From 6430037ee2f1a48421a060b4ca88b5a18619abea Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Erwan Jahier <>
Date: Fri, 22 Feb 2013 08:35:46 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] update the release to take into account the new places for
 test files.

 Makefile                           |  2 +-
 release-lv6/Makefile               | 29 +++++++++++++--
 release-lv6/rel-skel/README        |  8 ++---
 release-lv6/rel-skel/test/Makefile | 58 ------------------------------                           |  4 ++-
 5 files changed, 33 insertions(+), 68 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 release-lv6/rel-skel/test/Makefile

diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 34b00928..df88731e 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ LIBS = str unix
-ifeq ($(HOSTTYPE),cross-win32)
+ifeq ($(HOSTTYPE),win32)
diff --git a/release-lv6/Makefile b/release-lv6/Makefile
index 6983878a..d961e4cc 100644
--- a/release-lv6/Makefile
+++ b/release-lv6/Makefile
@@ -1,15 +1,17 @@
 ifeq ($(HOSTTYPE),cygwin)
-VERSION=R0.$(shell $(LUS2LIC) -version  | cut -d "." -f 2)
+VERSION=R0.$(shell $(LUS2LIC) -version  | cut -d " " -f 1 | cut -d "." -f 2)
@@ -35,7 +37,7 @@ doc:
 	cp $(LUS2LICDIR)/utils/lustre.el  $(RELNAME)/utils
-	cd $(LUS2LICDIR)/src ; make nc
+	cd $(LUS2LICDIR)/ ; make nc
 	cp $(LUS2LIC) $(RELNAME)/bin/
@@ -47,6 +49,27 @@ lic2c:
 	cp $(LIC2CDIR)/src/lic2c $(RELNAME)/bin/
+	cp -rf $(LUS2LICDIR)/test/should_work $(RELNAME)/test/
+	cp -rf $(LUS2LICDIR)/test/should_fail $(RELNAME)/test/
+	cp -rf $(LUS2LICDIR)/test/lus2lic.tests $(RELNAME)/test/
+	cp -rf $(LUS2LICDIR)/test/Makefile.dist $(RELNAME)/test/Makefile
+	cp -rf $(LUS2LICDIR)/test/site.exp $(RELNAME)/test/
+	cp -rf $(LUS2LICDIR)/test/config $(RELNAME)/test/
+	rm -f $(RELNAME)/test/*/normal.lus
+	rm -f $(RELNAME)/test/*/*/normal.lus
+	rm -f $(RELNAME)/test/*/ELMU.lus
+	rm -f $(RELNAME)/test/*/*/ELMU.lus
+	rm -f $(RELNAME)/test/*/onlyroll*.lus
+	rm -f $(RELNAME)/test/*/*/onlyroll*.lus
+	rm -f $(RELNAME)/test/*/pilote-1.0.lus
+	rm -f $(RELNAME)/test/*/*/pilote-1.0.lus
+	rm -f $(RELNAME)/test/*/car*.lus
+	rm -f $(RELNAME)/test/*/*/car*.lus
+	rm -f $(RELNAME)/test/*/Gyro*.lus
+	rm -f $(RELNAME)/test/*/*/Gyro*.lus
 	for f in $(shell find $(LUS2LICDIR)/src/test/should_work -name \*.lus); do \
 		 ($(RELNAME)/bin/lus2lic $$f -o /tmp/xx.lus || (echo "*** lus2lic $$f failed" ; exit 1)) && \
 		echo "cp $$f $(RELNAME)/test/" && \
diff --git a/release-lv6/rel-skel/README b/release-lv6/rel-skel/README
index 78b3675d..bc88253e 100644
--- a/release-lv6/rel-skel/README
+++ b/release-lv6/rel-skel/README
@@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
-The current  Lustre V6 compiler is  actually named luc2lic.  lic is a
-kind  of  extended  ec.  unfortunately,  the lic2c  compiler  is  not
+The current Lustre V6 compiler is actually named luc2lic.  lic is a
+kind of extended ec.  Unfortunately, the backend (lic2c) part is not
 But, still,  you can  use 'lus2lic -ec',  which generates V4  ec. And
@@ -18,7 +17,6 @@ un-maintainble (a Phd work) whereas I do correct bug found in lus2lic.
 Hence, for  the time being, the only  thing to know is  that, for the
 time being, only the -ec option is useful.
 To test this distribution, one can try to launch 'make' in the test
+directory (you need install dejagnu/runtest before).
diff --git a/release-lv6/rel-skel/test/Makefile b/release-lv6/rel-skel/test/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 93116f5a..00000000
--- a/release-lv6/rel-skel/test/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-test:  ec
-# T(ry to t)ranslate all lustre files into lic
-	for f in $(shell ls *.lus); do \
-	  cmd="../bin/lus2lic $$f -o lic/$$f"; \
-	  echo $$cmd;\
-	  $$cmd;\
-	done
-# Ditto with loc
-	for f in $(shell ls *.lus); do \
-	  basename=`basename $$f .lus`; \
-	  echo "../bin/lic2c --out-format loc lic/$$f > loc/$$basename.loc"; \
-	  ../bin/lic2c --out-format loc lic/$$f > loc/$$basename.loc; \
-	done
-# Ditto with c
-	cd c ; \
-	for f in $(shell ls *.lus); do \
-	  cmd="../../bin/lic2c ../lic/$$f"; \
-	  echo $$cmd;\
-	  $$cmd;\
-	done
-# Ditto with the Lustre V4 syntax
-	for f in $(shell ls *.lus); do \
-	  basename=`basename $$f .lus`; \
-	  cmd="mkdir -p lv4/$$basename" ;\
-	  echo "$$cmd" ; \
-	  $$cmd ;\
-	  cmd="../bin/lus2lic --lustre-v4 $$f -o lv4/$$basename/$$f"; \
-	  echo "$$cmd" ; \
-	  $$cmd ;\
-	  nodename="$$basename"__"$$basename";\
-	  cmd="lus2ec  lv4/$$basename/$$f $$nodename -o lv4/ec/$$"; \
-	  echo "$$cmd" ; \
-	  $$cmd ;\
-	done
-# Ditto with ec
-	for f in $(shell ls *.lus); do \
-	  cmd="../bin/lus2lic -ec $$f -o ec/$$f"; \
-	  echo $$cmd;\
-	  $$cmd;\
-	done
-.PHONY: lv4 c loc lic test ec
diff --git a/ b/
index 620afae2..ef401638 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -77,7 +77,9 @@
 ** TODO le with devrait opérer sur une val_exp, pas sur un ident.
    - State "TODO"       from ""           [2013-02-12 Tue 18:31]
+** TODO  Unbound value VarMap.bindings
+en mode cross-win32 car pas defini en 3.11
+   - State "TODO"       from ""           [2013-02-22 Fri 08:27]
 * Pas clair
 ** WAITING Regarder si on pourrait se passer du PREDEF_CALL (et de passer par le  CALL normal)
    - State "WAITING"    from "STARTED"    [2013-02-06 Wed 17:14]