diff --git a/moretests/Makefile b/moretests/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3bb12357d44b66bbc6000dd4a353c905456d2088
--- /dev/null
+++ b/moretests/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+LC=$(OBJDIR)/lus2lic -vl 2
+filter_line=grep -v Opening\ file
+OK_LUS=$(shell find should_work -name "*.lus" -print | LC_ALL=C sort -n)
+KO_LUS=$(shell find should_fail -name "*.lus" -print | LC_ALL=C sort -n)
+LIC=$(shell find should_work -name "*.lic" -print | LC_ALL=C sort -n)
+	for d in ${ALL_LUS}; do \
+		ls $$d; \
+		grep -n " when" $$d; \
+	done
+	tar cvfz lustre_non_reg_files.tgz should_work should_fail
+	/bin/echo "generate all possible lic files"
+	for d in ${OK_LUS}; do \
+		/bin/echo -e "\n$(NL)====> $(LC2) $$d -o $$d.lic " ;\
+		$(LC2) $$d -o $$d.lic ;\
+	done
+	/bin/echo "reentrant ?"
+	for d in ${LIC}; do \
+		/bin/echo -e "\n$(NL)====> $(LC2) $$d  " ;\
+		$(LC2) $$d > /dev/null ;\
+	done
+	/bin/echo "Non-regression tests" > test_ok.res
+	/bin/echo "Those tests are supposed to generate errors" > test_ko.res
+	$(LC0) -unit >> test_ok.res 2>&1
+	$(LC0) -help >> test_ok.res 2>&1
+	$(LC0) --version 
+FILTER= grep -v "file was generated by" | grep -v " on " | grep -v "Opening file "
+	$(LC) do_not_exist.lus | $(FILTER) >> test_ko.res 2>&1 || true
+test_lic: begin unit help version do_not_exist
+	for d in ${OK_LUS}; do \
+		/bin/echo -e "\n$(NL)====> $(LC) --nonreg-test $$d" >> test_ok.res; \
+		$(LC)  --nonreg-test $$d >> test_ok.res 2>&1 ;\
+	done; \
+	for d in ${KO_LUS}; do \
+		/bin/echo -e  "\n$(NL)====> $(LC) --nonreg-test $$d" >> test_ko.res; \
+		$(LC)  --nonreg-test $$d >> test_ko.res 2>&1 ;\
+	done; \
+	rm -f test.res ; cat test_ok.res test_ko.res  | $(FILTER) > test.res ;\
+	diff -u test.res.exp test.res > test.diff || \
+		(cat test.diff ; /bin/echo "cf test.diff"; exit 1)
+	cp test.res test.res.exp 
+	/bin/echo -e "There were $(shell grep Error test_ok.res | wc -l) errors."
+	/bin/echo -e "There were $(shell grep Warning test_ok.res | wc -l) Warnings."
+	/bin/echo -e "There were $(shell grep Warning test_ok.res | wc -l) Warnings."
+	grep Warning test_ok.res || true
+	/bin/echo -e "There were $(shell grep Error test_ok.res | wc -l) errors."
+	grep "*** Error" test_ok.res
+	rm -f test_ec.res
+	for d in ${OK_LUS}; do \
+		/bin/echo -e "\n$(NL)====> $(LC0) --nonreg-test -ec $$d -o /tmp/xx.ec" >> test_ec.res; \
+		$(LC0) -ec --nonreg-test $$d -o /tmp/xx.ec >> test_ec.res 2>&1 ;\
+		/bin/echo -e "ec2c /tmp/xx.ec" >> test_ec.res; \
+		(ec2c /tmp/xx.ec >> test_ec.res 2>&1 && /bin/echo -n "ok ") || /bin/echo " KO ($$d)!";\
+	done; \
+	diff -u test_ec.res.exp test_ec.res > test_ec.diff || \
+		(cat test_ec.diff ; /bin/echo "cf test_ec.diff"; exit 1)
+	cp test_ec.res test_ec.res.exp 
+	rm test_lv4.res || /bin/echo "";
+	for d in ${OK_LUS}; do \
+		/bin/echo -e "\n$(NL)====> $(LC0) --nonreg-test  -lv4 $$d -o /tmp/xx.lus" >> test_lv4.res; \
+		$(LC0) --nonreg-test -lv4 $$d -o /tmp/xx.lus >> test_lv4.res 2>&1 ;\
+		if [ ! -f /tmp/xx.lus ]; then echo "Error $$d: no /tmp/xx.lus file" >> test_lv4.res 2>&1; fi ;\
+		for node in `lusinfo /tmp/xx.lus nodes`; do \
+			/bin/echo -e "lus2ec /tmp/xx.lus $$node" >> test_lv4.res; \
+			(lus2ec /tmp/xx.lus $$node >> \
+				test_lv4.res 2>&1 && /bin/echo -n "ok ") \
+			|| /bin/echo " KO ($$d)!";\
+		done; \
+	done; \
+	diff -u test_lv4.res.exp test_lv4.res > test_lv4.diff || \
+		(cat test_lv4.diff ; /bin/echo  "cf test_lv4.diff"; exit 1)
+	cp test_lv4.res test_lv4.res.exp 
+test: test_lic test_ec test_lv4
+utest: utest_lic utest_ec utest_lv4
+	for d in ${ALL_LUS}; do \
+		rm $$d.lic; \
+	done
diff --git a/moretests/should_work/aliases/alias.lus b/moretests/should_work/aliases/alias.lus
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1fe4d82fba3d1c9b7350961a1f48e385f466ba1d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/moretests/should_work/aliases/alias.lus
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+const toto = 42;
+const huit = 9; -- gnark gnark
+type t = enum { Bleu, Blanc };
+type a = int^toto;
+const c : t = Bleu;
+const c2 : t;
+type t1 = bool^4^5;
+type bool_4 ; -- Ah ah !!
+type bool_4a ; -- Ah ah !!
+type bool_4b ; -- Ah ah !!
+type str = { foo: t^toto^huit; bar : t1 };
diff --git a/moretests/should_work/aliases/ex.lus b/moretests/should_work/aliases/ex.lus
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6cd5764fc7c5f1810f97c561a64e7427d3ed182a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/moretests/should_work/aliases/ex.lus
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+  t = int^1^2^3^4;
+  t1 = t^4;
+  t2 = {a: int; b: bool^11^22};
+  s1 = {x:int; y:t};
+  s = {x:t; y:s1};
+node ex(a: s) returns (b: int);
+  b = a.x[0][0][0][0] + a.y.y[0][0][0][0]; 
diff --git a/moretests/test.res.exp b/moretests/test.res.exp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c864e7b309c3ebf964b4e88c462bed60a5bf6619
--- /dev/null
+++ b/moretests/test.res.exp
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+Non-regression tests
+usage: lus2lic [options] <lustre files>
+where [options] can be:
+  --node <node>
+  -n <node>
+	 Set the main node (all items are compiled if unset)
+  --output-file <file>
+  -o <file>
+	 Set the output file name.
+  --keep-nested-calls 
+  -knc 
+	 Keep nested calls. By default, only one node per equation is generated.
+  --expand-iterators 
+  -ei 
+	 Expand array iterators (i.e., generate iterator-free code).
+  --expand-enums 
+  -ee 
+	 Translate enums into integers.
+  --expand-structs-and-arrays 
+  -esa 
+	 Expand structures and arrays using as many variables as necessary (automatically impose '-ei').
+  --expand-nodes 
+  -en 
+	 Expand the main node (use the first node if no one is specified).
+  --do-not-expand-node <node>
+  -den <node>
+	 Do not expand node (useful in the expand mode only of course).
+  --lustre-v4 	
+  -lv4 
+	 Use Lustre V4 syntax (automatically impose '-ei -ee -esa').
+  --expanded-code 
+  -ec 
+	 Generate ec (actually just an alias for '-en -lv4 --no-prefix').
+  -np 
+  --no-prefix 
+	 Do not prefix variable names by their module (beware: variable names may clash with this option).
+  --test-lexer Internal option used to test the lexer
+  -tlex 
+  --verbose-level <int>
+  -vl <int>
+	 Set the verbose level.
+  --verbose 
+  -v 
+	 Set the verbose level to 1.
+  --version 
+  -version 
+	 Display the current version of the tool.
+  -unit 
+	 Run some (internal) unit tests
+  --nonreg-test 
+  -h 
+  -help 
+  --help 
+	 Display this message.
+====> ../obj/lus2lic -vl 2 --nonreg-test should_work/aliases/alias.lus
+--  ../obj/lus2lic -vl 2 --nonreg-test should_work/aliases/alias.lus
+type alias::a = int^42;
+type alias::bool_4;
+type alias::bool_4a;
+type alias::bool_4b;
+type alias::bool_4c = bool^4 (*abstract in the source*);
+type alias::bool_4c_5 = alias::bool_4c^5 (*abstract in the source*);
+type alias::str = struct  {foo : alias::t_42_9; bar : alias::bool_4c_5};
+type alias::t = enum {alias::Bleu, alias::Blanc};
+type alias::t1 = alias::bool_4c^5;
+type alias::t_42 = alias::t^42 (*abstract in the source*);
+type alias::t_42_9 = alias::t_42^9 (*abstract in the source*);
+const alias::c2 : alias::t;
+const alias::huit = 9;
+const alias::toto = 42;
+Those tests are supposed to generate errors
diff --git a/src/doAliasTypes.ml b/src/doAliasTypes.ml
index a429b7a2a2445629f5ecad782a5d3b37560a2d8a..6be57ec6a407ebfeccd328598b7012d7a35b955f 100644
--- a/src/doAliasTypes.ml
+++ b/src/doAliasTypes.ml
@@ -10,15 +10,17 @@ open Eff
 let doit (inp : LicPrg.t) : LicPrg.t =
-   let res = ref inp in
    (* n.b. on fait un minumum d'effet de bord pour
       pas avoir trop d'acummulateur ... *)
+   let atab = Hashtbl.create 10 in
+   let res = ref inp in
    (** UTILE : nommage des alias d'array *)
    let array_ident ty sz =
       let tid = Eff.ident_of_type ty in
-      let id = Printf.sprintf "%s_%d" (snd tid) sz in
-      Ident.make_long (fst tid) id 
+      let sfx = Printf.sprintf "%s_%d" (snd tid) sz in
+      let id = LicPrg.fresh_type_id !res (fst tid) sfx in
+      id 
    (** UTILE : cherche/crée un alias de type *)
@@ -26,22 +28,31 @@ let doit (inp : LicPrg.t) : LicPrg.t =
       match te with
       | Array_type_eff (ty, sz) -> (
          let ty = alias_type ty in
-         let id = array_ident ty sz in
          let te = Array_type_eff (ty, sz) in
-         let ref_te = Abstract_type_eff (id, te) in
+         try
+            let ref_te = Hashtbl.find atab te in
-Verbose.printf "-> alias_type %s gives id=%s ref=%s\n"
+Verbose.printf "--> alias_type %s = %s ^ %d FOUND : %s\n"
 (LicDump.string_of_type_eff te)
-(Ident.string_of_long id)
+(LicDump.string_of_type_eff ty)
 (LicDump.string_of_type_eff ref_te);
-         try
-            let te' = LicPrg.find_type !res id in 
-            assert (te' = ref_te);
-            ref_te 
-         with Not_found ->
-            res := LicPrg.add_type id ref_te !res;
+         with Not_found -> (
+            let id = array_ident ty sz in
+            let ref_te = Abstract_type_eff (id, te) in
+            res := LicPrg.add_type id ref_te !res;
+            Hashtbl.add atab te ref_te; 
+Verbose.printf "--> alias_type %s = %s ^ %d NOT FOUND, gives: %s\n"
+(LicDump.string_of_type_eff te)
+(LicDump.string_of_type_eff ty)
+(LicDump.string_of_type_eff ref_te);
+            ref_te 
+         )
       ) | _ -> te
diff --git a/src/licDump.ml b/src/licDump.ml
index 39cb78681b28235e8b370c05ac4e298b7c733db5..5967eae16039e0867b481b21684fac061f78dae2 100644
--- a/src/licDump.ml
+++ b/src/licDump.ml
@@ -43,9 +43,6 @@ let rec (is_a_tuple : Eff.val_exp -> bool) =
     | _ -> false
-(* prefix used to prefix user type name in order to avoid name clashed with
-   the alias type name that are generated by the compiler. *)
-let prefix = "_"
 let rec string_of_const_eff =
@@ -139,7 +136,7 @@ and string_def_of_type_eff = function
   | Int_type_eff  -> "int"
   | Real_type_eff -> "real"
   | External_type_eff (i) -> dump_long i
-  | Abstract_type_eff (i, t) -> string_def_of_type_eff t ^ " -- abstract in the source "
+  | Abstract_type_eff (i, t) -> string_def_of_type_eff t ^ " (*abstract in the source*)"
   | Enum_type_eff (i, sl) ->
       assert (sl <>[]);
       if !Global.expand_enums then 
@@ -170,17 +167,17 @@ and string_of_type_eff = function
   | Bool_type_eff -> "bool"
   | Int_type_eff  -> "int"
   | Real_type_eff -> "real"
-  | External_type_eff (name) -> prefix ^ (dump_long name)
-  | Abstract_type_eff (name, t) -> prefix ^ (dump_long name)
+  | External_type_eff (name) -> (dump_long name)
+  | Abstract_type_eff (name, t) -> (dump_long name)
       (*       string_of_type_eff t *)
-  | Enum_type_eff (name, _) -> prefix ^ (dump_long name)
+  | Enum_type_eff (name, _) -> (dump_long name)
    | Array_type_eff (ty, sz) -> array_alias ty sz
    | Array_type_eff (ty, sz) ->
-      Printf.sprintf "%s%s^%d" prefix (string_of_type_eff ty) sz
-  | Struct_type_eff (name, _) -> prefix ^ (dump_long name)
+      Printf.sprintf "%s^%d" (string_of_type_eff ty) sz
+  | Struct_type_eff (name, _) -> (dump_long name)
   | Any -> "any"
       (* assert false *)
       (* string_of_type_eff (Polymorphism.get_type ()) *)
@@ -193,12 +190,12 @@ and string_of_type_eff4msg = function
   | Bool_type_eff -> "bool"
   | Int_type_eff  -> "int"
   | Real_type_eff -> "real"
-  | External_type_eff (name) -> prefix ^ (dump_long name)
-  | Abstract_type_eff (name, t) -> prefix ^ (dump_long name)
+  | External_type_eff (name) -> (dump_long name)
+  | Abstract_type_eff (name, t) -> (dump_long name)
       (*       string_of_type_eff4msg t *)
-  | Enum_type_eff (name, _) -> prefix ^ (dump_long name)
+  | Enum_type_eff (name, _) -> (dump_long name)
   | Array_type_eff (ty, sz) -> (string_of_type_eff4msg ty) ^ "^" ^(string_of_int sz)
-  | Struct_type_eff (name, _) -> prefix ^ (dump_long name)
+  | Struct_type_eff (name, _) -> (dump_long name)
   | Any -> "'a"
   | Overload -> "'o"
@@ -536,7 +533,7 @@ and string_of_val_exp_eff_core ve_core =
     | CallByNameEff(by_name_op_eff, fl) -> 
         (match by_name_op_eff.it with
-           | STRUCT (pn,idref) -> prefix ^ (
+           | STRUCT (pn,idref) -> (
                match Ident.pack_of_idref idref with
                  | Some pn -> 
                      Ident.string_of_idref idref
@@ -619,7 +616,7 @@ and (string_of_node_def : Eff.node_def -> string list) =
 (* exported *)
 and (type_decl: Ident.long -> Eff.type_ -> string) =
   fun tname teff -> 
-    "type " ^ prefix ^ (dump_long tname) ^ 
+    "type " ^ (dump_long tname) ^ 
       (match teff with
          | Enum_type_eff (_) -> 
              if !Global.expand_enums then  ";\n" else
diff --git a/src/licPrg.ml b/src/licPrg.ml
index 014f149fe7608d8714285fcafc9a8684b59025ba..64fcde38af2811b73ae66e7d844fb61ddb85c322 100644
--- a/src/licPrg.ml
+++ b/src/licPrg.ml
@@ -54,6 +54,29 @@ let empty = {
    nodes = NodeKeyMap.empty
+(* KoKêterie : pour changer ds suffixes 
+   numériques, produit :
+   a, b, c, d, e, aa, ab, ac, ad, ae, etc ...
+Pour tester :
+for i = 0 to 42 do
+Printf.printf "%3d -> %s\n" i (pretty_sfx i)
+let rec pretty_sfx i =
+   if i = 0 then ""
+   else
+      (pretty_sfx ((i-1)/5))^(Char.escaped (char_of_int (97 + (i-1) mod 5)))
+let fresh_type_id this pname pfx =
+   let rec fresh x =
+      let id = Printf.sprintf "%s%s" pfx (pretty_sfx x) in
+      let res = Ident.make_long pname id in
+      if ItemKeyMap.mem res this.types then fresh (x+1)
+      else res
+   in
+   fresh 0
 let find_type  this k = ItemKeyMap.find k this.types
 let find_const this k = ItemKeyMap.find k this.consts
diff --git a/src/licPrg.mli b/src/licPrg.mli
index 5925a6bc065eefafae43fb17b4b37646b562a746..35e2d4376d8b3a1b65f4f96592a1a5724ed023b5 100644
--- a/src/licPrg.mli
+++ b/src/licPrg.mli
@@ -22,3 +22,5 @@ val to_file : out_channel -> t -> unit
 val find_type  : t -> Eff.item_key -> Eff.type_
 val find_const : t -> Eff.item_key -> Eff.const
 val find_node  : t -> Eff.node_key -> Eff.node_exp
+val fresh_type_id : t -> Ident.pack_name -> string -> Ident.long