From 07c73f3bf81298ab0d087ccdc12a6a25945b98e1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Erwan Jahier <>
Date: Fri, 30 Jan 2009 16:41:30 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Fix a bug in the UniqueOutput module; I was missing some
 double definitions.

For example, that kind of set of equations didn't trigger any error:

  x [1 .. 2][0][0].f1 = z ;

nb : it was working if equations were ordered differently tough...
 src/ | 490 ---------------------------------------
 src/      |  35 ++-
 2 files changed, 29 insertions(+), 496 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 src/

diff --git a/src/ b/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index 32b62424..00000000
--- a/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,490 +0,0 @@
-(** Time-stamp: <modified the 29/01/2009 (at 16:56) by Erwan Jahier> *)
-(* Replace structures by as many variables as necessary.
-   Since structures can be recursive, it migth be a lot of new variables...
-   For instance, a variable
-   v : Toto { f1 : int ; f2 : int ^ 3 ; f3 : t^2 
-   where
-   type t = T { x:int ; y:int } 
-   will be expanded into 
-   _v_f1 : int;
-   _v_f2 : int ^ 3;
-   _v_f3_1_x : int;
-   _v_f3_1_y : int;
-   _v_f3_2_x : int;
-   _v_f3_3_y : int;
-   nb : if 't' was a type that does not contain any struct type, we would just 
-   have 3 variables.
-   nb : I needed to be quite clever to program that module, but I'm not...
-   so it's certainly buggy.
-  *)
-open Lxm
-open Eff
-open Predef
-type acc =     
-    Eff.val_exp srcflagged list      (* assertions *)
-    * (Eff.eq_info srcflagged) list  (* equations *)
-    * Eff.var_info list              (* new local vars *)
-(* stuff to create fresh var names. 
-   XXX code dupl. with Split.new_var 
-let new_var str node_env type_eff clock_eff = 
-  let id = Ident.of_string (Name.new_local_var str) in
-(*   let id = Ident.of_string (Name.new_local_var "h") in *)
-  let var =
-    { 
-      var_name_eff   = id;
-      var_nature_eff = SyntaxTreeCore.VarLocal;
-      var_number_eff = -1; (* this field is used only for i/o. 
-                              Should i rather put something sensible there ? *)
-      var_type_eff   = type_eff;
-      var_clock_eff  = clock_eff;
-    }
-  in
-    Hashtbl.add node_env.lenv_vars id var;
-    var
-(* returns a new var based on [vi] with type [type_eff]. *)
-let clone_var str vi node_env type_eff = 
-  let str = (Ident.to_string vi.var_name_eff) ^ str in
-(*   let id = Ident.of_string (if str.[0] = '_' then str else "_" ^  str) in *)
-  let id = Ident.of_string (str) in
-  let var =
-    { 
-      var_name_eff   = id;
-      var_nature_eff = vi.var_nature_eff;
-      var_number_eff = vi.var_number_eff; (* this field is useless: to be removed. *)
-      var_type_eff   = type_eff;
-      var_clock_eff  = vi.var_clock_eff;
-    }
-  in
-(*     Hashtbl.add node_env.lenv_vars id var; *)
-    var
-let rec (is_a_basic_type : Eff.type_ -> bool) =
-  function
-    | Array_type_eff _ | Struct_type_eff _ -> false
-    | _  -> true
-let soi = string_of_int
-(* [expand_var "toto" acc type] 
-   adds in [acc] all the strings corresponding to the set of atomic variables
-   defined by "toto". For instance, if "toto" is of type "s^2" where s is a structure
-   with two integer fields f1 and f2, expand var returns :
-   ["toto_0_f1",int ; "toto_0_f2",int ;"toto_1_f1",int ; "toto_1_f2",int ] @ acc
-   This function is used to expand left  val_exp expressions.
-let (expand_var : string -> Eff.type_ -> (string * Eff.type_) list) = 
-  fun prefix teff ->
-    let rec aux prefix acc teff = 
-      match teff with
-        | Bool_type_eff
-        | Int_type_eff
-        | Real_type_eff
-        | External_type_eff _
-        | Enum_type_eff(_) -> (prefix,teff)::acc
-        | Any -> assert false (* should not occur *)
-        | Overload -> assert false (* should not occur *) 
-        | Array_type_eff(teff_elt,i) ->
-            let rec unfold acc cpt = 
-              if cpt = i then acc else
-                let acc = aux (prefix^"_"^(soi cpt)) acc teff_elt in
-                  unfold acc (cpt+1)
-            in
-              unfold acc 0            
-        | Struct_type_eff(l, fl) ->
-            List.fold_left
-              (fun acc (fn, (teff_elt,opt)) ->
-                 aux (prefix^"_"^(Ident.to_string fn)) acc teff_elt)
-              acc
-              fl
-    in 
-      List.rev (aux prefix [] teff)
-(* XXX code dupl!! j'ai deja ecrit ce genre de chose... Bon. *)
-let (index_list_of_slice_info : Eff.slice_info -> int list) =
-  fun si -> 
-    let sign = if si.se_step > 0 then 1 else -1 in
-    let rec aux acc cpt =
-      if cpt > si.se_last*sign then acc else
-        aux (cpt::acc) (cpt + si.se_step)
-    in
-      List.rev (aux [] si.se_first)
-   for ex, t of type int^3 is expanded into [t_0,t_1,t_2]
-type 'a var_tree = A of 'a var_tree list | S of (Ident.t * 'a var_tree) list | L of 'a
-let (expand_left : Eff.local_env -> left -> left list) = 
-  fun nenv left -> 
-    (* First step: recursively traverse the left structure to compute the variable
-       prefix  (e.g., "X.f2[4]"  -> "X_f2_4") 
-       But because of slices, things are not so simple...
-       The algo is the following: 
-       - when we find a left leave, we generate all the possible names
-       corresponding to that var, in a data structure (a tree) that reflect
-       the lustre data structure (array and struct)
-       - Then, struct or array accesses just remove some branches of that tree
-    *)
-    let rec (gen_var_trees : 
-               Lxm.t -> Eff.var_info -> string -> Eff.type_ -> left var_tree) =
-      fun lxm vi prefix teff -> match teff with
-        | Bool_type_eff
-        | Int_type_eff
-        | Real_type_eff
-        | External_type_eff _
-        | Enum_type_eff(_)
-        | Any             (* should not occur *)
-        | Overload        (* should not occur *) 
-          -> 
-            let new_left = LeftVarEff (clone_var prefix vi nenv teff, lxm) in
-              L new_left
-        | Array_type_eff(teff_elt,i) ->
-            let rec unfold acc cpt =
-              if cpt < 0 then acc else
-                let prefix = prefix ^ "_" ^ (soi cpt) in
-                let vt = gen_var_trees lxm vi prefix teff_elt in
-                  unfold (vt::acc) (cpt-1)
-            in
-            let lvt = unfold [] (i-1) in
-              A lvt
-        | Struct_type_eff(_, fl) ->
-            S ( 
-                 (fun (fn, (steff,_)) -> 
-                    let prefix = prefix^"_"^(Ident.to_string fn) in
-                      (fn, gen_var_trees lxm vi prefix steff)
-                 ) 
-                 fl)
-    in
-    let rec (var_trees_of_left : left -> left var_tree) =
-      fun left -> 
-        match left with
-          | LeftVarEff (vi,lxm)   -> 
-              gen_var_trees lxm vi (Ident.to_string vi.var_name_eff) vi.var_type_eff
-          | LeftFieldEff (l,id,t) -> 
-              (match var_trees_of_left l with
-                 | S fl -> (try List.assoc id fl with _ -> assert false)
-                 | A _ | L _  -> assert false
-              )
-          | LeftArrayEff (l,i,t)  ->
-              (match var_trees_of_left l with
-                 | A array -> List.nth array i
-                 | S _ | L _ -> assert false
-              )
-          | LeftSliceEff (l,si,t) ->
-              (match var_trees_of_left l with
-                 | A array -> 
-                     let index_list = index_list_of_slice_info si in
-                     let l = (fun i -> List.nth array i) index_list in
-                       A l
-                 | S _ | L _ -> assert false
-              )
-    in
-    let rec (flatten_var_tree : 'a var_tree -> 'a list) =
-      function       
-        | A array -> List.flatten ( flatten_var_tree array)
-        | S fl -> List.flatten ( (fun (id,vt) -> flatten_var_tree vt) fl)
-        | L str -> [str] 
-    in
-    let vt = var_trees_of_left left in
-      flatten_var_tree vt
-let rec (make_new_loc : Eff.local_env -> Eff.id_solver -> Lxm.t -> acc -> 
-          Eff.val_exp -> acc * string list) =
-  fun nenv id_solver lxm acc ve -> (* build a new loc that will alias ve *)
-    let teff = List.hd (EvalType.val_exp_eff ve) in
-    let ceff = List.hd (EvalClock.get_val_exp_eff ve) in
-    let nv = new_var "v" nenv teff ceff in
-    let neq = [LeftVarEff(nv,lxm)], ve in
-    let neq = flagit neq lxm in
-    let nvl, (asserts,eqs,locs) = expand_var_info nenv id_solver ([],acc) nv in
-    let acc = (asserts,eqs, List.rev_append nvl locs) in
-      expand_eq nenv id_solver acc neq, [Ident.to_string nv.var_name_eff]
-and (step1_val_exp : Eff.local_env -> Eff.id_solver -> Lxm.t -> acc -> Eff.val_exp -> 
-      acc * string list) =
-  fun nenv id_solver lxm acc ve -> 
-    (* First step: recursively traverse the val_exp structure to compute the variable
-       prefix  (e.g., "X.f2[4]"  -> "X_f2_4") *)
-    let rec aux acc ve prefix =
-      match ve with
-        | CallByPosEff (by_pos_op, OperEff vel) -> 
-            let lxm = by_pos_op.src in
-            let by_pos_op = in
-              (match by_pos_op with
-                 | STRUCT_ACCESS (id,teff) -> 
-                     (match vel with
-                        | [ve] ->
-                            let prefix = "_" ^ (Ident.of_string id) ^ prefix in
-                              aux acc ve prefix
-                        | _ -> assert false (* should not occur *)
-                     )
-                 | ARRAY_ACCES (i,teff) ->
-                     (match vel with
-                        | [ve] ->
-                            let prefix = "_" ^ (soi i) ^  prefix in
-                              aux acc ve prefix
-                        | _ -> assert false (* should not occur *)      
-                     )
-                 | ARRAY_SLICE (si,t) ->
-                     (match vel with
-                        | [ve] ->
-                            (*
-                              Non. Je dois, 
-                              - generer tous les elements du tableau
-                              - jeter ceux qui ne sont pas dans la tranche
-                            *)
-(*                             let ve_elt, ve_size =  *)
-(*                               match EvalType.val_exp_eff ve with *)
-(*                                 | Array_type_eff(t,s) -> t,s *)
-(*                                 | _ -> assert false *)
-(*                             in *)
-                            let index_list = index_list_of_slice_info si in
-                            let acc,ll = 
-                              List.fold_left
-                                (fun (acc, ll) i -> 
-                                   let prefix = "_" ^ (soi i) ^  prefix in
-                                   let (acc, l) = aux acc ve prefix in
-                                     acc, l::ll) 
-                                (acc,[])
-                                index_list
-                            in
-                            let l = List.flatten ll in 
-                              acc, l                                        
-                        | _ -> assert false (* should not occur *)      
-                     )
-                 | IDENT idref ->
-                     let prefix = (Ident.string_of_idref idref) ^ prefix in
-                       acc, [prefix]
-                 | WITH(_) | HAT(_) | CONCAT | ARRAY(_) 
-                 | Predef _ | CALL _  | MERGE _ | CONST _
-                 | PRE | ARROW | FBY | CURRENT | WHEN _ | TUPLE 
-                     ->
-                     (* Create a new loc var to alias such expressions *)
-                     let acc, nv_str_list = make_new_loc nenv id_solver lxm acc ve in
-                       acc, (fun nv_str -> nv_str ^ prefix) nv_str_list
-              )
-        | CallByNameEff(by_name_op, fl) -> make_new_loc nenv id_solver lxm acc ve
-    in
-      aux acc ve ""
-and (step2_val_exp : string -> Lxm.t -> Eff.type_ -> acc -> acc * Eff.val_exp list) =
-  fun prefix lxm teff acc -> 
-    (* compute the expansion from the type using the prefix computed in step1 *)
-    let name_list = expand_var prefix teff in
-    let vel =
-      (fun (str, teff) -> 
-         let idref = Ident.idref_of_string str in
-           CallByPosEff({src=lxm;it=(IDENT idref)}, OperEff [])
-      )
-      name_list
-    in
-      acc, vel
-and (expand_eq :
-       Eff.local_env -> Eff.id_solver -> acc -> Eff.eq_info srcflagged -> acc) =
-  fun nenv id_solver acc eqf -> 
-    let { src = lxm_eq ; it = (left_list, ve) } = eqf in
-    let left_list = List.flatten ( (expand_left nenv) left_list) in
-    let ve,acc = expand_val_exp nenv id_solver acc ve in
-    let eqf =  { src = lxm_eq ; it = (left_list, ve) } in
-    let (asserts, eqs, locs) = acc in
-      (asserts, eqf::eqs, locs)
-and expand_val_exp_list n_env id_solver acc vel = 
-  List.fold_left 
-    (fun (vel,acc) ve -> 
-       let ve,acc = expand_val_exp n_env id_solver acc ve in
-         ve::vel, acc
-    ) 
-    ([],acc) (List.rev vel)
-and (expand_val_exp: Eff.local_env -> Eff.id_solver -> acc -> val_exp -> 
-      val_exp * acc) =
-  fun n_env id_solver acc ve ->
-    match ve with
-      | CallByPosEff (by_pos_op, OperEff vel) -> 
-          let lxm = by_pos_op.src in
-          let by_pos_op = in
-          let by_pos_op, acc, vel = match by_pos_op with
-            | WITH(ve) -> 
-                let ve, acc = expand_val_exp n_env id_solver acc ve in
-                let vel,acc = expand_val_exp_list n_env id_solver acc vel in
-                  WITH(ve), acc, vel
-            | HAT(i,ve) ->
-                let ve, acc = expand_val_exp n_env id_solver acc ve in
-                let rec unfold cpt =
-                  if cpt = 0 then [] else ve::(unfold (cpt-1))
-                in
-                  TUPLE, acc, unfold i
-            | CONCAT -> 
-                let vel,acc = expand_val_exp_list n_env id_solver acc vel in
-                  TUPLE, acc, vel
-            | ARRAY(vel) ->
-                let vel,acc = expand_val_exp_list n_env id_solver acc vel in
-                  TUPLE, acc, vel
-            | STRUCT_ACCESS (_,teff)
-            | ARRAY_ACCES (_,teff)
-            | ARRAY_SLICE (_,teff) ->
-                let acc,prefix_list = step1_val_exp n_env id_solver lxm acc ve in
-                let acc,vel = 
-                  List.fold_left
-                    (fun (acc,vel_acc) prefix -> 
-                       let acc, vel = step2_val_exp prefix lxm teff acc in
-                         acc, List.append vel vel_acc
-                    )
-                    (acc,[])
-                    prefix_list
-                in
-                  TUPLE, acc, vel
-            | IDENT idref ->
-                let prefix = Ident.string_of_idref idref in
-                let teff = (id_solver.id2var idref lxm).var_type_eff in
-                let acc,vel = step2_val_exp prefix lxm teff acc in
-                  TUPLE, acc, vel
-            | Predef _ | CALL _  | MERGE _ | CONST _
-            | PRE | ARROW | FBY | CURRENT | WHEN _ | TUPLE 
-                -> 
-                let vel,acc = expand_val_exp_list n_env id_solver acc vel in
-                  by_pos_op, acc, vel
-          in
-            CallByPosEff(Lxm.flagit by_pos_op lxm, OperEff vel), acc
-      | CallByNameEff(by_name_op, fl) ->
-          let lxm = by_name_op.src in
-          let vel,acc = List.fold_left
-            (fun (vel,acc) (id,ve) ->
-               let ve,acc = expand_val_exp n_env id_solver acc ve in
-                 ve::vel, acc
-            )
-            ([],acc)
-            fl
-          in
-            CallByPosEff({ src = lxm ; it = TUPLE}, OperEff (List.rev vel)), acc
-and (expand_val_exp_flag: Eff.local_env -> Eff.id_solver -> acc -> 
-      val_exp srcflagged -> val_exp srcflagged * acc) =
-  fun n_env id_solver acc { src = lxm ; it = ve } -> 
-    let ve,acc = expand_val_exp n_env id_solver acc ve in
-      { src = lxm ; it = ve }, acc
-and (expand_assert: 
-       Eff.local_env -> Eff.id_solver -> acc -> val_exp srcflagged -> acc) =
-  fun n_env id_solver acc ve -> 
-    let (ve, (asserts, eqs, locs)) = expand_val_exp_flag n_env id_solver acc ve in
-      (ve::asserts, eqs, locs)
-and (expand_var_info: Eff.local_env -> Eff.id_solver -> var_info list * acc ->
-      var_info -> var_info list * acc) =
-  fun nenv id_solver (vil, acc) vi -> 
-      match vi.var_type_eff with
-        | Struct_type_eff (name, fl) -> 
-            List.fold_left
-              (fun (vil,acc) (fn, (ft,_)) ->
-                 let new_var = clone_var ("_" ^ Ident.to_string fn) vi nenv ft in
-                 let new_vil, new_acc = expand_var_info nenv id_solver (vil,acc) new_var in
-                   if new_vil = new_var::vil then (
-                     (* [new_var] type is not made of structure *)
-                     assert (is_a_basic_type ft);
-                     Hashtbl.add nenv.lenv_vars new_var.var_name_eff new_var);
-                   new_vil, new_acc
-              )
-              (vil, acc)
-              fl
-        | Array_type_eff(at,size) ->
-              let rec aux i (vil,acc) =
-                if i=size then  (vil,acc) else
-                  let new_var = clone_var ("_" ^ soi i) vi nenv at in
-                  let new_vil, new_acc = expand_var_info nenv id_solver (vil,acc) new_var in
-                    if new_vil = new_var::vil then (
-                      (* [new_var] type is not made of structure *)
-                      assert (is_a_basic_type at);
-                      Hashtbl.add nenv.lenv_vars new_var.var_name_eff new_var);
-                    aux (i+1) (new_vil, new_acc)
-              in
-                aux 0 (vil,acc)
-        | _ -> vi::vil, acc
-let (node : Eff.local_env -> Eff.id_solver -> Eff.node_exp -> Eff.node_exp) =
-  fun n_env is n -> 
-    match n.def_eff with
-      | ExternEff 
-      | AbstractEff -> n
-      | BodyEff b ->
-          let loclist = match n.loclist_eff with None -> [] | Some l -> l in
-          let inlist = n.inlist_eff in
-          let outlist = n.outlist_eff in            
-          let acc = ([],[],[]) in
-          let inlist, acc = List.fold_left (expand_var_info n_env is) ([],acc)  inlist in
-          let outlist, acc = List.fold_left (expand_var_info n_env is) ([],acc) outlist in
-          let loclist, acc = List.fold_left (expand_var_info n_env is) ([],acc) loclist in
-          let acc = List.fold_left (expand_eq n_env is) acc b.eqs_eff in
-          let acc = List.fold_left (expand_assert n_env is) acc b.asserts_eff in
-          let (asserts,neqs, nv) = acc in
-          let nb = { 
-            eqs_eff = neqs ; 
-            asserts_eff = asserts
-          } 
-          in
-          let res =
-            { n with 
-                inlist_eff  = List.rev inlist;
-                outlist_eff = List.rev outlist;
-                loclist_eff = Some (List.rev_append loclist nv);
-                def_eff = BodyEff nb
-            }
-          in
-            res
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index bb62da81..6f665dd2 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ let id2str = Ident.to_string
 let int2str = string_of_int
 (* Returns the list of undefined variables *)
-let (vds_to_string : Eff.var_info -> var_def_state -> string list) =
+let (vds_to_undefined_vars : string -> var_def_state -> string list) =
   fun v vds -> 
     let rec aux vds v acc = match vds with
       | VDS_def -> acc
@@ -72,7 +72,21 @@ let (vds_to_string : Eff.var_info -> var_def_state -> string list) =
 	     (fun (acc,i) vds -> aux vds (v^"["^(int2str i) ^"]") acc, i+1) (acc,0) a)
-      aux vds (id2str v.var_name_eff) []
+      aux vds v []
+(* Returns the list of defined variables *)
+let (vds_to_defined_vars : string -> var_def_state -> string list) =
+  fun v vds -> 
+    let rec aux vds v acc = match vds with
+      | VDS_def -> v::acc
+      | VDS_undef -> acc
+      | VDS_struct(fl) -> 
+	  List.fold_left (fun acc (id,vds) -> aux vds (v^"."^(id2str id)) acc) acc fl
+      | VDS_array(a) -> fst
+	  (Array.fold_left
+	     (fun (acc,i) vds -> aux vds (v^"["^(int2str i) ^"]") acc, i+1) (acc,0) a)
+    in 
+      aux vds v []
 (** This is main function: it computes a new [var_def_state] from an
@@ -82,11 +96,20 @@ let (update_var_def_state : var_def_state -> filtered_left -> var_def_state) =
     let rec (update_vds : string -> var_def_state -> filter list -> var_def_state) =
       fun v vds filters -> 
 	if vds = VDS_def then 
-	  let msg = "\n*** Variable " ^ v ^ " is defined twice." in 
+	  let msg = "\n*** Variable " ^ v ^ " is already defined." in 
 	    raise (Compile_error(lxm, msg))
 	  match filters with
-	    | [] -> VDS_def
+	    | [] -> 
+		let already_def_vars = vds_to_defined_vars v vds in
+		if already_def_vars  <> [] then 
+		  let msg = 
+		    "\n*** Variable " ^ v ^ " is already partly defined (" ^
+		    (String.concat "," (already_def_vars)) ^ ")."
+		  in 
+		    raise (Compile_error(lxm, msg))
+		else
+		  VDS_def
 	    | Slice(i,j,k,te)::tail -> update_slice v i j k tail 
 		(match vds with
 		   | VDS_array(a) -> a
@@ -182,11 +205,11 @@ let (check : Eff.node_exp -> Lxm.t -> unit) =
     let (check_one_var : Lxm.t -> Eff.var_info -> Eff.left list -> unit) =
       fun lxm v lel ->
 	let ell = left_eff_to_filtered_left lel in
-	  match List.fold_left update_var_def_state VDS_undef ell with
+	  match List.fold_left update_var_def_state VDS_undef (List.rev ell) with
 	    | VDS_def -> ()
 	    | vds -> 
 		let msg = "\n*** Undefined variable(s): " ^ 
-		  (String.concat ", " (vds_to_string v vds)) 
+		  (String.concat ", " (vds_to_undefined_vars (id2str v.var_name_eff) vds)) 
 		  raise (Compile_error(lxm, msg))