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@@ -20,14 +20,6 @@ SRCS= \
 # Les inclusions de figures
-	$(OBJPDF)/edge.tex \
-	$(OBJPDF)/df.tex \
-	$(OBJPDF)/map1.tex \
-	$(OBJPDF)/red1.tex \
-	$(OBJPDF)/fill1.tex \
-	$(OBJPDF)/fillred1.tex
 all: $(OBJPDF) \
 	$(FIGS) \
@@ -68,3 +60,45 @@ re:
 	touch touch.tex
+# direct inclusion of lustre non-reg files into the manual
+	$(LUSTRE_DIR)/Pascal/struct.lus \
+	$(LUSTRE_DIR)/Pascal/consensus2.lus \
+	$(LUSTRE_DIR)/NONREG/count.lus \
+	$(LUSTRE_DIR)/NONREG/sincos.lus \
+	$(LUSTRE_DIR)/NONREG/integrator.lus \
+	$(LUSTRE_DIR)/NONREG/type_decl.lus \
+	$(LUSTRE_DIR)/NONREG/merge.lus \
+	$(LUSTRE_DIR)/NONREG/enum0.lus \
+	$(LUSTRE_DIR)/NONREG/param_node.lus \
+	$(LUSTRE_DIR)/NONREG/param_node2.lus \
+	$(LUSTRE_DIR)/packEnvTest/complex.lus\
+	$(LUSTRE_DIR)/packEnvTest/model.lus
+	$(OBJPDF)/patate.tex \
+	$(OBJPDF)/edge.tex \
+	$(OBJPDF)/df.tex \
+	$(OBJPDF)/map1.tex \
+	$(OBJPDF)/red1.tex \
+	$(OBJPDF)/fill1.tex \
+	$(OBJPDF)/fillred1.tex
+	for f in ${EXEMPLES}; do \
+		$(LUS2TEX) $$f > `basename $$f`.tex ;\
+	done
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@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
 \newcommand{\kwd}[1]{{\bf \color{blue3} #1}}
 \newcommand{\kwdd}[1]{{\color{DarkSlateGrey} #1}}
 \newcommand{\kwddd}[1]{{\bf \color{green4} #1}}
diff --git a/lv6-ref-man/lv6-ref-man.tex b/lv6-ref-man/lv6-ref-man.tex
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--- a/lv6-ref-man/lv6-ref-man.tex
+++ b/lv6-ref-man/lv6-ref-man.tex
@@ -32,10 +32,9 @@ read directly this chapter.
-\chapter{Lustre Core} 
+\chapter{An Overview of the Lustre Language} 
 % {Basic Lustre} 
 % {Simple Lustre} 
 % {Lustre basics} 
@@ -48,8 +47,6 @@ read directly this chapter.
-\section{Overview of the Language}
 % \begin{summary}
 % \sumitem{ginf}{Introduction}
@@ -71,7 +68,7 @@ read directly this chapter.
 %   \subsumitem{include}{Including files}
 % \end{summary}
 This manual  presents the  \lustre\ language, a  synchronous language
 based  on the  dataflow model  and designed  for the  description and
@@ -87,7 +84,7 @@ it makes  precise the metalanguage used to describe the syntax
 throughout the document and describes the lexical rules of the
-\subsubsection{Synchronous Model}\label{syncmod}
+\subsection{Synchronous Model}\label{syncmod}
 The synchronous  model was introduced to  provide abstract primitives
 assuming   that  a   program  reacts   instantaneously   to  external
@@ -107,29 +104,20 @@ time scale.  Consequently, outputs  are computed and inputs are taken
 into account ``at the same  time'' (with respect to the discrete time
-\subsubsection{Dataflow Model}\label{dataflo}
+\subsection{Dataflow Model}\label{dataflo}
 The dataflow model is based  on a block diagram description.  A block
 diagram  can be  described  either  graphically, or  by  a system  of
 equations. A  system is made up  of a network of  operators acting in
 parallel and in time with their input rate.
-\kw{node} count (x,y: \kw{int}) \kw{returns} (s: \kw{int});\\
-\>s = 2*(x+y);\\
-Textual view of the same network
+\begin{example}[A Textual and a graphical view of the same network]
+\vspace{-2cm} \hfill \input{df.tex}
 This model provides the following advantages:
@@ -141,7 +129,7 @@ are dependencies between data),
 \item ability to describe a system graphically.
-\subsubsection{Synchronous Dataflow Model}\label{sydataflow}
+\subsection{Synchronous Dataflow Model}\label{sydataflow}
 \index{synchronous dataflow}
 The synchronous dataflow approach consists in adding a time 
@@ -170,7 +158,7 @@ at a given instant cannot depend on future inputs (causality) and
 can depend on only a bounded number of inputs (each cycle can memorize 
 the value of the previous input).
-\subsubsection{Building a Description}\label{buides}
+\subsection{Building a Description}\label{buides}
 A \lustre\ program describes the relations between the 
 outputs and inputs of a system. These relations are expressed using 
@@ -207,7 +195,7 @@ depends on software and hardware performance. \lustre\ is a language
 describing systems with a deterministic behavior from both a
 functional and a time point of view.
-\subsection{Basic Features}\label{basic}
+\section{Basic Features}\label{basic}
 In this section, we present informally the main basic features of the
 language, through several simple examples.
@@ -222,7 +210,7 @@ $n$th value. A node defines one or several output parameters as
 functions of  one or several input parameters. All these parameters
 are flows.
-\subsubsection{Simple control devices} \label{control}
+\subsection{Simple control devices} \label{control}
@@ -302,23 +290,19 @@ equal to \prog{A} at the first instant, and then forever equal to
 So, the complete definition of the node \prog{EDGE} is the following:
-\kw{node} EDGE (X: \kw{bool}) \kw{returns} (Y: \kw{bool});\\
-\>Y = \kw{false} \fby\ X \kw{and} \kw{not} \kw{pre}(X);\\
+\begin{example}[The EDGE node]
 Once a node has been defined, it can be called from another node,
 using it as a new operator.  For instance, let us write another
 node, computing the falling edge of its input parameter:
-\kw{node} FALLING\_EDGE (X: \kw{bool}) \kw{returns} (Y: \kw{bool});\\
-\>Y = EDGE(\kw{not} X);\\
+\begin{example}[The FALLING\_EDGE node]
 The \prog{EDGE} node is of very common usage for ``deriving'' a
 Boolean flow, i.e., transforming a ``level'' into a ``signal''. The
@@ -334,17 +318,11 @@ not change.  ``\prog{initial}'' defines the initial value of
 Boolean flow, whose value is true whenever the signal occurs. Below
 is a first version of the program:
-\kw{node} SWITCH1 (set, reset, initial: \kw{bool}) \kw{returns} (level: \kw{bool});\\
-\>level = initial \fby\ 
-  \>\>\>\>\>\kw{if} set \kw{then} true\\
-\>\>\>\>\>\>\kw{else} \kw{if} reset \kw{then} \kw{false}\\
-\>\>\>\>\>\>\kw{else} \kw{pre}(level);\\
+\begin{example}[The SWITCH1 node]
 \noindent which specifies that the ``\prog{level}'' is initially
 equal to ``\prog{initial}'', and then forever,
@@ -366,9 +344,12 @@ Moreover, if this node is intended to be used only in contexts where
 inputs \prog{set} and \prog{reset} are never true together, such an {\em
 assertion} can be specified:
-\kw{assert} \kw{not} (set \kw{and} reset);
+  \kwd{assert} not (set \kwdd{and} reset);
 Otherwise, this program has a flaw:  It cannot be used as a
 ``one-button'' switch, whose level changes whenever its unique button
@@ -376,7 +357,7 @@ is pushed. Let ``\prog{change}'' be a Boolean flow representing a
 signal, then the call
-state = SWITCH1(change,change,\kw{true});
+state = SWITCH1(change,change,\kwdd{true});
 will compute the always true flow: ``\prog{state}'' is initialized
@@ -387,17 +368,11 @@ make the program a bit more complex: the ``\prog{set}'' signal must
 be considered only when the switch is turned off.  We get the
 following program:
-\kw{node} SWITCH (set, reset, initial: \kw{bool}) \kw{returns} (level: \kw{bool});\\
-\>level = initial \fby\ 
-  \>\>\>\>\>\kw{if} set \kw{and} \kw{not} \kw{pre}(level) \kw{then} \kw{true}\\
-\>\>\>\>\>\>\kw{else} \kw{if} reset \kw{then} \kw{false}\\
-\>\>\>\>\>\>\kw{else} \kw{pre}(level);\\
+\begin{example}[The SWITCH node]
-\subsubsection{Numerical examples} \label{numeric}
+\subsection{Numerical examples} \label{numeric}
 Recursive sequences are very easy to define in \lustre. For instance, the
 equation ``\prog{N = 0 \fby\ \kw{pre} N + 1;}'' defines the sequence of
@@ -405,7 +380,7 @@ natural numbers. Let us complexify this definition to build an integer
 sequence, whose value is, at each instant, the number of occurrences of
 the ``true'' value of a Boolean flow \prog{X}:
-N = 0 \fby\ \kw{if} X \kw{then} \kw{pre} N + 1 \kw{else} \kw{pre} N;
+N = 0 \fby\ \kwdd{if} X \kwdd{then} \kwdd{pre} N + 1 \kwdd{else} \kwdd{pre} N;
@@ -413,16 +388,16 @@ This definition does not exactly meet the specification, since it
 ignores the initial value of \prog{X}. A well-initialized counter could
-PN = 0 \fby\ \kw{pre} N;\\
-N = \kw{if}  X \kw{then} PN + 1 \kw{else} PN;
+PN = 0 \fby\ \kwdd{pre} N;\\
+N = \kwdd{if}  X \kwdd{then} PN + 1 \kwdd{else} PN;
 or, simply
-N = \kw{if}  X \kw{then} (0 \fby\ \kw{pre} N) + 1 \kw{else}  (0 \fby\ \kw{pre} N);
+N = \kwdd{if}  X \kwdd{then} (0 \fby\ \kwdd{pre} N) + 1 \kwdd{else}  (0 \fby\ \kwdd{pre} N);
 or even
-N = (0 \fby\ \kw{pre} N) + \kw{if} X \kw{then} 0 \kw{else} 1;
+N = (0 \fby\ \kwdd{pre} N) + \kwdd{if} X \kwdd{then} 0 \kwdd{else} 1;
@@ -436,27 +411,21 @@ Let us write a more general operator, with additional inputs:
 The complete definition of this operator is the following:
-\kw{node} COUNTER (init, incr: \kw{int}; X, reset: \kw{bool}) \kw{returns} (N: \kw{int});\\
-\kw{var} PN: \kw{int};\\
-\>PN = init \fby\ \kw{pre} N;\\
-\>N = 
-  \>\>\kw{if} reset \kw{then} init\\
-\>\>\>\kw{else} \kw{if} X \kw{then} PN + incr\\
-\>\>\>\kw{else} PN;\\
+\begin{example}[The COUNTER node]
 This node can be used to define, e.g., the sequence of odd integers:
-odds = COUNTER (0,2,\kw{true},\kw{false});
+odds = COUNTER (0,2,\kwdd{true},\kwdd{false});
 or the sequence of integers modulo 10:
-mod10 = COUNTER (0,1,\kw{true},reset);\\
-reset = \kw{true} \fby\ \kw{pre}(mod10)=9;
+mod10 = COUNTER (0,1,\kwdd{true},reset);\\
+reset = \kwdd{true} \fby\ \kwdd{pre}(mod10)=9;
 Our next example involves real values. Let $f$ be a real function of
@@ -469,24 +438,16 @@ It computes a real-valued flow \prog{Y}, such that
 \[\prog{Y}_{n+1} = \prog{Y}_n + (\prog{F}_n +
 The initial value of \prog{Y} is also an input parameter:
-\kw{node} integrator(F,STEP,init: \kw{real}) \kw{returns} (Y: \kw{real});\\
-\>Y = init \fby\ \kw{pre}(Y) + ((F + \kw{pre}(F))*STEP)/2.0;\\
+\begin{example}[The integrator node]
 One can try to connect two such integrators in loop to compute the
 functions $\sin(\omega t)$ and $\cos(\omega t)$ in a simple-minded
-\kw{node} sincos(omega:\kw{real}) \kw{returns} (sin, cos: \kw{real});\\
-\>sin = omega * integrator(cos,0.1,0.0);\\
-\>cos = omega * integrator(-sin,0.1,1.0);\\
 Called on this program, the compiler would complain that there is a {\em
 deadlock}. As a matter of fact, the variables \prog{sin} and
@@ -495,15 +456,11 @@ computation of the $n$th value of \prog{sin} needs the $n$th value of
 \prog{cos}, and conversely. We have to cut the dependence loop,
 introducing a ``\prog{pre}'' operator:
-\kw{node} sincos(omega:\kw{real}) \kw{returns} (sin, cos: \kw{real});\\
-\>sin = omega * integrator(cos,0.1,0.0);\\
-\>cos = omega * integrator(0.0 \fby\ -\kw{pre}(sin),0.1,1.0);\\
-\subsubsection{Multiple Equation} \label{ituples}\index{multiple equation}
+\begin{example}[The sincos node]
+\subsection{Multiple Equation} \label{ituples}\index{multiple equation}
 The node \prog{sincos} above does not work very well, but it is
 interesting since it returns more than one output. To call such a node,
@@ -526,65 +483,49 @@ corresponding list of expressions, of suitable types. It can be
 For instance, the equation
-(min, max) = \kw{if} a{\tt <}b \kw{then} (a,b) \kw{else} (b,a);
+(min, max) = \kwdd{if} a{\tt <}b \kwdd{then} (a,b) \kwdd{else} (b,a);
 directly defines \prog{min} and \prog{max} to be, respectively, the
 least and greatest value of \prog{a} and \prog{b}.
-\subsubsection{Clocks} \label{clocks}
+\subsection{Clocks} \label{clocks}
 Let us consider the following control device: it receives a signal
 ``\prog{set}'', and returns a Boolean ``\prog{level}'' that must be
 true during ``\prog{delay}'' cycles after each reception of
 ``\prog{set}''. The program is quite simple:
-\kw{node} STABLE (set: \kw{bool}; delay: \kw{int}) \kw{returns} (level: \kw{bool});\\
-\kw{var} count: \kw{int};\\
-\>level = (count{\tt >}0);\\
-\>count = 
-  \>\>~\kw{if} set \kw{then} delay\\
-\>\>\>~\kw{else} \kw{if} \kw{false} \fby\ \kw{pre}(level) \kw{then} \kw{pre}(count)-1\\
-\>\>\>~\kw{else} 0;\\
+\begin{example}[The STABLE node]
-Now, suppose we want the ``\prog{level}'' to be high during
-``\prog{delay}'' seconds, instead of ``\prog{delay}'' cycles. The
-``second'' will be provided as a Boolean input ``\prog{second}'',
+Now,  suppose  we  want   the  ``\prog{level}''  to  be  high  during
+``\prog{delay}''  seconds, instead  of  ``\prog{delay}'' cycles.  The
+``second''  will be  provided as  a Boolean  input ``\prog{second}'',
 true whenever a second elapses. Of course, we can write a new program
-which freezes the counter whenever the ``\prog{second}'' is not
+which  freezes  the counter  whenever  the  ``\prog{second}'' is  not
-\kw{node} TIME\_STABLE1(set,second:\kw{bool}; delay:\kw{int}) \kw{returns} (level:\kw{bool});\\
-\kw{var} count: \kw{int};\\
-\>level = (count{\tt >}0);\\
-\>count = 
-  \>\>~\kw{if} set \kw{then} delay\\
-\>\>\>~\kw{else} \kw{if} second \kw{then}\\
-\>\>\>\>\>\kw{if} \kw{false} \fby\ \kw{pre}(level) \kw{then} \kw{pre}(count)-1\\
-\>\>\>\>\>\kw{else} 0\\
-\>\>\>~\kw{else} (0 \fby\ \kw{pre}(count));\\
+\begin{example}[The TIME\_STABLE1 node]
-We can also reuse our node ``\prog{STABLE}'', calling it at a
-suitable {\em clock}, by {\em filtering} its input parameters. It
-consists of changing the execution cycle of the node, activating it
-only at some cycles of the calling program. For the delay to be
+We  can  also reuse  our  node  ``\prog{STABLE}'',  calling it  at  a
+suitable  {\em clock}, by  {\em filtering}  its input  parameters. It
+consists of changing  the execution cycle of the  node, activating it
+only  at some  cycles of  the calling  program. For  the delay  to be
 counted in seconds, the node ``\prog{STABLE}'' must be activated only
-when either a ``\prog{set}'' signal or a ``\prog{second}'' signal
-occurs. Moreover, it must be activated at the initial instant, for
+when  either a  ``\prog{set}'' signal  or a  ``\prog{second}'' signal
+occurs. Moreover,  it must be  activated at the initial  instant, for
 initialization purposes. So the activation clock is
-ck = \kw{true}  \fby\  set \kw{or} second;
+ck = \kwdd{true}  \fby\  set \kwdd{or} second;
-Now a call ``\prog{STABLE((set,delay) \kw{when} ck)}''
+Now a call ``\prog{STABLE((set,delay) \kwdd{when} ck)}''
 will feed an instance of ``\prog{STABLE}'' with rarefied inputs, as
 shown by the following table:
@@ -614,14 +555,10 @@ delivered at this rarefied rate. In order to use the result, we have
 first to {\em project} it onto the clock of the calling program. The
 resulting node is
-\kw{node} TIME\_STABLE(set, second: \kw{bool}; delay: \kw{int}) \kw{returns} (level: \kw{bool});\\
-\kw{var} ck: \kw{bool};\\
-\>level = \kw{current}(STABLE((set,delay) \kw{when} ck));\\
-\>ck = \kw{true} \fby\ set \kw{or} second;\\
+\begin{example}[The TIME\_STABLE node]
 Here is a simulation of this node:
 \newcommand{\bbb}[1]{\parbox{3.5cm}{ \vspace{-2mm}\begin{flushright} #1
@@ -658,7 +595,7 @@ tt     \\
+\chapter{Lustre Core} 
@@ -678,6 +615,8 @@ that}.
 \section{Lexical aspects}
@@ -693,7 +632,7 @@ that}.
 or a list of such things: }
-\erwan{ca fait du bruit dans la grammaire tout de même, non ???}
+%\erwan{ca fait du bruit dans la grammaire tout de même, non ???}
@@ -704,7 +643,7 @@ or a list of such things: }
-Pragma can be useful for «retour au source» for example.
+% Pragma can be useful for «retour au source» for example. 
@@ -716,12 +655,10 @@ Pragma can be useful for 
-Entities are generally referred to through identifiers, but they can also
-depend on a package instance (like in {\tt BIN8::binary}). 
-So we distinguish between the class \sx{Ident}
-(returned by the scanner), and the class \sx{Identifier}:
+\conc{ Entities  are generally  referred to through  identifiers, but
+they  can   also  depend  on   a  package  instance  (like   in  {\tt
+BIN8::binary}).    So   we   distinguish  between   \sx{Ident},   and
+\sx{Identifier}: }
@@ -754,7 +691,7 @@ So we distinguish between the class \sx{Ident}
 \sxDef{Type} \is \sx{Ident} \sor \sx{Record\_Type} \sor \sx{Array\_Type}
 \sor \sx{Enum\_Type}
-\sxDef{Record\_Type} \is \lx{$\{$} \sx{Field\_List} \lx{$\}$}
+\sxDef{Record\_Type} \is \lx{struct} \lx{$\{$} \sx{Field\_List} \lx{$\}$}
 \sxDef{Field\_List} \is \sx{Field} \sor \sx{Field} \lx{,} \sx{Field\_List}
@@ -770,9 +707,7 @@ So we distinguish between the class \sx{Ident}
 \begin{example}[Type Declarations]
@@ -875,10 +810,10 @@ set of equations defining the outputs.
 \sxDef{SelTrancheEnd} \is \lx{..} \sx{Expression}\\
-\sxDef{Right\_Part} \is \sx{Expression} \sor \sx{Condact}\\
-\sxDef{Condact} \is \sx{OneCase}$^*$ 
-                 \lx{default} \sx{Expression} \lx{;}\\
-\sxDef{OneCase} \is \lx{case} \sx{Expression} \lx{do} \sx{Expression} \lx{;}\\
+%% \sxDef{Right\_Part} \is \sx{Expression} \sor \sx{Condact}\\
+%% \sxDef{Condact} \is \sx{OneCase}$^*$ 
+%%                  \lx{default} \sx{Expression} \lx{;}\\
+%% \sxDef{OneCase} \is \lx{case} \sx{Expression} \lx{do} \sx{Expression} \lx{;}\\
 \sxDef{Assertion} \is  \lx{assert} \sx{Expression} \prag\ \lx{;}\\
@@ -887,7 +822,7 @@ set of equations defining the outputs.
-\erwan{On n'a pas dir qu'on virait les condact pour l'instant ???}
+% \erwan{On n'a pas dir qu'on virait les condact pour l'instant ???} 
@@ -950,8 +885,8 @@ sense that they are operating pointwise on streams.
                                            \lx{else} \sx{Expression}       
              \myor \sx{Call}
              \myor \sx{Expression} \sx{Selector}
-             \myor \lx{TO} {\tt $<<$} \sx{Type} {\tt $>>$} \lx{(}\sx{Expression\_List} \lx{)}
-             \myor \lx{FROM} {\tt $<<$} \sx{Type} {\tt $>>$} \lx{(}\sx{Expression} \lx{)}
+%%              \myor \lx{TO} {\tt $<<$} \sx{Type} {\tt $>>$} \lx{(}\sx{Expression\_List} \lx{)}
+%%              \myor \lx{FROM} {\tt $<<$} \sx{Type} {\tt $>>$} \lx{(}\sx{Expression} \lx{)}
 \sxDef{Expression\_List} \is \sx{Expression} \sor 
@@ -987,7 +922,6 @@ sense that they are operating pointwise on streams.
-\erwan{Y'a pas les types enum ???}
@@ -996,9 +930,9 @@ sense that they are operating pointwise on streams.
 An operator is a predefined Lustre node. Most of them are infix.
-\xxx dire lesquels sont infixes !
+\xxx say which one
-\xxx parler du package Lustre 
+%\xxx parler du package Lustre 
@@ -1132,7 +1066,7 @@ In Section~\ref{exemples} we provide a complete and commented program example.
-%%% ??? subsection ou paragraph ???
+%%% ??? section ou paragraph ???
 % \subsection{Enumerated types}
 % \subsection{Structures types}
@@ -1148,11 +1082,7 @@ for their declaration and used is provided in Section~\ref{syntax}.
-  \kwd{type} 
-     color1 = \kwd{enum} ( blue, white, black );
-     color2 = \kwd{enum} ( green, orange, yellow );
@@ -1163,8 +1093,6 @@ functions, and a constructor function.
-\erwan{ dans l'implémentation, il faut ecrire ``enum'', et pas ``struct''. C'est
-bizzare non ?}
@@ -1216,13 +1144,7 @@ bizzare non ?}
-\todo ca ce sont les definitions pour les declarations de types, mais il
-manque la syntaxe pour la definition des elements de ces types.
-...  ah   si,  elles  sont   définies  dans  la   section  Expressions
-(record\_exp, fiedl\_exp, etc.). A mettre ici plutot ?
- XXX introduire les tranches.
+\todo slices
@@ -1247,11 +1169,11 @@ manque la syntaxe pour la definition des elements de ces types.
 %%% \subsection{Iterators}
 One the main novelty of Lustre-V6 is to provide a (restricted) notion
-of higher-order programming by defining \emph{array iterators}.  Five
-iterators are predefined, and the user can not define new ones.
-Iterators extend nodes operating on scalars to nodes operating on
+of  higher-order programming  by defining  \emph{array  iterators} to
+operate  over  arrays.  Iterators   replace  the  use  of  Lustre  V4
+homomorphic extension:
@@ -1261,7 +1183,7 @@ arrays.
 % \label{node-exp}
 \paragraph{Using node expressions.}
-In LustreV6, a node denotation is not necessarily a simple identifier,
+In Lustre V6, a node denotation is not necessarily a simple identifier,
 since a node can be ``built'' by instantiating an iterator
 with static arguments. A node expression is then defined by:
@@ -1492,11 +1414,12 @@ $\forall i = 0 \cdots \mbox{\tt n}-1$,
-\erwan{en fait, une fois que fillred est definit, qu'elle
-est l'interet de fill et de red ????
-D'ailleurs, dans lus2lis et dans lic2loc, j'appelle la même fonction
-dans les 3 cas ...}
+%% \erwan{en fait, une fois que fillred est definit, qu'elle
+%% est l'interet de fill et de red ????
+%% D'ailleurs, dans lus2lis et dans lic2loc, j'appelle la même fonction
+%% dans les 3 cas ...}
@@ -1594,7 +1517,7 @@ diese and the nor operators :
-#(a1, ..., an) \evalto boolred(1,1,n)[a1, ..., an]
+#(a1, ..., an) \evalto boolred(1,1,n)[a1, ..., an] \\
 nor(a1, ..., an) \evalto boolred(0,0,n)[a1, ..., an]
@@ -1621,7 +1544,10 @@ profile in the functional programming world :
 ... -> (a$_{n-1}$' array) -> (a$_n$' array)}
 Note  that it  even  note possible  to  give a  milner-style type  to
-describe this iterator.  
+describe this iterator.  Indeed, the type of the  node depends on the
+size of the array; it would therefore require a dependant-type system. 
@@ -1629,6 +1555,28 @@ describe this iterator.
+\section{Parametric nodes}
+node can be parametrised by constants, types, and nodes. 
+\begin{example}[Parametric Node]
+\begin{example}[Parametric Node]
+nodes can even be defined recursively using the ``with'' construct
+\begin{example}[Recursive Node]
 \section{Packages and models}
@@ -1858,20 +1806,20 @@ a package is a set of definitions of entities: types, constants and operators
-a model can have as parameters a type, a constant, or an operator.
+a model can have as parameters a type, a constant, or a node. 
-\erwan{ Dans le document ``package, modeles, généricité''
-{\tt /home/jahier/lustre-v6/doc/DOCYOUSSEF/pascal\_\_packages\_modeles\_et\_genericite.ps)},
-un certain nombre  de points restent ouverts. Quand tranche t'on ?
+%% \erwan{ Dans le document ``package, modeles, généricité''
+%% (cf
+%% {\tt /home/jahier/lustre-v6/doc/DOCYOUSSEF/pascal\_\_packages\_modeles\_et\_genericite.ps)},
+%% un certain nombre  de points restent ouverts. Quand tranche t'on ?
-Est-ce ce que ce qu'a implémenté Yussef est satisfaisant ?
-Qu'a t'il fait de ce qui était proposé la d'ailleurs ?
+%% Est-ce ce que ce qu'a implémenté Yussef est satisfaisant ?
+%% Qu'a t'il fait de ce qui était proposé la d'ailleurs ?
+%% }
@@ -1880,7 +1828,11 @@ Qu'a t'il fait de ce qui 
 \section{The Merge operator}
+\begin{example}[The Merge operator]
@@ -1889,24 +1841,25 @@ Qu'a t'il fait de ce qui 
-\todo a complete Lustre V6 commented exemple....
+\todo add a complete Lustre V6 commented exemple.... 
-\erwan{ lequel ???}
-il faudrait qu'il utilise 
+%% il faudrait qu'il utilise 
-- des packages
+%% - des packages
-- des modeles
+%% - des modeles
-- des types enum et record
+%% - des types enum et record
-- des tableaux + iterateurs
+%% - des tableaux + iterateurs
-Au besoin, on donne 2 programmes.
+%% Au besoin, on donne 2 programmes.
+%% Ou alors on se contente d'un tutorial ?
-Ou alors on se contente d'un tutorial ?
@@ -1945,6 +1898,11 @@ Ou alors on se contente d'un tutorial ?
+\section{Lustre History}
+Lustre V1, v2, v3, ..., v6
 \section{The Lustre V4 features not supported in Lustre  V6}
@@ -1958,4 +1916,12 @@ Ou alors on se contente d'un tutorial ?
 [int, int] -> use int^2 instead
+\caption{Lustre potatoes}
diff --git a/src/TODO b/src/TODO
index 5d8fae5183b08086f1cf8b8e361edf0fa169768c..2f80c97b812815c303d994d0caf9d4c3f0d64bcc 100644
--- a/src/TODO
+++ b/src/TODO
@@ -143,6 +143,7 @@ n'est pas le cas pour l'instant... cf  [solve_ident]
 * Ne pas  générer de  "current", "->", "pre"  (i.e., les  traduire en
   termes de "merge" et "fby").
+* rajouter "mirror"?
 * l'unesting des iterateurs devrait etre fait dans split, et pas dans 
 LicDump. D'abord par soucis d'élégance. Mais aussi parce que sinon,
@@ -153,6 +154,7 @@ split_acc pour y rajouter une liste de definitions de noeud, qui contiendrait
 des definitions d'alias. ces noueds peuvent etre contruit en mimiquant
 *** facile
diff --git a/src/global.ml b/src/global.ml
index 6b067ab1e6a7d5990cddb7c2b40956edd7c18079..bce60cfeb96a7821f4ad7b7bad032a64bedc8f55 100644
--- a/src/global.ml
+++ b/src/global.ml
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(** Time-stamp: <modified the 26/11/2008 (at 11:00) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(** Time-stamp: <modified the 05/12/2008 (at 10:41) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 (** Some global variables.
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ let one_op_per_equation = ref true
 let inline_iterator = ref false
 let lv4 = ref false
 let expand_enums = ref false
+let expand_structs = ref false
 (* the output channel *)
 let oc = ref Pervasives.stdout
diff --git a/src/main.ml b/src/main.ml
index f96606ce7e1939821e1c3f6193504156b1f7971c..4000c06b2bf5434e04fbb6c4697efe6250823355 100644
--- a/src/main.ml
+++ b/src/main.ml
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(** Time-stamp: <modified the 27/11/2008 (at 10:15) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(** Time-stamp: <modified the 05/12/2008 (at 10:41) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 (** Here follows a description of the different modules used by this lus2lic compiler.
@@ -109,13 +109,17 @@ let rec arg_list = [
       (fun _ -> Global.expand_enums := true),
     "\tTranslate enums into integers"
+(*   ( "--expand-structs", Arg.Unit *)
+(*       (fun _ -> Global.expand_enums := true), *)
+(*     "\tReplace structures by as many variables as necessary" *)
+(*   ); *)
   ( "--lustre-v4", Arg.Unit
-      (fun _ -> Global.lv4 := true;Global.inline_iterator := true;Global.expand_enums := true),
+      (fun _ -> set_v4_options ()),
     "\tGenerate Lustre V4 compatible Lustre (if possible)"
   ( "-lv4", Arg.Unit
-      (fun _ -> Global.lv4 := true;Global.inline_iterator := true;Global.expand_enums := true),
+      (fun _ -> set_v4_options ()),
     "\tGenerate Lustre V4 compatible Lustre (if possible)"
@@ -124,6 +128,11 @@ let rec arg_list = [
   ("--help", Arg.Unit (fun _ -> (Arg.usage arg_list usage_msg; exit 0)),
    "\tDisplay this list of options" )
+and set_v4_options () =
+  Global.lv4 := true;
+  Global.inline_iterator := true;
+  Global.expand_enums := true;
+  Global.expand_structs := true
     parse_args () = (
       Arg.parse arg_list  (* liste des options *)
diff --git a/src/structExpand.ml b/src/structExpand.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8f7e14b79085a13e1e8ef859eda7915cd89ea28b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/structExpand.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+(** Time-stamp: <modified the 05/12/2008 (at 15:38) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(* Replace structures by as many variables as necessary  *)
+let (node : Eff.local_env -> Eff.id_solver -> Eff.node_exp -> Eff.node_exp) =
+  fun node_env id_solver n -> 
+      | ExternEff 
+      | AbstractEff -> n
+      | BodyEff b -> 
+          let loc = match n.loclist_eff with None -> [] | Some l -> l in
+          let (neqs, nv) = 
+            List.fold_left (inline_eq node_env id_solver) ([], loc) b.eqs_eff 
+          in
+          let nb = { b with eqs_eff = List.rev neqs } in
+          let res =
+            { n with 
+                loclist_eff = Some nv;
+                def_eff = BodyEff nb
+            }
+          in
+            res
diff --git a/src/structExpand.mli b/src/structExpand.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b565e1b60e3f73ebdcee31ff6799c61aad8d088a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/structExpand.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+(** Time-stamp: <modified the 05/12/2008 (at 15:38) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+val node : Eff.local_env -> Eff.id_solver -> Eff.node_exp -> Eff.node_exp
diff --git a/src/test/should_work/NONREG/COUNTER.lus b/src/test/should_work/NONREG/COUNTER.lus
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..bb146c70add8a4857b13202705200d0ec309fe84
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/should_work/NONREG/COUNTER.lus
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+node COUNTER (init, incr: int; X, reset: bool) returns (N: int);
+var PN: int;
+  PN = init  -> pre N;
+  N = 
+      if reset then init
+      else if X then PN + incr
+      else PN;
diff --git a/src/test/should_work/NONREG/EDGE.lus b/src/test/should_work/NONREG/EDGE.lus
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..43f90615abfad8f54aa29592371ed845cf41cea7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/should_work/NONREG/EDGE.lus
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+node EDGE (X: bool) returns (Y: bool);
+ Y = false -> X and not pre(X);
diff --git a/src/test/should_work/NONREG/SWITCH.lus b/src/test/should_work/NONREG/SWITCH.lus
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d8f0183599f63f92a589dabcbf7f390a9010bdb5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/should_work/NONREG/SWITCH.lus
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+node SWITCH (set, reset, initial: bool) returns (level: bool);
+  level = initial  -> 
+    if set and not pre(level) then true
+    else if reset then false
+    else pre(level);
diff --git a/src/test/should_work/NONREG/SWITCH1.lus b/src/test/should_work/NONREG/SWITCH1.lus
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ba1b2e4a770ccfa3a446fa8dee4773be269c038a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/should_work/NONREG/SWITCH1.lus
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+node SWITCH1 (set, reset, initial: bool) returns (level: bool);
+  level = initial ->
+    if set then true
+    else if reset then false
+    else pre(level);
diff --git a/src/test/should_work/NONREG/TIME_STABLE.lus b/src/test/should_work/NONREG/TIME_STABLE.lus
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..86512231510cf6c37bf81c76ec971b13b7325e37
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/should_work/NONREG/TIME_STABLE.lus
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+node TIME_STABLE(set, second: bool; delay: int) returns (level: bool);
+var ck: bool;
+  level = current(STABLE((set,delay) when ck));
+  ck = true  ->  set or second;
+node STABLE (set: bool; delay: int) returns (level: bool);var count: int; let level = (count > 0); count = if set then delay else if false -> pre(level) then pre(count)-1 else 0;tel -- del
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/test/should_work/NONREG/TIME_STABLE1.lus b/src/test/should_work/NONREG/TIME_STABLE1.lus
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5f5a57e49cc6d22373002e7df8a9efc2b517edb0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/should_work/NONREG/TIME_STABLE1.lus
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+node TIME1_STABLE1(set,second:bool; delay:int) returns (level:bool);
+var count: int;
+  level = (count > 0);
+  count = 
+      if set then delay
+      else if second then 
+          if false -> pre(level) then pre(count)-1
+          else 0
+       else (0 -> pre(count));
diff --git a/src/test/should_work/NONREG/count.lus b/src/test/should_work/NONREG/count.lus
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8c6e85237a0ea5559e8c443246ec556a3a49ec72
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/should_work/NONREG/count.lus
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+node count (x,y: int) returns (s: int);
+ s = 2*(x+y);
diff --git a/src/test/should_work/NONREG/enum0.lus b/src/test/should_work/NONREG/enum0.lus
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..334dfe7dd6622aaeaa7259de02b004c310d77fcc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/should_work/NONREG/enum0.lus
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+type color1 = enum { blue, white, black };
+type color2 = enum { green, orange, yellow };
diff --git a/src/test/should_work/NONREG/sincos.lus b/src/test/should_work/NONREG/sincos.lus
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f74531623e85f1cad9a9f6b92ba144497ba3b746
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/should_work/NONREG/sincos.lus
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+node sincos(omega:real) returns (sin, cos: real);
+ sin = omega * integrator(cos,0.1,0.0);
+ cos = omega * integrator(-sin,0.1,1.0);
+node integrator(F,STEP,init: real) returns (Y: real); let Y = init -> pre(Y) + ((F + pre(F))*STEP)/2.0; tel -- del
diff --git a/src/test/should_work/NONREG/type_decl.lus b/src/test/should_work/NONREG/type_decl.lus
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1a78f1277d672914ab4f074b875cdac7c23dd8dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/should_work/NONREG/type_decl.lus
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+type alias = int;
+type pair = struct { a:int; b:int };
+type color = enum { blue, white, black };
diff --git a/src/test/test.res.exp b/src/test/test.res.exp
index d137a48323b58a2ebf3aa39d32a95aaccb82a795..01bc2ddd4c2f88b5940105d61327deeb9d4f77c0 100644
--- a/src/test/test.res.exp
+++ b/src/test/test.res.exp
@@ -62,6 +62,32 @@ type A_A_A_int_1_2_3 = A_A_int_1_2^3;
 type A_A_int_1_2 = A_int_1^2;
 type A_int_1 = int^1;
+====> ../lus2lic -vl 2 --compile-all-items should_work/NONREG/COUNTER.lus
+Opening file should_work/NONREG/COUNTER.lus
+	init:int;
+	incr:int;
+	X:bool;
+	reset:bool) 
+returns (
+	N:int);
+   PN:int;
+   _v1:int;
+   _v2:int;
+   _v3:int;
+   PN = init -> _v1;
+   _v1 = pre N;
+   N =  if reset then init else _v3;
+   _v2 = PN + incr;
+   _v3 =  if X then _v2 else PN;
+-- end of node COUNTER::COUNTER
 ====> ../lus2lic -vl 2 --compile-all-items should_work/NONREG/CURRENT.lus
 Opening file should_work/NONREG/CURRENT.lus
@@ -72,6 +98,48 @@ tel
 -- end of node CURRENT::CURRENT
+====> ../lus2lic -vl 2 --compile-all-items should_work/NONREG/EDGE.lus
+Opening file should_work/NONREG/EDGE.lus
+node EDGE::EDGE(X:bool) returns (Y:bool);
+   _v1:bool;
+   _v2:bool;
+   _v3:bool;
+   Y = false -> _v3;
+   _v1 = pre X;
+   _v2 = not _v1;
+   _v3 = X and _v2;
+-- end of node EDGE::EDGE
+====> ../lus2lic -vl 2 --compile-all-items should_work/NONREG/FALLING_EDGE.lus
+Opening file should_work/NONREG/FALLING_EDGE.lus
+node FALLING_EDGE::EDGE(X:bool) returns (Y:bool);
+   _v1:bool;
+   _v2:bool;
+   _v3:bool;
+   Y = false -> _v3;
+   _v1 = pre X;
+   _v2 = not _v1;
+   _v3 = X and _v2;
+-- end of node FALLING_EDGE::EDGE
+node FALLING_EDGE::FALLING_EDGE(X:bool) returns (Y:bool);
+   _v1:bool;
+   Y = FALLING_EDGE::EDGE(_v1);
+   _v1 = not X;
 ====> ../lus2lic -vl 2 --compile-all-items should_work/NONREG/Int.lus
 Opening file should_work/NONREG/Int.lus
@@ -649,6 +717,161 @@ tel
 -- end of node SOURIS::SOURIS
+====> ../lus2lic -vl 2 --compile-all-items should_work/NONREG/STABLE.lus
+Opening file should_work/NONREG/STABLE.lus
+node STABLE::STABLE(set:bool; delay:int) returns (level:bool);
+   count:int;
+   _v1:bool;
+   _v2:bool;
+   _v3:int;
+   _v4:int;
+   _v5:int;
+   level = count > 0;
+   count =  if set then delay else _v5;
+   _v1 = pre level;
+   _v2 = false -> _v1;
+   _v3 = pre count;
+   _v4 = _v3 - 1;
+   _v5 =  if _v2 then _v4 else 0;
+-- end of node STABLE::STABLE
+====> ../lus2lic -vl 2 --compile-all-items should_work/NONREG/SWITCH.lus
+Opening file should_work/NONREG/SWITCH.lus
+	set:bool;
+	reset:bool;
+	initial:bool) 
+returns (
+	level:bool);
+   _v1:bool;
+   _v2:bool;
+   _v3:bool;
+   _v4:bool;
+   _v5:bool;
+   _v6:bool;
+   level = initial -> _v6;
+   _v1 = pre level;
+   _v2 = not _v1;
+   _v3 = set and _v2;
+   _v4 = pre level;
+   _v5 =  if reset then false else _v4;
+   _v6 =  if _v3 then true else _v5;
+-- end of node SWITCH::SWITCH
+====> ../lus2lic -vl 2 --compile-all-items should_work/NONREG/SWITCH1.lus
+Opening file should_work/NONREG/SWITCH1.lus
+	set:bool;
+	reset:bool;
+	initial:bool) 
+returns (
+	level:bool);
+   _v1:bool;
+   _v2:bool;
+   _v3:bool;
+   level = initial -> _v3;
+   _v1 = pre level;
+   _v2 =  if reset then false else _v1;
+   _v3 =  if set then true else _v2;
+-- end of node SWITCH1::SWITCH1
+====> ../lus2lic -vl 2 --compile-all-items should_work/NONREG/TIME_STABLE.lus
+Opening file should_work/NONREG/TIME_STABLE.lus
+node TIME_STABLE::STABLE(set:bool; delay:int) returns (level:bool);
+   count:int;
+   _v1:bool;
+   _v2:bool;
+   _v3:int;
+   _v4:int;
+   _v5:int;
+   level = count > 0;
+   count =  if set then delay else _v5;
+   _v1 = pre level;
+   _v2 = false -> _v1;
+   _v3 = pre count;
+   _v4 = _v3 - 1;
+   _v5 =  if _v2 then _v4 else 0;
+-- end of node TIME_STABLE::STABLE
+	set:bool;
+	second:bool;
+	delay:int) 
+returns (
+	level:bool);
+   ck:bool;
+   _v1:bool when ck;
+   _v2:int when ck;
+   _v3:bool when ck;
+   _v4:bool;
+   level = current _v3;
+   _v1 = set when ck;
+   _v2 = delay when ck;
+   _v3 = TIME_STABLE::STABLE(_v1, _v2);
+   ck = true -> _v4;
+   _v4 = set or second;
+-- end of node TIME_STABLE::TIME_STABLE
+====> ../lus2lic -vl 2 --compile-all-items should_work/NONREG/TIME_STABLE1.lus
+Opening file should_work/NONREG/TIME_STABLE1.lus
+	set:bool;
+	second:bool;
+	delay:int) 
+returns (
+	level:bool);
+   count:int;
+   _v1:bool;
+   _v2:bool;
+   _v3:int;
+   _v4:int;
+   _v5:int;
+   _v6:int;
+   _v7:int;
+   _v8:int;
+   level = count > 0;
+   count =  if set then delay else _v8;
+   _v1 = pre level;
+   _v2 = false -> _v1;
+   _v3 = pre count;
+   _v4 = _v3 - 1;
+   _v5 =  if _v2 then _v4 else 0;
+   _v6 = pre count;
+   _v7 = 0 -> _v6;
+   _v8 =  if second then _v5 else _v7;
+-- end of node TIME_STABLE1::TIME1_STABLE1
 ====> ../lus2lic -vl 2 --compile-all-items should_work/NONREG/Watch.lus
 Opening file should_work/NONREG/Watch.lus
@@ -2460,6 +2683,19 @@ tel
 -- end of node compteur::compteur
+====> ../lus2lic -vl 2 --compile-all-items should_work/NONREG/count.lus
+Opening file should_work/NONREG/count.lus
+node count::count(x:int; y:int) returns (s:int);
+   _v1:int;
+   s = 2 * _v1;
+   _v1 = x + y;
+-- end of node count::count
 ====> ../lus2lic -vl 2 --compile-all-items should_work/NONREG/cpt.lus
 Opening file should_work/NONREG/cpt.lus
@@ -2774,6 +3010,13 @@ tel
 -- end of node enum::boo
+====> ../lus2lic -vl 2 --compile-all-items should_work/NONREG/enum0.lus
+Opening file should_work/NONREG/enum0.lus
+type _enum0::color1 = enum {enum0::blue, enum0::white, enum0::black};
+type _enum0::color2 = enum {enum0::green, enum0::orange, enum0::yellow};
 ====> ../lus2lic -vl 2 --compile-all-items should_work/NONREG/eq1.lus
 Opening file should_work/NONREG/eq1.lus
@@ -3051,6 +3294,35 @@ tel
 -- end of node initial::initial
+====> ../lus2lic -vl 2 --compile-all-items should_work/NONREG/integrator.lus
+Opening file should_work/NONREG/integrator.lus
+node integrator::integrator(
+	F:real;
+	STEP:real;
+	init:real) 
+returns (
+	Y:real);
+   _v1:real;
+   _v2:real;
+   _v3:real;
+   _v4:real;
+   _v5:real;
+   _v6:real;
+   Y = init -> _v6;
+   _v1 = pre Y;
+   _v2 = pre F;
+   _v3 = F + _v2;
+   _v4 = _v3 * STEP;
+   _v5 = _v4 / 2.0;
+   _v6 = _v1 + _v5;
+-- end of node integrator::integrator
 ====> ../lus2lic -vl 2 --compile-all-items should_work/NONREG/long_et_stupide_nom_de_noeud.lus
 Opening file should_work/NONREG/long_et_stupide_nom_de_noeud.lus
@@ -7459,6 +7731,42 @@ extern function simple::f1(x:int) returns (y:int);
 extern function simple::f2(u:int; v:int) returns (s:int; t:bool);
+====> ../lus2lic -vl 2 --compile-all-items should_work/NONREG/sincos.lus
+Opening file should_work/NONREG/sincos.lus
+node sincos::integrator(F:real; STEP:real; init:real) returns (Y:real);
+   _v1:real;
+   _v2:real;
+   _v3:real;
+   _v4:real;
+   _v5:real;
+   _v6:real;
+   Y = init -> _v6;
+   _v1 = pre Y;
+   _v2 = pre F;
+   _v3 = F + _v2;
+   _v4 = _v3 * STEP;
+   _v5 = _v4 / 2.0;
+   _v6 = _v1 + _v5;
+-- end of node sincos::integrator
+node sincos::sincos(omega:real) returns (sin:real; cos:real);
+   _v1:real;
+   _v2:real;
+   _v3:real;
+   sin = omega * _v1;
+   _v1 = sincos::integrator(cos, 0.1, 0.0);
+   cos = omega * _v3;
+   _v2 = -sin;
+   _v3 = sincos::integrator(_v2, 0.1, 1.0);
+-- end of node sincos::sincos
 ====> ../lus2lic -vl 2 --compile-all-items should_work/NONREG/stopwatch.lus
 Opening file should_work/NONREG/stopwatch.lus
@@ -7650,6 +7958,14 @@ tel
 -- end of node tuple::toto
+====> ../lus2lic -vl 2 --compile-all-items should_work/NONREG/type_decl.lus
+Opening file should_work/NONREG/type_decl.lus
+type _type_decl::alias = int;
+type _type_decl::pair = struct  {a : int; b : int};
+type _type_decl::color = enum {type_decl::blue, type_decl::white, type_decl::black};
 ====> ../lus2lic -vl 2 --compile-all-items should_work/NONREG/uu.lus
 Opening file should_work/NONREG/uu.lus