
+        symbols  = symbols;
       let const_eff =
-	match with
-	  | ExternalConst (id, texp, val_opt) ->
-	      Extern_const_eff ((Ident.make_long currpack id), 
-				GetEff.typ id_solver texp, 
-				match val_opt with 
-				  | None -> None 
-				  | Some c -> ( 
-				      match EvalConst.f id_solver c with
-					| [ceff] -> Some ceff
-					| _  -> assert false
-				    )
-			       )
-	  | EnumConst (id, texp) ->
-	      Enum_const_eff ((Ident.make_long currpack id), GetEff.typ id_solver texp)
-	  | DefinedConst (id, texp_opt, vexp ) -> (
-	      match (EvalConst.f id_solver vexp) with
-		| [ceff] -> (
-		    match texp_opt with
-		      | None -> ceff
-		      | Some texp -> (
-			  let tdecl = GetEff.typ id_solver texp in
-			  let teff =  type_of_const_eff ceff in
-			    if (tdecl = teff ) then ceff else 
-			      raise 
-				(Compile_error (const_def.src, Printf.sprintf
-				" this constant is declared as '%s' but evaluated as '%s'"
-				(LicDump.string_of_type_eff tdecl)
-				(LicDump.string_of_type_eff teff)
-					       )))
-		  )
-		| [] -> assert false (* should not occur *)
-		| _::_ -> raise (Compile_error(const_def.src, 
-					     "bad constant value: tuple not allowed"))
-	    )
+        match with
+          | ExternalConst (id, texp, val_opt) ->
+              Extern_const_eff ((Ident.make_long currpack id), 
+                                GetEff.typ id_solver texp, 
+                                match val_opt with 
+                                  | None -> None 
+                                  | Some c -> ( 
+                                      match EvalConst.f id_solver c with
+                                        | [ceff] -> Some ceff
+                                        | _  -> assert false
+                                    )
+                               )
+          | EnumConst (id, texp) ->
+              Enum_const_eff ((Ident.make_long currpack id), GetEff.typ id_solver texp)
+          | DefinedConst (id, texp_opt, vexp ) -> (
+              match (EvalConst.f id_solver vexp) with
+                | [ceff] -> (
+                    match texp_opt with
+                      | None -> ceff
+                      | Some texp -> (
+                          let tdecl = GetEff.typ id_solver texp in
+                          let teff =  type_of_const_eff ceff in
+                            if (tdecl = teff ) then ceff else 
+                              raise 
+                                (Compile_error (const_def.src, Printf.sprintf
+                                " this constant is declared as '%s' but evaluated as '%s'"
+                                (LicDump.string_of_type_eff tdecl)
+                                (LicDump.string_of_type_eff teff)
+                                               )))
+                  )
+                | [] -> assert false (* should not occur *)
+                | _::_ -> raise (Compile_error(const_def.src, 
+                                             "bad constant value: tuple not allowed"))
+            )
-	if not provide_flag then
-	  output_string !Global.oc (LicDump.const_decl cn const_eff);
-	const_eff
+        if not provide_flag then
+          output_string !Global.oc (LicDump.const_decl cn const_eff);
+        const_eff
     ) with Recursion_error (root, stack) -> (
       (* capte et complete/stoppe les recursions *)
       if (root = cn) then recursion_error const_def.src stack else 
-	(* on complete la stack *)
-	raise (Recursion_error (root, ("const ref "^(Lxm.details lxm))::stack))
+        (* on complete la stack *)
+        raise (Recursion_error (root, ("const ref "^(Lxm.details lxm))::stack))
@@ -484,11 +484,11 @@ and (node_check_interface_do: t -> CompiledData.node_key -> Lxm.t ->
     let body_node_exp_eff = node_check this nk lxm in
     let prov_node_exp_eff = node_check_do this nk lxm symbols true pn node_def in
       (** [type_eff_are_compatible t1 t2] checks that t1 is compatible with t2, i.e., 
-	  if t1 = t2 or t1 is abstract and and t2.
+          if t1 = t2 or t1 is abstract and and t2.
     let msg_prefix = 
       ("provided node for " ^ (Ident.string_of_long (fst nk)) ^ 
-	 " is not compatible with its implementation: ")
+         " is not compatible with its implementation: ")
     let str_of_var = LicDump.type_string_of_var_info_eff in
     let type_is_not_comp v1 v2 = not (CompiledData.var_eff_are_compatible v1 v2) in
@@ -497,8 +497,8 @@ and (node_check_interface_do: t -> CompiledData.node_key -> Lxm.t ->
         raise(Compile_error (node_def.src, msg_prefix ^ " ??? "))
       else if 
-	(List.exists2 type_is_not_comp 
-	   prov_node_exp_eff.inlist_eff body_node_exp_eff.inlist_eff) 
+        (List.exists2 type_is_not_comp 
+           prov_node_exp_eff.inlist_eff body_node_exp_eff.inlist_eff) 
         let msg = msg_prefix ^ "bad input profile. \n*** " ^ 
           (String.concat "*" ( str_of_var prov_node_exp_eff.inlist_eff)) ^
@@ -507,8 +507,8 @@ and (node_check_interface_do: t -> CompiledData.node_key -> Lxm.t ->
           raise(Compile_error (node_def.src, msg))
       else if 
-	(List.exists2 type_is_not_comp
-	   prov_node_exp_eff.outlist_eff body_node_exp_eff.outlist_eff) 
+        (List.exists2 type_is_not_comp
+           prov_node_exp_eff.outlist_eff body_node_exp_eff.outlist_eff) 
         let msg = msg_prefix ^ "bad output profile. \n*** " ^ 
           (String.concat "*" ( str_of_var prov_node_exp_eff.outlist_eff)) ^
@@ -517,21 +517,21 @@ and (node_check_interface_do: t -> CompiledData.node_key -> Lxm.t ->
           raise(Compile_error (node_def.src, msg))
       else if     
-	prov_node_exp_eff.has_mem_eff <> body_node_exp_eff.has_mem_eff 
+        prov_node_exp_eff.has_mem_eff <> body_node_exp_eff.has_mem_eff 
         raise(Compile_error (node_def.src, msg_prefix ^ " node or function?"))
       else if 
-	prov_node_exp_eff.is_safe_eff <> body_node_exp_eff.is_safe_eff
+        prov_node_exp_eff.is_safe_eff <> body_node_exp_eff.is_safe_eff
         raise(Compile_error (node_def.src, msg_prefix ^ "safe or unsafe?"))
       else if 
-	match prov_node_exp_eff.def_eff, body_node_exp_eff.def_eff with
-	  | (AbstractEff,_) -> false
-	  | (_,_) -> prov_node_exp_eff.def_eff <> body_node_exp_eff.def_eff
+        match prov_node_exp_eff.def_eff, body_node_exp_eff.def_eff with
+          | (AbstractEff,_) -> false
+          | (_,_) -> prov_node_exp_eff.def_eff <> body_node_exp_eff.def_eff
         raise(Compile_error (node_def.src, msg_prefix ^ "abstract or not?"))
-	prov_node_exp_eff
+        prov_node_exp_eff
 and (node_check_do: t -> CompiledData.node_key -> Lxm.t -> SymbolTab.t -> 
@@ -541,249 +541,249 @@ and (node_check_do: t -> CompiledData.node_key -> Lxm.t -> SymbolTab.t ->
     let local_env = make_local_env nk in
     let node_id_solver = {
       (* a [node_id_solver] is a [id_solver] where we begin to look
-	 into the local environement before looking at the global
-	 one.  *)
+         into the local environement before looking at the global
+         one.  *)
       id2var = (* var can only be local to the node *)
-	(fun id lxm -> 
-	   try lookup_var local_env (Ident.of_idref id) lxm
-	   with Not_found ->
-	     raise (Compile_error(
-		      lxm,
-		      "\n*** '"^(Ident.string_of_idref id)^
-			"': Unknown variable.\n*** Current variables are: " ^
-		    (Hashtbl.fold
-		      (fun id vi_eff acc ->
-			 acc ^ (Format.sprintf 
-			   "\n\t%s" (LicDump.string_of_var_info_eff vi_eff))
-		      )
-		      local_env.lenv_vars
-		      ""
-		    ))));
+        (fun id lxm -> 
+           try lookup_var local_env (Ident.of_idref id) lxm
+           with Not_found ->
+             raise (Compile_error(
+                      lxm,
+                      "\n*** '"^(Ident.string_of_idref id)^
+                        "': Unknown variable.\n*** Current variables are: " ^
+                    (Hashtbl.fold
+                      (fun id vi_eff acc ->
+                         acc ^ (Format.sprintf 
+                           "\n\t%s" (LicDump.string_of_var_info_eff vi_eff))
+                      )
+                      local_env.lenv_vars
+                      ""
+                    ))));
       id2const =
-	(fun id lxm ->
-	   try lookup_const local_env id lxm
-	   with Not_found -> 
-	     solve_const_idref this symbols provide_flag pack_name id lxm);
+        (fun id lxm ->
+           try lookup_const local_env id lxm
+           with Not_found -> 
+             solve_const_idref this symbols provide_flag pack_name id lxm);
       id2type  =
-	(fun id lxm ->
-	   try lookup_type local_env id lxm
-	   with Not_found -> 
-	     solve_type_idref  this symbols provide_flag pack_name id lxm);
+        (fun id lxm ->
+           try lookup_type local_env id lxm
+           with Not_found -> 
+             solve_type_idref  this symbols provide_flag pack_name id lxm);
       id2node  =
-	(fun id sargs lxm ->
-	   try lookup_node local_env  id sargs lxm
-	   with Not_found -> 
-	     solve_node_idref this symbols provide_flag pack_name id sargs lxm);
+        (fun id sargs lxm ->
+           try lookup_node local_env  id sargs lxm
+           with Not_found -> 
+             solve_node_idref this symbols provide_flag pack_name id sargs lxm);
       symbols  = symbols;
     let make_node_eff node_def_eff =
       (* building not aliased nodes *)
       match with
-	| None -> assert false (* a node with a body should have a profile *)
-	| Some vars ->
-	    let type_args id =
-	      let vi = Hashtbl.find vars.vartable id in
-	      let t_eff = GetEff.typ node_id_solver in
-	      let c_eff = GetEff.clock node_id_solver in
-	      let vi_eff = {
-		var_name_eff   =;
-		var_nature_eff =;
-		var_number_eff =;
-		var_type_eff  = t_eff;
-		var_clock_eff = c_eff;
-	      }
-	      in
-		Hashtbl.add local_env.lenv_types id t_eff;
-		Hashtbl.add local_env.lenv_vars id vi_eff;
-		vi_eff
-	    in
-	    let (sort_vars : Ident.t list -> Ident.t list) =
-	      fun l -> 
-		(* I cannot use List.sort as I only have a partial order on vars
-		 -> hence I perform a topological sort *)
-		let rec depends_on v1 v2 =
-		  match (Hashtbl.find vars.vartable v1).it.var_clock with
-		    | Base -> false
-		    | NamedClock {it=v1clk} -> v1clk = v2 || depends_on v1clk v2
-		in
-		let rec aux acc l = match l with
-		  | [] -> acc
-		  | v::tail -> (
-		      match (Hashtbl.find vars.vartable v).it.var_clock with
-			| Base -> 
-			    if List.mem v acc then 
-			      aux acc tail 
-			    else
-			      aux (v::acc) tail
-			| NamedClock {it=v2; src=lxm} -> 
-			    if List.mem v2 acc then
-			      aux (v::acc) tail
-			    else if
-			      depends_on v2 v
-			    then
-			      raise (
-				Compile_error (
-				  lxm, 
-				  "\n*** Clock dependency loop: " ^ 
-				    (Ident.to_string v) ^ " depends on " ^
-				    (Ident.to_string v2) ^ ", which depends on " ^
-				    (Ident.to_string v))
-				)
-			    else
-			      let l1,l2 = List.partition (fun v -> v=v2) l in
-				if l1 = [] then
-				  (* v depends on a clock not in l *)
-				  aux (v::acc) tail 
-				else
-				  aux acc (v2::l2)
-		    )
-		in
-		  List.rev(aux [] l)
-	    in
-	    let vars_in_sorted  = sort_vars vars.inlist
-	    and vars_out_sorted = sort_vars vars.outlist in
-	    let inlist  = type_args vars_in_sorted
-	    and outlist = type_args vars_out_sorted
-	    and loclist = 
-	      match vars.loclist with
-		| None -> None
-		| Some loclist -> 
-		    let vars_loc_sorted = sort_vars loclist in
-		      Some ( type_args vars_loc_sorted)
-	    in
-	    let unsort l_id l_vi =
-	      let tab = (fun vi -> vi.var_name_eff, vi) l_vi in
-		try (fun id -> List.assoc id tab) l_id
-		with Not_found -> assert false
-	    in
-	    let inlist2 = unsort vars.inlist inlist
-	    and outlist2 = unsort vars.outlist outlist in
-	      {
-		node_key_eff = nk;
-		inlist_eff   = inlist2;
-		outlist_eff  = outlist2;
-		loclist_eff  = loclist;
-		def_eff = node_def_eff ();
-		has_mem_eff  =;
-		is_safe_eff  =;
+        | None -> assert false (* a node with a body should have a profile *)
+        | Some vars ->
+            let type_args id =
+              let vi = Hashtbl.find vars.vartable id in
+              let t_eff = GetEff.typ node_id_solver in
+              let c_eff = GetEff.clock node_id_solver in
+              let vi_eff = {
+                var_name_eff   =;
+                var_nature_eff =;
+                var_number_eff =;
+                var_type_eff  = t_eff;
+                var_clock_eff = c_eff;
+              }
+              in
+                Hashtbl.add local_env.lenv_types id t_eff;
+                Hashtbl.add local_env.lenv_vars id vi_eff;
+                vi_eff
+            in
+            let (sort_vars : Ident.t list -> Ident.t list) =
+              fun l -> 
+                (* I cannot use List.sort as I only have a partial order on vars
+                 -> hence I perform a topological sort *)
+                let rec depends_on v1 v2 =
+                  match (Hashtbl.find vars.vartable v1).it.var_clock with
+                    | Base -> false
+                    | NamedClock {it=v1clk} -> v1clk = v2 || depends_on v1clk v2
+                in
+                let rec aux acc l = match l with
+                  | [] -> acc
+                  | v::tail -> (
+                      match (Hashtbl.find vars.vartable v).it.var_clock with
+                        | Base -> 
+                            if List.mem v acc then 
+                              aux acc tail 
+                            else
+                              aux (v::acc) tail
+                        | NamedClock {it=v2; src=lxm} -> 
+                            if List.mem v2 acc then
+                              aux (v::acc) tail
+                            else if
+                              depends_on v2 v
+                            then
+                              raise (
+                                Compile_error (
+                                  lxm, 
+                                  "\n*** Clock dependency loop: " ^ 
+                                    (Ident.to_string v) ^ " depends on " ^
+                                    (Ident.to_string v2) ^ ", which depends on " ^
+                                    (Ident.to_string v))
+                                )
+                            else
+                              let l1,l2 = List.partition (fun v -> v=v2) l in
+                                if l1 = [] then
+                                  (* v depends on a clock not in l *)
+                                  aux (v::acc) tail 
+                                else
+                                  aux acc (v2::l2)
+                    )
+                in
+                  List.rev(aux [] l)
+            in
+            let vars_in_sorted  = sort_vars vars.inlist
+            and vars_out_sorted = sort_vars vars.outlist in
+            let inlist  = type_args vars_in_sorted
+            and outlist = type_args vars_out_sorted
+            and loclist = 
+              match vars.loclist with
+                | None -> None
+                | Some loclist -> 
+                    let vars_loc_sorted = sort_vars loclist in
+                      Some ( type_args vars_loc_sorted)
+            in
+            let unsort l_id l_vi =
+              let tab = (fun vi -> vi.var_name_eff, vi) l_vi in
+                try (fun id -> List.assoc id tab) l_id
+                with Not_found -> assert false
+            in
+            let inlist2 = unsort vars.inlist inlist
+            and outlist2 = unsort vars.outlist outlist in
+              {
+                node_key_eff = nk;
+                inlist_eff   = inlist2;
+                outlist_eff  = outlist2;
+                loclist_eff  = loclist;
+                def_eff = node_def_eff ();
+                has_mem_eff  =;
+                is_safe_eff  =;
                 lxm          = lxm;
-	      }
+              }
     let is_a_predef_node n = 
       Ident.pack_name_to_string (Ident.pack_of_long (fst n.node_key_eff)) = "Lustre"
     let (make_alias_node : CompiledData.node_exp_eff -> CompiledData.node_exp_eff) =
       fun aliased_node -> 
-	(* builds a  node that calls the aliased node. It looks like:
-	   node alias_node( ins ) returns ( outs );
-	   let
-	   outs = aliased_node(ins);
-	   tel
-	*)
-	let (outs:left_eff list) = 
-  (fun vi -> LeftVarEff (vi, lxm)) aliased_node.outlist_eff
-	and (aliased_node_call : val_exp_eff) =
-	  CallByPosEff(
-	      (Lxm.flagit (CALL_eff(Lxm.flagit aliased_node lxm)) lxm, 
-	       OperEff
-		 ( 
-		    (fun vi -> (* build operands*)
-		       CallByPosEff(
-			 Lxm.flagit (IDENT_eff 
-				(Ident.to_idref vi.var_name_eff)) lxm, OperEff [])
-		    )
-		    aliased_node.inlist_eff)))
-	in
-	  {
-	    aliased_node with
-	      node_key_eff = nk;
-	      loclist_eff = None;
-	      def_eff = BodyEff(
-		{ asserts_eff = []; 
-		  eqs_eff = [Lxm.flagit (outs, aliased_node_call) lxm] 
-		});
-	  }
+        (* builds a  node that calls the aliased node. It looks like:
+           node alias_node( ins ) returns ( outs );
+           let
+           outs = aliased_node(ins);
+           tel
+        *)
+        let (outs:left_eff list) = 
+  (fun vi -> LeftVarEff (vi, lxm)) aliased_node.outlist_eff
+        and (aliased_node_call : val_exp_eff) =
+          CallByPosEff(
+              (Lxm.flagit (CALL_eff(Lxm.flagit aliased_node lxm)) lxm, 
+               OperEff
+                 ( 
+                    (fun vi -> (* build operands*)
+                       CallByPosEff(
+                         Lxm.flagit (IDENT_eff 
+                                (Ident.to_idref vi.var_name_eff)) lxm, OperEff [])
+                    )
+                    aliased_node.inlist_eff)))
+        in
+          {
+            aliased_node with
+              node_key_eff = nk;
+              loclist_eff = None;
+              def_eff = BodyEff(
+                { asserts_eff = []; 
+                  eqs_eff = [Lxm.flagit (outs, aliased_node_call) lxm] 
+                });
+          }
       (* let's go *)
     let res =
       match with
-	| Abstract -> make_node_eff (fun () -> AbstractEff)
-	| Extern   -> make_node_eff (fun () -> ExternEff)
-	| Body nb  ->
-	    make_node_eff ( 
-	      (fun () -> (* trick to force to delay this evaluation 
-			    after the local_env.lenv_vars has been
-			    filled
-			 *)
-		 let eq_eff = (GetEff.eq node_id_solver) nb.eqs in
-		   BodyEff {
-		     asserts_eff = 
- (GetEff.assertion node_id_solver) nb.asserts;
-		     eqs_eff = eq_eff; 
-		   }
-	      )
-	    )
-	| Alias({it= alias;src=lxm}) -> (
-	    let aliased_node = 
-	      match alias with
-		| Predef((Predef.NOR_n|Predef.DIESE_n), sargs) -> 
-		    raise (Compile_error (lxm, "Can not alias 'nor' nor '#', sorry"))
-(* 		| Predef( *)
-(* 		    (Predef.NEQ_n | Predef.EQ_n | Predef.LT_n | Predef.LTE_n  *)
-(* 		    | Predef.GT_n | Predef.GTE_n | Predef.IF_n), _sargs *)
-(* 		  ) ->  *)
-(* 		    raise (Compile_error ( *)
-(* 			     lxm, "can not alias polymorphic operators, sorry")) *)
-(* 		| Predef( *)
-(* 		    ( Predef.UMINUS_n | Predef.MINUS_n  |  Predef.PLUS_n  *)
-(* 		    | Predef.TIMES_n |  Predef.SLASH_n), _sargs *)
-(* 		  ) ->  *)
-(* 		    raise (Compile_error ( *)
-(* 			     lxm, "can not alias overloaded operators, sorry")) *)
-		| Predef(predef_op, sargs) -> 
-		    let sargs_eff = 
-		      GetEff.translate_predef_static_args node_id_solver sargs lxm 
-		    in
-		      PredefEvalType.make_node_exp_eff 
+        | Abstract -> make_node_eff (fun () -> AbstractEff)
+        | Extern   -> make_node_eff (fun () -> ExternEff)
+        | Body nb  ->
+            make_node_eff ( 
+              (fun () -> (* trick to force to delay this evaluation 
+                            after the local_env.lenv_vars has been
+                            filled
+                         *)
+                 let eq_eff = (GetEff.eq node_id_solver) nb.eqs in
+                   BodyEff {
+                     asserts_eff = 
+              (GetEff.assertion node_id_solver) nb.asserts;
+                     eqs_eff = eq_eff; 
+                   }
+              )
+            )
+        | Alias({it= alias;src=lxm}) -> (
+            let aliased_node = 
+              match alias with
+                | Predef((Predef.NOR_n|Predef.DIESE_n), sargs) -> 
+                    raise (Compile_error (lxm, "Can not alias 'nor' nor '#', sorry"))
+(*              | Predef( *)
+(*                  (Predef.NEQ_n | Predef.EQ_n | Predef.LT_n | Predef.LTE_n  *)
+(*                  | Predef.GT_n | Predef.GTE_n | Predef.IF_n), _sargs *)
+(*                ) ->  *)
+(*                  raise (Compile_error ( *)
+(*                           lxm, "can not alias polymorphic operators, sorry")) *)
+(*              | Predef( *)
+(*                  ( Predef.UMINUS_n | Predef.MINUS_n  |  Predef.PLUS_n  *)
+(*                  | Predef.TIMES_n |  Predef.SLASH_n), _sargs *)
+(*                ) ->  *)
+(*                  raise (Compile_error ( *)
+(*                           lxm, "can not alias overloaded operators, sorry")) *)
+                | Predef(predef_op, sargs) -> 
+                    let sargs_eff = 
+                      GetEff.translate_predef_static_args node_id_solver sargs lxm 
+                    in
+                      PredefEvalType.make_node_exp_eff 
                         (Some predef_op lxm sargs_eff 
-		| CALL_n(node_alias) -> 
-		    GetEff.node node_id_solver node_alias 
-		  |CURRENT_n|FBY_n|ARROW_n|PRE_n)
-		  -> 
-		    raise (Compile_error (lxm, "can not alias this operator, sorry"))
-		      (* does it make sense to alias when, pre, etc? *)
-	  in
-	  let alias_node = make_alias_node aliased_node in
-	    (* Check that the declared profile (if any) matches with the alias *)
-	    match with
-	      | None -> alias_node
-	      | Some vars ->
-		  let vi_il, vi_ol = 
- (fun id -> Hashtbl.find vars.vartable id) vars.inlist,
- (fun id -> Hashtbl.find vars.vartable id) vars.outlist
-		  in
-		  let aux vi = GetEff.typ node_id_solver
-		  in
-		  let (il,ol) = CompiledData.profile_of_node_exp_eff alias_node in
-		  let (il_exp, ol_exp) = aux vi_il, aux vi_ol in
-		    match UnifyType.f il_exp il with
-		      | UnifyType.Ko msg -> raise(Compile_error(lxm, msg))
-		      | _ ->  
-			  match UnifyType.f ol_exp ol with
-			    | UnifyType.Ko msg -> raise(Compile_error (lxm, msg))
-			    | _  -> 
-				alias_node
-	  )
+                | CALL_n(node_alias) -> 
+                    GetEff.node node_id_solver node_alias 
+                | (MERGE_n _|ARRAY_SLICE_n _|ARRAY_ACCES_n _|STRUCT_ACCESS_n _
+                  |IDENT_n _|ARRAY_n|HAT_n|CONCAT_n|WITH_n(_)|TUPLE_n|WHEN_n
+                  |CURRENT_n|FBY_n|ARROW_n|PRE_n)
+                  -> 
+                    raise (Compile_error (lxm, "can not alias this operator, sorry"))
+                      (* does it make sense to alias when, pre, etc? *)
+          in
+          let alias_node = make_alias_node aliased_node in
+            (* Check that the declared profile (if any) matches with the alias *)
+            match with
+              | None -> alias_node
+              | Some vars ->
+                  let vi_il, vi_ol = 
+           (fun id -> Hashtbl.find vars.vartable id) vars.inlist,
+           (fun id -> Hashtbl.find vars.vartable id) vars.outlist
+                  in
+                  let aux vi = GetEff.typ node_id_solver
+                  in
+                  let (il,ol) = CompiledData.profile_of_node_exp_eff alias_node in
+                  let (il_exp, ol_exp) = aux vi_il, aux vi_ol in
+                    match UnifyType.f il_exp il with
+                      | UnifyType.Ko msg -> raise(Compile_error(lxm, msg))
+                      | _ ->  
+                          match UnifyType.f ol_exp ol with
+                            | UnifyType.Ko msg -> raise(Compile_error (lxm, msg))
+                            | _  -> 
+                                alias_node
+          )
     let res = if !Global.one_op_per_equation then Split.node res else res in
       if not provide_flag then 
-	output_string !Global.oc (LicDump.node_of_node_exp_eff res);
+        output_string !Global.oc (LicDump.node_of_node_exp_eff res);
       UniqueOutput.check res node_def.src;
@@ -796,11 +796,11 @@ and (solve_node_idref : t -> SymbolTab.t -> bool -> Ident.pack_name -> Ident.idr
       node_check_interface node_check SymbolTab.find_node "node"
       (fun p id ->
-	 (* builds a [node_key] from a [pack_name] and a [node] id, 
-	    and a static_arg_eff list *)
-	 let long = Ident.make_long p id in
-	 let node_key = long, sargs in
-	   node_key
+         (* builds a [node_key] from a [pack_name] and a [node] id, 
+            and a static_arg_eff list *)
+         let long = Ident.make_long p id in
+         let node_key = long, sargs in
+           node_key
       this symbols provide_flag currpack idr sargs lxm
@@ -829,14 +829,14 @@ let compile_all_item this label  x_check_interface string_of_x_key
     string_of_x_eff to_key id item_def =
   match item_def with
     | SymbolTab.Local _item_def ->
-	ignore
-	  (x_check_interface this (to_key id) (Lxm.dummy "compile all items"))
-(* 	  Printf.printf "\t\t%s %s = %s\n" *)
-(* 	    label (string_of_x_key (to_key id)) (string_of_x_eff x_eff) *)
+        ignore
+          (x_check_interface this (to_key id) (Lxm.dummy "compile all items"))
+(*        Printf.printf "\t\t%s %s = %s\n" *)
+(*          label (string_of_x_key (to_key id)) (string_of_x_eff x_eff) *)
     | SymbolTab.Imported(item_def,_) -> ()
-(* 	Printf.printf "\t\t%s %s = %s (imported)\n" *)
-(* 	  label (string_of_x_key (to_key id)) (Ident.string_of_long item_def) *)
+(*      Printf.printf "\t\t%s %s = %s (imported)\n" *)
+(*        label (string_of_x_key (to_key id)) (Ident.string_of_long item_def) *)
 let compile_all_types pack_name this =
@@ -860,9 +860,9 @@ let compile_all_nodes pack_name this id ni_f =
     if sp <> [] then () (* we need static arg to compile such kind of things *)
       compile_all_item this "node" node_check_interface 
-	(LicDump.string_of_node_key_rec)
-	CompiledData.profile_of_node_exp_eff 
-	(fun id -> (Ident.make_long pack_name id, [])) id ni_f
+        (LicDump.string_of_node_key_rec)
+        CompiledData.profile_of_node_exp_eff 
+        (fun id -> (Ident.make_long pack_name id, [])) id ni_f
 let (compile_all :t -> unit) =
@@ -871,8 +871,8 @@ let (compile_all :t -> unit) =
     Verbose.printf ~level:3 " * package %s\n" (Ident.pack_name_to_string pack_name);
     let prov_symbols =
       match SyntaxTab.pack_prov_env this.src_tab pack_name (Lxm.dummy "") with
-	| Some tab -> tab
-	| None -> SyntaxTab.pack_body_env this.src_tab pack_name
+        | Some tab -> tab
+        | None -> SyntaxTab.pack_body_env this.src_tab pack_name
       Verbose.print_string ~level:3 "\tExported types:\n";
       SymbolTab.iter_types prov_symbols (compile_all_types pack_name this);
@@ -890,6 +890,6 @@ let (compile_all :t -> unit) =
       List.iter testpack plist
-	Recursion_error (root, stack) -> 
-	  recursion_error (Lxm.dummy "") stack
+        Recursion_error (root, stack) -> 
+          recursion_error (Lxm.dummy "") stack
diff --git a/src/lexer.mll b/src/lexer.mll
index 83079ee5..89099b09 100644
--- a/src/lexer.mll
+++ b/src/lexer.mll
@@ -11,11 +11,11 @@ open Parser
 exception Lexical_error of string * Lxm.t
 let handle_lexical_error fn lexbuf = (
-	let lxm = Lxm.make (lexbuf ) in
-	try
-		fn lexbuf
-	with Lexical_error(msg, _) ->
-		raise(Lexical_error(msg, lxm))
+        let lxm = Lxm.make (lexbuf ) in
+        try
+                fn lexbuf
+        with Lexical_error(msg, _) ->
+                raise(Lexical_error(msg, lxm))
 (* table des mots-clé *)
@@ -66,95 +66,95 @@ Hashtbl.add keywords "end"        (function x -> TK_END x) ;;
 Hashtbl.add keywords "include"    (function x -> TK_INCLUDE x) ;;
 let is_a_keyword ( s: string ) = (
-	try
-		let res = Hashtbl.find keywords s in (Some res)
-	with Not_found -> ( None )
+        try
+                let res = Hashtbl.find keywords s in (Some res)
+        with Not_found -> ( None )
 let token_code tk = (
-	match tk with
-		  TK_EOF           -> ("TK_EOF" , Lxm.dummy "eof")
-		| TK_ERROR     lxm -> ("TK_ERROR" , lxm)
-		| TK_EXTERN    lxm -> ("TK_EXTERN" , lxm)
-		| TK_AND       lxm -> ("TK_AND" , lxm)
-		| TK_ARROW     lxm -> ("TK_ARROW" , lxm)
-		| TK_ASSERT    lxm -> ("TK_ASSERT" , lxm)
-		| TK_BAR       lxm -> ("TK_BAR" , lxm)
-		| TK_BOOL      lxm -> ("TK_BOOL" , lxm)
-		| TK_CDOTS     lxm -> ("TK_CDOTS" , lxm)
-		| TK_CLOSE_BRACE   lxm -> ("TK_CLOSE_BRACE" , lxm)
-		| TK_CLOSE_PAR     lxm -> ("TK_CLOSE_PAR" , lxm)
-		| TK_COLON     lxm -> ("TK_COLON" , lxm)
-		| TK_COMA      lxm -> ("TK_COMA" , lxm)
-		| TK_CONST     lxm -> ("TK_CONST" , lxm)
-		| TK_CURRENT   lxm -> ("TK_CURRENT" , lxm)
-		| TK_DIV       lxm -> ("TK_DIV" , lxm)
-		| TK_DIESE     lxm -> ("TK_DIESE" , lxm)
-		| TK_DOT       lxm -> ("TK_DOT" , lxm)
-		| TK_ELSE      lxm -> ("TK_ELSE" , lxm)
-		| TK_EQ        lxm -> ("TK_EQ" , lxm)
-		| TK_ENUM      lxm -> ("TK_ENUM" , lxm)
-		| TK_FALSE     lxm -> ("TK_FALSE" , lxm)
-		| TK_FIELD     lxm -> ("TK_FIELD" , lxm)
-		| TK_FUNCTION  lxm -> ("TK_FUNCTION" , lxm)
-		| TK_GT        lxm -> ("TK_GT" , lxm)
-		| TK_GTE       lxm -> ("TK_GTE" , lxm)
-		| TK_HAT       lxm -> ("TK_HAT" , lxm)
-		| TK_ICONST    lxm -> ("TK_ICONT" , lxm)
-		| TK_IDENT     lxm -> ("TK_IDENT" , lxm)
-		| TK_LONGIDENT lxm -> ("TK_LONGIDENT" , lxm)
-		| TK_STRING    lxm -> ("TK_STRING" , lxm)
-		| TK_IF        lxm -> ("TK_IF" , lxm)
-		| TK_IMPL      lxm -> ("TK_IMPL" , lxm)
-		| TK_INT       lxm -> ("TK_INT" , lxm)
-		| TK_LET       lxm -> ("TK_LET" , lxm)
-		| TK_LT        lxm -> ("TK_LT" , lxm)
-		| TK_LTE       lxm -> ("TK_LTE" , lxm)
-		| TK_MINUS     lxm -> ("TK_MINUS" , lxm)
-		| TK_MOD       lxm -> ("TK_MOD" , lxm)
-		| TK_NEQ       lxm -> ("TK_NEQ" , lxm)
-		| TK_NODE      lxm -> ("TK_NODE" , lxm)
-		| TK_NOR       lxm -> ("TK_NOR" , lxm)
-		| TK_NOT       lxm -> ("TK_NOT" , lxm)
-		| TK_OPEN_BRACKET lxm -> ("TK_OPEN_BRACKET" , lxm)
-		| TK_OPEN_BRACE   lxm -> ("TK_OPEN_BRACE" , lxm)
-		| TK_OPEN_PAR     lxm -> ("TK_OPEN_PAR" , lxm)
-		| TK_OPEN_STATIC_PAR  lxm -> ("TK_OPEN_STATIC_PAR" , lxm)
-		| TK_OPERATOR        lxm -> ("TK_OPERATOR" , lxm)
-		| TK_OR        lxm -> ("TK_OR" , lxm)
-		| TK_PCENT     lxm -> ("TK_PCENT" , lxm)
-		| TK_PLUS      lxm -> ("TK_PLUS" , lxm)
-		| TK_POWER     lxm -> ("TK_POWER" , lxm)
-		| TK_FBY       lxm -> ("TK_FBY" , lxm)
-		| TK_PRE       lxm -> ("TK_PRE" , lxm)
-		| TK_RCONST    lxm -> ("TK_RCONST" , lxm)
-		| TK_REAL      lxm -> ("TK_REAL" , lxm)
-		| TK_RETURNS   lxm -> ("TK_RETURNS" , lxm)
-		| TK_SEMICOL   lxm -> ("TK_SEMICOL" , lxm)
-		| TK_STAR      lxm -> ("TK_STAR" , lxm)
-		| TK_SLASH     lxm -> ("TK_SLASH" , lxm)
-		| TK_STEP      lxm -> ("TK_STEP" , lxm)
-		| TK_STRUCT    lxm -> ("TK_STRUCT" , lxm)
-		| TK_TEL       lxm -> ("TK_TEL" , lxm)
-		| TK_THEN      lxm -> ("TK_THEN" , lxm)
-		| TK_TRUE      lxm -> ("TK_TRUE" , lxm)
-		| TK_TYPE      lxm -> ("TK_TYPE" , lxm)
-		| TK_VAR       lxm -> ("TK_VAR" , lxm)
-		| TK_WHEN      lxm -> ("TK_WHEN" , lxm)
-		| TK_WITH      lxm -> ("TK_WITH" , lxm)
-		| TK_XOR       lxm -> ("TK_XOR" , lxm)
-		| TK_MODEL     lxm -> ("TK_MODEL" , lxm)
-		| TK_PACKAGE   lxm -> ("TK_PACKAGE" , lxm)
-		| TK_NEEDS     lxm -> ("TK_NEEDS" , lxm)
-		| TK_PROVIDES  lxm -> ("TK_PROVIDES" , lxm)
-		| TK_USES      lxm -> ("TK_USES" , lxm)
-		| TK_IS        lxm -> ("TK_IS" , lxm)
-		| TK_BODY      lxm -> ("TK_BODY" , lxm)
-		| TK_END       lxm -> ("TK_END" , lxm)
-		| TK_INCLUDE   lxm -> ("TK_INCLUDE" , lxm)
-		| TK_SLICE_START   lxm -> ("TK_SLICE_START" , lxm)
+        match tk with
+                  TK_EOF           -> ("TK_EOF" , Lxm.dummy "eof")
+                | TK_ERROR     lxm -> ("TK_ERROR" , lxm)
+                | TK_EXTERN    lxm -> ("TK_EXTERN" , lxm)
+                | TK_AND       lxm -> ("TK_AND" , lxm)
+                | TK_ARROW     lxm -> ("TK_ARROW" , lxm)
+                | TK_ASSERT    lxm -> ("TK_ASSERT" , lxm)
+                | TK_BAR       lxm -> ("TK_BAR" , lxm)
+                | TK_BOOL      lxm -> ("TK_BOOL" , lxm)
+                | TK_CDOTS     lxm -> ("TK_CDOTS" , lxm)
+                | TK_CLOSE_BRACKET lxm -> ("TK_CLOSE_BRACKET" , lxm)
+                | TK_CLOSE_BRACE   lxm -> ("TK_CLOSE_BRACE" , lxm)
+                | TK_CLOSE_PAR     lxm -> ("TK_CLOSE_PAR" , lxm)
+                | TK_CLOSE_STATIC_PAR  lxm -> ("TK_CLOSE_STATIC_PAR" , lxm)
+                | TK_COLON     lxm -> ("TK_COLON" , lxm)
+                | TK_COMA      lxm -> ("TK_COMA" , lxm)
+                | TK_CONST     lxm -> ("TK_CONST" , lxm)
+                | TK_CURRENT   lxm -> ("TK_CURRENT" , lxm)
+                | TK_DIV       lxm -> ("TK_DIV" , lxm)
+                | TK_DIESE     lxm -> ("TK_DIESE" , lxm)
+                | TK_DOT       lxm -> ("TK_DOT" , lxm)
+                | TK_ELSE      lxm -> ("TK_ELSE" , lxm)
+                | TK_EQ        lxm -> ("TK_EQ" , lxm)
+                | TK_ENUM      lxm -> ("TK_ENUM" , lxm)
+                | TK_FALSE     lxm -> ("TK_FALSE" , lxm)
+                | TK_FIELD     lxm -> ("TK_FIELD" , lxm)
+                | TK_FUNCTION  lxm -> ("TK_FUNCTION" , lxm)
+                | TK_GT        lxm -> ("TK_GT" , lxm)
+                | TK_GTE       lxm -> ("TK_GTE" , lxm)
+                | TK_HAT       lxm -> ("TK_HAT" , lxm)
+                | TK_ICONST    lxm -> ("TK_ICONT" , lxm)
+                | TK_IDENT     lxm -> ("TK_IDENT" , lxm)
+                | TK_LONGIDENT lxm -> ("TK_LONGIDENT" , lxm)
+                | TK_STRING    lxm -> ("TK_STRING" , lxm)
+                | TK_IF        lxm -> ("TK_IF" , lxm)
+                | TK_IMPL      lxm -> ("TK_IMPL" , lxm)
+                | TK_INT       lxm -> ("TK_INT" , lxm)
+                | TK_LET       lxm -> ("TK_LET" , lxm)
+                | TK_LT        lxm -> ("TK_LT" , lxm)
+                | TK_LTE       lxm -> ("TK_LTE" , lxm)
+                | TK_MINUS     lxm -> ("TK_MINUS" , lxm)
+                | TK_MOD       lxm -> ("TK_MOD" , lxm)
+                | TK_NEQ       lxm -> ("TK_NEQ" , lxm)
+                | TK_NODE      lxm -> ("TK_NODE" , lxm)
+                | TK_NOR       lxm -> ("TK_NOR" , lxm)
+                | TK_NOT       lxm -> ("TK_NOT" , lxm)
+                | TK_OPEN_BRACKET lxm -> ("TK_OPEN_BRACKET" , lxm)
+                | TK_OPEN_BRACE   lxm -> ("TK_OPEN_BRACE" , lxm)
+                | TK_OPEN_PAR     lxm -> ("TK_OPEN_PAR" , lxm)
+                | TK_OPEN_STATIC_PAR  lxm -> ("TK_OPEN_STATIC_PAR" , lxm)
+                | TK_OPERATOR        lxm -> ("TK_OPERATOR" , lxm)
+                | TK_OR        lxm -> ("TK_OR" , lxm)
+                | TK_PCENT     lxm -> ("TK_PCENT" , lxm)
+                | TK_PLUS      lxm -> ("TK_PLUS" , lxm)
+                | TK_POWER     lxm -> ("TK_POWER" , lxm)
+                | TK_FBY       lxm -> ("TK_FBY" , lxm)
+                | TK_PRE       lxm -> ("TK_PRE" , lxm)
+                | TK_RCONST    lxm -> ("TK_RCONST" , lxm)
+                | TK_REAL      lxm -> ("TK_REAL" , lxm)
+                | TK_RETURNS   lxm -> ("TK_RETURNS" , lxm)
+                | TK_SEMICOL   lxm -> ("TK_SEMICOL" , lxm)
+                | TK_STAR      lxm -> ("TK_STAR" , lxm)
+                | TK_SLASH     lxm -> ("TK_SLASH" , lxm)
+                | TK_STEP      lxm -> ("TK_STEP" , lxm)
+                | TK_STRUCT    lxm -> ("TK_STRUCT" , lxm)
+                | TK_TEL       lxm -> ("TK_TEL" , lxm)
+                | TK_THEN      lxm -> ("TK_THEN" , lxm)
+                | TK_TRUE      lxm -> ("TK_TRUE" , lxm)
+                | TK_TYPE      lxm -> ("TK_TYPE" , lxm)
+                | TK_VAR       lxm -> ("TK_VAR" , lxm)
+                | TK_WHEN      lxm -> ("TK_WHEN" , lxm)
+                | TK_WITH      lxm -> ("TK_WITH" , lxm)
+                | TK_XOR       lxm -> ("TK_XOR" , lxm)
+                | TK_MODEL     lxm -> ("TK_MODEL" , lxm)
+                | TK_PACKAGE   lxm -> ("TK_PACKAGE" , lxm)
+                | TK_NEEDS     lxm -> ("TK_NEEDS" , lxm)
+                | TK_PROVIDES  lxm -> ("TK_PROVIDES" , lxm)
+                | TK_USES      lxm -> ("TK_USES" , lxm)
+                | TK_IS        lxm -> ("TK_IS" , lxm)
+                | TK_BODY      lxm -> ("TK_BODY" , lxm)
+                | TK_END       lxm -> ("TK_END" , lxm)
+                | TK_INCLUDE   lxm -> ("TK_INCLUDE" , lxm)
+                | TK_SLICE_START   lxm -> ("TK_SLICE_START" , lxm)
@@ -167,155 +167,155 @@ let exposant = ( 'e' | 'E' ) ( '+' | '-' )? chiffres
 rule lexer = parse
-		{ TK_EOF }
+                { TK_EOF }
 (* saute les blancs *)
 (* saute les blancs *)
   | [' ' '\013' '\009' '\012'] +
-		{ lexer lexbuf }
+                { lexer lexbuf }
 (* retour à la ligne *)
-	| '\n'
-		{
-			Lxm.new_line ( lexbuf );
-			lexer lexbuf	
-		}
+        | '\n'
+                {
+                        Lxm.new_line ( lexbuf );
+                        lexer lexbuf    
+                }
 (* commentaire parenthésé *)
-	| "(*"
-		{
-			handle_lexical_error comment_par lexbuf;
-			lexer lexbuf
-		}
+        | "(*"
+                {
+                        handle_lexical_error comment_par lexbuf;
+                        lexer lexbuf
+                }
 (* commentaire parenthésé bis *)
-	| "/*"
-		{
-			handle_lexical_error comment_par_bis lexbuf;
-			lexer lexbuf
-		}
+        | "/*"
+                {
+                        handle_lexical_error comment_par_bis lexbuf;
+                        lexer lexbuf
+                }
 (* commentaire en ligne *)
-	| "--"
-		{
-			handle_lexical_error comment_line lexbuf;
-			lexer lexbuf
-		}
+        | "--"
+                {
+                        handle_lexical_error comment_line lexbuf;
+                        lexer lexbuf
+                }
 (* mots-clé débutant par un séparateur (prioritaires) *)
-	| "->" { TK_ARROW ( Lxm.make lexbuf ) }
-	| "=>" { TK_IMPL ( Lxm.make lexbuf ) }
-	| "<=" { TK_LTE ( Lxm.make lexbuf ) }
-	| "<>" { TK_NEQ ( Lxm.make lexbuf ) }
-	| ">=" { TK_GTE ( Lxm.make lexbuf ) }
-	| ".%" { TK_FIELD ( Lxm.make lexbuf ) }
-	| ".." { TK_CDOTS ( Lxm.make lexbuf ) }
-	| "**" { TK_POWER ( Lxm.make lexbuf ) }
-	(* parentheses des params statiques ... bof *)
-	| "<<" { TK_OPEN_STATIC_PAR  ( Lxm.make lexbuf ) }
-	| ">>" { TK_CLOSE_STATIC_PAR ( Lxm.make lexbuf ) }
+        | "->" { TK_ARROW ( Lxm.make lexbuf ) }
+        | "=>" { TK_IMPL ( Lxm.make lexbuf ) }
+        | "<=" { TK_LTE ( Lxm.make lexbuf ) }
+        | "<>" { TK_NEQ ( Lxm.make lexbuf ) }
+        | ">=" { TK_GTE ( Lxm.make lexbuf ) }
+        | ".%" { TK_FIELD ( Lxm.make lexbuf ) }
+        | ".." { TK_CDOTS ( Lxm.make lexbuf ) }
+        | "**" { TK_POWER ( Lxm.make lexbuf ) }
+        (* parentheses des params statiques ... bof *)
+        | "<<" { TK_OPEN_STATIC_PAR  ( Lxm.make lexbuf ) }
+        | ">>" { TK_CLOSE_STATIC_PAR ( Lxm.make lexbuf ) }
 (* séparateurs simples *)
-	| "+"  { TK_PLUS ( Lxm.make lexbuf ) }
-	| "^"  { TK_HAT ( Lxm.make lexbuf ) }
-	| "#"  { TK_DIESE ( Lxm.make lexbuf ) }
-	| "-"  { TK_MINUS ( Lxm.make lexbuf ) }
-	| "/"  { TK_SLASH ( Lxm.make lexbuf ) }
-	| "%"  { TK_PCENT ( Lxm.make lexbuf ) }
-	| "*"  { TK_STAR ( Lxm.make lexbuf ) }
-	| "|"  { TK_BAR ( Lxm.make lexbuf ) }
-	| "="  { TK_EQ ( Lxm.make lexbuf ) }
+        | "+"  { TK_PLUS ( Lxm.make lexbuf ) }
+        | "^"  { TK_HAT ( Lxm.make lexbuf ) }
+        | "#"  { TK_DIESE ( Lxm.make lexbuf ) }
+        | "-"  { TK_MINUS ( Lxm.make lexbuf ) }
+        | "/"  { TK_SLASH ( Lxm.make lexbuf ) }
+        | "%"  { TK_PCENT ( Lxm.make lexbuf ) }
+        | "*"  { TK_STAR ( Lxm.make lexbuf ) }
+        | "|"  { TK_BAR ( Lxm.make lexbuf ) }
+        | "="  { TK_EQ ( Lxm.make lexbuf ) }
-	| "."  { TK_DOT ( Lxm.make lexbuf ) }
-(* 	| "\"" { TK_QUOTE ( Lxm.make lexbuf ) } *)
-	| ","  { TK_COMA ( Lxm.make lexbuf ) }
-	| ";"  { TK_SEMICOL ( Lxm.make lexbuf ) }
-	| ":"  { TK_COLON ( Lxm.make lexbuf ) }
-	| "("  { TK_OPEN_PAR ( Lxm.make lexbuf ) }
-	| ")"  { TK_CLOSE_PAR ( Lxm.make lexbuf ) }
-	| "{"  { TK_OPEN_BRACE ( Lxm.make lexbuf ) }
-	| "}"  { TK_CLOSE_BRACE ( Lxm.make lexbuf ) }
-	| "["  { TK_OPEN_BRACKET ( Lxm.make lexbuf ) }
-	| "]"  { TK_CLOSE_BRACKET ( Lxm.make lexbuf ) }
-	| "<"  { TK_LT ( Lxm.make lexbuf ) }
-	| ">"  { TK_GT ( Lxm.make lexbuf ) }
+        | "."  { TK_DOT ( Lxm.make lexbuf ) }
+(*      | "\"" { TK_QUOTE ( Lxm.make lexbuf ) } *)
+        | ","  { TK_COMA ( Lxm.make lexbuf ) }
+        | ";"  { TK_SEMICOL ( Lxm.make lexbuf ) }
+        | ":"  { TK_COLON ( Lxm.make lexbuf ) }
+        | "("  { TK_OPEN_PAR ( Lxm.make lexbuf ) }
+        | ")"  { TK_CLOSE_PAR ( Lxm.make lexbuf ) }
+        | "{"  { TK_OPEN_BRACE ( Lxm.make lexbuf ) }
+        | "}"  { TK_CLOSE_BRACE ( Lxm.make lexbuf ) }
+        | "["  { TK_OPEN_BRACKET ( Lxm.make lexbuf ) }
+        | "]"  { TK_CLOSE_BRACKET ( Lxm.make lexbuf ) }
+        | "<"  { TK_LT ( Lxm.make lexbuf ) }
+        | ">"  { TK_GT ( Lxm.make lexbuf ) }
 (* identificateur pointé *)
-	| ['_' 'A'-'Z' 'a'-'z'] ['A'-'Z' 'a'-'z' '\'' '_' '0'-'9'] *
-		':' ':'
-	  ['_' 'A'-'Z' 'a'-'z'] ['A'-'Z' 'a'-'z' '\'' '_' '0'-'9'] *
-		{
-			let lxm = Lxm.make lexbuf in
-			TK_LONGIDENT (lxm)
-		}
+        | ['_' 'A'-'Z' 'a'-'z'] ['A'-'Z' 'a'-'z' '\'' '_' '0'-'9'] *
+                ':' ':'
+          ['_' 'A'-'Z' 'a'-'z'] ['A'-'Z' 'a'-'z' '\'' '_' '0'-'9'] *
+                {
+                        let lxm = Lxm.make lexbuf in
+                        TK_LONGIDENT (lxm)
+                }
 (* Une grosse bidouille pour feinter lex à qui on arrive pas à faire
    comprendre que "[expr_min..expr_max]" est une tranche de tableau,
    et pas 2 reels qui se suivent ("1..3"), ou bien l'acces à une
    structure ("0..max").
-	|  ['A'-'Z' 'a'-'z' '\'' '_' '0'-'9' ':'] * '.' '.'
-	    {
-	      let lxm = Lxm.make lexbuf in
-	    }
-	    (* une chaine quelconque *)
-	| "\"" ['_' 'A'-'Z' 'a'-'z']  ['A'-'Z' '(' ')' '$' '/' 'a'-'z' '.' '-' '_'] * "\""
-	    { 
-			let lxm = Lxm.make_string lexbuf in
-			  TK_STRING (lxm)
-	    }
+        |  ['A'-'Z' 'a'-'z' '\'' '_' '0'-'9' ':'] * '.' '.'
+            {
+              let lxm = Lxm.make lexbuf in
+                TK_SLICE_START (lxm)
+            }
+            (* une chaine quelconque *)
+        | "\"" ['_' 'A'-'Z' 'a'-'z']  ['A'-'Z' '(' ')' '$' '/' 'a'-'z' '.' '-' '_'] * "\""
+            { 
+                        let lxm = Lxm.make_string lexbuf in
+                          TK_STRING (lxm)
+            }
 (* constantes entières et réelles *)
-	|  chiffres  { TK_ICONST (Lxm.make lexbuf ) }
+        |  chiffres  { TK_ICONST (Lxm.make lexbuf ) }
-	|  chiffres (exposant) { TK_RCONST (Lxm.make lexbuf ) }
+        |  chiffres (exposant) { TK_RCONST (Lxm.make lexbuf ) }
-	|  chiffres '.' (chiffres)? (exposant)? { TK_RCONST (Lxm.make lexbuf ) }
+        |  chiffres '.' (chiffres)? (exposant)? { TK_RCONST (Lxm.make lexbuf ) }
-	|  '.' chiffres (exposant)? { TK_RCONST (Lxm.make lexbuf ) }
+        |  '.' chiffres (exposant)? { TK_RCONST (Lxm.make lexbuf ) }
 (* mot-clé ou identificateur *)
-	| ['_' 'A'-'Z' 'a'-'z'] ['A'-'Z' 'a'-'z' '\'' '_' '0'-'9'] *
-		{
-			let lxm = Lxm.make lexbuf in
-			let x = is_a_keyword ( Lxm.str lxm ) in
-			match x with
-				  None -> TK_IDENT ( lxm )
-				| Some keyw -> keyw ( lxm ) 
-		}
-	| _    { TK_ERROR ( Lxm.make lexbuf ) }
+        | ['_' 'A'-'Z' 'a'-'z'] ['A'-'Z' 'a'-'z' '\'' '_' '0'-'9'] *
+                {
+                        let lxm = Lxm.make lexbuf in
+                        let x = is_a_keyword ( Lxm.str lxm ) in
+                        match x with
+                                  None -> TK_IDENT ( lxm )
+                                | Some keyw -> keyw ( lxm ) 
+                }
+        | _    { TK_ERROR ( Lxm.make lexbuf ) }
 and comment_par = parse
-	  "*)" 
-		{ }
-	| "\n" 
-		{
-			Lxm.new_line ( lexbuf );
-			comment_par lexbuf	
-		}
-	| eof
-		{
-			raise(Lexical_error("unterminated comment", 
-					    Lxm.dummy "unterminated comment"))
-		}
-	|	_
-		{ comment_par lexbuf }
+          "*)" 
+                { }
+        | "\n" 
+                {
+                        Lxm.new_line ( lexbuf );
+                        comment_par lexbuf      
+                }
+        | eof
+                {
+                        raise(Lexical_error("unterminated comment", 
+                                            Lxm.dummy "unterminated comment"))
+                }
+        |       _
+                { comment_par lexbuf }
 and comment_par_bis = parse
-	  "*/" 
-		{ }
-	| "\n" 
-		{
-			Lxm.new_line ( lexbuf );
-			comment_par_bis lexbuf	
-		}
-	| eof
-		{
-			raise(Lexical_error("unterminated comment", 
-					    Lxm.dummy "unterminated comment"))
-		}
-	|	_
-		{ comment_par_bis lexbuf }
+          "*/" 
+                { }
+        | "\n" 
+                {
+                        Lxm.new_line ( lexbuf );
+                        comment_par_bis lexbuf  
+                }
+        | eof
+                {
+                        raise(Lexical_error("unterminated comment", 
+                                            Lxm.dummy "unterminated comment"))
+                }
+        |       _
+                { comment_par_bis lexbuf }
 and comment_line = parse
-	'\n'
-		{
-			Lxm.new_line ( lexbuf );
-		}
-	| eof
-		{ }
-	|	_
-		{ comment_line lexbuf }
+        '\n'
+                {
+                        Lxm.new_line ( lexbuf );
+                }
+        | eof
+                { }
+        |       _
+                { comment_line lexbuf }
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 22870159..57083413 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(** Time-stamp: <modified the 28/08/2008 (at 10:19) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(** Time-stamp: <modified the 28/08/2008 (at 10:22) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 open CompiledData
 open Printf
@@ -76,16 +76,16 @@ let rec string_of_const_eff = (
     | Extern_const_eff (s,t,vopt) -> (long s) ^ (string_of_const_eff_opt vopt)
     | Enum_const_eff   (s,t) -> (long s)
     | Struct_const_eff (fl, t) -> (
-	let string_of_field = 
-	  function (id, veff) -> 
-	    (Ident.to_string id)^" = "^(string_of_const_eff veff)
-	in
-	let flst = string_of_field fl in
-	  (string_of_type_eff t)^"{"^(String.concat "; " flst)^"}"
+        let string_of_field = 
+          function (id, veff) -> 
+            (Ident.to_string id)^" = "^(string_of_const_eff veff)
+        in
+        let flst = string_of_field fl in
+          (string_of_type_eff t)^"{"^(String.concat "; " flst)^"}"
     | Array_const_eff (ctab, t) -> (
-	let vl = Array.to_list( string_of_const_eff ctab) in
-	  "["^(String.concat ", " vl)^"]"
+        let vl = Array.to_list( string_of_const_eff ctab) in
+          "["^(String.concat ", " vl)^"]"
@@ -101,20 +101,20 @@ and string_def_of_type_eff = function
   | Enum_type_eff (i, sl) -> 
       assert (sl <>[]);
       let f sep acc s  = acc ^ sep ^ (long s) in
-	(List.fold_left (f ", ")  (f "" "enum {" (List.hd sl)) ( sl)) ^ "}"
+        (List.fold_left (f ", ")  (f "" "enum {" (List.hd sl)) ( sl)) ^ "}"
   | Array_type_eff (ty, sz) -> sprintf "%s^%d" (string_of_type_eff ty) sz
   | Struct_type_eff (name, fl) -> 
       assert (fl <>[]);
       let f sep acc (id, (type_eff, const_eff_opt))  = 
-	acc ^ sep ^ (Ident.to_string id) ^ " : " ^
-	  (string_of_type_eff type_eff) ^
-	  match const_eff_opt with
-	      None -> ""
-	    | Some ce -> " = " ^ (string_of_const_eff ce)
+        acc ^ sep ^ (Ident.to_string id) ^ " : " ^
+          (string_of_type_eff type_eff) ^
+          match const_eff_opt with
+              None -> ""
+            | Some ce -> " = " ^ (string_of_const_eff ce)
         "struct " ^
-	  (List.fold_left (f "; ")  (f "" " {" (List.hd fl)) ( fl)) ^ "}"
+          (List.fold_left (f "; ")  (f "" " {" (List.hd fl)) ( fl)) ^ "}"
   | Any -> "a"
   | Overload -> "o"
@@ -241,16 +241,16 @@ and string_of_node_key_rec (nkey: node_key) =
   match nkey with
     | (ik, []) -> long ik
     | (ik, salst) ->
-	let astrings = static_arg2string_rec salst in
-	  sprintf "%s_%s" (long ik) (String.concat "_" astrings)
+        let astrings = static_arg2string_rec salst in
+          sprintf "%s_%s" (long ik) (String.concat "_" astrings)
 (* for printing iterators *)
 and string_of_node_key_iter lxm (nkey: node_key) = 
   match nkey with
     | (ik, []) -> long ik
     | (ik, salst) ->
-	let astrings = (static_arg2string (Some lxm)) salst in
-	  sprintf "%s<<%s>>" (long ik) (String.concat ", " astrings)
+        let astrings = (static_arg2string (Some lxm)) salst in
+          sprintf "%s<<%s>>" (long ik) (String.concat ", " astrings)
 (* for printing recursive node *)
 and static_arg2string_rec (sa : static_arg_eff) =
@@ -258,7 +258,7 @@ and static_arg2string_rec (sa : static_arg_eff) =
     | ConstStaticArgEff (id, ceff) -> sprintf "%s" (string_of_const_eff ceff)
     | TypeStaticArgEff  (id, teff) -> sprintf "%s" (string_of_type_eff teff)
     | NodeStaticArgEff  (id, opeff) ->
-	sprintf "%s" (string_of_node_key_rec opeff.node_key_eff)
+        sprintf "%s" (string_of_node_key_rec opeff.node_key_eff)
 (* for printing iterators *)
 and static_arg2string lxm_opt (sa : static_arg_eff) =
@@ -269,7 +269,7 @@ and static_arg2string lxm_opt (sa : static_arg_eff) =
           (snd opeff.node_key_eff) = []
-	  sprintf "%s" (string_of_node_key_iter opeff.lxm opeff.node_key_eff)
+          sprintf "%s" (string_of_node_key_iter opeff.lxm opeff.node_key_eff)
           let np = 
             match lxm_opt with
@@ -331,22 +331,22 @@ and (string_of_by_pos_op_eff: by_pos_op_eff srcflagged -> val_exp_eff list -> st
     let lxm = posop.src in
     let str = 
       match,vel with
-	| Predef_eff (Predef.IF_n,_), [ve1; ve2; ve3] ->
-	    " if " ^ (string_of_val_exp_eff ve1) ^ 
-	      " then " ^ (string_of_val_exp_eff ve2) ^ 
-	      " else " ^ (string_of_val_exp_eff ve3)
-	| Predef_eff(op,sargs), vel -> 
-	      if Predef.is_infix op then (
-	        match vel with 
-		  | [ve1; ve2] -> 
-		      (string_of_val_exp_eff ve1) ^ " " ^ (Predef.op2string op) ^ 
-		        " " ^ (string_of_val_exp_eff ve2)
-		  | _ -> assert false
-	      ) 
-	      else 
-	        ((Predef.op2string op) ^
-		   (if sargs = [] then 
+        | Predef_eff (Predef.IF_n,_), [ve1; ve2; ve3] ->
+            " if " ^ (string_of_val_exp_eff ve1) ^ 
+              " then " ^ (string_of_val_exp_eff ve2) ^ 
+              " else " ^ (string_of_val_exp_eff ve3)
+        | Predef_eff(op,sargs), vel -> 
+              if Predef.is_infix op then (
+                match vel with 
+                  | [ve1; ve2] -> 
+                      (string_of_val_exp_eff ve1) ^ " " ^ (Predef.op2string op) ^ 
+                        " " ^ (string_of_val_exp_eff ve2)
+                  | _ -> assert false
+              ) 
+              else 
+                ((Predef.op2string op) ^
+                   (if sargs = [] then 
                       match op with
                         | Predef.ICONST_n _ | Predef.RCONST_n _   | Predef.NOT_n
                         | Predef.UMINUS_n | Predef.IUMINUS_n | Predef.RUMINUS_n
@@ -355,57 +355,57 @@ and (string_of_by_pos_op_eff: by_pos_op_eff srcflagged -> val_exp_eff list -> st
                    "<<" ^ 
                    (String.concat ", " ( (static_arg2string (Some lxm)) sargs))
-		   ^ ">>" ^ (tuple_par vel)))
-	| CALL_eff nee, _  -> (
-	    if = ExternEff then
-	      ((string_of_node_key_iter nee.src ^ (tuple_par vel))
-	    else
-	      (* recursive node cannot be extern *)
-	      ((string_of_node_key_rec ^ (tuple_par vel))
-	  )
-	| IDENT_eff idref, _ -> Ident.string_of_idref idref
-	| CONST_eff (idref,pn), _ ->
+                   ^ ">>" ^ (tuple_par vel)))
+        | CALL_eff nee, _  -> (
+            if = ExternEff then
+              ((string_of_node_key_iter nee.src ^ (tuple_par vel))
+            else
+              (* recursive node cannot be extern *)
+              ((string_of_node_key_rec ^ (tuple_par vel))
+          )
+        | IDENT_eff idref, _ -> Ident.string_of_idref idref
+        | CONST_eff (idref,pn), _ ->
             Ident.string_of_idref (
               match Ident.pack_of_idref idref with
                 | Some _ ->  idref
                 | None -> Ident.make_idref pn (Ident.of_idref idref)
-	| PRE_eff, _ -> "pre "  ^ (tuple vel)
-	| ARROW_eff, [ve1; ve2] -> 
-	    (string_of_val_exp_eff ve1) ^ " -> " ^ (string_of_val_exp_eff ve2)
-	| FBY_eff, [ve1; ve2] -> 
-	    (string_of_val_exp_eff ve1) ^ " fby " ^ (string_of_val_exp_eff ve2)
-	| WHEN_eff _, [ve1; ve2] -> 
-	    (string_of_val_exp_eff ve1) ^ " when " ^ (string_of_val_exp_eff ve2)
-	| WHENOT_eff _, [ve1; ve2] -> 
-	    (string_of_val_exp_eff ve1) ^ " when not " ^ (string_of_val_exp_eff ve2)
-	| CURRENT_eff,_ -> "current " ^ (tuple vel)
-	| TUPLE_eff,_ -> (tuple vel)
-	| WITH_eff(ve),_ -> (string_of_val_exp_eff ve)
-	| CONCAT_eff, [ve1; ve2] ->  
-	    (string_of_val_exp_eff ve1) ^ " | " ^ (string_of_val_exp_eff ve2)
-	| HAT_eff (i, ve), _ -> (string_of_val_exp_eff ve) ^ "^" ^ (string_of_int i)
-	| ARRAY_eff, _ -> tuple_square vel
-	| STRUCT_ACCESS_eff(id), [ve1] ->
-	    (string_of_val_exp_eff ve1) ^ "." ^ (Ident.to_string id)
-	| ARRAY_ACCES_eff(i, type_eff), [ve1] ->
-	    (string_of_val_exp_eff ve1) ^ "[" ^ (string_of_int i) ^ "]"
-	| ARRAY_SLICE_eff(si_eff, type_eff), [ve1] -> 
-	    (string_of_val_exp_eff ve1) ^ (string_of_slice_info_eff si_eff)
-	| ARRAY_SLICE_eff(_,_), _ -> assert false (* todo *)
-	| MERGE_eff _, _ -> assert false (* todo *)
-            (* 	| ITERATOR_eff _, _ -> assert false (* todo *) *)
+        | PRE_eff, _ -> "pre "  ^ (tuple vel)
+        | ARROW_eff, [ve1; ve2] -> 
+            (string_of_val_exp_eff ve1) ^ " -> " ^ (string_of_val_exp_eff ve2)
+        | FBY_eff, [ve1; ve2] -> 
+            (string_of_val_exp_eff ve1) ^ " fby " ^ (string_of_val_exp_eff ve2)
+        | WHEN_eff _, [ve1; ve2] -> 
+            (string_of_val_exp_eff ve1) ^ " when " ^ (string_of_val_exp_eff ve2)
+        | WHENOT_eff _, [ve1; ve2] -> 
+            (string_of_val_exp_eff ve1) ^ " when not " ^ (string_of_val_exp_eff ve2)
+        | CURRENT_eff,_ -> "current " ^ (tuple vel)
+        | TUPLE_eff,_ -> (tuple vel)
+        | WITH_eff(ve),_ -> (string_of_val_exp_eff ve)
+        | CONCAT_eff, [ve1; ve2] ->  
+            (string_of_val_exp_eff ve1) ^ " | " ^ (string_of_val_exp_eff ve2)
+        | HAT_eff (i, ve), _ -> (string_of_val_exp_eff ve) ^ "^" ^ (string_of_int i)
+        | ARRAY_eff, _ -> tuple_square vel
+        | STRUCT_ACCESS_eff(id), [ve1] ->
+            (string_of_val_exp_eff ve1) ^ "." ^ (Ident.to_string id)
+        | ARRAY_ACCES_eff(i, type_eff), [ve1] ->
+            (string_of_val_exp_eff ve1) ^ "[" ^ (string_of_int i) ^ "]"
+        | ARRAY_SLICE_eff(si_eff, type_eff), [ve1] -> 
+            (string_of_val_exp_eff ve1) ^ (string_of_slice_info_eff si_eff)
+        | ARRAY_SLICE_eff(_,_), _ -> assert false (* todo *)
+        | MERGE_eff _, _ -> assert false (* todo *)
+            (*  | ITERATOR_eff _, _ -> assert false (* todo *) *)
         (* Cannot happen *)
-	| ARROW_eff, _ -> assert false
-	| FBY_eff, _ -> assert false
-	| CONCAT_eff, _ -> assert false
-	| STRUCT_ACCESS_eff(_), _ -> assert false
-	| ARRAY_ACCES_eff(i, type_eff), _ -> assert false
+        | ARROW_eff, _ -> assert false
+        | FBY_eff, _ -> assert false
+        | CONCAT_eff, _ -> assert false
+        | STRUCT_ACCESS_eff(_), _ -> assert false
+        | ARRAY_ACCES_eff(i, type_eff), _ -> assert false
     let do_not_parenthesize = function 
       | CONST_eff _,_ 
@@ -436,21 +436,21 @@ and string_of_val_exp_eff = function
   | CallByNameEff(by_name_op_eff, fl) -> 
       (match with
-	 | STRUCT_eff (pn,idref) -> prefix ^ (
+         | STRUCT_eff (pn,idref) -> prefix ^ (
              match Ident.pack_of_idref idref with
                | Some pn -> Ident.string_of_idref idref
                | None -> 
                    let idref = Ident.make_idref pn (Ident.of_idref idref) in
                      Ident.string_of_idref idref
-	 | STRUCT_anonymous_eff -> "") ^
-	"{" ^ (String.concat ";" 
-		 ( 
-		    (fun (id,veff) -> 
-		       (Ident.to_string ^ "=" ^ (string_of_val_exp_eff veff)
-		    )
-		    fl)) ^
-	"}"
+         | STRUCT_anonymous_eff -> "") ^
+        "{" ^ (String.concat ";" 
+                 ( 
+                    (fun (id,veff) -> 
+                       (Ident.to_string ^ "=" ^ (string_of_val_exp_eff veff)
+                    )
+                    fl)) ^
+        "}"
@@ -459,17 +459,17 @@ and wrap_long_line str =
     let str_list = Str.split (Str.regexp " ") str in
     let new_str, reste =
-	(fun (accl, acc_str) str ->
-	   let new_acc_str = acc_str ^ " " ^ str in
-	     if 
-	       String.length new_acc_str > 75
-	     then
-	       (accl ^ acc_str ^ "\n\t" , str)
-	     else
-	       (accl, new_acc_str)
-	)
-	("","")
-	str_list
+        (fun (accl, acc_str) str ->
+           let new_acc_str = acc_str ^ " " ^ str in
+             if 
+               String.length new_acc_str > 75
+             then
+               (accl ^ acc_str ^ "\n\t" , str)
+             else
+               (accl, new_acc_str)
+        )
+        ("","")
+        str_list
       new_str ^ " " ^ reste
@@ -492,8 +492,8 @@ and wrap_long_profile str =
   if String.length str < 75 then str else
       Str.global_replace (Str.regexp "returns") "\nreturns"
-	(Str.global_replace (Str.regexp "(") "(\n\t"
-	   (Str.global_replace (Str.regexp "; ") ";\n\t" str)))  
+        (Str.global_replace (Str.regexp "(") "(\n\t"
+           (Str.global_replace (Str.regexp "; ") ";\n\t" str)))  
 and (profile_of_node_exp_eff: node_exp_eff -> string) =
   fun neff ->
@@ -505,9 +505,9 @@ and (string_of_node_def : node_def_eff -> string list) =
     | ExternEff
     | AbstractEff -> []
     | BodyEff node_body_eff -> 
-	List.append
-	  ( string_of_assert node_body_eff.asserts_eff)
-	  ( string_of_eq node_body_eff.eqs_eff)
+        List.append
+          ( string_of_assert node_body_eff.asserts_eff)
+          ( string_of_eq node_body_eff.eqs_eff)
@@ -516,8 +516,8 @@ and (type_decl: Ident.long -> type_eff -> string) =
   fun tname teff -> 
     "type " ^ prefix ^ (long tname) ^ 
       (match teff with 
-	 | External_type_eff _ -> ";\n"
-	 | _ -> " = " ^ (string_def_of_type_eff teff) ^ ";\n"
+         | External_type_eff _ -> ";\n"
+         | _ -> " = " ^ (string_def_of_type_eff teff) ^ ";\n"
 (* exported *)
@@ -525,14 +525,14 @@ and (const_decl: Ident.long -> const_eff -> string) =
   fun tname ceff -> 
     let str = "const " ^ (long tname) in
       (match ceff with 
-	 | Extern_const_eff _ -> 
+         | Extern_const_eff _ -> 
              str^":" ^ (string_of_type_eff (type_of_const_eff ceff))^ ";\n"
-	 | Enum_const_eff _  -> "" (* do not print those const *)
-	 | Struct_const_eff _ -> assert false 
-	 | Array_const_eff _
-	 | Bool_const_eff _
-	 | Int_const_eff _
-	 | Real_const_eff _ -> str^" = " ^ (string_of_const_eff ceff)^ ";\n"
+         | Enum_const_eff _  -> "" (* do not print those const *)
+         | Struct_const_eff _ -> assert false 
+         | Array_const_eff _
+         | Bool_const_eff _
+         | Int_const_eff _
+         | Real_const_eff _ -> str^" = " ^ (string_of_const_eff ceff)^ ";\n"
 (* exported *)
@@ -544,17 +544,17 @@ and (node_of_node_exp_eff: node_exp_eff -> string) =
         (string_of_node_key_rec neff.node_key_eff) ^
         (profile_of_node_exp_eff neff)) ^ 
       (match neff.def_eff with
-	 | ExternEff ->  ""
-	 | AbstractEff -> ""
-	 | BodyEff _ ->  
-	     ((match neff.loclist_eff with None -> "" | Some [] -> ""
-		 | Some l ->
-		     "var\n   " ^ (string_of_type_decl_list l ";\n   ") ^ ";\n") ^
-		"let\n   " ^
-		 (String.concat "\n   " (string_of_node_def neff.def_eff)) ^
-		 "\ntel\n-- end of node " ^
-		 (string_of_node_key_rec neff.node_key_eff) ^ "\n"
-	     )
+         | ExternEff ->  ""
+         | AbstractEff -> ""
+         | BodyEff _ ->  
+             ((match neff.loclist_eff with None -> "" | Some [] -> ""
+                 | Some l ->
+                     "var\n   " ^ (string_of_type_decl_list l ";\n   ") ^ ";\n") ^
+                "let\n   " ^
+                 (String.concat "\n   " (string_of_node_def neff.def_eff)) ^
+                 "\ntel\n-- end of node " ^
+                 (string_of_node_key_rec neff.node_key_eff) ^ "\n"
+             )
@@ -565,7 +565,7 @@ and string_of_clock2 (ck : clock_eff) =
     match ck with
       | BaseEff -> " on base"
       | On(veff,ceff) ->" on " ^ (Ident.to_string veff) ^ 
-	  (string_of_clock2_aux ceff)
+          (string_of_clock2_aux ceff)
       | ClockVar i ->  "'a" ^ string_of_int i
     match ck with
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 261a730f..988bd617 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(** Time-stamp: <modified the 30/05/2008 (at 17:14) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(** Time-stamp: <modified the 28/08/2008 (at 10:28) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 (** Common to lus2lic and lic2loc  *)
@@ -11,11 +11,11 @@ let new_line ( lexbuf ) = (
 (* le type ``lexeme'', string + info source *)
 type t = {
-	_file : string ;
-	_str : string ;
-	_line : int ;
-	_cstart : int ;
-	_cend : int
+        _file : string ;
+        _str : string ;
+        _line : int ;
+        _cstart : int ;
+        _cend : int
 let str x = (x._str)
@@ -63,10 +63,10 @@ let make ( lexbuf ) = (
   let c2 = (Lexing.lexeme_end lexbuf - !Global.line_start_pos) in
     last_lexeme := 
       { _str = s ; 
-	_file = !Global.current_file; 
-	_line = l; 
-	_cstart = c1 ; 
-	_cend = c2 
+        _file = !Global.current_file; 
+        _line = l; 
+        _cstart = c1 ; 
+        _cend = c2 
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 0fd1cf9b..565e7bc0 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(** Time-stamp: <modified the 22/08/2008 (at 14:54) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(** Time-stamp: <modified the 28/08/2008 (at 10:28) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 (** Here follows a description of the different modules used by this lus2lic compiler.
@@ -112,8 +112,8 @@ let rec arg_list = [
     parse_args () = (
       Arg.parse arg_list  (* liste des options *)
-	Global.add_infile (* arg par defaut = fichier d'entree *)
-	usage_msg         (* message d'erreur *)
+        Global.add_infile (* arg par defaut = fichier d'entree *)
+        usage_msg         (* message d'erreur *)
@@ -121,13 +121,13 @@ and
 let test_lex ( lexbuf ) = (
   let tk = ref (Lexer.lexer lexbuf) in (
       while !tk <> Parser.TK_EOF do
-	match (Lexer.token_code !tk) with 
-	    ( co , lxm ) ->
-	      printf "%s : %15s = \"%s\"\n"
-		(Lxm.position lxm) co (Lxm.str lxm) ;
-	      tk := (Lexer.lexer lexbuf)
+        match (Lexer.token_code !tk) with 
+            ( co , lxm ) ->
+              printf "%s : %15s = \"%s\"\n"
+                (Lxm.position lxm) co (Lxm.str lxm) ;
+              tk := (Lexer.lexer lexbuf)
-    )	
+    )   
 (* Retourne un parse_tree *)
@@ -139,25 +139,25 @@ let lus_load lexbuf = (
 (* Dump d'un packbody *)
 let dump_body (pkg: SyntaxTree.packbody) = (
   let os = Format.formatter_of_out_channel stdout in
-    SyntaxTreeDump.packbody os pkg	
+    SyntaxTreeDump.packbody os pkg      
 (* Dump d'un name-space, pack ou modele ...  *)
 let dump_ns (ns: SyntaxTree.pack_or_model) = (
   let os = Format.formatter_of_out_channel stdout in
     match ns with
-	NSPack pf -> (
-	  (* Verbose.printf (lazy ("DUMP PACKDEF\n")); *)
-	  SyntaxTreeDump.packinfo os pf
-	) 
+        NSPack pf -> (
+          (* Verbose.printf (lazy ("DUMP PACKDEF\n")); *)
+          SyntaxTreeDump.packinfo os pf
+        ) 
       | NSModel mf -> (
-	  (* Verbose.printf (lazy ("DUMP MODDEF\n")); *)
-	  SyntaxTreeDump.modelinfo os mf
-	) 
+          (* Verbose.printf (lazy ("DUMP MODDEF\n")); *)
+          SyntaxTreeDump.modelinfo os mf
+        ) 
-    Lance le parser et renvoie la liste name-spaces d'entrée.	
+    Lance le parser et renvoie la liste name-spaces d'entrée.   
     Dans le cas d'un fichier sans package, on lui donne
     comme nom le basename de infile.
@@ -169,43 +169,43 @@ let (get_source_list : string list -> SyntaxTree.pack_or_model list) =
   fun infile_list -> 
     let (get_one_source : string -> string list * maybe_packed) = 
       fun infile -> 
-	let lexbuf = Global.lexbuf_of_file_name infile in
-	  match (lus_load lexbuf) with
-	    | PRPackBody(incl_files, pbdy) ->
-		let nme = 
-		  try Filename.chop_extension (Filename.basename infile) 
-		  with _ -> print_string ("*** '"^infile^"': bad file name.\n"); exit 1
-		in
-		let pi = 
-		  SyntaxTree.give_pack_this_name (Ident.pack_name_of_string nme) pbdy 
-		in
-		  incl_files, Unpacked (NSPack (Lxm.flagit pi (Lxm.dummy nme)))
-	    | PRPack_or_models(incl_files, nsl) -> incl_files, Packed nsl
+        let lexbuf = Global.lexbuf_of_file_name infile in
+          match (lus_load lexbuf) with
+            | PRPackBody(incl_files, pbdy) ->
+                let nme = 
+                  try Filename.chop_extension (Filename.basename infile) 
+                  with _ -> print_string ("*** '"^infile^"': bad file name.\n"); exit 1
+                in
+                let pi = 
+                  SyntaxTree.give_pack_this_name (Ident.pack_name_of_string nme) pbdy 
+                in
+                  incl_files, Unpacked (NSPack (Lxm.flagit pi (Lxm.dummy nme)))
+            | PRPack_or_models(incl_files, nsl) -> incl_files, Packed nsl
     let rec (get_remaining_source_list : maybe_packed * string list * string list -> 
-	   maybe_packed * string list * string list) =
+           maybe_packed * string list * string list) =
       fun (maybe_pack, compiled, to_be_compiled) -> 
-	match to_be_compiled with
-	  | [] -> (maybe_pack, compiled, [])
-	  | infile::tail ->
-	      if List.mem infile compiled then
-		get_remaining_source_list (maybe_pack, compiled, tail)
-	      else
-		let included_files, pack = get_one_source infile in
-		let new_maybe_pack =
-		  match maybe_pack, pack with
-		    | Unpacked _, _ 
-		    | _, Unpacked _ -> 
-			print_string ("old-style (un-packaged) lustre files can " ^
-					" not be mixed with packages, nor be " ^
-					" defined in more than 1 file.");
-			exit 1
-		    | Packed l1, Packed l2 -> Packed (l1@l2)
-		in
-		  get_remaining_source_list(
-		    new_maybe_pack, 
-		    infile::compiled, 
-		    tail@included_files)
+        match to_be_compiled with
+          | [] -> (maybe_pack, compiled, [])
+          | infile::tail ->
+              if List.mem infile compiled then
+                get_remaining_source_list (maybe_pack, compiled, tail)
+              else
+                let included_files, pack = get_one_source infile in
+                let new_maybe_pack =
+                  match maybe_pack, pack with
+                    | Unpacked _, _ 
+                    | _, Unpacked _ -> 
+                        print_string ("old-style (un-packaged) lustre files can " ^
+                                        " not be mixed with packages, nor be " ^
+                                        " defined in more than 1 file.");
+                        exit 1
+                    | Packed l1, Packed l2 -> Packed (l1@l2)
+                in
+                  get_remaining_source_list(
+                    new_maybe_pack, 
+                    infile::compiled, 
+                    tail@included_files)
     let first_file = assert (infile_list <> []); List.hd infile_list in
     let included_files, first_pack = get_one_source first_file in
@@ -213,8 +213,8 @@ let (get_source_list : string list -> SyntaxTree.pack_or_model list) =
       (first_pack, [first_file], ( infile_list) @ included_files)
       match pack_list with 
-	| Packed l -> l
-	| Unpacked pack -> [pack]
+        | Packed l -> l
+        | Unpacked pack -> [pack]
@@ -237,7 +237,7 @@ let main = (
     let nsl = get_source_list !Global.infiles in
     let main_node = 
       if !Global.main_node = "" then None else 
-	Some (Ident.idref_of_string !Global.main_node)
+        Some (Ident.idref_of_string !Global.main_node)
       if !Global.outfile <> "" then Global.oc := open_out !Global.outfile;
       Compile.doit nsl main_node;
@@ -246,33 +246,33 @@ let main = (
       close_out !Global.oc
   ) with
       Sys_error(s) ->
-	prerr_string (s^"\n");
-	my_exit 1
+        prerr_string (s^"\n");
+        my_exit 1
     | Global_error s ->
-	print_global_error s ;
-	my_exit 1
+        print_global_error s ;
+        my_exit 1
     | Parse_error ->
-	print_compile_error (Lxm.last_made ()) "syntax error";
-	my_exit 1
+        print_compile_error (Lxm.last_made ()) "syntax error";
+        my_exit 1
     | Compile_error(lxm,msg) -> 
-	print_compile_error lxm msg ;
-	my_exit 1
+        print_compile_error lxm msg ;
+        my_exit 1
     | Assert_failure (file, line, col)  -> 
-	prerr_string (
-	  "\n*** oops: an internal error occurred in file "^ file ^ ", line " ^ 
-	    (string_of_int line) ^ ", column " ^
-	    (string_of_int col) ^ "\n*** when compiling lustre program" ^
-	    (if List.length !Global.infiles > 1 then "s " else " ") ^
-	    (String.concat ", " !Global.infiles) ^ "\n") ;
-	my_exit 2
-	(* | Compile_node_error(nkey,lxm,msg) -> ( *)
-	(* print_compile_node_error nkey lxm msg ; *)
-	(* exit 1 *)
-	(* ) *)
-	(* | Global_node_error(nkey,msg) -> ( *)
-	(* print_global_node_error nkey msg ; *)
-	(* exit 1 *)
-	(* ) *)
+        prerr_string (
+          "\n*** oops: an internal error occurred in file "^ file ^ ", line " ^ 
+            (string_of_int line) ^ ", column " ^
+            (string_of_int col) ^ "\n*** when compiling lustre program" ^
+            (if List.length !Global.infiles > 1 then "s " else " ") ^
+            (String.concat ", " !Global.infiles) ^ "\n") ;
+        my_exit 2
+        (* | Compile_node_error(nkey,lxm,msg) -> ( *)
+        (* print_compile_node_error nkey lxm msg ; *)
+        (* exit 1 *)
+        (* ) *)
+        (* | Global_node_error(nkey,msg) -> ( *)
+        (* print_global_node_error nkey msg ; *)
+        (* exit 1 *)
+        (* ) *)
diff --git a/src/parser.mly b/src/parser.mly
index 93ad391e..62533452 100644
--- a/src/parser.mly
+++ b/src/parser.mly
@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ open ParserUtils
+        GRAMMAR
@@ -150,42 +150,42 @@ or a list of pack/model declaration
-	/* WARNING ! il faut remettre la liste à l'endroit */
-	sxIncludeList sxPackBody TK_EOF
-	{
-		SyntaxTree.PRPackBody($1, $2)
-	}
-|	sxIncludeList sxPackList TK_EOF
-	{ 
-		SyntaxTree.PRPack_or_models ($1, List.rev $2)
-	}
+        /* WARNING ! il faut remettre la liste à l'endroit */
+        sxIncludeList sxPackBody TK_EOF
+        {
+                SyntaxTree.PRPackBody($1, $2)
+        }
+|       sxIncludeList sxPackList TK_EOF
+        { 
+                SyntaxTree.PRPack_or_models ($1, List.rev $2)
+        }
-	sxOnePack
-	{ [$1] }
-|	sxPackList sxOnePack
-	{ $2::$1 }
+        sxOnePack
+        { [$1] }
+|       sxPackList sxOnePack
+        { $2::$1 }
-	sxModelDecl
-		{ SyntaxTree.NSModel $1 }
-|	sxPackDecl
-		{ SyntaxTree.NSPack $1 }
-|	sxPackEq
-		{ SyntaxTree.NSPack $1 }
+        sxModelDecl
+                { SyntaxTree.NSModel $1 }
+|       sxPackDecl
+                { SyntaxTree.NSPack $1 }
+|       sxPackEq
+                { SyntaxTree.NSPack $1 }
-	{ (Lxm.str $2)  }
+        { (Lxm.str $2)  }
-	{ [] }
-|	sxInclude sxIncludeList
-	{ $1::$2 }
+        { [] }
+|       sxInclude sxIncludeList
+        { $1::$2 }
@@ -194,255 +194,255 @@ que syntaxiquement, on n'autorise pas n'importe quoi ...
-	/* nada */
-		{ None }
-/* |	TK_PROVIDES sxStaticParamList TK_SEMICOL */
-	{ Some (List.rev $2) }
+        /* nada */
+                { None }
+/* |    TK_PROVIDES sxStaticParamList TK_SEMICOL */
+|       TK_PROVIDES sxProvideList TK_SEMICOL
+        { Some (List.rev $2) }
 sxProvideList: sxOneProvide
-		{ [$1]  }
-	|   sxProvideList TK_SEMICOL sxOneProvide
-		{ $3::$1 }
-	;
+                { [$1]  }
+        |   sxProvideList TK_SEMICOL sxOneProvide
+                { $3::$1 }
+        ;
-	{ None}
-|	TK_EQ sxExpression
-	{
-	  Some $2
-	}
+        { None}
+|       TK_EQ sxExpression
+        {
+          Some $2
+        }
-	/* constante abstraite */
-	TK_CONST sxIdent TK_COLON sxType sxConstDefOpt 
-	{
-		Lxm.flagit
-		  (ConstInfo (ExternalConst ( $2, $4, $5)))
-		$2
-	}
-	/* noeud abstrait */
-|	TK_NODE sxIdent sxParams TK_RETURNS sxParams 
-	{
-		treat_abstract_node true $2 $3 $5
-	}
-	/* fonction abstraite */
-|	TK_FUNCTION sxIdent sxParams TK_RETURNS sxParams 
-	{
-		treat_abstract_node false $2 $3 $5
-	}
-	/* type abstrait ... */
-|	TK_TYPE	sxIdent
-	{
-		Lxm.flagit
-		(TypeInfo (ExternalType ( $2)))
-		$2
-	}
-	/* un alias sur type immédiat */
-|	TK_TYPE sxIdent TK_EQ sxType 
-	{
-		Lxm.flagit
-		(TypeInfo (AliasedType ( $2, $4)))
-		$2
-	}
-	/* type énuméré */
-	/* WARNING ! la liste n'est pas à l'endroit */
-	{
-		let fields = List.rev_map lexeme_to_ident_flagged $6 in
-		Lxm.flagit
-		(TypeInfo (EnumType ( $2, fields)))
-		$2
-	}
-	/* type structure à champs nommés */
-	/* WARNING ! la liste est déjà à l'endroit */
-|	TK_TYPE sxIdent TK_EQ opt_TK_STRUCT
+        /* constante abstraite */
+        TK_CONST sxIdent TK_COLON sxType sxConstDefOpt 
+        {
+                Lxm.flagit
+                  (ConstInfo (ExternalConst ( $2, $4, $5)))
+                $2
+        }
+        /* noeud abstrait */
+|       TK_NODE sxIdent sxParams TK_RETURNS sxParams 
+        {
+                treat_abstract_node true $2 $3 $5
+        }
+        /* fonction abstraite */
+|       TK_FUNCTION sxIdent sxParams TK_RETURNS sxParams 
+        {
+                treat_abstract_node false $2 $3 $5
+        }
+        /* type abstrait ... */
+|       TK_TYPE sxIdent
+        {
+                Lxm.flagit
+                (TypeInfo (ExternalType ( $2)))
+                $2
+        }
+        /* un alias sur type immédiat */
+|       TK_TYPE sxIdent TK_EQ sxType 
+        {
+                Lxm.flagit
+                (TypeInfo (AliasedType ( $2, $4)))
+                $2
+        }
+        /* type énuméré */
+        /* WARNING ! la liste n'est pas à l'endroit */
+        {
+                let fields = List.rev_map lexeme_to_ident_flagged $6 in
+                Lxm.flagit
+                (TypeInfo (EnumType ( $2, fields)))
+                $2
+        }
+        /* type structure à champs nommés */
+        /* WARNING ! la liste est déjà à l'endroit */
+|       TK_TYPE sxIdent TK_EQ opt_TK_STRUCT
           TK_OPEN_BRACE sxTypedValuedIdents TK_CLOSE_BRACE
-	{
-		let sti = make_struct_type_info $2 $6 in
-		Lxm.flagit
-		(TypeInfo (StructType sti))
-		$2
-	}
+        {
+                let sti = make_struct_type_info $2 $6 in
+                Lxm.flagit
+                (TypeInfo (StructType sti))
+                $2
+        }
-	TK_MODEL sxIdent
-	sxUses
-	/* TK_NEEDS sxPackParamList TK_SEMICOL */
-	TK_NEEDS sxStaticParamList TK_SEMICOL
-	sxProvides
-		sxPackBody
-	{
-		let mdecl = {
-			mo_name = (Ident.pack_name_of_string (Lxm.str $2));
-			mo_uses = $3 ;
-			mo_needs = (List.rev $5) ;
-			mo_provides = $7 ;
-			mo_body = $9;
-		} in
-		{it = mdecl; src = $2 }
-	}
+        TK_MODEL sxIdent
+        sxUses
+        /* TK_NEEDS sxPackParamList TK_SEMICOL */
+        TK_NEEDS sxStaticParamList TK_SEMICOL
+        sxProvides
+        TK_BODY
+                sxPackBody
+        TK_END
+        {
+                let mdecl = {
+                        mo_name = (Ident.pack_name_of_string (Lxm.str $2));
+                        mo_uses = $3 ;
+                        mo_needs = (List.rev $5) ;
+                        mo_provides = $7 ;
+                        mo_body = $9;
+                } in
+                {it = mdecl; src = $2 }
+        }
-	TK_PACKAGE sxIdent
-	sxUses
-	sxProvides
-		sxPackBody
-	{
-		let pdef = PackGiven {
-			pg_uses = $3 ;
-			pg_provides = $4 ;
-			pg_body = $6;
-		} in	
-		let pdecl = {
-			pa_name = (Ident.pack_name_of_string (Lxm.str $2));
-			pa_def = pdef;
-		} in
-		{it = pdecl; src = $2 }
-	}
+        TK_PACKAGE sxIdent
+        sxUses
+        sxProvides
+        TK_BODY
+                sxPackBody
+        TK_END
+        {
+                let pdef = PackGiven {
+                        pg_uses = $3 ;
+                        pg_provides = $4 ;
+                        pg_body = $6;
+                } in    
+                let pdecl = {
+                        pa_name = (Ident.pack_name_of_string (Lxm.str $2));
+                        pa_def = pdef;
+                } in
+                {it = pdecl; src = $2 }
+        }
 /* pack params are identical to node static Packparams (?) */
-	sxStaticParamList
-		{ $1 }
+        sxStaticParamList
+                { $1 }
-		/* nada */
-	{ [] }
-	{
-		List.rev_map lexeme_to_pack_name_flagged $2
-	}
+                /* nada */
+        { [] }
+|       TK_USES sxIdentList TK_SEMICOL
+        {
+                List.rev_map lexeme_to_pack_name_flagged $2
+        }
 /* */
-|	TK_EQ
- 	{}
-|	TK_IS
- 	{}
+|       TK_EQ
+        {}
+|       TK_IS
+        {}
 /* I don't like by-pos notation, but keep it
-	for backward compatibility
+        for backward compatibility
-	TK_PACKAGE sxIdent sxEq_or_Is sxIdent TK_OPEN_PAR
-		sxStaticArgList
-	{
-		let pdef = PackInstance {
-			pi_model =  ( $4);
-			pi_args = (List.rev $6);
-		} in
-		let pa = {
-			pa_name = (Ident.pack_name_of_string (Lxm.str $2));
-			pa_def = pdef;
-		} in
-		{it = pa; src = $2 }
-	}
+        TK_PACKAGE sxIdent sxEq_or_Is sxIdent TK_OPEN_PAR
+                sxStaticArgList
+        {
+                let pdef = PackInstance {
+                        pi_model =  ( $4);
+                        pi_args = (List.rev $6);
+                } in
+                let pa = {
+                        pa_name = (Ident.pack_name_of_string (Lxm.str $2));
+                        pa_def = pdef;
+                } in
+                {it = pa; src = $2 }
+        }
 /* sxPackBody :
-	les informations collectées dans les tables
-	sont figées, et on remet les tables à 0 ...
+        les informations collectées dans les tables
+        sont figées, et on remet les tables à 0 ...
-	sxDeclList
-	{
-		let res = SyntaxTree.make_packbody
-			const_table type_table node_table (List.rev !def_list) in
-		(* clean all ... *)
-		Hashtbl.clear const_table ;
-		Hashtbl.clear type_table ;
-		Hashtbl.clear node_table ;
-		def_list := [] ;
-		res
-	}
+        sxDeclList
+        {
+                let res = SyntaxTree.make_packbody
+                        const_table type_table node_table (List.rev !def_list) in
+                (* clean all ... *)
+                Hashtbl.clear const_table ;
+                Hashtbl.clear type_table ;
+                Hashtbl.clear node_table ;
+                def_list := [] ;
+                res
+        }
 /* sxDeclarations */
 sxDeclList:   sxOneDecl
-			{ }
-	|   sxDeclList sxOneDecl
-			{ }
-	;
+                        { }
+        |   sxDeclList sxOneDecl
+                        { }
+        ;
-		sxConstDecl 
-			{ }
-	|	sxTypeDecl
-			{ }
-	|	sxExtNodeDecl
-			{ } 
-	|	sxNodeDecl
-			{ }
-	;
+                sxConstDecl 
+                        { }
+        |       sxTypeDecl
+                        { }
+        |       sxExtNodeDecl
+                        { } 
+        |       sxNodeDecl
+                        { }
+        ;
 /* sxIdentifiers and lists */
 sxIdentRef :
-	/* simple or long ... */
-	{ idref_of_lxm $1 }
-	{ idref_of_lxm $1 }
+        /* simple or long ... */
+        TK_IDENT
+        { idref_of_lxm $1 }
+        { idref_of_lxm $1 }
 /* sxIdentifiers and lists */
 sxIdent: TK_IDENT sxPragma
-	{ $1 }
-	;
+        { $1 }
+        ;
 sxIdentList:   sxIdent
-			{ [$1] }
-	|   sxIdentList TK_COMA sxIdent
-			{ $3::$1 }
-	; 
+                        { [$1] }
+        |   sxIdentList TK_COMA sxIdent
+                        { $3::$1 }
+        ; 
 sxTypedIdentsList: sxTypedIdents
-			{ [ $1 ] }
-	|   sxTypedIdentsList TK_SEMICOL sxTypedIdents
-			{ $3::$1 }
-	;
+                        { [ $1 ] }
+        |   sxTypedIdentsList TK_SEMICOL sxTypedIdents
+                        { $3::$1 }
+        ;
 sxTypedIdents:   sxIdentList TK_COLON sxType
-	/* WARNING ! il faut remettre la liste à l'endroit */
-			{ ((List.rev $1), $3 ) }
-	;
+        /* WARNING ! il faut remettre la liste à l'endroit */
+                        { ((List.rev $1), $3 ) }
+        ;
 sxTypedValuedIdents: sxTypedValuedIdent
-			{ $1 }
-	|   sxTypedValuedIdents TK_SEMICOL sxTypedValuedIdent
-			{ List.append $1 $3 }
-	;
+                        { $1 }
+        |   sxTypedValuedIdents TK_SEMICOL sxTypedValuedIdent
+                        { List.append $1 $3 }
+        ;
 sxTypedValuedIdent :
-	/* Les listes d'idents en partie gauche sont 
-	   acceptées pour les idents SANS valeur
-	 */
-		sxIdent TK_COLON sxType 
-			{ (id_valopt_list_of_id_list [$1] $3 ) }
-	|	sxIdent TK_COMA sxIdentList TK_COLON sxType 
-			{ (id_valopt_list_of_id_list ($1::(List.rev $3)) $5) }
-	/* Mais pas pour les constantes définies :
-	*/
-	|  sxIdent TK_COLON sxType TK_EQ sxExpression
-			{ [id_valopt_of_id_val $1 $3 $5]  }
+        /* Les listes d'idents en partie gauche sont 
+           acceptées pour les idents SANS valeur
+         */
+                sxIdent TK_COLON sxType 
+                        { (id_valopt_list_of_id_list [$1] $3 ) }
+        |       sxIdent TK_COMA sxIdentList TK_COLON sxType 
+                        { (id_valopt_list_of_id_list ($1::(List.rev $3)) $5) }
+        /* Mais pas pour les constantes définies :
+        */
+        |  sxIdent TK_COLON sxType TK_EQ sxExpression
+                        { [id_valopt_of_id_val $1 $3 $5]  }
@@ -464,59 +464,59 @@ sxOneConstDecl:
 |  sxIdent TK_COLON sxType TK_EQ sxExpression
 { (treat_defined_const $1 (Some $3) $5)  }
 |  sxIdent TK_EQ sxExpression
-			{ (treat_defined_const $1 (None) $3 ) }
-	; 
+                        { (treat_defined_const $1 (None) $3 ) }
+        ; 
 /* types */
 sxTypeDecl:   TK_TYPE sxTypeDeclList
-			{} 
-	;
+                        {} 
+        ;
 sxTypeDeclList:   sxOneTypeDecl TK_SEMICOL
-			{}
-	|   sxTypeDeclList sxOneTypeDecl TK_SEMICOL
-			{}
-	;
+                        {}
+        |   sxTypeDeclList sxOneTypeDecl TK_SEMICOL
+                        {}
+        ;
-	/* liste de types abstraits (externes) */
-		sxIdentList
-		{ treat_external_type_list (List.rev $1) }
-	/* un alias sur type immédiat */
-	|	sxIdent TK_EQ sxType 
-		{ treat_aliased_type $1 $3 }
-	/* type énuméré */
-	/* WARNING ! il faut remettre la liste à l'endroit */
-		{
-				treat_enum_type $1 (List.rev $5)
-		}
-	/* type structure à champs nommés */
-	/* WARNING ! la liste est déjà à l'endroit */
-	|	sxIdent TK_EQ opt_TK_STRUCT TK_OPEN_BRACE sxTypedValuedIdents TK_CLOSE_BRACE
-		{ treat_struct_type $1 $5 }
-	;
+        /* liste de types abstraits (externes) */
+                sxIdentList
+                { treat_external_type_list (List.rev $1) }
+        /* un alias sur type immédiat */
+        |       sxIdent TK_EQ sxType 
+                { treat_aliased_type $1 $3 }
+        /* type énuméré */
+        /* WARNING ! il faut remettre la liste à l'endroit */
+        |       sxIdent TK_EQ TK_ENUM TK_OPEN_BRACE sxIdentList TK_CLOSE_BRACE
+                {
+                                treat_enum_type $1 (List.rev $5)
+                }
+        /* type structure à champs nommés */
+        /* WARNING ! la liste est déjà à l'endroit */
+        |       sxIdent TK_EQ opt_TK_STRUCT TK_OPEN_BRACE sxTypedValuedIdents TK_CLOSE_BRACE
+                { treat_struct_type $1 $5 }
+        ;
 /* COMPATIBILITY : "struct" keyword is optional */
-	/* nothing */ {}
-|	TK_STRUCT     {}
+        /* nothing */ {}
+|       TK_STRUCT     {}
 /* Notation de type "immédiat" */
-		/* prédéfini */
-	    TK_BOOL  { {src=$1; it=Bool_type_exp } }
-	|   TK_INT   { {src=$1; it=Int_type_exp } }
-	|   TK_REAL  { {src=$1; it=Real_type_exp } }
-		/* ref à un type nommé */
-	|	sxIdentRef  { {src=$1.src; it= Named_type_exp $ } }
-		/* ou tableau immédiat */
-	|	sxType TK_HAT sxExpression
-			{ {src=$2; it=Array_type_exp ($1 , $3) } }
-	;
+                /* prédéfini */
+            TK_BOOL  { {src=$1; it=Bool_type_exp } }
+        |   TK_INT   { {src=$1; it=Int_type_exp } }
+        |   TK_REAL  { {src=$1; it=Real_type_exp } }
+                /* ref à un type nommé */
+        |       sxIdentRef  { {src=$1.src; it= Named_type_exp $ } }
+                /* ou tableau immédiat */
+        |       sxType TK_HAT sxExpression
+                        { {src=$2; it=Array_type_exp ($1 , $3) } }
+        ;
 /* extern nodes */
@@ -525,7 +525,7 @@ sxExtNodeDecl:
   TK_EXTERN TK_FUNCTION sxIdent sxParams TK_RETURNS sxParams sxOptSemicol
           { treat_external_node false $3 $4 $6 }
 | TK_EXTERN TK_NODE     sxIdent sxParams TK_RETURNS sxParams sxOptSemicol
-	  { treat_external_node true $3 $4 $6 } 
+          { treat_external_node true $3 $4 $6 } 
 /* noeuds */
@@ -534,137 +534,137 @@ sxNodeDecl: sxLocalNode {};
 | TK_NODE sxIdent sxStaticParams sxParams TK_RETURNS sxParams sxPragma sxOptSemicol
-		sxLocals sxBody sxOptEndNode
-	{ treat_node_decl true $2 $3 $4 $6 $9 $7 (fst $10) (snd $10) }
+                sxLocals sxBody sxOptEndNode
+        { treat_node_decl true $2 $3 $4 $6 $9 $7 (fst $10) (snd $10) }
 | TK_FUNCTION sxIdent sxStaticParams sxParams TK_RETURNS sxParams sxPragma sxOptSemicol
-		 sxLocals sxBody sxOptEndNode
-	{ treat_node_decl false $2 $3 $4 $6 $9 $7 (fst $10) (snd $10) }
+                 sxLocals sxBody sxOptEndNode
+        { treat_node_decl false $2 $3 $4 $6 $9 $7 (fst $10) (snd $10) }
 | TK_NODE sxIdent sxStaticParams sxNodeProfileOpt TK_EQ sxEffectiveNode sxOptSemicol 
-	{ treat_node_alias true $2 $3 $4 $6 } ;
+        { treat_node_alias true $2 $3 $4 $6 } ;
 | TK_FUNCTION sxIdent sxStaticParams sxNodeProfileOpt TK_EQ sxEffectiveNode sxOptSemicol 
-	{ treat_node_alias false $2 $3 $4 $6 } ;
+        { treat_node_alias false $2 $3 $4 $6 } ;
 sxNodeProfileOpt :
-	/* nada */
-	{ None }
-|	sxParams TK_RETURNS sxParams
-	{
-		let invars = clocked_ids_to_var_infos VarInput $1 in
-		let outvars = clocked_ids_to_var_infos VarOutput $3 in
-		Some (invars, outvars)
-	}
+        /* nada */
+        { None }
+|       sxParams TK_RETURNS sxParams
+        {
+                let invars = clocked_ids_to_var_infos VarInput $1 in
+                let outvars = clocked_ids_to_var_infos VarOutput $3 in
+                Some (invars, outvars)
+        }
 sxStaticParams: /*rien*/
-		{ [] }
-		{ (List.rev $2) }
+                { [] }
+        |       TK_OPEN_STATIC_PAR sxStaticParamList TK_CLOSE_STATIC_PAR
+                { (List.rev $2) }
-		sxStaticParam
-			{ [$1] }
-	|	sxStaticParamList TK_SEMICOL sxStaticParam
-			{ $3::$1 }
-	;
+                sxStaticParam
+                        { [$1] }
+        |       sxStaticParamList TK_SEMICOL sxStaticParam
+                        { $3::$1 }
+        ;
-		TK_TYPE sxIdent
-			{ {it=(StaticParamType ( $2)); src=$2} }
-	|	TK_CONST sxIdent TK_COLON sxType
-			{ {it=(StaticParamConst ( $2 , $4)); src=$2} }
-	|	TK_NODE sxIdent sxParams TK_RETURNS sxParams 
-	{
-		let invars = clocked_ids_to_var_infos VarInput $3 in
-		let outvars = clocked_ids_to_var_infos VarOutput $5 in
-		let xn = StaticParamNode (
- $2,
-			invars,
-			outvars,
-		        true
-		) in
-		Lxm.flagit xn $2
-	}
-	|	TK_FUNCTION sxIdent sxParams TK_RETURNS sxParams 
-	{
-		let invars = clocked_ids_to_var_infos VarInput $3 in
-		let outvars = clocked_ids_to_var_infos VarOutput $5 in
-		let xn = StaticParamNode (
- $2,
-			invars,
-			outvars,
-		        false
-		) in
-		Lxm.flagit xn $2
-	}
+                TK_TYPE sxIdent
+                        { {it=(StaticParamType ( $2)); src=$2} }
+        |       TK_CONST sxIdent TK_COLON sxType
+                        { {it=(StaticParamConst ( $2 , $4)); src=$2} }
+        |       TK_NODE sxIdent sxParams TK_RETURNS sxParams 
+        {
+                let invars = clocked_ids_to_var_infos VarInput $3 in
+                let outvars = clocked_ids_to_var_infos VarOutput $5 in
+                let xn = StaticParamNode (
+               $2,
+                        invars,
+                        outvars,
+                        true
+                ) in
+                Lxm.flagit xn $2
+        }
+        |       TK_FUNCTION sxIdent sxParams TK_RETURNS sxParams 
+        {
+                let invars = clocked_ids_to_var_infos VarInput $3 in
+                let outvars = clocked_ids_to_var_infos VarOutput $5 in
+                let xn = StaticParamNode (
+               $2,
+                        invars,
+                        outvars,
+                        false
+                ) in
+                Lxm.flagit xn $2
+        }
 /* Le "." à la fin des noeuds est une fioriture historique,
-	On accepte donc '.' ';' ou rien du tout !
+        On accepte donc '.' ';' ou rien du tout !
-			{}
-	|	sxOptSemicol
-			{}
-	;
+                TK_DOT
+                        {}
+        |       sxOptSemicol
+                        {}
+        ;
 /* Aucune difference entre params d'entrée et les autres */
 /* params de sortie */
-		/* rien */
-			{ [] }
-	|
-		TK_OPEN_PAR sxVarDeclList sxOptSemicol TK_CLOSE_PAR
-		  /* WARNING ! il faut remettre la liste à l'endroit */
-			{ (List.rev $2) }
-	;
+                /* rien */
+                TK_OPEN_PAR TK_CLOSE_PAR
+                        { [] }
+        |
+                TK_OPEN_PAR sxVarDeclList sxOptSemicol TK_CLOSE_PAR
+                  /* WARNING ! il faut remettre la liste à l'endroit */
+                        { (List.rev $2) }
+        ;
 /* variables locales */
-sxLocals:	/* empty */
-			{ [] }
-	|    TK_VAR sxVarDeclList TK_SEMICOL
-		  /* WARNING ! il faut remettre la liste à l'endroit */
-			{ (List.rev $2) }
-	;
+sxLocals:       /* empty */
+                        { [] }
+        |    TK_VAR sxVarDeclList TK_SEMICOL
+                  /* WARNING ! il faut remettre la liste à l'endroit */
+                        { (List.rev $2) }
+        ;
 /* liste de déclarations de vars typées et clockées */
 sxVarDeclList: sxVarDecl
-			{ [$1] }
-	|    sxVarDeclList TK_SEMICOL sxVarDecl
-			{ $3::$1 }
-	;
+                        { [$1] }
+        |    sxVarDeclList TK_SEMICOL sxVarDecl
+                        { $3::$1 }
+        ;
 /* déclaration de vars éventuellement clockées */
-	/*
-		Pas de clock : sous-entendu sur la base
-		exemple: x, ..., z : type
-	*/
-		sxTypedIdents
-		{
-			([$1], Base)
-		}
-	|
-	/*
-		Clock explicite sur UNE seule liste d'idents typés
-		exemple: x, ..., z : type when clock
-	*/
-		sxTypedIdents TK_WHEN sxIdent
-		{
-			([$1], (NamedClock { $3; src = $3} ))
-		}
-	|
-	/*
-		Clock explicite sur PLUSIEURS listes d'idents typés
-		exemple: (x,..,z : t1 ; a,...,b : t2) when clock
-	*/
-		TK_OPEN_PAR sxTypedIdentsList TK_CLOSE_PAR TK_WHEN sxIdent
-		/* WARNING ! il faut remettre la liste à l'endroit */
-		{
-			( (List.rev $2), (NamedClock { $5; src=$5} ) )
-		}
-	;
+        /*
+                Pas de clock : sous-entendu sur la base
+                exemple: x, ..., z : type
+        */
+                sxTypedIdents
+                {
+                        ([$1], Base)
+                }
+        |
+        /*
+                Clock explicite sur UNE seule liste d'idents typés
+                exemple: x, ..., z : type when clock
+        */
+                sxTypedIdents TK_WHEN sxIdent
+                {
+                        ([$1], (NamedClock { $3; src = $3} ))
+                }
+        |
+        /*
+                Clock explicite sur PLUSIEURS listes d'idents typés
+                exemple: (x,..,z : t1 ; a,...,b : t2) when clock
+        */
+                TK_OPEN_PAR sxTypedIdentsList TK_CLOSE_PAR TK_WHEN sxIdent
+                /* WARNING ! il faut remettre la liste à l'endroit */
+                {
+                        ( (List.rev $2), (NamedClock { $5; src=$5} ) )
+                }
+        ;
 /* Corps d'un noeud */
@@ -672,292 +672,292 @@ Retourne un couple (assertions list, equations list)
       TK_LET TK_TEL
-		{ ([], []) }
-	|   TK_LET sxEquationList TK_TEL
-	/* WARNING ! il faut remettre les listes à l'endroit */
-		{ (List.rev (fst $2) , List.rev (snd $2)) }
-	;
+                { ([], []) }
+        |   TK_LET sxEquationList TK_TEL
+        /* WARNING ! il faut remettre les listes à l'endroit */
+                { (List.rev (fst $2) , List.rev (snd $2)) }
+        ;
 /* Equations */
 sxEquationList:   sxEquation
-	{ $1 }
-	|   sxPragma sxEquation
-	    { $2 }
-	|   sxEquationList sxEquation
-	{
-		( (fst $2) @ (fst $1) , (snd $2) @ (snd $1) )
-	}
-	;
+        { $1 }
+        |   sxPragma sxEquation
+            { $2 }
+        |   sxEquationList sxEquation
+        {
+                ( (fst $2) @ (fst $1) , (snd $2) @ (snd $1) )
+        }
+        ;
 sxEquation:   TK_ASSERT sxExpression TK_SEMICOL
-	{
-		( [ {src = $1; it = $2} ] , [] )
-	}
-	|   sxLeft TK_EQ sxExpression TK_SEMICOL
-	{
-		( [] , [ {src = $2; it = ($1, $3) } ] )
-	}
-	;
+        {
+                ( [ {src = $1; it = $2} ] , [] )
+        }
+        |   sxLeft TK_EQ sxExpression TK_SEMICOL
+        {
+                ( [] , [ {src = $2; it = ($1, $3) } ] )
+        }
+        ;
 /* partie gauche d'equation */
 sxLeft:   sxLeftItemList
-	/* WARNING ! il faut remettre la liste à l'endroit */
-	{ (List.rev $1) }
-	|   TK_OPEN_PAR sxLeftItemList TK_CLOSE_PAR
-	/* WARNING ! il faut remettre la liste à l'endroit */
-	{ (List.rev $2) }
-	;
+        /* WARNING ! il faut remettre la liste à l'endroit */
+        { (List.rev $1) }
+        |   TK_OPEN_PAR sxLeftItemList TK_CLOSE_PAR
+        /* WARNING ! il faut remettre la liste à l'endroit */
+        { (List.rev $2) }
+        ;
 sxLeftItemList:   sxLeftItem
-	{ [$1] }
-	|   sxLeftItemList TK_COMA sxLeftItem 
-	{ $3::$1 }
-	;
+        { [$1] }
+        |   sxLeftItemList TK_COMA sxLeftItem 
+        { $3::$1 }
+        ;
 sxLeftItem: sxIdent
-	{ LeftVar ( {src = $1; it = $1} ) }
-	|   sxFieldLeftItem 
-	{ $1 }
-	|   sxTableLeftItem
-	{ $1 }
-	;
+        { LeftVar ( {src = $1; it = $1} ) }
+        |   sxFieldLeftItem 
+        { $1 }
+        |   sxTableLeftItem
+        { $1 }
+        ;
 sxFieldLeftItem: sxLeftItem TK_DOT sxIdent
-	{ LeftField ($1 , {src = $3; it = $3} ) }
-	;
+        { LeftField ($1 , {src = $3; it = $3} ) }
+        ;
-	    sxLeftItem TK_OPEN_BRACKET sxExpression TK_CLOSE_BRACKET
-	{ LeftArray ($1 , {src = $2; it = $3})  }
-	{ LeftSlice ($1, $3 ) }
-	;
+            sxLeftItem TK_OPEN_BRACKET sxExpression TK_CLOSE_BRACKET
+        { LeftArray ($1 , {src = $2; it = $3})  }
+        |   sxLeftItem TK_OPEN_BRACKET sxSelect TK_CLOSE_BRACKET
+        { LeftSlice ($1, $3 ) }
+        ;
 /* partie droite d'equation (expression) */
-	/* zéroaires */
-	    sxConstant { $1 }
-	|   sxIdentRef    { leafexp $1.src (IDENT_n $ }
-	/* unaires */
-	|   TK_NOT sxExpression      { unexp_predef $1 NOT_n $2 }
-	|   TK_MINUS sxExpression %prec TK_UMINUS
-	                             { unexp_predef $1 UMINUS_n $2 }
-	|   TK_PRE sxExpression      { unexp $1 PRE_n $2 }
-	|   TK_CURRENT sxExpression  { unexp $1 CURRENT_n $2 }
-	|   TK_INT sxExpression      { unexp_predef $1 REAL2INT_n $2 }
-	|   TK_REAL sxExpression     { unexp_predef $1 INT2REAL_n $2 }
-	 /* binaires */
-	|  sxExpression TK_FBY  sxExpression { binexp $2 FBY_n $1 $3 }
-	|  sxExpression TK_ARROW sxExpression { binexp $2 ARROW_n $1 $3 }
-	|  sxExpression TK_WHEN  sxExpression { binexp $2 WHEN_n $1 $3 }
-	|  sxExpression TK_AND   sxExpression { binexp_predef $2 AND_n  $1 $3 }
-	|  sxExpression TK_OR    sxExpression { binexp_predef $2 OR_n  $1 $3 }
-	|  sxExpression TK_XOR   sxExpression { binexp_predef $2 XOR_n  $1 $3 }
-	|  sxExpression TK_IMPL  sxExpression { binexp_predef $2 IMPL_n  $1 $3 }
-	|  sxExpression TK_EQ    sxExpression { binexp_predef $2 EQ_n  $1 $3 }
-	|  sxExpression TK_NEQ   sxExpression { binexp_predef $2 NEQ_n  $1 $3 }
-	|  sxExpression TK_LT    sxExpression { binexp_predef $2 LT_n  $1 $3 }
-	|  sxExpression TK_LTE   sxExpression { binexp_predef $2 LTE_n  $1 $3 }
-	|  sxExpression TK_GT    sxExpression { binexp_predef $2 GT_n  $1 $3 }
-	|  sxExpression TK_GTE   sxExpression { binexp_predef $2 GTE_n  $1 $3 }
-	|  sxExpression TK_DIV   sxExpression { binexp_predef $2 DIV_n  $1 $3 }
-	|  sxExpression TK_MOD   sxExpression { binexp_predef $2 MOD_n  $1 $3 }
-	|  sxExpression TK_MINUS sxExpression { binexp_predef $2 MINUS_n  $1 $3 }
-	|  sxExpression TK_PLUS  sxExpression { binexp_predef $2 PLUS_n  $1 $3 }
-	|  sxExpression TK_SLASH sxExpression { binexp_predef $2 SLASH_n  $1 $3 }
-	|  sxExpression TK_STAR  sxExpression { binexp_predef $2 TIMES_n  $1 $3 }
-	/* ternaires */
-	|  TK_IF sxExpression TK_THEN sxExpression TK_ELSE sxExpression
-			{ ternexp_predef $1 IF_n $2 $4 $6 }
-	|  TK_WITH sxExpression TK_THEN sxExpression TK_ELSE sxExpression
+        /* zéroaires */
+            sxConstant { $1 }
+        |   sxIdentRef    { leafexp $1.src (IDENT_n $ }
+        /* unaires */
+        |   TK_NOT sxExpression      { unexp_predef $1 NOT_n $2 }
+        |   TK_MINUS sxExpression %prec TK_UMINUS
+                                     { unexp_predef $1 UMINUS_n $2 }
+        |   TK_PRE sxExpression      { unexp $1 PRE_n $2 }
+        |   TK_CURRENT sxExpression  { unexp $1 CURRENT_n $2 }
+        |   TK_INT sxExpression      { unexp_predef $1 REAL2INT_n $2 }
+        |   TK_REAL sxExpression     { unexp_predef $1 INT2REAL_n $2 }
+         /* binaires */
+        |  sxExpression TK_FBY  sxExpression { binexp $2 FBY_n $1 $3 }
+        |  sxExpression TK_ARROW sxExpression { binexp $2 ARROW_n $1 $3 }
+        |  sxExpression TK_WHEN  sxExpression { binexp $2 WHEN_n $1 $3 }
+        |  sxExpression TK_AND   sxExpression { binexp_predef $2 AND_n  $1 $3 }
+        |  sxExpression TK_OR    sxExpression { binexp_predef $2 OR_n  $1 $3 }
+        |  sxExpression TK_XOR   sxExpression { binexp_predef $2 XOR_n  $1 $3 }
+        |  sxExpression TK_IMPL  sxExpression { binexp_predef $2 IMPL_n  $1 $3 }
+        |  sxExpression TK_EQ    sxExpression { binexp_predef $2 EQ_n  $1 $3 }
+        |  sxExpression TK_NEQ   sxExpression { binexp_predef $2 NEQ_n  $1 $3 }
+        |  sxExpression TK_LT    sxExpression { binexp_predef $2 LT_n  $1 $3 }
+        |  sxExpression TK_LTE   sxExpression { binexp_predef $2 LTE_n  $1 $3 }
+        |  sxExpression TK_GT    sxExpression { binexp_predef $2 GT_n  $1 $3 }
+        |  sxExpression TK_GTE   sxExpression { binexp_predef $2 GTE_n  $1 $3 }
+        |  sxExpression TK_DIV   sxExpression { binexp_predef $2 DIV_n  $1 $3 }
+        |  sxExpression TK_MOD   sxExpression { binexp_predef $2 MOD_n  $1 $3 }
+        |  sxExpression TK_MINUS sxExpression { binexp_predef $2 MINUS_n  $1 $3 }
+        |  sxExpression TK_PLUS  sxExpression { binexp_predef $2 PLUS_n  $1 $3 }
+        |  sxExpression TK_SLASH sxExpression { binexp_predef $2 SLASH_n  $1 $3 }
+        |  sxExpression TK_STAR  sxExpression { binexp_predef $2 TIMES_n  $1 $3 }
+        /* ternaires */
+        |  TK_IF sxExpression TK_THEN sxExpression TK_ELSE sxExpression
+                        { ternexp_predef $1 IF_n $2 $4 $6 }
+        |  TK_WITH sxExpression TK_THEN sxExpression TK_ELSE sxExpression
             { CallByPos( {src = $1 ; it = WITH_n($2, $4, $6) }, Oper [] ) }
-	/* n-aires */
-	/* WARNING ! il faut remettre la liste à l'endroit */
-			{ naryexp_predef $1 DIESE_n (List.rev $3) }
-	|  TK_NOR TK_OPEN_PAR sxExpressionList TK_CLOSE_PAR
-			{ naryexp_predef $1 NOR_n (List.rev $3) }
-	| sxCallByPosExpression 
-			{ $1 }
-			{ naryexp $1 TUPLE_n (List.rev $2) }
-	/* Opérations sur les tableaux */
-	/* -> création à partir d'une liste */
-			{ naryexp $1 ARRAY_n (List.rev $2) }
-	/* -> création par exponentiation */
-	|  sxExpression TK_HAT sxExpression { binexp $2 HAT_n $1 $3 }
-	/* -> concaténation */
-	|  sxExpression TK_BAR sxExpression { binexp $2 CONCAT_n $1 $3 }
-	/* -> accès à un élément */
-	|  sxExpression TK_OPEN_BRACKET sxExpression TK_CLOSE_BRACKET 
-			{ unexp $2 (ARRAY_ACCES_n $3) $1 }
-	/* -> accès à une tranche */
-	|  sxExpression TK_OPEN_BRACKET sxSelect TK_CLOSE_BRACKET 
-			{ unexp $3.src (ARRAY_SLICE_n $ $1 }
-	/* Acces aux structures */
-	|  sxExpression TK_DOT sxIdent
-			{ unexp $2 (STRUCT_ACCESS_n ( $3)) $1 } 
-	/* Appels par noms */
-	|	sxCallByNameExpression 
-			{ $1 }
-	/* Parenthèses */
-	|  TK_OPEN_PAR sxExpression TK_CLOSE_PAR
-			{ $2 }
-	;
+        /* n-aires */
+        /* WARNING ! il faut remettre la liste à l'endroit */
+        |  TK_DIESE TK_OPEN_PAR sxExpressionList TK_CLOSE_PAR
+                        { naryexp_predef $1 DIESE_n (List.rev $3) }
+        |  TK_NOR TK_OPEN_PAR sxExpressionList TK_CLOSE_PAR
+                        { naryexp_predef $1 NOR_n (List.rev $3) }
+        | sxCallByPosExpression 
+                        { $1 }
+        |  TK_OPEN_PAR sxExpList2 TK_CLOSE_PAR
+                        { naryexp $1 TUPLE_n (List.rev $2) }
+        /* Opérations sur les tableaux */
+        /* -> création à partir d'une liste */
+        |  TK_OPEN_BRACKET sxExpressionList TK_CLOSE_BRACKET
+                        { naryexp $1 ARRAY_n (List.rev $2) }
+        /* -> création par exponentiation */
+        |  sxExpression TK_HAT sxExpression { binexp $2 HAT_n $1 $3 }
+        /* -> concaténation */
+        |  sxExpression TK_BAR sxExpression { binexp $2 CONCAT_n $1 $3 }
+        /* -> accès à un élément */
+        |  sxExpression TK_OPEN_BRACKET sxExpression TK_CLOSE_BRACKET 
+                        { unexp $2 (ARRAY_ACCES_n $3) $1 }
+        /* -> accès à une tranche */
+        |  sxExpression TK_OPEN_BRACKET sxSelect TK_CLOSE_BRACKET 
+                        { unexp $3.src (ARRAY_SLICE_n $ $1 }
+        /* Acces aux structures */
+        |  sxExpression TK_DOT sxIdent
+                        { unexp $2 (STRUCT_ACCESS_n ( $3)) $1 } 
+        /* Appels par noms */
+        |       sxCallByNameExpression 
+                        { $1 }
+        /* Parenthèses */
+        |  TK_OPEN_PAR sxExpression TK_CLOSE_PAR
+                        { $2 }
+        ;
-	|   TK_NOT    { {src=$1; it=Predef(NOT_n,[])} }
-	|   TK_FBY    { {src=$1; it=FBY_n} }
-	|   TK_PRE    { {src=$1; it=PRE_n} }
-	|   TK_CURRENT{ {src=$1; it=CURRENT_n} } 
-	|   TK_ARROW  { {src=$1; it=ARROW_n} }
-	|   TK_WHEN   { {src=$1; it=WHEN_n} }
-	|   TK_AND    { {src=$1; it=Predef(AND_n,[]) } }
-	|   TK_OR     { {src=$1; it=Predef(OR_n,[]) } }
-	|   TK_XOR    { {src=$1; it=Predef(XOR_n,[]) } }
-	|   TK_IMPL   { {src=$1; it=Predef(IMPL_n,[]) } }
-	|   TK_EQ     { {src=$1; it=Predef(EQ_n,[]) } }
-	|   TK_NEQ    { {src=$1; it=Predef(NEQ_n,[]) } }
-	|   TK_LT     { {src=$1; it=Predef(LT_n,[]) } }
-	|   TK_LTE    { {src=$1; it=Predef(LTE_n,[]) } }
-	|   TK_GT     { {src=$1; it=Predef(GT_n,[]) } }
-	|   TK_GTE    { {src=$1; it=Predef(GTE_n,[]) } }
-	|   TK_DIV    { {src=$1; it=Predef(DIV_n,[]) } }
-	|   TK_MOD    { {src=$1; it=Predef(MOD_n,[]) } }
-	|   TK_MINUS  { {src=$1; it=Predef(MINUS_n,[]) } }
-	|   TK_PLUS   { {src=$1; it=Predef(PLUS_n,[]) } }
-	|   TK_SLASH  { {src=$1; it=Predef(SLASH_n,[]) } }
-	|   TK_STAR   { {src=$1; it=Predef(TIMES_n,[]) } }
-	|   TK_IF     { {src=$1; it=Predef(IF_n,[]) } }
+        |   TK_NOT    { {src=$1; it=Predef(NOT_n,[])} }
+        |   TK_FBY    { {src=$1; it=FBY_n} }
+        |   TK_PRE    { {src=$1; it=PRE_n} }
+        |   TK_CURRENT{ {src=$1; it=CURRENT_n} } 
+        |   TK_ARROW  { {src=$1; it=ARROW_n} }
+        |   TK_WHEN   { {src=$1; it=WHEN_n} }
+        |   TK_AND    { {src=$1; it=Predef(AND_n,[]) } }
+        |   TK_OR     { {src=$1; it=Predef(OR_n,[]) } }
+        |   TK_XOR    { {src=$1; it=Predef(XOR_n,[]) } }
+        |   TK_IMPL   { {src=$1; it=Predef(IMPL_n,[]) } }
+        |   TK_EQ     { {src=$1; it=Predef(EQ_n,[]) } }
+        |   TK_NEQ    { {src=$1; it=Predef(NEQ_n,[]) } }
+        |   TK_LT     { {src=$1; it=Predef(LT_n,[]) } }
+        |   TK_LTE    { {src=$1; it=Predef(LTE_n,[]) } }
+        |   TK_GT     { {src=$1; it=Predef(GT_n,[]) } }
+        |   TK_GTE    { {src=$1; it=Predef(GTE_n,[]) } }
+        |   TK_DIV    { {src=$1; it=Predef(DIV_n,[]) } }
+        |   TK_MOD    { {src=$1; it=Predef(MOD_n,[]) } }
+        |   TK_MINUS  { {src=$1; it=Predef(MINUS_n,[]) } }
+        |   TK_PLUS   { {src=$1; it=Predef(PLUS_n,[]) } }
+        |   TK_SLASH  { {src=$1; it=Predef(SLASH_n,[]) } }
+        |   TK_STAR   { {src=$1; it=Predef(TIMES_n,[]) } }
+        |   TK_IF     { {src=$1; it=Predef(IF_n,[]) } }
 /* Appel fonctionnel par position (classique) */
 /* NB
-	On a 2 règles à cause des appels échantillonné
+        On a 2 règles à cause des appels échantillonné
-		sxEffectiveNode TK_OPEN_PAR sxExpression TK_CLOSE_PAR
-		{ naryexp $1.src (CALL_n $1) [$3] }
-	/* WARNING ! il faut remettre la liste à l'endroit */
-	|	sxEffectiveNode TK_OPEN_PAR sxExpList2 TK_CLOSE_PAR
-		{ naryexp $1.src (CALL_n $1) (List.rev $3) }
-	;
+                sxEffectiveNode TK_OPEN_PAR sxExpression TK_CLOSE_PAR
+                { naryexp $1.src (CALL_n $1) [$3] }
+        /* WARNING ! il faut remettre la liste à l'endroit */
+        |       sxEffectiveNode TK_OPEN_PAR sxExpList2 TK_CLOSE_PAR
+                { naryexp $1.src (CALL_n $1) (List.rev $3) }
+        ;
 /* Effective node : une constrcution qui designe un noeud */
-	/* Juste un nom */
-		sxIdentRef
-			{ {src=$1.src; it=(($, [])) } }
-	/* Un nom + des params statiques */
-			{ {src=$1.src; it=(($, List.rev $3)) }	}
-	/* Un operateur prédéfini 
-	|	TK_OPERATOR sxPredefOp,[]
-			{ {src=$; it=($, []) } }
-	;
+        /* Juste un nom */
+                sxIdentRef
+                        { {src=$1.src; it=(($, [])) } }
+        /* Un nom + des params statiques */
+        |       sxIdentRef TK_OPEN_STATIC_PAR sxStaticArgList TK_CLOSE_STATIC_PAR
+                        { {src=$1.src; it=(($, List.rev $3)) }      }
+        /* Un operateur prédéfini 
+        |       TK_OPERATOR sxPredefOp,[]
+                        { {src=$; it=($, []) } }
+        ;
 XXX pour l'instant, j'enleve la possibilité d'avoir
 (operator +(1,2)). On verra ca plus tard
-		sxStaticArg
-		{ [$1] }
-	|	sxStaticArgList TK_COMA sxStaticArg
-		{ $3::$1 }
-	/* let's be permissive... */
-	|	sxStaticArgList TK_SEMICOL sxStaticArg
-		{ $3::$1 }
-	;
+                sxStaticArg
+                { [$1] }
+        |       sxStaticArgList TK_COMA sxStaticArg
+                { $3::$1 }
+        /* let's be permissive... */
+        |       sxStaticArgList TK_SEMICOL sxStaticArg
+                { $3::$1 }
+        ;
 /* Faut se tordre l'esprit ici !
 - la nature est explicite,
-	  - la nature est immediate (type, const ou node predefini)
-	  - la nature est sans ambiguite const (expressions simples)
-	  - la nature est compile-time (juste un ident, a résoudre)
-	  */
+          - la nature est immediate (type, const ou node predefini)
+          - la nature est sans ambiguite const (expressions simples)
+          - la nature est compile-time (juste un ident, a résoudre)
+          */
-	  /* nature explicite */
-	| TK_TYPE sxType 
-	    { {src=$1 ; it=StaticArgType $2 } }
-	| TK_CONST sxExpression
-	    { {src=$1 ; it=StaticArgConst $2 } }
-	| TK_NODE sxEffectiveNode
-	    { {src=$1 ; it=StaticArgNode (CALL_n $2) } }
-	| TK_FUNCTION sxEffectiveNode
-	    { {src=$1 ; it=StaticArgNode (CALL_n $2) } }
-	| sxPredefOp
-			{ {src=$1.src; it=StaticArgNode $ } }
-	  /* un ident OU une expression simple (à résoudre) */
-	  /* c'est au retour qu'on choisit */
-	| sxSimpleExp
-	    {
-	      match $1 with 
-		| CallByPos (op, x) -> (
-		    match with
-		      | IDENT_n idref -> {src=op.src ; it = StaticArgIdent idref }
-		      | _ -> {src=op.src ; it= StaticArgConst $1}
-		  ) 
-		| CallByName _ -> 
-		    print_string "*** unexpected static argument\n";
-		    assert false
-	    }
-		/* un type sans ambiguite */
-	|	sxSurelyType
-			{ {src=$1.src; it=StaticArgType $1} }
-		/* un node sans ambiguite */
-	|	sxSurelyNode
-			{ {src=$1.src; it=StaticArgNode (CALL_n $1)} }
+          /* nature explicite */
+        | TK_TYPE sxType 
+            { {src=$1 ; it=StaticArgType $2 } }
+        | TK_CONST sxExpression
+            { {src=$1 ; it=StaticArgConst $2 } }
+        | TK_NODE sxEffectiveNode
+            { {src=$1 ; it=StaticArgNode (CALL_n $2) } }
+        | TK_FUNCTION sxEffectiveNode
+            { {src=$1 ; it=StaticArgNode (CALL_n $2) } }
+        | sxPredefOp
+                        { {src=$1.src; it=StaticArgNode $ } }
+          /* un ident OU une expression simple (à résoudre) */
+          /* c'est au retour qu'on choisit */
+        | sxSimpleExp
+            {
+              match $1 with 
+                | CallByPos (op, x) -> (
+                    match with
+                      | IDENT_n idref -> {src=op.src ; it = StaticArgIdent idref }
+                      | _ -> {src=op.src ; it= StaticArgConst $1}
+                  ) 
+                | CallByName _ -> 
+                    print_string "*** unexpected static argument\n";
+                    assert false
+            }
+                /* un type sans ambiguite */
+        |       sxSurelyType
+                        { {src=$1.src; it=StaticArgType $1} }
+                /* un node sans ambiguite */
+        |       sxSurelyNode
+                        { {src=$1.src; it=StaticArgNode (CALL_n $1)} }
-			{ {src=$1.src; it=($, List.rev $3) }	}
+        |       sxIdentRef TK_OPEN_STATIC_PAR sxStaticArgList TK_CLOSE_STATIC_PAR
+                        { {src=$1.src; it=($, List.rev $3) }        }
-		/* prédéfini */
-	    TK_BOOL  { {src=$1; it=Bool_type_exp} }
-	|   TK_INT   { {src=$1; it=Int_type_exp} }
-	|   TK_REAL  { {src=$1; it=Real_type_exp} }
-		/* ou tableau immédiat */
-	|	sxSurelyType TK_HAT sxExpression
-			{ {src=$1.src; it = Array_type_exp ($1 , $3) } }
-	;
+                /* prédéfini */
+            TK_BOOL  { {src=$1; it=Bool_type_exp} }
+        |   TK_INT   { {src=$1; it=Int_type_exp} }
+        |   TK_REAL  { {src=$1; it=Real_type_exp} }
+                /* ou tableau immédiat */
+        |       sxSurelyType TK_HAT sxExpression
+                        { {src=$1.src; it = Array_type_exp ($1 , $3) } }
+        ;
 /* sxSimpleExp = statically evaluable exp */
-		sxConstant { $1 }
-	|  sxIdentRef    { leafexp $1.src (IDENT_n $ }
-	|  TK_OPEN_PAR sxSimpleExp TK_CLOSE_PAR { $2 }
-	|  TK_NOT sxSimpleExp      { unexp_predef $1 NOT_n $2 }
-	|  TK_MINUS sxSimpleExp %prec TK_UMINUS { unexp_predef $1 UMINUS_n $2 }
-	|  sxSimpleExp TK_AND   sxSimpleExp { binexp_predef $2 AND_n  $1 $3 }
-	|  sxSimpleExp TK_OR    sxSimpleExp { binexp_predef $2 OR_n  $1 $3 }
-	|  sxSimpleExp TK_XOR   sxSimpleExp { binexp_predef $2 XOR_n  $1 $3 }
-	|  sxSimpleExp TK_IMPL  sxSimpleExp { binexp_predef $2 IMPL_n  $1 $3 }
-	|  sxSimpleExp TK_EQ    sxSimpleExp { binexp_predef $2 EQ_n  $1 $3 }
-	|  sxSimpleExp TK_NEQ   sxSimpleExp { binexp_predef $2 NEQ_n  $1 $3 }
-	|  sxSimpleExp TK_LT    sxSimpleExp { binexp_predef $2 LT_n  $1 $3 }
-	|  sxSimpleExp TK_LTE   sxSimpleExp { binexp_predef $2 LTE_n  $1 $3 }
-	|  sxSimpleExp TK_GT    sxSimpleExp { binexp_predef $2 GT_n  $1 $3 }
-	|  sxSimpleExp TK_GTE   sxSimpleExp { binexp_predef $2 GTE_n  $1 $3 }
-	|  sxSimpleExp TK_DIV   sxSimpleExp { binexp_predef $2 DIV_n  $1 $3 }
-	|  sxSimpleExp TK_MOD   sxSimpleExp { binexp_predef $2 MOD_n  $1 $3 }
-	|  sxSimpleExp TK_MINUS sxSimpleExp { binexp_predef $2 MINUS_n  $1 $3 }
-	|  sxSimpleExp TK_PLUS  sxSimpleExp { binexp_predef $2 PLUS_n  $1 $3 }
-	|  sxSimpleExp TK_SLASH sxSimpleExp { binexp_predef $2 SLASH_n  $1 $3 }
-	|  sxSimpleExp TK_STAR  sxSimpleExp { binexp_predef $2 TIMES_n  $1 $3 }
-	/* ternaires */
-	|  TK_IF sxSimpleExp TK_THEN sxSimpleExp TK_ELSE sxSimpleExp
-			{ ternexp_predef $1 IF_n $2 $4 $6 }
-	;
+                sxConstant { $1 }
+        |  sxIdentRef    { leafexp $1.src (IDENT_n $ }
+        |  TK_OPEN_PAR sxSimpleExp TK_CLOSE_PAR { $2 }
+        |  TK_NOT sxSimpleExp      { unexp_predef $1 NOT_n $2 }
+        |  TK_MINUS sxSimpleExp %prec TK_UMINUS { unexp_predef $1 UMINUS_n $2 }
+        |  sxSimpleExp TK_AND   sxSimpleExp { binexp_predef $2 AND_n  $1 $3 }
+        |  sxSimpleExp TK_OR    sxSimpleExp { binexp_predef $2 OR_n  $1 $3 }
+        |  sxSimpleExp TK_XOR   sxSimpleExp { binexp_predef $2 XOR_n  $1 $3 }
+        |  sxSimpleExp TK_IMPL  sxSimpleExp { binexp_predef $2 IMPL_n  $1 $3 }
+        |  sxSimpleExp TK_EQ    sxSimpleExp { binexp_predef $2 EQ_n  $1 $3 }
+        |  sxSimpleExp TK_NEQ   sxSimpleExp { binexp_predef $2 NEQ_n  $1 $3 }
+        |  sxSimpleExp TK_LT    sxSimpleExp { binexp_predef $2 LT_n  $1 $3 }
+        |  sxSimpleExp TK_LTE   sxSimpleExp { binexp_predef $2 LTE_n  $1 $3 }
+        |  sxSimpleExp TK_GT    sxSimpleExp { binexp_predef $2 GT_n  $1 $3 }
+        |  sxSimpleExp TK_GTE   sxSimpleExp { binexp_predef $2 GTE_n  $1 $3 }
+        |  sxSimpleExp TK_DIV   sxSimpleExp { binexp_predef $2 DIV_n  $1 $3 }
+        |  sxSimpleExp TK_MOD   sxSimpleExp { binexp_predef $2 MOD_n  $1 $3 }
+        |  sxSimpleExp TK_MINUS sxSimpleExp { binexp_predef $2 MINUS_n  $1 $3 }
+        |  sxSimpleExp TK_PLUS  sxSimpleExp { binexp_predef $2 PLUS_n  $1 $3 }
+        |  sxSimpleExp TK_SLASH sxSimpleExp { binexp_predef $2 SLASH_n  $1 $3 }
+        |  sxSimpleExp TK_STAR  sxSimpleExp { binexp_predef $2 TIMES_n  $1 $3 }
+        /* ternaires */
+        |  TK_IF sxSimpleExp TK_THEN sxSimpleExp TK_ELSE sxSimpleExp
+                        { ternexp_predef $1 IF_n $2 $4 $6 }
+        ;
 /* Appel fonctionnel par nom */
 /* NB
@@ -965,73 +965,73 @@ Actuellement, uniquement pour les structures,
 donc pas de soucis d'échantillonnage
-	/* WARNING ! il faut remettre la liste à l'endroit */
-	sxIdentRef TK_OPEN_BRACE sxCallByNameParamList sxOptSemicol TK_CLOSE_BRACE
-		{ bynameexp $1.src (STRUCT_n $ (List.rev $3) }
-	/* on peut avoir une liste vide */
-		{ bynameexp $1.src (STRUCT_n $ ([]) }
-	/* COMPATIBILITY : immediate "struct" without the type name
-	| TK_OPEN_BRACE sxCallByNameParamList sxOptSemicol TK_CLOSE_BRACE
-		{ bynameexp $1 STRUCT_anonymous_n (List.rev $2) } */
-	;
+        /* WARNING ! il faut remettre la liste à l'endroit */
+        sxIdentRef TK_OPEN_BRACE sxCallByNameParamList sxOptSemicol TK_CLOSE_BRACE
+                { bynameexp $1.src (STRUCT_n $ (List.rev $3) }
+        /* on peut avoir une liste vide */
+        | sxIdentRef TK_OPEN_BRACE TK_CLOSE_BRACE
+                { bynameexp $1.src (STRUCT_n $ ([]) }
+        /* COMPATIBILITY : immediate "struct" without the type name
+        | TK_OPEN_BRACE sxCallByNameParamList sxOptSemicol TK_CLOSE_BRACE
+                { bynameexp $1 STRUCT_anonymous_n (List.rev $2) } */
+        ;
-		sxCallByNameParam
-			{ [$1] }
-	|
-		sxCallByNameParamList sepVariant sxCallByNameParam	
-			{ $3::$1 }
-	;
+                sxCallByNameParam
+                        { [$1] }
+        |
+                sxCallByNameParamList sepVariant sxCallByNameParam      
+                        { $3::$1 }
+        ;
 /* COMPATIBILITY : ',' or ';'  */
-		{}
-		{ Errors.warning $1 "separator mismatch, ';' expected"}
+        TK_SEMICOL
+                {}
+|       TK_COMA
+                { Errors.warning $1 "separator mismatch, ';' expected"}
-		sxIdent TK_EQ sxExpression
-			{ ({ $1;src=$1} , $3) }
-	;
+                sxIdent TK_EQ sxExpression
+                        { ({ $1;src=$1} , $3) }
+        ;
 /* WARNING ! : les listes sont crées à l'envers */
 sxExpressionList:   sxExpression
-			{ [$1] }
-	|   sxExpList2 
-			{ $1 }
-	;
+                        { [$1] }
+        |   sxExpList2 
+                        { $1 }
+        ;
 sxConstant:   TK_TRUE
-			{ (leafexp $1 (Predef(TRUE_n,[]))) }
-	|   TK_FALSE
-			{ (leafexp $1 (Predef(FALSE_n,[]))) }
-	|   TK_ICONST 
-			{ (leafexp $1 (Predef((ICONST_n ( $1)),[]))) }
-			{ (leafexp $1 (Predef((RCONST_n ( $1)),[]))) }
-	;
+                        { (leafexp $1 (Predef(TRUE_n,[]))) }
+        |   TK_FALSE
+                        { (leafexp $1 (Predef(FALSE_n,[]))) }
+        |   TK_ICONST 
+                        { (leafexp $1 (Predef((ICONST_n ( $1)),[]))) }
+        |   TK_RCONST
+                        { (leafexp $1 (Predef((RCONST_n ( $1)),[]))) }
+        ;
 /* WARNING ! : les listes sont crées à l'envers */
 sxExpList2: sxExpressionList TK_COMA sxExpression 
-			{ $3::$1 }
-	;
+                        { $3::$1 }
+        ;
-	   sxExpression TK_CDOTS sxExpression sxStep
-		{ {it={si_first = $1; si_last = $3 ; si_step = $4 }; src = $2} }
-| 	TK_SLICE_START sxExpression sxStep
-		    { threat_slice_start $1 $2 $3 }
-	;
+           sxExpression TK_CDOTS sxExpression sxStep
+                { {it={si_first = $1; si_last = $3 ; si_step = $4 }; src = $2} }
+|       TK_SLICE_START sxExpression sxStep
+                    { threat_slice_start $1 $2 $3 }
+        ;
 sxStep: /* empty */
-			{ None }
-	|   TK_STEP sxExpression
-			{ Some $2 }
-	;
+                        { None }
+        |   TK_STEP sxExpression
+                        { Some $2 }
+        ;
 /* NB
 SyntaxTree laxiste des listes :
 quand il n'y a pas d'ambiguité,
@@ -1039,14 +1039,14 @@ les ";" sont vus indifferemment commme
 des séparateurs ou des terminateurs
 sxOptSemicol :
-		/* empty */
-		{}
-		{}
-	;
+                /* empty */
+                {}
+        |   TK_SEMICOL 
+                {}
+        ;
 sxPragma: /* e.g., %ASSUME:toto% */
-	{ [] } /* produces 3 shift reduce conflicts! */
-		{ (Pragma(Lxm.str $2, Lxm.str $4))::$6 }
+        { [] } /* produces 3 shift reduce conflicts! */
+                { (Pragma(Lxm.str $2, Lxm.str $4))::$6 }
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 8e230a56..3c1600e5 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(** Time-stamp: <modified the 10/06/2008 (at 10:20) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(** Time-stamp: <modified the 28/08/2008 (at 10:29) by Erwan Jahier> *)
@@ -14,23 +14,23 @@ let (build_node_var : var_info srcflagged list -> var_info srcflagged list ->
   fun invars outvars locvars_opt -> 
     let get_var_name vif = in
-	inlist  = get_var_name invars;
-	outlist = get_var_name outvars;
-	loclist = (
-	  match locvars_opt with
-	    | None -> None
-	    | Some locvars -> Some ( get_var_name locvars)
-	);
-	vartable = 
-	  let tbl = Hashtbl.create 0 in
-	  let add_var_in_tbl vif = Hashtbl.add tbl vif in
-	    List.iter add_var_in_tbl invars;
-	    List.iter add_var_in_tbl outvars;
-	    (match locvars_opt with
-	       | None -> ()
-	       | Some locvars -> List.iter add_var_in_tbl locvars
-	    );
-	    tbl;
+        inlist  = get_var_name invars;
+        outlist = get_var_name outvars;
+        loclist = (
+          match locvars_opt with
+            | None -> None
+            | Some locvars -> Some ( get_var_name locvars)
+        );
+        vartable = 
+          let tbl = Hashtbl.create 0 in
+          let add_var_in_tbl vif = Hashtbl.add tbl vif in
+            List.iter add_var_in_tbl invars;
+            List.iter add_var_in_tbl outvars;
+            (match locvars_opt with
+               | None -> ()
+               | Some locvars -> List.iter add_var_in_tbl locvars
+            );
+            tbl;
 (* Une collection de "meta fonctions" pour faciliter la vie *)
@@ -70,12 +70,12 @@ let flat_flagged_list
     = (
       (*g: concatene les 'c list*)
       let g (cl: 'c  list) ((al: 'a list) , (b: 'b)) = (
-	(*f: fabrique un 'c *)
-	let f (a: 'a) = makeitem a b in 
-	  List.append cl ( f al) 
+        (*f: fabrique un 'c *)
+        let f (a: 'a) = makeitem a b in 
+          List.append cl ( f al) 
       ) in 
-	(*on folde g sur inlist*)
-	List.fold_left g [] inlist
+        (*on folde g sur inlist*)
+        List.fold_left g [] inlist
 let _ = assert (
@@ -107,13 +107,13 @@ let flat_twice_flagged_list
     (makeitem: 'a -> 'b -> 'c -> 'd ) 
     = (
       let g (dl: 'd list) ((albl: ('a list * 'b) list), (c: 'c)) = (
-	let h (dl: 'd list) ((al: 'a list), (b: 'b)) = (
-	  let f (a: 'a) = makeitem a b c in
-	    List.append dl ( f al)
-	) in
-	  List.fold_left h dl albl
+        let h (dl: 'd list) ((al: 'a list), (b: 'b)) = (
+          let f (a: 'a) = makeitem a b c in
+            List.append dl ( f al)
+        ) in
+          List.fold_left h dl albl
       ) in
-	List.fold_left g [] inlist
+        List.fold_left g [] inlist
@@ -122,20 +122,20 @@ let flat_twice_flagged_list
 let leafexp lxm op = CallByPos({src = lxm ; it = op }, Oper [])
-let unexp lxm op e1 = CallByPos( {src = lxm ; it = op }, Oper [e1] )	
+let unexp lxm op e1 = CallByPos( {src = lxm ; it = op }, Oper [e1] )    
 let unexp_predef lxm op e1 = CallByPos( {src = lxm ; it = Predef (op,[]) }, Oper [e1] )
 let binexp lxm op e1 e2 = CallByPos( {src = lxm ; it = op }, Oper [e1 ; e2] ) 
 let binexp_predef lxm op e1 e2 = CallByPos( {src = lxm ; it = Predef (op,[]) }, 
-					    Oper [e1 ; e2] ) 
+                                            Oper [e1 ; e2] ) 
 let ternexp lxm op e1 e2 e3 = CallByPos( {src = lxm ; it = op }, Oper [e1 ; e2; e3] )
 let ternexp_predef lxm op e1 e2 e3 = CallByPos( {src = lxm ; it = Predef (op,[]) }, 
-						Oper [e1 ; e2; e3] )
+                                                Oper [e1 ; e2; e3] )
-let naryexp lxm op elst = CallByPos( {src = lxm ; it = op }, Oper elst )	
+let naryexp lxm op elst = CallByPos( {src = lxm ; it = op }, Oper elst )        
 let naryexp_predef lxm op elst = CallByPos( {src = lxm ; it = Predef (op,[]) }, 
-					    Oper elst )
+                                            Oper elst )
 let bynameexp lxm op nelst = CallByName( {src = lxm ; it = op } , nelst )
@@ -156,11 +156,11 @@ let idref_of_lxm lxm =
 (** add_info
 Rôle :
-	proc générique pour mettre une info 'a dans
-	 une table (Ident.t, 'a srcflagged).
+        proc générique pour mettre une info 'a dans
+         une table (Ident.t, 'a srcflagged).
 Effets de bord :
-	erreur de compil si déjà utilisé
+        erreur de compil si déjà utilisé
 let (add_info : (Ident.t, 'a srcflagged) Hashtbl.t -> 
       string -> (* une string en cas d'erreur   *)
@@ -170,16 +170,16 @@ let (add_info : (Ident.t, 'a srcflagged) Hashtbl.t ->
   fun htbl kindof lxm info -> 
       let x  = Hashtbl.find htbl ( lxm) in 
-	raise (
-	  Errors.Compile_error ( 
-	    lxm, 
-	    Printf.sprintf "bad %s declaration, ident already linked at %s" kindof 
-	      (Lxm.position x.src)
-	  )
-	)
+        raise (
+          Errors.Compile_error ( 
+            lxm, 
+            Printf.sprintf "bad %s declaration, ident already linked at %s" kindof 
+              (Lxm.position x.src)
+          )
+        )
     with Not_found ->
       Hashtbl.add htbl ( lxm) { src = lxm ; it  = info }
 (* local tables used to store (via [add_info], see above) intermediary results 
@@ -266,12 +266,12 @@ let (make_struct_type_info :  Lxm.t -> id_valopt list (* la liste des champs *)
     let (put_in_ftab : (Lxm.t * type_exp * val_exp option) -> Ident.t) =
       (* Traitement d'un champ élémentaire *)
       fun (lx, ty, va) -> 
-	(* fabrique le field_info *)
-	let lxstr = lx in
-	let fi = { fd_name = lxstr ; fd_type = ty ; fd_value = va } in
-	  (* le range dans ftab *)
-	  add_info ftab "field" lx fi;
-	  lxstr (* renvoie juste le nom du champs *)
+        (* fabrique le field_info *)
+        let lxstr = lx in
+        let fi = { fd_name = lxstr ; fd_type = ty ; fd_value = va } in
+          (* le range dans ftab *)
+          add_info ftab "field" lx fi;
+          lxstr (* renvoie juste le nom du champs *)
     let flst = put_in_ftab flexlist in
       { st_name = typlxm ; st_flist = flst ; st_ftable = ftab }
@@ -313,18 +313,18 @@ let (clocked_ids_to_var_infos : var_nature ->
     let i = ref 0 in
     let makevar lxm te ce =
       let res =
-	Lxm.flagit 
-	  {
-	    var_nature = vnat;
-	    var_name = ( lxm);
-	    var_number = !i;
-	    var_type = te;
-	    var_clock = ce;
-	  }
-	  lxm
+        Lxm.flagit 
+          {
+            var_nature = vnat;
+            var_name = ( lxm);
+            var_number = !i;
+            var_type = te;
+            var_clock = ce;
+          }
+          lxm
-	incr i;
-	res
+        incr i;
+        res
       flat_twice_flagged_list vdefs makevar
@@ -344,22 +344,22 @@ let (treat_node_decl : bool -> Lxm.t -> static_param srcflagged list ->
     let rec (treat_vars : clocked_ids list -> var_nature -> var_info srcflagged list) =
       (* Procedure de traitement des in, out ou loc, paramétrée par la [var_nature] *)
       fun vdefs nat -> 
-	let i = ref 0 in
-	  match vdefs with
-	    | [] -> []
-	    | (tids, ck)::reste ->
-		let put_var_in_table (lxm: Lxm.t) (ty: type_exp) =
-		  let vinfo = {
-		    var_nature = nat; var_name = ( lxm); 
-		    var_type = ty; var_clock = ck; var_number = !i
-		  }
-		  in
-		    incr i;
-		    add_info vtable "variable" lxm vinfo;
-		    Lxm.flagit vinfo lxm 
-		in
-		  (flat_flagged_list tids put_var_in_table) 
-		  @ (treat_vars reste nat)
+        let i = ref 0 in
+          match vdefs with
+            | [] -> []
+            | (tids, ck)::reste ->
+                let put_var_in_table (lxm: Lxm.t) (ty: type_exp) =
+                  let vinfo = {
+                    var_nature = nat; var_name = ( lxm); 
+                    var_type = ty; var_clock = ck; var_number = !i
+                  }
+                  in
+                    incr i;
+                    add_info vtable "variable" lxm vinfo;
+                    Lxm.flagit vinfo lxm 
+                in
+                  (flat_flagged_list tids put_var_in_table) 
+                  @ (treat_vars reste nat)
     let invars  = treat_vars indefs  VarInput 
     and outvars = treat_vars outdefs VarOutput 
@@ -388,8 +388,8 @@ let (treat_node_alias : bool -> Lxm.t -> static_param srcflagged list ->
     let nstr = nlxm in
     let vars = 
       match node_profile with
-	| None -> None
-	| Some (invars,outvars) -> Some (build_node_var invars outvars None)
+        | None -> None
+        | Some (invars,outvars) -> Some (build_node_var invars outvars None)
     let ninfo = {
       name = nstr;
@@ -445,7 +445,7 @@ let (treat_external_node : bool -> Lxm.t ->
   fun has_memory ext_nodelxm inpars outpars -> 
     let ninfo = 
       treat_abstract_or_extern_node_do (* external nodes look like abstract nodes indeed *)
-	has_memory ext_nodelxm inpars outpars false
+        has_memory ext_nodelxm inpars outpars false
     let statics = [] in (* no static args for external node (for now at least) *)
       add_info node_table "(extern) node" ext_nodelxm ninfo ;
@@ -457,24 +457,24 @@ let (threat_slice_start : Lxm.t -> val_exp -> val_exp option -> slice_info srcfl
     let str = Lxm.str lxm in
     let int_to_val_exp  istr =
-	ignore (int_of_string istr);
-	CallByPos(flagit (Predef(ICONST_n (Ident.of_string(istr)),[])) lxm,
-		  Oper [])
+        ignore (int_of_string istr);
+        CallByPos(flagit (Predef(ICONST_n (Ident.of_string(istr)),[])) lxm,
+                  Oper [])
       with _ ->
-	CallByPos(flagit (IDENT_n (Ident.idref_of_string(istr))) lxm,
-		  Oper [])
+        CallByPos(flagit (IDENT_n (Ident.idref_of_string(istr))) lxm,
+                  Oper [])
       match Str.split (Str.regexp (Str.quote "..")) str with
-	| [first] ->
-	    let slice_info = 
-	      { 
-		si_first = int_to_val_exp first; 
-		si_last = last; 
-		si_step = step
-	      }
-	    in 
-	      flagit slice_info lxm
-	| _ -> assert false
+        | [first] ->
+            let slice_info = 
+              { 
+                si_first = int_to_val_exp first; 
+                si_last = last; 
+                si_step = step
+              }
+            in 
+              flagit slice_info lxm
+        | _ -> assert false
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 8561f41c..31883eb5 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(** Time-stamp: <modified the 25/08/2008 (at 17:13) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(** Time-stamp: <modified the 28/08/2008 (at 10:29) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 (* XXX shoud not type int, real, and bool be handled there ? *)
@@ -145,11 +145,11 @@ let (string_to_op : string -> op) =
       (* zero-ary *)
     | "true" -> TRUE_n
     | "false" -> FALSE_n
-	(* unary *)
+        (* unary *)
     | "not" -> NOT_n
     | "real2int" -> REAL2INT_n
     | "int2real" -> INT2REAL_n
-	(* binary *)
+        (* binary *)
     | "and" -> AND_n
     | "or" -> OR_n
     | "xor" -> XOR_n
@@ -162,9 +162,9 @@ let (string_to_op : string -> op) =
     | "gte" -> GTE_n
     | "div" -> DIV_n
     | "mod" -> MOD_n
-	(* ternary *)
+        (* ternary *)
     | "if" -> IF_n
-	(* n-ary *)
+        (* n-ary *)
     | "nor" -> NOR_n
     | "#" -> DIESE_n 
     | "diese" -> DIESE_n
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index d7db24c6..14921087 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(** Time-stamp: <modified the 30/06/2008 (at 10:14) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(** Time-stamp: <modified the 28/08/2008 (at 10:29) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 open Predef
 open CompiledData
@@ -58,12 +58,12 @@ let (f: op -> Lxm.t -> CompiledData.static_arg_eff list -> clocker) =
       | RMINUS_n | RPLUS_n | RTIMES_n | RSLASH_n  
       | DIV_n | MOD_n | IMINUS_n | IPLUS_n | ISLASH_n | ITIMES_n 
       | NOR_n | DIESE_n  
-	  -> op_profile
+          -> op_profile
       | IF_n                 -> if_clock_profile lxm sargs
       | Red | Fill | FillRed -> fillred_clock_profile lxm sargs
       | Map                  -> map_clock_profile lxm sargs
       | BoolRed              -> boolred_clock_profile lxm sargs
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 8ccfe312..c0b2a393 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(** Time-stamp: <modified the 26/05/2008 (at 14:57) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(** Time-stamp: <modified the 28/08/2008 (at 10:29) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 open Predef
 open SyntaxTreeCore
@@ -14,14 +14,14 @@ exception EvalConst_error of string
 let (type_error_const : const_eff list -> string -> 'a) =
   fun v expect -> 
     raise (EvalConst_error(
-	     "type mismatch "^(if expect = "" then "" else (expect^" expected"))))
+             "type mismatch "^(if expect = "" then "" else (expect^" expected"))))
 let (arity_error_const : const_eff list -> string -> 'a) =
   fun v expect -> 
     raise (EvalConst_error(
-	     Printf.sprintf "\n*** arity error: %d argument%s, whereas %s were expected"
-	       (List.length v) (if List.length v>1 then "s" else "") expect))
+             Printf.sprintf "\n*** arity error: %d argument%s, whereas %s were expected"
+               (List.length v) (if List.length v>1 then "s" else "") expect))
 let (bbb_evaluator:(bool -> bool -> bool) -> const_evaluator) =
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ let (ooo_evaluator:(int -> int -> int) -> (float -> float -> float) ->
   fun opi opr -> fun ll -> match List.flatten ll with
       | [Int_const_eff v0; Int_const_eff v1] -> [Int_const_eff (opi v0 v1)]
       | [Real_const_eff v0; Real_const_eff v1] -> [Real_const_eff (opr v0 v1)]
-	  (* XXX should we evaluate reals ??? *)
+          (* XXX should we evaluate reals ??? *)
       | _ -> assert false (* should not occur because eval_type is called before *)
 let (iii_evaluator:(int -> int -> int) -> const_evaluator) =
@@ -51,37 +51,37 @@ let (fff_evaluator:(float -> float -> float) -> const_evaluator) =
   fun op -> fun ll -> match List.flatten ll with
     | [Real_const_eff v0; Real_const_eff v1] -> [Real_const_eff (op v0 v1)]
     | _ -> assert false (* should not occur because eval_type is called before *)
 let (bb_evaluator:(bool -> bool) -> const_evaluator) =
   fun op -> fun ll -> match List.flatten ll with
     | [Bool_const_eff v0] -> [Bool_const_eff (op v0)]
     | _ -> assert false (* should not occur because eval_type is called before *)
 let (ii_evaluator:(int -> int) -> const_evaluator) =
   fun op -> fun ll -> match List.flatten ll with
     | [Int_const_eff v0] -> [Int_const_eff (op v0)]
     | _ -> assert false (* should not occur because eval_type is called before *)
 let (ff_evaluator:(float -> float) -> const_evaluator) =
   fun op -> fun ll -> match List.flatten ll with
     | [Real_const_eff v0] -> [Real_const_eff (op v0)]
     | _ -> assert false (* should not occur because eval_type is called before *)
 let (oo_evaluator:(int -> int) -> (float -> float) -> const_evaluator) =
   fun opi opr  -> fun ll -> match List.flatten ll with
     | [Int_const_eff v0] -> [Int_const_eff (opi v0)]
     | [Real_const_eff v0] -> [Real_const_eff (opr v0)]
-	(* XXX should we evaluate reals ??? *)
+        (* XXX should we evaluate reals ??? *)
     | _ -> assert false (* should not occur because eval_type is called before *)
 let (sf_evaluator: Ident.t -> const_evaluator) =
   fun id ceff_ll -> 
     try let v = float_of_string (Ident.to_string id) in
       [Real_const_eff v]
     with Failure  "float_of_string" -> 
       raise (EvalConst_error(
-	Printf.sprintf "\n*** fail to convert the string \"%s\" into a float"
-	  (Ident.to_string id)))
+        Printf.sprintf "\n*** fail to convert the string \"%s\" into a float"
+          (Ident.to_string id)))
 let (si_evaluator: Ident.t -> const_evaluator) =
   fun id ceff_ll -> 
@@ -89,8 +89,8 @@ let (si_evaluator: Ident.t -> const_evaluator) =
       [Int_const_eff v]
     with Failure  "int_of_string" -> 
       raise (EvalConst_error(
-	       Printf.sprintf "\n*** fail to convert the string \"%s\" into an int"
-		 (Ident.to_string id)))
+               Printf.sprintf "\n*** fail to convert the string \"%s\" into an int"
+                 (Ident.to_string id)))
 let (sb_evaluator: bool -> const_evaluator) =
   fun v ceff_ll -> 
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ let (if_evaluator: (int -> float) -> const_evaluator) =
   fun op -> fun ll -> match List.flatten ll with
     | [Int_const_eff v0] -> [Real_const_eff (op v0)]
     | _ -> assert false (* should not occur because [eval_type] is called before *)
 let (ite_evaluator : const_evaluator) =
     | [[Bool_const_eff c]; t; e] -> if c then t else e
@@ -115,13 +115,13 @@ let (boolred_evaluator : int -> const_evaluator) =
   fun max ceff_ll ->
     let nb = List.fold_left
       (fun acc -> function
-	 | (Bool_const_eff b) -> if b then acc+1 else acc | _ -> assert false)
+         | (Bool_const_eff b) -> if b then acc+1 else acc | _ -> assert false)
       (List.flatten ceff_ll)
       [Bool_const_eff (nb <= max)]
 (* exported *)
 let (f: op -> Lxm.t -> static_arg_eff list -> const_evaluator) = 
   fun op lxm sargs ll -> 
@@ -177,66 +177,66 @@ let (f: op -> Lxm.t -> static_arg_eff list -> const_evaluator) =
 pour evaluer l'égalité, Pascal faisait comme ca (j'ai été plus (trop ?) brutal) :
-	Calcul de l'égalité
-	N.B. Sur les constantes abstraites
-	on est très méfiant
-	N.B. Sur les types structure,
-	on fait des appels récursifs
-	----------------------------*)
+        Calcul de l'égalité
+        N.B. Sur les constantes abstraites
+        on est très méfiant
+        N.B. Sur les types structure,
+        on fait des appels récursifs
+        ----------------------------*)
     let rec compute_eq 
-	(args : const_eff list)
-	= (
-	  let rec fields_eq f0 f1 = (
-	    match (f0, f1) with
-	      | ([], []) -> 
-		  [Bool_const_eff true]
-	      | ((f0,h0)::t0, (f1,h1)::t1) -> (
-		  assert (f0 = f1);
-		  match (compute_eq [h0;h1]) with
-		      [Bool_const_eff false] -> [Bool_const_eff false]
-		    | [Bool_const_eff true] -> (fields_eq t0 t1) 
-		    | _ -> assert false
-		)
-	      | _ -> assert false
-	  ) 
-	  in
-	    match args with
-		[Bool_const_eff v0; Bool_const_eff v1] -> [Bool_const_eff (v0 = v1)]
-	      |	[Int_const_eff v0; Int_const_eff v1] -> [Bool_const_eff (v0 = v1)]
-	      |	[Real_const_eff v0; Real_const_eff v1] -> (
-		  let res = (v0 = v1) in
-		    warning src 
-		      (sprintf "float in static exp: %f=%f evaluated as %b" v0 v1 res);
-		    [Bool_const_eff res]
-		)
-		  (*
-		    2007-07 obsolete
+        (args : const_eff list)
+        = (
+          let rec fields_eq f0 f1 = (
+            match (f0, f1) with
+              | ([], []) -> 
+                  [Bool_const_eff true]
+              | ((f0,h0)::t0, (f1,h1)::t1) -> (
+                  assert (f0 = f1);
+                  match (compute_eq [h0;h1]) with
+                      [Bool_const_eff false] -> [Bool_const_eff false]
+                    | [Bool_const_eff true] -> (fields_eq t0 t1) 
+                    | _ -> assert false
+                )
+              | _ -> assert false
+          ) 
+          in
+            match args with
+                [Bool_const_eff v0; Bool_const_eff v1] -> [Bool_const_eff (v0 = v1)]
+              | [Int_const_eff v0; Int_const_eff v1] -> [Bool_const_eff (v0 = v1)]
+              | [Real_const_eff v0; Real_const_eff v1] -> (
+                  let res = (v0 = v1) in
+                    warning src 
+                      (sprintf "float in static exp: %f=%f evaluated as %b" v0 v1 res);
+                    [Bool_const_eff res]
+                )
+                  (*
+                    2007-07 obsolete
-		    |  [Extern_const_eff (v0, t0); Extern_const_eff (v1, t1)] -> (
-		    if (t0 <> t1) then (
-		    type_error args "t*t for some type t"
-		    ) else if (v0 <> v1) then (
-		    uneval_error args (
-		    sprintf "%s=%s (external constants)"
-		    (string_of_fullid v0)
-		    (string_of_fullid v1)
-		    )
-		    ) else (
-		    [Bool_const_eff true]
-		    )
-		    )
-		  *)
-	      |	[Enum_const_eff (v0, t0); Enum_const_eff (v1, t1)] -> (
-		  if (t0 = t1) then [Bool_const_eff (v0 =  v1)]
-		  else type_error args "t*t for some type t"
-		)
-	      |	[Struct_const_eff (f0, t0); Struct_const_eff (f1, t1)] -> (
-		  if (t0 = t1) then (fields_eq f0 f1)
-		  else type_error args "t*t for some type t"
-		)
-	      |	[x;y] -> type_error args "t*t for some type t"
-	      |	x -> arity_error args "2"
-	) 
+                    |  [Extern_const_eff (v0, t0); Extern_const_eff (v1, t1)] -> (
+                    if (t0 <> t1) then (
+                    type_error args "t*t for some type t"
+                    ) else if (v0 <> v1) then (
+                    uneval_error args (
+                    sprintf "%s=%s (external constants)"
+                    (string_of_fullid v0)
+                    (string_of_fullid v1)
+                    )
+                    ) else (
+                    [Bool_const_eff true]
+                    )
+                    )
+                  *)
+              | [Enum_const_eff (v0, t0); Enum_const_eff (v1, t1)] -> (
+                  if (t0 = t1) then [Bool_const_eff (v0 =  v1)]
+                  else type_error args "t*t for some type t"
+                )
+              | [Struct_const_eff (f0, t0); Struct_const_eff (f1, t1)] -> (
+                  if (t0 = t1) then (fields_eq f0 f1)
+                  else type_error args "t*t for some type t"
+                )
+              | [x;y] -> type_error args "t*t for some type t"
+              | x -> arity_error args "2"
+        ) 
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index addde1da..ee1b471b 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(** Time-stamp: <modified the 27/08/2008 (at 15:55) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(** Time-stamp: <modified the 28/08/2008 (at 10:29) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 open Predef
 open SyntaxTreeCore
@@ -21,23 +21,23 @@ let (type_error : type_eff list -> string -> 'a) =
     let str_l = LicDump.string_of_type_eff tel in
     let str_provided = String.concat "*" str_l in 
       raise (EvalType_error(
-	       ("\n*** type '" ^ str_provided ^ "' was provided" ^
-		  (if expect = "" then "" 
-		   else (" whereas\n*** type '" ^expect^"' was expected")))))
+               ("\n*** type '" ^ str_provided ^ "' was provided" ^
+                  (if expect = "" then "" 
+                   else (" whereas\n*** type '" ^expect^"' was expected")))))
 let (type_error2 : string -> string -> string -> 'a) =
   fun provided expect msg -> 
     raise (EvalType_error(
-	     ("\n*** type '" ^ provided ^ "' was provided" ^
-		(if expect = "" then "" 
-		 else (" whereas\n*** type '" ^expect^"' was expected")) ^
-		(if msg = "" then "" else ("\n*** " ^ msg)))))
+             ("\n*** type '" ^ provided ^ "' was provided" ^
+                (if expect = "" then "" 
+                 else (" whereas\n*** type '" ^expect^"' was expected")) ^
+                (if msg = "" then "" else ("\n*** " ^ msg)))))
 let (arity_error : 'a list -> string -> 'b) =
   fun v expect -> 
     raise (EvalType_error(
-	   Printf.sprintf "\n*** arity error: %d argument%s, whereas %s were expected"
-	     (List.length v) (if List.length v>1 then "s" else "") expect))
+           Printf.sprintf "\n*** arity error: %d argument%s, whereas %s were expected"
+             (List.length v) (if List.length v>1 then "s" else "") expect))
 (* a few local alias to make the node profile below more readable. *)
@@ -80,8 +80,8 @@ let (type_to_array_type: var_info_eff list -> int -> (Ident.t * type_eff) list)
 let (get_node_and_constant:static_arg_eff list -> node_exp_eff * int)=
   fun sargs -> 
       match sargs with
-	| [NodeStaticArgEff(_,n);ConstStaticArgEff(_,Int_const_eff c)] -> n,c
-	| _ -> assert false
+        | [NodeStaticArgEff(_,n);ConstStaticArgEff(_,Int_const_eff c)] -> n,c
+        | _ -> assert false
 let map_profile =     
@@ -123,13 +123,13 @@ let (fillred_profile : Lxm.t -> CompiledData.static_arg_eff list ->
     let (id1, t1) = List.hd lti and (id2, t2) = List.hd lto in
     let res = 
       if t1 = t2 then (lti,lto) else
-	(* if they are not equal, they migth be unifiable *)
-	match UnifyType.f [t1] [t2] with
-	  | Equal  -> (lti,lto)
-	  | Unif t -> 
+        (* if they are not equal, they migth be unifiable *)
+        match UnifyType.f [t1] [t2] with
+          | Equal  -> (lti,lto)
+          | Unif t -> 
               ( (fun (id,tid) -> id, subst_type t tid) lti,
- (fun (id,tid) -> id, subst_type t tid) lto)
-	  | Ko(msg) -> raise (Compile_error(lxm, msg))
+      (fun (id,tid) -> id, subst_type t tid) lto)
+          | Ko(msg) -> raise (Compile_error(lxm, msg))
       if not(LicDump.poly_op_mem lxm) then (
 (*         print_string ("*** Tabulating " ^ lxm._str ^":"^(string_of_int lxm._line)  *)
@@ -164,15 +164,15 @@ let boolred_profile =
   fun lxm sargs -> 
     let (get_three_constants: Lxm.t -> static_arg_eff list -> int * int * int) =
       fun lxm sargs ->
-	match sargs with
-	  | [ConstStaticArgEff(_,Int_const_eff i);
-	     ConstStaticArgEff(_,Int_const_eff j);
-	     ConstStaticArgEff(_,Int_const_eff k)] -> i,j,k
-	  | _ -> raise (Compile_error(lxm, "\n*** type error: 3 int were expected"))
+        match sargs with
+          | [ConstStaticArgEff(_,Int_const_eff i);
+             ConstStaticArgEff(_,Int_const_eff j);
+             ConstStaticArgEff(_,Int_const_eff k)] -> i,j,k
+          | _ -> raise (Compile_error(lxm, "\n*** type error: 3 int were expected"))
     let (_i,_j,k) = get_three_constants lxm sargs in
       [id "i",  (Array_type_eff(Bool_type_eff,k))], [id "o", b]
 type node_profile = (Ident.t * type_eff) list * (Ident.t * type_eff) list
@@ -202,14 +202,14 @@ let (op2profile : Predef.op -> Lxm.t -> static_arg_eff list -> node_profile) =
         | BoolRed              -> boolred_profile lxm sargs
         | NOR_n | DIESE_n  -> assert false
-	(* XXX The current representation of node_profile prevent us
-	   from being able to represent "bool list" (i.e., operator
-	   of variable arity). I could extend the type node_profile,
-	   but is it worth the complication just to be able to define
-	   alias nodes on "nor" and "#"? Actually, even if I extend
-	   this data type, I don'ty know how I could generate an
-	   alias node for them anyway...
-	*)
+        (* XXX The current representation of node_profile prevent us
+           from being able to represent "bool list" (i.e., operator
+           of variable arity). I could extend the type node_profile,
+           but is it worth the complication just to be able to define
+           alias nodes on "nor" and "#"? Actually, even if I extend
+           this data type, I don'ty know how I could generate an
+           alias node for them anyway...
+        *)
 (* exported *)
@@ -224,24 +224,24 @@ let (make_node_exp_eff :
     let to_var_info_eff nature (id, te) =
       let res = 
-	  var_name_eff = id;
-	  var_nature_eff = nature;
-	  var_number_eff = !i;
-	  var_type_eff   = te;
-	  var_clock_eff  = BaseEff;
+          var_name_eff = id;
+          var_nature_eff = nature;
+          var_number_eff = !i;
+          var_type_eff   = te;
+          var_clock_eff  = BaseEff;
         incr i;
-	node_key_eff = id,sargs ;
-	inlist_eff  = (to_var_info_eff VarInput) lti;
-	outlist_eff  = (i:=0; (to_var_info_eff VarOutput) lto);
-	loclist_eff  = None;
-	def_eff      = ExternEff;
-	has_mem_eff  = (match has_mem with Some b -> b | None -> true);
-	is_safe_eff  = true;
+        node_key_eff = id,sargs ;
+        inlist_eff  = (to_var_info_eff VarInput) lti;
+        outlist_eff  = (i:=0; (to_var_info_eff VarOutput) lto);
+        loclist_eff  = None;
+        def_eff      = ExternEff;
+        has_mem_eff  = (match has_mem with Some b -> b | None -> true);
+        is_safe_eff  = true;
         lxm          = lxm;
@@ -249,52 +249,52 @@ let (make_node_exp_eff :
 let (f : op -> Lxm.t -> CompiledData.static_arg_eff list -> typer) = 
   fun op lxm sargs ll ->
       match op with
-	| IF_n  ->  (
-	    (* VERRUE 1 *)
-	    (* j'arrive pas a traiter le if de facon generique (pour l'instant...) 
-	       a cause du fait que le if peut renvoyer un tuple.
-	    *)
-	    match ll with
-	      | [[Bool_type_eff]; t; e] -> 
-		  if t = e then t else 
-		    (type_error (List.flatten [[Bool_type_eff]; t; e]) "bool*any*any")
-	      | x -> (arity_error x "3")
-	  )
-	| (NOR_n | DIESE_n) -> 
-	    (* VERRUE 2 : cf XXX above: therefore i define an ad-hoc
-	       check for them.  *)
-	    let check_nary_iter acc ceff =
-	      match ceff with (Bool_type_eff) -> 
-		acc | _ -> (type_error [ceff] "bool")
-	    in
-	      List.fold_left check_nary_iter () (List.flatten ll);
-	      [Bool_type_eff]
-	| _ -> 
-	    (* general case *)
-	    let node_eff = make_node_exp_eff (Some false) op lxm sargs in
-	    let lti = (fun v -> v.var_type_eff) node_eff.inlist_eff
-	    and lto = (fun v -> v.var_type_eff) node_eff.outlist_eff in
-	    let l = List.flatten ll in
-	      if (List.length l <> List.length lti) then
-		arity_error [l] (string_of_int (List.length lti))
-	      else
-		match UnifyType.f lti l with
-		  | Equal  -> lto
-		  | Unif Any -> 
-		      type_error2 
-			(LicDump.type_eff_list_to_string l) 
-			(LicDump.type_eff_list_to_string lti) 
-			"could not instanciate polymorphic type"
-		  | Unif Overload -> 
-		      type_error2 
-			(LicDump.type_eff_list_to_string l) 
-			(LicDump.type_eff_list_to_string lti) 
-			"could not instanciate overloaded type"
-		  | Unif t -> 
- (subst_type t) lto
-		  | Ko(str) -> 
-		      type_error2 (LicDump.type_eff_list_to_string l) 
-			(LicDump.type_eff_list_to_string lti) str
+        | IF_n  ->  (
+            (* VERRUE 1 *)
+            (* j'arrive pas a traiter le if de facon generique (pour l'instant...) 
+               a cause du fait que le if peut renvoyer un tuple.
+            *)
+            match ll with
+              | [[Bool_type_eff]; t; e] -> 
+                  if t = e then t else 
+                    (type_error (List.flatten [[Bool_type_eff]; t; e]) "bool*any*any")
+              | x -> (arity_error x "3")
+          )
+        | (NOR_n | DIESE_n) -> 
+            (* VERRUE 2 : cf XXX above: therefore i define an ad-hoc
+               check for them.  *)
+            let check_nary_iter acc ceff =
+              match ceff with (Bool_type_eff) -> 
+                acc | _ -> (type_error [ceff] "bool")
+            in
+              List.fold_left check_nary_iter () (List.flatten ll);
+              [Bool_type_eff]
+        | _ -> 
+            (* general case *)
+            let node_eff = make_node_exp_eff (Some false) op lxm sargs in
+            let lti = (fun v -> v.var_type_eff) node_eff.inlist_eff
+            and lto = (fun v -> v.var_type_eff) node_eff.outlist_eff in
+            let l = List.flatten ll in
+              if (List.length l <> List.length lti) then
+                arity_error [l] (string_of_int (List.length lti))
+              else
+                match UnifyType.f lti l with
+                  | Equal  -> lto
+                  | Unif Any -> 
+                      type_error2 
+                        (LicDump.type_eff_list_to_string l) 
+                        (LicDump.type_eff_list_to_string lti) 
+                        "could not instanciate polymorphic type"
+                  | Unif Overload -> 
+                      type_error2 
+                        (LicDump.type_eff_list_to_string l) 
+                        (LicDump.type_eff_list_to_string lti) 
+                        "could not instanciate overloaded type"
+                  | Unif t -> 
+             (subst_type t) lto
+                  | Ko(str) -> 
+                      type_error2 (LicDump.type_eff_list_to_string l) 
+                        (LicDump.type_eff_list_to_string lti) str