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9 results
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with 843 additions and 5579 deletions
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# _____ _ _ _
# | ___(_) __| | | ___
# | |_ | |/ _` | |/ _ \
# | _| | | (_| | | __/
# |_| |_|\__,_|_|\___| Imagenet Classes
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# Formation Introduction au Deep Learning (FIDLE) - CNRS/MIAI/UGA
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# JL Parouty 2024
import os
import json
class ImagenetClassnames:
classes_file = 'ImagenetClassnames.json'
def __init__(self):
path = os.path.abspath(__file__)
dir_path = os.path.dirname(path)
with open(f'{dir_path}/{self.classes_file}') as f:
self.classes = json.load(f)
print(f'Imagenet classes loaded ({len(self.classes)} classes)')
def get(self, classes_id, top_n=2):
top_classes = [self.classes[str(i)] for i in classes_id[-top_n:]]
return top_classes
\ No newline at end of file
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# _____ _ _ _
# | ___(_) __| | | ___
# | |_ | |/ _` | |/ _ \
# | _| | | (_| | | __/
# |_| |_|\__,_|_|\___| Tensorboard callback
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# Formation Introduction au Deep Learning (FIDLE) - CNRS/MIAI/UGA
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# JL Parouty 2023
# See :
# See :
# See :
import keras
from torch.utils.tensorboard import SummaryWriter
class TensorboardCallback(keras.callbacks.Callback):
def __init__(self, log_dir=None):
Init callback
log_dir : log directory
self.writer = SummaryWriter(log_dir=log_dir)
def on_epoch_end(self, epoch, logs=None):
Record logs at epoch end
# ---- Records all metrics (very simply)
# for k,v in logs.items():
# self.writer.add_scalar(k,v, epoch)
# ---- Records and group specific metrics
epoch )
epoch )
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# _____ _ _ _
# | ___(_) __| | | ___
# | |_ | |/ _` | |/ _ \
# | _| | | (_| | | __/
# |_| |_|\__,_|_|\___| Dataset reader
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# Formation Introduction au Deep Learning (FIDLE) - CNRS/MIAI/UGA
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# JL Parouty 2023
import h5py
import os
import fidle
def read_dataset(enhanced_dir, dataset_name, scale=1):
Reads h5 dataset
filename : datasets filename
dataset_name : dataset name, without .h5
x_train,y_train, x_test,y_test data, x_meta,y_meta
# ---- Read dataset
filename = f'{enhanced_dir}/{dataset_name}.h5'
with h5py.File(filename,'r') as f:
x_train = f['x_train'][:]
y_train = f['y_train'][:]
x_test = f['x_test'][:]
y_test = f['y_test'][:]
x_meta = f['x_meta'][:]
y_meta = f['y_meta'][:]
# ---- Rescale
print('Original shape :', x_train.shape, y_train.shape)
x_train,y_train, x_test,y_test = fidle.utils.rescale_dataset(x_train,y_train,x_test,y_test, scale=scale)
print('Rescaled shape :', x_train.shape, y_train.shape)
# ---- Shuffle
# ---- done
duration = chrono.get_delay()
size = fidle.utils.hsize(os.path.getsize(filename))
print(f'\nDataset "{dataset_name}" is loaded and shuffled. ({size} in {duration})')
return x_train,y_train, x_test,y_test, x_meta,y_meta
print('Module my_loader loaded.')
\ No newline at end of file
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# _____ _ _ _
# | ___(_) __| | | ___
# | |_ | |/ _` | |/ _ \
# | _| | | (_| | | __/
# |_| |_|\__,_|_|\___| Some nice models
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# Formation Introduction au Deep Learning (FIDLE) - CNRS/MIAI/UGA
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# JL Parouty 2023
import keras
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# -- A simple model, for 24x24 or 48x48 images --
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
def get_model_01(lx,ly,lz):
model = keras.models.Sequential()
model.add( keras.layers.Input((lx,ly,lz)) )
model.add( keras.layers.Conv2D(96, (3,3), activation='relu' ))
model.add( keras.layers.MaxPooling2D((2, 2)))
model.add( keras.layers.Dropout(0.2))
model.add( keras.layers.Conv2D(192, (3, 3), activation='relu'))
model.add( keras.layers.MaxPooling2D((2, 2)))
model.add( keras.layers.Dropout(0.2))
model.add( keras.layers.Flatten())
model.add( keras.layers.Dense(1500, activation='relu'))
model.add( keras.layers.Dropout(0.5))
model.add( keras.layers.Dense(43, activation='softmax'))
return model
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# -- A more sophisticated model, for 48x48 images --
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
def get_model_02(lx,ly,lz):
model = keras.models.Sequential()
model.add( keras.layers.Input((lx,ly,lz)) )
model.add( keras.layers.Conv2D(32, (3,3), activation='relu'))
model.add( keras.layers.MaxPooling2D((2, 2)))
model.add( keras.layers.Dropout(0.5))
model.add( keras.layers.Conv2D(64, (3, 3), activation='relu'))
model.add( keras.layers.MaxPooling2D((2, 2)))
model.add( keras.layers.Dropout(0.5))
model.add( keras.layers.Conv2D(128, (3, 3), activation='relu'))
model.add( keras.layers.MaxPooling2D((2, 2)))
model.add( keras.layers.Dropout(0.5))
model.add( keras.layers.Conv2D(256, (3, 3), activation='relu'))
model.add( keras.layers.MaxPooling2D((2, 2)))
model.add( keras.layers.Dropout(0.5))
model.add( keras.layers.Flatten())
model.add( keras.layers.Dense(1152, activation='relu'))
model.add( keras.layers.Dropout(0.5))
model.add( keras.layers.Dense(43, activation='softmax'))
return model
def get_model(name, lx,ly,lz):
Return a model given by name
f_name : function name to retreive model
lxly,lz : inpuy shape
if name=='model_01' : return get_model_01(lx,ly,lz)
if name=='model_02' : return get_model_01(lx,ly,lz)
print('*** Model not found : ', name)
return None
# A More fun version ;-)
def get_model2(name, lx,ly,lz):
return model
print('Module my_models loaded.')
\ No newline at end of file
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# _____ _ _ _
# | ___(_) __| | | ___
# | |_ | |/ _` | |/ _ \
# | _| | | (_| | | __/
# |_| |_|\__,_|_|\___| A small traffic sign classifier
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# Formation Introduction au Deep Learning (FIDLE) - CNRS/MIAI/UGA
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# JL Parouty 2023
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import fidle
def show_prediction( prediction, x, y, x_meta ):
# ---- A prediction is just the output layer
fidle.utils.subtitle("Output layer from model is (x100) :")
with np.printoptions(precision=2, suppress=True, linewidth=95):
# ---- Graphic visualisation
fidle.utils.subtitle("Graphically :")
plt.figure(figsize=(8,2)), prediction[0], align='center', alpha=0.5)
plt.title('Trafic Sign prediction')
# ---- Predict class
p = np.argmax(prediction)
# ---- Show result
fidle.utils.subtitle('In pictures :')
print("\nThe image : Prediction : Real stuff:")
fidle.scrawler.images([x,x_meta[p], x_meta[y]], [p,p,y], range(3), columns=3, x_size=1.5, y_size=1.5, save_as='06-prediction-images')
if p==y:
print("YEEES ! that's right!")
print("oups, that's wrong ;-(")
\ No newline at end of file
source diff could not be displayed: it is too large. Options to address this: view the blob.
source diff could not be displayed: it is too large. Options to address this: view the blob.
source diff could not be displayed: it is too large. Options to address this: view the blob.
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
<img width="800px" src="../fidle/img/00-Fidle-header-01.svg"></img>
# <!-- TITLE --> [GTS4] - CNN with GTSRB dataset - Data augmentation
<!-- DESC --> Episode 4 : Improving the results with data augmentation
<!-- AUTHOR : Jean-Luc Parouty (CNRS/SIMaP) -->
## Objectives :
- Trying to improve training by **enhancing the data**
- Using Keras' **data augmentation utilities**, finding their limits...
The German Traffic Sign Recognition Benchmark (GTSRB) is a dataset with more than 50,000 photos of road signs from about 40 classes.
The final aim is to recognise them !
Description is available there :
## What we're going to do :
- Increase and improve the training dataset
- Identify the limits of these tools
## Step 1 - Import and init
### 1.1 - Python
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow import keras
from tensorflow.keras.callbacks import TensorBoard
import numpy as np
import h5py
from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sn
import os, sys, time, random
from importlib import reload
import fidle.pwk as ooo
%% Output
FIDLE 2020 - Practical Work Module
Version : 0.4.3
Run time : Friday 28 February 2020, 14:23:29
TensorFlow version : 2.0.0
Keras version : 2.2.4-tf
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
### 1.2 - Where are we ?
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
place, dataset_dir = ooo.good_place( { 'GRICAD' : f'{os.getenv("SCRATCH_DIR","")}/PROJECTS/pr-fidle/datasets/GTSRB',
'IDRIS' : f'{os.getenv("WORK","")}/datasets/GTSRB',
'HOME' : f'{os.getenv("HOME","")}/datasets/GTSRB'} )
%% Output
Well, we should be at GRICAD !
We are going to use: /bettik/PROJECTS/pr-fidle/datasets/GTSRB
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
## Step 2 - Dataset loader
Dataset is one of the saved dataset: RGB25, RGB35, L25, L35, etc.
First of all, we're going to use a smart dataset : **set-24x24-L**
(with a GPU, it only takes 35'' compared to more than 5' with a CPU !)
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
def read_dataset(dataset_dir, name):
'''Reads h5 dataset from dataset_dir
dataset_dir : datasets dir
name : dataset name, without .h5
Returns: x_train,y_train,x_test,y_test data'''
# ---- Read dataset
with h5py.File(filename,'r') as f:
x_train = f['x_train'][:]
y_train = f['y_train'][:]
x_test = f['x_test'][:]
y_test = f['y_test'][:]
# ---- done
print('Dataset "{}" is loaded. ({:.1f} Mo)\n'.format(name,os.path.getsize(filename)/(1024*1024)))
return x_train,y_train,x_test,y_test
%% Output
CPU times: user 0 ns, sys: 0 ns, total: 0 ns
Wall time: 5.48 µs
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
## Step 3 - Models
We will now build a model and train it...
This is my model ;-)
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
# A basic model
def get_model_v1(lx,ly,lz):
model = keras.models.Sequential()
model.add( keras.layers.Conv2D(96, (3,3), activation='relu', input_shape=(lx,ly,lz)))
model.add( keras.layers.MaxPooling2D((2, 2)))
model.add( keras.layers.Dropout(0.2))
model.add( keras.layers.Conv2D(192, (3, 3), activation='relu'))
model.add( keras.layers.MaxPooling2D((2, 2)))
model.add( keras.layers.Dropout(0.2))
model.add( keras.layers.Flatten())
model.add( keras.layers.Dense(1500, activation='relu'))
model.add( keras.layers.Dropout(0.5))
model.add( keras.layers.Dense(43, activation='softmax'))
return model
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
## Step 4 - Callbacks
We prepare 2 kind callbacks : TensorBoard and Model backup
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
# ---- Callback tensorboard
log_dir = "./run/logs/tb_" + ooo.tag_now()
tensorboard_callback = tf.keras.callbacks.TensorBoard(log_dir=log_dir, histogram_freq=1)
# ---- Callback ModelCheckpoint - Save best model
save_dir = "./run/models/best-model.h5"
bestmodel_callback = tf.keras.callbacks.ModelCheckpoint(filepath=save_dir, verbose=0, monitor='accuracy', save_best_only=True)
# ---- Callback ModelCheckpoint - Save model each epochs
save_dir = "./run/models/model-{epoch:04d}.h5"
savemodel_callback = tf.keras.callbacks.ModelCheckpoint(filepath=save_dir, verbose=0)
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
## Step 5 - Load and prepare dataset
### 5.1 - Load
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
x_train,y_train,x_test,y_test = read_dataset(dataset_dir,'set-24x24-L')
%% Output
Dataset "set-24x24-L" is loaded. (228.8 Mo)
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
### 5.2 - Data augmentation
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
datagen = keras.preprocessing.image.ImageDataGenerator(featurewise_center=False,
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
## Step 6 - Train the model
**Get the shape of my data :**
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
(n,lx,ly,lz) = x_train.shape
print("Images of the dataset have this folowing shape : ",(lx,ly,lz))
%% Output
Images of the dataset have this folowing shape : (24, 24, 1)
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
**Get and compile a model, with the data shape :**
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
model = get_model_v1(lx,ly,lz)
# model.summary()
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
**Train it :**
Note : La courbe d'apprentissage est visible en temps réel avec Tensorboard :
`#tensorboard --logdir ./run/logs`
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
batch_size = 64
epochs = 10
# ---- Shuffle train data
# ---- Train
history = datagen.flow(x_train, y_train, batch_size=batch_size),
steps_per_epoch = int(x_train.shape[0]/batch_size),
validation_data=(x_test, y_test),
callbacks=[tensorboard_callback, bestmodel_callback, savemodel_callback] )'./run/models/last-model.h5')
%% Output
Train for 612 steps, validate on 12630 samples
Epoch 1/10
1/612 [..............................] - ETA: 1:57:56 - loss: 3.7702 - accuracy: 0.0156WARNING:tensorflow:Method (on_train_batch_end) is slow compared to the batch update (0.238514). Check your callbacks.
612/612 [==============================] - 15s 24ms/step - loss: 2.1205 - accuracy: 0.4047 - val_loss: 0.8360 - val_accuracy: 0.7512
Epoch 2/10
612/612 [==============================] - 12s 20ms/step - loss: 0.9110 - accuracy: 0.7209 - val_loss: 0.4255 - val_accuracy: 0.8871
Epoch 3/10
612/612 [==============================] - 12s 20ms/step - loss: 0.6064 - accuracy: 0.8142 - val_loss: 0.3533 - val_accuracy: 0.9116
Epoch 4/10
612/612 [==============================] - 12s 20ms/step - loss: 0.4648 - accuracy: 0.8560 - val_loss: 0.2755 - val_accuracy: 0.9246
Epoch 5/10
612/612 [==============================] - 12s 20ms/step - loss: 0.3765 - accuracy: 0.8824 - val_loss: 0.2727 - val_accuracy: 0.9295
Epoch 6/10
612/612 [==============================] - 13s 20ms/step - loss: 0.3227 - accuracy: 0.8989 - val_loss: 0.2075 - val_accuracy: 0.9487
Epoch 7/10
612/612 [==============================] - 12s 20ms/step - loss: 0.2795 - accuracy: 0.9126 - val_loss: 0.2256 - val_accuracy: 0.9431
Epoch 8/10
612/612 [==============================] - 12s 20ms/step - loss: 0.2508 - accuracy: 0.9205 - val_loss: 0.2228 - val_accuracy: 0.9453
Epoch 9/10
612/612 [==============================] - 12s 20ms/step - loss: 0.2268 - accuracy: 0.9282 - val_loss: 0.2177 - val_accuracy: 0.9459
Epoch 10/10
612/612 [==============================] - 12s 20ms/step - loss: 0.2088 - accuracy: 0.9358 - val_loss: 0.1811 - val_accuracy: 0.9509
CPU times: user 2min 16s, sys: 4.9 s, total: 2min 20s
Wall time: 2min 14s
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
**Evaluate it :**
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
max_val_accuracy = max(history.history["val_accuracy"])
print("Max validation accuracy is : {:.4f}".format(max_val_accuracy))
%% Output
Max validation accuracy is : 0.9509
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
score = model.evaluate(x_test, y_test, verbose=0)
print('Test loss : {:5.4f}'.format(score[0]))
print('Test accuracy : {:5.4f}'.format(score[1]))
%% Output
Test loss : 0.1811
Test accuracy : 0.9509
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
## Step 7 - History
The return of returns us the learning history
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
%% Output
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
## Step 8 - Evaluate best model
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
### 8.1 - Restore best model :
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
loaded_model = tf.keras.models.load_model('./run/models/best-model.h5')
# best_model.summary()
%% Output
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
### 8.2 - Evaluate it :
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
score = loaded_model.evaluate(x_test, y_test, verbose=0)
print('Test loss : {:5.4f}'.format(score[0]))
print('Test accuracy : {:5.4f}'.format(score[1]))
%% Output
Test loss : 0.1811
Test accuracy : 0.9509
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
**Plot confusion matrix**
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
y_pred = model.predict_classes(x_test)
conf_mat = confusion_matrix(y_test,y_pred, normalize="true", labels=range(43))
%% Output
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
<div class="todo">
What you can do:
<li>Try different datasets / models</li>
<li>Test different hyperparameters (epochs, batch size, optimization, etc.)</li>
<li>What's the best strategy? How to compare?</li>
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
<img width="80px" src="../fidle/img/00-Fidle-logo-01.svg"></img>
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
<img width="800px" src="../fidle/img/00-Fidle-header-01.svg"></img>
# <!-- TITLE --> [GTS5] - CNN with GTSRB dataset - Full convolutions
<!-- DESC --> Episode 5 : A lot of models, a lot of datasets and a lot of results.
<!-- AUTHOR : Jean-Luc Parouty (CNRS/SIMaP) -->
## Objectives :
- Try multiple solutions
- Design a generic and batch-usable code
The German Traffic Sign Recognition Benchmark (GTSRB) is a dataset with more than 50,000 photos of road signs from about 40 classes.
The final aim is to recognise them !
Description is available there :
## What we're going to do :
Our main steps:
- Try n models with n datasets
- Save a Pandas/h5 report
- Write to be run in batch mode
## Step 1 - Import
### 1.1 - Python
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow import keras
import numpy as np
import h5py
import os,time,json
import random
from IPython.display import display
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
### 1.2 - Where are we ?
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
dataset_dir = '/bettik/PROJECTS/pr-fidle/datasets/GTSRB/'
# dataset_dir = f'{os.getenv("WORK","")}/datasets/GTSRB'
# At Home
# dataset_dir = f'{os.getenv("HOME","")}/datasets/GTSRB'
print(f'We will use : dataset_dir={dataset_dir}')
%% Output
We will use : dataset_dir=/bettik/PROJECTS/pr-fidle/datasets/GTSRB
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
## Step 2 - Init and start
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
# ---- Where I am ?
now = time.strftime("%A %d %B %Y - %Hh%Mm%Ss")
here = os.getcwd()
tag_id = '{:06}'.format(random.randint(0,99999))
# ---- Who I am ?
oar_id = os.getenv("OAR_JOB_ID", "??")
slurm_id = os.getenv("SLURM_JOBID", "??")
print('\nFull Convolutions Notebook')
print(' Version : {}'.format(VERSION))
print(' Now is : {}'.format(now))
print(' OAR id : {}'.format(oar_id))
print(' SLURM id : {}'.format(slurm_id))
print(' Tag id : {}'.format(tag_id))
print(' Working directory : {}'.format(here))
print(' Dataset_dir : {}'.format(dataset_dir))
print(' TensorFlow version :',tf.__version__)
print(' Keras version :',tf.keras.__version__)
print(' for tensorboard : --logdir {}/run/logs_{}'.format(here,tag_id))
%% Output
Full Convolutions Notebook
Version : 1.6
Now is : Friday 28 February 2020 - 15h06m25s
OAR id : 5878410
SLURM id : ??
Tag id : 083052
Working directory : /home/paroutyj/fidle/GTSRB
Dataset_dir : /bettik/PROJECTS/pr-fidle/datasets/GTSRB
TensorFlow version : 2.0.0
Keras version : 2.2.4-tf
for tensorboard : --logdir /home/paroutyj/fidle/GTSRB/run/logs_083052
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
## Step 3 - Dataset loading
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
def read_dataset(dataset_dir, name):
'''Reads h5 dataset from dataset_dir
dataset_dir : datasets dir
name : dataset name, without .h5
Returns: x_train,y_train,x_test,y_test data'''
# ---- Read dataset
with h5py.File(filename,'r') as f:
x_train = f['x_train'][:]
y_train = f['y_train'][:]
x_test = f['x_test'][:]
y_test = f['y_test'][:]
# ---- done
return x_train,y_train,x_test,y_test
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
## Step 4 - Models collection
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
# A basic model
def get_model_v1(lx,ly,lz):
model = keras.models.Sequential()
model.add( keras.layers.Conv2D(96, (3,3), activation='relu', input_shape=(lx,ly,lz)))
model.add( keras.layers.MaxPooling2D((2, 2)))
model.add( keras.layers.Dropout(0.2))
model.add( keras.layers.Conv2D(192, (3, 3), activation='relu'))
model.add( keras.layers.MaxPooling2D((2, 2)))
model.add( keras.layers.Dropout(0.2))
model.add( keras.layers.Flatten())
model.add( keras.layers.Dense(1500, activation='relu'))
model.add( keras.layers.Dropout(0.5))
model.add( keras.layers.Dense(43, activation='softmax'))
return model
# A more sophisticated model
def get_model_v2(lx,ly,lz):
model = keras.models.Sequential()
model.add( keras.layers.Conv2D(64, (3, 3), padding='same', input_shape=(lx,ly,lz), activation='relu'))
model.add( keras.layers.Conv2D(64, (3, 3), activation='relu'))
model.add( keras.layers.MaxPooling2D(pool_size=(2, 2)))
model.add( keras.layers.Dropout(0.2))
model.add( keras.layers.Conv2D(128, (3, 3), padding='same', activation='relu'))
model.add( keras.layers.Conv2D(128, (3, 3), activation='relu'))
model.add( keras.layers.MaxPooling2D(pool_size=(2, 2)))
model.add( keras.layers.Dropout(0.2))
model.add( keras.layers.Conv2D(256, (3, 3), padding='same',activation='relu'))
model.add( keras.layers.Conv2D(256, (3, 3), activation='relu'))
model.add( keras.layers.MaxPooling2D(pool_size=(2, 2)))
model.add( keras.layers.Dropout(0.2))
model.add( keras.layers.Flatten())
model.add( keras.layers.Dense(512, activation='relu'))
model.add( keras.layers.Dropout(0.5))
model.add( keras.layers.Dense(43, activation='softmax'))
return model
def get_model_v3(lx,ly,lz):
model = keras.models.Sequential()
model.add(tf.keras.layers.Conv2D(32, (5, 5), padding='same', activation='relu', input_shape=(lx,ly,lz)))
model.add(tf.keras.layers.MaxPooling2D(pool_size=(2, 2)))
model.add(tf.keras.layers.Conv2D(64, (5, 5), padding='same', activation='relu'))
model.add(tf.keras.layers.Conv2D(128, (5, 5), padding='same', activation='relu'))
model.add(tf.keras.layers.MaxPooling2D(pool_size=(2, 2)))
model.add(tf.keras.layers.Dense(512, activation='relu'))
model.add(tf.keras.layers.Dense(43, activation='softmax'))
return model
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
## Step 5 - Multiple datasets, multiple models ;-)
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
def multi_run(dataset_dir, datasets, models, datagen=None,
train_size=1, test_size=1, batch_size=64, epochs=16,
verbose=0, extension_dir='last'):
Launches a dataset-model combination
dataset_dir : Directory of the datasets
datasets : List of dataset (whitout .h5)
models : List of model like { "model name":get_model(), ...}
datagen : Data generator or None (None)
train_size : % of train dataset to use. 1 mean all. (1)
test_size : % of test dataset to use. 1 mean all. (1)
batch_size : Batch size (64)
epochs : Number of epochs (16)
verbose : Verbose level (0)
extension_dir : postfix for logs and models dir (_last)
report : Report as a dict for Pandas.
# ---- Logs and models dir
os.makedirs(f'./run/logs_{extension_dir}', mode=0o750, exist_ok=True)
os.makedirs(f'./run/models_{extension_dir}', mode=0o750, exist_ok=True)
# ---- Columns of output
output['Dataset'] = []
output['Size'] = []
for m in models:
output[m+'_Accuracy'] = []
output[m+'_Duration'] = []
# ---- Let's go
for d_name in datasets:
print("\nDataset : ",d_name)
# ---- Read dataset
x_train,y_train,x_test,y_test = read_dataset(dataset_dir, d_name)
# ---- Get the shape
(n,lx,ly,lz) = x_train.shape
n_train = int( x_train.shape[0] * train_size )
n_test = int( x_test.shape[0] * test_size )
# ---- For each model
for m_name,m_function in models.items():
print(" Run model {} : ".format(m_name), end='')
# ---- get model
# ---- Compile it
model.compile(optimizer='adam', loss='sparse_categorical_crossentropy', metrics=['accuracy'])
# ---- Callbacks tensorboard
log_dir = f"./run/logs_{extension_dir}/tb_{d_name}_{m_name}"
tensorboard_callback = tf.keras.callbacks.TensorBoard(log_dir=log_dir, histogram_freq=1)
# ---- Callbacks bestmodel
save_dir = f"./run/models_{extension_dir}/model_{d_name}_{m_name}.h5"
bestmodel_callback = tf.keras.callbacks.ModelCheckpoint(filepath=save_dir, verbose=0, monitor='accuracy', save_best_only=True)
# ---- Train
start_time = time.time()
if datagen==None:
# ---- No data augmentation (datagen=None) --------------------------------------
history =[:n_train], y_train[:n_train],
batch_size = batch_size,
epochs = epochs,
verbose = verbose,
validation_data = (x_test[:n_test], y_test[:n_test]),
callbacks = [tensorboard_callback, bestmodel_callback])
# ---- Data augmentation (datagen given) ----------------------------------------
history =, y_train, batch_size=batch_size),
steps_per_epoch = int(n_train/batch_size),
epochs = epochs,
verbose = verbose,
validation_data = (x_test[:n_test], y_test[:n_test]),
callbacks = [tensorboard_callback, bestmodel_callback])
# ---- Result
end_time = time.time()
duration = end_time-start_time
accuracy = max(history.history["val_accuracy"])*100
print(f"Accuracy={accuracy:.2f} and Duration={duration:.2f}")
return output
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
## Step 6 - Run !
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
start_time = time.time()
print('\n---- Run','-'*50)
# --------- Datasets, models, and more.. -----------------------------------
# ---- For tests
# datasets = ['set-24x24-L', 'set-24x24-RGB']
# models = {'v1':get_model_v1, 'v4':get_model_v2}
# batch_size = 64
# epochs = 2
# train_size = 0.1
# test_size = 0.1
# with_datagen = False
# verbose = 0
# ---- All possibilities
# datasets = ['set-24x24-L', 'set-24x24-RGB', 'set-48x48-L', 'set-48x48-RGB', 'set-24x24-L-LHE', 'set-24x24-RGB-HE', 'set-48x48-L-LHE', 'set-48x48-RGB-HE']
# models = {'v1':get_model_v1, 'v2':get_model_v2, 'v3':get_model_v3}
# batch_size = 64
# epochs = 16
# train_size = 1
# test_size = 1
# with_datagen = False
# verbose = 0
# ---- Data augmentation
datasets = ['set-48x48-RGB']
models = {'v2':get_model_v2}
batch_size = 64
epochs = 20
train_size = 1
test_size = 1
with_datagen = True
verbose = 0
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ---- Data augmentation
if with_datagen :
datagen = keras.preprocessing.image.ImageDataGenerator(featurewise_center=False,
# ---- Run
output = multi_run(dataset_dir,
datasets, models,
train_size=train_size, test_size=test_size,
batch_size=batch_size, epochs=epochs,
# ---- Save report
report['description']='train_size={} test_size={} batch_size={} epochs={} data_aug={}'.format(train_size,test_size,batch_size,epochs,with_datagen)
with open(report_name, 'w') as file:
json.dump(report, file)
print('\nReport saved as ',report_name)
end_time = time.time()
duration = end_time-start_time
print(f'Duration : {duration:.2f} s')
%% Output
---- Run --------------------------------------------------
Dataset : set-24x24-L
Run model v1 : Accuracy=39.98 and Duration=2.23
Run model v4 : Accuracy=6.18 and Duration=2.17
Dataset : set-24x24-RGB
Run model v1 : Accuracy=53.52 and Duration=2.20
Run model v4 : Accuracy=11.80 and Duration=2.01
Report saved as ./run/report_083052.json
Duration : 10.37 s
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
## Step 7 - That's all folks..
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
print('\n{}'.format(time.strftime("%A %-d %B %Y, %H:%M:%S")))
print("The work is done.\n")
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
<img width="80px" src="../fidle/img/00-Fidle-logo-01.svg"></img>
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
<img width="800px" src="../fidle/img/00-Fidle-header-01.svg"></img>
# <!-- TITLE --> [GTS6] - CNN with GTSRB dataset - Full convolutions as a batch
<!-- DESC --> Episode 6 : Run Full convolution notebook as a batch
<!-- AUTHOR : Jean-Luc Parouty (CNRS/SIMaP) -->
## Objectives :
- Run a notebook code as a **job**
- Follow up with Tensorboard
The German Traffic Sign Recognition Benchmark (GTSRB) is a dataset with more than 50,000 photos of road signs from about 40 classes.
The final aim is to recognise them !
Description is available there :
## What we're going to do :
Our main steps:
- Run Full-convolution.ipynb as a batch :
- Notebook mode
- Script mode
- Tensorboard follow up
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
### Step 0 - Just for convenience
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
import sys
import fidle.pwk as ooo
%% Output
FIDLE 2020 - Practical Work Module
Version : 0.4.3
Run time : Friday 28 February 2020, 17:55:56
TensorFlow version : 2.0.0
Keras version : 2.2.4-tf
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
## Step 1 - Run a notebook as a batch
To run a notebook in a command line :
```jupyter nbconvert (...) --to notebook --execute <notebook>```
For example :
```jupyter nbconvert --ExecutePreprocessor.timeout=-1 --to notebook --output='./run/full_convolutions' --execute '05-Full-convolutions.ipynb'```
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
## Step 2 - Export as a script (What we're going to do this time)
To export a notebook as a script :
```jupyter nbconvert --to script <notebook>```
To run the script :
```ipython <script>```
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
# ---- This will convert a notebook to a script
jupyter nbconvert --to script --output='./run/full_convolutions_01' '05-Full-convolutions.ipynb'
%% Output
[NbConvertApp] Converting notebook 05-Full-convolutions.ipynb to script
[NbConvertApp] Writing 13061 bytes to ./run/
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
!ls -l ./run/*.py
%% Output
-rwxr-xr-x 1 paroutyj l-simap 13061 Feb 28 17:56 ./run/
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
## Step 2 - Batch submission
### 2.1 - Create batch script :
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
%%writefile "./run/"
#OAR -n Full convolutions
#OAR -t gpu
#OAR -l /nodes=1/gpudevice=1,walltime=01:00:00
#OAR --stdout full_convolutions_%jobid%.out
#OAR --stderr full_convolutions_%jobid%.err
#OAR --project fidle
#---- With cpu
# use :
# OAR -l /nodes=1/core=32,walltime=02:00:00
# and add a 2>/dev/null to ipython xxx
# ----------------------------------
# _ _ _
# | |__ __ _| |_ ___| |__
# | '_ \ / _` | __/ __| '_ \
# | |_) | (_| | || (__| | | |
# |_.__/ \__,_|\__\___|_| |_|
# Full convolutions
# ----------------------------------
# ---- Cuda Conda initialization
echo '------------------------------------------------------------'
echo "Start : $0"
echo '------------------------------------------------------------'
source /applis/environments/ dahu 10.0
source /applis/environments/
conda activate "$CONDA_ENV"
# ---- Run it...
ipython $RUN_SCRIPT
%% Output
Overwriting ./run/
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
### 2.2 - Have a look
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
chmod 755 ./run/*.sh
chmod 755 ./run/*.py
ls -l ./run/*full_convolutions*
%% Output
-rwxr-xr-x 1 paroutyj l-simap 13061 Feb 28 16:31 ./run/
-rwxr-xr-x 1 paroutyj l-simap 1015 Feb 28 16:31 ./run/
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
### 2.3 - Job submission
Have to be done on the frontal :
# hostname
# pwd
# oarsub -S ~/fidle/GTSRB/run/
[GPUNODE] Adding gpu node restriction
[ADMISSION RULE] Modify resource description with type constraints
#oarstat -u
Job id S User Duration System message
--------- - -------- ---------- ------------------------------------------------
5878410 R paroutyj 0:19:56 R=8,W=1:0:0,J=I,P=fidle,T=gpu (Karma=0.005,quota_ok)
5896266 W paroutyj 0:00:00 R=8,W=1:0:0,J=B,N=Full convolutions,P=fidle,T=gpu
# ls -l
total 8
-rw-r--r-- 1 paroutyj l-simap 0 Feb 28 15:58 full_convolutions_5896266.err
-rw-r--r-- 1 paroutyj l-simap 5703 Feb 28 15:58 full_convolutions_5896266.out
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
<div class='todo'>
Your mission if you accept it: Run our full_convolution code in batch mode.<br>
For that :
<li>Validate the full_convolution notebook on short tests</li>
<li>Submit it in batch mode for validation</li>
<li>Modify the notebook for a full run and submit it :-)</li>
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
<img width="80px" src="../fidle/img/00-Fidle-logo-01.svg"></img>
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
<img width="800px" src="../fidle/img/00-Fidle-header-01.svg"></img>
# <!-- TITLE --> [GTS7] - Full convolutions Report
<!-- DESC --> Episode 7 : Displaying the reports of the different jobs
<!-- AUTHOR : Jean-Luc Parouty (CNRS/SIMaP) -->
## Objectives :
- Compare the results of different dataset-model combinations
Les rapports (format json) sont générés par les jobs "Full convolution" [GTS5][GTS6]
## What we're going to do :
- Read json files and display results
## 1/ Python import
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
import pandas as pd
import os,glob,json
from pathlib import Path
from IPython.display import display, Markdown
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
## 2/ A nice function
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
def highlight_max(s):
is_max = (s == s.max())
return ['background-color: yellow' if v else '' for v in is_max]
def show_report(file):
# ---- Read json file
with open(file) as infile:
dict_report = json.load( infile )
output = dict_report['output']
description = dict_report['description']
# ---- about
print("\n\n\nReport : ",Path(file).stem)
print( "Desc. : ",description,'\n')
# ---- Create a pandas
report = pd.DataFrame (output)
col_accuracy = [ c for c in output.keys() if c.endswith('Accuracy')]
col_duration = [ c for c in output.keys() if c.endswith('Duration')]
# ---- Build formats
lambda_acc = lambda x : '{:.2f} %'.format(x) if (isinstance(x, float)) else '{:}'.format(x)
lambda_dur = lambda x : '{:.1f} s'.format(x) if (isinstance(x, float)) else '{:}'.format(x)
formats = {'Size':'{:.2f} Mo'}
for c in col_accuracy:
for c in col_duration:
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
## 3/ Reports display
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
for file in glob.glob("./run/*.json"):
%% Output
Report : report_028304
Desc. : train_size=1 test_size=1 batch_size=64 epochs=16 data_aug=False
Report : report_029273
Desc. : train_size=1 test_size=1 batch_size=64 epochs=16 data_aug=False
Report : report_033476
Desc. : train_size=1 test_size=1 batch_size=64 epochs=16 data_aug=False
Report : report_035478
Desc. : train_size=1 test_size=1 batch_size=64 epochs=20 data_aug=True
Report : report_049176
Desc. : train_size=1 test_size=1 batch_size=64 epochs=20 data_aug=True
Report : report_094813
Desc. : train_size=1 test_size=1 batch_size=64 epochs=20 data_aug=True
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
<img width="80px" src="../fidle/img/00-Fidle-logo-01.svg"></img>
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<img width="800px" src="../fidle/img/00-Fidle-header-01.svg"></img>
# <!-- TITLE --> [IMDB1] - Text embedding with IMDB
<!-- DESC --> A very classical example of word embedding for text classification (sentiment analysis)
<!-- AUTHOR : Jean-Luc Parouty (CNRS/SIMaP) -->
## Objectives :
- The objective is to guess whether film reviews are **positive or negative** based on the analysis of the text.
- Understand the management of **textual data** and **sentiment analysis**
Original dataset can be find **[there](**
Note that []( offers several easy-to-use [datasets](
For simplicity's sake, we'll use the dataset directly [embedded in Keras](
## What we're going to do :
- Retrieve data
- Preparing the data
- Build a model
- Train the model
- Evaluate the result
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
## Step 1 - Init python stuff
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
import tensorflow.keras as keras
import as imdb
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib
import seaborn as sns
import os,sys,h5py,json
from importlib import reload
import fidle.pwk as ooo
%% Output
FIDLE 2020 - Practical Work Module
Version : 0.4.2
Run time : Sunday 23 February 2020, 20:06:09
TensorFlow version : 2.0.0
Keras version : 2.2.4-tf
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
place, dataset_dir = ooo.good_place( { 'GRICAD' : f'{os.getenv("SCRATCH_DIR","")}/PROJECTS/pr-fidle/datasets/IMDB',
'IDRIS' : f'{os.getenv("WORK","")}/datasets/IMDB',
'HOME' : f'{os.getenv("HOME","")}/datasets/IMDB'} )
%% Output
Well, we should be at HOME !
We are going to use: /home/pjluc/datasets/IMDB
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
## Step 2 - Retrieve data
**From Keras :**
This IMDb dataset can bet get directly from [Keras datasets](
Due to their nature, textual data can be somewhat complex.
### 2.1 - Data structure :
The dataset is composed of 2 parts: **reviews** and **opinions** (positive/negative), with a **dictionary**
- dataset = (reviews, opinions)
- reviews = \[ review_0, review_1, ...\]
- review_i = [ int1, int2, ...] where int_i is the index of the word in the dictionary.
- opinions = \[ int0, int1, ...\] where int_j == 0 if opinion is negative or 1 if opinion is positive.
- dictionary = \[ mot1:int1, mot2:int2, ... ]
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
### 2.2 - Get dataset
For simplicity, we will use a pre-formatted dataset.
See :
However, Keras offers some usefull tools for formatting textual data.
See :
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
vocab_size = 10000
# ----- Retrieve x,y
(x_train, y_train), (x_test, y_test) = imdb.load_data( num_words = vocab_size,
skip_top = 0,
maxlen = None,
seed = 42,
start_char = 1,
oov_char = 2,
index_from = 3, )
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
print(" Max(x_train,x_test) : ", ooo.rmax([x_train,x_test]) )
print(" x_train : {} y_train : {}".format(x_train.shape, y_train.shape))
print(" x_test : {} y_test : {}".format(x_test.shape, y_test.shape))
print('\nReview example (x_train[12]) :\n\n',x_train[12])
%% Output
Max(x_train,x_test) : 9999
x_train : (25000,) y_train : (25000,)
x_test : (25000,) y_test : (25000,)
Review example (x_train[12]) :
[1, 14, 22, 1367, 53, 206, 159, 4, 636, 898, 74, 26, 11, 436, 363, 108, 7, 14, 432, 14, 22, 9, 1055, 34, 8599, 2, 5, 381, 3705, 4509, 14, 768, 47, 839, 25, 111, 1517, 2579, 1991, 438, 2663, 587, 4, 280, 725, 6, 58, 11, 2714, 201, 4, 206, 16, 702, 5, 5176, 19, 480, 5920, 157, 13, 64, 219, 4, 2, 11, 107, 665, 1212, 39, 4, 206, 4, 65, 410, 16, 565, 5, 24, 43, 343, 17, 5602, 8, 169, 101, 85, 206, 108, 8, 3008, 14, 25, 215, 168, 18, 6, 2579, 1991, 438, 2, 11, 129, 1609, 36, 26, 66, 290, 3303, 46, 5, 633, 115, 4363]
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
### 2.3 - Have a look for humans (optional)
When we loaded the dataset, we asked for using \<start\> as 1, \<unknown word\> as 2
So, we shifted the dataset by 3 with the parameter index_from=3
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
# ---- Retrieve dictionary {word:index}, and encode it in ascii
word_index = imdb.get_word_index()
# ---- Shift the dictionary from +3
word_index = {w:(i+3) for w,i in word_index.items()}
# ---- Add <pad>, <start> and unknown tags
word_index.update( {'<pad>':0, '<start>':1, '<unknown>':2} )
# ---- Create a reverse dictionary : {index:word}
index_word = {index:word for word,index in word_index.items()}
# ---- Add a nice function to transpose :
def dataset2text(review):
return ' '.join([index_word.get(i, '?') for i in review])
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
print('\nDictionary size : ', len(word_index))
for k in range(440,455):print(f'{k:2d} : {index_word[k]}' )
print('\nReview example (x_train[12]) :\n\n',x_train[12])
print('\nIn real words :\n\n', dataset2text(x_train[12]))
%% Output
Dictionary size : 88587
440 : hope
441 : entertaining
442 : she's
443 : mr
444 : overall
445 : evil
446 : called
447 : loved
448 : based
449 : oh
450 : several
451 : fans
452 : mother
453 : drama
454 : beginning
Review example (x_train[12]) :
[1, 14, 22, 1367, 53, 206, 159, 4, 636, 898, 74, 26, 11, 436, 363, 108, 7, 14, 432, 14, 22, 9, 1055, 34, 8599, 2, 5, 381, 3705, 4509, 14, 768, 47, 839, 25, 111, 1517, 2579, 1991, 438, 2663, 587, 4, 280, 725, 6, 58, 11, 2714, 201, 4, 206, 16, 702, 5, 5176, 19, 480, 5920, 157, 13, 64, 219, 4, 2, 11, 107, 665, 1212, 39, 4, 206, 4, 65, 410, 16, 565, 5, 24, 43, 343, 17, 5602, 8, 169, 101, 85, 206, 108, 8, 3008, 14, 25, 215, 168, 18, 6, 2579, 1991, 438, 2, 11, 129, 1609, 36, 26, 66, 290, 3303, 46, 5, 633, 115, 4363]
In real words :
<start> this film contains more action before the opening credits than are in entire hollywood films of this sort this film is produced by tsui <unknown> and stars jet li this team has brought you many worthy hong kong cinema productions including the once upon a time in china series the action was fast and furious with amazing wire work i only saw the <unknown> in two shots aside from the action the story itself was strong and not just used as filler to find any other action films to rival this you must look for a hong kong cinema <unknown> in your area they are really worth checking out and usually never disappoint
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
### 2.4 - Have a look for neurons
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
plt.figure(figsize=(12, 6))
ax=sns.distplot([len(i) for i in x_train],bins=60)
ax.set_title('Distribution of reviews by size')
plt.xlabel("Review's sizes")
ax.set_xlim(0, 1500)
%% Output
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
## Step 3 - Preprocess the data
In order to be processed by an NN, all entries must have the same length.
We chose a review length of **review_len**
We will therefore complete them with a padding (of \<pad\>\)
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
review_len = 256
x_train = keras.preprocessing.sequence.pad_sequences(x_train,
value = 0,
padding = 'post',
maxlen = review_len)
x_test = keras.preprocessing.sequence.pad_sequences(x_test,
value = 0 ,
padding = 'post',
maxlen = review_len)
print('\nReview example (x_train[12]) :\n\n',x_train[12])
print('\nIn real words :\n\n', dataset2text(x_train[12]))
%% Output
Review example (x_train[12]) :
[ 1 14 22 1367 53 206 159 4 636 898 74 26 11 436
363 108 7 14 432 14 22 9 1055 34 8599 2 5 381
3705 4509 14 768 47 839 25 111 1517 2579 1991 438 2663 587
4 280 725 6 58 11 2714 201 4 206 16 702 5 5176
19 480 5920 157 13 64 219 4 2 11 107 665 1212 39
4 206 4 65 410 16 565 5 24 43 343 17 5602 8
169 101 85 206 108 8 3008 14 25 215 168 18 6 2579
1991 438 2 11 129 1609 36 26 66 290 3303 46 5 633
115 4363 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0]
In real words :
<start> this film contains more action before the opening credits than are in entire hollywood films of this sort this film is produced by tsui <unknown> and stars jet li this team has brought you many worthy hong kong cinema productions including the once upon a time in china series the action was fast and furious with amazing wire work i only saw the <unknown> in two shots aside from the action the story itself was strong and not just used as filler to find any other action films to rival this you must look for a hong kong cinema <unknown> in your area they are really worth checking out and usually never disappoint <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad>
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
### Save dataset and dictionary (For future use)
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
# ---- To write dataset in the project place
output_dir = dataset_dir
# ---- To write h5 dataset in a test place
# For small tests only !
# output_dir = './data'
# ooo.mkdir(output_dir)
with h5py.File(f'{output_dir}/dataset_imdb.h5', 'w') as f:
f.create_dataset("x_train", data=x_train)
f.create_dataset("y_train", data=y_train)
f.create_dataset("x_test", data=x_test)
f.create_dataset("y_test", data=y_test)
with open(f'{output_dir}/word_index.json', 'w') as fp:
json.dump(word_index, fp)
with open(f'{output_dir}/index_word.json', 'w') as fp:
json.dump(index_word, fp)
%% Output
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
## Step 4 - Build the model
Few remarks :
1. We'll choose a dense vector size for the embedding output with **dense_vector_size**
2. **GlobalAveragePooling1D** do a pooling on the last dimension : (None, lx, ly) -> (None, ly)
In other words: we average the set of vectors/words of a sentence
3. L'embedding de Keras fonctionne de manière supervisée. Il s'agit d'une couche de *vocab_size* neurones vers *n_neurons* permettant de maintenir une table de vecteurs (les poids constituent les vecteurs). Cette couche ne calcule pas de sortie a la façon des couches normales, mais renvois la valeur des vecteurs. n mots => n vecteurs (ensuite empilés par le pooling)
Voir :
### 4.1 - Build
More documentation about :
- [Embedding](
- [GlobalAveragePooling1D](
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
def get_model(dense_vector_size=32):
model = keras.Sequential()
model.add(keras.layers.Embedding(input_dim = vocab_size,
output_dim = dense_vector_size,
input_length = review_len))
model.add(keras.layers.Dense(dense_vector_size, activation='relu'))
model.add(keras.layers.Dense(1, activation='sigmoid'))
model.compile(optimizer = 'adam',
loss = 'binary_crossentropy',
metrics = ['accuracy'])
return model
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
## Step 5 - Train the model
### 5.1 - Get it
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
model = get_model(32)
%% Output
Model: "sequential"
Layer (type) Output Shape Param #
embedding (Embedding) (None, 256, 32) 320000
global_average_pooling1d (Gl (None, 32) 0
dense (Dense) (None, 32) 1056
dense_1 (Dense) (None, 1) 33
Total params: 321,089
Trainable params: 321,089
Non-trainable params: 0
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
### 5.2 - Add callback
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
os.makedirs('./run/models', mode=0o750, exist_ok=True)
save_dir = "./run/models/best_model.h5"
savemodel_callback = tf.keras.callbacks.ModelCheckpoint(filepath=save_dir, verbose=0, save_best_only=True)
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
### 5.1 - Train it
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
n_epochs = 30
batch_size = 512
history =,
epochs = n_epochs,
batch_size = batch_size,
validation_data = (x_test, y_test),
verbose = 1,
callbacks = [savemodel_callback])
%% Output
Train on 25000 samples, validate on 25000 samples
Epoch 1/30
25000/25000 [==============================] - 2s 63us/sample - loss: 0.6872 - accuracy: 0.6386 - val_loss: 0.6756 - val_accuracy: 0.7404
Epoch 2/30
25000/25000 [==============================] - 1s 32us/sample - loss: 0.6445 - accuracy: 0.7591 - val_loss: 0.6068 - val_accuracy: 0.7795
Epoch 3/30
25000/25000 [==============================] - 1s 32us/sample - loss: 0.5446 - accuracy: 0.8122 - val_loss: 0.5002 - val_accuracy: 0.8214
Epoch 4/30
25000/25000 [==============================] - 1s 33us/sample - loss: 0.4322 - accuracy: 0.8539 - val_loss: 0.4097 - val_accuracy: 0.8488
Epoch 5/30
25000/25000 [==============================] - 1s 32us/sample - loss: 0.3517 - accuracy: 0.8778 - val_loss: 0.3574 - val_accuracy: 0.8615
Epoch 6/30
25000/25000 [==============================] - 1s 32us/sample - loss: 0.3012 - accuracy: 0.8926 - val_loss: 0.3281 - val_accuracy: 0.8691
Epoch 7/30
25000/25000 [==============================] - 1s 31us/sample - loss: 0.2668 - accuracy: 0.9040 - val_loss: 0.3108 - val_accuracy: 0.8737
Epoch 8/30
25000/25000 [==============================] - 1s 31us/sample - loss: 0.2420 - accuracy: 0.9116 - val_loss: 0.2996 - val_accuracy: 0.8772
Epoch 9/30
25000/25000 [==============================] - 1s 32us/sample - loss: 0.2218 - accuracy: 0.9199 - val_loss: 0.2921 - val_accuracy: 0.8796
Epoch 10/30
25000/25000 [==============================] - 1s 33us/sample - loss: 0.2048 - accuracy: 0.9266 - val_loss: 0.2890 - val_accuracy: 0.8813
Epoch 11/30
25000/25000 [==============================] - 1s 32us/sample - loss: 0.1908 - accuracy: 0.9331 - val_loss: 0.2873 - val_accuracy: 0.8828
Epoch 12/30
25000/25000 [==============================] - 1s 32us/sample - loss: 0.1790 - accuracy: 0.9368 - val_loss: 0.2868 - val_accuracy: 0.8825
Epoch 13/30
25000/25000 [==============================] - 1s 31us/sample - loss: 0.1672 - accuracy: 0.9419 - val_loss: 0.2887 - val_accuracy: 0.8831
Epoch 14/30
25000/25000 [==============================] - 1s 32us/sample - loss: 0.1582 - accuracy: 0.9466 - val_loss: 0.2973 - val_accuracy: 0.8790
Epoch 15/30
25000/25000 [==============================] - 1s 30us/sample - loss: 0.1494 - accuracy: 0.9498 - val_loss: 0.2953 - val_accuracy: 0.8822
Epoch 16/30
25000/25000 [==============================] - 1s 33us/sample - loss: 0.1408 - accuracy: 0.9532 - val_loss: 0.3004 - val_accuracy: 0.8817
Epoch 17/30
25000/25000 [==============================] - 1s 32us/sample - loss: 0.1335 - accuracy: 0.9554 - val_loss: 0.3063 - val_accuracy: 0.8803
Epoch 18/30
25000/25000 [==============================] - 1s 32us/sample - loss: 0.1267 - accuracy: 0.9589 - val_loss: 0.3131 - val_accuracy: 0.8778
Epoch 19/30
25000/25000 [==============================] - 1s 32us/sample - loss: 0.1210 - accuracy: 0.9609 - val_loss: 0.3205 - val_accuracy: 0.8760
Epoch 20/30
25000/25000 [==============================] - 1s 33us/sample - loss: 0.1145 - accuracy: 0.9638 - val_loss: 0.3283 - val_accuracy: 0.8743
Epoch 21/30
25000/25000 [==============================] - 1s 32us/sample - loss: 0.1085 - accuracy: 0.9670 - val_loss: 0.3345 - val_accuracy: 0.8751
Epoch 22/30
25000/25000 [==============================] - 1s 32us/sample - loss: 0.1033 - accuracy: 0.9691 - val_loss: 0.3436 - val_accuracy: 0.8738
Epoch 23/30
25000/25000 [==============================] - 1s 31us/sample - loss: 0.0992 - accuracy: 0.9704 - val_loss: 0.3523 - val_accuracy: 0.8721
Epoch 24/30
25000/25000 [==============================] - 1s 32us/sample - loss: 0.0940 - accuracy: 0.9733 - val_loss: 0.3613 - val_accuracy: 0.8707
Epoch 25/30
25000/25000 [==============================] - 1s 31us/sample - loss: 0.0892 - accuracy: 0.9746 - val_loss: 0.3775 - val_accuracy: 0.8659
Epoch 26/30
25000/25000 [==============================] - 1s 31us/sample - loss: 0.0852 - accuracy: 0.9766 - val_loss: 0.3809 - val_accuracy: 0.8687
Epoch 27/30
25000/25000 [==============================] - 1s 32us/sample - loss: 0.0814 - accuracy: 0.9776 - val_loss: 0.3921 - val_accuracy: 0.8666
Epoch 28/30
25000/25000 [==============================] - 1s 31us/sample - loss: 0.0776 - accuracy: 0.9794 - val_loss: 0.4015 - val_accuracy: 0.8657
Epoch 29/30
25000/25000 [==============================] - 1s 32us/sample - loss: 0.0733 - accuracy: 0.9810 - val_loss: 0.4121 - val_accuracy: 0.8642
Epoch 30/30
25000/25000 [==============================] - 1s 31us/sample - loss: 0.0704 - accuracy: 0.9823 - val_loss: 0.4246 - val_accuracy: 0.8627
CPU times: user 1min 30s, sys: 4.75 s, total: 1min 35s
Wall time: 24.7 s
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
## Step 6 - Evaluate
### 6.1 - Training history
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
%% Output
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
### 6.2 - Reload and evaluate best model
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
model = keras.models.load_model('./run/models/best_model.h5')
# ---- Evaluate
score = model.evaluate(x_test, y_test, verbose=0)
print('x_test / loss : {:5.4f}'.format(score[0]))
print('x_test / accuracy : {:5.4f}'.format(score[1]))
values=[score[1], 1-score[1]]
ooo.plot_donut(values,["Accuracy","Errors"], title="#### Accuracy donut is :")
# ---- Confusion matrix
y_pred = model.predict_classes(x_test)
# ooo.display_confusion_matrix(y_test,y_pred,labels=range(2),color='orange',font_size='20pt')
%% Output
x_test / loss : 0.2868
x_test / accuracy : 0.8825
#### Accuracy donut is :
#### Confusion matrix is :
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# <!-- TITLE --> [PER57] - Perceptron Model 1957
<!-- DESC --> A simple perceptron, with the IRIS dataset.
<!-- AUTHOR : Jean-Luc Parouty (CNRS/SIMaP) -->
## Objectives :
- Implement a historical linear classifier with a historical dataset !
- The objective is to predict the type of Iris from the size of the leaves.
- Identifying its limitations
The [IRIS dataset]( is probably one of the oldest datasets, dating back to 1936 .
## What we're going to do :
- Retrieve the dataset, via scikit learn
- training and classifying
## Step 1 - Import and init
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
import numpy as np
from sklearn.datasets import load_iris
from sklearn.linear_model import Perceptron
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib
import os,sys
import fidle.pwk as ooo
%% Output
FIDLE 2020 - Practical Work Module
Version : 0.4.0
Run time : Saturday 22 February 2020, 21:46:23
TensorFlow version : 2.0.0
Keras version : 2.2.4-tf
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
## Step 2 - IRIS Data Recovery
Retrieve a dataset :
About the datesets :
Data fields (X) :
- 0 : sepal length in cm
- 1 : sepal width in cm
- 2 : petal length in cm
- 3 : petal width in cm
Class (y) :
- 0 : class 0=Iris-Setosa, 1=Iris-Versicolour, 2=Iris-Virginica
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
X0,y0 = load_iris(return_X_y=True)
X = X0[:, (2,3)] # We only keep fields 2 and 3
y = y0.copy()
y[ y0==0 ] = 1 # 1 = Iris setosa
y[ y0>=1 ] = 0 # 0 = not iris setosa
print('Examples :')
print('Length Width Iris Setosa (0/1)')
print(' x1 x2 y')
for i in range(45,55):
print(f" {X[i][0]:3.1f} {X[i][0]:3.1f} {y[i]}")
print(f'\nX shape : {X.shape}')
print(f'y shape : {y.shape}')
%% Output
Examples :
Length Width Iris Setosa (0/1)
x1 x2 y
1.4 1.4 1
1.6 1.6 1
1.4 1.4 1
1.5 1.5 1
1.4 1.4 1
4.7 4.7 0
4.5 4.5 0
4.9 4.9 0
4.0 4.0 0
4.6 4.6 0
X shape : (150, 2)
y shape : (150,)
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
## Step 3 - Get a perceptron
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
pct = Perceptron(max_iter=100, random_state=82, tol=0.01), y)
%% Output
Perceptron(alpha=0.0001, class_weight=None, early_stopping=False, eta0=1.0,
fit_intercept=True, max_iter=100, n_iter_no_change=5, n_jobs=None,
penalty=None, random_state=82, shuffle=True, tol=0.01,
validation_fraction=0.1, verbose=0, warm_start=False)
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
## Step 4 - Prédictions
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
X_pred = np.array( [ [2.0, 0.5], [5.0, 1.5] ] )
y_pred = pct.predict(X_pred)
for i,x in enumerate(X_pred):
print(f'Petal : length={x[0]}, width={x[0]} => is setosa : {y_pred[i]}')
%% Output
Petal : length=2.0, width=2.0 => is setosa : 1
Petal : length=5.0, width=5.0 => is setosa : 0
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
## Step 5 - Visualisation
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
a = -pct.coef_[0][0] / pct.coef_[0][1]
b = -pct.intercept_ / pct.coef_[0][1]
fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 1)
axs.plot(X[y==1, 0], X[y==1, 1], "o", label="Iris-Setosa")
axs.plot(X[y==0, 0], X[y==0, 1], "o", label="Autres")
axs.plot([box[0], box[1]], [a*box[0]+b, a*box[1]+b], "k--", linewidth=2)
axs.set_xlabel("Petal length (cm)", labelpad=15) #, fontsize=14)
axs.set_ylabel("Petal width (cm)", labelpad=15) #, fontsize=14)
axs.legend(loc="lower right", fontsize=14)
%% Output
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
<img width="80px" src="../fidle/img/00-Fidle-logo-01.svg"></img>
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
<img width="800px" src="../fidle/img/00-Fidle-header-01.svg"></img>
<img width="800px" src="../fidle/img/header.svg"></img>
# <!-- TITLE --> [LINR1] - Linear regression with direct resolution
<!-- DESC --> Direct determination of linear regression
<!-- DESC --> Low-level implementation, using numpy, of a direct resolution for a linear regression
<!-- AUTHOR : Jean-Luc Parouty (CNRS/SIMaP) -->
## Objectives :
- Just one, the illustration of a direct resolution :-)
## What we're going to do :
Equation : $ Y = X.\theta + N$
Equation : $$Y = X.\theta + N$$
Where N is a noise vector
and $\theta = (a,b)$ a vector as y = a.x + b
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
## Step 1 - Import and init
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
import numpy as np
import math
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import sys
import fidle
import fidle.pwk as ooo
# Init Fidle environment
run_id, run_dir, datasets_dir = fidle.init('LINR1')
%% Output
FIDLE 2020 - Practical Work Module
Version : 0.4.0
Run time : Saturday 22 February 2020, 15:41:32
TensorFlow version : 2.0.0
Keras version : 2.2.4-tf
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
## Step 2 - Retrieve a set of points
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
# ---- Paramètres
nb = 100 # Nombre de points
xmin = 0 # Distribution / x
xmax = 10
a = 4 # Distribution / y
b = 2 # y= a.x + b (+ bruit)
noise = 7 # bruit
theta = np.array([[a],[b]])
# ---- Vecteur X (1,x) x nb
# la premiere colonne est a 1 afin que X.theta <=> 1.b + x.a
Xc1 = np.ones((nb,1))
Xc2 = np.random.uniform(xmin,xmax,(nb,1))
X = np.c_[ Xc1, Xc2 ]
# ---- Noise
# N = np.random.uniform(-noise,noise,(nb,1))
N = noise * np.random.normal(0,1,(nb,1))
# ---- Vecteur Y
Y = (X @ theta) + N
# print("X:\n",X,"\nY:\n ",Y)
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
### Show it
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
width = 12
height = 6
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.plot(X[:,1], Y, ".")
ax.tick_params(axis='both', which='both', bottom=False, left=False, labelbottom=False, labelleft=False)
ax.set_xlabel('x axis')
ax.set_ylabel('y axis')
%% Output
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
## Step 3 - Direct calculation of the normal equation
We'll try to find an optimal value of $\theta$, minimizing a cost function.
The cost function, classically used in the case of linear regressions, is the **root mean square error** (racine carré de l'erreur quadratique moyenne):
With the simplified variant : $MSE(X,h_\theta)=\frac1n\sum_{i=1}^n\left[h_\theta(X^{(i)})-Y^{(i)}\right]^2$
With the simplified variant : $$MSE(X,h_\theta)=\frac1n\sum_{i=1}^n\left[h_\theta(X^{(i)})-Y^{(i)}\right]^2$$
The optimal value of regression is : $ \hat{ \theta } =( X^{-T} .X)^{-1}.X^{-T}.Y$
The optimal value of regression is : $$\hat{ \theta } =( X^{T} .X)^{-1}.X^{T}.Y$$
Démontstration :
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
theta_hat = np.linalg.inv(X.T @ X) @ X.T @ Y
print("Theta :\n",theta,"\n\ntheta hat :\n",theta_hat)
%% Output
Theta :
theta hat :
[1.6787656 ]]
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
### Show it
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
Xd = np.array([[1,xmin], [1,xmax]])
Yd = Xd @ theta_hat
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.plot(X[:,1], Y, ".")
ax.plot(Xd[:,1], Yd, "-")
ax.tick_params(axis='both', which='both', bottom=False, left=False, labelbottom=False, labelleft=False)
ax.set_xlabel('x axis')
ax.set_ylabel('y axis')
%% Output
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
<img width="80px" src="../fidle/img/00-Fidle-logo-01.svg"></img>
<img width="80px" src="../fidle/img/logo-paysage.svg"></img>
source diff could not be displayed: it is too large. Options to address this: view the blob.
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# <!-- TITLE --> [POLR1] - Complexity Syndrome
<!-- DESC --> Illustration of the problem of complexity with the polynomial regression
<!-- AUTHOR : Jean-Luc Parouty (CNRS/SIMaP) -->
## Objectives :
- Visualizing and understanding under and overfitting
## What we're going to do :
We are looking for a polynomial function to approximate the observed series :
$ y = a_n\cdot x^n + \dots + a_i\cdot x^i + \dots + a_1\cdot x + b $
## Step 1 - Import and init
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
import numpy as np
import math
import random
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import sys
import fidle
import fidle.pwk as ooo
# Init Fidle environment
run_id, run_dir, datasets_dir = fidle.init('POLR1')
%% Output
FIDLE 2020 - Practical Work Module
Version : 0.4.0
Run time : Saturday 22 February 2020, 15:45:15
TensorFlow version : 2.0.0
Keras version : 2.2.4-tf
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
## Step 2 - Preparation of learning data :
## Step 2 - Dataset generation
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
# ---- Parameters
n = 100
xob_min = -5
xob_max = 5
deg = 7
a_min = -2
a_max = 2
noise = 2000
# ---- Train data
# X,Y : data
# X_norm,Y_norm : normalized data
X = np.random.uniform(xob_min,xob_max,(n,1))
# N = np.random.uniform(-noise,noise,(n,1))
N = noise * np.random.normal(0,1,(n,1))
a = np.random.uniform(a_min,a_max, (deg,))
fy = np.poly1d( a )
Y = fy(X) + N
# ---- Data normalization
X_norm = (X - X.mean(axis=0)) / X.std(axis=0)
Y_norm = (Y - Y.mean(axis=0)) / Y.std(axis=0)
# ---- Data visualization
width = 12
height = 6
nb_viz = min(2000,n)
def vector_infos(name,V):
print("{:8} : mean={:+12.4f} std={:+12.4f} min={:+12.4f} max={:+12.4f}".format(name,m,s,V.min(),V.max()))
print("Nombre de points : {} a={} deg={} bruit={}".format(n,a,deg,noise))
fidle.utils.display_md('#### Generator :')
print(f"Nomber of points={n} deg={deg} bruit={noise}")
ooo.display_md('#### Before normalization :')
print("\nDonnées d'aprentissage brute :")
print("({} points visibles sur {})".format(nb_viz,n))
fidle.utils.display_md('#### Datasets :')
print(f"{nb_viz} points visibles sur {n})")
plt.figure(figsize=(width, height))
plt.plot(X[:nb_viz], Y[:nb_viz], '.')
plt.tick_params(axis='both', which='both', bottom=False, left=False, labelbottom=False, labelleft=False)
plt.xlabel('x axis')
plt.ylabel('y axis')
fidle.utils.display_md('#### Before normalization :')
ooo.display_md('#### After normalization :')
print("\nDonnées d'aprentissage normalisées :")
print("({} points visibles sur {})".format(nb_viz,n))
plt.figure(figsize=(width, height))
plt.plot(X_norm[:nb_viz], Y_norm[:nb_viz], '.')
plt.tick_params(axis='both', which='both', bottom=False, left=False, labelbottom=False, labelleft=False)
plt.xlabel('x axis')
plt.ylabel('y axis')
fidle.utils.display_md('#### After normalization :')
%% Output
Nombre de points : 100 a=[-0.87167753 1.76610157 -1.5797434 0.77278901 -1.03581256 1.20870761
1.12549131] deg=7 bruit=2000
#### Before normalization :
Données d'aprentissage brute :
(100 points visibles sur 100)
X : mean= +0.4444 std= +2.8560 min= -4.8506 max= +4.9948
Y : mean= -1918.5970 std= +4018.7742 min= -15663.0729 max= +7697.5273
#### After normalization :
Données d'aprentissage normalisées :
(100 points visibles sur 100)
X_norm : mean= -0.0000 std= +1.0000 min= -1.8540 max= +1.5933
Y_norm : mean= -0.0000 std= +1.0000 min= -3.4201 max= +2.3928
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
## Step 3 - Polynomial regression with NumPy
### 3.1 - Underfitting
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
def draw_reg(X_norm, Y_norm, x_hat,fy_hat, size):
def draw_reg(X_norm, Y_norm, x_hat,fy_hat, size, save_as):
plt.plot(X_norm, Y_norm, '.')
x_hat = np.linspace(X_norm.min(), X_norm.max(), 100)
plt.plot(x_hat, fy_hat(x_hat))
plt.tick_params(axis='both', which='both', bottom=False, left=False, labelbottom=False, labelleft=False)
plt.xlabel('x axis')
plt.ylabel('y axis')
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
a_hat = np.polyfit(X_norm.reshape(-1,), Y_norm.reshape(-1,), reg_deg)
fy_hat = np.poly1d( a_hat )
print("Nombre de degrés : {} a_hat={}".format(reg_deg, a_hat))
draw_reg(X_norm[:nb_viz],Y_norm[:nb_viz], X_norm,fy_hat, (width,height))
print(f'Nombre de degrés : {reg_deg}')
draw_reg(X_norm[:nb_viz],Y_norm[:nb_viz], X_norm,fy_hat, (width,height), save_as='02-underfitting')
%% Output
Nombre de degrés : 1 a_hat=[-2.90278334e-02 -6.29052465e-17]
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
### 3.2 - Good fitting
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
a_hat = np.polyfit(X_norm.reshape(-1,), Y_norm.reshape(-1,), reg_deg)
fy_hat = np.poly1d( a_hat )
print("Nombre de degrés : {} a_hat={}".format(reg_deg, a_hat))
draw_reg(X_norm[:nb_viz],Y_norm[:nb_viz], X_norm,fy_hat, (width,height))
print(f'Nombre de degrés : {reg_deg}')
draw_reg(X_norm[:nb_viz],Y_norm[:nb_viz], X_norm,fy_hat, (width,height), save_as='03-good_fitting')
%% Output
Nombre de degrés : 5 a_hat=[-0.00633816 -0.55313883 -0.12623462 0.67829195 0.12629161 0.36691953]
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
### 3.3 - Overfitting
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
a_hat = np.polyfit(X_norm.reshape(-1,), Y_norm.reshape(-1,), reg_deg)
fy_hat = np.poly1d( a_hat )
print("Nombre de degrés : {} a_hat={}".format(reg_deg, a_hat))
draw_reg(X_norm[:nb_viz],Y_norm[:nb_viz], X_norm,fy_hat, (width,height))
print(f'Nombre de degrés : {reg_deg}')
draw_reg(X_norm[:nb_viz],Y_norm[:nb_viz], X_norm,fy_hat, (width,height), save_as='04-over_fitting')
%% Output
Nombre de degrés : 24 a_hat=[-2.12316577e+00 -6.91597507e+00 2.77684272e+01 1.03893090e+02
-1.50202123e+02 -6.79701345e+02 4.21895164e+02 2.53839748e+03
-5.95294613e+02 -5.96004033e+03 1.53557264e+02 9.13691399e+03
8.49288955e+02 -9.20441697e+03 -1.46513846e+03 5.98771133e+03
1.14599636e+03 -2.40885163e+03 -4.79737229e+02 5.50768446e+02
1.03516653e+02 -5.93457926e+01 -9.83903899e+00 1.62330659e+00
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
<img width="80px" src="../fidle/img/00-Fidle-logo-01.svg"></img>
<img width="80px" src="../fidle/img/logo-paysage.svg"></img>
source diff could not be displayed: it is too large. Options to address this: view the blob.
......@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
import numpy as np
import math
import random
import datetime, time
import datetime, time, sys
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
......@@ -23,14 +23,14 @@ from IPython.display import display,Markdown,HTML
class RegressionCooker():
__version__ = '0.1'
fidle = None
version = '0.1'
def __init__(self, mplstyle='../fidle/mplstyles/custom.mplstyle'):
print('\nFIDLE 2020 - Regression Cooker')
print('Version :', self.__version__)
print('Run time : {}'.format(time.strftime("%A %-d %B %Y, %H:%M:%S")))
if mplstyle is not None:
def __init__(self, fidle):
self.fidle = fidle
fidle.utils.subtitle('FIDLE 2020 - Regression Cooker')
print('Version :', self.version)
print('Run time : {}'.format(time.strftime("%A %d %B %Y, %H:%M:%S")))
......@@ -99,6 +99,7 @@ class RegressionCooker():
print(f"X shape : {X.shape} Y shape : {Y.shape} plot : {nb_viz} points")
plt.figure(figsize=(width, height))
plt.plot(X[:nb_viz], Y[:nb_viz], '.')
......@@ -111,7 +112,9 @@ class RegressionCooker():
if i<0:
print( " #i Loss Gradient Theta")
print(" {:3d} {:+7.3f} {:+7.3f} {:+7.3f} {:+7.3f} {:+7.3f}".format(i,loss,gradient.item(0),gradient.item(1),theta.item(0),theta.item(1)))
print(" {:3d} {:+7.3f} {:+7.3f} {:+7.3f} {:+7.3f} {:+7.3f}".format(i,loss,gradient.item(0),
def __plot_XY(self, X,Y,width=12,height=6):
......@@ -184,10 +187,13 @@ class RegressionCooker():
# ---- Visualization
display(Markdown(f'**Visualization :** '))
self.fidle.utils.subtitle('Visualization :')
display(Markdown(f'**Loss :** '))
self.fidle.utils.subtitle('Loss :')
return theta
......@@ -257,13 +263,17 @@ class RegressionCooker():
# draw_theta(epoch,mse,gradients, theta,0.1+epoch/(n_epochs+1))
# draw_theta(epoch,mse,gradients,theta,1)
# ---- Visualization
display(Markdown(f'**Visualization :** '))
self.fidle.utils.subtitle('Visualization :')
display(Markdown(f'**Loss :** '))
self.fidle.utils.subtitle('Loss :')
return theta
\ No newline at end of file
return theta
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
<img width="800px" src="../fidle/img/header.svg"></img>
# <!-- TITLE --> [K3MNIST1] - Simple classification with DNN
<!-- DESC --> An example of classification using a dense neural network for the famous MNIST dataset
<!-- AUTHOR : Jean-Luc Parouty (CNRS/SIMaP) -->
## Objectives :
- Recognizing handwritten numbers
- Understanding the principle of a classifier DNN network
- Implementation with Keras
The [MNIST dataset]( (Modified National Institute of Standards and Technology) is a must for Deep Learning.
It consists of 60,000 small images of handwritten numbers for learning and 10,000 for testing.
## What we're going to do :
- Retrieve data
- Preparing the data
- Create a model
- Train the model
- Evaluate the result
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
## Step 1 - Init python stuff
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
import os
os.environ['KERAS_BACKEND'] = 'torch'
import keras
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import sys,os
from importlib import reload
# Init Fidle environment
import fidle
run_id, run_dir, datasets_dir = fidle.init('K3MNIST1')
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
Verbosity during training : 0 = silent, 1 = progress bar, 2 = one line per epoch
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
fit_verbosity = 1
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
Override parameters (batch mode) - Just forget this cell
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
## Step 2 - Retrieve data
MNIST is one of the most famous historic dataset.
Include in [Keras datasets](
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
(x_train, y_train), (x_test, y_test) = keras.datasets.mnist.load_data()
print("x_train : ",x_train.shape)
print("y_train : ",y_train.shape)
print("x_test : ",x_test.shape)
print("y_test : ",y_test.shape)
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
## Step 3 - Preparing the data
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
print('Before normalization : Min={}, max={}'.format(x_train.min(),x_train.max()))
x_train = x_train / xmax
x_test = x_test / xmax
print('After normalization : Min={}, max={}'.format(x_train.min(),x_train.max()))
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
### Have a look
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
fidle.scrawler.images(x_train, y_train, [27], x_size=5,y_size=5, colorbar=True, save_as='01-one-digit')
fidle.scrawler.images(x_train, y_train, range(5,41), columns=12, save_as='02-many-digits')
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
## Step 4 - Create model
About informations about :
- [Optimizer](
- [Activation](
- [Loss](
- [Metrics](
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
hidden1 = 100
hidden2 = 100
model = keras.Sequential([
keras.layers.Dense( hidden1, activation='relu'),
keras.layers.Dense( hidden2, activation='relu'),
keras.layers.Dense( 10, activation='softmax')
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
## Step 5 - Train the model
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
batch_size = 512
epochs = 16
history = x_train, y_train,
batch_size = batch_size,
epochs = epochs,
verbose = fit_verbosity,
validation_data = (x_test, y_test))
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
## Step 6 - Evaluate
### 6.1 - Final loss and accuracy
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
score = model.evaluate(x_test, y_test, verbose=0)
print('Test loss :', score[0])
print('Test accuracy :', score[1])
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
### 6.2 - Plot history
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
fidle.scrawler.history(history, figsize=(6,4), save_as='03-history')
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
### 6.3 - Plot results
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
#y_pred = model.predict_classes(x_test) Deprecated after 01/01/2021 !!
y_sigmoid = model.predict(x_test, verbose=fit_verbosity)
y_pred = np.argmax(y_sigmoid, axis=-1)
fidle.scrawler.images(x_test, y_test, range(0,200), columns=12, x_size=1, y_size=1, y_pred=y_pred, save_as='04-predictions')
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
### 6.4 - Plot some errors
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
errors=[ i for i in range(len(x_test)) if y_pred[i]!=y_test[i] ]
fidle.scrawler.images(x_test, y_test, errors[:15], columns=6, x_size=2, y_size=2, y_pred=y_pred, save_as='05-some-errors')
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
fidle.scrawler.confusion_matrix(y_test,y_pred,range(10),normalize=True, save_as='06-confusion-matrix')
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
<div class="todo">
A few things you can do for fun:
<li>Changing the network architecture (layers, number of neurons, etc.)</li>
<li>Display a summary of the network</li>
<li>Retrieve and display the softmax output of the network, to evaluate its "doubts".</li>
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
<img width="80px" src="../fidle/img/logo-paysage.svg"></img>