From c0e8499ee0872a1beab47fa739b46c055fe8854b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jean-Baptiste Keck <>
Date: Fri, 30 Oct 2020 16:43:18 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] remove hysop++ and long

 .gitlab-ci.yml                                |  28 +-
 ci/docker_images/ubuntu/groovy/Dockerfile     |  64 +-
 cmake/FindPythonFull.cmake                    |   2 +-
 .../flow_around_sphere/  | 286 -------
 hysop/backend/device/    |   4 +-
 hysop/backend/device/codegen/base/  |   2 +-
 .../backend/device/codegen/base/  |   4 +-
 .../functions/     |   2 +-
 hysop/backend/device/     |   8 +-
 .../backend/device/opencl/ |   4 +-
 hysop/backend/device/opencl/  | 168 ++--
 hysop/backend/device/opencl/   |   6 +-
 hysop/backend/host/            |   7 +-
 hysop/core/arrays/                    |   4 -
 hysop/core/arrays/            |   2 +-
 hysop/core/memory/           |   6 +-
 hysop/core/memory/                  |   6 +-
 hysop/domain/                           |  68 +-
 hysop/domain/                        |   2 +-
 hysop/fields/      |   4 +-
 hysop/fields/              |   2 +-
 hysop/mesh/                  |   4 +-
 hysop/numerics/stencil/   |   6 +-
 hysop/operator/              |   2 +-
 .../operator/base/ |  12 +-
 hysop/operator/base/      |   6 +-
 hysop/operator/base/     |   2 +-
 hysop/operator/directional/   |  64 +-
 hysop/operator/directional/     |   4 +-
 hysop/operator/           |  26 +-
 hysop/operator/                   |   4 +-
 hysop/parameters/          |  13 +-
 hysop/parameters/          |   4 +-
 hysop/symbolic/                       |   4 +-
 hysop/tools/                   |   2 +-
 hysop/tools/                           |   4 +-
 hysop/tools/                         |  11 +-
 hysop/tools/                       |  10 +-
 hysop/tools/                    |   3 +-
 hysop/tools/                       |   4 +-
 hysop/tools/                  |   2 +-
 hysop/tools/                 |   2 +-
 hysop/tools/                    |   6 +-
 hysop/tools/                          |   2 +-
 hysop/tools/                          |   6 +-
 hysop_examples/               |   7 +-
 .../examples/taylor_green/     |  12 +-
 requirements.txt                              |   4 +-
 src/hysop++/main/diffSolver.cpp               | 237 ------
 src/hysop++/main/planner.cpp                  | 197 -----
 src/hysop++/main/poissonSolver.cpp            | 213 -----
 src/hysop++/src/data/accumulatorIndex.h       |  65 --
 src/hysop++/src/data/index.h                  | 125 ---
 src/hysop++/src/data/memory/fftwAllocator.h   |  53 --
 .../src/data/memory/minimalAllocator.h        |  52 --
 src/hysop++/src/data/multi_array/<            | 352 ---------
 .../data/multi_array/const_multi_array_ref.h  |  53 --
 .../data/multi_array/const_multi_array_view.h |  53 --
 .../src/data/multi_array/multi_array.h        |  52 --
 .../src/data/multi_array/multi_array_clean.h  |  47 --
 .../data/multi_array/multi_array_defines.h    | 366 ---------
 .../src/data/multi_array/multi_array_ext.h    | 247 ------
 .../src/data/multi_array/multi_array_impl.h   | 192 -----
 .../src/data/multi_array/multi_array_ref.h    |  70 --
 .../src/data/multi_array/multi_array_view.h   |  72 --
 src/hysop++/src/detail/index_seq.h            |  42 -
 src/hysop++/src/domain/boundary.cpp           |  26 -
 src/hysop++/src/domain/boundary.h             |  23 -
 src/hysop++/src/domain/domain.h               | 154 ----
 src/hysop++/src/domain/domainConfiguration.h  | 100 ---
 src/hysop++/src/fft/extension.cpp             |  24 -
 src/hysop++/src/fft/extension.h               |  23 -
 src/hysop++/src/fft/fftDomainConfiguration.h  | 114 ---
 src/hysop++/src/fft/fftw3.cpp                 |  40 -
 src/hysop++/src/fft/fftw3.h                   | 534 -------------
 src/hysop++/src/fft/fftwComplex.h             |  87 --
 src/hysop++/src/fft/planner.h                 | 747 ------------------
 src/hysop++/src/fft/transform.cpp             |  14 -
 src/hysop++/src/fft/transform.h               | 188 -----
 src/hysop++/src/maths/polynomial.h            | 428 ----------
 src/hysop++/src/maths/quad_maths.h            | 299 -------
 src/hysop++/src/solver/diffSolver.h           |  29 -
 src/hysop++/src/solver/fftDiffSolver.h        | 191 -----
 src/hysop++/src/solver/fftPoissonSolver.h     | 206 -----
 src/hysop++/src/solver/poissonSolver.h        |  27 -
 src/hysop++/src/utils/constants.h             |  22 -
 src/hysop++/src/utils/default.h               |  20 -
 src/hysop++/src/utils/defines.h               |  46 --
 src/hysop++/src/utils/types.h                 |  63 --
 src/hysop++/src/utils/utils.cpp               |  17 -
 src/hysop++/src/utils/utils.h                 | 197 -----
 src/hysop++/tests/CMakeLists.txt              |   7 -
 .../tests/testDiffSolver/CMakeLists.txt       |  14 -
 src/hysop++/tests/testDiffSolver/main.cpp     |  10 -
 .../tests/testDiffSolver/testDiffSolver.cpp   | 243 ------
 .../tests/testDiffSolver/testDiffSolver.h     |  14 -
 src/hysop++/tests/testPlanner/CMakeLists.txt  |  14 -
 src/hysop++/tests/testPlanner/main.cpp        |  10 -
 src/hysop++/tests/testPlanner/testPlanner.cpp | 200 -----
 src/hysop++/tests/testPlanner/testPlanner.h   |  20 -
 .../tests/testPoissonSolver/CMakeLists.txt    |  14 -
 src/hysop++/tests/testPoissonSolver/main.cpp  |  10 -
 .../testPoissonSolver/testPoissonSolver.cpp   | 208 -----
 .../testPoissonSolver/testPoissonSolver.h     |  14 -
 src/hysop++/tests/testPolynoms/CMakeLists.txt |  14 -
 src/hysop++/tests/testPolynoms/main.cpp       |  10 -
 .../tests/testPolynoms/testPolynoms.cpp       | 115 ---
 src/hysop++/tests/testPolynoms/testPolynoms.h |  13 -
 108 files changed, 311 insertions(+), 7631 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 examples/flow_around_sphere/
 delete mode 100644 src/hysop++/main/diffSolver.cpp
 delete mode 100644 src/hysop++/main/planner.cpp
 delete mode 100644 src/hysop++/main/poissonSolver.cpp
 delete mode 100644 src/hysop++/src/data/accumulatorIndex.h
 delete mode 100644 src/hysop++/src/data/index.h
 delete mode 100644 src/hysop++/src/data/memory/fftwAllocator.h
 delete mode 100644 src/hysop++/src/data/memory/minimalAllocator.h
 delete mode 100644 src/hysop++/src/data/multi_array/<
 delete mode 100644 src/hysop++/src/data/multi_array/const_multi_array_ref.h
 delete mode 100644 src/hysop++/src/data/multi_array/const_multi_array_view.h
 delete mode 100644 src/hysop++/src/data/multi_array/multi_array.h
 delete mode 100644 src/hysop++/src/data/multi_array/multi_array_clean.h
 delete mode 100644 src/hysop++/src/data/multi_array/multi_array_defines.h
 delete mode 100644 src/hysop++/src/data/multi_array/multi_array_ext.h
 delete mode 100644 src/hysop++/src/data/multi_array/multi_array_impl.h
 delete mode 100644 src/hysop++/src/data/multi_array/multi_array_ref.h
 delete mode 100644 src/hysop++/src/data/multi_array/multi_array_view.h
 delete mode 100644 src/hysop++/src/detail/index_seq.h
 delete mode 100644 src/hysop++/src/domain/boundary.cpp
 delete mode 100644 src/hysop++/src/domain/boundary.h
 delete mode 100644 src/hysop++/src/domain/domain.h
 delete mode 100644 src/hysop++/src/domain/domainConfiguration.h
 delete mode 100644 src/hysop++/src/fft/extension.cpp
 delete mode 100644 src/hysop++/src/fft/extension.h
 delete mode 100644 src/hysop++/src/fft/fftDomainConfiguration.h
 delete mode 100644 src/hysop++/src/fft/fftw3.cpp
 delete mode 100644 src/hysop++/src/fft/fftw3.h
 delete mode 100644 src/hysop++/src/fft/fftwComplex.h
 delete mode 100644 src/hysop++/src/fft/planner.h
 delete mode 100644 src/hysop++/src/fft/transform.cpp
 delete mode 100644 src/hysop++/src/fft/transform.h
 delete mode 100644 src/hysop++/src/maths/polynomial.h
 delete mode 100644 src/hysop++/src/maths/quad_maths.h
 delete mode 100644 src/hysop++/src/solver/diffSolver.h
 delete mode 100644 src/hysop++/src/solver/fftDiffSolver.h
 delete mode 100644 src/hysop++/src/solver/fftPoissonSolver.h
 delete mode 100644 src/hysop++/src/solver/poissonSolver.h
 delete mode 100644 src/hysop++/src/utils/constants.h
 delete mode 100644 src/hysop++/src/utils/default.h
 delete mode 100644 src/hysop++/src/utils/defines.h
 delete mode 100644 src/hysop++/src/utils/types.h
 delete mode 100644 src/hysop++/src/utils/utils.cpp
 delete mode 100644 src/hysop++/src/utils/utils.h
 delete mode 100644 src/hysop++/tests/CMakeLists.txt
 delete mode 100644 src/hysop++/tests/testDiffSolver/CMakeLists.txt
 delete mode 100644 src/hysop++/tests/testDiffSolver/main.cpp
 delete mode 100644 src/hysop++/tests/testDiffSolver/testDiffSolver.cpp
 delete mode 100644 src/hysop++/tests/testDiffSolver/testDiffSolver.h
 delete mode 100644 src/hysop++/tests/testPlanner/CMakeLists.txt
 delete mode 100644 src/hysop++/tests/testPlanner/main.cpp
 delete mode 100644 src/hysop++/tests/testPlanner/testPlanner.cpp
 delete mode 100644 src/hysop++/tests/testPlanner/testPlanner.h
 delete mode 100644 src/hysop++/tests/testPoissonSolver/CMakeLists.txt
 delete mode 100644 src/hysop++/tests/testPoissonSolver/main.cpp
 delete mode 100644 src/hysop++/tests/testPoissonSolver/testPoissonSolver.cpp
 delete mode 100644 src/hysop++/tests/testPoissonSolver/testPoissonSolver.h
 delete mode 100644 src/hysop++/tests/testPolynoms/CMakeLists.txt
 delete mode 100644 src/hysop++/tests/testPolynoms/main.cpp
 delete mode 100644 src/hysop++/tests/testPolynoms/testPolynoms.cpp
 delete mode 100644 src/hysop++/tests/testPolynoms/testPolynoms.h

diff --git a/.gitlab-ci.yml b/.gitlab-ci.yml
index ca4908181..cfa18e65b 100644
--- a/.gitlab-ci.yml
+++ b/.gitlab-ci.yml
@@ -7,54 +7,54 @@ stages:
   - install
   - test
-  image: keckj/hysop:focal
+  image: keckj/hysop:groovy
   stage: env
       - "bash ci/scripts/"
-  image: keckj/hysop:focal
+  image: keckj/hysop:groovy
   stage: configure
       - "bash ci/scripts/ $CI_PROJECT_DIR/build/gcc   $CI_PROJECT_DIR/install/gcc   gcc   g++     gfortran"
       - "bash ci/scripts/ $CI_PROJECT_DIR/build/clang-8 $CI_PROJECT_DIR/install/clang-8 clang-8 clang++-8 gfortran"
-    - env:focal
+    - env:groovy
         - $CI_PROJECT_DIR/build
-  image: keckj/hysop:focal
+  image: keckj/hysop:groovy
   stage: build
       - "bash ci/scripts/ $CI_PROJECT_DIR/build/gcc   gcc   g++     gfortran"
       - "bash ci/scripts/ $CI_PROJECT_DIR/build/clang-8 clang-8 clang++-8 gfortran"
-    - config:focal
+    - config:groovy
         - $CI_PROJECT_DIR/build
-  image: keckj/hysop:focal
+  image: keckj/hysop:groovy
   stage: install
       - "bash ci/scripts/ $CI_PROJECT_DIR/build/gcc $CI_PROJECT_DIR/install/gcc"
-    - build:focal
+    - build:groovy
         - $CI_PROJECT_DIR/install
-  image: keckj/hysop:focal
+  image: keckj/hysop:groovy
   stage: test
     - "bash ci/scripts/ $CI_PROJECT_DIR/install/gcc $CI_PROJECT_DIR/hysop $CI_PROJECT_DIR/cache"
-    - install:focal
+    - install:groovy
       - $CI_PROJECT_DIR/cache
diff --git a/ci/docker_images/ubuntu/groovy/Dockerfile b/ci/docker_images/ubuntu/groovy/Dockerfile
index 8d23b561a..44bd82a94 100644
--- a/ci/docker_images/ubuntu/groovy/Dockerfile
+++ b/ci/docker_images/ubuntu/groovy/Dockerfile
@@ -8,11 +8,10 @@ ENV MAKEFLAGS "-j${NTHREADS}"
 # upgrade initial image
 ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND noninteractive
-RUN apt-get update
-RUN apt-get full-upgrade -y
+RUN apt-get update && apt-get full-upgrade -y
 # get build tools and required libraries
-RUN apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends expat unzip xz-utils automake libtool pkg-config cmake rsync git vim ssh curl wget ca-certificates gcc g++ gfortran lsb-core cpio libnuma1 libpciaccess0 libreadline-dev libblas-dev liblapack-dev libgcc-9-dev libgfortran-9-dev libgmp-dev libmpfr-dev libmpc-dev python3.8-dev opencl-headers swig libgmp-dev libmpfr-dev libmpc-dev libcairo-dev libcairomm-1.0-dev python3.8-tk
+RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends expat unzip xz-utils automake libtool pkg-config cmake rsync git vim ssh curl wget ca-certificates gcc g++ gfortran lsb-core cpio libnuma1 libpciaccess0 libreadline-dev libblas-dev liblapack-dev libgcc-10-dev libgfortran-10-dev libgmp-dev libmpfr-dev libmpc-dev python3.8-dev opencl-headers swig libgmp-dev libmpfr-dev libmpc-dev libcairo-dev libcairomm-1.0-dev python3.8-tk
 # python packages using pip3.8
 RUN cd /tmp && \
@@ -30,7 +29,7 @@ RUN cd /tmp && \
  rm -f openmpi-*.tar.gz && \
  cd openmpi-* && \
  ./configure --enable-shared --disable-static --with-threads=posix --enable-ipv6 --prefix="${MPI_ROOT}" --with-hwloc=internal --with-libevent=internal --enable-mpi1-compatibility && \
- make -j$(nproc) && \
+ make && \
  make install && \
  rm -rf /tmp/openmpi-*
@@ -44,7 +43,7 @@ RUN cd /tmp && \
  rm -rf hdf5-*.tar.gz && \
  cd hdf5-* && \
  CC="${MPICC}" ./configure --prefix="${MPI_ROOT}" --enable-parallel --enable-shared=yes --enable-static=no && \
- make -j$(nproc) && \
+ make && \
  make install && \
  rm -rf /tmp/hdf5-*
 RUN CC="${MPICC}" HDF5_MPI="ON" HDF5_VERSION="1.10.6" HDF5_DIR="${MPI_ROOT}" pip3.8 install --upgrade --no-binary=h5py h5py
@@ -54,8 +53,9 @@ RUN apt-get install -y llvm-8-dev libclang-8-dev clang-8
 ENV LLVM_CONFIG=llvm-config-8
 RUN pip3.8 install --upgrade numba llvmlite==0.31.0
-# other python packages
-RUN pip3.8 install --upgrade scipy sympy matplotlib gmpy2 psutil py-cpuinfo Mako subprocess32 editdistance portalocker tee primefac pycairo argparse_color_formatter networkx pyvis zarr numcodecs jsonpickle memory-tempfile
+# other python packages (standard primefac package does not support python3)
+RUN pip3.8 install --upgrade scipy sympy matplotlib gmpy2 psutil py-cpuinfo Mako subprocess32 editdistance portalocker tee pycairo argparse_color_formatter networkx pyvis zarr numcodecs jsonpickle memory-tempfile
+RUN pip3.8 install git+git:// 
 # patchelf
 RUN cd /tmp && \
@@ -119,8 +119,8 @@ RUN cd /tmp && \
 RUN cd /tmp && \
  git clone && \
  cd pyopencl && \
+ git checkout v2020.2.2 && \
  git submodule update --init && \
- git checkout v2020.1 && \
  python3.8 && \
  make && \
  pip3.8 install --upgrade . && \
@@ -176,46 +176,47 @@ RUN cd /tmp && \
  rm -Rf /tmp/hptt
 # python flint (FLINT2 + ARB + python-flint)
-RUN cd /tmp \
-  && wget \
-  && tar -xvzf v2.6.1.tar.gz \
-  && cd flint2-2.6.1 \
-  && ./configure \
-  && make -j$(nproc) \
-  && make install \
-  && cd - \
-  && rm -rf flint2-2.6.1
-RUN cd /tmp \
-  && wget \
-  && tar -xvzf 2.18.1.tar.gz \
-  && cd arb-2.18.1 \
-  && ./configure \
-  && make -j$(nproc) \
-  && make install \
-  && cd - \
-  && rm -rf arb-2.18.1
+RUN cd /tmp && \
+  wget && \
+  tar -xvzf v*.tar.gz && \
+  rm -f v*.tar.gz && \
+  cd flint2-* && \
+  ./configure && \
+  make && \
+  make install && \
+  cd - && \
+  rm -rf flint2-*
+RUN cd /tmp && \
+  wget && \
+  tar -xvzf *.tar.gz && \
+  rm -f *.tar.gz && \
+  cd arb-* && \
+  ./configure && \
+  make && \
+  make install && \
+  cd - && \
+  rm -rf arb-*
 RUN pip3.8 install --upgrade python-flint
 # static fftw + pyfftw (with R2R transforms)
 # Weird pyfftw bug : not passing -O2 explicitely during build causes a segfault on import...
 # See
 ENV FFTW_ROOT="/usr/local"
-ADD ci/patch/pyfftw.patch /tmp/pyfftw.patch
 RUN cd /tmp && \
  wget && \
  tar -xvzf fftw-*.tar.gz && \
  rm -f fftw-*.tar.gz && \
  cd fftw-* && \
  ./configure --enable-openmp --enable-threads --enable-mpi --enable-static --with-pic --prefix="${FFTW_ROOT}" --enable-single && \
- make -j$(nproc) && \
+ make && \
  make install && \
  make clean && \
  ./configure --enable-openmp --enable-threads --enable-mpi --enable-static --with-pic --prefix="${FFTW_ROOT}" && \
- make -j8 && \
+ make && \
  make install && \
  make clean && \
  ./configure --enable-openmp --enable-threads --enable-mpi --enable-static --with-pic --prefix="${FFTW_ROOT}" --enable-long-double && \
- make -j8 && \
+ make && \
  make install && \
  rm -rf /tmp/fftw-*
@@ -232,9 +233,6 @@ RUN cd /tmp && \
  pip3.8 install --upgrade . && \
  rm -rf /tmp/pyFFTW
-RUN pip3.8 uninstall --yes primefac && \
- pip3.8 install git+git://
 # ensure all libraries are known by the runtime linker
 RUN ldconfig
diff --git a/cmake/FindPythonFull.cmake b/cmake/FindPythonFull.cmake
index aabb1a719..ea4146b9c 100644
--- a/cmake/FindPythonFull.cmake
+++ b/cmake/FindPythonFull.cmake
   # --- Find python interpreter
-  set(Python_ADDITIONAL_VERSIONS 2.7)
+  set(Python_ADDITIONAL_VERSIONS 3.9 3.8)
   # --- Use distutils to explore python configuration corresponding to
diff --git a/examples/flow_around_sphere/ b/examples/flow_around_sphere/
deleted file mode 100644
index 005fc8843..000000000
--- a/examples/flow_around_sphere/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,286 +0,0 @@
-import os
-import numpy as np
-from hysop import Box, Simulation, Problem, MPIParams, Field
-from hysop.defaults import VelocityField, VorticityField, \
-                           EnstrophyParameter, TimeParameters
-from hysop.parameters.tensor_parameter import TensorParameter
-from hysop.constants import Implementation, AdvectionCriteria, HYSOP_REAL, \
-    StretchingFormulation, StretchingCriteria
-from hysop.operators import Advection, StaticDirectionalStretching, Diffusion, \
-                            PoissonCurl, AdaptiveTimeStep,                  \
-                            Enstrophy, MinMaxFieldStatistics, StrangSplitting,    \
-                            ParameterPlotter, PenalizeVorticity, FlowRateCorrection, \
-                            VorticityAbsorption, CustomOperator
-from hysop.numerics.odesolvers.runge_kutta import RK2
-from hysop.methods import SpaceDiscretization, Remesh, TimeIntegrator, \
-                          ComputeGranularity, Interpolation, StrangOrder
-from hysop.topology.cartesian_topology import CartesianTopology
-from import CartesianDiscretization
-pi  = np.pi
-cos = np.cos
-sin = np.sin
-# Define the domain
-dim = 3
-npts = (32,32,64)
-box = Box(dim=dim,
-          origin=[-2.56, -2.56, -2.56],
-          length=[5.12, 5.12, 10.24])
-cfl = 0.5
-lcfl = 0.125
-uinf = 1.0
-viscosity = 1. / 250.
-outfreq = 10
-dt0 = 0.0125
-# Get default MPI Parameters from domain (even for serial jobs)
-mpi_params = MPIParams(comm=box.task_comm,
-                       task_id=box.current_task())
-# Setup usual implementation specific variables
-impl = None
-extra_op_kwds = {'mpi_params': mpi_params}
-# ====== Sphere inside the domain ======
-RADIUS = 0.5
-pos = [0., 0., 0.]
-def computeSphere(data, coords):
-    (x, y, z) = coords[0]
-    dx = x[0,0,1] - x[0,0,0]
-    dy = y[0,1,0] - y[0,0,0]
-    dz = z[1,0,0] - z[0,0,0]
-    data[0][...] = 0.
-    chi = lambda x,y,z: np.sqrt((x-pos[0])*(x-pos[0])+(y-pos[1])*(y-pos[1])+(z-pos[2])*(z-pos[2]))<=RADIUS
-    data[0][chi(x,y,z)] = 1.
-    # Smooth the sphere surface with a Volume-of-fluid fraction
-    vof = 5  # number of points in the subgrid
-    front_z = np.where(np.abs(data[0][0:-1,:,:]-data[0][1:,:,:])>0.1)
-    front_z = (np.concatenate((front_z[0],front_z[0]+1)),
-               np.concatenate((front_z[1],front_z[1])),
-               np.concatenate((front_z[2],front_z[2])))
-    front_y = np.where(np.abs(data[0][:,0:-1,:]-data[0][:,1:,:])>0.1)
-    front_y = (np.concatenate((front_y[0],front_y[0])),
-               np.concatenate((front_y[1],front_y[1]+1)),
-               np.concatenate((front_y[2],front_y[2])))
-    front = (np.concatenate((front_z[0],front_y[0])),
-             np.concatenate((front_z[1],front_y[1])),
-             np.concatenate((front_z[2],front_y[2])))
-    front_x = np.where(np.abs(data[0][:,:,0:-1]-data[0][:,:,1:])>0.1)
-    front_x = (np.concatenate((front_x[0],front_x[0])),
-               np.concatenate((front_x[1],front_x[1])),
-               np.concatenate((front_x[2],front_x[2]+1)))
-    front = (np.concatenate((front[0],front_x[0])),
-             np.concatenate((front[1],front_x[1])),
-             np.concatenate((front[2],front_x[2])))
-    for k,j,i in zip(*front):
-        sx = np.linspace(x[0,0,i]-dx/2,x[0,0,i]+dx/2,vof)[np.newaxis,np.newaxis,:]
-        sy = np.linspace(y[0,j,0]-dy/2,y[0,j,0]+dy/2,vof)[np.newaxis,:,np.newaxis]
-        sz = np.linspace(z[k,0,0]-dz/2,z[k,0,0]+dz/2,vof)[:,np.newaxis,np.newaxis]
-        data[0][k,j,i] = 1.*(np.sum(chi(sx, sy, sz))/(1.0*vof**3))
-    return data
-# ======= Function to compute initial velocity  =======
-def computeVel(data, coords):
-    data[0][...] = uinf
-    data[1][...] = 0.
-    data[2][...] = 0.
-    return data
-# ======= Function to compute initial vorticity =======
-def computeVort(data, coords):
-    data[0][...] = 0.
-    data[1][...] = 0.
-    data[2][...] = 0.
-    return data
-method = {}
-# Define parameters and field (time, timestep, velocity, vorticity, enstrophy)
-t, dt = TimeParameters(dtype=HYSOP_REAL)
-velo = VelocityField(domain=box, dtype=HYSOP_REAL)
-vorti = VorticityField(velocity=velo, dtype=HYSOP_REAL)
-sphere = Field(domain=box, name="Sphere", is_vector=False, dtype=HYSOP_REAL)
-wdotw = Field(domain=box, dtype=HYSOP_REAL, is_vector=False, name="WdotW")
-enstrophy = EnstrophyParameter(dtype=HYSOP_REAL)
-flowrate = TensorParameter(name="flowrate", dtype=HYSOP_REAL, shape=(3, ),
-                           initial_value=[0., 0., uinf * box.length[1] * box.length[0]])
-# Topologies
-topo_nogh = CartesianTopology(domain=box,
-                              discretization=CartesianDiscretization(npts,
-                                  default_boundaries=True),
-                              mpi_params=mpi_params,
-                              cutdirs=[False, False, True])
-topo_gh = CartesianTopology(domain=box,
-                            discretization=CartesianDiscretization(npts,
-                                ghosts=(4, 4, 4), default_boundaries=True),
-                            mpi_params=mpi_params,
-                            cutdirs=[False, False, True])
-### Build the directional operators
-#> Directional advection
-advec = Advection(
-    implementation=Implementation.FORTRAN,
-    name='advec',
-    velocity=velo,
-    advected_fields=(vorti,),
-    variables={velo: topo_nogh, vorti: topo_nogh},
-    dt=dt, **extra_op_kwds)
-#> Directional stretching + diffusion
-stretch = StaticDirectionalStretching(
-    implementation=Implementation.PYTHON,
-    name='stretch',
-    formulation=StretchingFormulation.CONSERVATIVE,
-    velocity=velo,
-    vorticity=vorti,
-    variables={velo: topo_gh, vorti: topo_gh},
-    dt=dt, **extra_op_kwds)
-#> Directional splitting operator subgraph
-splitting = StrangSplitting(splitting_dim=dim,
-                            order=StrangOrder.STRANG_FIRST_ORDER)
-#> Penalization
-penal = PenalizeVorticity(
-    implementation=Implementation.PYTHON,
-    name='penalization',
-    velocity=velo, vorticity=vorti,
-    variables={velo: topo_gh, vorti: topo_gh, sphere: topo_gh},
-    obstacles=[sphere, ], coeff=1e8,
-    dt=dt, **extra_op_kwds)
-#> Diffusion operator
-diffuse = Diffusion(
-    implementation=Implementation.FORTRAN,
-    name='diffuse',
-    nu=viscosity,
-    Fin=vorti,
-    variables={vorti: topo_nogh},
-    dt=dt, **extra_op_kwds)
-#> Vorticity absorption
-absorption = VorticityAbsorption(
-    implementation=Implementation.PYTHON,
-    velocity=velo, vorticity=vorti,
-    start_coord=6.68,
-    flowrate=flowrate,
-    name="absorption",
-    variables={velo: topo_nogh, vorti: topo_nogh},
-    dt=dt, **extra_op_kwds)
-#> Poisson operator to recover the velocity from the vorticity
-poisson = PoissonCurl(
-    implementation=Implementation.FORTRAN,
-    name='poisson',
-    velocity=velo,
-    vorticity=vorti,
-    variables={velo: topo_nogh, vorti: topo_nogh},
-    projection=None,
-    **extra_op_kwds)
-#> Flowrate correction operator to adjust velocity with prescribed flowrate
-def computeFlowrate(t, flowrate):
-    fr = np.zeros(3)
-    fr[0] = uinf * box.length[1] * box.length[0]
-    Tstart=3.0
-    if t() >= Tstart and t() <= Tstart + 1.0:
-        fr[1] = sin(pi * (t() - Tstart)) * \
-                      box.length[1] * box.length[0]
-    flowrate.value = fr
-computeFlowrate = CustomOperator(func=computeFlowrate,
-                                 invars=(t, ),
-                                 outvars=(flowrate, ))
-correctFlowrate = FlowRateCorrection(
-    implementation=Implementation.PYTHON,
-    name="flowrate_correction",
-    velocity=velo, vorticity=vorti,
-    flowrate=flowrate,
-    dt=dt,
-    variables={velo: topo_nogh, vorti: topo_nogh},
-    **extra_op_kwds)
-#> outputs
-#penal.dump_inputs(fields=(sphere, ), frequency=outfrea)
-correctFlowrate.dump_inputs(fields=(vorti, ), frequency=outfreq)
-correctFlowrate.dump_outputs(fields=(velo,),  frequency=outfreq)
-#> Operator to compute the infinite norm of the velocity
-min_max_U = MinMaxFieldStatistics(name='min_max_U', field=velo,
-        Finf=True, implementation=Implementation.PYTHON, variables={velo:npts},
-        **extra_op_kwds)
-#> Operator to compute the infinite norm of the vorticity
-min_max_W = MinMaxFieldStatistics(name='min_max_W', field=vorti,
-        Finf=True, implementation=Implementation.PYTHON, variables={vorti:npts},
-        **extra_op_kwds)
-#> Operator to compute the enstrophy
-enstrophy_op = Enstrophy(
-    name='enstrophy',
-    vorticity=vorti, enstrophy=enstrophy, WdotW=wdotw,
-    variables={vorti:topo_nogh, wdotw: topo_nogh},
-    implementation=Implementation.PYTHON, **extra_op_kwds)
-### Adaptive timestep operator
-#TODO:move advection to GRAD_U
-#TODO:add stretching criteria, based on a gradient
-adapt_dt = AdaptiveTimeStep(dt, equivalent_CFL=True,
-                            start_time=10*dt0)  # start adapting timestep at t=10*dt0
-dt_cfl = adapt_dt.push_cfl_criteria(cfl=cfl,
-                                    Finf=min_max_U.Finf,
-                                    equivalent_CFL=True)
-dt_advec = adapt_dt.push_advection_criteria(lcfl=lcfl,
-                                            Finf=min_max_W.Finf,
-                                            criteria=AdvectionCriteria.W_INF)
-                                            #criteria=AdvectionCriteria.GRAD_U)
-# dt_advec = adapt_dt.push_stretching_criteria(lcfl=lcfl,
-#                                              gradFinf=grad_W.Finf,
-#                                              criteria=StretchingCriteria.GRAD_U)
-## Create the problem we want to solve and insert our
-# directional splitting subgraph and the standard operators.
-# The method dictionnary passed to this graph will be dispatched
-# accross all operators contained in the graph.
-method.update({SpaceDiscretization:   4,
-               TimeIntegrator:        RK2,
-               Remesh:                Remesh.L4_2,
-               Interpolation:         Interpolation.LINEAR})
-problem = Problem(method=method)
-    computeFlowrate,
-    penal,
-    splitting,
-    diffuse,
-    advec,
-    absorption,
-    poisson,
-    correctFlowrate,
-    enstrophy_op, min_max_U, min_max_W,
-    adapt_dt
-# # Create a simulation
-# # (do not forget to specify the t and dt parameters here)
-simu = Simulation(start=0., end=10.0,
-                  dt0=dt0, t=t, dt=dt)
-simu.write_parameters(t, dt_cfl, dt_advec, dt, enstrophy, flowrate,
-                      min_max_U.Finf, min_max_W.Finf, adapt_dt.equivalent_CFL,
-                      filename='parameters.txt', precision=8)
-problem.initialize_field(vorti, formula=computeVort)
-problem.initialize_field(velo, formula=computeVel)
-problem.initialize_field(sphere, formula=computeSphere)
-# Finally solve the problem
-# Finalize
diff --git a/hysop/backend/device/ b/hysop/backend/device/
index 0bec40f40..f63236a61 100644
--- a/hysop/backend/device/
+++ b/hysop/backend/device/
@@ -227,8 +227,8 @@ class AutotunableKernel(object, metaclass=ABCMeta):
         Configure work_bounds (work_dim, work_size, max_work_load).
         Return a WorkBoundsConfiguration object.
-        check_instance(max_kernel_work_group_size, (int,long))
-        check_instance(preferred_work_group_size_multiple, (int, long))
+        check_instance(max_kernel_work_group_size, int)
+        check_instance(preferred_work_group_size_multiple, int)
         check_instance(extra_parameters, dict, keys=str)
         check_instance(extra_kwds, dict, keys=str)
         assert (max_kernel_work_group_size>0), max_kernel_work_group_size
diff --git a/hysop/backend/device/codegen/base/ b/hysop/backend/device/codegen/base/
index 2cd55caa1..e2c844801 100644
--- a/hysop/backend/device/codegen/base/
+++ b/hysop/backend/device/codegen/base/
@@ -557,7 +557,7 @@ class CodeGenerator(object):
         if (unroll is not None) and (unroll is not False):
             if unroll is True:
                 header_prefix = '#pragma unroll\n{}'.format(header_prefix)
-            elif isinstance(unroll, (int,long)):
+            elif isinstance(unroll, int):
                 header_prefix = '#pragma unroll {}\n{}'.format(unroll, header_prefix)
         with self._block_(header_prefix=header_prefix,compact=compact) as b:
             yield b
diff --git a/hysop/backend/device/codegen/base/ b/hysop/backend/device/codegen/base/
index d226baf0a..0beac4671 100644
--- a/hysop/backend/device/codegen/base/
+++ b/hysop/backend/device/codegen/base/
@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ class CodegenVariable(object):
             is_ptr = ptr
             ptr_level = int(ptr)
-            check_instance(ptr, (int, long))
+            check_instance(ptr, int)
             is_ptr = True
             ptr_level = ptr
         del ptr
@@ -851,7 +851,7 @@ class CodegenVectorClBuiltin(CodegenVector):
                 value = [self.svalue[i] for i in key]
                 return '({})({})'.format(ctype, ','.join(value))
             return access
-        elif isinstance(key, (int,long)) :
+        elif isinstance(key, int) :
             if key<0:
                 key += dim
             if key<0 or key>=dim:
diff --git a/hysop/backend/device/codegen/symbolic/functions/ b/hysop/backend/device/codegen/symbolic/functions/
index 20f969e6d..437ae5fdc 100644
--- a/hysop/backend/device/codegen/symbolic/functions/
+++ b/hysop/backend/device/codegen/symbolic/functions/
@@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ class CustomSymbolicFunction(OpenClFunctionCodeGenerator):
     def parse_expr(self, csc, name, expr, args, reqs):
         pexpr = None
-        if isinstance(expr, (int,long,sm.Integer)):
+        if isinstance(expr, (int,sm.Integer)):
             pexpr = IntegerConstant('int', expr)
         elif isinstance(expr, (float, sm.Rational, sm.Float)):
             pexpr = FloatingPointConstant(csc.typegen.fbtype, expr)
diff --git a/hysop/backend/device/ b/hysop/backend/device/
index b37105488..47072398d 100644
--- a/hysop/backend/device/
+++ b/hysop/backend/device/
@@ -13,10 +13,10 @@ class KernelStatistics(object):
         Statistics should be given in nanoseconds.
         super(KernelStatistics, self).__init__(**kwds)
-        check_instance(min_, (int,long), allow_none=True)
-        check_instance(max_, (int,long), allow_none=True)
-        check_instance(total, (int,long), allow_none=True)
-        check_instance(nruns, (int,long))
+        check_instance(min_, int, allow_none=True)
+        check_instance(max_, int, allow_none=True)
+        check_instance(total, int, allow_none=True)
+        check_instance(nruns, int)
         check_instance(data, (list,tuple), allow_none=True)
         self._min   = min_
         self._max   = max_
diff --git a/hysop/backend/device/opencl/ b/hysop/backend/device/opencl/
index e44b2a0f4..ffe325982 100644
--- a/hysop/backend/device/opencl/
+++ b/hysop/backend/device/opencl/
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ class OpenClDeferredAllocator(OpenClAllocator):
     is_deferred = True
     def _allocate_impl(self, nbytes):
-        assert isinstance(nbytes, (long,int))
+        assert isinstance(nbytes, int)
         return OpenClBuffer(context=self.context, mem_flags=self.mem_flags, size=nbytes)
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ class OpenClImmediateAllocator(OpenClAllocator):
     _zero = np.array([0, 0, 0, 0], dtype=np.int8)
     def _allocate_impl(self, nbytes):
-        assert isinstance(nbytes, (long,int))
+        assert isinstance(nbytes, int)
         buf = OpenClBuffer(context=self.context, mem_flags=self.mem_flags, size=nbytes)
diff --git a/hysop/backend/device/opencl/ b/hysop/backend/device/opencl/
index cdd329047..aea54a9e8 100644
--- a/hysop/backend/device/opencl/
+++ b/hysop/backend/device/opencl/
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ def opencl_version_atleast(major, minor, returned=UnknownDeviceAttribute()):
                 return returned
         return wrap
     return decorator
 def cl2hysop_device_type(cl_dev_type):
     entries = {
         cl.device_type.ACCELERATOR: DeviceType.ACCELERATOR,
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ def cl2hysop_device_type(cl_dev_type):
         entries[cl.device_type.CUSTOM] = DeviceType.CUSTOM
     if (cl_dev_type not in entries):
-        msg = 'Unknown opencl device type {}.'.format(cl_dev_type) 
+        msg = 'Unknown opencl device type {}.'.format(cl_dev_type)
         raise ValueError(msg)
     return entries[cl_dev_type]
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ def cl2hysop_mem_type(cl_mem_type):
     elif cl_mem_type == cl.device_local_mem_type.GLOBAL:
         return MemoryType.GLOBAL_MEMORY
-        msg = 'Unknown memory type {}.'.format(cl_mem_type) 
+        msg = 'Unknown memory type {}.'.format(cl_mem_type)
         raise ValueError(msg)
 def cl2hysop_cache_type(cl_cache_type):
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ def cl2hysop_cache_type(cl_cache_type):
     elif cl_cache_type == ct.READ_WRITE_CACHE:
         return CacheType.READ_WRITE_CACHE
-        msg = 'Unknown cache type {}.'.format(cl_cache_type) 
+        msg = 'Unknown cache type {}.'.format(cl_cache_type)
         raise ValueError(msg)
 def cl2hysop_fpconfig(cl_fpconfig):
@@ -84,42 +84,42 @@ class OpenClDevice(LogicalDevice):
     __attrs = (
         'version', 'opencl_c_version', 'spir_versions', 'driver_version', 'il_version',
-        'name', 'type', 'vendor', 'vendor_id', 
-        'extensions', 'built_in_kernels', 
-        'available', 'compiler_available', 'linker_available', 
-        'host_unified_memory',  'svm_capabilities', 
-        'partition_max_sub_devices', 'partition_properties', 
-        'partition_affinity_domain', 'partition_type', 
+        'name', 'type', 'vendor', 'vendor_id',
+        'extensions', 'built_in_kernels',
+        'available', 'compiler_available', 'linker_available',
+        'host_unified_memory',  'svm_capabilities',
+        'partition_max_sub_devices', 'partition_properties',
+        'partition_affinity_domain', 'partition_type',
         'pipe_max_active_reservations', 'pipe_max_packet_size', 'max_pipe_args',
-        'queue_on_device_max_size', 'queue_on_device_preferred_size', 
+        'queue_on_device_max_size', 'queue_on_device_preferred_size',
         'queue_on_host_properties', 'queue_on_device_properties',
-        'max_on_device_events', 'max_on_device_queues', 
-        'max_global_variable_size',  'max_parameter_size', 'max_clock_frequency', 
-        'sub_group_independent_forward_progress', 'max_num_sub_groups', 
+        'max_on_device_events', 'max_on_device_queues',
+        'max_global_variable_size',  'max_parameter_size', 'max_clock_frequency',
+        'sub_group_independent_forward_progress', 'max_num_sub_groups',
         'address_bits', 'endian_little', 'error_correction_support', 'execution_capabilities',
-        'max_work_item_dimensions', 'max_work_item_sizes', 'max_work_group_size', 
-        'mem_base_addr_align', 'max_constant_args', 'max_constant_buffer_size', 
-        'global_mem_size', 'global_mem_cache_size', 
-        'global_mem_cacheline_size', 'global_mem_cache_type', 
-        'max_mem_alloc_size', 'local_mem_size', 'local_mem_type', 
-        'half_fp_config', 'single_fp_config', 'double_fp_config', 
+        'max_work_item_dimensions', 'max_work_item_sizes', 'max_work_group_size',
+        'mem_base_addr_align', 'max_constant_args', 'max_constant_buffer_size',
+        'global_mem_size', 'global_mem_cache_size',
+        'global_mem_cacheline_size', 'global_mem_cache_type',
+        'max_mem_alloc_size', 'local_mem_size', 'local_mem_type',
+        'half_fp_config', 'single_fp_config', 'double_fp_config',
         'image_support', 'max_samplers', 'image_max_array_size', 'image_max_buffer_size',
-        'max_read_image_args', 'max_write_image_args', 'max_read_write_image_args', 
-        'image2d_max_width', 'image2d_max_height', 
-        'image3d_max_depth', 'image3d_max_height', 'image3d_max_width', 
-        'image_max_buffer_size', 
-        'preferred_platform_atomic_alignment', 'preferred_local_atomic_alignment', 
-        'preferred_global_atomic_alignment', 
+        'max_read_image_args', 'max_write_image_args', 'max_read_write_image_args',
+        'image2d_max_width', 'image2d_max_height',
+        'image3d_max_depth', 'image3d_max_height', 'image3d_max_width',
+        'image_max_buffer_size',
+        'preferred_platform_atomic_alignment', 'preferred_local_atomic_alignment',
+        'preferred_global_atomic_alignment',
-        'profiling_timer_resolution', 'printf_buffer_size', 
+        'profiling_timer_resolution', 'printf_buffer_size',
-        'native_vector_width_char', 'native_vector_width_short', 'native_vector_width_int', 
-        'native_vector_width_long', 'native_vector_width_float', 'native_vector_width_double', 
-        'native_vector_width_half', 
-        'preferred_vector_width_char', 'preferred_vector_width_short', 
-        'preferred_vector_width_int', 'preferred_vector_width_long', 
-        'preferred_vector_width_half', 'preferred_vector_width_float', 
+        'native_vector_width_char', 'native_vector_width_short', 'native_vector_width_int',
+        'native_vector_width_long', 'native_vector_width_float', 'native_vector_width_double',
+        'native_vector_width_half',
+        'preferred_vector_width_char', 'preferred_vector_width_short',
+        'preferred_vector_width_int', 'preferred_vector_width_long',
+        'preferred_vector_width_half', 'preferred_vector_width_float',
         'pci_bus_id_nv', 'pci_slot_id_nv', 'attribute_async_engine_count_nv',
         'compute_capability_major_nv', 'compute_capability_minor_nv', 'gpu_overlap_nv',
@@ -138,10 +138,10 @@ class OpenClDevice(LogicalDevice):
     __all_attrs = __attrs + ('_simd_lane_size', '_usable_local_mem_size', '_real_name')
-    def __init__(self, platform, platform_handle, device_id, 
+    def __init__(self, platform, platform_handle, device_id,
                         device_handle, hardware_topo, **kwds):
         # we do not keep a reference to platform_handle  or device_handle as we
         # need to pickle this object
         self._cl_version = self._extract_cl_version(device_handle)
@@ -164,13 +164,13 @@ class OpenClDevice(LogicalDevice):
         self._simd_lane_size = cl.characterize.get_simd_group_size(device_handle, np.int32)
         self._usable_local_mem_size = cl.characterize.usable_local_mem_size(device_handle)
         self._real_name =
-                platform=platform, platform_handle=platform_handle, 
-                device_id=device_id, device_handle=device_handle, 
+                platform=platform, platform_handle=platform_handle,
+                device_id=device_id, device_handle=device_handle,
                 hardware_topo=hardware_topo, **kwds)
     def _determine_performance_and_affinity(self, hardware_topo):
         # test device bandwidth using clpeak global memory bandwidth statistics
@@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ class OpenClDevice(LogicalDevice):
         self._clpeak_info = info
     def _extract_cl_version(self, device_handle):
         version = device_handle.version
         regexp = re.compile('OpenCL ([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)')
@@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ class OpenClDevice(LogicalDevice):
         assert match, 'Could not match opencl version from \'{}\'.'.format(version)
         (major, minor) = int(, int(
         return (major, minor)
     def _match_physical_devices(self, hardware_topo):
         if (self.type() == DeviceType.CPU):
             return hardware_topo.cpu_packages()
@@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ class OpenClDevice(LogicalDevice):
             msg=msg.format(, device.pci_busid())
             return device
-        # else we may try to look to pci bus id 
+        # else we may try to look to pci bus id
         # at this time, this is only available for nvidia and amd via opencl extensions
             pci_bus_id  = self.pci_bus_id()
@@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ class OpenClDevice(LogicalDevice):
             if not isinstance(pci_bus_id, str):
                 msg='Could not get opencl pci device bus id.'
-                return None 
+                return None
             elif pci_bus_id not in pci_devices.keys():
                 msg='Could get opencl pci device bus id ({}), but it did not match '
                 msg='any in hardware topology.'
@@ -249,7 +249,7 @@ bytes2str(self.global_mem_size()),
 bytes2str(self.local_mem_size(), decimal=False),
 'yes, up to {} subdevices'.format(self.max_subdevices()) if self.has_device_partition_support() \
-        else 'no', 'no match', ind=ind, inc=inc)   
+        else 'no', 'no match', ind=ind, inc=inc)
         msg += '\n'+self.clpeak_info_summary(indent=indent, increment=increment)
         return msg
@@ -295,7 +295,7 @@ bytes2str(self.local_mem_size(), decimal=False),
         if failed:
             ss += ['{s}>Error: All clpeak commands failed.']
         return '\n'.join(ss).format(s=(ind+inc+inc+' |-'))
     def device_summary(self, indent=0, increment=2):
         ind=' '*indent
         inc=' '*increment
@@ -306,7 +306,7 @@ bytes2str(self.local_mem_size(), decimal=False),
 {ind}{inc}{inc}*device type:              {}
 {ind}{inc}{inc}*opencl   version:         {}
 {ind}{inc}{inc}*opencl C version:         {}
 {ind}{inc}{inc}*address bits:             {}bit
 {ind}{inc}{inc}*little endian:            {}
 {ind}{inc}{inc}*ECC enabled:              {}
@@ -322,9 +322,9 @@ self.vendor(), self.vendor_id(),
 self.version(), self.opencl_c_version(),
 self.address_bits(), self.little_endian(),
-self.available(), self.compiler_available(), 
+self.available(), self.compiler_available(),
 self.linker_available(), self.has_spir_support(),
 ind=ind, inc=inc)
         return msg
@@ -385,7 +385,7 @@ ind=ind, inc=inc)
     def fp_support_summary(self, indent=0, increment=2):
         ind=' '*indent
         inc=' '*increment
         def fmt(bits, has_fp, get_fp_flags):
             if not has_fp:
                 support = '\n{ind}{inc}{inc}*fp{} support: None'.format(bits, inc=inc, ind=ind)
@@ -417,7 +417,7 @@ ind=ind, inc=inc)
 {ind}{inc}Vector sizes (preferred{}):
-{ind}{inc}{inc}*char:                     {}{} 
+{ind}{inc}{inc}*char:                     {}{}
 {ind}{inc}{inc}*short:                    {}{}
 {ind}{inc}{inc}*int:                      {}{}
 {ind}{inc}{inc}*long:                     {}{}
@@ -481,11 +481,11 @@ ind=ind, inc=inc)
-    fmt(self.has_1d_image_support(), self.has_1d_image_write_support(), 
+    fmt(self.has_1d_image_support(), self.has_1d_image_write_support(),
-    fmt(self.has_2d_image_support(), self.has_2d_image_write_support(), 
+    fmt(self.has_2d_image_support(), self.has_2d_image_write_support(),
-    fmt(self.has_3d_image_support(), self.has_3d_image_write_support(), 
+    fmt(self.has_3d_image_support(), self.has_3d_image_write_support(),
     fmt_array(self.has_1d_image_array_support(), self.max_1d_image_array_size()),
     fmt_array(self.has_2d_image_array_support(), self.max_2d_image_array_size()),
@@ -494,7 +494,7 @@ ind=ind, inc=inc)
     ind=ind, inc=inc)
         return msg
     def atomics_summary(self, indent=0, increment=2):
         ind=' '*indent
         inc=' '*increment
@@ -507,29 +507,29 @@ ind=ind, inc=inc)
 {ind}{inc}{inc}*int64/uint64:             {}
 {ind}{inc}{inc}*float32:                  {}
 {ind}{inc}{inc}*float64:                  {}
 {ind}{inc}{inc}*int32 hardware counters:  {}
 {ind}{inc}{inc}*int64 hardware counters:  {}
-    fmt(self.has_global_int32_atomics(), self.has_local_int32_atomics(), 
+    fmt(self.has_global_int32_atomics(), self.has_local_int32_atomics(),
-    fmt(self.has_global_int64_atomics(), self.has_local_int64_atomics(), 
+    fmt(self.has_global_int64_atomics(), self.has_local_int64_atomics(),
-    fmt(self.has_global_float32_atomics(), self.has_local_float32_atomics(), 
+    fmt(self.has_global_float32_atomics(), self.has_local_float32_atomics(),
-    fmt(self.has_global_float64_atomics(), self.has_local_float64_atomics(), 
+    fmt(self.has_global_float64_atomics(), self.has_local_float64_atomics(),
     ind=ind, inc=inc)
         return msg
     def misc_summary(self, indent=0, increment=2):
         ind=' '*indent
         inc=' '*increment
         if self.has_printf_support:
             pbs = self.printf_buffer_size()
-            pbs = 'up to {}'.format(bytes2str(pbs)) if isinstance(pbs,(int,long)) \
+            pbs = 'up to {}'.format(bytes2str(pbs)) if isinstance(pbs,int) \
                     else 'unknown buffer size'
@@ -562,7 +562,7 @@ ind=ind, inc=inc)
         if short:
             return \
     '''{ind}*Device {}:\n{}'''.format(
-            self.device_id, 
+            self.device_id,
             self.short_device_summary(indent=indent, increment=increment),
@@ -572,7 +572,7 @@ ind=ind, inc=inc)
-            self.device_summary(indent=indent, increment=increment), 
+            self.device_summary(indent=indent, increment=increment),
             self.memory_summary(indent=indent, increment=increment),
             self.kernel_summary(indent=indent, increment=increment),
             self.fp_support_summary(indent=indent, increment=increment),
@@ -605,7 +605,7 @@ ind=ind, inc=inc)
             if self.has_extension('cl_nv_device_attribute_query'):
                 bus_id  = self._pci_bus_id_nv
                 slot_id = self._pci_slot_id_nv
-                dev_id  = (slot_id >> 3) 
+                dev_id  = (slot_id >> 3)
                 fn_id   = (slot_id & 0x07)
                 bus_id0 = (bus_id >> 8 ) # not sure if usefull
                 bus_id1  = (bus_id & 0xff)
@@ -620,7 +620,7 @@ ind=ind, inc=inc)
                 return '{:04x}:{:02x}:{:02x}.{:01x}'.format(bus_id0,bus_id1,dev_id,fn_id)
                 return UnknownDeviceAttribute()
     def extensions(self):
         return [ext.strip() for ext in self._extensions.split(' ') if ext.strip() != '']
@@ -654,7 +654,7 @@ ind=ind, inc=inc)
     def native_vector_width_half(self):
         return self._native_vector_width_half
     def built_in_kernels(self):
         return self._built_in_kernels
@@ -732,13 +732,13 @@ ind=ind, inc=inc)
     def max_threads_per_block(self):
         return self._max_work_group_size
     def simd_lane_size(self):
-        return self._simd_lane_size 
+        return self._simd_lane_size
     def max_constant_args(self):
         return self._max_constant_args
     def max_constant_buffer_size(self):
         return self._max_constant_buffer_size
     def global_mem_size(self):
         return self._global_mem_size
@@ -752,7 +752,7 @@ ind=ind, inc=inc)
         return self._max_mem_alloc_size
     def mem_base_addr_align(self):
         return self._mem_base_addr_align
     def local_mem_size(self):
         return self._local_mem_size
     def local_mem_type(self):
@@ -792,7 +792,7 @@ ind=ind, inc=inc)
     def fp64_config(self):
         assert self.has_fp64
         return cl2hysop_fpconfig(self._double_fp_config)
     def has_image_support(self):
         return bool(self._image_support)
@@ -808,14 +808,14 @@ ind=ind, inc=inc)
     def max_samplers(self):
         assert self.has_image_support
         return self._max_samplers
     def has_1d_image_support(self):
         return self.has_image_support
     def has_2d_image_support(self):
         return self.has_image_support
     def has_3d_image_support(self):
         return self.has_image_support
     def has_1d_image_write_support(self):
         return (self.max_write_image_args>0)
     def has_2d_image_write_support(self):
@@ -830,12 +830,12 @@ ind=ind, inc=inc)
     def has_2d_image_array_support(self):
         return self.has_image_support
     def image_max_array_size(self):
         assert self.has_1d_image_array_support or \
         return self._image_max_array_size
     def max_1d_image_size(self):
         assert self.has_1d_image_support
         return np.asarray([self._image2d_max_width])
@@ -860,10 +860,10 @@ ind=ind, inc=inc)
     def max_3d_image_size(self):
         assert self.has_3d_image_support
         return np.asarray([
-                self._image3d_max_depth, 
+                self._image3d_max_depth,
     def has_1d_image_from_buffer_support(self):
         return self.has_image_support()
@@ -873,10 +873,10 @@ ind=ind, inc=inc)
             return self.has_image_support()
             return self.has_extension('cl_khr_image2d_from_buffer')
     def has_3d_image_from_buffer_support(self):
         return False
     def has_2d_image_from_image_support(self):
         return self.has_image_support
@@ -890,7 +890,7 @@ ind=ind, inc=inc)
         return self._image_pitch_alignment
     def has_global_int32_atomics(self):
         if self.opencl_version() == (1,0):
@@ -903,7 +903,7 @@ ind=ind, inc=inc)
         return (self.opencl_version()[0] >= 2)
     def has_global_float64_atomics(self):
         return (self.opencl_version()[0] >= 2)
     def has_local_int32_atomics(self):
         if self.opencl_version() == (1,0):
             return self.has_extension('cl_khr_local_int32_base_atomics')
@@ -915,7 +915,7 @@ ind=ind, inc=inc)
         return (self.opencl_version()[0] >= 2)
     def has_local_float64_atomics(self):
         return (self.opencl_version()[0] >= 2)
     def has_mixed_int32_atomics(self):
         return False
     def has_mixed_int64_atomics(self):
@@ -1009,7 +1009,7 @@ class OpenClDeviceStatistics(HardwareStatistics):
             self._global_mem_size += [device._global_mem_size]
             self._type = device.type()
             self._clpeak_stats = device._clpeak_info.stats()
     def __iadd__(self, other):
         if (other is None):
             return self
@@ -1035,6 +1035,6 @@ class OpenClDeviceStatistics(HardwareStatistics):
         ind = ' '*indent
         inc = ' '*increment
         ss = ['{{ind}}{:^4} {:^10} {:^10} {} {}'.format(self._counter, self._type,
-            bytes2str(np.mean(self._global_mem_size)), 
+            bytes2str(np.mean(self._global_mem_size)),
             self._clpeak_stats, self._name)]
         return '\n'.join(s.format(ind=ind, inc=inc) for s in ss)
diff --git a/hysop/backend/device/opencl/ b/hysop/backend/device/opencl/
index 203d6e5df..b2575fa94 100644
--- a/hysop/backend/device/opencl/
+++ b/hysop/backend/device/opencl/
@@ -265,7 +265,7 @@ class TypeGen(object):
         if isinstance(val, (float,np.floating,MPFR,sm.Float)):
             sval = self.float_to_str(val, self.fbtype)
             return '({})'.format(sval)
-        elif isinstance(val, (np.integer,int,long,MPZ,sm.Integer)):
+        elif isinstance(val, (np.integer,int,MPZ,sm.Integer)):
             suffix = ''
             if isinstance(val, np.unsignedinteger):
@@ -318,13 +318,15 @@ class TypeGen(object):
         if isinstance(val, (float,np.floating,MPFR,sm.Float)):
             return self.fbtype
-        elif isinstance(val, (np.integer,int,long,MPZ,sm.Integer)):
+        elif isinstance(val, (np.integer,int,MPZ,sm.Integer)):
             if isinstance(val, (np.int64, MPZ)):
                 return 'long'
             elif isinstance(val, np.uint64):
                 return 'ulong'
             elif isinstance(val, np.unsignedinteger):
                 return 'uint'
+            elif isinstance(val, int):
+                return 'long'
                 return 'int'
         elif isinstance(val, (bool,np.bool_)):
diff --git a/hysop/backend/host/ b/hysop/backend/host/
index 44c05fff3..8d3b99114 100644
--- a/hysop/backend/host/
+++ b/hysop/backend/host/
@@ -5,11 +5,14 @@ from import HostPooledBuffer
 from hysop.core.memory.mempool import MemoryPool
 class HostMemoryPool(MemoryPool, HostAllocator):
+    def __new__(cls, allocator, **kwds):
+        return super(HostMemoryPool, cls).__new__(cls, allocator=allocator, **kwds)
     def __init__(self, allocator, **kwds):
         check_instance(allocator, HostAllocator)
         super(HostMemoryPool,self).__init__(allocator=allocator, **kwds)
     def _wrap_buffer(self, buf, alloc_sz, size, alignment):
-        return HostPooledBuffer(pool=self, buf=buf, alloc_sz=alloc_sz, 
+        return HostPooledBuffer(pool=self, buf=buf, alloc_sz=alloc_sz,
                 size=size, alignment=alignment)
diff --git a/hysop/core/arrays/ b/hysop/core/arrays/
index a837463bd..f0e333b46 100644
--- a/hysop/core/arrays/
+++ b/hysop/core/arrays/
@@ -90,10 +90,6 @@ class Array(object, metaclass=ABCMeta):
         """Return scalar value as an int."""
         assert self.size==1
         return int(self.get())
-    def __long__(self):
-        """Return scalar value as a long."""
-        assert self.size==1
-        return long(self.get())
     def __float__(self):
         assert self.size==1
         """Return scalar value as a float."""
diff --git a/hysop/core/arrays/ b/hysop/core/arrays/
index fa1009d3b..075eed4bd 100644
--- a/hysop/core/arrays/
+++ b/hysop/core/arrays/
@@ -273,7 +273,7 @@ class ArrayBackend(TaggedObject, metaclass=ABCMeta):
                     name = val
                 if hasattr(val,'__class__') and \
-                        val.__class__ in [type,int,long,float,np.dtype,list,tuple,set]:
+                        val.__class__ in [type,int,float,np.dtype,list,tuple,set]:
                     name += ' = {}'.format(val)
                 return name
diff --git a/hysop/core/memory/ b/hysop/core/memory/
index e14a85c3d..9b80a06a9 100644
--- a/hysop/core/memory/
+++ b/hysop/core/memory/
@@ -33,9 +33,9 @@ class MemoryRequest(object):
             dtype = HYSOP_BOOL
         check_instance(backend, ArrayBackend)
-        check_instance(size,          (int,long,np.integer),   allow_none=True)
-        check_instance(alignment,     (int,long,np.integer),   allow_none=True)
-        check_instance(nb_components, (int,long,np.integer),   allow_none=True)
+        check_instance(size,          (int,np.integer),   allow_none=True)
+        check_instance(alignment,     (int,np.integer),   allow_none=True)
+        check_instance(nb_components, (int,np.integer),   allow_none=True)
         check_instance(shape,         (tuple,list,np.ndarray), allow_none=True)
         if (dtype is None):
diff --git a/hysop/core/memory/ b/hysop/core/memory/
index 8521b5896..2401a77c4 100644
--- a/hysop/core/memory/
+++ b/hysop/core/memory/
@@ -29,6 +29,10 @@ class MemoryPool(object, metaclass=ABCMeta):
     pyopencl/pycuda like memory pool extended to be compatible for all backends.
+    def __new__(cls, name, allocator, max_alloc_bytes=None,
+                mantissa_bits=4, verbose=None, **kwds):
+        return super(MemoryPool, cls).__new__(cls, **kwds)
     def __init__(self, name, allocator, max_alloc_bytes=None,
                 mantissa_bits=4, verbose=None, **kwds):
@@ -78,7 +82,7 @@ class MemoryPool(object, metaclass=ABCMeta):
         check_instance(name, str)
         check_instance(mantissa_bits, int)
-        check_instance(max_alloc_bytes,(int,long), allow_none=True)
+        check_instance(max_alloc_bytes, int, allow_none=True)
         check_instance(verbose, bool)
       = name.strip()
diff --git a/hysop/domain/ b/hysop/domain/
index c68787201..483ba93bf 100644
--- a/hysop/domain/
+++ b/hysop/domain/
@@ -10,16 +10,16 @@ from import check_instance, first_not_None, to_tuple
 from import HysopWarning
 class BoxView(DomainView):
     __slots__ = ('_domain', '_topology_state')
     def __new__(cls, topology_state, domain=None, **kwds):
         """Create and initialize a BoxView."""
         from hysop.topology.cartesian_topology import CartesianTopologyState
         check_instance(topology_state, CartesianTopologyState)
         check_instance(domain, Box, allow_none=True)
-        obj = super(BoxView, cls).__new__(cls, topology_state=topology_state, 
+        obj = super(BoxView, cls).__new__(cls, topology_state=topology_state,
                 domain=domain, **kwds)
         check_instance(obj._domain, Box)
         return obj
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ class BoxView(DomainView):
     def __get_domain_attr(self, name):
         """Get a transposed domain attribute."""
         return self._topology_state.transposed(getattr(self._domain, name))
     def _get_length(self):
         """Box sides lengthes."""
         return self.__get_domain_attr('_length')
@@ -46,9 +46,9 @@ class BoxView(DomainView):
         return self.__get_domain_attr('_rboundaries')
     def _get_boundaries(self):
         """Left and right boundary conditions as a tuple."""
-        return (self.__get_domain_attr('_lboundaries'), 
+        return (self.__get_domain_attr('_lboundaries'),
     def _get_periodicity(self):
         """Numpy array mask, True is axis is periodic, else False."""
         periodic = BoxBoundaryCondition.PERIODIC
@@ -66,14 +66,14 @@ class BoxView(DomainView):
         s= '{} | {}D rectangular box domain:'.format(self.full_tag, self.dim)
         s+= '\n  *origin:  {}'.format(self.origin)
-        s+= '\n  *max_pos: {}'.format(self.end) 
+        s+= '\n  *max_pos: {}'.format(self.end)
         s+= '\n  *length:  {}'.format(self.length)
         s+= '\n  *left  boundary conditions: {}'.format(self.lboundaries.tolist())
         s+= '\n  *right boundary conditions: {}'.format(self.rboundaries.tolist())
         s+= '\n'
         return s
-    def short_description(self):    
+    def short_description(self):
         Return a short description of this Box as a string.
@@ -83,11 +83,11 @@ class BoxView(DomainView):
                 ','.join(('{:1.1f}'.format(val) for val in self.length)),
     def format_boundaries(self):
         return ','.join(('{}/{}'.format(str(lb),str(rb)) for (lb,rb) in \
     length = property(_get_length)
     origin = property(_get_origin)
     end = property(_get_end)
@@ -98,12 +98,12 @@ class BoxView(DomainView):
 class Box(BoxView, Domain):
-    """ 
+    """
     Box-shaped domain description.
-    def __new__(cls, length=None, origin=None, dim=None, 
+    def __new__(cls, length=None, origin=None, dim=None,
             lboundaries=None, rboundaries=None, **kwds):
         Create or get an existing Box from a dimension, length and origin with specified
@@ -129,9 +129,9 @@ class Box(BoxView, Domain):
         length : np.ndarray of HYSOP_REAL
             Box sides lengthes.
         origin: np.ndarray of HYSOP_REAL
-            Position of the lowest point of the box. 
+            Position of the lowest point of the box.
         end: np.ndarray of HYSOP_REAL
-            Position of the greatest point of the box. 
+            Position of the greatest point of the box.
         lboundaries: np.ndarray of BoxBoundaryCondition
             Left boundary conditions.
         rboundaries: np.ndarray of BoxBoundaryCondition
@@ -142,19 +142,19 @@ class Box(BoxView, Domain):
             Numpy array mask, True is axis is periodic, else False.
         from hysop.topology.cartesian_topology import CartesianTopologyState
-        check_instance(dim, (int,long), minval=1, allow_none=True)
-        check_instance(length, (np.ndarray,list,tuple), values=(int,long,float), allow_none=True)
-        check_instance(origin, (np.ndarray,list,tuple), values=(int,long,float), allow_none=True)
-        check_instance(lboundaries, (np.ndarray,list,tuple), values=BoxBoundaryCondition, 
+        check_instance(dim, int, minval=1, allow_none=True)
+        check_instance(length, (np.ndarray,list,tuple), values=(int,float), allow_none=True)
+        check_instance(origin, (np.ndarray,list,tuple), values=(int,float), allow_none=True)
+        check_instance(lboundaries, (np.ndarray,list,tuple), values=BoxBoundaryCondition,
-        check_instance(rboundaries, (np.ndarray,list,tuple), values=BoxBoundaryCondition, 
+        check_instance(rboundaries, (np.ndarray,list,tuple), values=BoxBoundaryCondition,
         if (length is None) and (origin is None) and (dim is None):
             msg='At least one of the following parameters should be given: length, origin, dim.'
             raise ValueError(msg)
         length = to_tuple(first_not_None(length, 1.0))
         origin = to_tuple(first_not_None(origin, 0.0))
         dim = max(dim, len(length), len(origin))
@@ -169,13 +169,13 @@ class Box(BoxView, Domain):
         check_instance(origin, np.ndarray, size=dim)
         assert (length>=0.0).all(), 'length < 0'
-        lboundaries = npw.asarray( first_not_None(lboundaries, 
+        lboundaries = npw.asarray( first_not_None(lboundaries,
                                                  (BoxBoundaryCondition.PERIODIC,)*dim ) )
-        rboundaries = npw.asarray( first_not_None(rboundaries, 
+        rboundaries = npw.asarray( first_not_None(rboundaries,
                                                  (BoxBoundaryCondition.PERIODIC,)*dim ) )
         assert lboundaries.size == rboundaries.size == dim
         for i,(lb,rb) in enumerate(zip(lboundaries,rboundaries)):
             if (lb==BoxBoundaryCondition.PERIODIC) ^ (rb==BoxBoundaryCondition.PERIODIC):
                 msg='FATAL ERROR: Periodic BoxBoundaryCondition mismatch on axis {}.'.format(i)
@@ -194,32 +194,32 @@ class Box(BoxView, Domain):
             msg+='\n  *lboundaries: {}'.format(lboundaries)
             msg+='\n  *rboundaries: {}'.format(rboundaries)
             warnings.warn(msg, HysopWarning)
         # double check types, to be sure RegisteredObject will work as expected
         check_instance(dim, int)
         check_instance(length, np.ndarray, dtype=HYSOP_REAL)
         check_instance(origin, np.ndarray, dtype=HYSOP_REAL)
         check_instance(lboundaries, np.ndarray, dtype=object)
         check_instance(rboundaries, np.ndarray, dtype=object)
         npw.set_readonly(length, origin, lboundaries, rboundaries)
         topology_state = CartesianTopologyState(dim)
-        obj = super(Box,cls).__new__(cls, 
+        obj = super(Box,cls).__new__(cls,
             length=length, origin=origin, dim=dim,
-            lboundaries=lboundaries, rboundaries=rboundaries, 
+            lboundaries=lboundaries, rboundaries=rboundaries,
             domain=None, topology_state=topology_state,
-        if not obj.obj_initialized: 
+        if not obj.obj_initialized:
             obj._length = length
             obj._origin = origin
             obj._lboundaries = lboundaries
             obj._rboundaries = rboundaries
         return obj
     def view(self, topology_state):
         """Return a view of this domain altered by some topology_state."""
-        return BoxView(domain=self, topology_state=topology_state) 
+        return BoxView(domain=self, topology_state=topology_state)
diff --git a/hysop/domain/ b/hysop/domain/
index a7f696db4..9bd77042e 100644
--- a/hysop/domain/
+++ b/hysop/domain/
@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ class DomainView(TaggedObjectView, metaclass=ABCMeta):
         """Test if the current process corresponds to param task."""
         if isinstance(params, MPIParams):
             task_id = params.task_id
-        elif isinstance(params, (int, long, npw.integer)):
+        elif isinstance(params, (int, npw.integer)):
             task_id = params
             msg = 'Could not extract task_id from type {}.'
diff --git a/hysop/fields/ b/hysop/fields/
index b98a72703..6bc770b17 100644
--- a/hysop/fields/
+++ b/hysop/fields/
@@ -1266,7 +1266,7 @@ class CartesianDiscreteScalarFieldView(CartesianDiscreteScalarFieldViewContainer
         assert ('data' not in kwds)
         msg = 'Passing ghosts as an integer is not supported anymore, use a tuple of size dim instead.'
-        if isinstance(ghosts, (int, long)):
+        if isinstance(ghosts, int):
             raise RuntimeError(msg)
         directions = to_tuple(first_not_None(directions, range(self.dim)), cast=int)
@@ -1318,7 +1318,7 @@ class CartesianDiscreteScalarFieldView(CartesianDiscreteScalarFieldViewContainer
         Build a ghost exchanger for cartesian discrete fields, possibly on different data.
         msg = 'Passing ghosts as an integer is not supported anymore, use a tuple of size dim instead.'
-        if isinstance(ghosts, (int, long)):
+        if isinstance(ghosts, int):
             raise RuntimeError(msg)
         ghost_op = first_not_None(ghost_op, GhostOperation.EXCHANGE)
diff --git a/hysop/fields/ b/hysop/fields/
index 014c3e6ba..0702b83ec 100644
--- a/hysop/fields/
+++ b/hysop/fields/
@@ -430,7 +430,7 @@ class CartesianDiscreteFieldGhostExchanger(GhostExchanger):
                     elif (bc is BoundaryCondition.HOMOGENEOUS_NEUMANN):
                         if isinstance(boundary, BoundaryConditionConfig) and ( is not None):
                             # allow to force boundary ghosts to a specific scalar value
-                            if isinstance(, (int,long,float,np.number)):
+                            if isinstance(, (int,float,np.number)):
                                 fn = LocalBoundaryExchanger.build_scalar_exchanger(,
                                         shape=shape, direction=d, to_left=to_left)
diff --git a/hysop/mesh/ b/hysop/mesh/
index 79086012f..9249db90e 100644
--- a/hysop/mesh/
+++ b/hysop/mesh/
@@ -1074,9 +1074,9 @@ class CartesianMesh(CartesianMeshView, Mesh):
         # domain. These variables do not depend on the mpi distribution.
         from hysop.topology.cartesian_topology import CartesianTopology
         check_instance(topology, CartesianTopology)
-        check_instance(local_resolution, (list,tuple,np.ndarray), values=(int,long,np.integer),
+        check_instance(local_resolution, (list,tuple,np.ndarray), values=(int,np.integer),
-        check_instance(global_start, (list,tuple,np.ndarray), values=(int,long,np.integer),
+        check_instance(global_start, (list,tuple,np.ndarray), values=(int,np.integer),
         super(CartesianMesh, self).__init__(topology=topology,
diff --git a/hysop/numerics/stencil/ b/hysop/numerics/stencil/
index 220bda6b1..8bc242389 100644
--- a/hysop/numerics/stencil/
+++ b/hysop/numerics/stencil/
@@ -361,9 +361,9 @@ class StencilGenerator(object):
         A = np.empty((N,N),dtype=solve_dtype)
         b = np.empty(N,dtype=solve_dtype)
         for i in range(N):
-            b[i] = solve_dtype(long(i==k))
+            b[i] = solve_dtype(int(i==k))
             for j in range(N):
-                A[i,j] = solve_dtype(long((j-origin)**i))
+                A[i,j] = solve_dtype(int((j-origin)**i))
             if has_flint:
@@ -386,7 +386,7 @@ class StencilGenerator(object):
             if target_dtype in [np.float16, np.float32, np.float64]:
                 if has_flint and (actual_dtype is flint.fmpq):
                     def convert(x):
-                        return target_dtype(float(long(x.p)) / float(long(x.q)))
+                        return target_dtype(float(int(x.p)) / float(int(x.q)))
                     S = np.vectorize(convert)(S)
                     S = S.astype(target_dtype)
diff --git a/hysop/operator/ b/hysop/operator/
index 65e91de33..a019fe773 100755
--- a/hysop/operator/
+++ b/hysop/operator/
@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ class ConstantTimestepCriteria(TimestepCriteria):
         kwds: dict
             Base class arguments.
-        if isinstance(cst, (int, long)):
+        if isinstance(cst, int):
             cst = float(cst)
         assert (cst > 0.0), 'negative cst factor.'
         check_instance(cst, (float, npw.ndarray, list, tuple))
diff --git a/hysop/operator/base/ b/hysop/operator/base/
index bba8012df..720ae413f 100644
--- a/hysop/operator/base/
+++ b/hysop/operator/base/
@@ -245,7 +245,7 @@ class SymbolicExpressionInfo(object):
             self._dim = None
             compute_resolution = to_tuple(compute_resolution)
-            check_instance(compute_resolution, tuple, values=(int,long))
+            check_instance(compute_resolution, tuple, values=int)
             self._dim = len(compute_resolution)
             self.compute_resolution = compute_resolution
@@ -656,7 +656,7 @@ class SymbolicExpressionParser(object):
             assert expr.ndim == 0, expr
             expr = expr.tolist()
-        if isinstance(expr, (str, int,long,float,complex,npw.number)):
+        if isinstance(expr, (str,int,float,complex,npw.number)):
         elif isinstance(expr, (AppliedSymbolicField, SymbolicScalarParameter, SymbolicArray)):
   , info, expr)
@@ -959,7 +959,7 @@ class SymbolicExpressionParser(object):
             assert expr.ndim == 0
             expr = expr.tolist()
-        if isinstance(expr, (int, long, sm.Integer, float, complex, sm.Rational, sm.Float, npw.number)):
+        if isinstance(expr, (int, sm.Integer, float, complex, sm.Rational, sm.Float, npw.number)):
             return {}
         elif isinstance(expr, Cast):
             return cls._extract_obj_requirements(info, expr.expr)
@@ -1135,7 +1135,7 @@ class SymbolicExpressionParser(object):
                 expr = list(E)
             return expr, di
-        elif isinstance(expr, (int,long,float,complex,npw.number)):
+        elif isinstance(expr, (int,float,complex,npw.number)):
             return expr, di
         elif cls.should_transpose_expr(info, expr):
             expr = cls.transpose_expr(info, expr)
@@ -1345,8 +1345,8 @@ class CustomSymbolicOperatorBase(DirectionalOperatorBase, metaclass=ABCMeta):
         check_instance(variables, dict, keys=Field, values=CartesianTopologyDescriptors)
         check_instance(exprs, tuple, values=ValidExpressions, minsize=1)
-        check_instance(splitting_direction, (int,long), allow_none=True)
-        check_instance(splitting_dim, (int,long), allow_none=True)
+        check_instance(splitting_direction, int, allow_none=True)
+        check_instance(splitting_dim, int, allow_none=True)
         check_instance(dt_coeff, float, allow_none=True)
         check_instance(dt, ScalarParameter, allow_none=True)
diff --git a/hysop/operator/base/ b/hysop/operator/base/
index 3fea604ef..e5adba837 100644
--- a/hysop/operator/base/
+++ b/hysop/operator/base/
@@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ class SpectralOperatorBase(object):
         requests = super(SpectralOperatorBase, self).get_work_properties(**kwds)
         for ((k, backend), v) in self.get_mem_requests(**kwds).items():
             check_instance(k, str)
-            check_instance(v, (int, long))
+            check_instance(v, int)
             if (v > 0):
                 mrequest = MemoryRequest(backend=backend, size=v,
@@ -549,7 +549,7 @@ class SpectralTransformGroup(object):
         memory_requests = {}
         for fwd in self.forward_transforms.values():
             mem_requests = fwd.get_mem_requests(**kwds)
-            check_instance(mem_requests, dict, keys=str, values=(int, long))
+            check_instance(mem_requests, dict, keys=str, values=int)
             for (k, v) in mem_requests.items():
                 if k in memory_requests:
                     memory_requests[k] = max(memory_requests[k], v)
@@ -557,7 +557,7 @@ class SpectralTransformGroup(object):
                     memory_requests[k] = v
         for bwd in self.backward_transforms.values():
             mem_requests = bwd.get_mem_requests(**kwds)
-            check_instance(mem_requests, dict, keys=str, values=(int, long))
+            check_instance(mem_requests, dict, keys=str, values=int)
             for (k, v) in mem_requests.items():
                 if k in memory_requests:
                     memory_requests[k] = max(memory_requests[k], v)
diff --git a/hysop/operator/base/ b/hysop/operator/base/
index 905b7f4c2..867b0cb01 100644
--- a/hysop/operator/base/
+++ b/hysop/operator/base/
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ class TransposeOperatorBase(object, metaclass=ABCMeta):
         check_instance(input_field, ScalarField)
         check_instance(output_field, ScalarField)
         check_instance(variables, dict, keys=ScalarField, values=CartesianTopologyDescriptors)
-        check_instance(axes, (list,tuple), values=(int,long))
+        check_instance(axes, (list,tuple), values=int)
         assert set((input_field,output_field)) == set(variables.keys())
         assert input_field.domain is output_field.domain
diff --git a/hysop/operator/directional/ b/hysop/operator/directional/
index 984827719..993dc4ee4 100644
--- a/hysop/operator/directional/
+++ b/hysop/operator/directional/
@@ -20,34 +20,34 @@ class DirectionalDiffusion(DirectionalSymbolic):
     Directional diffusion using the symbolic code generation framework.
-    def __init__(self, fields, coeffs, variables, dt, 
+    def __init__(self, fields, coeffs, variables, dt,
                 name=None, implementation=None, base_kwds=None, **kwds):
         Initialize directional diffusion frontend.
-        Diffusion is the net movement of regions of high concentration to neighbour regions of lower 
+        Diffusion is the net movement of regions of high concentration to neighbour regions of lower
         concentration, ie the evolution of a field down its gradient.
-        Solves 
+        Solves
                dFi/dt = Di * laplacian(Fi)
-            or 
-               dFi/dt = div( Di * grad(Fi) ) 
+            or
+               dFi/dt = div( Di * grad(Fi) )
         for multiple fields Fi, where * represents elementwise multiplication,
         using a given time integrator, inplace.
         Di can be a scalar, a vector or a matrix, see Notes.
         fields: array like of continuous fields.
             The fields Fi that will be diffused.
         coeffs: array like of coefficients
             The diffusion coefficients Di can be scalar or tensor like (ie. possibly anisotropic).
-            Contained values should be numerical coefficients, parameters or symbolic 
+            Contained values should be numerical coefficients, parameters or symbolic
             expressions such that Di*grad(Fi) is directionally splittable.
         variables: dict
             Dictionary of fields as keys and topology descriptors as values.
@@ -64,25 +64,25 @@ class DirectionalDiffusion(DirectionalSymbolic):
             Base class keywords arguments.
             If None, an empty dict will be passed.
-            Keywords arguments that will be passed towards implementation 
+            Keywords arguments that will be passed towards implementation
             operator __init__.
         Solves dFi/dt = div( Di * grad(Fi) ) with the following notations:
-        Fi = (Fi0(x0,...,xMi), 
-              Fi1(x0,...,xMi), 
-                    ... 
+        Fi = (Fi0(x0,...,xMi),
+              Fi1(x0,...,xMi),
+                    ...
-        Mi = Fi.dim - 1 
+        Mi = Fi.dim - 1
         Ni = Fi.nb_components - 1
-        grad(Fi) = (dFi0/dx0, ..., dFi0/dxM), 
-                   (dFi1/dx0, ..., dFi1/dxM), 
+        grad(Fi) = (dFi0/dx0, ..., dFi0/dxM),
+                   (dFi1/dx0, ..., dFi1/dxM),
-                   (dFiNi/dx0, ..., dFiNi/dxM) 
+                   (dFiNi/dx0, ..., dFiNi/dxM)
              (d00,  ...,  d0Ni)
              ( .     .    .   )
@@ -90,16 +90,16 @@ class DirectionalDiffusion(DirectionalSymbolic):
              ( .     .    .   )
              (dNi0, ..., dNiNi)
-        if Di.ndim is 1, Di[:,None] will be used ie: 
+        if Di.ndim is 1, Di[:,None] will be used ie:
              (d0,  ...,  d0)
              ( .    .    . )
         Di = ( .    .    . )
              ( .    .    . )
              (dNi, ..., dNi)
-        if Di.ndim is 0, Di[None,None] will be used ie: 
+        if Di.ndim is 0, Di[None,None] will be used ie:
              (d0, ..., d0)
              (.    .    .)
         Di = (.    .    .)
@@ -124,26 +124,26 @@ class DirectionalDiffusion(DirectionalSymbolic):
         check_instance(base_kwds, dict, keys=str)
         check_instance(name, str)
         check_instance(fields, (tuple,), values=Field)
-        check_instance(coeffs, (tuple,), values=(int,long,float,npw.ndarray,sm.Basic), size=len(fields))
+        check_instance(coeffs, (tuple,), values=(int,float,npw.ndarray,sm.Basic), size=len(fields))
         check_instance(laplacian_formulation, bool)
         exprs = self._gen_expressions(fields, coeffs, laplacian_formulation)
         super(DirectionalDiffusion, self).__init__(name=name, variables=variables, dt=dt,
-                base_kwds=base_kwds, implementation=implementation, exprs=exprs, 
+                base_kwds=base_kwds, implementation=implementation, exprs=exprs,
         from hysop.operator.base.custom_symbolic_operator import CustomSymbolicOperatorBase
         if not issubclass(self._operator, CustomSymbolicOperatorBase):
             msg='Class {} does not inherit from the directional operator interface '
             msg=msg.format(self._operator, CustomSymbolicOperatorBase)
             raise TypeError(msg)
         self.coeffs = coeffs
     def _gen_expressions(self, fields, coeffs, laplacian_formulation):
         from hysop.symbolic.field import div, grad, laplacian
         exprs = ()
diff --git a/hysop/operator/directional/ b/hysop/operator/directional/
index 96d6e53f6..26cd6648f 100644
--- a/hysop/operator/directional/
+++ b/hysop/operator/directional/
@@ -35,8 +35,8 @@ class DirectionalOperatorBase(object):
         dt_coeff: float
             Coefficient that should be applied on simulation timestep.
-        check_instance(splitting_dim, (int,long))
-        check_instance(splitting_direction, (int,long))
+        check_instance(splitting_dim, int)
+        check_instance(splitting_direction, int)
         check_instance(dt_coeff, float)
         dim = splitting_dim
diff --git a/hysop/operator/ b/hysop/operator/
index 7facb047c..2ec022e1d 100644
--- a/hysop/operator/
+++ b/hysop/operator/
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ FilteringMethod = EnumFactory.create('FilteringMethod',
 class SpatialFilterFrontend(MultiComputationalGraphNodeFrontend):
     def __init__(self, input_variable, output_variable,
-                 filtering_method, implementation=None, 
+                 filtering_method, implementation=None,
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ class SpatialFilterFrontend(MultiComputationalGraphNodeFrontend):
         super(SpatialFilterFrontend, self).__init__(input_field=input_field, input_topo=input_topo,
                                                     output_field=output_field, output_topo=output_topo,
-                                                    implementation=implementation, 
+                                                    implementation=implementation,
                                                     base_kwds=base_kwds, **kwds)
@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ class InterpolationFilterFrontend(SpatialFilterFrontend):
                 FilteringMethod.POLYNOMIAL: Implementation.PYTHON,
         return adi
 class SpatialFilter(ComputationalGraphNodeGenerator):
@@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ class SpatialFilter(ComputationalGraphNodeGenerator):
         self._input_fields     = input_fields
         self._output_fields    = output_fields
         self._input_variables  = input_variables
@@ -211,32 +211,32 @@ class SpatialFilter(ComputationalGraphNodeGenerator):
         for (ifield, ofield) in zip(self._input_fields, self._output_fields):
             stopo = ComputationalGraphNode.get_topo_discretization(self._input_variables, ifield)
             ttopo = ComputationalGraphNode.get_topo_discretization(self._output_variables, ofield)
-            check_instance(stopo, tuple, values=(int,long))
-            check_instance(ttopo, tuple, values=(int,long))
+            check_instance(stopo, tuple, values=int)
+            check_instance(ttopo, tuple, values=int)
             assert len(stopo)==len(ttopo)
             fm    = self._fm
             impl  = self._impl
             kwds  = self._kwds.copy()
             # if source topology is destination topology there is nothing to be done
             if (ttopo == stopo):
-            elif all(ns <= nt for (ns, nt) in zip(stopo, ttopo)): 
+            elif all(ns <= nt for (ns, nt) in zip(stopo, ttopo)):
                 # here we build an interpolation filter operator
                 node = InterpolationFilterFrontend(
-                        output_variable=(ofield,ttopo), 
+                        output_variable=(ofield,ttopo),
-                        implementation=impl, 
+                        implementation=impl,
-            elif all(ns >= nt for (ns, nt) in zip(stopo, ttopo)): 
+            elif all(ns >= nt for (ns, nt) in zip(stopo, ttopo)):
                 # here we build a restriction filter operator
                 node = RestrictionFilterFrontend(
-                        output_variable=(ofield,ttopo), 
+                        output_variable=(ofield,ttopo),
-                        implementation=impl, 
+                        implementation=impl,
                 msg='Inconsistant topology descriptors {} and {} for field {} and {}, '
diff --git a/hysop/operator/ b/hysop/operator/
index 961b8f3cb..26a2232b4 100644
--- a/hysop/operator/
+++ b/hysop/operator/
@@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ class Transpose(ComputationalGraphNodeGenerator):
         if isinstance(axes, dict):
             candidate_axes = axes
         elif isinstance(axes, (list,tuple,set,frozenset)):
-            if isinstance(axes[0], (int,long)):
+            if isinstance(axes[0], int):
                 msg='Axes should be ordered but got a set.'
                 assert not isinstance(axes, (set,frozenset)), msg
                 candidate_axes = (tuple(axes),)
@@ -258,7 +258,7 @@ class Transpose(ComputationalGraphNodeGenerator):
         check_instance(candidate_axes, dict, keys=tuple)
         for (axes, target_tstate) in candidate_axes.items():
-            check_instance(axes, tuple, values=(int,long))
+            check_instance(axes, tuple, values=int)
             check_instance(target_tstate, TranspositionState[dim], allow_none=True)
             if len(axes)!=dim:
                 msg='All axes should have the dimension of the transposed fields {} '
diff --git a/hysop/parameters/ b/hysop/parameters/
index 98b3b62af..ff71bf8a1 100644
--- a/hysop/parameters/
+++ b/hysop/parameters/
@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@ from hysop.parameters.tensor_parameter import TensorParameter
 class ScalarParameter(TensorParameter):
-    A scalar parameter is TensorParameter with its shape 
-    set to (1,). A parameter is a value that may change 
+    A scalar parameter is TensorParameter with its shape
+    set to (1,). A parameter is a value that may change
     as simulation advances.
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ class ScalarParameter(TensorParameter):
         assert 'shape' not in kwds, 'Cannot specify shape for a scalar parameter.'
         obj = super(ScalarParameter,cls).__new__(cls, name, shape=(1,), **kwds)
         return obj
     def iterviews(self):
         """Iterate over all parameters views to yield scalarparameters."""
         yield (None,self)
@@ -37,16 +37,13 @@ class ScalarParameter(TensorParameter):
     def __int__(self):
         """Return value as an int."""
         return int(self.value)
-    def __long__(self):
-        """Return value as a long."""
-        return long(self.value)
     def __float__(self):
         """Return value as a float."""
         return float(self.value)
     def __complex__(self):
         """Return value as a complex."""
         return complex(self.value)
     def long_description(self):
         ss = '''\
@@ -60,7 +57,7 @@ ScalarParameter[name={}]
            self.min_value, self.max_value,
            self.ignore_nans, self.value)
         return ss
     def short_description(self):
         attrs=('name', 'dtype', 'value')
         info = []
diff --git a/hysop/parameters/ b/hysop/parameters/
index f7a2f59eb..895716d8e 100644
--- a/hysop/parameters/
+++ b/hysop/parameters/
@@ -71,13 +71,13 @@ class TensorParameter(Parameter):
             pretty_name = first_not_None(pretty_name, name)
         check_instance(name, str)
         check_instance(pretty_name, str)
-        check_instance(shape, (list,tuple), values=(int,long,np.integer), allow_none=True)
+        check_instance(shape, (list,tuple), values=(int,np.integer), allow_none=True)
         check_instance(ignore_nans, bool)
         assert (min_value is None) or (max_value is None) or (min_value <= max_value)
         parameter_types = (np.ndarray,)
         if is_signed(dtype):
-            parameter_types += ( np.int8, np.int16, np.int32, np.int64, int, long )
+            parameter_types += ( np.int8, np.int16, np.int32, np.int64, int)
         elif is_unsigned(dtype):
             parameter_types += ( np.uint8, np.uint16, np.uint32, np.uint64 )
         elif is_fp(dtype):
diff --git a/hysop/symbolic/ b/hysop/symbolic/
index 067d0efd8..2fadf2989 100644
--- a/hysop/symbolic/
+++ b/hysop/symbolic/
@@ -231,7 +231,7 @@ class SymbolicNdBuffer(SymbolicBuffer):
             assert (dtype   is not None), 'Could not determine dtype from memory_object.'
             itemsize = dtype.itemsize
             strides = to_tuple(strides)
-            check_instance(strides, tuple, values=(int,long), size=self._dim)
+            check_instance(strides, tuple, values=int, size=self._dim)
             for ss,si in zip(self._symbolic_strides, strides):
                 assert si%itemsize == 0
                 ss.bind_value(si//itemsize, force=force)
@@ -239,7 +239,7 @@ class SymbolicNdBuffer(SymbolicBuffer):
             ghosts  = first_not_None(ghosts, getattr(memory_object, 'ghosts', None))
             assert (ghosts is not None), 'Could not determine ghosts from memory_object.'
             ghosts = to_tuple(ghosts)
-            check_instance(ghosts, tuple, values=(int,long), size=self._dim)
+            check_instance(ghosts, tuple, values=int, size=self._dim)
             for sg,gi in zip(self._symbolic_ghosts, ghosts):
                 sg.bind_value(gi, force=force)
diff --git a/hysop/tools/ b/hysop/tools/
index 868179b3f..3592cf40d 100644
--- a/hysop/tools/
+++ b/hysop/tools/
@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ class DebugDumper(object):
                 _max = comm.allreduce(float(np.nanmax(d)),  op=MPI.MAX)
                 mean = comm.allreduce(float(np.nanmean(d))) / comm_size
                 variance = comm.allreduce(float(np.nansum((d-mean)**2))) / \
-                    float(comm.allreduce(long(d.size)))
+                    float(comm.allreduce(int(d.size)))
                 entry = '\n'+self.lformat(id_, iteration, time, tag_, _min, _max,
                                           mean, variance, dtype, shape, description_, self.dump_precision)
diff --git a/hysop/tools/ b/hysop/tools/
index 5dabce092..ccf4eb5d1 100644
--- a/hysop/tools/
+++ b/hysop/tools/
@@ -176,9 +176,9 @@ class EnumFactory(object):
                     CodegenVariable, CodegenArray
             assert vals is not None
             size = len(vals)
-            value  = [getattr(cls,cls.svalue(v)) if isinstance(v, (int,long))
+            value  = [getattr(cls,cls.svalue(v)) if isinstance(v, int)
                     else v for v in vals]
-            svalue = [cls.svalue(v) if isinstance(v, (int,long)) else str(v) for v in vals]
+            svalue = [cls.svalue(v) if isinstance(v, int) else str(v) for v in vals]
             if len(vals)==1:
                 return CodegenVariable(name=name,typegen=typegen,ctype=dtype_to_ctype(cls.dtype),
diff --git a/hysop/tools/ b/hysop/tools/
index 4a148a5e8..c560df833 100644
--- a/hysop/tools/
+++ b/hysop/tools/
@@ -96,6 +96,9 @@ class TaggedObject(object, metaclass=ABCMeta):
         assert (tag_formatter is None) or callable(tag_formatter)
         tagged_cls = first_not_None(tagged_cls, cls)
+        if kwds:
+            print('TARGGED OBJECT MRO is {}'.format(cls.__mro__))
+            print('KWDS are {}'.format(kwds))
         obj = super(TaggedObject, cls).__new__(cls, **kwds)
         if tagged_cls in TaggedObject.__ids:
             obj.__tag_id = TaggedObject.__ids[tagged_cls]
@@ -114,9 +117,9 @@ class TaggedObject(object, metaclass=ABCMeta):
         Initialize a TaggedObject with a tag prefix/postfix/formatter, all optional.
-        tag_prefix    = kwds.get('tag_prefix', None)
-        tag_postfix   = kwds.get('tag_postfix', None)
-        tag_formatter = kwds.get('tag_formatter', None)
+        tag_prefix    = kwds.pop('tag_prefix', None)
+        tag_postfix   = kwds.pop('tag_postfix', None)
+        tag_formatter = kwds.pop('tag_formatter', None)
         assert (tag_prefix  is None) or isinstance(tag_prefix,  str)
         assert (tag_postfix is None) or isinstance(tag_postfix, str)
         assert (tag_formatter is None) or callable(tag_formatter)
@@ -257,7 +260,7 @@ class RegisteredObject(TaggedObject):
      def __new__(cls, register_object=True,
                       tag_prefix=None, tag_postfix=None, tag_formatter=None,
-        """
+        r"""
         Creates and return a RegisteredObject and assign a unique id if
         and only if a previous object was not already created with the
         exact same keywords arguments (modulo hashing).
diff --git a/hysop/tools/ b/hysop/tools/
index f7ae6cb17..58ebce4c2 100755
--- a/hysop/tools/
+++ b/hysop/tools/
@@ -312,12 +312,12 @@ class IOParams(namedtuple("IOParams", ['filename', 'filepath',
         check_instance(filename, str, allow_none=True)
         check_instance(filepath, str, allow_none=True)
-        check_instance(frequency, (int, long))
+        check_instance(frequency, int)
         check_instance(dump_times, tuple, values=(float, np.float64))
-        check_instance(dump_tstart, (int, long, float, np.float64))
-        check_instance(dump_tend, (int, long, float, np.float64))
-        check_instance(io_leader, (int, long))
-        check_instance(visu_leader, (int, long))
+        check_instance(dump_tstart, (int, float, np.float64))
+        check_instance(dump_tend, (int, float, np.float64))
+        check_instance(io_leader, int)
+        check_instance(visu_leader, int)
         check_instance(with_last,   bool)
         check_instance(enable_ram_fs, bool)
         check_instance(force_ram_fs, bool)
diff --git a/hysop/tools/ b/hysop/tools/
index fd236fb13..7c5bc6bbb 100644
--- a/hysop/tools/
+++ b/hysop/tools/
@@ -16,8 +16,7 @@ def make_numba_signature(*args, **kwds):
         msg='Unknown kwds {}.'.forma(kwds.keys())
         raise RuntimeError(kwds)
     dtype_to_ntype = {
-            int:        nb.int32,
-            long:       nb.int64,
+            int:        nb.int64,
             float:      nb.float64,
             np.int8:    nb.int8,
diff --git a/hysop/tools/ b/hysop/tools/
index f4dcd832c..3b9ee9637 100644
--- a/hysop/tools/
+++ b/hysop/tools/
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ MPFR  = mpfr(0).__class__
 F2Q   = f2q(0).__class__
 def _mpqize(x):
-    if isinstance(x, int) or isinstance(x, long):
+    if isinstance(x, int):
         return mpq(x,1)
     elif isinstance(x, float):
         return f2q(x)
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ def get_dtype(x):
             return x
             return x.dtype
-    elif isinstance(x, int) or isinstance(x, long):
+    elif isinstance(x, int):
         return np.int64
     elif isinstance(x, float):
         return np.float64
diff --git a/hysop/tools/ b/hysop/tools/
index 58ed78a1c..7ef697a08 100644
--- a/hysop/tools/
+++ b/hysop/tools/
@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ def slices_empty(slices, shape):
     if slices is Ellipsis:
         return False
     from hysop.core.arrays.array import Array
-    if isinstance(slices, (int,long,npw.integer,npw.ndarray,Array)):
+    if isinstance(slices, (int,npw.integer,npw.ndarray,Array)):
     slices = (slices,) if isinstance(slices,slice) else slices
diff --git a/hysop/tools/ b/hysop/tools/
index d6ca0fb8b..045b24eec 100644
--- a/hysop/tools/
+++ b/hysop/tools/
@@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ class SpectralTransformUtils(object):
             elif replace_pows and \
                  isinstance(expr, sm.Pow) and \
                  isinstance(expr.args[0], WaveNumber) and \
-                 isinstance(expr.args[1], (int,long,np.integer,sm.Integer)):
+                 isinstance(expr.args[1], (int,np.integer,sm.Integer)):
                 wn = expr.args[0].pow(int(expr.args[1]))
                 return wn
diff --git a/hysop/tools/ b/hysop/tools/
index 442367c88..86af1a8a0 100644
--- a/hysop/tools/
+++ b/hysop/tools/
@@ -121,14 +121,16 @@ class Dummy(SymbolicBase, sm.Dummy):
     """Tag for hysop dummy symbolic variables."""
-class UndefinedFunction(SymbolicBase, sm.function.UndefinedFunction):
+from sympy.core.function import UndefinedFunction as SympyUndefinedFunction
+from sympy.core.function import AppliedUndef as SympyAppliedUndef
+class UndefinedFunction(SymbolicBase, SympyUndefinedFunction):
     Tag for hysop (unapplied) undefined functions.
     This is a metaclass.
-class AppliedUndef(sm.function.AppliedUndef):
+class AppliedUndef(SympyAppliedUndef):
     """Tag for hysop applied undefined functions."""
     def _latex(self, printer):
diff --git a/hysop/tools/ b/hysop/tools/
index a9cd5dcbf..58655a459 100644
--- a/hysop/tools/
+++ b/hysop/tools/
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 from hysop.deps import np
-from collections import Iterable
+from import Iterable
 class InstanceOf(object):
     def __init__(self, cls):
diff --git a/hysop/tools/ b/hysop/tools/
index f32b73145..f1341b559 100644
--- a/hysop/tools/
+++ b/hysop/tools/
@@ -23,10 +23,10 @@ def decimal_unit2str(b,unit,rounded):
         return '{}{}{}'.format(round(b/10.0**(3*i),rounded),prefix[i],unit)
         return '{}{}'.format(b,unit)
 def unit2str(b,unit,decimal,rounded=2):
-    if not isinstance(b, (int,long,float,np.integer,np.floating)):
+    if not isinstance(b, (int,float,np.integer,np.floating)):
         return b
     if decimal:
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ def freq2str(freq,decimal=True,rounded=2):
 def time2str(t, on_zero=None, on_none=None):
-    if not isinstance(t, (float,int,long,np.dtype)):
+    if not isinstance(t, (float,int,np.dtype)):
         return t
     if t is None:
         return (on_none or '{:5d}'.format(-1))
diff --git a/hysop_examples/ b/hysop_examples/
index a1c340411..cf67e6a98 100644
--- a/hysop_examples/
+++ b/hysop_examples/
@@ -50,7 +50,8 @@ class SplitAppendAction(argparse._AppendAction):
                 msg='Could not convert values \'{}\' to tuple for parameter {}.'.format(values, self.dest)
         if self._append:
-            items = argparse._ensure_value(namespace, self.dest, self._container())
+            items = getattr(namespace, self.dest, None)
+            items = self._container() if (items is None) else items
             items = self._container()
         if (self._container is list):
@@ -364,7 +365,7 @@ class HysopArgParser(argparse.ArgumentParser):
             stream_filters = [self._null_filter]
-        with StdoutTee(args.stdout, mode='a',
+        with StdoutTee(args.stdout, mode='a', buff=-1,
@@ -380,7 +381,7 @@ class HysopArgParser(argparse.ArgumentParser):
             stream_filters = [self._null_filter]
-        with StderrTee(args.stderr, mode='a',
+        with StderrTee(args.stderr, mode='a', buff=-1,
diff --git a/hysop_examples/examples/taylor_green/ b/hysop_examples/examples/taylor_green/
index cc51ec1ec..c5fe8819e 100644
--- a/hysop_examples/examples/taylor_green/
+++ b/hysop_examples/examples/taylor_green/
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ def compute(args):
         from hysop.backend.device.opencl.opencl_tools import get_or_create_opencl_env, get_device_number
         cl_env = get_or_create_opencl_env(
-            platform_id=args.cl_platform_id, 
+            platform_id=args.cl_platform_id,
             device_id=box.machine_rank%get_device_number() if args.cl_device_id is None else None)
         # Configure OpenCL kernel generation and tuning (already done by HysopArgParser)
@@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ def compute(args):
                             implementation=impl, **extra_op_kwds)
     #> We ask to dump the outputs of this operator
-    dump_fields = HDF_Writer(name='fields', 
+    dump_fields = HDF_Writer(name='fields',
             variables={velo: npts, vorti: npts}, **extra_op_kwds)
@@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ def compute(args):
                     parameters[axe1] = { dt_lcfl0,
-                                 dt_cfl, 
+                                 dt_cfl,
                     parameters[axe2] = {'CFL*': adapt_dt.equivalent_CFL }
@@ -223,7 +223,7 @@ def compute(args):
                                                     snpts, config), fontweight='bold')
                 axe0.set_title('Integrated Enstrophy')
                 axe0.set_xlabel('Non-dimensional time', fontweight='bold')
-                axe0.set_ylabel('$\zeta$',
+                axe0.set_ylabel(r'$\zeta$',
                         rotation=0, fontweight='bold')
                 axe0.set_xlim(args.tstart, args.tend)
                 axe0.set_ylim(0, 26)
@@ -289,7 +289,7 @@ def compute(args):
                       t=t, dt=dt)
     params = (t, dt, enstrophy,)
     if args.variable_timestep:
-        params += (dt_cfl, dt_stretch, dt_lcfl0, dt_lcfl1, dt_lcfl2, 
+        params += (dt_cfl, dt_stretch, dt_lcfl0, dt_lcfl1, dt_lcfl2,
                     min_max_U.Finf, min_max_W.Finf, min_max_gradU.Finf, adapt_dt.equivalent_CFL)
     simu.write_parameters(*params, filename='parameters.txt', precision=8)
@@ -297,7 +297,7 @@ def compute(args):
     problem.initialize_field(vorti, formula=init_vorticity)
     # Finally solve the problem
-    problem.solve(simu, dry_run=args.dry_run, 
+    problem.solve(simu, dry_run=args.dry_run,
diff --git a/requirements.txt b/requirements.txt
index 163c660c8..962592003 100644
--- a/requirements.txt
+++ b/requirements.txt
@@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ portalocker
@@ -20,10 +19,9 @@ mpi4py
diff --git a/src/hysop++/main/diffSolver.cpp b/src/hysop++/main/diffSolver.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 3d0316e3f..000000000
--- a/src/hysop++/main/diffSolver.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,237 +0,0 @@
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include "domain/domain.h"
-#include "solver/fftDiffSolver.h"
-#include "data/multi_array/multi_array.h"
-#include "utils/constants.h"
-#include "fft/extension.h"
-#include "maths/quad_maths.h"
-using namespace hysop;
-using namespace hysop::domain;
-static constexpr std::size_t nExtensions = 4 ;
-static constexpr std::size_t nExtensionsPair = 7 ;
-static constexpr fft::Extension ext[nExtensions] = 
-{ fft::Extension::NONE, fft::Extension::ODD, fft::Extension::EVEN, fft::Extension::PERIODIC };
-static constexpr std::pair<fft::Extension,fft::Extension> pext[nExtensionsPair] {
-        std::make_pair(ext[3],ext[3]), //periodic-periodic
-        std::make_pair(ext[3],ext[3]), //periodic-periodic
-        std::make_pair(ext[2],ext[1]), //even-odd
-        std::make_pair(ext[1],ext[2]), //odd-even
-        std::make_pair(ext[2],ext[2]), //even-even
-        std::make_pair(ext[1],ext[1]), //odd-odd
-        std::make_pair(ext[0],ext[0]), //none-none
-    static constexpr __float128  freqs[6] = { 1.0Q, 1.0Q, 0.75Q, 0.75Q, 0.50Q, 0.50Q };
-    static constexpr long double freqs[6] = { 1.0L, 1.0L, 0.75L, 0.75L, 0.50L, 0.50L };
-template <typename T>
-std::function<T(T)> func(std::size_t k) {
-    switch(k) {
-        case 0: return [=](T x) {return std::cos(T(freqs[0])*x);};
-        case 1: return [=](T x) {return std::sin(T(freqs[1])*x);};
-        case 2: return [=](T x) {return std::cos(T(freqs[2])*x);};
-        case 3: return [=](T x) {return std::sin(T(freqs[3])*x);};
-        case 4: return [=](T x) {return std::cos(T(freqs[4])*x);};
-        case 5: return [=](T x) {return std::sin(T(freqs[5])*x);};
-        default: return[=](T x) { return T(1); };
-    }
-template <typename T>
-std::function<T(T)> derivative(std::size_t k, int order) {
-    bool even = (k%2==0);
-    std::size_t p, offset;
-    T sign, coeff;
-    if(k>5) {
-        if(order != 0)
-            throw std::runtime_error("Non zero order !");
-        return func<T>(k);
-    }
-    else if(even) { /* cos func */
-        p      = (order%2==0 ? k : k+1);
-        sign  = std::pow(T(-1),(order+1)/2);
-        coeff = std::pow(freqs[k], order);
-    }
-    else { /* sin func */
-        p     = (order%2==0 ? k : k-1); 
-        sign  = std::pow(T(-1),order/2);
-        coeff = std::pow(freqs[k], order);
-    }
-    return [=](T x) { return sign*coeff*(func<T>(p)(x)); };
-template <typename T, std::size_t Dim, bool verbose=false> 
-void test(std::size_t p_maxOrder, bool includePeriodicBds=false) {
-    typename Shape<Dim>::type shape;
-    typename Domain<T,Dim>::DomainSize domainSize;
-    Domain<T,Dim> ref, inBuffer, outBuffer;
-    Domain<T,Dim>& in  = inBuffer;
-    Domain<T,Dim>& out = outBuffer;
-    std::array<int,Dim> order;
-    shape.fill(8);
-    domainSize.fill(2*hysop::constants::pi);
-    T eps = std::numeric_limits<T>::epsilon();
-    const std::size_t N = std::accumulate(shape.begin(), shape.end(), 1, std::multiplies<std::size_t>());
-    ref.resize(domainSize).reshape(shape);
-    in  = ref;
-    out = ref;
-    typename Shape<Dim>::type maxOrder, testCases;
-    maxOrder.fill(p_maxOrder+1);
-    testCases.fill(nExtensionsPair);
-    Index<Dim> orderId(maxOrder);
-    Index<Dim> testCaseId;
-    std::size_t testCaseCount;
-    while(!(++orderId).atMaxId()) {
-        std::cout << "  ::Order::" << orderId.ids() << (verbose ? "\n" : "");
-        std::array<T,3> meanDists;
-        meanDists.fill(0);
-        testCaseId.reset(testCases);
-        testCaseCount = testCaseId.maxId();
-        while(!testCaseId.atMaxId()) { 
-            std::copy(orderId.ids().begin(),orderId.ids().end(), order.begin());
-            /* generate transform configuration */
-            std::array<std::pair<fft::Extension,fft::Extension>, Dim> extConfig;
-            for (std::size_t k=0; k<Dim; k++) {
-                std::size_t id = testCaseId[k];
-                extConfig[k] = pext[id];
-                if(pext[id].first==fft::Extension::NONE)
-                    order[k] = 0;
-            }
-            fft::FftDomainConfiguration<Dim> domainConfig(extConfig, includePeriodicBds);
-            const std::size_t orderSum = std::accumulate(order.begin(), order.end(), 0);
-            if(orderSum == 0) {
-                testCaseCount--;
-                ++testCaseId;
-                continue;
-            }
-            T orderPow = std::pow(T(10),T(orderSum));
-            if(std::is_same<T,long double>::value) /* just in case long doubles are not hardware supported... */
-                orderPow *= 1e3;
-            const auto criteria = std::make_tuple(orderPow*eps*N,orderPow*eps*sqrt(N),2*orderPow*eps);
-            const auto f = [&](const typename Domain<T,Dim>::SpaceVariable &x) { 
-                T val = func<T>(testCaseId[0])(x[0]);
-                for (std::size_t d=1; d < Dim; d++)
-                    val *= func<T>(testCaseId[d])(x[d]);
-                return val;
-            };
-            const auto d = [&](const typename Domain<T,Dim>::SpaceVariable &x) { 
-                T val = derivative<T>(testCaseId[0],order[0])(x[0]);
-                for (std::size_t d=1; d < Dim; d++)
-                    val *= derivative<T>(testCaseId[d],order[d])(x[d]);
-                return val;
-            };
-            {
-                ref.resetDomainConfiguration(domainConfig.boundariesConfiguration());
-                in  = ref;
-                out = ref;
-                in.apply(f);
-                ref.apply(d);
-      [](T& v){ v=T(0);});
-            }
-            solver::FftDiffSolver<T,Dim> solver(domainSize, domainConfig, FFTW_MEASURE, includePeriodicBds, includePeriodicBds);
-            solver.apply(,, order);
-            std::stringstream ss;
-            ss << "[";
-            for (std::size_t k=0; k<Dim-1; k++) 
-                ss << extConfig[k].first << "/" << extConfig[k].second << ",";
-            ss << extConfig[Dim-1].first << "/" << extConfig[Dim-1].second;
-            ss << "]";
-            const auto dist = out.distance(ref);
-            const bool pass =      (std::get<0>(dist) < std::get<0>(criteria)) 
-                && (std::get<1>(dist) < std::get<1>(criteria))
-                && (std::get<2>(dist) < std::get<2>(criteria));
-            if((pass && verbose) || !pass) {
-                std::cout << (pass ? GREEN : RED);
-                std::cout << "\t" << std::setw(Dim*15) << ss.str() << " => " << (pass ? "OK" : "KO") 
-                    << "  " << RESET << std::scientific << std::setprecision(2) << dist << std::endl;
-            }
-            if(!pass) {
-                //in.print("IN");
-                //ref.print("REF");
-                //out.print("OUT");
-                std::cout << criteria << std::endl;
-                exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
-            }
-            meanDists[0] += std::get<0>(dist);
-            meanDists[1] += std::get<1>(dist);
-            meanDists[2] += std::get<2>(dist);
-            ++testCaseId;
-        }
-        for (std::size_t k = 0; k < 3; k++)
-            meanDists[k] /= T(testCaseCount);
-        std::cout << "=> mean distances over " << std::scientific << std::setprecision(1) << std::setw(4)
-            << testCaseCount << " testcases: " << meanDists;
-        for (std::size_t k = 0; k < 3; k++)
-            meanDists[k] = std::round(meanDists[k]/eps);
-        std::cout << " ~= " <<  std::fixed << std::setprecision(0) << meanDists << " eps" << std::endl; 
-    }
-int main(int argc, const char *argv[]) {
-    std::cout << "== TEST 1D - float       ==" << std::endl;
-    test<float,1,false>(5);
-    std::cout << "== TEST 2D - float       ==" << std::endl;
-    test<float,2,false>(3);
-    std::cout << "== TEST 3D - float       ==" << std::endl;
-    test<float,3,false>(1);
-    std::cout << std::endl;
-    std::cout << "== TEST 1D - double       ==" << std::endl;
-    test<double,1,false>(5);
-    std::cout << "== TEST 2D - double       ==" << std::endl;
-    test<double,2,false>(3);
-    std::cout << "== TEST 3D - double       ==" << std::endl;
-    test<double,3,false>(1);
-    std::cout << std::endl;
-    std::cout << "== TEST 1D - long double       ==" << std::endl;
-    test<long double,1,false>(5);
-    std::cout << "== TEST 2D - long double       ==" << std::endl;
-    test<long double,2,false>(3);
-    std::cout << "== TEST 3D - long double       ==" << std::endl;
-    test<long double,3,false>(1);
-    std::cout << std::endl;
-    std::cout << "== TEST 1D - __float128       ==" << std::endl;
-    test<__float128,1,false>(5);
-    std::cout << "== TEST 2D - __float128       ==" << std::endl;
-    test<__float128,2,false>(3);
-    std::cout << "== TEST 3D - __float128       ==" << std::endl;
-    test<__float128,3,false>(1);
-    std::cout << std::endl;
-    return EXIT_SUCCESS;
diff --git a/src/hysop++/main/planner.cpp b/src/hysop++/main/planner.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 287c6713c..000000000
--- a/src/hysop++/main/planner.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,197 +0,0 @@
-#include "maths/quad_maths.h"
-#include "data/multi_array/multi_array.h"
-#include "domain/domain.h"
-#include "utils/constants.h"
-#include "fft/planner.h"
-#include "fft/extension.h"
-using namespace hysop;
-using namespace hysop::domain;
-static constexpr std::size_t nExtensions = 4 ;
-static constexpr std::size_t nExtensionsPair = 6 ;
-static constexpr fft::Extension ext[nExtensions] = 
-{ fft::Extension::NONE, fft::Extension::ODD, fft::Extension::EVEN, fft::Extension::PERIODIC };
-static constexpr std::pair<fft::Extension,fft::Extension> pext[nExtensionsPair] {
-    std::make_pair(ext[0],ext[0]), //none-none
-        std::make_pair(ext[1],ext[1]), //odd-odd
-        std::make_pair(ext[1],ext[2]), //odd-even
-        std::make_pair(ext[1],ext[2]), //even-odd
-        std::make_pair(ext[2],ext[2]), //even-even
-        std::make_pair(ext[3],ext[3]), //periodic-periodic
-template <typename T, std::size_t Dim, bool verbose=false> 
-void test(bool inplace, bool includePeriodicBds);
-int main(int argc, const char *argv[]) {
-    std::cout << std::endl; 
-    std::cout << "== TEST 1D - float       ==\t";
-    test<float,1>(false,true);
-    std::cout << "== TEST 2D - float       ==\t";
-    test<float,2>(false,true);
-    std::cout << "== TEST 3D - float       ==\t";
-    test<float,3>(false,true);
-    std::cout << std::endl; 
-    std::cout << "== TEST 1D - double      ==\t";
-    test<double,1>(true,true);
-    std::cout << "== TEST 2D - double      ==\t";
-    test<double,2>(true,true);
-    std::cout << "== TEST 3D - double      ==\t";
-    test<double,3>(true,true);
-    std::cout << std::endl; 
-    std::cout << "== TEST 1D - long double ==\t";
-    test<long double,1>(false,false);
-    std::cout << "== TEST 2D - long double ==\t";
-    test<long double,2>(false,false);
-    std::cout << "== TEST 3D - long double ==\t";
-    test<long double,3>(false,false);
-    std::cout << std::endl; 
-    std::cout << "== TEST 1D - __float128 ==\t";
-    test<__float128,1>(false,false);
-    std::cout << "== TEST 2D - __float128 ==\t";
-    test<__float128,2>(false,false);
-    std::cout << "== TEST 3D - __float128 ==\t";
-    test<__float128,3>(false,false);
-    return 0;
-template <typename T, std::size_t Dim, bool verbose> 
-void test(bool inplace, bool includePeriodicBds) {
-    typename Shape<Dim>::type shape;
-    typename Domain<T,Dim>::DomainSize domainSize;
-    Domain<T,Dim> ref, inBuffer, outBuffer;
-    Domain<T,Dim>& in  = inBuffer;
-    Domain<T,Dim>& out = (inplace ? inBuffer : outBuffer);
-    fft::Planner<T,Dim> planner;
-    std::array<int,Dim> order;
-    const std::size_t nPoints = 16;
-    shape.fill(nPoints);
-    domainSize.fill(1.0);
-    order.fill(2);
-    const T eps = std::numeric_limits<T>::epsilon();
-    const std::size_t N = std::accumulate(shape.begin(), shape.end(), 1, std::multiplies<std::size_t>());
-    const auto criteria = std::make_tuple(50*eps*N,sqrt(50)*eps*N,700*eps);
-    ref.resize(domainSize).reshape(shape);
-    in  = ref;
-    out = ref;
-    typename Shape<Dim>::type testCases;
-    testCases.fill(nExtensionsPair);
-    Index<Dim> testCaseId(testCases);
-    std::array<T,3> meanDists{0};
-    while(!testCaseId.atMaxId()) { 
-        /* generate transform configuration */
-        std::array<std::pair<fft::Extension,fft::Extension>, Dim> extConfig;
-        for (std::size_t k=0; k<Dim; k++) {
-            std::size_t id = testCaseId[k];
-            extConfig[k] = pext[id];
-        }
-        fft::FftDomainConfiguration<Dim> domainConfig(extConfig, includePeriodicBds);
-        const auto f = [&](T &val, const hysop::Index<Dim>& idx) { 
-            val = static_cast<T>(rand())/static_cast<T>(RAND_MAX);
-            for (std::size_t d=0; d<Dim; d++) {
-                if(idx[d]==0) {
-                    if(extConfig[d].first == fft::Extension::ODD) {
-                        val=T(0); 
-                        return;
-                    }
-                    else if(extConfig[d].first == fft::Extension::PERIODIC)
-                        val=T(0.42);
-                }
-                else if(std::size_t(idx[d]) == idx.dim()[d]-1) {
-                    if(extConfig[d].second == fft::Extension::ODD) {
-                        val=T(0);
-                        return;
-                    }
-                    else if(extConfig[d].second == fft::Extension::PERIODIC && includePeriodicBds)
-                        val=T(0.42);
-                }
-            }
-        };
-        if(includePeriodicBds)
-            ref.resetDomainConfiguration(domainConfig.boundariesConfiguration()); 
-        /* fill reference and copy into input buffer */
-        in = ref;
-        /* plan transforms and check if planning succeeded */
-        bool status = planner.plan(,, domainConfig, order, domainSize, FFTW_MEASURE, 
-                    includePeriodicBds, includePeriodicBds);
-        assert(status || testCaseId()==0);
-        /* execute forward and backward inplace transforms */
-        planner.executeForwardTransform();
-        {
-            if(planner.transformType() == fft::FftTransformType::FFT_R2C)
-                planner.transformedComplexData().apply([&](std::complex<T>& val) { val /= planner.normalisationFactor(); }); 
-            else if(planner.transformType() == fft::FftTransformType::FFT_R2R)
-                planner.transformedRealData().apply([&](T& val) { val /= planner.normalisationFactor(); }); 
-        }
-        planner.executeBackwardTransform();
-        std::stringstream ss;
-        ss << "[";
-        for (std::size_t k=0; k<Dim-1; k++) 
-            ss << extConfig[k].first << "/" << extConfig[k].second << ",";
-        ss << extConfig[Dim-1].first << "/" << extConfig[Dim-1].second;
-        ss << "]";
-        const auto dist = out.distance(ref);
-        const bool pass =      (std::get<0>(dist) < std::get<0>(criteria)) 
-                            && (std::get<1>(dist) < std::get<1>(criteria))
-                            && (std::get<2>(dist) < std::get<2>(criteria));
-        if((pass && verbose) || !pass) {
-            std::cout << (pass ? GREEN : RED);
-            std::cout << "\t" << std::setw(Dim*15) << ss.str() << " => " << (pass ? "OK" : "KO") 
-                << "  " << RESET << std::scientific << std::setprecision(2) << dist << std::endl;
-        }
-        if(!pass) {
-            if(!inplace)
-                in.print("IN");
-            ref.print("REF");
-            out.print("OUT");
-            std::cout << planner << std::endl;
-            exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
-        }
-        meanDists[0] += std::get<0>(dist);
-        meanDists[1] += std::get<1>(dist);
-        meanDists[2] += std::get<2>(dist);
-        ++testCaseId;
-    }
-    for (std::size_t k = 0; k < 3; k++)
-        meanDists[k] /= T(testCaseId.maxId());
-    std::cout << "Mean distances over " << std::scientific << std::setprecision(1) << std::setw(4)
-         << testCaseId.maxId() << " testcases: " << meanDists;
-    for (std::size_t k = 0; k < 3; k++)
-        meanDists[k] = std::round(meanDists[k]/eps);
-    std::cout << " ~= " << std::fixed << std::setprecision(0) << meanDists << " eps" << std::endl; 
diff --git a/src/hysop++/main/poissonSolver.cpp b/src/hysop++/main/poissonSolver.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index e95a8cd50..000000000
--- a/src/hysop++/main/poissonSolver.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,213 +0,0 @@
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include "domain/domain.h"
-#include "solver/fftPoissonSolver.h"
-#include "data/multi_array/multi_array.h"
-#include "utils/constants.h"
-#include "domain/boundary.h"
-using namespace hysop;
-using namespace hysop::domain;
-static constexpr std::size_t nBoundaries = 4;
-static constexpr std::size_t nBoundaryPairs = 7;
-static constexpr domain::Boundary bds[nBoundaries] = 
-{ domain::Boundary::NONE, domain::Boundary::HOMOGENEOUS_NEUMANN, domain::Boundary::HOMOGENEOUS_DIRICHLET, domain::Boundary::PERIODIC };
-static constexpr std::pair<domain::Boundary,domain::Boundary> pbds[nBoundaryPairs] {
-        std::make_pair(bds[3],bds[3]), //periodic-periodic
-        std::make_pair(bds[3],bds[3]), //periodic-periodic
-        std::make_pair(bds[2],bds[1]), //even-odd
-        std::make_pair(bds[1],bds[2]), //odd-even
-        std::make_pair(bds[2],bds[2]), //even-even
-        std::make_pair(bds[1],bds[1]), //odd-odd
-        std::make_pair(bds[0],bds[0]), //none-none
-    static constexpr __float128  freqs[6] = { 1.0Q, 1.0Q, 0.75Q, 0.75Q, 0.50Q, 0.50Q };
-    static constexpr long double freqs[6] = { 1.0L, 1.0L, 0.75L, 0.75L, 0.50L, 0.50L };
-template <typename T>
-std::function<T(T)> func(std::size_t k) {
-    switch(k) {
-        case 0: return [=](T x) {return std::cos(T(freqs[0])*x);};
-        case 1: return [=](T x) {return std::sin(T(freqs[1])*x);};
-        case 2: return [=](T x) {return std::cos(T(freqs[2])*x);};
-        case 3: return [=](T x) {return std::sin(T(freqs[3])*x);};
-        case 4: return [=](T x) {return std::cos(T(freqs[4])*x);};
-        case 5: return [=](T x) {return std::sin(T(freqs[5])*x);};
-        default: return[=](T x) { return T(1); };
-    }
-std::string bdsToStr(domain::Boundary bd) {
-    switch(bd) {
-        case(Boundary::NONE):                    return "None      ";
-        case(Boundary::PERIODIC) :               return "Periodic  ";
-        case(Boundary::HOMOGENEOUS_NEUMANN):     return "Hom_Neum. ";
-        case(Boundary::HOMOGENEOUS_DIRICHLET):   return "Hom_Diric.";
-        case(Boundary::NEUMANN):                 return "Neumann   ";
-        case(Boundary::DIRICHLET):               return "Dirichlet ";
-    }
-    return "";
-template <typename T, std::size_t Dim, bool verbose=false> 
-void test(bool includePeriodicBds=false) {
-    typename Shape<Dim>::type shape;
-    typename Domain<T,Dim>::DomainSize domainSize;
-    Domain<T,Dim> ref, inBuffer, outBuffer;
-    Domain<T,Dim>& in  = inBuffer;
-    Domain<T,Dim>& out = outBuffer;
-    shape.fill(16);
-    domainSize.fill(2*hysop::constants::pi);
-    const T eps = std::numeric_limits<T>::epsilon();
-    const std::size_t N = std::accumulate(shape.begin(), shape.end(), 1, std::multiplies<std::size_t>());
-    ref.resize(domainSize).reshape(shape);
-    in  = ref;
-    out = ref;
-    typename Shape<Dim>::type testCases;
-    testCases.fill(nBoundaryPairs);
-    Index<Dim> testCaseId(testCases);
-    std::array<T,3> meanDists{0};
-    std::size_t testCaseCount = testCaseId.maxId()-1;
-    if(verbose)
-        std::cout << std::endl;
-    while(testCaseId() != testCaseId.maxId()-1) { 
-        /* generate transform configuration */
-        std::size_t orderSum = 0;
-        std::array<std::pair<domain::Boundary,domain::Boundary>, Dim> bdsConfig;
-        T W2sum = T(0);
-        for (std::size_t k=0; k<Dim; k++) {
-            std::size_t id = testCaseId[k];
-            bdsConfig[k] = pbds[id];
-            if(bdsConfig[k].first != domain::Boundary::NONE) {
-                W2sum += freqs[id]*freqs[id];
-                orderSum+=2;
-            }
-        }
-        domain::DomainConfiguration<Dim> domainConfig(bdsConfig, includePeriodicBds);
-        T orderPow = std::pow(T(10),T(orderSum));
-        if(std::is_same<T,long double>::value) /* just in case long doubles are not hardware supported... */
-            orderPow *= 1e3;
-        const auto criteria = std::make_tuple(orderPow*eps*N,orderPow*eps*sqrt(N),2*orderPow*eps);
-        const auto phi = [&](const typename Domain<T,Dim>::SpaceVariable &x) { 
-            T val = func<T>(testCaseId[0])(x[0]);
-            for (std::size_t d=1; d < Dim; d++)
-                val *= func<T>(testCaseId[d])(x[d]);
-            return val;
-        };
-        const auto f = [&](const typename Domain<T,Dim>::SpaceVariable &x) { 
-            return -W2sum*phi(x);
-        };
-        {
-            ref.resetDomainConfiguration(domainConfig);
-            in  = ref;
-            out = ref;
-            in.apply(f);
-            ref.apply(phi);
-  [](T& v){ v=T(0);});
-        }
-        solver::FftPoissonSolver<T,Dim> solver(domainSize, domainConfig, FFTW_MEASURE, includePeriodicBds, includePeriodicBds);
-        solver.apply(,;
-        std::stringstream ss;
-        ss << "[";
-        for (std::size_t k=0; k<Dim-1; k++) 
-            ss << bdsToStr(bdsConfig[k].first) << "/" << bdsToStr(bdsConfig[k].second) << ",";
-        ss << bdsToStr(bdsConfig[Dim-1].first) << "/" << bdsToStr(bdsConfig[Dim-1].second);
-        ss << "]";
-        const auto dist = out.distance(ref);
-        const bool pass =      (std::get<0>(dist) < std::get<0>(criteria)) 
-            && (std::get<1>(dist) < std::get<1>(criteria))
-            && (std::get<2>(dist) < std::get<2>(criteria));
-        if((pass && verbose) || !pass) {
-            std::cout << (pass ? GREEN : RED);
-            std::cout << "\t" << std::setw(Dim*15) << ss.str() << " => " << (pass ? "OK" : "KO") 
-                << "  " << RESET << std::scientific << std::setprecision(2) << dist << std::endl;
-        }
-        if(!pass) {
-            //in.print("IN");
-            //ref.print("REF");
-            //out.print("OUT");
-            std::cout << "\t\tTest Failed... Criteria was " << criteria << "." << std::endl;
-            exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
-        }
-        meanDists[0] += std::get<0>(dist);
-        meanDists[1] += std::get<1>(dist);
-        meanDists[2] += std::get<2>(dist);
-        ++testCaseId;
-    }
-        for (std::size_t k = 0; k < 3; k++)
-            meanDists[k] /= T(testCaseCount);
-        std::cout << "\t=> mean distances over " << std::scientific << std::setprecision(1) << std::setw(4)
-            << testCaseCount << " testcases: " << meanDists;
-        for (std::size_t k = 0; k < 3; k++)
-            meanDists[k] = std::round(meanDists[k]/eps);
-        std::cout << " ~= " <<  std::fixed << std::setprecision(0) << meanDists << " eps" << std::endl; 
-int main(int argc, const char *argv[]) {
-    std::cout << "== TEST 1D - float       ==";
-    test<float,1,true>();
-    std::cout << "== TEST 2D - float       ==";
-    test<float,2,true>();
-    std::cout << "== TEST 3D - float       ==";
-    test<float,3,false>();
-    std::cout << std::endl;
-    std::cout << "== TEST 1D - double      ==";
-    test<double,1,false>();
-    std::cout << "== TEST 2D - double      ==";
-    test<double,2,false>();
-    std::cout << "== TEST 3D - double      ==";
-    test<double,3,false>();
-    std::cout << std::endl;
-    std::cout << "== TEST 1D - long double ==";
-    test<long double,1,false>();
-    std::cout << "== TEST 2D - long double ==";
-    test<long double,2,false>();
-    std::cout << "== TEST 3D - long double ==";
-    test<long double,3,false>();
-    std::cout << std::endl;
-    std::cout << "== TEST 1D - __float128 ==";
-    test<__float128,1,false>();
-    std::cout << "== TEST 2D - __float128 ==";
-    test<__float128,2,false>();
-    std::cout << "== TEST 3D - __float128 ==";
-    test<__float128,3,false>();
-    std::cout << std::endl;
-    return EXIT_SUCCESS;
diff --git a/src/hysop++/src/data/accumulatorIndex.h b/src/hysop++/src/data/accumulatorIndex.h
deleted file mode 100644
index b794002c2..000000000
--- a/src/hysop++/src/data/accumulatorIndex.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-#include <array>
-#include <cassert>
-#include <vector>
-#include <functional>
-#include "data/index.h"
-namespace hysop {
-    template <typename T, std::size_t Dim, typename Source = std::array<std::vector<T>,Dim>, typename Functor = std::function<T(const T&, const T&)>>
-        struct AccumulatorIndex : public Index<Dim> {
-            private:
-                using super = Index<Dim>;
-            public:
-                using Indices   = typename super::Indices;
-                using Dimension = typename super::Dimension;
-            public:
-                AccumulatorIndex(const AccumulatorIndex& idx) = default;
-                ~AccumulatorIndex() = default;
-                template <typename DimArray=Dimension, typename AccumulatorIndexArray=Indices>
-                AccumulatorIndex(const DimArray& p_dim = DimArray{0}, 
-                                 const Indices &p_ids  = AccumulatorIndexArray{0}):
-                     super(p_dim, p_ids), m_accumulatedData{0}, m_sourceData(nullptr), m_functor(std::plus<T>()) {
-                            } 
-                AccumulatorIndex& setAccumulatorSource(const Source& p_source)     { m_sourceData = &p_source; init(); return *this; }
-                AccumulatorIndex& setAccumulatorFunction(const Functor& p_functor) { m_functor    = p_functor; init(); return *this; }
-                const T& accumulatedVal() const { return m_accumulatedData[Dim-1]; }
-            protected:
-                void init() {
-                    if(m_sourceData != nullptr) {
-                        m_accumulatedData[0] = (*m_sourceData)[0][this->operator[](0)];
-                        for (std::size_t d=0; d<Dim-1; d++)
-                            m_accumulatedData[d+1] = m_functor(m_accumulatedData[d],(*m_sourceData)[d+1][this->operator[](d+1)]);
-                    }
-                }
-                virtual void onIndexChange(std::size_t pos, std::ptrdiff_t offset) final override {
-                    if(m_sourceData != nullptr) {
-                        assert(pos < Dim);
-                        m_accumulatedData[pos] = (pos==0 ? (*m_sourceData)[0][this->operator[](0)] : m_functor(m_accumulatedData[pos-1],(*m_sourceData)[pos][this->operator[](pos)]));
-                        for (std::size_t d=pos; d<Dim-1; d++)
-                            m_accumulatedData[d+1] = m_functor(m_accumulatedData[d],(*m_sourceData)[d+1][this->operator[](d+1)]);
-                    }
-                };
-            protected:
-                std::array<T,Dim> m_accumulatedData;
-                const Source* m_sourceData;
-                Functor m_functor;
-        };
-#endif /* end of include guard: HYSOP_ACCUMULATORINDEX_H */
diff --git a/src/hysop++/src/data/index.h b/src/hysop++/src/data/index.h
deleted file mode 100644
index c0dcb6993..000000000
--- a/src/hysop++/src/data/index.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,125 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef HYSOP_INDEX_H
-#define HYSOP_INDEX_H
-#include <array>
-#include <cassert>
-namespace hysop {
-    template <std::size_t Dim>
-        struct Index {
-            typedef boost::array<std::ptrdiff_t,Dim> Indices;
-            typedef boost::array<std::size_t,Dim>    Dimension;
-            Index(const Index& idx) = default;
-            ~Index() = default;
-            template <typename DimArray=Dimension, typename IndexArray=Indices>
-            Index(const DimArray& p_dim = DimArray{0}, 
-                  const Indices &p_ids  = IndexArray{0}) : 
-                m_dim(), m_ids(), m_id(0) { 
-                    for (std::size_t d = 0; d < Dim; d++) {
-                        m_dim[d] = p_dim[d];
-                        m_ids[d] = p_ids[d];
-                    }
-                    initializeId(); 
-                } 
-            template <typename DimArray, typename IndexArray=Indices>
-            Index& reset(const DimArray& p_dim, const IndexArray &p_ids = IndexArray{0}) {
-                for (std::size_t d = 0; d < Dim; d++) {
-                    m_dim[d] = p_dim[d];
-                    m_ids[d] = p_ids[d];
-                }
-                initializeId();
-                return *this;
-            }
-            Index& setIndexToMinusOne() {
-                for (std::size_t d=0; d<Dim-1; d++)
-                    m_ids[d] = 0;
-                m_ids[Dim-1] = -1;
-                initializeId();
-                return *this;
-            }
-            std::size_t id() const { return m_id; };
-            std::size_t maxId() const { return m_maxId; }
-            bool atMaxId() const { return m_id == m_maxId; }
-            const Indices&   ids() const { return m_ids; };
-            const Dimension& dim() const { return m_dim; };
-            std::ptrdiff_t  operator[](std::size_t k) const { return m_ids[k]; } 
-            std::size_t     operator()() const { return m_id; } 
-            virtual void onIndexChange(std::size_t pos, std::ptrdiff_t offset) {};
-            virtual void onIndexOverflow(std::size_t pos) {};
-            virtual void onIndexUndeflow(std::size_t pos) {};
-            Index& operator++() {    //prefix
-                for (int d = Dim-1; d >=0; d--) {
-                    m_ids[d]++;
-                    if(m_ids[d]==std::ptrdiff_t(m_dim[d])) {
-                        m_ids[d]=0;
-                        this->onIndexOverflow(d);
-                    }
-                    else {
-                        this->onIndexChange(d, +1);
-                        break;
-                    }
-                }
-                m_id++;
-                return *this;
-            };
-            Index& operator--() {    //prefix
-                for (int d = 0; d < Dim; d++) {
-                    if(m_ids[d]!=0) {
-                        this->onIndexChange(d, -1);
-                        m_ids[d]--;
-                        break;
-                    }
-                    else {
-                        this->onIndexUndeflow(d);
-                    }
-                }
-                m_id--;
-                return *this;
-            };
-            Index operator++(int) { //postfix
-                Index result(*this);
-                ++(*this);
-                return result;
-            };
-            Index operator--(int) { //postfix
-                Index result(*this);
-                --(*this);
-                return result;
-            };
-            protected:            
-                void initializeId() {
-                    m_id = 0;
-                    m_maxId = 1;
-                    for (std::size_t d = 0; d < Dim-1; d++) {
-                        m_id = (m_id + m_ids[d]) * m_dim[d+1]; 
-                        m_maxId*=m_dim[d];
-                    }
-                    m_id += m_ids[Dim-1];
-                    m_maxId*=m_dim[Dim-1];
-                }
-            private:
-                Dimension m_dim;
-                Indices   m_ids;
-                std::size_t m_id, m_maxId;
-        };
-#endif /* end of include guard: HYSOP_INDEX_H */
diff --git a/src/hysop++/src/data/memory/fftwAllocator.h b/src/hysop++/src/data/memory/fftwAllocator.h
deleted file mode 100644
index d2b8423f3..000000000
--- a/src/hysop++/src/data/memory/fftwAllocator.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-#include <limits>
-#include <fftw3.h>
-namespace hysop {
-    namespace data {
-        namespace memory {
-        /* FftwAllocator designed to correctly align data for fftw */
-        template <typename T>
-            struct FftwAllocator {
-                using value_type = T;
-                using const_pointer = const T*;
-                FftwAllocator() = default;
-                template <class U>
-                    FftwAllocator(const FftwAllocator<U>&) {}
-                T* allocate(std::size_t n, const_pointer hint=nullptr) {
-                    if (n <= std::numeric_limits<std::size_t>::max() / sizeof(T)) {
-                        if (auto ptr = fftw_malloc(n * sizeof(T))) {
-                            return static_cast<T*>(ptr);
-                        }
-                    }
-                    throw std::bad_alloc();
-                }
-                void deallocate(T* ptr, std::size_t n) {
-                    fftw_free(ptr);
-                }
-                void destroy(T* ptr) {
-                    ptr->~T();
-                }
-            };
-        template <typename T, typename U>
-            inline bool operator == (const FftwAllocator<T>&, const FftwAllocator<U>&) {
-                return true;
-            }
-        template <typename T, typename U>
-            inline bool operator != (const FftwAllocator<T>& a, const FftwAllocator<U>& b) {
-                return !(a == b);
-            }
-        } /* end of namespace memory */
-    } /* end of namespace data */
-} /* end of namespace hysop */
-#endif /* end of include guard: HYSOP_FFTW_ALLOCATOR_H */
diff --git a/src/hysop++/src/data/memory/minimalAllocator.h b/src/hysop++/src/data/memory/minimalAllocator.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 2460db0db..000000000
--- a/src/hysop++/src/data/memory/minimalAllocator.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-#include <limits>
-namespace hysop {
-    namespace data {
-        namespace memory {
-        /* Minimal MinimalAllocator for boost and std libs  */
-        template <typename T>
-            struct MinimalAllocator {
-                using value_type = T;
-                using const_pointer = const T*;
-                MinimalAllocator() = default;
-                template <class U>
-                    MinimalAllocator(const MinimalAllocator<U>&) {}
-                T* allocate(std::size_t n, const_pointer hint=nullptr) {
-                    if (n <= std::numeric_limits<std::size_t>::max() / sizeof(T)) {
-                        if (auto ptr = std::malloc(n * sizeof(T))) {
-                            return static_cast<T*>(ptr);
-                        }
-                    }
-                    throw std::bad_alloc();
-                }
-                void deallocate(T* ptr, std::size_t n) {
-                    std::free(ptr);
-                }
-                void destroy(T* ptr) {
-                    ptr->~T();
-                }
-            };
-        template <typename T, typename U>
-            inline bool operator == (const MinimalAllocator<T>&, const MinimalAllocator<U>&) {
-                return true;
-            }
-        template <typename T, typename U>
-            inline bool operator != (const MinimalAllocator<T>& a, const MinimalAllocator<U>& b) {
-                return !(a == b);
-            }
-        } /* end of namespace memory */
-    } /* end of namespace data */
-} /* end of namespace hysop */
-#endif /* end of include guard: HYSOP_MINIMAL_ALLOCATOR_H */
diff --git a/src/hysop++/src/data/multi_array/< b/src/hysop++/src/data/multi_array/<
deleted file mode 100644
index 9b142c71f..000000000
--- a/src/hysop++/src/data/multi_array/<
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,352 +0,0 @@
-/*** Hysop boost multi array wrapper ***/
-#include "const_multi_array_view.h"
-#include "multi_array_view.h"
-namespace hysop {
-    namespace data {
-        /* forward declaration */
-        /* class hysop::data::multi_array */
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim, typename Allocator>
-            class multi_array : public boost_multi_array<T,Dim,Allocator> {
-                static_assert(Dim>0, "Dim cannot be zero !");
-                private:
-                    using super     = boost_multi_array<T,Dim,Allocator>;
-                    using super_ref = boost_multi_array_ref<T,Dim>;
-                public:
-                    PUBLIC_CLASS_TYPES()
-                public:
-                    multi_array(const extents_gen<Dim>& extents = extents_gen<Dim>());
-                    multi_array(const Shape<Dim>& shape);
-                    multi_array(const multi_array& other);
-                    multi_array(multi_array&& other);
-                    explicit multi_array(const array_ref& other);
-                    explicit multi_array(const array_view& other);
-                    explicit multi_array(const const_array_ref& other);
-                    explicit multi_array(const const_array_view& other);
-                    explicit multi_array(const boost_multi_array<T,Dim,Allocator>& other);
-                    explicit multi_array(const boost_multi_array_ref<T,Dim>& other);
-                    explicit multi_array(const boost_multi_array_view<T,Dim>& other);
-                    explicit multi_array(const boost_const_multi_array_ref<T,Dim>& other);
-                    explicit multi_array(const boost_const_multi_array_view<T,Dim>& other);
-                    explicit multi_array(boost_multi_array<T,Dim,Allocator>&& other);
-                    multi_array& operator=(const multi_array& other);
-                    multi_array& operator=(const array_ref& ref);
-                    multi_array& operator=(const array_view& view);
-                    multi_array& operator=(const const_array_ref& ref);
-                    multi_array& operator=(const const_array_view& view);
-                    multi_array& operator=(multi_array&& other);
-                    operator array_ref();
-                    operator const_array_ref() const;
-                public:
-                    multi_array& reshape(const Shape<Dim>& shape);
-                    /* print data */
-                    const multi_array& print(const std::string& name, std::ostream& os = std::cout, 
-                            unsigned int precision=2u, unsigned int width=6u) const;
-                    /* Apply function to all elements of the view */
-                    /* (1) apply func(T&) on all elements */
-                    /* (2) apply func(T&, const Index<Dim>&) on all elements */
-                    /* (3) apply func(T&, const Index<Dim>&, farg0, fargs...) on all elements */
-                    multi_array& apply(const std::function<void(T&)>& func);
-                    multi_array& apply(const std::function<void(T&, const Index<Dim>&)>& func);
-                    template <typename Functor, typename Arg0, typename... Args> 
-                        multi_array& apply(const Functor& func, Arg0&& farg0, Args&&... fargs);
-                    /* boolean array_view specific functions */
-                    ENABLE_IF_BOOL(bool) all() const;
-                    ENABLE_IF_BOOL(bool) any() const;
-                    ENABLE_IF_BOOL(bool) none() const;
-                    /* real and complex data accessors, usefull for FFT like transforms */
-                    ENABLE_IF_REAL   (      T*) rdata()       { return this->origin(); }
-                    ENABLE_IF_REAL   (const T*) rdata() const { return this->origin(); }
-                    ENABLE_IF_COMPLEX(      T*) cdata()       { return this->origin(); }
-                    ENABLE_IF_COMPLEX(const T*) cdata() const { return this->origin(); }
-                    ENABLE_IF_COMPLEX(      typename fft::fftw_complex_type<T>::std_type*) std_cdata() { 
-                        return reinterpret_cast<      typename fft::fftw_complex_type<T>::std_type*>(this->origin()); 
-                    }
-                    ENABLE_IF_COMPLEX(const typename fft::fftw_complex_type<T>::std_type*) std_cdata() const { 
-                        return reinterpret_cast<const typename fft::fftw_complex_type<T>::std_type*>(this->origin()); 
-                    }
-                    ENABLE_IF_COMPLEX(      typename fft::fftw_complex_type<T>::fftw_type*) fftw_cdata() { 
-                        return reinterpret_cast<      typename fft::fftw_complex_type<T>::fftw_type*>(this->origin()); 
-                    }
-                    ENABLE_IF_COMPLEX(const typename fft::fftw_complex_type<T>::fftw_type*) fftw_cdata() const { 
-                        return reinterpret_cast<const typename fft::fftw_complex_type<T>::fftw_type*>(this->origin()); 
-                    }
-                    ENABLE_IF_COMPLEX(      typename fft::fftw_complex_type<T>::value_type*) asRealData() { 
-                        return reinterpret_cast<       typename fft::fftw_complex_type<T>::value_type*>(this->origin()); 
-                    }
-                    ENABLE_IF_COMPLEX(const typename fft::fftw_complex_type<T>::value_type*) asRealData() const { 
-                        return reinterpret_cast< const typename fft::fftw_complex_type<T>::value_type*>(this->origin()); 
-                    }
-                    ENABLE_IF_REAL   (      typename fft::fftw_complex_type<T>::std_type*) asStdComplexData() { 
-                        return reinterpret_cast<      typename fft::fftw_complex_type<T>::std_type*>(this->origin()); 
-                    }
-                    ENABLE_IF_REAL   (const typename fft::fftw_complex_type<T>::std_type*) asStdComplexdata() const { 
-                        return reinterpret_cast<const typename fft::fftw_complex_type<T>::std_type*>(this->origin()); 
-                    }
-                    ENABLE_IF_REAL   (      typename fft::fftw_complex_type<T>::fftw_type*) asFftwComplexdata() { 
-                        return reinterpret_cast<      typename fft::fftw_complex_type<T>::fftw_type*>(this->origin()); 
-                    }
-                    ENABLE_IF_REAL   (const typename fft::fftw_complex_type<T>::fftw_type*) asFftwComplexData() const { 
-                        return reinterpret_cast<const typename fft::fftw_complex_type<T>::fftw_type*>(this->origin()); 
-                    }
-                protected:
-                    static extents_gen<Dim> shapeToExtents(const Shape<Dim> &shape);
-            };
-        /* Implementation */
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim, typename Allocator> 
-        multi_array<T,Dim,Allocator>::multi_array(const extents_gen<Dim>& extents):
-            boost_multi_array<T,Dim,Allocator>(extents) {}
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim, typename Allocator> 
-        multi_array<T,Dim,Allocator>::multi_array(const Shape<Dim>& shape):
-            boost_multi_array<T,Dim,Allocator>(shapeToExtents(shape)) {}
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim, typename Allocator> 
-        multi_array<T,Dim,Allocator>::multi_array(const multi_array& other):
-            boost_multi_array<T,Dim,Allocator>(static_cast<const boost_multi_array<T,Dim>&>(other)) {}
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim, typename Allocator> 
-        multi_array<T,Dim,Allocator>::multi_array(const array_view& other):
-            boost_multi_array<T,Dim,Allocator>(static_cast<const boost_multi_array_view<T,Dim>&>(other)) {}
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim, typename Allocator> 
-        multi_array<T,Dim,Allocator>::multi_array(const const_array_view& other):
-            boost_multi_array<T,Dim,Allocator>(static_cast<const boost_multi_array_view<T,Dim>&>(other)) {}
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim, typename Allocator> 
-        multi_array<T,Dim,Allocator>::multi_array(multi_array&& other):
-            boost_multi_array<T,Dim,Allocator>(static_cast<boost_multi_array<T,Dim,Allocator>&&>(other)) {}
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim, typename Allocator> 
-        multi_array<T,Dim,Allocator>::multi_array(const boost_multi_array_view<T,Dim>& other):
-            boost_multi_array<T,Dim,Allocator>(other) {}
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim, typename Allocator> 
-        multi_array<T,Dim,Allocator>::multi_array(const boost_const_multi_array_view<T,Dim>& other):
-            boost_multi_array<T,Dim,Allocator>(other) {}
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim, typename Allocator> 
-        multi_array<T,Dim,Allocator>::multi_array(const boost_multi_array_ref<T,Dim>& other):
-            boost_multi_array<T,Dim,Allocator>(other) {}
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim, typename Allocator> 
-        multi_array<T,Dim,Allocator>::multi_array(const boost_const_multi_array_ref<T,Dim>& other):
-            boost_multi_array<T,Dim,Allocator>(other) {}
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim, typename Allocator> 
-        multi_array<T,Dim,Allocator>::multi_array(boost_multi_array<T,Dim,Allocator>&& other):
-            boost_multi_array<T,Dim,Allocator>(other) {}
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim, typename Allocator> 
-            multi_array<T,Dim,Allocator>& multi_array<T,Dim,Allocator>::operator=(const array_view& other) {
-                this->reshape(other.shape());
-                /* cast obligatory to avoid shape() function aliasing */
-                super::operator=(dynamic_cast<const boost_multi_array_view<T,Dim>&>(other));
-                return *this;
-            }
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim, typename Allocator> 
-            multi_array<T,Dim,Allocator>& multi_array<T,Dim,Allocator>::operator=(const const_array_view& other) {
-                this->reshape(other.shape());
-                /* cast obligatory to avoid shape() function aliasing */
-                super::operator=(dynamic_cast<const boost_multi_array_view<T,Dim>&>(other));
-                return *this;
-            }
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim, typename Allocator> 
-            multi_array<T,Dim,Allocator>& multi_array<T,Dim,Allocator>::operator=(const multi_array& other) {
-                this->reshape(other.shape());
-                /* cast obligatory to avoid shape() function aliasing */
-                super::operator=(dynamic_cast<const boost_multi_array_ref<T,Dim>&>(other));
-                return *this;
-            }
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim, typename Allocator> 
-            multi_array<T,Dim,Allocator>& multi_array<T,Dim,Allocator>::operator=(multi_array&& other) {
-                super::operator=(other);
-                return *this;
-            }
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim, typename Allocator> 
-            multi_array<T,Dim,Allocator>::operator array_view() {
-                return this->operator[](hysop::utils::buildView<Dim>());
-            }
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim, typename Allocator> 
-            multi_array<T,Dim,Allocator>::operator const_array_view() const {
-                return this->operator[](hysop::utils::buildView<Dim>());
-            }
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim, typename Allocator> 
-            Shape<Dim> multi_array<T,Dim,Allocator>::shape() const {
-                Shape<Dim> shape;
-                const std::size_t* extents = this->super::shape();
-                for (std::size_t d = 0; d < Dim; d++)
-                    shape[d] = static_cast<std::size_t>(extents[d]);
-                return shape;
-            }
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim, typename Allocator> 
-            multi_array<T,Dim,Allocator>& multi_array<T,Dim,Allocator>::reshape(const Shape<Dim>& shape) { 
-                boost::array<int,Dim> extents;
-                for (std::size_t d = 0; d < Dim; d++)
-                    extents[d] = static_cast<int>(shape[d]);
-                this->resize(extents);
-                return *this;
-            }
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim, typename Allocator> 
-        typename multi_array<T,Dim,Allocator>::template extents_gen<Dim> multi_array<T,Dim,Allocator>::shapeToExtents(const Shape<Dim> &shape) {
-            return utils::buildExtents(shape);
-        }
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim, typename Allocator>
-            multi_array<T,Dim,Allocator>& multi_array<T,Dim,Allocator>::apply(const std::function<void(T&)>& func) {
-                T* data = this->origin();
-                for (std::size_t k = 0; k < this->num_elements(); k++) {
-                    func(data[k]);
-                } 
-                return *this;
-            }
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim, typename Allocator>
-            multi_array<T,Dim,Allocator>& multi_array<T,Dim,Allocator>::apply(const std::function<void(T&, const Index<Dim>&)>& func) {
-                hysop::Index<Dim> idx(this->shape());
-                T* data = this->origin();
-                for (std::size_t k = 0; k < this->num_elements(); k++) {
-                    func(data[k], idx);
-                    ++idx;
-                }
-                return *this;
-            }
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim, typename Allocator>
-            template <typename Functor, typename Arg0, typename... Args>
-            multi_array<T,Dim,Allocator>& multi_array<T,Dim,Allocator>::apply(const Functor& func, Arg0&& farg0, Args&&... fargs) {
-                hysop::Index<Dim> idx(this->shape());
-                T* data = this->origin();
-                for (std::size_t k = 0; k < this->num_elements(); k++) {
-                    func(data[k], idx, std::forward<Arg0>(farg0), std::forward<Args>(fargs)...);
-                    ++idx;
-                }
-                return *this;
-            }
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim, typename Allocator>
-            const multi_array<T,Dim,Allocator>& multi_array<T,Dim,Allocator>::print(const std::string& name, std::ostream& os, 
-                    unsigned int precision, unsigned int width) const {
-                auto S = this->super::shape();
-                std::size_t id = 0;
-                os << name << " = [";
-                if(Dim==1 || Dim>3) {
-                    for(std::size_t k=0; k<this->num_elements(); k++) {
-                        T x = this->data()[id++];
-                        os << std::fixed << std::showpos << std::setprecision(precision) << std::setw(width) << x << " ";
-                    }
-                }
-                else if(Dim==2) {
-                    std::cout << std::endl;
-                    for(std::size_t i=0; i<S[0]; i++) {
-                        os << "\t[";
-                        for(std::size_t j=0; j<S[1]; j++) {
-                            T x = this->data()[id++];
-                            os << std::fixed << std::showpos << std::setprecision(precision) << std::setw(width) << x << " ";
-                        }
-                        os << "]" << std::endl;
-                    }
-                }
-                else {
-                    std::cout << std::endl;
-                    for(std::size_t i=0; i<S[0]; i++) {
-                        os << "\t[[";
-                        for(std::size_t j=0; j<S[1]; j++) {
-                            if(j>0)
-                                os << "\t [";
-                            for(std::size_t k=0; k<S[2]; k++) {
-                                T x = this->data()[id++];
-                                os << std::fixed << std::showpos << std::setprecision(precision) << std::setw(width) << x << " ";
-                            }
-                            if(j!=S[1]-1)
-                                os << "]" << std::endl;
-                            else
-                                os << "]]," << std::endl;
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-                os << "];" << std::endl;
-                return *this;
-            }
-        /* boolean specific functions */
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim, typename Allocator>
-            template <typename TT>
-            typename std::enable_if<std::is_same<TT,bool>::value, bool>::type multi_array<T,Dim,Allocator>::all() const {
-                for(std::size_t k=0; k<this->num_elements(); k++) {
-                    if(!this->data()[k])
-                        return false;
-                }
-                return true;
-            }
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim, typename Allocator>
-            template <typename TT>
-            typename std::enable_if<std::is_same<TT,bool>::value, bool>::type multi_array<T,Dim,Allocator>::any() const {
-                for(std::size_t k=0; k<this->num_elements(); k++) {
-                    if(this->data()[k])
-                        return true;
-                }
-                return false;
-            }
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim, typename Allocator>
-            template <typename TT>
-            typename std::enable_if<std::is_same<TT,bool>::value, bool>::type multi_array<T,Dim,Allocator>::none() const {
-                for(std::size_t k=0; k<this->num_elements(); k++) {
-                    if(this->data()[k])
-                        return false;
-                }
-                return true;
-            }
-    } /* end of namespace data */ 
-} /* end of namespace hysop */
-#include "multi_array_ext.h"
-#endif /* end of include guard: HYSOP_MULTI_ARRAY_H */
diff --git a/src/hysop++/src/data/multi_array/const_multi_array_ref.h b/src/hysop++/src/data/multi_array/const_multi_array_ref.h
deleted file mode 100644
index cc0a2f2c4..000000000
--- a/src/hysop++/src/data/multi_array/const_multi_array_ref.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-#include "data/multi_array/multi_array.h"
-namespace hysop {
-    namespace data {
-        /* class hysop::data::multi_array */
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim>
-            class const_multi_array_ref : public boost_const_multi_array_ref<T,Dim> {
-                static_assert(Dim>0, "Dim cannot be zero !");
-                private:
-                    using super = boost_const_multi_array_ref<T,Dim>;
-                public:
-                    PUBLIC_CLASS_TYPES()
-                public:
-                    const_multi_array_ref(const const_multi_array_ref<T,Dim>& ref) = default;
-                    const_multi_array_ref& operator=(const const_multi_array_ref<T,Dim>& other) = default;
-                    const_multi_array_ref(const boost_const_multi_array_ref<T,Dim>& ref);
-                    const_multi_array_ref& operator=(const boost_const_multi_array_ref<T,Dim>& other);
-                public:
-                    PUBLIC_CONST_REF_INTERFACE(SINGLE_ARG(const_multi_array_ref<T,Dim>))
-                };
-        /* Implementation */
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim>
-        const_multi_array_ref<T,Dim>::const_multi_array_ref(const boost_const_multi_array_ref<T,Dim>& ref) :
-            super(ref) {
-        }
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim>
-        const_multi_array_ref<T,Dim>& const_multi_array_ref<T,Dim>::operator=(const boost_const_multi_array_ref<T,Dim>& other) {
-            super::operator=(other);
-            return *this;
-        }
-        CONST_REF_IMPLEMENTATION(SINGLE_ARG(const_multi_array_ref<T,Dim>), SINGLE_ARG(template <typename T, std::size_t Dim>))
-    } /* end of namespace data */ 
-} /* end of namespace hysop */
-#endif /* end of include guard: HYSOP_CONST_MULTI_ARRAY_REF_H */
-#endif /* end of MULTI_ARRAY include guard */
diff --git a/src/hysop++/src/data/multi_array/const_multi_array_view.h b/src/hysop++/src/data/multi_array/const_multi_array_view.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 335433d8a..000000000
--- a/src/hysop++/src/data/multi_array/const_multi_array_view.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-#include "data/multi_array/multi_array.h"
-namespace hysop {
-    namespace data {
-        /* class hysop::data::multi_array */
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim>
-            class const_multi_array_view : public boost_const_multi_array_view<T,Dim> {
-                static_assert(Dim>0, "Dim cannot be zero !");
-                private:
-                    using super = boost_const_multi_array_view<T,Dim>;
-                public:
-                    PUBLIC_CLASS_TYPES()
-                public:
-                    const_multi_array_view(const const_multi_array_view<T,Dim>& view) = default;
-                    const_multi_array_view& operator=(const const_multi_array_view<T,Dim>& other) = default;
-                    const_multi_array_view(const boost_const_multi_array_view<T,Dim>& view);
-                    const_multi_array_view& operator=(const boost_const_multi_array_view<T,Dim>& other);
-                public:
-                    PUBLIC_CONST_VIEW_INTERFACE(SINGLE_ARG(const_multi_array_view<T,Dim>))
-                };
-        /* Implementation */
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim>
-        const_multi_array_view<T,Dim>::const_multi_array_view(const boost_const_multi_array_view<T,Dim>& view) :
-            super(view) {
-        }
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim>
-        const_multi_array_view<T,Dim>& const_multi_array_view<T,Dim>::operator=(const boost_const_multi_array_view<T,Dim>& other) {
-            super::operator=(other);
-            return *this;
-        }
-        CONST_VIEW_IMPLEMENTATION(SINGLE_ARG(const_multi_array_view<T,Dim>), SINGLE_ARG(template <typename T, std::size_t Dim>))
-    } /* end of namespace data */ 
-} /* end of namespace hysop */
-#endif /* end of include guard: HYSOP_CONST_MULTI_ARRAY_VIEW_H */
-#endif /* end of MULTI_ARRAY include guard */
diff --git a/src/hysop++/src/data/multi_array/multi_array.h b/src/hysop++/src/data/multi_array/multi_array.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 41746a7eb..000000000
--- a/src/hysop++/src/data/multi_array/multi_array.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-#include "utils/utils.h"
-#include "utils/default.h"
-#include <boost/multi_array.hpp>
-/*** Hysop boost multi array wrapper ****/
-namespace hysop {
-    namespace data {
-        /* forward declaration of types */
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim, typename Allocator = hysop::_default::allocator<T>>                                           
-        class multi_array;                                                                              
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim>                                                              
-        class multi_array_ref;                                                                          
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim>                                                              
-        class const_multi_array_ref;                                                                    
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim>                                                              
-        class multi_array_view;                                                                         
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim>                                                              
-        class const_multi_array_view;                                                                   
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim, typename Allocator = hysop::_default::allocator<T>>                                          
-        using boost_multi_array = boost::multi_array<T,Dim,Allocator>;                                  
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim>                                                              
-        using boost_multi_array_ref = boost::multi_array_ref<T,Dim>;                                    
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim>                                                              
-        using boost_const_multi_array_ref = boost::const_multi_array_ref<T,Dim>;                        
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim>                                                              
-        using boost_multi_array_view = boost::detail::multi_array::multi_array_view<T,Dim>;             
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim>                                                              
-        using boost_const_multi_array_view = boost::detail::multi_array::const_multi_array_view<T,Dim>;
-    }
-#include "data/multi_array/multi_array_defines.h"
-#include "data/multi_array/const_multi_array_view.h"
-#include "data/multi_array/multi_array_view.h"
-#include "data/multi_array/const_multi_array_ref.h"
-#include "data/multi_array/multi_array_ref.h"
-#include "data/multi_array/multi_array_impl.h"
-#include "data/multi_array/multi_array_ext.h"
-#include "data/multi_array/multi_array_clean.h"
-#endif /* end of include guard: HYSOP_MULTI_ARRAY_H */
diff --git a/src/hysop++/src/data/multi_array/multi_array_clean.h b/src/hysop++/src/data/multi_array/multi_array_clean.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 0f8c988cc..000000000
--- a/src/hysop++/src/data/multi_array/multi_array_clean.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-#include "data/multi_array/multi_array.h"
-/* clean all macros used to generate hysop multiarray */
-#undef SINGLE_ARG
-#endif /* end of include guard: MULTI_ARRAY_CLEAN_H */
-#endif /* end of MULTI_ARRAY include guard */
diff --git a/src/hysop++/src/data/multi_array/multi_array_defines.h b/src/hysop++/src/data/multi_array/multi_array_defines.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 1f8ac7fbe..000000000
--- a/src/hysop++/src/data/multi_array/multi_array_defines.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,366 +0,0 @@
-#include "data/multi_array/multi_array.h"
-#include <algorithm>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <iomanip>
-#include <cmath>
-#include "utils/utils.h"
-#include "utils/types.h"
-#include "data/index.h"
-#include "fft/fftwComplex.h"
-/* helper macros to generate all hysop multi_array wrappers */
-#define SINGLE_ARG(...) __VA_ARGS__
-/* declaration of all public class types */
-#define PUBLIC_CLASS_TYPES()                                                      \
-    template <typename Alloc>                                                     \
-    using array = multi_array<T,Dim,Alloc>;                                       \
-                                                                                  \
-    using array_ref        = multi_array_ref<T,Dim>;                              \
-    using array_view       = multi_array_view<T,Dim>;                             \
-    using const_array_ref  = const_multi_array_ref<T,Dim>;                        \
-    using const_array_view = const_multi_array_view<T,Dim>;                       \
-                                                                                  \
-    template <std::size_t NExtents>                                               \
-    using extents_gen = boost::detail::multi_array::extent_gen<NExtents>;         \
-                                                                                  \
-    template <std::size_t NumRanges, std::size_t NumDim>                          \
-    using index_gen   = boost::detail::multi_array::index_gen<NumRanges, NumDim>; \
-                                                                                  \
-    using index_range = boost::multi_array_types::index_range;
-/* various enable if macros */
-#define ENABLE_IF_BOOL(TYPE,DEFAULT)                                     \
-            template <typename TT DEFAULT>                               \
-            typename std::enable_if<                                     \
-                       std::is_same<TT,bool>::value                      \
-                , TYPE>::type
-#define ENABLE_IF_FFTW_REAL(TYPE,DEFAULT)                                \
-            template <typename TT DEFAULT>                               \
-            typename std::enable_if<                                     \
-                    hysop::fft::is_fftw_supported_type<TT>::value        \
-                , TYPE>::type 
-#define ENABLE_IF_FFTW_COMPLEX(TYPE,DEFAULT)                               \
-            template <typename TT DEFAULT>                                 \
-            typename std::enable_if<                                       \
-                    hysop::fft::is_fftw_supported_complex_type<TT>::value  \
-                , TYPE>::type
-/* public const common interfaces for views and referencess */
-#define PUBLIC_COMMON_CONST_INTERFACE(TYPENAME)                                                                   \
-        /* shape related */                                                                                      \
-        typename Shape<Dim>::type shape() const;                                                                                \
-                                                                                                                 \
-        /* print data */                                                                                         \
-        const TYPENAME& print(const std::string& name, std::ostream& os = std::cout,                             \
-                unsigned int precision=2u, unsigned int width=6u) const;                                         \
-                                                                                                                 \
-        /* boolean array_view specific functions */                                                              \
-        ENABLE_IF_BOOL(bool,=T) all() const;                                                                     \
-        ENABLE_IF_BOOL(bool,=T) any() const;                                                                     \
-        ENABLE_IF_BOOL(bool,=T) none() const;
-/* public const reference interface */
-#define PUBLIC_CONST_REF_INTERFACE(TYPENAME)                                                                    \
-        /* common const interface */                                                                            \
-        PUBLIC_COMMON_CONST_INTERFACE(SINGLE_ARG(TYPENAME))                                                      \
-        /* real and complex data accessors, usefull for FFT like transforms */                                  \
-        ENABLE_IF_FFTW_REAL   (const T*,=T) rdata() const;                                                           \
-        ENABLE_IF_FFTW_REAL   (const typename fft::fftw_complex_type<T>::std_type*,=T)  asStdComplexData() const;    \
-        ENABLE_IF_FFTW_REAL   (const typename fft::fftw_complex_type<T>::fftw_type*,=T) asFftwComplexData() const;   \
-        ENABLE_IF_FFTW_COMPLEX(const T*,=T) cdata() const;                                                           \
-        ENABLE_IF_FFTW_COMPLEX(const typename fft::fftw_complex_type<T>::std_type*,=T)    std_cdata() const;         \
-        ENABLE_IF_FFTW_COMPLEX(const typename fft::fftw_complex_type<T>::fftw_type*,=T)  fftw_cdata() const;         \
-        ENABLE_IF_FFTW_COMPLEX(const typename fft::fftw_complex_type<T>::value_type*,=T) asRealData() const;
-/* public const view interface */
-#define PUBLIC_CONST_VIEW_INTERFACE(TYPENAME)                                                     \
-        /* common const interface */                                                              \
-/* non const interfaces */
-#define PUBLIC_COMMON_NON_CONST_INTERFACE(TYPENAME)                                               \
-        /* Apply function to all elements */                                                      \
-        TYPENAME& apply(const std::function<void(T&)>& func);                                     \
-        TYPENAME& apply(const std::function<void(T&, const Index<Dim>&)>& func);                  \
-        template <typename Functor, typename Arg0, typename... Args>                              \
-        TYPENAME& apply(const Functor& func, Arg0&& farg0, Args&&... fargs);
-#define PUBLIC_NON_CONST_REF_INTERFACE(TYPENAME)                                                  \
-        /* common non const interface */                                                          \
-        PUBLIC_COMMON_NON_CONST_INTERFACE(SINGLE_ARG(TYPENAME))                                   \
-        /* real and complex data accessors, usefull for FFT like transforms */                    \
-        ENABLE_IF_FFTW_REAL(T*,=T) rdata();                                                            \
-        ENABLE_IF_FFTW_REAL(typename fft::fftw_complex_type<T>::std_type*,=T) asStdComplexData();      \
-        ENABLE_IF_FFTW_REAL(typename fft::fftw_complex_type<T>::fftw_type*,=T) asFftwComplexData();    \
-        ENABLE_IF_FFTW_COMPLEX(T*,=T) cdata();                                                         \
-        ENABLE_IF_FFTW_COMPLEX(typename fft::fftw_complex_type<T>::std_type*,=T) std_cdata();          \
-        ENABLE_IF_FFTW_COMPLEX(typename fft::fftw_complex_type<T>::fftw_type*,=T) fftw_cdata();        \
-        ENABLE_IF_FFTW_COMPLEX(typename fft::fftw_complex_type<T>::value_type*,=T) asRealData();
-#define PUBLIC_NON_CONST_VIEW_INTERFACE(TYPENAME)                                                 \
-        /* common non const interface */                                                          \
-/* Loop dependant implementation macros (references contain contiguous data but not the views) */
-#define LOOP_VARNAME multi_array_index
-/* A reference has a contiguous memory layout and can be accessed by data offsets */
-    for (std::size_t LOOP_VARNAME=0; LOOP_VARNAME<((ARRAY).num_elements()); LOOP_VARNAME++)
-/* A view is non a contiguous memory access and can be accessed only by index list */
-    Index<Dim> LOOP_VARNAME((ARRAY).shape());   \
-    LOOP_VARNAME.setIndexToMinusOne();          \
-    while((++LOOP_VARNAME)() != LOOP_VARNAME.maxId())
-#define VIEW_DATA_ACCESS(ARRAY) (ARRAY).operator()(LOOP_VARNAME.ids())
-/* Common const implementation */
-        /* shape related */                                      \
-        TEMPLATES                                                \
-        typename Shape<Dim>::type TYPENAME::shape() const {      \
-            typename Shape<Dim>::type shape;                     \
-            const std::size_t* extents = this->super::shape();   \
-            for (std::size_t d = 0; d < Dim; d++)                \
-                shape[d] = static_cast<std::size_t>(extents[d]); \
-            return shape;                                        \
-        }
-/* Loop dependant const implementation */
-        /* print data */                                                                                                      \
-        TEMPLATES                                                                                                             \
-        const TYPENAME& TYPENAME::print(const std::string& name, std::ostream& os,                                            \
-                unsigned int precision, unsigned int width) const {                                                           \
-            auto S = this->super::shape();                                                                                    \
-            std::size_t id = 0;                                                                                               \
-                                                                                                                              \
-            os << name << " = [";                                                                                             \
-            if(Dim==1) {                                                                                                      \
-                for(std::size_t k=0; k<this->num_elements(); k++) {                                                           \
-                    T x = this->operator()(boost::array<std::size_t,1>{k});                                                   \
-                    os << std::fixed << std::showpos << std::setprecision(precision) << std::setw(width) << x << " ";         \
-                }                                                                                                             \
-            }                                                                                                                 \
-            else if(Dim==2) {                                                                                                 \
-                std::cout << std::endl;                                                                                       \
-                for(std::size_t i=0; i<S[0]; i++) {                                                                           \
-                    os << "\t[";                                                                                              \
-                    for(std::size_t j=0; j<S[1]; j++) {                                                                       \
-                        T x = this->operator()(boost::array<std::size_t,2>{i,j});                                             \
-                        os << std::fixed << std::showpos << std::setprecision(precision) << std::setw(width) << x << " ";     \
-                    }                                                                                                         \
-                    os << "]" << std::endl;                                                                                   \
-                }                                                                                                             \
-            }                                                                                                                 \
-            else if(Dim==3) {                                                                                                 \
-                std::cout << std::endl;                                                                                       \
-                for(std::size_t i=0; i<S[0]; i++) {                                                                           \
-                    os << "\t[[";                                                                                             \
-                    for(std::size_t j=0; j<S[1]; j++) {                                                                       \
-                        if(j>0)                                                                                               \
-                            os << "\t [";                                                                                     \
-                        for(std::size_t k=0; k<S[2]; k++) {                                                                   \
-                            T x = this->operator()(boost::array<std::size_t,3>{i,j,k});                                       \
-                            os << std::fixed << std::showpos << std::setprecision(precision) << std::setw(width) << x << " "; \
-                        }                                                                                                     \
-                        if(j!=S[1]-1)                                                                                         \
-                            os << "]" << std::endl;                                                                           \
-                        else                                                                                                  \
-                            os << "]]," << std::endl;                                                                         \
-                    }                                                                                                         \
-                }                                                                                                             \
-            }                                                                                                                 \
-            else {                                                                                                            \
-                LOOP_OVER_ALL_ELEMENTS(*this) {                                                                               \
-                    T x = DATA_ACCESS(*this);                                                                                 \
-                    os << std::fixed << std::showpos << std::setprecision(precision) << std::setw(width) << x << " ";         \
-                }                                                                                                             \
-            }                                                                                                                 \
-            os << "];" << std::endl;                                                                                          \
-            return *this;                                                                                                     \
-        }                                                                                                   \
-                                                                                                            \
-        /* boolean array_view specific functions */                                                         \
-        TEMPLATES ENABLE_IF_BOOL(bool,NO_DEFAULT_TEMPLATES) TYPENAME::all() const {                         \
-            LOOP_OVER_ALL_ELEMENTS(*this) {                                                                 \
-                const bool val = DATA_ACCESS(*this);                                                        \
-                if(!val)                                                                                    \
-                    return false;                                                                           \
-            }                                                                                               \
-            return true;                                                                                    \
-        }                                                                                                   \
-        TEMPLATES ENABLE_IF_BOOL(bool,NO_DEFAULT_TEMPLATES) TYPENAME::any() const {                         \
-            LOOP_OVER_ALL_ELEMENTS(*this) {                                                                 \
-                const bool val = DATA_ACCESS(*this);                                                        \
-                if(val)                                                                                     \
-                    return true;                                                                            \
-            }                                                                                               \
-            return false;                                                                                   \
-        }                                                                                                   \
-        TEMPLATES ENABLE_IF_BOOL(bool,NO_DEFAULT_TEMPLATES) TYPENAME::none() const {                        \
-            LOOP_OVER_ALL_ELEMENTS(*this) {                                                                 \
-                const bool val = DATA_ACCESS(*this);                                                        \
-                if(val)                                                                                     \
-                    return false;                                                                           \
-            }                                                                                               \
-            return true;                                                                                    \
-        }
-/* Reference specific const implementation */
-#define CONST_REF_IMPL(TYPENAME,TEMPLATES)                                                                                          \
-    TEMPLATES                                                                                                                       \
-    ENABLE_IF_FFTW_REAL(const T*,NO_DEFAULT_TEMPLATES) TYPENAME::rdata() const {                                                         \
-        return this->data();                                                                                                        \
-    }                                                                                                                               \
-    TEMPLATES                                                                                                                       \
-    ENABLE_IF_FFTW_REAL(const typename fft::fftw_complex_type<T>::std_type*,NO_DEFAULT_TEMPLATES)  TYPENAME::asStdComplexData() const {  \
-        return reinterpret_cast<const typename fft::fftw_complex_type<T>::std_type*>(this->data());                                 \
-    }                                                                                                                               \
-    TEMPLATES                                                                                                                       \
-    ENABLE_IF_FFTW_REAL(const typename fft::fftw_complex_type<T>::fftw_type*,NO_DEFAULT_TEMPLATES) TYPENAME::asFftwComplexData() const { \
-        return reinterpret_cast<const typename fft::fftw_complex_type<T>::fftw_type*>(this->data());                                \
-    }                                                                                                                               \
-    TEMPLATES                                                                                                                       \
-    ENABLE_IF_FFTW_COMPLEX(const T*,NO_DEFAULT_TEMPLATES) TYPENAME::cdata() const {                                                      \
-        return this->data();                                                                                                        \
-    }                                                                                                                               \
-    TEMPLATES                                                                                                                       \
-    ENABLE_IF_FFTW_COMPLEX(const typename fft::fftw_complex_type<T>::std_type*,NO_DEFAULT_TEMPLATES)    TYPENAME::std_cdata() const {    \
-        return reinterpret_cast<const typename fft::fftw_complex_type<T>::std_type*>(this->data());                                 \
-    }                                                                                                                               \
-    TEMPLATES                                                                                                                       \
-    ENABLE_IF_FFTW_COMPLEX(const typename fft::fftw_complex_type<T>::fftw_type*,NO_DEFAULT_TEMPLATES)  TYPENAME::fftw_cdata() const {    \
-        return reinterpret_cast<const typename fft::fftw_complex_type<T>::fftw_type*>(this->data());                                \
-    }                                                                                                                               \
-    TEMPLATES                                                                                                                       \
-    ENABLE_IF_FFTW_COMPLEX(const typename fft::fftw_complex_type<T>::value_type*,NO_DEFAULT_TEMPLATES) TYPENAME::asRealData() const {    \
-        return reinterpret_cast<const typename fft::fftw_complex_type<T>::value_type*>(this->data());                               \
-    }                                                                                                                               
-/* View specific const implementation */
-/* All reference const implementation */
-#define CONST_REF_IMPLEMENTATION(TYPENAME,TEMPLATES)                                                                             \
-    COMMON_CONST_IMPLEMENTATION(SINGLE_ARG(TYPENAME),SINGLE_ARG(TEMPLATES))                                                      \
-/* All view const implementation */
-#define CONST_VIEW_IMPLEMENTATION(TYPENAME,TEMPLATES)                                                                            \
-    COMMON_CONST_IMPLEMENTATION(SINGLE_ARG(TYPENAME),SINGLE_ARG(TEMPLATES))                                                      \
-/* Common non const implementation */
-/* Loop dependant non const implementation */
-    /* Apply function to all elements */                                                                       \
-    TEMPLATES                                                                                                  \
-    TYPENAME& TYPENAME::apply(const std::function<void(T&)>& func) {                                           \
-        LOOP_OVER_ALL_ELEMENTS(*this) {                                                                        \
-            func( DATA_ACCESS(*this) );                                                                        \
-        }                                                                                                      \
-        return *this;                                                                                          \
-    }                                                                                                          \
-    TEMPLATES                                                                                                  \
-    TYPENAME& TYPENAME::apply(const std::function<void(T&, const Index<Dim>&)>& func) {                        \
-        LOOP_OVER_ALL_VIEW_ELEMENTS(*this) {                                                                   \
-            func( VIEW_DATA_ACCESS(*this), LOOP_VARNAME );                                                     \
-        }                                                                                                      \
-        return *this;                                                                                          \
-    }                                                                                                          \
-    TEMPLATES                                                                                                  \
-    template <typename Functor, typename Arg0, typename... Args>                                               \
-    TYPENAME& TYPENAME::apply(const Functor& func, Arg0&& farg0, Args&&... fargs) {                            \
-        LOOP_OVER_ALL_VIEW_ELEMENTS(*this) {                                                                   \
-            func( VIEW_DATA_ACCESS(*this), LOOP_VARNAME, std::forward<Arg0>(farg0), std::forward<Args>(fargs)... ); \
-        }                                                                                                      \
-        return *this;                                                                                          \
-    }
-/* Reference specific non const implementation */
-#define NON_CONST_REF_IMPL(TYPENAME,TEMPLATES)                                                                          \
-    TEMPLATES                                                                                                           \
-    ENABLE_IF_FFTW_REAL(T*,NO_DEFAULT_TEMPLATES) TYPENAME::rdata() {                                                         \
-        return this->data();                                                                                            \
-    }                                                                                                                   \
-    TEMPLATES                                                                                                           \
-    ENABLE_IF_FFTW_REAL(typename fft::fftw_complex_type<T>::std_type*,NO_DEFAULT_TEMPLATES)  TYPENAME::asStdComplexData() {  \
-        return reinterpret_cast<typename fft::fftw_complex_type<T>::std_type*>(this->data());                           \
-    }                                                                                                                   \
-    TEMPLATES                                                                                                           \
-    ENABLE_IF_FFTW_REAL(typename fft::fftw_complex_type<T>::fftw_type*,NO_DEFAULT_TEMPLATES) TYPENAME::asFftwComplexData() { \
-        return reinterpret_cast<typename fft::fftw_complex_type<T>::fftw_type*>(this->data());                          \
-    }                                                                                                                   \
-    TEMPLATES                                                                                                           \
-    ENABLE_IF_FFTW_COMPLEX(T*,NO_DEFAULT_TEMPLATES) TYPENAME::cdata() {                                                      \
-        return this->data();                                                                                            \
-    }                                                                                                                   \
-    TEMPLATES                                                                                                           \
-    ENABLE_IF_FFTW_COMPLEX(typename fft::fftw_complex_type<T>::std_type*,NO_DEFAULT_TEMPLATES)    TYPENAME::std_cdata() {    \
-        return reinterpret_cast<typename fft::fftw_complex_type<T>::std_type*>(this->data());                           \
-    }                                                                                                                   \
-    TEMPLATES                                                                                                           \
-    ENABLE_IF_FFTW_COMPLEX(typename fft::fftw_complex_type<T>::fftw_type*,NO_DEFAULT_TEMPLATES)  TYPENAME::fftw_cdata() {    \
-        return reinterpret_cast<typename fft::fftw_complex_type<T>::fftw_type*>(this->data());                          \
-    }                                                                                                                   \
-    TEMPLATES                                                                                                           \
-    ENABLE_IF_FFTW_COMPLEX(typename fft::fftw_complex_type<T>::value_type*,NO_DEFAULT_TEMPLATES) TYPENAME::asRealData() {    \
-        return reinterpret_cast<typename fft::fftw_complex_type<T>::value_type*>(this->data());                         \
-    }                                                                                                                               
-/* View specific non const implementation */
-/* Reference specific non const implementation */
-#define NON_CONST_REF_IMPLEMENTATION(TYPENAME,TEMPLATES)                                                                             \
-    COMMON_NON_CONST_IMPLEMENTATION(SINGLE_ARG(TYPENAME),SINGLE_ARG(TEMPLATES))                                                      \
-/* View specific non const implementation */
-#define NON_CONST_VIEW_IMPLEMENTATION(TYPENAME,TEMPLATES)                                                                            \
-    COMMON_NON_CONST_IMPLEMENTATION(SINGLE_ARG(TYPENAME),SINGLE_ARG(TEMPLATES))                                                      \
-#endif /* end of include guard: HYSOP_MULTI_ARRAY_DEFINES_H */
-#endif /* end of MULTI_ARRAY include guard */
diff --git a/src/hysop++/src/data/multi_array/multi_array_ext.h b/src/hysop++/src/data/multi_array/multi_array_ext.h
deleted file mode 100644
index da2f8f696..000000000
--- a/src/hysop++/src/data/multi_array/multi_array_ext.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,247 +0,0 @@
-#include "data/multi_array/multi_array.h"
-namespace hysop {
-    namespace data {
-        /* distances */
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim> 
-            T distance_L1(const const_multi_array_ref<T,Dim> &lhs, const const_multi_array_ref<T,Dim> &rhs);
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim>
-            T distance_L2(const const_multi_array_ref<T,Dim> &lhs, const const_multi_array_ref<T,Dim> &rhs);
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim>
-            T distance_Linf(const const_multi_array_ref<T,Dim> &lhs, const const_multi_array_ref<T,Dim> &rhs);
-        /* unary operators */
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim>
-        multi_array<T,Dim> operator+(const const_multi_array_ref<T,Dim>& arr);
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim>
-        multi_array<T,Dim> operator-(const const_multi_array_ref<T,Dim>& arr);
-        template <std::size_t Dim>
-        multi_array<bool,Dim> operator~(const const_multi_array_ref<bool,Dim>& arr);
-        /* elementwise arithmetic operations */
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim>
-            multi_array<T,Dim> operator-(const const_multi_array_ref<T,Dim>& lhs, const const_multi_array_ref<T,Dim>& rhs);
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim>
-            multi_array<T,Dim> operator+(const const_multi_array_ref<T,Dim>& lhs, const const_multi_array_ref<T,Dim>& rhs);
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim>
-            multi_array<T,Dim> operator*(const const_multi_array_ref<T,Dim>& lhs, const const_multi_array_ref<T,Dim>& rhs);
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim>
-            multi_array<T,Dim> operator/(const const_multi_array_ref<T,Dim>& lhs, const const_multi_array_ref<T,Dim>& rhs);
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim>
-            multi_array<T,Dim> operator%(const const_multi_array_ref<T,Dim>& lhs, const const_multi_array_ref<T,Dim>& rhs);
-        /* elementwise boolean operations */
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim>
-            multi_array<bool,Dim> operator& (const const_multi_array_ref<T,Dim>& lhs, const const_multi_array_ref<T,Dim>& rhs);
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim>
-            multi_array<bool,Dim> operator| (const const_multi_array_ref<T,Dim>& lhs, const const_multi_array_ref<T,Dim>& rhs);
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim>
-            multi_array<bool,Dim> operator^ (const const_multi_array_ref<T,Dim>& lhs, const const_multi_array_ref<T,Dim>& rhs);
-        /* element wise ordering test - near equality test for floating point types, see utils/utils.h::areEqual<T> */
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim>
-            multi_array<bool,Dim> operator==(const const_multi_array_ref<T,Dim>& lhs, const const_multi_array_ref<T,Dim>& rhs);
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim>
-            multi_array<bool,Dim> operator!=(const const_multi_array_ref<T,Dim>& lhs, const const_multi_array_ref<T,Dim>& rhs);
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim>
-            multi_array<bool,Dim> operator>=(const const_multi_array_ref<T,Dim>& lhs, const const_multi_array_ref<T,Dim>& rhs);
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim>
-            multi_array<bool,Dim> operator<=(const const_multi_array_ref<T,Dim>& lhs, const const_multi_array_ref<T,Dim>& rhs);
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim>
-            multi_array<bool,Dim> operator> (const const_multi_array_ref<T,Dim>& lhs, const const_multi_array_ref<T,Dim>& rhs);
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim>
-            multi_array<bool,Dim> operator< (const const_multi_array_ref<T,Dim>& lhs, const const_multi_array_ref<T,Dim>& rhs);
-        /* And all their view and rvalue references variants */
-        /* Ref    - Ref                       */
-        /* Ref    - View                      */
-        /* View   - Ref                       */
-        /* View   - View                      */
-        /*                                    */
-        /* Rvalue - View                      */
-        /* Rvalue - Ref                       */
-        /* View   - Rvalue                    */
-        /* Ref    - Rvalue                    */
-        /* ...                                */
-        /* Implementation */
-        #define CHECK_SHAPES(LHS,RHS) assert(LHS.shape() == RHS.shape())
-            TEMPLATES                                                                                                             \
-                RES OPNAME(LHS lhs, RHS rhs) {                                                                                    \
-                    CHECK_SHAPES(lhs,rhs);                                                                                        \
-                    CREATE_BUFFER(FROM_BUFFER,R);                                                                                 \
-                    LOOP_OVER_ALL_ELEMENTS(lhs) {                                                                                 \
-                        const T& lhsVal = DATA_ACCESS(lhs);                                                                       \
-                        const T& rhsVal = DATA_ACCESS(rhs);                                                                       \
-                        BINOP;                                                                                                    \
-                    }                                                                                                             \
-                    return RET_OP(BUFFER_NAME);                                                                                   \
-                }
-        #define LVALUE_BINARY_OPS(TEMPLATES,T,R,RET,OPNAME,BINOP,CREATE_BUFFER,RET_OP)                                         \
-        #define RVALUE_BINARY_OPS(TEMPLATES,T,R,RET,OPNAME,BINOP,CREATE_BUFFER,RET_OP)                                         \
-        /* Code generator */
-        #define BUFFER_NAME macro_generated_local_buffer
-        #define CREATE_MA_BUFFER(FROM_MA,R) multi_array<R,Dim>  BUFFER_NAME(FROM_MA.shape())
-        #define CREATE_R_BUFFER(FROM_MA,R)  R BUFFER_NAME = R(0)
-        #define NO_MA_BUFFER(FROM_MA,R)     multi_array<R,Dim>& BUFFER_NAME = FROM_MA
-        #define SIMPLE_BINOP(OP)     DATA_ACCESS(BUFFER_NAME) = ((lhsVal) OP (rhsVal))
-        #define SIMPLE_FBINOP(FOP)   DATA_ACCESS(BUFFER_NAME) = FOP((lhsVal),(rhsVal))
-        #define SUP_OR_EQUAL()       DATA_ACCESS(BUFFER_NAME) = (((lhsVal) > (rhsVal)) || hysop::utils::areEqual<T>((rhsVal),(lhsVal)))
-        #define INF_OR_EQUAL()       DATA_ACCESS(BUFFER_NAME) = (((lhsVal) < (rhsVal)) || hysop::utils::areEqual<T>((rhsVal),(lhsVal)))
-        #define IDENTITY(X) (X)
-        #define T1         SINGLE_ARG(template<std::size_t Dim>)
-        #define T1bis      SINGLE_ARG(template<std::size_t Dim, typename Allocator>)
-        #define T2         SINGLE_ARG(template<typename T, std::size_t Dim>)
-        #define T3         SINGLE_ARG(template<typename T, std::size_t Dim, typename Allocator>)
-        #define VIEW(T)    SINGLE_ARG(const const_multi_array_view<T,Dim>&)
-        #define REF(T)     SINGLE_ARG(const const_multi_array_ref<T,Dim>&)
-        #define RVALUE(T)  SINGLE_ARG(multi_array<T,Dim,Allocator>&&)
-        #define LVALUE(T)  SINGLE_ARG(multi_array<T,Dim,Allocator>)
-        #define DLVALUE(T) SINGLE_ARG(multi_array<T,Dim>)
-        /* distances */
-        LVALUE_BINARY_OPS(T2,T,T,T,distance_L1,\
-                const T val = std::abs<T>(rhsVal-lhsVal); BUFFER_NAME += val,\
-                CREATE_R_BUFFER,IDENTITY)
-        LVALUE_BINARY_OPS(T2,T,T,T,distance_L2,\
-                const T val = std::abs<T>(rhsVal-lhsVal); BUFFER_NAME += val*val,\
-                CREATE_R_BUFFER,std::sqrt)
-        LVALUE_BINARY_OPS(T2,T,T,T,distance_Linf,\
-                SINGLE_ARG(const T val = std::abs<T>(rhsVal-lhsVal); BUFFER_NAME = std::max<T>(BUFFER_NAME,val)),\
-                CREATE_R_BUFFER,IDENTITY)
-        /* elementwise arithmetic operations */
-        /* elementwise boolean like operations */
-        RVALUE_BINARY_OPS(T1bis,bool,bool,LVALUE(bool),operator&,SIMPLE_BINOP(&),NO_MA_BUFFER,IDENTITY)
-        RVALUE_BINARY_OPS(T1bis,bool,bool,LVALUE(bool),operator|,SIMPLE_BINOP(|),NO_MA_BUFFER,IDENTITY)
-        RVALUE_BINARY_OPS(T1bis,bool,bool,LVALUE(bool),operator^,SIMPLE_BINOP(^),NO_MA_BUFFER,IDENTITY)
-        /* element wise ordering test - near equality test for floating point types, see utils/utils.h::areEqual<T> */
-        LVALUE_BINARY_OPS(T2,T,bool,DLVALUE(bool),operator==,SIMPLE_FBINOP(hysop::utils::areEqual<T>),CREATE_MA_BUFFER,IDENTITY)
-        LVALUE_BINARY_OPS(T2,T,bool,DLVALUE(bool),operator!=,SIMPLE_FBINOP(hysop::utils::areNotEqual<T>),CREATE_MA_BUFFER,IDENTITY)
-        /* Comparisson for booleans... */
-        RVALUE_BINARY_OPS(T1bis,bool,bool,LVALUE(bool),operator==,SIMPLE_BINOP(==),NO_MA_BUFFER,IDENTITY)
-        RVALUE_BINARY_OPS(T1bis,bool,bool,LVALUE(bool),operator!=,SIMPLE_BINOP(!=),NO_MA_BUFFER,IDENTITY)
-        RVALUE_BINARY_OPS(T1bis,bool,bool,LVALUE(bool),operator<,SIMPLE_BINOP(<),NO_MA_BUFFER,IDENTITY)
-        RVALUE_BINARY_OPS(T1bis,bool,bool,LVALUE(bool),operator>,SIMPLE_BINOP(>),NO_MA_BUFFER,IDENTITY)
-        RVALUE_BINARY_OPS(T1bis,bool,bool,LVALUE(bool),operator>=,SIMPLE_BINOP(>=),NO_MA_BUFFER,IDENTITY)
-        RVALUE_BINARY_OPS(T1bis,bool,bool,LVALUE(bool),operator<=,SIMPLE_BINOP(<=),NO_MA_BUFFER,IDENTITY)
-        /* clean macros */
-        #undef LVALUE_BINARY_OPS
-        #undef RVALUE_BINARY_OPS
-        #undef BINARY_OP_RVALUE_VIEW
-        #undef BINARY_OP_RVALUE_REF
-        #undef BINARY_OP_VIEW_RVALUE
-        #undef BINARY_OP_REF_RVALUE
-        #undef BINARY_OP_REF_REF
-        #undef BINARY_OP_REF_VIEW
-        #undef BINARY_OP_VIEW_REF
-        #undef BINARY_OP_VIEW_VIEW
-        #undef IDENTITY
-        #undef SIMPLE_BINOP
-        #undef SIMPLE_FBINOP
-        #undef BINARY_OP
-        #undef DLVALUE
-        #undef LVALUE
-        #undef RVALUE
-        #undef REF
-        #undef VIEW
-        #undef T3
-        #undef T2
-        #undef T1bis
-        #undef T1
-        #undef NO_MA_BUFFER
-        #undef CREATE_R_BUFFER
-        #undef CREATE_MA_BUFFER
-        #undef CHECK_SHAPES
-        #undef BUFFER_NAME
-    } /* end of namespace data */
-} /* end of namespace hysop */
-#endif /* end of include guard: HYSOP_MULTI_ARRAY_EXT_H */
-#endif /* end of MULTI_ARRAY include guard */
diff --git a/src/hysop++/src/data/multi_array/multi_array_impl.h b/src/hysop++/src/data/multi_array/multi_array_impl.h
deleted file mode 100644
index efb1b1c3b..000000000
--- a/src/hysop++/src/data/multi_array/multi_array_impl.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,192 +0,0 @@
-#include "data/multi_array/multi_array.h"
-namespace hysop {
-    namespace data {
-        /* class hysop::data::multi_array */
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim, typename Allocator>
-            class multi_array : public boost_multi_array<T,Dim,Allocator> {
-                static_assert(Dim>0, "Dim cannot be zero !");
-                private:
-                    using super = boost_multi_array<T,Dim,Allocator>;
-                public:
-                    PUBLIC_CLASS_TYPES()
-                public:
-                    multi_array(const extents_gen<Dim>& extents = extents_gen<Dim>());
-                    multi_array(const typename Shape<Dim>::type& shape);
-                    multi_array(const multi_array& other);
-                    multi_array(multi_array&& other);
-                    explicit multi_array(const array_ref& other);
-                    explicit multi_array(const array_view& other);
-                    explicit multi_array(const const_array_ref& other);
-                    explicit multi_array(const const_array_view& other);
-                    explicit multi_array(const boost_multi_array<T,Dim,Allocator>& other);
-                    explicit multi_array(const boost_multi_array_ref<T,Dim>& other);
-                    explicit multi_array(const boost_multi_array_view<T,Dim>& other);
-                    explicit multi_array(const boost_const_multi_array_ref<T,Dim>& other);
-                    explicit multi_array(const boost_const_multi_array_view<T,Dim>& other);
-                    explicit multi_array(boost_multi_array<T,Dim,Allocator>&& other);
-                    multi_array& operator=(const multi_array& other);
-                    multi_array& operator=(const array_ref& ref);
-                    multi_array& operator=(const array_view& view);
-                    multi_array& operator=(const const_array_ref& ref);
-                    multi_array& operator=(const const_array_view& view);
-                    multi_array& operator=(multi_array&& other);
-                    operator array_ref();
-                    operator const_array_ref() const;
-                public:
-                    PUBLIC_CONST_REF_INTERFACE(SINGLE_ARG(multi_array<T,Dim,Allocator>))
-                    PUBLIC_NON_CONST_REF_INTERFACE(SINGLE_ARG(multi_array<T,Dim,Allocator>))
-                    multi_array& reshape(const typename Shape<Dim>::type& shape);
-                protected:
-                    static extents_gen<Dim> shapeToExtents(const typename Shape<Dim>::type &shape);
-            };
-        /* Implementation */
-        /* constructors */
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim, typename Allocator> 
-        multi_array<T,Dim,Allocator>::multi_array(const extents_gen<Dim>& extents):
-            boost_multi_array<T,Dim,Allocator>(extents) {}
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim, typename Allocator> 
-        multi_array<T,Dim,Allocator>::multi_array(const typename Shape<Dim>::type& shape):
-            boost_multi_array<T,Dim,Allocator>(shapeToExtents(shape)) {}
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim, typename Allocator> 
-        multi_array<T,Dim,Allocator>::multi_array(const multi_array& other):
-            boost_multi_array<T,Dim,Allocator>(static_cast<const boost_multi_array<T,Dim,Allocator>&>(other)) {}
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim, typename Allocator> 
-        multi_array<T,Dim,Allocator>::multi_array(const array_view& other):
-            boost_multi_array<T,Dim,Allocator>(static_cast<const boost_multi_array_view<T,Dim>&>(other)) {}
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim, typename Allocator> 
-        multi_array<T,Dim,Allocator>::multi_array(const const_array_view& other):
-            boost_multi_array<T,Dim,Allocator>(static_cast<const boost_const_multi_array_view<T,Dim>&>(other)) {}
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim, typename Allocator> 
-        multi_array<T,Dim,Allocator>::multi_array(const array_ref& other):
-            boost_multi_array<T,Dim,Allocator>(static_cast<const boost_multi_array_ref<T,Dim>&>(other)) {}
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim, typename Allocator> 
-        multi_array<T,Dim,Allocator>::multi_array(const const_array_ref& other):
-            boost_multi_array<T,Dim,Allocator>(static_cast<const boost_const_multi_array_ref<T,Dim>&>(other)) {}
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim, typename Allocator> 
-        multi_array<T,Dim,Allocator>::multi_array(multi_array&& other):
-            boost_multi_array<T,Dim,Allocator>(static_cast<boost_multi_array<T,Dim,Allocator>&&>(other)) {}
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim, typename Allocator> 
-        multi_array<T,Dim,Allocator>::multi_array(const boost_multi_array_view<T,Dim>& other):
-            boost_multi_array<T,Dim,Allocator>(other) {}
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim, typename Allocator> 
-        multi_array<T,Dim,Allocator>::multi_array(const boost_const_multi_array_view<T,Dim>& other):
-            boost_multi_array<T,Dim,Allocator>(other) {}
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim, typename Allocator> 
-        multi_array<T,Dim,Allocator>::multi_array(const boost_multi_array_ref<T,Dim>& other):
-            boost_multi_array<T,Dim,Allocator>(other) {}
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim, typename Allocator> 
-        multi_array<T,Dim,Allocator>::multi_array(const boost_const_multi_array_ref<T,Dim>& other):
-            boost_multi_array<T,Dim,Allocator>(other) {}
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim, typename Allocator> 
-        multi_array<T,Dim,Allocator>::multi_array(boost_multi_array<T,Dim,Allocator>&& other):
-            boost_multi_array<T,Dim,Allocator>(other) {}
-        /* operator = */
-        /* cast obligatory to avoid shape() function aliasing */
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim, typename Allocator> 
-            multi_array<T,Dim,Allocator>& multi_array<T,Dim,Allocator>::operator=(const multi_array<T,Dim,Allocator>& other) {
-                this->reshape(other.shape());
-                super::operator=(dynamic_cast<const boost_multi_array<T,Dim,Allocator>&>(other));
-                return *this;
-            }
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim, typename Allocator> 
-            multi_array<T,Dim,Allocator>& multi_array<T,Dim,Allocator>::operator=(const array_view& other) {
-                this->reshape(other.shape());
-                super::operator=(dynamic_cast<const boost_multi_array_view<T,Dim>&>(other));
-                return *this;
-            }
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim, typename Allocator> 
-            multi_array<T,Dim,Allocator>& multi_array<T,Dim,Allocator>::operator=(const const_array_view& other) {
-                this->reshape(other.shape());
-                super::operator=(dynamic_cast<const boost_const_multi_array_view<T,Dim>&>(other));
-                return *this;
-            }
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim, typename Allocator> 
-            multi_array<T,Dim,Allocator>& multi_array<T,Dim,Allocator>::operator=(const array_ref& other) {
-                this->reshape(other.shape());
-                super::operator=(dynamic_cast<const boost_multi_array_ref<T,Dim>&>(other));
-                return *this;
-            }
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim, typename Allocator> 
-            multi_array<T,Dim,Allocator>& multi_array<T,Dim,Allocator>::operator=(const const_array_ref& other) {
-                this->reshape(other.shape());
-                super::operator=(dynamic_cast<const boost_const_multi_array_ref<T,Dim>&>(other));
-                return *this;
-            }
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim, typename Allocator> 
-            multi_array<T,Dim,Allocator>& multi_array<T,Dim,Allocator>::operator=(multi_array&& other) {
-                super::operator=(other);
-                return *this;
-            }
-        /* casting operators */
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim, typename Allocator> 
-            multi_array<T,Dim,Allocator>::operator multi_array_ref<T,Dim>() {
-                return static_cast<boost_multi_array_ref<T,Dim>>(*this);
-            }
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim, typename Allocator> 
-            multi_array<T,Dim,Allocator>::operator const_multi_array_ref<T,Dim>() const {
-                return static_cast<boost_const_multi_array_ref<T,Dim>>(*this);
-            }
-        /* static members */
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim, typename Allocator> 
-        typename multi_array<T,Dim,Allocator>::template extents_gen<Dim> multi_array<T,Dim,Allocator>::shapeToExtents(const typename Shape<Dim>::type &shape) {
-            return utils::buildExtents(shape);
-        }
-        /* multiarray const & non const reference implementation */
-        CONST_REF_IMPLEMENTATION(SINGLE_ARG(multi_array<T,Dim,Allocator>), SINGLE_ARG(template <typename T, std::size_t Dim, typename Allocator>)) 
-        NON_CONST_REF_IMPLEMENTATION(SINGLE_ARG(multi_array<T,Dim,Allocator>), SINGLE_ARG(template <typename T, std::size_t Dim, typename Allocator>))
-        /* multi array specific */
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim, typename Allocator> 
-            multi_array<T,Dim,Allocator>& multi_array<T,Dim,Allocator>::reshape(const typename Shape<Dim>::type& shape) { 
-                boost::array<int,Dim> extents;
-                for (std::size_t d = 0; d < Dim; d++)
-                    extents[d] = static_cast<int>(shape[d]);
-                this->resize(extents);
-                return *this;
-            }
-    } /* end of namespace data */ 
-} /* end of namespace hysop */
-#endif /* end of include guard: HYSOP_MULTI_ARRAY_IMPL_H */
-#endif /* end of MULTI_ARRAY include guard */
diff --git a/src/hysop++/src/data/multi_array/multi_array_ref.h b/src/hysop++/src/data/multi_array/multi_array_ref.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 804185136..000000000
--- a/src/hysop++/src/data/multi_array/multi_array_ref.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-#include "data/multi_array/multi_array.h"
-namespace hysop {
-    namespace data {
-        /* class hysop::data::multi_array */
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim>
-            class multi_array_ref : public boost_multi_array_ref<T,Dim> {
-                static_assert(Dim>0, "Dim cannot be zero !");
-                private:
-                    using super = boost_multi_array_ref<T,Dim>;
-                public:
-                    PUBLIC_CLASS_TYPES()
-                public:
-                    multi_array_ref(T* base=nullptr, const extents_gen<Dim>& ranges = hysop::utils::buildExtents(std::array<std::size_t,Dim>{0}));
-                    multi_array_ref(const multi_array_ref<T,Dim>& ref) = default;
-                    multi_array_ref& operator=(const multi_array_ref<T,Dim>& other) = default;
-                    multi_array_ref(const boost_multi_array_ref<T,Dim>& ref);
-                    multi_array_ref& operator=(const boost_multi_array_ref<T,Dim>& other);
-                    operator const_array_ref() const;
-                public:
-                    PUBLIC_CONST_REF_INTERFACE(SINGLE_ARG(multi_array_ref<T,Dim>))
-                    PUBLIC_NON_CONST_REF_INTERFACE(SINGLE_ARG(multi_array_ref<T,Dim>))
-                };
-        /* Implementation */
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim>
-        multi_array_ref<T,Dim>::multi_array_ref(T* base, const extents_gen<Dim>& ranges):
-            super(base,ranges) {
-        }
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim>
-        multi_array_ref<T,Dim>::multi_array_ref(const boost_multi_array_ref<T,Dim>& ref) :
-            super(ref) {
-        }
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim>
-        multi_array_ref<T,Dim>& multi_array_ref<T,Dim>::operator=(const boost_multi_array_ref<T,Dim>& other) {
-            super::operator=(other);
-            return *this;
-        }
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim>
-        multi_array_ref<T,Dim>::operator const_array_ref() const {
-            return static_cast<boost_const_multi_array_ref<T,Dim>>(*this);
-        }
-        CONST_REF_IMPLEMENTATION(SINGLE_ARG(multi_array_ref<T,Dim>), SINGLE_ARG(template <typename T, std::size_t Dim>))
-        NON_CONST_REF_IMPLEMENTATION(SINGLE_ARG(multi_array_ref<T,Dim>), SINGLE_ARG(template <typename T, std::size_t Dim>))
-    } /* end of namespace data */ 
-} /* end of namespace hysop */
-#endif /* end of include guard: HYSOP_MULTI_ARRAY_REF_H */
-#endif /* end of MULTI_ARRAY include guard */
diff --git a/src/hysop++/src/data/multi_array/multi_array_view.h b/src/hysop++/src/data/multi_array/multi_array_view.h
deleted file mode 100644
index d2931c9b0..000000000
--- a/src/hysop++/src/data/multi_array/multi_array_view.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-#include "data/multi_array/multi_array.h"
-namespace hysop {
-    namespace data {
-        /* class hysop::data::multi_array */
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim>
-            class multi_array_view : public boost_multi_array_view<T,Dim> {
-                static_assert(Dim>0, "Dim cannot be zero !");
-                private:
-                    using super = boost_multi_array_view<T,Dim>;
-                public:
-                    PUBLIC_CLASS_TYPES()
-                public:
-                    multi_array_view(const multi_array_view<T,Dim>& view) = default;
-                    multi_array_view& operator=(const multi_array_view<T,Dim>& other) = default;
-                    multi_array_view(const boost_multi_array_view<T,Dim>& view);
-                    multi_array_view& operator=(const boost_multi_array_view<T,Dim>& other);
-                    operator const_array_view() const;
-                public:
-                    PUBLIC_CONST_VIEW_INTERFACE(SINGLE_ARG(multi_array_view<T,Dim>))
-                    PUBLIC_NON_CONST_VIEW_INTERFACE(SINGLE_ARG(multi_array_view<T,Dim>))
-                };
-        /* Implementation */
-// remove anoying boost warning 
-#if defined(__GNUG__) and !defined(__clang__)
-#pragma GCC diagnostic push 
-#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wmaybe-uninitialized"
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim>
-        multi_array_view<T,Dim>::multi_array_view(const boost_multi_array_view<T,Dim>& view) :
-            super(view) {
-        }
-#if defined(__GNUG__) and !defined(__clang__)
-#pragma GCC diagnostic pop
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim>
-        multi_array_view<T,Dim>& multi_array_view<T,Dim>::operator=(const boost_multi_array_view<T,Dim>& other) {
-            super::operator=(other);
-            return *this;
-        }
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim>
-        multi_array_view<T,Dim>::operator const_array_view() const {
-            return static_cast<boost_const_multi_array_view<T,Dim>>(*this);
-        }
-        CONST_VIEW_IMPLEMENTATION(SINGLE_ARG(multi_array_view<T,Dim>), SINGLE_ARG(template <typename T, std::size_t Dim>))
-        NON_CONST_VIEW_IMPLEMENTATION(SINGLE_ARG(multi_array_view<T,Dim>), SINGLE_ARG(template <typename T, std::size_t Dim>))
-    } /* end of namespace data */ 
-} /* end of namespace hysop */
-#endif /* end of include guard: HYSOP_MULTI_ARRAY_VIEW_H */
-#endif /* end of MULTI_ARRAY include guard */
diff --git a/src/hysop++/src/detail/index_seq.h b/src/hysop++/src/detail/index_seq.h
deleted file mode 100644
index e324244ab..000000000
--- a/src/hysop++/src/detail/index_seq.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-namespace hysop {
-    namespace detail {
-        template <int...>
-            struct index_seq {};
-        template <int k, std::size_t d, int... I>
-            struct constant_seq_impl {
-                typedef typename constant_seq_impl<k,d-1,k,I...>::type type;
-            };
-        template <int k, int... I>
-            struct constant_seq_impl<k,0,I...> {
-                typedef index_seq<I...> type;
-            };
-        template <std::size_t count, int step, int current, int... I>
-            struct index_seq_impl {
-                typedef typename index_seq_impl<count-1,step,current+step,I...,current>::type type;
-            };
-        template <int step, int current, int... I>
-            struct index_seq_impl<0,step,current,I...> {
-                typedef index_seq<I...> type;
-            };
-        template <std::size_t count, int i0=0, int step=1>
-            using index_seq_gen = typename index_seq_impl<count,step,i0>::type;
-        template <int constant, std::size_t count>
-            using constant_seq_gen = typename constant_seq_impl<constant,count>::type;
-    }
-#endif /* end of include guard: HYSOP_INDEX_SEQ_H */
diff --git a/src/hysop++/src/domain/boundary.cpp b/src/hysop++/src/domain/boundary.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 4a3f862af..000000000
--- a/src/hysop++/src/domain/boundary.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-#include "domain/boundary.h"
-namespace hysop {
-    namespace domain {
-        static const char* boundary_strings[6] = {
-            "NONE",
-            "DIRICHLET",
-            "NEUMANN",
-            "PERIODIC"
-        };
-        const char* toStringBoundary(Boundary bd) {
-            return boundary_strings[static_cast<int>(bd)+1];
-        }
-        std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Boundary& bd) {
-            os << toStringBoundary(bd);
-            return os;
-        }
-    }
diff --git a/src/hysop++/src/domain/boundary.h b/src/hysop++/src/domain/boundary.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 9320085e0..000000000
--- a/src/hysop++/src/domain/boundary.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-#include <iostream>
-namespace hysop {
-    namespace domain {
-        enum class Boundary : int {
-            NONE                  = -1,
-            HOMOGENEOUS_NEUMANN   = 1,
-            DIRICHLET             = 2,
-            NEUMANN               = 3,
-            PERIODIC              = 4
-        };
-        const char* toStringBoundary(Boundary bd);
-        std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Boundary& bd);
-    }
-#endif /* end of include guard: HYSOP_BOUNDARY_H */
diff --git a/src/hysop++/src/domain/domain.h b/src/hysop++/src/domain/domain.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 70d860ece..000000000
--- a/src/hysop++/src/domain/domain.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,154 +0,0 @@
-#include "data/multi_array/multi_array.h"
-#include "utils/types.h"
-#include "utils/utils.h"
-#include "fft/fftDomainConfiguration.h"
-namespace hysop {
-    namespace domain {
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim>
-            class Domain;
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim>
-            std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& os, const Domain<T,Dim>& domain);
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim>
-            class Domain {
-                public:
-                    using DomainSize    = std::array<T, Dim>;
-                    using SpaceStep     = std::array<T, Dim>;
-                    using SpaceVariable = std::array<T, Dim>;
-                public:
-                    Domain() :
-                        m_shape{0}, m_dataShape{0}, m_leftDataOffset{0},
-                        m_domainConfig(), m_domainSize{0}, m_spaceStep{0}, m_data() {}
-                    Domain(const typename Shape<Dim>::type& p_shape, const DomainConfiguration<Dim>& p_domainConfig, const DomainSize& p_domainSize) :
-                        m_shape{0}, m_dataShape{0}, m_leftDataOffset{0},
-                        m_domainConfig(p_domainConfig), m_domainSize(p_domainSize), 
-                        m_spaceStep{0}, m_data() {
-                            this->reshape(p_shape);
-                        }
-                    Domain(Domain<T,Dim>&& other)                        = default;
-                    Domain<T,Dim>& operator=(const Domain<T,Dim>& other) = default; 
-                    Domain<T,Dim>& operator=(Domain<T,Dim>&& other)      = default;
-                    Domain<T,Dim>& reshape(const typename Shape<Dim>::type& p_domainShape) {
-                        m_shape = p_domainShape;
-                        m_domainConfig.getShapeConfiguration(m_shape, m_dataShape, m_leftDataOffset);
-                        m_data.reshape(m_dataShape);
-                        this->computeSpaceStep();
-                        return *this;
-                    }
-                    Domain<T,Dim>& resize(const DomainSize& p_size) {
-                        m_domainSize = p_size;
-                        this->computeSpaceStep();
-                        return *this;
-                    }
-                    Domain<T,Dim>& resetDomainConfiguration(const DomainConfiguration<Dim>& p_domainConfig) {
-                        m_domainConfig = p_domainConfig;
-                        this->reshape(m_shape);
-                        return *this;
-                    }
-                    Domain<T,Dim>& print(const std::string &p_name) {
-                        m_data.print(p_name);
-                        return *this;
-                    }
-                    fft::FftDomainConfiguration<Dim> fftDomainConfiguration() const { 
-                        return fft::FftDomainConfiguration<Dim>(m_domainConfig); 
-                    }
-                    const typename Shape<Dim>::type&              shape()          const { return m_shape; }
-                    const typename Shape<Dim>::type&              dataShape()      const { return m_dataShape; }
-                    const SpaceStep&               spaceStep()      const { return m_spaceStep; }
-                    const DomainSize&              domainSize()     const { return m_domainSize; }
-                    const typename Offset<Dim>::type&             leftDataOffset() const { return m_leftDataOffset; }
-                    const DomainConfiguration<Dim> boundaryConfig() const { return m_domainConfig; }
-                    const hysop::multi_array<T,Dim>&    data() const { return m_data; }
-                          hysop::multi_array_ref<T,Dim> data()       { return m_data; } 
-                    /* Apply f(X, fargs...) on the whole domain where X = [x_0, x_1, ..., x_{Dim-1}] is the space variable */
-                    /* The result of the Functor f should be convertible to domain real data type T                        */
-                    template <typename Functor, typename... Args>
-                    Domain<T,Dim>& apply(const Functor& f,  Args&&... fargs);
-                    T distance_L1(const Domain<T,Dim> &other) {
-                        assert(this->dataShape() == other.dataShape());
-                        return hysop::data::distance_L1<T,Dim>(this->data(),;
-                    }
-                    T distance_L2(const Domain<T,Dim> &other) {
-                        assert(this->dataShape() == other.dataShape());
-                        return hysop::data::distance_L2<T,Dim>(this->data(),;
-                    }
-                    T distance_Linf(const Domain<T,Dim> &other) {
-                        assert(this->dataShape() == other.dataShape());
-                        return hysop::data::distance_Linf<T,Dim>(this->data(),;
-                    }
-                    std::tuple<T,T,T> distance(const Domain<T,Dim>& other) {
-                        return std::tuple<T,T,T>(distance_L1(other), distance_L2(other), distance_Linf(other));
-                    }
-                protected:
-                    void computeSpaceStep() {
-                        for (std::size_t d = 0; d < Dim; d++) {
-                            //std::size_t N = ((m_domainConfig[d].first==domain::Boundary::PERIODIC && !m_domainConfig.includePeriodicBoundaries()) ? m_shape[d]-1 : m_shape[d]-1);
-                            m_spaceStep[d] = m_domainSize[d] / (m_shape[d]-1);
-                        }
-                    }
-                protected:
-                    typename Shape<Dim>::type  m_shape, m_dataShape;
-                    typename Offset<Dim>::type m_leftDataOffset;
-                    DomainConfiguration<Dim> m_domainConfig;
-                    DomainSize m_domainSize;
-                    SpaceStep  m_spaceStep;
-                    hysop::multi_array<T, Dim> m_data;
-            };
-        /* Apply f(X, args...) on the whole domain where X = [x_0, x_1, ..., x_{Dim-1}] is the space variable */
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim>
-        template <typename Functor, typename... Args>
-            Domain<T,Dim>& Domain<T,Dim>::apply(const Functor& f,  Args&&... fargs) {
-                hysop::Index<Dim> idx(m_dataShape);
-                std::array<T,Dim> X{0};
-                T* data = m_data.origin();
-                for (std::size_t k = 0; k < m_data.num_elements(); k++) {
-                    data[k] = static_cast<T>(f(X, std::forward<Args>(fargs)...));
-                    ++idx;
-                    for (std::size_t d = 0; d < Dim; d++)
-                        X[d] = (idx[d]+m_leftDataOffset[d])*m_spaceStep[d];
-                }
-                return *this;
-            }
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim>
-            std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& os, const Domain<T,Dim>& domain) {
-                os << "== Domain ==" << std::endl;
-                os << "\tShape     : " << domain.shape() << std::endl;
-                os << "\tSize      : " << domain.domainSize() << std::endl;
-                os << "\tSpaceStep : " << domain.spaceStep() << std::endl;
-                os << domain.boundaryConfig();
-                os << "\tLeftDataOffset: " << domain.leftDataOffset() << std::endl;
-                os << "\tDataShape     : " << domain.dataShape() << std::endl;
-                return os;
-            }
-    }
-#endif /* end of include guard: HYSOP_DOMAIN_H */
diff --git a/src/hysop++/src/domain/domainConfiguration.h b/src/hysop++/src/domain/domainConfiguration.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 3f1c7ded7..000000000
--- a/src/hysop++/src/domain/domainConfiguration.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
-#include <array>
-#include <stdexcept>
-#include "utils/types.h"
-#include "domain/boundary.h"
-#include "detail/index_seq.h"
-namespace hysop {
-    namespace domain {
-        template <std::size_t Dim>
-            class DomainConfiguration;
-        template <std::size_t Dim>
-            std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const DomainConfiguration<Dim>& config);
-        template <std::size_t Dim>
-            class DomainConfiguration {
-                public:
-                    typedef std::pair<Boundary,Boundary> BoundaryPair;
-                    typedef std::array<BoundaryPair,Dim> BoundaryArray;
-                public: 
-                    DomainConfiguration(const BoundaryArray& p_boundaries = defaultDomainBoundaries(), 
-                            //bool p_includeDirichletBoundaries = true,
-                            bool p_includePeriodicBoundaries  = true) :
-                        m_boundaries(p_boundaries),
-                        //m_includeDirichletBoundaries(p_includeDirichletBoundaries),
-                        m_includePeriodicBoundaries(p_includePeriodicBoundaries) {
-                            checkBoundaries();
-                        }
-                    const BoundaryArray& boundaries() const { return m_boundaries;                 }
-                    //bool includeDirichletBoundaries() const { return m_includeDirichletBoundaries; }
-                    bool includePeriodicBoundaries()  const { return m_includePeriodicBoundaries;  }
-                    const BoundaryPair& operator[](std::size_t k) const { return m_boundaries[k]; }
-                    void getShapeConfiguration(const typename Shape<Dim>::type &p_fullShape, typename Shape<Dim>::type &p_realShape, typename Offset<Dim>::type &p_leftOffset) const {
-                        for (std::size_t d = 0; d < Dim; d++) {
-                            const BoundaryPair& pair = m_boundaries[d];
-                            //bool hasDirichletLeftOffset  = (pair.first  == DIRICHLET || pair.first  == HOMOGENEOUS_DIRICHLET);
-                            //bool hasDirichletRightOffset = (pair.second == DIRICHLET || pair.second == HOMOGENEOUS_DIRICHLET);
-                            //std::size_t dirichletLeftOffset  = hasDirichletLeftOffset  && !this->includeDirichletBoundaries();
-                            //std::size_t dirichletRightOffset = hasDirichletRightOffset && !this->includeDirichletBoundaries();
-                            bool hasPeriodicRightOffset  = (pair.second == Boundary::PERIODIC);
-                            std::size_t periodicRightOffset  = hasPeriodicRightOffset  && !this->includePeriodicBoundaries();
-                            std::size_t leftOffset  = 0;
-                            std::size_t rightOffset = periodicRightOffset;
-                            if(p_fullShape[d] <= (leftOffset + rightOffset))
-                                throw std::runtime_error("Domain shape is to small on axe " + std::to_string(d) + " for prescribed boundaries !");
-                            p_leftOffset[d] = std::ptrdiff_t(leftOffset);
-                            p_realShape[d]  = p_fullShape[d] - leftOffset - rightOffset;
-                        }
-                    }
-                protected:
-                    void checkBoundaries() const {
-                        for (std::size_t d = 0; d < Dim; d++) {
-                            const BoundaryPair& pair = m_boundaries[d];
-                            if((pair.first == Boundary::PERIODIC) ^ (pair.second == Boundary::PERIODIC))
-                                throw std::runtime_error("Bad boundaries configuration on axe " + std::to_string(d) + " !");
-                        }
-                    }
-                    #ifndef SWIG
-                        template <int... I>
-                        static const std::array<BoundaryPair, Dim> defaultDomainBoundariesImpl(hysop::detail::index_seq<I...>) {
-                            const BoundaryPair defaultVal[1] = { std::make_pair(Boundary::NONE,Boundary::NONE) };
-                            return { defaultVal[I]..., };
-                        }
-                        static const std::array<BoundaryPair, Dim> defaultDomainBoundaries() {
-                            return defaultDomainBoundariesImpl(hysop::detail::constant_seq_gen<0,Dim>());
-                        }
-                    #endif 
-                protected:
-                    BoundaryArray  m_boundaries;
-                    bool m_includePeriodicBoundaries;
-                    //bool m_includeDirichletBoundaries;
-            };
-        template <std::size_t Dim>
-            std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const DomainConfiguration<Dim>& config) {
-                os << "== DomainConfiguration<Dim=" << std::to_string(Dim) << "> ==" << std::endl;
-                for (std::size_t d = 0; d < Dim; d++)
-                    os << "\taxe[" << d << "]: " << config[d].first << "/" << config[d].second << std::endl;
-                //os << "\tDirichlet boundaries included ? " << std::boolalpha << config.includeDirichletBoundaries() << std::endl;
-                os << "\tPeriodic  boundaries included ? " << std::boolalpha << config.includePeriodicBoundaries()  << std::endl;
-                return os;
-            }
-    }
-#endif /* end of include guard: HYSOP_DOMAIN_CONFIGURATION_H */
diff --git a/src/hysop++/src/fft/extension.cpp b/src/hysop++/src/fft/extension.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 6f2a67e5e..000000000
--- a/src/hysop++/src/fft/extension.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-#include "fft/extension.h"
-namespace hysop {
-    namespace fft {
-        static const char* extension_strings[4] {
-            "NONE",
-            "EVEN",
-            "ODD",
-            "PERIODIC"
-        };
-        const char* toStringExtension(Extension ext) {
-            return extension_strings[static_cast<int>(ext)+1];
-        }
-        std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Extension& ext) {
-            os << toStringExtension(ext);
-            return os;
-        }
-    }
diff --git a/src/hysop++/src/fft/extension.h b/src/hysop++/src/fft/extension.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 5aaba36f2..000000000
--- a/src/hysop++/src/fft/extension.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-#include <ostream>
-namespace hysop {
-    namespace fft {
-        enum class Extension : int {
-            NONE=-1,
-            EVEN=0,
-            ODD=1,
-            PERIODIC=2
-        };
-        const char* toStringExtension(Extension ext);
-        std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Extension& ext);
-    }
-#endif /* end of include guard: FFT_EXTENSION_H */
diff --git a/src/hysop++/src/fft/fftDomainConfiguration.h b/src/hysop++/src/fft/fftDomainConfiguration.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 57f014d63..000000000
--- a/src/hysop++/src/fft/fftDomainConfiguration.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
-#include "utils/defines.h"
-#include "domain/domainConfiguration.h"
-#include "fft/extension.h"
-namespace hysop {
-    namespace fft {
-        template <std::size_t Dim>
-            class FftDomainConfiguration;
-        template <std::size_t Dim>
-            std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const FftDomainConfiguration<Dim>& config);
-        template <std::size_t Dim>
-        class FftDomainConfiguration {
-                public:
-                    typedef typename domain::DomainConfiguration<Dim>::BoundaryPair  BoundaryPair;
-                    typedef typename domain::DomainConfiguration<Dim>::BoundaryArray BoundaryArray;
-                    typedef std::pair<fft::Extension,fft::Extension>                 ExtensionPair;
-                    typedef std::array<ExtensionPair,Dim>                            ExtensionArray;
-                public: 
-                    FftDomainConfiguration(const ExtensionArray& p_extensions, bool p_includePeriodicBoundaries) :
-                        m_extensions(p_extensions), m_includePeriodicBoundaries(p_includePeriodicBoundaries) {
-                        }
-                    FftDomainConfiguration(const domain::DomainConfiguration<Dim>& p_domain):
-                        m_extensions(boundariesToExtensions(p_domain.boundaries())), 
-                        m_includePeriodicBoundaries(p_domain.includePeriodicBoundaries()) {
-                        }
-                    const ExtensionArray& extensions() const { return m_extensions; }
-                    bool   includePeriodicBoundaries() const { return m_includePeriodicBoundaries; }
-                    ExtensionPair operator[](std::size_t k) const {
-                        return m_extensions[k];
-                    }
-                    domain::DomainConfiguration<Dim> boundariesConfiguration() const {
-                        return domain::DomainConfiguration<Dim>(fftExtensionsToBoundaries(m_extensions), m_includePeriodicBoundaries);
-                    }
-                    static BoundaryArray fftExtensionsToBoundaries(const ExtensionArray& extArray) {
-                        BoundaryArray bdArray;
-                        for(std::size_t d=0; d<Dim; d++) {
-                            const ExtensionPair& extPair = extArray[d];
-                            bdArray[d] = std::make_pair(fftExtensionToBoundary(extPair.first), fftExtensionToBoundary(extPair.second));
-                        }
-                        return bdArray;
-                    }
-                    static ExtensionArray boundariesToExtensions(const BoundaryArray& bdArray) {
-                        ExtensionArray extArray;
-                        for(std::size_t d=0; d<Dim; d++) {
-                            const BoundaryPair& bdPair = bdArray[d];
-                            extArray[d] = std::make_pair(boundaryToExtension(bdPair.first), boundaryToExtension(bdPair.second));
-                        }
-                        return extArray;
-                    }
-                    static domain::Boundary fftExtensionToBoundary(fft::Extension ext) {
-                        switch(ext) {
-                            case(fft::Extension::PERIODIC):
-                                return domain::Boundary::PERIODIC;
-                            case(fft::Extension::EVEN):
-                                return domain::Boundary::HOMOGENEOUS_DIRICHLET;
-                            case(fft::Extension::ODD):
-                                return domain::Boundary::HOMOGENEOUS_NEUMANN;
-                            case(fft::Extension::NONE):
-                                return domain::Boundary::NONE;
-                            default:
-                                NOT_IMPLEMENTED_YET;
-                        }
-                    }
-                    static fft::Extension boundaryToExtension(domain::Boundary bd) {
-                        switch(bd) {
-                            case(domain::Boundary::PERIODIC):
-                                return fft::Extension::PERIODIC;
-                            case(domain::Boundary::HOMOGENEOUS_DIRICHLET):
-                                return fft::Extension::EVEN;
-                            case(domain::Boundary::HOMOGENEOUS_NEUMANN):
-                                return fft::Extension::ODD;
-                            case(domain::Boundary::NONE):
-                                return fft::Extension::NONE;
-                                //throw std::runtime_error("Cannot build a FftDomainConfiguration based on a boundary of type 'NONE' !");
-                            default:
-                                NOT_IMPLEMENTED_YET;
-                        }
-                    }
-                protected:
-                    ExtensionArray  m_extensions;
-                    bool m_includePeriodicBoundaries;
-            };
-        template <std::size_t Dim>
-            std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const FftDomainConfiguration<Dim>& config) {
-                os << "== FftDomainConfiguration<Dim=" << std::to_string(Dim) << "> ==" << std::endl;
-                for (std::size_t d = 0; d < Dim; d++)
-                    os << "\taxe[" << d << "]: " << config[d].first << "/" << config[d].second;
-                os << "\tPeriodic  boundaries included ?" << std::boolalpha << config.includePeriodicBoundaries()  << std::endl;
-                return os;
-            }
-    }
-#endif /* end of include guard: HYSOP_FFTDOMAINCONFIGURATION_H */
diff --git a/src/hysop++/src/fft/fftw3.cpp b/src/hysop++/src/fft/fftw3.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 25a877c87..000000000
--- a/src/hysop++/src/fft/fftw3.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-#include "fft/fftw3.h"
-namespace hysop {
-    namespace fft {
-        template struct Fftw3<float>;
-        template struct Fftw3<double>;
-        template struct Fftw3<long double>;
-        #ifdef HAS_QUADMATHS
-            template struct Fftw3<__float128>;
-        #endif
-    }
-/* needed for swig to avoid undefined reference link error */
-#if !defined(FFTW_HAS_FFTW3F_THREADS) || !defined(FFTW_HAS_FFTW3F_OMP)
-    int  fftwf_init_threads()          { return 0; }
-    void fftwf_plan_with_nthreads(int) {}
-    void fftwf_cleanup_threads()       {}
-#if !defined(FFTW_HAS_FFTW3D_THREADS) || !defined(FFTW_HAS_FFTW3D_OMP)
-    int  fftw_init_threads()          { return 0; }
-    void fftw_plan_with_nthreads(int) {}
-    void fftw_cleanup_threads()       {}
-#if !defined(FFTW_HAS_FFTW3L_THREADS) || !defined(FFTW_HAS_FFTW3L_OMP)
-    int  fftwl_init_threads()          { return 0; }
-    void fftwl_plan_with_nthreads(int) {}
-    void fftwl_cleanup_threads()       {}
-    #if !defined(FFTW_HAS_FFTW3Q_THREADS) || !defined(FFTW_HAS_FFTW3Q_OMP)
-        int  fftwq_init_threads()          { return 0; }
-        void fftwq_plan_with_nthreads(int) {}
-        void fftwq_cleanup_threads()       {}
-    #endif
diff --git a/src/hysop++/src/fft/fftw3.h b/src/hysop++/src/fft/fftw3.h
deleted file mode 100644
index e71a137c5..000000000
--- a/src/hysop++/src/fft/fftw3.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,534 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef HYSOP_FFTW3_H
-#define HYSOP_FFTW3_H
-#include <complex>
-#include <stdexcept>
-#include <fftw3.h>
-#include "maths/quad_maths.h"
-/*                                                         */
-/* fftw3 c++ wrapper based on original macros in <fftw3.h> */
-/*                                                         */
-/* macros normally already defined in <fftw3.h> */
-#ifndef FFTW_CONCAT
-#define FFTW_CONCAT(prefix, name) prefix ## name
-#define FFTW_MANGLE_FLOAT(name)       FFTW_CONCAT(fftwf_, name)
-#define FFTW_MANGLE_LONG_DOUBLE(name) FFTW_CONCAT(fftwl_, name)
-#define FFTW_MANGLE_QUAD(name)        FFTW_CONCAT(fftwq_, name)
-#define FFTW_MANGLE_DOUBLE(name)      FFTW_CONCAT(::fftw_, name)
-/* prefix for function wrappers inside the class */
-#define FFTW_MANGLE_CLASS(name)      FFTW_CONCAT(fftw_, name)
-/* macro used to generate a full template specialisation of class Fftw3 for each type */
-#define FFTW_DEFINE_CXX_API(X, Y, REAL, has_thread_support)                                                                                   \
-template <>                                                                                                                                   \
-    struct Fftw3<REAL> {                                                                                                                      \
-        typedef REAL R;                                                                                                                       \
-        typedef Y(complex) C;                                                                                                                 \
-        typedef Y(plan) plan;                                                                                                                 \
-        typedef Y(iodim) iodim;                                                                                                               \
-        typedef Y(iodim64) iodim64;                                                                                                           \
-        typedef Y(r2r_kind) r2r_kind;                                                                                                         \
-        typedef Y(read_char_func) read_char_func;                                                                                             \
-        typedef Y(write_char_func) write_char_func;                                                                                           \
-        typedef std::complex<REAL> stdC;                                                                                                      \
-                                                                                                                                              \
-        void X(execute)(const plan p) const {                                                                                                 \
-            Y(execute)(p);                                                                                                                    \
-        }                                                                                                                                     \
-                                                                                                                                              \
-        plan X(plan_dft)(int rank, const int *n,                                                                                              \
-                C *in, C *out, int sign, unsigned int flags) const {                                                                          \
-            return Y(plan_dft)(rank, n, in, out, sign, flags);                                                                                \
-        }                                                                                                                                     \
-                                                                                                                                              \
-        plan X(plan_dft_1d)(int n, C *in, C *out, int sign,                                                                                   \
-                unsigned int flags) const {                                                                                                   \
-            return Y(plan_dft_1d)(n, in, out, sign, flags);                                                                                   \
-        }                                                                                                                                     \
-        plan X(plan_dft_2d)(int n0, int n1,                                                                                                   \
-                C *in, C *out, int sign, unsigned int flags) const {                                                                          \
-            return Y(plan_dft_2d)(n0, n1, in, out, sign, flags);                                                                              \
-        }                                                                                                                                     \
-        plan X(plan_dft_3d)(int n0, int n1, int n2,                                                                                           \
-                C *in, C *out, int sign, unsigned int flags) const {                                                                          \
-            return Y(plan_dft_3d)(n0, n1, n2, in, out, sign, flags);                                                                          \
-        }                                                                                                                                     \
-                                                                                                                                              \
-        plan X(plan_many_dft)(int rank, const int *n,                                                                                         \
-                int howmany,                                                                                                                  \
-                C *in, const int *inembed,                                                                                                    \
-                int istride, int idist,                                                                                                       \
-                C *out, const int *onembed,                                                                                                   \
-                int ostride, int odist,                                                                                                       \
-                int sign, unsigned int flags) const {                                                                                         \
-            return Y(plan_many_dft)(rank, n, howmany, in, inembed, istride, idist, out, onembed, ostride, odist, sign, flags);                \
-        }                                                                                                                                     \
-                                                                                                                                              \
-        plan X(plan_guru_dft)(int rank, const iodim *dims,                                                                                    \
-                int howmany_rank,                                                                                                             \
-                const iodim *howmany_dims,                                                                                                    \
-                C *in, C *out,                                                                                                                \
-                int sign, unsigned int flags) const {                                                                                         \
-            return Y(plan_guru_dft)(rank, dims, howmany_rank, howmany_dims, in, out, sign, flags);                                            \
-        }                                                                                                                                     \
-        plan X(plan_guru_split_dft)(int rank, const iodim *dims,                                                                              \
-                int howmany_rank,                                                                                                             \
-                const iodim *howmany_dims,                                                                                                    \
-                R *ri, R *ii, R *ro, R *io,                                                                                                   \
-                unsigned int flags) const {                                                                                                   \
-            return Y(plan_guru_split_dft)(rank, dims, howmany_rank, howmany_dims, ri, ii, ro, io, flags);                                     \
-        }                                                                                                                                     \
-                                                                                                                                              \
-        plan X(plan_guru64_dft)(int rank,                                                                                                     \
-                const iodim64 *dims,                                                                                                          \
-                int howmany_rank,                                                                                                             \
-                const iodim64 *howmany_dims,                                                                                                  \
-                C *in, C *out,                                                                                                                \
-                int sign, unsigned int flags) const {                                                                                         \
-            return Y(plan_guru64_dft)(rank, dims, howmany_rank, howmany_dims, in, out, sign, flags);                                          \
-        }                                                                                                                                     \
-        plan X(plan_guru64_split_dft)(int rank,                                                                                               \
-                const iodim64 *dims,                                                                                                          \
-                int howmany_rank,                                                                                                             \
-                const iodim64 *howmany_dims,                                                                                                  \
-                R *ri, R *ii, R *ro, R *io,                                                                                                   \
-                unsigned int flags) const {                                                                                                   \
-            return Y(plan_guru64_split_dft)(rank, dims, howmany_rank, howmany_dims, ri, ii, ro, io, flags);                                   \
-        }                                                                                                                                     \
-                                                                                                                                              \
-        void X(execute_dft)(const plan p, C *in, C *out) const {                                                                              \
-            Y(execute_dft)(p, in, out);                                                                                                       \
-        }                                                                                                                                     \
-        void X(execute_split_dft)(const plan p, R *ri, R *ii, R *ro, R *io) const {                                                           \
-            Y(execute_split_dft)(p, ri, ii, ro, io);                                                                                          \
-        }                                                                                                                                     \
-                                                                                                                                              \
-        plan X(plan_many_dft_r2c)(int rank, const int *n,                                                                                     \
-                int howmany,                                                                                                                  \
-                R *in, const int *inembed,                                                                                                    \
-                int istride, int idist,                                                                                                       \
-                C *out, const int *onembed,                                                                                                   \
-                int ostride, int odist,                                                                                                       \
-                unsigned int flags) const {                                                                                                   \
-            return Y(plan_many_dft_r2c)(rank, n, howmany, in, inembed, istride, idist, out, onembed, ostride, odist, flags);                  \
-        }                                                                                                                                     \
-                                                                                                                                              \
-        plan X(plan_dft_r2c)(int rank, const int *n,                                                                                          \
-                R *in, C *out, unsigned int flags) const {                                                                                    \
-            return Y(plan_dft_r2c)(rank, n, in, out, flags);                                                                                  \
-        }                                                                                                                                     \
-                                                                                                                                              \
-        plan X(plan_dft_r2c_1d)(int n,R *in,C *out,unsigned int flags) const {                                                                \
-            return Y(plan_dft_r2c_1d)(n,in,out,flags);                                                                                        \
-        }                                                                                                                                     \
-        plan X(plan_dft_r2c_2d)(int n0, int n1,                                                                                               \
-                R *in, C *out, unsigned int flags) const {                                                                                    \
-            return Y(plan_dft_r2c_2d)(n0, n1, in, out, flags);                                                                                \
-        }                                                                                                                                     \
-        plan X(plan_dft_r2c_3d)(int n0, int n1,                                                                                               \
-                int n2,                                                                                                                       \
-                R *in, C *out, unsigned int flags) const {                                                                                    \
-            return Y(plan_dft_r2c_3d)(n0, n1, n2, in, out, flags);                                                                            \
-        }                                                                                                                                     \
-                                                                                                                                              \
-                                                                                                                                              \
-        plan X(plan_many_dft_c2r)(int rank, const int *n,                                                                                     \
-                int howmany,                                                                                                                  \
-                C *in, const int *inembed,                                                                                                    \
-                int istride, int idist,                                                                                                       \
-                R *out, const int *onembed,                                                                                                   \
-                int ostride, int odist,                                                                                                       \
-                unsigned int flags) const {                                                                                                   \
-            return Y(plan_many_dft_c2r)(rank, n, howmany, in, inembed, istride, idist, out, onembed, ostride, odist, flags);                  \
-        }                                                                                                                                     \
-                                                                                                                                              \
-        plan X(plan_dft_c2r)(int rank, const int *n,                                                                                          \
-                C *in, R *out, unsigned int flags) const {                                                                                    \
-            return Y(plan_dft_c2r)(rank, n, in, out, flags);                                                                                  \
-        }                                                                                                                                     \
-                                                                                                                                              \
-        plan X(plan_dft_c2r_1d)(int n,C *in,R *out,unsigned int flags) const {                                                                \
-            return Y(plan_dft_c2r_1d)(n,in,out,flags);                                                                                        \
-        }                                                                                                                                     \
-        plan X(plan_dft_c2r_2d)(int n0, int n1,                                                                                               \
-                C *in, R *out, unsigned int flags) const {                                                                                    \
-            return Y(plan_dft_c2r_2d)(n0, n1, in, out, flags);                                                                                \
-        }                                                                                                                                     \
-        plan X(plan_dft_c2r_3d)(int n0, int n1,                                                                                               \
-                int n2,                                                                                                                       \
-                C *in, R *out, unsigned int flags) const {                                                                                    \
-            return Y(plan_dft_c2r_3d)(n0, n1, n2, in, out, flags);                                                                            \
-        }                                                                                                                                     \
-                                                                                                                                              \
-        plan X(plan_guru_dft_r2c)(int rank, const iodim *dims,                                                                                \
-                int howmany_rank,                                                                                                             \
-                const iodim *howmany_dims,                                                                                                    \
-                R *in, C *out,                                                                                                                \
-                unsigned int flags) const {                                                                                                   \
-            return Y(plan_guru_dft_r2c)(rank, dims, howmany_rank, howmany_dims, in, out, flags);                                              \
-        }                                                                                                                                     \
-        plan X(plan_guru_dft_c2r)(int rank, const iodim *dims,                                                                                \
-                int howmany_rank,                                                                                                             \
-                const iodim *howmany_dims,                                                                                                    \
-                C *in, R *out,                                                                                                                \
-                unsigned int flags) const {                                                                                                   \
-            return Y(plan_guru_dft_c2r)(rank, dims, howmany_rank, howmany_dims, in, out, flags);                                              \
-        }                                                                                                                                     \
-                                                                                                                                              \
-        plan X(plan_guru_split_dft_r2c)(                                                                                                      \
-                int rank, const iodim *dims,                                                                                                  \
-                int howmany_rank,                                                                                                             \
-                const iodim *howmany_dims,                                                                                                    \
-                R *in, R *ro, R *io,                                                                                                          \
-                unsigned int flags) const {                                                                                                   \
-            return Y(plan_guru_split_dft_r2c)( rank, dims, howmany_rank, howmany_dims, in, ro, io, flags);                                    \
-        }                                                                                                                                     \
-        plan X(plan_guru_split_dft_c2r)(                                                                                                      \
-                int rank, const iodim *dims,                                                                                                  \
-                int howmany_rank,                                                                                                             \
-                const iodim *howmany_dims,                                                                                                    \
-                R *ri, R *ii, R *out,                                                                                                         \
-                unsigned int flags) const {                                                                                                   \
-            return Y(plan_guru_split_dft_c2r)( rank, dims, howmany_rank, howmany_dims, ri, ii, out, flags);                                   \
-        }                                                                                                                                     \
-                                                                                                                                              \
-        plan X(plan_guru64_dft_r2c)(int rank,                                                                                                 \
-                const iodim64 *dims,                                                                                                          \
-                int howmany_rank,                                                                                                             \
-                const iodim64 *howmany_dims,                                                                                                  \
-                R *in, C *out,                                                                                                                \
-                unsigned int flags) const {                                                                                                   \
-            return Y(plan_guru64_dft_r2c)(rank, dims, howmany_rank, howmany_dims, in, out, flags);                                            \
-        }                                                                                                                                     \
-        plan X(plan_guru64_dft_c2r)(int rank,                                                                                                 \
-                const iodim64 *dims,                                                                                                          \
-                int howmany_rank,                                                                                                             \
-                const iodim64 *howmany_dims,                                                                                                  \
-                C *in, R *out,                                                                                                                \
-                unsigned int flags) const {                                                                                                   \
-            return Y(plan_guru64_dft_c2r)(rank, dims, howmany_rank, howmany_dims, in, out, flags);                                            \
-        }                                                                                                                                     \
-                                                                                                                                              \
-        plan X(plan_guru64_split_dft_r2c)(                                                                                                    \
-                int rank, const iodim64 *dims,                                                                                                \
-                int howmany_rank,                                                                                                             \
-                const iodim64 *howmany_dims,                                                                                                  \
-                R *in, R *ro, R *io,                                                                                                          \
-                unsigned int flags) const {                                                                                                   \
-            return Y(plan_guru64_split_dft_r2c)( rank, dims, howmany_rank, howmany_dims, in, ro, io, flags);                                  \
-        }                                                                                                                                     \
-        plan X(plan_guru64_split_dft_c2r)(                                                                                                    \
-                int rank, const iodim64 *dims,                                                                                                \
-                int howmany_rank,                                                                                                             \
-                const iodim64 *howmany_dims,                                                                                                  \
-                R *ri, R *ii, R *out,                                                                                                         \
-                unsigned int flags) const {                                                                                                   \
-            return Y(plan_guru64_split_dft_c2r)( rank, dims, howmany_rank, howmany_dims, ri, ii, out, flags);                                 \
-        }                                                                                                                                     \
-                                                                                                                                              \
-        void X(execute_dft_r2c)(const plan p, R *in, C *out) const {                                                                          \
-            Y(execute_dft_r2c)(p, in, out);                                                                                                   \
-        }                                                                                                                                     \
-        void X(execute_dft_c2r)(const plan p, C *in, R *out) const {                                                                          \
-            Y(execute_dft_c2r)(p, in, out);                                                                                                   \
-        }                                                                                                                                     \
-                                                                                                                                              \
-        void X(execute_split_dft_r2c)(const plan p,                                                                                           \
-                R *in, R *ro, R *io) const {                                                                                                  \
-            return Y(execute_split_dft_r2c)(p, in, ro, io);                                                                                   \
-        }                                                                                                                                     \
-        void X(execute_split_dft_c2r)(const plan p,                                                                                           \
-                R *ri, R *ii, R *out) const {                                                                                                 \
-            return Y(execute_split_dft_c2r)(p, ri, ii, out);                                                                                  \
-        }                                                                                                                                     \
-                                                                                                                                              \
-        plan X(plan_many_r2r)(int rank, const int *n,                                                                                         \
-                int howmany,                                                                                                                  \
-                R *in, const int *inembed,                                                                                                    \
-                int istride, int idist,                                                                                                       \
-                R *out, const int *onembed,                                                                                                   \
-                int ostride, int odist,                                                                                                       \
-                const r2r_kind *kind, unsigned int flags) const {                                                                             \
-            return Y(plan_many_r2r)(rank, n, howmany, in, inembed, istride, idist, out, onembed, ostride, odist, kind, flags);                \
-        }                                                                                                                                     \
-                                                                                                                                              \
-        plan X(plan_r2r)(int rank, const int *n, R *in, R *out,                                                                               \
-                const r2r_kind *kind, unsigned int flags) const {                                                                             \
-            return Y(plan_r2r)(rank, n, in, out, kind, flags);                                                                                \
-        }                                                                                                                                     \
-                                                                                                                                              \
-        plan X(plan_r2r_1d)(int n, R *in, R *out,                                                                                             \
-                r2r_kind kind, unsigned int flags) const {                                                                                    \
-            return Y(plan_r2r_1d)(n, in, out, kind, flags);                                                                                   \
-        }                                                                                                                                     \
-        plan X(plan_r2r_2d)(int n0, int n1, R *in, R *out,                                                                                    \
-                r2r_kind kind0, r2r_kind kind1,                                                                                               \
-                unsigned int flags) const {                                                                                                   \
-            return Y(plan_r2r_2d)(n0, n1, in, out, kind0, kind1, flags);                                                                      \
-        }                                                                                                                                     \
-        plan X(plan_r2r_3d)(int n0, int n1, int n2,                                                                                           \
-                R *in, R *out, r2r_kind kind0,                                                                                                \
-                r2r_kind kind1, r2r_kind kind2,                                                                                               \
-                unsigned int flags) const {                                                                                                   \
-            return Y(plan_r2r_3d)(n0, n1, n2, in, out, kind0, kind1, kind2, flags);                                                           \
-        }                                                                                                                                     \
-                                                                                                                                              \
-        plan X(plan_guru_r2r)(int rank, const iodim *dims,                                                                                    \
-                int howmany_rank,                                                                                                             \
-                const iodim *howmany_dims,                                                                                                    \
-                R *in, R *out,                                                                                                                \
-                const r2r_kind *kind, unsigned int flags) const {                                                                             \
-            return Y(plan_guru_r2r)(rank, dims, howmany_rank, howmany_dims, in, out, kind, flags);                                            \
-        }                                                                                                                                     \
-                                                                                                                                              \
-        plan X(plan_guru64_r2r)(int rank, const iodim64 *dims,                                                                                \
-                int howmany_rank,                                                                                                             \
-                const iodim64 *howmany_dims,                                                                                                  \
-                R *in, R *out,                                                                                                                \
-                const r2r_kind *kind, unsigned int flags) const {                                                                             \
-            return Y(plan_guru64_r2r)(rank, dims, howmany_rank, howmany_dims, in, out, kind, flags);                                          \
-        }                                                                                                                                     \
-                                                                                                                                              \
-        void X(execute_r2r)(const plan p, R *in, R *out) const {                                                                              \
-            Y(execute_r2r)(p, in, out);                                                                                                       \
-        }                                                                                                                                     \
-                                                                                                                                              \
-        void X(destroy_plan)(plan p) const {                                                                                                  \
-            Y(destroy_plan)(p);                                                                                                               \
-        }                                                                                                                                     \
-        void X(forget_wisdom)() const {                                                                                                       \
-            Y(forget_wisdom)();                                                                                                               \
-        }                                                                                                                                     \
-        void X(cleanup)() const {                                                                                                             \
-            Y(cleanup)();                                                                                                                     \
-        }                                                                                                                                     \
-                                                                                                                                              \
-        void X(set_timelimit)(double t) const {                                                                                               \
-            Y(set_timelimit)(t);                                                                                                              \
-        }                                                                                                                                     \
-                                                                                                                                              \
-        template <typename T = void>                                                                                                          \
-        typename std::enable_if<has_thread_support, T>::type                                                                                  \
-        X(plan_with_nthreads)(int nthreads) const {                                                                                           \
-            Y(plan_with_nthreads)(nthreads);                                                                                                  \
-        }                                                                                                                                     \
-        template <typename T = int>                                                                                                           \
-        typename std::enable_if<has_thread_support, T>::type                                                                                  \
-        X(init_threads)() const {                                                                                                             \
-            return Y(init_threads)();                                                                                                         \
-        }                                                                                                                                     \
-        template <typename T=void>                                                                                                            \
-        typename std::enable_if<has_thread_support, T>::type                                                                                  \
-        X(cleanup_threads)() const {                                                                                                          \
-            Y(cleanup_threads)();                                                                                                             \
-        }                                                                                                                                     \
-                                                                                                                                              \
-        int X(export_wisdom_to_filename)(const char *filename) const {                                                                        \
-            return Y(export_wisdom_to_filename)(filename);                                                                                    \
-        }                                                                                                                                     \
-        void X(export_wisdom_to_file)(FILE *output_file) const {                                                                              \
-            Y(export_wisdom_to_file)(output_file);                                                                                            \
-        }                                                                                                                                     \
-        char *X(export_wisdom_to_string)() const {                                                                                            \
-            return Y(export_wisdom_to_string)();                                                                                              \
-        }                                                                                                                                     \
-        void X(export_wisdom)(write_char_func write_char,                                                                                     \
-                void *data) const {                                                                                                           \
-            return Y(export_wisdom)(write_char, data);                                                                                        \
-        }                                                                                                                                     \
-        int X(import_system_wisdom)() const {                                                                                                 \
-            return Y(import_system_wisdom)();                                                                                                 \
-        }                                                                                                                                     \
-        int X(import_wisdom_from_filename)(const char *filename) const {                                                                      \
-            return Y(import_wisdom_from_filename)(filename);                                                                                  \
-        }                                                                                                                                     \
-        int X(import_wisdom_from_file)(FILE *input_file) const {                                                                              \
-            return Y(import_wisdom_from_file)(input_file);                                                                                    \
-        }                                                                                                                                     \
-        int X(import_wisdom_from_string)(const char *input_string) const {                                                                    \
-            return Y(import_wisdom_from_string)(input_string);                                                                                \
-        }                                                                                                                                     \
-        int X(import_wisdom)(read_char_func read_char, void *data) const {                                                                    \
-            return Y(import_wisdom)(read_char, data);                                                                                         \
-        }                                                                                                                                     \
-                                                                                                                                              \
-        void X(fprint_plan)(const plan p, FILE *output_file) const {                                                                          \
-            Y(fprint_plan)(p, output_file);                                                                                                   \
-        }                                                                                                                                     \
-        void X(print_plan)(const plan p) const {                                                                                              \
-            Y(print_plan)(p);                                                                                                                 \
-        }                                                                                                                                     \
-                                                                                                                                              \
-        void *X(malloc)(size_t n) const {                                                                                                     \
-            return Y(malloc)(n);                                                                                                              \
-        }                                                                                                                                     \
-        R *X(alloc_real)(size_t n) const {                                                                                                    \
-            return Y(alloc_real)(n);                                                                                                          \
-        }                                                                                                                                     \
-        C *X(alloc_complex)(size_t n) const {                                                                                                 \
-            return Y(alloc_complex)(n);                                                                                                       \
-        }                                                                                                                                     \
-        void X(free)(void *p) const {                                                                                                         \
-            Y(free)(p);                                                                                                                       \
-        }                                                                                                                                     \
-                                                                                                                                              \
-        void X(flops)(const plan p,                                                                                                           \
-                double *add, double *mul, double *fmas) const {                                                                               \
-            return Y(flops)(p, add, mul, fmas);                                                                                               \
-        }                                                                                                                                     \
-        double X(estimate_cost)(const plan p) const {                                                                                         \
-            return Y(estimate_cost)(p);                                                                                                       \
-        }                                                                                                                                     \
-        double X(cost)(const plan p) const {                                                                                                  \
-            return Y(cost)(p);                                                                                                                \
-        }                                                                                                                                     \
-    };
-/* Constants */
-namespace hysop {
-    namespace fft {
-        /* float */
-        #ifdef FFTW_HAS_FFTW3F
-            static constexpr bool fftw_has_float_support = true;
-            #ifdef FFTW_HAS_FFTW3F_MPI
-                static constexpr bool fftw_has_float_mpi_support = true;
-            #else 
-                static constexpr bool fftw_has_float_mpi_support = false;
-            #endif
-            #if defined(FFTW_HAS_FFTW3F_THREADS) || defined(FFTW_HAS_FFTW3F_OMP)
-                static constexpr bool fftw_has_float_thread_support = true;
-            #else
-                static constexpr bool fftw_has_float_thread_support = false;
-            #endif 
-        #else
-            static constexpr bool fftw_has_float_support        = false;
-            static constexpr bool fftw_has_float_thread_support = false;
-            static constexpr bool fftw_has_float_mpi_support    = false;
-        #endif
-        /* double */
-        #ifdef FFTW_HAS_FFTW3D
-            static constexpr bool fftw_has_double_support = true;
-            #ifdef FFTW_HAS_FFTW3D_MPI
-                static constexpr bool fftw_has_double_mpi_support = true;
-            #else 
-                static constexpr bool fftw_has_double_mpi_support = false;
-            #endif
-            #if defined(FFTW_HAS_FFTW3D_THREADS) || defined(FFTW_HAS_FFTW3D_OMP)
-                static constexpr bool fftw_has_double_thread_support = true;
-            #else
-                static constexpr bool fftw_has_double_thread_support = false;
-            #endif 
-        #else
-            static constexpr bool fftw_has_double_support        = false;
-            static constexpr bool fftw_has_double_thread_support = false;
-            static constexpr bool fftw_has_double_mpi_support    = false;
-        #endif
-        /* long double */
-        #ifdef FFTW_HAS_FFTW3L
-            static constexpr bool fftw_has_long_double_support = true;
-            #ifdef FFTW_HAS_FFTW3L_MPI
-                static constexpr bool fftw_has_long_double_mpi_support = true;
-            #else 
-                static constexpr bool fftw_has_long_double_mpi_support = false;
-            #endif
-            #if defined(FFTW_HAS_FFTW3L_THREADS) || defined(FFTW_HAS_FFTW3L_OMP)
-                static constexpr bool fftw_has_long_double_thread_support = true;
-            #else
-                static constexpr bool fftw_has_long_double_thread_support = false;
-            #endif 
-        #else
-            static constexpr bool fftw_has_long_double_support        = false;
-            static constexpr bool fftw_has_long_double_thread_support = false;
-            static constexpr bool fftw_has_long_double_mpi_support    = false;
-        #endif
-        /* __float128  */
-        #ifdef FFTW_HAS_FFTW3Q
-            static constexpr bool fftw_has_quad_float_support = true;
-            #ifdef FFTW_HAS_FFTW3Q_MPI
-                static constexpr bool fftw_has_quad_float_mpi_support = true;
-            #else 
-                static constexpr bool fftw_has_quad_float_mpi_support = false;
-            #endif
-            #if defined(FFTW_HAS_FFTW3Q_THREADS) || defined(FFTW_HAS_FFTW3Q_OMP)
-                static constexpr bool fftw_has_quad_float_thread_support = true;
-            #else
-                static constexpr bool fftw_has_quad_float_thread_support = false;
-            #endif 
-        #else
-            static constexpr bool fftw_has_quad_float_support        = false;
-            static constexpr bool fftw_has_quad_float_thread_support = false;
-            static constexpr bool fftw_has_quad_float_mpi_support    = false;
-        #endif
-    }
-/* Wrappers */
-namespace hysop {
-    namespace fft {
-        template <typename T>
-        struct Fftw3 {
-                Fftw3() { 
-                    throw std::runtime_error(
-                            "Can only use Fftw3 wrapper with types {float, double, long double, __float128} ! "
-                            "Note: __float128 type is enabled only if HAS_QUADMATHS is defined."
-                            );
-                }
-            };
-        template <typename T> struct is_fftw_supported_type          { static constexpr bool value = false; };
-        template <typename T> struct is_fftw_supported_complex_type  { static constexpr bool value = false; };
-        /* Generate Ffftw<> template specialisations */
-        FFTW_DEFINE_CXX_API(FFTW_MANGLE_CLASS, FFTW_MANGLE_FLOAT, float, hysop::fft::fftw_has_float_thread_support)
-        FFTW_DEFINE_CXX_API(FFTW_MANGLE_CLASS, FFTW_MANGLE_DOUBLE, double, hysop::fft::fftw_has_double_thread_support)
-        FFTW_DEFINE_CXX_API(FFTW_MANGLE_CLASS, FFTW_MANGLE_LONG_DOUBLE, long double, hysop::fft::fftw_has_long_double_thread_support)
-        template <> struct is_fftw_supported_type<float>       { static constexpr bool value = true;  };
-        template <> struct is_fftw_supported_type<double>      { static constexpr bool value = true;  };
-        template <> struct is_fftw_supported_type<long double> { static constexpr bool value = true;  };
-        template <> struct is_fftw_supported_complex_type<std::complex<float>>       { static constexpr bool value = true;  };
-        template <> struct is_fftw_supported_complex_type<std::complex<double>>      { static constexpr bool value = true;  };
-        template <> struct is_fftw_supported_complex_type<std::complex<long double>> { static constexpr bool value = true;  };
-        template <> struct is_fftw_supported_complex_type<fftwf_complex>             { static constexpr bool value = true;  };
-        template <> struct is_fftw_supported_complex_type<fftw_complex>              { static constexpr bool value = true;  };
-        template <> struct is_fftw_supported_complex_type<fftwl_complex>             { static constexpr bool value = true;  };
-        FFTW_DEFINE_CXX_API(FFTW_MANGLE_CLASS, FFTW_MANGLE_QUAD, __float128, hysop::fft::fftw_has_quad_float_thread_support)
-        template <> struct is_fftw_supported_type<__float128>                        { static constexpr bool value = true;  };
-        template <> struct is_fftw_supported_complex_type<std::complex<__float128>>  { static constexpr bool value = true;  };
-        template <> struct is_fftw_supported_complex_type<fftwq_complex>             { static constexpr bool value = true;  };
-    }
-#endif /* end of include guard: HYSOP_FFTW3_H */
diff --git a/src/hysop++/src/fft/fftwComplex.h b/src/hysop++/src/fft/fftwComplex.h
deleted file mode 100644
index a28954a5f..000000000
--- a/src/hysop++/src/fft/fftwComplex.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
-#include <type_traits>
-#include <complex>
-#include <fft/fftw3.h>
-namespace hysop {
-    namespace fft {
-        template <typename T> struct fftw_complex_type {
-            typedef void value_type;
-            typedef void fftw_type; 
-            typedef void std_type; 
-        };
-        template <> struct fftw_complex_type<long double> { 
-            typedef long double               value_type;
-            typedef fftwl_complex             fftw_type; 
-            typedef std::complex<long double> std_type; 
-        };
-        template <> struct fftw_complex_type<double> { 
-            typedef double               value_type;
-            typedef fftw_complex         fftw_type; 
-            typedef std::complex<double> std_type; 
-        };
-        template <> struct fftw_complex_type<float> { 
-            typedef float               value_type;
-            typedef fftwf_complex       fftw_type; 
-            typedef std::complex<float> std_type; 
-        };
-        template <> struct fftw_complex_type<std::complex<long double>> { 
-            typedef long double               value_type;
-            typedef fftwl_complex             fftw_type; 
-            typedef std::complex<long double> std_type; 
-        };
-        template <> struct fftw_complex_type<std::complex<double>> { 
-            typedef double               value_type;
-            typedef fftw_complex         fftw_type; 
-            typedef std::complex<double> std_type; 
-        };
-        template <> struct fftw_complex_type<std::complex<float>> { 
-            typedef float               value_type;
-            typedef fftwf_complex       fftw_type; 
-            typedef std::complex<float> std_type; 
-        };
-        template <> struct fftw_complex_type<fftwl_complex> { 
-            typedef long double               value_type;
-            typedef fftwl_complex             fftw_type; 
-            typedef std::complex<long double> std_type; 
-        };
-        template <> struct fftw_complex_type<fftw_complex> { 
-            typedef double               value_type;
-            typedef fftw_complex         fftw_type; 
-            typedef std::complex<double> std_type; 
-        };
-        template <> struct fftw_complex_type<fftwf_complex> { 
-            typedef float               value_type;
-            typedef fftwf_complex       fftw_type; 
-            typedef std::complex<float> std_type; 
-        };
-        template <> struct fftw_complex_type<__float128> { 
-            typedef __float128               value_type;
-            typedef fftwq_complex            fftw_type; 
-            typedef std::complex<__float128> std_type; 
-        };
-        template <> struct fftw_complex_type<std::complex<__float128>> { 
-            typedef __float128               value_type;
-            typedef fftwq_complex            fftw_type; 
-            typedef std::complex<__float128> std_type; 
-        };
-        template <> struct fftw_complex_type<fftwq_complex> { 
-            typedef __float128               value_type;
-            typedef fftwq_complex            fftw_type; 
-            typedef std::complex<__float128> std_type; 
-        };
-    }
-#endif /* end of include guard: FFTWCOMPLEX_H */
diff --git a/src/hysop++/src/fft/planner.h b/src/hysop++/src/fft/planner.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 75b8ca852..000000000
--- a/src/hysop++/src/fft/planner.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,747 +0,0 @@
-#include <list>
-#include <cassert>
-#include <functional>
-#include "fft/fftw3.h"
-#include "fft/transform.h"
-#include "fft/fftDomainConfiguration.h"
-#include "domain/domain.h"
-#include "utils/default.h"
-namespace hysop {
-    namespace fft {
-        enum FftTransformType : int {
-            FFT_NONE=-1,
-            FFT_R2R,
-            FFT_R2C
-        };
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim>
-            class Planner;
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim>
-            std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Planner<T,Dim>& planner);
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim>
-            class Planner : private Fftw3<T> {
-                static_assert(hysop::fft::is_fftw_supported_type<T>::value, 
-                        "Planner data type is not currently supported by fftw !");
-                public:
-                    using         real = typename Fftw3<T>::R;
-                    using fftw_complex = typename Fftw3<T>::C;
-                    using  std_complex = typename Fftw3<T>::stdC;
-                    using    fftw_plan = typename Fftw3<T>::plan;
-                    using   fftw_iodim = typename Fftw3<T>::iodim;
-                protected:
-                    using RealArray = hysop::multi_array<T,Dim>;
-                    using TransformArray = std::array<fft::Transform,Dim>;
-                public:
-                    Planner(std::complex<T> p_fixedAxeWaveNumbers    = std::complex<T>(1,0),
-                            std::complex<T> p_fixedAxeWaveNumberPows = std::complex<T>(1,0));
-                    Planner(const Planner& other) = delete; /* cannot copy fftw plans to prevent inter instance plan destroying */
-                    Planner(Planner&& other)      = default;
-                    virtual ~Planner();
-                    Planner& operator=(const Planner& planner) = delete;
-                    Planner& operator=(Planner&& planner)      = default;
-                    /* Plans a forward and a backward DCT/DST/FFT on each axe of the domain.                                */
-                    /* An axe with a NONE/NONE fft fomain configuration or order=0 is not transformed.                      */
-                    /* Input and output can be the same but in case of inplace transform, a temporary buffer is created     */
-                    /* during planning.                                                                                     */
-                    /* If transforms include a complex transform (FFT) or if the transform is inplace, additional data may  */
-                    /* be allocated inside the class.                                                                       */ 
-                    /* fftw_flags are used to pass flags to FFTW.                                                           */  
-                    /* Return true if planning was successfull AND if there is any transform, else return false.            */
-                    /* Note: To get max performance use hysop::_default::fft_allocator<T> with hysop::multi_array           */
-                    bool plan(hysop::const_multi_array_ref<T,Dim> input_rdata, 
-                              hysop::multi_array_ref<T,Dim> output_rdata,
-                              const fft::FftDomainConfiguration<Dim>& inputFftDomainConfig,
-                              const std::array<int,Dim>& order,
-                              const std::array<T  ,Dim>& domainSize,
-                              unsigned int fftw_flags,
-                              bool includeOutputPeriodicBoundaries=false, bool mirrorOutputPeriodicBoundaries=false);
-                    void executeForwardTransform();
-                    void executeBackwardTransform();
-                    FftTransformType transformType() const;
-                    T normalisationFactor() const;
-                    const std::array<T,Dim> signs() const;
-                    const std::array<std::vector<std::complex<T>>,Dim>& waveNumbers() const;
-                    const std::array<std::vector<std::complex<T>>,Dim>& waveNumbersPows() const;
-                    hysop::multi_array_view<T,Dim>              transformedRealData();    /* view because possibly non contiguous */
-                    hysop::multi_array_ref<std::complex<T>,Dim> transformedComplexData(); /* ref  because contiguous (allocated inside class) */
-                    /* Get planned transform description */
-                    const std::string& toString() const;
-                    /* Modify untransformed axe generated wave numbers to simplify algorithm implementations based on the planner */
-                    Planner<T,Dim>& setFixedAxeWaveNumbers(std::complex<T> p_fixedAxeWaveNumber); 
-                    Planner<T,Dim>& setFixedAxeWaveNumberPows(std::complex<T> p_fixedAxeWaveNumberPow); 
-                protected:
-                    void checkDomainCompatibility(const fft::FftDomainConfiguration<Dim>& domainConfig) const;
-                    void checkExtensionCompatibility(const fft::Extension &lhs, const fft::Extension &rhs) const;
-                    fft::Transform findTransform(const std::pair<Extension,Extension>& ed) const;
-                    void reset();
-                    template <typename Transfo>
-                    void toStreamTransform(std::ostream& os, const Transfo& tr, 
-                            int rank, int howmany_rank, 
-                            const fftw_iodim* dims, const fftw_iodim *howmany_dims,
-                            int input_data_offset=0, int output_data_offset=0);
-                protected:
-                    std::complex<T> m_fixedAxeWaveNumbers, m_fixedAxeWaveNumberPows;
-                    hysop::multi_array_ref<T,Dim> m_realBuffer;
-                    hysop::multi_array<std_complex,Dim,hysop::_default::fft_allocator<std_complex>>   m_complexBuffer;
-                    typename hysop::multi_array<T,Dim>::template index_gen<Dim,Dim>  m_transformedRealBufferView;
-                    std::list<fftw_plan> m_forward_R2R_plans,  m_R2C_plans;
-                    std::list<fftw_plan> m_backward_R2R_plans, m_C2R_plans;
-                    FftTransformType m_transformType;
-                    std::vector<std::size_t> m_periodicAxes;
-                    std::array<T,Dim> m_signs;
-                    std::array<std::vector<std_complex>,Dim> m_waveNumbers;
-                    std::array<std::vector<std_complex>,Dim> m_waveNumbersPows;
-                    T m_normalisationFactor;
-                    bool m_mirrorOutputPeriodicBoundaries;
-                    std::string m_plannedTransformStr;
-            };
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim>
-            Planner<T,Dim>::Planner(std::complex<T> p_fixedAxeWaveNumbers, std::complex<T> p_fixedAxeWaveNumberPows):
-                m_fixedAxeWaveNumbers(p_fixedAxeWaveNumbers),
-                m_fixedAxeWaveNumberPows(p_fixedAxeWaveNumberPows),
-                m_realBuffer(), m_complexBuffer(),
-                m_forward_R2R_plans(), m_R2C_plans(),
-                m_backward_R2R_plans(), m_C2R_plans(),
-                m_transformType(), 
-                m_signs(), m_waveNumbers(), m_waveNumbersPows(), m_normalisationFactor(),
-                m_mirrorOutputPeriodicBoundaries(),
-                m_plannedTransformStr() {
-                    reset();
-            }
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim>
-            Planner<T,Dim>::~Planner() {
-                reset();
-            }
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim>
-            void Planner<T,Dim>::reset() {
-                new (&m_realBuffer) multi_array_ref<T,Dim>();
-                m_complexBuffer.reshape(typename Shape<Dim>::type{0});
-                for(fftw_plan plan : m_forward_R2R_plans)
-                    this->fftw_destroy_plan(plan);
-                for(fftw_plan plan : m_backward_R2R_plans)
-                    this->fftw_destroy_plan(plan);
-                for(fftw_plan plan : m_C2R_plans)
-                    this->fftw_destroy_plan(plan);
-                for(fftw_plan plan : m_R2C_plans)
-                    this->fftw_destroy_plan(plan);
-                m_forward_R2R_plans.clear();
-                m_R2C_plans.clear();
-                m_backward_R2R_plans.clear();
-                m_C2R_plans.clear();
-                m_periodicAxes.clear();
-                m_transformType = FftTransformType::FFT_NONE;
-                for (std::size_t d = 0; d < Dim; d++) {
-                    m_waveNumbers[d].clear(); 
-                    m_waveNumbersPows[d].clear();
-                }
-                m_signs.fill(0);
-                m_normalisationFactor = T(0);
-                m_mirrorOutputPeriodicBoundaries = false;
-                m_plannedTransformStr = "** No planned transforms **";
-        }
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim>
-            void Planner<T,Dim>::checkDomainCompatibility(const fft::FftDomainConfiguration<Dim>& domainConfig) const {
-                for (std::size_t d = 0; d < Dim; d++)
-                    checkExtensionCompatibility(domainConfig[d].first, domainConfig[d].second);
-            }
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim>
-            void Planner<T,Dim>::checkExtensionCompatibility(const fft::Extension &lhs, const fft::Extension &rhs) const {
-                if ((lhs==fft::Extension::PERIODIC) ^ (rhs==fft::Extension::PERIODIC)) 
-                    throw std::runtime_error("Planner error: Periodic domain extensions are not compatible !");
-                if ((lhs==fft::Extension::NONE) ^ (rhs==fft::Extension::NONE))
-                    throw std::runtime_error("Planner error: None domain extensions are not compatible !");
-            }
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim>
-            bool Planner<T,Dim>::plan(hysop::const_multi_array_ref<T,Dim> input_rdata, 
-                                      hysop::multi_array_ref<T,Dim> output_rdata,
-                    const fft::FftDomainConfiguration<Dim>& inputFftDomainConfig,
-                    const std::array<int,Dim>& order,
-                    const std::array<T  ,Dim>& domainSize,
-                                  unsigned int fftw_flags, 
-                    const bool includeOutputPeriodicBoundaries,
-                    const bool mirrorOutputPeriodicBoundaries) {
-                this->checkDomainCompatibility(inputFftDomainConfig);
-                this->reset();
-                bool inplace = ( ==;
-                hysop::multi_array<T,Dim> input_rdata_buffer;
-                if(inplace)
-                    input_rdata_buffer = input_rdata;
-                m_mirrorOutputPeriodicBoundaries = includeOutputPeriodicBoundaries && mirrorOutputPeriodicBoundaries;
-                TransformArray forwardTransforms, backwardTransforms;
-                typename Shape<Dim>::type  realBufferShape, complexBufferShape;
-                std::array<int,Dim> forward_transform_size, backward_transform_size, complex_transform_size;
-                std::array<int,Dim> forward_input_offset,  forward_output_offset;
-                std::array<int,Dim> backward_input_offset, backward_output_offset;
-                std::array<bool,Dim> oddOrder, axeTransformed;
-                bool hasRealTransforms=false, hasComplexTransforms=false;
-                int lastComplexTransformAxe=-1;
-                std::stringstream ss;
-                ss << "=== Planner ===" << std::endl;
-                ss << "** input **" << std::endl;
-                ss << "\tInputDataDim: " << input_rdata.shape() << std::endl;
-                ss << "\tDomainConfig: " << inputFftDomainConfig;
-                ss << "\tOrder       : " << order << std::endl;
-                ss << "\tDomainSize  : " << domainSize << std::endl;
-                ss << "\tipb/mpb     : " << std::boolalpha << includeOutputPeriodicBoundaries << "/" 
-                    << std::boolalpha << mirrorOutputPeriodicBoundaries << std::endl;
-                for (std::size_t d = 0; d < Dim; d++) {
-                    const      FftDomainConfiguration<Dim> &inputConfig = inputFftDomainConfig;
-                    const auto &inputExtensions = inputConfig.extensions()[d]; 
-                    const bool axeIsPeriodic = (inputExtensions.first==Extension::PERIODIC);
-                    const bool axeIsOddOrder = (order[d]%2!=0);
-                    const bool axeIsTransformed = !(order[d]==0 || inputExtensions.first == fft::Extension::NONE);
-                    const std::size_t inputSize = input_rdata.shape()[d] 
-                        - std::size_t(axeIsPeriodic && inputConfig.includePeriodicBoundaries());
-                    const fft::Transform tr = this->findTransform(inputExtensions);
-                    forwardTransforms[d] = tr;
-                    if(axeIsOddOrder)
-                        backwardTransforms[d] = tr.conjugateInverseTransform();
-                    else
-                        backwardTransforms[d] = tr.inverseTransform();
-                    realBufferShape[d]         = inputSize + 
-                        std::size_t((inputExtensions.second==Extension::PERIODIC) && includeOutputPeriodicBoundaries);
-                    complexBufferShape[d]      = inputSize;
-                    forward_transform_size[d]  = inputSize;
-                    backward_transform_size[d] = inputSize;
-                    complex_transform_size[d]  = inputSize;
-                    forward_input_offset[d]   = 0;
-                    forward_output_offset[d]  = 0;
-                    backward_input_offset[d]  = 0;
-                    backward_output_offset[d] = 0;
-                    oddOrder[d]       = axeIsOddOrder;
-                    axeTransformed[d] = axeIsTransformed;
-                    if(axeIsPeriodic)
-                        m_periodicAxes.push_back(d);
-                    if(!axeIsTransformed) {
-                        continue;
-                    }
-                    else {
-                        if(tr.isR2R()) {
-                            hasRealTransforms = true;
-                            const std::size_t firstExtOdd   = (inputExtensions.first  == Extension::ODD);
-                            const std::size_t secondExtOdd  = (inputExtensions.second == Extension::ODD);
-                            const std::size_t firstExtEven  = (inputExtensions.first  == Extension::EVEN);
-                            const std::size_t secondExtEven = (inputExtensions.second == Extension::EVEN);
-                            forward_transform_size[d]  -= (firstExtOdd + secondExtOdd);
-                            forward_input_offset[d]   = std::ptrdiff_t(firstExtOdd);
-                            forward_output_offset[d]  = std::ptrdiff_t(firstExtOdd);
-                            complexBufferShape[d]     = forward_transform_size[d];
-                            complex_transform_size[d] = forward_transform_size[d];
-                            if(axeIsOddOrder) {
-                                backward_transform_size[d] -= (firstExtEven + secondExtEven);
-                                backward_input_offset[d] = std::ptrdiff_t( (tr.kind == FFTW_RODFT01) 
-                                        || ((tr.kind != FFTW_REDFT01) && firstExtEven) );
-                                backward_output_offset[d] = std::ptrdiff_t(firstExtEven);
-                            }
-                            else {
-                                backward_transform_size[d] = forward_transform_size[d];
-                                backward_input_offset[d]   = forward_output_offset[d]; 
-                                backward_output_offset[d]  = forward_input_offset[d];
-                            }
-                        }
-                        else {
-                            hasComplexTransforms = true;
-                            lastComplexTransformAxe = d;
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-                /* Allocate complex buffer only if necessary, return if no transforms */
-                if(hasComplexTransforms) {
-                    m_transformType = FFT_R2C;
-                    assert(lastComplexTransformAxe >= 0);
-                    complexBufferShape[lastComplexTransformAxe] = complexBufferShape[lastComplexTransformAxe]/2 + 1;
-                    m_complexBuffer.reshape(complexBufferShape);
-                }
-                else if(hasRealTransforms) {
-                    m_transformType = FFT_R2R;
-                }
-                else {
-                    m_transformType = FFT_NONE;
-                    if(!inplace)
-                        std::copy(input_rdata.begin(), input_rdata.end(), output_rdata.begin());
-                    this->reset();
-                    ss << m_plannedTransformStr << std::endl;
-                        m_plannedTransformStr = ss.str();
-                    return false;
-                }
-                /* Check if output buffer shape match */
-                {
-                    if(output_rdata.shape() != realBufferShape)
-                        throw std::runtime_error("Output buffer shape should match the planned one !");
-                    new (&m_realBuffer) multi_array_ref<T,Dim>(output_rdata);
-                }
-                /* Compute normalisation factor and wave numbers */
-                m_normalisationFactor = T(1);
-                for(std::size_t d=0; d<Dim; d++) {
-                    const fft::Transform tr = forwardTransforms[d];
-                    const std::size_t N = (tr.isR2R() ? realBufferShape[d] : complexBufferShape[d]);
-                    const std::size_t K = (tr.isR2R() ? forward_transform_size[d] : complexBufferShape[d]);
-                    const std::size_t S = (tr.isR2R() ? forward_transform_size[d] : complex_transform_size[d]);
-                    const real L = domainSize[d];
-                    T sign = T(1);
-                    if(!axeTransformed[d]) {
-                        m_waveNumbers[d].resize(N);
-                        m_waveNumbersPows[d].resize(N);
-                        m_normalisationFactor*=T(1);
-                        for (std::size_t k = 0; k < N; k++) {
-                            m_waveNumbers[d][k]     = m_fixedAxeWaveNumbers;
-                            m_waveNumbersPows[d][k] = m_fixedAxeWaveNumberPows;
-                        }
-                    }
-                    else {
-                        m_waveNumbers[d].resize(K);
-                        m_waveNumbersPows[d].resize(K);
-                        m_normalisationFactor*= tr.normalisation<T>(S);
-                        if(tr.isR2R()) {
-                            const std::size_t sign_offset = (tr.basefunc()==fft::BaseFunc::COS ? 1 : 0);
-                            sign *= std::pow(T(-1),(order[d]+sign_offset)/2);
-                        }
-                        for (std::size_t k = 0; k < K; k++) {
-                            m_waveNumbers[d][k] =<T>(k,K,L,d==std::size_t(lastComplexTransformAxe));
-                            m_waveNumbersPows[d][k] = sign*std::pow(m_waveNumbers[d][k], order[d]);
-                        }
-                    }
-                    m_signs[d] = sign;
-                }
-                /* Build planned transforms description string */
-                ss << "** configuration **"                                                  << std::endl;
-                ss << "\thasRealTransforms    : " << std::boolalpha << hasRealTransforms     << std::endl;
-                ss << "\thasComplexTransforms : " << std::boolalpha << hasComplexTransforms  << std::endl;
-                ss << "\tTransformed axes     : " << std::noboolalpha << axeTransformed      << std::endl;
-                ss << "\tOddOrder             : " << std::noboolalpha << oddOrder            << std::endl;
-                ss << "\tForward  transforms  : " << forwardTransforms                       << std::endl;
-                ss << "\tBackward transforms  : " << backwardTransforms                      << std::endl;
-                ss << "\tLast cplx trans. axe : " << lastComplexTransformAxe                 << std::endl;
-                ss << "** buffer shape **"                                                   << std::endl;
-                ss << "\tReal    buffer shape  : " << realBufferShape                        << std::endl;
-                ss << "\tComplex buffer shape  : " << complexBufferShape                     << std::endl;
-                ss << "** transform size and offsets **"                                     << std::endl;
-                ss << "\tForward  transf. size : " << forward_transform_size                 << std::endl;
-                ss << "\tForward  input  offset: " << forward_input_offset                   << std::endl;
-                ss << "\tForward  output offset: " << forward_output_offset                  << std::endl;
-                ss << "\tComplex  transf. size : " << complex_transform_size                 << std::endl;
-                ss << "\tBackward transf. size : " << backward_transform_size                << std::endl;
-                ss << "\tBackward input  offset: " << backward_input_offset                  << std::endl;
-                ss << "\tBackward output offset: " << backward_output_offset                 << std::endl;
-                ss << "** normalisation & wave numbers **" << std::endl;
-                ss << "\tNormalisation: " << m_normalisationFactor << std::endl;
-                ss << "\tSigns: " << m_signs << std::endl;
-                ss << "\t--Wave numbers--"<< std::endl;
-                for (std::size_t k = 0; k < Dim; k++)
-                    ss << "\t\taxe" << k << ": " << m_waveNumbers[k] << std::endl;
-                ss << "\t--wave numbers powers--"<< std::endl;
-                for (std::size_t k = 0; k < Dim; k++)
-                    ss << "\t\taxe" << k << ": " << m_waveNumbersPows[k] << std::endl;
-                /* Compute complex plans */
-                if(hasComplexTransforms) {
-                    ss << "** complex transforms detail **" << std::endl;
-                    fftw_plan R2C_plan=NULL, C2R_plan=NULL;
-                    const int rank = lastComplexTransformAxe+1;
-                    const int howmany_rank = Dim;
-                    fftw_iodim dims[Dim];
-                    fftw_iodim howmany_dims[Dim];
-                    int forwardInputOffset=0, backwardOutputOffset=0;
-                    {
-                        int local_io_stride = 1;
-                        for(int d=Dim-1; d>=0; d--) {
-                            forwardInputOffset   += forward_output_offset[d]*local_io_stride;
-                            backwardOutputOffset += forward_output_offset[d]*local_io_stride;
-                            local_io_stride *= realBufferShape[d];
-                        }
-                    }
-                    {
-                        int input_stride=1, output_stride=1;
-                        for(int d=Dim-1, dd=rank; d>=0; d--) {
-                            const bool isR2C            = forwardTransforms[d].isR2C();
-                            const bool isAxeTransformed = axeTransformed[d];
-                            if(isR2C && isAxeTransformed) {
-                                dims[d]         = fftw_iodim{complex_transform_size[d], input_stride, output_stride};
-                                howmany_dims[d] = fftw_iodim{                        1, input_stride, output_stride};
-                            }
-                            else {
-                                dims[d]         = fftw_iodim{                        1, input_stride, output_stride};
-                                howmany_dims[d] = fftw_iodim{forward_transform_size[d], input_stride, output_stride};
-                            }
-                            input_stride  *= realBufferShape[d];
-                            output_stride *= complexBufferShape[d];
-                        }
-                        R2C_plan = this->fftw_plan_guru_dft_r2c(
-                                rank, dims, 
-                                howmany_rank, howmany_dims,
-                                m_realBuffer.rdata()+forwardInputOffset, m_complexBuffer.fftw_cdata(),
-                                fftw_flags);
-                        this->toStreamTransform(ss, "FFTW_FORWARD", rank, howmany_rank, dims, howmany_dims,
-                                forwardInputOffset, 0);
-                        if(!R2C_plan) {
-                            ss << "=> R2C plan creation FAILED !" << std::endl;
-                            m_plannedTransformStr = ss.str();
-                            return false;
-                        }
-                    }
-                    {
-                        int input_stride=1, output_stride=1;
-                        for(int d=Dim-1, dd=rank; d>=0; d--) {
-                            const bool isR2C            = forwardTransforms[d].isR2C();
-                            const bool isAxeTransformed = axeTransformed[d];
-                            if(isR2C && isAxeTransformed) {
-                                dims[d]         = fftw_iodim{complex_transform_size[d], input_stride, output_stride};
-                                howmany_dims[d] = fftw_iodim{                        1, input_stride, output_stride};
-                            }
-                            else {
-                                dims[d]         = fftw_iodim{                         1, input_stride, output_stride};
-                                howmany_dims[d] = fftw_iodim{ forward_transform_size[d], input_stride, output_stride};
-                            }
-                            input_stride  *= complexBufferShape[d];
-                            output_stride *= realBufferShape[d];
-                        }
-                        C2R_plan = this->fftw_plan_guru_dft_c2r(
-                                rank, dims, 
-                                howmany_rank, howmany_dims,
-                                m_complexBuffer.fftw_cdata(), m_realBuffer.rdata()+backwardOutputOffset,
-                                fftw_flags);
-                        this->toStreamTransform(ss, "FFTW_BACKWARD", rank, howmany_rank, dims, howmany_dims,
-                                0, backwardOutputOffset);
-                        if(!C2R_plan) {
-                            ss << "=> C2R plan creation FAILED !" << std::endl;
-                            m_plannedTransformStr = ss.str();
-                            return false;
-                        }
-                    }
-                    m_R2C_plans.push_back(R2C_plan);
-                    m_C2R_plans.push_back(C2R_plan);
-                }
-                /* Compute real plans */
-                if(hasRealTransforms) {
-                    ss << "** real transforms detail **" << std::endl;
-                    const int rank = 1;
-                    const int howmany_rank = Dim;
-                    fftw_r2r_kind kind[rank];
-                    fftw_iodim    dims[rank];
-                    fftw_iodim howmany_dims[howmany_rank];
-                    int io_stride = 1;
-                    for(int k=Dim-1; k>=0; k--) {
-                        const fft::Transform& ftr  = forwardTransforms[k];
-                        const fft::Transform& btr  = backwardTransforms[k];
-                        const bool isR2R            = ftr.isR2R() && btr.isR2R();
-                        const bool isAxeTransformed = axeTransformed[k];
-                        //int forwardInputOffset=0, forwardOutputOffset=0, backwardInputOffset=0, backwardOutputOffset=0;
-                        if(isR2R && isAxeTransformed) {
-                            ss << "\tTRANSFORM (" << std::to_string(k) << "):" << std::endl;
-                            fftw_plan forward_plan=NULL, backward_plan=NULL;
-                            int local_io_stride = 1;
-                            for(int d=Dim-1; d>=0; d--) {
-                                //howmany_dims[d] = fftw_iodim{ (d==k ? 1 : forward_transform_size[d]), local_io_stride, local_io_stride };
-                                //forwardInputOffset   += forward_input_offset[d]  *local_io_stride;
-                                //forwardOutputOffset  += forward_output_offset[d] *local_io_stride;
-                                //backwardInputOffset  += backward_input_offset[d] *local_io_stride;
-                                //backwardOutputOffset += backward_output_offset[d]*local_io_stride;
-                                howmany_dims[d] = fftw_iodim{ (d==k ? 1 : int(realBufferShape[d])), local_io_stride, local_io_stride };
-                                local_io_stride *= realBufferShape[d];
-                            }
-                            {
-                                kind[0] = static_cast<fftw_r2r_kind>(ftr.kind);
-                                dims[0] = { fftw_iodim{forward_transform_size[k], io_stride, io_stride} };
-                                forward_plan = this->fftw_plan_guru_r2r(
-                                        rank, dims, 
-                                        howmany_rank, howmany_dims,
-                                        //m_realBuffer.rdata()+forwardInputOffset,
-                                        //m_realBuffer.rdata()+forwardOutputOffset,
-                                        m_realBuffer.rdata()+forward_input_offset[k]*io_stride,
-                                        m_realBuffer.rdata()+forward_output_offset[k]*io_stride,
-                                        kind, fftw_flags);
-                                //this->toStreamTransform(ss, ftr, rank, howmany_rank, dims, howmany_dims, 
-                                        //forwardInputOffset, forwardOutputOffset);
-                                this->toStreamTransform(ss, ftr, rank, howmany_rank, dims, howmany_dims, 
-                                        forward_input_offset[k]*io_stride, forward_output_offset[k]*io_stride);
-                                if(!forward_plan) {
-                                    ss << "=> Forward R2R plan creation FAILED !" << std::endl;
-                                    m_plannedTransformStr = ss.str();
-                                    return false;
-                                }
-                            }
-                            {
-                                kind[0] = static_cast<fftw_r2r_kind>(btr.kind);
-                                dims[0] = { fftw_iodim{backward_transform_size[k], io_stride, io_stride} };
-                                backward_plan = this->fftw_plan_guru_r2r(
-                                        rank, dims, 
-                                        howmany_rank, howmany_dims,
-                                        //m_realBuffer.rdata()+backwardInputOffset,
-                                        //m_realBuffer.rdata()+backwardOutputOffset,
-                                        m_realBuffer.rdata()+backward_input_offset[k]*io_stride,
-                                        m_realBuffer.rdata()+backward_output_offset[k]*io_stride,
-                                        kind, fftw_flags);
-                                //this->toStreamTransform(ss, btr, rank, howmany_rank, dims, howmany_dims, 
-                                        //backwardInputOffset, backwardOutputOffset);
-                                this->toStreamTransform(ss, btr, rank, howmany_rank, dims, howmany_dims, 
-                                        backward_input_offset[k]*io_stride, backward_output_offset[k]*io_stride);
-                                if(!backward_plan) {
-                                    ss << "=> Backward R2R plan creation FAILED !" << std::endl;
-                                    m_plannedTransformStr = ss.str();
-                                    return false;
-                                }
-                            }
-                            m_forward_R2R_plans.push_back(forward_plan);
-                            m_backward_R2R_plans.push_back(backward_plan);
-                        }
-                        io_stride *= realBufferShape[k];
-                    }
-                }
-                /* Copy input data into the buffer */
-                if(inputFftDomainConfig.includePeriodicBoundaries() ^ includeOutputPeriodicBoundaries) {
-                    NOT_IMPLEMENTED_YET;
-                }
-                else {
-                    if(inplace) 
-                        std::copy(input_rdata_buffer.begin(), input_rdata_buffer.end(), m_realBuffer.begin());
-                    else
-                        std::copy(input_rdata.begin()       , input_rdata.end()       , m_realBuffer.begin());
-                }
-                /* Create real buffer subview */
-                ss << "** real buffer view **" << std::endl;
-                {
-                    ss << "\tview = index_gen";
-                    std::array<boost::multi_array_types::index_range,Dim> ranges;
-                    for (std::size_t d = 0; d < Dim; d++) {
-                        const int offset = forward_output_offset[d];
-                        ranges[d] = boost::multi_array_types::index_range(
-                                offset,
-                                offset+forward_transform_size[d]);
-                        ss << "[range(" << ranges[d].start() << "," << ranges[d].finish() << ")]";
-                    }
-                    ss << std::endl;
-                    m_transformedRealBufferView = hysop::utils::buildIndices<Dim>(ranges);
-                }
-                ss << "===============" << std::endl;
-                m_plannedTransformStr = ss.str();
-                return true;
-            }
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim>
-            void Planner<T,Dim>::executeForwardTransform() {
-                for(auto& plan : m_forward_R2R_plans) 
-                    this->fftw_execute(plan);
-                for(auto& plan : m_R2C_plans) 
-                    this->fftw_execute(plan);
-            }
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim>
-            void Planner<T,Dim>::executeBackwardTransform() {
-                for(auto& plan : m_C2R_plans) 
-                    this->fftw_execute(plan);
-                for(auto plan = m_backward_R2R_plans.rbegin(); plan!=m_backward_R2R_plans.rend(); ++plan) 
-                    this->fftw_execute(*plan);
-                if(m_mirrorOutputPeriodicBoundaries) {
-                    const typename Shape<Dim>::type rshape = m_realBuffer.shape();
-                    T *data = m_realBuffer.rdata();
-                    for(const int axe : m_periodicAxes) {
-                        const int N = rshape[axe];
-                        const int num_elem = m_realBuffer.num_elements()/N;
-                        std::array<int,Dim> ids{0};
-                        int id = 0;
-                        int offset=1;
-                        {
-                            for(int d=Dim-1; d>axe; d--) offset*= rshape[d];
-                            offset *= (N-1);
-                        }
-                        for(int i=0; i<num_elem; i++) {
-                            data[id+offset]=data[id];
-                            for (int d=Dim-1; d>=0; d--) {
-                                if(d==axe)
-                                    continue;
-                                ids[d]++;
-                                if(ids[d]==int(rshape[d]))
-                                    ids[d]=0;
-                                else
-                                    break;
-                            }
-                            id = ids[0];
-                            for (std::size_t d=1; d < Dim; d++)
-                                id = id*rshape[d] + ids[d];
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim>
-        FftTransformType Planner<T,Dim>::transformType() const {
-            return m_transformType;
-        }
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim>
-            T Planner<T,Dim>::normalisationFactor() const {
-                return m_normalisationFactor;
-            }
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim>
-        const std::array<T,Dim> Planner<T,Dim>::signs() const {
-            return m_signs;
-        }
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim>
-            const std::array<std::vector<std::complex<T>>,Dim>& Planner<T,Dim>::waveNumbers() const {
-                return m_waveNumbers;
-            }
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim>
-        const std::array<std::vector<std::complex<T>>,Dim>& Planner<T,Dim>::waveNumbersPows() const {
-            return m_waveNumbersPows;
-        }
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim>
-            hysop::multi_array_view<T,Dim> Planner<T,Dim>::transformedRealData() { 
-                if(m_transformType==FFT_R2C)
-                    throw std::runtime_error("Requesting planner real data but planned transform is real to complex !");
-                else if(m_transformType==FFT_NONE)
-                    throw std::runtime_error("Requesting planner real data but there was no successfull planned transforms !");
-                return m_realBuffer[m_transformedRealBufferView]; 
-            }
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim>
-            hysop::multi_array_ref<std::complex<T>,Dim> Planner<T,Dim>::transformedComplexData() {
-                if(m_transformType==FFT_R2R)
-                    throw std::runtime_error("Requesting planner complex data but planned transform is real to real !");
-                else if(m_transformType==FFT_NONE)
-                    throw std::runtime_error("Requesting planner real data but there was no successfull planned transforms !");
-                return m_complexBuffer;
-            }
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim>
-            fft::Transform Planner<T,Dim>::findTransform(const std::pair<Extension,Extension>& ed) const {
-                if(ed.first == Extension::EVEN) {
-                    if(ed.second == Extension::EVEN)
-                        return fft::Transform(FFTW_REDFT00);
-                    else
-                        return fft::Transform(FFTW_REDFT01);
-                }
-                else if(ed.first == Extension::ODD) {
-                    if(ed.second == Extension::EVEN)
-                        return fft::Transform(FFTW_RODFT01);
-                    else
-                        return fft::Transform(FFTW_RODFT00);
-                }
-                else {
-                    return fft::Transform(FFTW_FORWARD);
-                }
-            }
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim>
-        template <typename Transfo>
-        void Planner<T,Dim>::toStreamTransform(std::ostream& os, const Transfo& tr, 
-                int rank, int howmany_rank, 
-                const fftw_iodim* dims, const fftw_iodim* howmany_dims,
-                const int input_data_offset, const int output_data_offset) {
-            os << "\t  --" << tr << "--" << std::endl;
-            os << "\t\tdims[" << rank << "] = {" << std::endl;
-            for (int i = 0; i < rank-1; i++) 
-                os << "\t\t  " << dims[i] << "," << std::endl;
-            os << "\t\t  " << dims[rank-1] << std::endl;
-            os << "\t\t};" << std::endl;
-            os << "\t\thowmany[" << howmany_rank << "] = {" << std::endl;
-            for (int i = 0; i < howmany_rank-1; i++) 
-                os << "\t\t  " << howmany_dims[i] << "," << std::endl;
-            os << "\t\t  " << howmany_dims[howmany_rank-1] << std::endl;
-            os << "\t\t};" << std::endl;
-            os << "\t\tinput  data offset: " << input_data_offset << std::endl;
-            os << "\t\toutput data offset: " << output_data_offset << std::endl;
-        }
-        /* Get planned transform description */
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim>
-            const std::string& Planner<T,Dim>::toString() const {
-                return m_plannedTransformStr;
-        }
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim>
-            std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Planner<T,Dim>& planner) {
-                os << planner.toString();
-                return os;
-        }
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim>
-        Planner<T,Dim>& Planner<T,Dim>::setFixedAxeWaveNumbers(std::complex<T> p_fixedAxeWaveNumber) {
-            m_fixedAxeWaveNumbers = p_fixedAxeWaveNumber;
-            return *this;
-        }
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim>
-        Planner<T,Dim>& Planner<T,Dim>::setFixedAxeWaveNumberPows(std::complex<T> p_fixedAxeWaveNumberPow) {
-            m_fixedAxeWaveNumberPows = p_fixedAxeWaveNumberPow;
-            return *this;
-        }
-    } /* end of namespace fft */
-} /* end of namespace hysop */
-#endif /* end of include guard: HYSOP_PLANNER_H */
diff --git a/src/hysop++/src/fft/transform.cpp b/src/hysop++/src/fft/transform.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 53531952f..000000000
--- a/src/hysop++/src/fft/transform.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-#include "fft/transform.h"
-namespace hysop {
-    namespace fft {
-    std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Transform &tr) {
-        os << tr.toString();
-        return os;
-    }
-    }
diff --git a/src/hysop++/src/fft/transform.h b/src/hysop++/src/fft/transform.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 7a6e36a3b..000000000
--- a/src/hysop++/src/fft/transform.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,188 +0,0 @@
-#include <complex>
-#include <iostream> 
-#include <fftw3.h>
-#include "utils/constants.h"
-namespace hysop {
-    namespace fft {
-        struct Transform;
-        std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Transform &tr);
-        enum BaseFunc {
-            CEXP,
-            SIN,
-            COS
-        };
-        struct Transform {
-            public:
-                int kind;
-                Transform(int p_kind = 0):
-                    kind(p_kind) {}
-                bool isR2C() const {
-                    return kind == FFTW_FORWARD;
-                }
-                bool isR2R() const {
-                    return !this->isR2C();
-                }
-                BaseFunc basefunc() const {
-                    switch(kind) {
-                        case(FFTW_REDFT00):
-                        case(FFTW_REDFT01):
-                        case(FFTW_REDFT10):
-                        case(FFTW_REDFT11):
-                            return COS;
-                        case(FFTW_RODFT00):
-                        case(FFTW_RODFT01):
-                        case(FFTW_RODFT10):
-                        case(FFTW_RODFT11):
-                            return SIN;
-                        case(FFTW_R2HC):
-                        case(FFTW_HC2R):
-                        case(FFTW_FORWARD):
-                            return CEXP;
-                        default:
-                            throw std::runtime_error("Unknown transform !");
-                    }
-                }
-                template <typename T>
-                std::complex<T> omega(std::size_t k, std::size_t N, T L = T(1), bool lastDim=false) const {
-                    using namespace hysop::constants;
-                    switch(kind) {
-                        case(FFTW_FORWARD):
-                            if(lastDim) {
-                                return std::complex<T>(T(0),T(2)*pi*T(k)/L);
-                            }
-                            else {
-                                T kk;
-                                if(k <= N/2 -1)
-                                    kk = T(k);
-                                else if(k==N/2)
-                                    kk = T(0);
-                                else 
-                                    kk = T(k)-T(N);
-                                return std::complex<T>(T(0),T(2)*pi*kk/L);
-                            }
-                        case(FFTW_REDFT00):
-                            return std::complex<T>(pi*T(k)/L, T(0));
-                        case(FFTW_RODFT00): /* offset +1 */
-                            return std::complex<T>(pi*T(k+1)/L, T(0));
-                        case(FFTW_REDFT01):
-                            return std::complex<T>(pi*(T(k)+T(0.5))/L, T(0));
-                        case(FFTW_RODFT01): /* -0.5 + 1 offset = +0.5 */
-                            return std::complex<T>(pi*(T(k)+T(0.5))/L, T(0));
-                        default:
-                            throw std::runtime_error("Not implemented yet !");
-                    }
-                }
-                template <typename T>
-                    T normalisation(std::size_t n) const {
-                    switch(kind) {
-                        case(FFTW_FORWARD):
-                            return T(n);
-                        case(FFTW_RODFT00):
-                            return T(2*(n+1));
-                        case(FFTW_REDFT00):
-                            return T(2*(n-1));
-                        case(FFTW_REDFT01):
-                        case(FFTW_REDFT10):
-                        case(FFTW_REDFT11):
-                        case(FFTW_RODFT01):
-                        case(FFTW_RODFT10):
-                        case(FFTW_RODFT11):
-                            return T(2*n);
-                        default:
-                            return T(n);
-                    }
-                }
-                int inverseTransform() const {
-                    switch(kind) {
-                        case(FFTW_REDFT00):
-                        case(FFTW_RODFT00):
-                            return kind;
-                        case(FFTW_REDFT01):
-                            return FFTW_REDFT10;
-                        case(FFTW_REDFT10):
-                            return FFTW_REDFT01;
-                        case(FFTW_RODFT01):
-                            return FFTW_RODFT10;
-                        case(FFTW_RODFT10):
-                            return FFTW_RODFT01;
-                        case(FFTW_R2HC):
-                            return FFTW_HC2R;
-                        case(FFTW_HC2R):
-                            return FFTW_R2HC;
-                        case(FFTW_FORWARD):
-                            return FFTW_BACKWARD;
-                        default:
-                            throw std::runtime_error("Unknown transform !");
-                    }
-                }
-                int conjugateInverseTransform() const {
-                    switch(kind) {
-                        case(FFTW_REDFT00):
-                            return FFTW_RODFT00;
-                        case(FFTW_REDFT01):
-                            return FFTW_RODFT10;
-                        case(FFTW_REDFT10):
-                            return FFTW_RODFT01;
-                        case(FFTW_RODFT00):
-                            return FFTW_REDFT00;
-                        case(FFTW_RODFT01):
-                            return FFTW_REDFT10;
-                        case(FFTW_RODFT10):
-                            return FFTW_REDFT01;
-                        default:
-                            return this->inverseTransform();
-                    }
-                }
-                std::string toString() const {
-                    switch(kind) {
-                        case(FFTW_REDFT00):
-                            return "FFTW_REDFT00";
-                        case(FFTW_RODFT00):
-                            return "FFTW_RODFT00";
-                        case(FFTW_REDFT01):
-                            return "FFTW_REDFT01";
-                        case(FFTW_REDFT11):
-                            return "FFTW_REDFT11";
-                        case(FFTW_REDFT10):
-                            return "FFTW_REDFT10";
-                        case(FFTW_RODFT01):
-                            return "FFTW_RODFT01";
-                        case(FFTW_RODFT10):
-                            return "FFTW_RODFT10";
-                        case(FFTW_RODFT11):
-                            return "FFTW_RODFT11";
-                        case(FFTW_R2HC):
-                            return "FFTW_R2HC";
-                        //case(FFTW_HC2R):
-                            //return "FFTW_HC2R";
-                        case(FFTW_BACKWARD):
-                            return "FFTW_BACKWARD";
-                        case(FFTW_FORWARD):
-                            return "FFTW_FORWARD";
-                        default:
-                            return "FFTW_TRANSFORM_KIND_STRING_NOT_FOUND";
-                    }
-                }
-        };
-    }
-#endif /* end of include guard: FFTTRANSFORM_H */
diff --git a/src/hysop++/src/maths/polynomial.h b/src/hysop++/src/maths/polynomial.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 5373e9ece..000000000
--- a/src/hysop++/src/maths/polynomial.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,428 +0,0 @@
-#include <array>
-#include "data/multi_array/multi_array.h"
-namespace hysop {
-    namespace maths {
-        /* Polynomials in dimension Dim with coefficients of type T */
-        /* Basic polynomial operations are provided                 */
-        /* TODO: Implement fast Nlog(N) multiplication by FFT       */
-        /* TODO: Implement polynomial division                      */
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim>
-            class Polynomial;
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim>
-            std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Polynomial<T,Dim>& poly);
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim>
-            class Polynomial {
-                public:
-                    /* constructors, destructors & operator= */
-                    Polynomial()                                      = default;
-                    Polynomial(const Polynomial&  p_other)            = default;
-                    Polynomial(      Polynomial&& p_other)            = default;
-                    Polynomial& operator=(const Polynomial& p_other)  = default;
-                    Polynomial& operator=(      Polynomial&& p_other) = default;
-                    ~Polynomial()                                     = default;
-                    Polynomial(const std::array<std::size_t,Dim>& p_order);
-                    explicit Polynomial(const hysop::multi_array<T,Dim>&  p_coeffs);
-                    explicit Polynomial(      hysop::multi_array<T,Dim>&& p_coeffs);
-                    template <typename U>
-                    explicit Polynomial(const Polynomial<U,Dim>& p_other);
-                    /* accessors */
-                    const hysop::multi_array<T,Dim>&    coefficients() const;
-                          hysop::multi_array<T,Dim>&    coefficients();
-                    const std::array<std::size_t,Dim>&  order()        const;
-                          std::array<std::size_t,Dim>   shape()        const; /* == order + 1 */
-                    /* mutators */
-                    Polynomial& reshape(const std::array<std::size_t,Dim>& p_shape);
-                    Polynomial& setOrder(const std::array<std::size_t,Dim>& p_order);
-                    Polynomial& applyToCoefficients(const std::function<void(T&)>& func);
-                    Polynomial& applyToCoefficients(const std::function<void(T&, const Index<Dim>&)>& func);
-                    /* apply func(T&, const Index<Dim>&, farg0, fargs...) to all coefficients */
-                    template <typename Functor, typename Arg0, typename... Args> 
-                        Polynomial& applyToCoefficients(const Functor& func, Arg0&& farg0, Args&&... fargs);
-                    /* elementwise access to coefficients */
-                    const T& operator[](const Index<Dim> &p_id) const;
-                          T& operator[](const Index<Dim> &p_id);
-                    const T& operator[](std::size_t k) const;
-                          T& operator[](std::size_t k);
-                    /* polynomial function evaluation with arbitrary type */
-                    template <typename U1, typename... U, typename R = typename std::common_type<T,U1,U...>::type> 
-                        R operator()(const U1& x1, const U&... xs) const;
-                    template <typename U, typename R=typename std::common_type<T,U>::type> 
-                        R operator()(const std::array<U,Dim> &x) const;
-                    template <typename U, typename R=typename std::common_type<T,U>::type> 
-                        R operator()(const U* x) const;
-                    /* basic elementwise operations */
-                    Polynomial& operator+=(const Polynomial& p_other);
-                    Polynomial& operator-=(const Polynomial& p_other);
-                    Polynomial& operator*=(const T& p_val);
-                    Polynomial& operator/=(const T& p_val);
-                    Polynomial& operator%=(const T& p_val);
-                    /* polynomial multiplication and division */
-                    Polynomial& operator*=(const Polynomial& p_other);
-                    Polynomial& operator/=(const Polynomial& p_other);
-                    /* integral and derivatives */
-                    Polynomial& integrate    (std::size_t dim, int order);
-                    Polynomial& differentiate(std::size_t dim, int order);
-                    template <typename I> typename std::enable_if<std::is_integral<I>::value, Polynomial&>::type                        
-                        differentiate(const std::array<I,Dim>& order);
-                    template <typename I> typename std::enable_if<std::is_integral<I>::value, Polynomial&>::type                        
-                        integrate(const std::array<I,Dim>& order);
-                    template <typename I> typename std::enable_if<std::is_integral<I>::value, Polynomial&>::type
-                    operator >>=(const std::array<I,Dim>& order);
-                    template <typename I> typename std::enable_if<std::is_integral<I>::value, Polynomial&>::type
-                    operator <<=(const std::array<I,Dim>& order);
-                    /* comparisson operators - uses near equality if T is a floating point type */
-                    bool operator==(const Polynomial& other);
-                    bool operator!=(const Polynomial& other);
-                    /* misc */
-                    std::string toString(unsigned int p_precision=2, unsigned int p_width=6) const;
-                protected:
-                    /* misc */
-                    template <std::size_t D>
-                    std::string toStringImpl(const T& p_coeff, unsigned int p_precision, unsigned int p_width, bool p_begin, bool p_end) const {
-                        std::stringstream ss;
-                        ss << (p_begin ? "" : " ") << std::fixed << std::showpos << std::setprecision(p_precision) << p_coeff;
-                        return ss.str();
-                    }
-                    template <std::size_t D, typename ArrayView, std::size_t K=Dim-D>
-                        std::string toStringImpl(const ArrayView& p_view, unsigned int p_precision, unsigned int p_width, 
-                                bool=false, bool=false) const {
-                            static const char varNames[3] = { 'z','y','x' };
-                            static const int offset = (Dim==1 ? 2 : (Dim==2 ? 1 : (Dim==3 ? 0 : -1)));
-                            static const char delimiters[3][2] = { {'[',']'},
-                                                                   {'{','}'},
-                                                                   {'(',')'} };
-                            std::string str;
-                            for (std::ptrdiff_t k=m_coeffs.shape()[K]-1; k>=0; k--) {
-                                std::string localStr = toStringImpl<D-1>(
-                                        p_view[k], p_precision, p_width, k==std::ptrdiff_t(m_coeffs.shape()[K]-1), k==0);
-                                if(localStr!="") {
-                                    if(D>1)
-                                        str += delimiters[D%3][0];
-                                    str += localStr;
-                                    if(D>1)
-                                        str += delimiters[D%3][1];
-                                    std::string varName;
-                                    if(Dim<=3)
-                                        varName = varNames[K+offset];
-                                    else 
-                                        varName = "x_"+std::to_string(D);
-                                    if(k==0)
-                                        ;
-                                    else if(k==1)
-                                        str += varName;
-                                    else
-                                        str += varName + "^" + std::to_string(k);
-                                    if(k>0 && D>1)
-                                        str += " + ";
-                                }
-                            }
-                            return str;
-                    }
-                    /* static members */
-                    static std::array<std::size_t,Dim> orderFromShape(const std::array<std::size_t,Dim>& p_shape);
-                    static std::array<std::size_t,Dim> shapeFromOrder(const std::array<std::size_t,Dim>& p_order);
-                public:
-                    template <typename X>
-                        struct PolynomIndex : public Index<Dim> {
-                            public:
-                                using typename Index<Dim>::Dimension;
-                                using typename Index<Dim>::Indices;
-                            public:
-                                template <typename DimArray=typename Index<Dim>::Dimension, typename IndexArray=typename Index<Dim>::Indices>
-                                PolynomIndex(std::array<X,Dim> p_spaceVar,
-                                        const DimArray&   p_dim = Dimension{0}, 
-                                        const IndexArray& p_ids = Indices{0});
-                                const std::array<X,Dim>& spaceVariable() const; /* returns {X[0],...,X[Dim-1]} */
-                                                               X value() const; /* returns X[0]^id[0] * X1^id[1] * ... * X[Dim-1]^id[Dim-1]*/
-                            protected:
-                                void initialize();
-                                virtual void onIndexChange   (std::size_t p_pos, std::ptrdiff_t p_offset) final override;
-                                virtual void onIndexOverflow (std::size_t p_pos) final override;
-                            protected:
-                                const std::array<X,Dim> m_spaceVar;
-                                std::array<X,Dim> m_powers; 
-                                X m_value;
-                        };
-                protected:
-                    hysop::multi_array<T,Dim>   m_coeffs;
-                    std::array<std::size_t,Dim> m_order;
-            };
-        /* unary operations */
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim>
-            Polynomial<T,Dim> operator+(const Polynomial<T,Dim>& poly);
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim>
-            Polynomial<T,Dim> operator-(const Polynomial<T,Dim>& poly);
-        /* basic operations */
-        template <typename T1, typename T2, std::size_t Dim, typename T = typename std::common_type<T1,T2>::type>
-            Polynomial<T,Dim> operator+(const Polynomial<T1,Dim>& lhs, const Polynomial<T2,Dim>& rhs);
-        template <typename T1, typename T2, std::size_t Dim, typename T = typename std::common_type<T1,T2>::type>
-            Polynomial<T,Dim> operator-(const Polynomial<T1,Dim>& lhs, const Polynomial<T2,Dim>& rhs);
-        template <typename T1, typename T2, std::size_t Dim, typename T = typename std::common_type<T1,T2>::type>
-            Polynomial<T,Dim> operator*(const Polynomial<T1,Dim>& lhs, const Polynomial<T2,Dim>& rhs);
-        template <typename T1, typename T2, std::size_t Dim, typename T = typename std::common_type<T1,T2>::type>
-            Polynomial<T,Dim> operator/(const Polynomial<T1,Dim>& lhs, const Polynomial<T2,Dim>& rhs);
-        /* tensor product of polynomials */
-        template <typename T1, typename T2, std::size_t Dim1, std::size_t Dim2, 
-                  typename T=typename std::common_type<T1,T2>::type, std::size_t Dim=Dim1+Dim2>
-            Polynomial<T,Dim> operator|(const Polynomial<T1,Dim1>& lhs, const Polynomial<T2,Dim2>& rhs);
-        /* integral and derivatives */
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim, typename I>
-            typename std::enable_if<std::is_integral<I>::value, Polynomial<T,Dim>>::type
-            operator<<(const Polynomial<T,Dim>& lhs, const std::array<I,Dim>& k);
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim, typename I>
-            typename std::enable_if<std::is_integral<I>::value, Polynomial<T,Dim>>::type
-            operator>>(const Polynomial<T,Dim>& lhs, const std::array<I,Dim>& k);
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim, typename I>
-            typename std::enable_if<std::is_integral<I>::value, Polynomial<T,Dim>>::type
-            operator<<(Polynomial<T,Dim>&& lhs, const std::array<I,Dim>& k);
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim, typename I>
-            typename std::enable_if<std::is_integral<I>::value, Polynomial<T,Dim>>::type
-            operator>>(Polynomial<T,Dim>&& lhs, const std::array<I,Dim>& k);
-          /********************/
-         /** IMPLEMENTATION **/
-        /********************/
-        /* static members */
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim>
-            std::array<std::size_t,Dim> Polynomial<T,Dim>::orderFromShape(const std::array<std::size_t,Dim>& p_shape) {
-                std::array<std::size_t,Dim> order;
-                for (std::size_t d = 0; d < Dim; d++)
-                    order[d] = p_shape[d]-1;
-                return order;
-            }
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim>
-            std::array<std::size_t,Dim> Polynomial<T,Dim>::shapeFromOrder(const std::array<std::size_t,Dim>& p_order) {
-                std::array<std::size_t,Dim> shape;
-                for (std::size_t d = 0; d < Dim; d++)
-                    shape[d] = p_order[d]+1;
-                return shape;
-            }
-        /* constructors, destructors & operator= */
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim>
-        Polynomial<T,Dim>::Polynomial(const std::array<std::size_t,Dim>& p_shape) :
-            m_coeffs(), m_order() {
-                this->reshape(p_shape);
-        }
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim>
-            Polynomial<T,Dim>::Polynomial(const hysop::multi_array<T,Dim>&  p_coeffs) :
-                m_coeffs(p_coeffs), m_order(orderFromShape(m_coeffs.shape())) {
-        }
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim>
-            Polynomial<T,Dim>::Polynomial(hysop::multi_array<T,Dim>&& p_coeffs) :
-                m_coeffs(std::move(p_coeffs)), m_order(orderFromShape(m_coeffs.shape())) {
-        }
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim>
-        template <typename U>
-            Polynomial<T,Dim>::Polynomial(const Polynomial<U,Dim>& p_other) {
-                this->reshape(p_other.shape());
-                for (std::size_t k=0; k < m_coeffs.num_elements(); k++)
-          [k] = static_cast<T>([k]);
-        }
-        /* accessors */
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim>
-        const hysop::multi_array<T,Dim>& Polynomial<T,Dim>::coefficients() const {
-            return m_coeffs;
-        }
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim>
-        hysop::multi_array<T,Dim>& Polynomial<T,Dim>::coefficients() {
-            return m_coeffs;
-        }
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim>
-        const std::array<std::size_t,Dim>&  Polynomial<T,Dim>::order() const {
-            return m_order;
-        }
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim>
-        std::array<std::size_t,Dim> Polynomial<T,Dim>::shape() const {
-            return m_coeffs.shape();
-        }
-        /* mutators */
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim>
-        Polynomial<T,Dim>& Polynomial<T,Dim>::reshape(const std::array<std::size_t,Dim>& p_shape) {
-            m_order = orderFromShape(p_shape);
-            m_coeffs.reshape(p_shape);
-            return *this;
-        }
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim>
-        Polynomial<T,Dim>& Polynomial<T,Dim>::setOrder(const std::array<std::size_t,Dim>& p_order) {
-            m_order = p_order;
-            m_coeffs.reshape(shapeFromOrder(p_order));
-            return *this;
-        }
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim>
-        Polynomial<T,Dim>& Polynomial<T,Dim>::applyToCoefficients(const std::function<void(T&)>& func) {
-            m_coeffs.apply(func);
-            return *this;
-        }
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim>
-        Polynomial<T,Dim>& Polynomial<T,Dim>::applyToCoefficients(const std::function<void(T&, const Index<Dim>&)>& func) {
-            m_coeffs.apply(func);
-            return *this;
-        }
-        /* apply func(T&, const Index<Dim>&, farg0, fargs...) on all coefficients */
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim>
-        template <typename Functor, typename Arg0, typename... Args> 
-        Polynomial<T,Dim>& Polynomial<T,Dim>::applyToCoefficients(const Functor& func, Arg0&& farg0, Args&&... fargs) {
-            m_coeffs.apply(func, farg0, fargs...);
-            return *this;
-        }
-        /* access to coefficients */
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim>
-        const T& Polynomial<T,Dim>::operator[](std::size_t k) const {
-            return[k];
-        }
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim>
-        T& Polynomial<T,Dim>::operator[](std::size_t k) {
-            return[k];
-        }
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim>
-        const T& Polynomial<T,Dim>::operator[](const Index<Dim> &p_id) const {
-            return[];
-        }
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim>
-        T& Polynomial<T,Dim>::operator[](const Index<Dim> &p_id) {
-            return[];
-        }
-        /* polynomial evaluation */
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim>
-        template <typename U1, typename... U, typename R> 
-            R Polynomial<T,Dim>::operator()(const U1& x1, const U&... xs) const {
-                return this->operator()(std::array<R,Dim>{x1,xs...});
-        }
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim>
-        template <typename U, typename R>
-            R Polynomial<T,Dim>::operator()(const U* p_x) const {
-                return this->operator()(std::array<U,Dim>(p_x));
-        }
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim>
-        template <typename U, typename R>
-            R Polynomial<T,Dim>::operator()(const std::array<U,Dim> &p_x) const {
-                /* compute result */
-                R res = R(0);
-                const T* coeffs =;
-                PolynomIndex<U> idx(p_x, this->shape());
-                while(!idx.atMaxId()) {
-                    res += coeffs[idx()]*idx.value();
-                    ++idx;
-                }
-                return res;
-        }
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim> 
-        std::string Polynomial<T,Dim>::toString(unsigned int p_precision, unsigned int p_width) const {
-            return toStringImpl<Dim>(m_coeffs, p_precision, p_width); 
-        }
-        /* struct PolynomIndex */
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim> 
-            template <typename X> 
-                template <typename DimArray, typename IndexArray>
-            Polynomial<T,Dim>::PolynomIndex<X>::
-            PolynomIndex(std::array<X,Dim> p_spaceVar, const DimArray& p_dim, const IndexArray& p_ids):
-                Index<Dim>(p_dim, p_ids), m_spaceVar(p_spaceVar), m_powers{0}, m_value(0) {
-                    this->initialize();
-            }
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim> 
-            template <typename X> 
-            void Polynomial<T,Dim>::PolynomIndex<X>::initialize() {
-                m_value = X(1);
-                for (std::size_t d=0; d<Dim; d++) {
-                    X power = std::pow(m_spaceVar[d],this->operator[](d));
-                    m_powers[d] = power;
-                    m_value *= power; 
-                }
-            }
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim> 
-            template <typename X> 
-            const std::array<X,Dim>& Polynomial<T,Dim>::PolynomIndex<X>::spaceVariable() const {
-                return m_spaceVar;
-            }
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim> 
-            template <typename X> 
-            X Polynomial<T,Dim>::PolynomIndex<X>::value() const {
-                return m_value;
-            }
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim> 
-            template <typename X> 
-            void Polynomial<T,Dim>::PolynomIndex<X>::onIndexChange(std::size_t p_pos, std::ptrdiff_t p_offset) {
-                assert(p_offset == 1);
-                m_powers[p_pos] = m_powers[p_pos]*m_spaceVar[p_pos];
-                m_value *= m_spaceVar[p_pos];
-            }
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim> 
-            template <typename X> 
-            void Polynomial<T,Dim>::PolynomIndex<X>::onIndexOverflow (std::size_t p_pos) {
-                m_powers[p_pos] = X(1);
-                m_value = X(1);
-                for (std::size_t d=0; d < Dim; d++) 
-                    m_value *= m_powers[d];
-            }
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim>
-            std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Polynomial<T,Dim>& poly) {
-                os << poly.toString();
-                return os;
-            }
-    } /* end of namespace maths */
-} /* end of namesapce hysop */
-#endif /* end of include guard: HYSOP_POLYNOMIAL_H */
diff --git a/src/hysop++/src/maths/quad_maths.h b/src/hysop++/src/maths/quad_maths.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 97ae1fe0b..000000000
--- a/src/hysop++/src/maths/quad_maths.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,299 +0,0 @@
-#include <cfloat>
-#include <cmath>
-#include <limits>
-#include <quadmath.h>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <iomanip>
-/* missing gcc defines */
-#define FLT128_HAS_DENORM      true
-#define FLT128_HAS_INFINITY    true
-#define FLT128_HAS_QUIET_NAN   true
-namespace std {
-    template<> struct numeric_limits<__float128> {
-        static constexpr bool is_specialized = true;
-        static constexpr __float128 min() { return FLT128_MIN; }
-        static constexpr __float128 max() { return FLT128_MAX; }
-        static constexpr __float128 lowest() noexcept { return -FLT128_MAX; }
-        static constexpr int digits = FLT128_MANT_DIG;
-        static constexpr int digits10 = FLT128_DIG;
-        static constexpr int max_digits10 = (2 + (FLT128_MANT_DIG) * 643L / 2136);
-        static constexpr bool is_signed = true;
-        static constexpr bool is_integer = false;
-        static constexpr bool is_exact = false;
-        static constexpr int radix = FLT128_RADIX;
-        static constexpr __float128 epsilon()      { return FLT128_EPSILON; }
-        static constexpr __float128 round_error()  { return 0.5; }
-        static constexpr int min_exponent = FLT128_MIN_EXP;
-        static constexpr int min_exponent10 = FLT128_MIN_10_EXP;
-        static constexpr int max_exponent = FLT128_MAX_EXP;
-        static constexpr int max_exponent10 = FLT128_MAX_10_EXP;
-        static constexpr bool has_infinity = FLT128_HAS_INFINITY;
-        static constexpr bool has_quiet_NaN = FLT128_HAS_QUIET_NAN;
-        static constexpr bool has_signaling_NaN = has_quiet_NaN;
-        static constexpr float_denorm_style has_denorm = bool(FLT128_HAS_DENORM) ? denorm_present : denorm_absent;
-        static constexpr bool has_denorm_loss = std::numeric_limits<float>::has_denorm_loss;
-        static constexpr __float128 infinity()      { return std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity(); }
-        static constexpr __float128 quiet_NaN()     { return std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN(); }
-        static constexpr __float128 signaling_NaN() { return std::numeric_limits<float>::signaling_NaN(); }
-        static constexpr __float128 denorm_min()    { return FLT128_DENORM_MIN; }
-        static constexpr bool is_iec559 = has_infinity && has_quiet_NaN && has_denorm == denorm_present;
-        static constexpr bool is_bounded = true;
-        static constexpr bool is_modulo = false;
-        static constexpr bool traps = false;
-        static constexpr bool tinyness_before = false;
-        static constexpr float_round_style round_style = round_to_nearest;
-    };
-    inline int fpclassify(__float128 arg) { return std::fpclassify(static_cast<long double>(arg)); }
-    inline __float128 abs(__float128 x) { return cabsq(__complex128{x,0.0Q}); }
-    inline __float128 acos(__float128 x) { return acosq(x); }
-    inline __float128 acosh(__float128 x) { return acoshq(x); }
-    inline __float128 asin(__float128 x) { return asinq(x); }
-    inline __float128 asinh(__float128 x) { return asinhq(x); }
-    inline __float128 atan(__float128 x) { return atanq(x); }
-    inline __float128 atanh(__float128 x) { return atanhq(x); }
-    inline __float128 cbrt(__float128 x) { return cbrtq(x); }
-    inline __float128 ceil(__float128 x) { return ceilq(x); }
-    inline __float128 cosh(__float128 x) { return coshq(x); }
-    inline __float128 cos(__float128 x) { return cosq(x); }
-    inline __float128 erf(__float128 x) { return erfq(x); }
-    inline __float128 erfc(__float128 x) { return erfcq(x); }
-    inline __float128 exp(__float128 x) { return expq(x); }
-    inline __float128 expm1(__float128 x) { return expm1q(x); }
-    inline __float128 fabs(__float128 x) { return fabsq(x); }
-    inline int        finite(__float128 x) { return finiteq(x); }
-    inline __float128 floor(__float128 x) { return floorq(x); }
-    inline __float128 frexp(__float128 x, int* p) { return frexpq(x,p); }
-    inline int        isinf(__float128 x) { return isinfq(x); }
-    inline int        ilogb(__float128 x) { return ilogbq(x); }
-    inline int        isnan(__float128 x) { return isnanq(x); }
-    inline __float128 j0(__float128 x) { return j0q(x); }
-    inline __float128 j1(__float128 x) { return j1q(x); }
-    inline __float128 jn(int i, __float128 x) { return jnq(i,x); }
-    inline __float128 ldexp(__float128 x, int i) { return ldexpq(x,i); }
-    inline __float128 lgamma(__float128 x) { return lgammaq(x); }
-    inline long long int llrint(__float128 x) { return llrintq(x); }
-    inline long long int llround(__float128 x) { return llroundq(x); }
-    inline __float128 log(__float128 x) { return logq(x); }
-    inline __float128 log10(__float128 x) { return log10q(x); }
-    inline __float128 log2(__float128 x) { return log2q(x); }
-    inline __float128 log1p(__float128 x) { return log1pq(x); }
-    inline long int   lrint(__float128 x) { return lrintq(x); }
-    inline long int   lround(__float128 x) { return lroundq(x); }
-    inline __float128 nearbyint(__float128 x) { return nearbyintq(x); }
-    inline __float128 pow(__float128 x, __float128 y) { return powq(x,y); }
-    inline __float128 rint(__float128 x) { return rintq(x); }
-    inline __float128 round(__float128 x) { return roundq(x); }
-    inline __float128 scalbln(__float128 x, long int li) { return scalblnq(x,li); }
-    inline __float128 scalbn(__float128 x, int i) { return scalbnq(x,i); }
-    inline int        signbit(__float128 x) { return signbitq(x); }
-    inline __float128 sinh(__float128 x) { return sinhq(x); }
-    inline __float128 sin(__float128 x) { return sinq(x); }
-    inline __float128 sqrt(__float128 x) { return sqrtq(x); }
-    inline __float128 tan(__float128 x) { return tanq(x); }
-    inline __float128 tanh(__float128 x) { return tanhq(x); }
-    inline __float128 tgamma(__float128 x) { return tgammaq(x); }
-    inline __float128 trunc(__float128 x) { return truncq(x); }
-    inline __float128 y0(__float128 x) { return y0q(x); }
-    inline __float128 y1(__float128 x) { return y1q(x); }
-    inline __float128 yn(int i, __float128 x) { return ynq(i,x); }
-    /* Prototypes for complex functions */
-    inline __float128 abs(__complex128 x) { return cabsq(x); }
-    inline __float128 arg(__complex128 x) { return cargq(x); }
-    inline __float128 imag(__complex128 x) { return cimagq(x); }
-    inline __float128 real(__complex128 x) { return crealq(x); }
-    inline __complex128 acos(__complex128 x) { return cacosq(x); }
-    inline __complex128 acosh(__complex128 x) { return cacoshq(x); }
-    inline __complex128 asin(__complex128 x) { return casinq(x); }
-    inline __complex128 asinh(__complex128 x) { return casinhq(x); }
-    inline __complex128 atan(__complex128 x) { return catanq(x); }
-    inline __complex128 atanh(__complex128 x) { return catanhq(x); }
-    inline __complex128 cos(__complex128 x) { return ccosq(x); }
-    inline __complex128 cosh(__complex128 x) { return ccoshq(x); }
-    inline __complex128 exp(__complex128 x) { return cexpq(x); }
-    inline __complex128 expi(__float128 x) { return cexpiq(x); }
-    inline __complex128 log10(__complex128 x) { return clog10q(x); }
-    inline __complex128 conj(__complex128 x) { return conjq(x); }
-    inline __complex128 pow(__complex128 x, __complex128 y) { return cpowq(x,y); }
-    inline __complex128 proj(__complex128 x) { return cprojq(x); }
-    inline __complex128 sin(__complex128 x) { return csinq(x); }
-    inline __complex128 sinh(__complex128 x) { return csinhq(x); }
-    inline __complex128 sqrt(__complex128 x) { return csqrtq(x); }
-    inline __complex128 tan(__complex128 x) { return ctanq(x); }
-    inline __complex128 tanh(__complex128 x) { return ctanhq(x); }
-    inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, __float128 x) {
-        const int prec = os.precision();
-        if(prec==0) {
-            os << static_cast<long long int>(x);
-        }
-        else { 
-            char buf[128];
-            const std::string format = "%+-#"+std::to_string(prec)+".*Qe";
-            const int n = quadmath_snprintf(buf,128,format.c_str(),prec,x);
-            if(n>127) {
-                char *str = new char[n+1];
-                if (str)
-                    quadmath_snprintf (str,n+1,format.c_str(),prec,x);
-                os << str;
-                delete(str);
-            }
-            else {
-                os << buf;
-            }
-        }
-        return os;
-    }
-#include <complex>
-namespace std {
-    inline __float128 abs(std::complex<__float128> x) { 
-        __complex128 X{x.real(),x.imag()};
-        return cabsq(X);
-    }
-    inline __float128 arg(std::complex<__float128> x) {
-        __complex128 X{x.real(),x.imag()};
-        return cargq(X);
-    }
-    inline __float128 imag(std::complex<__float128> x) { 
-        __complex128 X{x.real(),x.imag()};
-        return cimagq(X);
-    }
-    inline __float128 real(std::complex<__float128> x) { 
-        __complex128 X{x.real(),x.imag()};
-        return crealq(X);
-    }
-    inline std::complex<__float128> acos(std::complex<__float128> x) { 
-        __complex128 X{x.real(),x.imag()};
-        X = cacosq(X);
-        return std::complex<__float128>(__real__ X, __imag__ X);
-    }
-    inline std::complex<__float128> acosh(std::complex<__float128> x) { 
-        __complex128 X{x.real(),x.imag()};
-        X = cacoshq(X);
-        return std::complex<__float128>(__real__ X, __imag__ X);
-    }
-    inline std::complex<__float128> asin(std::complex<__float128> x) { 
-        __complex128 X{x.real(),x.imag()};
-        X = casinq(X);
-        return std::complex<__float128>(__real__ X, __imag__ X);
-    }
-    inline std::complex<__float128> asinh(std::complex<__float128> x) { 
-        __complex128 X{x.real(),x.imag()};
-        X = casinhq(X);
-        return std::complex<__float128>(__real__ X, __imag__ X);
-    }
-    inline std::complex<__float128> atan(std::complex<__float128> x) { 
-        __complex128 X{x.real(),x.imag()};
-        X = catanq(X);
-        return std::complex<__float128>(__real__ X, __imag__ X);
-    }
-    inline std::complex<__float128> atanh(std::complex<__float128> x) { 
-        __complex128 X{x.real(),x.imag()};
-        X = catanhq(X);
-        return std::complex<__float128>(__real__ X, __imag__ X);
-    }
-    inline std::complex<__float128> cos(std::complex<__float128> x) { 
-        __complex128 X{x.real(),x.imag()};
-        X = ccosq(X);
-        return std::complex<__float128>(__real__ X, __imag__ X);
-    }
-    inline std::complex<__float128> cosh(std::complex<__float128> x) { 
-        __complex128 X{x.real(),x.imag()};
-        X = ccoshq(X);
-        return std::complex<__float128>(__real__ X, __imag__ X);
-    }
-    inline std::complex<__float128> exp(std::complex<__float128> x) { 
-        __complex128 X{x.real(),x.imag()};
-        X = cexpq(X);
-        return std::complex<__float128>(__real__ X, __imag__ X);
-    }
-    //inline std::complex<__float128> expi(__float128 x) { 
-        //__complex128 X = cexpiq(x);
-        //return std::complex<__float128>(__real__ X, __imag__ X);
-    //}
-    inline std::complex<__float128> log10(std::complex<__float128> x) { 
-        __complex128 X{x.real(),x.imag()};
-        X = clog10q(X);
-        return std::complex<__float128>(__real__ X, __imag__ X);
-    }
-    inline std::complex<__float128> conj(std::complex<__float128> x) { 
-        __complex128 X{x.real(),x.imag()};
-        X = conjq(X);
-        return std::complex<__float128>(__real__ X, __imag__ X);
-    }
-    inline std::complex<__float128> pow(std::complex<__float128> x, std::complex<__float128> y) {
-        __complex128 X{x.real(),x.imag()};
-        __complex128 Y{y.real(),y.imag()};
-        X = cpowq(X,Y);
-        return std::complex<__float128>(__real__ X, __imag__ X);
-    }
-    inline std::complex<__float128> proj(std::complex<__float128> x) { 
-        __complex128 X{x.real(),x.imag()};
-        X = cprojq(X);
-        return std::complex<__float128>(__real__ X, __imag__ X);
-    }
-    inline std::complex<__float128> sin(std::complex<__float128> x) { 
-        __complex128 X{x.real(),x.imag()};
-        X = csinq(X);
-        return std::complex<__float128>(__real__ X, __imag__ X);
-    }
-    inline std::complex<__float128> sinh(std::complex<__float128> x) { 
-        __complex128 X{x.real(),x.imag()};
-        X = csinhq(X);
-        return std::complex<__float128>(__real__ X, __imag__ X);
-    }
-    inline std::complex<__float128> sqrt(std::complex<__float128> x) { 
-        __complex128 X{x.real(),x.imag()};
-        X = csqrtq(X);
-        return std::complex<__float128>(__real__ X, __imag__ X);
-    }
-    inline std::complex<__float128> tan(std::complex<__float128> x) { 
-        __complex128 X{x.real(),x.imag()};
-        X = ctanq(X);
-        return std::complex<__float128>(__real__ X, __imag__ X);
-    }
-    inline std::complex<__float128> tanh(std::complex<__float128> x) { 
-        __complex128 X{x.real(),x.imag()};
-        X = ctanhq(X);
-        return std::complex<__float128>(__real__ X, __imag__ X);
-    }
-    inline std::complex< __float128 > pow(std::complex< __float128> x , __float128 y) {
-        __float128 R = powq(std::abs(x), y);
-        __float128 phi = atanq(x.imag()/x.real());
-        return std::complex<__float128 >(R*cosq(y*phi), R*sinq(y*phi));
-    }
-#endif /* end of include guard: HYSOP_QUAD_MATHS_H */
diff --git a/src/hysop++/src/solver/diffSolver.h b/src/hysop++/src/solver/diffSolver.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 7b6908803..000000000
--- a/src/hysop++/src/solver/diffSolver.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-#include "data/multi_array/multi_array.h"
-namespace hysop {
-    namespace solver {
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim>
-            class DiffSolver {
-                public:
-                    virtual void apply(hysop::const_multi_array_ref<T,Dim> input,
-                            hysop::multi_array_ref<T,Dim> output,
-                            const std::array<int,Dim> &order) const = 0;
-                    void operator()(hysop::const_multi_array_ref<T,Dim> input, 
-                                    hysop::multi_array_ref<T,Dim> output, 
-                            const std::array<int,Dim> &order) {
-                        this->apply(input,output,order);
-                    }
-            };
-    } /* end of namespace solver */
-} /* end of namespace hysop */
-#endif /* end of include guard: HYSOP_DIFFSOLVER_H */
diff --git a/src/hysop++/src/solver/fftDiffSolver.h b/src/hysop++/src/solver/fftDiffSolver.h
deleted file mode 100644
index d9951e7a7..000000000
--- a/src/hysop++/src/solver/fftDiffSolver.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,191 +0,0 @@
-#include "solver/diffSolver.h"
-#include "fft/planner.h"
-#include "data/accumulatorIndex.h"
-namespace hysop {
-    namespace solver {
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim>
-            class FftDiffSolver : public DiffSolver<T,Dim>  {
-                private:
-                    using super = DiffSolver<T,Dim>;
-                public:
-                    FftDiffSolver()                              = default;
-                    FftDiffSolver(const FftDiffSolver&  p_other) = default;
-                    FftDiffSolver(      FftDiffSolver&& p_other) = default;
-                    ~FftDiffSolver()                             = default;
-                    FftDiffSolver& operator=(const FftDiffSolver&  p_other) = default;
-                    FftDiffSolver& operator=(      FftDiffSolver&& p_other) = default;
-                    FftDiffSolver(const std::array<T,Dim> &p_domainSize, const fft::FftDomainConfiguration<Dim> &p_inputFftConfig,
-                            unsigned int p_fftFlags = FFTW_MEASURE,
-                            bool p_includeOutputPeriodicBds=false, bool p_mirrorOutputPeriodicBds=false);
-                    /* Mutators */
-                    FftDiffSolver& setDomainSize(const std::array<T,Dim>& p_domainSize);
-                    FftDiffSolver& setFftDomainConfiguration(const fft::FftDomainConfiguration<Dim>& p_fftConfig);
-                    FftDiffSolver& setFftFlags(unsigned int p_flags);
-                    FftDiffSolver& appendFftFlags(unsigned int p_flags);
-                    FftDiffSolver& includeOutputPeriodicBoundaries(bool p_val = true);
-                    FftDiffSolver& excludeOutputPeriodicBoundaries();
-                    FftDiffSolver& enableOutputPeriodicBoundariesMirroring(bool p_val = true);
-                    FftDiffSolver& disableOutputPeriodicBoundariesMirroring();
-                    /* Accessors */
-                    std::array<T,Dim>                domainSize() const;
-                    fft::FftDomainConfiguration<Dim> inputFftConfig() const;
-                    unsigned int fftFlags() const;
-                    bool includeOutputPeriodicBds() const;
-                    bool mirrorOutputPeriodicBds()  const;
-                    /* Apply operator */
-                    virtual void apply(hysop::const_multi_array_ref<T,Dim> p_input,
-                                       hysop::multi_array_ref<T,Dim> p_output,
-                                       const std::array<int,Dim> &p_order) const final override;
-                protected:
-                    std::array<T,Dim>           m_domainSize;
-                    fft::FftDomainConfiguration<Dim> m_inputFftConfig;
-                    unsigned int m_fftFlags;
-                    bool m_includeOutputPeriodicBds, m_mirrorOutputPeriodicBds;
-            };
-        /* Implementation */
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim>
-        FftDiffSolver<T,Dim>::FftDiffSolver(const std::array<T,Dim> &p_domainSize, const fft::FftDomainConfiguration<Dim> &p_inputFftConfig,
-                unsigned int p_fftFlags,
-                bool p_includeOutputPeriodicBds, bool p_mirrorOutputPeriodicBds):
-                m_domainSize(p_domainSize), m_inputFftConfig(p_inputFftConfig), 
-                m_fftFlags(p_fftFlags),
-                m_includeOutputPeriodicBds(p_includeOutputPeriodicBds), m_mirrorOutputPeriodicBds(p_mirrorOutputPeriodicBds) {
-        }
-        /* Mutators */
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim>
-            FftDiffSolver<T,Dim>& FftDiffSolver<T,Dim>::setDomainSize(const std::array<T,Dim>& p_domainSize) {
-                m_domainSize = p_domainSize;
-                return *this;
-            }
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim>
-            FftDiffSolver<T,Dim>& FftDiffSolver<T,Dim>::setFftDomainConfiguration(const fft::FftDomainConfiguration<Dim>& p_fftConfig) {
-                m_inputFftConfig = p_fftConfig;
-                return *this;
-            }
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim>
-            FftDiffSolver<T,Dim>& FftDiffSolver<T,Dim>::includeOutputPeriodicBoundaries(bool p_val) {
-                m_includeOutputPeriodicBds = p_val;
-                return *this;
-            }
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim>
-            FftDiffSolver<T,Dim>& FftDiffSolver<T,Dim>::excludeOutputPeriodicBoundaries() {
-                return this->includeOutputPeriodicBoundaries(false);
-            }
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim>
-            FftDiffSolver<T,Dim>& FftDiffSolver<T,Dim>::setFftFlags(unsigned int p_flags) {
-                m_fftFlags = p_flags;
-                return *this;
-            }
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim>
-            FftDiffSolver<T,Dim>& FftDiffSolver<T,Dim>::appendFftFlags(unsigned int p_flags) {
-                m_fftFlags |= p_flags;
-                return *this;
-            }
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim>
-            FftDiffSolver<T,Dim>& FftDiffSolver<T,Dim>::enableOutputPeriodicBoundariesMirroring(bool p_val) {
-                m_mirrorOutputPeriodicBds = p_val;
-                return *this;
-            }
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim>
-            FftDiffSolver<T,Dim>& FftDiffSolver<T,Dim>::disableOutputPeriodicBoundariesMirroring() {
-                return this->enableOutputPeriodicBoundariesMirroring(false);
-            }
-        /* Accessors */
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim>
-            std::array<T,Dim> FftDiffSolver<T,Dim>::domainSize() const {
-                return m_domainSize;
-            }
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim>
-            fft::FftDomainConfiguration<Dim> FftDiffSolver<T,Dim>::inputFftConfig() const {
-                return m_inputFftConfig;
-            }
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim>
-            unsigned int FftDiffSolver<T,Dim>::fftFlags() const {
-                return m_fftFlags;
-            }
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim>
-            bool FftDiffSolver<T,Dim>::includeOutputPeriodicBds() const {
-                return m_includeOutputPeriodicBds;
-            }
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim>
-            bool FftDiffSolver<T,Dim>::mirrorOutputPeriodicBds()  const {
-                return m_mirrorOutputPeriodicBds;
-            }
-        /* Apply operator */
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim>
-        void FftDiffSolver<T,Dim>::apply(
-                hysop::const_multi_array_ref<T,Dim> p_input,
-                hysop::multi_array_ref<T,Dim> p_output,
-                const std::array<int,Dim> &p_order) const {
-            fft::Planner<T,Dim> planner;
-            bool success = planner.plan(p_input, p_output, m_inputFftConfig, p_order, m_domainSize, m_fftFlags, 
-                                m_includeOutputPeriodicBds, m_mirrorOutputPeriodicBds);
-            if(!success) 
-                throw std::runtime_error("Failed to plan transforms !");
-            planner.executeForwardTransform();
-            {
-                AccumulatorIndex<std::complex<T>,Dim> idx;
-                idx.setAccumulatorSource(planner.waveNumbersPows()).setAccumulatorFunction(std::multiplies<std::complex<T>>());
-                if(planner.transformType() == fft::FftTransformType::FFT_R2R) {
-                    multi_array_view<T,Dim> view = planner.transformedRealData();
-                    //view.print("PRE-RDATA");
-                    idx.reset(view.shape());
-                    while(!idx.atMaxId()) {
-                        view(idx.ids()) *= idx.accumulatedVal().real()/planner.normalisationFactor();
-                        ++idx;
-                    }
-                    //view.print("POST-RDATA");
-                }
-                else if(planner.transformType() == fft::FftTransformType::FFT_R2C) {
-                    multi_array_ref<std::complex<T>,Dim> ref = planner.transformedComplexData();
-                    std::complex<T> *data =;
-                    //ref.print("PRE-CDATA");
-                    idx.reset(ref.shape());
-                    while(!idx.atMaxId()) {
-                        data[idx()] *= idx.accumulatedVal()/planner.normalisationFactor();
-                        ++idx;
-                    }
-                    //ref.print("POST-CDATA");
-                }
-            }
-            planner.executeBackwardTransform();
-        }
-    } /* end of namespace solver */
-} /* end of namespace hysop */
-#endif /* end of include guard: HYSOP_FFTDIFFSOLVER_H */
diff --git a/src/hysop++/src/solver/fftPoissonSolver.h b/src/hysop++/src/solver/fftPoissonSolver.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 5e9ac41c0..000000000
--- a/src/hysop++/src/solver/fftPoissonSolver.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,206 +0,0 @@
-#include <cmath>
-#include "maths/quad_maths.h"
-#include "solver/poissonSolver.h"
-#include "fft/planner.h"
-#include "data/accumulatorIndex.h"
-namespace hysop {
-    namespace solver {
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim>
-            class FftPoissonSolver : public PoissonSolver<T,Dim>  {
-                private:
-                    using super = PoissonSolver<T,Dim>;
-                public:
-                    FftPoissonSolver()                                 = default;
-                    FftPoissonSolver(const FftPoissonSolver&  p_other) = default;
-                    FftPoissonSolver(      FftPoissonSolver&& p_other) = default;
-                    ~FftPoissonSolver()                                = default;
-                    FftPoissonSolver& operator=(const FftPoissonSolver&  p_other) = default;
-                    FftPoissonSolver& operator=(      FftPoissonSolver&& p_other) = default;
-                    FftPoissonSolver(const std::array<T,Dim> &p_domainSize, const domain::DomainConfiguration<Dim> &p_domainConfig,
-                            unsigned int p_fftFlags = FFTW_MEASURE,
-                            bool p_includeOutputPeriodicBds=false, bool p_mirrorOutputPeriodicBds=false);
-                    /* Mutators */
-                    FftPoissonSolver& setDomainSize(const std::array<T,Dim>& p_domainSize);
-                    FftPoissonSolver& setInputDomainConfiguration(const domain::DomainConfiguration<Dim>& p_domainConfig);
-                    FftPoissonSolver& setFftFlags(unsigned int p_flags);
-                    FftPoissonSolver& appendFftFlags(unsigned int p_flags);
-                    FftPoissonSolver& includeOutputPeriodicBoundaries(bool p_val = true);
-                    FftPoissonSolver& excludeOutputPeriodicBoundaries();
-                    FftPoissonSolver& enableOutputPeriodicBoundariesMirroring(bool p_val = true);
-                    FftPoissonSolver& disableOutputPeriodicBoundariesMirroring();
-                    /* Accessors */
-                    std::array<T,Dim>                domainSize() const;
-                    domain::DomainConfiguration<Dim> inputDomainConfig() const;
-                    unsigned int fftFlags() const;
-                    bool includeOutputPeriodicBds() const;
-                    bool mirrorOutputPeriodicBds()  const;
-                    /* Apply operator */
-                    virtual void apply(hysop::const_multi_array_ref<T,Dim> p_input,
-                                       hysop::multi_array_ref<T,Dim> p_output) const final override;
-                protected:
-                    std::array<T,Dim>           m_domainSize;
-                    domain::DomainConfiguration<Dim> m_inputDomainConfig;
-                    unsigned int m_fftFlags;
-                    bool m_includeOutputPeriodicBds, m_mirrorOutputPeriodicBds;
-            };
-        /* Implementation */
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim>
-        FftPoissonSolver<T,Dim>::FftPoissonSolver(const std::array<T,Dim> &p_domainSize, const domain::DomainConfiguration<Dim> &p_inputDomainConfig,
-                unsigned int p_fftFlags,
-                bool p_includeOutputPeriodicBds, bool p_mirrorOutputPeriodicBds):
-                m_domainSize(p_domainSize), m_inputDomainConfig(p_inputDomainConfig), 
-                m_fftFlags(p_fftFlags),
-                m_includeOutputPeriodicBds(p_includeOutputPeriodicBds), m_mirrorOutputPeriodicBds(p_mirrorOutputPeriodicBds) {
-        }
-        /* Mutators */
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim>
-            FftPoissonSolver<T,Dim>& FftPoissonSolver<T,Dim>::setDomainSize(const std::array<T,Dim>& p_domainSize) {
-                m_domainSize = p_domainSize;
-                return *this;
-            }
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim>
-            FftPoissonSolver<T,Dim>& FftPoissonSolver<T,Dim>::setInputDomainConfiguration(const domain::DomainConfiguration<Dim>& p_inputDomainConfig) {
-                m_inputDomainConfig = p_inputDomainConfig;
-                return *this;
-            }
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim>
-            FftPoissonSolver<T,Dim>& FftPoissonSolver<T,Dim>::includeOutputPeriodicBoundaries(bool p_val) {
-                m_includeOutputPeriodicBds = p_val;
-                return *this;
-            }
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim>
-            FftPoissonSolver<T,Dim>& FftPoissonSolver<T,Dim>::excludeOutputPeriodicBoundaries() {
-                return this->includeOutputPeriodicBoundaries(false);
-            }
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim>
-            FftPoissonSolver<T,Dim>& FftPoissonSolver<T,Dim>::setFftFlags(unsigned int p_flags) {
-                m_fftFlags = p_flags;
-                return *this;
-            }
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim>
-            FftPoissonSolver<T,Dim>& FftPoissonSolver<T,Dim>::appendFftFlags(unsigned int p_flags) {
-                m_fftFlags |= p_flags;
-                return *this;
-            }
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim>
-            FftPoissonSolver<T,Dim>& FftPoissonSolver<T,Dim>::enableOutputPeriodicBoundariesMirroring(bool p_val) {
-                m_mirrorOutputPeriodicBds = p_val;
-                return *this;
-            }
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim>
-            FftPoissonSolver<T,Dim>& FftPoissonSolver<T,Dim>::disableOutputPeriodicBoundariesMirroring() {
-                return this->enableOutputPeriodicBoundariesMirroring(false);
-            }
-        /* Accessors */
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim>
-            std::array<T,Dim> FftPoissonSolver<T,Dim>::domainSize() const {
-                return m_domainSize;
-            }
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim>
-            domain::DomainConfiguration<Dim> FftPoissonSolver<T,Dim>::inputDomainConfig() const {
-                return m_inputDomainConfig;
-            }
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim>
-            unsigned int FftPoissonSolver<T,Dim>::fftFlags() const {
-                return m_fftFlags;
-            }
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim>
-            bool FftPoissonSolver<T,Dim>::includeOutputPeriodicBds() const {
-                return m_includeOutputPeriodicBds;
-            }
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim>
-            bool FftPoissonSolver<T,Dim>::mirrorOutputPeriodicBds()  const {
-                return m_mirrorOutputPeriodicBds;
-            }
-        /* Apply operator */
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim>
-        void FftPoissonSolver<T,Dim>::apply(
-                hysop::const_multi_array_ref<T,Dim> p_input,
-                hysop::multi_array_ref<T,Dim> p_output) const {
-            fft::Planner<T,Dim> planner;
-            planner.setFixedAxeWaveNumberPows(std::complex<T>(0,0));
-            {
-                std::array<int, Dim> order;
-                for (std::size_t d=0; d<Dim; d++)
-                    order[d] = (m_inputDomainConfig[d].first == domain::Boundary::NONE ? 0 : 2);
-                bool success = planner.plan(p_input, p_output, m_inputDomainConfig, order, m_domainSize, m_fftFlags, 
-                                    m_includeOutputPeriodicBds, m_mirrorOutputPeriodicBds);
-                if(!success) 
-                    throw std::runtime_error("Failed to plan transforms !");
-            }
-            const T normalisationFactor = planner.normalisationFactor();
-            //std::cout << planner << std::endl;
-            planner.executeForwardTransform();
-            {
-                AccumulatorIndex<std::complex<T>,Dim> idx;
-                idx.setAccumulatorSource(planner.waveNumbersPows()).setAccumulatorFunction(std::plus<std::complex<T>>());
-                if(planner.transformType() == fft::FftTransformType::FFT_R2R) {
-                    multi_array_view<T,Dim> view = planner.transformedRealData();
-                    //view.print("PRE-RDATA");
-                    idx.reset(view.shape());
-                    while(!idx.atMaxId()) {
-                        T filter = idx.accumulatedVal().real(); 
-                        filter = (std::fpclassify(filter)==FP_ZERO ? T(0) : (T(1)/filter)*(T(1)/normalisationFactor));  
-                        view(idx.ids()) *= filter;
-                        ++idx;
-                    }
-                    //view.print("POST-RDATA");
-                }
-                else if(planner.transformType() == fft::FftTransformType::FFT_R2C) {
-                    multi_array_ref<std::complex<T>,Dim> ref = planner.transformedComplexData();
-                    std::complex<T> *data =;
-                    //ref.print("PRE-CDATA");
-                    idx.reset(ref.shape());
-                    while(!idx.atMaxId()) {
-                        std::complex<T> filter = idx.accumulatedVal(); 
-                        filter = ((std::fpclassify(filter.real())==FP_ZERO) && (std::fpclassify(filter.imag())==FP_ZERO) ? 
-                                std::complex<T>(0,0) : (T(1)/filter)*(T(1)/normalisationFactor));
-                        data[idx()] *= filter;
-                        ++idx;
-                    }
-                    //ref.print("POST-CDATA");
-                }
-            }
-            planner.executeBackwardTransform();
-        }
-    } /* end of namespace solver */
-} /* end of namespace hysop */
-#endif /* end of include guard: HYSOP_FFTPOISSONSOLVER_H */
diff --git a/src/hysop++/src/solver/poissonSolver.h b/src/hysop++/src/solver/poissonSolver.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 61b16440a..000000000
--- a/src/hysop++/src/solver/poissonSolver.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-#include "data/multi_array/multi_array.h"
-namespace hysop {
-    namespace solver {
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim>
-            class PoissonSolver {
-                public:
-                    virtual void apply(hysop::const_multi_array_ref<T,Dim> input,
-                            hysop::multi_array_ref<T,Dim> output) const = 0;
-                    void operator()(hysop::const_multi_array_ref<T,Dim> input, 
-                                    hysop::multi_array_ref<T,Dim> output) {
-                        this->apply(input,output);
-                    }
-            };
-    } /* end of namespace solver */
-} /* end of namespace hysop */
-#endif /* end of include guard: HYSOP_POISSONSOLVER_H */
diff --git a/src/hysop++/src/utils/constants.h b/src/hysop++/src/utils/constants.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 585ed629e..000000000
--- a/src/hysop++/src/utils/constants.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef CONSTANTS_H
-#define CONSTANTS_H
-#include <cmath>
-#include "maths/quad_maths.h"
-#include "utils/types.h"
-namespace hysop {
-    namespace constants {
-        static constexpr hysop::types::complex I = hysop::types::complex(0,1);
-        static constexpr hysop::types::complex Z = hysop::types::complex(0,0);
-        static const __float128 pi = acosq(-1.0Q);
-        static const long double pi = acosl(-1.0L);
-    }
-#endif /* end of include guard: CONSTANTS_H */
diff --git a/src/hysop++/src/utils/default.h b/src/hysop++/src/utils/default.h
deleted file mode 100644
index efeacfb8d..000000000
--- a/src/hysop++/src/utils/default.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-#include "data/memory/minimalAllocator.h"
-#include "data/memory/fftwAllocator.h"
-namespace hysop {
-    namespace _default {
-        template <typename T>
-        using allocator = hysop::data::memory::MinimalAllocator<T>;
-        template <typename T>
-        using fft_allocator = hysop::data::memory::FftwAllocator<T>;
-    } /* end of namespace _default */
-} /* end of namespace hysop */
-#endif /* end of include guard: HYSOP_DEFAULT_H */
diff --git a/src/hysop++/src/utils/defines.h b/src/hysop++/src/utils/defines.h
deleted file mode 100644
index b456d75fa..000000000
--- a/src/hysop++/src/utils/defines.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-#include <stdexcept>
-#include <string>
-#if __cplusplus >= 201103L
-#define HAS_CXX11
-#if __cplusplus >= 201402L
-#define HAS_CXX14
-#define CAT(X,Y) CAT2(X,Y)
-#define CAT2(X,Y) X##Y
-#define CAT_2 CAT
-#define CAT_3(X,Y,Z) CAT(X,CAT(Y,Z))
-#define CAT_4(A,X,Y,Z) CAT(A,CAT_3(X,Y,Z))
-#define CAT_5(A,B,X,Y,Z) CAT_3(A,B,CAT_3(X,Y,Z))
-#define NOT_IMPLEMENTED_YET {                                                                                                    \
-    throw std::runtime_error("Function not implemented yet in " + std::string(__FILE__) + ":" + std::to_string(__LINE__) + "."); \
-//Linux console colors
-#define RESET   "\033[0m"
-#define BLACK   "\033[30m"      /* Black */
-#define RED     "\033[31m"      /* Red */
-#define GREEN   "\033[32m"      /* Green */
-#define YELLOW  "\033[33m"      /* Yellow */
-#define BLUE    "\033[34m"      /* Blue */
-#define MAGENTA "\033[35m"      /* Magenta */
-#define CYAN    "\033[36m"      /* Cyan */
-#define WHITE   "\033[37m"      /* White */
-#define BOLDBLACK   "\033[1m\033[30m"      /* Bold Black */
-#define BOLDRED     "\033[1m\033[31m"      /* Bold Red */
-#define BOLDGREEN   "\033[1m\033[32m"      /* Bold Green */
-#define BOLDYELLOW  "\033[1m\033[33m"      /* Bold Yellow */
-#define BOLDBLUE    "\033[1m\033[34m"      /* Bold Blue */
-#define BOLDMAGENTA "\033[1m\033[35m"      /* Bold Magenta */
-#define BOLDCYAN    "\033[1m\033[36m"      /* Bold Cyan */
-#define BOLDWHITE   "\033[1m\033[37m"      /* Bold White */
-#endif /* end of include guard: HYSOP_DEFINES_H */
diff --git a/src/hysop++/src/utils/types.h b/src/hysop++/src/utils/types.h
deleted file mode 100644
index ccbd3c345..000000000
--- a/src/hysop++/src/utils/types.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef HYSOP_TYPES_H
-#define HYSOP_TYPES_H
-#include <complex>
-#include <array>
-#include "utils/utils.h"
-#include "utils/default.h"
-namespace hysop {
-    /* forward declare external types */
-    namespace data {
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim, typename Allocator>
-            class multi_array;
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim>
-            class multi_array_ref;
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim>
-            class multi_array_view;
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim>
-            class const_multi_array_view;
-        template <typename T, std::size_t Dim>
-            class const_multi_array_ref;
-    } /* end of namespace data */
-    namespace types {
-        typedef double             real;  
-        typedef std::complex<real> complex;
-    } /* end of namespace types */
-/* expose the folowwing types to namespace hysop */
-/* swig does not support alias templates... */
-    template <std::size_t Dim> 
-        struct Shape { 
-            typedef std::array<std::size_t, Dim> type; 
-        };
-    template <std::size_t Dim> 
-        struct Offset { 
-            typedef std::array<std::ptrdiff_t, Dim> type; 
-        };
-    template <typename T, std::size_t Dim, typename Allocator = hysop::_default::allocator<T>>
-    using multi_array = hysop::data::multi_array<T,Dim,Allocator>;
-    template <typename T, std::size_t Dim>
-    using multi_array_view = hysop::data::multi_array_view<T,Dim>;
-    template <typename T, std::size_t Dim>
-    using const_multi_array_view = hysop::data::const_multi_array_view<T,Dim>;
-    template <typename T, std::size_t Dim>
-    using multi_array_ref = hysop::data::multi_array_ref<T,Dim>;
-    template <typename T, std::size_t Dim>
-    using const_multi_array_ref = hysop::data::const_multi_array_ref<T,Dim>;
-} /* end of namespace hysop */
-#endif /* end of include guard: HYSOP_TYPES_H */
diff --git a/src/hysop++/src/utils/utils.cpp b/src/hysop++/src/utils/utils.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 501243272..000000000
--- a/src/hysop++/src/utils/utils.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-#include "utils/utils.h"
-namespace std {
-    std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const fftw_iodim& iodim) {
-        os << "[n=" << iodim.n << ", is=" << << ", os=" << iodim.os << "]";
-        return os;
-    }
-namespace hysop {
-    namespace utils {
-    }
diff --git a/src/hysop++/src/utils/utils.h b/src/hysop++/src/utils/utils.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 4eaf5fcac..000000000
--- a/src/hysop++/src/utils/utils.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,197 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef HYSOP_UTILS_H
-#define HYSOP_UTILS_H
-#include <fftw3.h>
-#include <array>
-#include <vector>
-#include <tuple>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <limits>
-#include "maths/quad_maths.h"
-#include "detail/index_seq.h"
-#include <boost/multi_array.hpp>
-namespace hysop {
-    namespace utils {
-        template <typename... T>
-        void printTuple(std::ostream& os, const std::tuple<T...>& tuple);
-        template <typename T>
-            bool areEqual(const T &lhs, const T &rhs);
-        template <typename T>
-            bool areNotEqual(const T &lhs, const T &rhs);
-        /* boost related utilities */
-        template <std::size_t NumDims>
-        boost::detail::multi_array::index_gen<NumDims, NumDims> buildView();
-        template <std::size_t NumDims>
-        boost::detail::multi_array::index_gen<NumDims, NumDims> buildIndices(
-                const std::array<boost::multi_array_types::index_range, NumDims> &p_ranges);
-        template <std::size_t NumRanges>
-        boost::detail::multi_array::extent_gen<NumRanges> buildExtents(
-                const std::array<std::size_t, NumRanges> &p_shape);
-        /* Implementation */
-        template <typename Tuple, int... I>
-            void printTupleImpl(std::ostream& os, const Tuple& tuple, hysop::detail::index_seq<I...>) {
-                const int dummy[sizeof...(I)] = { (os << std::get<I>(tuple) << ",", 0)... };
-                os << std::get<sizeof...(I)>(tuple);
-            }
-        template <typename... T>
-            void printTuple(std::ostream& os, const std::tuple<T...>& tuple) {
-                os << "(";
-                printTupleImpl(os,tuple, hysop::detail::index_seq_gen<sizeof...(T)-1>());
-                os << ")";
-            }
-        template <typename T, typename>
-            bool areEqualImpl(const T& lhs, const T& rhs) {
-                return lhs == rhs;
-            }
-        template <typename T, typename std::enable_if<std::is_floating_point<T>::value, int>::type* = nullptr>
-            bool areEqualImpl(const T& lhs, const T& rhs) {
-                return (std::abs(rhs - lhs) <= std::numeric_limits<T>::epsilon() * std::max(std::abs(lhs), std::abs(rhs)));
-            }
-        template <typename T>
-            bool areEqual(const T &lhs, const T &rhs) {
-                return areEqualImpl<T>(lhs,rhs);
-            }
-        template <typename T>
-            bool areNotEqual(const T &lhs, const T &rhs) {
-                return !areEqualImpl<T>(lhs,rhs);
-            }
-        /* boost related utilities */
-        template <std::size_t NumDims>
-        struct BuildViewImpl {
-            static_assert(NumDims >= 1, "NumDims cannot be < 1");
-            boost::detail::multi_array::index_gen<NumDims, NumDims> build() const {
-                return BuildViewImpl<NumDims-1>().build()[boost::multi_array_types::index_range()];
-            }
-        };
-        template <>
-        struct BuildViewImpl<1> {
-            boost::detail::multi_array::index_gen<1,1> build() const {
-                return boost::multi_array_types::index_gen()[boost::multi_array_types::index_range()];
-            }
-        };
-        template <std::size_t NumDims>
-        boost::detail::multi_array::index_gen<NumDims, NumDims> buildView() {
-            return BuildViewImpl<NumDims>().build();
-        }
-        template <std::size_t NumDims, std::size_t K=NumDims>
-            struct BuildIndicesImpl {
-                static_assert(NumDims >= 1, "NumDims cannot be < 1");
-                const std::array<boost::multi_array_types::index_range, NumDims> &m_ranges;       
-                BuildIndicesImpl(const std::array<boost::multi_array_types::index_range, NumDims> &p_ranges): m_ranges(p_ranges) {} 
-                boost::detail::multi_array::index_gen<K,K> build() const {
-                    return BuildIndicesImpl<NumDims,K-1>(m_ranges).build()[m_ranges[K-1]];
-                }
-        };
-        template <std::size_t NumDims>
-            struct BuildIndicesImpl<NumDims,1> {
-                const std::array<boost::multi_array_types::index_range, NumDims> &m_ranges;       
-                BuildIndicesImpl(const std::array<boost::multi_array_types::index_range, NumDims> &p_ranges): m_ranges(p_ranges) {} 
-                boost::detail::multi_array::index_gen<1,1> build() const {
-                    return boost::multi_array_types::index_gen()[m_ranges[0]];
-                }
-        };
-        template <std::size_t NumDims>
-        boost::detail::multi_array::index_gen<NumDims, NumDims> buildIndices(
-                const std::array<boost::multi_array_types::index_range, NumDims> &p_ranges) {
-            return BuildIndicesImpl<NumDims>(p_ranges).build();
-        }
-        template <std::size_t NumRanges, std::size_t K=NumRanges>
-            struct BuildExtentImpl {
-                static_assert(NumRanges >= 1, "NumDims cannot be < 1");
-                const std::array<std::size_t,NumRanges>& m_shape;
-                BuildExtentImpl(const std::array<std::size_t, NumRanges>& p_shape): m_shape(p_shape) {}
-                boost::detail::multi_array::extent_gen<K> build() const {
-                    return BuildExtentImpl<NumRanges,K-1>(m_shape).build()[m_shape[K-1]];
-                }
-            };
-        template <std::size_t NumRanges>
-            struct BuildExtentImpl<NumRanges,1> {
-                const std::array<std::size_t,NumRanges>& m_shape;
-                BuildExtentImpl(const std::array<std::size_t, NumRanges>& p_shape): m_shape(p_shape) {}
-                boost::detail::multi_array::extent_gen<1> build() const {
-                    return boost::multi_array_types::extent_gen()[m_shape[0]];
-                }
-            };
-        template <std::size_t NumRanges>
-        boost::detail::multi_array::extent_gen<NumRanges> buildExtents(
-                const std::array<std::size_t, NumRanges> &p_shape) {
-            return BuildExtentImpl<NumRanges>(p_shape).build();
-        }
-    }
-/* quick and dirty fix to allow non namespace dependant operators << for std containers */
-namespace std {
-    template <typename T, std::size_t Dim> 
-        std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const std::array<T,Dim>& array);
-    template <typename T, std::size_t Dim> 
-        std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const boost::array<T,Dim>& array);
-    template <typename T>
-        std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const std::vector<T>& vector);
-    template <typename... T>
-        std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const std::tuple<T...>& tuple);
-    std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const fftw_iodim& iodim);
-    /* Implementation */
-    template <typename T, std::size_t Dim>
-        std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const std::array<T,Dim>& array) {
-            os << "[";
-            for (std::size_t i = 0; i < Dim-1; i++) 
-                os << array[i] << ",";
-            os << array[Dim-1];
-            os << "]";
-            return os;
-        }
-    template <typename T, std::size_t Dim>
-        std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const boost::array<T,Dim>& array) {
-            os << "[";
-            for (std::size_t i = 0; i < Dim-1; i++) 
-                os << array[i] << ",";
-            os << array[Dim-1];
-            os << "]";
-            return os;
-        }
-    template <typename T>
-        std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const std::vector<T>& vector) {
-            os << "[";
-            if(!vector.empty()) {
-                for (std::size_t i = 0; i < vector.size()-1; i++) 
-                    os << vector[i] << ",";
-                os << vector[vector.size()-1];
-            }
-            os << "]";
-            return os;
-        }
-    template <typename... T>
-        std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const std::tuple<T...>& tuple) {
-            hysop::utils::printTuple(os,tuple);
-            return os;
-        }
-#endif /* end of include guard: HYSOP_UTILS_H */
diff --git a/src/hysop++/tests/CMakeLists.txt b/src/hysop++/tests/CMakeLists.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 30668e041..000000000
--- a/src/hysop++/tests/CMakeLists.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/src/hysop++/tests/testDiffSolver/CMakeLists.txt b/src/hysop++/tests/testDiffSolver/CMakeLists.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 6f3ddcdc8..000000000
--- a/src/hysop++/tests/testDiffSolver/CMakeLists.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-file(GLOB CPP_SRCS *.cpp)
-set(SRCS ${CPP_SRCS})
-get_filename_component(test_name ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} NAME)
-add_executable(${test_name} ${SRCS})
-add_dependencies(${test_name} ${HYSOP_CXX_LIBRARY_DEP})
-target_link_libraries(${test_name} ${HYSOP_CXX_LIBRARY})
-target_link_libraries(${test_name} ${GTEST_LIBRARIES} ${CXX_EXT_LIBS})
-add_test("${test_name}" "${test_name}")
diff --git a/src/hysop++/tests/testDiffSolver/main.cpp b/src/hysop++/tests/testDiffSolver/main.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index b6141085e..000000000
--- a/src/hysop++/tests/testDiffSolver/main.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-#include "gtest/gtest.h"
-int main(int argc, char **argv)
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    int ret = RUN_ALL_TESTS();
-    return ret;
diff --git a/src/hysop++/tests/testDiffSolver/testDiffSolver.cpp b/src/hysop++/tests/testDiffSolver/testDiffSolver.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 55fec62f5..000000000
--- a/src/hysop++/tests/testDiffSolver/testDiffSolver.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,243 +0,0 @@
-#include "testDiffSolver.h"
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include "domain/domain.h"
-#include "solver/fftDiffSolver.h"
-#include "data/multi_array/multi_array.h"
-#include "utils/constants.h"
-#include "fft/extension.h"
-using namespace hysop;
-using namespace hysop::domain;
-static constexpr std::size_t nExtensions = 4 ;
-static constexpr std::size_t nExtensionsPair = 7 ;
-static constexpr fft::Extension ext[nExtensions] = 
-{ fft::Extension::NONE, fft::Extension::ODD, fft::Extension::EVEN, fft::Extension::PERIODIC };
-static constexpr std::pair<fft::Extension,fft::Extension> pext[nExtensionsPair] {
-        std::make_pair(ext[3],ext[3]), //periodic-periodic
-        std::make_pair(ext[3],ext[3]), //periodic-periodic
-        std::make_pair(ext[2],ext[1]), //even-odd
-        std::make_pair(ext[1],ext[2]), //odd-even
-        std::make_pair(ext[2],ext[2]), //even-even
-        std::make_pair(ext[1],ext[1]), //odd-odd
-        std::make_pair(ext[0],ext[0]), //none-none
-    static constexpr __float128  freqs[6] = { 1.0Q, 1.0Q, 0.75Q, 0.75Q, 0.50Q, 0.50Q };
-    static constexpr long double freqs[6] = { 1.0L, 1.0L, 0.75L, 0.75L, 0.50L, 0.50L };
-template <typename T>
-std::function<T(T)> func(std::size_t k) {
-    switch(k) {
-        case 0: return [=](T x) {return std::cos(T(freqs[0])*x);};
-        case 1: return [=](T x) {return std::sin(T(freqs[1])*x);};
-        case 2: return [=](T x) {return std::cos(T(freqs[2])*x);};
-        case 3: return [=](T x) {return std::sin(T(freqs[3])*x);};
-        case 4: return [=](T x) {return std::cos(T(freqs[4])*x);};
-        case 5: return [=](T x) {return std::sin(T(freqs[5])*x);};
-        default: return[=](T x) { return T(1); };
-    }
-template <typename T>
-std::function<T(T)> derivative(std::size_t k, int order) {
-    bool even = (k%2==0);
-    std::size_t p, offset;
-    T sign, coeff;
-    if(k>5) {
-        if(order != 0)
-            throw std::runtime_error("Non zero order !");
-        return func<T>(k);
-    }
-    else if(even) { /* cos func */
-        p      = (order%2==0 ? k : k+1);
-        sign  = std::pow(T(-1),(order+1)/2);
-        coeff = std::pow(freqs[k], order);
-    }
-    else { /* sin func */
-        p     = (order%2==0 ? k : k-1); 
-        sign  = std::pow(T(-1),order/2);
-        coeff = std::pow(freqs[k], order);
-    }
-    return [=](T x) { return sign*coeff*(func<T>(p)(x)); };
-template <typename T, std::size_t Dim, bool verbose=false> 
-void test(std::size_t p_maxOrder, bool includePeriodicBds=false) {
-    typename Shape<Dim>::type shape;
-    typename Domain<T,Dim>::DomainSize domainSize;
-    Domain<T,Dim> ref, inBuffer, outBuffer;
-    Domain<T,Dim>& in  = inBuffer;
-    Domain<T,Dim>& out = outBuffer;
-    std::array<int,Dim> order;
-    shape.fill(8);
-    domainSize.fill(2*hysop::constants::pi);
-    T eps = std::numeric_limits<T>::epsilon();
-    const std::size_t N = std::accumulate(shape.begin(), shape.end(), 1, std::multiplies<std::size_t>());
-    ref.resize(domainSize).reshape(shape);
-    in  = ref;
-    out = ref;
-    typename Shape<Dim>::type maxOrder, testCases;
-    maxOrder.fill(p_maxOrder+1);
-    testCases.fill(nExtensionsPair);
-    Index<Dim> orderId(maxOrder);
-    Index<Dim> testCaseId;
-    std::size_t testCaseCount;
-    while(!(++orderId).atMaxId()) {
-        std::cout << "  ::Order::" << orderId.ids() << (verbose ? "\n" : "");
-        std::array<T,3> meanDists;
-        meanDists.fill(0);
-        testCaseId.reset(testCases);
-        testCaseCount = testCaseId.maxId();
-        while(!testCaseId.atMaxId()) { 
-            std::copy(orderId.ids().begin(),orderId.ids().end(), order.begin());
-            /* generate transform configuration */
-            std::array<std::pair<fft::Extension,fft::Extension>, Dim> extConfig;
-            for (std::size_t k=0; k<Dim; k++) {
-                std::size_t id = testCaseId[k];
-                extConfig[k] = pext[id];
-                if(pext[id].first==fft::Extension::NONE)
-                    order[k] = 0;
-            }
-            fft::FftDomainConfiguration<Dim> domainConfig(extConfig, includePeriodicBds);
-            const std::size_t orderSum = std::accumulate(order.begin(), order.end(), 0);
-            if(orderSum == 0) {
-                testCaseCount--;
-                ++testCaseId;
-                continue;
-            }
-            T orderPow = std::pow(T(10),T(orderSum));
-            if(std::is_same<T,long double>::value) /* just in case long doubles are not hardware supported... */
-                orderPow *= 1e3;
-            const auto criteria = std::make_tuple(orderPow*eps*N,orderPow*eps*sqrt(N),2*orderPow*eps);
-            const auto f = [&](const typename Domain<T,Dim>::SpaceVariable &x) { 
-                T val = func<T>(testCaseId[0])(x[0]);
-                for (std::size_t d=1; d < Dim; d++)
-                    val *= func<T>(testCaseId[d])(x[d]);
-                return val;
-            };
-            const auto d = [&](const typename Domain<T,Dim>::SpaceVariable &x) { 
-                T val = derivative<T>(testCaseId[0],order[0])(x[0]);
-                for (std::size_t d=1; d < Dim; d++)
-                    val *= derivative<T>(testCaseId[d],order[d])(x[d]);
-                return val;
-            };
-            {
-                ref.resetDomainConfiguration(domainConfig.boundariesConfiguration());
-                in  = ref;
-                out = ref;
-                in.apply(f);
-                ref.apply(d);
-      [](T& v){ v=T(0);});
-            }
-            solver::FftDiffSolver<T,Dim> solver(domainSize, domainConfig, FFTW_MEASURE, includePeriodicBds, includePeriodicBds);
-            solver.apply(,, order);
-            std::stringstream ss;
-            ss << "[";
-            for (std::size_t k=0; k<Dim-1; k++) 
-                ss << extConfig[k].first << "/" << extConfig[k].second << ",";
-            ss << extConfig[Dim-1].first << "/" << extConfig[Dim-1].second;
-            ss << "]";
-            const auto dist = out.distance(ref);
-            const bool pass =      (std::get<0>(dist) < std::get<0>(criteria)) 
-                && (std::get<1>(dist) < std::get<1>(criteria))
-                && (std::get<2>(dist) < std::get<2>(criteria));
-            if((pass && verbose) || !pass) {
-                std::cout << (pass ? GREEN : RED);
-                std::cout << "\t" << std::setw(Dim*15) << ss.str() << " => " << (pass ? "OK" : "KO") 
-                    << "  " << RESET << std::scientific << std::setprecision(2) << dist << std::endl;
-            }
-            if(!pass) {
-                //in.print("IN");
-                //ref.print("REF");
-                //out.print("OUT");
-                std::cout << "Test failed => Criteria was: " << criteria << std::endl;
-            }
-            meanDists[0] += std::get<0>(dist);
-            meanDists[1] += std::get<1>(dist);
-            meanDists[2] += std::get<2>(dist);
-            EXPECT_TRUE(pass);
-            ++testCaseId;
-        }
-        for (std::size_t k = 0; k < 3; k++)
-            meanDists[k] /= T(testCaseCount);
-        std::cout << "=> mean distances over " << std::scientific << std::setprecision(1) << std::setw(4)
-            << testCaseCount << " testcases: " << meanDists;
-        for (std::size_t k = 0; k < 3; k++)
-            meanDists[k] = std::round(meanDists[k]/eps);
-        std::cout << " ~= " <<  std::fixed << std::setprecision(0) << meanDists << " eps" << std::endl; 
-    }
-TEST_F(DiffSolverTest, FloatDerivatives) {
-    std::cout << std::endl;
-    std::cout << "== TEST 1D - float       ==" << std::endl;
-    test<float,1,false>(5);
-    std::cout << "== TEST 2D - float       ==" << std::endl;
-    test<float,2,false>(3);
-    std::cout << "== TEST 3D - float       ==" << std::endl;
-    test<float,3,false>(1);
-TEST_F(DiffSolverTest, DoubleDerivatives) {
-    std::cout << std::endl;
-    std::cout << "== TEST 1D - double       ==" << std::endl;
-    test<double,1,false>(5);
-    std::cout << "== TEST 2D - double       ==" << std::endl;
-    test<double,2,false>(3);
-    std::cout << "== TEST 3D - double       ==" << std::endl;
-    test<double,3,false>(1);
-TEST_F(DiffSolverTest, LongDoubleDerivatives) {
-    std::cout << std::endl;
-    std::cout << "== TEST 1D - long double       ==" << std::endl;
-    test<long double,1,false>(5);
-    std::cout << "== TEST 2D - long double       ==" << std::endl;
-    test<long double,2,false>(3);
-    std::cout << "== TEST 3D - long double       ==" << std::endl;
-    test<long double,3,false>(1);
-TEST_F(DiffSolverTest, QuadFloatDerivatives) {
-    std::cout << std::endl;
-    std::cout << "== TEST 1D - __float128       ==" << std::endl;
-    test<__float128,1,false>(5);
-    std::cout << "== TEST 2D - __float128       ==" << std::endl;
-    test<__float128,2,false>(3);
-    std::cout << "== TEST 3D - __float128       ==" << std::endl;
-    test<__float128,3,false>(1);
diff --git a/src/hysop++/tests/testDiffSolver/testDiffSolver.h b/src/hysop++/tests/testDiffSolver/testDiffSolver.h
deleted file mode 100644
index b51090915..000000000
--- a/src/hysop++/tests/testDiffSolver/testDiffSolver.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-#include "gtest/gtest.h"
-#include "solver/fftDiffSolver.h"
-#include "fft/extension.h"
-using namespace hysop;
-class DiffSolverTest : public ::testing::Test {
-    protected:
-        DiffSolverTest() {}
-        void SetUp()  {}
-        void TearDown() {}
-        virtual ~DiffSolverTest() {}
diff --git a/src/hysop++/tests/testPlanner/CMakeLists.txt b/src/hysop++/tests/testPlanner/CMakeLists.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 6f3ddcdc8..000000000
--- a/src/hysop++/tests/testPlanner/CMakeLists.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-file(GLOB CPP_SRCS *.cpp)
-set(SRCS ${CPP_SRCS})
-get_filename_component(test_name ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} NAME)
-add_executable(${test_name} ${SRCS})
-add_dependencies(${test_name} ${HYSOP_CXX_LIBRARY_DEP})
-target_link_libraries(${test_name} ${HYSOP_CXX_LIBRARY})
-target_link_libraries(${test_name} ${GTEST_LIBRARIES} ${CXX_EXT_LIBS})
-add_test("${test_name}" "${test_name}")
diff --git a/src/hysop++/tests/testPlanner/main.cpp b/src/hysop++/tests/testPlanner/main.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index b6141085e..000000000
--- a/src/hysop++/tests/testPlanner/main.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-#include "gtest/gtest.h"
-int main(int argc, char **argv)
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    int ret = RUN_ALL_TESTS();
-    return ret;
diff --git a/src/hysop++/tests/testPlanner/testPlanner.cpp b/src/hysop++/tests/testPlanner/testPlanner.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index aab308e98..000000000
--- a/src/hysop++/tests/testPlanner/testPlanner.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,200 +0,0 @@
-#include "maths/quad_maths.h"
-#include "testPlanner.h"
-#include "data/multi_array/multi_array.h"
-#include "domain/domain.h"
-#include "utils/constants.h"
-#include "fft/planner.h"
-#include "fft/extension.h"
-using namespace hysop;
-using namespace hysop::domain;
-static constexpr std::size_t nExtensions = 4 ;
-static constexpr std::size_t nExtensionsPair = 6 ;
-static constexpr fft::Extension ext[nExtensions] = 
-{ fft::Extension::NONE, fft::Extension::ODD, fft::Extension::EVEN, fft::Extension::PERIODIC };
-static constexpr std::pair<fft::Extension,fft::Extension> pext[nExtensionsPair] {
-    std::make_pair(ext[0],ext[0]), //none-none
-        std::make_pair(ext[1],ext[1]), //odd-odd
-        std::make_pair(ext[1],ext[2]), //odd-even
-        std::make_pair(ext[1],ext[2]), //even-odd
-        std::make_pair(ext[2],ext[2]), //even-even
-        std::make_pair(ext[3],ext[3]), //periodic-periodic
-template <typename T, std::size_t Dim, bool verbose=false> 
-void test(bool inplace, bool includePeriodicBds);
-TEST_F(PlannerTest, InplaceFloatTransforms) {
-    std::cout << std::endl; 
-    std::cout << "== TEST 1D - float       ==\t";
-    test<float,1>(false,true);
-    std::cout << "== TEST 2D - float       ==\t";
-    test<float,2>(false,true);
-    std::cout << "== TEST 3D - float       ==\t";
-    test<float,3>(false,true);
-TEST_F(PlannerTest, InplaceDoubleTransforms) {
-    std::cout << std::endl; 
-    std::cout << "== TEST 1D - double      ==\t";
-    test<double,1>(true,true);
-    std::cout << "== TEST 2D - double      ==\t";
-    test<double,2>(true,true);
-    std::cout << "== TEST 3D - double      ==\t";
-    test<double,3>(true,true);
-TEST_F(PlannerTest, InplaceLongDoubleTransforms) {
-    std::cout << std::endl; 
-    std::cout << "== TEST 1D - long double ==\t";
-    test<long double,1>(false,false);
-    std::cout << "== TEST 2D - long double ==\t";
-    test<long double,2>(false,false);
-    std::cout << "== TEST 3D - long double ==\t";
-    test<long double,3>(false,false);
-TEST_F(PlannerTest, InplaceQuadDoubleTransforms) {
-    std::cout << std::endl; 
-    std::cout << "== TEST 1D - __float128 ==\t";
-    test<__float128,1>(false,false);
-    std::cout << "== TEST 2D - __float128 ==\t";
-    test<__float128,2>(false,false);
-    std::cout << "== TEST 3D - __float128 ==\t";
-    test<__float128,3>(false,false);
-template <typename T, std::size_t Dim, bool verbose> 
-void test(bool inplace, bool includePeriodicBds) {
-    typename Shape<Dim>::type shape;
-    typename Domain<T,Dim>::DomainSize domainSize;
-    Domain<T,Dim> ref, inBuffer, outBuffer;
-    Domain<T,Dim>& in  = inBuffer;
-    Domain<T,Dim>& out = (inplace ? inBuffer : outBuffer);
-    fft::Planner<T,Dim> planner;
-    std::array<int,Dim> order;
-    const std::size_t nPoints = 16;
-    shape.fill(nPoints);
-    domainSize.fill(1.0);
-    order.fill(2);
-    const T eps = std::numeric_limits<T>::epsilon();
-    const std::size_t N = std::accumulate(shape.begin(), shape.end(), 1, std::multiplies<std::size_t>());
-    const auto criteria = std::make_tuple(50*eps*N,sqrt(50)*eps*N,700*eps);
-    ref.resize(domainSize).reshape(shape);
-    in  = ref;
-    out = ref;
-    typename Shape<Dim>::type testCases;
-    testCases.fill(nExtensionsPair);
-    Index<Dim> testCaseId(testCases);
-    std::array<T,3> meanDists{0};
-    while(!testCaseId.atMaxId()) { 
-        /* generate transform configuration */
-        std::array<std::pair<fft::Extension,fft::Extension>, Dim> extConfig;
-        for (std::size_t k=0; k<Dim; k++) {
-            std::size_t id = testCaseId[k];
-            extConfig[k] = pext[id];
-        }
-        fft::FftDomainConfiguration<Dim> domainConfig(extConfig, includePeriodicBds);
-        const auto f = [&](T &val, const hysop::Index<Dim>& idx) { 
-            val = static_cast<T>(rand())/static_cast<T>(RAND_MAX);
-            for (std::size_t d=0; d<Dim; d++) {
-                if(idx[d]==0) {
-                    if(extConfig[d].first == fft::Extension::ODD) {
-                        val=T(0); 
-                        return;
-                    }
-                    else if(extConfig[d].first == fft::Extension::PERIODIC)
-                        val=T(0.42);
-                }
-                else if(std::size_t(idx[d]) == idx.dim()[d]-1) {
-                    if(extConfig[d].second == fft::Extension::ODD) {
-                        val=T(0);
-                        return;
-                    }
-                    else if(extConfig[d].second == fft::Extension::PERIODIC && includePeriodicBds)
-                        val=T(0.42);
-                }
-            }
-        };
-        if(includePeriodicBds)
-            ref.resetDomainConfiguration(domainConfig.boundariesConfiguration()); 
-        /* fill reference and copy into input buffer */
-        in = ref;
-        /* plan transforms and check if planning succeeded */
-        bool status = planner.plan(,, domainConfig, order, domainSize, FFTW_MEASURE, 
-                    includePeriodicBds, includePeriodicBds);
-        assert(status || testCaseId()==0);
-        /* execute forward and backward inplace transforms */
-        planner.executeForwardTransform();
-        {
-            if(planner.transformType() == fft::FftTransformType::FFT_R2C)
-                planner.transformedComplexData().apply([&](std::complex<T>& val) { val /= planner.normalisationFactor(); }); 
-            else if(planner.transformType() == fft::FftTransformType::FFT_R2R)
-                planner.transformedRealData().apply([&](T& val) { val /= planner.normalisationFactor(); }); 
-        }
-        planner.executeBackwardTransform();
-        std::stringstream ss;
-        ss << "[";
-        for (std::size_t k=0; k<Dim-1; k++) 
-            ss << extConfig[k].first << "/" << extConfig[k].second << ",";
-        ss << extConfig[Dim-1].first << "/" << extConfig[Dim-1].second;
-        ss << "]";
-        const auto dist = out.distance(ref);
-        const bool pass =      (std::get<0>(dist) < std::get<0>(criteria)) 
-                            && (std::get<1>(dist) < std::get<1>(criteria))
-                            && (std::get<2>(dist) < std::get<2>(criteria));
-        if((pass && verbose) || !pass) {
-            std::cout << (pass ? GREEN : RED);
-            std::cout << "\t" << std::setw(Dim*15) << ss.str() << " => " << (pass ? "OK" : "KO") 
-                << "  " << RESET << std::scientific << std::setprecision(2) << dist << std::endl;
-        }
-        if(!pass) {
-            if(!inplace)
-                in.print("IN");
-            ref.print("REF");
-            out.print("OUT");
-            std::cout << planner << std::endl;
-            exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
-        }
-        meanDists[0] += std::get<0>(dist);
-        meanDists[1] += std::get<1>(dist);
-        meanDists[2] += std::get<2>(dist);
-        ++testCaseId;
-    }
-    for (std::size_t k = 0; k < 3; k++)
-        meanDists[k] /= T(testCaseId.maxId());
-    std::cout << "Mean distances over " << std::scientific << std::setprecision(1) << std::setw(4)
-         << testCaseId.maxId() << " testcases: " << meanDists;
-    for (std::size_t k = 0; k < 3; k++)
-        meanDists[k] = std::round(meanDists[k]/eps);
-    std::cout << " ~= " << std::fixed << std::setprecision(0) << meanDists << " eps" << std::endl; 
diff --git a/src/hysop++/tests/testPlanner/testPlanner.h b/src/hysop++/tests/testPlanner/testPlanner.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 5be17aa72..000000000
--- a/src/hysop++/tests/testPlanner/testPlanner.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-#include "gtest/gtest.h"
-#include "fft/planner.h"
-#include "fft/extension.h"
-using T = double;
-constexpr std::size_t Dim = 1;
-using namespace hysop;
-class PlannerTest : public ::testing::Test {
-    protected:
-        PlannerTest() {}
-        void SetUp()  {}
-        void TearDown() {}
-        virtual ~PlannerTest() {}
-    public:
-        fft::Planner<T,Dim> planner;
diff --git a/src/hysop++/tests/testPoissonSolver/CMakeLists.txt b/src/hysop++/tests/testPoissonSolver/CMakeLists.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 6f3ddcdc8..000000000
--- a/src/hysop++/tests/testPoissonSolver/CMakeLists.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-file(GLOB CPP_SRCS *.cpp)
-set(SRCS ${CPP_SRCS})
-get_filename_component(test_name ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} NAME)
-add_executable(${test_name} ${SRCS})
-add_dependencies(${test_name} ${HYSOP_CXX_LIBRARY_DEP})
-target_link_libraries(${test_name} ${HYSOP_CXX_LIBRARY})
-target_link_libraries(${test_name} ${GTEST_LIBRARIES} ${CXX_EXT_LIBS})
-add_test("${test_name}" "${test_name}")
diff --git a/src/hysop++/tests/testPoissonSolver/main.cpp b/src/hysop++/tests/testPoissonSolver/main.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index b6141085e..000000000
--- a/src/hysop++/tests/testPoissonSolver/main.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-#include "gtest/gtest.h"
-int main(int argc, char **argv)
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    int ret = RUN_ALL_TESTS();
-    return ret;
diff --git a/src/hysop++/tests/testPoissonSolver/testPoissonSolver.cpp b/src/hysop++/tests/testPoissonSolver/testPoissonSolver.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 58d87d544..000000000
--- a/src/hysop++/tests/testPoissonSolver/testPoissonSolver.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,208 +0,0 @@
-#include "testPoissonSolver.h"
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include "domain/domain.h"
-#include "solver/fftPoissonSolver.h"
-#include "data/multi_array/multi_array.h"
-#include "utils/constants.h"
-#include "domain/boundary.h"
-using namespace hysop;
-using namespace hysop::domain;
-static constexpr std::size_t nBoundaries = 4;
-static constexpr std::size_t nBoundaryPairs = 7;
-static constexpr domain::Boundary bds[nBoundaries] = 
-{ domain::Boundary::NONE, domain::Boundary::HOMOGENEOUS_NEUMANN, domain::Boundary::HOMOGENEOUS_DIRICHLET, domain::Boundary::PERIODIC };
-static constexpr std::pair<domain::Boundary,domain::Boundary> pbds[nBoundaryPairs] {
-        std::make_pair(bds[3],bds[3]), //periodic-periodic
-        std::make_pair(bds[3],bds[3]), //periodic-periodic
-        std::make_pair(bds[2],bds[1]), //even-odd
-        std::make_pair(bds[1],bds[2]), //odd-even
-        std::make_pair(bds[2],bds[2]), //even-even
-        std::make_pair(bds[1],bds[1]), //odd-odd
-        std::make_pair(bds[0],bds[0]), //none-none
-    static constexpr __float128  freqs[6] = { 1.0Q, 1.0Q, 0.75Q, 0.75Q, 0.50Q, 0.50Q };
-    static constexpr long double freqs[6] = { 1.0L, 1.0L, 0.75L, 0.75L, 0.50L, 0.50L };
-template <typename T>
-std::function<T(T)> func(std::size_t k) {
-    switch(k) {
-        case 0: return [=](T x) {return std::cos(T(freqs[0])*x);};
-        case 1: return [=](T x) {return std::sin(T(freqs[1])*x);};
-        case 2: return [=](T x) {return std::cos(T(freqs[2])*x);};
-        case 3: return [=](T x) {return std::sin(T(freqs[3])*x);};
-        case 4: return [=](T x) {return std::cos(T(freqs[4])*x);};
-        case 5: return [=](T x) {return std::sin(T(freqs[5])*x);};
-        default: return[=](T x) { return T(1); };
-    }
-template <typename T, std::size_t Dim, bool verbose=false> 
-void test(bool includePeriodicBds=false) {
-    typename Shape<Dim>::type shape;
-    typename Domain<T,Dim>::DomainSize domainSize;
-    Domain<T,Dim> ref, inBuffer, outBuffer;
-    Domain<T,Dim>& in  = inBuffer;
-    Domain<T,Dim>& out = outBuffer;
-    shape.fill(16);
-    domainSize.fill(2*hysop::constants::pi);
-    T eps = std::numeric_limits<T>::epsilon();
-    const std::size_t N = std::accumulate(shape.begin(), shape.end(), 1, std::multiplies<std::size_t>());
-    ref.resize(domainSize).reshape(shape);
-    in  = ref;
-    out = ref;
-    typename Shape<Dim>::type testCases;
-    testCases.fill(nBoundaryPairs);
-    Index<Dim> testCaseId(testCases);
-    std::array<T,3> meanDists{0};
-    std::size_t testCaseCount = testCaseId.maxId()-1;
-    if(verbose)
-        std::cout << std::endl;
-    while(testCaseId() != testCaseId.maxId()-1) { 
-        /* generate transform configuration */
-        std::size_t orderSum = 0;
-        std::array<std::pair<domain::Boundary,domain::Boundary>, Dim> bdsConfig;
-        T W2sum = T(0);
-        for (std::size_t k=0; k<Dim; k++) {
-            std::size_t id = testCaseId[k];
-            bdsConfig[k] = pbds[id];
-            if(bdsConfig[k].first != domain::Boundary::NONE) {
-                W2sum += freqs[id]*freqs[id];
-                orderSum+=2;
-            }
-        }
-        domain::DomainConfiguration<Dim> domainConfig(bdsConfig, includePeriodicBds);
-        T orderPow = std::pow(T(10),T(orderSum));
-        if(std::is_same<T,long double>::value) /* just in case long doubles are not hardware supported... */
-            orderPow *= 1e3;
-        const auto criteria = std::make_tuple(orderPow*eps*N,orderPow*eps*sqrt(N),2*orderPow*eps);
-        const auto phi = [&](const typename Domain<T,Dim>::SpaceVariable &x) { 
-            T val = func<T>(testCaseId[0])(x[0]);
-            for (std::size_t d=1; d < Dim; d++)
-                val *= func<T>(testCaseId[d])(x[d]);
-            return val;
-        };
-        const auto f = [&](const typename Domain<T,Dim>::SpaceVariable &x) { 
-            return -W2sum*phi(x);
-        };
-        {
-            ref.resetDomainConfiguration(domainConfig);
-            in  = ref;
-            out = ref;
-            in.apply(f);
-            ref.apply(phi);
-  [](T& v){ v=T(0);});
-        }
-        solver::FftPoissonSolver<T,Dim> solver(domainSize, domainConfig, FFTW_MEASURE, includePeriodicBds, includePeriodicBds);
-        solver.apply(,;
-        std::stringstream ss;
-        ss << "[";
-        for (std::size_t k=0; k<Dim-1; k++) 
-            ss << bdsConfig[k].first << "/" << bdsConfig[k].second << ",";
-        ss << bdsConfig[Dim-1].first << "/" << bdsConfig[Dim-1].second;
-        ss << "]";
-        const auto dist = out.distance(ref);
-        const bool pass =      (std::get<0>(dist) < std::get<0>(criteria)) 
-            && (std::get<1>(dist) < std::get<1>(criteria))
-            && (std::get<2>(dist) < std::get<2>(criteria));
-        if((pass && verbose) || !pass) {
-            std::cout << (pass ? GREEN : RED);
-            std::cout << "\t" << std::setw(Dim*15) << ss.str() << " => " << (pass ? "OK" : "KO") 
-                << "  " << RESET << std::scientific << std::setprecision(2) << dist << std::endl;
-        }
-        if(!pass) {
-            //in.print("IN");
-            //ref.print("REF");
-            //out.print("OUT");
-            std::cout << "\t\tTest Failed... Criteria was " << criteria << "." << std::endl;
-        }
-        EXPECT_TRUE(pass);
-        meanDists[0] += std::get<0>(dist);
-        meanDists[1] += std::get<1>(dist);
-        meanDists[2] += std::get<2>(dist);
-        ++testCaseId;
-    }
-        for (std::size_t k = 0; k < 3; k++)
-            meanDists[k] /= T(testCaseCount);
-        std::cout << "\t=> mean distances over " << std::scientific << std::setprecision(1) << std::setw(4)
-            << testCaseCount << " testcases: " << meanDists;
-        for (std::size_t k = 0; k < 3; k++)
-            meanDists[k] = std::round(meanDists[k]/eps);
-        std::cout << " ~= " <<  std::fixed << std::setprecision(0) << meanDists << " eps" << std::endl; 
-TEST_F(PoissonSolverTest, FloatPoissonSolver) {
-    std::cout << std::endl;
-    std::cout << "== TEST 1D - float       ==";
-    test<float,1,false>(true);
-    std::cout << "== TEST 2D - float       ==";
-    test<float,2,false>();
-    std::cout << "== TEST 3D - float       ==";
-    test<float,3,false>();
-TEST_F(PoissonSolverTest, DoublePoissonSolver) {
-    std::cout << std::endl;
-    std::cout << "== TEST 1D - double      ==";
-    test<double,1,false>();
-    std::cout << "== TEST 2D - double      ==";
-    test<double,2,false>();
-    std::cout << "== TEST 3D - double      ==";
-    test<double,3,false>();
-TEST_F(PoissonSolverTest, LongDoublePoissonSolver) {
-    std::cout << std::endl;
-    std::cout << "== TEST 1D - long double ==";
-    test<long double,1,false>();
-    std::cout << "== TEST 2D - long double ==";
-    test<long double,2,false>();
-    std::cout << "== TEST 3D - long double ==";
-    test<long double,3,false>();
-TEST_F(PoissonSolverTest, QuadFloatPoissonSolver) {
-    std::cout << std::endl;
-    std::cout << "== TEST 1D - __float128 ==";
-    test<__float128,1,false>();
-    std::cout << "== TEST 2D - __float128 ==";
-    test<__float128,2,false>();
-    std::cout << "== TEST 3D - __float128 ==";
-    test<__float128,3,false>();
diff --git a/src/hysop++/tests/testPoissonSolver/testPoissonSolver.h b/src/hysop++/tests/testPoissonSolver/testPoissonSolver.h
deleted file mode 100644
index a5115abef..000000000
--- a/src/hysop++/tests/testPoissonSolver/testPoissonSolver.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-#include "gtest/gtest.h"
-#include "solver/fftPoissonSolver.h"
-#include "fft/extension.h"
-using namespace hysop;
-class PoissonSolverTest : public ::testing::Test {
-    protected:
-        PoissonSolverTest() {}
-        void SetUp()  {}
-        void TearDown() {}
-        virtual ~PoissonSolverTest() {}
diff --git a/src/hysop++/tests/testPolynoms/CMakeLists.txt b/src/hysop++/tests/testPolynoms/CMakeLists.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index ae4b35dd2..000000000
--- a/src/hysop++/tests/testPolynoms/CMakeLists.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-file(GLOB CPP_SRCS *.cpp)
-set(SRCS ${CPP_SRCS})
-get_filename_component(test_name ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} NAME)
-add_executable(${test_name} ${SRCS})
-add_dependencies(${test_name} ${HYSOP_CXX_LIBRARY_DEP})
-target_link_libraries(${test_name} ${HYSOP_LIBRARY})
-target_link_libraries(${test_name} ${GTEST_LIBRARIES} ${CXX_EXT_LIBS})
-add_test("${test_name}" "${test_name}")
diff --git a/src/hysop++/tests/testPolynoms/main.cpp b/src/hysop++/tests/testPolynoms/main.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index b6141085e..000000000
--- a/src/hysop++/tests/testPolynoms/main.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-#include "gtest/gtest.h"
-int main(int argc, char **argv)
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    int ret = RUN_ALL_TESTS();
-    return ret;
diff --git a/src/hysop++/tests/testPolynoms/testPolynoms.cpp b/src/hysop++/tests/testPolynoms/testPolynoms.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 0849af6a4..000000000
--- a/src/hysop++/tests/testPolynoms/testPolynoms.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,115 +0,0 @@
-#include "testPolynoms.h"
-using namespace hysop::maths;
-template <typename T, std::size_t Dim>
-void evalTest(std::size_t p_size, std::size_t p_samples);
-TEST_F(PolynomialTest, EvalTest1D) {
-    const std::size_t order=10;
-    const std::size_t samples=4096;
-    evalTest<bool,1>(order,samples); 
-    evalTest<char,1>(order,samples); 
-    evalTest<short,1>(order,samples); 
-    evalTest<int,1>(order,samples); 
-    evalTest<long int,1>(order,samples); 
-    evalTest<long long int,1>(order,samples); 
-    evalTest<unsigned char,1>(order,samples); 
-    evalTest<unsigned short,1>(order,samples); 
-    evalTest<unsigned int,1>(order,samples); 
-    evalTest<unsigned long int,1>(order,samples); 
-    evalTest<unsigned long long int,1>(order,samples); 
-    evalTest<float,1>(order,samples); 
-    evalTest<double,1>(order,samples); 
-    evalTest<long double,1>(order,samples); 
-    evalTest<__float128,1>(order,samples); 
-    evalTest<std::size_t,1>(order,samples);
-    evalTest<std::ptrdiff_t,1>(order,samples);
-TEST_F(PolynomialTest, EvalTest2D) {
-    const std::size_t order=10;
-    const std::size_t samples=32;
-    evalTest<float,2>(order,samples); 
-    evalTest<double,2>(order,samples); 
-    evalTest<long double,2>(order,samples); 
-    evalTest<__float128,2>(order,samples); 
-TEST_F(PolynomialTest, EvalTest3D) {
-    const std::size_t order=10;
-    const std::size_t samples=4;
-    evalTest<float,3>(order,samples); 
-    evalTest<double,3>(order,samples); 
-    evalTest<long double,3>(order,samples); 
-    evalTest<__float128,3>(order,samples); 
-TEST_F(PolynomialTest, EvalTest4D) {
-    const std::size_t order=10;
-    const std::size_t samples=2;
-    evalTest<float,4>(order,samples); 
-    evalTest<double,4>(order,samples); 
-    evalTest<long double,4>(order,samples); 
-    evalTest<__float128,4>(order,samples); 
-template <typename T, std::size_t Dim>
-void evalTest(const std::size_t p_size, const std::size_t p_samples) {
-    Polynomial<T,Dim> P;
-    Index<Dim> polyIdx;
-    { 
-        typename Shape<Dim>::type polyShape;
-        polyShape.fill(p_size);
-        P.reshape(polyShape).applyToCoefficients([](T& ak, const Index<Dim>& idx){ 
-                ak = T(idx())/T(idx.maxId());
-        });
-    }
-    std::array<T,Dim> X;
-    T dX;
-    {
-        const T a = T(0);
-        const T b = T(1);
-        dX = (b-a)/(p_samples-1);   
-    }
-    typename Shape<Dim>::type sampleShape;
-    sampleShape.fill(p_samples);
-    Index<Dim> sampleIdx(sampleShape);
-    while(!sampleIdx.atMaxId()) {
-        for (std::size_t d=0; d < Dim; d++)
-            X[d] = sampleIdx[d]*dX;
-        T lhs, rhs;
-        lhs = P(X); 
-        rhs = T(0);
-        polyIdx.reset(P.shape());
-        while(!polyIdx.atMaxId()) {
-            T val = T(1);
-            for (std::size_t d=0; d<Dim; d++)
-                val *= std::pow(X[d],polyIdx[d]);
-            rhs += T(polyIdx())/T(polyIdx.maxId())*val;
-            ++polyIdx;
-        }
-        ASSERT_LE(std::abs(rhs-lhs),std::pow(10,Dim)*std::numeric_limits<T>::epsilon());
-        ++sampleIdx;
-    }
diff --git a/src/hysop++/tests/testPolynoms/testPolynoms.h b/src/hysop++/tests/testPolynoms/testPolynoms.h
deleted file mode 100644
index d7dd0bd6a..000000000
--- a/src/hysop++/tests/testPolynoms/testPolynoms.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-#include "gtest/gtest.h"
-#include "maths/polynomial.h"
-using namespace hysop;
-class PolynomialTest : public ::testing::Test {
-    protected:
-        PolynomialTest() {}
-        void SetUp()  {}
-        void TearDown() {}
-        virtual ~PolynomialTest() {}