From 01ab2ccb33e11e63e4d2a564b4ee08f0593d71c5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Erwan Jahier <>
Date: Thu, 5 Feb 2009 16:27:47 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Fix a bug in the -esa mode: all program using constants were

 src/ | 67 +++++++++++++---------------------------
 src/test/Makefile        |  2 +-
 2 files changed, 22 insertions(+), 47 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 22cc2b53..1691d764 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(** Time-stamp: <modified the 03/02/2009 (at 11:14) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(** Time-stamp: <modified the 05/02/2009 (at 16:24) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 (* Replace structures and arrays by as many variables as necessary.
    Since structures can be recursive, it migth be a lot of new variables...
@@ -289,25 +289,26 @@ and (var_trees_of_val_exp : Eff.local_env -> Eff.id_solver -> acc -> Eff.val_exp
 				acc, A l
 			  | _, (S _ | L _)  -> assert false
-                 | IDENT idref ->
-		     let vi = 
-		       try id_solver.id2var idref lxm 
-		       with _ -> 
-			 raise (Errors.Compile_error(
-				  lxm,
-				  ("\n*** '"^(Ident.string_of_idref idref)^
-				     "': Unknown variable.\n*** Current variables are: " ^
-				     (Hashtbl.fold
-				        (fun id vi_eff acc ->
-					   acc ^ (Format.sprintf 
-						    "\n\t%s" (LicDump.string_of_var_info_eff4msg vi_eff))
-				        )
-				        nenv.lenv_vars
-				        ""
-				     ))))
-		     in
-		       acc, gen_var_trees (make_val_exp nenv lxm vi) "" vi.var_type_eff
+                 | IDENT idref -> (
+		     try 
+		       let vi = id_solver.id2var idref lxm  in
+		         (acc, 
+                          gen_var_trees (make_val_exp nenv lxm vi) "" vi.var_type_eff)
+                     with _ -> 
+                       try let _const = id_solver.id2const idref lxm in
+                         (acc, L ve)
+                       with _ -> 
+                         let msg = 
+                           "\n*** during Array expansion: '"^
+                             (Ident.string_of_idref idref)^
+			     "': Unknown variable.\n*** Current variables are: " ^
+			     (Hashtbl.fold 
+                                (fun id vi_eff acc -> acc ^ (Format.sprintf "\n\t%s" 
+                                          (LicDump.string_of_var_info_eff4msg vi_eff)))
+				nenv.lenv_vars "")
+                         in
+			   raise (Errors.Compile_error(lxm, msg))
+                   )
                  | WITH(_) | HAT(_) | CONCAT | ARRAY(_) 
                  | Predef _ | CALL _  | MERGE _ | CONST _
                  | PRE | ARROW | FBY | CURRENT | WHEN _ | TUPLE 
@@ -455,35 +456,9 @@ let (node : Eff.id_solver -> Eff.local_env -> Eff.node_exp -> Eff.node_exp) =
           let inlist = n.inlist_eff in
           let outlist = n.outlist_eff in            
           let acc = ([],[],[]) in
-(* 	  let _ = *)
-(* 	    print_string  *)
-(*               ("\n***  nenv.lenv_vars (avant) = " ^ *)
-(* 		 (Hashtbl.fold *)
-(* 		    (fun id vi_eff acc -> *)
-(* 		       acc ^ (Format.sprintf  *)
-(* 				"\n\t%s" (LicDump.string_of_var_info_eff4msg vi_eff)) *)
-(* 		    ) *)
-(* 		    n_env.lenv_vars *)
-(* 		    "" *)
-(* 		 )); *)
-(* 	    flush stdout *)
-(* 	  in *)
           let inlist, acc = List.fold_left (expand_var_info n_env is) ([],acc)  inlist in
           let outlist, acc = List.fold_left (expand_var_info n_env is) ([],acc) outlist in
           let loclist, acc = List.fold_left (expand_var_info n_env is) ([],acc) loclist in
-(* 	  let _ = *)
-(* 	    print_string ("\n***  nenv.lenv_vars (avant) = "^ *)
-(* 			  (Hashtbl.fold *)
-(* 			     (fun id vi_eff acc -> *)
-(* 				acc ^ (Format.sprintf  *)
-(* 					 "\n\t%s" (LicDump.string_of_var_info_eff4msg vi_eff)) *)
-(* 			     ) *)
-(* 			     n_env.lenv_vars *)
-(* 			     "" *)
-(* 			  )); *)
-(* 	    flush stdout *)
-(* 	  in *)
           let acc = List.fold_left (expand_eq n_env is) acc b.eqs_eff in
           let acc = List.fold_left (expand_assert n_env is) acc b.asserts_eff in
           let (asserts,neqs, nv) = acc in
diff --git a/src/test/Makefile b/src/test/Makefile
index a03915f9..6faa554a 100644
--- a/src/test/Makefile
+++ b/src/test/Makefile
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ test_ec:
 		echo -e "\n$(NL)====> $(LC) -ec $$d -o /tmp/" >> test_ec.res; \
 		$(LC0) -ec $$d -o /tmp/ >> test_ec.res 2>&1 ;\
 		echo -e "ec2c /tmp/" >> test_ec.res; \
-		ec2c /tmp/ >> test_ec.res 2>&1 ;\
+		(ec2c /tmp/ >> test_ec.res 2>&1 && echo -n "ok ") || echo " KO!";\
 	done; \
 	diff -u test_ec.res.exp test_ec.res > test_ec.diff || \
 		(cat test.diff ; echo "cf test.diff"; exit 1)