From 5dd64311d97f066f50dabd98cb2aad20703cd07f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Erwan Jahier <>
Date: Thu, 26 Jun 2008 16:02:42 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] A new implementation of EvalClock, that is more general.

Not yet implemented (assert false): iterators, struct

Add a UnifyClock module, and rename Unify into UnifyType.

nb : a lot of test are now broken, because
   - the clock checking is now plugged ;-)
   - iterators, struct are not yet implemented
 src/Makefile                                 |    6 +-
 src/TODO                                     |   13 +-
 src/                             |  537 ++--
 src/evalClock.mli                            |   11 +-
 src/                              |   18 +-
 src/                                |   10 +-
 src/                          |   10 +-
 src/                                  |    4 +-
 src/                        |    8 +-
 src/                       |    8 +-
 src/test/should_work/NONREG/PCOND.lus        |   11 +-
 src/test/should_work/NONREG/Watch.lus        |    9 +-
 src/test/should_work/call/bad_call02.lus     |    2 +-
 src/test/should_work/clock/clock.lus         |   37 +-
 src/test/should_work/packEnvTest/Condact.lus |    2 +-
 src/test/test.res.exp                        | 2784 +-----------------
 src/                            |  119 +
 src/unifyClock.mli                           |   48 +
 src/{ =>}               |    7 +-
 src/{unify.mli => unifyType.mli}             |    0
 src/                          |   12 +-
 src/uniqueOutput.mli                         |    4 +-
 22 files changed, 659 insertions(+), 3001 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 src/
 create mode 100644 src/unifyClock.mli
 rename src/{ =>} (97%)
 rename src/{unify.mli => unifyType.mli} (100%)

diff --git a/src/Makefile b/src/Makefile
index e5f82a44..5b96be8e 100644
--- a/src/Makefile
+++ b/src/Makefile
@@ -34,8 +34,10 @@ SOURCES =  \
 	./ \
 	./ \
 	./ \
-	./unify.mli \
-	./ \
+	./unifyType.mli \
+	./ \
+	./unifyClock.mli \
+	./ \
 	./syntaxTab.mli \
 	./ \
 	./predefEvalType.mli \
diff --git a/src/TODO b/src/TODO
index 9513cb9a..87b4e682 100644
--- a/src/TODO
+++ b/src/TODO
@@ -90,6 +90,11 @@ les operateurs aritmetiques, bof.
 * autoriser les noeuds (ou fonction) sans corps sans avoir a préciser
 "extern" ?
+* accepter les tuples multi-horloges ? ca parait logique, a partir du
+  moment où on accepte les noeuds multi-horloges. De même, la " -> "
+  devrait être multi-horloge également. Et peut-etre d'autres encore...
 *** questions pour bibi
@@ -138,11 +143,11 @@ n'est pas le cas pour l'instant...
 *** facile
-* Pb des noms de modules
- ../lus2lic should_work/NONREG/dependeur_struct.lus
- -> 
+* ../lus2lic should_work/NONREG/Int.lus 
- ../lus2lic should_work/NONREG/Int.lus
+  "zero" versus "Int::zero". Ce probleme est une consequence d'un 
+  mauvaix  choid  de  représentation   pour  les  ident  dans  l'abre
+  syntaxique. cf le laius a propos de plus bas.
 * dans evalType, je ne checke pas tous les arguments !
 ecrire les tests idoines puis faire ces checks.
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 40d80c63..05120596 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(** Time-stamp: <modified the 16/06/2008 (at 15:26) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(** Time-stamp: <modified the 26/06/2008 (at 16:00) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 open Predef
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ open CompiledDataDump
 open Printf
 open Lxm
 open Errors
+open UnifyClock
 (** clock checking of expression. 
@@ -21,7 +21,6 @@ open Errors
     - other kind of expressions can be seen as nodes, as they «take» some input
     arguments, and return some outputs.
     The clock checking consists in verifying that expression arguments clocks 
     are compatible with the expression parameters clocks. 
@@ -39,252 +38,144 @@ open Errors
     - the result clocks are ok, i.e., v2 is on v1 + v1 is on v3 (2)
        cf the [check_res] function below
-    Let's focus first on argument checking:
-type clock_info_par  = 
-  | Base_par of var_info_eff 
-  | Input_par of var_info_eff * int 
-  | Output_par of var_info_eff * int
+** Checking expression arguments 
-(** A [clock_info_par] is an abstraction of a [var_info_eff] meant to
-   be able to check the clocks of expressions arguments.  A pair of
-   list of [clock_info_par] is therefore represent the expression
-   clock profile.
+    ok. So now, let us detail how we clock check expression arguments.  
+    e.g., in the equation
-   In this abstraction, the name binding is replaced by a relative
-   position binding.
+        (x,y)=toto(a,b);
-   For instance, for a node toto of profile:
-       node toto(a; b when a) returns (x when a; y when x);
+    we want to make sure that the clocks of the argument "a" and "b" are compatible
+    with the input clock profile of "toto".
-   we have as input profile: [Base_arg; Input_par 0]
-   and as output profile:    [Input_par 0, Output_par 0]
-   This information is extracted from the node profile by
-   [get_clock_profile]:
+    To do that, we suppose we have already computed:
-type clock_profile = clock_info_par list * clock_info_par list
+    - "cil_par" the expected input clock profile (via "get_clock_profile")
+    - "cil_arg" the list of clocks of arguments  (via a rec call to f)
-let (get_clock_profile : Lxm.t -> node_exp_eff -> clock_profile) = 
-  fun lxm n -> 
-    let (il, ol) = (n.inlist_eff, n.outlist_eff) in
-    let rec find_index v l i =
-      match l with
-	| [] -> raise Not_found
-	| v2::tail -> if v=v2 then i else find_index v tail (i+1)
-    in
-    let f v =
-      match v.var_clock_eff with
-	| BaseEff -> Base_par(v)
-	| On clk ->
-	    try Input_par(v, find_index clk il 0)
-	    with Not_found -> 
-	      try Output_par(v, find_index clk ol 0)
-	      with Not_found -> 
-		let msg = "\n*** "^ (Ident.to_string clk.var_name_eff)^ 
-		  ": unknown clock" in
-		  raise(Compile_error (lxm, msg))
-    in
-      ( f il, f ol)
-(** We also introduce a second kind of var_info_eff abstraction, dedicated
-   to the checking of expresion result:
+    In order to check that this call is correct, we check that both
+    terms are unifiable.
-type clock_info_res  = 
-  | Base_res of var_info_eff
-  | OnVar of var_info_eff * var_info_eff 
-  | OnRel of var_info_eff * int
-let string_of_clock_info_res = function
-  | Base_res v -> (Ident.to_string v.var_name_eff) ^ " on base"
-  | OnVar (v,clk) -> (Ident.to_string v.var_name_eff) ^ " on " ^
-      (Ident.to_string clk.var_name_eff)
-  | OnRel (v,i) -> (Ident.to_string v.var_name_eff) ^ " on #" ^ 
-      (string_of_int i) ^ "^nth"
-(** For example, when checking the equation
+let (check_args : Lxm.t -> subst -> clock_info list -> clock_info list -> subst) =
+  fun lxm s cil_par cil_arg ->
+    assert (List.length cil_par = List.length cil_arg);
+    let s = List.fold_left2 (UnifyClock.f lxm) s cil_par cil_arg in
+      s
-       (x,y)=toto(a,b);
-    the clock checking of "toto(a,b)" will return
-      [OnVar a, OnRel 0]
-    which makes it easy to compute that:
-    - x is on a, 
-    - y is on x
-    Hence, [clock_info_res list] is the type that is return by f, the
-    main function of this clock checking module.
+(** Checking expression result
+    --------------------------
-    ** Checking expression arguments
-    --------------------------------
+    It is the same thing, except that we have left_eff list instead 
+    of clock_info list.
-    ok. So now, let us detail how we clock check expression
-    arguments.  e.g., in the equation
+    e.g., in the equation:
-    we want to make sure that the clocks of the argument "a" and "b" are compatible
-    with the input clock profile of "toto".
-    To do that, we suppose we have already computed:
-    - "ci_par_l" the expected input clock profile (via "get_clock_profile" defined 
-    above)
-    - "cl" the list of arguments "clock_info_res" (via a rec call to f)
-let (check_args : Lxm.t -> clock_info_par list -> clock_info_res list -> unit) =
-  fun lxm ci_par_l cl ->
-    let (f : clock_info_par -> clock_info_res -> unit) = 
-      fun cip cir -> match (cip,cir) with
-      | Base_par _, Base_res _ -> ()
-      | Input_par(vpar,i), OnRel (v,j) -> if i = j then () else
-	  let msg = "\n*** clock error" in
-	    raise(Compile_error(lxm,msg))
-      | Input_par(vpar,i), OnVar (v,clk) -> 
-	  (match List.nth cl i with
-	     | OnVar (v2,clk2) -> 
-		 if clk2 = clk then () else
-		   let msg = "\n*** clock error: " ^ 
-		     (string_of_clock_info_res (OnVar (v,clk))) ^ " (provided) <> " ^
-		     (string_of_clock_info_res (OnVar (v2,clk2))) ^ " (expected)"
-		   in
-		     raise(Compile_error(lxm, msg))
-	     | Base_res(v2)  -> 
-		   let msg = "\n*** clock error: " ^ 
-		     (string_of_clock_info_res (OnVar (v,clk))) ^ " (provided) <> " ^
-		     "base (expected)"
-		   in
-		     raise(Compile_error(lxm,msg))
-	     | OnRel (v,i) -> assert false
-	  )
-      | Input_par _, Base_res(_)
-      | Base_par _, _ -> 
-	  raise(Compile_error(lxm,"\n*** clock error: bad arg clocks"))
-      | Output_par _, _ -> assert false (* inputs cannot be clocked on outputs*)
-    in
-      List.iter2 f ci_par_l cl
-(** In order to use check_args, we need another intermediary function
-    that merges list of list of [clock_info_res]. Indeed, to be able
-    to check the arguments of an expression like:
-    tata(toto(a,b),toto(c,d));
-    We sais before that we compute the [clock_info_res list] of the
-    arguments via a recursive call to f. But such a recursive call
-    returns a list of list of [clock_info_res], which contains
-    information relative to variable positions.  Therefore we cannot
-    just flatten that list of list; we also need to shift the indexes
-    encoding  variable positions.
-    For example, for checking the args of tata above, we call  
+    we want to check that the clocks of "x" and "y" are compatible with
+    the output clock profile of node "toto".
-       merge_clock_ll  [[OnVar a; OnRel 0];  [OnVar c; OnRel 0]]
+    To do that, we suppose we have:
-    that ougth to return the following  flattenned list with shifted index:
-       [OnVar a; OnRel 0;  OnVar c; OnRel 2]
+    - "left" the list of left_eff
+    - "rigth" the list of result clock. (via "get_clock_profile" again)
-    and then we can call check_res with that list.
+    and we just need to check that both side are unifiable.
-let (merge_clock_ll: clock_info_res list list -> clock_info_res list) = 
-  fun ll -> 
-    let f (shift,acc) l =
-      let new_l =
-	(function 
-	   | Base_res(v) -> Base_res(v)
-	   | OnVar(v,clk) -> OnVar(v,clk)
-	   | OnRel(v,j) -> OnRel(v,j+shift)
-	)
-	l
+let rec (var_info_eff_of_left_eff: left_eff -> var_info_eff) =
+  function
+  | LeftVarEff   (v, _) -> v
+  | LeftFieldEff (l, id,_) -> 
+      let v = var_info_eff_of_left_eff l in
+      let new_name = (Ident.to_string v.var_name_eff) ^ "." ^ (Ident.to_string id) in
+	{ v with  var_name_eff = Ident.of_string new_name }
+  | LeftArrayEff (l,i,_) -> 
+      let v = var_info_eff_of_left_eff l in
+      let new_name = (Ident.to_string v.var_name_eff) ^ "[" ^ 
+	(string_of_int i) ^ "]" 
-	(shift + (List.length l), acc @ new_l)
-    in
-      snd (List.fold_left f (0,[]) ll)
+	{ v with  var_name_eff = Ident.of_string new_name }
+  | LeftSliceEff (l,si,_) -> 
+      let v = var_info_eff_of_left_eff l in
+      let new_name = (Ident.to_string v.var_name_eff) ^ (string_of_slice_info_eff si)
+      in
+	{ v with  var_name_eff = Ident.of_string new_name }
-(** Checking expression result
-    --------------------------
-    e.g., in the equation:
+(* exported *)
+let (check_res : Lxm.t -> subst -> left_eff list -> clock_info list -> unit) =
+  fun lxm s left rigth ->
+    let left_vi = var_info_eff_of_left_eff left in
+    let left_ci = var_info_eff_to_clock_info left_vi in
+      if (List.length left_ci <> List.length rigth) then
+	raise (Compile_error(lxm, "!!!"));
+      ignore(List.fold_left2 (UnifyClock.f lxm) s left_ci rigth)
-        (x,y)=toto(a,b);
-    we want to check that the clocks of "x" and "y" are compatible with
-    the output clock profile of node "toto".
-    To do that, we suppose we have already computed:
+(** Now we can go on and define [f].  *)
-    - "cil" the expected  output clock profile (via "get_clock_profile" again)
-    - "cel" the list of result "clock_info_res" 
+(** In order to clock check "when" statements, we need to know if a clock [sc]
+    is a sub_clock of another one c (i.e., for all instants i, c(i) => sc(i))
-let (check_res2 : Lxm.t -> clock_info_res list -> clock_info_res list -> unit) =
-  fun lxm cil cel ->
-    if cil = cel then () else
-      let msg =  "\n*** clock error: " ^
-	(String.concat ", " ( string_of_clock_info_res cil)) ^ " <> " ^
-	(String.concat ", " ( string_of_clock_info_res cel))
-      in
-	raise(Compile_error(lxm,msg))
-let (get_nth_var : clock_info_res list -> int -> var_info_eff) =
-  fun vil i -> 
-    match List.nth vil i with
-      | Base_res(v) -> v
-      | OnVar(v,_) -> v
-      | OnRel(v,_) -> v
-let (check_res : Lxm.t -> clock_info_res list -> clock_eff list -> unit) =
-  fun lxm rigth left ->
-    let cpt = ref 0 in
-    let (f : clock_info_res -> clock_eff -> unit) = 
-      fun cip ce -> 
-	incr cpt;
-	match (cip,ce) with
-	  | Base_res(_), BaseEff -> ()
-	  | OnVar(v1,clk1), On clk2 -> 
-	      if clk1 = clk2 then () else
-		let msg = "\n*** clock error (ckeck_res), " ^ 
-		  (string_of_int !cpt) ^ "nth element:"^
-		  (Ident.to_string clk2.var_name_eff) ^ " <> " ^
-		  (Ident.to_string clk1.var_name_eff)
-		in
-		  raise(Compile_error(lxm,msg))
-	  | OnRel(v,i), On clk -> 
-	      let clk2 = get_nth_var rigth i in
-		if clk2 = clk then () else
-		let msg = "\n*** clock error (ckeck_res), " ^ 
-		  (string_of_int !cpt) ^ "nth element:"^
-		  (Ident.to_string clk.var_name_eff) ^ " <> " ^
-		  (Ident.to_string clk2.var_name_eff)
-		in
-		  raise(Compile_error(lxm,msg))
-	  | Base_res _, On _ 
-	  | _, BaseEff -> raise(Compile_error(lxm,"\n*** clock error"))
-    in
-      if List.length rigth <> List.length left then
-	raise(Compile_error(lxm,"\n*** clock error"))
-      else
-	List.iter2 f rigth left
+let rec (is_a_sub_clock : Lxm.t -> subst -> clock_info -> clock_info -> subst option) =
+  fun lxm s sc c -> 
+    (* check if [sc] is a sub-clock of [c] (in the large
+       sens). Returns Some updated substitution if it is the case,
+       and None otherwise *)
+    match sc,c with 
+	(* the base clock is a sub-clock of all clocks *)
+      | Ci_base, (Ci_base|Ci_on(_,_)|Ci_var _) -> Some s
+      | Ci_on(v,clk), Ci_base -> None
+      | Ci_on(v,clk), Ci_on(v2,clk2) -> (
+	  try Some(UnifyClock.f lxm s clk clk2)
+	  with _ -> is_a_sub_clock lxm s sc clk2 
+	)
+      | Ci_var j, Ci_base -> assert false
+      | Ci_var i, Ci_on(_,_)
+      | Ci_var i, Ci_var _ ->
+	  (* XXX can it occur? if yes, something should be done 
+	     the problem being that several things are possible
+	     (there is no unique sub-clock of a clock...
+	     Well, ok, let's suppose that they are equal for the time being,
+	     which seems wrong in the general case.
+	  *) 
+	  let s1,s2 = s in 
+	    Some (s1,(i,c)::s2)
+      | Ci_on(_,_), Ci_var i -> (* Ditto *)
+	  let s1,s2 = s in 
+	    Some (s1,(i,sc)::s2) 
-(** Now we can go on and define [f].  *)
+type clock_profile = clock_info list * clock_info list
+let (get_clock_profile : node_exp_eff -> clock_profile) = 
+  fun n -> 
+      ( var_info_eff_to_clock_info n.inlist_eff, 
+ var_info_eff_to_clock_info n.outlist_eff)
+let ci2str = string_of_clock_info
+(* Stuff to generated fresh var clocks  *)
+let var_type = ref 0
+let reset_var_type () = var_type := 0
+let get_var_type () = incr var_type; !var_type
 let cpt_var_name = ref 0
 let (make_dummy_var: string -> var_info_eff) =
   fun str ->    
     let id = Ident.of_string (str ^  (string_of_int !cpt_var_name)) in
@@ -296,91 +187,171 @@ let (make_dummy_var: string -> var_info_eff) =
 	var_clock_eff  = BaseEff;
+let get_constant_clock () = Ci_var (get_var_type ())
+(*   Ci_on(make_dummy_var "const",Ci_var (get_var_type ())) *)
+let concat_subst (s11,s12) (s21,s22) = (s11 @ s21, s12@s22) 
-let rec (f : id_solver -> val_exp_eff -> clock_info_res list) =
-  fun id_solver ve ->
+let rec (f : id_solver -> subst -> val_exp_eff -> clock_info list * subst) =
+  fun id_solver s ve ->
     cpt_var_name := 0;
-    match ve with
-      | CallByPosEff ({it=posop; src=lxm}, OperEff args) -> (
-	  eval_by_pos_clock id_solver posop lxm args
-	)
-      | CallByNameEff ({it=nmop; src=lxm}, nmargs ) ->
-	  try eval_by_name_clock id_solver nmop lxm nmargs
-	  with EvalConst_error msg ->
-	    raise (Compile_error(lxm, "\n*** can't eval constant: "^msg))
-and (eval_by_pos_clock : id_solver -> by_pos_op_eff -> Lxm.t -> val_exp_eff list
-      -> clock_info_res list) =
-  fun id_solver posop lxm args ->
+    reset_var_type ();
+    (* we split f in into two so that we can reinit the fresh clock var generator *)
+    f_aux id_solver s ve
+and f_aux id_solver s ve =
+  match ve with
+    | CallByPosEff ({it=posop; src=lxm}, OperEff args) ->
+	eval_by_pos_clock id_solver posop lxm args s
+    | CallByNameEff ({it=nmop; src=lxm}, nmargs ) ->
+	try eval_by_name_clock id_solver nmop lxm nmargs s
+	with EvalConst_error msg ->
+	  raise (Compile_error(lxm, "\n*** can't eval constant: "^msg))
+(* iterate f on a list of expression *)
+and (f_list : id_solver -> subst -> val_exp_eff list -> clock_info list list * subst) =
+  fun id_solver s args ->
+    let aux (acc,s) arg =
+      let cil, s = f_aux id_solver s arg in 
+	(cil::acc, s)
+    in
+    let (cil, s) = List.fold_left aux ([],s) args in
+      List.rev cil, s
+and (eval_by_pos_clock : id_solver -> by_pos_op_eff -> Lxm.t -> val_exp_eff list -> 
+      subst -> clock_info list * subst) =
+  fun id_solver posop lxm args s ->
     match posop with
-      | CALL_eff node_exp_eff -> 
-	  let (ip,op) = get_clock_profile node_exp_eff.src in
-	  let clocks_of_args = merge_clock_ll ( (f id_solver) args) in
-	  let res =
-	      (function
-		 | Base_par(v) -> Base_res(v)
-		 | Output_par(v, i) -> OnRel(v, i)
-		 | Input_par(v, i) -> 
-		     (* that would occur if one writes
-			  toto(tata(x),x)
-			where one output clock of tata depends on one of its input, eg
-			  node tata(i) returns (o when i)
-			arg...
-		     *)
-		     let msg = "\n*** clock error: this kind of expression can "^
-		       "not be clocked with our current algo, sorry..." in
-		     raise (Compile_error(lxm,msg))
+      | CURRENT_eff -> ( (* we return the clock of the argument *)
+	  let clocks_of_args, s = f_list id_solver s args in
+	    match List.flatten clocks_of_args with
+	      | [Ci_base] -> [Ci_base],s
+	      | [Ci_on(_,clk)] -> [clk],s
+	      | _ -> assert false
+	)
+      | WHEN_eff -> (
+	  match f_list id_solver s args with
+	    | [[c1];[c2]], s -> ( 
+		(* c1 and c2 ougth to be on the same clock *)
+(* 		let c1 = apply_subst s c1 in *)
+(* 		let c2 = apply_subst s c2 in *)
+		  match is_a_sub_clock lxm s c1 c2 with
+		    | None -> 
+			let msg = "\n*** clock error: '" ^ (ci2str (c1)) ^ 
+			  "' is not a sub-clock of '" ^ (ci2str (c2)) ^ "'"
+			in
+			  raise (Compile_error(lxm, msg))
+		    | Some s -> 
+			(match (List.hd ( args)) with
+			   | CallByPosEff({it=IDENT_eff id2; src=lxm2}, _) ->
+			       let clk_var = 
+				 try (id_solver.id2var id2 lxm2) 
+				 with _ -> assert false 
+			       in
+			       let clk = var_info_eff_to_clock_info clk_var in
+			       let clk_of_c1,s =
+				 match c1 with
+				   | Ci_base -> assert false
+				   | Ci_on(var,_) -> Ci_on(var, clk), s
+				   | Ci_var i ->
+				       let cc1 = Ci_on(make_dummy_var "const",clk) in
+				       let (s1,s2) = s in
+					 cc1, (s1,(i,cc1)::s2)
+			       in
+				 ([clk_of_c1], s)
+			   | _ -> assert false)
-	      op
-	  in
-	    check_args lxm ip clocks_of_args;
-	    res
+	    | [c1;[c2]], s -> assert false (*  "(x1,x2) when v" *)
+	    |  _ -> assert false (* "(x1,x2) when node (x,y)" *)
+	)
+      | MERGE_eff _ -> assert false
+	  (* 	  f_aux id_solver (List.hd args) *)
+      | HAT_eff(i,ve) -> f_aux id_solver s ve
+	  (* nb: the args have been put inside the HAT_eff constructor *)
+      | Predef_eff (ICONST_n _,_) 
+      | Predef_eff (RCONST_n _,_) 
+      | Predef_eff (TRUE_n,_) 
+      | Predef_eff (FALSE_n,_)  -> [get_constant_clock ()],s
+      | IDENT_eff idref -> (
+	  try ([var_info_eff_to_clock_info (id_solver.id2var idref lxm)], s)
+	  with _ ->  (* => it is a constant *) [get_constant_clock ()],s
+	)
+      | CALL_eff node_exp_eff -> 
+	  let (cil_arg, cil_res) = get_clock_profile in
+	    (*  the value of the base clock of a node is actually relative
+		to the context into which the node is called.
-      | CURRENT_eff -> assert false (* prendre l'horloge de l'horloge de l'argument *)
-      | WHEN_eff ->
-	  let clk_exp = List.nth args 1 in
-	    (* Non: je doit plutot extraire de clk_exp une var_info_eff,
-	       et raler si ca n'est pas possible.
+		Hence we create a fresh var clock, that will be instanciated
+		by the caller.
-	    (f id_solver clk_exp) 
-      | MERGE_eff _ -> f id_solver (List.hd args)
+	  let rel_base = Ci_var (get_var_type ()) in
+	  let rec (replace_base : clock_info -> clock_info -> clock_info) =
+	    fun rel_base ci -> 
+	      (* [replace_base rel_base ci ] replaces in [ci] any occurences of the
+		 base clock by [rel_base] *)
+	      match ci with
+		| Ci_base -> rel_base
+		| Ci_on(v,clk) -> Ci_on(v, replace_base rel_base clk)
+		| Ci_var i -> ci
+	  in
+	  let cil_arg = (replace_base rel_base) cil_arg in 
+	  let cil_res = (replace_base rel_base) cil_res in 
+	  let clk_args, s = f_list id_solver s args in
+	  let s = check_args lxm s cil_arg (List.flatten clk_args) in
+ (apply_subst s) cil_res, s
-      | Predef_eff (_,_)
-      | WITH_eff
-      | ARROW_eff
-      | FBY_eff
-      | CONCAT_eff
-      | HAT_eff(_,_) 
+      (* One argument. *)
       | PRE_eff
       | STRUCT_ACCESS_eff _
       | ARRAY_ACCES_eff  (_, _)
-      | ARRAY_SLICE_eff (_,_)
+      | ARRAY_SLICE_eff (_,_)  -> 
+	  assert(List.length args = 1);
+	  f_aux id_solver s (List.hd args)
+      (* may have tuples as arguments *)
+      | TUPLE_eff
+      | Predef_eff (_,_) 
+      | ARROW_eff
+      | FBY_eff   
+      | WITH_eff
+      | CONCAT_eff
       | ARRAY_eff -> (
-	  (* check that args are of the same clocks, which also is the 
-	     returned  clock *)
-	  match List.flatten ( (f id_solver) args) with
-	    | clk1::tail ->
-		if List.for_all (fun clk -> clk = clk1) tail then [clk1] else
-		  raise (Compile_error(lxm, "clock mismatch"))
-	    | [] -> assert false
+	  (* Check that all args are of the same (unifiable) clocks.
+	     XXX : we suppose that all those operators are
+	     mono-clocks (i.e., when they return tuples, all elements
+	     are on the same clock).  It would be sensible to have,
+	     e.g., arrows on multiple clocks. We'll refine later.  *)
+	  let clk_args, s =  f_list id_solver s args in
+	  let flat_clk_args = List.flatten clk_args in (* => mono-clock! *)
+	  let clk,s = UnifyClock.list lxm flat_clk_args s in
+	  let clk_list =
+	    match posop with
+	      | TUPLE_eff -> (apply_subst s) flat_clk_args
+	      | Predef_eff (IF_n,[]) -> 
+		  (* for ite, the arity of the result is not the arity of
+		     the condition *)
+ (apply_subst s) (List.hd ( clk_args))
+	      | Predef_eff ((Map|Fill|Red|FillRed|BoolRed), sarg) -> 
+		  assert false
+		    (* TODO *)
+	      | _ -> (apply_subst s) (List.hd clk_args)
+	  in
+	    clk_list, s
-      | TUPLE_eff -> List.flatten ( (f id_solver) args)
-      | IDENT_eff idref  ->  [Base_res(make_dummy_var (Ident.string_of_idref idref))] 
-				(* all constants are on the base clock *)
 and (eval_by_name_clock : id_solver -> by_name_op_eff -> Lxm.t -> 
-      (Ident.t Lxm.srcflagged * val_exp_eff) list -> clock_info_res list) =
+      (Ident.t Lxm.srcflagged * val_exp_eff) list -> subst -> 
+      clock_info list * subst) =
   fun id_solver namop lxm namargs -> 
     match namop with
       | STRUCT_anonymous_eff -> assert false (* cf EvalClock.f *)
diff --git a/src/evalClock.mli b/src/evalClock.mli
index d911f3f3..14bc8c64 100644
--- a/src/evalClock.mli
+++ b/src/evalClock.mli
@@ -1,17 +1,15 @@
-(** Time-stamp: <modified the 12/06/2008 (at 09:50) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(** Time-stamp: <modified the 26/06/2008 (at 14:59) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 open CompiledData
+open UnifyClock
 (** [f ids ve ]checks that [ve] is well-clocked (i.e., for node calls,
    it checks that the argument and the parameter clocks are correct),
    and returns a clock profile that contains all the necessary information
    to be able to check.
+val f : id_solver -> subst -> val_exp_eff -> clock_info list * subst
-type clock_info_res
-val f : id_solver -> val_exp_eff -> clock_info_res list
 (** [check_res lxm cel cil] check that the expected output clock
    profile of an expression "cil" is compatible with the result clocks
@@ -31,5 +29,4 @@ val f : id_solver -> val_exp_eff -> clock_info_res list
-val check_res : Lxm.t -> clock_info_res list -> clock_eff list -> unit
-val merge_clock_ll: clock_info_res list list -> clock_info_res list
+val check_res : Lxm.t -> subst -> left_eff list -> clock_info list -> unit
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 21613165..8201b1aa 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(** Time-stamp: <modified the 09/06/2008 (at 14:47) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(** Time-stamp: <modified the 26/06/2008 (at 14:49) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 open Predef
@@ -43,10 +43,10 @@ and (eval_by_pos_type :
 	"\n*** arity error: %d argument(s) are expected, whereas %d is/are provided"
 		  llti lt_args))
-	      (match Unify.f lti t_args with
-		 | Unify.Equal -> lto
-		 | Unify.Unif subst -> (Unify.subst_type subst) lto
-		 | Unify.Ko msg -> raise (Compile_error(lxm, msg))
+	      (match UnifyType.f lti t_args with
+		 | UnifyType.Equal -> lto
+		 | UnifyType.Unif subst -> (UnifyType.subst_type subst) lto
+		 | UnifyType.Ko msg -> raise (Compile_error(lxm, msg))
       | IDENT_eff id  -> (
@@ -75,10 +75,10 @@ and (eval_by_pos_type :
 	  match (f id_solver) args with
 	    | [[Array_type_eff (teff0, size0)]; [Array_type_eff (teff1, size1)]] ->
 		let teff = 
-		  match Unify.f [teff0] [teff1] with
-		    | Unify.Equal -> teff1
-		    | Unify.Unif subst -> Unify.subst_type subst teff1
-		    | Unify.Ko msg -> raise (Compile_error(lxm, msg))
+		  match UnifyType.f [teff0] [teff1] with
+		    | UnifyType.Equal -> teff1
+		    | UnifyType.Unif subst -> UnifyType.subst_type subst teff1
+		    | UnifyType.Ko msg -> raise (Compile_error(lxm, msg))
 		  [Array_type_eff (teff, size0+size1)]
 	    | _ -> 
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 6b1270ef..82d3550b 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(** Time-stamp: <modified the 16/06/2008 (at 15:44) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(** Time-stamp: <modified the 26/06/2008 (at 15:01) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 open Lxm
@@ -73,9 +73,9 @@ and (type_check_equation: id_solver -> eq_info srcflagged -> left_eff list ->
 and (clock_check_equation:id_solver -> eq_info srcflagged -> left_eff list ->
       val_exp_eff -> unit) =
   fun id_solver eq_info lpl_eff ve_eff ->
-(*     let right_part,s = EvalClock.f id_solver EvalClock.empty_subst ve_eff in *)
-(*       EvalClock.check_res eq_info.src s lpl_eff right_part  *)
-    assert false
+    let right_part,s = EvalClock.f id_solver UnifyClock.empty_subst ve_eff in
+      EvalClock.check_res eq_info.src s lpl_eff right_part 
 let (get_static_params_from_idref : SymbolTab.t -> Lxm.t -> Ident.idref ->
@@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ and (eq : id_solver -> eq_info srcflagged -> eq_info_eff srcflagged) =
     and ve_eff  = translate_val_exp id_solver ve
       type_check_equation id_solver eq_info lpl_eff ve_eff;
-(*       clock_check_equation id_solver eq_info lpl_eff ve_eff; *)
+      clock_check_equation id_solver eq_info lpl_eff ve_eff;
       flagit (lpl_eff, ve_eff) eq_info.src
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 6844c872..c4b27260 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(** Time-stamp: <modified the 17/06/2008 (at 15:22) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(** Time-stamp: <modified the 26/06/2008 (at 14:49) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 open Lxm
@@ -743,11 +743,11 @@ and (node_check_do: t -> CompiledData.node_key -> Lxm.t -> SymbolTab.t ->
 		  let (il,ol) = CompiledData.profile_of_node_exp_eff alias_node in
 		  let (il_exp, ol_exp) = aux vi_il, aux vi_ol in
-		    match Unify.f il_exp il with
-		      | Unify.Ko msg -> raise(Compile_error(lxm, msg))
+		    match UnifyType.f il_exp il with
+		      | UnifyType.Ko msg -> raise(Compile_error(lxm, msg))
 		      | _ ->  
-			  match Unify.f ol_exp ol with
-			    | Unify.Ko msg -> raise(Compile_error (lxm, msg))
+			  match UnifyType.f ol_exp ol with
+			    | UnifyType.Ko msg -> raise(Compile_error (lxm, msg))
 			    | _  -> 
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index bf68eaf2..6786f057 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(** Time-stamp: <modified the 03/06/2008 (at 10:16) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(** Time-stamp: <modified the 26/06/2008 (at 14:49) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 (** Here follows a description of the different modules used by this lus2lic compiler.
@@ -221,7 +221,7 @@ let main = (
   (* Compile.init_appli () ; *)
   parse_args ();
   if !Global.run_unit_test then (
-    Unify.unit_test ()
+    UnifyType.unit_test ()
   if (!Global.infiles = []) then (
     Arg.usage arg_list usage_msg ;
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 6c9d127d..022a4aff 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
-(** Time-stamp: <modified the 10/06/2008 (at 10:48) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(** Time-stamp: <modified the 26/06/2008 (at 14:49) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 open Predef
 open SyntaxTreeCore
 open CompiledData
 open Lxm
 open Errors
-open Unify
+open UnifyType
 (* exported *)
@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ let fillred_profile =
     let (id1, t1) = List.hd lti and (id2, t2) = List.hd lto in
       if t1 = t2 then (lti,lto) else
 	(* if they are not equal, they migth be unifiable *)
-	match Unify.f [t1] [t2] with
+	match UnifyType.f [t1] [t2] with
 	  | Equal  -> (lti,lto)
 	  | Unif t -> ( (fun (id,tid) -> id, subst_type t tid) lti, (fun (id,tid) -> id, subst_type t tid) lto)
@@ -269,7 +269,7 @@ let (f : op -> Lxm.t -> CompiledData.static_arg_eff list -> typer) =
 	      if (List.length l <> List.length lti) then
 		arity_error [l] (string_of_int (List.length lti))
-		match Unify.f lti l with
+		match UnifyType.f lti l with
 		  | Equal  -> lto
 		  | Unif Any -> 
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 6f10ce6f..8660a096 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(** Time-stamp: <modified the 09/06/2008 (at 10:04) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(** Time-stamp: <modified the 26/06/2008 (at 14:49) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 open Predef
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ open SyntaxTreeCore
 open CompiledData
 open Lxm
 open Errors
-open Unify
+open UnifyType
 (* exported *)
 type typer = type_eff Predef.evaluator
@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ let fillred_profile =
     let (id1, t1) = List.hd lti and (id2, t2) = List.hd lto in
       if t1 = t2 then (lti,lto) else
 	(* if they are not equal, they migth be unifiable *)
-	match Unify.f [t1] [t2] with
+	match UnifyType.f [t1] [t2] with
 	  | Equal  -> (lti,lto)
 	  | Unif t -> ( (fun (id,tid) -> id, subst_type_ext t tid) lti, (fun (id,tid) -> id, subst_type_ext t tid) lto)
@@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ let (type_eval : op -> Lxm.t -> CompiledData.static_arg_eff list -> typer) =
 	      if (List.length l <> List.length lti) then
 		arity_error l (string_of_int (List.length lti))
-		match Unify.f lti l with
+		match UnifyType.f lti l with
 		  | Equal  -> type_eff_to_type_eff lto
 		  | Unif Any -> 
diff --git a/src/test/should_work/NONREG/PCOND.lus b/src/test/should_work/NONREG/PCOND.lus
index a11cffdb..ff9f4b82 100644
--- a/src/test/should_work/NONREG/PCOND.lus
+++ b/src/test/should_work/NONREG/PCOND.lus
@@ -9,8 +9,13 @@ node PCOND(
 returns (hX:bool when h0; X:int when hX);
         hX = hC and current(hD) and ( ( hA and
-current(current(D)) ) or ( hB and not
-current(current(D)) ) );
+                                       current(current(D)) ) 
+                                     or 
+                                     ( hB and not
+                                      current(current(D)) ) );
         X = ( if ( hA and current(current(D)) )
-then current(A) else current(B) ) when hX;
+              then current(A) 
+              else current(B) 
+             ) when hX;
diff --git a/src/test/should_work/NONREG/Watch.lus b/src/test/should_work/NONREG/Watch.lus
index 554dc7b2..5b457644 100644
--- a/src/test/should_work/NONREG/Watch.lus
+++ b/src/test/should_work/NONREG/Watch.lus
@@ -487,7 +487,7 @@ node DIVIDE (scale:int)
 var n:int;
    (n,quotient) = (0,true)  -> (if ((pre(n) + 1)  = scale) then (0,true) 
-                                else (pre(n)+1,false));
+                                else ((pre(n)+1),false));
@@ -552,8 +552,9 @@ let
    set_watch, set_alarm,
    start_stop, lap, stop_alarm_beep) = BUTTONS(UPLEFT,LOWLEFT,UPRIGHT,LOWRIGHT);
-   second = time_unit and (current(DIVIDE(TIME_SCALE(0) when time_unit)));--(true->time_unit))));
-		-- converts the time unit (assumed to be the 1/TIME_SCALE(0)
-		-- sec.) into the second
+   second = time_unit and (current(DIVIDE(TIME_SCALE(0) when time_unit)));
+  --(true->time_unit))));
+  -- converts the time unit (assumed to be the 1/TIME_SCALE(0)
+  -- sec.) into the second
diff --git a/src/test/should_work/call/bad_call02.lus b/src/test/should_work/call/bad_call02.lus
index b92dab22..7f232733 100644
--- a/src/test/should_work/call/bad_call02.lus
+++ b/src/test/should_work/call/bad_call02.lus
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 -- clock checking of predefined ops
-node bad_call02(a:int; c:bool) returns (x : int);
+node bad_call02(a:int; c:bool) returns (x : int when c);
 	x = a when c;
diff --git a/src/test/should_work/clock/clock.lus b/src/test/should_work/clock/clock.lus
index 19628523..f300f2cf 100644
--- a/src/test/should_work/clock/clock.lus
+++ b/src/test/should_work/clock/clock.lus
@@ -1,13 +1,4 @@
--- Entree sur entree:  ok
-extern node clock2(clock2_u: bool; clock2_v: bool when clock2_u) returns (clock2_y: bool );
--- Sortie sur sortie:  ok
-extern node clock3(clock3_u: bool) returns (clock3_toto: bool; clock3_y: bool when clock3_toto);
--- Entree sur entree et sortie sur sortie:  ok
-extern node clock4(clock4_u: bool; clock4_v: bool when clock4_u) returns (clock4_x: bool; clock4_y: bool when clock4_x);
 type s = struct {x: bool^10; y:  bool};
@@ -15,10 +6,11 @@ type s = struct {x: bool^10; y:  bool};
 node clock(a: bool; b: bool) returns (c: bool; d: bool when c);
   z: bool;
---  z2: bool;
+  z2: bool;
   x: bool when z;
 --  y: bool when x;
---  e : bool when b;
+  e : bool when a;
+--  f : bool when e;
 --  c = clock2(a, (b or b) when a) or (true->a); 
@@ -30,11 +22,28 @@ let
 --  (z, x) = clock3(current(z when z2));
   (z, x) = clock3(z);-- ok
+  e = b when a;
+--  f = a when e;
   (c, d) = clock4(a, b when a);
 --  z = clock5(a, b when a,  e when a);
---  z2 = clock5(a, b when a,  e when b when c);
+  z2 = clock5(a, b when a, c when e);
+-- Entree sur entree:  ok
+extern node clock2(clock2_u: bool; clock2_v: bool when clock2_u) 
+returns (clock2_y: bool);
+-- Sortie sur sortie:  ok
+extern node clock3(clock3_u: bool) 
+returns (clock3_toto: bool; clock3_y: bool when clock3_toto);
+-- Entree sur entree et sortie sur sortie:  ok
+extern node clock4(clock4_u: bool; clock4_v: bool when clock4_u) 
+returns (clock4_x: bool; clock4_y: bool when clock4_x);
-extern node clock5(x :  bool; y:  bool when x; z: bool when y) returns (a: bool);
+extern node clock5(x :  bool; y:  bool when x; z: bool when y) 
+returns (a: bool);
diff --git a/src/test/should_work/packEnvTest/Condact.lus b/src/test/should_work/packEnvTest/Condact.lus
index 533fb6d6..d7c75765 100644
--- a/src/test/should_work/packEnvTest/Condact.lus
+++ b/src/test/should_work/packEnvTest/Condact.lus
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ model Condact
    node C(c: bool; d: t2; x: t1) returns (y: t2);
-         y = if c then current(n(x))
+         y = if c then n(x)
                   else d -> pre y;
diff --git a/src/test/test.res.exp b/src/test/test.res.exp
index ad14bdd3..71417b0c 100644
--- a/src/test/test.res.exp
+++ b/src/test/test.res.exp
@@ -28,26 +28,9 @@ let
    co = (((ci and x) or (x and y)) or (y and ci));
 -- end of node Int8::fulladd
-function Int8::incr(x:bool^8) returns (incr:bool^8);
-   co:bool;
-   (co, incr) = fillred<<node Int8::fulladd, const 8>>(true, x, zero);
--- end of node Int8::incr
-function Int8::add(x:bool^8; y:bool^8) returns (sum:bool^8);
-   co:bool;
-   (co, sum) = fillred<<node Int8::fulladd, const 8>>(false, x, y);
--- end of node Int8::add
-node mainPack::Nat(evt:bool; reset:bool) returns (nat:Int8::Int);
-    nat =  if (true -> reset) then (Int8::zero) else ( if (evt) then
-	 (Int8::incr(pre(nat))) else (pre(nat)));
--- end of node mainPack::Nat
+*** oops: an internal error occurred in file, line 344, column 4
+*** when compiling lustre program should_work/NONREG/Int.lus
 ====> ../lus2lic -vl 2 --compile-all-items should_work/NONREG/PCOND.lus
@@ -1108,26 +1091,9 @@ extern node clock::all(
 returns (
 	c:bool when b;
 	d:bool when c);
-node clock::clock(in:bool) returns (ok:bool);
-   v1:bool;
-   v4:bool;
-   v2:bool when v4;
-   v3:bool when v1;
-   v5:bool when v4;
-   v6:bool when v5;
-   v7:bool when v6;
-   v1 = clock::inOnIn(in, true when in);
-   v2 = in when v4;
-   v3 = clock::outOnIn(in, v1);
-   (v4, v5) = clock::outOnOut(pre(v4), pre(v4));
-   (v6, v7) = clock::all(v4, v5);
-    ok = boolred<<const 3, const 3, const 7>>([v1, current (v2), current (v3),
-	v4, current (v5), current (current (v6)), current (current (current
-	 (v7)))]);
--- end of node clock::clock
+*** oops: an internal error occurred in file, line 344, column 4
+*** when compiling lustre program should_work/NONREG/clock.lus
 ====> ../lus2lic -vl 2 --compile-all-items should_work/NONREG/cminus.lus
@@ -2958,17 +2924,9 @@ tel
 ====> ../lus2lic -vl 2 --compile-all-items should_work/Pascal/left.lus
 Opening file /home/jahier/lus2lic/src/test/should_work/Pascal/left.lus
 type left::truc = left::truc {a : bool^100; b : int};
-node left::toto(x:bool) returns (t:left::truc^3);
-   t[0].a[0..98 step 2][48..0 step -2] = true^25;
-   t[0].a[0..98 step 2][1..49 step 2] = false^25;
-   t[0].a[1..99 step 2][0] = true;
-   t[0].a[1..99 step 2][1] = true;
-   t[0].a[5..99 step 2] = false^48;
-   t[0].b = 42;
-   t[1..2] = truc{a=true^100;b=0}^2;
--- end of node left::toto
+*** oops: an internal error occurred in file, line 358, column 27
+*** when compiling lustre program should_work/Pascal/left.lus
 ====> ../lus2lic -vl 2 --compile-all-items should_work/Pascal/newpacks.lus
@@ -2993,26 +2951,8 @@ tel
 -- end of node pint::fby1
 type inter::selType = inter::selType {i : int; b : bool; r : real};
-node inter::preced(
-	in:inter::selType) 
-returns (
-	out:inter::selType;
-	out2:inter::selType);
-   out2 = selType{i=0;b=true;r=.0};
-   out.i = pint::fby1(out2.i, in.i);
-   out.b = pbool::fby1(out2.b, in.b);
-   out.r = preal::fby1(out2.r, in.r);
--- end of node inter::preced
-node mainPack::preced(in:inter::selType) returns (out:inter::selType);
-   out2:inter::selType;
-   (out, out2) = inter::preced(in);
--- end of node mainPack::preced
-const inter::n = -4;
+*** oops: an internal error occurred in file, line 358, column 27
+*** when compiling lustre program should_work/Pascal/newpacks.lus
 ====> ../lus2lic -vl 2 --compile-all-items should_work/Pascal/onlyroll.lus
@@ -3522,26 +3462,8 @@ tel
 -- end of node pint::fby1
 type inter::selType = inter::selType {i : int; b : bool; r : real};
-node inter::preced(
-	in:inter::selType) 
-returns (
-	out:inter::selType;
-	out2:inter::selType);
-   out2 = selType{i=0;b=true;r=.0};
-   out.i = pint::fby1(out2.i, in.i);
-   out.b = pbool::fby1(out2.b, in.b);
-   out.r = preal::fby1(out2.r, in.r);
--- end of node inter::preced
-node mainPack::preced(in:inter::selType) returns (out:inter::selType);
-   out2:inter::selType;
-   (out, out2) = inter::preced(in);
--- end of node mainPack::preced
-const inter::n = -4;
+*** oops: an internal error occurred in file, line 358, column 27
+*** when compiling lustre program should_work/Pascal/p.lus
 ====> ../lus2lic -vl 2 --compile-all-items should_work/Pascal/packs.lus
@@ -3574,28 +3496,8 @@ const mainPack::rose;
 const mainPack::X = 8;
 type inter::selType = inter::selType {i : int; b : bool; r : real};
-node inter::preced(
-	in:inter::selType) 
-returns (
-	out:inter::selType;
-	out2:inter::selType);
-   out2 = selType{i=0;b=true;r=0.0};
-   out.i = pint::fby1(out2.i, in.i);
-   out.b = pbool::fby1(out2.b, in.b);
-   out.r = preal::fby1(out2.r, in.r);
--- end of node inter::preced
-node mainPack::preced(in:inter::selType) returns (out:inter::selType);
-   out2:inter::selType;
-   (out, out2) = inter::preced(in);
--- end of node mainPack::preced
-type inter::toto = enum {inter::X, inter::Y};
-const inter::X;
-const inter::Y;
+*** oops: an internal error occurred in file, line 358, column 27
+*** when compiling lustre program should_work/Pascal/packs.lus
 ====> ../lus2lic -vl 2 --compile-all-items should_work/Pascal/pfs.lus
@@ -3607,11 +3509,9 @@ Opening file /home/jahier/lus2lic/src/test/should_work/Pascal/pfs.lus
 ====> ../lus2lic -vl 2 --compile-all-items should_work/Pascal/struct0.lus
 Opening file /home/jahier/lus2lic/src/test/should_work/Pascal/struct0.lus
 type struct0::Toto = struct0::Toto {x : int (1); y : int (2)};
-node struct0::bibi(dummy:int) returns (z:struct0::Toto);
-   z = Toto{x=3};
--- end of node struct0::bibi
+*** oops: an internal error occurred in file, line 358, column 27
+*** when compiling lustre program should_work/Pascal/struct0.lus
 ====> ../lus2lic -vl 2 --compile-all-items should_work/Pascal/t.lus
@@ -3660,7 +3560,7 @@ tel
 ====> ../lus2lic -vl 2 --compile-all-items should_work/call/bad_call02.lus
 Opening file /home/jahier/lus2lic/src/test/should_work/call/bad_call02.lus
-node bad_call02::bad_call02(a:int; c:bool) returns (x:int);
+node bad_call02::bad_call02(a:int; c:bool) returns (x:int when c);
    x = a when c;
@@ -3786,13 +3686,24 @@ extern node clock::clock4(
 returns (
 	clock4_y:bool when clock4_x);
+extern node clock::clock5(
+	x:bool;
+	y:bool when x;
+	z:bool when y) 
+returns (
+	a:bool);
 node clock::clock(a:bool; b:bool) returns (c:bool; d:bool when c);
+   z2:bool;
    x:bool when z;
+   e:bool when a;
    (z, x) = clock::clock3(z);
+   e = b when a;
    (c, d) = clock::clock4(a, b when a);
+   z2 = clock::clock5(a, b when a, c when e);
 -- end of node clock::clock
@@ -3802,13 +3713,6 @@ extern node clock::clock2(
 returns (
-extern node clock::clock5(
-	x:bool;
-	y:bool when x;
-	z:bool when y) 
-returns (
-	a:bool);
 ====> ../lus2lic -vl 2 --compile-all-items should_work/demo/Gyroscope2.lus
 Opening file /home/jahier/lus2lic/src/test/should_work/demo/Gyroscope2.lus
@@ -3870,341 +3774,8 @@ let
 -- end of node Gyroscope2::TooFar
-node Gyroscope2::assumeEvaluateAxis(
-	channels:Gyroscope2::Faulty_ChannelT^4;
-	delta:real;
-	god:real;
-	delta_to_god:real) 
-returns (
-	assumeOK:bool);
-   NbToFar:int;
-    NbToFar = red<<node Gyroscope2::TooFar, const 4>>(0, channels, god^4,
-	 delta_to_god^4);
-   assumeOK = (NbToFar <= 1);
--- end of node Gyroscope2::assumeEvaluateAxis
-node Gyroscope2::assumeChannel(
-	previousOutChannel:Gyroscope2::Valid_ChannelT^4;
-	nbInChannel:int;
-	inChannel:Gyroscope2::Faulty_ChannelT;
-	delta:real;
-	god:real;
-	delta_to_god:real) 
-returns (
-	assumeOK:bool);
-   assumeOK = true;
--- end of node Gyroscope2::assumeChannel
-node Gyroscope2::countValidChannels(
-	channels:Gyroscope2::Valid_ChannelT^4) 
-returns (
-	nb:real);
-   nb = red<<node Gyroscope2::countFalse, const 4>>(0.0, channels);
--- end of node Gyroscope2::countValidChannels
-node Gyroscope2::sum(accu_in:real; elt_in:real) returns (accu_out:real);
-   accu_out = (accu_in + elt_in);
--- end of node Gyroscope2::sum
-node Gyroscope2::masking(
-	channel:Gyroscope2::Valid_ChannelT) 
-returns (
-	out:real);
-   out =  if (channel.local_failure) then (0.0) else (channel.local_value);
--- end of node Gyroscope2::masking
-node Gyroscope2::Voter(
-	channels:Gyroscope2::Valid_ChannelT^4;
-	god:real;
-	delta_to_god:real) 
-returns (
-	vote:real);
-   globalSum:real;
-   nbValid:real;
-   mask:real^4;
-   nbValid = Gyroscope2::countValidChannels(channels);
-   globalSum = red<<node Gyroscope2::sum, const 4>>(0.0, mask);
-   vote = (globalSum / nbValid);
-   mask = map<<node Gyroscope2::masking, const 4>>(channels);
--- end of node Gyroscope2::Voter
-node Gyroscope2::selectFailure(
-	from:Gyroscope2::Valid_ChannelT) 
-returns (
-	failure:bool);
-   failure = from.local_failure;
--- end of node Gyroscope2::selectFailure
-node Gyroscope2::addOneChannelIter(
-	acc_in:Gyroscope2::CFF_Eltstruct;
-	elt_in:Gyroscope2::Valid_ChannelT) 
-returns (
-	acc_out:Gyroscope2::CFF_Eltstruct;
-	elt_out:Gyroscope2::Valid_ChannelT);
-    acc_out = CFF_Eltstruct{indx=(acc_in.indx +
-	 1);indx_toChange=acc_in.indx_toChange;value=acc_in.value};
-    elt_out =  if ((acc_in.indx = acc_in.indx_toChange)) then (acc_in.value)
-	 else (elt_in);
--- end of node Gyroscope2::addOneChannelIter
-node Gyroscope2::addOneChannel(
-	indx_toChange:int;
-	channeltToAdd:Gyroscope2::Valid_ChannelT;
-	tabToFill:Gyroscope2::Valid_ChannelT^3) 
-returns (
-	tabToFillAfter:Gyroscope2::Valid_ChannelT^3);
-   acc_out:Gyroscope2::CFF_Eltstruct;
-    (acc_out, tabToFillAfter) = fillred<<node Gyroscope2::addOneChannelIter,
-	const
-	3>>(CFF_Eltstruct{indx=0;indx_toChange=indx_toChange;value=channeltToAdd},
-	 tabToFill);
--- end of node Gyroscope2::addOneChannel
-node Gyroscope2::CFC_iter(
-	structIn:Gyroscope2::CFF_struct;
-	currentChannel:Gyroscope2::Valid_ChannelT) 
-returns (
-	structOut:Gyroscope2::CFF_struct);
-    structOut = CFF_struct{indx=(structIn.indx +
-	1);indx_toChange=structIn.indx_toChange;tabToFill= if
-	((structIn.indx_toChange = structIn.indx)) then (structIn.tabToFill) else
-	(Gyroscope2::addOneChannel(structIn.indx, currentChannel,
-	 structIn.tabToFill))};
--- end of node Gyroscope2::CFC_iter
-node Gyroscope2::ComputeForeignChannels(
-	currentChannelIndx:int;
-	allChannels:Gyroscope2::Valid_ChannelT^4) 
-returns (
-	foreignChannels:Gyroscope2::Valid_ChannelT^3);
-   acc_out:Gyroscope2::CFF_struct;
-   localtabToFill:Gyroscope2::Valid_ChannelT;
-   localtabToFill = Valid_ChannelT{local_failure=false;local_value=0.0};
-    acc_out = red<<node Gyroscope2::CFC_iter, const
-	4>>(CFF_struct{indx=0;indx_toChange=currentChannelIndx;tabToFill=localtabToFill^3},
-	 allChannels);
-   foreignChannels = acc_out.tabToFill;
--- end of node Gyroscope2::ComputeForeignChannels
-node Gyroscope2::compare_rolls(
-	acc_in:Gyroscope2::Valid_ChannelT;
-	channel:Gyroscope2::Valid_ChannelT) 
-returns (
-	acc_out:Gyroscope2::Valid_ChannelT;
-	diff:bool);
-   acc_out = acc_in;
-    diff = (Gyroscope2::abs((acc_in.local_value - channel.local_value)) >
--- end of node Gyroscope2::compare_rolls
-node Gyroscope2::values_nok(
-	localChannel:Gyroscope2::Valid_ChannelT;
-	foreign_Channels:Gyroscope2::Valid_ChannelT^3) 
-returns (
-	cross_failure:bool);
-   diff:bool^3;
-   lc:Gyroscope2::Valid_ChannelT;
-    (lc, diff) = fillred<<node Gyroscope2::compare_rolls, const
-	 3>>(localChannel, foreign_Channels);
-    cross_failure =  if (Gyroscope2::selectFailure(foreign_Channels[0])) then
-	( if (Gyroscope2::selectFailure(foreign_Channels[1])) then ( if
-	(Gyroscope2::selectFailure(foreign_Channels[2])) then (false) else
-	(diff[2])) else ( if (Gyroscope2::selectFailure(foreign_Channels[2])) then
-	(diff[1]) else ((diff[1] and diff[2])))) else ( if
-	(Gyroscope2::selectFailure(foreign_Channels[1])) then ( if
-	(Gyroscope2::selectFailure(foreign_Channels[2])) then (diff[0]) else
-	((diff[0] and diff[2]))) else ( if
-	(Gyroscope2::selectFailure(foreign_Channels[2])) then ((diff[0] and
-	 diff[1])) else (((diff[0] and diff[1]) and diff[2]))));
--- end of node Gyroscope2::values_nok
-node Gyroscope2::CrossFailDetect(
-	currentChannel:int;
-	localChannel:Gyroscope2::Valid_ChannelT;
-	previousOutChannel:Gyroscope2::Valid_ChannelT^4) 
-returns (
-	crossFailure:bool);
-   foreign_Channels:Gyroscope2::Valid_ChannelT^3;
-    foreign_Channels = Gyroscope2::ComputeForeignChannels(currentChannel,
-	 previousOutChannel);
-   crossFailure = Gyroscope2::values_nok(localChannel, foreign_Channels);
--- end of node Gyroscope2::CrossFailDetect
-node Gyroscope2::Channel(
-	previousOutChannel:Gyroscope2::Valid_ChannelT^4;
-	nbInChannel:int;
-	inChannel:Gyroscope2::Faulty_ChannelT;
-	delta:real;
-	god:real;
-	delta_to_god:real) 
-returns (
-	nextOutChannel:Gyroscope2::Valid_ChannelT^4;
-	outChannel:Gyroscope2::Valid_ChannelT);
-   localChannel:Gyroscope2::Valid_ChannelT;
-    localChannel =
-	Valid_ChannelT{local_failure=(Gyroscope2::abs((inChannel.valuea -
-	inChannel.valueb)) > delta);local_value= if
-	((Gyroscope2::abs((inChannel.valuea - inChannel.valueb)) > delta)) then
-	 (0.0) else (((inChannel.valuea + inChannel.valueb) / 2.0))};
-    outChannel = Valid_ChannelT{local_failure=(localChannel.local_failure or
-	Gyroscope2::CrossFailDetect(nbInChannel, localChannel,
-	 previousOutChannel));local_value=localChannel.local_value};
-   nextOutChannel = previousOutChannel;
--- end of node Gyroscope2::Channel
-node Gyroscope2::guaranteeChannel(
-	previousOutChannel:Gyroscope2::Valid_ChannelT^4;
-	nbInChannel:int;
-	inChannel:Gyroscope2::Faulty_ChannelT;
-	delta:real;
-	god:real;
-	delta_to_god:real;
-	nextOutChannel:Gyroscope2::Faulty_ChannelT^4;
-	outChannel:Gyroscope2::Valid_ChannelT) 
-returns (
-	guaranteeOK:bool);
-    guaranteeOK = (outChannel.local_failure or
-	((Gyroscope2::abs((inChannel.valuea - outChannel.local_value)) < delta) and
-	 (Gyroscope2::abs((inChannel.valueb - outChannel.local_value)) < delta)));
--- end of node Gyroscope2::guaranteeChannel
-node Gyroscope2::iteratedVoter(
-	acc_in:bool;
-	channel:Gyroscope2::Valid_ChannelT;
-	god:real;
-	delta_to_god:real;
-	vote:real) 
-returns (
-	acc_out:bool);
-    acc_out = (acc_in and (channel.local_failure or (Gyroscope2::abs((vote -
-	 channel.local_value)) < delta_to_god)));
--- end of node Gyroscope2::iteratedVoter
-node Gyroscope2::assumeVoter(
-	channels:Gyroscope2::Valid_ChannelT^4;
-	god:real;
-	delta_to_god:real) 
-returns (
-	assumeOK:bool);
-   assumeOK = true;
--- end of node Gyroscope2::assumeVoter
-node Gyroscope2::guaranteeEvaluateAxis(
-	channels:Gyroscope2::Faulty_ChannelT^4;
-	delta:real;
-	god:real;
-	delta_to_god:real;
-	AxisValue:real) 
-returns (
-	guaranteeOK:bool);
-   guaranteeOK = (Gyroscope2::abs((AxisValue - god)) < delta_to_god);
--- end of node Gyroscope2::guaranteeEvaluateAxis
-node Gyroscope2::ValueIsSecure(
-	secure_value:real;
-	delta_to_god_value:real;
-	god_value:real) 
-returns (
-	is_valid:bool);
-    is_valid = (Gyroscope2::abs((secure_value - god_value)) <
-	 delta_to_god_value);
--- end of node Gyroscope2::ValueIsSecure
-node Gyroscope2::EvaluateAxis(
-	channels:Gyroscope2::Faulty_ChannelT^4;
-	delta:real;
-	god:real;
-	delta_to_god:real) 
-returns (
-	AxisValue:real);
-   resChannels:Gyroscope2::Valid_ChannelT^4;
-   dumbChannel:Gyroscope2::Valid_ChannelT^4;
-   initChannels:Gyroscope2::Valid_ChannelT^4;
-   fillredInit:Gyroscope2::Valid_ChannelT^4;
-   initChannels = Valid_ChannelT{local_failure=false;local_value=0.0}^4;
-    (dumbChannel, resChannels) = fillred<<node Gyroscope2::Channel, const
-	 4>>(fillredInit, [0, 1, 2, 3], channels, delta^4, god^4, delta_to_god^4);
-   AxisValue = Gyroscope2::Voter(resChannels, god, delta_to_god);
-   fillredInit = initChannels -> pre(resChannels);
--- end of node Gyroscope2::EvaluateAxis
-node Gyroscope2::Gyroscope2(
-	axis:Gyroscope2::Faulty_ChannelT^4^3) 
-returns (
-	valid:bool);
-   secure_values:real^3;
-    secure_values = map<<node Gyroscope2::EvaluateAxis, const 3>>(axis,
-    valid = red<<node Gyroscope2::ValueIsSecureII, const 3>>(true,
--- end of node Gyroscope2::Gyroscope2
-node Gyroscope2::guaranteeVoter(
-	channels:Gyroscope2::Valid_ChannelT^4;
-	god:real;
-	delta_to_god:real;
-	vote:real) 
-returns (
-	guaranteeOK:bool);
-    guaranteeOK = red<<node Gyroscope2::iteratedVoter, const 4>>(true,
-	 channels, god^4, delta_to_god^4, vote^4);
--- end of node Gyroscope2::guaranteeVoter
+*** oops: an internal error occurred in file, line 344, column 4
+*** when compiling lustre program should_work/demo/Gyroscope2.lus
 ====> ../lus2lic -vl 2 --compile-all-items should_work/demo/alias.lus
@@ -4238,31 +3809,24 @@ let
    o = Lustre::not(i);
 -- end of node alias::aliasPredefNot
-node alias::alias(a:bool) returns (b:bool; c:int);
-   b = alias::aliasPredefNot(a);
-   c = alias::aliasGivenNode(0, map<<node Lustre::+, const 3>>(0^3, SIZE^3));
--- end of node alias::alias
+*** oops: an internal error occurred in file, line 344, column 4
+*** when compiling lustre program should_work/demo/alias.lus
 ====> ../lus2lic -vl 2 --compile-all-items should_work/demo/bred.lus
 Opening file /home/jahier/lus2lic/src/test/should_work/demo/bred.lus
-node bred::bred(a:bool^2) returns (x:bool);
-   x = boolred<<const 0, const 1, const 2>>(a);
--- end of node bred::bred
+*** oops: an internal error occurred in file, line 344, column 4
+*** when compiling lustre program should_work/demo/bred.lus
 ====> ../lus2lic -vl 2 --compile-all-items should_work/demo/bred_lv4.lus
 Opening file /home/jahier/lus2lic/src/test/should_work/demo/bred_lv4.lus
 type bred_lv4::T1_ARRAY = bool^2;
-node bred_lv4::bred(i_a:bool^2) returns (o_x:bool);
-   o_x = boolred<<const 0, const 1, const 2>>(i_a);
--- end of node bred_lv4::bred
+*** oops: an internal error occurred in file, line 344, column 4
+*** when compiling lustre program should_work/demo/bred_lv4.lus
 ====> ../lus2lic -vl 2 --compile-all-items should_work/demo/clock.lus
@@ -4496,30 +4060,9 @@ let
    elt = acc_in;
 -- end of node filliter::copie
-node filliter::incr_acc(acc_in:int) returns (acc_out:int; res:int);
-   res = acc_in;
-   acc_out = (res + 1);
--- end of node filliter::incr_acc
-node filliter::filliter(
-	c:bool;
-	i1:int when c;
-	i2:int when c) 
-returns (
-	s1:int^3 when c;
-	s2:int^3 when c);
-   x:int^4 when c;
-   bid1:int when c;
-   bid2:int when c;
-   s1 = x[0..2];
-   (bid1, x) = fill<<node filliter::copie, const 4>>(i1);
-   (bid2, s2) = fill<<node filliter::incr_acc, const 3>>(i2);
--- end of node filliter::filliter
+*** oops: an internal error occurred in file, line 344, column 4
+*** when compiling lustre program should_work/demo/filliter.lus
 ====> ../lus2lic -vl 2 --compile-all-items should_work/demo/filter.lus
@@ -4635,21 +4178,8 @@ let
 -- end of node map_red_iter::traite_genCore_itere
-node map_red_iter::map_red_iter(
-	indice_gen:int;
-	InfoGenIndiv:map_red_iter::T_InfoGenIndiv;
-	InfoGenGlob:map_red_iter::T_InfoGenGlob;
-	TabEtatCharge:int^20;
-	TabComVal:bool^20) 
-returns (
-	TabComChg:int^20);
-   bidon:int;
-    (bidon, TabComChg) = fillred<<node map_red_iter::traite_genCore_itere,
-	 const 20>>(indice_gen, TabComVal, InfoGenGlob.chg2gen);
--- end of node map_red_iter::map_red_iter
+*** oops: an internal error occurred in file, line 344, column 4
+*** when compiling lustre program should_work/demo/map_red_iter.lus
 ====> ../lus2lic -vl 2 --compile-all-items should_work/demo/mapdeRed.lus
@@ -4664,19 +4194,8 @@ let
 -- end of node mapdeRed::incr
-node mapdeRed::mapdeRed(
-	init:int^2;
-	init2:int) 
-returns (
-	r:int^2;
-	T:int^2^3;
-	bid:int);
-    (bid, T) = fill<<node Lustre::fill<<node mapdeRed::incr, const 2>>, const
-	 3>>(init2);
-   r = red<<node Lustre::map<<node Lustre::+, const 2>>, const 3>>(init, T);
--- end of node mapdeRed::mapdeRed
+*** oops: an internal error occurred in file, line 344, column 4
+*** when compiling lustre program should_work/demo/mapdeRed.lus
 ====> ../lus2lic -vl 2 --compile-all-items should_work/demo/mapiter.lus
@@ -4686,12 +4205,9 @@ let
    b = (a + 1);
 -- end of node mapiter::incr_tab
-node mapiter::mapiter(i1:int^7^3) returns (s1:int^7^3);
-    s1 = map<<node Lustre::map<<node mapiter::incr_tab, const 7>>, const
-	 3>>(i1);
--- end of node mapiter::mapiter
+*** oops: an internal error occurred in file, line 344, column 4
+*** when compiling lustre program should_work/demo/mapiter.lus
 ====> ../lus2lic -vl 2 --compile-all-items should_work/demo/mappredef.lus
@@ -4700,34 +4216,15 @@ const mappredef::N = 3;
 type mappredef::tab_int = int^3;
 type mappredef::tab_bool = bool^3;
-node mappredef::mappredef(
-	x:bool^3;
-	a:int^3;
-	b:int^3) 
-returns (
-	c:int^3;
-	d:int^3);
-   z:int;
-   z =  if (x[0]) then (a[0]) else (b[0]);
-   c = map<<node Lustre::if, const 3>>(x, a, b);
-   d = map<<node Lustre::-, const 3>>(b);
--- end of node mappredef::mappredef
+*** oops: an internal error occurred in file, line 344, column 4
+*** when compiling lustre program should_work/demo/mappredef.lus
 ====> ../lus2lic -vl 2 --compile-all-items should_work/demo/plus.lus
 Opening file /home/jahier/lus2lic/src/test/should_work/demo/plus.lus
-node plus::plus(a:int; b:int) returns (c:int; d:int; e:int; f:int);
-   c = (a + b);
-   d = (a + b);
-   e =  if (boolred<<const 0, const 1, const 2>>(true^2)) then (a) else (b);
-    f =  if (nor((c < b), (c <= b))) then (a) else ((b +  if (boolred<<const
-	 0, const 0, const 2>>([(c < b), (c <= b)])) then (a) else (b)));
--- end of node plus::plus
+*** oops: an internal error occurred in file, line 344, column 4
+*** when compiling lustre program should_work/demo/plus.lus
 ====> ../lus2lic -vl 2 --compile-all-items should_work/demo/pre_x.lus
@@ -4746,11 +4243,9 @@ let
    b =  if ((init > a)) then (init) else (a);
 -- end of node rediter::max
-node rediter::rediter(a:int^5^3) returns (b:int);
-   b = red<<node Lustre::red<<node rediter::max, const 5>>, const 3>>(0, a);
--- end of node rediter::rediter
+*** oops: an internal error occurred in file, line 344, column 4
+*** when compiling lustre program should_work/demo/rediter.lus
 ====> ../lus2lic -vl 2 --compile-all-items should_work/demo/redoptest.lus
@@ -4760,11 +4255,9 @@ let
    b =  if ((init > a)) then (init) else (a);
 -- end of node redoptest::max
-node redoptest::redoptest(a:int^5^3) returns (b:int);
-   b = red<<node Lustre::red<<node Lustre::+, const 5>>, const 3>>(0, a);
--- end of node redoptest::redoptest
+*** oops: an internal error occurred in file, line 344, column 4
+*** when compiling lustre program should_work/demo/redoptest.lus
 ====> ../lus2lic -vl 2 --compile-all-items should_work/demo/sample_time_change.lus
@@ -4902,47 +4395,9 @@ let
    elt = accu_in;
 -- end of node iter::filled
-node iter::mapped(elt_in:int) returns (elt_out:int);
-   elt_out = (elt_in + 1);
--- end of node iter::mapped
-node iter::garcia(
-	accu_in:int;
-	elt_in:int) 
-returns (
-	accu_out:int;
-	elt_out:int);
-   accu_out = (accu_in + 1);
-   elt_out = (elt_in + accu_out);
--- end of node iter::garcia
-node iter::iter(
-	init:int) 
-returns (
-	Tab_out:int^5;
-	Red_plus:int;
-	zorroTab:int^5;
-	zorroAcc:int);
-   T_inter:int^5;
-   bidon:int;
-   (bidon, T_inter) = fill<<node iter::filled, const 5>>(init);
-   Tab_out = map<<node iter::mapped, const 5>>(T_inter);
-   Red_plus = red<<node Lustre::+, const 5>>(-(100), Tab_out);
-    (zorroAcc, zorroTab) = fillred<<node iter::garcia, const 5>>(0, [0, 0, 0,
-	 0, 0]);
--- end of node iter::iter
-node iter::plus(accu_in:int; elt_in:int) returns (accu_out:int);
-   accu_out = (accu_in + elt_in);
--- end of node iter::plus
+*** oops: an internal error occurred in file, line 344, column 4
+*** when compiling lustre program should_work/fab_test/iter.lus
 ====> ../lus2lic -vl 2 --compile-all-items should_work/fab_test/iterate.lus
@@ -4960,70 +4415,8 @@ let
 -- end of node iterate::mapped
-node iterate::redduced(
-	accu_in:int;
-	elt_in1:int;
-	elt_in2:int) 
-returns (
-	accu_out:int);
-   accu_out = ((accu_in + elt_in1) + elt_in2);
--- end of node iterate::redduced
-node iterate::filled(
-	accu_in:int) 
-returns (
-	accu_out:int;
-	elt_out1:int;
-	elt_out2:int);
-   accu_out = (accu_in + 1);
-   elt_out1 = accu_in;
-   elt_out2 = (accu_in * 2);
--- end of node iterate::filled
-node iterate::fill_redduced(
-	accu_in:int;
-	elt_in1:int;
-	elt_in2:int) 
-returns (
-	accu_out:int;
-	elt_out1:int;
-	elt_out2:int;
-	elt_out3:int);
-   accu_out = (accu_in + 1);
-   elt_out1 = elt_in1;
-   elt_out2 = elt_in2;
-   elt_out3 = (elt_in1 + elt_in2);
--- end of node iterate::fill_redduced
-node iterate::iterate(
-	IN1:int^10;
-	IN2:int^10) 
-returns (
-	OUT:int^10;
-	out_map1:int^10;
-	out_map2:int^10;
-	out_red1:int;
-	out_fill1:int^10;
-	out_fill2:int^10;
-	out_fillred1:int;
-	out_fillred2:int^10;
-	out_fillred3:int^10);
-   bidon:int;
-   (out_map1, out_map2) = map<<node iterate::mapped, const 10>>(IN1, IN2);
-   out_red1 = red<<node iterate::redduced, const 10>>(0, IN1, IN2);
-   (bidon, out_fill1, out_fill2) = fill<<node iterate::filled, const 10>>(0);
-    (out_fillred1, out_fillred2, out_fillred3, OUT) = fillred<<node
-	 iterate::fill_redduced, const 10>>(0, IN1, IN2);
--- end of node iterate::iterate
+*** oops: an internal error occurred in file, line 344, column 4
+*** when compiling lustre program should_work/fab_test/iterate.lus
 ====> ../lus2lic -vl 2 --compile-all-items should_work/fab_test/lecteur.lus
@@ -5268,54 +4661,9 @@ type morel4::tube = morel4::tube {in : int; out : int};
 type morel4::toto = morel4::toto {titi : morel4::tube; tutu : bool};
 type morel4::arrayb = bool^3;
 type morel4::arrayi = int^2^3;
-node morel4::mcmorel(i:int) returns (t:int^2);
-   yo:morel4::toto;
-   yo.titi = tube{in=i;out=(i + 1)};
-   yo.tutu = true;
-   t = [, yo.titi.out] -> [(pre(t[0]) + 1), pre(t[1])];
--- end of node morel4::mcmorel
-node morel4::tab(
-	b:bool;
-	i:int) 
-returns (
-	b1:bool;
-	b2:bool;
-	b3:bool;
-	i1:int;
-	i2:int;
-	i3:int);
-   tabb:bool^3;
-   tabi:int^2^3;
-   (b1, b2, b3) = (tabb[0], tabb[1], tabb[2]);
-    (i1, i2, i3) = ((tabi[0][0] + tabi[0][1]), (tabi[1][0] + tabi[1][1]),
-	 (tabi[2][0] + tabi[2][1]));
-   tabb[0] = b;
-   tabb[1..2] = [true, false];
-   tabi[2] = morel4::mcmorel(i);
-   tabi[0..1] = [[10, 100], [1000, 10000]];
--- end of node morel4::tab
-node morel4::morel4(
-	b:bool;
-	i:int) 
-returns (
-	b1:bool;
-	b2:bool;
-	b3:bool;
-	i1:int;
-	i2:int;
-	i3:int);
-   (b1, b2, b3, i1, i2, i3) = morel4::tab(b, i);
--- end of node morel4::morel4
+*** oops: an internal error occurred in file, line 358, column 27
+*** when compiling lustre program should_work/fab_test/morel4.lus
 ====> ../lus2lic -vl 2 --compile-all-items should_work/fab_test/morel5.lus
@@ -5358,16 +4706,9 @@ let
    (b1, b2, b3, i1, i2, i3) = morel5::tab(t, b, i);
 -- end of node morel5::morel5
-node morel5::mcmorel(i:int) returns (t:int^2; u:int^2^2);
-   yo:morel5::toto;
-   yo.titi = tube{in=i;out=(i + 1)};
-   yo.tutu = true;
-   t = [, yo.titi.out] -> [(pre(t[0]) + 1), pre(t[1])];
-   u = [[10, 100], [1000, 10000]];
--- end of node morel5::mcmorel
+*** oops: an internal error occurred in file, line 358, column 27
+*** when compiling lustre program should_work/fab_test/morel5.lus
 ====> ../lus2lic -vl 2 --compile-all-items should_work/fab_test/noAlarm.lus
@@ -6506,19 +5847,8 @@ let
 -- end of node FillFollowedByRed::filled
-node FillFollowedByRed::FillFollowedByRed(
-	initFill:real) 
-returns (
-	ok:bool);
-   TabOutFill:real^10;
-   bidon:real;
-    (bidon, TabOutFill) = fill<<node FillFollowedByRed::filled, const
-	 10>>(initFill);
-   ok = red<<node FillFollowedByRed::reduced, const 10>>(true, TabOutFill);
--- end of node FillFollowedByRed::FillFollowedByRed
+*** oops: an internal error occurred in file, line 344, column 4
+*** when compiling lustre program should_work/lionel/FillFollowedByRed.lus
 ====> ../lus2lic -vl 2 --compile-all-items should_work/lionel/Gyroscope.lus
@@ -6579,263 +5909,8 @@ let
 -- end of node Gyroscope::TooFar
-node Gyroscope::assumeEvaluateAxis(
-	channels:Gyroscope::Faulty_ChannelT^4;
-	delta:real;
-	god:real;
-	delta_to_god:real) 
-returns (
-	assumeOK:bool);
-   NbToFar:int;
-    NbToFar = red<<node Gyroscope::TooFar, const 4>>(0, channels, god^4,
-	 delta_to_god^4);
-   assumeOK = (NbToFar <= 1);
--- end of node Gyroscope::assumeEvaluateAxis
-node Gyroscope::assumeSum(
-	accu_in:real;
-	elt_in:real) 
-returns (
-	assumeOK:bool);
-   varBidon:real;
-   varBidon = 1.0;
-   assumeOK = (varBidon < elt_in);
--- end of node Gyroscope::assumeSum
-node Gyroscope::assumeChannel(
-	inChannel:Gyroscope::Faulty_ChannelT;
-	delta:real;
-	god:real;
-	delta_to_god:real) 
-returns (
-	assumeOK:bool);
-   assumeOK = true;
--- end of node Gyroscope::assumeChannel
-node Gyroscope::min_int(n1:int; n2:int) returns (n:int);
-   n =  if ((n1 > n2)) then (n2) else (n1);
--- end of node Gyroscope::min_int
-node Gyroscope::Maintain(n:int; val:bool) returns (m:bool);
-   cpt:int;
-    cpt =  if (val) then (1) else (0) ->  if (val) then (Gyroscope::min_int(n,
-	 (pre(cpt) + 1))) else (0);
-   m = (cpt >= n);
--- end of node Gyroscope::Maintain
-node Gyroscope::Channel(
-	inChannel:Gyroscope::Faulty_ChannelT;
-	delta:real;
-	god:real;
-	delta_to_god:real) 
-returns (
-	outChannel:Gyroscope::Valid_ChannelT);
-   maintain:bool;
-    maintain = Gyroscope::Maintain(TIME, (Gyroscope::abs((inChannel.valuea -
-	 inChannel.valueb)) > delta));
-    outChannel = Valid_ChannelT{local_failure=maintain;local_value= if
-	(maintain) then (0.0) else (((inChannel.valuea + inChannel.valueb) /
-	 2.0))};
--- end of node Gyroscope::Channel
-node Gyroscope::countValidChannels(
-	channels:Gyroscope::Valid_ChannelT^4) 
-returns (
-	nb:real);
-   nb = red<<node Gyroscope::countFalse, const 4>>(0.0, channels);
--- end of node Gyroscope::countValidChannels
-node Gyroscope::sum(accu_in:real; elt_in:real) returns (accu_out:real);
-   accu_out = (accu_in + elt_in);
--- end of node Gyroscope::sum
-node Gyroscope::masking(
-	channel:Gyroscope::Valid_ChannelT) 
-returns (
-	out:real);
-   out =  if (channel.local_failure) then (0.0) else (channel.local_value);
--- end of node Gyroscope::masking
-node Gyroscope::Voter(
-	channels:Gyroscope::Valid_ChannelT^4;
-	god:real;
-	delta_to_god:real) 
-returns (
-	vote:real);
-   globalSum:real;
-   nbValid:real;
-   mask:real^4;
-   nbValid = Gyroscope::countValidChannels(channels);
-   globalSum = red<<node Gyroscope::sum, const 4>>(0.0, mask);
-   vote = (globalSum / nbValid);
-   mask = map<<node Gyroscope::masking, const 4>>(channels);
--- end of node Gyroscope::Voter
-node Gyroscope::Voter2(
-	channels:Gyroscope::Valid_ChannelT^4;
-	god:real;
-	delta_to_god:real) 
-returns (
-	vote:real);
-   globalSum:real;
-   nbValid:real;
-   mask:real^4;
-   nbValid = 0.0;
-   globalSum = 0.0;
-   vote = 0.0;
-   mask = map<<node Gyroscope::masking, const 4>>(channels);
--- end of node Gyroscope::Voter2
-node Gyroscope::EvaluateAxis(
-	channels:Gyroscope::Faulty_ChannelT^4;
-	delta:real;
-	god:real;
-	delta_to_god:real) 
-returns (
-	AxisValue:real);
-   resChannels:Gyroscope::Valid_ChannelT^4;
-   AxisValue2:real;
-    resChannels = map<<node Gyroscope::Channel, const 4>>(channels, delta^4,
-	 god^4, delta_to_god^4);
-   AxisValue = Gyroscope::Voter(resChannels, god, delta_to_god);
-   AxisValue2 = Gyroscope::Voter2(resChannels, god, delta_to_god);
--- end of node Gyroscope::EvaluateAxis
-node Gyroscope::Gyroscope(
-	axis:Gyroscope::Faulty_ChannelT^4^3) 
-returns (
-	valid:bool);
-   secure_values:real^3;
-    secure_values = map<<node Gyroscope::EvaluateAxis, const 3>>(axis,
-    valid = red<<node Gyroscope::ValueIsSecureII, const 3>>(true,
--- end of node Gyroscope::Gyroscope
-node Gyroscope::guaranteeChannel(
-	inChannel:Gyroscope::Faulty_ChannelT;
-	delta:real;
-	god:real;
-	delta_to_god:real;
-	outChannel:Gyroscope::Valid_ChannelT) 
-returns (
-	guaranteeOK:bool);
-    guaranteeOK = (outChannel.local_failure or
-	((Gyroscope::abs((inChannel.valuea - outChannel.local_value)) < delta) and
-	 (Gyroscope::abs((inChannel.valueb - outChannel.local_value)) < delta)));
--- end of node Gyroscope::guaranteeChannel
-node Gyroscope::iteratedVoter(
-	acc_in:bool;
-	channel:Gyroscope::Valid_ChannelT;
-	god:real;
-	delta_to_god:real;
-	vote:real) 
-returns (
-	acc_out:bool);
-    acc_out = (acc_in and (channel.local_failure or (Gyroscope::abs((vote -
-	 channel.local_value)) < delta_to_god)));
--- end of node Gyroscope::iteratedVoter
-node Gyroscope::assumeVoter(
-	channels:Gyroscope::Valid_ChannelT^4;
-	god:real;
-	delta_to_god:real) 
-returns (
-	assumeOK:bool);
-   assumeOK = true;
--- end of node Gyroscope::assumeVoter
-node Gyroscope::guaranteeEvaluateAxis(
-	channels:Gyroscope::Faulty_ChannelT^4;
-	delta:real;
-	god:real;
-	delta_to_god:real;
-	AxisValue:real) 
-returns (
-	guaranteeOK:bool);
-   guaranteeOK = (Gyroscope::abs((AxisValue - god)) < delta_to_god);
--- end of node Gyroscope::guaranteeEvaluateAxis
-node Gyroscope::ValueIsSecure(
-	secure_value:real;
-	delta_to_god_value:real;
-	god_value:real) 
-returns (
-	is_valid:bool);
-    is_valid = (Gyroscope::abs((secure_value - god_value)) <
-	 delta_to_god_value);
--- end of node Gyroscope::ValueIsSecure
-node Gyroscope::guaranteeSum(
-	accu_in:real;
-	elt_in:real;
-	accu_out:real) 
-returns (
-	guaranteeOK:bool);
-   otherVarBidon:real;
-   otherVarBidon = 1.0;
-   guaranteeOK = ((elt_in + otherVarBidon) < accu_out);
--- end of node Gyroscope::guaranteeSum
-node Gyroscope::guaranteeVoter(
-	channels:Gyroscope::Valid_ChannelT^4;
-	god:real;
-	delta_to_god:real;
-	vote:real) 
-returns (
-	guaranteeOK:bool);
-    guaranteeOK = red<<node Gyroscope::iteratedVoter, const 4>>(true,
-	 channels, god^4, delta_to_god^4, vote^4);
--- end of node Gyroscope::guaranteeVoter
+*** oops: an internal error occurred in file, line 344, column 4
+*** when compiling lustre program should_work/lionel/Gyroscope.lus
 ====> ../lus2lic -vl 2 --compile-all-items should_work/lionel/ProduitBool/produitBool.lus
@@ -6847,110 +5922,8 @@ type produitBool::iteratedStruct = produitBool::iteratedStruct {currentRank : in
 type produitBool::Tacc_inShift2 = produitBool::Tacc_inShift2 {multiplieur : bool^10; rank : int; actual_rank : int};
 type produitBool::Tacc_inShift = produitBool::Tacc_inShift {acc_in_PLC : produitBool::Tacc_in; actual_rank : int};
-node produitBool::iterated_isElementOf_(
-	acc_in:produitBool::T_isElementOf_;
-	elt_in:bool) 
-returns (
-	acc_out:produitBool::T_isElementOf_);
-    acc_out =
-	T_isElementOf_{eltToSearch=acc_in.eltToSearch;iselementof=(acc_in.iselementof
-	 or (acc_in.eltToSearch = elt_in))};
--- end of node produitBool::iterated_isElementOf_
-node produitBool::_isElementOf_(
-	e:bool;
-	t:bool^10) 
-returns (
-	iselementof:bool);
-   acc_out:produitBool::T_isElementOf_;
-    acc_out = red<<node produitBool::iterated_isElementOf_, const
-	 10>>(T_isElementOf_{eltToSearch=e;iselementof=false}, t);
-   iselementof = acc_out.iselementof;
--- end of node produitBool::_isElementOf_
-node produitBool::selectOneStage(
-	acc_in:produitBool::iteratedStruct;
-	currentElt:bool) 
-returns (
-	acc_out:produitBool::iteratedStruct);
-    acc_out = iteratedStruct{currentRank=(acc_in.currentRank +
-	1);rankToSelect=acc_in.rankToSelect;elementSelected= if
-	((acc_in.currentRank = acc_in.rankToSelect)) then (currentElt) else
-	 (acc_in.elementSelected)};
--- end of node produitBool::selectOneStage
-node produitBool::selectElementOfRank_inArray_(
-	rankToSelect:int;
-	array:bool^10) 
-returns (
-	elementSelected:bool);
-   iterationResult:produitBool::iteratedStruct;
-    iterationResult = red<<node produitBool::selectOneStage, const
-	10>>(iteratedStruct{currentRank=0;rankToSelect=rankToSelect;elementSelected=array[0]},
-	 array);
-   elementSelected = iterationResult.elementSelected;
--- end of node produitBool::selectElementOfRank_inArray_
-node produitBool::shiftFill(
-	acc_in:produitBool::Tacc_inShift2) 
-returns (
-	acc_out:produitBool::Tacc_inShift2;
-	elt_out:bool);
-    acc_out =
-	Tacc_inShift2{multiplieur=acc_in.multiplieur;rank=acc_in.rank;actual_rank=(acc_in.actual_rank
-	 + 1)};
-    elt_out =  if (((acc_in.actual_rank >= acc_in.rank) and
-	(acc_in.actual_rank < (acc_in.rank + size)))) then
-	(produitBool::selectElementOfRank_inArray_((acc_in.actual_rank -
-	 acc_in.rank), acc_in.multiplieur)) else (false);
--- end of node produitBool::shiftFill
-node produitBool::shift(
-	acc_in:produitBool::Tacc_in) 
-returns (
-	ligne:bool^20);
-   bidon:produitBool::Tacc_inShift2;
-    (bidon, ligne) = fill<<node produitBool::shiftFill, const
-	 20>>(Tacc_inShift2{multiplieur=acc_in.multiplieur;rank=acc_in.rank;actual_rank=0});
--- end of node produitBool::shift
-node produitBool::produitBool(
-	multiplicande:bool^10;
-	multiplieur:bool^10) 
-returns (
-	matrice:bool^20^10);
-   matrice = true^20^10;
--- end of node produitBool::produitBool
-node produitBool::PLC(
-	acc_in:produitBool::Tacc_in;
-	multiplicande:bool) 
-returns (
-	acc_out:produitBool::Tacc_in;
-	ligne:bool^20);
-    ligne =  if ((multiplicande = false)) then (multiplicande^20) else
-	 (produitBool::shift(acc_in));
-   acc_out = acc_in;
--- end of node produitBool::PLC
+*** oops: an internal error occurred in file, line 358, column 27
+*** when compiling lustre program should_work/lionel/ProduitBool/produitBool.lus
 ====> ../lus2lic -vl 2 --compile-all-items should_work/lionel/ProduitBool/shiftFill_ludic.lus
@@ -6968,49 +5941,8 @@ type shiftFill_ludic::T3_STRUCT = shiftFill_ludic::T3_STRUCT {currentRank : int;
 type shiftFill_ludic::t_iteratedStruct = shiftFill_ludic::T3_STRUCT {currentRank : int; rankToSelect : int; elementSelected : bool};
 const shiftFill_ludic::c_size = 10;
-node shiftFill_ludic::n_selectOneStage(
-	i_acc_in:shiftFill_ludic::T3_STRUCT;
-	i_currentElt:bool) 
-returns (
-	o_acc_out:shiftFill_ludic::T3_STRUCT);
-    o_acc_out = T3_STRUCT{currentRank=(i_acc_in.currentRank +
-	1);rankToSelect=i_acc_in.rankToSelect;elementSelected= if
-	((i_acc_in.currentRank = i_acc_in.rankToSelect)) then (i_currentElt) else
-	 (i_acc_in.elementSelected)};
--- end of node shiftFill_ludic::n_selectOneStage
-node shiftFill_ludic::n_selectElementOfRank_inArray_(
-	i_rankToSelect:int;
-	i_array:bool^10) 
-returns (
-	o_elementSelected:bool);
-   v_iterationResult:shiftFill_ludic::T3_STRUCT;
-    v_iterationResult = red<<node shiftFill_ludic::n_selectOneStage, const
-	10>>(T3_STRUCT{currentRank=0;rankToSelect=i_rankToSelect;elementSelected=i_array[0]},
-	 i_array);
-   o_elementSelected = v_iterationResult.elementSelected;
--- end of node shiftFill_ludic::n_selectElementOfRank_inArray_
-node shiftFill_ludic::n_shiftFill(
-	i_acc_in:shiftFill_ludic::T2_STRUCT) 
-returns (
-	o_acc_out:shiftFill_ludic::T2_STRUCT;
-	o_elt_out:bool);
-    o_acc_out =
-	T2_STRUCT{multiplieur=i_acc_in.multiplieur;rank=i_acc_in.rank;actual_rank=(i_acc_in.actual_rank
-	 + 1)};
-    o_elt_out =  if (((i_acc_in.actual_rank >= i_acc_in.rank) and
-	(i_acc_in.actual_rank < (i_acc_in.rank + c_size)))) then
-	(shiftFill_ludic::n_selectElementOfRank_inArray_(i_acc_in.actual_rank,
-	 i_acc_in.multiplieur)) else (false);
--- end of node shiftFill_ludic::n_shiftFill
+*** oops: an internal error occurred in file, line 358, column 27
+*** when compiling lustre program should_work/lionel/ProduitBool/shiftFill_ludic.lus
 ====> ../lus2lic -vl 2 --compile-all-items should_work/lionel/ProduitBool/shift_ludic.lus
@@ -7029,61 +5961,8 @@ type shift_ludic::t_Tacc_inShift2 = shift_ludic::T2_STRUCT {multiplieur : bool^1
 type shift_ludic::t_iteratedStruct = shift_ludic::T4_STRUCT {currentRank : int; rankToSelect : int; elementSelected : bool};
 const shift_ludic::c_size = 10;
-node shift_ludic::n_selectOneStage(
-	i_acc_in:shift_ludic::T4_STRUCT;
-	i_currentElt:bool) 
-returns (
-	o_acc_out:shift_ludic::T4_STRUCT);
-    o_acc_out = T4_STRUCT{currentRank=(i_acc_in.currentRank +
-	1);rankToSelect=i_acc_in.rankToSelect;elementSelected= if
-	((i_acc_in.currentRank = i_acc_in.rankToSelect)) then (i_currentElt) else
-	 (i_acc_in.elementSelected)};
--- end of node shift_ludic::n_selectOneStage
-node shift_ludic::n_selectElementOfRank_inArray_(
-	i_rankToSelect:int;
-	i_array:bool^10) 
-returns (
-	o_elementSelected:bool);
-   v_iterationResult:shift_ludic::T4_STRUCT;
-    v_iterationResult = red<<node shift_ludic::n_selectOneStage, const
-	10>>(T4_STRUCT{currentRank=0;rankToSelect=i_rankToSelect;elementSelected=i_array[0]},
-	 i_array);
-   o_elementSelected = v_iterationResult.elementSelected;
--- end of node shift_ludic::n_selectElementOfRank_inArray_
-node shift_ludic::n_shiftFill(
-	i_acc_in:shift_ludic::T2_STRUCT) 
-returns (
-	o_acc_out:shift_ludic::T2_STRUCT;
-	o_elt_out:bool);
-    o_acc_out =
-	T2_STRUCT{multiplieur=i_acc_in.multiplieur;rank=i_acc_in.rank;actual_rank=(i_acc_in.actual_rank
-	 + 1)};
-    o_elt_out =  if (((i_acc_in.actual_rank >= i_acc_in.rank) and
-	(i_acc_in.actual_rank < (i_acc_in.rank + c_size)))) then
-	(shift_ludic::n_selectElementOfRank_inArray_(i_acc_in.actual_rank,
-	 i_acc_in.multiplieur)) else (false);
--- end of node shift_ludic::n_shiftFill
-node shift_ludic::n_shift(
-	i_acc_in:shift_ludic::T5_STRUCT) 
-returns (
-	o_ligne:bool^20);
-   v_bidon:shift_ludic::T2_STRUCT;
-    (v_bidon, o_ligne) = fill<<node shift_ludic::n_shiftFill, const
-	 20>>(T2_STRUCT{multiplieur=i_acc_in.multiplieur;rank=i_acc_in.rank;actual_rank=0});
--- end of node shift_ludic::n_shift
+*** oops: an internal error occurred in file, line 358, column 27
+*** when compiling lustre program should_work/lionel/ProduitBool/shift_ludic.lus
 ====> ../lus2lic -vl 2 --compile-all-items should_work/lionel/arrays.lus
@@ -7101,77 +5980,9 @@ let
    val = accin;
 -- end of node arrays::incr
-node arrays::big_sum(x:int^4^3^2) returns (s:int);
-    s = red<<node Lustre::red<<node Lustre::red<<node Lustre::+, const 4>>,
-	 const 3>>, const 2>>(0, x);
--- end of node arrays::big_sum
-node arrays::big_or(x:bool^4^3^2) returns (s:bool);
-    s = red<<node Lustre::red<<node Lustre::red<<node Lustre::or, const 4>>,
-	 const 3>>, const 2>>(false, x);
--- end of node arrays::big_or
-node arrays::big_incr(init:int) returns (x:int^4^3^2);
-   accout:int;
-    (accout, x) = fill<<node Lustre::fill<<node Lustre::fill<<node
-	 arrays::incr, const 4>>, const 3>>, const 2>>(init);
--- end of node arrays::big_incr
-node arrays::full_adder(
-	ci:bool;
-	x:bool;
-	y:bool) 
-returns (
-	co:bool;
-	s:bool);
-   s = ((ci xor x) xor y);
-   co =  if (ci) then ((x or y)) else ((x and y));
--- end of node arrays::full_adder
-node arrays::add_long(x:bool^4^3^2; y:bool^4^3^2) returns (s:bool^4^3^2);
-   co:bool;
-    (co, s) = fillred<<node Lustre::fillred<<node Lustre::fillred<<node
-	 arrays::full_adder, const 4>>, const 3>>, const 2>>(false, x, y);
--- end of node arrays::add_long
-node arrays::big_xor(x:bool^4^3^2) returns (s:bool);
-    s = red<<node Lustre::red<<node Lustre::red<<node Lustre::xor, const 4>>,
-	 const 3>>, const 2>>(false, x);
--- end of node arrays::big_xor
-node arrays::arrays(
-	init_incr:int;
-	init_long:bool^4^3^2) 
-returns (
-	ok:bool;
-	red_res:int;
-	fillred_res:bool^4^3^2);
-   fill_res:int^4^3^2;
-   red_res = arrays::big_sum(fill_res);
-   fill_res = arrays::big_incr(init_incr);
-   fillred_res = init_long -> arrays::add_long(init_long, pre(fillred_res));
-   ok = false -> arrays::big_xor(fillred_res);
--- end of node arrays::arrays
-node arrays::add_byte(x:bool^4; y:bool^4) returns (s:bool^4);
-   co:bool;
-   (co, s) = fillred<<node arrays::full_adder, const 4>>(false, x, y);
--- end of node arrays::add_byte
+*** oops: an internal error occurred in file, line 344, column 4
+*** when compiling lustre program should_work/lionel/arrays.lus
 ====> ../lus2lic -vl 2 --compile-all-items should_work/lionel/calculs_max.lus
@@ -7182,46 +5993,8 @@ type calculs_max::int_arrays = int^10;
 type calculs_max::struct_fill_bool = calculs_max::struct_fill_bool {imax1 : int; imax2 : int; icourant : int};
 type calculs_max::struct_max = calculs_max::struct_max {max1 : int; max2 : int; imax1 : int; imax2 : int; icourant : int};
-node calculs_max::max(
-	strin:calculs_max::struct_max;
-	ecourant:int) 
-returns (
-	strout:calculs_max::struct_max);
-    strout =  if ((ecourant <= strin.max2)) then
-	(struct_max{max1=strin.max1;max2=strin.max2;imax1=strin.imax1;imax2=strin.imax2;icourant=(strin.icourant
-	+ 1)}) else ( if (((ecourant > strin.max2) and (ecourant <= strin.max1)))
-	then
-	(struct_max{max1=strin.max1;max2=ecourant;imax1=strin.imax1;imax2=strin.icourant;icourant=(strin.icourant
-	+ 1)}) else
-	(struct_max{max1=ecourant;max2=strin.max1;imax1=strin.icourant;imax2=strin.imax1;icourant=(strin.icourant
-	 + 1)}));
--- end of node calculs_max::max
-node calculs_max::fill_bool(
-	s_in:calculs_max::struct_fill_bool) 
-returns (
-	s_out:calculs_max::struct_fill_bool;
-	elt:bool);
-    s_out =
-	struct_fill_bool{imax1=s_in.imax1;imax2=s_in.imax2;icourant=(s_in.icourant
-	 + 1)};
-   elt = ((s_in.icourant = s_in.imax1) or (s_in.icourant = s_in.imax2));
--- end of node calculs_max::fill_bool
-node calculs_max::calculs_max(A:int^10) returns (res:bool^10);
-   local_struct:calculs_max::struct_max;
-   tmp:calculs_max::struct_fill_bool;
-    local_struct = red<<node calculs_max::max, const
-	 10>>(struct_max{max1=0;max2=0;imax1=-(1);imax2=-(1);icourant=0}, A);
-    (tmp, res) = fill<<node calculs_max::fill_bool, const
-	 10>>(struct_fill_bool{imax1=local_struct.imax1;imax2=local_struct.imax2;icourant=0});
--- end of node calculs_max::calculs_max
+*** oops: an internal error occurred in file, line 358, column 27
+*** when compiling lustre program should_work/lionel/calculs_max.lus
 ====> ../lus2lic -vl 2 --compile-all-items should_work/lionel/deSimone.lus
@@ -7229,46 +6002,9 @@ Opening file /home/jahier/lus2lic/src/test/should_work/lionel/deSimone.lus
 const deSimone::size = 10;
 type deSimone::tabType = bool^10;
 type deSimone::cell_accu = deSimone::cell_accu {token : bool; grant : bool};
-*** Error in file "should_work/lionel/deSimone.lus", line 51, col 23 to 30, token 'deSimone': type error: 
-*** arity error: 2 argument(s) are expected, whereas 1 is/are provided
-node deSimone::oneCell(
-	accu_in:deSimone::cell_accu;
-	req:bool) 
-returns (
-	accu_out:deSimone::cell_accu;
-	ackout:bool);
-    ackout = (((req and accu_in.token) and accu_in.grant) and not(false ->
-	 pre(ackout)));
-    accu_out = cell_accu{token=accu_in.token;grant=(not(req) and
-	 accu_in.grant)};
--- end of node deSimone::oneCell
-node deSimone::prop1_iter(
-	accu_in:int;
-	elt_in:bool) 
-returns (
-	accu_out:int);
-   accu_out = (accu_in +  if (elt_in) then (1) else (0));
--- end of node deSimone::prop1_iter
-node deSimone::deSimone(
-	new_token:bool;
-	request:bool^10) 
-returns (
-	acknowledge:bool^10);
-   accu_out:deSimone::cell_accu;
-    (accu_out, acknowledge) = fillred<<node deSimone::oneCell, const
-	 10>>(cell_accu{token=new_token;grant=true}, request);
--- end of node deSimone::deSimone
+*** oops: an internal error occurred in file, line 358, column 27
+*** when compiling lustre program should_work/lionel/deSimone.lus
 ====> ../lus2lic -vl 2 --compile-all-items should_work/lionel/iterFibo.lus
@@ -7280,13 +6016,9 @@ let
    elt = (accu_in[0] + accu_in[1]);
 -- end of node iterFibo::fibo
-node iterFibo::iterFibo(x:int; y:int) returns (T:int^10);
-   bidon:int^2;
-   (bidon, T) = fill<<node iterFibo::fibo, const 10>>([x, y]);
--- end of node iterFibo::iterFibo
+*** oops: an internal error occurred in file, line 344, column 4
+*** when compiling lustre program should_work/lionel/iterFibo.lus
 ====> ../lus2lic -vl 2 --compile-all-items should_work/lionel/mapiter.lus
@@ -7316,40 +6048,9 @@ let
    (sacc, out) = Lustre::fill<<node mapiter::bitalt, const 2>>(in);
 -- end of node mapiter::fill_bitalt
-node mapiter::initmat(iacc:bool) returns (sacc:bool; R:bool^2^3);
-   (sacc, R) = fill<<node mapiter::fill_bitalt, const 3>>(iacc);
--- end of node mapiter::initmat
-function mapiter::red_incr(init:int; b:bool^2) returns (res:int);
-   res = Lustre::red<<node mapiter::incr, const 2>>(init, b);
--- end of node mapiter::red_incr
-node mapiter::reducemat(iacc:int; I:bool^2^3) returns (res:int);
-   res = red<<node mapiter::red_incr, const 3>>(iacc, I);
--- end of node mapiter::reducemat
-node mapiter::composemat(i1:bool^2^3; i2:bool^2^3) returns (s1:bool^2^3);
-   s1 = map<<node mapiter::map_egal, const 3>>(i1, i2);
--- end of node mapiter::composemat
-node mapiter::mapiter(a:bool) returns (nbTrue:int);
-   bid1:bool;
-   bid2:bool;
-   init1:bool^2^3;
-   init2:bool^2^3;
-   XORMAT:bool^2^3;
-   (bid1, init1) = mapiter::initmat(a);
-   (bid2, init2) = mapiter::initmat(not(a));
-   XORMAT = mapiter::composemat(init1, init2);
-   nbTrue = mapiter::reducemat(0, XORMAT);
--- end of node mapiter::mapiter
+*** oops: an internal error occurred in file, line 344, column 4
+*** when compiling lustre program should_work/lionel/mapiter.lus
 ====> ../lus2lic -vl 2 --compile-all-items should_work/lionel/matrice.lus
@@ -7363,57 +6064,27 @@ let
    elt = (accu_in[0] + accu_in[1]);
 -- end of node matrice::fibo
-node matrice::matrice(a:int) returns (sum:int; bid:int^2; T:int^3^2);
-    (bid, T) = fill<<node Lustre::fill<<node matrice::fibo, const 3>>, const
-	 2>>([a, a]);
-   sum = red<<node Lustre::red<<node Lustre::+, const 3>>, const 2>>(0, T);
--- end of node matrice::matrice
+*** oops: an internal error occurred in file, line 344, column 4
+*** when compiling lustre program should_work/lionel/matrice.lus
 ====> ../lus2lic -vl 2 --compile-all-items should_work/lionel/matrice2.lus
 Opening file /home/jahier/lus2lic/src/test/should_work/lionel/matrice2.lus
 const matrice2::m = 2;
 const matrice2::n = 2;
-node matrice2::matrice2(a:int) returns (res:int);
-    res = red<<node Lustre::red<<node Lustre::+, const 2>>, const 2>>(0,
-	 1^2^2);
--- end of node matrice2::matrice2
+*** oops: an internal error occurred in file, line 344, column 4
+*** when compiling lustre program should_work/lionel/matrice2.lus
 ====> ../lus2lic -vl 2 --compile-all-items should_work/lionel/minus.lus
 Opening file /home/jahier/lus2lic/src/test/should_work/lionel/minus.lus
 const minus::m = 2;
 const minus::n = 3;
-node minus::bitalt(a:bool) returns (out:bool; b:bool);
-   b = a;
-   out = not(a);
--- end of node minus::bitalt
-node minus::minus(
-	a:bool^3^2;
-	b:bool^3^2;
-	c:bool^3^2) 
-returns (
-	r:bool;
-	T1:bool^3^2;
-	T2:bool^3^2);
-   bid:bool;
-    T1 = map<<node Lustre::map<<node Lustre::if, const 3>>, const 2>>(a, b,
-	 c);
-    (bid, T2) = fill<<node Lustre::fill<<node minus::bitalt, const 3>>, const
-	 2>>(a[0][0]);
-    r = red<<node Lustre::red<<node Lustre::xor, const 3>>, const 2>>(a[0][0],
-	 T1);
--- end of node minus::minus
+*** oops: an internal error occurred in file, line 344, column 4
+*** when compiling lustre program should_work/lionel/minus.lus
 ====> ../lus2lic -vl 2 --compile-all-items should_work/lionel/moyenne.lus
@@ -7421,25 +6092,8 @@ Opening file /home/jahier/lus2lic/src/test/should_work/lionel/moyenne.lus
 type moyenne::moyenne_accu = moyenne::moyenne_accu {sum : real; moyenne : real; rank : real};
 const moyenne::size = 10;
-node moyenne::moyenne_step(
-	accu_in:moyenne::moyenne_accu;
-	elt_in:real) 
-returns (
-	accu_out:moyenne::moyenne_accu);
-    accu_out = moyenne_accu{sum=(accu_in.sum + elt_in);moyenne=((accu_in.sum +
-	 elt_in) / (accu_in.rank + 1.0));rank=(accu_in.rank + 1.0)};
--- end of node moyenne::moyenne_step
-node moyenne::moyenne(Tab:real^10) returns (moy:real);
-   accu_out:moyenne::moyenne_accu;
-    accu_out = red<<node moyenne::moyenne_step, const
-	 10>>(moyenne_accu{sum=0.0;moyenne=0.0;rank=0.0}, Tab);
-   moy = accu_out.moyenne;
--- end of node moyenne::moyenne
+*** oops: an internal error occurred in file, line 358, column 27
+*** when compiling lustre program should_work/lionel/moyenne.lus
 ====> ../lus2lic -vl 2 --compile-all-items should_work/lionel/normal.lus
@@ -7464,315 +6118,8 @@ const normal::EC_DELESTAGE = 4;
 const normal::EC_ON = 0;
 const normal::COM_ERR = 0;
-node normal::int2InfoChgIndiv(
-	m:int) 
-returns (
-	InfoChgIndiv:normal::T_InfoChgIndiv);
-   InfoChgIndiv = T_InfoChgIndiv{mesure_chg=m};
--- end of node normal::int2InfoChgIndiv
-node normal::extract_tab_info_chg_indiv(
-	EntreeGlob:normal::T_EntreeGlob) 
-returns (
-	TabInfoChgIndiv:normal::T_InfoChgIndiv^20);
-    TabInfoChgIndiv = map<<node normal::int2InfoChgIndiv, const
-	 20>>(EntreeGlob.mesure_chgs);
--- end of node normal::extract_tab_info_chg_indiv
-node normal::int2InfoGenIndiv(
-	m:int) 
-returns (
-	InfoGenIndiv:normal::T_InfoGenIndiv);
-   InfoGenIndiv = T_InfoGenIndiv{mesure_gen=m};
--- end of node normal::int2InfoGenIndiv
-node normal::extract_tab_info_gen_indiv(
-	EntreeGlob:normal::T_EntreeGlob) 
-returns (
-	TabInfoGenIndiv:normal::T_InfoGenIndiv^4);
-    TabInfoGenIndiv = map<<node normal::int2InfoGenIndiv, const
-	 4>>(EntreeGlob.mesure_gens);
--- end of node normal::extract_tab_info_gen_indiv
-node normal::egal_indice(indice:int; val:int) returns (r:bool);
-   r = (val = indice);
--- end of node normal::egal_indice
-node normal::copie(acc_in:int) returns (acc_out:int; elt:int);
-   acc_out = acc_in;
-   elt = acc_in;
--- end of node normal::copie
-node normal::essai_traite_gen(
-	indice_gen:int;
-	infoGenGlob:normal::T_InfoGenGlob) 
-returns (
-	TabComVal:bool^20);
-   Tab_indiceGen:int^20;
-   bid:int;
-   (bid, Tab_indiceGen) = fill<<node normal::copie, const 20>>(indice_gen);
-    TabComVal = map<<node normal::egal_indice, const 20>>(Tab_indiceGen,
-	 infoGenGlob.chg2gen);
--- end of node normal::essai_traite_gen
-node normal::fusion_une_com(
-	in_com:int;
-	cur_com:int;
-	cur_val:bool) 
-returns (
-	out_com:int);
-   out_com =  if (cur_val) then (cur_com) else (in_com);
--- end of node normal::fusion_une_com
-node normal::fusion_tab_com(
-	acc_in:int^20;
-	TabCom:int^20;
-	TabVal:bool^20) 
-returns (
-	acc_out:int^20);
-    acc_out = map<<node normal::fusion_une_com, const 20>>(acc_in, TabCom,
-	 TabVal);
--- end of node normal::fusion_tab_com
-node normal::fusion_com(
-	AllTabComChg:int^20^4;
-	AllTabComVal:bool^20^4) 
-returns (
-	TabComChg:int^20);
-   Vide:int^20;
-   Vide = COM_ERR^20;
-    TabComChg = red<<node normal::fusion_tab_com, const 4>>(Vide,
-	 AllTabComChg, AllTabComVal);
--- end of node normal::fusion_com
-node normal::traite_genCore_itere(
-	acc_in:int;
-	elt1:bool;
-	elt2:int) 
-returns (
-	acc_out:int;
-	elt:int);
-   elt =  if (elt1) then (elt2) else (acc_in);
-   acc_out = acc_in;
--- end of node normal::traite_genCore_itere
-node normal::essai2(
-	a:int^20;
-	d:normal::T_InfoGenGlob) 
-returns (
-	c:bool^20);
-   c = map<<node normal::egal_indice, const 20>>(a, d.chg2gen);
--- end of node normal::essai2
-node normal::id(elt_in:int) returns (elt_out:int);
-   elt_out = elt_in;
--- end of node normal::id
-node normal::extract_info_chg_glob(
-	EntreeGlob:normal::T_EntreeGlob) 
-returns (
-	InfoChgGlob:normal::T_InfoChgGlob);
-    InfoChgGlob = T_InfoChgGlob{chg2gen=map<<node normal::id, const
-	 20>>(EntreeGlob.chg2gen)};
--- end of node normal::extract_info_chg_glob
-node normal::extrCharge(
-	EntreeGlob:normal::T_EntreeGlob) 
-returns (
-	TabInfoChgIndiv:normal::T_InfoChgIndiv^20;
-	TabInfoChgGlob:normal::T_InfoChgGlob^20);
-   TabInfoChgIndiv = normal::extract_tab_info_chg_indiv(EntreeGlob);
-   TabInfoChgGlob = normal::extract_info_chg_glob(EntreeGlob)^20;
--- end of node normal::extrCharge
-node normal::trChItere(acc_in:int; elt:int) returns (acc_out:int);
-   acc_out =  if ((acc_in > elt)) then (acc_in) else (elt);
--- end of node normal::trChItere
-node normal::essai3(
-	indice:int^20;
-	info:normal::T_InfoGenGlob) 
-returns (
-	Connerie:bool^20);
-    Connerie = map<<node normal::egal_indice, const 20>>(indice,
-	 info.chg2gen);
--- end of node normal::essai3
-node normal::traite_gen_core(
-	indice_gen:int;
-	InfoGenIndiv:normal::T_InfoGenIndiv;
-	InfoGenGlob:normal::T_InfoGenGlob;
-	TabEtatCharge:int^20;
-	TabComVal:bool^20) 
-returns (
-	TabComChg:int^20);
-   bidon:int;
-    (bidon, TabComChg) = fillred<<node normal::traite_genCore_itere, const
-	 20>>(indice_gen, TabComVal, InfoGenGlob.chg2gen);
--- end of node normal::traite_gen_core
-node normal::traite_gen(
-	indice_gen:int;
-	InfoGenIndiv:normal::T_InfoGenIndiv;
-	InfoGenGlob:normal::T_InfoGenGlob;
-	TabEtatCharge:int^20) 
-returns (
-	TabComChg:int^20;
-	TabComVal:bool^20);
-   TabComVal_bis:bool^20;
-   TabIndiceGen:int^20;
-   bid:int;
-    TabComVal_bis = map<<node normal::egal_indice, const 20>>(TabIndiceGen,
-	 InfoGenGlob.chg2gen);
-   (bid, TabIndiceGen) = fill<<node normal::copie, const 20>>(indice_gen);
-    TabComChg = normal::traite_gen_core(indice_gen, InfoGenIndiv, InfoGenGlob,
-	 TabEtatCharge, TabComVal_bis);
-    TabComVal = map<<node normal::egal_indice, const 20>>(TabIndiceGen,
-	 InfoGenGlob.chg2gen);
--- end of node normal::traite_gen
-node normal::extract_info_gen_glob(
-	EntreeGlob:normal::T_EntreeGlob) 
-returns (
-	InfoGenGlob:normal::T_InfoGenGlob);
-    InfoGenGlob = T_InfoGenGlob{elt_bidon=0;chg2gen=map<<node normal::id,
-	 const 20>>(EntreeGlob.chg2gen)};
--- end of node normal::extract_info_gen_glob
-node normal::traite_charge(
-	InfoChgIndiv:normal::T_InfoChgIndiv;
-	InfoChgGlob:normal::T_InfoChgGlob) 
-returns (
-	EtatCharge:int);
-    EtatCharge = red<<node normal::trChItere, const
-	 20>>(InfoChgIndiv.mesure_chg, InfoChgGlob.chg2gen);
--- end of node normal::traite_charge
-node normal::incr_acc(acc_in:int) returns (acc_out:int; res:int);
-   res = acc_in;
-   acc_out = (res + 1);
--- end of node normal::incr_acc
-node normal::extrGen(
-	EntreeGlob:normal::T_EntreeGlob) 
-returns (
-	TabInfoGenIndiv:normal::T_InfoGenIndiv^4;
-	TabInfoGenGlob:normal::T_InfoGenGlob^4;
-	TabIndiceGen:int^4);
-   bid:int;
-   TabInfoGenIndiv = normal::extract_tab_info_gen_indiv(EntreeGlob);
-   TabInfoGenGlob = normal::extract_info_gen_glob(EntreeGlob)^4;
-   (bid, TabIndiceGen) = fill<<node normal::incr_acc, const 4>>(0);
--- end of node normal::extrGen
-node normal::traiteGen(
-	TabIndiceGen:int^4;
-	TabInfoGenIndiv:normal::T_InfoGenIndiv^4;
-	TabInfoGenGlob:normal::T_InfoGenGlob^4;
-	TabEtatCharge:int^20) 
-returns (
-	AllTabComChg:int^20^4;
-	AllTabComVal:bool^20^4);
-    (AllTabComChg, AllTabComVal) = map<<node normal::traite_gen, const
-	 4>>(TabIndiceGen, TabInfoGenIndiv, TabInfoGenGlob, TabEtatCharge^4);
--- end of node normal::traiteGen
-node normal::traiteChg(
-	TabInfoChgIndiv:normal::T_InfoChgIndiv^20;
-	TabInfoChgGlob:normal::T_InfoChgGlob^20) 
-returns (
-	TabEtatCharge:int^20);
-    TabEtatCharge = map<<node normal::traite_charge, const
-	 20>>(TabInfoChgIndiv, TabInfoChgGlob);
--- end of node normal::traiteChg
-node normal::normal(
-	EntreeGlob:normal::T_EntreeGlob) 
-returns (
-	TabComChg:int^20);
-   TabInfoChgIndiv:normal::T_InfoChgIndiv^20;
-   TabInfoChgGlob:normal::T_InfoChgGlob^20;
-   TabEtatCharge:int^20;
-   TabInfoGenIndiv:normal::T_InfoGenIndiv^4;
-   TabInfoGenGlob:normal::T_InfoGenGlob^4;
-   TabIndiceGen:int^4;
-   AllTabComChg:int^20^4;
-   AllTabComVal:bool^20^4;
-   (TabInfoChgIndiv, TabInfoChgGlob) = normal::extrCharge(EntreeGlob);
-   TabEtatCharge = normal::traiteChg(TabInfoChgIndiv, TabInfoChgGlob);
-    (TabInfoGenIndiv, TabInfoGenGlob, TabIndiceGen) =
-	 normal::extrGen(EntreeGlob);
-    (AllTabComChg, AllTabComVal) = normal::traiteGen(TabIndiceGen,
-	 TabInfoGenIndiv, TabInfoGenGlob, TabEtatCharge);
-   TabComChg = normal::fusion_com(AllTabComChg, AllTabComVal);
--- end of node normal::normal
-node normal::traite_gen_bis(
-	a:int;
-	c:normal::T_InfoGenGlob) 
-returns (
-	e:bool^20);
-   loc_a:int^20;
-   bid:int;
-   (bid, loc_a) = fill<<node normal::copie, const 20>>(a);
-   e = map<<node normal::egal_indice, const 20>>(loc_a, c.chg2gen);
--- end of node normal::traite_gen_bis
+*** oops: an internal error occurred in file, line 358, column 27
+*** when compiling lustre program should_work/lionel/normal.lus
 ====> ../lus2lic -vl 2 --compile-all-items should_work/lionel/pipeline.lus
@@ -7790,14 +6137,9 @@ let
    accu_out = elt_in;
 -- end of node pipeline::oneStep_pipe
-node pipeline::pipeline(in:bool^10) returns (out:bool^10);
-   accu_out:bool;
-    (accu_out, out) = fillred<<node pipeline::oneStep_pipe, const 10>>(true ->
-	 pre(accu_out), in);
--- end of node pipeline::pipeline
+*** oops: an internal error occurred in file, line 344, column 4
+*** when compiling lustre program should_work/lionel/pipeline.lus
 ====> ../lus2lic -vl 2 --compile-all-items should_work/lionel/predefOp.lus
@@ -7819,95 +6161,9 @@ let
    oacc = not(res);
 -- end of node predefOp::bitalt
-node predefOp::initmatbool(iacc:bool) returns (sacc:bool; R:bool^2^3);
-    (sacc, R) = fill<<node Lustre::fill<<node predefOp::bitalt, const 2>>,
-	 const 3>>(iacc);
--- end of node predefOp::initmatbool
-node predefOp::composematbool(
-	i1:bool^2^3;
-	i2:bool^2^3) 
-returns (
-	s1:bool^2^3);
-   s1 = map<<node Lustre::map<<node Lustre::=>, const 2>>, const 3>>(i1, i2);
--- end of node predefOp::composematbool
-node predefOp::reducematbool(iacc:int; I:bool^2^3) returns (res:int);
-    res = red<<node Lustre::red<<node predefOp::incr, const 2>>, const
-	 3>>(iacc, I);
--- end of node predefOp::reducematbool
-node predefOp::predefOp2(
-	a:bool) 
-returns (
-	nbTrue:int;
-	init1:bool^2^3;
-	init2:bool^2^3;
-	XORMAT:bool^2^3);
-   bid1:bool;
-   bid2:bool;
-   (bid1, init1) = predefOp::initmatbool(a);
-   (bid2, init2) = predefOp::initmatbool(not(a));
-   XORMAT = predefOp::composematbool(init1, init2);
-   nbTrue = predefOp::reducematbool(0, XORMAT);
--- end of node predefOp::predefOp2
-node predefOp::composematint(
-	i1:int^2^3;
-	i2:int^2^3) 
-returns (
-	s1:int^2^3;
-	s2:bool^2^3);
-   s1 = map<<node Lustre::map<<node Lustre::/, const 2>>, const 3>>(i1, i2);
-   s2 = map<<node Lustre::map<<node Lustre::>=, const 2>>, const 3>>(i1, i2);
--- end of node predefOp::composematint
-node predefOp::incremental(iacc:int) returns (oacc:int; res:int);
-   res = iacc;
-   oacc = (res + 1);
--- end of node predefOp::incremental
-node predefOp::reducematint(iacc:int; I:int^2^3) returns (res:int);
-    res = red<<node Lustre::red<<node Lustre::+, const 2>>, const 3>>(iacc,
-	 I);
--- end of node predefOp::reducematint
-node predefOp::initmatint(iacc:int) returns (sacc:int; R:int^2^3);
-    (sacc, R) = fill<<node Lustre::fill<<node predefOp::incremental, const
-	 2>>, const 3>>(iacc);
--- end of node predefOp::initmatint
-node predefOp::predefOp(
-	a:int) 
-returns (
-	res:int;
-	init1:int^2^3;
-	init2:int^2^3;
-	matres1:int^2^3;
-	matres2:bool^2^3);
-   bid1:int;
-   bid2:int;
-   (bid1, init1) = predefOp::initmatint(a);
-   (bid2, init2) = predefOp::initmatint((a * a));
-   (matres1, matres2) = predefOp::composematint(init1, init2);
-   res = predefOp::reducematint(0, matres1);
--- end of node predefOp::predefOp
+*** oops: an internal error occurred in file, line 344, column 4
+*** when compiling lustre program should_work/lionel/predefOp.lus
 ====> ../lus2lic -vl 2 --compile-all-items should_work/lionel/redIf.lus
@@ -7917,22 +6173,18 @@ let
    r =  if (a) then (b) else (c);
 -- end of node redIf::monIf
-node redIf::redIf(a:bool; b:bool^3; c:bool^3) returns (r:bool);
-   r = red<<node Lustre::if, const 3>>(a, b, c);
--- end of node redIf::redIf
+*** oops: an internal error occurred in file, line 344, column 4
+*** when compiling lustre program should_work/lionel/redIf.lus
 ====> ../lus2lic -vl 2 --compile-all-items should_work/lionel/simpleRed.lus
 Opening file /home/jahier/lus2lic/src/test/should_work/lionel/simpleRed.lus
 const simpleRed::m = 3;
 const simpleRed::n = 2;
-node simpleRed::simpleRed(a:int) returns (res:int);
-   res = red<<node Lustre::+, const 3>>(0, a^3);
--- end of node simpleRed::simpleRed
+*** oops: an internal error occurred in file, line 344, column 4
+*** when compiling lustre program should_work/lionel/simpleRed.lus
 ====> ../lus2lic -vl 2 --compile-all-items should_work/lionel/testSilus.lus
@@ -7959,263 +6211,8 @@ const testSilus::EC_DELESTAGE = 4;
 const testSilus::EC_ON = 0;
 const testSilus::COM_ERR = 0;
-node testSilus::int2InfoChgIndiv(
-	m:int) 
-returns (
-	InfoChgIndiv:testSilus::T_InfoChgIndiv);
-   InfoChgIndiv = T_InfoChgIndiv{mesure_chg=m};
--- end of node testSilus::int2InfoChgIndiv
-node testSilus::extract_tab_info_chg_indiv(
-	EntreeGlob:testSilus::T_EntreeGlob) 
-returns (
-	TabInfoChgIndiv:testSilus::T_InfoChgIndiv^20);
-    TabInfoChgIndiv = map<<node testSilus::int2InfoChgIndiv, const
-	 20>>(EntreeGlob.mesure_chgs);
--- end of node testSilus::extract_tab_info_chg_indiv
-node testSilus::int2InfoGenIndiv(
-	m:int) 
-returns (
-	InfoGenIndiv:testSilus::T_InfoGenIndiv);
-   InfoGenIndiv = T_InfoGenIndiv{mesure_gen=m};
--- end of node testSilus::int2InfoGenIndiv
-node testSilus::extract_tab_info_gen_indiv(
-	EntreeGlob:testSilus::T_EntreeGlob) 
-returns (
-	TabInfoGenIndiv:testSilus::T_InfoGenIndiv^4);
-    TabInfoGenIndiv = map<<node testSilus::int2InfoGenIndiv, const
-	 4>>(EntreeGlob.mesure_gens);
--- end of node testSilus::extract_tab_info_gen_indiv
-node testSilus::egal_indice(indice:int; val:int) returns (r:bool);
-   r = (val = indice);
--- end of node testSilus::egal_indice
-node testSilus::copie(acc_in:int) returns (acc_out:int; elt:int);
-   acc_out = acc_in;
-   elt = acc_in;
--- end of node testSilus::copie
-node testSilus::fusion_une_com(
-	in_com:int;
-	cur_com:int;
-	cur_val:bool) 
-returns (
-	out_com:int);
-   out_com =  if (cur_val) then (cur_com) else (in_com);
--- end of node testSilus::fusion_une_com
-node testSilus::fusion_tab_com(
-	acc_in:int^20;
-	TabCom:int^20;
-	TabVal:bool^20) 
-returns (
-	acc_out:int^20);
-    acc_out = map<<node testSilus::fusion_une_com, const 20>>(acc_in, TabCom,
-	 TabVal);
--- end of node testSilus::fusion_tab_com
-node testSilus::fusion_com(
-	AllTabComChg:int^20^4;
-	AllTabComVal:bool^20^4) 
-returns (
-	TabComChg:int^20);
-   Vide:int^20;
-   Vide = COM_ERR^20;
-    TabComChg = red<<node testSilus::fusion_tab_com, const 4>>(Vide,
-	 AllTabComChg, AllTabComVal);
--- end of node testSilus::fusion_com
-node testSilus::traite_genCore_itere(
-	acc_in:int;
-	elt1:bool;
-	elt2:int) 
-returns (
-	acc_out:int;
-	elt:int);
-   elt =  if (elt1) then (elt2) else (acc_in);
-   acc_out = acc_in;
--- end of node testSilus::traite_genCore_itere
-node testSilus::id(elt_in:int) returns (elt_out:int);
-   elt_out = elt_in;
--- end of node testSilus::id
-node testSilus::extract_info_chg_glob(
-	EntreeGlob:testSilus::T_EntreeGlob) 
-returns (
-	InfoChgGlob:testSilus::T_InfoChgGlob);
-    InfoChgGlob = T_InfoChgGlob{chg2gen=map<<node testSilus::id, const
-	 20>>(EntreeGlob.chg2gen)};
--- end of node testSilus::extract_info_chg_glob
-node testSilus::extrCharge(
-	EntreeGlob:testSilus::T_EntreeGlob) 
-returns (
-	TabInfoChgIndiv:testSilus::T_InfoChgIndiv^20;
-	TabInfoChgGlob:testSilus::T_InfoChgGlob^20);
-   TabInfoChgIndiv = testSilus::extract_tab_info_chg_indiv(EntreeGlob);
-   TabInfoChgGlob = testSilus::extract_info_chg_glob(EntreeGlob)^20;
--- end of node testSilus::extrCharge
-node testSilus::trChItere(acc_in:int; elt:int) returns (acc_out:int);
-   acc_out =  if ((acc_in > elt)) then (acc_in) else (elt);
--- end of node testSilus::trChItere
-node testSilus::traite_gen_core(
-	indice_gen:int;
-	InfoGenIndiv:testSilus::T_InfoGenIndiv;
-	InfoGenGlob:testSilus::T_InfoGenGlob;
-	TabEtatCharge:int^20;
-	TabComVal:bool^20) 
-returns (
-	TabComChg:int^20);
-   bidon:int;
-    (bidon, TabComChg) = fillred<<node testSilus::traite_genCore_itere, const
-	 20>>(indice_gen, TabComVal, InfoGenGlob.chg2gen);
--- end of node testSilus::traite_gen_core
-node testSilus::traite_gen(
-	indice_gen:int;
-	InfoGenIndiv:testSilus::T_InfoGenIndiv;
-	InfoGenGlob:testSilus::T_InfoGenGlob;
-	TabEtatCharge:int^20) 
-returns (
-	TabComChg:int^20;
-	TabComVal:bool^20);
-   TabIndiceGen:int^20;
-   bidon:int;
-    TabComChg = testSilus::traite_gen_core(indice_gen, InfoGenIndiv,
-	 InfoGenGlob, TabEtatCharge, TabComVal);
-    TabComVal = map<<node testSilus::egal_indice, const 20>>(TabIndiceGen,
-	 InfoGenGlob.chg2gen);
-    (bidon, TabIndiceGen) = fill<<node testSilus::copie, const
-	 20>>(indice_gen);
--- end of node testSilus::traite_gen
-node testSilus::extract_info_gen_glob(
-	EntreeGlob:testSilus::T_EntreeGlob) 
-returns (
-	InfoGenGlob:testSilus::T_InfoGenGlob);
-    InfoGenGlob = T_InfoGenGlob{elt_bidon=0;chg2gen=map<<node testSilus::id,
-	 const 20>>(EntreeGlob.chg2gen)};
--- end of node testSilus::extract_info_gen_glob
-node testSilus::traite_charge(
-	InfoChgIndiv:testSilus::T_InfoChgIndiv;
-	InfoChgGlob:testSilus::T_InfoChgGlob) 
-returns (
-	EtatCharge:int);
-    EtatCharge = red<<node testSilus::trChItere, const
-	 20>>(InfoChgIndiv.mesure_chg, InfoChgGlob.chg2gen);
--- end of node testSilus::traite_charge
-node testSilus::traiteChg(
-	TabInfoChgIndiv:testSilus::T_InfoChgIndiv^20;
-	TabInfoChgGlob:testSilus::T_InfoChgGlob^20) 
-returns (
-	TabEtatCharge:int^20);
-    TabEtatCharge = map<<node testSilus::traite_charge, const
-	 20>>(TabInfoChgIndiv, TabInfoChgGlob);
--- end of node testSilus::traiteChg
-node testSilus::incr_acc(acc_in:int) returns (acc_out:int; res:int);
-   res = acc_in;
-   acc_out = (res + 1);
--- end of node testSilus::incr_acc
-node testSilus::extrGen(
-	EntreeGlob:testSilus::T_EntreeGlob) 
-returns (
-	TabInfoGenIndiv:testSilus::T_InfoGenIndiv^4;
-	TabInfoGenGlob:testSilus::T_InfoGenGlob^4;
-	TabIndiceGen:int^4);
-   bidon:int;
-   TabInfoGenIndiv = testSilus::extract_tab_info_gen_indiv(EntreeGlob);
-   TabInfoGenGlob = testSilus::extract_info_gen_glob(EntreeGlob)^4;
-   (bidon, TabIndiceGen) = fill<<node testSilus::incr_acc, const 4>>(0);
--- end of node testSilus::extrGen
-node testSilus::traiteGen(
-	TabIndiceGen:int^4;
-	TabInfoGenIndiv:testSilus::T_InfoGenIndiv^4;
-	TabInfoGenGlob:testSilus::T_InfoGenGlob^4;
-	TabEtatCharge:int^20) 
-returns (
-	AllTabComChg:int^20^4;
-	AllTabComVal:bool^20^4);
-    (AllTabComChg, AllTabComVal) = map<<node testSilus::traite_gen, const
-	 4>>(TabIndiceGen, TabInfoGenIndiv, TabInfoGenGlob, TabEtatCharge^4);
--- end of node testSilus::traiteGen
-node testSilus::testSilus(
-	EntreeGlob:testSilus::T_EntreeGlob) 
-returns (
-	TabComChg:int^20);
-   TabInfoChgIndiv:testSilus::T_InfoChgIndiv^20;
-   TabInfoChgGlob:testSilus::T_InfoChgGlob^20;
-   TabEtatCharge:int^20;
-   TabInfoGenIndiv:testSilus::T_InfoGenIndiv^4;
-   TabInfoGenGlob:testSilus::T_InfoGenGlob^4;
-   TabIndiceGen:int^4;
-   AllTabComChg:int^20^4;
-   AllTabComVal:bool^20^4;
-   (TabInfoChgIndiv, TabInfoChgGlob) = testSilus::extrCharge(EntreeGlob);
-   TabEtatCharge = testSilus::traiteChg(TabInfoChgIndiv, TabInfoChgGlob);
-    (TabInfoGenIndiv, TabInfoGenGlob, TabIndiceGen) =
-	 testSilus::extrGen(EntreeGlob);
-    (AllTabComChg, AllTabComVal) = testSilus::traiteGen(TabIndiceGen,
-	 TabInfoGenIndiv, TabInfoGenGlob, TabEtatCharge);
-   TabComChg = testSilus::fusion_com(AllTabComChg, AllTabComVal);
--- end of node testSilus::testSilus
+*** oops: an internal error occurred in file, line 358, column 27
+*** when compiling lustre program should_work/lionel/testSilus.lus
 ====> ../lus2lic -vl 2 --compile-all-items should_work/lionel/triSel.lus
@@ -8228,106 +6225,8 @@ type triSel::MinFR_accu = triSel::MinFR_accu {MinVal : int; MinRank : int; RankF
 type triSel::sorted_iter_accu = triSel::sorted_iter_accu {prev_elt : int; prop_is_tt : bool};
 type triSel::Exchange_accu = triSel::Exchange_accu {MinVal : int; MinRank : int; RankFrom : int; CurrentVal : int; Rank : int};
-node triSel::minFromRank(
-	accu_in:triSel::MinFR_accu;
-	TabEltIn:int) 
-returns (
-	accu_out:triSel::MinFR_accu);
-    accu_out = MinFR_accu{MinVal= if (((accu_in.Rank = 0) or (accu_in.Rank =
-	accu_in.RankFrom))) then (TabEltIn) else ( if ((accu_in.Rank >=
-	accu_in.RankFrom)) then ( if ((TabEltIn < accu_in.MinVal)) then (TabEltIn)
-	else (accu_in.MinVal)) else (accu_in.MinVal));MinRank= if (((accu_in.Rank =
-	0) or (accu_in.Rank = accu_in.RankFrom))) then (accu_in.Rank) else ( if
-	((accu_in.Rank >= accu_in.RankFrom)) then ( if ((TabEltIn <
-	accu_in.MinVal)) then (accu_in.Rank) else (accu_in.MinRank)) else
-	 (accu_in.MinRank));RankFrom=accu_in.RankFrom;Rank=(accu_in.Rank + 1)};
--- end of node triSel::minFromRank
-node triSel::select(
-	accu_in:triSel::Select_accu;
-	elt:int) 
-returns (
-	accu_out:triSel::Select_accu);
-    accu_out =
-	Select_accu{RankToFind=accu_in.RankToFind;CurrentRank=(accu_in.CurrentRank
-	+ 1);Val= if ((accu_in.RankToFind = accu_in.CurrentRank)) then (elt) else
-	 (accu_in.Val)};
--- end of node triSel::select
-node triSel::Exchange_i_j(
-	accu_in:triSel::Exchange_accu;
-	eltIn:int) 
-returns (
-	accu_out:triSel::Exchange_accu;
-	eltOut:int);
-    accu_out =
-	Exchange_accu{MinVal=accu_in.MinVal;MinRank=accu_in.MinRank;RankFrom=accu_in.RankFrom;CurrentVal=accu_in.CurrentVal;Rank=(accu_in.Rank
-	 + 1)};
-    eltOut =  if ((accu_in.Rank = accu_in.MinRank)) then (accu_in.CurrentVal)
-	else ( if ((accu_in.Rank = accu_in.RankFrom)) then (accu_in.MinVal) else
-	 (eltIn));
--- end of node triSel::Exchange_i_j
-node triSel::UnarySort(
-	accu_in:triSel::Sort_accu;
-	eltIn:int) 
-returns (
-	accu_out:triSel::Sort_accu);
-   accu_out_select:triSel::Select_accu;
-   accu_out_min:triSel::MinFR_accu;
-   accu_out_exchange:triSel::Exchange_accu;
-   localTab:int^50;
-    accu_out_min = red<<node triSel::minFromRank, const
-	50>>(MinFR_accu{MinVal=0;MinRank=0;RankFrom=accu_in.CurrentRank;Rank=0},
-	 accu_in.Tab);
-    accu_out_select = red<<node triSel::select, const
-	50>>(Select_accu{RankToFind=accu_in.CurrentRank;CurrentRank=0;Val=0},
-	 accu_in.Tab);
-    (accu_out_exchange, localTab) = fillred<<node triSel::Exchange_i_j, const
-	50>>(Exchange_accu{MinVal=accu_out_min.MinVal;MinRank=accu_out_min.MinRank;RankFrom=accu_out_select.RankToFind;CurrentVal=accu_out_select.Val;Rank=0},
-	 accu_in.Tab);
-   accu_out = Sort_accu{CurrentRank=(accu_in.CurrentRank + 1);Tab=localTab};
--- end of node triSel::UnarySort
-node triSel::triSel(TIn:int^50) returns (TSorted:int^50);
-   UnarySort_accu_out:triSel::Sort_accu;
-    UnarySort_accu_out = red<<node triSel::UnarySort, const
-	 50>>(Sort_accu{CurrentRank=0;Tab=TIn}, TIn);
-   TSorted = UnarySort_accu_out.Tab;
--- end of node triSel::triSel
-node triSel::sorted_iter(
-	accu_in:triSel::sorted_iter_accu;
-	elt:int) 
-returns (
-	accu_out:triSel::sorted_iter_accu);
-    accu_out = sorted_iter_accu{prev_elt=elt;prop_is_tt=((accu_in.prev_elt <=
-	 elt) and accu_in.prop_is_tt)};
--- end of node triSel::sorted_iter
-node triSel::Sorted(TIn:int^50) returns (ok:bool);
-   accu_out:triSel::sorted_iter_accu;
-   TSorted:int^50;
-   TSorted = triSel::triSel(TIn);
-    accu_out = red<<node triSel::sorted_iter, const
-	 50>>(sorted_iter_accu{prev_elt=0;prop_is_tt=true}, TSorted);
-   ok = accu_out.prop_is_tt;
--- end of node triSel::Sorted
+*** oops: an internal error occurred in file, line 358, column 27
+*** when compiling lustre program should_work/lionel/triSel.lus
 ====> ../lus2lic -vl 2 --compile-all-items should_work/packEnvTest/Condact.lus
@@ -8346,7 +6245,7 @@ tel
 -- end of node TestCondact::n
 node TestCondact::C(c:bool; d:int; x:int) returns (y:int);
-   y =  if (c) then (current (TestCondact::n(x))) else (d -> pre(y));
+   y =  if (c) then (TestCondact::n(x)) else (d -> pre(y));
 -- end of node TestCondact::C
 node Main::Condact(c:bool; d:int; x:int) returns (y:int);
@@ -8362,34 +6261,8 @@ type contractForElementSelectionInArray::elementType = int;
 type contractForElementSelectionInArray::iteratedStruct = contractForElementSelectionInArray::iteratedStruct {currentRank : int; rankToSelect : int; elementSelected : int};
 const contractForElementSelectionInArray::size = 10;
-node contractForElementSelectionInArray::selectOneStage(
-	acc_in:contractForElementSelectionInArray::iteratedStruct;
-	currentElt:int) 
-returns (
-	acc_out:contractForElementSelectionInArray::iteratedStruct);
-    acc_out = iteratedStruct{currentRank=(acc_in.currentRank +
-	1);rankToSelect=acc_in.rankToSelect;elementSelected= if
-	((acc_in.currentRank = acc_in.rankToSelect)) then (currentElt) else
-	 (acc_in.elementSelected)};
--- end of node contractForElementSelectionInArray::selectOneStage
-node contractForElementSelectionInArray::selectEltInArray(
-	array:int^10;
-	rankToSelect:int) 
-returns (
-	elementSelected:int);
-   iterationResult:contractForElementSelectionInArray::iteratedStruct;
-    iterationResult = red<<node
-	contractForElementSelectionInArray::selectOneStage, const
-	10>>(iteratedStruct{currentRank=0;rankToSelect=rankToSelect;elementSelected=0},
-	 array);
-   elementSelected = iterationResult.elementSelected;
--- end of node contractForElementSelectionInArray::selectEltInArray
+*** oops: an internal error occurred in file, line 358, column 27
+*** when compiling lustre program should_work/packEnvTest/contractForElementSelectionInArray/contractForElementSelectionInArray.lus
 ====> ../lus2lic -vl 2 --compile-all-items should_work/packEnvTest/contractForElementSelectionInArray/main.lus
@@ -8415,266 +6288,8 @@ tel
 -- end of node intArray::_isEqualTo_
 type intArray::T_isElementOf_ = intArray::T_isElementOf_ {eltToSearch : int; iselementof : bool};
-node intArray::iterated_isElementOf_(
-	acc_in:intArray::T_isElementOf_;
-	elt_in:int) 
-returns (
-	acc_out:intArray::T_isElementOf_);
-    acc_out =
-	T_isElementOf_{eltToSearch=acc_in.eltToSearch;iselementof=(acc_in or
-	 intArray::_isEqualTo_(acc_in.eltToSearch, elt_in))};
--- end of node intArray::iterated_isElementOf_
-node intArray::_isElementOf_(e:int; t:int^10) returns (iselementof:bool);
-   acc_out:intArray::T_isElementOf_;
-    acc_out = red<<node intArray::iterated_isElementOf_, const
-	 10>>(T_isElementOf_{eltToSearch=e;iselementof=false}, t);
-   iselementof = acc_out.iselementof;
--- end of node intArray::_isElementOf_
-type intArray::forSortingAlgo = intArray::forSortingAlgo {previousElement : int; sortedUpToHere : bool};
-node intArray::_isGreaterOrEqualTo_(e1:int; e2:int) returns (ge:bool);
-   ge = (intArray::_isGreaterThan_(e1, e2) or intArray::_isEqualTo_(e1, e2));
--- end of node intArray::_isGreaterOrEqualTo_
-node intArray::isLocallyLoselySorted(
-	acc_in:intArray::forSortingAlgo;
-	elt:int) 
-returns (
-	acc_out:intArray::forSortingAlgo);
-    acc_out =
-	forSortingAlgo{previousElement=elt;sortedUpToHere=(intArray::_isGreaterOrEqualTo_(elt,
-	 acc_in.previousElement) and acc_in.sortedUpToHere)};
--- end of node intArray::isLocallyLoselySorted
-node intArray::_isLoselySorted(
-	array:int^10) 
-returns (
-	array_isLoselySorted:bool);
-   result:intArray::forSortingAlgo;
-    result = red<<node intArray::isLocallyLoselySorted, const
-	 10>>(forSortingAlgo{previousElement=array[0];sortedUpToHere=true}, array);
-   array_isLoselySorted = result.sortedUpToHere;
--- end of node intArray::_isLoselySorted
-type intArray::Sort_accu = intArray::Sort_accu {CurrentRank : int; Tab : int^10};
-type intArray::Select_accu = intArray::Select_accu {RankToFind : int; CurrentRank : int; Val : int};
-type intArray::MinFR_accu = intArray::MinFR_accu {MinVal : int; MinRank : int; RankFrom : int; Rank : int};
-type intArray::Exchange_accu = intArray::Exchange_accu {MinVal : int; MinRank : int; RankFrom : int; CurrentVal : int; Rank : int};
-node intArray::minFromRank(
-	accu_in:intArray::MinFR_accu;
-	TabEltIn:int) 
-returns (
-	accu_out:intArray::MinFR_accu);
-    accu_out = MinFR_accu{MinVal= if ((accu_in.Rank <= accu_in.RankFrom)) then
-	(TabEltIn) else ( if ((accu_in.Rank >= accu_in.RankFrom)) then ( if
-	((TabEltIn < accu_in.MinVal)) then (TabEltIn) else (accu_in.MinVal)) else
-	(accu_in.MinVal));MinRank= if ((accu_in.Rank > accu_in.RankFrom)) then ( if
-	((TabEltIn < accu_in.MinVal)) then (accu_in.Rank) else (accu_in.MinRank))
-	 else (accu_in.MinRank);RankFrom=accu_in.RankFrom;Rank=(accu_in.Rank + 1)};
--- end of node intArray::minFromRank
-node intArray::select(
-	accu_in:intArray::Select_accu;
-	elt:int) 
-returns (
-	accu_out:intArray::Select_accu);
-    accu_out =
-	Select_accu{RankToFind=accu_in.RankToFind;CurrentRank=(accu_in.CurrentRank
-	+ 1);Val= if ((accu_in.RankToFind = accu_in.CurrentRank)) then (elt) else
-	 (accu_in.Val)};
--- end of node intArray::select
-node intArray::Exchange_i_j(
-	accu_in:intArray::Exchange_accu;
-	eltIn:int) 
-returns (
-	accu_out:intArray::Exchange_accu;
-	eltOut:int);
-    accu_out =
-	Exchange_accu{MinVal=accu_in.MinVal;MinRank=accu_in.MinRank;RankFrom=accu_in.RankFrom;CurrentVal=accu_in.CurrentVal;Rank=(accu_in.Rank
-	 + 1)};
-    eltOut =  if ((accu_in.Rank = accu_in.MinRank)) then (accu_in.CurrentVal)
-	else ( if ((accu_in.Rank = accu_in.RankFrom)) then (accu_in.MinVal) else
-	 (eltIn));
--- end of node intArray::Exchange_i_j
-node intArray::UnarySort(
-	accu_in:intArray::Sort_accu;
-	eltIn:int) 
-returns (
-	accu_out:intArray::Sort_accu);
-   accu_out_select:intArray::Select_accu;
-   accu_out_min:intArray::MinFR_accu;
-   accu_out_exchange:intArray::Exchange_accu;
-   localTab:int^10;
-    accu_out_min = red<<node intArray::minFromRank, const
-	10>>(MinFR_accu{MinVal=0;MinRank=accu_in.CurrentRank;RankFrom=accu_in.CurrentRank;Rank=0},
-	 accu_in.Tab);
-    accu_out_select = red<<node intArray::select, const
-	10>>(Select_accu{RankToFind=accu_in.CurrentRank;CurrentRank=0;Val=0},
-	 accu_in.Tab);
-    (accu_out_exchange, localTab) = fillred<<node intArray::Exchange_i_j,
-	const
-	10>>(Exchange_accu{MinVal=accu_out_min.MinVal;MinRank=accu_out_min.MinRank;RankFrom=accu_out_select.RankToFind;CurrentVal=accu_out_select.Val;Rank=0},
-	 accu_in.Tab);
-   accu_out = Sort_accu{CurrentRank=(accu_in.CurrentRank + 1);Tab=localTab};
--- end of node intArray::UnarySort
-node intArray::sort_(array:int^10) returns (arraySorted:int^10);
-   UnarySort_accu_out:intArray::Sort_accu;
-    UnarySort_accu_out = red<<node intArray::UnarySort, const
-	 10>>(Sort_accu{CurrentRank=0;Tab=array}, array);
-   arraySorted = UnarySort_accu_out.Tab;
--- end of node intArray::sort_
-node intArray::selectMax(e1:int; e2:int) returns (e:int);
-   e =  if (intArray::_isGreaterThan_(e1, e2)) then (e1) else (e2);
--- end of node intArray::selectMax
-node intArray::getMaximumIn_(array:int^10) returns (maximumElement:int);
-    maximumElement = red<<node intArray::selectMax, const 10>>(array[0],
-	 array);
--- end of node intArray::getMaximumIn_
-type intArray::iteratedStruct = intArray::iteratedStruct {currentRank : int; rankToSelect : int; elementSelected : int};
-node intArray::selectOneStage(
-	acc_in:intArray::iteratedStruct;
-	currentElt:int) 
-returns (
-	acc_out:intArray::iteratedStruct);
-    acc_out = iteratedStruct{currentRank=(acc_in.currentRank +
-	1);rankToSelect=acc_in.rankToSelect;elementSelected= if
-	((acc_in.currentRank = acc_in.rankToSelect)) then (currentElt) else
-	 (acc_in.elementSelected)};
--- end of node intArray::selectOneStage
-node intArray::selectElementOfRank_inArray_(
-	rankToSelect:int;
-	array:int^10) 
-returns (
-	elementSelected:int);
-   iterationResult:intArray::iteratedStruct;
-    iterationResult = red<<node intArray::selectOneStage, const
-	10>>(iteratedStruct{currentRank=0;rankToSelect=rankToSelect;elementSelected=array[0]},
-	 array);
-   elementSelected = iterationResult.elementSelected;
--- end of node intArray::selectElementOfRank_inArray_
-node intArray::selectMin(e1:int; e2:int) returns (e:int);
-   e =  if (intArray::_isGreaterThan_(e1, e2)) then (e2) else (e1);
--- end of node intArray::selectMin
-node intArray::getMinimumIn_(array:int^10) returns (minimumElement:int);
-   maximum:int;
-   maximum = intArray::getMaximumIn_(array);
-    minimumElement = red<<node intArray::selectMin, const 10>>(maximum,
-	 array);
--- end of node intArray::getMinimumIn_
-type intArray::currentRank_withMemorizedRank = intArray::currentRank_withMemorizedRank {currentRank : int; rankOfMemorizedVal : int; memorizedVal : int};
-node intArray::selectMaxRank(
-	acc_in:intArray::currentRank_withMemorizedRank;
-	e1:int) 
-returns (
-	acc_out:intArray::currentRank_withMemorizedRank);
-    acc_out = currentRank_withMemorizedRank{currentRank=(acc_in.currentRank +
-	1);rankOfMemorizedVal= if (intArray::_isGreaterThan_(e1,
-	acc_in.memorizedVal)) then (acc_in.currentRank) else
-	(acc_in.rankOfMemorizedVal);memorizedVal= if (intArray::_isGreaterThan_(e1,
-	 acc_in.memorizedVal)) then (e1) else (acc_in.memorizedVal)};
--- end of node intArray::selectMaxRank
-node intArray::getRank_ofMaximumIn_(
-	array:int^10) 
-returns (
-	rankOfMaximumElement:int);
-   local:intArray::currentRank_withMemorizedRank;
-    local = red<<node intArray::selectMaxRank, const
-	10>>(currentRank_withMemorizedRank{currentRank=0;rankOfMemorizedVal=0;memorizedVal=array[0]},
-	 array);
-   rankOfMaximumElement = local.rankOfMemorizedVal;
--- end of node intArray::getRank_ofMaximumIn_
-node intArray::selectMinRank(
-	acc_in:intArray::currentRank_withMemorizedRank;
-	elt:int) 
-returns (
-	acc_out:intArray::currentRank_withMemorizedRank);
-    acc_out = currentRank_withMemorizedRank{currentRank=(acc_in.currentRank +
-	1);rankOfMemorizedVal= if (intArray::_isEqualTo_(acc_in.memorizedVal, elt))
-	then (acc_in.currentRank) else
-	 (acc_in.rankOfMemorizedVal);memorizedVal=acc_in.memorizedVal};
--- end of node intArray::selectMinRank
-node intArray::getRank_ofMinimumIn_(
-	array:int^10) 
-returns (
-	rankOfMinimumElement:int);
-   minElement:int;
-   minElement = intArray::getMinimumIn_(array);
-    rankOfMinimumElement = red<<node intArray::selectMinRank, const
-	10>>(currentRank_withMemorizedRank{currentRank=0;rankOfMemorizedVal=0;memorizedVal=minElement},
-	 array).rankOfMemorizedVal;
--- end of node intArray::getRank_ofMinimumIn_
-node main::main(
-	a:int^10) 
-returns (
-	tri:int^10;
-	pos_min:int;
-	min:int;
-	pos_max:int;
-	max:int);
-   min = intArray::getMinimumIn_(a);
-   pos_min = intArray::getRank_ofMinimumIn_(a);
-   max = intArray::getMaximumIn_(a);
-   pos_max = intArray::getRank_ofMaximumIn_(a);
-   tri = intArray::sort_(a);
--- end of node main::main
+*** oops: an internal error occurred in file, line 358, column 27
+*** when compiling lustre program should_work/packEnvTest/contractForElementSelectionInArray/main.lus
 ====> ../lus2lic -vl 2 --compile-all-items should_work/packEnvTest/contractForElementSelectionInArray/noeudsIndependants.lus
@@ -8706,105 +6321,8 @@ type tri::MinFR_accu = tri::MinFR_accu {MinVal : int; MinRank : int; RankFrom :
 type tri::sorted_iter_accu = tri::sorted_iter_accu {prev_elt : int; prop_is_tt : bool};
 type tri::Exchange_accu = tri::Exchange_accu {MinVal : int; MinRank : int; RankFrom : int; CurrentVal : int; Rank : int};
-node tri::minFromRank(
-	accu_in:tri::MinFR_accu;
-	TabEltIn:int) 
-returns (
-	accu_out:tri::MinFR_accu);
-    accu_out = MinFR_accu{MinVal= if ((accu_in.Rank <= accu_in.RankFrom)) then
-	(TabEltIn) else ( if ((accu_in.Rank >= accu_in.RankFrom)) then ( if
-	((TabEltIn < accu_in.MinVal)) then (TabEltIn) else (accu_in.MinVal)) else
-	(accu_in.MinVal));MinRank= if ((accu_in.Rank > accu_in.RankFrom)) then ( if
-	((TabEltIn < accu_in.MinVal)) then (accu_in.Rank) else (accu_in.MinRank))
-	 else (accu_in.MinRank);RankFrom=accu_in.RankFrom;Rank=(accu_in.Rank + 1)};
--- end of node tri::minFromRank
-node tri::select(
-	accu_in:tri::Select_accu;
-	elt:int) 
-returns (
-	accu_out:tri::Select_accu);
-    accu_out =
-	Select_accu{RankToFind=accu_in.RankToFind;CurrentRank=(accu_in.CurrentRank
-	+ 1);Val= if ((accu_in.RankToFind = accu_in.CurrentRank)) then (elt) else
-	 (accu_in.Val)};
--- end of node tri::select
-node tri::Exchange_i_j(
-	accu_in:tri::Exchange_accu;
-	eltIn:int) 
-returns (
-	accu_out:tri::Exchange_accu;
-	eltOut:int);
-    accu_out =
-	Exchange_accu{MinVal=accu_in.MinVal;MinRank=accu_in.MinRank;RankFrom=accu_in.RankFrom;CurrentVal=accu_in.CurrentVal;Rank=(accu_in.Rank
-	 + 1)};
-    eltOut =  if ((accu_in.Rank = accu_in.MinRank)) then (accu_in.CurrentVal)
-	else ( if ((accu_in.Rank = accu_in.RankFrom)) then (accu_in.MinVal) else
-	 (eltIn));
--- end of node tri::Exchange_i_j
-node tri::UnarySort(
-	accu_in:tri::Sort_accu;
-	eltIn:int) 
-returns (
-	accu_out:tri::Sort_accu);
-   accu_out_select:tri::Select_accu;
-   accu_out_min:tri::MinFR_accu;
-   accu_out_exchange:tri::Exchange_accu;
-   localTab:int^10;
-    accu_out_min = red<<node tri::minFromRank, const
-	10>>(MinFR_accu{MinVal=0;MinRank=accu_in.CurrentRank;RankFrom=accu_in.CurrentRank;Rank=0},
-	 accu_in.Tab);
-    accu_out_select = red<<node tri::select, const
-	10>>(Select_accu{RankToFind=accu_in.CurrentRank;CurrentRank=0;Val=0},
-	 accu_in.Tab);
-    (accu_out_exchange, localTab) = fillred<<node tri::Exchange_i_j, const
-	10>>(Exchange_accu{MinVal=accu_out_min.MinVal;MinRank=accu_out_min.MinRank;RankFrom=accu_out_select.RankToFind;CurrentVal=accu_out_select.Val;Rank=0},
-	 accu_in.Tab);
-   accu_out = Sort_accu{CurrentRank=(accu_in.CurrentRank + 1);Tab=localTab};
--- end of node tri::UnarySort
-node tri::main(TIn:int^10) returns (TSorted:int^10);
-   UnarySort_accu_out:tri::Sort_accu;
-    UnarySort_accu_out = red<<node tri::UnarySort, const
-	10>>(Sort_accu{CurrentRank=0;Tab=[7, 8, 4, 3, 2, 9, 1, 10, 2, 7]}, [7, 8,
-	 4, 3, 2, 9, 1, 10, 2, 7]);
-   TSorted = UnarySort_accu_out.Tab;
--- end of node tri::main
-node tri::sorted_iter(
-	accu_in:tri::sorted_iter_accu;
-	elt:int) 
-returns (
-	accu_out:tri::sorted_iter_accu);
-    accu_out = sorted_iter_accu{prev_elt=elt;prop_is_tt=((accu_in.prev_elt <=
-	 elt) and accu_in.prop_is_tt)};
--- end of node tri::sorted_iter
-node tri::Sorted(TIn:int^10) returns (res:bool);
-   accu_out:tri::sorted_iter_accu;
-   TSorted:int^10;
-   TSorted = tri::main(TIn);
-    accu_out = red<<node tri::sorted_iter, const
-	 10>>(sorted_iter_accu{prev_elt=0;prop_is_tt=true}, TSorted);
-   res = accu_out.prop_is_tt;
--- end of node tri::Sorted
+*** oops: an internal error occurred in file, line 358, column 27
+*** when compiling lustre program should_work/packEnvTest/contractForElementSelectionInArray/tri.lus
 ====> ../lus2lic -vl 2 --compile-all-items should_work/packEnvTest/modelInst.lus
@@ -8866,26 +6384,8 @@ tel
 -- end of node pint::fby1
 type inter::selType = inter::selType {i : int; b : bool; r : real};
-node inter::preced(
-	in:inter::selType) 
-returns (
-	out:inter::selType;
-	out2:inter::selType);
-   out2 = selType{i=0;b=true;r=0.};
-   out.i = pint::fby1(out2.i, in.i);
-   out.b = pbool::fby1(out2.b, in.b);
-   out.r = preal::fby1(out2.r, in.r);
--- end of node inter::preced
-node mainPack::preced(in:inter::selType) returns (out:inter::selType);
-   out2:inter::selType;
-   (out, out2) = inter::preced(in);
--- end of node mainPack::preced
-const inter::n = -4;
+*** oops: an internal error occurred in file, line 358, column 27
+*** when compiling lustre program should_work/packEnvTest/packages.lus
 ====> ../lus2lic -vl 2 --compile-all-items should_work/packEnvTest/packages2.lus
@@ -8911,23 +6411,8 @@ tel
 type inter::selType = inter::selType {i : int; b : bool; r : real};
 const inter::n = -4;
-node inter::preced(
-	in:inter::selType) 
-returns (
-	out:inter::selType;
-	out2:inter::selType);
-   out2 = selType{i=0;b=true;r=0.};
-   out.i = pint::fby1(out2.i, in.i);
-   out.b = pbool::fby1(out2.b, in.b);
-   out.r = preal::fby1(out2.r, in.r);
--- end of node inter::preced
-node main::foo(in:int) returns (out:int);
-   out = in;
--- end of node main::foo
+*** oops: an internal error occurred in file, line 358, column 27
+*** when compiling lustre program should_work/packEnvTest/packages2.lus
 ====> ../lus2lic -vl 2 --compile-all-items should_work/to_sort_out/asservi.lus
@@ -9010,6 +6495,15 @@ tel
 -- end of node asservi::asservi
 Those tests are supposed to generate errors
+====> ../lus2lic -vl 2 --compile-all-items should_fail/clock/bad_call02.lus
+Opening file /home/jahier/lus2lic/src/test/should_fail/clock/bad_call02.lus
+*** Error in file "should_fail/clock/bad_call02.lus", line 6, col 4 to 4, token '=': 
+*** clock error: The expression has clock ' on base', 
+***             but it is used with clock ' on c on base'.
 ====> ../lus2lic -vl 2 --compile-all-items should_fail/clock/clock.lus
 Opening file /home/jahier/lus2lic/src/test/should_fail/clock/clock.lus
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f0230196
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+(** Time-stamp: <modified the 26/06/2008 (at 15:17) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+open SyntaxTree
+open SyntaxTreeCore
+open CompiledData
+open CompiledDataDump
+open Printf
+open Lxm
+open Errors
+(* exported *)
+type clock_info  = 
+  | Ci_base 
+  | Ci_on of var_info_eff * clock_info
+  | Ci_var of int (* to deal with polymorphic clocks (i.e., constants) *)
+(* exported *)
+let rec (var_info_eff_to_clock_info:var_info_eff -> clock_info) =
+  fun v -> 
+    match v.var_clock_eff with
+      | BaseEff -> Ci_on(v, Ci_base)
+      | On clk  -> Ci_on(v, var_info_eff_to_clock_info clk)
+let rec (string_of_clock_info:clock_info -> string) = function
+  | Ci_var i -> "'a" ^ string_of_int i
+  | Ci_base -> "base"
+  | Ci_on (v,clk) -> " on " ^ (aux clk)
+and aux = function
+  | Ci_var i -> "'a" ^ string_of_int i
+  | Ci_base -> "base"
+  | Ci_on (v,clk) -> (Ident.to_string v.var_name_eff) ^  " on " ^ (aux clk)
+let ci2str = string_of_clock_info
+(* exported *)
+type subst = 
+    (var_info_eff * var_info_eff) list  * (int * clock_info) list
+(* exported *)
+let (empty_subst:subst) = [],[]
+let subst_to_string (s1,s2) =
+  let v2s v = Ident.to_string v.var_name_eff in
+    (String.concat ", " ( (fun (v1,v2) -> (v2s v1) ^ "/" ^ (v2s v2)) s1)) ^
+      " + " ^
+      (String.concat ", " ( (fun (v1,v2) -> (string_of_int v1) ^ "/" ^ 
+				       (ci2str v2)) s2))
+(* exported *)
+let rec (apply_subst:subst -> clock_info -> clock_info) =
+  fun (s1,s2) c -> 
+    match c with
+      | Ci_base -> Ci_base 
+      | Ci_on(v,clk) -> 
+	  let v = try List.assoc v s1 with Not_found -> v in
+	    Ci_on(v, apply_subst (s1,s2) clk)
+      | Ci_var i -> 
+	  try apply_subst (s1,s2) (List.assoc i s2) 
+	  with Not_found -> c 
+(* exported *)
+let (f : Lxm.t -> subst -> clock_info -> clock_info -> subst) =
+  fun lxm (s1,s2) ci1 ci2 -> 
+    let ci1 = apply_subst (s1,s2) ci1 in
+    let ci2 = apply_subst (s1,s2) ci2 in
+    let rec aux  (s1,s2) arg = match arg with
+	| Ci_on(v,clk), Ci_base
+	| Ci_base, Ci_on(v,clk) -> (s1,s2)
+	    (* not unifiable: we stop trying to find a substitution and return s;
+	       the error message will be issued outside [aux].
+	    *)
+	| Ci_base, Ci_base -> (s1,s2) (* ok *)
+	| Ci_on(v1,clk1), Ci_on(v2,clk2) ->
+	    let s1 = if v1 = v2 then s1 else ((v2,v1)::s1) in
+	      aux (s1,s2) (clk1, clk2)
+	| Ci_var i, Ci_var j -> if i<>j then s1,((i,Ci_var j)::s2) else s1,s2
+	| Ci_var i, ci 
+	| ci, Ci_var i -> s1,((i,ci)::s2)
+    in
+    let s = aux (s1,s2) (ci1,ci2) in
+    let unifiable = 
+      (* two clocks are unifiable iff, once s have been applied, they are
+      equal modulo the left-most hand-side *)
+      match apply_subst s ci1, apply_subst s ci2 with
+	| Ci_on(_,c1),Ci_on(_,c2) -> c1 = c2
+	| Ci_base, Ci_base -> true
+	| Ci_base,Ci_on(_,_)
+	| Ci_on(_,_),Ci_base -> false    
+	| Ci_var _, _
+	| _, Ci_var _ -> true
+    in
+      if unifiable then (
+	Verbose.print_string ~level:3 (
+	  "# clock checking: unifying '" ^ (ci2str ci1) ^
+	    "' and '" ^ (ci2str ci2) ^ "' ->  "^ (subst_to_string s) ^"\n");
+	flush stdout;
+	s
+      ) 
+      else
+	let msg =  
+	  "\n*** clock error: The expression has clock '" ^ 
+	    (ci2str ci1) ^ "', \n***             but it is used with clock '" ^ 
+	    (ci2str ci2) ^ "'.\n"
+	in
+	  raise(Compile_error(lxm, msg))
+(* exported *)
+let (list : Lxm.t -> clock_info list -> subst -> clock_info * subst) =
+  fun lxm cl s -> 
+    List.fold_left 
+      (fun (clk,s) clk2 -> 
+	 let s = f lxm s clk clk2 in
+	 let clk = apply_subst s clk in (* necessary? *)
+	   (clk,s)
+      )
+      (List.hd cl, s)
+      ( cl)
diff --git a/src/unifyClock.mli b/src/unifyClock.mli
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8abed5e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/unifyClock.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+(** Time-stamp: <modified the 26/06/2008 (at 15:16) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+open CompiledData
+type clock_info  = 
+  | Ci_base 
+  | Ci_on of var_info_eff * clock_info
+  | Ci_var of int (* to deal with polymorphic clocks (i.e., constants) *)
+(** a few conversion function *)
+val var_info_eff_to_clock_info:var_info_eff -> clock_info
+val string_of_clock_info:clock_info -> string
+(* XXX use Map.t 
+   We have Two kind of substitutions. 
+   - One is used to deal with the clock name binding, to relate node
+   parameters and node arguments.
+   - The other one is used to deal with polymorphic clock
+   variables. Indeed, constant clock is intrinsically
+   polymorphic. Hence, when clocking a contant (e.g., "42"), we
+   return the clock_info Ci_var i, where i is a fresh
+   integer. Afterwards, when encoutering an expression such as
+   "42+x", where we know the clock of x (clk_x), we produce the
+   substitution (i,clk_x).
+   XXX Shouldn't I merge the 2 kind of substitutions ?  That would
+   mean I need to invent a fake var_info_eff, but it would make the
+   more homogeous.
+   XXX Make it abstract
+type subst = 
+    (var_info_eff * var_info_eff) list  * (int * clock_info) list
+val empty_subst : subst
+val apply_subst:subst -> clock_info -> clock_info
+(** Raises an error is the 2 clock_info are not unifiable *)
+val f : Lxm.t -> subst -> clock_info -> clock_info -> subst
+val list : Lxm.t -> clock_info list -> subst -> clock_info * subst
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
similarity index 97%
rename from src/
rename to src/
index 5a71fd10..aa8708b2 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(** Time-stamp: <modified the 09/06/2008 (at 10:07) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(** Time-stamp: <modified the 26/06/2008 (at 14:50) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 open CompiledData
@@ -176,11 +176,8 @@ let unit_test () =
   for i = 1 to 1000 do
     let (tl1, tl2) = gen_unifiable_typeff_of_size (1+ 10) in
       print_string (
-	" ==> try Unify.proposition1 with lists " ^ 
+	" ==> try UnifyType.proposition1 with lists " ^ 
 	  (CompiledDataDump.type_eff_list_to_string tl1) ^ " and " ^ 
 	  (CompiledDataDump.type_eff_list_to_string tl2) ^ "\n");
       assert (proposition1 tl1 tl2)
diff --git a/src/unify.mli b/src/unifyType.mli
similarity index 100%
rename from src/unify.mli
rename to src/unifyType.mli
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index e2adcb25..00c49ff1 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(** Time-stamp: <modified the 23/06/2008 (at 15:51) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(** Time-stamp: <modified the 25/06/2008 (at 16:40) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 open CompiledData
 open Lxm
@@ -194,6 +194,16 @@ let (check : CompiledData.node_exp_eff -> Lxm.t -> unit) =
 	| BodyEff{ eqs_eff = eql } ->
 	    let lel = List.flatten ( (fun {it=(left,_)} -> left) eql) in
 	    let lel_map = partition_var lel in
+	      (* Check that one does not define an input *) 
+	      VarMap.iter 
+		(fun v _ -> 
+		   if v.var_nature_eff = SyntaxTreeCore.VarInput then 
+		     let msg = "\n*** Error; " ^(id2str v.var_name_eff) ^ 
+		       " is an input, and thus cannot be defined."
+		     in
+		       raise (Compile_error(lxm, msg))
+		)
+		lel_map;
 		(fun v ->
 		   try check_one_var lxm v (VarMap.find v lel_map)
diff --git a/src/uniqueOutput.mli b/src/uniqueOutput.mli
index 5bbab223..f9a7d674 100644
--- a/src/uniqueOutput.mli
+++ b/src/uniqueOutput.mli
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-(** Time-stamp: <modified the 23/06/2008 (at 15:48) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(** Time-stamp: <modified the 25/06/2008 (at 16:34) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 (** Check that each output and each local variable is defined at most
-    and at least once. *)
+    and at least once. Also check that one does not try ti define an input. *)
 val check : CompiledData.node_exp_eff -> Lxm.t -> unit