diff --git a/lib/lic2soc.ml b/lib/lic2soc.ml
index f5368cb39d28a822099dd22ba201242772005247..f8ce99b1d565f5fc187951768834020010ade083 100644
--- a/lib/lic2soc.ml
+++ b/lib/lic2soc.ml
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(** Time-stamp: <modified the 20/06/2024 (at 09:01) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(** Time-stamp: <modified the 09/07/2024 (at 10:12) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 (* XXX ce module est mal écrit. A reprendre. (R1) *)
@@ -788,7 +788,10 @@ let (is_a_task : Lxm.t -> bool) =
     | Pragma("MT",_)::_ -> true
     | Pragma(_,_)::pl -> f pl
-  f (Lxm.pragma lxm)
+  if Lv6MainArgs.global_opt.Lv6MainArgs.multi_task then
+    f (Lxm.pragma lxm)
+  else
+    false
 (** Translates an equation into one or several actions.
@@ -999,7 +1002,7 @@ let f: (LicPrg.t -> Lic.node_key -> Soc.key * Soc.tbl) =
             | None -> []
             | Some l ->  List.map (lic_to_soc_var) l
-          if Lv6MainArgs.global_opt.Lv6MainArgs.multi_task  then
+          if Lv6MainArgs.global_opt.Lv6MainArgs.multi_task then
             let step1, step2  = build_step_mt lxm "step" node (locals @ ctx.locals) gaol in
             let soc = {
               Soc.key         = soc_key;