diff --git a/src/soc2c.ml b/src/soc2c.ml
index 5d30ee3337577d1b473fb5840fd4d691f872a5eb..a6db91949142a69a8b31a72e7c0bac5909e2d889 100644
--- a/src/soc2c.ml
+++ b/src/soc2c.ml
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(* Time-stamp: <modified the 13/05/2015 (at 09:38) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(* Time-stamp: <modified the 11/09/2015 (at 11:22) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 (* let put (os: out_channel) (fmt:('a, unit, string, unit) format4) : 'a = *)
@@ -440,8 +440,8 @@ let (gen_loop_file : Soc.t -> out_channel -> Soc.tbl -> unit) =
     let (n,_,_) = soc.key in
     let n = id2s n in
     let inputs,outputs = soc.profile in
-    let inputs_io  =  SocVar.expand_profile true false inputs  in
-    let outputs_io =  SocVar.expand_profile true false outputs in
+    let inputs_io  = SocVar.expand_profile true false inputs  in
+    let outputs_io = SocVar.expand_profile true false outputs in
     let inputs_exp = SocVar.expand_profile true true  inputs  in
     let outputs_exp= SocVar.expand_profile true true  outputs in
     Lv6util.entete oc "/*" "*/";
@@ -635,45 +635,144 @@ int main(){
+let (gen_loop_file4ogensim : Soc.t -> out_channel -> Soc.tbl -> unit) =
+  fun soc oc stbl -> 
+  let base = (string_of_soc_key soc.key) in
+  let putc s = output_string oc s in
+  let ctx = get_ctx_name soc.key in
+  let step = Soc2cDep.step_name soc.key "step" in
+  let (n,_,_) = soc.key in
+  let n = id2s n in
+  let inputs,outputs = soc.profile in
+  let inputs_io  = SocVar.expand_profile true false inputs  in
+  let outputs_io = SocVar.expand_profile true false outputs in
+  let inputs_exp = SocVar.expand_profile true true  inputs  in
+  let outputs_exp= SocVar.expand_profile true true  outputs in
+  let define_define i (var_name,_) =
+    putc (Printf.sprintf "#define _%s\t 0xe%07X\n" var_name ((i+1)*8));
+  in
+  Lv6util.entete oc "/*" "*/";
+  putc  ("#include \""^base ^".h\"
+#define tickBegin  0xe0000000
+  List.iteri define_define (inputs_io@ outputs_io);
+  putc  (
+      "/* Main procedure *************************/
+int main(){" ^ (
+        match io_transmit_mode () with
+        | Lv6MainArgs.Stack ->
+           let to_c_decl (n,t) = ((Soc2cUtil.data_type_to_c t n)^ ";\n  ") in
+           let inputs_t  = List.map to_c_decl inputs in
+           let outputs_t = List.map to_c_decl outputs in
+           let inputs_decl = Printf.sprintf "\n  %s" (String.concat "" inputs_t) in
+           let outputs_decl = Printf.sprintf "%s" (String.concat "" outputs_t) in
+           let ctx_decl = if SocUtils.is_memory_less soc then "" else 
+                            ctx^"_type* ctx = "^ ctx^"_new_ctx(NULL);\n"
+           in
+           inputs_decl ^ outputs_decl ^ ctx_decl
+        | Lv6MainArgs.Heap -> ("
+ /* Context allocation */
+ " ^ (if SocUtils.is_memory_less soc then ctx^"_type* ctx = &"^ctx^";\n"
+                                     else ctx^"_type* ctx = "^ ctx^"_new_ctx(NULL);")
+                              )
+        | Lv6MainArgs.HeapStack -> ("
+/* Context allocation */
+      " ^ (if SocUtils.is_memory_less soc then ctx^""
+                                          else ctx^"_type* ctx ;\n"^ ctx^"_reset(ctx);")
+                                   )
+    ));
+  let to_rif_decl (n,t) = ("\\\""^n^"\\\":" ^(type_to_string t)) in
+  let inputs_t  = List.map to_rif_decl inputs_io in
+  let outputs_t = List.map to_rif_decl outputs_io in
+  let inputs_decl = Printf.sprintf "#inputs %s" (String.concat " " inputs_t) in
+  let outputs_decl = Printf.sprintf "#outputs %s" (String.concat " " outputs_t) in
+  putc  ("
+  /* Main loop */
+  while(1){
+    // notify the simulator that it is time to load the inputs from Lurette
+    // to the specified address
+    *((unsigned int*)tickBegin) = 0;
+    // load inputs from the memory locations
+  List.iter2 
+    (fun (id,t)  (id_flat,_) -> 
+     let t = Soc2cUtil.data_type_to_c t "" in
+     let str = 
+       Printf.sprintf "    %s = *((%s*)_%s);\n" id t id_flat
+     in
+     putc str
+    ) 
+    inputs_exp inputs_io;
+  assert (io_transmit_mode () = Lv6MainArgs.Stack);
+  let i =  fst (List.split inputs) in
+  let o = List.map (fun (n,t) -> match t with Data.Array(_,_) -> n | _ ->"&"^n) outputs in
+  let io = String.concat "," (i@o) in
+  let io = if SocUtils.is_memory_less soc then io else if io = "" then "ctx" else io^",ctx" in
+  putc ("    " ^ step^"("^io^");
+    // now write the output to the memory which will be output to Lurette
+    List.iter2
+    (fun (id,t) (id_flat,_) -> 
+     let t = Soc2cUtil.data_type_to_c t "" in
+     let str = Printf.sprintf "	 *((%s*)_%s) = %s;\n" t id id_flat in
+     putc str
+    ) 
+    outputs_io outputs_exp;
+  putc "}\n  return 1;       
 (* The entry point for lus2lic --to-c *)
 let (f : Lv6MainArgs.t -> Soc.key -> Soc.tbl -> LicPrg.t -> unit) =
   fun args msoc stbl licprg -> 
-    let socs = Soc.SocMap.bindings stbl in
-    let socs = snd (List.split socs) in 
-    (* XXX que fait-on pour les soc predef ? *)
-    (*     let _, socs = List.partition is_predef socs in *)
-    let base = 
-      if args.Lv6MainArgs.outfile = "" then
-        string_of_soc_key msoc 
+  let socs = Soc.SocMap.bindings stbl in
+  let socs = snd (List.split socs) in 
+  (* XXX que fait-on pour les soc predef ? *)
+  (*     let _, socs = List.partition is_predef socs in *)
+  let base = 
+    if args.Lv6MainArgs.outfile = "" then
+      string_of_soc_key msoc 
-        Filename.basename (
+      Filename.basename (
           try Filename.chop_extension args.Lv6MainArgs.outfile
           with Invalid_argument _ -> args.Lv6MainArgs.outfile)
-    in
-    let hfile = base ^  ".h" in
-    let cfile = base ^ ".c" in
-    let ext_cfile = Printf.sprintf "%s_ext.c" base in
-    let ext_hfile = Printf.sprintf "%s_ext.h" base in
-    let loopfile = base^"_loop.c" in
-    let occ = open_out cfile in
-    let och = open_out hfile in
-    let ocl = open_out loopfile in
-    try
-      let putc s =  output_string occ s in
-      let puth s =  output_string och s in
-      let main_soc = Soc.SocMap.find msoc stbl in
+  in
+  let hfile = base ^ ".h" in
+  let cfile = base ^ ".c" in
+  let ext_cfile = Printf.sprintf "%s_ext.c" base in
+  let ext_hfile = Printf.sprintf "%s_ext.h" base in
+  let loopfile = base^"_loop.c" in
+  let occ = open_out cfile in
+  let och = open_out hfile in
+  let ocl = open_out loopfile in
+  try
+    let putc s = output_string occ s in
+    let puth s = output_string och s in
+    let main_soc = Soc.SocMap.find msoc stbl in
     (* Generate ext files if necessary  *)
-      let needs_cfile, needs_hfile = 
-        Soc2cExtern.gen_files main_soc stbl licprg ext_cfile ext_hfile hfile
-      in
-      Lv6util.entete occ "/*" "*/" ;
-      Lv6util.entete och "/*" "*/";
+    let needs_cfile, needs_hfile = 
+      Soc2cExtern.gen_files main_soc stbl licprg ext_cfile ext_hfile hfile
+    in
+    Lv6util.entete occ "/*" "*/" ;
+    Lv6util.entete och "/*" "*/";
+    if args.Lv6MainArgs.gen_wcet then 
+      gen_loop_file4ogensim main_soc ocl stbl
+    else
       gen_loop_file main_soc ocl stbl;
-      if args.Lv6MainArgs.gen_wcet then gen_main_wcet_file main_soc base stbl;
-      output_string och "
+    if args.Lv6MainArgs.gen_wcet then gen_main_wcet_file main_soc base stbl;
+    output_string och "
 #include <stdlib.h>
 #include <string.h>
@@ -723,32 +822,105 @@ typedef float _float;
     Printf.printf "%s has been generated.\n" hfile; 
     Printf.printf "%s has been generated.\n" cfile;
     flush stdout;
-    let execfile = if args.Lv6MainArgs.outfile = "" then "a.out" 
+    let node = args.main_node in
+    let execfile = if args.Lv6MainArgs.outfile = "" then (node^"4otawa.out")
       else args.Lv6MainArgs.outfile 
     let cflags = try Sys.getenv "CFLAGS" with Not_found -> "" in
-    let main_file,gcc = 
-      if args.Lv6MainArgs.gen_wcet then base^"_main.c","arm-elf-gcc -g" else loopfile,"gcc"
+    let ocsh = open_out (node ^".sh") in
+    let main_file, ogensim_main_file, gcc = 
+      if args.Lv6MainArgs.gen_wcet then 
+        base^"_main.c",base^"_loop.c","arm-elf-gcc --specs=linux.specs -g" 
+      else 
+        loopfile, "I am a dead string...", "gcc"
-    let gcc =
+    let ogensim_exe = node^"4ogensim.out" in
+    let gcc, gcc_ogensim =
       if needs_cfile then 
-        Printf.sprintf "%s -o %s %s %s %s %s" gcc execfile cfile cflags ext_cfile main_file
+        Printf.sprintf "%s -o %s \\\n\t%s %s %s %s" gcc execfile cfile cflags ext_cfile main_file,
+        Printf.sprintf "%s -o %s \\\n\t%s %s %s %s" gcc ogensim_exe cfile cflags 
+                       ext_cfile ogensim_main_file
-        Printf.sprintf "%s -o %s %s %s %s"  gcc execfile cfile cflags main_file
-    in
-    let main_step = (string_of_soc_key msoc)^"_step" in
+        Printf.sprintf "%s -o %s \\\n\t%s %s %s"  gcc execfile cfile cflags main_file,
+        Printf.sprintf "%s -o %s \\\n\t%s %s %s"  gcc ogensim_exe cfile cflags ogensim_main_file
+    in    let main_step = (string_of_soc_key msoc)^"_step" in
     let gcc = if args.Lv6MainArgs.gen_wcet then
-        (gcc ^ " > owcet.out; owcet.arm "^execfile^ " " ^
-           (* " --add-prop otawa::ilp::OUTPUT_PATH="^main_step^".0.lp "^ *)
-           main_step^" 2>&1 | grep WCET")
+        ("#!/bin/bash
+set -x
+if [ $# -gt 0 ]
+    then
+    case \"$1\" in
+        \"otawa\")
+            otawa=\"true\"
+            ogensim=\"false\"
+            xpdf=\"false\"
+            ;;
+        \"ogensim\")
+            otawa=\"false\"
+            ogensim=\"true\"
+            xpdf=\"false\"
+            ;;
+    esac
+cfile="^cfile^ "
+execfile="^execfile^ "
+main_step="^main_step^ "
+n="^node^ "
+n_n="^base ^ "
+freeport=`python -c 'import socket; s=socket.socket(); s.bind((\"\", 0)); print(s.getsockname()[1]); s.close()'`
+if [ \"$otawa\" = \"true\" ]
+# ZZZ otawa won't work with programs that use division because of orange (!?)
+# Let's compile the c files for otawa\n" ^
+          gcc ^ " > \\\n\t$n_n.owcet.log 2>&1 &&\n\n"^
+            "orange $cfile ${n_n}_step -o $n_n.ffx > $n_n.orange.log  2>&1 &&\n" ^
+            "# Let's  run otawa (owcet.arm)\n" ^
+            "owcet.arm $execfile $main_step -f $n_n.ffx  \\\n\t>"^
+              "$n_n.owcet.arm.log 2>&1 && \n"^
+              "grep WCET $n_n.owcet.arm.log | cut -d \" \" -f 3 > "^
+              "$n.wcet &&\n\n" ^ 
+            "WCET=`cat $n.wcet` \n\n" ^ 
+              "# Let's compile the c files for ogensim \n" ^
+              "
+if [ \"$ogensim\" = \"true\" ]
+# Now let's run ogensim \n(" ^
+           gcc_ogensim ^ " >>$n_n.owcet.log  2>&1 &&\n"^
+           "lus2lic "^(String.concat " " args.infiles)^" -n $n"^
+           " -interface > $n.io &&\n"^
+           "lus2lic "^(String.concat " " args.infiles)^" -n $n --gen-autotest &&\n\n"^
+             "# Now let's run ogensim \n" ^
+           "(ogensim.arm "^ogensim_exe^" -ul 1 \\\n\t-e $main_step"^
+           " -cl $n.cycles -lp $freeport \\\n\t-iol $n.io > $n_n"^
+             ".ogensim.log  2>&1&) && \n\nsleep 1 &&\n"^
+           "(lurettetop -l 1000 -go -ns2c -o ogensim.rif \\\n\t \
+            -rp \"sut:socket:$freeport:\"  \\\n\t \
+            -rp \"env:lutin:_${n}_env.lut:${n}_env\" || true)) &&\n\n"^
+             "getstat.r $n.cycles $WCET
+if [ \"$xpdf\" = \"true\" ]
+           xpdf $n.cycles.pdf &
+        )
       else gcc
+    output_string ocsh (gcc^"\n\n"); 
+    flush ocsh; 
+    close_out ocsh;
+    let call_script = "sh "^node^".sh" in
     if args.Lv6MainArgs.launch_cc then (
-      print_string (gcc^"\n\n"); flush stdout;
-      if (Sys.command gcc)=0 then () else
-        print_string ("sys call: '"^gcc^"' failed\n")
+      if (Sys.command call_script)=0 then () else
+        print_string ("sys call: '"^call_script^"' failed\n")
     ) else
-      print_string ("you can compile those files doing, e.g.,\n  "^gcc^"\n");
+      print_string ("you can compile those files calling:  "^call_script^"\n");
     flush stdout
       | Delete_C_files ->