From 5316f18a01d3d41cd969ec5fe8e403235421be14 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Erwan Jahier <>
Date: Mon, 8 Apr 2013 15:00:17 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Some work to prepare the merge with the lurette git repo.

I took the data type definition from SocExecValue to define a Data
module that is a strict extension of the Lutin Data module.

The duplicated Genlex module is now also identical to the one of

Quite boring, but simple thanks to the ocaml type system.
 .gitignore                      |  16 +-
 Makefile                        |   2 +
 src/              |   8 +-
 src/actionsDeps.mli             |   4 +-
 src/                     | 101 ++++++++++
 src/data.mli                    |  28 +++
 src/                   | 273 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 src/genlex.mli                  |  71 +++++++
 src/                  | 107 ++++++-----
 src/lic2soc.mli                 |   4 +-
 src/                 | 326 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 src/rif_base.mli                |  42 ++++
 src/                      |  22 +--
 src/                  |  14 +-
 src/        |   7 +-
 src/             |  88 +++------
 src/socExecValue.mli            |  22 +--
 src/                |  36 ++--
 src/socPredef.mli               |   6 +-
 src/                 |  28 +--
 src/socUtils.mli                |   6 +-
 test/Makefile.dist              |  17 ++
 test/board_triglav.exp          |   4 +
 test/lus2lic.sum                |   2 +-
 test/should_fail/type/merge.lus |  11 ++                        |   7 +-
 26 files changed, 1031 insertions(+), 221 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 src/
 create mode 100644 src/data.mli
 create mode 100644 src/
 create mode 100644 src/genlex.mli
 create mode 100644 src/
 create mode 100644 src/rif_base.mli
 create mode 100644 test/Makefile.dist
 create mode 100644 test/board_triglav.exp
 create mode 100644 test/should_fail/type/merge.lus

diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 62191435..1249110b 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -1,7 +1,13 @@
@@ -41,3 +47,11 @@ lv6-ref-man/lv6-ref-man.pdf
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 923ed399..1f54a6eb 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -35,6 +35,8 @@ CFLAGS=-mno-cygwin
+	$(OBJDIR)/data.mli \
+	$(OBJDIR)/ \
 	$(OBJDIR)/ \
 	$(OBJDIR)/socUtils.mli \
 	$(OBJDIR)/ \
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 71de5fab..461d6394 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(** Time-stamp: <modified the 02/04/2013 (at 16:05) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(** Time-stamp: <modified the 08/04/2013 (at 14:13) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 let dbg = Some(Verbose.get_flag "exec")
@@ -219,8 +219,8 @@ let to_string: t -> string = fun m ->
 (* exported *)
-let build_data_deps_from_actions:  (Lic.type_ -> Soc.var_type) -> t -> action list -> t =
-  fun lic_to_soc_type deps al ->
+let build_data_deps_from_actions:  (Lic.type_ -> Data.t) -> t -> action list -> t =
+  fun lic_to_data_type deps al ->
     let tbl = get_var2actions_tbl al in
     let deps =
@@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ let build_data_deps_from_actions:  (Lic.type_ -> Soc.var_type) -> t -> action li
           let dep_vars = match clk with
             | Lic.BaseLic -> rhs
             | Lic.ClockVar int -> assert false
-            | Lic.On ((cc,cv,ct),_) -> (Soc.Var(cv, lic_to_soc_type ct))::rhs
+            | Lic.On ((cc,cv,ct),_) -> (Soc.Var(cv, lic_to_data_type ct))::rhs
           let deps = actions_of_vars dep_vars tbl in
           (* The guard should be computed before the guarded expression *)
diff --git a/src/actionsDeps.mli b/src/actionsDeps.mli
index afa57216..6baf10ef 100644
--- a/src/actionsDeps.mli
+++ b/src/actionsDeps.mli
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(** Time-stamp: <modified the 02/04/2013 (at 16:06) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(** Time-stamp: <modified the 08/04/2013 (at 14:11) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 (** Compute dependencies between actions  *)
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ val string_of_action_simple: action -> string
     Lic2soc.lic_to_soc_type is passed inn argument to break a mutuel dep loop
-val build_data_deps_from_actions:  (Lic.type_ -> Soc.var_type) -> t -> action list -> t
+val build_data_deps_from_actions:  (Lic.type_ -> Data.t) -> t -> action list -> t
 (** Use the dependency constraints that come from the SOC (e.g., 'get' before 'set'
     in memory SOC).
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a1519159
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+type ident = string
+type v = I of int | F of float | B of bool 
+         | E of ident * int
+         | A of v array | S of (ident * v) list | U
+type t = 
+  | Bool | Int | Real
+  | Extern of ident
+  | Enum   of (ident * ident list)
+  | Struct of ident * (ident * t) list
+  | Array  of (t * int)
+  | Alpha of int
+let rec (val_to_string : v -> string) =
+  function
+    | I i  -> string_of_int i
+    | F f  -> string_of_float f (* Util.my_string_of_float f *)
+    | B true -> "t"
+    | B false -> "f"
+    | E (e,_) -> e
+    | S fl -> String.concat " " ( (fun (fn,fv) -> val_to_string fv) fl)
+    | A a -> 
+      let str = ref "" in
+      let f i a = str := !str ^ " " ^ (val_to_string a) in
+      Array.iteri f a;
+      !str
+    | U -> "not initialised"
+let rec (type_to_string : t -> string) = 
+  fun v -> 
+    let str =
+      match v with
+        | Bool -> "bool"
+        | Int -> "int"
+        | Real-> "real"
+        | Extern s -> s ^ "(*extern*)"
+        | Enum  (s, sl) -> "enum " ^ s ^ " {" ^ (String.concat ", " sl) ^ "}"
+        | Struct (sid,_) -> sid ^ "(*struct*)"
+        | Array (ty, sz) -> Printf.sprintf "%s^%d" (type_to_string ty) sz 
+        | Alpha nb ->
+        (* On génère des "types" à la Caml : 'a, 'b, 'c, etc. *)
+          let a_value = Char.code('a') in
+          let z_value = Char.code('z') in
+          let str =
+            if (nb >= 0 && nb <= (z_value - a_value)) then
+              ("'" ^ (Char.escaped (Char.chr(a_value + nb))))
+            else
+              ("'a" ^ (string_of_int nb))
+          in
+          str
+    in
+    str
+let (type_of_string : string -> t) = 
+  function
+    | "bool"  ->  Bool
+    | "real"  -> Real
+    | "float" -> Real
+    | "int"   -> Int
+    | s -> failwith (s ^ ": unsupported type.\n")
+type vntl = (string * string) list
+type subst = (string * v) 
+type access = Idx of int | Fld of ident
+(* exported *)
+let rec (update_val : v -> v -> access list -> v) =
+  fun pre_v v access -> 
+    match pre_v,access with
+      | _,[] -> v
+      | A a, (Idx i)::access -> 
+        let a_i = update_val a.(i) v access in
+        a.(i) <- a_i;
+        A a
+      | S(fl), (Fld fn)::access -> 
+        S ( 
+             (fun (fn2,v2) -> if fn=fn2 then fn,update_val v2 v access else (fn2,v2)) 
+             fl)
+      | _,_ -> assert false (* finish me (field struct) *)
+(* exported *)
+let rec (create_val : t -> v -> access list -> v) =
+  fun vt v access ->
+    match vt,access with
+      | _,[] -> v
+      | Array(vt,size), (Idx i)::access -> 
+        let a = Array.make size U in
+        let a_i = create_val vt v access in
+        a.(i) <- a_i;
+        A a
+      | Struct(sn,fl), (Fld fn)::access -> 
+        S( (fun (fn2,vt2) -> if fn=fn2 then fn,create_val vt2 v access else fn2,U) fl)
+      | _,_ -> assert false
diff --git a/src/data.mli b/src/data.mli
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7d26bfd5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/data.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+type ident = string
+type v = I of int | F of float | B of bool 
+         | E of ident * int
+         | A of v array | S of (ident * v) list | U
+type t = 
+  | Bool | Int | Real
+  | Extern of ident
+  | Enum   of (ident * ident list)
+  | Struct of ident * (ident * t) list
+  | Array  of (t * int)
+  | Alpha of int
+val val_to_string : v -> string
+val type_to_string : t -> string
+val type_of_string : string -> t
+type vntl = (string * string) list
+type subst = (string * v) 
+type access = Idx of int | Fld of ident
+(* Replace access(pre_v) by v in pre_v *)
+val update_val : v -> v -> access list -> v
+(* The same as update_val in the case where no previous value exists *)
+val create_val : t -> v -> access list -> v
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1a27d89b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,273 @@
+(*                                                                     *)
+(*                           Objective Caml                            *)
+(*                                                                     *)
+(*              Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt       *)
+(*                                                                     *)
+(*  Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et   *)
+(*  en Automatique.  All rights reserved.  This file is distributed    *)
+(*  under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License, with    *)
+(*  the special exception on linking described in file ../LICENSE.     *)
+(*                                                                     *)
+(* $Id:,v 1.9 2002/04/18 07:27:42 garrigue Exp $ *)
+   Modified by Erwan Jahier
+   in order to add source info to tokens
+type source_info = int * int (* line and column *)
+type token =
+    Kwd of source_info * string
+  | Ident of source_info * string
+  | Int of source_info * int
+  | Float of source_info * float
+  | String of source_info * string
+  | Char of source_info * char
+(* The string buffering machinery *)
+let initial_buffer = String.create 32
+let buffer = ref initial_buffer
+let bufpos = ref 0
+let reset_buffer () = buffer := initial_buffer; bufpos := 0
+let store c =
+  if !bufpos >= String.length !buffer then
+    begin
+      let newbuffer = String.create (2 * !bufpos) in
+	String.blit !buffer 0 newbuffer 0 !bufpos; buffer := newbuffer
+    end;
+  String.set !buffer !bufpos c;
+  incr bufpos
+let get_string () =
+  let s = String.sub !buffer 0 !bufpos in buffer := initial_buffer; s
+(* The lexer *)
+(* Avoid crashing if int are too big *)
+let my_int_of_string str = 
+  try int_of_string str
+  with _ -> 
+    let i64 = Int64.of_string str in
+    let i = if i64 > (Int64.of_int max_int) then 
+      max_int / 4 
+    else if i64 < (Int64.of_int min_int) then 
+      min_int / 4 
+    else 
+      Int64.to_int i64 (* deadcode IMHO *) 
+    in
+      Printf.eprintf "Warning: The integer %s is too big: truncate it to %i\n" str i;
+      flush stderr;
+      i
+let make_lexer keywords =
+  let kwd_table = Hashtbl.create 17 in
+    List.iter (fun s -> Hashtbl.add kwd_table s "dummy") keywords;
+    let ident_or_keyword id s e =
+      if
+	Hashtbl.mem kwd_table id
+      then
+	Kwd ((s, e), id)
+      else
+	Ident ((s, e), id)
+    and keyword_or_error c s e=
+      let id = String.make 1 c in
+	if
+	  Hashtbl.mem kwd_table id
+	then
+	  Kwd ((s, e), id)
+	else
+	  raise (Stream.Error ("Illegal character " ^ id))
+    in
+    let rec next_token (strm__ : _ Stream.t) =
+      let debut = Stream.count strm__ in
+	match Stream.peek strm__ with
+	    Some (' ' | '\010' | '\013' | '\009' | '\026' | '\012') ->
+              Stream.junk strm__; next_token strm__
+	  | Some ('A'..'Z' | 'a'..'z' | '_' | '\192'..'\255' as c) ->
+              Stream.junk strm__;
+              let s = strm__ in reset_buffer (); store c; ident s debut
+	  | Some
+              ('!' | '%' | '&' | '$' | '#' | '+' | '/' | ':' | '<' | '=' | '>' |
+		 '?' | '@' | '\\' | '~' | '^' | '|' | '*' as c) ->
+              Stream.junk strm__;
+		let s = strm__ in reset_buffer (); store c; ident2 s debut
+	  | Some ('0'..'9' as c) ->
+              Stream.junk strm__;
+              let s = strm__ in reset_buffer (); store c; number s
+	  | Some '\'' ->
+              Stream.junk strm__;
+              let c =
+		try char strm__ with
+		    Stream.Failure -> raise (Stream.Error "")
+              in
+		begin match Stream.peek strm__ with
+		    Some '\'' -> Stream.junk strm__; Some (Char ((debut, Stream.count strm__),c))
+		  | _ -> raise (Stream.Error "")
+		end
+	  | Some '"' ->
+              Stream.junk strm__;
+              let s = strm__ in
+	      let str = reset_buffer ();(string s) in
+		Some (String ((debut,(Stream.count strm__)), str))
+	  | Some '-' -> Stream.junk strm__; maybe_one_line_comment strm__
+	  | Some '(' -> Stream.junk strm__; maybe_comment strm__
+	  | Some c -> Stream.junk strm__; Some (keyword_or_error c debut (Stream.count strm__))
+	  | _ -> None
+    and ident (strm__ : _ Stream.t) (debut : int) =
+      match Stream.peek strm__ with
+	  Some
+            ('A'..'Z' | 'a'..'z' | '\192'..'\255' | '0'..'9' | '_' | '\'' as c) ->
+              Stream.junk strm__; let s = strm__ in store c; ident s debut
+	| _ ->
+	    let str = (get_string ()) in
+	    let fin = (Stream.count strm__) in
+	      Some (ident_or_keyword str debut fin)
+    and ident2 (strm__ : _ Stream.t) debut =
+	match Stream.peek strm__ with
+	    Some
+              ('!' | '%' | '&' | '$' | '#' | '+' | '-' | '/' | ':' | '<' | '=' |
+		 '>' | '?' | '@' | '\\' | '~' | '^' | '|' | '*' as c) ->
+		Stream.junk strm__; let s = strm__ in store c; ident2 s debut
+	  | _ ->
+	      let str = (get_string ()) in
+	      let fin = (Stream.count strm__) in
+		Some (ident_or_keyword str debut fin)
+    and neg_number (strm__ : _ Stream.t) =
+      let debut = Stream.count strm__ in
+	match Stream.peek strm__ with
+	  Some ('0'..'9' as c) ->
+            Stream.junk strm__;
+            let s = strm__ in reset_buffer (); store '-'; store c; number s
+	| _ -> let s = strm__ in reset_buffer (); store '-'; ident2 s debut
+    and number (strm__ : _ Stream.t) =
+      let debut = Stream.count strm__ in
+      match Stream.peek strm__ with
+	  Some ('0'..'9' as c) ->
+            Stream.junk strm__; let s = strm__ in store c; number s
+	| Some '.' ->
+            Stream.junk strm__; let s = strm__ in store '.'; decimal_part s
+	| Some ('e' | 'E') ->
+            Stream.junk strm__; let s = strm__ in store 'E'; exponent_part s
+	| _ ->
+	    let s = (get_string ()) in
+	      Some (Int ((debut,(Stream.count strm__)), 
+                         (my_int_of_string s)
+                        ))
+    and decimal_part (strm__ : _ Stream.t) =
+      let debut = Stream.count strm__ in
+      match Stream.peek strm__ with
+	  Some ('0'..'9' as c) ->
+            Stream.junk strm__; let s = strm__ in store c; decimal_part s
+	| Some ('e' | 'E') ->
+            Stream.junk strm__; let s = strm__ in store 'E'; exponent_part s
+	| _ ->
+	    let s = (get_string ()) in
+	    Some (Float ((debut,(Stream.count strm__)), (float_of_string s )))
+    and exponent_part (strm__ : _ Stream.t) =
+      match Stream.peek strm__ with
+	  Some ('+' | '-' as c) ->
+            Stream.junk strm__; let s = strm__ in store c; end_exponent_part s
+	| _ -> end_exponent_part strm__
+    and end_exponent_part (strm__ : _ Stream.t) =
+      let debut = Stream.count strm__ in
+      match Stream.peek strm__ with
+	  Some ('0'..'9' as c) ->
+            Stream.junk strm__; let s = strm__ in store c; end_exponent_part s
+	| _ ->
+	    let s = (get_string ()) in
+	      Some (Float ((debut,(Stream.count strm__)), (float_of_string s)))
+    and string (strm__ : _ Stream.t) =
+      match Stream.peek strm__ with
+	  Some '"' -> Stream.junk strm__; get_string ()
+	| Some '\\' ->
+            Stream.junk strm__;
+            let c =
+              try escape strm__ with
+		  Stream.Failure -> raise (Stream.Error "")
+            in
+            let s = strm__ in store c; string s
+	| Some c -> Stream.junk strm__; let s = strm__ in store c; string s
+	| _ -> raise Stream.Failure
+    and char (strm__ : _ Stream.t) =
+      match Stream.peek strm__ with
+	  Some '\\' ->
+            Stream.junk strm__;
+            begin try escape strm__ with
+		Stream.Failure -> raise (Stream.Error "")
+            end
+	| Some c -> Stream.junk strm__; c
+	| _ -> raise Stream.Failure
+    and escape (strm__ : _ Stream.t) =
+      match Stream.peek strm__ with
+	  Some 'n' -> Stream.junk strm__; '\n'
+	| Some 'r' -> Stream.junk strm__; '\r'
+	| Some 't' -> Stream.junk strm__; '\t'
+	| Some ('0'..'9' as c1) ->
+            Stream.junk strm__;
+            begin match Stream.peek strm__ with
+		Some ('0'..'9' as c2) ->
+		  Stream.junk strm__;
+		  begin match Stream.peek strm__ with
+		      Some ('0'..'9' as c3) ->
+			Stream.junk strm__;
+			Char.chr
+			  ((Char.code c1 - 48) * 100 + (Char.code c2 - 48) * 10 +
+			   (Char.code c3 - 48))
+		    | _ -> raise (Stream.Error "")
+		  end
+              | _ -> raise (Stream.Error "")
+            end
+	| Some c -> Stream.junk strm__; c
+	| _ -> raise Stream.Failure
+(* lustre-like one line comment "--" *)
+    and maybe_one_line_comment (strm__ : _ Stream.t) =
+      let _debut = Stream.count strm__ in
+      match Stream.peek strm__ with
+	  Some '-' ->
+            Stream.junk strm__; let s = strm__ in one_line_comment s; next_token s
+	| _ -> neg_number strm__
+    and one_line_comment (strm__ : _ Stream.t) =
+      match Stream.peek strm__ with
+	  Some '\n' -> Stream.junk strm__; ()
+	| Some c -> Stream.junk strm__; one_line_comment strm__
+	| None -> ()
+(* multiple line comments *)
+    and maybe_comment (strm__ : _ Stream.t) =
+      let debut = Stream.count strm__ in
+      match Stream.peek strm__ with
+	  Some '*' ->
+            Stream.junk strm__; let s = strm__ in comment s; next_token s
+	| _ -> Some (keyword_or_error '(' debut (debut+1))
+    and comment (strm__ : _ Stream.t) =
+      match Stream.peek strm__ with
+	  Some '(' -> Stream.junk strm__; maybe_nested_comment strm__
+	| Some '*' -> Stream.junk strm__; maybe_end_comment strm__
+	| Some c -> Stream.junk strm__; comment strm__
+	| _ -> raise Stream.Failure
+    and maybe_nested_comment (strm__ : _ Stream.t) =
+      match Stream.peek strm__ with
+	  Some '*' -> Stream.junk strm__; let s = strm__ in comment s; comment s
+	| Some c -> Stream.junk strm__; comment strm__
+	| _ -> raise Stream.Failure
+    and maybe_end_comment (strm__ : _ Stream.t) =
+      match Stream.peek strm__ with
+	  Some ')' -> Stream.junk strm__; ()
+	| Some '*' -> Stream.junk strm__; maybe_end_comment strm__
+	| Some c -> Stream.junk strm__; comment strm__
+	| _ -> raise Stream.Failure
+    in
+      fun input -> Stream.from (fun count -> next_token input)
diff --git a/src/genlex.mli b/src/genlex.mli
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..db168a2c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/genlex.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+(*                                                                     *)
+(*                           Objective Caml                            *)
+(*                                                                     *)
+(*              Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt       *)
+(*                                                                     *)
+(*  Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et   *)
+(*  en Automatique.  All rights reserved.  This file is distributed    *)
+(*  under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License, with    *)
+(*  the special exception on linking described in file ../LICENSE.     *)
+(*                                                                     *)
+(* $Id: genlex.mli 1.2 Fri, 22 Jul 2005 17:06:41 +0200 jahier $ *)
+(** A generic lexical analyzer.
+   This module implements a simple ``standard'' lexical analyzer, presented
+   as a function from character streams to token streams. It implements
+   roughly the lexical conventions of Caml, but is parameterized by the
+   set of keywords of your language. 
+   Example: a lexer suitable for a desk calculator is obtained by
+   {[     let lexer = make_lexer ["+";"-";"*";"/";"let";"="; "("; ")"]  ]}
+   The associated parser would be a function from [token stream]
+   to, for instance, [int], and would have rules such as:
+   {[
+           let parse_expr = parser
+                  [< 'Int n >] -> n
+                | [< 'Kwd "("; n = parse_expr; 'Kwd ")" >] -> n
+                | [< n1 = parse_expr; n2 = parse_remainder n1 >] -> n2
+           and parse_remainder n1 = parser
+                  [< 'Kwd "+"; n2 = parse_expr >] -> n1+n2
+                | ...
+   ]}
+type source_info = int * int (* line and column *)
+(** The type of tokens. The lexical classes are: [Int] and [Float]
+   for integer and floating-point numbers; [String] for
+   string literals, enclosed in double quotes; [Char] for
+   character literals, enclosed in single quotes; [Ident] for
+   identifiers (either sequences of letters, digits, underscores
+   and quotes, or sequences of ``operator characters'' such as
+   [+], [*], etc); and [Kwd] for keywords (either identifiers or
+   single ``special characters'' such as [(], [}], etc). *)
+type token =
+    Kwd of source_info * string
+  | Ident of source_info * string
+  | Int of source_info * int
+  | Float of source_info * float
+  | String of source_info * string
+  | Char of source_info * char
+val make_lexer : string list -> char Stream.t -> token Stream.t
+(** Construct the lexer function. The first argument is the list of
+   keywords. An identifier [s] is returned as [Kwd s] if [s]
+   belongs to this list, and as [Ident s] otherwise.
+   A special character [s] is returned as [Kwd s] if [s]
+   belongs to this list, and cause a lexical error (exception
+   [Parse_error]) otherwise. Blanks and newlines are skipped.
+   Comments delimited by [(*] and [*)] are skipped as well,
+   and can be nested. *)
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index f99fad6e..cf5fa775 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(** Time-stamp: <modified the 08/04/2013 (at 13:31) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(** Time-stamp: <modified the 08/04/2013 (at 14:25) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 open Lxm
 open Lic
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ type action = ActionsDeps.action
 (* Raised when a soc that haven't been translated yet is used in
    another soc during the translation *)
-exception Undef_soc of Soc.key * Lxm.t * Lic.by_pos_op * Soc.var_type list * Soc.var_expr option 
+exception Undef_soc of Soc.key * Lxm.t * Lic.by_pos_op * Data.t list * Soc.var_expr option 
 exception Undef_merge_soc of  Soc.key * Lxm.t * val_exp * (const srcflagged * val_exp) list
@@ -30,26 +30,26 @@ let create_context: (LicPrg.t -> ctx) =
       locals        = [];
-let rec lic_to_soc_type: (Lic.type_ -> Soc.var_type) = 
+let rec lic_to_data_type: (Lic.type_ -> Data.t) = 
-  | Lic.Bool_type_eff -> Soc.Bool
-  | Lic.Int_type_eff  -> Soc.Int
-  | Lic.Real_type_eff -> Soc.Real
-  | Lic.External_type_eff s -> Soc.Extern (Ident.string_of_long s)
+  | Lic.Bool_type_eff -> Data.Bool
+  | Lic.Int_type_eff  -> Data.Int
+  | Lic.Real_type_eff -> Data.Real
+  | Lic.External_type_eff s -> Data.Extern (Ident.string_of_long s)
   | Lic.Enum_type_eff     (id, l) -> (
-    Soc.Enum(Ident.string_of_long id, Ident.string_of_long l)
+    Data.Enum(Ident.string_of_long id, Ident.string_of_long l)
   | Lic.Struct_type_eff   (id, fl) -> (
     let trans_field (id,(t,_)) = (* fde_value is ignored. Good idea? *)
-      Ident.to_string id, lic_to_soc_type t
+      Ident.to_string id, lic_to_data_type t
     let id = Ident.string_of_long id in
-    Soc.Struct(id, trans_field fl)
+    Data.Struct(id, trans_field fl)
-  | Lic.Array_type_eff(ty,i) -> Soc.Array(lic_to_soc_type ty,i)
+  | Lic.Array_type_eff(ty,i) -> Data.Array(lic_to_data_type ty,i)
   | Lic.Abstract_type_eff (id, _) -> assert false
-  | Lic.TypeVar Lic.Any -> Soc.Alpha 0
-  | Lic.TypeVar Lic.AnyNum -> Soc.Alpha 1
+  | Lic.TypeVar Lic.Any -> Data.Alpha 0
+  | Lic.TypeVar Lic.AnyNum -> Data.Alpha 1
 (** Renomme une variable définie par l'utilisateur.
@@ -92,13 +92,13 @@ let (slice_info_to_index_list : Lic.slice_info -> int list) =
 let rec (lic2soc_const : Lic.const -> Soc.var_expr list) =
-    | Bool_const_eff true -> [Soc.Const("true", Soc.Bool)]
-    | Bool_const_eff false -> [Soc.Const("false", Soc.Bool)]
-    | Int_const_eff  i -> [Soc.Const(i, Soc.Int)]
-    | Real_const_eff r -> [Soc.Const(r, Soc.Real)]
-    | Extern_const_eff (s,  teff) -> [Soc.Const(Ident.string_of_long s, lic_to_soc_type teff)]
-    | Abstract_const_eff (s,  teff,_,_) -> [Soc.Const(Ident.string_of_long s, lic_to_soc_type teff)]
-    | Enum_const_eff   (s,  teff) -> [Soc.Const(Ident.string_of_long s, lic_to_soc_type teff)]
+    | Bool_const_eff true -> [Soc.Const("true", Data.Bool)]
+    | Bool_const_eff false -> [Soc.Const("false", Data.Bool)]
+    | Int_const_eff  i -> [Soc.Const(i, Data.Int)]
+    | Real_const_eff r -> [Soc.Const(r, Data.Real)]
+    | Extern_const_eff (s,  teff) -> [Soc.Const(Ident.string_of_long s, lic_to_data_type teff)]
+    | Abstract_const_eff (s,  teff,_,_) -> [Soc.Const(Ident.string_of_long s, lic_to_data_type teff)]
+    | Enum_const_eff   (s,  teff) -> [Soc.Const(Ident.string_of_long s, lic_to_data_type teff)]
     | Struct_const_eff (fl, teff) -> assert false (* todo *)
     | Array_const_eff  (ct, teff) -> assert false (* todo *)
     | Tuple_const_eff cl -> List.flatten ( lic2soc_const cl)
@@ -120,18 +120,18 @@ let rec get_leaf: (LicPrg.t -> Lic.val_exp -> Soc.var_expr list option) =
             let type_ = (List.hd type_) in
             let translation =
               match is_predefined_const name with
-                | Some type_ -> Soc.Const(name,  lic_to_soc_type type_)
-                | None -> Soc.Var(rename_user_var name, lic_to_soc_type type_)
+                | Some type_ -> Soc.Const(name,  lic_to_data_type type_)
+                | None -> Soc.Var(rename_user_var name, lic_to_data_type type_)
             Some [translation]
           | Lic.CONST_REF l -> (
-            let type_ = lic_to_soc_type (List.hd type_) in
+            let type_ = lic_to_data_type (List.hd type_) in
             Some [Soc.Const(Ident.string_of_long l, type_)]
           | Lic.CONST c -> Some(lic2soc_const c)
           | Lic.STRUCT_ACCESS(field) -> (
             let expr = match val_exp_list with [e] -> e | _ -> assert false in
-            let type_ = lic_to_soc_type (List.hd type_) in
+            let type_ = lic_to_data_type (List.hd type_) in
             let filter_expr = match get_leaf licprg expr with
               | Some [f] -> f
               | None -> assert false
@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ let rec get_leaf: (LicPrg.t -> Lic.val_exp -> Soc.var_expr list option) =
           | Lic.ARRAY_ACCES i -> (
             let expr = match val_exp_list with [e] -> e | _ -> assert false in
-            let type_ = lic_to_soc_type (List.hd type_) in
+            let type_ = lic_to_data_type (List.hd type_) in
             let filter_expr = match get_leaf licprg expr with
               | Some [f] -> f
               | None -> assert false  (* should not happen, since the expression should be a leaf *)
@@ -164,15 +164,14 @@ let rec get_leaf: (LicPrg.t -> Lic.val_exp -> Soc.var_expr list option) =
             let type_elt_ref,type_ref = 
               match type_ with
                 | [Lic.Array_type_eff(t,i)]  -> 
-                  let t_soc = lic_to_soc_type t in
-                  t_soc,  Soc.Array(t_soc,i)
+                  let t_soc = lic_to_data_type t in
+                  t_soc, Data.Array(t_soc,i)
                 | _ -> assert false (* should not occur *)
             let index_list = slice_info_to_index_list si in
             let exploded_array =  
-                    (* val_exp is a var ident (t) of type array; we want to gen the list
-                       t[i1], ...,t[in], where the index are specified by the slice 
-                    *)
+              (* val_exp is a var ident (t) of type array; we want to gen the list
+                 t[i1], ...,t[in], where the index are specified by the slice *)
                 (fun i -> Soc.Index(Soc.Const(id, type_ref), i, type_elt_ref))
@@ -197,22 +196,22 @@ let rec filter_of_left_part: (LicPrg.t -> Lic.left -> Soc.var_expr list) =
     let type_ = Lic.type_of_left lp in
     match lp with
       | Lic.LeftVarLic  (vi, _lxm) -> (
-        [Soc.Var (rename_user_var vi.Lic.var_name_eff, lic_to_soc_type vi.Lic.var_type_eff)]
+        [Soc.Var (rename_user_var vi.Lic.var_name_eff, lic_to_data_type vi.Lic.var_type_eff)]
       | Lic.LeftFieldLic(lp,field,t) -> (
         let lpl = filter_of_left_part licprg lp in
- (fun lp -> Soc.Field(lp, field, lic_to_soc_type t)) lpl
+ (fun lp -> Soc.Field(lp, field, lic_to_data_type t)) lpl
       | Lic.LeftArrayLic(lp,index,t) -> (
         let lpl = filter_of_left_part licprg lp in
- (fun lp -> Soc.Index(lp, index, lic_to_soc_type t (* type_ ? *))) lpl
+ (fun lp -> Soc.Index(lp, index, lic_to_data_type t (* type_ ? *))) lpl
       | Lic.LeftSliceLic(lp,si,t) -> (
       (* we expand left part slices *)
         let lpl = filter_of_left_part licprg lp in
         let index_list = slice_info_to_index_list si in
         List.flatten ( (
-          fun lp -> (fun index -> Soc.Index(lp, index, lic_to_soc_type t)) index_list) lpl)
+          fun lp -> (fun index -> Soc.Index(lp, index, lic_to_data_type t)) index_list) lpl)
@@ -252,7 +251,7 @@ let build_step: Lxm.t -> string -> Lic.node_exp -> Soc.var list ->
 let (lic_to_soc_var : Lic.var_info -> Soc.var) = 
   fun vi -> 
-    vi.Lic.var_name_eff, lic_to_soc_type vi.Lic.var_type_eff
+    vi.Lic.var_name_eff, lic_to_data_type vi.Lic.var_type_eff
 let soc_profile_of_node: Lic.node_exp -> Soc.var list * Soc.var list =
   fun n ->
@@ -260,7 +259,7 @@ let soc_profile_of_node: Lic.node_exp -> Soc.var list * Soc.var list =
     let outputs = lic_to_soc_var n.Lic.outlist_eff in
     inputs, outputs 
-let (make_soc_key_of_node_exp : Lic.node_key -> Soc.var_type list -> Soc.key) =
+let (make_soc_key_of_node_exp : Lic.node_key -> Data.t list -> Soc.key) =
 fun nk vl -> 
   LicDump.string_of_node_key_rec nk, vl, None
@@ -289,18 +288,18 @@ let rec (val_exp_to_filter: LicPrg.t -> Lic.val_exp -> Soc.var_expr) =
             let type_ = (List.hd type_) in
             let translation =
               match is_predefined_const name with
-                | Some type_ -> Soc.Const(name,  lic_to_soc_type type_)
-                | None -> Soc.Var(rename_user_var name, lic_to_soc_type type_)
+                | Some type_ -> Soc.Const(name,  lic_to_data_type type_)
+                | None -> Soc.Var(rename_user_var name, lic_to_data_type type_)
           | CONST_REF l -> (
-            let type_ = lic_to_soc_type (List.hd type_) in
+            let type_ = lic_to_data_type (List.hd type_) in
             Soc.Const(Ident.string_of_long l, type_)
-          | CONST (Bool_const_eff true) -> Soc.Const("true", Soc.Bool)
-          | CONST (Bool_const_eff false) -> Soc.Const("false", Soc.Bool)
-          | CONST (Int_const_eff i)  -> Soc.Const(i, Soc.Int)
-          | CONST (Real_const_eff str) -> Soc.Const(str, Soc.Real)
+          | CONST (Bool_const_eff true) -> Soc.Const("true", Data.Bool)
+          | CONST (Bool_const_eff false) -> Soc.Const("false", Data.Bool)
+          | CONST (Int_const_eff i)  -> Soc.Const(i, Data.Int)
+          | CONST (Real_const_eff str) -> Soc.Const(str, Data.Real)
           | CONST Extern_const_eff  _ -> assert false
           | CONST Abstract_const_eff  _ -> assert false
           | CONST Enum_const_eff   _ -> assert false
@@ -310,7 +309,7 @@ let rec (val_exp_to_filter: LicPrg.t -> Lic.val_exp -> Soc.var_expr) =
           | STRUCT_ACCESS(field) -> (
             let expr = match val_exp_list with [e] -> e | _ -> assert false in
-            let type_ = match type_ with [t] -> lic_to_soc_type t | _ -> assert false in
+            let type_ = match type_ with [t] -> lic_to_data_type t | _ -> assert false in
             let filter_expr = match get_leaf licprg expr with
               | Some [f] -> f
               | None -> assert false
@@ -320,7 +319,7 @@ let rec (val_exp_to_filter: LicPrg.t -> Lic.val_exp -> Soc.var_expr) =
           | ARRAY_ACCES i -> (
             let expr = match val_exp_list with [e] -> e | _ -> assert false in
-            let type_ = lic_to_soc_type (List.hd type_) in
+            let type_ = lic_to_data_type (List.hd type_) in
             let filter_expr = match get_leaf licprg expr with
               | Some [f] -> f
               | None -> assert false
@@ -430,8 +429,8 @@ let by_pos_op_to_soc_ident = function
   | _  -> assert false
-let (get_exp_type : Soc.var_expr list -> Soc.var_type list) =
- Soc.var_type_of_var_expr
+let (get_exp_type : Soc.var_expr list -> Data.t  list) =
+ Soc.data_type_of_var_expr
 let rec (actions_of_expression_acc: Lxm.t -> Soc.tbl ->  
          Lic.clock -> Soc.var_expr list -> e2a_acc -> Lic.val_exp -> e2a_acc) =
@@ -453,7 +452,7 @@ let rec (actions_of_expression_acc: Lxm.t -> Soc.tbl ->
             let filter_to_field filter field ftype =
               let ftype =  match ftype  with [x] -> x | _ -> assert false in
               let filter = match filter with [x] -> x | _ -> assert false in
-              Soc.Field(filter, field, lic_to_soc_type ftype)
+              Soc.Field(filter, field, lic_to_data_type ftype)
             let actions = 
@@ -495,8 +494,8 @@ let rec (actions_of_expression_acc: Lxm.t -> Soc.tbl ->
                 (* retreive the soc of "expr" in soc_tbl *)
                 let id = by_pos_op_to_soc_ident in 
                 let soc : Soc.t =
-                  let args_types : Soc.var_type list =
-           lic_to_soc_type
+                  let args_types : Data.t list =
+           lic_to_data_type
                       (List.flatten ( (fun ve -> ve.ve_typ) val_exp_list))
                   let res_type = get_exp_type lpl in
@@ -524,8 +523,8 @@ let rec (actions_of_expression_acc: Lxm.t -> Soc.tbl ->
           | Merge(mclk, cl) -> (
             let soc : Soc.t =
-              let (args_types : Soc.var_type list) =
-       lic_to_soc_type
+              let (args_types : Data.t list) =
+       lic_to_data_type
                   (List.flatten ( (fun (_,ve) -> ve.ve_typ) cl))
               let res_type = get_exp_type lpl in
@@ -719,7 +718,7 @@ let rec f: (LicPrg.t -> Lic.node_key -> Soc.key * Soc.tbl) =
     and (soc_of_node: LicPrg.t -> Lic.node_exp -> Soc.tbl -> (ctx * Soc.t * Soc.tbl) option) =
       fun licprg node soc_tbl ->
         let io_list = node.Lic.inlist_eff @ node.Lic.outlist_eff in 
-        let io_type = (fun vi -> lic_to_soc_type vi.var_type_eff) io_list in
+        let io_type = (fun vi -> lic_to_data_type vi.var_type_eff) io_list in
         let soc_key = make_soc_key_of_node_exp node.Lic.node_key_eff io_type in
         let lxm = node.Lic.lxm in
         let ctx = create_context licprg in
@@ -736,7 +735,7 @@ let rec f: (LicPrg.t -> Lic.node_key -> Soc.key * Soc.tbl) =
             (* Construction des dépendances entre les expressions *)
-            let all_deps = ActionsDeps.build_data_deps_from_actions lic_to_soc_type deps actions in
+            let all_deps = ActionsDeps.build_data_deps_from_actions lic_to_data_type deps actions in
             Verbose.exe ~flag:dbg
               (fun () -> print_string (ActionsDeps.to_string all_deps); flush stdout);
             let actions = 
diff --git a/src/lic2soc.mli b/src/lic2soc.mli
index 74705332..c08eed8a 100644
--- a/src/lic2soc.mli
+++ b/src/lic2soc.mli
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-(** Time-stamp: <modified the 02/04/2013 (at 15:46) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(** Time-stamp: <modified the 08/04/2013 (at 14:12) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 val f: LicPrg.t -> Lic.node_key -> Soc.key * Soc.tbl
 val user_var_prefix:string
-val lic_to_soc_type: Lic.type_ -> Soc.var_type
+val lic_to_data_type: Lic.type_ -> Data.t
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ebc39d42
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,326 @@
+** Copyright (C) - Verimag.
+** This file may only be copied under the terms of the GNU Library General
+** Public License
+** File:
+** Author:
+open List
+let lexer = Genlex.make_lexer ["q"; "#"; "x"; "load_luc"; "#@"; "@#"]
+(* xxx Which pragmas should be defined ? *)
+let rif_pragmas = ["inputs"]
+(* let rif_pragmas = ["outs";"outputs";"program";"inputs";"step";"reset"] *)
+type stream = Genlex.token Stream.t
+let rec (parse_string_list : stream -> string list -> string list) =
+  fun stream sl ->
+    try (
+      match ( stream) with
+          (Genlex.String(_, str)) -> parse_string_list stream (str::sl)
+        | _  -> failwith ("### rif parse error. A \"string\" (wrapped with double" ^
+                          "quotes) was expected. \n")
+    )
+    with Stream.Failure ->
+      sl
+open Data
+let debug = false
+let read_line label ic oc =
+  let str = input_line ic in
+  let _ = if debug then (print_string (label^ "read_line:"^str^"\n"); flush stdout) in
+  let str = Str.global_replace (Str.regexp "\013") "" str in
+    (match oc with
+      | Some oc -> output_string oc str; flush oc
+      | None -> ());
+    str
+let get_stream ic oc = 
+  try lexer (Stream.of_string (read_line "" ic oc))
+  with e  ->
+    print_string ("*** Error when parsing RIF: " ^ (Printexc.to_string e) ^ "\n");
+    flush stdout;
+    exit 2
+let (rm_blank : string -> string) =
+  fun s -> 
+    let buff = ref "" in
+      for i = 0 to String.length s - 1 do
+        match s.[i] with
+          | ' ' | '\t' | '\n' | '\"' -> ()
+          | c -> buff:=!buff^(String.make 1 c)
+      done;
+      !buff        
+let (to_pair : string -> string * string) =
+  fun s ->
+    match Str.split (Str.regexp ":") s with
+      | [n;t] -> rm_blank n, rm_blank t
+      | _ -> failwith ("Rif internal error: Cannot split '"^s^"'. It should contain exactly one ':'")
+let _ = assert (to_pair "T:bool" = ("T","bool"))
+let rec (read_until_pragma_end :  in_channel -> out_channel option -> string -> string) =
+  fun ic oc str -> 
+    let line = read_line "" ic oc in
+      try
+        let i = Str.search_forward (Str.regexp "#@") line 0 in
+          (
+            String.sub line 0 i) ^ str
+      with Not_found -> 
+        (*         let _ = print_string ("read_until_pragma_end done: '"^str^"'\n"); flush stdout   in *)
+(*         let _ = print_string ("read_until_pragma_end adding: "^line^"\n"); flush stdout   in *)
+          read_until_pragma_end ic oc (str^" "^line)
+(* exported *)
+let rec (read_interface : string -> in_channel -> out_channel option -> 
+          (string * string) list * (string * string) list) =
+  fun label ic oc -> 
+(*     let _ = print_string ("read_interface\n"); flush stdout in *)
+    let rec loop ins outs =
+      if ins <> [] && outs <> [] then ins, outs else
+      let line = read_line label ic oc in
+        try
+          if Str.string_match (Str.regexp "#inputs") line 0 then
+            let str = String.sub line 7 (String.length line - 7) in
+            let l = Str.split (Str.regexp " ") str in
+            let l = List.filter (fun str -> str <> "") l in
+              loop ( to_pair l) outs
+          else if Str.string_match (Str.regexp "@#inputs") line 0 then          
+            let str = String.sub line 8 (String.length line - 8) in
+            let str = read_until_pragma_end ic oc str in
+            let l = Str.split (Str.regexp " ") str in
+            let l = List.filter (fun str -> str <> "") l in
+              loop ( to_pair l) outs
+          else if Str.string_match (Str.regexp "#outputs") line 0 then
+            let str = String.sub line 8 (String.length line - 8) in
+            let l = Str.split (Str.regexp " ") str in
+            let l = List.filter (fun str -> str <> "") l in
+              loop ins ( to_pair l)
+          else if Str.string_match (Str.regexp "@#outputs") line 0 then          
+            let str = String.sub line 9 (String.length line - 9) in
+            let str = read_until_pragma_end ic oc str in
+            let l = Str.split (Str.regexp " ") str in
+            let l = List.filter (fun str -> str <> "") l in
+              loop ins ( to_pair l)
+          else
+            loop ins outs
+        with _ -> 
+          print_string "*** Error when parsing socket content: I was expecting #inputs/#outputs\n";
+          print_string ("*** And I've read '" ^ line ^"'\n");
+          flush stdout;
+          loop ins outs
+    in
+      loop [] []
+exception Bye
+(* exported *)
+let rec (read :  ?pragma:(string list) -> in_channel -> out_channel option -> vntl -> subst list) =
+  fun ?(pragma = []) ic oc vntl  ->
+    (**  Reads input values on ic. It should follow the rif format. *)
+    let tbl = [] in
+    if vntl = [] then tbl else 
+      let stream = get_stream ic oc in
+      parse_rif_stream ic oc vntl stream tbl pragma
+and (parse_rif_stream :  in_channel -> out_channel option -> vntl -> stream -> 
+     subst list -> string list -> subst list) =
+  fun ic oc vntl stream tbl pragma ->
+    if vntl = [] then tbl else
+      let tok_list = Stream.npeek 2 stream in
+      match tok_list with
+	     | [Genlex.Kwd (_,"#"); Genlex.Ident (_,id)] ->
+	       if List.mem id pragma then (
+		      Stream.junk stream ;
+		      Stream.junk stream ;
+		      parse_rif_stream ic oc vntl stream tbl pragma
+	       ) else (
+      (* We skip everything that occurs after a [#], until the next eol. *)
+		      Stream.junk stream ;
+		      parse_rif_stream ic oc 
+              vntl (get_stream ic oc) tbl pragma
+	       )
+	     | (Genlex.Kwd (_,"#"))::_ ->
+          Stream.junk stream ;
+          parse_rif_stream ic oc vntl (get_stream ic oc)
+            tbl pragma 
+	     | (Genlex.Kwd (_,"q"))::_ -> print_string "# bye!\n"; raise Bye
+	     | (Genlex.Kwd (_,"#@"))::_ ->
+              (* Beginning of multi-line comment. Note that here,
+                 unlike the rif format, we ignore multi line pragmas;
+                 namely, we handle them as a multi-line comment. *)
+          (
+            Stream.junk stream ;
+            ignore_toks_until_end_of_pragmas ic oc vntl stream tbl pragma 
+          )
+	     | (Genlex.Float (_,f))::_ ->
+          (
+            Stream.junk stream ;
+           (* Hashtbl.add tbl ( (hd vntl)) (N(F(f))) ; *)
+	         let v =
+              match snd (hd vntl) with
+                | "bool" -> B(f<>0.0)
+                | "real" -> F(f)
+                | "int"  -> 
+                  let i = int_of_float f in
+                  print_string "\n*** Warning: type error, ";
+		            print_string ((string_of_float f)
+				                    ^ " is an real, but an int is expected. I convert it to '"^
+                                  (string_of_int i)^"'\n");
+                  I(i)
+                | e -> 
+                  print_string ("\n*** Error: unknown type: "^ e ^ "\n");
+                  assert false
+	         in
+            let tbl = tbl@ [fst (hd vntl), v] in
+            parse_rif_stream ic oc (tl vntl) stream tbl pragma 
+          )
+	     | (Genlex.Int (_,i))::_ -> (
+	       Stream.junk stream ;
+	       let v =
+            match snd (hd vntl) with
+              | "bool" -> B(i<>0)
+              | "int"  -> I(i)
+              | "real" ->
+                let f = float_of_int i in
+                print_string "\n*** Warning: type error, ";
+		          print_string ((string_of_int i)
+				                  ^ " is an int, but a real is expected. I convert it to '"^
+                                (string_of_float f)^"'\n");
+                F(f)
+              | e -> 
+                print_string ("\n*** Error: unknown type: "^ e ^ "\n");
+                assert false
+	       in
+	       let tbl = tbl @[fst (hd vntl), v] in
+          parse_rif_stream ic oc (tl vntl) stream tbl pragma
+	     )
+	     | (Genlex.Ident (_,b))::_ -> (
+	       Stream.junk stream ;
+	       let v = if mem b ["f"; "F";"false"] then B(false)
+            else if  mem b ["t"; "T";"true"] then B(true)
+	         else failwith ("### rif parse error: `" ^ b ^ "' read, where a bool was expected.\n")
+	       in
+	       let tbl = tbl @ [fst (hd vntl), v] in
+          parse_rif_stream ic oc (tl vntl) stream tbl pragma
+	     )
+	     | [] ->
+              (* Eol is is reached; proceed with the next one *)
+          parse_rif_stream ic oc vntl (get_stream ic oc)
+            tbl pragma 
+	     | _ -> failwith ("### rif parse error: not in RIF format.\n")
+and (ignore_toks_until_end_of_pragmas :   
+       in_channel -> out_channel option-> vntl -> stream -> subst list -> string list -> subst list) =
+  fun ic oc vntl stream tbl pragma ->
+    (* ignore all tokens until "@#" is reached *)
+    let tok_opt = Stream.peek stream in
+    match tok_opt  with
+      | Some(Genlex.Kwd (_,"@#")) ->
+        (
+          Stream.junk stream ;
+          parse_rif_stream ic oc vntl stream tbl pragma
+        )
+      | Some(_) ->
+        (
+          Stream.junk stream ;
+          ignore_toks_until_end_of_pragmas ic oc vntl stream tbl  pragma 
+        )
+      | None ->
+            (* Eol is is reached; proceed with the next one *)
+        (ignore_toks_until_end_of_pragmas ic oc vntl
+           (get_stream ic oc) tbl pragma)
+(* exported *)
+let (write : out_channel -> string -> unit) =
+  fun oc str -> 
+    output_string oc str
+let (flush : out_channel -> unit) =
+  fun oc -> 
+    flush oc
+(* exported *)
+let (write_interface : out_channel -> vntl -> vntl -> vntl option -> vntl option -> unit) =
+  fun oc in_vars out_vars loc_vars_opt oracle_vars_opt -> 
+    let str =  
+      (List.fold_left
+         (fun acc (vn,vt) ->
+            acc ^ "\"" ^ vn ^ "\":" ^ vt ^ " ")
+         "#inputs "
+         in_vars) ^
+        "\n#outputs " ^
+        (List.fold_left 
+           (fun acc (vn,vt) ->
+              acc ^ "\"" ^ vn ^ "\":" ^ vt ^ " ")
+           ""
+           out_vars) ^
+        (match loc_vars_opt with
+           | None -> "\n"
+           | Some loc_vars ->  
+               ((List.fold_left
+                   (fun acc (vn,vt) -> 
+                      acc^"\"" ^ vn ^ "\":" ^ vt ^ " ")
+                   "\n#locals "
+                   loc_vars
+                ) ^ "\n")
+        )
+      ^
+        (match oracle_vars_opt with
+           | None -> ""
+           | Some vars ->  
+               ((List.fold_left
+                   (fun acc (vn,vt) -> 
+                      acc^"\"" ^ vn ^ "\":" ^ vt ^ " ")
+                   "#oracle_outputs "
+                   vars
+                ) ^ "\n")
+        )
+    in
+      write oc str
+(* exported *)
+let (write_outputs : out_channel -> vntl -> subst list -> unit) =
+  fun oc vntl sl ->
+    let str = 
+      List.fold_left
+        (fun acc (vn,vt) ->
+           acc^ (try Data.val_to_string (List.assoc vn sl) 
+                 with Not_found -> 
+                   print_string ("*** " ^ vn ^ " not found in ");
+                   print_string (String.concat "," ( (fun (n,_) -> n) sl));
+                   flush stdout;
+                   assert false) ^ " "
+        )
+        ""
+        vntl
+    in
+      output_string oc str
diff --git a/src/rif_base.mli b/src/rif_base.mli
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..92f18c55
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/rif_base.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+** Copyright (C) - Verimag.
+** This file may only be copied under the terms of the GNU Library General
+** Public License
+** File:
+** Author:
+(** RIF (Reactive Input Format) utilities *)
+(** [read_interface label ic oc_opt] reads the IO names and types on ic. The string
+read on ic should looks like :
+  #inputs v1:t1 v2:t2 ...
+  #outputs x1:tx1 ...
+  #step
+    [label] is a string used in debug mode to hint who is calling.
+ *)
+val read_interface : string -> in_channel -> out_channel option -> (string * string) list *  (string * string) list
+exception Bye
+(** Reads the input values. raises Bye if a line equal to "q" is read. *)
+val read :  ?pragma:(string list) -> in_channel -> out_channel option -> Data.vntl -> Data.subst list
+val write : out_channel -> string -> unit
+(** [write_outputs oc  outputs ] writes the Lucky outputs *)
+val write_outputs : out_channel -> Data.vntl -> Data.subst list -> unit
+(** [write_interface oc in_vars_ out_vars loc_vars oracle_vars] writes the input
+    and output var names and types *)
+val write_interface : out_channel -> Data.vntl -> Data.vntl -> Data.vntl option -> 
+  Data.vntl option -> unit
+val flush : out_channel -> unit
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 589d38d4..f7d63431 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(* Time-stamp: <modified the 08/04/2013 (at 13:25) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(* Time-stamp: <modified the 08/04/2013 (at 14:10) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 (** Synchronous Object Component *)
@@ -8,19 +8,11 @@
 type ident = string
-type var_type =
-  | Bool | Int | Real
-  | Extern of ident
-  | Enum   of (ident * ident list)
-  | Struct of ident * (ident * var_type) list
-  | Array  of (var_type * int)
-  | Alpha of int
-type var = ident * var_type
+type var = ident * Data.t
 type key = 
     ident * 
-    var_type list *  (* I/O type list *)
+    Data.t list *  (* I/O type list *)
     (int * int * int) option (* to deal with slices (unused FTTB) *)
 type instance = ident * key
@@ -29,10 +21,10 @@ type instance = ident * key
 type var_expr =
   | Var   of var
   | Const of var (* useful? *)
-  | Field of var_expr * ident * var_type
-  | Index of var_expr * int * var_type
+  | Field of var_expr * ident * Data.t
+  | Index of var_expr * int * Data.t
-let (var_type_of_var_expr : var_expr -> var_type) =
+let (data_type_of_var_expr : var_expr -> Data.t) =
   | Var(_,vt)
   | Const(_,vt)
@@ -87,7 +79,7 @@ type t = {
   step     : step_method list; (* the order in the list is a valid w.r.t. 
                                   the partial order defined in precedences *)
   precedences : precedence list; (* partial order over step methods *)
-  have_mem : (var_type * var_expr option) option; 
+  have_mem : (Data.t * var_expr option) option; 
     (* Do this soc have a memory (pre, fby) + its type + default value *)
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index edf1e629..05c74cf6 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
-(* Time-stamp: <modified the 08/04/2013 (at 10:36) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(* Time-stamp: <modified the 08/04/2013 (at 14:58) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 open Soc
+open Data
 open SocExecValue
 let dbg = Some(Verbose.get_flag "exec")
@@ -198,14 +199,14 @@ and expand_var var = match var with
   | (vn,Extern id) -> assert false (* finish me! *)
   | (vn,Alpha _) -> assert false (* should not occur *)
-let (int_to_enum : SocExecValue.t -> Soc.ident list -> SocExecValue.t) =
+let (int_to_enum : Data.v -> Soc.ident list -> Data.v) =
   fun v el -> 
     match v with
       | I i -> (try E (List.nth el i,i) with _ -> 
         failwith ("Enum out of the range [0,"^(string_of_int (List.length el))^"]"))
       | _ -> assert false (* should not occur *)
-let rec (expand_subst: Rif_base.subst -> Rif_base.subst list) =
+let rec (expand_subst: Data.subst -> Data.subst list) =
   fun s ->
     let rec aux acc (n,v) =
       match v with
@@ -226,7 +227,7 @@ let rec (expand_subst: Rif_base.subst -> Rif_base.subst list) =
     aux [] s
 (* A local shortcut to ease the profile def *)
-type sl = Rif_base.subst list
+type sl = Data.subst list
 (* Reconstruct the flattenned data *)
 let (unexpand : sl -> Soc.var list -> sl) =
@@ -265,8 +266,7 @@ let (unexpand : sl -> Soc.var list -> sl) =
           | _, (vn,Alpha _  )::_ -> assert false (* should not occur *)
           | [],_::_ -> assert false  (* should not occur *)
-    and (aux_field : sl * (ident * SocExecValue.t) list -> ident * var_type 
-         -> sl * (ident * SocExecValue.t) list ) =
+    and (aux_field : sl * (ident * Data.v) list -> ident * Data.t -> sl * (ident * Data.v) list ) =
       fun (sl_todo, fl) (fn, t) ->
         let new_sl_done, sl_todo = aux [] sl_todo [fn,t] in
         let (_,v) = List.hd new_sl_done in
@@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ let (read_soc_input : Soc.t -> out_channel -> substs -> substs) =
   fun soc oc ctx_s -> 
     let profile = expand_profile (fst soc.profile) in
     let vntl = (fun (x,t) -> x,SocUtils.string_of_type_ref t) profile in
-    let s:Rif_base.subst list = stdin (Some oc) vntl in
+    let s:Data.subst list = stdin (Some oc) vntl in
     let s = unexpand s (fst soc.profile) in
     List.fold_left (fun acc (id,v) -> sadd acc [id] v) ctx_s s
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 552bc9fd..40c2d018 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
-(* Time-stamp: <modified the 08/04/2013 (at 10:36) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(* Time-stamp: <modified the 08/04/2013 (at 14:48) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 open SocExecValue
+open Data
 open Soc
 (* A boring but simple module... *)
@@ -212,7 +213,7 @@ let make_names str start stop =
 let lustre_array tl ctx =
   let t,size = match List.hd (List.rev tl) with
-    | Soc.Array(t,i) -> t,i
+    | Data.Array(t,i) -> t,i
     | _ -> assert false
   let inames = make_names "x" 1 size in
@@ -259,7 +260,7 @@ let lustre_arrow ctx =
 let lustre_hat tl ctx =
   let i = match tl with
-    | [_;Soc.Array(_,i)] -> i
+    | [_;Data.Array(_,i)] -> i
     | _ -> assert false
   let (vn,vv) = 
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 82dd6130..5aea8e33 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -1,11 +1,9 @@
-(* Time-stamp: <modified the 08/04/2013 (at 13:24) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(* Time-stamp: <modified the 08/04/2013 (at 14:45) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 let dbg = Some(Verbose.get_flag "exec")
 open Soc
-type t = I of int | F of float | B of bool | E of Soc.ident * int
-         | A of t array | S of (Soc.ident * t) list | U
+open Data
 (* Meant to represent paths in the call tree. Actually it both
    represent path and variable with a path, depending on the
@@ -16,7 +14,7 @@ let (path_to_string: ident list -> string) =
   fun l -> 
     String.concat "->" (List.rev l)
-type subst = (path * t)
+type subst = (path * Data.v)
 (* soc environnement holding memory values.
@@ -29,7 +27,7 @@ type subst = (path * t)
 (* type substs = subst list *)
 type substs =
   | Node of (ident * substs) list
-  | Leaf of t
+  | Leaf of v
 type ctx = { 
   cpath: path; 
@@ -37,7 +35,7 @@ type ctx = {
-let rec (get_top_var_type : Soc.var_expr -> Soc.var_type) =
+let rec (get_top_var_type : Soc.var_expr -> Data.t) =
   fun ve -> 
     match ve with
       | Var(_,vt)  -> vt
@@ -45,9 +43,9 @@ let rec (get_top_var_type : Soc.var_expr -> Soc.var_type) =
       | Field(ve, _, _)  -> get_top_var_type ve
       | Const(id,_) -> assert false
-type access = Idx of int | Fld of ident
-let rec (get_access : Soc.var_expr -> access list) =
+open Data
+let rec (get_access : Soc.var_expr -> Data.access list) =
   fun ve -> 
     match ve with
       | Var(id,_)  -> []
@@ -55,55 +53,29 @@ let rec (get_access : Soc.var_expr -> access list) =
       | Field(ve, n,_)  -> (Fld n)::(get_access ve)
       | Const(id,_) -> assert false
-(* Replace access(pre_v) by v in pre_v *)
-let rec (update_val : t -> t -> access list -> t) =
-  fun pre_v v access -> 
-    match pre_v,access with
-      | _,[] -> v
-      | A a, (Idx i)::access -> 
-        let a_i = update_val a.(i) v access in
-        a.(i) <- a_i;
-        A a
-      | S(fl), (Fld fn)::access -> 
-        S ( 
-             (fun (fn2,v2) -> if fn=fn2 then fn,update_val v2 v access else (fn2,v2)) 
-             fl)
-      | _,_ -> assert false (* finish me (field struct) *)
-let (update_leaf : var_expr -> t -> t -> substs) =
+let (update_leaf : var_expr -> v -> v -> substs) =
   fun ve v pre_v -> 
     let access = get_access ve in
     let new_v = update_val pre_v v access in
-(* The same as update in the case where no previous value exists *)
-let rec (create_val : Soc.var_type -> t ->  access list -> t) =
-  fun vt v access ->
-    match vt,access with
-      | _,[] -> v
-      | Array(vt,size), (Idx i)::access -> 
-        let a = Array.make size U in
-        let a_i = create_val vt v access in
-        a.(i) <- a_i;
-        A a
-      | Struct(sn,fl), (Fld fn)::access -> 
-        S( (fun (fn2,vt2) -> if fn=fn2 then fn,create_val vt2 v access else fn2,U) fl)
-      | _,_ -> assert false
-let (create_leaf : var_expr -> t -> substs) =
+let (create_leaf : var_expr -> v -> substs) =
   fun ve v -> 
     let access = get_access ve in
     let top_vt = get_top_var_type ve in
     let new_v = create_val top_vt v access in
 let rec (get_top_id : Soc.var_expr -> ident) =
   | Var(id,_) | Const(id,_) -> id
   | Field(ve, _, _) | Index(ve,_,_) -> get_top_id ve
 (* exported *)
-let (sadd_partial : substs  -> var_expr -> path -> t -> substs) =
+let (sadd_partial : substs  -> var_expr -> path -> Data.v -> substs) =
   fun ct ve x v ->
     let top_id = get_top_id ve in
     let x = top_id::x in
@@ -130,7 +102,7 @@ let (sadd_partial : substs  -> var_expr -> path -> t -> substs) =
 (*     (x,v)::(List.remove_assoc x ct) *)
 (* exported *)
-let (sadd : substs -> path -> t -> substs) = 
+let (sadd : substs -> path -> Data.v -> substs) = 
   fun ct x v ->
     let rec aux ct (x,v) =
     match ct,x with
@@ -161,7 +133,7 @@ let (sadd : substs -> path -> t -> substs) =
 (*     [] *)
 (*     s *)
-let (filter_top_subst : substs -> (Soc.ident * t) list) =  
+let (filter_top_subst : substs -> (Soc.ident * Data.v) list) =  
   fun s -> 
     let rec aux acc (id, s) =
       match s with
@@ -172,27 +144,13 @@ let (filter_top_subst : substs -> (Soc.ident * t) list) =
         Node(l) -> List.fold_left aux [] l
       | _ -> assert false
-let rec (to_string  : t -> string) =
-  function 
-    | I i  -> string_of_int i
-    | F f  -> string_of_float f
-    | B true -> "t"
-    | B false -> "f"
-    | E (e,_) -> e
-    | S fl -> String.concat " " ( (fun (fn,fv) -> to_string fv) fl)
-    | A a -> 
-      let str = ref "" in
-      let f i a = str := !str ^ " " ^ (to_string a) in
-      Array.iteri f a;
-      !str
-    | U -> "not initialised"
-let (string_of_subst_list : (path * t) list -> string) =
+let (string_of_subst_list : (path * Data.v) list -> string) =
   fun  s -> 
-    let values = (fun (var,value) -> (path_to_string var)^"="^(to_string value)) s in
+    let values = (fun (var,value) -> (path_to_string var)^"="^(Data.val_to_string value)) s in
      ((String.concat "\n\t" values) ^ "\n")
-let (dump_subst_list : (path * t) list -> unit) =
+let (dump_subst_list : (path * Data.v) list -> unit) =
   fun s -> 
     print_string (string_of_subst_list s);
     flush stdout
@@ -201,7 +159,7 @@ let (dump_subst_list : (path * t) list -> unit) =
 (* let (substs_to_list: substs -> (path * t) list) = *)
 (*   fun s -> s *)
-let (substs_to_list: substs -> (path * t) list) =
+let (substs_to_list: substs -> (path * Data.v) list) =
   fun s -> 
     let rec aux acc s p =
       match s with 
@@ -230,7 +188,7 @@ let rec pos_in_list i x l =
     | e::l -> if e=x then i else pos_in_list (i+1) x l
     | [] -> assert false (* should not occur *)
-let (read_value : var -> t) =
+let (read_value : var -> Data.v) =
   fun (_,t) -> 
     match t with
       | Bool -> print_string "Enter a bool (t/f):";flush stdout; B(read_line () = "t") 
@@ -252,7 +210,7 @@ let (read_value : var -> t) =
 (*       print_string msg; flush stdout; *)
 (*       assert false *)
-let (get_val : ident -> ctx -> t) =
+let (get_val : ident -> ctx -> Data.v) =
   fun id ctx -> 
     let rec find ct p =
       match ct,p with
@@ -278,7 +236,7 @@ fun id ctx ->
     | B false -> "false"
     | o -> assert false (* should not fail *) 
-let rec (get_value : ctx -> var_expr -> t) =
+let rec (get_value : ctx -> var_expr -> Data.v) =
   fun ctx v -> 
     match v with
       | Var(id,_) -> get_val id ctx
diff --git a/src/socExecValue.mli b/src/socExecValue.mli
index 2c67252b..d839f340 100644
--- a/src/socExecValue.mli
+++ b/src/socExecValue.mli
@@ -1,14 +1,9 @@
-(* Time-stamp: <modified the 29/03/2013 (at 16:55) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(* Time-stamp: <modified the 08/04/2013 (at 14:46) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 (** Manipulating data in the Soc interpreter  *)
-type t = | I of int | F of float | B of bool | E of Soc.ident * int
-         | A of t array 
-         | S of (Soc.ident * t) list
-         | U (* to set uninitialized mem *)
 type path = Soc.ident list
-type subst = (path * t)
+type subst = (path * Data.v)
 (* Not really a good name anymore. Memory ? *)
 type substs 
@@ -20,7 +15,7 @@ type substs
  [sadd ct x v] updates updates ct by associating x to v in ct 
-val sadd : substs -> path -> t -> substs
+val sadd : substs -> path -> Data.v -> substs
 (* [sadd_partial ct ve path v]  updates ct by associating ve::path  to v in ct ;  
@@ -29,7 +24,7 @@ val sadd : substs -> path -> t -> substs
    or a struct field, whereas sadd only updates variable.
-val sadd_partial : substs  -> Soc.var_expr -> path -> t -> substs
+val sadd_partial : substs  -> Soc.var_expr -> path -> Data.v -> substs
 type ctx = { 
@@ -41,18 +36,17 @@ type ctx = {
 val create_ctx : Soc.tbl -> Soc.t -> ctx
-val get_val : Soc.ident -> ctx -> t
-val get_value : ctx -> Soc.var_expr -> t
+val get_val : Soc.ident -> ctx -> Data.v
+val get_value : ctx -> Soc.var_expr -> Data.v
 val get_enum : Soc.ident -> ctx -> Soc.ident
 (* Pretty-printers *)
-val to_string  : t -> string
 val string_of_substs :substs -> string
 (* RIF I/O *)
 val dump_substs : substs -> unit
 val read_enum : Soc.ident list -> Soc.ident
-val read_value : Soc.var -> t
+val read_value : Soc.var -> Data.v
 (* if 
    args = [Var("x",Int); Const("3.14",Real) ] 
@@ -70,4 +64,4 @@ val substitute_args_and_params : Soc.var_expr list -> Soc.var list -> ctx -> sub
 val substitute_params_and_args : Soc.var list -> Soc.var_expr list -> ctx -> substs
 (* Returns the top-level variable substitutions in a RIF format *)
-val filter_top_subst : substs -> (Soc.ident * t) list
+val filter_top_subst : substs -> (Soc.ident * Data.v) list
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 07541162..5e3f9d4d 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
-(* Time-stamp: <modified the 08/04/2013 (at 11:56) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(* Time-stamp: <modified the 08/04/2013 (at 14:11) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 (** Synchronous Object Code for Predefined operators. *)
 let finish_me lxm 
     = print_string ("\"^(Lxm.details lxm)^" ->  finish me!\n")
 open Soc
+open Data
 (* Some aliases *)
-let b = Soc.Bool
-let i = Soc.Int
-let r = Soc.Real
+let b = Data.Bool
+let i = Data.Int
+let r = Data.Real
 let aa t1 t2 =  ["x", t1], ["z", t2]
 let aaa t1 t2 t3 =  ["x", t1; "y",t2], ["z", t3]
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ let aab t1 t2 =  ["x", t1; "y",t2], ["z", Bool]
 (* if/then/else *)
 let baaa t = ["c", b; "xt", t; "xe", t], ["z", t]
-let (soc_profile_of_types : Soc.var_type list -> var list * var list) = 
+let (soc_profile_of_types : Data.t list -> var list * var list) = 
     | [t1; t2] -> aa t1 t2
     | [t1;t2;t3] -> aaa t1 t2 t3
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ let (soc_profile_of_types : Soc.var_type list -> var list * var list) =
       assert false
 (* For diese and nor *)  
-let (soc_profile_of_types_nary : Soc.var_type list -> var list * var list) = 
+let (soc_profile_of_types_nary : Data.t list -> var list * var list) = 
   fun vl -> 
     ["x", Array(Bool,List.length vl)], ["z",Bool]
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ let make_soc key profile steps =  {
 let first_instant = Var("first_instant", Bool)
-let (get_mem_name : Soc.key -> var_type -> string) =
+let (get_mem_name : Soc.key -> Data.t -> string) =
   fun (k,tl,_) vt -> 
     match Str.split (Str.regexp "::") k with        
       | ["Lustre";op] -> (
@@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ let of_soc_key : Soc.key -> Soc.t =
 (** Instancie un composant polymorphe avec un type concret. *)
-let instanciate_soc: Soc.t -> Soc.var_type -> Soc.t = 
+let instanciate_soc: Soc.t -> Data.t -> Soc.t = 
   fun c concrete_type ->
     let rec instanciate_type vt =
       match vt with 
@@ -331,14 +331,14 @@ let instanciate_soc: Soc.t -> Soc.var_type -> Soc.t =
   idem pour "x^n" (Hat_n).
-let make_slice_soc: Lic.slice_info -> Soc.var_type -> Soc.t = 
+let make_slice_soc: Lic.slice_info -> Data.t -> Soc.t = 
   fun si t -> 
     let (f,l,step) = (si.Lic.se_first, si.Lic.se_last,si.Lic.se_step) in
     let sub_array_type = 
       match t with
-        | Soc.Array(t_elt,size) -> 
+        | Data.Array(t_elt,size) -> 
             let slice_size = 1+abs( (l - f) / step) in
-              Soc.Array(t_elt, slice_size)
+              Data.Array(t_elt, slice_size)
         | _ -> assert false
@@ -383,7 +383,7 @@ let (make_merge_soc: Soc.key -> Soc.t) =
       Soc.precedences = [];
-let make_array_soc: int -> Soc.var_type -> Soc.t = 
+let make_array_soc: int -> Data.t -> Soc.t = 
   fun i t -> 
     let iprof = 
       let res = ref [] in
@@ -411,7 +411,7 @@ let make_array_soc: int -> Soc.var_type -> Soc.t =
         have_mem = None;
-let make_array_concat_soc: int -> int -> Soc.var_type -> Soc.t = 
+let make_array_concat_soc: int -> int -> Data.t -> Soc.t = 
   fun s1 s2 t -> 
     let iprof = (["x", Array(t,s1); "y",  Array(t,s2)], ["z", Array(t,s1+s2)])in
     let key_prof = [Array(t,s1); Array(t,s2); Array(t,s1+s2)] in
@@ -432,12 +432,12 @@ let make_array_concat_soc: int -> int -> Soc.var_type -> Soc.t =
         have_mem = None;
-let make_hat_soc: int -> Soc.var_type -> Soc.t = 
+let make_hat_soc: int -> Data.t -> Soc.t = 
   fun i t -> 
     let array_type = 
       match t with
-        | Soc.Alpha _ -> assert false
-        | t -> Soc.Array(t,i)
+        | Data.Alpha _ -> assert false
+        | t -> Data.Array(t,i)
         key = ("Lustre::hat", [t;array_type], None);
@@ -473,7 +473,7 @@ let output_type_of_op op tl =
     | _ -> List.hd tl
 let (soc_interface_of_pos_op: 
-       Lxm.t -> Lic.by_pos_op -> Soc.var_type list -> Soc.var_expr option -> Soc.t) =
+       Lxm.t -> Lic.by_pos_op -> Data.t list -> Soc.var_expr option -> Soc.t) =
   fun lxm op types fby_init_opt ->
     match (op, types,fby_init_opt) with
       | Lic.PREDEF_CALL ({"Lustre","if"),[]}),_ ,_  -> 
diff --git a/src/socPredef.mli b/src/socPredef.mli
index cff5cd17..7584bdfc 100644
--- a/src/socPredef.mli
+++ b/src/socPredef.mli
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(* Time-stamp: <modified the 08/04/2013 (at 11:48) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(* Time-stamp: <modified the 08/04/2013 (at 14:11) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 (** Synchronous Object Code for Predefined operators. *)
@@ -11,8 +11,8 @@ val of_soc_key : Soc.key -> Soc.t
     Le type des opérandes permet de traiter les opérateurs surchargés. 
 val soc_interface_of_pos_op: 
-    Lxm.t -> Lic.by_pos_op -> Soc.var_type list -> Soc.var_expr option -> Soc.t
+    Lxm.t -> Lic.by_pos_op -> Data.t list -> Soc.var_expr option -> Soc.t
-val get_mem_name : Soc.key -> Soc.var_type -> string
+val get_mem_name : Soc.key -> Data.t -> string
 val make_merge_soc: Soc.key -> Soc.t
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index e2610b96..5680c924 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(** Time-stamp: <modified the 05/04/2013 (at 14:24) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(** Time-stamp: <modified the 08/04/2013 (at 14:10) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 open Soc
@@ -33,31 +33,11 @@ let call_fun_ff: ((Format.formatter -> unit) -> string) = fun f ->
 (* Type *)
-let rec string_of_type_ref_ff: (Soc.var_type -> Format.formatter -> unit) = fun v ff -> 
-  let str =
-    match v with
-      | Soc.Bool -> "bool"
-      | Soc.Int -> "int"
-      | Soc.Real-> "real"
-      | Soc.Extern s -> s ^ "(*extern*)"
-      | Soc.Enum  (s, sl) -> "enum " ^ s ^ " {" ^ (String.concat ", " sl) ^ "}"
-      | Soc.Struct (sid,_) -> sid ^ "(*struct*)"
-      | Soc.Array (ty, sz) -> Printf.sprintf "%s^%d" (string_of_type_ref ty) sz 
-      | Soc.Alpha nb ->
-        (* On génère des "types" à la Caml : 'a, 'b, 'c, etc. *)
-        let a_value = Char.code('a') in
-        let z_value = Char.code('z') in
-        let str =
-          if (nb >= 0 && nb <= (z_value - a_value)) then
-            ("'" ^ (Char.escaped (Char.chr(a_value + nb))))
-          else
-            ("'a" ^ (string_of_int nb))
-        in
-          str
-  in
+let rec string_of_type_ref_ff: (Data.t -> Format.formatter -> unit) = fun v ff -> 
+  let str = Data.type_to_string v in
     fprintf ff "%s" str 
-and string_of_type_ref: (Soc.var_type -> string) = fun v ->
+and string_of_type_ref: (Data.t -> string) = fun v ->
   call_fun_ff (string_of_type_ref_ff v)
diff --git a/src/socUtils.mli b/src/socUtils.mli
index 74c139d7..d0451de5 100644
--- a/src/socUtils.mli
+++ b/src/socUtils.mli
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(** Time-stamp: <modified the 29/03/2013 (at 16:06) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(** Time-stamp: <modified the 08/04/2013 (at 14:10) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 (** Donne toute les méthodes d'un composant. *)
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ val get_all_methods: Soc.t -> Soc.step_method list
 (** Fonctions de représentation des objets SOC. *)
-val string_of_type_ref            : Soc.var_type -> string
+val string_of_type_ref            : Data.t -> string
 val string_of_soc_key             : Soc.key -> string
 val string_of_var                 : Soc.var -> string
 val string_of_operation           : Soc.atomic_operation -> string
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ val string_of_profile             : Soc.var list * Soc.var list -> string
 val string_interface_of_soc       : Soc.t -> string
 val string_of_soc                 : Soc.t -> string
-val string_of_type_ref_ff         : Soc.var_type       -> Format.formatter -> unit
+val string_of_type_ref_ff         : Data.t        -> Format.formatter -> unit
 val string_of_soc_key_ff          : Soc.key  -> Format.formatter -> unit
 val string_of_var_ff              : Soc.var            -> Format.formatter -> unit
 val string_of_operation_ff        : Soc.atomic_operation      -> Format.formatter -> unit
diff --git a/test/Makefile.dist b/test/Makefile.dist
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c3cff9b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/Makefile.dist
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+test: lus2lic ec2c runtest 
+testdir=$(shell pwd)
+	runtest --all --tool lus2lic  || true
+	ln -s ../bin/lus2lic
+# requires ec2c (distributed in the lv4 package)
+	ln -s `which ec2c`
diff --git a/test/board_triglav.exp b/test/board_triglav.exp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..aa77000c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/board_triglav.exp
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+# load_generic_config "unix";
+set_board_info hostname triglav
+set_board_info username jahier
diff --git a/test/lus2lic.sum b/test/lus2lic.sum
index e3dec3af..f659e889 100644
--- a/test/lus2lic.sum
+++ b/test/lus2lic.sum
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-Test Run By jahier on Mon Apr  8 12:00:19 2013
+Test Run By jahier on Mon Apr  8 14:52:24 2013
 Native configuration is i686-pc-linux-gnu
 		=== lus2lic tests ===
diff --git a/test/should_fail/type/merge.lus b/test/should_fail/type/merge.lus
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b5e27e08
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/should_fail/type/merge.lus
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+type trival = enum { Pile, Face, Tranche }; ---
+node merge_node(clk: trival; ---
+   i1 : int when Pile(clk) ; i2 :  int when Face(clk); 
+   i3:  int when Tranche(clk)) 
+returns (y: int); ---
+    y = merge clk
+        (Pile:    i1)
+        (Face:    i2)
+        (Tranche: i3);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ b/
index 98afb72c..91b587d3 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -2,6 +2,8 @@
 #+CATEGORY: lv6
 * lus2lic -exec
+** TODO revoir l'intégration à rif_base et genlex
+   - State "TODO"       from ""           [2013-03-19 Tue 10:25]
 ** TODO Unifier les modules Data de Lustre V6 et Lutin
    - State "TODO"       from ""           [2013-04-02 Tue 08:33]
@@ -30,9 +32,6 @@ que de lancer luciole
 ** TODO Écrire un test qui mette en jeu exhaustivement tous les operateurs
    - State "TODO"       from ""           [2013-03-19 Tue 10:38]
-** TODO slice
-   - State "TODO"       from ""           [2013-04-05 Fri 11:18]
 ** TODO fonctions externes 
    - State "TODO"       from ""           [2013-03-19 Tue 10:33]
 ** TODO Découper un peu les fonctions dans src/
@@ -40,8 +39,6 @@ que de lancer luciole
 le role et le perimetre get_leaf en particulier n'est pas clair.
 de plus son code est dupliqué.
-** TODO revoir l'intégration à rif_base et genlex
-   - State "TODO"       from ""           [2013-03-19 Tue 10:25]
 * Packages, modeles, etc.
 ** STARTED Il ne detecte plus les erreurs de type lors d'instanciation de noeuds