 "cells": [
   "cell_type": "markdown",
   "metadata": {},
   "source": [
    "<img width=\"800px\" src=\"../fidle/img/00-Fidle-header-01.svg\"></img>\n",
    "# <!-- TITLE --> [IMDB2] - Text embedding with IMDB - Reloaded\n",
    "<!-- DESC --> Example of reusing a previously saved model\n",
    "<!-- AUTHOR : Jean-Luc Parouty (CNRS/SIMaP) -->\n",
    "## Objectives :\n",
    " - The objective is to guess whether film reviews are **positive or negative** based on the analysis of the text. \n",
    " - For this, we will use our **previously saved model**.\n",
    "Original dataset can be find **[there](http://ai.stanford.edu/~amaas/data/sentiment/)**  \n",
    "Note that [IMDb.com](https://imdb.com) offers several easy-to-use [datasets](https://www.imdb.com/interfaces/)  \n",
    "For simplicity's sake, we'll use the dataset directly [embedded in Keras](https://www.tensorflow.org/api_docs/python/tf/keras/datasets)\n",
    "## What we're going to do :\n",
    " - Preparing the data\n",
    " - Retrieve our saved model\n",
    " - Evaluate the result\n"
   "cell_type": "markdown",
   "metadata": {},
   "source": [
    "## Step 1 - Init python stuff"
   "cell_type": "code",
   "execution_count": 1,
   "metadata": {},
   "outputs": [
     "data": {
      "text/html": [
       "div.warn {    \n",
       "    background-color: #fcf2f2;\n",
       "    border-color: #dFb5b4;\n",
       "    border-left: 5px solid #dfb5b4;\n",
       "    padding: 0.5em;\n",
       "    font-weight: bold;\n",
       "    font-size: 1.1em;;\n",
       "    }\n",
       "div.nota {    \n",
       "    background-color: #DAFFDE;\n",
       "    border-left: 5px solid #92CC99;\n",
       "    padding: 0.5em;\n",
       "    }\n",
      "text/plain": [
       "<IPython.core.display.HTML object>"
     "metadata": {},
     "output_type": "display_data"
     "name": "stdout",
     "output_type": "stream",
     "text": [
      "FIDLE 2020 - Practical Work Module\n",
      "Version              : 0.2.9\n",
      "Run time             : Wednesday 19 February 2020, 22:08:28\n",
      "TensorFlow version   : 2.0.0\n",
      "Keras version        : 2.2.4-tf\n"
   "source": [
    "import numpy as np\n",
    "import tensorflow as tf\n",
    "import tensorflow.keras as keras\n",
    "import tensorflow.keras.datasets.imdb as imdb\n",
    "import matplotlib.pyplot as plt\n",
    "import matplotlib\n",
    "import seaborn as sns\n",
    "import pandas as pd\n",
    "import os,sys,h5py,json,re\n",
    "from importlib import reload\n",
    "import fidle.pwk as ooo\n",
   "cell_type": "markdown",
   "metadata": {},
   "source": [
    "## Step 2 : Preparing the data\n",
    "### 2.1 - Our reviews :"
   "cell_type": "code",
   "execution_count": 10,
   "metadata": {},
   "outputs": [],
   "source": [
    "reviews = [ \"This film is particularly nice, a must see.\",\n",
    "             \"Some films are great classics and cannot be ignored.\",\n",
    "             \"This movie is just abominable and doesn't deserve to be seen!\"]"
   "cell_type": "markdown",
   "metadata": {},
   "source": [
    "### 2.2 - Retrieve dictionaries"
   "cell_type": "code",
   "execution_count": 11,
   "metadata": {},
   "outputs": [],
   "source": [
    "with open('./data/word_index.json', 'r') as fp:\n",
    "    word_index = json.load(fp)\n",
    "    index_word = {index:word for word,index in word_index.items()} "
   "cell_type": "markdown",
   "metadata": {},
   "source": [
    "### 2.3 - Clean, index and padd"
   "cell_type": "code",
   "execution_count": 12,
   "metadata": {},
   "outputs": [],
   "source": [
    "max_len    = 256\n",
    "vocab_size = 10000\n",
    "nb_reviews = len(reviews)\n",
    "x_data     = []\n",
    "# ---- For all reviews\n",
    "for review in reviews:\n",
    "    # ---- First index must be <start>\n",
    "    index_review=[1]\n",
    "    # ---- For all words\n",
    "    for w in review.split(' '):\n",
    "        # ---- Clean it\n",
    "        w_clean = re.sub(r\"[^a-zA-Z0-9]\", \"\", w)\n",
    "        # ---- Not empty ?\n",
    "        if len(w_clean)>0:\n",
    "            # ---- Get the index\n",
    "            w_index = word_index.get(w,2)\n",
    "            if w_index>vocab_size : w_index=2\n",
    "            # ---- Add the index if < vocab_size\n",
    "            index_review.append(w_index)\n",
    "    # ---- Add the indexed review\n",
    "    x_data.append(index_review)    \n",
    "# ---- Padding\n",
    "x_data = keras.preprocessing.sequence.pad_sequences(x_data, value   = 0, padding = 'post', maxlen  = max_len)"
   "cell_type": "markdown",
   "metadata": {},
   "source": [
    "### 2.4 - Have a look"
   "cell_type": "code",
   "execution_count": 13,
   "metadata": {},
   "outputs": [
     "name": "stdout",
     "output_type": "stream",
     "text": [
      "Text review      : This film is particularly nice, a must see.\n",
      "x_train[0]       : [1, 2, 22, 9, 572, 2, 6, 215, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] (...)\n",
      "Translation      : <start> <unknown> film is particularly <unknown> a must <unknown> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> (...)\n",
      "Text review      : Some films are great classics and cannot be ignored.\n",
      "x_train[1]       : [1, 2, 108, 26, 87, 2239, 5, 566, 30, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] (...)\n",
      "Translation      : <start> <unknown> films are great classics and cannot be <unknown> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> (...)\n",
      "Text review      : This movie is just abominable and doesn't deserve to be seen!\n",
      "x_train[2]       : [1, 2, 20, 9, 43, 2, 5, 152, 1833, 8, 30, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] (...)\n",
      "Translation      : <start> <unknown> movie is just <unknown> and doesn't deserve to be <unknown> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> (...)\n"
   "source": [
    "def translate(x):\n",
    "    return ' '.join( [index_word.get(i,'?') for i in x] )\n",
    "for i in range(nb_reviews):\n",
    "    imax=np.where(x_data[i]==0)[0][0]+5\n",
    "    print(f'\\nText review      :',    reviews[i])\n",
    "    print(  f'x_train[{i:}]       :', list(x_data[i][:imax]), '(...)')\n",
    "    print(  'Translation      :', translate(x_data[i][:imax]), '(...)')"
   "cell_type": "markdown",
   "metadata": {},
   "source": [
    "## Step 2 - Bring back the model"
   "cell_type": "code",
   "execution_count": 14,
   "metadata": {},
   "outputs": [],
   "source": [
    "model = keras.models.load_model('./run/models/best_model.h5')"
   "cell_type": "markdown",
   "metadata": {},
   "source": [
    "## Step 4 - Predict"
   "cell_type": "code",
   "execution_count": 15,
   "metadata": {},
   "outputs": [],
   "source": [
    "y_pred   = model.predict(x_data)"
   "cell_type": "markdown",
   "metadata": {},
   "source": [
    "#### And the winner is :"
   "cell_type": "code",
   "execution_count": 16,
   "metadata": {},
   "outputs": [
     "name": "stdout",
     "output_type": "stream",
     "text": [
      "This film is particularly nice, a must see.                            => POSITIVE (0.54)\n",
      "Some films are great classics and cannot be ignored.                   => POSITIVE (0.61)\n",
      "This movie is just abominable and doesn't deserve to be seen!          => NEGATIVE (0.33)\n"
   "source": [
    "for i in range(nb_reviews):\n",
    "    print(f'\\n{reviews[i]:<70} =>',('NEGATIVE' if y_pred[i][0]<0.5 else 'POSITIVE'),f'({y_pred[i][0]:.2f})')"
   "cell_type": "markdown",
   "metadata": {},
   "source": [
    "<img width=\"80px\" src=\"../fidle/img/00-Fidle-logo-01.svg\"></img>"
 "metadata": {
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