diff --git a/src/actionsDeps.ml b/src/actionsDeps.ml
index a99d9ec17d8b8812eee213dca7f00c8b9fb87075..7f9141b6faea776a57b19cf5cda399b0d24f3dfb 100644
--- a/src/actionsDeps.ml
+++ b/src/actionsDeps.ml
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
-(** Time-stamp: <modified the 20/03/2013 (at 10:55) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(** Time-stamp: <modified the 21/03/2013 (at 15:30) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+let dbg = Some(Verbose.get_flag "exec")
 (* exported *)
 type rhs = Soc.var_expr list
@@ -121,6 +122,26 @@ type var2actions_tbl = Actions.t VarMap.t
 let var2actions = VarMap.find
+let rec (get_parents : Soc.var_expr  -> Soc.var_expr list) =
+  fun var -> 
+(* if var = t.[2].field, then it returns (also) t.[2] and t  *)
+    match var with
+      | Soc.Field(ve,_,_)  
+      | Soc.Index(ve,_,_) -> ve::(get_parents ve)
+      | Soc.Var(_,vt)
+      | Soc.Const(_,vt) -> [var]
+let rec (get_top_var : Soc.var_expr  -> Soc.var_expr) =
+  fun var -> 
+(* if var = t.[2].field, then it returns (also) t.[2] and t  *)
+    match var with
+      | Soc.Field(ve,_,_)  
+      | Soc.Index(ve,_,_) -> get_top_var ve
+      | Soc.Var(_,vt)
+      | Soc.Const(_,vt) -> var
 (** TODO jb: On a peut-être pas besoin de stocker les actions dans des set, il
     devrait n'y avoir qu'une seule action pour chaque sortie en théorie (?) 
@@ -131,10 +152,11 @@ let (get_var2actions_tbl : action list -> var2actions_tbl) =
         let _, _, lhs, _, lxm = action in
         let (tabulate_output:var2actions_tbl -> Soc.var_expr -> var2actions_tbl) =
           fun tbl output ->
-            let tabulate_action = try var2actions output tbl
+            let v = get_top_var output in
+            let tabulate_action = try var2actions v tbl
             with Not_found -> Actions.empty
-              VarMap.add output (Actions.add action tabulate_action) tbl
+              VarMap.add v (Actions.add action tabulate_action) tbl
           List.fold_left tabulate_output tbl lhs
@@ -147,22 +169,12 @@ let (get_var2actions_tbl : action list -> var2actions_tbl) =
     ont besoin d'être effectuées avant de pouvoir se servir de [input_vars]
     comme entrée d'une autre action.
-    XXX si t de type tableau depend de x, il ne voit pas que t[i] aussi !!!
     TODO: gérer les dépendances entre des filtres plus complexes,
     comme par ex., l'utilisation d'un champ d'une structure nécessite
     d'avoir initialisé la structure parente.
-let rec (get_parents : Soc.var_expr  -> Soc.var_expr list) =
-  fun var -> 
-(* if var = t.[2].field, then it returns (also) t.[2] and t  *)
-    match var with
-      | Soc.Field(ve,_)  
-      | Soc.Index(ve,_,_) -> ve::(get_parents ve)
-      | Soc.Var(_,vt)
-      | Soc.Const(_,vt) -> [var]
 let rec (actions_of_vars: Soc.var_expr list -> var2actions_tbl -> action list) =
   fun vars tbl ->
@@ -213,23 +225,27 @@ let build_data_deps_from_actions: t -> action list -> t =
     let deps =
         (fun acc_deps action ->
-           let (_, rhs, _, _,_) = action in
-           let deps = actions_of_vars rhs tbl in
-             if deps = [] then (
-               print_string ("\n====> No deps for " ^
-                                (String.concat "," (List.map SocUtils.string_of_filter rhs)));
-               acc_deps 
-             )
-             else 
-               add_deps acc_deps action deps
+          let (_, rhs, _, _,_) = action in
+          let deps = actions_of_vars rhs tbl in
+          if deps = [] then (
+            Verbose.exe ~flag:dbg (fun () ->
+              print_string ("\n====> No deps for " ^
+                               (String.concat "," (List.map SocUtils.string_of_filter rhs))));
+            acc_deps 
+          )
+          else 
+            add_deps acc_deps action deps
-    let al_str = List.map string_of_action al in
-(*     print_string (String.concat "\n   " al_str); *)
-(*     print_string (string_of_var2actions_tbl tbl); *)
-(*     flush stdout; *)
+    Verbose.exe ~flag:dbg (fun () ->
+      let al_str = List.map string_of_action al in
+      print_string "\n ====> List of actions to be sorted:\n";
+      print_string (String.concat "\n   " al_str);
+      print_string "\n ====> List of computed dependencies:\n";
+      print_string (string_of_var2actions_tbl tbl);
+      flush stdout);
diff --git a/src/lic2soc.ml b/src/lic2soc.ml
index ea6c122de06fde51c5418ae6285c1de6d61aa245..0252c7cfefb4f2940239589f1662921183e73cba 100644
--- a/src/lic2soc.ml
+++ b/src/lic2soc.ml
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(** Time-stamp: <modified the 19/03/2013 (at 18:17) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(** Time-stamp: <modified the 21/03/2013 (at 09:56) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 open Lxm
 open Lic
@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ let rec get_leaf: (LicPrg.t -> Lic.val_exp -> Soc.var_expr list option) =
               | None -> assert false
               | _ ->  assert false
-            Some [Soc.Field(filter_expr, (field, type_))]
+            Some [Soc.Field(filter_expr, field, type_)]
           | Lic.ARRAY_ACCES i -> (
             let expr = match val_exp_list with [e] -> e | _ -> assert false in
@@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ let rec filter_of_left_part: (LicPrg.t -> Lic.left -> Soc.var_expr list) =
       | Lic.LeftFieldLic(lp,field,t) -> (
         let lpl = filter_of_left_part licprg lp in
-        List.map (fun lp -> Soc.Field(lp, (field, lic_to_soc_type t))) lpl
+        List.map (fun lp -> Soc.Field(lp, field, lic_to_soc_type t)) lpl
       | Lic.LeftArrayLic(lp,index,t) -> (
         let lpl = filter_of_left_part licprg lp in
@@ -299,7 +299,7 @@ let (val_exp_to_filter: LicPrg.t -> Lic.val_exp -> Soc.var_expr) =
               | None -> assert false
               | _ ->  assert false
-            Soc.Field(filter_expr, (field, type_))
+            Soc.Field(filter_expr, field, type_)
           | ARRAY_ACCES i -> (
             let expr = match val_exp_list with [e] -> e | _ -> assert false in
@@ -447,7 +447,7 @@ let rec (actions_of_expression_acc: Lxm.t -> Soc.tbl ->
             let filter_to_field filter field ftype =
               let ftype =  match ftype  with [x] -> x | _ -> assert false in
               let filter = match filter with [x] -> x | _ -> assert false in
-              Soc.Field(filter, (field, lic_to_soc_type ftype))
+              Soc.Field(filter, field, lic_to_soc_type ftype)
             let actions = 
diff --git a/src/soc.ml b/src/soc.ml
index cc737a0f5680622a4429d5dc3e852b681f24313e..6fcbfe274e27b9af1b1d2fe58e0c1c5d9ac339b8 100644
--- a/src/soc.ml
+++ b/src/soc.ml
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(* Time-stamp: <modified the 19/03/2013 (at 15:08) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(* Time-stamp: <modified the 21/03/2013 (at 09:55) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 (** Synchronous Object Component *)
@@ -29,14 +29,14 @@ type instance = ident * key
 type var_expr =
   | Var   of var
   | Const of var (* useful? *)
-  | Field of var_expr * var
+  | Field of var_expr * ident * var_type
   | Index of var_expr * int * var_type
 let (var_type_of_var_expr : var_expr -> var_type) =
   | Var(_,vt)
   | Const(_,vt)
-  | Field(_, (_,vt))
+  | Field(_, _,vt)
   | Index(_,_,vt) -> vt
diff --git a/src/socExecEvalPredef.ml b/src/socExecEvalPredef.ml
index c372d2dab0d6c887bb4ac7ac9ac5b79bbc2b9f84..da5a17851119c1c0818c3759fc43cd6895554d1d 100644
--- a/src/socExecEvalPredef.ml
+++ b/src/socExecEvalPredef.ml
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(* Time-stamp: <modified the 20/03/2013 (at 17:57) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(* Time-stamp: <modified the 21/03/2013 (at 11:34) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 open SocExecValue
 open Soc
@@ -191,15 +191,7 @@ let lustre_impl ctx =
 let lustre_if ctx =
   let (vn,vv) = 
     match ([get_val "c" ctx; get_val "xt" ctx; get_val "xe" ctx]) with
-      | [B c; I x1; I x2]  -> "z"::ctx.cpath,I(if c then x1 else x2)
-      | [B c; F x1; F x2]  -> "z"::ctx.cpath,F(if c then x1 else x2)
-      | [B c; B x1; B x2]  -> "z"::ctx.cpath,B(if c then x1 else x2)
-      | [B c; I x1; U]     -> "z"::ctx.cpath,if c then I x1 else U 
-      | [B c; U; I x2]     -> "z"::ctx.cpath,if c then U else I x2
-      | [B c; B x1; U]     -> "z"::ctx.cpath,if c then B x1 else U 
-      | [B c; U; B x2]     -> "z"::ctx.cpath,if c then U else B x2
-      | [B c; F x1; U]     -> "z"::ctx.cpath,if c then F x1 else U 
-      | [B c; U; F x2]     -> "z"::ctx.cpath,if c then U else F x2
+      | [B c; v1; v2]  -> "z"::ctx.cpath, if c then v1 else v2
       | [U;_; _] | [_;U;U] -> "z"::ctx.cpath,U
       | _  -> assert false
@@ -228,11 +220,8 @@ let lustre_array tl ctx =
     let (vn,vv) = 
       match ([get_val "x" ctx]) with
-        | [B x]  -> "z"::ctx.cpath,A(Array.make i (B x))
-        | [I x]  -> "z"::ctx.cpath,A(Array.make i (I x))
-        | [F x]  -> "z"::ctx.cpath,A(Array.make i (F x))
-        | [A x]  -> "z"::ctx.cpath,A(Array.make i (A x))
         | [U]  -> "z"::ctx.cpath,U
+        | [v]  -> "z"::ctx.cpath,A(Array.make i v)
         | _  -> assert false
     { ctx with s = sadd ctx.s vn vv }
diff --git a/src/socExecValue.ml b/src/socExecValue.ml
index d5874415351925737325a8133ea09fd221e597cf..e1292af7940aef3f5084a6508d5ab389c9413385 100644
--- a/src/socExecValue.ml
+++ b/src/socExecValue.ml
@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
-(* Time-stamp: <modified the 20/03/2013 (at 17:27) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(* Time-stamp: <modified the 21/03/2013 (at 11:22) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 open Soc
-type t = I of int | F of float | B of bool | E of Soc.ident | A of t array | U
+type t = I of int | F of float | B of bool | E of Soc.ident 
+         | A of t array | S of (Soc.ident * t) list | U
 (* Meant to represent paths in the call tree. Actually it both
    represent path and variable with a path, depending on the
@@ -40,7 +41,7 @@ let rec (get_top_var_type : Soc.var_expr -> Soc.var_type) =
     match ve with
       | Var(_,vt)  -> vt
       | Index(ve,_,_)  
-      | Field(ve, _)  -> get_top_var_type ve
+      | Field(ve, _, _)  -> get_top_var_type ve
       | Const(id,_) -> assert false
 type access = Idx of int | Fld of ident
@@ -50,7 +51,7 @@ let rec (get_access : Soc.var_expr -> access list) =
     match ve with
       | Var(id,_)  -> []
       | Index(ve,i,_)  -> (Idx i)::(get_access ve)
-      | Field(ve, (n,_))  -> (Fld n)::(get_access ve)
+      | Field(ve, n,_)  -> (Fld n)::(get_access ve)
       | Const(id,_) -> assert false
 let rec (update_val : t -> t -> access list -> t) =
@@ -62,6 +63,10 @@ let rec (update_val : t -> t -> access list -> t) =
         let a_i = update_val a.(i) v access in
         a.(i) <- a_i;
         A a
+      | S(fl), (Fld fn)::access -> 
+        S (List.map 
+             (fun (fn2,v2) -> if fn=fn2 then fn,update_val v2 v access else (fn2,v2)) 
+             fl)
       | _,_ -> assert false (* finish me (field struct) *)
 let (update_leaf : var_expr -> t -> t -> substs) =
@@ -80,7 +85,9 @@ let rec (create_val : Soc.var_type -> t ->  access list -> t) =
         let a_i = create_val vt v access in
         a.(i) <- a_i;
         A a
-      | _,_ -> assert false (* finish me (field struct) *)
+      | Struct(sn,fl), (Fld fn)::access -> 
+        S(List.map (fun (fn2,vt2) -> if fn=fn2 then fn,create_val vt2 v access else fn2,U) fl)
+      | _,_ -> assert false
 let (create_leaf : var_expr -> t -> substs) =
   fun ve v -> 
@@ -167,6 +174,7 @@ let rec (to_string  : t -> string) =
     | B true -> "t"
     | B false -> "f"
     | E e -> e
+    | S fl -> String.concat " " (List.map (fun (fn,fv) -> to_string fv) fl)
     | A a -> 
       let str = ref "" in
       let f i a = str := !str ^ " " ^ (to_string a) in
@@ -250,18 +258,12 @@ let (get_val : ident -> ctx -> t) =
       print_string msg; flush stdout;
       assert false
 let (get_enum : ident -> ctx -> ident) =
 fun id ctx -> 
   match get_val id ctx with
     | E e -> e
     | _ -> assert false (* should not fail *) 
 let rec (get_value : ctx -> var_expr -> t) =
   fun ctx v -> 
     match v with
@@ -271,7 +273,16 @@ let rec (get_value : ctx -> var_expr -> t) =
       | Const(id_in,Int)  -> I (int_of_string id_in)
       | Const(id_in,Real) -> F (float_of_string id_in)        
       | Const(id,_) -> assert false  (* finish me! *)
-      | Field(_,_) -> assert false (* finish me! *)
+      | Field(ve,fn,t) -> 
+        let s = get_value ctx ve in
+        (match s with
+          | S fl -> (
+            try List.assoc fn fl
+            with Not_found -> assert false (* should not occur *)
+          )
+          | _ -> assert false (* should not occur *)
+        )
       | Index(ve,i,vt) -> 
         let a = get_value ctx ve in
         match a with
diff --git a/src/socExecValue.mli b/src/socExecValue.mli
index c540ba4560d5426e5862d8a4e88a18e342b5a818..14b8c38ffc830a9efa3025e77a5d657581ee2fb1 100644
--- a/src/socExecValue.mli
+++ b/src/socExecValue.mli
@@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
-(* Time-stamp: <modified the 20/03/2013 (at 17:23) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(* Time-stamp: <modified the 20/03/2013 (at 18:36) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 (** Manipulating data in the Soc interpreter  *)
-type t = | I of int | F of float | B of bool | E of Soc.ident | A of t array 
+type t = | I of int | F of float | B of bool | E of Soc.ident 
+         | A of t array 
+         | S of (Soc.ident * t) list
          | U (* to set uninitialized mem *)
 type path = Soc.ident list
diff --git a/src/socPredef.ml b/src/socPredef.ml
index b15b12611e527aa7b696d45b573d8928c535aa1b..b5df28ffd700c44cc456d0875d74ed20f9685578 100644
--- a/src/socPredef.ml
+++ b/src/socPredef.ml
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(* Time-stamp: <modified the 20/03/2013 (at 18:01) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(* Time-stamp: <modified the 21/03/2013 (at 10:48) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 (** Synchronous Object Code for Predefined operators. *)
@@ -13,38 +13,18 @@ let b = Soc.Bool
 let i = Soc.Int
 let r = Soc.Real
-let bb = ["x", b], ["z", b]
-let ii = ["x", i], ["z", i]
-let rr = ["x", r], ["z", r]
-let ri = ["x", r], ["z", i]
-let ir = ["x", i], ["z", r ]
-let bbb = ["x", b; "y", b], ["z", b]
-let iii = ["x", i; "y", i], ["z", i]
-let rrr = ["x", r; "y", r], ["z", r]
-let rrb = ["x", r; "y", r], ["z", b]
-let iib = ["x", i; "y", i], ["z", b]
+let aa t1 t2 =  ["x", t1], ["z", t2]
+let aaa t1 t2 t3 =  ["x", t1; "y",t2], ["z", t3]
 (* if/then/else *)
-let bbbb = ["c", b; "xt", b; "xe", b], ["z", b]
-let biii = ["c", b; "xt", i; "xe", i], ["z", i]
-let brrr = ["c", b; "xt", r; "xe", r], ["z", r]
+let baaa t = ["c", b; "xt", t; "xe", t], ["z", t]
 let (soc_profile_of_types : Soc.var_type list -> var list * var list) = 
-    | [Soc.Bool;Soc.Bool] -> bb
-    | [Soc.Bool;Soc.Bool;Soc.Bool] -> bbb
-    | [Soc.Int ;Soc.Int] -> ii
-    | [Soc.Int ;Soc.Int ;Soc.Int] -> iii
-    | [Soc.Int ;Soc.Int ;Soc.Bool] -> iib
-    | [Soc.Real;Soc.Real] -> rr
-    | [Soc.Real;Soc.Int] -> ri
-    | [Soc.Int ;Soc.Real] -> ir
-    | [Soc.Real;Soc.Real;Soc.Real] -> rrr
-    | [Soc.Real;Soc.Real;Soc.Bool] -> rrb
-    | [Soc.Bool;Soc.Bool;Soc.Bool;Soc.Bool] -> bbbb
-    | [Soc.Bool;Soc.Int ;Soc.Int;Soc.Int] -> biii
-    | [Soc.Bool;Soc.Real;Soc.Real;Soc.Real] -> brrr
+    | [t1; t2] -> aa t1 t2
+    | [t1;t2;t3] -> aaa t1 t2 t3
+    | [Bool;t1;t2;t3] -> baaa t1 
     | tl  -> 
       (* diese and xor XXX todo *)
       print_string ("Unsupported case: "^ (
@@ -99,35 +79,23 @@ let of_soc_key : Soc.key -> Soc.t =
     let sp = soc_profile_of_types in
     match id with
       | "Lustre::mod" -> (make_soc sk (sp tl) [step11])
-      | "Lustre::iuminus" -> (make_soc sk (sp tl) [step11])
-      | "Lustre::ruminus" -> (make_soc sk (sp tl) [step11])
+      | "Lustre::uminus" -> (make_soc sk (sp tl) [step11])
       | "Lustre::not" -> (make_soc sk (sp tl) [step11])
       | "Lustre::real2int" -> (make_soc sk (sp tl) [step11])
       | "Lustre::int2real" -> (make_soc sk (sp tl) [step11])
       | "Lustre::plus"  -> (make_soc sk (sp tl) [step21 None])      
-      | "Lustre::iplus"  -> assert false
-      | "Lustre::rplus"  -> assert false
-      | "Lustre::itimes" -> (make_soc sk (sp tl) [step21 None])
-      | "Lustre::rtimes" -> (make_soc sk (sp tl) [step21 None])
-      | "Lustre::idiv"   -> (make_soc sk (sp tl) [step21 None])
-      | "Lustre::rdiv"   -> (make_soc sk (sp tl) [step21 None])
-      | "Lustre::iminus" -> (make_soc sk (sp tl) [step21 None])
-      | "Lustre::rminus" -> (make_soc sk (sp tl) [step21 None])
-      | "Lustre::ilt"  -> (make_soc sk (sp tl) [step21 None])
-      | "Lustre::rlt"  -> (make_soc sk (sp tl) [step21 None])
-      | "Lustre::igt"  -> (make_soc sk (sp tl) [step21 None])
-      | "Lustre::rgt"  -> (make_soc sk (sp tl) [step21 None])
-      | "Lustre::ilte" -> (make_soc sk (sp tl) [step21 None])
-      | "Lustre::rlte" -> (make_soc sk (sp tl) [step21 None])
-      | "Lustre::igte" -> (make_soc sk (sp tl) [step21 None])
-      | "Lustre::rgte" -> (make_soc sk (sp tl) [step21 None])
+      | "Lustre::times" -> (make_soc sk (sp tl) [step21 None])
+      | "Lustre::div"   -> (make_soc sk (sp tl) [step21 None])
+      | "Lustre::minus" -> (make_soc sk (sp tl) [step21 None])
+      | "Lustre::lt"  -> (make_soc sk (sp tl) [step21 None])
+      | "Lustre::gt"  -> (make_soc sk (sp tl) [step21 None])
+      | "Lustre::lte" -> (make_soc sk (sp tl) [step21 None])
+      | "Lustre::gte" -> (make_soc sk (sp tl) [step21 None])
       | "Lustre::and" -> (make_soc sk (sp tl) [step21 None])
-      | "Lustre::beq" -> (make_soc sk (sp tl) [step21 None])
-      | "Lustre::ieq" -> (make_soc sk (sp tl) [step21 None])
-      | "Lustre::req" -> (make_soc sk (sp tl) [step21 None])
+      | "Lustre::eq" -> (make_soc sk (sp tl) [step21 None])
       | "Lustre::neq" -> (make_soc sk (sp tl) [step21 None])
       | "Lustre::or"  -> (make_soc sk (sp tl) [step21 None])
       | "Lustre::xor" -> (make_soc sk (sp tl) [step21 None])
@@ -424,39 +392,39 @@ let soc_interface_of_predef:
       | AstPredef.PLUS_n,  [Int; Int]   -> of_soc_key (("Lustre::plus"), types@[Int], None)
       | AstPredef.PLUS_n,  [Real; Real] -> of_soc_key (("Lustre::plus"), types@[Real], None)
       | AstPredef.RPLUS_n, [Real; Real] -> of_soc_key (("Lustre::plus"), types@[Real], None)
-      | AstPredef.ITIMES_n,[Int; Int]   -> of_soc_key (("Lustre::itimes"), types@[Int], None)
-      | AstPredef.TIMES_n, [Int; Int]   -> of_soc_key (("Lustre::itimes"), types@[Int], None)
-      | AstPredef.TIMES_n, [Real; Real] -> of_soc_key (("Lustre::rtimes"), types@[Real], None)
-      | AstPredef.RTIMES_n,[Real; Real] -> of_soc_key (("Lustre::rtimes"), types@[Real], None)
-      | AstPredef.ISLASH_n,[Int; Int]   -> of_soc_key (("Lustre::idiv"), types@[Int], None)
-      | AstPredef.SLASH_n, [Int; Int]   -> of_soc_key (("Lustre::idiv"), types@[Int], None)
-      | AstPredef.DIV_n,   [Int; Int]   -> of_soc_key (("Lustre::idiv"), types@[Int], None)
+      | AstPredef.ITIMES_n,[Int; Int]   -> of_soc_key (("Lustre::times"), types@[Int], None)
+      | AstPredef.TIMES_n, [Int; Int]   -> of_soc_key (("Lustre::times"), types@[Int], None)
+      | AstPredef.TIMES_n, [Real; Real] -> of_soc_key (("Lustre::times"), types@[Real], None)
+      | AstPredef.RTIMES_n,[Real; Real] -> of_soc_key (("Lustre::times"), types@[Real], None)
+      | AstPredef.ISLASH_n,[Int; Int]   -> of_soc_key (("Lustre::div"), types@[Int], None)
+      | AstPredef.SLASH_n, [Int; Int]   -> of_soc_key (("Lustre::div"), types@[Int], None)
+      | AstPredef.DIV_n,   [Int; Int]   -> of_soc_key (("Lustre::div"), types@[Int], None)
       | AstPredef.MOD_n,   [Int;Int]    -> of_soc_key (("Lustre::mod"), types@[Int], None)
-      | AstPredef.SLASH_n, [Real; Real] -> of_soc_key (("Lustre::rdiv"), types@[Real], None)
-      | AstPredef.RSLASH_n,[Real; Real] -> of_soc_key (("Lustre::rdiv"), types@[Real], None)
-      | AstPredef.MINUS_n, [Int; Int]   -> of_soc_key (("Lustre::iminus"), types@[Int], None)
-      | AstPredef.IMINUS_n,[Int; Int]   -> of_soc_key (("Lustre::iminus"), types@[Int], None)
-      | AstPredef.MINUS_n, [Real; Real] -> of_soc_key (("Lustre::rminus"), types@[Real], None)
-      | AstPredef.RMINUS_n,[Real; Real] -> of_soc_key (("Lustre::rminus"), types@[Real], None)
-      | AstPredef.UMINUS_n,[Int]        -> of_soc_key (("Lustre::iuminus"), types@[Int], None)
-      | AstPredef.IUMINUS_n, [Int]      -> of_soc_key (("Lustre::iuminus"), types@[Int], None)
-      | AstPredef.UMINUS_n,  [Real]     -> of_soc_key (("Lustre::ruminus"), types@[Real], None)
-      | AstPredef.RUMINUS_n, [Real]     -> of_soc_key (("Lustre::ruminus"), types@[Real], None)
-      | AstPredef.LT_n, [Int; Int]      -> of_soc_key (("Lustre::ilt"), types@[Int], None)
-      | AstPredef.LT_n, [Real; Real]    -> of_soc_key (("Lustre::rlt"), types@[Real], None)
-      | AstPredef.GT_n, [Int; Int]      -> of_soc_key (("Lustre::igt"), types@[Int], None)
-      | AstPredef.GT_n, [Real; Real]    -> of_soc_key (("Lustre::rgt"), types@[Real], None)
-      | AstPredef.LTE_n, [Int; Int]     -> of_soc_key (("Lustre::ilte"), types@[Int], None)
-      | AstPredef.LTE_n, [Real; Real]   -> of_soc_key (("Lustre::rlte"), types@[Real], None)
-      | AstPredef.GTE_n, [Int; Int]     -> of_soc_key (("Lustre::igte"), types@[Int], None)
-      | AstPredef.GTE_n, [Real; Real]   -> of_soc_key (("Lustre::rgte"), types@[Real], None)
+      | AstPredef.SLASH_n, [Real; Real] -> of_soc_key (("Lustre::div"), types@[Real], None)
+      | AstPredef.RSLASH_n,[Real; Real] -> of_soc_key (("Lustre::div"), types@[Real], None)
+      | AstPredef.MINUS_n, [Int; Int]   -> of_soc_key (("Lustre::minus"), types@[Int], None)
+      | AstPredef.IMINUS_n,[Int; Int]   -> of_soc_key (("Lustre::minus"), types@[Int], None)
+      | AstPredef.MINUS_n, [Real; Real] -> of_soc_key (("Lustre::minus"), types@[Real], None)
+      | AstPredef.RMINUS_n,[Real; Real] -> of_soc_key (("Lustre::minus"), types@[Real], None)
+      | AstPredef.UMINUS_n,[Int]        -> of_soc_key (("Lustre::uminus"), types@[Int], None)
+      | AstPredef.IUMINUS_n, [Int]      -> of_soc_key (("Lustre::uminus"), types@[Int], None)
+      | AstPredef.UMINUS_n,  [Real]     -> of_soc_key (("Lustre::uminus"), types@[Real], None)
+      | AstPredef.RUMINUS_n, [Real]     -> of_soc_key (("Lustre::uminus"), types@[Real], None)
+      | AstPredef.LT_n, [Int; Int]      -> of_soc_key (("Lustre::lt"), types@[Int], None)
+      | AstPredef.LT_n, [Real; Real]    -> of_soc_key (("Lustre::lt"), types@[Real], None)
+      | AstPredef.GT_n, [Int; Int]      -> of_soc_key (("Lustre::gt"), types@[Int], None)
+      | AstPredef.GT_n, [Real; Real]    -> of_soc_key (("Lustre::gt"), types@[Real], None)
+      | AstPredef.LTE_n, [Int; Int]     -> of_soc_key (("Lustre::lte"), types@[Int], None)
+      | AstPredef.LTE_n, [Real; Real]   -> of_soc_key (("Lustre::lte"), types@[Real], None)
+      | AstPredef.GTE_n, [Int; Int]     -> of_soc_key (("Lustre::gte"), types@[Int], None)
+      | AstPredef.GTE_n, [Real; Real]   -> of_soc_key (("Lustre::gte"), types@[Real], None)
       | AstPredef.AND_n, [Bool; Bool]   -> of_soc_key (("Lustre::and"), types@[Bool], None)
       | AstPredef.OR_n,  [Bool; Bool]   -> of_soc_key (("Lustre::or"), types@[Bool], None)
       | AstPredef.XOR_n, [Bool; Bool]   -> of_soc_key (("Lustre::xor"), types@[Bool], None)
       | AstPredef.IMPL_n, [Bool; Bool]  -> of_soc_key (("Lustre::impl"), types@[Bool], None)
-      | AstPredef.EQ_n, [Bool; Bool]    -> of_soc_key (("Lustre::beq"), types@[Bool], None)
-      | AstPredef.EQ_n, [Int; Int]      -> of_soc_key (("Lustre::ieq"), types@[Int], None)
-      | AstPredef.EQ_n, [Real; Real]    -> of_soc_key (("Lustre::req"), types@[Real], None)
+      | AstPredef.EQ_n, [Bool; Bool]    -> of_soc_key (("Lustre::eq"), types@[Bool], None)
+      | AstPredef.EQ_n, [Int; Int]      -> of_soc_key (("Lustre::eq"), types@[Int], None)
+      | AstPredef.EQ_n, [Real; Real]    -> of_soc_key (("Lustre::eq"), types@[Real], None)
       | AstPredef.NEQ_n, [Bool; Bool]   -> of_soc_key (("Lustre::neq"), types@[Bool], None)
       | AstPredef.NOT_n, [Bool]         -> of_soc_key (("Lustre::not"), types@[Bool], None)
@@ -464,7 +432,7 @@ let soc_interface_of_predef:
       | AstPredef.FALSE_n, [] -> finish_me lxm ; assert false (* todo *)
       | AstPredef.RCONST_n _, [] -> finish_me lxm ; assert false (* todo *)
       | AstPredef.ICONST_n _, [] -> finish_me lxm ; assert false (* todo *)
-      | AstPredef.REAL2INT_n, [Real] -> finish_me lxm ; assert false (* todo *)
+      | AstPredef.REAL2INT_n, [Real] -> of_soc_key (("Lustre::real2int"), [Real;Int], None)
       | AstPredef.INT2REAL_n, [Int] -> finish_me lxm ; assert false (* todo *)
       | AstPredef.NOR_n, _ -> finish_me lxm ; assert false (* todo *)
       | AstPredef.DIESE_n, _ -> finish_me lxm ; assert false (* todo *)
diff --git a/src/socUtils.ml b/src/socUtils.ml
index 7c982d479d84286f1ee48aeffa5288555909baf8..952af1bdfbc1b1506b700f6602465ed007dbc017 100644
--- a/src/socUtils.ml
+++ b/src/socUtils.ml
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(** Time-stamp: <modified the 13/03/2013 (at 22:25) by Erwan JAHIER> *)
+(** Time-stamp: <modified the 21/03/2013 (at 09:55) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 open Soc
@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ let rec string_of_filter_ff: (Soc.var_expr -> Format.formatter -> unit) =
   fun v ff -> match v with
     | Const(id, _) 
     | Var (id,_)   -> fprintf ff "%s" id
-    | Field(f, (id,_)) -> string_of_filter_ff f ff; fprintf ff ".%s" id
+    | Field(f, id,_) -> string_of_filter_ff f ff; fprintf ff ".%s" id
     | Index(f, index,_) -> string_of_filter_ff f ff; fprintf ff "[%d]" index
 let string_of_filter: (Soc.var_expr -> string) = fun v ->