From 56eca725e87755878c816ad372dac1ff6c820d5d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Erwan Jahier <>
Date: Thu, 6 Mar 2008 14:55:13 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] nop

 src/TODO                                      |   2 +-
 src/                           |   3 +-
 src/                              | 135 ++++++------------
 src/                               |  40 +++---
 src/                           |  28 +++-
 src/                              |  18 ++-
 .../semantics}/const2.lus                     |   0
 7 files changed, 97 insertions(+), 129 deletions(-)
 rename src/test/{should_work/to_sort_out => should_fail/semantics}/const2.lus (100%)

diff --git a/src/TODO b/src/TODO
index 70e05dc8..a8cb90f7 100644
--- a/src/TODO
+++ b/src/TODO
@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ nb2  : rejeter  les noeuds  sans  memoire (ce  faisant sans  indiquer
 alors rajouter l'option  --infer-memoryless-annotation). Ou alors, on
 se contente d'emmettre des warning.
+nb3 : function = memoryless node
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index e4aa0b72..4ba8bd20 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(** Time-stamp: <modified the 20/02/2008 (at 15:04) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(** Time-stamp: <modified the 26/02/2008 (at 16:21) by Erwan Jahier> *)
@@ -176,6 +176,7 @@ Type : eq_eff
 and eq_eff = {
   eqf_left_list : left_eff list ;
+(* il manque la partie droite!!! *)
 Type : const_eff
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 8f9bf2de..65ecdc93 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(** Time-stamp: <modified the 20/02/2008 (at 16:04) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(** Time-stamp: <modified the 05/03/2008 (at 16:52) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 open Printf 
@@ -60,8 +60,8 @@ let op_computer (posop : predef_node) (src: Lxm.t)
 	= (
 	  match args with
 	      [Bool_const_eff v0; Bool_const_eff v1] -> [Bool_const_eff (f v0 v1)]
-	    |	[x0; x1] -> (type_error [x0; x1] "bool*bool")
-	    |	x        -> (arity_error x "2" )
+	    | [x0; x1] -> (type_error [x0; x1] "bool*bool")
+	    | x        -> (arity_error x "2" )
 	) in
 	le template pour tous les :
@@ -74,14 +74,14 @@ let op_computer (posop : predef_node) (src: Lxm.t)
 	= (
 	  match args with
 	      [Int_const_eff v0; Int_const_eff v1] -> [Int_const_eff (f v0 v1)]
-	    |	[x0; x1] -> (type_error [x0; x1] "int*int")
-	    |	x        -> (arity_error x "2" )
+	    | [x0; x1] -> (type_error [x0; x1] "int*int")
+	    | x        -> (arity_error x "2" )
 	) in
 	le template pour tous les :
 	N.B. on est obligé de passer 
-	2 "copie" du comparateur
+	2 "copies" du comparateur
 	(fi pour int, fr pour float)
 	sinon caml ne peut pas typer ...
@@ -94,16 +94,16 @@ let op_computer (posop : predef_node) (src: Lxm.t)
 	  match args with
 	      [Int_const_eff v0; Int_const_eff v1] -> (
 		[Bool_const_eff (fi v0 v1)]
-	      ) |
-		  [Real_const_eff v0; Real_const_eff v1] -> (
+	      ) 
+	    | [Real_const_eff v0; Real_const_eff v1] -> (
 		    let res = (fr v0 v1) in
 		      warning src 
 			   "float in static exp: %f%s%f evaluated as %b" v0 nm v1 res);
 		      [Bool_const_eff res]
-		  ) |
-		      [x0; x1] -> (type_error [x0; x1] "int*int or real*real")
-	    |	x     -> (arity_error x "2" )
+		  ) 
+	    | [x0; x1] -> (type_error [x0; x1] "int*int or real*real")
+	    | x        -> (arity_error x "2" )
 	) in
 	le template pour tous les :
@@ -116,18 +116,18 @@ let op_computer (posop : predef_node) (src: Lxm.t)
 	(args : const_eff list)
 	= (
 	  match args with
-	      [Int_const_eff v0; Int_const_eff v1] -> (
+	      [Int_const_eff v0; Int_const_eff v1] ->
 		[Int_const_eff (fi v0 v1)]
-	      ) |
-		  [Real_const_eff v0; Real_const_eff v1] -> (
-		    let res = (fr v0 v1) in
-		      warning src 
-			(sprintf 
-			   "float in static exp: %f%s%f evaluated as %f" v0 nm v1 res);
-		      [Real_const_eff res]
-		  ) |
-		      [x0; x1] -> (type_error [x0; x1] "int*int or real*real")
-	    |	x     -> (arity_error x "2" )
+	    | [Real_const_eff v0; Real_const_eff v1] -> (
+		let res = (fr v0 v1) in
+		  warning src 
+		    (sprintf 
+		       "float in static exp: %f%s%f evaluated as %f" v0 nm v1 res);
+		  [Real_const_eff res]
+		  ) 
+	    | [x0; x1] -> (type_error [x0; x1] "int*int or real*real")
+	    | x     -> (arity_error x "2" )
 	) in
 	Calcul du if
@@ -142,7 +142,8 @@ let op_computer (posop : predef_node) (src: Lxm.t)
 	| [x0; x1; x2] -> (type_error args "bool*t*t for some type t")
 	| x -> (arity_error x "3")
-    ) in
+    ) 
+    in
 	Calcul de l'égalité
 	N.B. Sur les constantes abstraites
@@ -155,18 +156,17 @@ let op_computer (posop : predef_node) (src: Lxm.t)
 	= (
 	  let rec fields_eq f0 f1 = (
 	    match (f0, f1) with
-		([], []) -> (
+	      | ([], []) -> 
 		  [Bool_const_eff true]
-		) |
-		    ((f0,h0)::t0, (f1,h1)::t1) -> (
-		      assert (f0 = f1);
-		      match (compute_eq [h0;h1]) with
-			  [Bool_const_eff false] -> [Bool_const_eff false]
-			| [Bool_const_eff true] -> (fields_eq t0 t1) 
-			| _ -> assert false
-		    )
-	      |
-		  _ -> assert false
+	      | ((f0,h0)::t0, (f1,h1)::t1) -> (
+		  assert (f0 = f1);
+		  match (compute_eq [h0;h1]) with
+		      [Bool_const_eff false] -> [Bool_const_eff false]
+		    | [Bool_const_eff true] -> (fields_eq t0 t1) 
+		    | _ -> assert false
+		)
+	      | _ -> assert false
 	    match args with
@@ -205,7 +205,8 @@ let op_computer (posop : predef_node) (src: Lxm.t)
 	      |	[x;y] -> type_error args "t*t for some type t"
 	      |	x -> arity_error args "2"
-	) in
+	) 
+    in
       (* match principal *)
       match posop with 
 	  TRUE_n     -> (
@@ -277,7 +278,7 @@ let op_computer (posop : predef_node) (src: Lxm.t)
 	    function x -> (
 	      match (compute_eq x) with
 		  [Bool_const_eff v] -> [Bool_const_eff (not v)]
-		|	x -> x 
+		| x -> x 
 	| LT_n     -> ( generic_num_comp "<" (<) (<) )
@@ -324,7 +325,6 @@ let op_computer (posop : predef_node) (src: Lxm.t)
 	| CONCAT_n -> assert false
 	| HAT_n -> assert false
 	| FBY_n -> assert false
-	| NULL_exp -> assert false
@@ -448,61 +448,6 @@ let make_struct_const
-(************DEBUT SCORIE***************************************
-	Application d'une opération homomorphe classique
-Si TOUS les args sont des tableaux de même taille,
-alors on en conclue qu'il s'agit d'une extension
-Transforme (si possible)
-une liste de tableaux en tableau de liste.
-exemple (c'est plus parlant !):
-get_extension_args [
-	Array_const_eff([| a1; a2; ...; an |],ta) ;
-	Array_const_eff([| b1; b2; ...; bn |],tb) ;
-	...
-	Array_const_eff([| z1; z2; ...; zn |],zb) ;
-] =
-Some [ [a1; b1; ...; z1]; ... [an; bn; ...; zn] ]
-Dans les autres cas => none
-let get_extension_args (clist : const_eff list) = (
-	let treat_arg (c : const_eff) (acc : const_eff list array option) = (
-		match c with
-		Array_const_eff (ctab, typ) -> (
-			match acc with
-			None -> Some ( (function x -> [x]) ctab)
-			| Some res -> Some (Utils.array_map2 (fun x -> fun y -> x::y) ctab res)
-		) | _ -> raise (Invalid_argument "")
-	)	
-	in try
-		List.fold_right treat_arg clist None 
-	with _ -> None 
-let rec compute_homomorphic_op 
-	(oper : const_eff list -> const_eff list)
-	(args : const_eff list) =
-	match (get_extension_args args) with
-	None -> (
-		(* pas extension => on opere juste *)
-		oper args
-	) |
-	Some c_lst_tab -> (
-		(* extension *) 
-		let elts = (compute_homomorphic_op oper) c_lst_tab in
-		[ make_array_const elts ]
-	)
-***********FIN SCORIE***************************************)
 	Evaluation récursive des expressions constantes
@@ -556,12 +501,12 @@ let rec f
 		IDENT_n  id  -> (
 		  (* 2007-07 on interdit les externes *)
 		  match (env.id2const id lxm) with
-		      Extern_const_eff _ -> (
+		    | Extern_const_eff _ -> (
 			raise (EvalConst_error( sprintf
 						  "external constant not allowed (%s)"
 						  (Lxm.details lxm)))
-		      ) |
-			  x ->  [ x ]
+		      )
+		    | x ->  [ x ]
 		  (* opérateur lazzy *)
 	      | WITH_n -> (
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index d3485f38..c047795b 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(** Time-stamp: <modified the 07/02/2008 (at 17:12) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(** Time-stamp: <modified the 05/03/2008 (at 14:49) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 open Lxm
 open Errors
@@ -23,23 +23,21 @@ Effets de bord :
 let rec (f:CompiledData.id_solver -> SyntaxTreeCore.type_exp -> CompiledData.type_eff)=
-  fun env texp ->  (
-      try (
-	match with 
-     	    Bool_type_exp -> Bool_type_eff
-	  | Int_type_exp  -> Int_type_eff
-	  | Real_type_exp -> Real_type_eff
-	  | Named_type_exp s -> (
-	      env.id2type s texp.src 
-	    )
-	  | Array_type_exp (elt_texp, szexp) -> (
-	      let elt_teff = f env elt_texp in
-		try (
-		  let sz = EvalConst.eval_array_size env szexp in
-		    Array_type_eff ( elt_teff, sz)
-		) with EvalArray_error msg -> raise(EvalType_error msg)
-	    )
-      ) with EvalType_error msg -> (
-	raise (Compile_error(texp.src, "can't eval type: "^msg))	
-      )
-    )
+  fun env texp ->
+    try (
+      match with
+     	| Bool_type_exp -> Bool_type_eff
+	| Int_type_exp  -> Int_type_eff
+	| Real_type_exp -> Real_type_eff
+	| Named_type_exp s -> env.id2type s texp.src
+	| Array_type_exp (elt_texp, szexp) -> (
+	    let elt_teff = f env elt_texp in
+	      try (
+		let sz = EvalConst.eval_array_size env szexp in
+		  Array_type_eff (elt_teff, sz)
+	      ) with EvalArray_error msg -> raise(EvalType_error msg)
+	  )
+    ) 
+    with EvalType_error msg ->
+      raise (Compile_error(texp.src, "can't eval type: "^msg))
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 0b67b718..8c25f2d1 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(** Time-stamp: <modified the 20/02/2008 (at 15:41) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(** Time-stamp: <modified the 06/03/2008 (at 10:05) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 open Lxm
@@ -57,6 +57,11 @@ fun tbl ->
     prov_types = Hashtbl.create 0;
     prov_consts =  Hashtbl.create 0;
     prov_nodes  = Hashtbl.create 0;
+(* XXX Remplir ces tables avec les infos relatives aux opérateurs prédéfinis !!! *)
+(* XXX il manque aussi une table pour les clocks !!! *)
@@ -88,6 +93,11 @@ fun tbl ->
    (10) [solve_const_idref] solves constant reference (w.r.t. short/long ident)
+    XXX clocks checking
+    ------------------
+    Ditto, but todo!
     nb: for x in {type, const, node}, there are several functions that returns [x_eff]:
     - [x_check]
@@ -108,7 +118,8 @@ fun tbl ->
     no static parameters. Then:    
     -  [node_check] calls [solve_x_idref] to perfrom name resolution
       and it calls 
+    nb3:
@@ -289,7 +300,8 @@ and (type_check_interface_do: t -> Ident.long -> Lxm.t -> SymbolTab.t ->
 and (const_check_interface_do: t -> Ident.long -> Lxm.t -> SymbolTab.t -> 
-      Ident.pack_name -> SyntaxTreeCore.const_info srcflagged -> CompiledData.const_eff) =
+      Ident.pack_name -> SyntaxTreeCore.const_info srcflagged -> 
+      CompiledData.const_eff) =
   fun this cn lxm prov_symbols p const_def -> 
     let prov_const_eff = const_check_do this cn lxm prov_symbols p const_def in
     let body_const_eff = const_check this cn lxm in
@@ -518,10 +530,17 @@ and (node_check_do: t -> CompiledData.node_key -> Lxm.t -> SymbolTab.t ->
       match with
 	| Node n ->
 	    (match n.uni_def with
-	       | NodeAlias (profile_opt, {src=_;it= CallPreDef(node)}) ->
+	       | NodeAlias (profile_opt, {src=_;it= CallPreDef(ITERATOR_n(_,_,_))}) ->
 		   finish_me "node alias with predef operator";
 		   assert false
+	       | NodeAlias (_, {src=_;it= CallPreDef(node)}) ->
+		   assert false 
+		     (* 
+			The only predef node that have static arg are array iterators.
+			Raise a msg or is it catched before ?
+		     *)
 	       | NodeAlias (
 		   profile_opt, { src = lxm; it = CallUsrDef(idref, static_args) }
 		 ) ->
@@ -551,7 +570,6 @@ and (node_check_do: t -> CompiledData.node_key -> Lxm.t -> SymbolTab.t ->
 	       | NodeAbstract(vi_il, vi_ol) -> 
 		   let aux vi = EvalType.f node_id_solver in
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 37951f44..cb66a05f 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(** Time-stamp: <modified the 15/02/2008 (at 11:40) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(** Time-stamp: <modified the 06/03/2008 (at 14:45) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 Sous-module pour SyntaxTab 
@@ -19,11 +19,17 @@ type t = {
 (* Création/initialisation d'une symbol_tab *)
-let create () = {
-   st_consts = Hashtbl.create 50;
-   st_types  = Hashtbl.create 50;
-   st_nodes  = Hashtbl.create 50;
+let create () = 
+  let consts_tbl = Hashtbl.create 50
+  and types_tbl  = Hashtbl.create 50
+  and nodes_tbl  = Hashtbl.create 50
+  in
+(*    List.iter (fun (n,xx) -> Hashtbl.add nodes_tbl n xx) predef_node_list; *)
+    {
+      st_consts = consts_tbl;
+      st_types  = types_tbl;
+      st_nodes  = nodes_tbl;
+    }
 let find_type (this: t) (id: Ident.t) lxm =
   try Hashtbl.find (this.st_types) id
diff --git a/src/test/should_work/to_sort_out/const2.lus b/src/test/should_fail/semantics/const2.lus
similarity index 100%
rename from src/test/should_work/to_sort_out/const2.lus
rename to src/test/should_fail/semantics/const2.lus