From 744aabf04adbc26baec01ac446217a804abda08d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Erwan Jahier <>
Date: Fri, 9 Apr 2010 14:03:03 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Remove the limitation where we prevented several files to be
 unpackaged. This is useful to be able to compile V4 program that uses

 src/       | 114 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------
 src/ |   6 +--
 2 files changed, 72 insertions(+), 48 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 5d372851..44c73618 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(** Time-stamp: <modified the 08/04/2010 (at 16:57) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(** Time-stamp: <modified the 09/04/2010 (at 13:44) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 (** Here follows a description of the different modules used by this lus2lic compiler.
@@ -198,66 +198,90 @@ let lus_load lexbuf =
     SolveIdent.recognize_predef_op tree
-  (*
-    Lance le parser et renvoie la liste name-spaces d'entrée.   
-    Dans le cas d'un fichier sans package, on lui donne
-    comme nom le basename de infile.
-  *)
 type maybe_packed = 
-  | Packed of SyntaxTree.pack_or_model list
-  | Unpacked of SyntaxTree.pack_or_model
+  | Packed of SyntaxTree.pack_or_model
+  | Unpacked of SyntaxTree.packbody 
 let (get_source_list : string list -> SyntaxTree.pack_or_model list) =
   fun infile_list -> 
-    let (get_one_source : string -> string list * maybe_packed) = 
+    let (get_one_source : string -> string list * maybe_packed list) = 
       fun infile -> 
         let lexbuf = Global.lexbuf_of_file_name infile in
           match (lus_load lexbuf) with
-            | PRPackBody(incl_files, pbdy) ->
-                let nme = 
-                  try Filename.chop_extension (Filename.basename infile) 
-                  with _ -> 
-		    print_string ("*** '"^infile^"': bad file name.\n"); exit 1
-                in
-                let pi = 
-                  SyntaxTree.give_pack_this_name (Ident.pack_name_of_string nme) pbdy 
-                in
-                  incl_files, Unpacked (NSPack (Lxm.flagit pi (Lxm.dummy nme)))
-            | PRPack_or_models(incl_files, nsl) -> incl_files, Packed nsl
+            | PRPackBody(incl_files, pbdy) -> incl_files, [Unpacked pbdy]
+            | PRPack_or_models(incl_files, nsl) -> incl_files, ( (fun ns -> Packed ns) nsl)
-    let rec (get_remaining_source_list : maybe_packed * string list * string list -> 
-           maybe_packed * string list * string list) =
-      fun (maybe_pack, compiled, to_be_compiled) -> 
+    let rec (get_remaining_source_list : maybe_packed list * string list * string list -> 
+              maybe_packed list * string list * string list) =
+      fun (pack_acc, compiled, to_be_compiled) -> 
         match to_be_compiled with
-          | [] -> (maybe_pack, compiled, [])
+          | [] -> (pack_acc, compiled, [])
           | infile::tail ->
               if List.mem infile compiled then
-                get_remaining_source_list (maybe_pack, compiled, tail)
-              else                let included_files, pack = get_one_source infile in
-                let new_maybe_pack =
-                  match maybe_pack, pack with
-                    | Unpacked _, _ 
-                    | _, Unpacked _ -> 
-                        print_string ("old-style (un-packaged) lustre files can " ^
-                                        " not be mixed with packages, nor be " ^
-                                        " defined in more than 1 file.");
-                        exit 1
-                    | Packed l1, Packed l2 -> Packed (l1@l2)
-                in
+                get_remaining_source_list (pack_acc, compiled, tail)
+              else
+                let included_files, pack = get_one_source infile in
+                let new_pack_acc = pack_acc@pack in
-                    new_maybe_pack, 
+                    new_pack_acc, 
     let first_file = assert (infile_list <> []); List.hd infile_list in
     let included_files, first_pack = get_one_source first_file in
-    let (pack_list,_,_) = get_remaining_source_list 
-      (first_pack, [first_file], ( infile_list) @ included_files)
+    let (pack_list, _compiled_files, included_files) = 
+      get_remaining_source_list (first_pack, [first_file], ( infile_list) @ included_files)
-      match pack_list with 
-        | Packed l -> l
-        | Unpacked pack -> [pack]
+    let _ = assert (included_files=[]) in
+    let packed_list, unpacked_list = 
+      List.fold_left 
+        (fun (pl, upl) p -> 
+           match p with
+             | Packed p ->  p::pl, upl
+             | Unpacked up -> pl, up::upl
+        )
+        ([], [])
+        pack_list
+    in
+    let unpacked_merged_opt = (* All unpacked files are merged into one single package *)
+      List.fold_left
+        (fun acc pbody -> 
+             match acc with
+               | None -> Some pbody
+               | Some pbody_acc -> 
+                   let add tbl x y =
+                   (* Let's perform some clashes checks *)
+                     if Hashtbl.mem tbl x then
+                       let ybis = Hashtbl.find tbl x in
+		         print_string ("*** Error: "^(Ident.to_string x)^" is defined twice: \n\t" ^ 
+                                         (Lxm.details y.src) ^ "\n\t" ^
+                                         (Lxm.details ybis.src) ^ ".\n"); 
+                         exit 2
+                     else
+                       Hashtbl.add tbl x y
+                   in
+                   Hashtbl.iter (fun x y -> add pbody_acc.pk_const_table x y) pbody.pk_const_table;
+                   Hashtbl.iter (fun x y -> add pbody_acc.pk_type_table x y) pbody.pk_type_table;
+                   Hashtbl.iter (fun x y -> add pbody_acc.pk_node_table x y) pbody.pk_node_table;
+                   Some { pbody_acc with
+                            pk_def_list=pbody_acc.pk_def_list@pbody.pk_def_list;
+                        }
+        )
+        None
+        unpacked_list
+    in
+      match unpacked_merged_opt with
+        | None -> packed_list
+        | Some unpacked_merged ->
+            let name = 
+              try Filename.chop_extension (Filename.basename first_file) 
+              with _ -> 
+		print_string ("*** '"^first_file^"': bad file name.\n"); exit 1
+            in
+            let pi = SyntaxTree.give_pack_this_name (Ident.pack_name_of_string name) unpacked_merged in
+            let p = NSPack (Lxm.flagit pi (Lxm.dummy name)) in
+              p::packed_list
 let dump_entete oc = 
   let time = Unix.localtime (Unix.time ()) in
@@ -342,12 +366,12 @@ let main = (
         my_exit 1
     | Assert_failure (file, line, col)  -> 
         prerr_string (
-          "\n*** oops: an internal error (lus2lic) occurred in file "^ file ^ 
+          "\n*** oops: an internal error (lus2lic) occurred in file "^ file ^
             ", line " ^ (string_of_int line) ^ ", column " ^
             (string_of_int col) ^ "\n*** when compiling lustre program" ^
             (if List.length !Global.infiles > 1 then "s " else " ") ^
             (String.concat ", " !Global.infiles) ^ "\n"^
-            "\n*** You migth want to sent a bug report to\n") ;
+            "\n*** You migth want to sent a bug report to\n") ; 
         my_exit 2
         (* | Compile_node_error(nkey,lxm,msg) -> ( *)
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 40702f8b..176097ce 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(** Time-stamp: <modified the 22/01/2010 (at 14:30) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(** Time-stamp: <modified the 09/04/2010 (at 09:59) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 (** (Raw) Abstract syntax tree of source programs. 
@@ -75,9 +75,9 @@ and
 Utilitaires pour fabriquer des packages
-let give_pack_this_name nme pbdy = (
+let give_pack_this_name name pbdy = (
-      pa_name = nme;
+      pa_name = name;
       pa_def = PackGiven {
       	pg_uses = [];
       	pg_provides = None;