diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 39369c2681c46257e489a13a400b3fbc630cb600..a9caf04089d36819a9fa2e85d5953b9259a01eb4 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -3,6 +3,12 @@ src/*.o
@@ -12,4 +18,26 @@ src/parser.ml
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/Makefile b/src/Makefile
index 4b7c43f146c8171857a7ff75dbfca22843695cfb..025bff5bdadd065667ca56a2aa5edd163c1f3ca1 100644
--- a/src/Makefile
+++ b/src/Makefile
@@ -121,6 +121,7 @@ include $(OCAMLMAKEFILE)
 # cf ../release-lv6/Makefile pour une install complete.
 	cp lus2lic /usr/local/tools/lustre-v6/current/bin
+	cp lus2lic /home/jahier/lurette/i386-linux-gcc3/bin/
 	/local/jahier/jahier/bin/otags  $(SOURCES)  $(shell ocamlc -where)/*.mli
diff --git a/src/getEff.ml b/src/getEff.ml
index 7582619a40e65196e314fbccd42feb3ec705d087..b78c043cef78481572ccd041b25522d9189a200f 100644
--- a/src/getEff.ml
+++ b/src/getEff.ml
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(** Time-stamp: <modified the 13/04/2010 (at 18:12) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(** Time-stamp: <modified the 22/04/2010 (at 10:54) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 open Lxm
diff --git a/src/global.ml b/src/global.ml
index 0cbfd9b16e35332b9d886d61019bf54f8f2cf93e..0154b0d2de560712ef348b7d2aff665e52284f98 100644
--- a/src/global.ml
+++ b/src/global.ml
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(** Time-stamp: <modified the 11/03/2009 (at 16:14) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(** Time-stamp: <modified the 05/05/2010 (at 15:39) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 (** Some global variables. *)
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ let expand_enums = ref false
 let expand_structs = ref false
 (* the output channel *)
 let oc = ref Pervasives.stdout
+let tlex = ref false
 (* those functions are here as they modify some global vars *)
diff --git a/src/lexer.mll b/src/lexer.mll
index c560f029275b58acc07d289cbe96111b81758ed2..a43cb3893945ee37ffa9616ab58a721050d5e630 100644
--- a/src/lexer.mll
+++ b/src/lexer.mll
@@ -17,6 +17,8 @@ let handle_lexical_error fn lexbuf = (
         with Lexical_error(msg, _) ->
                 raise(Lexical_error(msg, lxm))
+let unget_lexbuf lb =
+  lb.Lexing.lex_curr_pos <- lb.Lexing.lex_curr_pos - 1
 (* table des mots-clé *)
 let keywords = Hashtbl.create 50 ;;
@@ -155,7 +157,6 @@ let token_code tk = (
                 | TK_BODY      lxm -> ("TK_BODY" , lxm)
                 | TK_END       lxm -> ("TK_END" , lxm)
                 | TK_INCLUDE   lxm -> ("TK_INCLUDE" , lxm)
-                | TK_SLICE_START   lxm -> ("TK_SLICE_START" , lxm)
@@ -243,32 +244,34 @@ rule lexer = parse
                         TK_LONGIDENT (lxm)
-(* Une grosse bidouille pour feinter lex à qui on arrive pas à faire
-   comprendre que "[expr_min..expr_max]" est une tranche de tableau,
-   et pas 2 reels qui se suivent ("1..3"), ou bien l'acces à une
-   structure ("0..max").
-        |  ['A'-'Z' 'a'-'z' '\'' '_' '0'-'9' ':'] * '.' '.'
-            {
-              let lxm = Lxm.make lexbuf in
-                TK_SLICE_START (lxm)
-            }
-            (* une chaine quelconque *)
+(* une chaine quelconque *)
         | "\"" ['_' 'A'-'Z' 'a'-'z']  ['A'-'Z' '(' ')' '$' '/' 'a'-'z' '.' '-' '_'] * "\""
                         let lxm = Lxm.make_string lexbuf in
                           TK_STRING (lxm)
-(* constantes entières et réelles *)
+(* constantes entières *)
         |  chiffres  { TK_ICONST (Lxm.make lexbuf ) }
+(* constantes réelles *)
+(* XXX verifier pourquoi j'ai mis en dur le moins ici (le moins unaire existe !) *)
         |  ( '-' )? chiffres (exposant) { TK_RCONST (Lxm.make lexbuf ) }
-        |  ( '-' )? chiffres '.' (chiffres)? (exposant)? 
+        |  ( '-' )? chiffres '.' chiffres (exposant)? 
+            { TK_RCONST (Lxm.make lexbuf ) }
+        |  ( '-' )? chiffres '.'  (exposant)
             { TK_RCONST (Lxm.make lexbuf ) }
         |  ( '-' )? '.' chiffres (exposant)? { TK_RCONST (Lxm.make lexbuf ) }
+(* Pour désambiguer le .. (slice)  *)
+        |  chiffres  '.'[^'.'] {
+             unget_lexbuf lexbuf;
+             TK_RCONST (Lxm.make lexbuf)
+           }
 (* mot-clé ou identificateur *)
         | ['_' 'A'-'Z' 'a'-'z'] ['A'-'Z' 'a'-'z' '\'' '_' '0'-'9'] *
diff --git a/src/main.ml b/src/main.ml
index 64a4a79f2d8f7564f1d92efed89e6ee9f2225f20..ed754b3dd13f1d8e32f14d8fc4dc66c91bb60cbe 100644
--- a/src/main.ml
+++ b/src/main.ml
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(** Time-stamp: <modified the 13/04/2010 (at 17:59) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(** Time-stamp: <modified the 05/05/2010 (at 16:03) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 (** Here follows a description of the different modules used by this lus2lic compiler.
@@ -48,6 +48,16 @@ open Errors
 open Parsing
 open Format
+let test_lex ( lexbuf ) = (
+  let tk = ref (Lexer.lexer lexbuf) in 
+    while !tk <> Parser.TK_EOF do
+      match (Lexer.token_code !tk) with 
+	  ( co , lxm ) ->
+	    Printf.printf "line %3d col %2d to %2d : %15s = \"%s\"\n"
+	      (line lxm) (cstart lxm) (cend lxm) co (str lxm) ;
+	    tk := (Lexer.lexer lexbuf)
+    done
 Les args sont des variables GLOBALES
@@ -118,8 +128,6 @@ let rec arg_list = [
     "<node>\n\t Do not expand node (useful in the expand mode only of course)."
   ( "--lustre-v4", Arg.Unit
       (fun _ -> set_v4_options ()),
@@ -143,6 +151,9 @@ let rec arg_list = [
     "\n\t Run some (internal) unit tests"
+  ("--test-lexer",Arg.Set Global.tlex,"Internal option used to test the lexer");
+  ("-tlex",Arg.Set Global.tlex,"");
   ( "--verbose-level", Arg.Int(fun vl -> Verbose.set_level vl ), "<int>"
   ( "-vl", Arg.Int(fun vl -> Verbose.set_level vl ),
@@ -193,7 +204,7 @@ and
 (* Retourne un SyntaxTree.t *)
 let lus_load lexbuf = 
-  let tree = Parser.sxLusFile Lexer.lexer lexbuf in
+  let tree = Parser.program Lexer.lexer lexbuf in
     Name.update_fresh_var_prefix ();
     SolveIdent.recognize_predef_op tree
@@ -207,6 +218,7 @@ let (get_source_list : string list -> SyntaxTree.pack_or_model list) =
     let (get_one_source : string -> string list * maybe_packed list) = 
       fun infile -> 
         let lexbuf = Global.lexbuf_of_file_name infile in
+          if !Global.tlex then test_lex lexbuf;
           match (lus_load lexbuf) with
             | PRPackBody(incl_files, pbdy) -> incl_files, [Unpacked pbdy]
             | PRPack_or_models(incl_files, nsl) -> incl_files, (List.map (fun ns -> Packed ns) nsl)
diff --git a/src/parser.mly b/src/parser.mly
index 018b24624fd9feed1d05d18b8a928a24e4fb1539..55de7df9199469943b2a24d30fe6a320ad86f9a4 100644
--- a/src/parser.mly
+++ b/src/parser.mly
@@ -101,7 +101,6 @@ open ParserUtils
 %token <Lxm.t> TK_END
 %token <Lxm.t> TK_INCLUDE
 %token <Lxm.t> TK_STRING 
-%token <Lxm.t> TK_SLICE_START
 /* %token <Lxm.t> TK_QUOTE */
 /* Priorities */
@@ -126,9 +125,9 @@ open ParserUtils
 %right TK_COMA
 %right TK_FBY 
-/* sxEntry point */
-%start sxLusFile
-%type <SyntaxTree.t> sxLusFile
+/* Entry point */
+%start program
+%type <SyntaxTree.t> program
@@ -144,9 +143,9 @@ hash table (i.e. each declaration makes a side effect)
 - Any rule that produces a caml list builds it in THE REVERSE
 ORDER (in order to save the yacc stack and to avoid
 the use of the caml @ operator). This is why they are
-named "sxTotoReverseList". This is why they must not be
+named "TotoReverseList". This is why they must not be
 used in other rules: onr have to use the corresponding
-"sxTotoList" which finally reverse the list.
+"TotoList" which finally reverse the list.
@@ -154,42 +153,42 @@ A lustre file is either an old-fashioned list of item decl,
 or a list of pack/model declaration
         /* WARNING ! il faut remettre la liste à l'endroit */
-        sxIncludeList sxPackBody TK_EOF
+        IncludeList PackBody TK_EOF
                 SyntaxTree.PRPackBody($1, $2)
-|       sxIncludeList sxPackList TK_EOF
+|       IncludeList PackList TK_EOF
                 SyntaxTree.PRPack_or_models ($1, List.rev $2)
-        sxOnePack
+        OnePack
         { [$1] }
-|       sxPackList sxOnePack
+|       PackList OnePack
         { $2::$1 }
-        sxModelDecl
+        ModelDecl
                 { SyntaxTree.NSModel $1 }
-|       sxPackDecl
+|       PackDecl
                 { SyntaxTree.NSPack $1 }
-|       sxPackEq
+|       PackEq
                 { SyntaxTree.NSPack $1 }
         { (Lxm.str $2)  }
         { [] }
-|       sxInclude sxIncludeList
+|       Include IncludeList
         { $1::$2 }
@@ -198,55 +197,49 @@ Pour les provides, on rend des decls, bien
 que syntaxiquement, on n'autorise pas n'importe quoi ... 
         /* nada */
                 { None }
-/* |    TK_PROVIDES sxStaticParamList TK_SEMICOL */
-|       TK_PROVIDES sxProvideList TK_SEMICOL
+/* |    TK_PROVIDES StaticParamList TK_SEMICOL */
+|       TK_PROVIDES ProvideList TK_SEMICOL
         { Some (List.rev $2) }
-sxProvideList: sxOneProvide
+ProvideList: Provide
                 { [$1]  }
-        |   sxProvideList TK_SEMICOL sxOneProvide
+        |   ProvideList TK_SEMICOL Provide
                 { $3::$1 }
-        { None}
-|       TK_EQ sxExpression
-        {
-          Some $2
-        }
         /* constante abstraite */
-        TK_CONST sxIdent TK_COLON sxType sxConstDefOpt 
+        TK_CONST Ident TK_COLON Type ConstDefOpt 
                   (ConstInfo (ExternalConst (Lxm.id $2, $4, $5)))
         /* noeud abstrait */
-|       TK_NODE sxIdent sxParams TK_RETURNS sxParams 
+|       TK_NODE Ident Params TK_RETURNS Params 
                 treat_abstract_node true $2 $3 $5
         /* fonction abstraite */
-|       TK_FUNCTION sxIdent sxParams TK_RETURNS sxParams 
+|       TK_FUNCTION Ident Params TK_RETURNS Params 
                 treat_abstract_node false $2 $3 $5
         /* type abstrait... */
-|       TK_TYPE sxIdent
+|       TK_TYPE Ident
                 (TypeInfo (ExternalType (Lxm.id $2)))
         /* un alias sur type immédiat */
-|       TK_TYPE sxIdent TK_EQ sxType 
+|       TK_TYPE Ident TK_EQ Type 
                 (TypeInfo (AliasedType (Lxm.id $2, $4)))
@@ -254,7 +247,7 @@ sxOneProvide:
         /* type énuméré */
         /* WARNING ! la liste n'est pas à l'endroit */
                 let fields = List.rev_map lexeme_to_ident_flagged $6 in
@@ -263,8 +256,8 @@ sxOneProvide:
         /* type structure à champs nommés */
         /* WARNING ! la liste est déjà à l'endroit */
-|       TK_TYPE sxIdent TK_EQ opt_TK_STRUCT
-          TK_OPEN_BRACE sxTypedValuedIdents TK_CLOSE_BRACE
+|       TK_TYPE Ident TK_EQ OptStruct
+          TK_OPEN_BRACE TypedValuedIdents TK_CLOSE_BRACE
                 let sti = make_struct_type_info $2 $6 in
@@ -273,14 +266,21 @@ sxOneProvide:
-        TK_MODEL sxIdent
-        sxUses
-        /* TK_NEEDS sxPackParamList TK_SEMICOL */
-        TK_NEEDS sxStaticParamList TK_SEMICOL
-        sxProvides
+        { None}
+|       TK_EQ Expression
+        {
+          Some $2
+        }
+        TK_MODEL Ident
+        Uses
+        /* TK_NEEDS PackParamList TK_SEMICOL */
+        TK_NEEDS StaticParamList TK_SEMICOL
+        Provides
-                sxPackBody
+                PackBody
                 let mdecl = {
@@ -295,12 +295,12 @@ sxModelDecl:
-        TK_PACKAGE sxIdent
-        sxUses
-        sxProvides
+        TK_PACKAGE Ident
+        Uses
+        Provides
-                sxPackBody
+                PackBody
                 let pdef = PackGiven {
@@ -318,24 +318,24 @@ sxPackDecl:
 /* pack params are identical to node static Packparams (?) */
-        sxStaticParamList
+        StaticParamList
                 { $1 }
                 /* nada */
         { [] }
-|       TK_USES sxIdentList TK_SEMICOL
+|       TK_USES IdentList TK_SEMICOL
                 List.rev_map lexeme_to_pack_name_flagged $2
 /* */
 |       TK_EQ
 |       TK_IS
@@ -343,9 +343,9 @@ sxEq_or_Is:
 /* I don't like by-pos notation, but keep it
         for backward compatibility
-        TK_PACKAGE sxIdent sxEq_or_Is sxIdent TK_OPEN_PAR
-                sxByNameStaticArgList
+        TK_PACKAGE Ident Eq_or_Is Ident TK_OPEN_PAR
+                ByNameStaticArgList
                 let pdef = PackInstance {
@@ -360,13 +360,13 @@ sxPackEq:
-/* sxPackBody :
+/* PackBody :
         les informations collectées dans les tables
         sont figées, et on remet les tables à 0 ...
-        sxDeclList
+        DeclList
                 let res = SyntaxTree.make_packbody
                         const_table type_table node_table (List.rev !def_list) in
@@ -379,27 +379,27 @@ sxPackBody:
-/* sxDeclarations */
+/* Declarations */
-sxDeclList:   sxOneDecl
+DeclList:   OneDecl
                         { }
-        |   sxDeclList sxOneDecl
+        |   DeclList OneDecl
                         { }
-                sxConstDecl 
+                ConstDecl 
                         { }
-        |       sxTypeDecl
+        |       TypeDecl
                         { }
-        |       sxExtNodeDecl
+        |       ExtNodeDecl
                         { } 
-        |       sxNodeDecl
+        |       NodeDecl
                         { }
-/* sxIdentifiers and lists */
-sxIdentRef :
+/* Identifiers and lists */
+IdentRef :
         /* simple or long ... */
         { idref_of_lxm $1 }
@@ -407,152 +407,152 @@ sxIdentRef :
         { idref_of_lxm $1 }
-/* sxIdentifiers and lists */
-sxIdent: TK_IDENT sxPragma
+/* Identifiers and lists */
+Ident: TK_IDENT Pragma
         { (ParserUtils.make_ident $1 $2) }
-sxIdentList:   sxIdent
+IdentList:   Ident
                         { [$1] }
-        |   sxIdentList TK_COMA sxIdent
+        |   IdentList TK_COMA Ident
                         { $3::$1 }
-sxTypedIdentsList: sxTypedIdents
+TypedIdentsList: TypedIdents
                         { [ $1 ] }
-        |   sxTypedIdentsList TK_SEMICOL sxTypedIdents
+        |   TypedIdentsList TK_SEMICOL TypedIdents
                         { $3::$1 }
-sxTypedIdents:   sxIdentList TK_COLON sxType
+TypedIdents:   IdentList TK_COLON Type
         /* WARNING ! il faut remettre la liste à l'endroit */
                         { ((List.rev $1), $3 ) }
-sxTypedValuedIdents: sxTypedValuedIdent
+TypedValuedIdents: TypedValuedIdent
                         { $1 }
-        |   sxTypedValuedIdents TK_SEMICOL sxTypedValuedIdent
+        |   TypedValuedIdents TK_SEMICOL TypedValuedIdent
                         { List.append $1 $3 }
-sxTypedValuedIdent :
+TypedValuedIdent :
         /* Les listes d'idents en partie gauche sont 
            acceptées pour les idents SANS valeur
-                sxIdent TK_COLON sxType 
+                Ident TK_COLON Type 
                         { (id_valopt_list_of_id_list [$1] $3 ) }
-        |       sxIdent TK_COMA sxIdentList TK_COLON sxType 
+        |       Ident TK_COMA IdentList TK_COLON Type 
                         { (id_valopt_list_of_id_list ($1::(List.rev $3)) $5) }
         /* Mais pas pour les constantes définies :
-        |  sxIdent TK_COLON sxType TK_EQ sxExpression
+        |  Ident TK_COLON Type TK_EQ Expression
                         { [id_valopt_of_id_val $1 $3 $5]  }
 /* constantes */
-sxConstDecl: TK_CONST sxConstDeclList {} ;
+ConstDecl: TK_CONST ConstDeclList {} ;
- | sxOneConstDecl TK_SEMICOL {}
- | sxConstDeclList sxOneConstDecl TK_SEMICOL {} ;
+ | OneConstDecl TK_SEMICOL {}
+ | ConstDeclList OneConstDecl TK_SEMICOL {} ;
 /* Les listes d'idents en partie gauche sont 
    acceptées pour les constantes externes : */
- | sxIdent TK_COLON sxType { (treat_external_const_list [$1] $3 ) }
- | sxIdent TK_COMA sxIdentList TK_COLON sxType 
+ | Ident TK_COLON Type { (treat_external_const_list [$1] $3 ) }
+ | Ident TK_COMA IdentList TK_COLON Type 
 { (treat_external_const_list ($1::(List.rev $3)) $5) }
 /* Mais pas pour les constantes définies : */
-|  sxIdent TK_COLON sxType TK_EQ sxExpression
+|  Ident TK_COLON Type TK_EQ Expression
 { (treat_defined_const $1 (Some $3) $5)  }
-|  sxIdent TK_EQ sxExpression
+|  Ident TK_EQ Expression
                         { (treat_defined_const $1 (None) $3 ) }
 /* types */
-sxTypeDecl:   TK_TYPE sxTypeDeclList
+TypeDecl:   TK_TYPE TypeDeclList
-sxTypeDeclList:   sxOneTypeDecl TK_SEMICOL
+TypeDeclList:   OneTypeDecl TK_SEMICOL
-        |   sxTypeDeclList sxOneTypeDecl TK_SEMICOL
+        |   TypeDeclList OneTypeDecl TK_SEMICOL
         /* liste de types abstraits (externes) */
-                sxIdentList
+                IdentList
                 { treat_external_type_list (List.rev $1) }
         /* un alias sur type immédiat */
-        |       sxIdent TK_EQ sxType 
+        |       Ident TK_EQ Type 
                 { treat_aliased_type $1 $3 }
         /* type énuméré */
         /* WARNING ! il faut remettre la liste à l'endroit */
-        |       sxIdent TK_EQ TK_ENUM TK_OPEN_BRACE sxIdentList TK_CLOSE_BRACE
+        |       Ident TK_EQ TK_ENUM TK_OPEN_BRACE IdentList TK_CLOSE_BRACE
                                 treat_enum_type $1 (List.rev $5)
         /* type structure à champs nommés */
         /* WARNING ! la liste est déjà à l'endroit */
-        |       sxIdent TK_EQ opt_TK_STRUCT TK_OPEN_BRACE sxTypedValuedIdents TK_CLOSE_BRACE
+        |       Ident TK_EQ OptStruct TK_OPEN_BRACE TypedValuedIdents TK_CLOSE_BRACE
                 { treat_struct_type $1 $5 }
 /* COMPATIBILITY : "struct" keyword is optional */
         /* nothing */ {}
 |       TK_STRUCT     {}
 /* Notation de type "immédiat" */
                 /* prédéfini */
             TK_BOOL  { {src=$1; it=Bool_type_exp } }
         |   TK_INT   { {src=$1; it=Int_type_exp } }
         |   TK_REAL  { {src=$1; it=Real_type_exp } }
                 /* ref à un type nommé */
-        |       sxIdentRef  { {src=$1.src; it= Named_type_exp $1.it } }
+        |       IdentRef  { {src=$1.src; it= Named_type_exp $1.it } }
                 /* ou tableau immédiat */
-        |       sxType TK_HAT sxExpression
+        |       Type TK_HAT Expression
                         { {src=$2; it=Array_type_exp ($1 , $3) } }
 /* extern nodes */
-  TK_EXTERN TK_FUNCTION sxIdent sxParams TK_RETURNS sxParams sxOptSemicol
+  TK_EXTERN TK_FUNCTION Ident Params TK_RETURNS Params OptSemicol
           { treat_external_node false $3 $4 $6 }
-| TK_EXTERN TK_NODE     sxIdent sxParams TK_RETURNS sxParams sxOptSemicol
+| TK_EXTERN TK_NODE     Ident Params TK_RETURNS Params OptSemicol
           { treat_external_node true $3 $4 $6 } 
 /* noeuds */
-sxNodeDecl: sxLocalNode {};
+NodeDecl: LocalNode {};
-| TK_NODE sxIdent sxStaticParams sxParams TK_RETURNS sxParams sxOptSemicol
-                sxLocals sxBody sxOptEndNode
+| TK_NODE Ident StaticParams Params TK_RETURNS Params OptSemicol
+                Locals Body OptEndNode
         { treat_node_decl true $2 $3 $4 $6 $8 (fst $9) (snd $9) }
-| TK_FUNCTION sxIdent sxStaticParams sxParams TK_RETURNS sxParams sxOptSemicol
-                 sxLocals sxBody sxOptEndNode
+| TK_FUNCTION Ident StaticParams Params TK_RETURNS Params OptSemicol
+                 Locals Body OptEndNode
         { treat_node_decl false $2 $3 $4 $6 $8 (fst $9) (snd $9) }
-| TK_NODE sxIdent sxStaticParams sxNodeProfileOpt TK_EQ sxEffectiveNode sxOptSemicol 
+| TK_NODE Ident StaticParams NodeProfileOpt TK_EQ EffectiveNode OptSemicol 
         { treat_node_alias true $2 $3 $4 $6 } ;
-| TK_FUNCTION sxIdent sxStaticParams sxNodeProfileOpt TK_EQ sxEffectiveNode sxOptSemicol 
+| TK_FUNCTION Ident StaticParams NodeProfileOpt TK_EQ EffectiveNode OptSemicol 
         { treat_node_alias false $2 $3 $4 $6 } ;
-sxNodeProfileOpt :
+NodeProfileOpt :
         /* nada */
         { None }
-|       sxParams TK_RETURNS sxParams
+|       Params TK_RETURNS Params
                 let invars = clocked_ids_to_var_infos VarInput $1 in
                 let outvars = clocked_ids_to_var_infos VarOutput $3 in
@@ -560,23 +560,23 @@ sxNodeProfileOpt :
-sxStaticParams: /*rien*/
+StaticParams: /*rien*/
                 { [] }
-        |       TK_OPEN_STATIC_PAR sxStaticParamList TK_CLOSE_STATIC_PAR
+        |       TK_OPEN_STATIC_PAR StaticParamList TK_CLOSE_STATIC_PAR
                 { (List.rev $2) }
-                sxStaticParam
+                StaticParam
                         { [$1] }
-        |       sxStaticParamList TK_SEMICOL sxStaticParam
+        |       StaticParamList TK_SEMICOL StaticParam
                         { $3::$1 }
-                TK_TYPE sxIdent
+                TK_TYPE Ident
                         { {it=(StaticParamType (Lxm.id $2)); src=$2} }
-        |       TK_CONST sxIdent TK_COLON sxType
+        |       TK_CONST Ident TK_COLON Type
                         { {it=(StaticParamConst (Lxm.id $2 , $4)); src=$2} }
-        |       TK_NODE sxIdent sxParams TK_RETURNS sxParams 
+        |       TK_NODE Ident Params TK_RETURNS Params 
                 let invars = clocked_ids_to_var_infos VarInput $3 in
                 let outvars = clocked_ids_to_var_infos VarOutput $5 in
@@ -588,7 +588,7 @@ sxStaticParam:
                 ) in
                 Lxm.flagit xn $2
-        |       TK_FUNCTION sxIdent sxParams TK_RETURNS sxParams 
+        |       TK_FUNCTION Ident Params TK_RETURNS Params 
                 let invars = clocked_ids_to_var_infos VarInput $3 in
                 let outvars = clocked_ids_to_var_infos VarOutput $5 in
@@ -604,49 +604,49 @@ sxStaticParam:
 /* Le "." à la fin des noeuds est une fioriture historique,
         On accepte donc '.' ';' ou rien du tout !
-        |       sxOptSemicol
+        |       OptSemicol
 /* Aucune difference entre params d'entrée et les autres */
 /* params de sortie */
                 /* rien */
                 TK_OPEN_PAR TK_CLOSE_PAR
                         { [] }
-                TK_OPEN_PAR sxVarDeclList sxOptSemicol TK_CLOSE_PAR
+                TK_OPEN_PAR VarDeclList OptSemicol TK_CLOSE_PAR
                   /* WARNING ! il faut remettre la liste à l'endroit */
                         { (List.rev $2) }
 /* variables locales */
-sxLocals:       /* empty */
+Locals:       /* empty */
                         { [] }
-        |    TK_VAR sxVarDeclList TK_SEMICOL
+        |    TK_VAR VarDeclList TK_SEMICOL
                   /* WARNING ! il faut remettre la liste à l'endroit */
                         { (List.rev $2) }
 /* liste de déclarations de vars typées et clockées */
-sxVarDeclList: sxVarDecl
+VarDeclList: VarDecl
                         { [$1] }
-        |    sxVarDeclList TK_SEMICOL sxVarDecl
+        |    VarDeclList TK_SEMICOL VarDecl
                         { $3::$1 }
 /* déclaration de vars éventuellement clockées */
                 Pas de clock : sous-entendu sur la base
                 exemple: x, ..., z : type
-                sxTypedIdents
+                TypedIdents
                         ([$1], Base)
@@ -655,7 +655,7 @@ sxVarDecl:
                 Clock explicite sur UNE seule liste d'idents typés
                 exemple: x, ..., z : type when clock
-                sxTypedIdents TK_WHEN sxClockExpr
+                TypedIdents TK_WHEN ClockExpr
                         ([$1], $3)
@@ -664,7 +664,7 @@ sxVarDecl:
                 Clock explicite sur PLUSIEURS listes d'idents typés
                 exemple: (x,..,z : t1 ; a,...,b : t2) when clock
-                TK_OPEN_PAR sxTypedIdentsList TK_CLOSE_PAR TK_WHEN sxClockExpr
+                TK_OPEN_PAR TypedIdentsList TK_CLOSE_PAR TK_WHEN ClockExpr
                 /* WARNING ! il faut remettre la liste à l'endroit */
                         ( (List.rev $2), $5 )
@@ -675,28 +675,28 @@ sxVarDecl:
 Retourne un couple (assertions list, equations list)
       TK_LET TK_TEL
                 { ([], []) }
-        |   TK_LET sxEquationList TK_TEL
+        |   TK_LET EquationList TK_TEL
         /* WARNING ! il faut remettre les listes à l'endroit */
                 { (List.rev (fst $2) , List.rev (snd $2)) }
 /* Equations */
-sxEquationList:   sxEquation
+EquationList:   Equation
         { $1 }
-        |   sxEquationList sxEquation
+        |   EquationList Equation
                 ( (fst $2) @ (fst $1) , (snd $2) @ (snd $1) )
-sxEquation:   TK_ASSERT sxExpression TK_SEMICOL
+Equation:   TK_ASSERT Expression TK_SEMICOL
                 ( [ {src = $1; it = $2} ] , [] )
-        |   sxLeft TK_EQ sxExpression TK_SEMICOL
+        |   Left TK_EQ Expression TK_SEMICOL
                 ( [] , [ {src = $2; it = ($1, $3) } ] )
@@ -705,127 +705,127 @@ sxEquation:   TK_ASSERT sxExpression TK_SEMICOL
 /* partie gauche d'equation */
-sxLeft:   sxLeftItemList
+Left:   LeftItemList
         /* WARNING ! il faut remettre la liste à l'endroit */
         { (List.rev $1) }
-        |   TK_OPEN_PAR sxLeftItemList TK_CLOSE_PAR
+        |   TK_OPEN_PAR LeftItemList TK_CLOSE_PAR
         /* WARNING ! il faut remettre la liste à l'endroit */
         { (List.rev $2) }
-sxLeftItemList:   sxLeftItem
+LeftItemList:   LeftItem
         { [$1] }
-        |   sxLeftItemList TK_COMA sxLeftItem 
+        |   LeftItemList TK_COMA LeftItem 
         { $3::$1 }
-sxLeftItem: sxIdent
+LeftItem: Ident
         { LeftVar ( {src = $1; it = Lxm.id $1} ) }
-        |   sxFieldLeftItem 
+        |   FieldLeftItem 
         { $1 }
-        |   sxTableLeftItem
+        |   TableLeftItem
         { $1 }
-sxFieldLeftItem: sxLeftItem TK_DOT sxIdent
+FieldLeftItem: LeftItem TK_DOT Ident
         { LeftField ($1 , {src = $3; it = Lxm.id $3} ) }
-            sxLeftItem TK_OPEN_BRACKET sxExpression TK_CLOSE_BRACKET
+            LeftItem TK_OPEN_BRACKET Expression TK_CLOSE_BRACKET
         { LeftArray ($1 , {src = $2; it = $3})  }
-        |   sxLeftItem TK_OPEN_BRACKET sxSelect TK_CLOSE_BRACKET
+        |   LeftItem TK_OPEN_BRACKET Select TK_CLOSE_BRACKET
         { LeftSlice ($1, $3 ) }
 /* partie droite d'equation (expression) */
         /* zéroaires */
-            sxConstant { $1 }
-        |   sxIdentRef    { leafexp $1.src (IDENT_n $1.it) }
+            Constant { $1 }
+        |   IdentRef    { leafexp $1.src (IDENT_n $1.it) }
         /* unaires */
-        |   TK_NOT sxExpression      { unexp_predef $1 NOT_n $2 }
-        |   TK_MINUS sxExpression %prec TK_UMINUS
+        |   TK_NOT Expression      { unexp_predef $1 NOT_n $2 }
+        |   TK_MINUS Expression %prec TK_UMINUS
                                      { unexp_predef $1 UMINUS_n $2 }
-        |   TK_PRE sxExpression      { unexp $1 PRE_n $2 }
-        |   TK_CURRENT sxExpression  { unexp $1 CURRENT_n $2 }
-        |   TK_INT sxExpression      { unexp_predef $1 REAL2INT_n $2 }
-        |   TK_REAL sxExpression     { unexp_predef $1 INT2REAL_n $2 }
+        |   TK_PRE Expression      { unexp $1 PRE_n $2 }
+        |   TK_CURRENT Expression  { unexp $1 CURRENT_n $2 }
+        |   TK_INT Expression      { unexp_predef $1 REAL2INT_n $2 }
+        |   TK_REAL Expression     { unexp_predef $1 INT2REAL_n $2 }
          /* binaires */
-        |  sxExpression TK_WHEN sxClockExpr  { unexp $2 (WHEN_n $3) $1 }
-        |  sxExpression TK_FBY  sxExpression  { binexp $2 FBY_n $1 $3 }
-        |  sxExpression TK_ARROW sxExpression { binexp $2 ARROW_n $1 $3 }
-        |  sxExpression TK_AND   sxExpression { binexp_predef $2 AND_n  $1 $3 }
-        |  sxExpression TK_OR    sxExpression { binexp_predef $2 OR_n  $1 $3 }
-        |  sxExpression TK_XOR   sxExpression { binexp_predef $2 XOR_n  $1 $3 }
-        |  sxExpression TK_IMPL  sxExpression { binexp_predef $2 IMPL_n  $1 $3 }
-        |  sxExpression TK_EQ    sxExpression { binexp_predef $2 EQ_n  $1 $3 }
-        |  sxExpression TK_NEQ   sxExpression { binexp_predef $2 NEQ_n  $1 $3 }
-        |  sxExpression TK_LT    sxExpression { binexp_predef $2 LT_n  $1 $3 }
-        |  sxExpression TK_LTE   sxExpression { binexp_predef $2 LTE_n  $1 $3 }
-        |  sxExpression TK_GT    sxExpression { binexp_predef $2 GT_n  $1 $3 }
-        |  sxExpression TK_GTE   sxExpression { binexp_predef $2 GTE_n  $1 $3 }
-        |  sxExpression TK_DIV   sxExpression { binexp_predef $2 DIV_n  $1 $3 }
-        |  sxExpression TK_MOD   sxExpression { binexp_predef $2 MOD_n  $1 $3 }
-        |  sxExpression TK_MINUS sxExpression { binexp_predef $2 MINUS_n  $1 $3 }
-        |  sxExpression TK_PLUS  sxExpression { binexp_predef $2 PLUS_n  $1 $3 }
-        |  sxExpression TK_SLASH sxExpression { binexp_predef $2 SLASH_n  $1 $3 }
-        |  sxExpression TK_STAR  sxExpression { binexp_predef $2 TIMES_n  $1 $3 }
+        |  Expression TK_WHEN ClockExpr  { unexp $2 (WHEN_n $3) $1 }
+        |  Expression TK_FBY  Expression  { binexp $2 FBY_n $1 $3 }
+        |  Expression TK_ARROW Expression { binexp $2 ARROW_n $1 $3 }
+        |  Expression TK_AND   Expression { binexp_predef $2 AND_n  $1 $3 }
+        |  Expression TK_OR    Expression { binexp_predef $2 OR_n  $1 $3 }
+        |  Expression TK_XOR   Expression { binexp_predef $2 XOR_n  $1 $3 }
+        |  Expression TK_IMPL  Expression { binexp_predef $2 IMPL_n  $1 $3 }
+        |  Expression TK_EQ    Expression { binexp_predef $2 EQ_n  $1 $3 }
+        |  Expression TK_NEQ   Expression { binexp_predef $2 NEQ_n  $1 $3 }
+        |  Expression TK_LT    Expression { binexp_predef $2 LT_n  $1 $3 }
+        |  Expression TK_LTE   Expression { binexp_predef $2 LTE_n  $1 $3 }
+        |  Expression TK_GT    Expression { binexp_predef $2 GT_n  $1 $3 }
+        |  Expression TK_GTE   Expression { binexp_predef $2 GTE_n  $1 $3 }
+        |  Expression TK_DIV   Expression { binexp_predef $2 DIV_n  $1 $3 }
+        |  Expression TK_MOD   Expression { binexp_predef $2 MOD_n  $1 $3 }
+        |  Expression TK_MINUS Expression { binexp_predef $2 MINUS_n  $1 $3 }
+        |  Expression TK_PLUS  Expression { binexp_predef $2 PLUS_n  $1 $3 }
+        |  Expression TK_SLASH Expression { binexp_predef $2 SLASH_n  $1 $3 }
+        |  Expression TK_STAR  Expression { binexp_predef $2 TIMES_n  $1 $3 }
         /* ternaires */
-        |  TK_IF sxExpression TK_THEN sxExpression TK_ELSE sxExpression
+        |  TK_IF Expression TK_THEN Expression TK_ELSE Expression
                         { ternexp_predef $1 IF_n $2 $4 $6 }
-        |  TK_WITH sxExpression TK_THEN sxExpression TK_ELSE sxExpression
+        |  TK_WITH Expression TK_THEN Expression TK_ELSE Expression
             { CallByPos( {src = $1 ; it = WITH_n($2, $4, $6) }, Oper [] ) }
         /* n-aires */
         /* WARNING ! il faut remettre la liste à l'endroit */
-        |  TK_DIESE TK_OPEN_PAR sxExpressionList TK_CLOSE_PAR
+        |  TK_DIESE TK_OPEN_PAR ExpressionList TK_CLOSE_PAR
                         { naryexp_predef $1 DIESE_n (List.rev $3) }
-        |  TK_NOR TK_OPEN_PAR sxExpressionList TK_CLOSE_PAR
+        |  TK_NOR TK_OPEN_PAR ExpressionList TK_CLOSE_PAR
                         { naryexp_predef $1 NOR_n (List.rev $3) }
-        | sxCallByPosExpression 
+        | CallByPosExpression 
                         { $1 }
-        |  TK_OPEN_PAR sxExpList2 TK_CLOSE_PAR
+        |  TK_OPEN_PAR ExpList2 TK_CLOSE_PAR
                         { naryexp $1 TUPLE_n (List.rev $2) }
         /* Opérations sur les tableaux */
         /* -> création à partir d'une liste */
-        |  TK_OPEN_BRACKET sxExpressionList TK_CLOSE_BRACKET
+        |  TK_OPEN_BRACKET ExpressionList TK_CLOSE_BRACKET
                         { naryexp $1 ARRAY_n (List.rev $2) }
         /* -> création par exponentiation */
-        |  sxExpression TK_HAT sxExpression { binexp $2 HAT_n $1 $3 }
+        |  Expression TK_HAT Expression { binexp $2 HAT_n $1 $3 }
         /* -> concaténation */
-        |  sxExpression TK_BAR sxExpression { binexp $2 CONCAT_n $1 $3 }
+        |  Expression TK_BAR Expression { binexp $2 CONCAT_n $1 $3 }
         /* -> accès à un élément */
-        |  sxExpression TK_OPEN_BRACKET sxExpression TK_CLOSE_BRACKET 
+        |  Expression TK_OPEN_BRACKET Expression TK_CLOSE_BRACKET 
                         { unexp $2 (ARRAY_ACCES_n $3) $1 }
         /* -> accès à une tranche */
-        |  sxExpression TK_OPEN_BRACKET sxSelect TK_CLOSE_BRACKET 
+        |  Expression TK_OPEN_BRACKET Select TK_CLOSE_BRACKET 
                         { unexp $3.src (ARRAY_SLICE_n $3.it) $1 }
         /* Acces aux structures */
-        |  sxExpression TK_DOT sxIdent
+        |  Expression TK_DOT Ident
                         { unexp $2 (STRUCT_ACCESS_n (Lxm.id $3)) $1 } 
         /* Appels par noms */
-        |       sxCallByNameExpression 
+        |       CallByNameExpression 
                         { $1 }
         /* Parenthèses */
-        |  TK_OPEN_PAR sxExpression TK_CLOSE_PAR
+        |  TK_OPEN_PAR Expression TK_CLOSE_PAR
                         { $2 }
-  | sxIdent TK_OPEN_PAR sxIdent TK_CLOSE_PAR 
+  | Ident TK_OPEN_PAR Ident TK_CLOSE_PAR 
                    { (make_clock_exp (Lxm.str $1) $3) }
-  |        sxIdent { (make_clock_exp ("True")  $1) }
-  | TK_NOT sxIdent { (make_clock_exp ("False") $2) }
+  |        Ident { (make_clock_exp ("True")  $1) }
+  | TK_NOT Ident { (make_clock_exp ("False") $2) }
                    { (make_clock_exp ("False") $3) }
         |   TK_NOT    { {src=$1; it=Predef_n(NOT_n,[])} }
         |   TK_FBY    { {src=$1; it=FBY_n} }
         |   TK_PRE    { {src=$1; it=PRE_n} }
@@ -849,44 +849,44 @@ sxPredefOp:
         |   TK_SLASH  { {src=$1; it=Predef_n(SLASH_n,[]) } }
         |   TK_STAR   { {src=$1; it=Predef_n(TIMES_n,[]) } }
         |   TK_IF     { {src=$1; it=Predef_n(IF_n,[]) } }
-        |   TK_WHEN sxClockExpr  { {src=$1; it=(WHEN_n $2)} }
+        |   TK_WHEN ClockExpr  { {src=$1; it=(WHEN_n $2)} }
 /* Appel fonctionnel par position (classique) */
 /* NB
         On a 2 règles à cause des appels échantillonné
-                sxEffectiveNode TK_OPEN_PAR sxExpression TK_CLOSE_PAR
+                EffectiveNode TK_OPEN_PAR Expression TK_CLOSE_PAR
                 { naryexp $1.src (CALL_n $1) [$3] }
         /* WARNING ! il faut remettre la liste à l'endroit */
-        |       sxEffectiveNode TK_OPEN_PAR sxExpList2 TK_CLOSE_PAR
+        |       EffectiveNode TK_OPEN_PAR ExpList2 TK_CLOSE_PAR
                 { naryexp $1.src (CALL_n $1) (List.rev $3) }
 /* Effective node : une constrcution qui designe un noeud */
         /* Juste un nom */
-                sxIdentRef
+                IdentRef
                         { {src=$1.src; it=(($1.it, [])) } }
         /* Un nom + des params statiques */
-        |       sxIdentRef TK_OPEN_STATIC_PAR sxStaticArgList TK_CLOSE_STATIC_PAR
+        |       IdentRef TK_OPEN_STATIC_PAR StaticArgList TK_CLOSE_STATIC_PAR
                         { {src=$1.src; it=(($1.it, List.rev $3)) }      }
         /* Un operateur prédéfini 
-        |       TK_OPERATOR sxPredefOp,[]
+        |       TK_OPERATOR PredefOp,[]
                         { {src=$; it=($2.it, []) } }
 XXX pour l'instant, j'enleve la possibilité d'avoir
 (operator +(1,2)). On verra ca plus tard
-                sxStaticArg
+                StaticArg
                 { [$1] }
-        |       sxStaticArgList TK_COMA sxStaticArg
+        |       StaticArgList TK_COMA StaticArg
                 { $3::$1 }
         /* let's be permissive... */
-        |       sxStaticArgList TK_SEMICOL sxStaticArg
+        |       StaticArgList TK_SEMICOL StaticArg
                 { $3::$1 }
@@ -897,21 +897,21 @@ sxStaticArgList:
           - la nature est compile-time (juste un ident, a résoudre)
           /* nature explicite */
-        | TK_TYPE sxType 
+        | TK_TYPE Type 
             { {src=$1 ; it=StaticArgType $2 } }
-        | TK_CONST sxExpression
+        | TK_CONST Expression
             { {src=$1 ; it=StaticArgConst $2 } }
-        | TK_NODE sxEffectiveNode
+        | TK_NODE EffectiveNode
             { {src=$1 ; it=StaticArgNode (CALL_n $2) } }
-        | TK_FUNCTION sxEffectiveNode
+        | TK_FUNCTION EffectiveNode
             { {src=$1 ; it=StaticArgNode (CALL_n $2) } }
-        | sxPredefOp
+        | PredefOp
                         { {src=$1.src; it=StaticArgNode $1.it } }
           /* un ident OU une expression simple (à résoudre) */
           /* c'est au retour qu'on choisit */
-        | sxSimpleExp
+        | SimpleExp
               match $1 with 
                 | CallByPos (op, x) -> (
@@ -924,20 +924,20 @@ sxStaticArg:
                     assert false
                 /* un type sans ambiguite */
-        |       sxSurelyType
+        |       SurelyType
                         { {src=$1.src; it=StaticArgType $1} }
                 /* un node sans ambiguite */
-        |       sxSurelyNode
+        |       SurelyNode
                         { {src=$1.src; it=StaticArgNode (CALL_n $1)} }
 /* for model arguments (copy-pasted from call by position StaticArg */
-                sxByNameStaticArg
+                ByNameStaticArg
                 { [$1] }
-        |       sxByNameStaticArgList TK_COMA sxByNameStaticArg
+        |       ByNameStaticArgList TK_COMA ByNameStaticArg
                 { $3::$1 }
         /* let's be permissive... */
-        |       sxByNameStaticArgList TK_SEMICOL sxByNameStaticArg
+        |       ByNameStaticArgList TK_SEMICOL ByNameStaticArg
                 { $3::$1 }
@@ -948,24 +948,24 @@ sxByNameStaticArgList:
           - la nature est compile-time (juste un ident, a résoudre)
           /* nature explicite */
-        | TK_TYPE sxIdent TK_EQ sxType 
+        | TK_TYPE Ident TK_EQ Type 
             {  (Lxm.id $2, {src=$1 ; it= StaticArgType $4 }) }
-        | TK_CONST sxIdent TK_EQ sxExpression
+        | TK_CONST Ident TK_EQ Expression
             {  (Lxm.id $2, {src=$1 ; it= StaticArgConst $4 }) }
-        | TK_NODE sxIdent TK_EQ sxEffectiveNode
+        | TK_NODE Ident TK_EQ EffectiveNode
             {  (Lxm.id $2, {src=$1 ; it= StaticArgNode (CALL_n $4) }) }
-        | TK_FUNCTION sxIdent TK_EQ sxEffectiveNode
+        | TK_FUNCTION Ident TK_EQ EffectiveNode
             {  (Lxm.id $2, {src=$1 ; it= StaticArgNode (CALL_n $4) }) }
-        | sxIdent TK_EQ sxPredefOp
+        | Ident TK_EQ PredefOp
             { Lxm.id $1, {src=$3.src; it=StaticArgNode $3.it } }
           /* un ident OU une expression simple (à résoudre) */
           /* c'est au retour qu'on choisit */
-        | sxIdent TK_EQ sxSimpleExp
+        | Ident TK_EQ SimpleExp
             { Lxm.id $1, 
               match $3 with 
                 | CallByPos (op, x) -> (
@@ -978,53 +978,53 @@ sxByNameStaticArg:
                     assert false
                 /* un type sans ambiguite */
-        | sxIdent TK_EQ sxSurelyType
+        | Ident TK_EQ SurelyType
                         { Lxm.id $1, {src=$3.src; it=StaticArgType $3} }
                 /* un node sans ambiguite */
-        | sxIdent TK_EQ sxSurelyNode
+        | Ident TK_EQ SurelyNode
                         { Lxm.id $1, {src=$3.src; it=StaticArgNode (CALL_n $3)} }
-        |       sxIdentRef TK_OPEN_STATIC_PAR sxStaticArgList TK_CLOSE_STATIC_PAR
+        |       IdentRef TK_OPEN_STATIC_PAR StaticArgList TK_CLOSE_STATIC_PAR
                         { {src=$1.src; it=($1.it, List.rev $3) }        }
                 /* prédéfini */
             TK_BOOL  { {src=$1; it=Bool_type_exp} }
         |   TK_INT   { {src=$1; it=Int_type_exp} }
         |   TK_REAL  { {src=$1; it=Real_type_exp} }
                 /* ou tableau immédiat */
-        |       sxSurelyType TK_HAT sxExpression
+        |       SurelyType TK_HAT Expression
                         { {src=$1.src; it = Array_type_exp ($1 , $3) } }
-/* sxSimpleExp = statically evaluable exp */
-                sxConstant { $1 }
-        |  sxIdentRef    { leafexp $1.src (IDENT_n $1.it) }
-        |  TK_OPEN_PAR sxSimpleExp TK_CLOSE_PAR { $2 }
-        |  TK_NOT sxSimpleExp      { unexp_predef $1 NOT_n $2 }
-        |  TK_MINUS sxSimpleExp %prec TK_UMINUS { unexp_predef $1 UMINUS_n $2 }
-        |  sxSimpleExp TK_AND   sxSimpleExp { binexp_predef $2 AND_n  $1 $3 }
-        |  sxSimpleExp TK_OR    sxSimpleExp { binexp_predef $2 OR_n  $1 $3 }
-        |  sxSimpleExp TK_XOR   sxSimpleExp { binexp_predef $2 XOR_n  $1 $3 }
-        |  sxSimpleExp TK_IMPL  sxSimpleExp { binexp_predef $2 IMPL_n  $1 $3 }
-        |  sxSimpleExp TK_EQ    sxSimpleExp { binexp_predef $2 EQ_n  $1 $3 }
-        |  sxSimpleExp TK_NEQ   sxSimpleExp { binexp_predef $2 NEQ_n  $1 $3 }
-        |  sxSimpleExp TK_LT    sxSimpleExp { binexp_predef $2 LT_n  $1 $3 }
-        |  sxSimpleExp TK_LTE   sxSimpleExp { binexp_predef $2 LTE_n  $1 $3 }
-        |  sxSimpleExp TK_GT    sxSimpleExp { binexp_predef $2 GT_n  $1 $3 }
-        |  sxSimpleExp TK_GTE   sxSimpleExp { binexp_predef $2 GTE_n  $1 $3 }
-        |  sxSimpleExp TK_DIV   sxSimpleExp { binexp_predef $2 DIV_n  $1 $3 }
-        |  sxSimpleExp TK_MOD   sxSimpleExp { binexp_predef $2 MOD_n  $1 $3 }
-        |  sxSimpleExp TK_MINUS sxSimpleExp { binexp_predef $2 MINUS_n  $1 $3 }
-        |  sxSimpleExp TK_PLUS  sxSimpleExp { binexp_predef $2 PLUS_n  $1 $3 }
-        |  sxSimpleExp TK_SLASH sxSimpleExp { binexp_predef $2 SLASH_n  $1 $3 }
-        |  sxSimpleExp TK_STAR  sxSimpleExp { binexp_predef $2 TIMES_n  $1 $3 }
+/* SimpleExp = statically evaluable exp */
+                Constant { $1 }
+        |  IdentRef    { leafexp $1.src (IDENT_n $1.it) }
+        |  TK_OPEN_PAR SimpleExp TK_CLOSE_PAR { $2 }
+        |  TK_NOT SimpleExp      { unexp_predef $1 NOT_n $2 }
+        |  TK_MINUS SimpleExp %prec TK_UMINUS { unexp_predef $1 UMINUS_n $2 }
+        |  SimpleExp TK_AND   SimpleExp { binexp_predef $2 AND_n  $1 $3 }
+        |  SimpleExp TK_OR    SimpleExp { binexp_predef $2 OR_n  $1 $3 }
+        |  SimpleExp TK_XOR   SimpleExp { binexp_predef $2 XOR_n  $1 $3 }
+        |  SimpleExp TK_IMPL  SimpleExp { binexp_predef $2 IMPL_n  $1 $3 }
+        |  SimpleExp TK_EQ    SimpleExp { binexp_predef $2 EQ_n  $1 $3 }
+        |  SimpleExp TK_NEQ   SimpleExp { binexp_predef $2 NEQ_n  $1 $3 }
+        |  SimpleExp TK_LT    SimpleExp { binexp_predef $2 LT_n  $1 $3 }
+        |  SimpleExp TK_LTE   SimpleExp { binexp_predef $2 LTE_n  $1 $3 }
+        |  SimpleExp TK_GT    SimpleExp { binexp_predef $2 GT_n  $1 $3 }
+        |  SimpleExp TK_GTE   SimpleExp { binexp_predef $2 GTE_n  $1 $3 }
+        |  SimpleExp TK_DIV   SimpleExp { binexp_predef $2 DIV_n  $1 $3 }
+        |  SimpleExp TK_MOD   SimpleExp { binexp_predef $2 MOD_n  $1 $3 }
+        |  SimpleExp TK_MINUS SimpleExp { binexp_predef $2 MINUS_n  $1 $3 }
+        |  SimpleExp TK_PLUS  SimpleExp { binexp_predef $2 PLUS_n  $1 $3 }
+        |  SimpleExp TK_SLASH SimpleExp { binexp_predef $2 SLASH_n  $1 $3 }
+        |  SimpleExp TK_STAR  SimpleExp { binexp_predef $2 TIMES_n  $1 $3 }
         /* ternaires */
-        |  TK_IF sxSimpleExp TK_THEN sxSimpleExp TK_ELSE sxSimpleExp
+        |  TK_IF SimpleExp TK_THEN SimpleExp TK_ELSE SimpleExp
                         { ternexp_predef $1 IF_n $2 $4 $6 }
@@ -1033,23 +1033,23 @@ sxSimpleExp:
 Actuellement, uniquement pour les structures,
 donc pas de soucis d'échantillonnage
         /* WARNING ! il faut remettre la liste à l'endroit */
-        sxIdentRef TK_OPEN_BRACE sxCallByNameParamList sxOptSemicol TK_CLOSE_BRACE
+        IdentRef TK_OPEN_BRACE CallByNameParamList OptSemicol TK_CLOSE_BRACE
                 { bynameexp $1.src (STRUCT_n $1.it) (List.rev $3) }
         /* on peut avoir une liste vide */
-        | sxIdentRef TK_OPEN_BRACE TK_CLOSE_BRACE
                 { bynameexp $1.src (STRUCT_n $1.it) ([]) }
         /* COMPATIBILITY : immediate "struct" without the type name
-        | TK_OPEN_BRACE sxCallByNameParamList sxOptSemicol TK_CLOSE_BRACE
+        | TK_OPEN_BRACE CallByNameParamList OptSemicol TK_CLOSE_BRACE
                 { bynameexp $1 STRUCT_anonymous_n (List.rev $2) } */
-                sxCallByNameParam
+                CallByNameParam
                         { [$1] }
-                sxCallByNameParamList sepVariant sxCallByNameParam      
+                CallByNameParamList sepVariant CallByNameParam      
                         { $3::$1 }
@@ -1062,19 +1062,19 @@ sepVariant:
-                sxIdent TK_EQ sxExpression
+                Ident TK_EQ Expression
                         { ({it=Lxm.id $1;src=$1} , $3) }
 /* WARNING ! : les listes sont crées à l'envers */
-sxExpressionList:   sxExpression
+ExpressionList:   Expression
                         { [$1] }
-        |   sxExpList2 
+        |   ExpList2 
                         { $1 }
-sxConstant:   TK_TRUE
+Constant:   TK_TRUE
                         { (leafexp $1 (Predef_n(TRUE_n,[]))) }
         |   TK_FALSE
                         { (leafexp $1 (Predef_n(FALSE_n,[]))) }
@@ -1085,20 +1085,18 @@ sxConstant:   TK_TRUE
 /* WARNING ! : les listes sont crées à l'envers */
-sxExpList2: sxExpressionList TK_COMA sxExpression 
+ExpList2: ExpressionList TK_COMA Expression 
                         { $3::$1 }
-           sxExpression TK_CDOTS sxExpression sxStep
+           Expression TK_CDOTS Expression Step
                 { {it={si_first = $1; si_last = $3 ; si_step = $4 }; src = $2} }
-|       TK_SLICE_START sxExpression sxStep
-                    { threat_slice_start $1 $2 $3 }
-sxStep: /* empty */
+Step: /* empty */
                         { None }
-        |   TK_STEP sxExpression
+        |   TK_STEP Expression
                         { Some $2 }
 /* NB
@@ -1107,15 +1105,15 @@ quand il n'y a pas d'ambiguit
 les ";" sont vus indifferemment commme 
 des séparateurs ou des terminateurs
-sxOptSemicol :
+OptSemicol :
                 /* empty */
         |   TK_SEMICOL 
-sxPragma: /* e.g., %ASSUME:toto% */
+Pragma: /* e.g., %ASSUME:toto% */
         { [] } /* produces 3 shift reduce conflicts! */
                 { (Pragma(Lxm.str $2, Lxm.str $4))::$6 }
diff --git a/src/syntaxTreeCore.ml b/src/syntaxTreeCore.ml
index 03ca9af0651c1e897e5e38d60caa077a34976dbe..8f2a47629934c0327f4e377d1a904a41e12cf5e2 100644
--- a/src/syntaxTreeCore.ml
+++ b/src/syntaxTreeCore.ml
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(** Time-stamp: <modified the 23/10/2008 (at 18:12) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(** Time-stamp: <modified the 22/04/2010 (at 10:55) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 (** (Raw) Abstract syntax tree of source programs. *)
diff --git a/src/test/Makefile b/src/test/Makefile
index b6c703247429859a70db9181c7870d77602eb0f8..98f6f97a7018292f5c42b5aebbc7cf40e61fe5db 100644
--- a/src/test/Makefile
+++ b/src/test/Makefile
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ test_ec:
 		echo -e "\n$(NL)====> $(LC) -ec $$d -o /tmp/xx.ec" >> test_ec.res; \
 		$(LC0) -ec $$d -o /tmp/xx.ec >> test_ec.res 2>&1 ;\
 		echo -e "ec2c /tmp/xx.ec" >> test_ec.res; \
-		(ec2c /tmp/xx.ec >> test_ec.res 2>&1 && echo -n "ok ") || echo " KO!";\
+		(ec2c /tmp/xx.ec >> test_ec.res 2>&1 && echo -n "ok ") || echo " KO ($$d)!";\
 	done; \
 	diff -u test_ec.res.exp test_ec.res > test_ec.diff || \
 		(cat test_ec.diff ; echo "cf test_ec.diff"; exit 1)
@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ test_lv4:
 			echo -e "lus2ec /tmp/xx.lus $$node" >> test_lv4.res; \
 			(lus2ec /tmp/xx.lus $$node >> \
 				test_lv4.res 2>&1 && echo -n "ok ") \
-			|| echo " KO!";\
+			|| echo " KO ($$d)!";\
 		done; \
 	done; \
 	diff -u test_lv4.res.exp test_lv4.res > test_lv4.diff || \
diff --git a/src/test/test.res.exp b/src/test/test.res.exp
index cac0669f359a8c7602bb4699c3603797ffc9159e..c86c89bade9f86d77dfd751d1022982295cfeb1f 100644
--- a/src/test/test.res.exp
+++ b/src/test/test.res.exp
@@ -33,6 +33,8 @@ where [options] can be:
 	 Generate ec (actually just an alias for '-en -lv4').
 	 Run some (internal) unit tests
+  --test-lexer Internal option used to test the lexer
+  -tlex 
   --verbose-level <int>
   -vl <int>
 	 Set the verbose level.