From dc13e7356278830edb353fdcb1501bffa3eb28da Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?Franck=20P=C3=A9rignon?= <>
Date: Fri, 6 Sep 2013 09:47:27 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Update differential_operations and stretching (fix bug +
 optimizations) - Add GlobalTests (test functionnalities, perf ...)

---                               |  18 +
 Examples/                     |  31 +-
 Examples/                            |   2 +-
 Examples/                 |   3 +-
 HySoP/CMake/ParmesTests.cmake                 |   2 +-
 HySoP/CMakeLists.txt                          |   2 +
 HySoP/Global_tests/README                     |   3 +
 .../            | 305 ++++++++++++
 HySoP/hysop/                    |   2 +-
 HySoP/hysop/                      |  10 +-
 HySoP/hysop/                     | 249 ----------
 HySoP/hysop/f2py/fftw2py.f90                  |   2 +-
 HySoP/hysop/f2py/scales2py.f90                |   2 +-
 HySoP/hysop/fields/                |   9 +-
 HySoP/hysop/numerics/              |  11 +
 .../hysop/numerics/ | 436 ++++++++++++++----
 HySoP/hysop/numerics/    |  32 +-
 HySoP/hysop/numerics/integrators/ |   4 +-
 .../numerics/integrators/      |  10 +-
 HySoP/hysop/operator/discrete/   |  80 ++--
 HySoP/hysop/operator/      |   2 +-
 HySoP/hysop/problem/                |   8 +-
 HySoP/                             |   1 +
 HySoP/src/fftw/fft3d.f90                      |   8 +-
 24 files changed, 836 insertions(+), 396 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 HySoP/Global_tests/README
 create mode 100644 HySoP/Global_tests/
 delete mode 100644 HySoP/hysop/

diff --git a/ b/
index 88e097722..12a50935d 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -19,5 +19,23 @@ This file provides a list of coding rules for Parmes, parmepy that MUST be appli
 * Python
 ** Naming conventions
+*** constants must be uppercased
+** abstract class model : domain/
+** use distutils ( ...)
+   see
+* Test and examples
+  Three directories :
+** test in Parmes => unitary tests 
+** benchmarcks => performances (where????) included in unitary tests???
+** examples => "real physical cases" for users
+Arch : 
+/Examples/Name/ : and other utilities
+/Examples/Name/Description : all tex, pdf ... files with a proper description of the pb, the model, the parameters ...
 ** use distutils ( ...)
diff --git a/Examples/ b/Examples/
index 0879aaf45..18169eb87 100755
--- a/Examples/
+++ b/Examples/
@@ -1,6 +1,12 @@
-#import sys
+Taylor Green 3D : see paper van Rees 2011.
+All parameters are set and defined in python module dataTG.
 import parmepy as pp
 from parmepy.f2py import fftw2py
 import numpy as np
@@ -17,7 +23,7 @@ from parmepy.operator.monitors.printer import Printer
 from parmepy.operator.monitors.energy_enstrophy import Energy_enstrophy
 from dataTG import dim, nb, NBGHOSTS, ADVECTION_METHOD, VISCOSITY, \
-from parmepy.constants import debug, GRADUW, CONSERVATIVE
+from parmepy.constants import CONSERVATIVE
 ## ----------- A 3d problem -----------
@@ -31,6 +37,7 @@ box = pp.Box(dim, length=[2.0 * pi, 2.0 * pi, 2.0 * pi])
 ## Global resolution
 nbElem = [nb] * dim
 ## Function to compute TG velocity
 def computeVel(x, y, z):
     vx = m.sin(x) * m.cos(y) * m.cos(z)
@@ -38,6 +45,7 @@ def computeVel(x, y, z):
     vz = 0.
     return vx, vy, vz
 ## Function to compute reference vorticity
 def computeVort(x, y, z):
     wx = - m.cos(x) * m.sin(y) * m.sin(z)
@@ -52,6 +60,13 @@ vorti = Field(domain=box, formula=computeVort,
               name='Vorticity', isVector=True)
 ## Usual Cartesian topology definition
+# At the moment we use two (or three?) topologies :
+# - "topo" for Stretching and all operators based on finite differences.
+#    --> ghost layer = 2
+# - topo from Advection operator for all the other operators.
+#    --> no ghost layer
+# - topo from fftw for Poisson and Diffusion.
+# Todo : check compat between scales and fft operators topologies.
 ghosts = np.ones((box.dimension)) * NBGHOSTS
 topo = Cartesian(box, box.dimension, nbElem,
@@ -66,7 +81,7 @@ advec = Advection(velo, vorti,
 stretch = Stretching(velo, vorti,
                      resolutions={velo: nbElem,
                                   vorti: nbElem},
-                     formulation=GRADUW,
+                     formulation=CONSERVATIVE,
@@ -93,8 +108,13 @@ printer = Printer(fields=[velo, vorti],
+# Bridges between the different topologies in order to
+# redistribute data.
+# 1 -Advection to stretching
 distrAdvStr = Redistribute([vorti, velo], advec, stretch)
+# 2 - Stretching to Poisson/Diffusion
 distrStrPoiss = Redistribute([vorti, velo], stretch, poisson)
+# 3 - Poisson to Energy (maybe useless??)
 distrPoissEnergy = Redistribute([vorti, velo], poisson, energy)
 ## Define the problem to solve
@@ -105,7 +125,8 @@ pb = NSProblem(operators=[advec, distrAdvStr, stretch, distrStrPoiss,
 ## Setting solver to Problem
-print 'all topologies', box.topologies
+for topo in box.topologies.values():
+    print topo
 ## Solve problem
diff --git a/Examples/ b/Examples/
index 353cd1441..4c725456f 100644
--- a/Examples/
+++ b/Examples/
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 # problem dimension
 dim = 3
 # resolution
-nb = 129
+nb = 65
 # number of ghosts in usual cartesian topo
 # Advection method
diff --git a/Examples/ b/Examples/
index b0b453db6..8118cb3e8 100644
--- a/Examples/
+++ b/Examples/
@@ -17,7 +17,6 @@ sin = np.sin
 cos = np.cos
 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
 from parmepy.constants import MPI
-import copy
 # Grid resolution for tests
 nb = 5
@@ -646,4 +645,4 @@ print "\n====================== 1D ======================\n"
 print "\n====================== 2D ======================\n"
 optim =  WITH_GUESS
-test_2D_0(RK4, ode.RK4, optim)
+test_2D_0(RK3, ode.RK3, optim)
diff --git a/HySoP/CMake/ParmesTests.cmake b/HySoP/CMake/ParmesTests.cmake
index 87d3f8874..bbe0ce7e5 100644
--- a/HySoP/CMake/ParmesTests.cmake
+++ b/HySoP/CMake/ParmesTests.cmake
@@ -7,9 +7,9 @@ set(py_src_dirs
+  numerics
-  numerics
diff --git a/HySoP/CMakeLists.txt b/HySoP/CMakeLists.txt
index 045fd87e2..71635c0a1 100644
--- a/HySoP/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/HySoP/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ option(DEBUG "Enable debug mode for Parmes (0:disabled, 1:verbose, 2:trace, 3:ve
 option(FULL_TEST "Enable all test options (pep8 ...) - Default = OFF" OFF)
 option(PROFILE "Enable profiling mode for Parmes. 0:disabled, 1: enabled. Default = 0" 0)
 option(USER_INSTALL "Set install location to python default (equivalent to --user option in python setup). Default = ON" ON)
+option(OPTIM "To allow python -OO run, some packages must be deactivated. Set this option to 'ON' to do so. Default = OFF" OFF)
   message(WARNING "You deactivate libparmes (fortran) generation. This will disable fftw and scales fonctionnalities.")
   set(WITH_FFTW "OFF")
@@ -250,6 +251,7 @@ if(VERBOSE_MODE)
   message(STATUS " Project will be built in build/${${PROJECT_NAME}_PYTHON_BUILD_DIR}.")
   message(STATUS " Python packages will be installed in ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}")
   message(STATUS " ${PROJECT_NAME} debug mode : ${DEBUG}")
+  message(STATUS " Enable -OO run? : ${OPTIM}")
   message(STATUS "====================== ======= ======================")
   message(STATUS " ")
   message(STATUS "Try :")
diff --git a/HySoP/Global_tests/README b/HySoP/Global_tests/README
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..20dd663df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HySoP/Global_tests/README
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+This directory contains py files used to test global functionnalities (a specific operator, a method ...)
+and to check performances and memory usage.
diff --git a/HySoP/Global_tests/ b/HySoP/Global_tests/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f104f5512
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HySoP/Global_tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,305 @@
+Test memory and performances for finite differences operations.
+import parmepy as pp
+import as npw
+import math as m
+from parmepy.fields.continuous import Field
+from parmepy.mpi.topology import Cartesian
+from parmepy.operator.stretching import Stretching
+## ----------- A 3d problem -----------
+print " ========= Start Finite Differences tests ========="
+dim = 3
+pi = m.pi
+sin = m.sin
+cos = m.cos
+## Domain
+box = pp.Box(dim, length=[2.0 * pi, 2.0 * pi, 2.0 * pi])
+## Global resolution
+nb = 65
+nbElem = [nb] * dim
+## Function to compute velocity
+def computeVel(x, y, z):
+    vx = sin(x) * cos(y) * cos(z)
+    vy = - cos(x) * sin(y) * cos(z)
+    vz = 0.
+    return vx, vy, vz
+## Function to compute vorticity
+def computeVort(x, y, z):
+    wx = - cos(x) * sin(y) * sin(z)
+    wy = - sin(x) * cos(y) * sin(z)
+    wz = 2. * sin(x) * sin(y) * cos(z)
+    return wx, wy, wz
+## Fields
+velo = Field(domain=box, formula=computeVel,
+             name='Velocity', isVector=True)
+vorti = Field(domain=box, formula=computeVort,
+              name='VorticityC', isVector=True)
+## A topology with ghosts
+ghosts = npw.ones((box.dimension)) * NBGHOSTS
+topo = Cartesian(box, box.dimension, nbElem,
+                 ghosts=ghosts)
+## local coordinates
+coords = topo.mesh.coords
+## Fields discretization
+## alias to discrete fields components
+w = vorti.discreteFields.values()[0].data
+v = velo.discreteFields.values()[0].data
+from parmepy.mpi import MPI
+from parmepy.numerics.finite_differences import FD_C_4
+## FD scheme creation and init
+fd_scheme = FD_C_4((topo.mesh.space_step))
+import numpy as np
+#### Timings for finite differences schemes
+iter = 10
+# Allocation of work vector to store results
+result = npw.zeros_like(w[0])
+## Add raw_input to check memory with htop
+print 'press any key to start tests'
+########### Test 1 : finite diff. direct call ###########
+#### First method #####
+print 'start ...'
+time = MPI.Wtime()
+for i in xrange(iter):
+    fd_scheme.compute(w[0], 0, result)
+print 'FD compute method time ', MPI.Wtime() - time
+print 'start ... '
+#### Second method #####
+time = MPI.Wtime()
+for i in xrange(iter):
+    fd_scheme.compute_and_add(w[0], 0, result)
+print 'FD compute_and_add method time ', MPI.Wtime() - time
+del result
+iter = 1
+# Res : first method is faster and cost less in memory
+########### Test 2 : 'FD, with accumulation of the result ###########
+result = [npw.zeros_like(w[0]) for i in xrange(2)]
+## fd results are accumulated into result[0]
+print 'start'
+#### First method ####
+## Needs at least two workspaces and one is used for the final result.
+time = MPI.Wtime()
+for i in xrange(iter):
+    #for cdir in xrange(3):
+    fd_scheme.compute(w[0], 0, result[0])
+    fd_scheme.compute(w[1], 0, result[1])
+    np.add(result[0], result[1], result[0])
+    fd_scheme.compute(w[2], 0, result[1])
+    np.add(result[0], result[1], result[0])
+print 'Accumulate/FD Compute meth time ', MPI.Wtime() - time
+print 'start ...'
+result2 = npw.zeros_like(w[0])
+#### Second method ####
+## Needs only one workspace, used for the final result.
+time = MPI.Wtime()
+for i in xrange(iter):
+    #for cdir in xrange(3):
+    fd_scheme.compute(w[0], 0, result2)
+    fd_scheme.compute_and_add(w[1], 0, result2)
+    fd_scheme.compute_and_add(w[2], 0, result2)
+print 'Accumulate/FD Compute_and_add meth time ', MPI.Wtime() - time
+print 'Computation ok? ', np.allclose(result[0], result2)
+del result
+del result2
+# Res : first method is faster and cost less in memory
+########### Test 3 : 'real' case
+#            corresponding more or less to divV computation ###########
+# Needs an intermediate workspace to compute w.v
+print 'start ...'
+work = [npw.zeros_like(w[0]) for i in xrange(3)]
+## fd results are accumulated into result[0]
+#### First method ####
+## Needs at least three workspaces and one is used for the final result.
+time = MPI.Wtime()
+for i in xrange(iter):
+    #for cdir in xrange(3):
+    work[2][...] = v[0] * w[0]
+    fd_scheme.compute(work[2], 0, work[0])
+    work[2][...] = v[0] * w[1]
+    fd_scheme.compute(work[2], 0, work[1])
+    np.add(work[0], work[1], work[0])
+    work[2][...] = v[0] * w[2]
+    fd_scheme.compute(work[2], 0, work[1])
+    np.add(work[0], work[1], work[0])
+print 'Div/FD Compute meth time ', MPI.Wtime() - time
+time = MPI.Wtime()
+for i in xrange(iter):
+    #for cdir in xrange(3):
+    work[2][...] = v[0] * w[0]
+    fd_scheme.compute(work[2], 0, work[0])
+    work[2][...] = v[0] * w[1]
+    fd_scheme.compute(work[2], 0, work[1])
+    work[0][...] += work[1]
+    work[2][...] = v[0] * w[2]
+    fd_scheme.compute(work[2], 0, work[1])
+    work[0][...] += work[1]
+print 'Div/FD Compute meth time (bis) ', MPI.Wtime() - time
+#### Second method ####
+## Needs only two workspace, used for the final result.
+print 'start ...'
+work2 = [npw.zeros_like(w[0]) for i in xrange(2)]
+print 'pre id ...', id(work2[1])
+time = MPI.Wtime()
+for i in xrange(iter):
+    #for cdir in xrange(3):
+    work2[1][...] = v[0] * w[0]
+    print 'post id ...', id(work2[1])
+    fd_scheme.compute(work2[1], 0, work2[0])
+    work2[1][...] = v[0] * w[1]
+    fd_scheme.compute_and_add(work2[1], 0, work2[0])
+    work2[1][...] = v[0] * w[2]
+    fd_scheme.compute_and_add(work2[1], 0, work2[0])
+print 'Div/FD Compute_and_add meth time ', MPI.Wtime() - time
+print 'Computation ok? ', np.allclose(work[0], work2[0])
+del work
+del work2
+# Res : first method is faster and cost less in memory
+# (but it's almost the same)
+########### Test 4 : 'real' case
+#            corresponding more or less to divT computation ###########
+# Needs an intermediate workspace to compute w.v
+print 'start ...'
+work = [npw.zeros_like(w[0]) for i in xrange(5)]
+## fd results are accumulated into work[0:2]
+#### First method ####
+## Needs at least five workspaces and three are used for the final result.
+# work[i] = divV(w vi)
+time = MPI.Wtime()
+for i in xrange(iter):
+    # Compute first component of divT ...
+    work[2] = v[0] * w[0]
+    fd_scheme.compute(work[2], 0, work[0])
+    work[2] = v[0] * w[1]
+    fd_scheme.compute(work[2], 0, work[1])
+    np.add(work[0], work[1], work[0])
+    work[2] = v[0] * w[2]
+    fd_scheme.compute(work[2], 0, work[1])
+    np.add(work[0], work[1], work[0])
+    # Second component ... work[0] can not be used anymore
+    work[3] = v[0] * w[0]
+    fd_scheme.compute(work[3], 0, work[1])
+    work[3] = v[0] * w[1]
+    fd_scheme.compute(work[3], 0, work[2])
+    np.add(work[1], work[2], work[1])
+    work[3] = v[0] * w[2]
+    fd_scheme.compute(work[3], 0, work[2])
+    np.add(work[1], work[2], work[1])
+    # Last component ... work[0] and work[1] can not be used anymore
+    work[4] = v[0] * w[0]
+    fd_scheme.compute(work[4], 0, work[2])
+    work[4] = v[0] * w[1]
+    fd_scheme.compute(work[4], 0, work[3])
+    np.add(work[2], work[3], work[2])
+    work[4] = v[0] * w[2]
+    fd_scheme.compute(work[4], 0, work[3])
+    np.add(work[2], work[3], work[2])
+print 'DivT/FD Compute meth time ', MPI.Wtime() - time
+#### Second method ####
+## Needs only 4 workspaces, used for the final result.
+print 'start ...'
+work2 = [npw.zeros_like(w[0]) for i in xrange(4)]
+time = MPI.Wtime()
+for i in xrange(iter):
+    # Compute first component of divT ...
+    work2[3] = v[0] * w[0]
+    fd_scheme.compute(work2[3], 0, work2[0])
+    work2[3] = v[0] * w[1]
+    fd_scheme.compute_and_add(work2[3], 0, work2[0])
+    work2[3] = v[0] * w[2]
+    fd_scheme.compute_and_add(work2[3], 0, work2[0])
+    # Second component ... work2[0] can not be used anymore
+    work2[3] = v[0] * w[0]
+    fd_scheme.compute(work2[3], 0, work2[1])
+    work2[3] = v[0] * w[1]
+    fd_scheme.compute_and_add(work2[3], 0, work2[1])
+    work2[3] = v[0] * w[2]
+    fd_scheme.compute_and_add(work2[3], 0, work2[1])
+    # Last component ... work2[0] and work2[1] can not be used anymore
+    work2[3] = v[0] * w[0]
+    fd_scheme.compute(work2[3], 0, work2[2])
+    work2[3] = v[0] * w[1]
+    fd_scheme.compute_and_add(work2[3], 0, work2[2])
+    work2[3] = v[0] * w[2]
+    fd_scheme.compute_and_add(work2[3], 0, work2[2])
+print 'DivT/FD Compute_and_add meth time ', MPI.Wtime() - time
+ind = topo.mesh.iCompute
+for i in xrange(3):
+    print 'Computation ok? ', np.allclose(work[i][ind], work2[i][ind])
+# Res : first method is faster and cost less in memory
+# (but it's almost the same)
+## Conclusion (if res > 200 **)-> it seems that first method, although it needs
+# more initial workspaces, is always faster and cheaper
+# concerning memory (because of hidden tmp alloc)
+# BUT for smaller resolutions, second method may be more efficient ...
diff --git a/HySoP/hysop/ b/HySoP/hysop/
index 7be56d3b0..f680e04c9 100755
--- a/HySoP/hysop/
+++ b/HySoP/hysop/
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ __SCALES_ENABLED__ = "@WITH_SCALES@" is "ON"
 __VERBOSE__ = "@DEBUG@" in ["1", "3"]
 __DEBUG__ = "@DEBUG@" in ["2", "3"]
 __PROFILE__= "@PROFILE@" in ["0", "1"]
+__OPTIMIZE__= "@OPTIM@" is "ON"
 # MPI
 if __MPI_ENABLED__:
     #import parmepy.mpi as mpi
diff --git a/HySoP/hysop/ b/HySoP/hysop/
index 6c9187446..3bd0f80c5 100644
--- a/HySoP/hysop/
+++ b/HySoP/hysop/
@@ -3,10 +3,18 @@
 Constant parameters required for the parmepy package (internal use).
-from parmepy import __DEBUG__, __PROFILE__
+from parmepy import __DEBUG__, __PROFILE__, __OPTIMIZE__
 import numpy as np
 import math
 from parmepy.mpi import MPI
+# Utilities for serialization
+if __OPTIMIZE__:
+    import cPickle
+    parmesPickle = cPickle
+    from scitools.NumPyDB import NumPyDB_cPickle
+    parmesPickle = NumPyDB_cPickle
 PI = math.pi
 # Set default type for real and integer numbers
diff --git a/HySoP/hysop/ b/HySoP/hysop/
deleted file mode 100644
index b19591b10..000000000
--- a/HySoP/hysop/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,249 +0,0 @@
-Program which take a input data file, and make
-the variable
-#import parmepy.constants import debug
-from parmepy.constants import np
-class DataLoader(object):
-    """
-    Take a data file which containt all variables of the simulation.
-    and he test and load the variable into the dataloader class.
-    """
-#    @debug
-    def __new__(cls, *args, **kw):
-        return object.__new__(cls, *args, **kw)
-#    @debug
-    def __init__(self, filename='input.dat'):
-        """
-        the initialization will be ignore the line with '#' caracter
-        @param filename: name of data file.
-        """
-        self.filename = filename
-        self.varlist = []
-        filestream = open(filename, 'r')
-        print '=============Load=============='
-        count = 0
-        for line in filestream:
-            if line[0] == '#' or line.find('=') < 1:
-                pass
-            else:
-                decoup = line.split('=', 1)
-                loadok = self.loadvar(decoup)
-                if loadok:
-                    count = count + 1
-        filestream.close()
-        self.numvarload = count
-    def loadvar(self, descriptvar):
-        if str(descriptvar[0]).find('Origin X') >=0:
-            self.Ox = np.float64(descriptvar[1])
-            self.varlist.append('Ox')
-            return True
-        if descriptvar[0].find('Origin Y') >= 0:
-            self.Oy = np.float64(descriptvar[1])
-            self.varlist.append('Oy')
-            return True
-        if descriptvar[0].find('Origin Z') >= 0:
-            self.Oz = np.float64(descriptvar[1])
-            self.varlist.append('Oz')
-            return True
-        if descriptvar[0].find('Lenght X') >= 0:
-            self.Lx = np.float64(descriptvar[1])
-            self.varlist.append('Lx')
-            return True
-        if descriptvar[0].find('Lenght Y') >= 0:
-            self.Ly = np.float64(descriptvar[1])
-            self.varlist.append('Ly')
-            return True
-        if descriptvar[0].find('Lenght Z') >= 0:
-            self.Lz = np.float64(descriptvar[1])
-            self.varlist.append('Lz')
-            return True
-        if descriptvar[0].find('Resolution X') >= 0:
-            self.resX = np.float64(descriptvar[1])
-            self.varlist.append('resX')
-            return True
-        if descriptvar[0].find('Resolution Y') >= 0:
-            self.resY = np.float64(descriptvar[1])
-            self.varlist.append('resY')
-            return True
-        if descriptvar[0].find('Resolution Z') >= 0:
-            self.resZ = np.float64(descriptvar[1])
-            self.varlist.append('resZ')
-            return True
-        if descriptvar[0].find('Time Step') >= 0:
-            self.timeStep = np.float64(descriptvar[1])
-            self.varlist.append('timeStep')
-            return True
-        if descriptvar[0].find('Final Time') >= 0:
-            self.finalTime = np.float64(descriptvar[1])
-            self.varlist.append('finalTime')
-            return True
-        if descriptvar[0].find('Restart') >= 0:
-            self.restart = np.uint32(descriptvar[1])
-            self.varlist.append('restart')
-            return True
-        if descriptvar[0].find('Frequency of Saving') >= 0:
-            self.dumpfreq = np.uint32(descriptvar[1])
-            self.varlist.append('dumpfreq')
-            return True
-        if descriptvar[0].find('File to restart') >= 0:
-            self.dumpfile = descriptvar[1]
-            self.varlist.append('dumpfile')
-            return True
-        if descriptvar[0].find('Frequency of Visualisation') >= 0:
-            self.outModuloPrinter = np.uint32(descriptvar[1])
-            self.varlist.append('outModuloPrinter')
-            return True
-        if descriptvar[0].find('Output file for visualisation') >= 0:
-            self.outputPrinter = ''.join(descriptvar[1].rstrip('\n').split())
-            self.varlist.append('outputPrinter')
-            return True
-        if descriptvar[0].find('Frequency of Forces output') >= 0:
-            self.outModuloForces = np.uint32(descriptvar[1])
-            self.varlist.append('outModuloForces')
-            return True
-        if descriptvar[0].find('Output file for Forces') >= 0:
-            self.outputForces = ''.join(descriptvar[1].rstrip('\n').split())
-            self.varlist.append('outputForces')
-            return True
-        if descriptvar[0].find('Frequency of Energy output') >= 0:
-            self.outModuloEnergies = np.float64(descriptvar[1])
-            self.varlist.append('outModuloEnergies')
-            return True
-        if descriptvar[0].find('Output file for Energy') >= 0:
-            self.outputEnergies = ''.join(descriptvar[1].rstrip('\n').split())
-            self.varlist.append('outputEnergies')
-            return True
-        if descriptvar[0].find('Upstream velocity') >= 0:
-            self.uinf = np.float64(descriptvar[1])
-            self.varlist.append('uinf')
-            return True
-        if descriptvar[0].find('Density') >= 0:
-            self.rho = np.float64(descriptvar[1])
-            self.varlist.append('rho')
-            return True
-        if descriptvar[0].find('Viscosity') >= 0:
-            self.visco = np.float64(descriptvar[1])
-            self.varlist.append('visco')
-            return True
-        if descriptvar[0].find('Dens2') >= 0:
-            self.rho2 = np.float64(descriptvar[1])
-            self.varlist.append('rho2')
-            return True
-        if descriptvar[0].find('Visco2') >= 0:
-            self.visco2 = np.float64(descriptvar[1])
-            self.varlist.append('visco2')
-            return True
-        if descriptvar[0].find('Advection Method') >= 0:
-            self.methodAdv = descriptvar[1].rstrip('\n')
-            self.varlist.append('methodAdv')
-            return True
-        if descriptvar[0].find('Scalar Advec Method') >= 0:
-            self.methodAdvSc = descriptvar[1].rstrip('\n')
-            self.varlist.append('methodAdvSc')
-            return True
-        if descriptvar[0].find('Stretching Method') >= 0:
-            self.methodStretch = descriptvar[1].rstrip('\n')
-            self.varlist.append('methodStretch')
-            return True
-        if descriptvar[0].find('Stretching Property') >= 0:
-            self.propStretch = descriptvar[1].rstrip('\n')
-            self.varlist.append('propStretch')
-            return True
-        if descriptvar[0].find('Baro Method') >= 0:
-            self.methodBaro = descriptvar[1].rstrip('\n')
-            self.varlist.append('methodBaro')
-            return True
-        if descriptvar[0].find('Penalisation Method') >= 0:
-            self.methodPenal = descriptvar[1].rstrip('\n')
-            self.varlist.append('methodPenal')
-            return True
-        if descriptvar[0].find('Forces Method') >= 0:
-            self.methodForces = descriptvar[1].rstrip('\n')
-            self.varlist.append('methodForces')
-            return True
-        if descriptvar[0].find('Vorticity projection') >= 0:
-            self.vortProj = np.uint32(descriptvar[1])
-            self.varlist.append('vortProj')
-            return True
-        if descriptvar[0].find('Multi resolution') >= 0:
-            self.multires = np.uint32(descriptvar[1])
-            self.varlist.append('multires')
-            return True
-        if descriptvar[0].find('Resolution Filter X') >= 0:
-            self.resFilterX = np.uint32(descriptvar[1])
-            self.varlist.append('resFilterX')
-            return True
-        if descriptvar[0].find('Resolution Filter Y') >= 0:
-            self.resFilterY = np.uint32(descriptvar[1])
-            self.varlist.append('resFilterY')
-            return True
-        if descriptvar[0].find('Resolution Filter Z') >= 0:
-            self.resFilterZ = np.uint32(descriptvar[1])
-            self.varlist.append('resFilterZ')
-            return True
-        if descriptvar[0].find('Name of Obstacle') >= 0:
-            self.obstName = descriptvar[1].rstrip('\n')
-            self.varlist.append('obstName')
-            return True
-        if descriptvar[0].find('Lambda Fluid') >= 0:
-            self.lambdFluid = np.float64(descriptvar[1])
-            self.varlist.append('lambdFluid')
-            return True
-        if descriptvar[0].find('Lambda Porous') >= 0:
-            self.lambdPorous = np.float64(descriptvar[1])
-            self.varlist.append('lambdPorous')
-            return True
-        if descriptvar[0].find('Lambda Solid') >= 0:
-            self.lambdSolid = np.float64(descriptvar[1])
-            self.varlist.append('lambdSolid')
-            return True
-        if descriptvar[0].find('Obstacle Radius') >= 0:
-            self.obstRadius = np.float64(descriptvar[1])
-            self.varlist.append('obstRadius')
-            return True
-        if descriptvar[0].find('Obstacle origin in X') >= 0:
-            self.obstOx = np.float64(descriptvar[1])
-            self.varlist.append('obstOx')
-            return True
-        if descriptvar[0].find('Obstacle origin in Y') >= 0:
-            self.obstOy = np.float64(descriptvar[1])
-            self.varlist.append('obstOy')
-            return True
-        if descriptvar[0].find('Obstacle origin in Z') >= 0:
-            self.obstOz = np.float64(descriptvar[1])
-            self.varlist.append('obstOz')
-            return True
-        if descriptvar[0].find('Thickness of Porous layer') >= 0:
-            self.thicknPorous = np.float64(descriptvar[1])
-            self.varlist.append('thicknPorous')
-            return True
-        if descriptvar[0].find('Size of Bound in Z direction') >= 0:
-            self.thicknZ = np.float64(descriptvar[1])
-            self.varlist.append('thicknZ')
-            return True
-        print 'The variable ' + str(descriptvar[0]) + 'is unknown.' +\
-            'It\'s not load'
-        return False
-    def __str__(self):
-        """
-        Common printings for operators
-        """
-        s = str(self.filename) + " has " + str(self.numvarload) +\
-            " variables loaded, list:" +\
-            ','.join(str(x) for x in self.varlist)
-        return s + "\n"
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    print __doc__
-    print "- Provided class : problem"
-    print Problem.__doc__
diff --git a/HySoP/hysop/f2py/fftw2py.f90 b/HySoP/hysop/f2py/fftw2py.f90
index 42764aca1..abfa43c23 100755
--- a/HySoP/hysop/f2py/fftw2py.f90
+++ b/HySoP/hysop/f2py/fftw2py.f90
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ contains
     call filter_poisson_2d()
     call c2r_2d(velocity_x,velocity_y)
-    print *, "fortran resolution time : ", MPI_WTime() - start
+    //print *, "fortran resolution time : ", MPI_WTime() - start
   end subroutine solve_poisson_2d
diff --git a/HySoP/hysop/f2py/scales2py.f90 b/HySoP/hysop/f2py/scales2py.f90
index f8a09d52a..6ea913f0a 100755
--- a/HySoP/hysop/f2py/scales2py.f90
+++ b/HySoP/hysop/f2py/scales2py.f90
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ contains
     t0 = MPI_Wtime()
     call advec_step(dt,vx,vy,vz,scal)
-    print *, "inside ...", cart_rank, ":", MPI_Wtime()-t0
+    !!print *, "inside ...", cart_rank, ":", MPI_Wtime()-t0
   end subroutine solve_advection
 end module scales2py
diff --git a/HySoP/hysop/fields/ b/HySoP/hysop/fields/
index 63c76c5dc..d16902991 100644
--- a/HySoP/hysop/fields/
+++ b/HySoP/hysop/fields/
@@ -3,8 +3,7 @@
 Discrete fields (scalars or vectors) descriptions.
-from parmepy.constants import debug
-from scitools.NumPyDB import NumPyDB_cPickle
+from parmepy.constants import debug, parmesPickle
 from itertools import count
 from parmepy.mpi import main_rank
 from import Timer, timed_function
@@ -194,10 +193,10 @@ class DiscreteField(object):
         filename += str(main_rank)
         # create a new db
         if mode is None:
-            db = NumPyDB_cPickle(filename, mode='store')
+            db = parmesPickle(filename, mode='store')
         elif mode is 'append':
             # use an existing db
-            db = NumPyDB_cPickle(filename, mode='load')
+            db = parmesPickle(filename, mode='load')
         #for dim in xrange(self.dimension):
         #    idd = + '_' + str(dim)
@@ -215,7 +214,7 @@ class DiscreteField(object):
             fieldname =
         filename += '_rk_'
         filename += str(main_rank)
-        db = NumPyDB_cPickle(filename, mode='load')
+        db = cPickle(filename, mode='load')
         for dim in xrange(self.nbComponents):
   [dim] = db.load(fieldname)[0][dim]
diff --git a/HySoP/hysop/numerics/ b/HySoP/hysop/numerics/
index cc4d89e6e..eec80ccf6 100644
--- a/HySoP/hysop/numerics/
+++ b/HySoP/hysop/numerics/
@@ -4,3 +4,14 @@
 # All functions in this package are supposed to work with numpy arrays,
 # not with parmepy fields.
+# \section perfandmem About performances and optimisations
+# \subsection Finite Differences
+# Two ways :
+# - fd.compute
+# - fd.compute_and_add
diff --git a/HySoP/hysop/numerics/ b/HySoP/hysop/numerics/
index 0262b549a..3d09a110f 100755
--- a/HySoP/hysop/numerics/
+++ b/HySoP/hysop/numerics/
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ Library of functions used to perform classical vector calculus
 (diff operations like grad, curl ...)
 from parmepy.constants import debug, XDIR, YDIR, ZDIR
+import as npw
 from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
 from finite_differences import FD_C_4
 import numpy as np
@@ -61,27 +62,27 @@ class Curl(DifferentialOperation):
         #data[2][...] = 0.0
         #--  d/dy vz -- in data[XDIR]
-        self.fd_scheme.inplace(variable[ZDIR], YDIR, data[XDIR])
+        self.fd_scheme.compute(variable[ZDIR], YDIR, data[XDIR])
         # -- -d/dz vy -- in data[YDIR]
         work = data[YDIR]
-        self.fd_scheme.inplace(variable[YDIR], ZDIR, work)
+        self.fd_scheme.compute(variable[YDIR], ZDIR, work)
         # data_x = d/dy vz - d/dz vy
         data[XDIR][self.indices] -= work[self.indices]
         #--  d/dz vx -- in data[YDIR]
-        self.fd_scheme.inplace(variable[XDIR], ZDIR, data[YDIR])
+        self.fd_scheme.compute(variable[XDIR], ZDIR, data[YDIR])
         # -- -d/dx vz -- in data[ZDIR]
         work = data[ZDIR]
-        self.fd_scheme.inplace(variable[ZDIR], XDIR, work)
+        self.fd_scheme.compute(variable[ZDIR], XDIR, work)
         # data_y = d/dz vx - d/dx vz
         data[YDIR][self.indices] -= work[self.indices]
         # - d/dy vx in data[ZDIR]
-        self.fd_scheme.inplace(variable[XDIR], YDIR, data[ZDIR])
+        self.fd_scheme.compute(variable[XDIR], YDIR, data[ZDIR])
         data[ZDIR][self.indices] *= -1.
         # add d/dx vy, add to data[ZDIR]
-        self.fd_scheme.accumulate(variable[YDIR], XDIR, data[ZDIR])
+        self.fd_scheme.compute_and_add(variable[YDIR], XDIR, data[ZDIR])
         return data
@@ -90,98 +91,371 @@ class DivV(DifferentialOperation):
     Computes \f$ \nabla.(\rho V) \f$, \f$ \rho\f$ a scalar field and
     V a vector field.
+    Works for any dimension.
+    Methods :
+    1 - FD_C_4 (default) : 4th order, centered finite differences, with
+    local workspace and based on fd.compute.
+    init : func = DivV(topo, memshape=shape)
+    call : result = func(var1, scal, result)
+    2 - FD_C_4_with_work : same as above but user must provide a work space
+    during call (see DivV.FDCentral4_with_work)
+    init : func = DivV(topo, method='FD_C_4_work')
+    call : result = func(var1, scal, result, work)
+    3 - FD_C_4_CAA : 4th order, centered finite differences, with
+    local workspace and based on fd.compute_and_add.
+    init : func = DivV(topo, method='FD_C_4_CAA', memshape=shape)
+    call : result = func(var1, scal, result)
+    4 - FD_C_4_CAA_with_work :  same as above but user must provide a work
+    space during call (see DivV.FDCentral4_CAA_with_work)
+    init : func = DivV(topo, method='FD_C_4_CAA_work')
+    call : result = func(var1, scal, result, work)
+    shape is a tuple (like np.ndarray.shape), e.g. (nx,ny,nz).
+    Note FP:
+    - 1/2 are always faster than 3/4 for large systems (>200*3) and
+    less memory consumming. For smaller systems, well, it depends ...
+    with_work option is worth if you already have some temporary fields
+    available, keeping in mind that they will be overwritten during
+    DivV call.
+    - if var1 is 1D, best choice is FD_C_4_CAA (with or without work)
-    def __init__(self, topo, method=None):
-        if method is not None and method.find('FD_order2') >= 0:
-                raise ValueError("2nd order scheme Not yet implemented")
-        elif method.find('FD_C4_nowork') >= 0:
-            self.fcall = self.FDCentral4
+    def __init__(self, topo, method='FD_C_4', memshape=None):
+        if method.find('FD_order2') >= 0:
+            raise ValueError("2nd order scheme Not yet implemented")
+        elif method.find('FD_C_4_work') >= 0:
+            # - 4th ordered FD,
+            # - work space provided by used during function call,
+            #   i.e. memshape not required,
+            # - fd.compute method
+            # declare and create fd scheme
             self.fd_scheme = FD_C_4((topo.mesh.space_step))
-        else:
-            self.fcall = self.FDCentral4Work
+            # connect to fd function call
+            self.fcall = self.FDCentral4_with_work
+        elif method.find('FD_C_4_CAA_work') >= 0:
+            # - 4th ordered FD,
+            # - work space provided by used during function call,
+            #   i.e. memshape not required,
+            # - fd.compute_and_add method
+            # declare and create fd scheme
+            self.fd_scheme = FD_C_4((topo.mesh.space_step))
+            # connect to fd function call
+            self.fcall = self.FDCentral4_CAA_with_work
+        elif method.find('FD_C_4_CAA') >= 0:
+            # - 4th ordered FD,
+            # - local work space => memshape required,
+            # - fd.compute_and_add method
+            if memshape is None:
+                raise ValueError("memshape required for this method")
+            # Max nb of components of input fields.
+            self.nbComponents = len(memshape)
+            self._WORKLENGTH = 1
+            # declare and create fd scheme
             self.fd_scheme = FD_C_4((topo.mesh.space_step))
+            # connect to finite differences function ...
+            self.fcall = self.FDCentral4_CAA
+            # allocate local workspace
+            self._work = [npw.zeros(memshape)
+                          for i in xrange(self._WORKLENGTH)]
-        self.indices = topo.mesh.iCompute
-        self.fd_scheme.computeIndices(self.indices)
+        else:
+            # - 4th ordered FD,
+            # - local work space => memshape required,
+            # - fd.compute method
+            if memshape is None:
+                raise ValueError("memshape required for this method")
+            # Max nb of components of input fields.
+            self.nbComponents = len(memshape)
+            if self.nbComponents == 1:  # 1D case
+                self._WORKLENGTH = 1
+            else:  # 2 and 3D cases
+                self._WORKLENGTH = 2
+            # declare and create fd scheme
+            self.fd_scheme = FD_C_4((topo.mesh.space_step))
+            # connect to finite differences function ...
+            self.fcall = self.FDCentral4
+            # allocate local workspace
+            self._work = [npw.zeros(memshape)
+                          for i in xrange(self._WORKLENGTH)]
+        self._indices = topo.mesh.iCompute
+        # initialize fd scheme
+        self.fd_scheme.computeIndices(self._indices)
+        # check ghosts ... must be updated when
+        # other fd schemes will be implemented.
         assert (topo.ghosts >= 2).all(),\
             'you need a ghost layer for FD4 scheme.'
-        self.nbComponents = topo.domain.dimension
-    def __call__(self, var1, scal, data=None, work=None):
-        return self.fcall(var1, scal, data)
+    def __call__(self, var1, scal, result, work=None):
+        return self.fcall(var1, scal, result, work)
-    def FDCentral4Work(self, var1, scal, data=None, work=None):
+    def FDCentral4(self, var1, scal, result, work=None):
         Compute central finite difference scheme, order 4.
+        No work vector provided by user --> self._work will be
+        used. It must be created at init and thus memshape is required.
-        if data is None:
-            data = np.zeros_like(var1[0])
-        if work is None:
-            work = np.zeros_like(var1[0])
-        #data[...] = 0.0
-        #  d/dx (scal * v1x), saved in data
-        self.fd_scheme.inplace(scal * var1[XDIR], XDIR, data)
-        #  d/dy (scal * v1y), saved in work
-        self.fd_scheme.inplace(scal * var1[YDIR], YDIR, work)
-        data[self.indices] += work[self.indices]
-        #  d/dz(scal * v1z), saved in work
-        self.fd_scheme.inplace(scal * var1[ZDIR], ZDIR, work)
-        data[self.indices] += work[self.indices]
-        return data
-    def FDCentral4(self, var1, scal, data=None):
+        assert scal is not result
+        for i in xrange(len(var1)):
+            assert var1[i] is not result
+        # _work[0:1] are used as temporary space
+        # for computation
+        # div computations are accumulate into result.
+        # result does not need initialisation to zero.
+        # d/dx (scal * var1x), saved into result
+        self._work[0][...] = scal * var1[XDIR]
+        self.fd_scheme.compute(self._work[0], XDIR, result)
+        # other components (if any) saved into _work[0] and added into result
+        # d/dy (scal * var1y), saved in work and added into result
+        # d/dz(scal * var1z), saved in work and added into result (if 3D)
+        for cdir in xrange(1, len(var1)):
+            self._work[0][...] = scal * var1[cdir]
+            self.fd_scheme.compute(self._work[0], cdir, self._work[1])
+            result[self._indices] += self._work[1][self._indices]
+        return result
+    def FDCentral4_with_work(self, var1, scal, result, work):
+        Compute central finite difference scheme, order 4.
+        Work vector provided by user.
+        Warning : work content will be overwritten.
-        if data is None:
-            data = np.zeros_like(var1[0])
-        else:
-            data[...] = 0.0
-        #  d/dx (scal * v1x)
-        self.fd_scheme.accumulate(var1[XDIR] * scal, XDIR, data)
-        #  d/dy (scal * v1y)
-        self.fd_scheme.accumulate(var1[YDIR] * scal, YDIR, data)
-        #  d/dz(scal * v1z)
-        self.fd_scheme.accumulate(var1[ZDIR] * scal, ZDIR, data)
-        return data
+        assert scal is not result
+        assert len(work) >= 2
+        # indeed 1 is enough for 1D case and 2 for 2D and 3D.
+        # I set 2 by default to avoid "if" call.
+        # Anyway, if var1 is 1D, the best solution is to use
+        # FDCentral4_CAA_with_work.
+        for i in xrange(len(var1)):
+            assert var1[i] is not result
+            if i < len(work):
+                assert work[i].shape == var1[i].shape
+        # work[0:1] are used as temporary space
+        # for computation
+        # div computations are accumulate into result.
+        # result does not need initialisation to zero.
+        # d/dx (scal * var1x), saved into result
+        work[0][...] = scal * var1[XDIR]
+        self.fd_scheme.compute(work[0], XDIR, result)
+        # other components (if any) saved into _work[1] and added into result
+        # d/dy (scal * var1y), saved in work and added into result
+        # d/dz(scal * var1z), saved in work and added into result (if 3D)
+        for cdir in xrange(1, len(var1)):
+            work[0][...] = scal * var1[cdir]
+            self.fd_scheme.compute(work[0], cdir, work[1])
+            result[self._indices] += work[1][self._indices]
+        return result
+    def FDCentral4_CAA(self, var1, scal, result, work=None):
+        """
+        Compute central finite difference scheme, order 4.
+        Use fd_scheme.compute_and_add.
+        No work space as input (use self._work).
+        It must be created at init and thus memshape is required.
+        CAA stands for compute_and_add.
+        """
+        assert scal is not result
+        for i in xrange(len(var1)):
+            assert var1[i] is not result
+        # _work[0] is used as temporary space
+        # for computation
+        # div computations are accumulate into result.
+        # result does not need initialisation to zero.
+        # d/dx (scal * var1x), saved into result
+        self._work[0][...] = scal * var1[XDIR]
+        self.fd_scheme.compute(self._work[0], XDIR, result)
+        # other components (if any) saved into _work[0] and added into result
+        # d/dy (scal * var1y), saved in work and added into result
+        # d/dz(scal * var1z), saved in work and added into result (if 3D)
+        for cdir in xrange(1, len(var1)):
+            self._work[0][...] = scal * var1[cdir]
+            self.fd_scheme.compute_and_add(self._work[0], cdir, result)
+        return result
+    def FDCentral4_CAA_with_work(self, var1, scal, result, work):
+        """
+        Compute central finite difference scheme, order 4.
+        Use fd_scheme.compute_and_add.
+        No work space as input (use self._work).
+        It must be created at init and thus memshape is required.
+        """
+        assert scal is not result
+        for i in xrange(len(var1)):
+            assert var1[i] is not result
+        assert len(work) >= 1
+        for i in xrange(len(var1)):
+            assert var1[i] is not result
+        assert work[0].shape == var1[0].shape
+        # _work[0] is used as temporary space
+        # for computation
+        # div computations are accumulate into result.
+        # result does not need initialisation to zero.
+        # d/dx (scal * var1x), saved into result
+        work[0][...] = scal * var1[XDIR]
+        self.fd_scheme.compute(work[0], XDIR, result)
+        # other components (if any) saved into _work[0] and added into result
+        # d/dy (scal * var1y), saved in work and added into result
+        # d/dz(scal * var1z), saved in work and added into result (if 3D)
+        for cdir in xrange(1, len(var1)):
+            work[0][...] = scal * var1[cdir]
+            self.fd_scheme.compute_and_add(work[0], cdir, result)
+        return result
 class DivT(DifferentialOperation):
-    Computes \f$ \nabla.(wx.V,wy.V,wz.V) \f$, \f$w\f$ and V some vector fields.
+    Computes \f$ \nabla.(W.Vx, W.Vy, W.Vz) \f$,
+    \f$w\f$ and V some vector fields.
+    Methods :
+    1 - FD_C_4 (default) : 4th order, centered finite differences, with
+    local workspace and based on fd.compute.
+    init : func = DivT(topo, memshape=shape)
+    call : result = func(var1, var2, result)
+    2 - FD_C_4_work : same as above but user must provide a work space
+    during call (see DivT.FDCentral4_with_work)
+    init : func = DivT(topo, method='FD_C_4_work')
+    call : result = func(var1, var2, result, work)
+    3 - FD_C_4_CAA : 4th order, centered finite differences, with
+    local workspace and based on fd.compute_and_add.
+    init : func = DivT(topo, method='FD_C_4_CAA', memshape=shape)
+    call : result = func(var1, var2, result)
+    4 - FD_C_4_CAA_work :  same as above but user must provide a work
+    space during call (see DivT.FDCentral4_CAA_with_work)
+    init : func = DivT(topo, method='FD_C_4_CAA_work')
+    call : result = func(var1, var2, result, work)
+    var1 stands for W and var2 for V.
+    result must be a vector field (same number of components as var1 and var2),
+    each component with the same size as var1[i].
+    work must be a two component vector field, (only 1 component for CAA cases)
+    each component with the same size as var1[i].
-    def __init__(self, topo, method=None):
+    def __init__(self, topo, method=None, memshape=None):
         if method is not None and method.find('FD_order2') >= 0:
                 raise ValueError("2nd order scheme Not yet implemented")
+        elif method.find('FD_C_4_work') >= 0:
+            # - 4th ordered FD,
+            # - work space provided by used during function call,
+            # memshape not required
+            # - fd.compute method
+            # connect call function
+            self.fcall = self.FDCentral4_with_work
+            # set div(scal.var1) operator
+            self.div = DivV(topo, method='FD_C_4_work')
+        elif method.find('FD_C_4_CAA_work') >= 0:
+            # - 4th ordered FD,
+            # - work space provided by used during function call,
+            # memshape not required
+            # - fd.compute_and_add method
+            # connect call function
+            self.fcall = self.FDCentral4_with_work
+            # set div(scal.var1) operator
+            self.div = DivV(topo, method='FD_C_4_CAA_work')
+        elif method.find('FD_C_4_CAA') >= 0:
+            # - 4th ordered FD,
+            # - local workspace (memshape required)
+            # - fd.compute_and_add method
+            # allocate local workspace
+            if memshape is None:
+                raise ValueError("memshape required for this method")
+            # Max nb of components of input fields.
+            self.nbComponents = len(memshape)
+            self._WORKLENGTH = 1
+            # allocate local workspace
+            self._work = [npw.zeros(memshape)
+                          for i in xrange(self._WORKLENGTH)]
+            # connect call function
+            self.fcall = self.FDCentral4
+            # set div(scal.var1) operator
+            self.div = DivV(topo, method='FD_C_4_CAA_work')
+            # - 4th ordered FD,
+            # - local workspace (memshape required)
+            # - fd.compute method
+            # allocate local workspace
+            if memshape is None:
+                raise ValueError("memshape required for this method")
+            # Max nb of components of input fields.
+            self.nbComponents = len(memshape)
+            if self.nbComponents == 1:  # 1D case
+                self._WORKLENGTH = 1
+            else:
+                self._WORKLENGTH = 2
+            # allocate local workspace
+            self._work = [npw.zeros(memshape)
+                          for i in xrange(self._WORKLENGTH)]
+            # connect call function
             self.fcall = self.FDCentral4
-            self.div = DivV(topo, method='FD_C4')
-            self.divZ = DivV(topo, method='FD_C4_nowork')
-        self.nbComponents = topo.domain.dimension
+            # set div(scal.var1) operator
+            self.div = DivV(topo, method='FD_C_4_work')
-    def __call__(self, var1, var2, data=None):
-        return self.fcall(var1, var2, data)
+    def __call__(self, var1, var2, result, work=None):
+        return self.fcall(var1, var2, result, work)
-    def FDCentral4(self, var1, var2, data=None):
+    def FDCentral4(self, var1, var2, result, work=None):
-        # init (if required) return data
-        if data is None:
-            data = []
-            for i in xrange(self.nbComponents):
-                data.append(np.zeros_like(var1[i]))
-        # we use data[Y] and data[Z] as work ...
-        data[XDIR] = self.div(var1, var2[XDIR],
-                              data=data[XDIR], work=data[YDIR])
-        data[YDIR] = self.div(var1, var2[YDIR],
-                              data=data[YDIR], work=data[ZDIR])
-        # No work vector for zdir
-        data[ZDIR] = self.divZ(var1, var2[ZDIR], data=data[ZDIR])
-        return data
+        assert len(result) == len(var1)
+        # Note FP var1[dir] and var2[dir] must be different from result.
+        # This is checked inside divV call.
+        for cdir in xrange(len(var1)):
+            result[cdir] = self.div(var1, var2[cdir],
+                                    result=result[cdir], work=self._work)
+        return result
+    def FDCentral4_with_work(self, var1, var2, result, work):
+        """
+        """
+        assert len(result) == len(var1)
+        # indeed 1 is enough for 1D component fields ...
+        # Note FP var1[dir] and var2[dir] must be different from result.
+        # This is checked inside divV call.
+        for cdir in xrange(len(var1)):
+            result[cdir] = self.div(var1, var2[cdir],
+                                    result=result[cdir], work=work)
+        return result
 class GradS(DifferentialOperation):
@@ -197,8 +471,8 @@ class GradS(DifferentialOperation):
             raise ValueError("FD scheme Not yet implemented")
-        self.indices = topo.mesh.iCompute
-        self.fd_scheme.computeIndices(self.indices)
+        self._indices = topo.mesh.iCompute
+        self.fd_scheme.computeIndices(self._indices)
         assert (topo.ghosts >= 2).all(),\
             'you need a ghost layer for FD4 scheme.'
         ## number of components for vector fields
@@ -215,15 +489,15 @@ class GradS(DifferentialOperation):
         if data is None:
             data = []
             for i in xrange(self.nbComponents):
-                data.append(np.zeros_like(scal))
+                data.append(npw.zeros_like(scal))
         #data[...] = 0.0
         #  d/dx (scal), saved in data
-        self.fd_scheme.inplace(scal, XDIR, data[XDIR])
+        self.fd_scheme.compute(scal, XDIR, data[XDIR])
         #  d/dy (scal), saved in data
-        self.fd_scheme.inplace(scal, YDIR, data[YDIR])
+        self.fd_scheme.compute(scal, YDIR, data[YDIR])
         #  d/dz(scal), saved in data
-        self.fd_scheme.inplace(scal, ZDIR, data[ZDIR])
+        self.fd_scheme.compute(scal, ZDIR, data[ZDIR])
         return data
@@ -238,8 +512,6 @@ class GradVxW(DifferentialOperation):
             self.fcall = self.FDCentral4
             self.grad = GradS(topo, method='FD_C4')
-            self.divZ = DivV(topo, method='FD_C4_nowork')
         self.nbComponents = topo.domain.dimension
         if self.nbComponents == 1:
@@ -260,7 +532,7 @@ class GradVxW(DifferentialOperation):
         if data is None:
             data = []
             for i in xrange(self.worklength):
-                data.append(np.zeros_like(var1[0]))
+                data.append(npw.zeros_like(var1[0]))
             assert len(data) == self.worklength
         if diagnostics is not None:
@@ -299,7 +571,7 @@ class BlockProd(object):
     def __call__(self, list1, list2):
 #        assert len(list1) == len(list2)
-        data = np.zeros_like(list1[0])
+        data = npw.zeros_like(list1[0])
         for i in xrange(len(list1)):
             data += list1[i] * list2[i]
diff --git a/HySoP/hysop/numerics/ b/HySoP/hysop/numerics/
index 7f2ebf3e9..8e086051b 100644
--- a/HySoP/hysop/numerics/
+++ b/HySoP/hysop/numerics/
@@ -24,6 +24,25 @@ class FiniteDifference(object):
 class FD_C_4(FiniteDifference):
     Centered scheme, 4th order.
+    usage :
+    # a step from domain discretisation description
+    step = topo.mesh_space_step
+    # declare scheme
+    scheme = FD_C_4(step)
+    # init scheme using local grid points indices
+    scheme.computeIndices(topo.mesh.iCompute)
+    # Then compute : result = fd(tab)
+    scheme.compute(tab, dir, result)
+    # or : result = result + fd(tab)
+    scheme.compute_and_add()
+    Notes FP :
+    Compute method is much more performant than compute and add
+    and needs less memory. But in some cases (when fd results need
+    to be accumulate into a field) compute_and_add may be useful
+    to limit memory usage, if required.
+    See Global_tests/ for perf results.
     def __init__(self, step):
@@ -72,14 +91,17 @@ class FD_C_4(FiniteDifference):
         #return self._m2, self._m1, self._a1, self._a2
-    def inplace(self, tab, cdir, result):
+    def compute(self, tab, cdir, result):
         Compute \f$ \frac{\partial tab()}{\partial cdir} \f$ using fd scheme,
-        The result is saved in input/ouput parameter result (in place!)
+        The result is saved in input/ouput parameter result.
         @param tab : a numpy array
         @param cdir : direction of differentiation
         @param result : input/output numpy array to save the resulting data.
+        assert result is not tab
+        assert result.__class__ is np.ndarray
+        assert tab.__class__ is np.ndarray
         result[self.indices] = tab[self._a1[cdir]]
         result[self.indices] -= tab[self._m1[cdir]]
         result[self.indices] *= 8
@@ -87,14 +109,18 @@ class FD_C_4(FiniteDifference):
         result[self.indices] -= tab[self._a2[cdir]]
         result[self.indices] *= self._coeff[cdir]
-    def accumulate(self, tab, cdir, result):
+    def compute_and_add(self, tab, cdir, result):
         Compute \f$ \frac{\partial tab()}{\partial cdir} \f$ using fd scheme,
         The result is ADDED to input/ouput parameter result.
         @param tab : a numpy array
         @param cdir : direction of differentiation
         @param result : input/output numpy array to save the resulting data.
+        Note FP : tab == result is allowed.
+        assert result.__class__ is np.ndarray
+        assert tab.__class__ is np.ndarray
         result[self.indices] += self._coeff[cdir] * (8 *
                                                      (tab[self._a1[cdir]] -
                                                       tab[self._m1[cdir]]) +
diff --git a/HySoP/hysop/numerics/integrators/ b/HySoP/hysop/numerics/integrators/
index 57cb0832e..c4b626358 100644
--- a/HySoP/hysop/numerics/integrators/
+++ b/HySoP/hysop/numerics/integrators/
@@ -20,7 +20,8 @@ class ODESolver(NumMethod):
     __metaclass__ = ABCMeta
-    def __init__(self, nbComponents, f=None, optim=None, is_rhs_has_work=False):
+    def __init__(self, nbComponents, f=None, optim=None,
+                 is_rhs_has_work=False):
         @param nbComponents: number of components of the right-hand side.
         @param f : function f(t,y), right hand side of the equation to solve.
@@ -57,7 +58,6 @@ class ODESolver(NumMethod):
         if optim is None:
             self._fcall = self._basic
         elif optim is LEVEL1:
-            print "optimisation ... "
             self._fcall = self._with_work
         elif optim is WITH_GUESS:
             self._fcall = self._with_guess
diff --git a/HySoP/hysop/numerics/integrators/ b/HySoP/hysop/numerics/integrators/
index cb30b0b83..2c5d596bc 100755
--- a/HySoP/hysop/numerics/integrators/
+++ b/HySoP/hysop/numerics/integrators/
@@ -12,15 +12,16 @@ class RK3(ODESolver):
     ODESolver implementation for solving an equation system with RK3 method.
-    def __init__(self, nbComponents, f=None, optim=None, is_rhs_has_work=False):
+    def __init__(self, nbComponents, f=None, optim=None,
+                 is_rhs_has_work=False):
         @param f function f(t,y) : Right hand side of the equation to solve.
         @param nbComponents : dimensions
         @param optim : to choose the level of optimization (memory management).
-        @param is_rhs_has_work : flag for pass a work list as last argument
-        for function f.
         Default = None. See parmepy.numerics.integrators for details.
-        """
+        @param is_rhs_has_work : true if a 'work' list is present
+        as last argument of rhs function f.
+         """
         ODESolver.__init__(self, nbComponents, f, optim=optim,
                            is_rhs_has_work=is_rhs_has_work) = 'RK3'
@@ -93,7 +94,6 @@ class RK3(ODESolver):
         # k2 = f(t+dt/3, y + dt/3 *k1))
         # k3 = f(t + 2/3 *dt , y + 2/3 dt * k2))
         # result = y + 0.25 * dt * (k1 + 3 * k3)
         # yn
         [np.add(y[i], work0[i] * dt / 3, yn[i])
          for i in xrange(self._nbComponents)]
diff --git a/HySoP/hysop/operator/discrete/ b/HySoP/hysop/operator/discrete/
index 961b30b24..4e0b70c7b 100755
--- a/HySoP/hysop/operator/discrete/
+++ b/HySoP/hysop/operator/discrete/
@@ -14,11 +14,17 @@ from parmepy.numerics.integrators.runge_kutta4 import RK4
 from import timed_function
 from parmepy.numerics.differential_operations import DivT, GradVxW
 import as npw
-import numpy as np
 import math
 ceil = math.ceil
+def funcTest(var1, var2, data):
+    data[0][...] = var2[0]
+    data[1][...] = var2[1]
+    data[2][...] = var2[2]
+    return data
 class ConservativeStretching(DiscreteOperator):
     Discretisation of the following problem :
@@ -26,7 +32,7 @@ class ConservativeStretching(DiscreteOperator):
-    def __init__(self, velocity, vorticity, method=None):
+    def __init__(self, velocity, vorticity, method='FD_C_4'):
         @param velocity : discrete field
         @param vorticity : discrete field
@@ -49,13 +55,13 @@ class ConservativeStretching(DiscreteOperator):
         # We must have a topo for this operator ...
         # A function to compute the gradient of a vector field
-        self.divFunc = DivT(self.velocity.topology,
-                            method=method)
+        self.divFunc = DivT(self.velocity.topology, method=method,
+                  [0].shape)
         # Time integration scheme.
         def rhs(t, y, result):
-            result = self.divFunc(, y, data=result)
-            return result
+            return self.divFunc(y,, result)
+            # return result
         shape =[0].shape
         self.nbc = 3  # Stretching only in 3D and for vector fields.
@@ -85,9 +91,7 @@ class ConservativeStretching(DiscreteOperator):
                                for i in xrange(3 * self.nbc)]
         # Create the time integrator
-#        self.timeIntegrator = self.num_method(self.vorticity.nbComponents,
-#                                              rhs, optim=WITH_GUESS)
-        self.timeIntegrator = self.num_method(self.vorticity.nbComponents, rhs)
+        self.timeIntegrator = self.num_method(self.nbc, rhs, optim=WITH_GUESS)
     def apply(self, simulation):
@@ -98,16 +102,16 @@ class ConservativeStretching(DiscreteOperator):
         dt = simulation.timeStep
         # current time
         t = simulation.time
-        # Call time integrator
-[0][...],[1][...], \
-  [2][...] = \
-            self.timeIntegrator(t,, dt)
-#        self._workspace[:self.nbc] = \
-#            self.timeIntegrator.f(t,,
-#                                  self._workspace[:self.nbc])
-# = self.timeIntegrator(t,, dt,
-#                                        ,
-#                                                  work=self._workspace)
+        # - Call time integrator -
+        # Init workspace with a first evaluation of the
+        # rhs of the integrator
+        self._workspace[:self.nbc] = \
+            self.timeIntegrator.f(t,,
+                                  self._workspace[:self.nbc])
+        # perform integration and save result in-place
+ = self.timeIntegrator(t,, dt,
+                                                  work=self._workspace,
 class GradStretching(DiscreteOperator):
@@ -146,7 +150,9 @@ class GradStretching(DiscreteOperator):
         # Time integration scheme.
         def rhs(t, y, result):
-            result, diag = self.graduv(, y)
+            result, diagnostics =\
+                self.graduv(, y)
+            #result, diag = self.graduv(, y)
             return result
         # Todo : check fd call with numpy and/or parmes fields.
@@ -168,15 +174,21 @@ class GradStretching(DiscreteOperator):
             self.num_method = RK3
             self.cststretch = 2.5127
+        shape =[0].shape
+        self.nbc = 3  # Stretching only in 3D and for vector fields.
+        self._workspace = [npw.zeros(shape)
+                           for i in xrange(3 * self.nbc)]
         ## time integrator
-        self.timeIntegrator = self.num_method(self.vorticity.nbComponents, rhs)
+        self.timeIntegrator = self.num_method(self.vorticity.nbComponents, rhs,
+                                              optim=WITH_GUESS)
         ## a vector of float with diagnostics computed
         ## from GradVxW (max div ...)
-        self.diagnostics = np.ones((5))
+        self.diagnostics = npw.ones((5))
     def apply(self, simulation):
+        ind = self.velocity.topology.mesh.iCompute
         if simulation is None:
             raise ValueError("Missing simulation value for computation.")
@@ -184,16 +196,30 @@ class GradStretching(DiscreteOperator):
         dt = simulation.timeStep
         # current time
         t = simulation.time
-        self.diagnostics = self.graduv(self.velocity, self.vorticity, self.diagnostics)[1]
+        #self.diagnostics = self.graduv(self.velocity, self.vorticity, self.diagnostics)[1]
         # Compute the number of required subcycles
         ndt, subdt = self.checkStability(dt)
         # Call time integrator
         print "time steps ...", dt, subdt
+        print "pre apply Grad...",[0].max()
         assert sum(subdt) == dt
         for i in xrange(ndt):
-  [0],[1],\
-      [2] =\
-                self.timeIntegrator(t,, subdt[i])
+            print "Update workspace/Grad, pre", self._workspace[0][ind].max()
+            self._workspace[:self.vorticity.nbComponents] = \
+                self.timeIntegrator.f(t,,
+                                      self._workspace
+                                      [:self.vorticity.nbComponents])
+            print "Update workspace/Grad, post", self._workspace[0][ind].max()
+            # perform integration and save result in-place
+   = self.timeIntegrator(
+                t,,
+                subdt[i],
+                work=self._workspace,
+  [0],[1],\
+            #[2] =\
+            #    self.timeIntegrator(t,, subdt[i])
     def checkStability(self, dt):
@@ -205,7 +231,7 @@ class GradStretching(DiscreteOperator):
         dt_stab = min(dt, self.cststretch / self.diagnostics[1])
         nb_cycles = int(ceil(dt / dt_stab))
-        subdt = np.zeros((nb_cycles))
+        subdt = npw.zeros((nb_cycles))
         subdt[:] = dt_stab
         subdt[-1] = dt - (nb_cycles - 1) * dt_stab
         return nb_cycles, subdt
diff --git a/HySoP/hysop/operator/ b/HySoP/hysop/operator/
index 22208d0cc..845736c1b 100644
--- a/HySoP/hysop/operator/
+++ b/HySoP/hysop/operator/
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Compute Energy and Enstrophy
 import numpy as np
 from parmepy.constants import debug, PARMES_MPI_REAL
 from parmepy.operator.monitors.monitoring import Monitoring
-from parmepy.mpi import main_rank, main_size, MPI
+from parmepy.mpi import main_rank, MPI
 from import timed_function
diff --git a/HySoP/hysop/problem/ b/HySoP/hysop/problem/
index db8783c6d..68b6efade 100644
--- a/HySoP/hysop/problem/
+++ b/HySoP/hysop/problem/
@@ -3,14 +3,12 @@
 Complete problem description.
-from parmepy.constants import debug
+from parmepy.constants import debug, parmesPickle
 from parmepy import __VERBOSE__
 from parmepy.operator.monitors.monitoring import Monitoring
-from parmepy.operator.continuous import Operator
 from parmepy.operator.redistribute import Redistribute
 from import Timer, timed_function
 from parmepy.mpi import main_rank
-from scitools.NumPyDB import NumPyDB_cPickle
 class Problem(object):
@@ -205,7 +203,7 @@ class Problem(object):
         if filename is not None:
             self.filename = filename
             self._filedump = filename + '_rk_' + str(main_rank)
-        db = NumPyDB_cPickle(self._filedump, mode='store')
+        db = parmesPickle(self._filedump, mode='store')
         db.dump(self.simulation, 'simulation')
         for v in self.input:
             print 'dump v ...'
@@ -224,7 +222,7 @@ class Problem(object):
         if filename is not None:
             self.filename = filename
             self._filedump = filename + '_rk_' + str(main_rank)
-        db = NumPyDB_cPickle(self._filedump, mode='load')
+        db = parmesPickle(self._filedump, mode='load')
         self.simulation = db.load('simulation')[0]
         for v in self.input:
diff --git a/HySoP/ b/HySoP/
index 2db7c5451..3c75c9722 100644
--- a/HySoP/
+++ b/HySoP/
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ packages = ['parmepy',
 packages_for_tests = ['parmepy.domain.tests',
+                      'parmepy.numerics.tests',
diff --git a/HySoP/src/fftw/fft3d.f90 b/HySoP/src/fftw/fft3d.f90
index 5a4a8878a..3adfe7d7e 100755
--- a/HySoP/src/fftw/fft3d.f90
+++ b/HySoP/src/fftw/fft3d.f90
@@ -296,7 +296,7 @@ contains
     call fftw_mpi_execute_dft_r2c(plan_forward1, rdatain1, dataout1)
     call fftw_mpi_execute_dft_r2c(plan_forward2, rdatain2, dataout2)
     call fftw_mpi_execute_dft_r2c(plan_forward3, rdatain3, dataout3)
-    print *, "r2c time = ", MPI_WTIME() - start
+    !!print *, "r2c time = ", MPI_WTIME() - start
   end subroutine r2c_3d
@@ -312,7 +312,7 @@ contains
     call fftw_mpi_execute_dft_c2r(plan_backward1,dataout1,rdatain1)
     call fftw_mpi_execute_dft_c2r(plan_backward2,dataout2,rdatain2)
     call fftw_mpi_execute_dft_c2r(plan_backward3,dataout3,rdatain3)
-    print *, "c2r time : ", MPI_WTIME() -start
+!!    print *, "c2r time : ", MPI_WTIME() -start
     ! copy back to velocity and normalisation
     do k =1, local_resolution(c_Z)
        do j = 1, fft_resolution(c_Y)
@@ -411,7 +411,7 @@ contains
     ! compute transform (as many times as desired)
     start = MPI_WTIME()
     call fftw_mpi_execute_dft_r2c(plan_forward1, rdatain_many, dataout_many)
-    print *, "r2c time = ", MPI_WTIME() - start
+!!    print *, "r2c time = ", MPI_WTIME() - start
   end subroutine r2c_3d_many
@@ -426,7 +426,7 @@ contains
     start = MPI_WTIME()
     call fftw_mpi_execute_dft_c2r(plan_backward1,dataout_many,rdatain_many)
-    print *, "c2r time : ", MPI_WTIME() -start
+!!    print *, "c2r time : ", MPI_WTIME() -start
     do k =1, local_resolution(c_Z)
        do j = 1, fft_resolution(c_Y)
           do i = 1, fft_resolution(c_X)