FIDLE - Formation Introduction au Deep Learning =============================================== --- S. Arias, E. Maldonado, JL. Parouty - CNRS/SARI/DEVLOG - 2020 ## 0/ SSH et accès aux machines de calcul Gricad Fichier config à créer sous $HOME/.ssh ``` ForwardAgent yes Host *.ciment User votre_login ProxyCommand ssh -q "nc -w 60 `basename %h .cime nt` %p" LocalForward 8888 f-dahu:numerodeport_particulier ``` ## 1/ Environment To run this examples, you need an environment with the following packages : - Python 3.6 - numpy - Tensorflow 2.0 - scikit-image - scikit-learn - Matplotlib - seaborn - pyplot You can install such a predefined environment : ``` conda env create -f environment.yml ``` To manage conda environment see [there]( ## 4/ Misc To update an existing environment : ``` conda env update --name=deeplearning2 --file=environment.yml ```