diff --git a/lib/socNameC.ml b/lib/socNameC.ml
index b770edb75262384c7b84a39b27fbb26a29e3fee1..c7094cee847db7e62bb8f308074e9cf05c5581d4 100644
--- a/lib/socNameC.ml
+++ b/lib/socNameC.ml
@@ -87,7 +87,8 @@ let get_variables_assoc : Soc.t -> (string * variable_type) list = fun soc ->
 let get_variables : Soc.t -> variable_type list = fun soc ->
   snd(List.split (get_variables_assoc soc))
-let get_gaol soc =
+(*searching for tasks*)
+let get_task_gaol soc =
   let step_impl_list =
     match soc.step with
     | [sm] -> [sm.impl]
@@ -98,16 +99,16 @@ let get_gaol soc =
   let gaol step_impl =
     match step_impl with
     | Gaol (_,gaol) -> gaol
-    | Predef -> [] (*assert false*)
-    | Iterator _ -> assert false
-    | Boolred _ -> assert false
-    | Condact _ -> assert false
-    | Extern   ->  assert false
+    | Predef (*assert false*)
+    | Iterator _
+    | Boolred _
+    | Condact _
+    | Extern   ->  [] (*no task for the time being*)
   List.map gaol step_impl_list |> List.flatten
 let get_nodes : Soc.t -> node_type list = fun soc ->
-  let gaol = get_gaol soc in
+  let gaol = get_task_gaol soc in
   let tbl = Hashtbl.create 2 in
   let gao_to_node_type (cpt, acc) = function
     | Call(_,ao,_,_) ->
@@ -151,7 +152,7 @@ let (var_expr_to_index : (string * variable_type) list -> var_expr -> int) =
     (String.concat "," (List.map string_of_int i.var_out))
     let get_instances : Soc.t -> instance_type list = fun soc ->
-  let gaol = get_gaol soc in
+  let gaol = get_task_gaol soc in
   let ltbl = Hashtbl.create 2 in
   let node_cpt_ref = ref (-1) in
   let all_vars = (get_inputs_assoc soc) @ (get_outputs_assoc soc) @ (get_variables_assoc soc) in
@@ -180,14 +181,14 @@ let (var_expr_to_index : (string * variable_type) list -> var_expr -> int) =
   (*let get_literally_all_socs : Soc.t -> Soc.tbl -> Soc.t list = fun soc stbl ->
-    let gaol = get_gaol soc in
+    let gaol = get_task_gaol soc in
     let rec find_soc = function
     | Case(_, id_gaol_l, _) -> id_gaol_l |> List.map (fun (_, gaol2) -> List.map find_soc gaol2) |>
     List.flatten |> List.flatten
     | Call(_, Method((_, sk), _, _), _, _)
     | Call(_, Procedure(sk, _, _), _, _) ->
           let new_soc = (SocUtils.find (Lxm.dummy "aeaea") sk stbl) in
-          let new_gaol = get_gaol new_soc in
+          let new_gaol = get_task_gaol new_soc in
           if ((List.length new_gaol) = 0) then []
             [new_soc] @ (List.flatten (List.map find_soc new_gaol))
@@ -198,14 +199,14 @@ let (var_expr_to_index : (string * variable_type) list -> var_expr -> int) =
   let get_all_soc : Soc.t -> Soc.tbl -> Soc.t list = fun soc stbl ->
-  let gaol = get_gaol soc in
+  let gaol = get_task_gaol soc in
   let rec find_soc = function
   | Case(_, id_gaol_l, _) -> id_gaol_l |> List.map (fun (_, gaol2) -> List.map find_soc gaol2) |>
   List.flatten |> List.flatten
   | Call(_, Method((_, sk), _, _), _, _)
   | Call(_, Procedure(sk, _, _), _, _) ->
         let new_soc = (SocUtils.find (Lxm.dummy "aeaea") sk stbl) in
-        let new_gaol = get_gaol new_soc in
+        let new_gaol = get_task_gaol new_soc in
         if ((List.length new_gaol) = 0) then []
           [new_soc] @ (List.flatten (List.map find_soc new_gaol))
@@ -243,18 +244,10 @@ let (var_expr_to_index : (string * variable_type) list -> var_expr -> int) =
     let (var_in, var_out):Soc.var list * Soc.var list = soc.profile in
     (var_in, var_out)
+    (*check champ mem*)
   let find_memory_soc : Soc.t -> bool = fun soc ->
-    let gaol = get_gaol soc in
-    let gao_has_memory = fun gao ->
-      match gao with
-      | Call(_,Assign,_,_) -> assert false
-      | Call(_, Method((_, sk), _, _), _, _)
-      | Call(_, Procedure (sk, _, _), _, _) ->
-        let (name, _, _) = sk in
-        (String.equal "Lustre::pre" name) || (String.equal "Lustre::arrow" name) (*les 2 socs qui ont de la mémoire : manque un noeud avec memoire*)
-      | Case(_, _, _) -> assert false
-    in
-    List.exists (fun x -> x = true) (List.map gao_has_memory gaol)
+    let mem = soc.memory in
+    mem <> No_mem
   let has_memory : string -> Soc.t list -> bool = fun name socs ->
     let soc = List.find (compare_name name) socs in
@@ -262,7 +255,7 @@ let (var_expr_to_index : (string * variable_type) list -> var_expr -> int) =
   let get_tasks : Soc.tbl -> Soc.t -> Soc.t -> task_type list = fun stbl main_soc soc ->
-    let gaol = get_gaol soc in
+    let gaol = get_task_gaol soc in
     let (gao_to_tasks: gao -> task_type option) = fun gao ->
       match gao with
       | Call(_,Assign,_,_) -> None