diff --git a/src/TODO b/src/TODO
index b74749fd5653c5ff94b70e76450b1e6ac31ce4fa..87a788df33dfa86bd5995d898dd23444a6479e66 100644
--- a/src/TODO
+++ b/src/TODO
@@ -84,11 +84,16 @@ les operateurs aritmetiques, bof.
 * Dans les messages d'erreurs, le  numero de colonne est faux à cause
   des tabulations : y'at'il quelque chose a faire ? 
+* test/should_fail/semantics/bad_call03.lus
+ Moi j'accepte ca...
 *** questions pour bibi
+*parser ligne 532 : ne pas re-inverser la liste des parametres
 * Faire qque chose pour les 2 verrues dans predefSemantics
   pas facile...
diff --git a/src/compiledData.ml b/src/compiledData.ml
index 5d9ce9b7cc6c5e5347222cfb9116524ce49004b5..c7f579a8a880e6124e0a702ae1c0469a4dd2edca 100644
--- a/src/compiledData.ml
+++ b/src/compiledData.ml
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(** Time-stamp: <modified the 05/06/2008 (at 17:14) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(** Time-stamp: <modified the 09/06/2008 (at 10:05) by Erwan Jahier> *)
@@ -117,26 +117,16 @@ type id_solver = {
   - pas d'alias
   - taille des tableaux résolues
 and type_eff =
   | Bool_type_eff
   | Int_type_eff
   | Real_type_eff
-  | External_type_eff of Ident.long (* XXX nom mal choisi ?? peut-etre Abstract aussi... *)
+  | External_type_eff of Ident.long
   | Enum_type_eff     of Ident.long * (Ident.long list)
   | Array_type_eff    of type_eff * int
-  | Struct_type_eff   of Ident.long * (Ident.t * (type_eff * const_eff option)) list
-(* [type_eff] extended with polymorphic and overloaded variables *)
-and type_eff_ext =
-  | Bool_type_eff_ext
-  | Int_type_eff_ext
-  | Real_type_eff_ext
-  | External_type_eff_ext of Ident.long
-  | Enum_type_eff_ext     of Ident.long * (Ident.long list)
-  | Array_type_eff_ext    of type_eff_ext * int
-  | Struct_type_eff_ext   of 
-      Ident.long * (Ident.t * (type_eff_ext * const_eff option)) list
+  | Struct_type_eff   of 
+      Ident.long * (Ident.t * (type_eff * const_eff option)) list
   | Any
   | Overload 
       (* [Overload] is like [Any], except that it can only be [int] or [real] *)
@@ -249,7 +239,7 @@ and const_eff =
 and var_info_eff = {
   var_name_eff   : Ident.t;
   var_nature_eff : var_nature;
-  var_type_eff   : type_eff_ext;
+  var_type_eff   : type_eff;
   var_clock_eff  : clock_eff;
 and clock_eff =
@@ -311,43 +301,9 @@ type 'a check_flag =
   | Checked of 'a
   | Incorrect
-let rec type_eff_to_type_eff_ext = function
-  | Bool_type_eff -> Bool_type_eff_ext
-  | Int_type_eff -> Int_type_eff_ext
-  | Real_type_eff -> Real_type_eff_ext
-  | External_type_eff l -> External_type_eff_ext l
-  | Enum_type_eff(l,el) -> Enum_type_eff_ext(l,el)
-  | Array_type_eff(teff_ext,i) -> 
-      Array_type_eff_ext(type_eff_to_type_eff_ext teff_ext,i)
-  | Struct_type_eff(l, fl) -> 
-      Struct_type_eff_ext(
-	l, 
-	List.map 
-	  (fun (id,(teff,copt)) -> (id,(type_eff_to_type_eff_ext teff,copt)))
-	  fl)
-exception Polymorphic
-exception Overloaded
-let rec type_eff_ext_to_type_eff = function
-  | Bool_type_eff_ext -> Bool_type_eff
-  | Int_type_eff_ext -> Int_type_eff
-  | Real_type_eff_ext -> Real_type_eff
-  | External_type_eff_ext l -> External_type_eff l
-  | Enum_type_eff_ext(l,el) ->  Enum_type_eff(l,el)
-  | Array_type_eff_ext(teff_ext,i) -> 
-      Array_type_eff(type_eff_ext_to_type_eff teff_ext,i)
-  | Struct_type_eff_ext(l, fl) -> 
-      Struct_type_eff(
-	l, 
-	List.map 
-	  (fun (id,(teff,copt)) -> (id,(type_eff_ext_to_type_eff teff,copt)))
-	  fl)
-  | Any ->  raise Polymorphic
-  | Overload -> raise Overloaded
 let (profile_of_node_exp_eff : 
-       node_exp_eff -> type_eff_ext list * type_eff_ext list) =
+       node_exp_eff -> type_eff list * type_eff list) =
   fun ne -> 
     List.map (fun vi -> vi.var_type_eff) ne.inlist_eff,
     List.map (fun vi -> vi.var_type_eff) ne.outlist_eff
@@ -439,7 +395,7 @@ let (make_local_env : node_key -> local_env) =
-(** [types_are_compatible t1 t2] checks that t1 is compatible with t2, i.e., 
+(** [type_are_compatible t1 t2] checks that t1 is compatible with t2, i.e., 
     if t1 = t2 or t1 is abstract and not t2.
 let (type_eff_are_compatible : type_eff -> type_eff -> bool) =
@@ -448,12 +404,12 @@ let (type_eff_are_compatible : type_eff -> type_eff -> bool) =
     | External_type_eff _, _ -> true
     | t1, t2 -> t1 = t2
-let (var_eff_ext_are_compatible : var_info_eff -> var_info_eff -> bool) =
+let (var_eff_are_compatible : var_info_eff -> var_info_eff -> bool) =
   fun v1 v2 -> 
     let type_is_ok =
       match v1.var_type_eff, v2.var_type_eff with
-	| External_type_eff_ext id1, External_type_eff_ext id2 -> id1 = id2
-	| External_type_eff_ext _, _ -> true
+	| External_type_eff id1, External_type_eff id2 -> id1 = id2
+	| External_type_eff _, _ -> true
 	| t1, t2 -> t1 = t2
       type_is_ok && v1.var_clock_eff = v2.var_clock_eff
@@ -469,7 +425,7 @@ let (type_of_const_eff: const_eff -> type_eff) =
     | Bool_const_eff v -> Bool_type_eff
     | Int_const_eff  v -> Int_type_eff
-    | Real_const_eff v -> Real_type_eff 
+    | Real_const_eff v -> Real_type_eff
     | Extern_const_eff (s,  teff, vopt) -> teff
     | Enum_const_eff   (s,  teff) -> teff
     | Struct_const_eff (fl, teff) -> teff
@@ -478,7 +434,7 @@ let (type_of_const_eff: const_eff -> type_eff) =
 let (type_eff_of_left_eff: left_eff -> type_eff) =
-    | LeftVarEff (vi_eff,lxm)   -> type_eff_ext_to_type_eff vi_eff.var_type_eff 
+    | LeftVarEff (vi_eff,lxm)   -> vi_eff.var_type_eff 
     | LeftFieldEff(_, _, t_eff) -> t_eff 
     | LeftArrayEff(_, _, t_eff) -> t_eff
     | LeftSliceEff(_, _, t_eff) -> t_eff 
diff --git a/src/compiledDataDump.ml b/src/compiledDataDump.ml
index 240722366ac546a4e449febd470496cc7c90c152..fd2b1a687900e58b7b372fddf7b3d2b2971816b0 100644
--- a/src/compiledDataDump.ml
+++ b/src/compiledDataDump.ml
@@ -36,21 +36,21 @@ and string_of_const_eff_opt = function
   | None -> ""
   | Some val_exp_eff -> string_of_const_eff val_exp_eff
-and string_of_type_eff_ext = function
-  | Bool_type_eff_ext -> "bool"
-  | Int_type_eff_ext  -> "int"
-  | Real_type_eff_ext -> "real"
-  | External_type_eff_ext i -> long i
-  | Enum_type_eff_ext (i, sl) -> 
+and string_of_type_eff = function
+  | Bool_type_eff -> "bool"
+  | Int_type_eff  -> "int"
+  | Real_type_eff -> "real"
+  | External_type_eff i -> long i
+  | Enum_type_eff (i, sl) -> 
       assert (sl <>[]);
       let f sep acc s  = acc ^ sep ^ (long s) in
 	(List.fold_left (f ", ")  (f "" "enum {" (List.hd sl)) (List.tl sl)) ^ "}"
-  | Array_type_eff_ext (ty, sz) -> sprintf "%s^%d" (string_of_type_eff_ext ty) sz
-  | Struct_type_eff_ext (name, fl) -> 
+  | Array_type_eff (ty, sz) -> sprintf "%s^%d" (string_of_type_eff ty) sz
+  | Struct_type_eff (name, fl) -> 
       assert (fl <>[]);
-      let f sep acc (id, (type_eff_ext, const_eff_opt))  = 
+      let f sep acc (id, (type_eff, const_eff_opt))  = 
 	acc ^ sep ^ (Ident.to_string id) ^ " : " ^
-	  (string_of_type_eff_ext type_eff_ext) ^
+	  (string_of_type_eff type_eff) ^
 	  match const_eff_opt with
 	      None -> ""
 	    | Some ce -> " (" ^ (string_of_const_eff ce) ^ ")"
@@ -61,20 +61,12 @@ and string_of_type_eff_ext = function
   | Any -> "a"
   | Overload -> "o"
 and (type_eff_list_to_string :type_eff list -> string) =
   fun tel -> 
     let str_l = List.map string_of_type_eff tel in
-      String.concat "*" str_l
-and (type_eff_ext_list_to_string :type_eff_ext list -> string) =
-  fun tel -> 
-    let str_l = List.map string_of_type_eff_ext tel in
       String.concat "*" str_l    
-and string_of_type_eff teff = string_of_type_eff_ext (type_eff_to_type_eff_ext teff)
 and string_of_type_eff_list = function
   | []  -> ""
   | [x] -> string_of_type_eff x
@@ -98,16 +90,16 @@ and static_arg2string (sa : static_arg_eff) =
 and (string_of_var_info_eff: var_info_eff -> string) =
   fun x -> 
-    (Ident.to_string x.var_name_eff) ^ ":"^(string_of_type_eff_ext x.var_type_eff)
+    (Ident.to_string x.var_name_eff) ^ ":"^(string_of_type_eff x.var_type_eff)
-and string_of_decl_ext var_info_eff = 
+and string_of_decl var_info_eff = 
   (Ident.to_string var_info_eff.var_name_eff) ^ ":" ^ 
-    (string_of_type_eff_ext var_info_eff.var_type_eff) ^
+    (string_of_type_eff var_info_eff.var_type_eff) ^
     (string_of_clock var_info_eff.var_clock_eff)
-and (string_of_type_decl_list_ext : var_info_eff list -> string -> string) =
+and (string_of_type_decl_list : var_info_eff list -> string -> string) =
   fun tel sep -> 
-    let str = String.concat sep (List.map string_of_decl_ext tel) in
+    let str = String.concat sep (List.map string_of_decl tel) in
@@ -267,8 +259,8 @@ and (profile_of_node_exp_eff: node_exp_eff -> string) =
       ((if neff.def_eff = ExternEff then "extern " else "") ^
 	 (if neff.has_mem_eff then "node " else "function ") ^
 	 (string_of_node_key neff.node_key_eff) ^
-	 "(" ^ (string_of_type_decl_list_ext  neff.inlist_eff "; ") ^ ") returns (" ^
-	 (string_of_type_decl_list_ext neff.outlist_eff "; ") ^ ");\n")
+	 "(" ^ (string_of_type_decl_list  neff.inlist_eff "; ") ^ ") returns (" ^
+	 (string_of_type_decl_list neff.outlist_eff "; ") ^ ");\n")
 and (string_of_node_def : node_def_eff -> string list) =
@@ -312,7 +304,7 @@ and (node_of_node_exp_eff: node_exp_eff -> string) =
 	 | BodyEff _ ->  
 	     ((match neff.loclist_eff with None -> "" | Some [] -> ""
 		 | Some l ->
-		     "var\n   " ^ (string_of_type_decl_list_ext l ";\n   ") ^ ";\n") ^
+		     "var\n   " ^ (string_of_type_decl_list l ";\n   ") ^ ";\n") ^
 		"let\n   " ^
 		 (String.concat "\n   " (string_of_node_def neff.def_eff)) ^
 		 "\ntel\n-- end of node " ^
diff --git a/src/evalConst.ml b/src/evalConst.ml
index b9b77e4320b654f9a131b96f4e5d0cb20b90b9a0..9c2e9702c190607b2695762b6a061da0c08ba5b2 100644
--- a/src/evalConst.ml
+++ b/src/evalConst.ml
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(** Time-stamp: <modified the 05/06/2008 (at 10:43) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(** Time-stamp: <modified the 09/06/2008 (at 10:03) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 open Printf 
@@ -485,7 +485,7 @@ and eval_array_slice (env : id_solver) (sl : slice_info) (sz : int) (lxm : Lxm.t
 	      | [Int_const_eff s] ->  s (* ok *)		    
 	      | [x] -> raise(EvalArray_error(
 		      sprintf  "bad array step, int expected but get %s"
-			(CompiledDataDump.string_of_type_eff(type_of_const_eff x)))) 
+			(CompiledDataDump.string_of_type_eff (type_of_const_eff x)))) 
 	      | _ -> raise(EvalArray_error(
 			     sprintf "bad array step, int expected but get a tuple"))
diff --git a/src/evalType.ml b/src/evalType.ml
index 88156fbb1b84e09ca913a77c8d998166d5f05679..c1e4c90a462dd1c1b8c272a29c82b2967a8078db 100644
--- a/src/evalType.ml
+++ b/src/evalType.ml
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(** Time-stamp: <modified the 06/06/2008 (at 10:24) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(** Time-stamp: <modified the 09/06/2008 (at 10:17) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 open Predef
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ let rec (f : id_solver -> val_exp_eff -> type_eff list) =
 	  try eval_by_pos_type id_solver posop lxm args
 	  with EvalType_error msg -> 
 	    raise (Compile_error(lxm, "type error: "^msg))
-	) 
+	)
       | CallByNameEff ({it=nmop; src=lxm}, nmargs ) ->
 	  try eval_by_name_type id_solver nmop lxm nmargs
 	  with EvalConst_error msg ->
@@ -34,17 +34,12 @@ and (eval_by_pos_type :
       | CALL_eff node_exp_eff -> 
 	  let lto = List.map (fun v -> v.var_type_eff) node_exp_eff.it.outlist_eff in
-	    (try List.map type_eff_ext_to_type_eff lto
-	     with Polymorphic | Overloaded -> assert false)
+	    lto
       | IDENT_eff id  -> (
 	  (* [id] migth be a constant, but also a variable *)
 	  try [type_of_const_eff (id_solver.id2const id lxm)]
-	  with _ -> [
-	    try
-	      type_eff_ext_to_type_eff (id_solver.id2var id lxm).var_type_eff
-	    with Polymorphic | Overloaded -> assert false
-	  ]
+	  with _ -> [(id_solver.id2var id lxm).var_type_eff]
       | WITH_eff -> (
 	  match args with
diff --git a/src/evalType.mli b/src/evalType.mli
index 068b8ae97adbfb3f129bc46d17dfbfb1378661bf..3f4a817c0b6ae106d064e9729155e6baef341153 100644
--- a/src/evalType.mli
+++ b/src/evalType.mli
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(** Time-stamp: <modified the 14/04/2008 (at 17:58) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(** Time-stamp: <modified the 09/06/2008 (at 10:05) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 (** Evaluates the type of an expression. *)
 val f : CompiledData.id_solver -> CompiledData.val_exp_eff -> 
diff --git a/src/getEff.ml b/src/getEff.ml
index 43826cc801e150524bd21e79b51b2f56ecb00743..4c4e55eb7871320b7c5deeed48b37a0a9f984bfc 100644
--- a/src/getEff.ml
+++ b/src/getEff.ml
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(** Time-stamp: <modified the 06/06/2008 (at 15:31) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(** Time-stamp: <modified the 09/06/2008 (at 10:03) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 open Lxm
diff --git a/src/getEff.mli b/src/getEff.mli
index 20fc2987222c20f3037be3c423dc2141d1447ac9..ff5df7dcd8ca85a516c83d6e24bd7dacccfddba7 100644
--- a/src/getEff.mli
+++ b/src/getEff.mli
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(** Time-stamp: <modified the 05/06/2008 (at 16:11) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(** Time-stamp: <modified the 09/06/2008 (at 10:05) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 (** This module defines functions that translate SyntaxTreeCore datatypes into
diff --git a/src/lazyCompiler.ml b/src/lazyCompiler.ml
index 701839f39221f59529be90d4430b112e8005048f..dda561aa2da5e06552831d3a830993b56568453a 100644
--- a/src/lazyCompiler.ml
+++ b/src/lazyCompiler.ml
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(** Time-stamp: <modified the 06/06/2008 (at 15:46) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(** Time-stamp: <modified the 09/06/2008 (at 10:16) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 open Lxm
@@ -483,10 +483,10 @@ and (node_check_interface_do: t -> CompiledData.node_key -> Lxm.t ->
   fun this nk lxm symbols pn node_def ->
     let body_node_exp_eff = node_check this nk lxm in
     let prov_node_exp_eff = node_check_do this nk lxm symbols true pn node_def in
-      (** [types_are_compatible t1 t2] checks that t1 is compatible with t2, i.e., 
+      (** [type_eff_are_compatible t1 t2] checks that t1 is compatible with t2, i.e., 
 	  if t1 = t2 or t1 is abstract and and t2.
-    let type_is_comp v1 v2 = CompiledData.var_eff_ext_are_compatible v1 v2 in
+    let type_is_comp v1 v2 = CompiledData.var_eff_are_compatible v1 v2 in
 	prov_node_exp_eff.node_key_eff      = body_node_exp_eff.node_key_eff      &&
 	(List.for_all2 type_is_comp 
@@ -565,8 +565,8 @@ and (node_check_do: t -> CompiledData.node_key -> Lxm.t -> SymbolTab.t ->
 	      let vi_eff = {
 		var_name_eff   = vi.it.var_name;
 		var_nature_eff = vi.it.var_nature;
-		var_type_eff   = type_eff_to_type_eff_ext t_eff;
-		var_clock_eff =  c_eff;
+		var_type_eff  = t_eff;
+		var_clock_eff = c_eff;
 		Hashtbl.add local_env.lenv_types id t_eff;
@@ -730,8 +730,7 @@ and (node_check_do: t -> CompiledData.node_key -> Lxm.t -> SymbolTab.t ->
 		    List.map (fun id -> Hashtbl.find vars.vartable id) vars.inlist,
 		    List.map (fun id -> Hashtbl.find vars.vartable id) vars.outlist
-		  let aux vi = type_eff_to_type_eff_ext(
-		    GetEff.typ node_id_solver vi.it.var_type) 
+		  let aux vi = GetEff.typ node_id_solver vi.it.var_type
 		  let (il,ol) = CompiledData.profile_of_node_exp_eff alias_node in
 		  let (il_exp, ol_exp) = List.map aux vi_il, List.map aux vi_ol in
diff --git a/src/parser.mly b/src/parser.mly
index 95e66ceeedcb0a48540ef7df3c36ad335858cc71..4823570dd0a626826647dcdce0f2a1ad950639c9 100644
--- a/src/parser.mly
+++ b/src/parser.mly
@@ -6,334 +6,6 @@ open SyntaxTreeCore
 open ParserUtils
-(* Interface avec SyntaxTree *)
-let idref_of_lxm lxm =
-  try Lxm.flagit (Ident.idref_of_string (Lxm.str lxm)) lxm
-  with _ ->
-    print_string  ("Parser.idref_of_lxm" ^(Lxm.str lxm));
-    assert false
-(** add_info
-Rôle :
-	proc générique pour mettre une info 'a dans
-	 une table (Ident.t, 'a srcflagged).
-Effets de bord :
-	erreur de compil si déjà utilisé
-let (add_info : (Ident.t, 'a srcflagged) Hashtbl.t -> 
-      string -> (* une string en cas d'erreur   *)
-      Lxm.t ->  (* le lexeme en question        *)
-      'a ->     (* l'info en question           *)
-      unit) = 
-  fun htbl kindof lxm info -> 
-    try
-      let x  = Hashtbl.find htbl (Lxm.id lxm) in 
-	raise (
-	  Errors.Compile_error ( 
-	    lxm, 
-	    Printf.sprintf "bad %s declaration, ident already linked at %s" kindof 
-	      (Lxm.position x.src)
-	  )
-	)
-    with Not_found ->
-      Hashtbl.add htbl (Lxm.id lxm) { src = lxm ; it  = info }
-(* local tables used to store (via [add_info], see above) intermediary results 
-   Most of the function below (treat_<something>) returns unit but modifies
-   one or several of those tables.
-let (const_table:(Ident.t, const_info srcflagged) Hashtbl.t) = Hashtbl.create 50 
-let (type_table :(Ident.t, type_info  srcflagged) Hashtbl.t) = Hashtbl.create 50
-let (node_table :(Ident.t, node_info  srcflagged) Hashtbl.t) = Hashtbl.create 50
-let (def_list : item_ident list ref) = ref []
-(** Traitement des listes d'idents avec valeur éventuelle
-    (constantes, champs de struct etc...)
-let (lexeme_to_ident_flagged: Lxm.t -> Ident.t Lxm.srcflagged) = 
-  fun x -> {it = (Lxm.id x); src = x }
-let (lexeme_to_pack_name_flagged:Lxm.t -> Ident.pack_name  Lxm.srcflagged) = 
-  fun x -> {it = (Ident.pack_name_of_string (Lxm.str x)); src = x }
-(* Listes d'idents typés et (éventuellement) valués *)
-type id_valopt = (Lxm.t * type_exp * val_exp option)
-(* Pas de valeur : le type distribue sur une liste d'ident *)
-let id_valopt_list_of_id_list (idlist : Lxm.t list) (texp : type_exp) = 
-  let treat_id (id : Lxm.t) = (id, texp, None) in 
-    List.map treat_id idlist
-(* Avec valeur : il ne doit y avoir qu'un seul ident *) 
-let id_valopt_of_id_val (id : Lxm.t) (texp : type_exp) (vexp : val_exp) = (* -> unit *)
-  (id, texp, Some vexp)
-let treat_external_const_list lst typ = (* -> unit *)
-  let f = function lxm ->
-    add_info const_table "constant" lxm (ExternalConst ((Lxm.id lxm), typ, None));
-    def_list := (ConstItem (Lxm.id lxm)) :: !def_list
-  in 
-    List.iter f lst
-let treat_defined_const lxm typ exp = (* -> unit *)
-  add_info const_table "constant" lxm (DefinedConst ((Lxm.id lxm) , typ, exp));
-  def_list := (ConstItem (Lxm.id lxm)) :: !def_list
-let treat_external_type_list lxmlst = (* -> unit *)
-  let f = function lxm ->
-    add_info type_table "type" lxm (ExternalType (Lxm.id lxm)) ;
-    def_list := (TypeItem (Lxm.id lxm)) :: !def_list
-  in
-    List.iter f lxmlst 
-let treat_aliased_type lxm typexp = (*  -> unit *)
-  add_info type_table "type" lxm (AliasedType ((Lxm.id lxm), typexp));
-  def_list := (TypeItem (Lxm.id lxm)) :: !def_list
-(* Traitement d'un type énuméré   *)
-let (treat_enum_type : Lxm.t -> Lxm.t list -> unit) =
-  fun 
-    typlxm (* le lexeme du type *) 
-    cstlxmlst (* liste des lexemes des valeurs *) 
-    -> 
-    let cstnamelist = List.map lexeme_to_ident_flagged cstlxmlst in 
-      (* Enfin, on introduit la définition du type *)
-    let typstr = Lxm.id typlxm in
-      add_info type_table "type" typlxm (EnumType (typstr, cstnamelist));
-      def_list := (TypeItem typstr) :: !def_list
-(* Traitement d'un type structure *)
-let (make_struct_type_info :  Lxm.t -> id_valopt list (* la liste des champs *) -> 
-      struct_type_info) =
-  fun typlxm flexlist -> 
-    (* On anticipe la construction de la table de champs *)
-    let ftab = Hashtbl.create 50 in
-    let (put_in_ftab : (Lxm.t * type_exp * val_exp option) -> Ident.t) =
-      (* Traitement d'un champ élémentaire *)
-      fun (lx, ty, va) -> 
-	(* fabrique le field_info *)
-	let lxstr = Lxm.id lx in
-	let fi = { fd_name = lxstr ; fd_type = ty ; fd_value = va } in
-	  (* le range dans ftab *)
-	  add_info ftab "field" lx fi;
-	  lxstr (* renvoie juste le nom du champs *)
-    in
-    let flst = List.map put_in_ftab flexlist in
-      { st_name = Lxm.id typlxm ; st_flist = flst ; st_ftable = ftab }
-let treat_struct_type
-    (typlxm :  Lxm.t) (* le lexeme du nom de type *)
-    (flexlist: id_valopt list) (* la liste des champs *)
-    =  (* sortie: unit *)
-  let typstr = Lxm.id typlxm in
-  let typinfo = StructType 
-    (make_struct_type_info typlxm flexlist)
-  in
-    (* met l'info dans la table des types *)
-    add_info type_table "type" typlxm typinfo ;
-    def_list := (TypeItem typstr) :: !def_list
-(* Déclarations de vars et params de noeuds *)
-Un peu coton à cause des types, clocks,
-et de la syntaxe laxiste sur la distribution
-de ces flags dans les déclarations de variables !
-On utilise un artifice local pour
-homogénéiser le traitements de listes de vars :
-- clocked_ids list
-type typed_ids = (Lxm.t list * type_exp)    
-type clocked_ids = (typed_ids list * clock_exp)
-let (clocked_ids_to_var_infos : var_nature -> 
-      (((Lxm.t list) * type_exp) list * SyntaxTreeCore.clock_exp) list -> 
-      var_info srcflagged list) =
-  fun vnat vdefs ->
-    let makevar lxm te ce =
-      Lxm.flagit 
-	{
-	  var_nature = vnat ;
-	  var_name = (Lxm.id lxm) ;
-	  var_type = te ;
-	  var_clock = ce ;
-	}
-	lxm
-    in
-      ParserUtils.flat_twice_flagged_list vdefs makevar
-let (treat_node_decl : bool -> Lxm.t -> static_param srcflagged list -> 
-      clocked_ids list (* entrées *) -> 
-      clocked_ids list (* sorties *) -> 
-      clocked_ids list (* locales *) -> 
-      pragma list -> 
-      (val_exp srcflagged) list (* assserts *) -> 
-      (eq_info srcflagged) list (* liste des equations *) -> 
-      unit
-    ) =
-  fun has_memory nlxm statics indefs outdefs locdefs _pragma asserts eqs -> 
-    let vtable = Hashtbl.create 50 in
-    let rec (treat_vars : clocked_ids list -> var_nature -> var_info srcflagged list) =
-      (* Procedure de traitement des in, out ou loc, paramétrée par la [var_nature] *)
-      fun vdefs nat -> 
-	match vdefs with
-	  | [] -> []
-	  | (tids, ck)::reste ->
-	      let put_var_in_table (lxm: Lxm.t) (ty: type_exp) =
-		let vinfo = {
-		  var_nature = nat; var_name = (Lxm.id lxm); 
-		  var_type = ty; var_clock = ck 
-		}
-		in
-		  add_info vtable "variable" lxm vinfo;
-		  Lxm.flagit vinfo lxm 
-	      in
-		(ParserUtils.flat_flagged_list tids put_var_in_table) 
-		@ (treat_vars reste nat)
-    in
-    let invars  = treat_vars indefs  VarInput 
-    and outvars = treat_vars outdefs VarOutput 
-    and locvars = treat_vars locdefs VarLocal 
-    in 
-    let vars = build_node_var invars outvars (Some locvars) in
-    let nstr = Lxm.id nlxm in
-    let ninfo = {
-      name = nstr;
-      static_params = statics;
-      vars    = Some vars;
-      def     = Body { asserts = asserts ; eqs  = eqs };
-      has_mem = has_memory;
-      is_safe = true;
-    }
-    in
-      add_info node_table "node" nlxm ninfo;
-      def_list := (NodeItem (nstr,statics)) :: !def_list
-let (treat_node_alias : bool -> Lxm.t -> static_param srcflagged list -> 
-      (var_info srcflagged list * var_info srcflagged list) option -> 
-      node_exp srcflagged -> unit) = 
-  fun has_memory nlxm statics node_profile value -> 
-    let nstr = Lxm.id nlxm in
-    let vars = 
-      match node_profile with
-	| None -> None
-	| Some (invars,outvars) -> Some (build_node_var invars outvars None)
-    in
-    let ninfo = {
-      name = nstr;
-      static_params = statics;
-      vars    = vars;
-      def     = Alias (flagit (CALL_n value) value.src);
-      has_mem = has_memory;
-      is_safe = true;
-    }
-    in
-      add_info node_table "(alias) node" nlxm ninfo;
-      def_list := (NodeItem (nstr,statics)) :: !def_list
-(* Traitement d'un noeud abstrait *)
-let treat_abstract_or_extern_node_do (* cf the profile of [treat_abstract_node] *)
-    has_memory lxm inpars outpars is_abstract =
-  let (invars, outvars : var_info srcflagged list * var_info srcflagged list) = 
-    clocked_ids_to_var_infos VarInput  inpars,
-    clocked_ids_to_var_infos VarOutput outpars 
-  in
-  let vars = build_node_var invars outvars None in
-  let xn = {
-    name = Lxm.id lxm;
-    static_params = [];
-    vars    = Some vars;
-    def     = if is_abstract then Abstract else Extern;
-    has_mem = has_memory;
-    is_safe = true;
-  }
-  in
-    xn
-let (treat_abstract_node : bool -> Lxm.t -> 
-      (((Lxm.t list) * type_exp) list * SyntaxTreeCore.clock_exp) list -> 
-      (((Lxm.t list) * type_exp) list * SyntaxTreeCore.clock_exp) list -> 
-      item_info Lxm.srcflagged) =
-  fun has_memory lxm inpars outpars ->
-    Lxm.flagit 
-      (NodeInfo (treat_abstract_or_extern_node_do has_memory lxm inpars outpars true))
-      lxm
-let (treat_external_node : bool -> Lxm.t -> 
-      (((Lxm.t list) * type_exp) list  * SyntaxTreeCore.clock_exp) list -> 
-      (((Lxm.t list) * type_exp) list  * SyntaxTreeCore.clock_exp) list -> 
-      unit
-    ) =
-  fun has_memory ext_nodelxm inpars outpars -> 
-    let ninfo = 
-      treat_abstract_or_extern_node_do (* external nodes look like abstract nodes indeed *)
-	has_memory ext_nodelxm inpars outpars false
-    in
-    let statics = [] in (* no static args for external node (for now at least) *)
-      add_info node_table "(extern) node" ext_nodelxm ninfo ;
-      def_list := (NodeItem (Lxm.id (ext_nodelxm),statics)) :: !def_list
-let (threat_slice_start : Lxm.t -> val_exp -> val_exp option -> slice_info srcflagged) =
-  fun lxm last step ->
-    let str = Lxm.str lxm in
-    let int_to_val_exp  istr =
-      try 
-	ignore (int_of_string istr);
-	CallByPos(flagit (Predef(ICONST_n (Ident.of_string(istr)),[])) lxm,
-		  Oper [])
-      with _ ->
-	CallByPos(flagit (IDENT_n (Ident.idref_of_string(istr))) lxm,
-		  Oper [])
-    in
-      match Str.split (Str.regexp (Str.quote "..")) str with
-	| [first] ->
-	    let slice_info = 
-	      { 
-		si_first = int_to_val_exp first; 
-		si_last = last; 
-		si_step = step
-	      }
-	    in 
-	      flagit slice_info lxm
-	| _ -> assert false
diff --git a/src/parserUtils.ml b/src/parserUtils.ml
index 6c58533c5998828e5e1da10ae6220fa60304d677..c2d48e1d528afef9270e995f29ecffaa90ec8de7 100644
--- a/src/parserUtils.ml
+++ b/src/parserUtils.ml
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(** Time-stamp: <modified the 03/06/2008 (at 14:40) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(** Time-stamp: <modified the 06/06/2008 (at 18:01) by Erwan Jahier> *)
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
 open Lxm
 open SyntaxTree
 open SyntaxTreeCore
+open Predef
 let (build_node_var : var_info srcflagged list -> var_info srcflagged list -> 
       var_info srcflagged list option -> node_vars) =
@@ -142,4 +143,330 @@ let bynameexp lxm op nelst = CallByName( {src = lxm ; it = op } , nelst )
 open Ident
+(* Interface avec SyntaxTree *)
+let idref_of_lxm lxm =
+  try Lxm.flagit (Ident.idref_of_string (Lxm.str lxm)) lxm
+  with _ ->
+    print_string  ("Parser.idref_of_lxm" ^(Lxm.str lxm));
+    assert false
+(** add_info
+Rôle :
+	proc générique pour mettre une info 'a dans
+	 une table (Ident.t, 'a srcflagged).
+Effets de bord :
+	erreur de compil si déjà utilisé
+let (add_info : (Ident.t, 'a srcflagged) Hashtbl.t -> 
+      string -> (* une string en cas d'erreur   *)
+      Lxm.t ->  (* le lexeme en question        *)
+      'a ->     (* l'info en question           *)
+      unit) = 
+  fun htbl kindof lxm info -> 
+    try
+      let x  = Hashtbl.find htbl (Lxm.id lxm) in 
+	raise (
+	  Errors.Compile_error ( 
+	    lxm, 
+	    Printf.sprintf "bad %s declaration, ident already linked at %s" kindof 
+	      (Lxm.position x.src)
+	  )
+	)
+    with Not_found ->
+      Hashtbl.add htbl (Lxm.id lxm) { src = lxm ; it  = info }
+(* local tables used to store (via [add_info], see above) intermediary results 
+   Most of the function below (treat_<something>) returns unit but modifies
+   one or several of those tables.
+let (const_table:(Ident.t, const_info srcflagged) Hashtbl.t) = Hashtbl.create 50 
+let (type_table :(Ident.t, type_info  srcflagged) Hashtbl.t) = Hashtbl.create 50
+let (node_table :(Ident.t, node_info  srcflagged) Hashtbl.t) = Hashtbl.create 50
+let (def_list : item_ident list ref) = ref []
+(** Traitement des listes d'idents avec valeur éventuelle
+    (constantes, champs de struct etc...)
+let (lexeme_to_ident_flagged: Lxm.t -> Ident.t Lxm.srcflagged) = 
+  fun x -> {it = (Lxm.id x); src = x }
+let (lexeme_to_pack_name_flagged:Lxm.t -> Ident.pack_name  Lxm.srcflagged) = 
+  fun x -> {it = (Ident.pack_name_of_string (Lxm.str x)); src = x }
+(* Listes d'idents typés et (éventuellement) valués *)
+type id_valopt = (Lxm.t * type_exp * val_exp option)
+(* Pas de valeur : le type distribue sur une liste d'ident *)
+let id_valopt_list_of_id_list (idlist : Lxm.t list) (texp : type_exp) = 
+  let treat_id (id : Lxm.t) = (id, texp, None) in 
+    List.map treat_id idlist
+(* Avec valeur : il ne doit y avoir qu'un seul ident *) 
+let id_valopt_of_id_val (id : Lxm.t) (texp : type_exp) (vexp : val_exp) = (* -> unit *)
+  (id, texp, Some vexp)
+let treat_external_const_list lst typ = (* -> unit *)
+  let f = function lxm ->
+    add_info const_table "constant" lxm (ExternalConst ((Lxm.id lxm), typ, None));
+    def_list := (ConstItem (Lxm.id lxm)) :: !def_list
+  in 
+    List.iter f lst
+let treat_defined_const lxm typ exp = (* -> unit *)
+  add_info const_table "constant" lxm (DefinedConst ((Lxm.id lxm) , typ, exp));
+  def_list := (ConstItem (Lxm.id lxm)) :: !def_list
+let treat_external_type_list lxmlst = (* -> unit *)
+  let f = function lxm ->
+    add_info type_table "type" lxm (ExternalType (Lxm.id lxm)) ;
+    def_list := (TypeItem (Lxm.id lxm)) :: !def_list
+  in
+    List.iter f lxmlst 
+let treat_aliased_type lxm typexp = (*  -> unit *)
+  add_info type_table "type" lxm (AliasedType ((Lxm.id lxm), typexp));
+  def_list := (TypeItem (Lxm.id lxm)) :: !def_list
+(* Traitement d'un type énuméré   *)
+let (treat_enum_type : Lxm.t -> Lxm.t list -> unit) =
+  fun 
+    typlxm (* le lexeme du type *) 
+    cstlxmlst (* liste des lexemes des valeurs *) 
+    -> 
+    let cstnamelist = List.map lexeme_to_ident_flagged cstlxmlst in 
+      (* Enfin, on introduit la définition du type *)
+    let typstr = Lxm.id typlxm in
+      add_info type_table "type" typlxm (EnumType (typstr, cstnamelist));
+      def_list := (TypeItem typstr) :: !def_list
+(* Traitement d'un type structure *)
+let (make_struct_type_info :  Lxm.t -> id_valopt list (* la liste des champs *) -> 
+      struct_type_info) =
+  fun typlxm flexlist -> 
+    (* On anticipe la construction de la table de champs *)
+    let ftab = Hashtbl.create 50 in
+    let (put_in_ftab : (Lxm.t * type_exp * val_exp option) -> Ident.t) =
+      (* Traitement d'un champ élémentaire *)
+      fun (lx, ty, va) -> 
+	(* fabrique le field_info *)
+	let lxstr = Lxm.id lx in
+	let fi = { fd_name = lxstr ; fd_type = ty ; fd_value = va } in
+	  (* le range dans ftab *)
+	  add_info ftab "field" lx fi;
+	  lxstr (* renvoie juste le nom du champs *)
+    in
+    let flst = List.map put_in_ftab flexlist in
+      { st_name = Lxm.id typlxm ; st_flist = flst ; st_ftable = ftab }
+let treat_struct_type
+    (typlxm :  Lxm.t) (* le lexeme du nom de type *)
+    (flexlist: id_valopt list) (* la liste des champs *)
+    =  (* sortie: unit *)
+  let typstr = Lxm.id typlxm in
+  let typinfo = StructType 
+    (make_struct_type_info typlxm flexlist)
+  in
+    (* met l'info dans la table des types *)
+    add_info type_table "type" typlxm typinfo ;
+    def_list := (TypeItem typstr) :: !def_list
+(* Déclarations de vars et params de noeuds *)
+Un peu coton à cause des types, clocks,
+et de la syntaxe laxiste sur la distribution
+de ces flags dans les déclarations de variables !
+On utilise un artifice local pour
+homogénéiser le traitements de listes de vars :
+- clocked_ids list
+type typed_ids = (Lxm.t list * type_exp)    
+type clocked_ids = (typed_ids list * clock_exp)
+let (clocked_ids_to_var_infos : var_nature -> 
+      (((Lxm.t list) * type_exp) list * SyntaxTreeCore.clock_exp) list -> 
+      var_info srcflagged list) =
+  fun vnat vdefs ->
+    let makevar lxm te ce =
+      Lxm.flagit 
+	{
+	  var_nature = vnat ;
+	  var_name = (Lxm.id lxm) ;
+	  var_type = te ;
+	  var_clock = ce ;
+	}
+	lxm
+    in
+      flat_twice_flagged_list vdefs makevar
+let (treat_node_decl : bool -> Lxm.t -> static_param srcflagged list -> 
+      clocked_ids list (* entrées *) -> 
+      clocked_ids list (* sorties *) -> 
+      clocked_ids list (* locales *) -> 
+      pragma list -> 
+      (val_exp srcflagged) list (* assserts *) -> 
+      (eq_info srcflagged) list (* liste des equations *) -> 
+      unit
+    ) =
+  fun has_memory nlxm statics indefs outdefs locdefs _pragma asserts eqs -> 
+    let vtable = Hashtbl.create 50 in
+    let rec (treat_vars : clocked_ids list -> var_nature -> var_info srcflagged list) =
+      (* Procedure de traitement des in, out ou loc, paramétrée par la [var_nature] *)
+      fun vdefs nat -> 
+	match vdefs with
+	  | [] -> []
+	  | (tids, ck)::reste ->
+	      let put_var_in_table (lxm: Lxm.t) (ty: type_exp) =
+		let vinfo = {
+		  var_nature = nat; var_name = (Lxm.id lxm); 
+		  var_type = ty; var_clock = ck 
+		}
+		in
+		  add_info vtable "variable" lxm vinfo;
+		  Lxm.flagit vinfo lxm 
+	      in
+		(flat_flagged_list tids put_var_in_table) 
+		@ (treat_vars reste nat)
+    in
+    let invars  = treat_vars indefs  VarInput 
+    and outvars = treat_vars outdefs VarOutput 
+    and locvars = treat_vars locdefs VarLocal 
+    in 
+    let vars = build_node_var invars outvars (Some locvars) in
+    let nstr = Lxm.id nlxm in
+    let ninfo = {
+      name = nstr;
+      static_params = statics;
+      vars    = Some vars;
+      def     = Body { asserts = asserts ; eqs  = eqs };
+      has_mem = has_memory;
+      is_safe = true;
+    }
+    in
+      add_info node_table "node" nlxm ninfo;
+      def_list := (NodeItem (nstr,statics)) :: !def_list
+let (treat_node_alias : bool -> Lxm.t -> static_param srcflagged list -> 
+      (var_info srcflagged list * var_info srcflagged list) option -> 
+      node_exp srcflagged -> unit) = 
+  fun has_memory nlxm statics node_profile value -> 
+    let nstr = Lxm.id nlxm in
+    let vars = 
+      match node_profile with
+	| None -> None
+	| Some (invars,outvars) -> Some (build_node_var invars outvars None)
+    in
+    let ninfo = {
+      name = nstr;
+      static_params = statics;
+      vars    = vars;
+      def     = Alias (flagit (CALL_n value) value.src);
+      has_mem = has_memory;
+      is_safe = true;
+    }
+    in
+      add_info node_table "(alias) node" nlxm ninfo;
+      def_list := (NodeItem (nstr,statics)) :: !def_list
+(* Traitement d'un noeud abstrait *)
+let treat_abstract_or_extern_node_do (* cf the profile of [treat_abstract_node] *)
+    has_memory lxm inpars outpars is_abstract =
+  let (invars, outvars : var_info srcflagged list * var_info srcflagged list) = 
+    clocked_ids_to_var_infos VarInput  inpars,
+    clocked_ids_to_var_infos VarOutput outpars 
+  in
+  let vars = build_node_var invars outvars None in
+  let xn = {
+    name = Lxm.id lxm;
+    static_params = [];
+    vars    = Some vars;
+    def     = if is_abstract then Abstract else Extern;
+    has_mem = has_memory;
+    is_safe = true;
+  }
+  in
+    xn
+let (treat_abstract_node : bool -> Lxm.t -> 
+      (((Lxm.t list) * type_exp) list * SyntaxTreeCore.clock_exp) list -> 
+      (((Lxm.t list) * type_exp) list * SyntaxTreeCore.clock_exp) list -> 
+      item_info Lxm.srcflagged) =
+  fun has_memory lxm inpars outpars ->
+    Lxm.flagit 
+      (NodeInfo (treat_abstract_or_extern_node_do has_memory lxm inpars outpars true))
+      lxm
+let (treat_external_node : bool -> Lxm.t -> 
+      (((Lxm.t list) * type_exp) list  * SyntaxTreeCore.clock_exp) list -> 
+      (((Lxm.t list) * type_exp) list  * SyntaxTreeCore.clock_exp) list -> 
+      unit
+    ) =
+  fun has_memory ext_nodelxm inpars outpars -> 
+    let ninfo = 
+      treat_abstract_or_extern_node_do (* external nodes look like abstract nodes indeed *)
+	has_memory ext_nodelxm inpars outpars false
+    in
+    let statics = [] in (* no static args for external node (for now at least) *)
+      add_info node_table "(extern) node" ext_nodelxm ninfo ;
+      def_list := (NodeItem (Lxm.id (ext_nodelxm),statics)) :: !def_list
+let (threat_slice_start : Lxm.t -> val_exp -> val_exp option -> slice_info srcflagged) =
+  fun lxm last step ->
+    let str = Lxm.str lxm in
+    let int_to_val_exp  istr =
+      try 
+	ignore (int_of_string istr);
+	CallByPos(flagit (Predef(ICONST_n (Ident.of_string(istr)),[])) lxm,
+		  Oper [])
+      with _ ->
+	CallByPos(flagit (IDENT_n (Ident.idref_of_string(istr))) lxm,
+		  Oper [])
+    in
+      match Str.split (Str.regexp (Str.quote "..")) str with
+	| [first] ->
+	    let slice_info = 
+	      { 
+		si_first = int_to_val_exp first; 
+		si_last = last; 
+		si_step = step
+	      }
+	    in 
+	      flagit slice_info lxm
+	| _ -> assert false
diff --git a/src/predefEvalType.ml b/src/predefEvalType.ml
index ffd0ea1901282c892dcb010653fb06e4ca6c9cc2..b95b27a21e59f368d7c90b7a3923077f112bb986 100644
--- a/src/predefEvalType.ml
+++ b/src/predefEvalType.ml
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(** Time-stamp: <modified the 05/06/2008 (at 17:03) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(** Time-stamp: <modified the 09/06/2008 (at 10:09) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 open Predef
 open SyntaxTreeCore
@@ -41,9 +41,9 @@ let (arity_error : 'a list -> string -> 'b) =
 (* a few local alias to make the node profile below more readable. *)
-let i = Int_type_eff_ext
-let r = Real_type_eff_ext
-let b = Bool_type_eff_ext
+let i = Int_type_eff
+let r = Real_type_eff
+let b = Bool_type_eff
 let id str = Ident.of_string str
 (** A few useful type profiles for simple operators *)
@@ -72,9 +72,9 @@ let ooo_profile = [(id "i1",Overload);(id "i2",Overload)], [(id "o",Overload)]
 (** iterators profiles *)
 (* [type_to_array_type [x1;...;xn] c] returns the array type [x1^c;...;xn^c] *)
-let (type_to_array_type: var_info_eff list -> int -> (Ident.t * type_eff_ext) list) =
+let (type_to_array_type: var_info_eff list -> int -> (Ident.t * type_eff) list) =
   fun l c ->
-    List.map (fun vi -> vi.var_name_eff, Array_type_eff_ext(vi.var_type_eff,c)) l
+    List.map (fun vi -> vi.var_name_eff, Array_type_eff(vi.var_type_eff,c)) l
 (* Extract the node and the constant from a list of static args *)
 let (get_node_and_constant:static_arg_eff list -> node_exp_eff * int)=
@@ -119,8 +119,8 @@ let fillred_profile =
 	(* if they are not equal, they migth be unifiable *)
 	match Unify.f [t1] [t2] with
 	  | Equal  -> (lti,lto)
-	  | Unif t -> (List.map (fun (id,tid) -> id, subst_type_ext t tid) lti,
-			   List.map (fun (id,tid) -> id, subst_type_ext t tid) lto)
+	  | Unif t -> (List.map (fun (id,tid) -> id, subst_type t tid) lti,
+			   List.map (fun (id,tid) -> id, subst_type t tid) lto)
 	  | Ko(msg) -> raise (Compile_error(lxm, msg))
@@ -155,10 +155,10 @@ let boolred_profile =
 	  | _ -> raise (Compile_error(lxm, "\n*** type error: 3 int were expected"))
     let (_i,_j,k) = get_three_constants lxm sargs in
-      [id "i",  (Array_type_eff_ext(Bool_type_eff_ext,k))], [id "o", b]
+      [id "i",  (Array_type_eff(Bool_type_eff,k))], [id "o", b]
-type node_profile = (Ident.t * type_eff_ext) list * (Ident.t * type_eff_ext) list
+type node_profile = (Ident.t * type_eff) list * (Ident.t * type_eff) list
 let (op2profile : Predef.op -> Lxm.t -> static_arg_eff list -> node_profile) = 
   fun op lxm sargs -> match op with
@@ -235,7 +235,8 @@ let (f : op -> Lxm.t -> CompiledData.static_arg_eff list -> typer) =
 	    (* VERRUE 2 : cf XXX above: therefore i define an ad-hoc
 	       check for them.  *)
 	    let check_nary_iter acc ceff =
-	      match ceff with (Bool_type_eff) -> acc | _ -> (type_error [ceff] "bool")
+	      match ceff with (Bool_type_eff) -> 
+		acc | _ -> (type_error [ceff] "bool")
 	      List.fold_left check_nary_iter () (List.flatten ll);
@@ -244,17 +245,17 @@ let (f : op -> Lxm.t -> CompiledData.static_arg_eff list -> typer) =
 	    let node_eff = make_node_exp_eff op lxm sargs in
 	    let lti = List.map (fun v -> v.var_type_eff) node_eff.inlist_eff
 	    and lto = List.map (fun v -> v.var_type_eff) node_eff.outlist_eff in
-	    let rec (subst_type : type_eff -> type_eff_ext -> type_eff) =
-	      fun t teff_ext -> match teff_ext with
-		  (* substitutes [t] in [teff_ext] *)
-		| Bool_type_eff_ext -> Bool_type_eff
-		| Int_type_eff_ext -> Int_type_eff
-		| Real_type_eff_ext -> Real_type_eff
-		| External_type_eff_ext l -> External_type_eff l
-		| Enum_type_eff_ext(l,el) ->  Enum_type_eff(l,el)
-		| Array_type_eff_ext(teff_ext,i) -> 
-		    Array_type_eff(subst_type t teff_ext, i)
-		| Struct_type_eff_ext(l, fl) -> 
+	    let rec (subst_type : type_eff -> type_eff -> type_eff) =
+	      fun t teff -> match teff with
+		  (* substitutes [t] in [teff] *)
+		| Bool_type_eff -> Bool_type_eff
+		| Int_type_eff -> Int_type_eff
+		| Real_type_eff -> Real_type_eff
+		| External_type_eff l -> External_type_eff l
+		| Enum_type_eff(l,el) ->  Enum_type_eff(l,el)
+		| Array_type_eff(teff,i) -> 
+		    Array_type_eff(subst_type t teff, i)
+		| Struct_type_eff(l, fl) -> 
@@ -263,27 +264,27 @@ let (f : op -> Lxm.t -> CompiledData.static_arg_eff list -> typer) =
 		| Any 
 		| Overload -> t
-	    let l = List.map type_eff_to_type_eff_ext (List.flatten ll) in
+	    let l = List.flatten ll in
 	      if (List.length l <> List.length lti) then
 		arity_error [l] (string_of_int (List.length lti))
 		match Unify.f lti l with
-		  | Equal  -> List.map type_eff_ext_to_type_eff lto
+		  | Equal  -> lto
 		  | Unif Any -> 
-			(CompiledDataDump.type_eff_ext_list_to_string l) 
-			(CompiledDataDump.type_eff_ext_list_to_string lti) 
+			(CompiledDataDump.type_eff_list_to_string l) 
+			(CompiledDataDump.type_eff_list_to_string lti) 
 			"could not instanciate polymorphic type"
 		  | Unif Overload -> 
-			(CompiledDataDump.type_eff_ext_list_to_string l) 
-			(CompiledDataDump.type_eff_ext_list_to_string lti) 
+			(CompiledDataDump.type_eff_list_to_string l) 
+			(CompiledDataDump.type_eff_list_to_string lti) 
 			"could not instanciate overloaded type"
 		  | Unif t -> 
-		      List.map (subst_type (type_eff_ext_to_type_eff t)) lto
+		      List.map (subst_type t) lto
 		  | Ko(str) -> 
-		      type_error2 (CompiledDataDump.type_eff_ext_list_to_string l) 
-			(CompiledDataDump.type_eff_ext_list_to_string lti) str
+		      type_error2 (CompiledDataDump.type_eff_list_to_string l) 
+			(CompiledDataDump.type_eff_list_to_string lti) str
diff --git a/src/predefEvalType.mli b/src/predefEvalType.mli
index 5aa96a26f76c54cae1ecea3fb5c5129ebde13da5..707db070778b16c53c315b9a39cb5a8bfa7ceb71 100644
--- a/src/predefEvalType.mli
+++ b/src/predefEvalType.mli
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(** Time-stamp: <modified the 05/06/2008 (at 10:42) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(** Time-stamp: <modified the 09/06/2008 (at 10:05) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 open CompiledData
diff --git a/src/predefSemantics.ml b/src/predefSemantics.ml
index e07887a175e87347fa38531849fd2651be76cc62..6f10ce6f47611e2a9eec0efeb049f99d14f8afd9 100644
--- a/src/predefSemantics.ml
+++ b/src/predefSemantics.ml
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(** Time-stamp: <modified the 03/06/2008 (at 14:53) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(** Time-stamp: <modified the 09/06/2008 (at 10:04) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 open Predef
@@ -63,9 +63,9 @@ let not_evaluable op l =
 (* a few local alias to make the node profile below more readable. *)
-let i = Int_type_eff_ext
-let r = Real_type_eff_ext
-let b = Bool_type_eff_ext
+let i = Int_type_eff
+let r = Real_type_eff
+let b = Bool_type_eff
 let id str = Ident.of_string str
 (** A few useful type profiles for simple operators *)
@@ -95,9 +95,9 @@ let ooo_profile = [(id "i1",Overload);(id "i2",Overload)], [(id "o",Overload)]
 (** iterators profiles *)
 (* [type_to_array_type [x1;...;xn] c] returns the array type [x1^c;...;xn^c] *)
 let (type_to_array_type: 
-       (Ident.t * type_eff_ext) list -> int -> (Ident.t * type_eff_ext) list) =
+       (Ident.t * type_eff) list -> int -> (Ident.t * type_eff) list) =
   fun l c ->
-    List.map (fun (id, teff) -> id, Array_type_eff_ext(teff,c)) l
+    List.map (fun (id, teff) -> id, Array_type_eff(teff,c)) l
 (* Extract the node and the constant from a list of static args *)
 let (get_node_and_constant:static_arg_eff list -> node_exp_eff * int)=
@@ -175,10 +175,10 @@ let boolred_profile =
 	  | _ -> raise (Compile_error(lxm, "\n*** type error: 3 int were expected"))
     let (_i,_j,k) = get_three_constants lxm sargs in
-      [id "i",  (Array_type_eff_ext(Bool_type_eff_ext,k))], [id "o", b]
+      [id "i",  (Array_type_eff(Bool_type_eff,k))], [id "o", b]
-type node_profile = (Ident.t * type_eff_ext) list * (Ident.t * type_eff_ext) list
+type node_profile = (Ident.t * type_eff) list * (Ident.t * type_eff) list
 let (op2profile : Predef.op -> Lxm.t -> static_arg_eff list -> node_profile) = 
   fun op lxm sargs -> match op with
@@ -258,17 +258,17 @@ let (type_eval : op -> Lxm.t -> CompiledData.static_arg_eff list -> typer) =
 	    let node_eff = make_node_exp_eff op lxm sargs in
 	    let lti = List.map (fun (id,t) -> t) node_eff.inlist_eff
 	    and lto = List.map (fun (id,t) -> t) node_eff.outlist_eff in
-	    let rec (subst_type : type_eff -> type_eff_ext -> type_eff) =
+	    let rec (subst_type : type_eff -> type_eff -> type_eff) =
 	      fun t teff_ext -> match teff_ext with
 		  (* substitutes [t] in [teff_ext] *)
-		| Bool_type_eff_ext -> Bool_type_eff
-		| Int_type_eff_ext -> Int_type_eff
-		| Real_type_eff_ext -> Real_type_eff
-		| External_type_eff_ext l -> External_type_eff l
-		| Enum_type_eff_ext(l,el) ->  Enum_type_eff(l,el)
-		| Array_type_eff_ext(teff_ext,i) -> 
+		| Bool_type_eff -> Bool_type_eff
+		| Int_type_eff -> Int_type_eff
+		| Real_type_eff -> Real_type_eff
+		| External_type_eff l -> External_type_eff l
+		| Enum_type_eff(l,el) ->  Enum_type_eff(l,el)
+		| Array_type_eff(teff_ext,i) -> 
 		    Array_type_eff(subst_type t teff_ext, i)
-		| Struct_type_eff_ext(l, fl) -> 
+		| Struct_type_eff(l, fl) -> 
@@ -277,29 +277,29 @@ let (type_eval : op -> Lxm.t -> CompiledData.static_arg_eff list -> typer) =
 		| Any 
 		| Overload -> t
-	    let l = List.map type_eff_to_type_eff_ext (List.flatten ll) in
+	    let l = List.map type_eff_to_type_eff (List.flatten ll) in
 	      if (List.length l <> List.length lti) then
 		arity_error l (string_of_int (List.length lti))
 		match Unify.f lti l with
-		  | Equal  -> List.map type_eff_ext_to_type_eff lto
+		  | Equal  -> List.map type_eff_to_type_eff lto
 		  | Unif Any -> 
-			(CompiledDataDump.type_eff_ext_list_to_string l) 
-			(CompiledDataDump.type_eff_ext_list_to_string lti) 
+			(CompiledDataDump.type_eff_list_to_string l) 
+			(CompiledDataDump.type_eff_list_to_string lti) 
 			"could not instanciate polymorphic type"
 		  | Unif Overload -> 
-			(CompiledDataDump.type_eff_ext_list_to_string l) 
-			(CompiledDataDump.type_eff_ext_list_to_string lti) 
+			(CompiledDataDump.type_eff_list_to_string l) 
+			(CompiledDataDump.type_eff_list_to_string lti) 
 			"could not instanciate overloaded type"
 		  | Unif t -> 
-		      List.map (subst_type (type_eff_ext_to_type_eff t)) lto
+		      List.map (subst_type (type_eff_to_type_eff t)) lto
 		  | Ko(str) -> 
-		      type_error2 (CompiledDataDump.type_eff_ext_list_to_string l) 
-			(CompiledDataDump.type_eff_ext_list_to_string lti) str
+		      type_error2 (CompiledDataDump.type_eff_list_to_string l) 
+			(CompiledDataDump.type_eff_list_to_string lti) str
diff --git a/src/test/should_fail/semantics/bad_call03.lus b/src/test/should_fail/semantics/bad_call03.lus
index 38dd232b498204ca3e891d4883590866c0ba904f..d4b593193e63c1ff1f58a3eae5f68168299487a0 100644
--- a/src/test/should_fail/semantics/bad_call03.lus
+++ b/src/test/should_fail/semantics/bad_call03.lus
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+-- Well, this one is acceptable after all...
 node toto = map<<+,  3>>;
@@ -8,6 +9,7 @@ tel
 node bad_call03(a,b:int^3; c,d:real^3) returns (x : int^3; y:real^3);
   x = toto(a,b);
   y = titi(c,d);
diff --git a/src/test/should_work/NONREG/Watch.lus b/src/test/should_work/NONREG/Watch.lus
index 7e84adfc536d2c0b13dccdb6602aef89a7d146b4..25f6ab56b235e2eb538fb4bcc4b6fc6da13e36c0 100644
--- a/src/test/should_work/NONREG/Watch.lus
+++ b/src/test/should_work/NONREG/Watch.lus
@@ -138,6 +138,7 @@ extern function ALARM_TIME_TO_MAIN_DISPLAY
 	(time: ALARM_TIME_TYPE) returns (display: MAIN_DISPLAY_TYPE);
 -- translation of "time" to the main display format
 extern function MAKE_DISPLAY
@@ -419,9 +420,14 @@ var main_display:MAIN_DISPLAY_TYPE;
-  display = MAKE_DISPLAY(main_display,mini_display,
-			alpha_display, status, 
-			position_enhanced,labels);
+  display = 
+                 main_display,
+                 mini_display,
+                 alpha_display, 
+                 status, 
+                 position_enhanced,
+                 labels);
   (main_display,mini_display,alpha_display) =
     if mode_is_watch then
 	-- in watch mode, the main display shows the watch time, the mini
diff --git a/src/test/test.res.exp b/src/test/test.res.exp
index 49273b3a81cf7a6c10f735f065475d8749da1ec2..8f13836667445dc9fb89fc0b071a61387eb81626 100644
--- a/src/test/test.res.exp
+++ b/src/test/test.res.exp
@@ -14360,15 +14360,17 @@ End of Syntax table dump. 
 	Exported types:
 	Exported constants:
 	Exported nodes:
+*** Error in file "should_fail/semantics/bad_call03.lus", line 7, col 5 to 5, token '=': type mismatch: 
+***	'real^3' (left-hand-side) 
+*** is not compatible with 
+***	'o^3' (right-hand-side)
 function bad_call03__toto(i1:o^3; i2:o^3) returns (o:o^3);
    o = Lustre__map<<node Lustre__+, const 3>>(i1, i2);
 -- end of node bad_call03__toto
-*** oops: an internal error occurred in file evalType.ml, line 38, column 39
-*** when compiling lustre program should_fail/semantics/bad_call03.lus
 ====> ../lus2lic -vl 3 --compile-all-items should_fail/semantics/bug.lus
 Opening file /home/jahier/lus2lic/src/testshould_fail/semantics/bug.lus
@@ -14820,5 +14822,6 @@ type const2__t8 = int^3^7^8^9^3^8^8;
 *** Error in file "should_fail/type/const2.lus", line 16, col 12 to 13, token '<>': type error: 
 *** type 'int*real' was provided whereas
 *** type 'a*a' was expected
 *** int and real are not unifiable
diff --git a/src/unify.ml b/src/unify.ml
index 74f4db4c5ae0ed0eb14b9e4d8e4d4bc2d742051e..5a71fd1075e535099b10ae7dd0880110fbe6524d 100644
--- a/src/unify.ml
+++ b/src/unify.ml
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(** Time-stamp: <modified the 28/05/2008 (at 14:15) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(** Time-stamp: <modified the 09/06/2008 (at 10:07) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 open CompiledData
@@ -6,46 +6,46 @@ open CompiledData
 (* exported *)
 type t = 
   | Equal
-  | Unif of type_eff_ext
+  | Unif of type_eff
   | Ko of string (* a msg explaining why the unification failed *)
-let teff2str = CompiledDataDump.string_of_type_eff_ext
+let teff2str = CompiledDataDump.string_of_type_eff
-let (is_overloadable : type_eff_ext -> bool) = function
-  | Int_type_eff_ext -> true
-  | Real_type_eff_ext -> true
+let (is_overloadable : type_eff -> bool) = function
+  | Int_type_eff -> true
+  | Real_type_eff -> true
   | _ -> false
 (* [contains t1 t2] is true iff t2 appears in t1 *)
-let rec (contains : type_eff_ext -> type_eff_ext -> bool) =
+let rec (contains : type_eff -> type_eff -> bool) =
   fun t1 t2 -> 
     if t1 = t2 then true else
     match t1 with
     | Any 
     | Overload
-    | Bool_type_eff_ext 
-    | Int_type_eff_ext 
-    | Real_type_eff_ext 
-    | Enum_type_eff_ext(_,_) 
-    | External_type_eff_ext _ -> false
-    | Array_type_eff_ext(teff,i) -> contains teff t2
-    | Struct_type_eff_ext(l, fl) -> 
+    | Bool_type_eff 
+    | Int_type_eff 
+    | Real_type_eff 
+    | Enum_type_eff(_,_) 
+    | External_type_eff _ -> false
+    | Array_type_eff(teff,i) -> contains teff t2
+    | Struct_type_eff(l, fl) -> 
 	List.exists (fun (_,(teff,_)) -> contains teff t2) fl
 (* exported *)
-let (f : type_eff_ext list -> type_eff_ext list -> t) =
-  let rec (unify_type_eff : type_eff_ext -> type_eff_ext -> t) =
+let (f : type_eff list -> type_eff list -> t) = fun l1 l2 -> 
+  let rec (unify_type_eff : type_eff -> type_eff -> t) =
     fun t1 t2 -> 
       if t1 = t2 then Equal else  
 	match (t1,t2) with
-	  | Array_type_eff_ext(teff_ext1,i1), Array_type_eff_ext(teff_ext2,i2) -> 
-	      if i1 <> i2 then Ko "incompatible array size" else
+	  | Array_type_eff(teff_ext1,i1), Array_type_eff(teff_ext2,i2) -> 
+	      if i1 <> i2 then Ko "\n*** incompatible array size" else
 		unify_type_eff teff_ext1 teff_ext2
-	  | Struct_type_eff_ext(l1, fl1), Struct_type_eff_ext(l2, fl2) -> 
-	      if l1 <> l2 then Ko "incompatible structure" else
+	  | Struct_type_eff(l1, fl1), Struct_type_eff(l2, fl2) -> 
+	      if l1 <> l2 then Ko "\n*** incompatible structure" else
 		let fl1 = List.map (fun (_,(te,_)) -> te) fl1
 		and fl2 = List.map (fun (_,(te,_)) -> te) fl2 in
 		  List.fold_left2 unify_do_acc Equal fl1 fl2
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ let (f : type_eff_ext list -> type_eff_ext list -> t) =
 	  | t, Any 
 	  | Any, t -> 
 	      if contains t Any || contains t Overload then 
-		Ko((teff2str t1) ^ " and " ^ (teff2str t2) ^ 
+		Ko(("\n*** " ^ teff2str t1) ^ " and " ^ (teff2str t2) ^ 
 		     " are not unifiable (there is a cycle)") 
 		Unif t
@@ -64,18 +64,18 @@ let (f : type_eff_ext list -> type_eff_ext list -> t) =
 	  | t, Overload 
 	  | Overload, t -> 
 	      if contains t Any || contains t Overload then 
-		Ko((teff2str t1) ^ " and " ^ (teff2str t2) ^ 
+		Ko("\n*** " ^ (teff2str t1) ^ " and " ^ (teff2str t2) ^ 
 		     " are not unifiable (there is a cycle)") 
 	      else if is_overloadable t then 
 		Unif t 
-		Ko((teff2str t) ^ " should be an integer or a real")
+		Ko("\n*** " ^ (teff2str t) ^ " should be an integer or a real")
 	  | _ -> 
-	      Ko((teff2str t1) ^ " and " ^ (teff2str t2) ^
+	      Ko("\n*** " ^ (teff2str t1) ^ " and " ^ (teff2str t2) ^
 		   " are not unifiable")
-  and (unify_do_acc: t -> type_eff_ext -> type_eff_ext -> t) =
+  and (unify_do_acc: t -> type_eff -> type_eff -> t) =
     fun acc te1 te2 -> 
       match acc, unify_type_eff te1 te2 with
 	| Equal, Equal -> Equal
@@ -84,40 +84,41 @@ let (f : type_eff_ext list -> type_eff_ext list -> t) =
 	| Unif t, Equal
 	| Equal, Unif t -> Unif t
 	| Unif t1, Unif t2 -> if t1 = t2 then acc else 
-	    Ko((teff2str t1) ^ " and " ^ (teff2str t2) ^
+	    Ko("\n*** " ^ (teff2str t1) ^ " and " ^ (teff2str t2) ^
 		 " are not unifiable")
-    List.fold_left2 unify_do_acc Equal
+    assert (List.length l1 = List.length l2);
+    List.fold_left2 unify_do_acc Equal l1 l2
 (* exported *)
-let rec (subst_type_ext : type_eff_ext -> type_eff_ext -> type_eff_ext) =
+let rec (subst_type : type_eff -> type_eff -> type_eff) =
   fun t teff_ext -> match teff_ext with
       (* substitutes [t] in [teff_ext] *)
-    | Bool_type_eff_ext -> Bool_type_eff_ext
-    | Int_type_eff_ext -> Int_type_eff_ext
-    | Real_type_eff_ext -> Real_type_eff_ext
-    | External_type_eff_ext l -> External_type_eff_ext l
-    | Enum_type_eff_ext(l,el) ->  Enum_type_eff_ext(l,el)
-    | Array_type_eff_ext(teff_ext,i) -> 
-	Array_type_eff_ext(subst_type_ext t teff_ext, i)
-    | Struct_type_eff_ext(l, fl) -> 
-	Struct_type_eff_ext(
-	  l, List.map (fun (id,(teff,copt)) -> (id,(subst_type_ext t teff,copt))) fl)
+    | Bool_type_eff -> Bool_type_eff
+    | Int_type_eff -> Int_type_eff
+    | Real_type_eff -> Real_type_eff
+    | External_type_eff l -> External_type_eff l
+    | Enum_type_eff(l,el) ->  Enum_type_eff(l,el)
+    | Array_type_eff(teff_ext,i) -> 
+	Array_type_eff(subst_type t teff_ext, i)
+    | Struct_type_eff(l, fl) -> 
+	Struct_type_eff(
+	  l, List.map (fun (id,(teff,copt)) -> (id,(subst_type t teff,copt))) fl)
     | Any 
     | Overload -> t
 (* Some unit tests *)
-let i = Int_type_eff_ext
-let r = Real_type_eff_ext
-let b = Bool_type_eff_ext
-let e = External_type_eff_ext (Ident.long_of_string "Toto::t")
+let i = Int_type_eff
+let r = Real_type_eff
+let b = Bool_type_eff
+let e = External_type_eff (Ident.long_of_string "Toto::t")
 let o = Overload
 let a = Any
-let array t c = Array_type_eff_ext(t,c)
-let struc t = Struct_type_eff_ext ((Ident.long_of_string "T::t"), 
+let array t c = Array_type_eff(t,c)
+let struc t = Struct_type_eff ((Ident.long_of_string "T::t"), 
 				   [(Ident.of_string "x"),(t,None)])
 let unify_failed = function Ko(_) -> true | _  -> false
@@ -130,10 +131,10 @@ let to_string = function
 let proposition1 t1 t2 =
   (* two lists of type are unifiable iff there exists a substitution
-     that makes them equal. Hence, if [f] and [subst_type_ext] are
+     that makes them equal. Hence, if [f] and [subst_type] are
      correct, the following function should always return true *)
   match f t1 t2 with
-    | Unif t -> List.map (subst_type_ext t) t1 = List.map (subst_type_ext t) t2
+    | Unif t -> List.map (subst_type t) t1 = List.map (subst_type t) t2
     | _ -> true
 (* Since i don't know how to prove proposition1, I generate some random tests *)
@@ -176,8 +177,8 @@ let unit_test () =
     let (tl1, tl2) = gen_unifiable_typeff_of_size (1+ Random.int 10) in
       print_string (
 	" ==> try Unify.proposition1 with lists " ^ 
-	  (CompiledDataDump.type_eff_ext_list_to_string tl1) ^ " and " ^ 
-	  (CompiledDataDump.type_eff_ext_list_to_string tl2) ^ "\n");
+	  (CompiledDataDump.type_eff_list_to_string tl1) ^ " and " ^ 
+	  (CompiledDataDump.type_eff_list_to_string tl2) ^ "\n");
       assert (proposition1 tl1 tl2)
diff --git a/src/unify.mli b/src/unify.mli
index f88b4b879badd82f864a474e60fcb6b4e3ab9d02..7cd2e5c3ca04b88841e4e7fc8111faf9e82a8e4d 100644
--- a/src/unify.mli
+++ b/src/unify.mli
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(** Time-stamp: <modified the 28/05/2008 (at 14:16) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(** Time-stamp: <modified the 09/06/2008 (at 10:06) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 (** This unify function is quite specific. It can only unify 2 lists
     of types with at most one type variable (Any or Overload).
@@ -15,14 +15,14 @@
 type t = 
   | Equal
-  | Unif of CompiledData.type_eff_ext
+  | Unif of CompiledData.type_eff
   | Ko of string (* a msg explaining why the unification failed *)
-val f : CompiledData.type_eff_ext list -> CompiledData.type_eff_ext list -> t
+val f : CompiledData.type_eff list -> CompiledData.type_eff list -> t
-(** [subst_type_ext t1 t2 substitutes [t1] in [t2] *)
-val subst_type_ext : 
-  CompiledData.type_eff_ext -> CompiledData.type_eff_ext -> CompiledData.type_eff_ext
+(** [subst_type t1 t2 substitutes [t1] in [t2] *)
+val subst_type : 
+  CompiledData.type_eff -> CompiledData.type_eff -> CompiledData.type_eff