diff --git a/arduino/sample_with_makefile/Arduino.mk b/arduino/sample_with_makefile/Arduino.mk
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f5c32eb60515a0ece4289cfca1b278a2692ba407
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arduino/sample_with_makefile/Arduino.mk
@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
+# Basic Makefile to get rid of arduino's GUI (and .ino files)
+# How it works:
+# - the user gives a list of .c/.cc /.cpp 
+# - generate (once) a "core.a" lib containong all the necessary
+#   code from arduino (comprizing the generic "main")
+# - compile our own code
+# - link all together to get a "elf"
+# - objcopy the "elf" to a "hex" file
+# - upload the hex
+	@echo "Make what ???? (compile,upload,clean)"
+# compilation
+# avr-xxx bin tools are installed in standard places (/usr/bin)
+# dev files are installed in /usr/share, and must be explicitely refered
+  -I$(ARDUINO_TOP)/hardware/arduino/cores/arduino \
+  -I$(ARDUINO_TOP)/hardware/arduino/variants/mega 
+# C flags are used both to compile arduino and user code
+   -c -g -Os -Wall -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections \
+   -mmcu=$(MCU) -DF_CPU=$(F_CPU)L -MMD -DUSB_VID=null -DUSB_PID=null -DARDUINO=105
+CPP_FLAGS = $(GENERAL_FLAGS) -fno-exceptions
+# Everything generated goes there
+# User code, must be defined:
+# USR_TARGET = name for the bin
+# USR_SRCS   = list of .c,.cc,.cpp ONLY
+define compile_c_rule
+USR_OBJS+=$(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/, $(notdir $(basename $(1)))).o
+$(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/, $(notdir $(basename $(1)))).o: $(1)
+	$(CC) $(CC_FLAGS) $(USR_CFLAGS) $(INCLS) $(USR_INCLS) $$< -o $$@ 
+define compile_cpp_rule
+USR_OBJS+=$(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/, $(notdir $(basename $(1)))).o
+$(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/, $(notdir $(basename $(1)))).o: $(1)
+	$(CPP) $(CPP_FLAGS) $(USR_CPP_FLAGS) $(INCLS) $(USR_INCLS) $$< -o $$@ 
+USR_C=$(filter %.c, $(USR_SRCS))
+USR_CPP=$(filter %.cc, $(USR_SRCS))
+USR_CPP+=$(filter %.cpp, $(USR_SRCS))
+$(foreach src,$(USR_C),$(eval $(call compile_c_rule, $(src))))
+$(foreach src,$(USR_CPP),$(eval $(call compile_cpp_rule, $(src))))
+#all: $(OBJDIR) $(OBJS)
+compile: $(OBJDIR) $(OBJDIR)/$(TARGET).hex
+# link my code and the core.a 
+$(OBJDIR)/$(TARGET).elf: $(OBJDIR)/core.a $(USR_OBJS)
+	$(CC) -Os -Wl,--gc-sections,--relax -mmcu=$(MCU) -o $@ \
+		$(USR_OBJS) $(OBJDIR)/core.a -L$(OBJDIR) -lm
+# elf -> eep + hex 
+$(OBJDIR)/$(TARGET).hex: $(OBJDIR)/$(TARGET).elf
+	$(OBJ_COPY) -O ihex -j .eeprom --set-section-flags=.eeprom=alloc,load \
+      --no-change-warnings --change-section-lma .eeprom=0 $<  $(OBJDIR)/$(TARGET).eep
+	$(OBJ_COPY) -O ihex -R .eeprom $< $@
+# upload
+upload: $(OBJDIR)/$(TARGET).hex
+	$(LOADER) -C$(ARDUINO_TOP)/hardware/tools/avrdude.conf -v -patmega2560 \
+     -cwiring -P/dev/ttyACM0 -b115200 -D -Uflash:w:$(OBJDIR)/$(TARGET).hex:i
+#/usr/share/arduino/hardware/tools/avrdude -C/usr/share/arduino/hardware/tools/avrdude.conf -v -v -v -v -patmega2560 -cwiring -P/dev/ttyACM0 -b115200 -D -Uflash:w:/tmp/build1928257561581363585.tmp/led_arduino_puzzle_loop.cpp.hex:i
+	mkdir -p $@
+$(OBJDIR)/%.o: %.cpp
+	$(CPP) $(CPP_FLAGS) $(INCLS) $*.cpp -o $@ 
+# These are all the .o files for core.a
+  $(OBJDIR)/malloc.o \
+  $(OBJDIR)/realloc.o \
+  $(OBJDIR)/WInterrupts.o \
+  $(OBJDIR)/wiring.o \
+  $(OBJDIR)/wiring_digital.o \
+  $(OBJDIR)/wiring_analog.o \
+  $(OBJDIR)/wiring_pulse.o \
+  $(OBJDIR)/wiring_shift.o \
+  $(OBJDIR)/CDC.o \
+  $(OBJDIR)/HardwareSerial.o \
+  $(OBJDIR)/HID.o \
+  $(OBJDIR)/IPAddress.o \
+  $(OBJDIR)/main.o \
+  $(OBJDIR)/new.o \
+  $(OBJDIR)/Print.o \
+  $(OBJDIR)/Stream.o \
+  $(OBJDIR)/Tone.o \
+  $(OBJDIR)/USBCore.o \
+  $(OBJDIR)/WMath.o \
+  $(OBJDIR)/WString.o \
+# Sources are either .c or .cpp, in COREDIR or COREDIR/avr-libc,
+# let gmake find the right one, according to these 2 generic rules:
+$(OBJDIR)/%.o: $(COREDIR)/avr-libc/%.c
+	$(CC) $(CC_FLAGS) $(INCLS) $< -o $@ 
+$(OBJDIR)/%.o: $(COREDIR)/%.c
+	$(CC) $(CC_FLAGS) $(INCLS) $< -o $@ 
+$(OBJDIR)/%.o: $(COREDIR)/%.cpp
+	$(CPP) $(CPP_FLAGS) $(INCLS) $< -o $@ 
+# build the library 
+$(OBJDIR)/core.a: $(CORE_OBJS)
+	$(AR) rcs $@ $(CORE_OBJS)
+# minimal arduino code to link 
+	/bin/rm -rf $(OBJDIR)/*
diff --git a/arduino/sample_with_makefile/Makefile b/arduino/sample_with_makefile/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b62da57be1e0d8ddeabdd36921185182042260a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arduino/sample_with_makefile/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+# user makefile to use with Arduino.mk
+# Name of the final binary
+# usr sources: 
+# - bundle of c/cpp files
+#   can be anywhere
+# - warning: extensions must be .c or .cc/.cpp (c++)
+USR_SRCS=my_code/led_function.cpp led_loop.cpp
+# Thinks that can be  customized
+# target can be:
+# compile
+# upload
+# clean
+all: compile
+# Generic makfile
+include Arduino.mk
diff --git a/arduino/sample_with_makefile/README b/arduino/sample_with_makefile/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a2c8009ffbacf310a25f52cd38fb474f5fcc0665
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arduino/sample_with_makefile/README
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+Compile a bundle of user c code, lonk and upload on arduino,
+WHITOUT the GUI (gmake command-line based)
+See Makefile/Arduino.mk
diff --git a/arduino/sample_with_makefile/led_loop.cpp b/arduino/sample_with_makefile/led_loop.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0c9682c353182cc1f67562b120893a36c46e18b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arduino/sample_with_makefile/led_loop.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+#include <Arduino.h>
+#include "led_function.h"
+led_arduino_puzzle_ctx_type* ctx = led_arduino_puzzle_ctx_new_ctx();
+byte PIN_led1 = 13;
+byte PIN_led2 = 12;
+byte PIN_led3 = 11;
+byte PIN_led4 = 10;
+byte PIN_led5 = 9;
+byte PIN_red = 4;
+byte PIN_blue = 3;
+void setup() {
+     pinMode(PIN_led1, OUTPUT); 
+     pinMode(PIN_led2, OUTPUT); 
+     pinMode(PIN_led3, OUTPUT); 
+     pinMode(PIN_led4, OUTPUT); 
+     pinMode(PIN_led5, OUTPUT);
+     pinMode(PIN_red, INPUT);
+     pinMode(PIN_blue, INPUT);
+     led_arduino_puzzle_ctx_reset(ctx);
+     Serial.begin(9600);
+void loop() {
+  _boolean led1;
+  _boolean led2;
+  _boolean led3;
+  _boolean led4;
+  _boolean led5;
+  _boolean red;
+  _boolean blue;
+// read the pushbutton input pin:
+  red  = digitalRead(PIN_red);
+  blue = digitalRead(PIN_blue);
+  // Do a step
+  led_arduino_puzzle_step(red,blue,&led1,&led2,&led3,&led4,&led5,ctx);
+  digitalWrite(PIN_led1, led1); 
+  digitalWrite(PIN_led2, led2);
+  digitalWrite(PIN_led3, led3);
+  digitalWrite(PIN_led4, led4);
+  digitalWrite(PIN_led5, led5);
+  delay(50);   // wait a little 
diff --git a/arduino/sample_with_makefile/my_code/led_function.cpp b/arduino/sample_with_makefile/my_code/led_function.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..cb781ddf85dfc38f45f58627fd4a6a68a0bfac6b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arduino/sample_with_makefile/my_code/led_function.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
+/* This file was generated by lv6 version master.737 (2727a7744111c84f7984634d2bd3ad6f7c6c7ff9). */
+/*  lv6 -2c led.lus -n arduino_puzzle */
+/* on estrop the 02/05/2018 at 11:14:43 */
+#include "led_function.h"
+//// Defining step functions
+// Memory initialisation for Lustre_arrow_ctx
+void Lustre_arrow_ctx_reset(Lustre_arrow_ctx_type* ctx){
+  //int _i;
+  ctx->_memory = _true;
+// Memory allocation for Lustre_arrow_ctx
+Lustre_arrow_ctx_type* Lustre_arrow_ctx_new_ctx(){
+   Lustre_arrow_ctx_type* ctx = (Lustre_arrow_ctx_type*)calloc(1, sizeof(Lustre_arrow_ctx_type));
+   // ctx->client_data = cdata;
+   Lustre_arrow_ctx_reset(ctx);
+  return ctx;
+// Step function(s) for Lustre_arrow_ctx
+void Lustre_arrow_step(_boolean i1,_boolean i2,_boolean *out,Lustre_arrow_ctx_type* ctx){  *out = ((ctx->_memory)? i1 : i2);
+  ctx->_memory = _false;
+} // End of Lustre_arrow_step
+// Memory initialisation for Lustre_pre_ctx
+void Lustre_pre_ctx_reset(Lustre_pre_ctx_type* ctx){
+  //int _i;
+// Memory allocation for Lustre_pre_ctx
+Lustre_pre_ctx_type* Lustre_pre_ctx_new_ctx(){
+   Lustre_pre_ctx_type* ctx = (Lustre_pre_ctx_type*)calloc(1, sizeof(Lustre_pre_ctx_type));
+   // ctx->client_data = cdata;
+   Lustre_pre_ctx_reset(ctx);
+  return ctx;
+// Step function(s) for Lustre_pre_ctx
+void Lustre_pre_get(_boolean *out,Lustre_pre_ctx_type* ctx){
+  *out = ctx->_memory;
+} // End of Lustre_pre_get
+void Lustre_pre_set(_boolean i1,Lustre_pre_ctx_type* ctx){
+  ctx->_memory = i1;
+} // End of Lustre_pre_set
+// Memory initialisation for led_arduino_puzzle_ctx
+void led_arduino_puzzle_ctx_reset(led_arduino_puzzle_ctx_type* ctx){
+  //int _i;
+    led_puzzle1_ctx_reset(&ctx->led_puzzle1_ctx_tab[0]);
+    led_fedge_ctx_reset(&ctx->led_fedge_ctx_tab[0]);
+    led_fedge_ctx_reset(&ctx->led_fedge_ctx_tab[1]);
+// Memory allocation for led_arduino_puzzle_ctx
+led_arduino_puzzle_ctx_type* led_arduino_puzzle_ctx_new_ctx(){
+   led_arduino_puzzle_ctx_type* ctx = (led_arduino_puzzle_ctx_type*)calloc(1, sizeof(led_arduino_puzzle_ctx_type));
+   // ctx->client_data = cdata;
+   led_arduino_puzzle_ctx_reset(ctx);
+  return ctx;
+// Step function(s) for led_arduino_puzzle_ctx
+void led_arduino_puzzle_step(_boolean red,_boolean blue,_boolean *led1,_boolean *led2,_boolean *led3,_boolean *led4,_boolean *led5,led_arduino_puzzle_ctx_type* ctx){   _boolean _split_2;
+   _boolean _split_1;
+  led_fedge_step(blue,&_split_2,&ctx->led_fedge_ctx_tab[0]); 
+  led_fedge_step(red,&_split_1,&ctx->led_fedge_ctx_tab[1]); 
+  led_puzzle1_step(_split_1,_split_2,led1,led2,led3,led4,led5,&ctx->led_puzzle1_ctx_tab[0]); 
+} // End of led_arduino_puzzle_step
+// Memory initialisation for led_fedge_ctx
+void led_fedge_ctx_reset(led_fedge_ctx_type* ctx){
+  //int _i;
+    Lustre_pre_ctx_reset(&ctx->Lustre_pre_ctx_tab[0]);
+    Lustre_arrow_ctx_reset(&ctx->Lustre_arrow_ctx_tab[0]);
+// Memory allocation for led_fedge_ctx
+led_fedge_ctx_type* led_fedge_ctx_new_ctx(){
+   led_fedge_ctx_type* ctx = (led_fedge_ctx_type*)calloc(1, sizeof(led_fedge_ctx_type));
+   // ctx->client_data = cdata;
+   led_fedge_ctx_reset(ctx);
+  return ctx;
+// Step function(s) for led_fedge_ctx
+void led_fedge_step(_boolean s,_boolean *res,led_fedge_ctx_type* ctx){   _boolean _split_5;
+   _boolean _split_4;
+   _boolean _split_3;
+  Lustre_pre_get(&_split_3,&ctx->Lustre_pre_ctx_tab[0]); 
+  _split_4 = ! s;
+  _split_5 = _split_3 & _split_4;
+  Lustre_pre_set(s,&ctx->Lustre_pre_ctx_tab[0]); 
+  Lustre_arrow_step(_false,_split_5,res,&ctx->Lustre_arrow_ctx_tab[0]); 
+} // End of led_fedge_step
+// Memory initialisation for led_puzzle1_ctx
+void led_puzzle1_ctx_reset(led_puzzle1_ctx_type* ctx){
+  int _i;
+  for (_i=0 ; _i<12 ; _i+=1){
+    Lustre_pre_ctx_reset(&ctx->Lustre_pre_ctx_tab[_i]);
+ }  for (_i=0 ; _i<5 ; _i+=1){
+    Lustre_arrow_ctx_reset(&ctx->Lustre_arrow_ctx_tab[_i]);
+ }
+// Memory allocation for led_puzzle1_ctx
+led_puzzle1_ctx_type* led_puzzle1_ctx_new_ctx(){
+   led_puzzle1_ctx_type* ctx = (led_puzzle1_ctx_type*)calloc(1, sizeof(led_puzzle1_ctx_type));
+   // ctx->client_data = cdata;
+   led_puzzle1_ctx_reset(ctx);
+  return ctx;
+// Step function(s) for led_puzzle1_ctx
+void led_puzzle1_step(_boolean red,_boolean blue,_boolean *led1,_boolean *led2,_boolean *led3,_boolean *led4,_boolean *led5,led_puzzle1_ctx_type* ctx){   _boolean _split_26;
+   _boolean _split_25;
+   _boolean _split_24;
+   _boolean _split_23;
+   _boolean _split_22;
+   _boolean _split_21;
+   _boolean _split_20;
+   _boolean _split_19;
+   _boolean _split_18;
+   _boolean _split_17;
+   _boolean _split_16;
+   _boolean _split_15;
+   _boolean _split_14;
+   _boolean _split_13;
+   _boolean _split_12;
+   _boolean _split_11;
+   _boolean _split_10;
+   _boolean _split_9;
+   _boolean _split_8;
+   _boolean _split_7;
+   _boolean _split_6;
+  Lustre_pre_get(&_split_6,&ctx->Lustre_pre_ctx_tab[1]); 
+  Lustre_pre_get(&_split_7,&ctx->Lustre_pre_ctx_tab[0]); 
+   if (blue == _true) {
+     _split_8 = _split_6;
+   } else {
+     _split_8 = _split_7;
+   }
+  Lustre_arrow_step(_false,_split_8,led1,&ctx->Lustre_arrow_ctx_tab[0]); 
+  Lustre_pre_set(*led1,&ctx->Lustre_pre_ctx_tab[0]); 
+  Lustre_pre_get(&_split_24,&ctx->Lustre_pre_ctx_tab[11]); 
+  Lustre_pre_get(&_split_25,&ctx->Lustre_pre_ctx_tab[10]); 
+   if (blue == _true) {
+     _split_26 = _split_24;
+   } else {
+     _split_26 = _split_25;
+   }
+  Lustre_arrow_step(_false,_split_26,led5,&ctx->Lustre_arrow_ctx_tab[4]); 
+  Lustre_pre_set(*led5,&ctx->Lustre_pre_ctx_tab[1]); 
+  Lustre_pre_get(&_split_9,&ctx->Lustre_pre_ctx_tab[4]); 
+  Lustre_pre_get(&_split_12,&ctx->Lustre_pre_ctx_tab[2]); 
+  Lustre_pre_get(&_split_10,&ctx->Lustre_pre_ctx_tab[3]); 
+  _split_11 = ! _split_10;
+   if (red == _true) {
+     _split_13 = _split_11;
+   } else {
+     _split_13 = _split_12;
+   }
+   if (blue == _true) {
+     _split_14 = _split_9;
+   } else {
+     _split_14 = _split_13;
+   }
+  Lustre_arrow_step(_true,_split_14,led2,&ctx->Lustre_arrow_ctx_tab[1]); 
+  Lustre_pre_set(*led2,&ctx->Lustre_pre_ctx_tab[2]); 
+  Lustre_pre_set(*led2,&ctx->Lustre_pre_ctx_tab[3]); 
+  Lustre_pre_set(*led1,&ctx->Lustre_pre_ctx_tab[4]); 
+  Lustre_pre_get(&_split_15,&ctx->Lustre_pre_ctx_tab[6]); 
+  Lustre_pre_get(&_split_16,&ctx->Lustre_pre_ctx_tab[5]); 
+   if (blue == _true) {
+     _split_17 = _split_15;
+   } else {
+     _split_17 = _split_16;
+   }
+  Lustre_arrow_step(_false,_split_17,led3,&ctx->Lustre_arrow_ctx_tab[2]); 
+  Lustre_pre_set(*led3,&ctx->Lustre_pre_ctx_tab[5]); 
+  Lustre_pre_set(*led2,&ctx->Lustre_pre_ctx_tab[6]); 
+  Lustre_pre_get(&_split_18,&ctx->Lustre_pre_ctx_tab[9]); 
+  Lustre_pre_get(&_split_21,&ctx->Lustre_pre_ctx_tab[7]); 
+  Lustre_pre_get(&_split_19,&ctx->Lustre_pre_ctx_tab[8]); 
+  _split_20 = ! _split_19;
+   if (red == _true) {
+     _split_22 = _split_20;
+   } else {
+     _split_22 = _split_21;
+   }
+   if (blue == _true) {
+     _split_23 = _split_18;
+   } else {
+     _split_23 = _split_22;
+   }
+  Lustre_arrow_step(_false,_split_23,led4,&ctx->Lustre_arrow_ctx_tab[3]); 
+  Lustre_pre_set(*led4,&ctx->Lustre_pre_ctx_tab[7]); 
+  Lustre_pre_set(*led4,&ctx->Lustre_pre_ctx_tab[8]); 
+  Lustre_pre_set(*led3,&ctx->Lustre_pre_ctx_tab[9]); 
+  Lustre_pre_set(*led5,&ctx->Lustre_pre_ctx_tab[10]); 
+  Lustre_pre_set(*led4,&ctx->Lustre_pre_ctx_tab[11]); 
+} // End of led_puzzle1_step
diff --git a/arduino/sample_with_makefile/my_code/led_function.h b/arduino/sample_with_makefile/my_code/led_function.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6202f019eb7d008f33c1e3aec7696c7deddba32b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arduino/sample_with_makefile/my_code/led_function.h
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+/* This file was generated by lv6 version master.737 (2727a7744111c84f7984634d2bd3ad6f7c6c7ff9). */
+/*  lv6 -2c led.lus -n arduino_puzzle */
+/* on estrop the 02/05/2018 at 11:14:43 */
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "lustre_types.h"
+#include "lustre_consts.h"
+#ifndef _led_arduino_puzzle_H_FILE
+#define _led_arduino_puzzle_H_FILE
+void Lustre_arrow_ctx_reset(Lustre_arrow_ctx_type* ctx);
+Lustre_arrow_ctx_type* Lustre_arrow_ctx_new_ctx();
+void Lustre_arrow_step(_boolean ,_boolean ,_boolean *,Lustre_arrow_ctx_type*);
+void Lustre_pre_ctx_reset(Lustre_pre_ctx_type* ctx);
+Lustre_pre_ctx_type* Lustre_pre_ctx_new_ctx();
+void Lustre_pre_get(_boolean *,Lustre_pre_ctx_type*);
+void Lustre_pre_set(_boolean ,Lustre_pre_ctx_type*);
+void led_arduino_puzzle_ctx_reset(led_arduino_puzzle_ctx_type* ctx);
+led_arduino_puzzle_ctx_type* led_arduino_puzzle_ctx_new_ctx();
+void led_arduino_puzzle_step(_boolean ,_boolean ,_boolean *,_boolean *,_boolean *,_boolean *,_boolean *,led_arduino_puzzle_ctx_type*);
+void led_fedge_ctx_reset(led_fedge_ctx_type* ctx);
+led_fedge_ctx_type* led_fedge_ctx_new_ctx();
+void led_fedge_step(_boolean ,_boolean *,led_fedge_ctx_type*);
+void led_puzzle1_ctx_reset(led_puzzle1_ctx_type* ctx);
+led_puzzle1_ctx_type* led_puzzle1_ctx_new_ctx();
+void led_puzzle1_step(_boolean ,_boolean ,_boolean *,_boolean *,_boolean *,_boolean *,_boolean *,led_puzzle1_ctx_type*);
diff --git a/arduino/sample_with_makefile/my_code/led_loop.cpp b/arduino/sample_with_makefile/my_code/led_loop.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0c9682c353182cc1f67562b120893a36c46e18b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arduino/sample_with_makefile/my_code/led_loop.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+#include <Arduino.h>
+#include "led_function.h"
+led_arduino_puzzle_ctx_type* ctx = led_arduino_puzzle_ctx_new_ctx();
+byte PIN_led1 = 13;
+byte PIN_led2 = 12;
+byte PIN_led3 = 11;
+byte PIN_led4 = 10;
+byte PIN_led5 = 9;
+byte PIN_red = 4;
+byte PIN_blue = 3;
+void setup() {
+     pinMode(PIN_led1, OUTPUT); 
+     pinMode(PIN_led2, OUTPUT); 
+     pinMode(PIN_led3, OUTPUT); 
+     pinMode(PIN_led4, OUTPUT); 
+     pinMode(PIN_led5, OUTPUT);
+     pinMode(PIN_red, INPUT);
+     pinMode(PIN_blue, INPUT);
+     led_arduino_puzzle_ctx_reset(ctx);
+     Serial.begin(9600);
+void loop() {
+  _boolean led1;
+  _boolean led2;
+  _boolean led3;
+  _boolean led4;
+  _boolean led5;
+  _boolean red;
+  _boolean blue;
+// read the pushbutton input pin:
+  red  = digitalRead(PIN_red);
+  blue = digitalRead(PIN_blue);
+  // Do a step
+  led_arduino_puzzle_step(red,blue,&led1,&led2,&led3,&led4,&led5,ctx);
+  digitalWrite(PIN_led1, led1); 
+  digitalWrite(PIN_led2, led2);
+  digitalWrite(PIN_led3, led3);
+  digitalWrite(PIN_led4, led4);
+  digitalWrite(PIN_led5, led5);
+  delay(50);   // wait a little 
diff --git a/arduino/sample_with_makefile/my_code/lustre_consts.h b/arduino/sample_with_makefile/my_code/lustre_consts.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7ff691feb69948128517203f4cb987aa56544a0c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arduino/sample_with_makefile/my_code/lustre_consts.h
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+/* This file was generated by lv6 version master.737 (2727a7744111c84f7984634d2bd3ad6f7c6c7ff9). */
+/*  lv6 -2c led.lus -n arduino_puzzle */
+/* on estrop the 02/05/2018 at 11:14:43 */
+// Constant definitions 
+#define led_Allume 1
+#define led_Eteint 0
+#define led_led1_00 0
+#define led_led2_00 1
+#define led_led3_00 0
+#define led_led4_00 0
+#define led_led5_00 0
diff --git a/arduino/sample_with_makefile/my_code/lustre_types.h b/arduino/sample_with_makefile/my_code/lustre_types.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f71dc2524c62e2a58fd5cfb81d93a0e81919a36c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arduino/sample_with_makefile/my_code/lustre_types.h
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+/* This file was generated by lv6 version master.737 (2727a7744111c84f7984634d2bd3ad6f7c6c7ff9). */
+/*  lv6 -2c led.lus -n arduino_puzzle */
+/* on estrop the 02/05/2018 at 11:14:43 */
+typedef int _boolean;
+typedef int _integer;
+typedef char* _string;
+typedef double _real;
+typedef double _double;
+typedef float _float;
+#define _false 0
+#define _true 1
+// end of _SOC2C_PREDEF_TYPES
+// User typedef 
+#ifndef _led_arduino_puzzle_TYPES
+#define _led_arduino_puzzle_TYPES
+#endif // enf of  _led_arduino_puzzle_TYPES
+// Memoryless soc ctx typedef 
+// Memoryfull soc ctx typedef 
+/* Lustre_pre_ctx */
+typedef struct {
+   /*Memory cell*/
+   _boolean _memory ;
+} Lustre_pre_ctx_type;
+/* Lustre_arrow_ctx */
+typedef struct {
+   /*Memory cell*/
+   _boolean _memory ;
+} Lustre_arrow_ctx_type;
+/* led_fedge_ctx */
+typedef struct {
+   Lustre_pre_ctx_type Lustre_pre_ctx_tab[1];
+   Lustre_arrow_ctx_type Lustre_arrow_ctx_tab[1];
+} led_fedge_ctx_type;
+/* led_puzzle1_ctx */
+typedef struct {
+   Lustre_pre_ctx_type Lustre_pre_ctx_tab[12];
+   Lustre_arrow_ctx_type Lustre_arrow_ctx_tab[5];
+} led_puzzle1_ctx_type;
+/* led_arduino_puzzle_ctx */
+typedef struct {
+   led_puzzle1_ctx_type led_puzzle1_ctx_tab[1];
+   led_fedge_ctx_type led_fedge_ctx_tab[2];
+} led_arduino_puzzle_ctx_type;