diff --git a/_oasis b/_oasis
index 534828e9a4fb4d55c8cee65a728fa8166cc77624..dbbac0ad171ef5cbede865860ac46046289d584e 100644
--- a/_oasis
+++ b/_oasis
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 OASISFormat: 0.4
 Name:        lustre-v6
-Version:     1.657
+Version:     1.659
 Synopsis:    The Lustre V6 Verimag compiler
 Description: This package contains:
    (1) lus2lic: the (current) name of the compiler (and interpreter via -exec).
diff --git a/src/l2lNoWhenNot.ml b/src/l2lNoWhenNot.ml
index 488a0518a1a96b7d8b5b1786ac21054cc72c43aa..acada301642af37c3a272c7f1f9aced0b782cc55 100644
--- a/src/l2lNoWhenNot.ml
+++ b/src/l2lNoWhenNot.ml
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(** Time-stamp: <modified the 26/08/2016 (at 15:31) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(** Time-stamp: <modified the 30/08/2016 (at 14:18) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 open Lxm
 open Lic
@@ -25,11 +25,11 @@ type acc =
 let new_var cv type_eff clock_eff clk_tbl = 
    try Hashtbl.find clk_tbl cv, true
    with Not_found ->
+     let id = Lv6Id.of_string (FreshName.local_var cv) in 
        (fun() -> Printf.printf
-                   "L2lNoWhenNot: '%s' not found; create a var\n" cv);
-     let id = Lv6Id.of_string (FreshName.local_var cv) in 
+                   "L2lNoWhenNot: negation of '%s' not found; create %s\n" cv id);
      let var =        { 
          var_name_eff   = id;
          var_nature_eff = AstCore.VarLocal;
@@ -227,25 +227,21 @@ and (do_node : LicPrg.t -> Lic.node_exp -> Lic.node_exp) =
-        let (nv,neqs,nass,tbl) = acc in
-        let nlocs = match n.loclist_eff with
-          | None -> nv (* SNO, but eats no bread *)
-          | Some v -> List.rev_append nv v
-        in
         let uvi = update_var_info_list n.lxm in
         let inlist_eff,acc  = List.fold_left uvi ([],acc) n.inlist_eff in
         let outlist_eff,acc = List.fold_left uvi ([],acc) n.outlist_eff in
-        let loclist_eff,acc = List.fold_left uvi ([],acc) nlocs in        
+        let locs = match n.loclist_eff with Some x -> x | None -> [] in
+        let loclist_eff,acc = List.fold_left uvi ([],acc) locs in        
+        let (nv,neqs,nass,tbl) = acc in
+        let nlocs = List.rev_append nv loclist_eff in
         { n with 
           def_eff = BodyLic { eqs_eff = neqs; asserts_eff = nass };
           inlist_eff  = List.rev inlist_eff;
           outlist_eff = List.rev outlist_eff;
-          loclist_eff = Some (List.rev loclist_eff)
+          loclist_eff = Some (List.rev nlocs)
-  let n,(_,_,_,tbl) = aux licprg n ([],[],[],tbl) in
   let n,acc = aux licprg n  ([],[],[],tbl) in
-  (* do it twice to make sure they are all substituted *)
 (* exported *)
diff --git a/src/l2lWhenOnId.ml b/src/l2lWhenOnId.ml
index 853eb00130189dafa7fe176c826de47a5a023088..da21228b3905c5f3a93c015a6e84e7b4878d28f0 100644
--- a/src/l2lWhenOnId.ml
+++ b/src/l2lWhenOnId.ml
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(** Time-stamp: <modified the 26/08/2016 (at 15:27) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(** Time-stamp: <modified the 30/08/2016 (at 14:18) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 open Lxm
 open Lic
@@ -238,25 +238,21 @@ and (do_node : LicPrg.t -> Lic.node_exp -> Lic.node_exp) =
-        let (nv,neqs,nass,tbl) = acc in
-        let nlocs = match n.loclist_eff with
-          | None -> nv (* SNO, but eats no bread *)
-          | Some v -> List.rev_append nv v
-        in
         let uvi = update_var_info_list n.lxm in
         let inlist_eff,acc  = List.fold_left uvi ([],acc) n.inlist_eff in
         let outlist_eff,acc = List.fold_left uvi ([],acc) n.outlist_eff in
-        let loclist_eff,acc = List.fold_left uvi ([],acc) nlocs in        
+        let locs = match n.loclist_eff with Some x -> x | None -> [] in
+        let loclist_eff,acc = List.fold_left uvi ([],acc) locs in        
+        let (nv,neqs,nass,tbl) = acc in
+        let nlocs = List.rev_append nv loclist_eff in
         { n with 
           def_eff = BodyLic { eqs_eff = neqs; asserts_eff = nass };
           inlist_eff  = List.rev inlist_eff;
           outlist_eff = List.rev outlist_eff;
-          loclist_eff = Some (List.rev loclist_eff)
+          loclist_eff = Some (List.rev nlocs)
-  let n,(_,_,_,tbl) = aux licprg n ([],[],[],tbl) in
   let n,acc = aux licprg n  ([],[],[],tbl) in
-  (* do it twice to make sure they are all substituted *)
 (* exported *)
diff --git a/src/lv6Compile.ml b/src/lv6Compile.ml
index 778b52af035c9fd64ad7facb4c928c2a9c97730c..ef55bab6fad6e391b6af8e2dcf4ac4daf237c683 100644
--- a/src/lv6Compile.ml
+++ b/src/lv6Compile.ml
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(* Time-stamp: <modified the 26/08/2016 (at 15:07) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(* Time-stamp: <modified the 26/08/2016 (at 15:39) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 open Lxm
 open Lv6errors
@@ -189,13 +189,15 @@ let (get_source_list : Lv6MainArgs.t -> string list -> AstV6.pack_or_model list)
           if opt.Lv6MainArgs.tlex then test_lex lexbuf;
           match (lus_load lexbuf) with
             | PRPackBody(incl_files, pbdy) -> incl_files, [Unpacked pbdy]
-            | PRPack_or_models(incl_files, nsl) -> incl_files, (List.map (fun ns -> Packed ns) nsl)
+            | PRPack_or_models(incl_files, nsl) ->
+               incl_files, (List.map (fun ns -> Packed ns) nsl)
         (* If included files have a relative path, strange things may happen.
            Hence we make the path absolute, using the directory of the includer.
         let includer_dir = Filename.dirname infile in
-        let fix_dir f = if Filename.is_relative f then Filename.concat includer_dir f else f in
+        let fix_dir f = if Filename.is_relative f then
+                          Filename.concat includer_dir f else f in
         let incl_files = List.map fix_dir incl_files in
         incl_files, l
@@ -234,7 +236,8 @@ let (get_source_list : Lv6MainArgs.t -> string list -> AstV6.pack_or_model list)
     let first_file = assert (infile_list <> []); List.hd infile_list in
     let included_files, first_pack = get_one_source first_file in
     let (pack_list, _compiled_files, included_files) = 
-      get_remaining_source_list (first_pack, [first_file], (List.tl infile_list) @ included_files)
+      get_remaining_source_list (first_pack, [first_file],
+                                 (List.tl infile_list) @ included_files)
     let _ = assert (included_files=[]) in
     let packed_list, unpacked_list = 
@@ -257,16 +260,20 @@ let (get_source_list : Lv6MainArgs.t -> string list -> AstV6.pack_or_model list)
                      (* Let's perform some clashes checks *)
                 if Hashtbl.mem tbl x then
                   let ybis = Hashtbl.find tbl x in
-		            print_string ("*** Error: "^(Lv6Id.to_string x)^" is defined twice: \n\t" ^ 
+		            print_string ("*** Error: "^(Lv6Id.to_string x)^
+                                  " is defined twice: \n\t" ^ 
                                    (Lxm.details y.src) ^ "\n\t" ^
                                    (Lxm.details ybis.src) ^ ".\n"); 
                   exit 2
                   Hashtbl.add tbl x y
-              Hashtbl.iter (fun x y -> add pbody_acc.pk_const_table x y) pbody.pk_const_table;
-              Hashtbl.iter (fun x y -> add pbody_acc.pk_type_table x y) pbody.pk_type_table;
-              Hashtbl.iter (fun x y -> add pbody_acc.pk_node_table x y) pbody.pk_node_table;
+              Hashtbl.iter (fun x y -> add pbody_acc.pk_const_table x y)
+                           pbody.pk_const_table;
+              Hashtbl.iter (fun x y -> add pbody_acc.pk_type_table x y)
+                           pbody.pk_type_table;
+              Hashtbl.iter (fun x y -> add pbody_acc.pk_node_table x y)
+                           pbody.pk_node_table;
               Some { pbody_acc with
diff --git a/src/lv6MainArgs.ml b/src/lv6MainArgs.ml
index 04d9d58d6faf47be5c0982a2a676cbe7de819b42..81ab7f106fcf85e00249868900a8f753b8714206 100644
--- a/src/lv6MainArgs.ml
+++ b/src/lv6MainArgs.ml
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(* Time-stamp: <modified the 26/08/2016 (at 15:04) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(* Time-stamp: <modified the 26/08/2016 (at 16:57) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 Le manager d'argument adapté de celui de lutin, plus joli
 N.B. solution un peu batarde : les options sont stockées, comme avant, dans Global,
@@ -246,7 +246,6 @@ let set_ec_options opt =
   global_opt.no_when_not <- true;
   global_opt.no_prefix <- true;
   opt.expand_nodes <- true;
-  opt.optim_ite <- false ; (* because merge won't work *)
@@ -521,13 +520,15 @@ let mkoptab (opt:t) : unit = (
     mkopt opt ~doc_level:Dev
       (Arg.Unit (fun () -> opt.gen_autotest <- true))
-      ["Generate a Lutin Stimulator and a Lustre oracle to compare the result of 2 Lustre compilers"]
+      ["Generate a Lutin Stimulator and a Lustre oracle to compare the ";
+       "result of 2 Lustre compilers"]
     (* misc debug flag *)
     mkopt opt ~doc_level:Advanced
       ["-dbg"; "--debug"]	
-         ( Lv6Verbose.flag_list (), fun s -> let f = Lv6Verbose.get_flag s in Lv6Verbose.set_flag f))
+         ( Lv6Verbose.flag_list (),
+           fun s -> let f = Lv6Verbose.get_flag s in Lv6Verbose.set_flag f))
       [ "<dbg_flag>"; 
         "Possible dbg_flag are: " ^(String.concat ", " (Lv6Verbose.flag_list())) ]
diff --git a/src/lv6version.ml b/src/lv6version.ml
index 84d1bc3708c047e128e5e5b4232b4ca76aefa130..34c6731dd99e3e392ce88ae22893c518857c3a2d 100644
--- a/src/lv6version.ml
+++ b/src/lv6version.ml
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 (** Automatically generated from Makefile *) 
 let tool = "lus2lic"
 let branch = "master"
-let commit = "657"
-let sha_1 = "1a153291f645c667cb3189a1f1352817bf316944"
+let commit = "659"
+let sha_1 = "45552c629fedcb120c3fa59e5a71293bce192ec7"
 let str = (branch ^ "." ^ commit ^ " (" ^ sha_1 ^ ")")
 let maintainer = "jahier@imag.fr"
diff --git a/test/lus2lic.sum b/test/lus2lic.sum
index aa0d6b9a1ca2eb3e059d80d4ae0684f280ed69de..ebecc9090baf7c0626cf79e93d4e093180f4d352 100644
--- a/test/lus2lic.sum
+++ b/test/lus2lic.sum
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 ==> lus2lic0.sum <==
-Test Run By jahier on Tue Jun 14 15:32:44 
+Test Run By jahier on Tue Aug 30 14:29:56 
 Native configuration is x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
 		=== lus2lic0 tests ===
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ XFAIL: Test bad programs (assert): test_lus2lic_no_node should_fail/assert/lecte
 XFAIL: Test bad programs (assert): test_lus2lic_no_node should_fail/assert/s.lus
 ==> lus2lic1.sum <==
-Test Run By jahier on Tue Jun 14 15:32:44 
+Test Run By jahier on Tue Aug 30 14:29:57 
 Native configuration is x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
 		=== lus2lic1 tests ===
@@ -397,7 +397,7 @@ PASS: gcc -o multipar.exec multipar_multipar.c multipar_multipar_loop.c
 PASS: /home/jahier/lus2lic/test/../utils/compare_exec_and_2c multipar.lus  {}
 ==> lus2lic2.sum <==
-Test Run By jahier on Tue Jun 14 15:33:01 
+Test Run By jahier on Tue Aug 30 14:30:14 
 Native configuration is x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
 		=== lus2lic2 tests ===
@@ -743,7 +743,7 @@ PASS: gcc -o zzz2.exec zzz2_zzz2.c zzz2_zzz2_loop.c
 PASS: /home/jahier/lus2lic/test/../utils/compare_exec_and_2c zzz2.lus  {}
 ==> lus2lic3.sum <==
-Test Run By jahier on Tue Jun 14 15:33:37 
+Test Run By jahier on Tue Aug 30 14:30:52 
 Native configuration is x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
 		=== lus2lic3 tests ===
@@ -1249,7 +1249,7 @@ PASS: ./myec2c {-o multipar.c multipar.ec}
 PASS: /home/jahier/lus2lic/test/../utils/test_lus2lic_no_node multipar.lus {}
 ==> lus2lic4.sum <==
-Test Run By jahier on Tue Jun 14 15:33:49 
+Test Run By jahier on Tue Aug 30 14:31:04 
 Native configuration is x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
 		=== lus2lic4 tests ===
@@ -1773,14 +1773,14 @@ PASS: /home/jahier/lus2lic/test/../utils/test_lus2lic_no_node zzz2.lus {}
 # of unexpected failures	4
 # Total number of failures: 26
-lus2lic0.log:testcase ./lus2lic.tests/test0.exp completed in 0 seconds
-lus2lic1.log:testcase ./lus2lic.tests/test1.exp completed in 17 seconds
-lus2lic2.log:testcase ./lus2lic.tests/test2.exp completed in 36 seconds
-lus2lic3.log:testcase ./lus2lic.tests/test3.exp completed in 12 seconds
+lus2lic0.log:testcase ./lus2lic.tests/test0.exp completed in 1 seconds
+lus2lic1.log:testcase ./lus2lic.tests/test1.exp completed in 16 seconds
+lus2lic2.log:testcase ./lus2lic.tests/test2.exp completed in 37 seconds
+lus2lic3.log:testcase ./lus2lic.tests/test3.exp completed in 11 seconds
 lus2lic4.log:testcase ./lus2lic.tests/test4.exp completed in 39 seconds
 * Ref time: 
-0.04user 0.03system 1:44.23elapsed 0%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 5148maxresident)k
-0inputs+0outputs (0major+5598minor)pagefaults 0swaps
+0.07user 0.02system 1:46.41elapsed 0%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 5560maxresident)k
+128inputs+0outputs (0major+6076minor)pagefaults 0swaps
 * Quick time (-j 4):
-0.04user 0.01system 0:56.78elapsed 0%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 5152maxresident)k
-32inputs+0outputs (0major+5619minor)pagefaults 0swaps
+0.06user 0.01system 0:50.20elapsed 0%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 5680maxresident)k
+64inputs+0outputs (0major+6069minor)pagefaults 0swaps