diff --git a/HySoP/CMakeLists.txt b/HySoP/CMakeLists.txt
index 86d7c509a33a435297ce8b320f6ec42edc8c99e4..ce87f558d8f86f634647cac65cbca5cbb43ccf61 100644
--- a/HySoP/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/HySoP/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ option(BUILD_SHARED_LIBS "Enable dynamic library build, default = OFF." OFF)
 option(WITH_LIB_FORTRAN "Generate libparmes from fortran files in src, wrapped into parmepy.f2py module. Default = ON." ON)
 option(WITH_SCALES "compile/create parmesscales lib and link it with Parmes. Default = ON." ON)
 option(WITH_FFTW "Link with fftw library (required for some Parmes solvers), default = ON" ON)
+option(WITH_GPU "Use of GPU (required for some Parmes solvers), default = ON" ON)
 option(WITH_MAIN_FORTRAN "Create an executable (test purpose) from fortran sources in src/main, linked with libparmes, default = ON" ON)
@@ -96,6 +97,11 @@ execute_process(
+# --- OpenCL ---
+  find_python_module(pyopencl REQUIRED)
 # --- MPI ---
@@ -203,6 +209,7 @@ if(VERBOSE_MODE)
   message(STATUS " Project uses MPI : ${USE_MPI}")
   message(STATUS " Project uses Scales : ${WITH_SCALES}")
   message(STATUS " Project uses FFTW : ${WITH_FFTW}")
+  message(STATUS " Project uses GPU : ${WITH_GPU}")
   message(STATUS " Python packages will be installed in ${${PROJECT_NAME}_INSTALL_DIR}")
   message(STATUS "====================== ======= ======================")
diff --git a/HySoP/hysop/__init__.py.in b/HySoP/hysop/__init__.py.in
index 83d03ceae2508b294873f77369c5e73e2664ae0b..0308bed2ed1a09ab218fd7a4f18023195cdf3c4f 100755
--- a/HySoP/hysop/__init__.py.in
+++ b/HySoP/hysop/__init__.py.in
@@ -17,40 +17,39 @@ if("@USE_MPI@" is "ON"):
         print "Starting @PACKAGE_NAME@ version " + str(__version__) + ".\n"
     print "Starting @PACKAGE_NAME@ (no mpi) version " + str(__version__) + ".\n"
 version = "1.0.0"
 #import constants
 from constants import PERIODIC
-from domain import box, grid
+from domain import box
 ## Box-type physical domain
 Box = box.Box
-CartesianGrid = grid.CartesianGrid
 ## Cartesian grid
-## Fields
-import fields.discrete
-import fields.continuous
-import fields.analytical
-ScalarField = fields.discrete.ScalarField
-VectorField = fields.discrete.VectorField
-ContinuousField = fields.continuous.ContinuousField
-AnalyticalField = fields.analytical.AnalyticalField
+# ## Fields
+# import fields.discrete
+# import fields.continuous
+# import fields.analytical
+# ScalarField = fields.discrete.ScalarField
+# VectorField = fields.discrete.VectorField
+# ContinuousField = fields.continuous.ContinuousField
+# AnalyticalField = fields.analytical.AnalyticalField
-## ## Problem
-import problem.problem
-Problem = problem.problem.Problem
+# ## ## Problem
+# import problem.problem
+# Problem = problem.problem.Problem
-## ## Solver
-import particular_solvers.basic
-## #import particular_solvers.gpu
-ParticleSolver = particular_solvers.basic.ParticleSolver
-## #GPUParticleSolver = particular_solvers.gpu.GPUParticleSolver
+# ## ## Solver
+# import particular_solvers.basic
+# ## #import particular_solvers.gpu
+# ParticleSolver = particular_solvers.basic.ParticleSolver
+# ## #GPUParticleSolver = particular_solvers.gpu.GPUParticleSolver
 ## from tools.explore_hardware import explore
diff --git a/HySoP/hysop/constants.py b/HySoP/hysop/constants.py
index 0d9c87a6ed222eb1f8b7fe63c207ec32beab92dd..25b89690b82e318bcf4177acd6b826196598e76d 100644
--- a/HySoP/hysop/constants.py
+++ b/HySoP/hysop/constants.py
@@ -8,16 +8,12 @@ Constant parameters required for the parmepy package (internal use).
 import numpy as np
 import math
 import mpi4py.MPI as MPI
-#from parmepy.particular_solvers import __path__ as solver_path
 import os
 PI = math.pi
 # Set default type for real and integer numbers
 PARMES_REAL = np.float64
 PARMES_INTEGER = np.uint32
-PARMES_REAL_GPU = np.float32
-PARMES_DOUBLE_GPU = np.float64
 ## default array layout (fortran or C convention)
 ORDER = 'F'
@@ -32,5 +28,4 @@ ZDIR = 2
 ## Directions string
 S_DIR = ["_X", "_Y", "_Z"]
-## GPU deflault sources
-#GPU_SRC = os.path.join(solver_path[0], "gpu_src.cl")
diff --git a/HySoP/hysop/domain/box.py b/HySoP/hysop/domain/box.py
index 3925942f0861324d772721520f27209e3d2ac085..cb85d61f5b1fba9609a8629a8897f982219d3b33 100644
--- a/HySoP/hysop/domain/box.py
+++ b/HySoP/hysop/domain/box.py
@@ -2,11 +2,8 @@
 Classes for box domains description.
-from parmepy.constants import PARMES_REAL, PARMES_INTEGER, PERIODIC
 from domain import Domain
-from grid import CartesianGrid
-import numpy as np
+from parmepy.constants import np, PARMES_REAL, PARMES_INTEGER, PERIODIC
 class Box(Domain):
@@ -49,36 +46,6 @@ class Box(Domain):
         self.boundaries = np.zeros((self.dimension), dtype=PARMES_INTEGER)
         self.boundaries[:] = PERIODIC
-    def discretize(self, resolution):
-        """
-        Box discretization method.
-        Creates a CartesianGrid from the Box and a resolution.
-        @param resolution : resolution of the discretization.
-        @return CartesianGrid as discretized Box.
-        Use an array for discreteDomain??? i.e to associate several
-        discretisations for the same domain.
-        Or maybe this should be a member of the fields??
-        >>> import parmepy as pp
-        >>> import numpy as np
-        >>> b = pp.Box()
-        >>> n = 11
-        >>> g = b.discretize(np.asarray([n, n, n]))
-        >>> (g.origin == b.origin).all()
-        True
-        >>> (g.length == b.length).all()
-        True
-        >>> (g.step == b.length/(n)).all()
-        True
-        >>> b.discreteDomain == g
-        True
-        """
-        self.discreteDomain = CartesianGrid(resolution, self)
-        return self.discreteDomain
     def __str__(self):
         Informations display.
@@ -89,8 +56,6 @@ class Box(Domain):
         s += "   origin : " + str(self.origin) + ", maxPosition :" \
              + str(self.max) + ", lengths :" + str(self.length) + "."
-        if self.discreteDomain is not None:
-            s += "Discretised on : \n" + str(self.discreteDomain)
         return s
 if __name__ == "__main__":
diff --git a/HySoP/hysop/domain/discrete.py b/HySoP/hysop/domain/discrete.py
deleted file mode 100644
index cf9443864d8c1335d9ca8f87ad9e6899bb41c694..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/HySoP/hysop/domain/discrete.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-"""@package parmepy.domain.discrete
-Classes for physical domains discretization description.
-from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
-class DiscreteDomain:
-    """ Abstract description of a discretized physical domain."""
-    __metaclass__ = ABCMeta
-    @abstractmethod
-    def __init__(self, domain=None):
-        """
-        Create a DiscreteDomain with a given discretization.
-        @param domain : Domain to discretize
-        """
-        ## Domain to discretize
-        self.domain = domain
-        if(domain is not None):
-            ## Domain dimension
-            self.dimension = domain.dimension
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    print __doc__
-    print "- Provided class : DiscreteDomain"
-    print DiscreteDomain.__doc__
diff --git a/HySoP/hysop/domain/domain.py b/HySoP/hysop/domain/domain.py
index 73b262ff334c0cc27f5bdc9364ea2467b18b123d..e02c4c438616b00ef26fa520be904fdb8627e8a3 100644
--- a/HySoP/hysop/domain/domain.py
+++ b/HySoP/hysop/domain/domain.py
@@ -17,14 +17,7 @@ class Domain:
         ## Domain dimension.
         self.dimension = dimension
-        ## Domain discretization.
-        self.discreteDomain = None
-    @abstractmethod
-    def discretize(self, resolution=None):
-        """
-        @param resolution : discretization specifications.
-        """
 if __name__ == "__main__":
     print __doc__
diff --git a/HySoP/hysop/domain/grid.py b/HySoP/hysop/domain/grid.py
deleted file mode 100644
index c28cf34340cca130c3cc4fbbb487dd5519b56b10..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/HySoP/hysop/domain/grid.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-"""@package parmepy.domain.grid
-Cartesian grid definition.
-from discrete import DiscreteDomain
-class CartesianGrid(DiscreteDomain):
-    """ Discrete box representation as a cartesian grid."""
-    def __init__(self, resolution, domain):
-        """
-        Creates a CartesianGrid.
-        @param resolution : resolution used
-        @param domain : Domain to discretize
-        """
-        DiscreteDomain.__init__(self, domain)
-        assert(self.dimension == len(resolution))
-        ## lowest point of the grid
-        self.origin = domain.origin
-        ## size of the grid in each direction
-        self.length = domain.length
-        ## number of points in each direction
-        self.resolution = resolution
-        ## space step size
-        self.step = self.length / (self.resolution)
-    def update(self, start):
-        self.start = start
-    def __getitem__(self, index):
-        """
-        Get iter overriding
-        @param index list : index to get
-        @return point with given index
-        """
-        return self.__coords.__getitem__(index)
-    def __str__(self):
-        """
-        ToString method.
-        """
-        s = str(self.dimension) +\
-            "D cartesian grid with resolution equal to : " +\
-            str(self.resolution) + ".\n"
-        return s
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    print __doc__
-    print "- Provided class : CartesianGrid"
-    print CartesianGrid.__doc__
diff --git a/HySoP/hysop/domain/mesh.py b/HySoP/hysop/domain/mesh.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..36b57e6ef508103ba500bbd0d67700b8cc51a372
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HySoP/hysop/domain/mesh.py
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+@package parmepy.domain.mesh
+Cartesian mesh class for local mesh.
+@todo Remove LocalMesh or SubMesh
+@todo rename to CartesianMesh
+@todo write tests in parmepy/domain/tests/test_mesh.py
+from parmepy.constants import np, PARMES_REAL
+class LocalMesh(object):
+    """
+    Compute a local mesh resolution, using MPI process grid (topology)
+    and the global mesh resolution.
+    It also depends on ghost layer witdh and boundary conditions type.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, rank, resolution, start,
+                 dom_size, dom_origin, ghosts=np.zeros((3))):
+        # Current process rank in the topology that owns this mesh
+        self.rank = rank
+        # Local resolution
+        self.resolution = resolution.copy() + 2 * ghosts
+        # index of the lower point (in each dir) in the global mesh
+        self.start = start  # - ghosts
+        # index of the upper point (in each dir), global mesh
+        self.end = self.start + self.resolution - 1
+        # Mesh step size
+        self.size = dom_size
+        # Mesh coordinates
+        coord_start = self.start * self.size + dom_origin - ghosts * self.size
+        self.origin = coord_start
+        coord_end = (self.end + 1) * self.size \
+            + dom_origin - ghosts * self.size
+#        print 'Print TOPO'
+#        print 'resolution', self.resolution , 'shape',
+#        (coord_end-coord_start)/self.size, 'coord_end',
+# coord_end, 'coord_start',coord_start
+        if self.start.size == 3:
+            self.coords = np.ogrid[coord_start[0]:coord_end[0]:self.size[0],
+                                   coord_start[1]:coord_end[1]:self.size[1],
+                                   coord_start[2]:coord_end[2]:self.size[2]]
+        elif self.start.size == 2:
+            self.coords = np.ogrid[coord_start[0]:coord_end[0]:self.size[0],
+                                   coord_start[1]:coord_end[1]:self.size[1]]
+        else:
+            self.coords = np.ogrid[coord_start[0]:coord_end[0]:self.size[0]]
+    def __str__(self):
+        """ Local mesh display """
+        s = '[' + str(self.rank) + '] Local mesh resolution :' \
+            + str(self.resolution) + '\n'
+        s += 'Global indices :' + str(self.start)
+        s += ' -- ' + str(self.end) + '\n'
+        return s
+class SubMesh(object):
+    """
+    Description of a local mesh, on one process of
+    the topology.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, topo, g_start, resolution):
+        ## Topology that creates (and owns) this mesh
+        self._topology = topo
+        ## Local resolution of this mesh, including ghost points
+        self.resolution = resolution
+        ## Dimension of the mesh
+        self.dim = self.resolution.size
+        ## index of the lowest point of this mesh
+        ## (in each dir) in the global mesh
+        self.global_start = g_start
+        ## index of the upper point (in each dir), global mesh
+        self.global_end = self.global_start + self.resolution - 1
+        ## Mesh step size
+        self.space_step_size = topo.domain.length / \
+            (topo.globalMeshResolution - 1)
+        ## Mesh local indices, only for "computed" points
+        ## (i.e. excluding ghosts)
+        self.local_start = topo.ghosts.copy()
+        self.local_end = self.resolution.copy() - topo.ghosts[:] - 1
+        ## Coordinates of the "lowest" point of this mesh (including ghost)
+        ## Warning FP : this strongly depends on where is the origin
+        ## of the domain, of the type of boundary conditions
+        ## and if origin is on ghosts or "real" points.
+        self.origin = topo.domain.origin.copy()
+        self.origin[:] += self.space_step_size[:] * \
+            (self.global_start[:].astype(np.int32) - topo.ghosts[:])
+        self.end = self.origin + self.space_step_size * (self.resolution - 1)
+        if self.dim == 1:
+            self.coords = np.linspace(self.origin, self.end, self.resolution)
+            self.step = self.coords[1] = self.coords[0]
+        elif self.dim == 2:
+            cx = np.linspace(self.origin[0], self.end[0],
+                             self.resolution[0])[:, np.newaxis]
+            cy = np.linspace(self.origin[1], self.end[1],
+                             self.resolution[1])[np.newaxis, :]
+            self.coords = tuple([cx, cy])
+            self.step = np.asarray([cx[1, 0] - cx[0, 0],
+                                    cy[0, 1] - cy[0, 0]],
+                                   dtype=PARMES_REAL)
+        elif self.dim == 3:
+            cx = np.linspace(self.origin[0], self.end[0],
+                             self.resolution[0])[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis]
+            cy = np.linspace(self.origin[1], self.end[1],
+                             self.resolution[1])[np.newaxis, :, np.newaxis]
+            cz = np.linspace(self.origin[2], self.end[2],
+                             self.resolution[2])[np.newaxis, np.newaxis, :]
+            self.coords = tuple([cx, cy, cz])
+            self.step = np.asarray([cx[1, 0, 0] - cx[0, 0, 0],
+                                    cy[0, 1, 0] - cy[0, 0, 0],
+                                    cz[0, 0, 1] - cz[0, 0, 0]],
+                                   dtype=PARMES_REAL)
+    def __str__(self):
+        """ Sub mesh display """
+        s = 'Coords:' + str(self._topology.coords[:])
+        s += ' Sub mesh resolution:' + str(self.resolution) + '\n'
+        s += 'Starting point global indices :' + str(self.global_start) + '\n'
+        s += 'Local indices for "computed" points (excluding ghosts) :\n'
+        s += '   start = ' + str(self.local_start)
+        s += ', end = ' + str(self.local_end) + '\n'
+        return s
diff --git a/HySoP/hysop/obstacle/obstacle.py b/HySoP/hysop/domain/obstacle.py
similarity index 96%
rename from HySoP/hysop/obstacle/obstacle.py
rename to HySoP/hysop/domain/obstacle.py
index f96ce0bc37fc9f218628e1b030b2208dbdd52d14..61654cd2e54cc9bcfdea19eaba768c1e9434f29c 100644
--- a/HySoP/hysop/obstacle/obstacle.py
+++ b/HySoP/hysop/domain/obstacle.py
@@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
-Obstacles representation
+Obstacles representation.
-import numpy as np
-from parmepy.constants import PARMES_REAL
+from parmepy.constants import np, PARMES_REAL
 from obstacle_d import Obstacle_d
diff --git a/HySoP/hysop/obstacle/obstacle_d.py b/HySoP/hysop/domain/obstacle_d.py
similarity index 94%
rename from HySoP/hysop/obstacle/obstacle_d.py
rename to HySoP/hysop/domain/obstacle_d.py
index 572a4482d19fa59bf72ba94ef888a59fdf8482f9..575a993844f0c9b71d2c66025bf702b121bba90c 100644
--- a/HySoP/hysop/obstacle/obstacle_d.py
+++ b/HySoP/hysop/domain/obstacle_d.py
@@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
 Discrete obstacles description
+@todo write test in parmepy/domain/test/test_obstacle.py
-import numpy as np
+from parmepy.constants import np
 class Obstacle_d(object):
-    """ 
+    """
     Discrete obstacles representation.
@@ -55,13 +56,14 @@ class Obstacle_d(object):
         self.chiPorous = None
     def chiFunctions(self):
-        """ 
+        """
         Compute the chi functions associated to z-boundaries and solid
 #        boolOrientation=[np.bool(0) for i in range (6)]
 #        boolOrientation[self.indOrientation(self.orientation)]=True
         ## Temporary arrays
+        #TODO:utiliser des tableaux numpy !
         chiBoundaryTmp = []
         chiSolidTmp = []
         chiPorousTmp = []
@@ -70,14 +72,14 @@ class Obstacle_d(object):
         step = self.topology.mesh.size
         ghosts = self.topology.ghosts
-        coord_start = self.topology.mesh.origin 
+        coord_start = self.topology.mesh.origin
         coord_end = self.topology.mesh.end * step + self.topology.domain.origin - (ghosts * step)
-        layerMin = coord_start[2] + ghosts[2] * step[2] + self.zlayer 
+        layerMin = coord_start[2] + ghosts[2] * step[2] + self.zlayer
         layerMax = coord_end[2] - ghosts[2] * step[2] - self.zlayer
         radiusMinuslayer = self.radius- self.porousLayer
         print 'start, end, layerMin, layerMax', coord_start, coord_end, layerMin, layerMax
         for k in xrange (ghosts[2], self.resolution[2] - ghosts[2]):
-            rz = coord_start[2] + step[2] * k 
+            rz = coord_start[2] + step[2] * k
             for j in xrange (ghosts[1], self.resolution[1] - ghosts[1]):
                 ry = coord_start[1] + step[1] * j
                 for i in xrange (ghosts[0], self.resolution[0] - ghosts[0]):
@@ -91,12 +93,12 @@ class Obstacle_d(object):
                         rx = coord_start[0] + step[0] * i
                         dist = np.sqrt((rx - self.center[0]) **2 +
                                (ry - self.center[1]) **2 +
-                               (rz - self.center[2]) **2) 
+                               (rz - self.center[2]) **2)
                         if (self.name=='sphere'):
                             if (radiusMinuslayer < dist and dist <= self.radius + 1E-12 and self.porousLayer != 0.):
                             # we are in the porous area of the sphere:
-#                                chiPorousTmp0.append(i) 
+#                                chiPorousTmp0.append(i)
 #                                chiPorousTmp1.append(j)
 #                                chiPorousTmp2.append(k)
                             if (dist <= radiusMinuslayer + 1E-12):
diff --git a/HySoP/hysop/domain/tests/test_box.py b/HySoP/hysop/domain/tests/test_box.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fab4b8332912a8d6ea3dee57591a7c1eb258d496
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HySoP/hysop/domain/tests/test_box.py
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+Testing parmepy.domain.box.Box
+import parmepy as pp
+from parmepy.constants import np
+def test_create_box1():
+    """Test default parameters"""
+    dom = pp.box.Box()
+    assert dom.dimension == 3
+    assert np.allclose(dom.length, np.ones_like(dom.length))
+    assert np.allclose(dom.origin, np.zeros_like(dom.origin))
+    assert [b == pp.PERIODIC for b in dom.boundaries]
+def test_create_box2():
+    """Test given parameters"""
+    L = np.asarray([1., 2.5])
+    ori = np.asarray([1, 2.1])
+    dom = pp.box.Box(2, length=L, origin=ori)
+    assert dom.dimension == 2
+    assert np.allclose(dom.length, L)
+    assert np.allclose(dom.origin, ori)
+    assert [b == pp.PERIODIC for b in dom.boundaries]
diff --git a/HySoP/hysop/domain/tests/test_domain.py b/HySoP/hysop/domain/tests/test_domain.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 0ff83f1868c8e5e420b7837d0a3d0bf8f5a549a2..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/HySoP/hysop/domain/tests/test_domain.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-import parmepy as pp
-import numpy as np
-tol = np.finfo(np.double).eps
-class TestBox:
-    def test_create_box1(self):
-        dom = pp.Box()
-        assert dom.dimension == 3
-        assert np.allclose(dom.length, 1.0, atol=tol)
-        testList = dom.origin == 0
-        assert testList.all()
-        assert dom.boundaries.all() == pp.PERIODIC
-    def test_create_box2(self):
-        L = np.asarray([1., 2.5])
-        ori = np.asarray([1, 2.1])
-        dom = pp.Box(2, length=L, origin=ori)
-        assert dom.dimension == 2
-        assert np.allclose(dom.length[:], L, atol=tol)
-        testList = dom.origin == ori
-        assert testList.all()
-        assert dom.boundaries.all() == pp.PERIODIC
-    def test_discretizeBox(self):
-        dom = pp.Box()
-        resolution = [12, 12, 12]
-        discrdom = dom.discretize(resolution)
-        assert type(discrdom) is pp.CartesianGrid
-        testList = np.asarray(discrdom.resolution) == resolution
-        assert testList.all()
-        assert discrdom.domain == dom
diff --git a/HySoP/hysop/domain/tests/test_mesh.py b/HySoP/hysop/domain/tests/test_mesh.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..98454241057f3daf8596b39611bcab6acdf4784a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HySoP/hysop/domain/tests/test_mesh.py
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+Testing parmepy.domain.mesh.CartesianMesh
+import parmepy as pp
+from parmepy.constants import np
diff --git a/HySoP/hysop/domain/tests/test_obstacle.py b/HySoP/hysop/domain/tests/test_obstacle.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8bd41f40eaf026737f9bfb48f6f9689163eed671
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HySoP/hysop/domain/tests/test_obstacle.py
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+Testing parmepy.domain.obstacle.Obstacle
+import parmepy as pp
+from parmepy.constants import np
diff --git a/HySoP/hysop/fields/analytical.py b/HySoP/hysop/fields/analytical.py
index b8c04f6c8fb0d510c1ec89b3f9445e09a8e2f55b..5d6780c4c4c4753a456fafb83da1622cab22b7a9 100644
--- a/HySoP/hysop/fields/analytical.py
+++ b/HySoP/hysop/fields/analytical.py
@@ -3,12 +3,10 @@
 Continuous variable description defined with an analytic formula.
-from .continuous import ContinuousField
-from .discrete import ScalarField
-from .discrete import VectorField
+from parmepy.fields.continuous import Field
-class AnalyticalField(ContinuousField):
+class AnalyticalField(Field):
     A variable (continuous) defined with an analytic formula.
@@ -25,7 +23,7 @@ class AnalyticalField(ContinuousField):
         @note formula is used in ScalarField or VectorField as vectorized function by numpy.
-        ContinuousField.__init__(self, domain, name, vector)
+        Field.__init__(self, domain, name, vector)
         ## Analytic formula.
         self.formula = formula
@@ -49,8 +47,8 @@ class AnalyticalField(ContinuousField):
     def __str__(self):
         """ToString method"""
         s = "  Analytical variable (ContinuousField)\n"
-        s += "   dimension={0}\n".format(self.dimension)
-        return s + "\n"
+        s += Field.__str__(self)
+        return s
 if __name__ == "__main__":
     print __doc__
diff --git a/HySoP/hysop/fields/continuous.py b/HySoP/hysop/fields/continuous.py
index 75f0925b23815dbb9883bd00519d881a114e349b..bd6a6f70f681fe3020c3ae1380f04039f23cd768 100644
--- a/HySoP/hysop/fields/continuous.py
+++ b/HySoP/hysop/fields/continuous.py
@@ -3,16 +3,16 @@
 Continuous variable description
-from .discrete import ScalarField
-from .discrete import VectorField
+from parmepy.fields.scalar import ScalarField
+from parmepy.fields.vector import VectorField
-class ContinuousField(object):
+class Field(object):
     """ A variable defined on a physical domain """
     def __init__(self, domain, name="?", vector=False):
-        Create a ContinuousField.
+        Create a Field.
         @param domain : variable application domain.
         @param name : name of the variable (used for vtk output).
@@ -30,25 +30,37 @@ class ContinuousField(object):
         self._fieldId = -1
         ## List of the various discretizations of this field
         self.discreteField = []
+        ## List of the various topologies that discretizations are based on
+        self.topologies = []
         ## Is field is a vector field
         self.vector = vector
     def discretize(self, topology=None):
-        Discretization of the field on a topology
-        @param topology : Topology definition to use
-        @return discrete field and its index
+        Discretization of the field on a topology.
+        @param topology : Topology definition to use.
+        @return discrete field and its index.
+        Do not create an other DiscreteField object if topology already used.
-        self._fieldId += 1
-        if self.vector:
-            self.discreteField.append(VectorField(self, topology,
-                                                  name=self.name + "_D_" + str(self._fieldId),
-                                                  idFromParent=self._fieldId))
+        if topology in self.topologies:
+            ## finds fieldID for corresponding topology
+            fId = [df.topology for df in self.discreteField].index(topology)
-            self.discreteField.append(ScalarField(self, topology,
-                                                  name=self.name + "_D_" + str(self._fieldId),
-                                                  idFromParent=self._fieldId))
-        return self.discreteField[self._fieldId], self._fieldId
+            self._fieldId += 1
+            fId = self._fieldId
+            if self.vector:
+                self.discreteField.append(
+                    VectorField(self, topology,
+                                name=self.name + "_D_" + str(fId),
+                                idFromParent=fId))
+            else:
+                self.discreteField.append(
+                    ScalarField(self, topology,
+                                name=self.name + "_D_" + str(fId),
+                                idFromParent=fId))
+            self.topologies.append(topology)
+        return self.discreteField[fId], fId
     def initialize(self):
diff --git a/HySoP/hysop/fields/discrete.py b/HySoP/hysop/fields/discrete.py
index 1a776e2d1140030de18b3e783c8ffa9cf9c5a7ff..5dcfe1393aa1281096ecd32ee4f05aa884c7b076 100644
--- a/HySoP/hysop/fields/discrete.py
+++ b/HySoP/hysop/fields/discrete.py
@@ -3,22 +3,17 @@
 Discretes variables (scalar and vectors) descriptions.
-import numpy as np
-from parmepy.constants import ORDER, PARMES_REAL
+from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
-#import evtk.hl as evtk
+class DiscreteField(object):
+    """Abstract description of discrete field. """
-class ScalarField(object):
-    """
-    A scalar field, defined on each grid of each
-    subdomain of the given topology.
-    """
+    __metaclass__ = ABCMeta
+    @abstractmethod
     def __init__(self, parent, topology=None, name="?", idFromParent=None):
-        """
-        Creates a ScalaField.
+        """ Creates a ScalaField.
         @param parent : Continuous field.
         @param topology : Topology informations
@@ -36,209 +31,43 @@ class ScalarField(object):
         self.dimension = topology.domain.dimension
         ## Field resolution.
         self.resolution = self.topology.mesh.resolution
-        ## Field data numpy array. \todo is numpy array zeros or empty???
-        self.data = np.zeros((self.resolution), dtype=PARMES_REAL, order=ORDER)
-        ## Pointer to gpu data array if needed.
-        self.gpu_data = None
         ## @private Continuous field
         self.__parentField = parent
         ## @private Index in parent's field discrete fields
         self.__idFromParent = idFromParent
         ## Application domain of the variable.
-        self.domain = self.__parentField.domain.discreteDomain
+        self.domain = self.topology.mesh
         ## Is self.data contains data
         self.contains_data = False
         ## Scalar is not vector
-        self.vector = False
-    def __str__(self):
-        """ Display class information. """
-        s = '[' + str(self.topology.rank) + '] '
-        s += " id " + str(self.__idFromParent) + ", "
-        s += self.name + " " + str(self.dimension) + 'D discrete field with resolution '
-        s += str(self.data.shape) + "."
-        return s + "\n"
+        self.vector = None
+        ## Field data numpy array.
+        self.data = None
+    @abstractmethod
     def __getitem__(self, i):
-        """
-        Access to the content of the field.
-        @param i : requested index.
-        @return data[i].
-        """
-        return self.data.__getitem__(i)
+        """ Access to the content of the field."""
+        raise ValueError("Abstract method")
+    @abstractmethod
     def __setitem__(self, i, value):
-        """
-        Set the content of the field component at position i.
-        @param i : requested index.
-        @param value : value to set.
-        Usage :\n
-        A = ScalarField(topo)\n
-        A[2,1,1] = 12.0 # Calls A.data[2,1,1] = 12.0
-        """
-        self.data.__setitem__(i, value)
+        """ Access to the content of the field."""
+        raise ValueError("Abstract method")
     def initialize(self, formula=None):
-        """
-        Initialize values with given formula.
-        @param formula : formula to apply on coordinates.
-        Formula need to be vectorized by numpy. Therefore formula must have the following signature:
-        @li 3D : float formula(float x, float y, float z)
-        @li 2D : float formula(float x, float y)
-        where x,y,z are point coordinates.
-        """
-        if formula is not None:
-            print "...",
-            v_formula = np.vectorize(formula)
-            if self.dimension == 3:
-                self.data = v_formula(self.topology.mesh.coords[0][0:self.resolution[0],0:self.resolution[1],0:self.resolution[2]],
-                                      self.topology.mesh.coords[1][0:self.resolution[0],0:self.resolution[1],0:self.resolution[2]],
-                                      self.topology.mesh.coords[2][0:self.resolution[0],0:self.resolution[1],0:self.resolution[2]])
-            elif self.dimension == 2:
-                self.data = v_formula(self.topology.mesh.coords[0][0:self.resolution[0],0:self.resolution[1]],
-                                      self.topology.mesh.coords[1][0:self.resolution[0],0:self.resolution[1]])
-            else:
-                self.data = v_formula(self.topology.mesh.coords[0][0:self.resolution[0]])
-            self.contains_data = True
-        else:
-            print "No formula",
-class VectorField(object):
-    """
-    A vector field, defined on each grid of each subdomain of the given topology.
-    Vector field is composed of several ScalarFields
-    """
-    def __init__(self, parent, topology=None, name="?", idFromParent=None):
-        """
-        Creates a VectorField.
-        @param parent : Continuous field.
-        @param topology : Topology informations
-        @param name : Field name
-        @param idFromParent : Index in the parent's discrete fields
-        """
-        if(topology is not None):
-            ## Topology informations.
-            self.topology = topology
-        else:
-            raise NotImplementedError()
-        ## Field name.
-        self.name = name
-        ## Field dimension.
-        self.dimension = topology.domain.dimension
-        ## Field resolution.
-        self.resolution = self.topology.mesh.resolution
-        ## Field data numpy array. \todo is numpy array zeros or empty???
-        self.data = [np.zeros((self.resolution), dtype=PARMES_REAL, order=ORDER) for d in xrange(self.dimension)]
-        ## Pointer to gpu data arrays if needed.
-        self.gpu_data = [None for d in xrange(self.dimension)]
-        ## @private Continuous field
-        self.__parentField = parent
-        ## @private Index in parent's field discrete fields
-        self.__idFromParent = idFromParent
-        ## Application domain of the variable.
-        self.domain = self.__parentField.domain.discreteDomain
-        ## Is self.data contains data
-        self.contains_data = False
-        ## Scalar is not vector
-        self.vector = True
+        """Initialize values with given formula."""
+        raise ValueError("Abstract method")
-    def __str__(self):
-        """ Display class information """
-        s = '[' + str(self.topology.rank) + '] '
-        s += " id " + str(self.__idFromParent) + ", "
-        s += self.name + " " + str(self.dimension) + 'D discrete vector field with resolution '
-        s += str([data.shape for data in self.data]) + "."
-        return s + "\n"
+    def get_data_method(self):
+        pass
-    def __getitem__(self, i):
-        """ Access to the content of the field.
-        @param i : requested index.
-        @return data[i] depending on i.
-        Usage (3D): \n
-        A = VectorField(...), We have 3 components len(a.data) == 3. \n
-        Following instructions access to index 2,1,1 of y component:
-        @li A[1,2,1,1]
-        @li A[1][2,1,1]
-        @li Access to whole vector of index 2,1,1: A[2,1,1]
-        @note Access to all datas as an array : A[:,:,:] (resulting shape is (dim, Nx, Ny, Nz))
-        @note Access to all datas in y component as an array : A[1][:,:,:] (resulting shape is (Nx, Ny, Nz))
-        """
-        try:
-            if len(i) == len(self.data):
-                return np.asarray([data.__getitem__(i) for data in self.data])
-            else:
-                return self.data[i[0]].__getitem__(tuple(i[1:]))
-        except (TypeError):
-            return self.data[i]
-    def __setitem__(self, i, value):
-        """
-        Set the content of the vector field component at position i.
-        @param i : requested index.
-        @param value : value to set.
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    print __doc__
+    print "- Provided class : Domain (abstract)."
+    print Domain.__doc__
-        Usage :\n
-        A = VectorField(topo)\n
-        A[2,1,1] = 12.0 # Calls A.data[d][2,1,1] = 12.0 for all components d.\n
-        A[2,1,1] = [12.0, 13.0, 14.0] # Calls A.data[0][2,1,1] = 12.0, A.data[1][2,1,1] = 13.0 and A.data[2][2,1,1] = 14.0\n
-        A[1][2,1,1] = 13.0 # Calls A.data[1][2,1,1] = 12.0
-        A[1,2,1,1] = 13.0 # Calls A.data[1][2,1,1] = 12.0
-        """
-        if len(i) == len(self.data):
-            try:
-                [data.__setitem__(i, v) for data, v in zip(self.data, value)]
-            except (TypeError):
-                [data.__setitem__(i, value) for data in self.data]
-        elif len(i) > len(self.data):
-            self.data[i[0]].__setitem__(tuple(i[1:]), value)
-    def initialize(self, formula=None):
-        """
-        Initialize values with given formula.
-        @param formula : formula to apply on coordinates.
-        Formula need to be vectorized by numpy.
-        Therefore formula must have the following signature:
-        @li 3D : float, float, float formula(float x, float y, float z)
-        @li 2D : float, float formula(float x, float y)
-        where x,y,z are point coordinates.
-        """
-        if formula is not None:
-            print "...",
-            v_formula = np.vectorize(formula)
-            if self.dimension == 3:
-                self.data[0], self.data[1], self.data[2] = \
-                    v_formula(*self.topology.mesh.coords)
-                self.data[0] = np.asarray(self.data[0],
-                                          dtype=PARMES_REAL, order=ORDER)
-                self.data[1] = np.asarray(self.data[1],
-                                          dtype=PARMES_REAL, order=ORDER)
-                self.data[2] = np.asarray(self.data[2],
-                                          dtype=PARMES_REAL, order=ORDER)
-            elif self.dimension == 2:
-                self.data[0], self.data[1] = \
-                    v_formula(*self.topology.mesh.coords)
-                self.data[0] = np.asarray(self.data[0],
-                                          dtype=PARMES_REAL, order=ORDER)
-                self.data[1] = np.asarray(self.data[1],
-                                          dtype=PARMES_REAL, order=ORDER)
-            self.contains_data = True
-        else:
-            print "No formula",
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    print __doc__
-    print "- Provided class : ScalarField, VectorField"
-    print ScalarField.__doc__
diff --git a/HySoP/hysop/fields/gpu_discrete.py b/HySoP/hysop/fields/gpu_discrete.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b47c7af5d93562830850b7d6ce892de9d76706c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HySoP/hysop/fields/gpu_discrete.py
@@ -0,0 +1,228 @@
+@package parmepy.fields.gpu_discrete
+from parmepy.constants import ORDER, np
+from parmepy.gpu import cl, PARMES_REAL_GPU
+from parmepy.fields.vector import VectorField
+from parmepy.fields.scalar import ScalarField
+class GPUDiscreteField(object):
+    def __init__(self, queue):
+        self.queue = queue
+        self.gpu_data = None
+        print self.name, "buffer allocation "
+        self.mem_size = 0
+class GPUVectorField(VectorField, GPUDiscreteField):
+    """
+    GPU Discrete field implementation
+    """
+    def __init__(self, queue, parent,
+                 topology=None, name="?", idFromParent=None,
+                 precision=PARMES_REAL_GPU):
+        super(GPUVectorField, self).__init__(self,
+                                             parent, topology,
+                                             name, idFromParent)
+        self.gpu_data = [None for d in xrange(self.dimension)]
+        for d in xrange(self.dimension):
+            self.data[d] = np.asarray(self.data[d],
+                                      dtype=precision, order=ORDER)
+            self.gpu_data[d] = cl.Buffer(self.queue.context,
+                                         cl.mem_flags.READ_WRITE,
+                                         size=self.data[d].nbytes)
+            self.mem_size += self.gpu_data[d].size
+    @classmethod
+    def fromVectorField(cls, queue, vfield, precision=PARMES_REAL_GPU):
+        vfield.__class__ = cls
+        GPUDiscreteField.__init__(vfield, queue)
+        vfield.gpu_data = [None for d in xrange(vfield.dimension)]
+        for d in xrange(vfield.dimension):
+            vfield.data[d] = np.asarray(vfield.data[d],
+                                        dtype=precision, order=ORDER)
+            vfield.gpu_data[d] = cl.Buffer(vfield.queue.context,
+                                           cl.mem_flags.READ_WRITE,
+                                           size=vfield.data[d].nbytes)
+            vfield.mem_size += vfield.gpu_data[d].size
+    def toDevice(self):
+        """
+        Host to device method.
+        @param queue : OpenCL queue.
+        Performs a direct OpenCL copy from numpy arrays
+        to OpenCL Buffers.\n
+        Arrange memory on device so that vector components are
+        contiguous in the direction of the component.\n
+        Example : A 3D vector field F(x,y,z) is made up of 3
+        OpenCL Buffers Fx, Fy, Fz. The memory layout is :
+        - Fx : x-major ordering. On device,
+        Fx[i + j*WIDTH + k*WIDTH*HEIGHT] access to Fx(i,j,k)
+        - Fy : y-major ordering. On device,
+        Fy[i + j*WIDTH + k*WIDTH*HEIGHT] access to Fy(j,i,k)
+        - Fz : z-major ordering. On device,
+        Fz[i + j*WIDTH + k*WIDTH*HEIGHT] access to Fz(k,i,j)
+        """
+        print "host->device :", self.name,
+        time = 0.
+        evt = [None, None, None]
+        evt[0] = cl.enqueue_copy(
+            self.queue, self.gpu_data[0],
+            self.data[0].ravel(order=ORDER))
+        evt[1] = cl.enqueue_copy(
+            self.queue, self.gpu_data[1],
+            self.data[1].swapaxes(0, 1).ravel(order=ORDER))
+        if self.dimension == 3:
+            evt[2] = cl.enqueue_copy(
+                self.queue, self.gpu_data[2],
+                self.data[2].swapaxes(0, 1).swapaxes(0, 2).ravel(order=ORDER))
+        self.queue.finish()
+        for e in evt:
+            if e is not None:
+                time += (e.profile.end - e.profile.start) * 1e-9
+        self.data_on_device = True
+        print self.mem_size, "Bytes transfered at ",
+        print "{0:.3f} GBytes/sec".format(
+            self.mem_size / (time * 1024 ** 3))
+        return self.mem_size, time
+    def toHost(self):
+        """
+        Device to host method.
+        @param queue : OpenCL queue.
+        @param discreteField : Variable to transfer.
+        Performs a direct OpenCL copy from OpenCL Buffers
+        to numpy arrays.\n
+        As memory layout is arranged on device, not only a
+        copy is performed but also transpositions to have numpy
+        arrays consistent to each other.
+        """
+        if not self.contains_data:
+            print "device->host :", self.name,
+            time = 0.
+            evt = [None, None, None]
+            # Use of discreteField.data[XDIR] as temporary array
+            #\todo Need cleaner solution
+            # Get ZDIR component
+            if self.dimension == 3:
+                evt[2] = cl.enqueue_copy(self.queue, self.data[0],
+                                         self.gpu_data[2])
+                self.data[2] = self.data[0]\
+                    .swapaxes(0, 2).swapaxes(0, 1)
+            # Get YDIR component
+            evt[1] = cl.enqueue_copy(self.queue, self.data[0],
+                                     self.gpu_data[1])
+            self.data[1] = self.data[0].swapaxes(0, 1)
+            # Get XDIR component
+            evt[0] = cl.enqueue_copy(self.queue, self.data[0],
+                                     self.gpu_data[0])
+            self.queue.finish()
+            for e in evt:
+                if e is not None:
+                    time += (e.profile.end - e.profile.start) * 1e-9
+            self.data_on_device = False
+            print self.mem_size, "Bytes transfered at ",
+            print "{0:.3f} GBytes/sec".format(
+                self.mem_size / (time * 1024 ** 3))
+            return self.mem_size, time
+class GPUScalarField(ScalarField, GPUDiscreteField):
+    """
+    GPU Discrete field implementation
+    """
+    def __init__(self, queue, parent,
+                 topology=None, name="?", idFromParent=None,
+                 precision=PARMES_REAL_GPU):
+        super(GPUScalarField, self).__init__(self,
+                                             parent, topology,
+                                             name, idFromParent)
+        self.queue = queue
+        self.gpu_data = None
+        print self.name, "buffer allocation "
+        self.mem_size = 0
+        self.data = np.asarray(self.data,
+                               dtype=precision, order=ORDER)
+        self.gpu_data = cl.Buffer(self.queue.context,
+                                  cl.mem_flags.READ_WRITE,
+                                  size=self.data.nbytes)
+        self.mem_size = self.gpu_data.size
+    @classmethod
+    def fromScalarField(cls, queue, sfield, precision=PARMES_REAL_GPU):
+        sfield.__class__ = cls
+        GPUDiscreteField.__init__(sfield, queue)
+        sfield.data = np.asarray(sfield.data,
+                                 dtype=precision, order=ORDER)
+        sfield.gpu_data = cl.Buffer(sfield.queue.context,
+                                    cl.mem_flags.READ_WRITE,
+                                    size=sfield.data.nbytes)
+        sfield.mem_size = sfield.gpu_data.size
+    def toDevice(self):
+        """
+        Host to device method.
+        @param queue : OpenCL queue.
+        Performs a direct OpenCL copy from numpy arrays
+        to OpenCL Buffers.\n
+        Arrange memory on device so that vector components are
+        contiguous in the direction of the component.\n
+        Example : A 3D vector field F(x,y,z) is made up of 3
+        OpenCL Buffers Fx, Fy, Fz. The memory layout is :
+        - Fx : x-major ordering. On device,
+        Fx[i + j*WIDTH + k*WIDTH*HEIGHT] access to Fx(i,j,k)
+        - Fy : y-major ordering. On device,
+        Fy[i + j*WIDTH + k*WIDTH*HEIGHT] access to Fy(j,i,k)
+        - Fz : z-major ordering. On device,
+        Fz[i + j*WIDTH + k*WIDTH*HEIGHT] access to Fz(k,i,j)
+        """
+        print "host->device :", self.name,
+        time = 0.
+        evt = [None, None, None]
+        evt[0] = cl.enqueue_copy(self.queue, self.gpu_data,
+                                 self.data.ravel(order=ORDER))
+        self.queue.finish()
+        for e in evt:
+            if e is not None:
+                time += (e.profile.end - e.profile.start) * 1e-9
+        self.data_on_device = True
+        print self.mem_size, "Bytes transfered at ",
+        print "{0:.3f} GBytes/sec".format(
+            self.mem_size / (time * 1024 ** 3))
+        return self.mem_size, time
+    def toHost(self):
+        """
+        Device to host method.
+        @param queue : OpenCL queue.
+        @param discreteField : Variable to transfer.
+        Performs a direct OpenCL copy from OpenCL Buffers
+        to numpy arrays.\n
+        As memory layout is arranged on device, not only a
+        copy is performed but also transpositions to have numpy
+        arrays consistent to each other.
+        """
+        if not self.contains_data:
+            print "device->host :", self.name,
+            time = 0.
+            evt = [None, None, None]
+            evt[0] = cl.enqueue_copy(self.queue, self.data,
+                                     self.gpu_data)
+            self.queue.finish()
+            for e in evt:
+                if e is not None:
+                    time += (e.profile.end - e.profile.start) * 1e-9
+            self.data_on_device = False
+            print self.mem_size, "Bytes transfered at ",
+            print "{0:.3f} GBytes/sec".format(
+                self.mem_size / (time * 1024 ** 3))
+            return self.mem_size, time
diff --git a/HySoP/hysop/fields/gpuscalar.py b/HySoP/hysop/fields/gpuscalar.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a955256ebc0e151f4cc5a74b6a9bfee790b8ac1a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HySoP/hysop/fields/gpuscalar.py
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+@package parmepy.fields.gpuscalar
+Discrete variable scalar description for GPU.
+@todo missing tests
+from parmepy.constants import np, ORDER, PARMES_REAL
+from parmepy.fields.discrete import DiscreteField
+class GPUScalarField(DiscreteField, GPUDiscreteField):
+    """
+    A scalar field, defined on each grid of each
+    subdomain of the given topology.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        """Constructor for a scalar field"""
+        super(GPUScalarField, self).__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
+        self.vector = False
+        self.data = np.zeros((self.resolution), dtype=PARMES_REAL, order=ORDER)
+    def __str__(self):
+        """ Display class information. """
+        s = '[' + str(self.topology.rank) + '] '
+        s += " id " + str(self.__idFromParent) + ", "
+        s += self.name + " " + str(self.dimension)
+        s += 'D gpu discrete field with resolution '
+        s += str(self.data.shape) + "."
+        return s + "\n"
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    print __doc__
+    print "- Provided class : Scalar"
+    print ScalarField.__doc__
diff --git a/HySoP/hysop/fields/gpuvector.py b/HySoP/hysop/fields/gpuvector.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..84b4a595874eb838ba80952decf20c9d297f483d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HySoP/hysop/fields/gpuvector.py
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+@package parmepy.fields.gpuvector
+Discrete variable scalar description fot GPU.
+@todo missing test
+from parmepy.constants import np, ORDER, PARMES_REAL
+from parmepy.fields.discrete import DiscreteField
+class VectorField(DiscreteField):
+    """
+    A vector field, defined on each grid of each subdomain
+    of the given topology.
+    Vector field is composed of several ScalarFields
+    """
+    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        """Constructor for a vector field"""
+        super(VectorField, self).__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
+        self.data = [np.zeros((self.resolution),
+                              dtype=PARMES_REAL, order=ORDER)
+                     for d in xrange(self.dimension)]
+        self.vector = True
+    def __str__(self):
+        """ Display class information """
+        s = '[' + str(self.topology.rank) + '] '
+        s += " id " + str(self.__idFromParent) + ", "
+        s += self.name + " " + str(self.dimension)
+        s += 'D gpu discrete vector field with resolution '
+        s += str([data.shape for data in self.data]) + "."
+        return s + "\n"
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    print __doc__
+    print "- Provided class : VectorField"
+    print ScalarField.__doc__
diff --git a/HySoP/hysop/fields/scalar.py b/HySoP/hysop/fields/scalar.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..18ce6931d7708c2b235d2dc2a5a094960d3183fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HySoP/hysop/fields/scalar.py
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+@package parmepy.fields.scalar
+Discrete variable scalar description.
+from parmepy.constants import np, ORDER, PARMES_REAL
+from parmepy.fields.discrete import DiscreteField
+class ScalarField(DiscreteField):
+    """
+    A scalar field, defined on each grid of each
+    subdomain of the given topology.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, parent, topology=None, name="?", idFromParent=None):
+        """Constructor for a scalar field"""
+        super(ScalarField, self).__init__(parent, topology,
+                                          name, idFromParent)
+        self.vector = False
+        self.data = np.zeros((self.resolution), dtype=PARMES_REAL, order=ORDER)
+    def __getitem__(self, i):
+        """
+        Access to the content of the field.
+        @param i : requested index.
+        @return data[i].
+        """
+        return self.data.__getitem__(i)
+    def __setitem__(self, i, value):
+        """
+        Set the content of the field component at position i.
+        @param i : requested index.
+        @param value : value to set.
+        Usage :\n
+        A = ScalarField(topo)\n
+        A[2,1,1] = 12.0 # Calls A.data[2,1,1] = 12.0
+        """
+        self.data.__setitem__(i, value)
+    def initialize(self, formula=None):
+        """
+        Initialize values with given formula.
+        @param formula : formula to apply on coordinates.
+        Formula need to be vectorized by numpy.
+        Therefore formula must have the following signature:
+        @li 3D : float formula(float x, float y, float z)
+        @li 2D : float formula(float x, float y)
+        where x,y,z are point coordinates.
+        """
+        if formula is not None:
+            print "...",
+            v_formula = np.vectorize(formula)
+            if self.dimension == 3:
+                self.data = v_formula(*self.topology.mesh.coords)
+            elif self.dimension == 2:
+                self.data = v_formula(*self.topology.mesh.coords)
+            else:
+                self.data = v_formula(self.topology.mesh.coords)
+            self.contains_data = True
+        else:
+            print "No formula",
+    def __str__(self):
+        """ Display class information. """
+        s = '[' + str(self.topology.rank) + '] '
+        s += self.name + " " + str(self.dimension)
+        s += 'D discrete field with resolution '
+        s += str(self.data.shape) + "."
+        return s + "\n"
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    print __doc__
+    print "- Provided class : Scalar"
+    print ScalarField.__doc__
diff --git a/HySoP/hysop/fields/tests/__init__.py b/HySoP/hysop/fields/tests/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..64b9577969b28b74de5e67cfc63fb4bec85a6652
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HySoP/hysop/fields/tests/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+@package parmepy.domain
+@file parmepy/domain/__init__.py
+Everything concerning physical domains, their discretizations
+and MPI topologies.
diff --git a/HySoP/hysop/fields/tests/test_discretefield.py b/HySoP/hysop/fields/tests/test_discretefield.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8b305c1e932e0aaadf3f63e913d99304158a3945
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HySoP/hysop/fields/tests/test_discretefield.py
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+Testing parmepy.field.scalar.ScalarField,
+ parmepy.field.scalar.VectorField
+import parmepy as pp
+from parmepy.constants import np
+from parmepy.fields.continuous import Field
+from parmepy.fields.analytical import AnalyticalField
+def test_discretization():
+    """Test multiple discretizations"""
+    dom = pp.box.Box()
+    csf = Field(dom)
+    cvf = Field(dom, vector=True)
+    resolTopo = [33, 33, 17]
+    topo = pp.topology.Cartesian(dom, 3, resolTopo)
+    csf.discretize(topo)
+    cvf.discretize(topo)
+    assert np.equal(csf.discreteField[0].resolution,
+                    csf.discreteField[0].data.shape).all()
+    assert not csf.discreteField[0].contains_data
+    assert np.equal(cvf.discreteField[0].resolution,
+                    cvf.discreteField[0].data[0].shape).all()
+    assert np.equal(cvf.discreteField[0].resolution,
+                    cvf.discreteField[0].data[1].shape).all()
+    assert np.equal(cvf.discreteField[0].resolution,
+                    cvf.discreteField[0].data[2].shape).all()
+    assert not cvf.discreteField[0].contains_data
+def test_init_scalar():
+    dom = pp.box.Box()
+    csf = Field(dom)
+    resolTopo = [33, 11, 17]
+    topo = pp.topology.Cartesian(dom, 3, resolTopo)
+    csf.discretize(topo)
+    scalar = lambda x, y, z: x * y * z
+    true_data = np.zeros_like(csf.discreteField[0].data)
+    for i in np.arange(resolTopo[0] - 1):
+        for j in np.arange(resolTopo[1] - 1):
+            for k in np.arange(resolTopo[2] - 1):
+                true_data[i, j, k] = scalar(i / ((resolTopo[0] - 1) * 1.),
+                                            j / ((resolTopo[1] - 1) * 1.),
+                                            k / ((resolTopo[2] - 1) * 1.))
+    csf.discreteField[0].initialize(scalar)
+    assert np.allclose(csf.discreteField[0].data, true_data)
+def test_init_vector():
+    dom = pp.box.Box()
+    cvf = Field(dom, vector=True)
+    resolTopo = [33, 11, 17]
+    topo = pp.topology.Cartesian(dom, 3, resolTopo)
+    cvf.discretize(topo)
+    vector = lambda x, y, z: (x ** 2, 1.0 - y, 10 * z + 10.)
+    true_data_x = np.zeros_like(cvf.discreteField[0].data[0])
+    true_data_y = np.zeros_like(cvf.discreteField[0].data[1])
+    true_data_z = np.zeros_like(cvf.discreteField[0].data[2])
+    for i in np.arange(resolTopo[0] - 1):
+        for j in np.arange(resolTopo[1] - 1):
+            for k in np.arange(resolTopo[2] - 1):
+                true_data_x[i, j, k], \
+                    true_data_y[i, j, k], \
+                    true_data_z[i, j, k] = \
+                    vector(i / ((resolTopo[0] - 1) * 1.),
+                           j / ((resolTopo[1] - 1) * 1.),
+                           k / ((resolTopo[2] - 1) * 1.))
+    cvf.discreteField[0].initialize(vector)
+    assert np.allclose(cvf.discreteField[0].data[0], true_data_x)
+    assert np.allclose(cvf.discreteField[0].data[1], true_data_y)
+    assert np.allclose(cvf.discreteField[0].data[2], true_data_z)
+def test_accessing_vector_element():
+    """Vector element access"""
+    dom = pp.box.Box()
+    cvf = Field(dom, vector=True)
+    resolTopo = [33, 11, 17]
+    topo = pp.topology.Cartesian(dom, 3, resolTopo)
+    cvf.discretize(topo)
+    vector = lambda x, y, z: (x ** 2, 1.0 - y, 10 * z + 10.)
+    true_data_x = np.zeros_like(cvf.discreteField[0].data[0])
+    true_data_y = np.zeros_like(cvf.discreteField[0].data[1])
+    true_data_z = np.zeros_like(cvf.discreteField[0].data[2])
+    cvf.discreteField[0].initialize(vector)
+    print cvf.discreteField[0][:, :, :].shape
+    tshape = (3, resolTopo[0] - 1, resolTopo[1] - 1, resolTopo[2] - 1)
+    assert np.equal(cvf.discreteField[0][:, :, :].shape, tshape).all()
+    tshape = (resolTopo[0] - 1, resolTopo[1] - 1, resolTopo[2] - 1)
+    assert np.equal(cvf.discreteField[0][0][:, :, :].shape, tshape).all()
+    tshape = (3,)
+    assert np.equal(cvf.discreteField[0][0, 0, 0].shape, tshape).all()
+    for i in np.arange(resolTopo[0] - 1):
+        for j in np.arange(resolTopo[1] - 1):
+            for k in np.arange(resolTopo[2] - 1):
+                true_data_x[i, j, k], \
+                    true_data_y[i, j, k], \
+                    true_data_z[i, j, k] = \
+                    vector(i / ((resolTopo[0] - 1) * 1.),
+                           j / ((resolTopo[1] - 1) * 1.),
+                           k / ((resolTopo[2] - 1) * 1.))
+                assert np.allclose(cvf.discreteField[0][0][i, j, k],
+                                   true_data_x[i, j, k])
+                assert np.allclose(cvf.discreteField[0][1, i, j, k],
+                                   true_data_y[i, j, k])
+                assert np.allclose(cvf.discreteField[0][i, j, k],
+                                   [true_data_x[i, j, k],
+                                    true_data_y[i, j, k],
+                                    true_data_z[i, j, k]])
+    assert np.allclose(cvf.discreteField[0][0], true_data_x)
+    assert np.allclose(cvf.discreteField[0][1], true_data_y)
+    assert np.allclose(cvf.discreteField[0][2], true_data_z)
+    assert np.allclose(cvf.discreteField[0][0][:, 1, 2], true_data_x[:, 1, 2])
+    assert np.allclose(cvf.discreteField[0][0, :, 1, 2], true_data_x[:, 1, 2])
+    #set item
+    cvf.discreteField[0][1, 2, 3] = [1., 2., 3.]
+    assert np.allclose(cvf.discreteField[0][1, 2, 3], [1., 2., 3.])
+    cvf.discreteField[0][0, 1, :] = 5.
+    true_data = [np.ones_like(cvf.discreteField[0].data[0][0, 1, :]) * 5.,
+                 np.ones_like(cvf.discreteField[0].data[0][0, 1, :]) * 5.,
+                 np.ones_like(cvf.discreteField[0].data[0][0, 1, :]) * 5.]
+    assert np.allclose(cvf.discreteField[0][0, 1, :], true_data)
+    cvf.discreteField[0][0][..., 9] = -1.
+    assert np.allclose(cvf.discreteField[0][0][..., 9],
+                       np.ones_like(true_data_x[..., 9]) * -1.)
diff --git a/HySoP/hysop/fields/tests/test_field.py b/HySoP/hysop/fields/tests/test_field.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fd671a3d98efdb27dce333406f4f98f4bd664386
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HySoP/hysop/fields/tests/test_field.py
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+Testing parmepy.field.continuous.Field
+import parmepy as pp
+from parmepy.fields.continuous import Field
+from parmepy.fields.analytical import AnalyticalField
+def test_discretization():
+    """Test multiple discretizations"""
+    dom = pp.box.Box()
+    cf = Field(dom)
+    resolTopo = [33, 33, 17]
+    topo = pp.topology.Cartesian(dom, 3, resolTopo)
+    cf.discretize(topo)
+    assert cf._fieldId == 0
+    assert len(cf.discreteField) == 1
+    assert len(cf.topologies) == 1
+    assert cf.topologies[0] == topo
+    cf.discretize(topo)
+    assert cf._fieldId == 0
+    assert len(cf.discreteField) == 1
+    assert len(cf.topologies) == 1
+    assert cf.topologies[0] == topo
+    resolTopo = [11, 17, 19]
+    topo2 = pp.topology.Cartesian(dom, 3, resolTopo)
+    cf.discretize(topo2)
+    assert cf._fieldId == 1
+    assert len(cf.discreteField) == 2
+    assert len(cf.topologies) == 2
+    assert cf.topologies[0] == topo
+    assert cf.topologies[1] == topo2
+def test_analytical():
+    """Test formula"""
+    dom = pp.box.Box()
+    formula = lambda x, y, z: (x * y * z, 1.0, -x * y * z)
+    caf = AnalyticalField(dom, formula)
+    assert caf.value(0., 0., 0.) == (0., 1., 0.)
+    assert caf.value(1., 1., 1.) == (1., 1., -1.)
+    assert caf.value(1., 2., 3.) == (6., 1., -6.)
diff --git a/HySoP/hysop/fields/vector.py b/HySoP/hysop/fields/vector.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..02ffb0c7c54f44bd19821a7ae1a7c2b4ed642749
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HySoP/hysop/fields/vector.py
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+@package parmepy.fields.vector
+Discrete variable scalar description.
+from parmepy.constants import np, ORDER, PARMES_REAL
+from parmepy.fields.discrete import DiscreteField
+class VectorField(DiscreteField):
+    """
+    A vector field, defined on each grid of each subdomain
+    of the given topology.
+    Vector field is composed of several ScalarFields
+    """
+    def __init__(self, parent, topology=None, name="?", idFromParent=None):
+        """Constructor for a vector field"""
+        super(VectorField, self).__init__(parent, topology,
+                                          name, idFromParent)
+        self.data = [np.zeros((self.resolution),
+                              dtype=PARMES_REAL, order=ORDER)
+                     for d in xrange(self.dimension)]
+        self.vector = True
+    def __getitem__(self, i):
+        """ Access to the content of the field.
+        @param i : requested index.
+        @return data[i] depending on i.
+        Usage (3D): \n
+        A = VectorField(...), We have 3 components len(a.data) == 3. \n
+        Following instructions access to index 2,1,1 of y component:
+        @li A[1,2,1,1]
+        @li A[1][2,1,1]
+        @li Access to whole vector of index 2,1,1: A[2,1,1]
+        @note Access to all datas as an array : A[:,:,:]
+        (resulting shape is (dim, Nx, Ny, Nz))
+        @note Access to all datas in y component as an array:
+        A[1][:,:,:] (resulting shape is (Nx, Ny, Nz))
+        """
+        try:
+            if len(i) == len(self.data):
+                return np.asarray([data.__getitem__(i) for data in self.data])
+            else:
+                return self.data[i[0]].__getitem__(tuple(i[1:]))
+        except (TypeError):
+            return self.data[i]
+    def __setitem__(self, i, value):
+        """
+        Set the content of the vector field component at position i.
+        @param i : requested index.
+        @param value : value to set.
+        Usage :\n
+        A = VectorField(topo)\n
+        A[2,1,1] = 12.0 # Calls A.data[d][2,1,1] = 12.0 for all components d.\n
+        A[2,1,1] = [12.0, 13.0, 14.0] # Calls A.data[0][2,1,1] = 12.0,
+        A.data[1][2,1,1] = 13.0 and A.data[2][2,1,1] = 14.0\n
+        A[1][2,1,1] = 13.0 # Calls A.data[1][2,1,1] = 12.0
+        A[1,2,1,1] = 13.0 # Calls A.data[1][2,1,1] = 12.0
+        """
+        if len(i) == len(self.data):
+            try:
+                [data.__setitem__(i, v) for data, v in zip(self.data, value)]
+            except (TypeError):
+                [data.__setitem__(i, value) for data in self.data]
+        elif len(i) > len(self.data):
+            self.data[i[0]].__setitem__(tuple(i[1:]), value)
+    def initialize(self, formula=None):
+        """
+        Initialize values with given formula.
+        @param formula : formula to apply on coordinates.
+        Formula need to be vectorized by numpy.
+        Therefore formula must have the following signature:
+        @li 3D : float, float, float formula(float x, float y, float z)
+        @li 2D : float, float formula(float x, float y)
+        where x,y,z are point coordinates.
+        """
+        if formula is not None:
+            print "...",
+            v_formula = np.vectorize(formula)
+            if self.dimension == 3:
+                self.data[0], self.data[1], self.data[2] = \
+                    v_formula(*self.topology.mesh.coords)
+                self.data[0] = np.asarray(self.data[0],
+                                          dtype=PARMES_REAL, order=ORDER)
+                self.data[1] = np.asarray(self.data[1],
+                                          dtype=PARMES_REAL, order=ORDER)
+                self.data[2] = np.asarray(self.data[2],
+                                          dtype=PARMES_REAL, order=ORDER)
+            elif self.dimension == 2:
+                self.data[0], self.data[1] = \
+                    v_formula(*self.topology.mesh.coords)
+                self.data[0] = np.asarray(self.data[0],
+                                          dtype=PARMES_REAL, order=ORDER)
+                self.data[1] = np.asarray(self.data[1],
+                                          dtype=PARMES_REAL, order=ORDER)
+            self.contains_data = True
+        else:
+            print "No formula",
+    def __str__(self):
+        """ Display class information """
+        s = '[' + str(self.topology.rank) + '] '
+        s += self.name + " " + str(self.dimension)
+        s += 'D discrete vector field with resolution '
+        s += str([data.shape for data in self.data]) + "."
+        return s + "\n"
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    print __doc__
+    print "- Provided class : VectorField"
+    print ScalarField.__doc__
diff --git a/HySoP/hysop/gpu/__init__.py b/HySoP/hysop/gpu/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b0ed4badd6725a7820478519415dc14f638be9bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HySoP/hysop/gpu/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+@package parmepy.gpu
+@file parmepy/gpu/__init__.py
+Everything concerning GPU in Parmes.
+from parmepy.constants import np, os
+import pyopencl as cl
+## GPU deflault sources
+GPU_SRC = os.path.join(__path__[0], "cl_src", '')
+PARMES_REAL_GPU = np.float32
+PARMES_DOUBLE_GPU = np.float64
+def _check_double_precision_capability(device, prec):
+    ## Precision supported
+    print " Precision capability  ",
+    capable = True
+    if prec is np.float32:
+        print "for Single Precision: "
+        for v in ['DENORM', 'INF_NAN',
+                  'ROUND_TO_NEAREST', 'ROUND_TO_ZERO', 'ROUND_TO_INF',
+            try:
+                if eval('(device.single_fp_config &' +
+                        ' cl.device_fp_config.' +
+                        v + ') == cl.device_fp_config.' + v):
+                    print v
+            except AttributeError as ae:
+                if v is 'CORRECTLY_ROUNDED_DIVIDE_SQRT':
+                    capable = False
+                print v, 'is not supported in OpenCL C 1.2.\n',
+                print '   Exception catched : ', ae
+    else:
+        print "for Double Precision: "
+        if device.double_fp_config > 0:
+            for v in ['DENORM', 'INF_NAN', 'FMA',
+                      'ROUND_TO_NEAREST', 'ROUND_TO_ZERO', 'ROUND_TO_INF',
+                      'CORRECTLY_ROUNDED_DIVIDE_SQRT', 'SOFT_FLOAT']:
+                try:
+                    if eval('(sdevice.double_fp_config &' +
+                            ' cl.device_fp_config.' +
+                            v + ') == cl.device_fp_config.' + v):
+                        print v
+                except AttributeError as ae:
+                    if v is 'CORRECTLY_ROUNDED_DIVIDE_SQRT':
+                        capable = False
+                    print  v, 'is supported in OpenCL C 1.2.\n',
+                    print '   Exception catched : ', ae
+        else:
+            raise ValueError("Double Precision is not supported by device")
+    return capable
diff --git a/HySoP/hysop/gpu/cl_src/advection_2D_builtin.cl b/HySoP/hysop/gpu/cl_src/advection_2D_builtin.cl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..008be61a924d04004e424cf66c0dadd509ac59c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HySoP/hysop/gpu/cl_src/advection_2D_builtin.cl
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+ * 2D advection kernel.
+ *
+ * Computations are done using builtin functions on vector types.
+ * A local array is used un local memory as a cache for velocity.
+ *
+ * @param gvelo Velocity.
+ * @param ppos Particle position.
+ * @param dt Time step.
+ * @param min_position Domain lower point.
+ * @param dx Space step.
+ */
+__kernel void advection(__global const float* gvelo,
+			__global float* ppos,
+			float dt, float min_position, float dx)
+  uint gidX = get_global_id(0);
+  uint gidY = get_global_id(1);
+  int ind, i_ind, i_ind_p;
+  float invdx = 1.0/dx;
+  uint i;
+  float v, y, p;
+  for(i=gidX; i<WIDTH; i+=WGN)
+    {
+      v = gvelo[i+gidY*WIDTH];
+      p = fma((float)(0.5*dt),v,i*dx);
+      ind = convert_int_rtn(p * invdx);
+      y = (fma(- convert_float(ind),dx,p))* invdx ;
+      i_ind = ((ind + WIDTH) % WIDTH);
+      i_ind_p = ((ind + 1) % WIDTH);
+      p=fma(mix(gvelo[i_ind+gidY*WIDTH],gvelo[i_ind_p+gidY*WIDTH],y),dt,i*dx + min_position);
+      ppos[i+gidY*WIDTH] = p;
+    }
diff --git a/HySoP/hysop/gpu/cl_src/advection_2D_opt2_builtin.cl b/HySoP/hysop/gpu/cl_src/advection_2D_opt2_builtin.cl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d99fe53429fe274cca78682038c06150eda981b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HySoP/hysop/gpu/cl_src/advection_2D_opt2_builtin.cl
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+ * 2D advection kernel.
+ *
+ * Memory reads and writes are performed using 2 element OpenCL vectors (float2 or double2).
+ * Computations are done using builtin functions on vector types.
+ * A local array is used un local memory as a cache for velocity.
+ *
+ * @param gvelo Velocity.
+ * @param ppos Particle position.
+ * @param dt Time step.
+ * @param min_position Domain lower point.
+ * @param dx Space step.
+ */
+__kernel void advection(__global const float* gvelo,
+			__global float* ppos,
+			float dt, float min_position, float dx)
+  uint gidX = get_global_id(0);
+  uint gidY = get_global_id(1);
+  int2 ind, i_ind, i_ind_p;
+  float invdx = 1.0/dx;
+  uint i;
+  float2 v, vp, y, p, coord;
+  __local float velocity_cache[WIDTH];
+  for(i=gidX*2; i<WIDTH; i+=WGN*2)
+    {
+      v = vload2((i+gidY*WIDTH)/2, gvelo);
+      velocity_cache[i] = v.x;
+      velocity_cache[i+1] = v.y;
+    }
+  barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
+  for(i=gidX*2; i<WIDTH; i+=WGN*2)
+    {
+      v = vload2(i/2, velocity_cache);
+      coord = (float2)(i*dx, (i+1)*dx);
+      p = fma((float2)(0.5*dt),v,coord);
+      ind = convert_int2_rtn(p * invdx);
+      y = (fma(- convert_float2(ind),dx,p))* invdx ;
+      i_ind = ((ind + WIDTH) % WIDTH);
+      i_ind_p = ((i_ind + 1) % WIDTH);
+      v = (float2)(velocity_cache[i_ind.x], velocity_cache[i_ind.y]);
+      vp = (float2)(velocity_cache[i_ind_p.x], velocity_cache[i_ind_p.y]);
+      p=fma(mix(v,vp,y),dt,coord + (float2)(min_position));
+      vstore2(p, (i+gidY*WIDTH)/2, ppos);
+    }
diff --git a/HySoP/hysop/gpu/cl_src/advection_2D_opt4_builtin.cl b/HySoP/hysop/gpu/cl_src/advection_2D_opt4_builtin.cl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c9d9637ad6728e8b5346532d706618100e647324
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HySoP/hysop/gpu/cl_src/advection_2D_opt4_builtin.cl
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+ * 2D advection kernel.
+ *
+ * Memory reads and writes are performed using 4 element OpenCL vectors (float4 or double4).
+ * Computations are done using builtin functions on vector types.
+ * A local array is used un local memory as a cache for velocity.
+ *
+ * @param gvelo Velocity.
+ * @param ppos Particle position.
+ * @param dt Time step.
+ * @param min_position Domain lower point.
+ * @param dx Space step.
+ */
+__kernel void advection(__global const float* gvelo,
+			__global float* ppos,
+			float dt, float min_position, float dx)
+  uint gidX = get_global_id(0);
+  uint gidY = get_global_id(1);
+  int4 ind, i_ind, i_ind_p;
+  float invdx = 1.0/dx;
+  uint i;
+  float4 v, vp, y, p, coord;
+  __local float velocity_cache[WIDTH];
+  for(i=gidX*4; i<WIDTH; i+=WGN*4)
+    {
+      v = vload4((i+gidY*WIDTH)/4, gvelo);
+      velocity_cache[i] = v.x;
+      velocity_cache[i+1] = v.y;
+      velocity_cache[i+2] = v.z;
+      velocity_cache[i+3] = v.w;
+    }
+  barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
+  for(i=gidX*4; i<WIDTH; i+=WGN*4)
+    {
+      v = vload4(i/4, velocity_cache);
+      coord = (float4)(i*dx, (i+1)*dx, (i+2)*dx, (i+3)*dx);
+      p = fma((float4)(0.5*dt),v,coord);
+      ind = convert_int4_rtn(p * invdx);
+      y = (fma(- convert_float4(ind),dx,p))* invdx ;
+      i_ind = ((ind + WIDTH) % WIDTH);
+      i_ind_p = ((i_ind + 1) % WIDTH);
+      v = (float4)(velocity_cache[i_ind.x], velocity_cache[i_ind.y],
+                   velocity_cache[i_ind.z], velocity_cache[i_ind.w]);
+      vp = (float4)(velocity_cache[i_ind_p.x], velocity_cache[i_ind_p.y],
+                    velocity_cache[i_ind_p.z], velocity_cache[i_ind_p.w]);
+      p=fma(mix(v,vp,y),dt,coord + (float4)(min_position));
+      vstore4(p, (i+gidY*WIDTH)/4, ppos);
+    }
diff --git a/HySoP/hysop/gpu/cl_src/advection_2D_opt8_builtin.cl b/HySoP/hysop/gpu/cl_src/advection_2D_opt8_builtin.cl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..cab7c1dd42d87d26fb21c864a80211d430d2a460
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HySoP/hysop/gpu/cl_src/advection_2D_opt8_builtin.cl
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+ * 2D advection kernel.
+ *
+ * Memory reads and writes are performed using 8 element OpenCL vectors (float8 or double8).
+ * Computations are done using builtin functions on vector types.
+ * A local array is used un local memory as a cache for velocity.
+ *
+ * @param gvelo Velocity.
+ * @param ppos Particle position.
+ * @param dt Time step.
+ * @param min_position Domain lower point.
+ * @param dx Space step.
+ */
+__kernel void advection(__global const float* gvelo,
+			__global float* ppos,
+			float dt, float min_position, float dx)
+  uint gidX = get_global_id(0);
+  uint gidY = get_global_id(1);
+  int8 ind, i_ind, i_ind_p;
+  float invdx = 1.0/dx;
+  uint i;
+  float8 v, vp, y, p, coord;
+  __local float velocity_cache[WIDTH];
+  for(i=gidX*8; i<WIDTH; i+=WGN*8)
+    {
+      v = vload8((i+gidY*WIDTH)/8, gvelo);
+      velocity_cache[i] = v.s0;
+      velocity_cache[i+1] = v.s1;
+      velocity_cache[i+2] = v.s2;
+      velocity_cache[i+3] = v.s3;
+      velocity_cache[i+4] = v.s4;
+      velocity_cache[i+5] = v.s5;
+      velocity_cache[i+6] = v.s6;
+      velocity_cache[i+7] = v.s7;
+    }
+  barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
+  for(i=gidX*8; i<WIDTH; i+=WGN*8)
+    {
+      v = vload8(i/8, velocity_cache);
+      coord = (float8)(i*dx,
+		       (i+1)*dx,
+		       (i+2)*dx,
+		       (i+3)*dx,
+		       (i+4)*dx,
+		       (i+5)*dx,
+		       (i+6)*dx,
+		       (i+7)*dx);
+      p = fma((float8)(0.5*dt),v,coord);
+      ind = convert_int8_rtn(p * invdx);
+      y = (fma(- convert_float8(ind),dx,p))* invdx ;
+      i_ind = ((ind + WIDTH) % WIDTH);
+      i_ind_p = ((i_ind + 1) % WIDTH);
+      v = (float8)(velocity_cache[i_ind.s0],
+                   velocity_cache[i_ind.s1],
+                   velocity_cache[i_ind.s2],
+                   velocity_cache[i_ind.s3],
+                   velocity_cache[i_ind.s4],
+                   velocity_cache[i_ind.s5],
+                   velocity_cache[i_ind.s6],
+                   velocity_cache[i_ind.s7]);
+      vp = (float8)(velocity_cache[i_ind_p.s0],
+                    velocity_cache[i_ind_p.s1],
+                    velocity_cache[i_ind_p.s2],
+                    velocity_cache[i_ind_p.s3],
+                    velocity_cache[i_ind_p.s4],
+                    velocity_cache[i_ind_p.s5],
+                    velocity_cache[i_ind_p.s6],
+                    velocity_cache[i_ind_p.s7]);
+      p = fma(mix(v,vp,y),dt,coord + (float8)(min_position));
+      vstore8(p, (i+gidY*WIDTH)/8, ppos);
+    }
diff --git a/HySoP/hysop/gpu/cl_src/advection_3D_builtin.cl b/HySoP/hysop/gpu/cl_src/advection_3D_builtin.cl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c54dd72679192fcca254c170d8669d3cbe80742f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HySoP/hysop/gpu/cl_src/advection_3D_builtin.cl
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+ * 3D advection kernel.
+ *
+ * Computations are done using builtin functions on vector types.
+ * A local array is used un local memory as a cache for velocity.
+ *
+ * @param gvelo Velocity.
+ * @param ppos Particle position.
+ * @param dt Time step.
+ * @param min_position Domain lower point.
+ * @param dx Space step.
+ */
+__kernel void advection(__global const float* gvelo,
+			__global float* ppos,
+			float dt, float min_position, float dx)
+  uint gidX = get_global_id(0);
+  uint gidY = get_global_id(1);
+  uint gidZ = get_global_id(2);
+  int ind, i_ind, i_ind_p;
+  float invdx = 1.0/dx;
+  uint i;
+  float v, y, p;
+  for(i=gidX; i<WIDTH; i+=WGN)
+    {
+      v = gvelo[i+gidY*WIDTH+gidZ*WIDTH*WIDTH];
+      p = fma((float)(0.5*dt),v,i*dx);
+      ind = convert_int_rtn(p * invdx);
+      y = (fma(- convert_float(ind),dx,p))* invdx ;
+      i_ind = ((ind + WIDTH) % WIDTH);
+      i_ind_p = ((ind + 1) % WIDTH);
+      p=fma(mix(gvelo[i_ind+gidY*WIDTH+gidZ*WIDTH*WIDTH],
+                gvelo[i_ind_p+gidY*WIDTH+gidZ*WIDTH*WIDTH],y),
+            dt,i*dx + min_position);
+      ppos[i+gidY*WIDTH+gidZ*WIDTH*WIDTH] = p;
+    }
diff --git a/HySoP/hysop/gpu/cl_src/advection_3D_opt2_builtin.cl b/HySoP/hysop/gpu/cl_src/advection_3D_opt2_builtin.cl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3891bb10dcdc5442cb14e4857f385eb4f4c7f4c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HySoP/hysop/gpu/cl_src/advection_3D_opt2_builtin.cl
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+ * 3D advection kernel.
+ *
+ * Memory reads and writes are performed using 2 element OpenCL vectors (float2 or double2).
+ * Computations are done using builtin functions on vector types.
+ * A local array is used un local memory as a cache for velocity.
+ *
+ * @param gvelo Velocity.
+ * @param ppos Particle position.
+ * @param dt Time step.
+ * @param min_position Domain lower point.
+ * @param dx Space step.
+ */
+__kernel void advection(__global const float* gvelo,
+			__global float* ppos,
+			float dt, float min_position, float dx)
+  uint gidX = get_global_id(0);
+  uint gidY = get_global_id(1);
+  uint gidZ = get_global_id(2);
+  int2 ind, i_ind, i_ind_p;
+  float invdx = 1.0/dx;
+  uint i;
+  float2 v, vp, y, p, coord;
+  __local float velocity_cache[WIDTH];
+  for(i=gidX*2; i<WIDTH; i+=WGN*2)
+    {
+      v = vload2((i+gidY*WIDTH+gidZ*WIDTH*WIDTH)/2, gvelo);
+      velocity_cache[i] = v.x;
+      velocity_cache[i+1] = v.y;
+    }
+  barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
+  for(i=gidX*2; i<WIDTH; i+=WGN*2)
+    {
+      v = vload2(i/2, velocity_cache);
+      coord = (float2)(i*dx, (i+1)*dx);
+      p = fma((float2)(0.5*dt),v,coord);
+      ind = convert_int2_rtn(p * invdx);
+      y = (fma(- convert_float2(ind),dx,p))* invdx ;
+      i_ind = ((ind + WIDTH) % WIDTH);
+      i_ind_p = ((i_ind + 1) % WIDTH);
+      v = (float2)(velocity_cache[i_ind.x], velocity_cache[i_ind.y]);
+      vp = (float2)(velocity_cache[i_ind_p.x], velocity_cache[i_ind_p.y]);
+      p=fma(mix(v,vp,y),dt,coord + (float2)(min_position));
+      vstore2(p, (i+gidY*WIDTH+gidZ*WIDTH*WIDTH)/2, ppos);
+    }
diff --git a/HySoP/hysop/gpu/cl_src/advection_3D_opt4_builtin.cl b/HySoP/hysop/gpu/cl_src/advection_3D_opt4_builtin.cl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..49ae8e1d4bb4ab796e0b659eaeadc7e8177bb0eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HySoP/hysop/gpu/cl_src/advection_3D_opt4_builtin.cl
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+ * 3D advection kernel.
+ *
+ * Memory reads and writes are performed using 4 element OpenCL vectors (float4 or double4).
+ * Computations are done using builtin functions on vector types.
+ * A local array is used un local memory as a cache for velocity.
+ *
+ * @param gvelo Velocity.
+ * @param ppos Particle position.
+ * @param dt Time step.
+ * @param min_position Domain lower point.
+ * @param dx Space step.
+ */
+__kernel void advection(__global const float* gvelo,
+			__global float* ppos,
+			float dt, float min_position, float dx)
+  uint gidX = get_global_id(0);
+  uint gidY = get_global_id(1);
+  uint gidZ = get_global_id(2);
+  int4 ind, i_ind, i_ind_p;
+  float invdx = 1.0/dx;
+  uint i;
+  float4 v, vp, y, p, coord;
+  __local float velocity_cache[WIDTH];
+  for(i=gidX*4; i<WIDTH; i+=WGN*4)
+    {
+      v = vload4((i+gidY*WIDTH+gidZ*WIDTH*WIDTH)/4, gvelo);
+      velocity_cache[i] = v.x;
+      velocity_cache[i+1] = v.y;
+      velocity_cache[i+2] = v.z;
+      velocity_cache[i+3] = v.w;
+    }
+  barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
+  for(i=gidX*4; i<WIDTH; i+=WGN*4)
+    {
+      v = vload4(i/4, velocity_cache);
+      coord = (float4)(i*dx, (i+1)*dx, (i+2)*dx, (i+3)*dx);
+      p = fma((float4)(0.5*dt),v,coord);
+      ind = convert_int4_rtn(p * invdx);
+      y = (fma(- convert_float4(ind),dx,p))* invdx ;
+      i_ind = ((ind + WIDTH) % WIDTH);
+      i_ind_p = ((i_ind + 1) % WIDTH);
+      v = (float4)(velocity_cache[i_ind.x], velocity_cache[i_ind.y],
+                   velocity_cache[i_ind.z], velocity_cache[i_ind.w]);
+      vp = (float4)(velocity_cache[i_ind_p.x], velocity_cache[i_ind_p.y],
+                    velocity_cache[i_ind_p.z], velocity_cache[i_ind_p.w]);
+      p=fma(mix(v,vp,y),dt,coord + (float4)(min_position));
+      vstore4(p, (i+gidY*WIDTH+gidZ*WIDTH*WIDTH)/4, ppos);
+    }
diff --git a/HySoP/hysop/gpu/cl_src/advection_3D_opt8_builtin.cl b/HySoP/hysop/gpu/cl_src/advection_3D_opt8_builtin.cl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..db3fb09a765970c6a15b7c3f43a99fc3e92c46bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HySoP/hysop/gpu/cl_src/advection_3D_opt8_builtin.cl
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+ * 3D advection kernel.
+ *
+ * Memory reads and writes are performed using 8 element OpenCL vectors (float8 or double8).
+ * Computations are done using builtin functions on vector types.
+ * A local array is used un local memory as a cache for velocity.
+ *
+ * @param gvelo Velocity.
+ * @param ppos Particle position.
+ * @param dt Time step.
+ * @param min_position Domain lower point.
+ * @param dx Space step.
+ */
+__kernel void advection(__global const float* gvelo,
+			__global float* ppos,
+			float dt, float min_position, float dx)
+  uint gidX = get_global_id(0);
+  uint gidY = get_global_id(1);
+  uint gidZ = get_global_id(2);
+  int8 ind, i_ind, i_ind_p;
+  float invdx = 1.0/dx;
+  uint i;
+  float8 v, vp, y, p, coord;
+  __local float velocity_cache[WIDTH];
+  for(i=gidX*8; i<WIDTH; i+=WGN*8)
+    {
+      v = vload8((i+gidY*WIDTH+gidZ*WIDTH*WIDTH)/8, gvelo);
+      velocity_cache[i] = v.s0;
+      velocity_cache[i+1] = v.s1;
+      velocity_cache[i+2] = v.s2;
+      velocity_cache[i+3] = v.s3;
+      velocity_cache[i+4] = v.s4;
+      velocity_cache[i+5] = v.s5;
+      velocity_cache[i+6] = v.s6;
+      velocity_cache[i+7] = v.s7;
+    }
+  barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
+  for(i=gidX*8; i<WIDTH; i+=WGN*8)
+    {
+      v = vload8(i/8, velocity_cache);
+      coord = (float8)(i*dx,
+		       (i+1)*dx,
+		       (i+2)*dx,
+		       (i+3)*dx,
+		       (i+4)*dx,
+		       (i+5)*dx,
+		       (i+6)*dx,
+		       (i+7)*dx);
+      p = fma((float8)(0.5*dt),v,coord);
+      ind = convert_int8_rtn(p * invdx);
+      y = (fma(- convert_float8(ind),dx,p))* invdx ;
+      i_ind = ((ind + WIDTH) % WIDTH);
+      i_ind_p = ((i_ind + 1) % WIDTH);
+      v = (float8)(velocity_cache[i_ind.s0],
+                   velocity_cache[i_ind.s1],
+                   velocity_cache[i_ind.s2],
+                   velocity_cache[i_ind.s3],
+                   velocity_cache[i_ind.s4],
+                   velocity_cache[i_ind.s5],
+                   velocity_cache[i_ind.s6],
+                   velocity_cache[i_ind.s7]);
+      vp = (float8)(velocity_cache[i_ind_p.s0],
+                    velocity_cache[i_ind_p.s1],
+                    velocity_cache[i_ind_p.s2],
+                    velocity_cache[i_ind_p.s3],
+                    velocity_cache[i_ind_p.s4],
+                    velocity_cache[i_ind_p.s5],
+                    velocity_cache[i_ind_p.s6],
+                    velocity_cache[i_ind_p.s7]);
+      p = fma(mix(v,vp,y),dt,coord + (float8)(min_position));
+      vstore8(p, (i+gidY*WIDTH+gidZ*WIDTH*WIDTH)/8, ppos);
+    }
diff --git a/HySoP/hysop/gpu/cl_src/advection_and_remesh_2D_opt4_builtin_noBC.cl b/HySoP/hysop/gpu/cl_src/advection_and_remesh_2D_opt4_builtin_noBC.cl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2eaec614a26d971b549d417d48d85a2ce4f5dd80
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HySoP/hysop/gpu/cl_src/advection_and_remesh_2D_opt4_builtin_noBC.cl
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+inline uint noBC_id(int id, int nb_part){
+  return (id%nb_part)*WGN+(id/nb_part);
+__kernel void advection_and_remeshing(__global const float* gvelo,
+				      __global const float* pscal,
+				      __global float* gscal,
+				      float dt,  float min_position, float dx)
+  uint gidX = get_global_id(0);
+  uint gidY = get_global_id(1);
+  float invdx = 1.0/dx;
+  int4 ind, i_ind, i_ind_p;
+  uint i, nb_part = WIDTH/WGN;
+  float4 p, s, y, gs, v, vp, coord;
+  uint4 index4;
+  __local float gscal_loc[WIDTH];
+  __local float gvelo_loc[WIDTH];
+  for(i=gidX*4; i<WIDTH; i+=(WGN*4))
+    {
+      v = vload4((i+gidY*WIDTH)/4, gvelo);
+      gvelo_loc[noBC_id(i,nb_part)] = v.x;
+      gvelo_loc[noBC_id(i+1,nb_part)] = v.y;
+      gvelo_loc[noBC_id(i+2,nb_part)] = v.z;
+      gvelo_loc[noBC_id(i+3,nb_part)] = v.w;
+      gscal_loc[i] = 0.0;
+      gscal_loc[i+1] = 0.0;
+      gscal_loc[i+2] = 0.0;
+      gscal_loc[i+3] = 0.0;
+    }
+  barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
+  for(i=gidX*nb_part; i<(gidX + 1)*nb_part; i+=4)
+    {
+      v = (float4)(gvelo_loc[noBC_id(i,nb_part)],
+                   gvelo_loc[noBC_id(i+1,nb_part)],
+                   gvelo_loc[noBC_id(i+2,nb_part)],
+                   gvelo_loc[noBC_id(i+3,nb_part)]);
+      coord = (float4)(i*dx, (i+1)*dx, (i+2)*dx, (i+3)*dx);
+      p = fma((float4)(0.5*dt),v,coord);
+      ind = convert_int4_rtn(p * invdx);
+      y = (fma(- convert_float4(ind),dx,p))* invdx ;
+      i_ind = ((ind + WIDTH) % WIDTH);
+      i_ind_p = ((i_ind + 1) % WIDTH);
+      v = (float4)(gvelo_loc[noBC_id(i_ind.x,nb_part)], gvelo_loc[noBC_id(i_ind.y,nb_part)],
+                   gvelo_loc[noBC_id(i_ind.z,nb_part)], gvelo_loc[noBC_id(i_ind.w,nb_part)]);
+      vp = (float4)(gvelo_loc[noBC_id(i_ind_p.x,nb_part)], gvelo_loc[noBC_id(i_ind_p.y,nb_part)],
+                    gvelo_loc[noBC_id(i_ind_p.z,nb_part)], gvelo_loc[noBC_id(i_ind_p.w,nb_part)]);
+      p=fma(mix(v,vp,y),dt,coord);
+      s = vload4((i + gidY*WIDTH)/4, pscal);
+      ind = convert_int4_rtn(p * invdx);
+      y = (p - convert_float4(ind) * dx) * invdx;
+      index4 = convert_uint4((ind - 2 + WIDTH) % WIDTH);
+      gscal_loc[noBC_id(index4.x,nb_part)] += (alpha(y.x,s.x));
+      gscal_loc[noBC_id(index4.y,nb_part)] += (alpha(y.y,s.y));
+      gscal_loc[noBC_id(index4.z,nb_part)] += (alpha(y.z,s.z));
+      gscal_loc[noBC_id(index4.w,nb_part)] += (alpha(y.w,s.w));
+      barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
+      index4 = (index4 + 1) % WIDTH;
+      gscal_loc[noBC_id(index4.x,nb_part)] += (beta(y.x,s.x));
+      gscal_loc[noBC_id(index4.y,nb_part)] += (beta(y.y,s.y));
+      gscal_loc[noBC_id(index4.z,nb_part)] += (beta(y.z,s.z));
+      gscal_loc[noBC_id(index4.w,nb_part)] += (beta(y.w,s.w));
+      barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
+      index4 = (index4 + 1) % WIDTH;
+      gscal_loc[noBC_id(index4.x,nb_part)] += (gamma(y.x, s.x));
+      gscal_loc[noBC_id(index4.y,nb_part)] += (gamma(y.y, s.y));
+      gscal_loc[noBC_id(index4.z,nb_part)] += (gamma(y.z, s.z));
+      gscal_loc[noBC_id(index4.w,nb_part)] += (gamma(y.w, s.w));
+      barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
+      index4 = (index4 + 1) % WIDTH;
+      gscal_loc[noBC_id(index4.x,nb_part)] += (delta(y.x, s.x));
+      gscal_loc[noBC_id(index4.y,nb_part)] += (delta(y.y, s.y));
+      gscal_loc[noBC_id(index4.z,nb_part)] += (delta(y.z, s.z));
+      gscal_loc[noBC_id(index4.w,nb_part)] += (delta(y.w, s.w));
+      barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
+      index4 = (index4 + 1) % WIDTH;
+      gscal_loc[noBC_id(index4.x,nb_part)] += (eta(y.x, s.x));
+      gscal_loc[noBC_id(index4.y,nb_part)] += (eta(y.y, s.y));
+      gscal_loc[noBC_id(index4.z,nb_part)] += (eta(y.z, s.z));
+      gscal_loc[noBC_id(index4.w,nb_part)] += (eta(y.w, s.w));
+      barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
+      index4 = (index4 + 1) % WIDTH;
+      gscal_loc[noBC_id(index4.x,nb_part)] += (zeta(y.x, s.x));
+      gscal_loc[noBC_id(index4.y,nb_part)] += (zeta(y.y, s.y));
+      gscal_loc[noBC_id(index4.z,nb_part)] += (zeta(y.z, s.z));
+      gscal_loc[noBC_id(index4.w,nb_part)] += (zeta(y.w, s.w));
+      barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
+    }
+  barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
+  for(i=gidX*4; i<WIDTH; i+=(WGN*4))
+    vstore4((float4)(gscal_loc[noBC_id(i,nb_part)],gscal_loc[noBC_id(i+1,nb_part)], gscal_loc[noBC_id(i+2,nb_part)], gscal_loc[noBC_id(i+3,nb_part)]), (i + gidY*WIDTH)/4, gscal);
diff --git a/HySoP/hysop/gpu/cl_src/advection_and_remesh_2D_opt8_builtin_noBC.cl b/HySoP/hysop/gpu/cl_src/advection_and_remesh_2D_opt8_builtin_noBC.cl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..289b9d4a6a0c4fc9bd2f84c09e96d294385485ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HySoP/hysop/gpu/cl_src/advection_and_remesh_2D_opt8_builtin_noBC.cl
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+inline uint noBC_id(int id, int nb_part){
+  return (id%nb_part)*WGN+(id/nb_part);
+__kernel void advection_and_remeshing(__global const float* gvelo,
+				      __global const float* pscal,
+				      __global float* gscal,
+				      float dt,float min_position, float dx)
+  uint gidX = get_global_id(0);
+  uint gidY = get_global_id(1);
+  float invdx = 1.0/dx;
+  int8 ind, i_ind, i_ind_p;
+  uint i, nb_part = WIDTH/WGN;
+  float8 p, s, y, gs, v, vp, coord;
+  uint8 index8;
+  __local float gscal_loc[WIDTH];
+  __local float gvelo_loc[WIDTH];
+  for(i=gidX*8; i<WIDTH; i+=(WGN*8))
+    {
+      v = vload8((i+gidY*WIDTH)/8, gvelo);
+      gvelo_loc[noBC_id(i,nb_part)] = v.s0;
+      gvelo_loc[noBC_id(i+1,nb_part)] = v.s1;
+      gvelo_loc[noBC_id(i+2,nb_part)] = v.s2;
+      gvelo_loc[noBC_id(i+3,nb_part)] = v.s3;
+      gvelo_loc[noBC_id(i+4,nb_part)] = v.s4;
+      gvelo_loc[noBC_id(i+5,nb_part)] = v.s5;
+      gvelo_loc[noBC_id(i+6,nb_part)] = v.s6;
+      gvelo_loc[noBC_id(i+7,nb_part)] = v.s7;
+      gscal_loc[i] = 0.0;
+      gscal_loc[i+1] = 0.0;
+      gscal_loc[i+2] = 0.0;
+      gscal_loc[i+3] = 0.0;
+      gscal_loc[i+4] = 0.0;
+      gscal_loc[i+5] = 0.0;
+      gscal_loc[i+6] = 0.0;
+      gscal_loc[i+7] = 0.0;
+    }
+  barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
+  for(i=gidX*nb_part; i<(gidX + 1)*nb_part; i+=8)
+    {
+      v = (float8)(gvelo_loc[noBC_id(i,nb_part)],
+                   gvelo_loc[noBC_id(i+1,nb_part)],
+                   gvelo_loc[noBC_id(i+2,nb_part)],
+                   gvelo_loc[noBC_id(i+3,nb_part)],
+                   gvelo_loc[noBC_id(i+4,nb_part)],
+                   gvelo_loc[noBC_id(i+5,nb_part)],
+                   gvelo_loc[noBC_id(i+6,nb_part)],
+                   gvelo_loc[noBC_id(i+7,nb_part)]);
+      coord = (float8)(i*dx,
+		       (i+1)*dx,
+		       (i+2)*dx,
+		       (i+3)*dx,
+		       (i+4)*dx,
+		       (i+5)*dx,
+		       (i+6)*dx,
+		       (i+7)*dx);
+      p = fma((float8)(0.5*dt),v,coord);
+      ind = convert_int8_rtn(p * invdx);
+      y = (fma(- convert_float8(ind),dx,p))* invdx ;
+      i_ind = ((ind + WIDTH) % WIDTH);
+      i_ind_p = ((i_ind + 1) % WIDTH);
+      v = (float8)(gvelo_loc[noBC_id(i_ind.s0,nb_part)],
+                   gvelo_loc[noBC_id(i_ind.s1,nb_part)],
+                   gvelo_loc[noBC_id(i_ind.s2,nb_part)],
+                   gvelo_loc[noBC_id(i_ind.s3,nb_part)],
+                   gvelo_loc[noBC_id(i_ind.s4,nb_part)],
+                   gvelo_loc[noBC_id(i_ind.s5,nb_part)],
+                   gvelo_loc[noBC_id(i_ind.s6,nb_part)],
+                   gvelo_loc[noBC_id(i_ind.s7,nb_part)]);
+      vp = (float8)(gvelo_loc[noBC_id(i_ind_p.s0,nb_part)],
+                    gvelo_loc[noBC_id(i_ind_p.s1,nb_part)],
+                    gvelo_loc[noBC_id(i_ind_p.s2,nb_part)],
+                    gvelo_loc[noBC_id(i_ind_p.s3,nb_part)],
+                    gvelo_loc[noBC_id(i_ind_p.s4,nb_part)],
+                    gvelo_loc[noBC_id(i_ind_p.s5,nb_part)],
+                    gvelo_loc[noBC_id(i_ind_p.s6,nb_part)],
+                    gvelo_loc[noBC_id(i_ind_p.s7,nb_part)]);
+      p = fma(mix(v,vp,y),dt,coord);
+      s = vload8((i + gidY*WIDTH)/8, pscal);
+      ind = convert_int8_rtn(p * invdx);
+      y = (p - convert_float8(ind) * dx) * invdx;
+      index8 = convert_uint8((ind - 2 + WIDTH) % WIDTH);
+      gscal_loc[noBC_id(index8.s0,nb_part)] += (alpha(y.s0,s.s0));
+      gscal_loc[noBC_id(index8.s1,nb_part)] += (alpha(y.s1,s.s1));
+      gscal_loc[noBC_id(index8.s2,nb_part)] += (alpha(y.s2,s.s2));
+      gscal_loc[noBC_id(index8.s3,nb_part)] += (alpha(y.s3,s.s3));
+      gscal_loc[noBC_id(index8.s4,nb_part)] += (alpha(y.s4,s.s4));
+      gscal_loc[noBC_id(index8.s5,nb_part)] += (alpha(y.s5,s.s5));
+      gscal_loc[noBC_id(index8.s6,nb_part)] += (alpha(y.s6,s.s6));
+      gscal_loc[noBC_id(index8.s7,nb_part)] += (alpha(y.s7,s.s7));
+      barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
+      index8 = (index8 + 1) % WIDTH;
+      gscal_loc[noBC_id(index8.s0,nb_part)] += (beta(y.s0,s.s0));
+      gscal_loc[noBC_id(index8.s1,nb_part)] += (beta(y.s1,s.s1));
+      gscal_loc[noBC_id(index8.s2,nb_part)] += (beta(y.s2,s.s2));
+      gscal_loc[noBC_id(index8.s3,nb_part)] += (beta(y.s3,s.s3));
+      gscal_loc[noBC_id(index8.s4,nb_part)] += (beta(y.s4,s.s4));
+      gscal_loc[noBC_id(index8.s5,nb_part)] += (beta(y.s5,s.s5));
+      gscal_loc[noBC_id(index8.s6,nb_part)] += (beta(y.s6,s.s6));
+      gscal_loc[noBC_id(index8.s7,nb_part)] += (beta(y.s7,s.s7));
+      barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
+      index8 = (index8 + 1) % WIDTH;
+      gscal_loc[noBC_id(index8.s0,nb_part)] += (gamma(y.s0,s.s0));
+      gscal_loc[noBC_id(index8.s1,nb_part)] += (gamma(y.s1,s.s1));
+      gscal_loc[noBC_id(index8.s2,nb_part)] += (gamma(y.s2,s.s2));
+      gscal_loc[noBC_id(index8.s3,nb_part)] += (gamma(y.s3,s.s3));
+      gscal_loc[noBC_id(index8.s4,nb_part)] += (gamma(y.s4,s.s4));
+      gscal_loc[noBC_id(index8.s5,nb_part)] += (gamma(y.s5,s.s5));
+      gscal_loc[noBC_id(index8.s6,nb_part)] += (gamma(y.s6,s.s6));
+      gscal_loc[noBC_id(index8.s7,nb_part)] += (gamma(y.s7,s.s7));
+      barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
+      index8 = (index8 + 1) % WIDTH;
+      gscal_loc[noBC_id(index8.s0,nb_part)] += (delta(y.s0,s.s0));
+      gscal_loc[noBC_id(index8.s1,nb_part)] += (delta(y.s1,s.s1));
+      gscal_loc[noBC_id(index8.s2,nb_part)] += (delta(y.s2,s.s2));
+      gscal_loc[noBC_id(index8.s3,nb_part)] += (delta(y.s3,s.s3));
+      gscal_loc[noBC_id(index8.s4,nb_part)] += (delta(y.s4,s.s4));
+      gscal_loc[noBC_id(index8.s5,nb_part)] += (delta(y.s5,s.s5));
+      gscal_loc[noBC_id(index8.s6,nb_part)] += (delta(y.s6,s.s6));
+      gscal_loc[noBC_id(index8.s7,nb_part)] += (delta(y.s7,s.s7));
+      barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
+      index8 = (index8 + 1) % WIDTH;
+      gscal_loc[noBC_id(index8.s0,nb_part)] += (eta(y.s0,s.s0));
+      gscal_loc[noBC_id(index8.s1,nb_part)] += (eta(y.s1,s.s1));
+      gscal_loc[noBC_id(index8.s2,nb_part)] += (eta(y.s2,s.s2));
+      gscal_loc[noBC_id(index8.s3,nb_part)] += (eta(y.s3,s.s3));
+      gscal_loc[noBC_id(index8.s4,nb_part)] += (eta(y.s4,s.s4));
+      gscal_loc[noBC_id(index8.s5,nb_part)] += (eta(y.s5,s.s5));
+      gscal_loc[noBC_id(index8.s6,nb_part)] += (eta(y.s6,s.s6));
+      gscal_loc[noBC_id(index8.s7,nb_part)] += (eta(y.s7,s.s7));
+      barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
+      index8 = (index8 + 1) % WIDTH;
+      gscal_loc[noBC_id(index8.s0,nb_part)] += (zeta(y.s0,s.s0));
+      gscal_loc[noBC_id(index8.s1,nb_part)] += (zeta(y.s1,s.s1));
+      gscal_loc[noBC_id(index8.s2,nb_part)] += (zeta(y.s2,s.s2));
+      gscal_loc[noBC_id(index8.s3,nb_part)] += (zeta(y.s3,s.s3));
+      gscal_loc[noBC_id(index8.s4,nb_part)] += (zeta(y.s4,s.s4));
+      gscal_loc[noBC_id(index8.s5,nb_part)] += (zeta(y.s5,s.s5));
+      gscal_loc[noBC_id(index8.s6,nb_part)] += (zeta(y.s6,s.s6));
+      gscal_loc[noBC_id(index8.s7,nb_part)] += (zeta(y.s7,s.s7));
+      barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
+    }
+  barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
+  for(i=gidX*8; i<WIDTH; i+=(WGN*8))
+    vstore8((float8)(gscal_loc[noBC_id(i,nb_part)],
+                     gscal_loc[noBC_id(i+1,nb_part)],
+                     gscal_loc[noBC_id(i+2,nb_part)],
+                     gscal_loc[noBC_id(i+3,nb_part)],
+                     gscal_loc[noBC_id(i+4,nb_part)],
+                     gscal_loc[noBC_id(i+5,nb_part)],
+                     gscal_loc[noBC_id(i+6,nb_part)],
+                     gscal_loc[noBC_id(i+7,nb_part)]), (i + gidY*WIDTH)/8, gscal);
diff --git a/HySoP/hysop/gpu/cl_src/advection_and_remesh_3D_opt4_builtin_private4.cl b/HySoP/hysop/gpu/cl_src/advection_and_remesh_3D_opt4_builtin_private4.cl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..46e9bc59b2ea793d24cd36c429a41bb0e448ff8e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HySoP/hysop/gpu/cl_src/advection_and_remesh_3D_opt4_builtin_private4.cl
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+__kernel void advection_and_remeshing(__global const float* gvelo,
+				      __global const float* pscal,
+				      __global float* gscal,
+				      float dt, float min_position, float dx)
+  uint gidX = get_global_id(0);
+  uint gidY = get_global_id(1);
+  uint gidZ = get_global_id(2);
+  float invdx = 1.0/dx;
+  int4 ind, i_ind, i_ind_p;
+  uint i, nb_part = WIDTH/WGN;
+  float4 p, s, y, gs, v, vp, coord;
+  uint4 index4;
+  __local float gscal_loc[WIDTH];
+  __local float gvelo_loc[WIDTH];
+  for(i=gidX*4; i<WIDTH; i+=(WGN*4))
+    {
+      v = vload4((i+gidY*WIDTH+gidZ*WIDTH*WIDTH)/4, gvelo);
+      gvelo_loc[i] = v.x;
+      gvelo_loc[i+1] = v.y;
+      gvelo_loc[i+2] = v.z;
+      gvelo_loc[i+3] = v.w;
+      gscal_loc[i] = 0.0;
+      gscal_loc[i+1] = 0.0;
+      gscal_loc[i+2] = 0.0;
+      gscal_loc[i+3] = 0.0;
+    }
+  barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
+  for(i=gidX*nb_part; i<(gidX + 1)*nb_part; i+=4)
+    {
+      v = vload4(i/4, gvelo_loc);
+      coord = (float4)(i*dx, (i+1)*dx, (i+2)*dx, (i+3)*dx);
+      p = fma((float4)(0.5*dt),v,coord);
+      ind = convert_int4_rtn(p * invdx);
+      y = (fma(- convert_float4(ind),dx,p))* invdx ;
+      i_ind = ((ind + WIDTH) % WIDTH);
+      i_ind_p = ((i_ind + 1) % WIDTH);
+      v = (float4)(gvelo_loc[i_ind.x], gvelo_loc[i_ind.y],
+                   gvelo_loc[i_ind.z], gvelo_loc[i_ind.w]);
+      vp = (float4)(gvelo_loc[i_ind_p.x], gvelo_loc[i_ind_p.y],
+                    gvelo_loc[i_ind_p.z], gvelo_loc[i_ind_p.w]);
+      p=fma(mix(v,vp,y),dt,coord);
+      s = vload4((i + gidY*WIDTH+gidZ*WIDTH*WIDTH)/4, pscal);
+      ind = convert_int4_rtn(p * invdx);
+      y = (p - convert_float4(ind) * dx) * invdx;
+      index4 = convert_uint4((ind - 2 + WIDTH) % WIDTH);
+      barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
+      gs = (alpha(y, s));
+      gscal_loc[index4.x] += gs.x;
+      gscal_loc[index4.y] += gs.y;
+      gscal_loc[index4.z] += gs.z;
+      gscal_loc[index4.w] += gs.w;
+      barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
+      index4 = (index4 + 1) % WIDTH;
+      //barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
+      gs = (beta(y, s));
+      gscal_loc[index4.x] += gs.x;
+      gscal_loc[index4.y] += gs.y;
+      gscal_loc[index4.z] += gs.z;
+      gscal_loc[index4.w] += gs.w;
+      barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
+      index4 = (index4 + 1) % WIDTH;
+      //barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
+      gs =  (gamma(y, s));
+      gscal_loc[index4.x] += gs.x;
+      gscal_loc[index4.y] += gs.y;
+      gscal_loc[index4.z] += gs.z;
+      gscal_loc[index4.w] += gs.w;
+      barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
+      index4 = (index4 + 1) % WIDTH;
+      //barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
+      gs =  (delta(y, s));
+      gscal_loc[index4.x] += gs.x;
+      gscal_loc[index4.y] += gs.y;
+      gscal_loc[index4.z] += gs.z;
+      gscal_loc[index4.w] += gs.w;
+      barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
+      index4 = (index4 + 1) % WIDTH;
+      //barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
+      gs = (eta(y, s));
+      gscal_loc[index4.x] += gs.x;
+      gscal_loc[index4.y] += gs.y;
+      gscal_loc[index4.z] += gs.z;
+      gscal_loc[index4.w] += gs.w;
+      barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
+      index4 = (index4 + 1) % WIDTH;
+      //barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
+      gs =  (zeta(y, s));
+      gscal_loc[index4.x] += gs.x;
+      gscal_loc[index4.y] += gs.y;
+      gscal_loc[index4.z] += gs.z;
+      gscal_loc[index4.w] += gs.w;
+    }
+  barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
+  for(i=gidX*4; i<WIDTH; i+=(WGN*4))
+    vstore4((float4)(gscal_loc[i],gscal_loc[i+1], gscal_loc[i+2], gscal_loc[i+3]), (i + gidY*WIDTH+gidZ*WIDTH*WIDTH)/4, gscal);
diff --git a/HySoP/hysop/gpu/cl_src/advection_and_remesh_3D_opt4_builtin_private4_noBC.cl b/HySoP/hysop/gpu/cl_src/advection_and_remesh_3D_opt4_builtin_private4_noBC.cl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5d221f67393d24f1f7614f422ef0396ad22d8c20
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HySoP/hysop/gpu/cl_src/advection_and_remesh_3D_opt4_builtin_private4_noBC.cl
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+inline uint noBC_id(int id, int nb_part){
+  return (id%nb_part)*WGN+(id/nb_part);
+__kernel void advection_and_remeshing(__global const float* gvelo,
+				      __global const float* pscal,
+				      __global float* gscal,
+				      float dt, float min_position, float dx)
+  uint gidX = get_global_id(0);
+  uint gidY = get_global_id(1);
+  uint gidZ = get_global_id(2);
+  float invdx = 1.0/dx;
+  int4 ind, i_ind, i_ind_p;
+  uint i, nb_part = WIDTH/WGN;
+  float4 p, s, y, gs, v, vp, coord;
+  uint4 index4;
+  __local float gscal_loc[WIDTH];
+  __local float gvelo_loc[WIDTH];
+  for(i=gidX*4; i<WIDTH; i+=(WGN*4))
+    {
+      v = vload4((i+gidY*WIDTH+gidZ*WIDTH*WIDTH)/4, gvelo);
+      gvelo_loc[noBC_id(i, nb_part)] = v.x;
+      gvelo_loc[noBC_id(i+1, nb_part)] = v.y;
+      gvelo_loc[noBC_id(i+2, nb_part)] = v.z;
+      gvelo_loc[noBC_id(i+3, nb_part)] = v.w;
+      gscal_loc[i] = 0.0;
+      gscal_loc[i+1] = 0.0;
+      gscal_loc[i+2] = 0.0;
+      gscal_loc[i+3] = 0.0;
+    }
+  barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
+  for(i=gidX*nb_part; i<(gidX + 1)*nb_part; i+=4)
+    {
+      v = (float4)(gvelo_loc[noBC_id(i,nb_part)],
+                   gvelo_loc[noBC_id(i+1,nb_part)],
+                   gvelo_loc[noBC_id(i+2,nb_part)],
+                   gvelo_loc[noBC_id(i+3,nb_part)]);
+      coord = (float4)(i*dx, (i+1)*dx, (i+2)*dx, (i+3)*dx);
+      p = fma((float4)(0.5*dt),v,coord);
+      ind = convert_int4_rtn(p * invdx);
+      y = (fma(- convert_float4(ind),dx,p))* invdx ;
+      i_ind = ((ind + WIDTH) % WIDTH);
+      i_ind_p = ((i_ind + 1) % WIDTH);
+      v = (float4)(gvelo_loc[noBC_id(i_ind.x,nb_part)], gvelo_loc[noBC_id(i_ind.y,nb_part)],
+                   gvelo_loc[noBC_id(i_ind.z,nb_part)], gvelo_loc[noBC_id(i_ind.w,nb_part)]);
+      vp = (float4)(gvelo_loc[noBC_id(i_ind_p.x,nb_part)], gvelo_loc[noBC_id(i_ind_p.y,nb_part)],
+                    gvelo_loc[noBC_id(i_ind_p.z,nb_part)], gvelo_loc[noBC_id(i_ind_p.w,nb_part)]);
+      p=fma(mix(v,vp,y),dt,coord);
+      s = vload4((i + gidY*WIDTH+gidZ*WIDTH*WIDTH)/4, pscal);
+      ind = convert_int4_rtn(p * invdx);
+      y = (p - convert_float4(ind) * dx) * invdx;
+      index4 = convert_uint4((ind - 2 + WIDTH) % WIDTH);
+      gs =  (alpha(y, s));
+      gscal_loc[noBC_id(index4.x, nb_part)] += gs.x;
+      gscal_loc[noBC_id(index4.y, nb_part)] += gs.y;
+      gscal_loc[noBC_id(index4.z, nb_part)] += gs.z;
+      gscal_loc[noBC_id(index4.w, nb_part)] += gs.w;
+      barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
+      index4 = (index4 + 1) % WIDTH;
+      gs =  (beta(y, s));
+      gscal_loc[noBC_id(index4.x, nb_part)] += gs.x;
+      gscal_loc[noBC_id(index4.y, nb_part)] += gs.y;
+      gscal_loc[noBC_id(index4.z, nb_part)] += gs.z;
+      gscal_loc[noBC_id(index4.w, nb_part)] += gs.w;
+      barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
+      index4 = (index4 + 1) % WIDTH;
+      gs = (gamma(y, s));
+      gscal_loc[noBC_id(index4.x, nb_part)] += gs.x;
+      gscal_loc[noBC_id(index4.y, nb_part)] += gs.y;
+      gscal_loc[noBC_id(index4.z, nb_part)] += gs.z;
+      gscal_loc[noBC_id(index4.w, nb_part)] += gs.w;
+      barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
+      index4 = (index4 + 1) % WIDTH;
+      gs =  (delta(y, s));
+      gscal_loc[noBC_id(index4.x, nb_part)] += gs.x;
+      gscal_loc[noBC_id(index4.y, nb_part)] += gs.y;
+      gscal_loc[noBC_id(index4.z, nb_part)] += gs.z;
+      gscal_loc[noBC_id(index4.w, nb_part)] += gs.w;
+      barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
+      index4 = (index4 + 1) % WIDTH;
+      gs =  (eta(y, s));
+      gscal_loc[noBC_id(index4.x, nb_part)] += gs.x;
+      gscal_loc[noBC_id(index4.y, nb_part)] += gs.y;
+      gscal_loc[noBC_id(index4.z, nb_part)] += gs.z;
+      gscal_loc[noBC_id(index4.w, nb_part)] += gs.w;
+      barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
+      index4 = (index4 + 1) % WIDTH;
+      gs = (zeta(y, s));
+      gscal_loc[noBC_id(index4.x, nb_part)] += gs.x;
+      gscal_loc[noBC_id(index4.y, nb_part)] += gs.y;
+      gscal_loc[noBC_id(index4.z, nb_part)] += gs.z;
+      gscal_loc[noBC_id(index4.w, nb_part)] += gs.w;
+    }
+  barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
+  for(i=gidX*4; i<WIDTH; i+=(WGN*4))
+    vstore4((float4)(gscal_loc[noBC_id(i, nb_part)],gscal_loc[noBC_id(i+1, nb_part)], gscal_loc[noBC_id(i+2, nb_part)], gscal_loc[noBC_id(i+3, nb_part)]), (i + gidY*WIDTH+gidZ*WIDTH*WIDTH)/4, gscal);
diff --git a/HySoP/hysop/gpu/cl_src/copy_2D.cl b/HySoP/hysop/gpu/cl_src/copy_2D.cl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1af25c6d58beb24ead4e25dfbd21cb78adc64613
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HySoP/hysop/gpu/cl_src/copy_2D.cl
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+__kernel void copy(__global const float* in,
+		   __global float* out)
+  uint xIndex = get_group_id(0) * TILE_DIM_COPY + get_local_id(0);
+  uint yIndex = get_group_id(1) * TILE_DIM_COPY + get_local_id(1);
+  uint zIndex = get_global_id(2);
+  uint index = xIndex + yIndex * WIDTH + zIndex*WIDTH*WIDTH;
+  for(uint i=0; i<TILE_DIM_COPY; i+=BLOCK_ROWS_COPY)
+    {
+      out[index + i*WIDTH] = in[index + i*WIDTH];
+    }
diff --git a/HySoP/hysop/gpu/cl_src/copy_2D_opt2.cl b/HySoP/hysop/gpu/cl_src/copy_2D_opt2.cl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7c2f3a950f744724775bea503cf69131095c13b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HySoP/hysop/gpu/cl_src/copy_2D_opt2.cl
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+__kernel void copy(__global const float* in,
+		   __global float* out)
+  uint xIndex = (get_group_id(0) * TILE_DIM_COPY + get_local_id(0)*2);
+  uint yIndex = get_group_id(1) * TILE_DIM_COPY + get_local_id(1);
+  uint index = xIndex + yIndex * WIDTH;
+  float x,y;
+  for(uint i=0; i<TILE_DIM_COPY; i+=BLOCK_ROWS_COPY)
+    {
+      x = in[index + i*WIDTH];
+      y = in[index + 1 + i*WIDTH];
+      out[index + i*WIDTH] = x;
+      out[index + 1 + i*WIDTH] = y;
+    }
diff --git a/HySoP/hysop/gpu/cl_src/copy_3D_locMem.cl b/HySoP/hysop/gpu/cl_src/copy_3D_locMem.cl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b13c4b735ca5000ba8697cdfd43aa0cf024a789c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HySoP/hysop/gpu/cl_src/copy_3D_locMem.cl
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+__kernel void copy(__global const float* in,
+		   __global float* out)
+  uint xIndex = get_group_id(0) * TILE_DIM_COPY + get_local_id(0);
+  uint yIndex = get_group_id(1) * TILE_DIM_COPY + get_local_id(1);
+  uint zIndex = get_global_id(2);
+  uint index = xIndex + yIndex * WIDTH + zIndex*WIDTH*WIDTH;
+  __local float tile[TILE_DIM_COPY][TILE_DIM_COPY];
+  for(uint i=0; i<TILE_DIM_COPY; i+=BLOCK_ROWS_COPY)
+    {
+      tile[get_local_id(1)+i][get_local_id(0)] = in[index + i*WIDTH];
+    }
+  barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
+  for(uint i=0; i<TILE_DIM_COPY; i+=BLOCK_ROWS_COPY)
+    {
+      out[index + i*WIDTH] = tile[get_local_id(1)+i][get_local_id(0)];
+    }
diff --git a/HySoP/hysop/gpu/cl_src/copy_3D_opt4.cl b/HySoP/hysop/gpu/cl_src/copy_3D_opt4.cl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e5bec1c04df53e5b901db18b6c959bbc4443fb55
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HySoP/hysop/gpu/cl_src/copy_3D_opt4.cl
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+__kernel void copy(__global const float* in,
+		   __global float* out)
+  uint xIndex = (get_group_id(0) * TILE_DIM_COPY + get_local_id(0)*4);
+  uint yIndex = get_group_id(1) * TILE_DIM_COPY + get_local_id(1);
+  uint zIndex = get_global_id(2);
+  uint index = xIndex + yIndex * WIDTH + zIndex*WIDTH*WIDTH;
+  float x,y,z,w;
+  for(uint i=0; i<TILE_DIM_COPY; i+=BLOCK_ROWS_COPY)
+    {
+      x = in[index + i*WIDTH];
+      y = in[index + 1 + i*WIDTH];
+      z = in[index + 2 + i*WIDTH];
+      w = in[index + 3 + i*WIDTH];
+      out[index + i*WIDTH] = x;
+      out[index + 1 + i*WIDTH] = y;
+      out[index + 2 + i*WIDTH] = z;
+      out[index + 3 + i*WIDTH] = w;
+    }
diff --git a/HySoP/hysop/gpu/cl_src/remeshing_2D_opt4_noBC.cl b/HySoP/hysop/gpu/cl_src/remeshing_2D_opt4_noBC.cl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..895250723bdd1eaa04357817122fd5205eb10e1c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HySoP/hysop/gpu/cl_src/remeshing_2D_opt4_noBC.cl
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+ * Local memory as a 2D array to avoid bank conflicts.
+ *
+ * @param id Index 1D
+ * @param nb_part Particle number per work-item
+ *
+ * @return Index in a 2D space.
+ */
+inline uint noBC_id(int id, int nb_part){
+  return (id%nb_part)*WGN+(id/nb_part);
+  * 2D Remeshing kernel.
+  *
+  * @param ppos Particle position
+  * @param pscal Particle scalar
+  * @param gscal Grid scalar
+  * @param min_position Domain lower point
+  * @param dx Space step
+  */
+__kernel void remeshing(__global const float* ppos,
+			__global const float* pscal,
+			__global float* gscal, float min_position, float dx)
+  uint gidX = get_global_id(0);
+  uint gidY = get_global_id(1);
+  float invdx = 1.0/dx;
+  int4 ind;
+  uint i, nb_part = WIDTH/WGN;
+  float4 p, s, y;
+  uint4 index4;
+  __local float gscal_loc[WIDTH];
+  for(i=gidX*4; i<WIDTH; i+=(WGN*4))
+    {
+      gscal_loc[i] = 0.0;
+      gscal_loc[i+1] = 0.0;
+      gscal_loc[i+2] = 0.0;
+      gscal_loc[i+3] = 0.0;
+    }
+  barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
+  for(i=gidX*nb_part; i<(gidX + 1)*nb_part; i+=4)
+    {
+      p = vload4((i + gidY*WIDTH)/4, ppos) - (float4)(min_position);
+      s = vload4((i + gidY*WIDTH)/4, pscal);
+      ind = convert_int4_rtn(p * invdx);
+      y = (p - convert_float4(ind) * dx) * invdx;
+      index4 = convert_uint4((ind - 2 + WIDTH) % WIDTH);
+      gscal_loc[noBC_id(index4.x,nb_part)] += (alpha(y.x,s.x));
+      gscal_loc[noBC_id(index4.y,nb_part)] += (alpha(y.y,s.y));
+      gscal_loc[noBC_id(index4.z,nb_part)] += (alpha(y.z,s.z));
+      gscal_loc[noBC_id(index4.w,nb_part)] += (alpha(y.w,s.w));
+      barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
+      index4 = (index4 + 1) % WIDTH;
+      gscal_loc[noBC_id(index4.x,nb_part)] += (beta(y.x,s.x));
+      gscal_loc[noBC_id(index4.y,nb_part)] += (beta(y.y,s.y));
+      gscal_loc[noBC_id(index4.z,nb_part)] += (beta(y.z,s.z));
+      gscal_loc[noBC_id(index4.w,nb_part)] += (beta(y.w,s.w));
+      barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
+      index4 = (index4 + 1) % WIDTH;
+      gscal_loc[noBC_id(index4.x,nb_part)] += (gamma(y.x, s.x));
+      gscal_loc[noBC_id(index4.y,nb_part)] += (gamma(y.y, s.y));
+      gscal_loc[noBC_id(index4.z,nb_part)] += (gamma(y.z, s.z));
+      gscal_loc[noBC_id(index4.w,nb_part)] += (gamma(y.w, s.w));
+      barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
+      index4 = (index4 + 1) % WIDTH;
+      gscal_loc[noBC_id(index4.x,nb_part)] += (delta(y.x, s.x));
+      gscal_loc[noBC_id(index4.y,nb_part)] += (delta(y.y, s.y));
+      gscal_loc[noBC_id(index4.z,nb_part)] += (delta(y.z, s.z));
+      gscal_loc[noBC_id(index4.w,nb_part)] += (delta(y.w, s.w));
+      barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
+      index4 = (index4 + 1) % WIDTH;
+      gscal_loc[noBC_id(index4.x,nb_part)] += (eta(y.x, s.x));
+      gscal_loc[noBC_id(index4.y,nb_part)] += (eta(y.y, s.y));
+      gscal_loc[noBC_id(index4.z,nb_part)] += (eta(y.z, s.z));
+      gscal_loc[noBC_id(index4.w,nb_part)] += (eta(y.w, s.w));
+      barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
+      index4 = (index4 + 1) % WIDTH;
+      gscal_loc[noBC_id(index4.x,nb_part)] += (zeta(y.x, s.x));
+      gscal_loc[noBC_id(index4.y,nb_part)] += (zeta(y.y, s.y));
+      gscal_loc[noBC_id(index4.z,nb_part)] += (zeta(y.z, s.z));
+      gscal_loc[noBC_id(index4.w,nb_part)] += (zeta(y.w, s.w));
+      barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
+    }
+  barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
+  for(i=gidX*4; i<WIDTH; i+=(WGN*4))
+    vstore4((float4)(gscal_loc[noBC_id(i,nb_part)],gscal_loc[noBC_id(i+1,nb_part)], gscal_loc[noBC_id(i+2,nb_part)], gscal_loc[noBC_id(i+3,nb_part)]), (i + gidY*WIDTH)/4, gscal);
diff --git a/HySoP/hysop/gpu/cl_src/remeshing_2D_opt4_private4.cl b/HySoP/hysop/gpu/cl_src/remeshing_2D_opt4_private4.cl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..bd831d5abf3d791b984c67d3e4dee9d3b447f004
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HySoP/hysop/gpu/cl_src/remeshing_2D_opt4_private4.cl
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+__kernel void remeshing(__global const float* ppos,
+			__global const float* pscal,
+			__global float* gscal, float min_position, float dx)
+  uint gidX = get_global_id(0);
+  uint gidY = get_global_id(1);
+  float invdx = 1.0/dx;
+  int4 ind;
+  uint i, nb_part = WIDTH/WGN;
+  float4 p, s, y, gs;
+  uint4 index4;
+  __local float gscal_loc[WIDTH];
+  for(i=gidX*4; i<WIDTH; i+=(WGN*4))
+    {
+      gscal_loc[i] = 0.0;
+      gscal_loc[i+1] = 0.0;
+      gscal_loc[i+2] = 0.0;
+      gscal_loc[i+3] = 0.0;
+    }
+  barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
+  for(i=gidX*nb_part; i<(gidX + 1)*nb_part; i+=4)
+    {
+      p = vload4((i + gidY*WIDTH)/4, ppos) - (float4)(min_position);
+      s = vload4((i + gidY*WIDTH)/4, pscal);
+      ind = convert_int4_rtn(p * invdx);
+      y = (p - convert_float4(ind) * dx) * invdx;
+      index4 = convert_uint4((ind - 2 + WIDTH) % WIDTH);
+      gs =  (alpha(y, s));
+      gscal_loc[index4.x] += gs.x;
+      gscal_loc[index4.y] += gs.y;
+      gscal_loc[index4.z] += gs.z;
+      gscal_loc[index4.w] += gs.w;
+      barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
+      index4 = (index4 + 1) % WIDTH;
+      gs =  (beta(y, s));
+      gscal_loc[index4.x]+= gs.x;
+      gscal_loc[index4.y]+= gs.y;
+      gscal_loc[index4.z]+= gs.z;
+      gscal_loc[index4.w]+= gs.w;
+      barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
+      index4 = (index4 + 1) % WIDTH;
+      gs =  (gamma(y, s));
+      gscal_loc[index4.x] += gs.x;
+      gscal_loc[index4.y] += gs.y;
+      gscal_loc[index4.z] += gs.z;
+      gscal_loc[index4.w] += gs.w;
+      barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
+      index4 = (index4 + 1) % WIDTH;
+      gs =  (delta(y, s));
+      gscal_loc[index4.x] += gs.x;
+      gscal_loc[index4.y] += gs.y;
+      gscal_loc[index4.z] += gs.z;
+      gscal_loc[index4.w] += gs.w;
+      barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
+      index4 = (index4 + 1) % WIDTH;
+      gs =  (eta(y, s));
+      gscal_loc[index4.x] += gs.x;
+      gscal_loc[index4.y] += gs.y;
+      gscal_loc[index4.z] += gs.z;
+      gscal_loc[index4.w] += gs.w;
+      barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
+      index4 = (index4 + 1) % WIDTH;
+      gs =  (zeta(y, s));
+      gscal_loc[index4.x] += gs.x;
+      gscal_loc[index4.y] += gs.y;
+      gscal_loc[index4.z] += gs.z;
+      gscal_loc[index4.w] += gs.w;
+      barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
+    }
+  barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
+  for(i=gidX*4; i<WIDTH; i+=(WGN*4))
+    vstore4((float4)(gscal_loc[i],gscal_loc[i+1], gscal_loc[i+2], gscal_loc[i+3]), (i + gidY*WIDTH)/4, gscal);
diff --git a/HySoP/hysop/gpu/cl_src/remeshing_2D_opt4_private4_noBC.cl b/HySoP/hysop/gpu/cl_src/remeshing_2D_opt4_private4_noBC.cl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..014edd31671f10731a58ba826b876bb5bf612fa1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HySoP/hysop/gpu/cl_src/remeshing_2D_opt4_private4_noBC.cl
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+inline uint noBC_id(int id, int nb_part){
+  return (id%nb_part)*WGN+(id/nb_part);
+__kernel void remeshing(__global const float* ppos,
+			__global const float* pscal,
+			__global float* gscal, float min_position, float dx)
+  uint gidX = get_global_id(0);
+  uint gidY = get_global_id(1);
+  float invdx = 1.0/dx;
+  int4 ind;
+  uint i, nb_part = WIDTH/WGN;
+  float4 p, s, y, gs;
+  uint4 index4;
+  __local float gscal_loc[WIDTH];
+  for(i=gidX*4; i<WIDTH; i+=(WGN*4))
+    {
+      gscal_loc[i] = 0.0;
+      gscal_loc[i+1] = 0.0;
+      gscal_loc[i+2] = 0.0;
+      gscal_loc[i+3] = 0.0;
+    }
+  barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
+  for(i=gidX*nb_part; i<(gidX + 1)*nb_part; i+=4)
+    {
+      p = vload4((i + gidY*WIDTH)/4, ppos) - (float4)(min_position);
+      s = vload4((i + gidY*WIDTH)/4, pscal);
+      ind = convert_int4_rtn(p * invdx);
+      y = (p - convert_float4(ind) * dx) * invdx;
+      index4 = convert_uint4((ind - 2 + WIDTH) % WIDTH);
+      gs =  (alpha(y, s));
+      gscal_loc[noBC_id(index4.x, nb_part)] += gs.x;
+      gscal_loc[noBC_id(index4.y, nb_part)] += gs.y;
+      gscal_loc[noBC_id(index4.z, nb_part)] += gs.z;
+      gscal_loc[noBC_id(index4.w, nb_part)] += gs.w;
+      barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
+      index4 = (index4 + 1) % WIDTH;
+      gs =  (beta(y, s));
+      gscal_loc[noBC_id(index4.x, nb_part)] += gs.x;
+      gscal_loc[noBC_id(index4.y, nb_part)] += gs.y;
+      gscal_loc[noBC_id(index4.z, nb_part)] += gs.z;
+      gscal_loc[noBC_id(index4.w, nb_part)] += gs.w;
+      barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
+      index4 = (index4 + 1) % WIDTH;
+      gs = (gamma(y, s));
+      gscal_loc[noBC_id(index4.x, nb_part)] += gs.x;
+      gscal_loc[noBC_id(index4.y, nb_part)] += gs.y;
+      gscal_loc[noBC_id(index4.z, nb_part)] += gs.z;
+      gscal_loc[noBC_id(index4.w, nb_part)] += gs.w;
+      barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
+      index4 = (index4 + 1) % WIDTH;
+      gs = (delta(y, s));
+      gscal_loc[noBC_id(index4.x, nb_part)] += gs.x;
+      gscal_loc[noBC_id(index4.y, nb_part)] += gs.y;
+      gscal_loc[noBC_id(index4.z, nb_part)] += gs.z;
+      gscal_loc[noBC_id(index4.w, nb_part)] += gs.w;
+      barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
+      index4 = (index4 + 1) % WIDTH;
+      gs =  (eta(y, s));
+      gscal_loc[noBC_id(index4.x, nb_part)] += gs.x;
+      gscal_loc[noBC_id(index4.y, nb_part)] += gs.y;
+      gscal_loc[noBC_id(index4.z, nb_part)] += gs.z;
+      gscal_loc[noBC_id(index4.w, nb_part)] += gs.w;
+      barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
+      index4 = (index4 + 1) % WIDTH;
+      gs = (zeta(y, s));
+      gscal_loc[noBC_id(index4.x, nb_part)] += gs.x;
+      gscal_loc[noBC_id(index4.y, nb_part)] += gs.y;
+      gscal_loc[noBC_id(index4.z, nb_part)] += gs.z;
+      gscal_loc[noBC_id(index4.w, nb_part)] += gs.w;
+      barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
+    }
+  barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
+  for(i=gidX*4; i<WIDTH; i+=(WGN*4))
+    vstore4((float4)(gscal_loc[noBC_id(i, nb_part)],gscal_loc[noBC_id(i+1, nb_part)], gscal_loc[noBC_id(i+2, nb_part)], gscal_loc[noBC_id(i+3, nb_part)]), (i + gidY*WIDTH)/4, gscal);
diff --git a/HySoP/hysop/gpu/cl_src/remeshing_3D_opt4_private4.cl b/HySoP/hysop/gpu/cl_src/remeshing_3D_opt4_private4.cl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..eb67791af74bdfb46e79c38c87fcc216d5fc6032
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HySoP/hysop/gpu/cl_src/remeshing_3D_opt4_private4.cl
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+__kernel void remeshing(__global const float* ppos,
+			__global const float* pscal,
+			__global float* gscal, float min_position, float dx)
+  uint gidX = get_global_id(0);
+  uint gidY = get_global_id(1);
+  uint gidZ = get_global_id(2);
+  float invdx = 1.0/dx;
+  int4 ind;
+  uint i, nb_part = WIDTH/WGN;
+  float4 p, s, y, gs;
+  uint4 index4;
+  __local float gscal_loc[WIDTH];
+  for(i=gidX*4; i<WIDTH; i+=(WGN*4))
+    {
+      gscal_loc[i] = 0.0;
+      gscal_loc[i+1] = 0.0;
+      gscal_loc[i+2] = 0.0;
+      gscal_loc[i+3] = 0.0;
+    }
+  barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
+  for(i=gidX*nb_part; i<(gidX + 1)*nb_part; i+=4)
+    {
+      p = vload4((i + gidY*WIDTH + gidZ*WIDTH*WIDTH)/4, ppos) - (float4)(min_position);
+      s = vload4((i + gidY*WIDTH + gidZ*WIDTH*WIDTH)/4, pscal);
+      ind = convert_int4_rtn(p * invdx);
+      y = (p - convert_float4(ind) * dx) * invdx;
+      index4 = convert_uint4((ind - 2 + WIDTH) % WIDTH);
+      gs =  (alpha(y, s));
+      gscal_loc[index4.x] += gs.x;
+      gscal_loc[index4.y] += gs.y;
+      gscal_loc[index4.z] += gs.z;
+      gscal_loc[index4.w] += gs.w;
+      barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
+      index4 = (index4 + 1) % WIDTH;
+      gs =  (beta(y, s));
+      gscal_loc[index4.x]+= gs.x;
+      gscal_loc[index4.y]+= gs.y;
+      gscal_loc[index4.z]+= gs.z;
+      gscal_loc[index4.w]+= gs.w;
+      barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
+      index4 = (index4 + 1) % WIDTH;
+      gs =  (gamma(y, s));
+      gscal_loc[index4.x] += gs.x;
+      gscal_loc[index4.y] += gs.y;
+      gscal_loc[index4.z] += gs.z;
+      gscal_loc[index4.w] += gs.w;
+      barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
+      index4 = (index4 + 1) % WIDTH;
+      gs =  (delta(y, s));
+      gscal_loc[index4.x] += gs.x;
+      gscal_loc[index4.y] += gs.y;
+      gscal_loc[index4.z] += gs.z;
+      gscal_loc[index4.w] += gs.w;
+      barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
+      index4 = (index4 + 1) % WIDTH;
+      gs =  (eta(y, s));
+      gscal_loc[index4.x] += gs.x;
+      gscal_loc[index4.y] += gs.y;
+      gscal_loc[index4.z] += gs.z;
+      gscal_loc[index4.w] += gs.w;
+      barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
+      index4 = (index4 + 1) % WIDTH;
+      gs =  (zeta(y, s));
+      gscal_loc[index4.x] += gs.x;
+      gscal_loc[index4.y] += gs.y;
+      gscal_loc[index4.z] += gs.z;
+      gscal_loc[index4.w] += gs.w;
+      barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
+    }
+  barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
+  for(i=gidX*4; i<WIDTH; i+=(WGN*4))
+    vstore4((float4)(gscal_loc[i],
+                     gscal_loc[i+1],
+                     gscal_loc[i+2],
+                     gscal_loc[i+3]),
+            (i + gidY*WIDTH + gidZ*WIDTH*WIDTH)/4, gscal);
diff --git a/HySoP/hysop/gpu/cl_src/transpose_2D_xy_coalesced_locPad_Diag_opt4.cl b/HySoP/hysop/gpu/cl_src/transpose_2D_xy_coalesced_locPad_Diag_opt4.cl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b6853e37ba37b97e35fbf8a7d224acfcbda7c5a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HySoP/hysop/gpu/cl_src/transpose_2D_xy_coalesced_locPad_Diag_opt4.cl
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+__kernel void transpose_xy(__global const float* in,
+			   __global float* out)
+  float4 temp;
+  uint group_id_x = get_group_id(0);
+  uint group_id_y = (get_group_id(0) + get_group_id(1)) % get_num_groups(0);
+  uint xIndex = group_id_x * TILE_DIM_XY + get_local_id(0)*4;
+  uint yIndex = group_id_y * TILE_DIM_XY + get_local_id(1);
+  uint index_in = xIndex + yIndex * WIDTH;
+  xIndex = group_id_y * TILE_DIM_XY + get_local_id(0)*4;
+  yIndex = group_id_x * TILE_DIM_XY + get_local_id(1);
+  uint index_out = xIndex + yIndex * WIDTH;
+  __local float tile[TILE_DIM_XY][TILE_DIM_XY+1];
+  for(uint i=0; i<TILE_DIM_XY; i+=BLOCK_ROWS_XY)
+    {
+      temp = vload4((index_in + i*WIDTH)/4, in);
+      tile[get_local_id(1) + i][get_local_id(0)*4] = temp.x;
+      tile[get_local_id(1) + i][get_local_id(0)*4+1] = temp.y;
+      tile[get_local_id(1) + i][get_local_id(0)*4+2] = temp.z;
+      tile[get_local_id(1) + i][get_local_id(0)*4+3] = temp.w;
+    }
+  barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
+  for(uint i=0; i<TILE_DIM_XY; i+=BLOCK_ROWS_XY)
+    {
+      temp = (float4)(tile[get_local_id(0)*4][get_local_id(1) + i],
+		      tile[get_local_id(0)*4+1][get_local_id(1) + i],
+		      tile[get_local_id(0)*4+2][get_local_id(1) + i],
+		      tile[get_local_id(0)*4+3][get_local_id(1) + i]);
+      vstore4(temp, (index_out + i*WIDTH)/4, out);
+    }
diff --git a/HySoP/hysop/gpu/cl_src/transpose_3D_xy_coalesced_locPad_Diag_2Dslice_opt2.cl b/HySoP/hysop/gpu/cl_src/transpose_3D_xy_coalesced_locPad_Diag_2Dslice_opt2.cl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f94717ae5827d2b0bdd50d9d27da32336e935aef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HySoP/hysop/gpu/cl_src/transpose_3D_xy_coalesced_locPad_Diag_2Dslice_opt2.cl
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+__kernel void transpose_xy(__global const float* in,
+			   __global float* out)
+  float2 temp;
+  uint group_id_x = get_group_id(0);
+  uint group_id_y = (get_group_id(0) + get_group_id(1)) % get_num_groups(0);
+  uint xIndex = group_id_x * TILE_DIM_XY + get_local_id(0)*2;
+  uint yIndex = group_id_y * TILE_DIM_XY + get_local_id(1);
+  uint zIndex = get_global_id(2);
+  uint index_in = xIndex + yIndex * WIDTH + zIndex * WIDTH * WIDTH;
+  xIndex = group_id_y * TILE_DIM_XY + get_local_id(0)*2;
+  yIndex = group_id_x * TILE_DIM_XY + get_local_id(1);
+  uint index_out = xIndex + yIndex * WIDTH + zIndex * WIDTH * WIDTH;
+  __local float tile[TILE_DIM_XY][TILE_DIM_XY+1];
+  for(uint i=0; i<TILE_DIM_XY; i+=BLOCK_ROWS_XY)
+    {
+      temp = vload2((index_in + i*WIDTH)/2, in);
+      tile[get_local_id(1) + i][get_local_id(0)*2] = temp.x;
+      tile[get_local_id(1) + i][get_local_id(0)*2+1] = temp.y;
+    }
+  barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
+  for(uint i=0; i<TILE_DIM_XY; i+=BLOCK_ROWS_XY)
+    {
+      temp = (float2)(tile[get_local_id(0)*2][get_local_id(1) + i],
+		      tile[get_local_id(0)*2+1][get_local_id(1) + i]);
+      vstore2(temp, (index_out + i*WIDTH)/2, out);
+    }
diff --git a/HySoP/hysop/gpu/cl_src/transpose_3D_xy_coalesced_locPad_Diag_2Dslice_opt4.cl b/HySoP/hysop/gpu/cl_src/transpose_3D_xy_coalesced_locPad_Diag_2Dslice_opt4.cl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e8afa56b9744f41d70327adde3541c83d0f17806
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HySoP/hysop/gpu/cl_src/transpose_3D_xy_coalesced_locPad_Diag_2Dslice_opt4.cl
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+__kernel void transpose_xy(__global const float* in,
+			   __global float* out)
+  float4 temp;
+  uint group_id_x = get_group_id(0);
+  uint group_id_y = (get_group_id(0) + get_group_id(1)) % get_num_groups(0);
+  uint xIndex = group_id_x * TILE_DIM_XY + get_local_id(0)*4;
+  uint yIndex = group_id_y * TILE_DIM_XY + get_local_id(1);
+  uint zIndex = get_global_id(2);
+  uint index_in = xIndex + yIndex * WIDTH + zIndex * WIDTH * WIDTH;
+  xIndex = group_id_y * TILE_DIM_XY + get_local_id(0)*4;
+  yIndex = group_id_x * TILE_DIM_XY + get_local_id(1);
+  uint index_out = xIndex + yIndex * WIDTH + zIndex * WIDTH * WIDTH;
+  __local float tile[TILE_DIM_XY][TILE_DIM_XY+1];
+  for(uint i=0; i<TILE_DIM_XY; i+=BLOCK_ROWS_XY)
+    {
+      temp = vload4((index_in + i*WIDTH)/4, in);
+      tile[get_local_id(1) + i][get_local_id(0)*4] = temp.x;
+      tile[get_local_id(1) + i][get_local_id(0)*4+1] = temp.y;
+      tile[get_local_id(1) + i][get_local_id(0)*4+2] = temp.z;
+      tile[get_local_id(1) + i][get_local_id(0)*4+3] = temp.w;
+    }
+  barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
+  for(uint i=0; i<TILE_DIM_XY; i+=BLOCK_ROWS_XY)
+    {
+      temp = (float4)(tile[get_local_id(0)*4][get_local_id(1) + i],
+		      tile[get_local_id(0)*4+1][get_local_id(1) + i],
+		      tile[get_local_id(0)*4+2][get_local_id(1) + i],
+		      tile[get_local_id(0)*4+3][get_local_id(1) + i]);
+      vstore4(temp, (index_out + i*WIDTH)/4, out);
+    }
diff --git a/HySoP/hysop/gpu/cl_src/transpose_3D_xy_coalesced_locPad_Diag_opt2.cl b/HySoP/hysop/gpu/cl_src/transpose_3D_xy_coalesced_locPad_Diag_opt2.cl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f94717ae5827d2b0bdd50d9d27da32336e935aef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HySoP/hysop/gpu/cl_src/transpose_3D_xy_coalesced_locPad_Diag_opt2.cl
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+__kernel void transpose_xy(__global const float* in,
+			   __global float* out)
+  float2 temp;
+  uint group_id_x = get_group_id(0);
+  uint group_id_y = (get_group_id(0) + get_group_id(1)) % get_num_groups(0);
+  uint xIndex = group_id_x * TILE_DIM_XY + get_local_id(0)*2;
+  uint yIndex = group_id_y * TILE_DIM_XY + get_local_id(1);
+  uint zIndex = get_global_id(2);
+  uint index_in = xIndex + yIndex * WIDTH + zIndex * WIDTH * WIDTH;
+  xIndex = group_id_y * TILE_DIM_XY + get_local_id(0)*2;
+  yIndex = group_id_x * TILE_DIM_XY + get_local_id(1);
+  uint index_out = xIndex + yIndex * WIDTH + zIndex * WIDTH * WIDTH;
+  __local float tile[TILE_DIM_XY][TILE_DIM_XY+1];
+  for(uint i=0; i<TILE_DIM_XY; i+=BLOCK_ROWS_XY)
+    {
+      temp = vload2((index_in + i*WIDTH)/2, in);
+      tile[get_local_id(1) + i][get_local_id(0)*2] = temp.x;
+      tile[get_local_id(1) + i][get_local_id(0)*2+1] = temp.y;
+    }
+  barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
+  for(uint i=0; i<TILE_DIM_XY; i+=BLOCK_ROWS_XY)
+    {
+      temp = (float2)(tile[get_local_id(0)*2][get_local_id(1) + i],
+		      tile[get_local_id(0)*2+1][get_local_id(1) + i]);
+      vstore2(temp, (index_out + i*WIDTH)/2, out);
+    }
diff --git a/HySoP/hysop/gpu/cl_src/transpose_3D_xz_coalesced_Diag_bis_3DBlock.cl b/HySoP/hysop/gpu/cl_src/transpose_3D_xz_coalesced_Diag_bis_3DBlock.cl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..67e8891bd6910bb0d2463ec367f10a11d8aa5ba8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HySoP/hysop/gpu/cl_src/transpose_3D_xz_coalesced_Diag_bis_3DBlock.cl
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+__kernel void transpose_xz(__global const float* in,
+			   __global float* out)
+  uint group_id_x = get_group_id(0);
+  uint group_id_z = (get_group_id(0) + get_group_id(2)) % get_num_groups(0);
+  uint xIndex = group_id_x * TILE_DIM_XZ + get_local_id(0);
+  uint yIndex = get_group_id(1) * TILE_DIM_XZ + get_local_id(1);
+  uint zIndex = group_id_z * TILE_DIM_XZ + get_local_id(2);
+  uint index_in = xIndex + yIndex * WIDTH + zIndex * WIDTH * WIDTH;
+  xIndex = group_id_z * TILE_DIM_XZ + get_local_id(0);
+  zIndex = group_id_x * TILE_DIM_XZ + get_local_id(2);
+  uint index_out = xIndex + yIndex * WIDTH + zIndex * WIDTH * WIDTH;
+  __local float tile[TILE_DIM_XZ][TILE_DIM_XZ][TILE_DIM_XZ];
+  for(uint j=0; j<TILE_DIM_XZ; j+=BLOCK_ROWS_XZ)
+    {
+      for(uint i=0; i<TILE_DIM_XZ; i+=BLOCK_ROWS_XZ)
+	{
+	  tile[get_local_id(2) + j][get_local_id(1) + i][get_local_id(0)] = in[index_in + i*WIDTH + j*WIDTH*WIDTH];
+	}
+    }
+  barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
+  for(uint j=0; j<TILE_DIM_XZ; j+=BLOCK_ROWS_XZ)
+    {
+      for(uint i=0; i<TILE_DIM_XZ; i+=BLOCK_ROWS_XZ)
+	{
+	  out[index_out + i*WIDTH + j*WIDTH*WIDTH] = tile[get_local_id(0)][get_local_id(1)+i][get_local_id(2) + j];
+	}
+    }
diff --git a/HySoP/hysop/gpu/cl_src/transpose_3D_xz_coalesced_locPad_Diag_bis_3DBlock.cl b/HySoP/hysop/gpu/cl_src/transpose_3D_xz_coalesced_locPad_Diag_bis_3DBlock.cl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a112ea1993e8885aa57c845d09120b466a57d21f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HySoP/hysop/gpu/cl_src/transpose_3D_xz_coalesced_locPad_Diag_bis_3DBlock.cl
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+__kernel void transpose_xz(__global const float* in,
+			   __global float* out)
+  uint group_id_x = get_group_id(0);
+  uint group_id_z = (get_group_id(0) + get_group_id(2)) % get_num_groups(0);
+  uint xIndex = group_id_x * TILE_DIM_XZ + get_local_id(0);
+  uint yIndex = get_group_id(1) * TILE_DIM_XZ + get_local_id(1);
+  uint zIndex = group_id_z * TILE_DIM_XZ + get_local_id(2);
+  uint index_in = xIndex + yIndex * WIDTH + zIndex * WIDTH * WIDTH;
+  xIndex = group_id_z * TILE_DIM_XZ + get_local_id(0);
+  zIndex = group_id_x * TILE_DIM_XZ + get_local_id(2);
+  uint index_out = xIndex + yIndex * WIDTH + zIndex * WIDTH * WIDTH;
+  __local float tile[TILE_DIM_XZ][TILE_DIM_XZ][TILE_DIM_XZ+1];
+  for(uint j=0; j<TILE_DIM_XZ; j+=BLOCK_ROWS_XZ)
+    {
+      for(uint i=0; i<TILE_DIM_XZ; i+=BLOCK_ROWS_XZ)
+	{
+	  tile[get_local_id(2) + j][get_local_id(1) + i][get_local_id(0)] = in[index_in + i*WIDTH + j*WIDTH*WIDTH];
+	}
+    }
+  barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
+  for(uint j=0; j<TILE_DIM_XZ; j+=BLOCK_ROWS_XZ)
+    {
+      for(uint i=0; i<TILE_DIM_XZ; i+=BLOCK_ROWS_XZ)
+	{
+	  out[index_out + i*WIDTH + j*WIDTH*WIDTH] = tile[get_local_id(0)][get_local_id(1)+i][get_local_id(2) + j];
+	}
+    }
diff --git a/HySoP/hysop/gpu/cl_src/weights_m6prime.cl b/HySoP/hysop/gpu/cl_src/weights_m6prime.cl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..cd21a32e74bff85d463b68da55d44bd8f83749ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HySoP/hysop/gpu/cl_src/weights_m6prime.cl
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+ * M6prime weights.
+ *
+ * @param y Distance between the particle and left-hand grid point
+ * @param s Scalar of the particle
+ *
+ * @return weights
+ */
+inline float alpha(float y, float s){
+  return (y * (y * (y * (y * (13.0 - 5.0 * y) - 9.0) - 1.0) + 2.0) / 24.0) * s;}
+inline float beta(float y, float s){
+  return (y * (y * (y * (y * (25.0 * y - 64.0) + 39.0) + 16.0) - 16.0) / 24.0)*s;}
+inline float gamma(float y, float s){
+  return (y * y * (y * (y * (126.0 - 50.0 * y) - 70.0) - 30.0) / 24.0 + 1.0)*s;}
+inline float delta(float y, float s){
+  return (y * (y * (y * (y * (50.0 * y - 124.0) + 66.0) + 16.0) + 16.0) / 24.0)*s;}
+inline float eta(float y, float s){
+  return (y * (y * (y * (y * (61.0 - 25.0 * y) - 33.0) - 1.0) - 2.0) / 24.0)*s;}
+inline float zeta(float y, float s){
+  return (y * y * y * (y * (5.0 * y - 12.0) + 7.0) / 24.0)*s;}
diff --git a/HySoP/hysop/gpu/cl_src/weights_m6prime_builtin.cl b/HySoP/hysop/gpu/cl_src/weights_m6prime_builtin.cl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f63a419523ab10048ed59ca85cbb25e3e1326da1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HySoP/hysop/gpu/cl_src/weights_m6prime_builtin.cl
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+inline float alpha(float y, float s){
+  return (y * fma(y , fma(y , fma(y , fma(-5.0, y, 13.0),- 9.0),- 1.0), 2.0) / 24.0) * s;}
+inline float beta(float y, float s){
+  return (y * fma(y , fma(y , fma(y , fma(25.0 , y ,- 64.0), 39.0) , 16.0), - 16.0) / 24.0)*s;}
+inline float gamma(float y, float s){
+  return (y * y * fma(y , fma(y , fma( - 50.0 , y, 126.0) ,- 70.0) ,- 30.0) / 24.0 + 1.0)*s;}
+inline float delta(float y, float s){
+  return (y * fma(y , fma(y, fma(y, fma(50.0, y, - 124.0), 66.0) , 16.0) , 16.0) / 24.0)*s;}
+inline float eta(float y, float s){
+  return (y * fma(y , fma(y , fma(y , fma(- 25.0 , y, 61.0), - 33.0), - 1.0), - 2.0) / 24.0)*s;}
+inline float zeta(float y, float s){
+  return (y * y * y * fma(y , fma(5.0 , y ,- 12.0) , 7.0) / 24.0)*s;}
diff --git a/HySoP/hysop/gpu/cl_src/weights_m6prime_opt4.cl b/HySoP/hysop/gpu/cl_src/weights_m6prime_opt4.cl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..865327f319211b18015e1ed556b7456c54b6cb7c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HySoP/hysop/gpu/cl_src/weights_m6prime_opt4.cl
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+inline float4 alpha(float4 y, float4 s){
+  return (y * (y * (y * (y * (13.0 - 5.0 * y) - 9.0) - 1.0) + 2.0) / 24.0) * s;}
+inline float4 beta(float4 y, float4 s){
+  return (y * (y * (y * (y * (25.0 * y - 64.0) + 39.0) + 16.0) - 16.0) / 24.0)*s;}
+inline float4 gamma(float4 y, float4 s){
+  return (y * y * (y * (y * (126.0 - 50.0 * y) - 70.0) - 30.0) / 24.0 + 1.0)*s;}
+inline float4 delta(float4 y, float4 s){
+  return (y * (y * (y * (y * (50.0 * y - 124.0) + 66.0) + 16.0) + 16.0) / 24.0)*s;}
+inline float4 eta(float4 y, float4 s){
+  return (y * (y * (y * (y * (61.0 - 25.0 * y) - 33.0) - 1.0) - 2.0) / 24.0)*s;}
+inline float4 zeta(float4 y, float4 s){
+  return (y * y * y * (y * (5.0 * y - 12.0) + 7.0) / 24.0)*s;}
diff --git a/HySoP/hysop/gpu/cl_src/weights_m6prime_opt4_builtin.cl b/HySoP/hysop/gpu/cl_src/weights_m6prime_opt4_builtin.cl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3a4c2eaeb63ee4317914062ddfb07a0fd38bb6a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HySoP/hysop/gpu/cl_src/weights_m6prime_opt4_builtin.cl
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+inline float4 alpha(float4 y, float4 s){
+  return (y * fma(y , fma(y , fma(y , fma(-5.0, y, 13.0),- 9.0),- 1.0), 2.0) / 24.0) * s;}
+inline float4 beta(float4 y, float4 s){
+  return (y * fma(y , fma(y , fma(y , fma(25.0 , y ,- 64.0), 39.0) , 16.0), - 16.0) / 24.0)*s;}
+inline float4 gamma(float4 y, float4 s){
+  return (y * y * fma(y , fma(y , fma( - 50.0 , y, 126.0) ,- 70.0) ,- 30.0) / 24.0 + 1.0)*s;}
+inline float4 delta(float4 y, float4 s){
+  return (y * fma(y , fma(y, fma(y, fma(50.0, y, - 124.0), 66.0) , 16.0) , 16.0) / 24.0)*s;}
+inline float4 eta(float4 y, float4 s){
+  return (y * fma(y , fma(y , fma(y , fma(- 25.0 , y, 61.0), - 33.0), - 1.0), - 2.0) / 24.0)*s;}
+inline float4 zeta(float4 y, float4 s){
+  return (y * y * y * fma(y , fma(5.0 , y ,- 12.0) , 7.0) / 24.0)*s;}
diff --git a/HySoP/hysop/mpi/tests/test_topology.py b/HySoP/hysop/mpi/tests/test_topology.py
index b805313e1be7cd9c346c0ef38b5f296518b06106..ebe9b25296a81131982d80c558f15b22ef6a41d9 100644
--- a/HySoP/hysop/mpi/tests/test_topology.py
+++ b/HySoP/hysop/mpi/tests/test_topology.py
@@ -53,6 +53,16 @@ def test_create_topology_with_dims():
     assert testList.all()
+def test_comparing_topologies():
+    dom = pp.Box()
+    resolTopo = [33, 33, 17]
+    topoDims = [pp.mpi.main_size, 1]
+    topo = pp.topology.Cartesian.withResolution(dom, topoDims, resolTopo)
+    topo2 = pp.topology.Cartesian(pp.Box(), 2, resolTopo)
+    assert not topo == topo2
+    topo2 = pp.topology.Cartesian(dom, 2, [11, 33, 17])
+    assert not topo == topo2
 if __name__ == "__main__":
diff --git a/HySoP/hysop/mpi/topology.py b/HySoP/hysop/mpi/topology.py
index c55749959e7c45b63ab9ca987b2e79d40523fd18..4d0deea6c5e7fb85ad9df3da0eae699caad5b3c0 100644
--- a/HySoP/hysop/mpi/topology.py
+++ b/HySoP/hysop/mpi/topology.py
@@ -1,9 +1,11 @@
-@package parmepy.domain.topology
+@package parmepy.mpi.topology
 MPI Topologies
+@todo merge CartesianTopology and Topology
 from parmepy.constants import ORDER, np, PARMES_INTEGER, XDIR, YDIR, ZDIR
+from parmepy.domain.mesh import LocalMesh, SubMesh
 from main_var import main_comm, MPI, main_size
 from itertools import count
@@ -197,7 +199,7 @@ class Cartesian(object):
 ##         if(domain.dimension > 2):
 ##             self.south, self.north = self.topo.Shift(ZDIR, 1)
 ##             self.neighbours[:, ZDIR] = self.south, self.north
-##             self.tabSort = np.array([[self.up,0] , [self.down,1] , [self.east,2], [self.west,3], 
+##             self.tabSort = np.array([[self.up,0] , [self.down,1] , [self.east,2], [self.west,3],
 ##                                      [self.north,4],[self.south,5]])
 ##             tabSort1 = self.tabSort[self.tabSort[:,0]<=self.rank]
 ##             tabSort2 = self.tabSort[self.tabSort[:,0]>self.rank]
@@ -319,6 +321,22 @@ class Cartesian(object):
         return cls(domain, cls.dim, globalMeshResolution,
                    cutdir=cutdir, periods=periods, ghosts=ghosts)
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        """
+        Topology comparison method. Comparison based on:
+        @li globalMeshResolution
+        @li localMeshResolution
+        @li dims
+        @li domain
+        @todo completer le test dans parmepy/mpi/tests/test_topology.py
+        """
+        return np.equal(self.globalMeshResolution,
+                        other.globalMeshResolution).all() and \
+            np.equal(self.mesh.resolution, other.mesh.resolution).all() and \
+            np.equal(self.dims, other.dims).all() and \
+            np.equal(self.ghosts, other.ghosts).all() and \
+            self.domain == other.domain
     def __str__(self):
         """ Topology info display """
         s = '======== Topology id : ' + str(self.idTopo) + ' ========\n'
@@ -335,113 +353,6 @@ class Cartesian(object):
         return s
-class LocalMesh(object):
-    """
-    Compute a local mesh resolution, using MPI process grid (topology)
-    and the global mesh resolution.
-    It also depends on ghost layer witdh and boundary conditions type.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, rank, resolution, start, dom_size, dom_origin, ghosts=np.zeros((3))):
-        # Current process rank in the topology that owns this mesh
-        self.rank = rank
-        # Local resolution
-        self.resolution = resolution.copy() + 2 * ghosts
-        # index of the lower point (in each dir) in the global mesh
-        self.start = start  # - ghosts
-        # index of the upper point (in each dir), global mesh
-        self.end = self.start + self.resolution - 1
-        # Mesh step size
-        self.size = dom_size
-        # Mesh coordinates
-        coord_start = self.start * self.size + dom_origin - ghosts* self.size
-        self.origin = coord_start
-        coord_end = (self.end +1) * self.size + dom_origin - ghosts* self.size
-#        print 'Print TOPO'
-#        print 'resolution', self.resolution , 'shape', (coord_end-coord_start)/self.size, 'coord_end',coord_end, 'coord_start',coord_start
-        if self.start.size == 3:
-            self.coords = np.ogrid[coord_start[0]:coord_end[0]:self.size[0],
-                                   coord_start[1]:coord_end[1]:self.size[1],
-                                   coord_start[2]:coord_end[2]:self.size[2]]
-        elif self.start.size == 2:
-            self.coords = np.ogrid[coord_start[0]:coord_end[0]:self.size[0],
-                                   coord_start[1]:coord_end[1]:self.size[1]]
-        else:
-            self.coords = np.ogrid[coord_start[0]:coord_end[0]:self.size[0]]
-    def __str__(self):
-        """ Local mesh display """
-        s = '[' + str(self.rank) + '] Local mesh resolution :' \
-            + str(self.resolution) + '\n'
-        s += 'Global indices :' + str(self.start) + ' -- ' + str(self.end) + '\n'
-        return s
-class SubMesh(object):
-    """
-    Description of a local mesh, on one process of
-    the topology.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, topo, g_start, resolution):
-        ## Topology that creates (and owns) this mesh
-        self._topology = topo
-        ## Local resolution of this mesh, including ghost points
-        self.resolution = resolution
-        ## Dimension of the mesh
-        self.dim = self.resolution.size
-        ## index of the lowest point of this mesh
-        ## (in each dir) in the global mesh
-        self.global_start = g_start
-        ## index of the upper point (in each dir), global mesh
-        self.global_end = self.global_start + self.resolution - 1
-        ## Mesh step size
-        self.space_step_size = topo.domain.length / \
-            (topo.globalMeshResolution - 1)
-        ## Mesh local indices, only for "computed" points
-        ## (i.e. excluding ghosts)
-        self.local_start = topo.ghosts.copy()
-        self.local_end = self.resolution.copy() - topo.ghosts[:] - 1
-        ## Coordinates of the "lowest" point of this mesh (including ghost)
-        ## Warning FP : this strongly depends on where is the origin
-        ## of the domain, of the type of boundary conditions
-        ## and if origin is on ghosts or "real" points.
-        self.origin = topo.domain.origin.copy()
-        self.origin[:] += self.space_step_size * \
-            (self.global_start[:] - topo.ghosts[:])
-        self.end = self.origin + self.space_step_size * (self.resolution - 1)
-        if self.dim == 1:
-            self.coords = np.linspace(self.origin, self.end, self.resolution)
-        elif self.dim == 2:
-            cx = np.linspace(self.origin[0], self.end[0],
-                             self.resolution[0])[:, np.newaxis]
-            cy = np.linspace(self.origin[1], self.end[1],
-                             self.resolution[1])[np.newaxis, :]
-            self.coords = tuple([cx, cy])
-        elif self.dim == 3:
-            cx = np.linspace(self.origin[0], self.end[0],
-                             self.resolution[0])[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis]
-            cy = np.linspace(self.origin[1], self.end[1],
-                             self.resolution[1])[np.newaxis, :, np.newaxis]
-            cz = np.linspace(self.origin[2], self.end[2],
-                             self.resolution[2])[np.newaxis, np.newaxis, :]
-            self.coords = tuple([cx, cy, cz])
-    def __str__(self):
-        """ Sub mesh display """
-        s = 'Coords:' + str(self._topology.coords[:])
-        s += ' Sub mesh resolution:' + str(self.resolution) + '\n'
-        s += 'Starting point global indices :' + str(self.global_start) + '\n'
-        s += 'Local indices for "computed" points (excluding ghosts) :\n'
-        s += '   start = ' + str(self.local_start)
-        s += ', end = ' + str(self.local_end) + '\n'
-        return s
 if __name__ == "__main__":
     print "This module defines the following classes:"
     print "- CartesianTopology: ", CartesianTopology.__doc__
-    print "- LocalMesh: ", LocalMesh.__doc__
diff --git a/HySoP/hysop/numerics/__init__.py b/HySoP/hysop/numerics/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3ae374d3bc7dc977e39288ab8c6dd0930c993659
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HySoP/hysop/numerics/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+@package parmepy.fields
+Everything concerning Fields.
diff --git a/HySoP/hysop/numerics/gpu_kernel.py b/HySoP/hysop/numerics/gpu_kernel.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..144e520ec5fefd2830c889317020c3a77d6cb7b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HySoP/hysop/numerics/gpu_kernel.py
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+@package parmepy.numerics.gpu_kernel
+from parmepy.numerics.method import NumMethod
+from parmepy.gpu import cl
+class KernelListLauncher:
+    """
+    OpenCL kernel list launcher.
+    Manage launching of OpenCL kernels as a list.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, kernel, queue, gsize, lsize=None):
+        """
+        Create a kernel list launcher.
+        @param kernel : kernel list.
+        @param queue : OpenCL command queue.
+        @param gsize : OpenCL global size index.
+        @param lsize : OpenCL local size index.
+        """
+        ## OpenCL Kernel list
+        self.kernel = kernel
+        print [k.function_name for k in self.kernel]
+        ## OpenCL command queue
+        self.queue = queue
+        ## OpenCL global size index.
+        self.global_size = gsize
+        ## OpenCL local size index.
+        self.local_size = lsize
+        self.call_number = [0 for k in self.kernel]
+    def launch(self, d, *args):
+        """
+        Launch a kernel.
+        @param d : kernel index in kernel list.
+        @param args : kernel arguments.
+        @return OpenCL Event
+        OpenCL global size and local sizes are not given in args. Class member are used.
+        """
+        return KernelListLauncher.launch_sizes_in_args(self, d, self.global_size[d], self.local_size[d], *args)
+    def launch_sizes_in_args(self, d, *args):
+        """
+        Launch a kernel.
+        @param d : kernel index in kernel list.
+        @param args : kernel arguments.
+        @return OpenCL Event.
+        Opencl global and local sizes are given in args.
+        """
+        #print self.kernel[d].function_name, args[0], args[1]
+        self.call_number[d] += 1
+        evt = self.kernel[d](self.queue, *args)
+        return evt
+    def finish(self):
+        self.queue.finish()
+    def function_name(self, d=None):
+        """Prints OpenCL Kernels function names informations"""
+        if d is not None:
+            return self.kernel[d].get_info(cl.kernel_info.FUNCTION_NAME)
+        else:
+            return [k.get_info(cl.kernel_info.FUNCTION_NAME) for k in self.kernel]
+class KernelLauncher(KernelListLauncher):
+    """
+    OpenCL kernel launcher.
+    Manage launching of one OpenCL kernel as a KernelListLauncher with a list of one kernel.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, kernel, queue, gsize, lsize):
+        """
+        Create a KernelLauncher.
+        @param kernel : kernel.
+        @param queue : OpenCL command queue.
+        @param gsize : OpenCL global size index.
+        @param lsize : OpenCL local size index.
+        Create a KernelListLauncher with a list of one kernel.
+        """
+        KernelListLauncher.__init__(self, [kernel], queue, [gsize], [lsize])
+    def launch_sizes_in_args(self, *args):
+        """
+        Launch the kernel.
+        @param args : kernel arguments.
+        @return OpenCL Event.
+        Opencl global and local sizes are given in args.
+        """
+        return KernelListLauncher.launch_sizes_in_args(self, 0, *args)
+    def finish(self):
+        """Wrapping OpenCL queue.finish() method."""
+        self.queue.finish()
+    def launch(self, *args):
+        """
+        Launch the kernel.
+        @param args : kernel arguments.
+        @return OpenCL Event
+        OpenCL global size and local sizes are not given in args. Class member are used.
+        """
+        return KernelListLauncher.launch(self, 0, *args)
+    def function_name(self):
+        """Prints OpenCL Kernel function name informations"""
+        res = KernelListLauncher.function_name(self, 0)
+        return res
diff --git a/HySoP/hysop/integrator/__init__.py b/HySoP/hysop/numerics/integrators/__init__.py
similarity index 100%
rename from HySoP/hysop/integrator/__init__.py
rename to HySoP/hysop/numerics/integrators/__init__.py
diff --git a/HySoP/hysop/integrator/euler.py b/HySoP/hysop/numerics/integrators/euler.py
similarity index 89%
rename from HySoP/hysop/integrator/euler.py
rename to HySoP/hysop/numerics/integrators/euler.py
index e14fbbf1790edf11dde0a8360910e2be0f65403e..fffd7f60c4de738849030cd302d2c3f31730a114 100755
--- a/HySoP/hysop/integrator/euler.py
+++ b/HySoP/hysop/numerics/integrators/euler.py
@@ -4,9 +4,8 @@
 Forward Euler method.
-from parmepy.constants import PARMES_REAL, ORDER
-from ode_solver import ODESolver
-import numpy as np
+from parmepy.constants import np, PARMES_REAL, ORDER
+from parmepy.numerics.integrators.odesolver import ODESolver
 class Euler(ODESolver):
@@ -27,6 +26,7 @@ class Euler(ODESolver):
         @param conditions : function to apply boundary conditions.
         ODESolver.__init__(self, f)
+        self.name = 'euler'
     def integrate(self, f, t, dt, y):
diff --git a/HySoP/hysop/integrator/ode_solver.py b/HySoP/hysop/numerics/integrators/odesolver.py
similarity index 79%
rename from HySoP/hysop/integrator/ode_solver.py
rename to HySoP/hysop/numerics/integrators/odesolver.py
index 33125ba11320c8b9262ba16cca4ceebe3c796999..0b59a94b4625f119f6272de889b98cc811bdbcea 100644
--- a/HySoP/hysop/integrator/ode_solver.py
+++ b/HySoP/hysop/numerics/integrators/odesolver.py
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-@package parmepy.integrator.ode_solver
+@package parmepy.numerics.integrators.odesolver
 Classes to describe (time) integrators.
 from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
-import numpy as np
+from parmepy.constants import np
+from parmepy.numerics.method import NumMethod
-class ODESolver:
+class ODESolver(NumMethod):
     Abstract description for ODE solvers.
     Solve the system :
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ class ODESolver:
         @param f function f(t,y) : Right hand side of the equation to solve.
+        super(ODESolver, self).__init__()
         ## RHS.
         if f is not None:
             self.f = f
@@ -34,7 +35,7 @@ class ODESolver:
             self.f = lambda t, y: np.vectorize(f)(t, y)
-    def integrate(self, y, t, dt):
+    def __call__(self, y, t, dt):
         Abstract method, apply operaton on a variable.
         Must be implemented by sub-class.
@@ -44,8 +45,13 @@ class ODESolver:
         @param dt : time step.
         @return y at t+dt.
+        pass
 if __name__ == "__main__":
     print __doc__
     print "- Provided class : ODESolver (abstract)"
     print ODESolver.__doc__
diff --git a/HySoP/hysop/integrator/runge_kutta2.py b/HySoP/hysop/numerics/integrators/runge_kutta2.py
similarity index 84%
rename from HySoP/hysop/integrator/runge_kutta2.py
rename to HySoP/hysop/numerics/integrators/runge_kutta2.py
index 415bceba6bb6ad530c85356e26b6d450efad6c92..19f0c80050f0f0b2f958b515518a4a9d0456d64a 100755
--- a/HySoP/hysop/integrator/runge_kutta2.py
+++ b/HySoP/hysop/numerics/integrators/runge_kutta2.py
@@ -1,12 +1,10 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-@package ode_solver.runge_kutta2
+@package parmepy.numerics.integrators.runge_kutta2
 RK2 method interface.
-from parmepy.constants import PARMES_REAL, ORDER
-from ode_solver import ODESolver
-import numpy as np
+from parmepy.constants import np, PARMES_REAL, ORDER
+from parmepy.numerics.integrators.odesolver import ODESolver
 class RK2(ODESolver):
@@ -25,8 +23,9 @@ class RK2(ODESolver):
         @param dim : dimensions
         ODESolver.__init__(self, f)
+        self.name = 'RK2'
-    def integrate(self, f, t, dt, y):
+    def __call__(self, f, t, dt, y):
         Integration step for RK2 Method.
diff --git a/HySoP/hysop/integrator/runge_kutta3.py b/HySoP/hysop/numerics/integrators/runge_kutta3.py
similarity index 89%
rename from HySoP/hysop/integrator/runge_kutta3.py
rename to HySoP/hysop/numerics/integrators/runge_kutta3.py
index be6de763156c66d86f1c2de66f56493deda9a31d..32d3b6aaef4907b7b10f091d82f12cdd99311d32 100755
--- a/HySoP/hysop/integrator/runge_kutta3.py
+++ b/HySoP/hysop/numerics/integrators/runge_kutta3.py
@@ -1,12 +1,10 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
 @package ode_solver.runge_kutta3
 RK3 method interface.
-from parmepy.constants import PARMES_REAL, ORDER
-from ode_solver import ODESolver
-import numpy as np
+from parmepy.constants import np, PARMES_REAL, ORDER
+from parmepy.numerics.integrators.odesolver import ODESolver
 class RK3(ODESolver):
@@ -26,8 +24,9 @@ class RK3(ODESolver):
         @param conditions : function to apply boundary conditions.
         ODESolver.__init__(self, f)
+        self.name = 'RK3'
-    def integrate(self, f, t, dt, y):
+    def __call__(self, f, t, dt, y):
         Integration step for RK2 Method.
          up = f[t, Y(t,space)].
diff --git a/HySoP/hysop/integrator/runge_kutta4.py b/HySoP/hysop/numerics/integrators/runge_kutta4.py
similarity index 90%
rename from HySoP/hysop/integrator/runge_kutta4.py
rename to HySoP/hysop/numerics/integrators/runge_kutta4.py
index 24cd48e865452fb9edf3deaa0b1df3f8416b1f9b..515168dde2e76524c75fbcbe493dd91e7cd63620 100755
--- a/HySoP/hysop/integrator/runge_kutta4.py
+++ b/HySoP/hysop/numerics/integrators/runge_kutta4.py
@@ -4,9 +4,8 @@
 RK4 method interface.
-from parmepy.constants import PARMES_REAL, ORDER
-from ode_solver import ODESolver
-import numpy as np
+from parmepy.constants import np, PARMES_REAL, ORDER
+from parmepy.numerics.integrators.odesolver import ODESolver
 class RK4(ODESolver):
@@ -26,9 +25,9 @@ class RK4(ODESolver):
         @param conditions : function to apply boundary conditions.
         ODESolver.__init__(self, f)
+        self.name = 'RK4'
-    def integrate(self, f, t, dt, y):
+    def __call__(self, f, t, dt, y):
         Integration step for RK2 Method.
          up = f[t, Y(t,space)].
diff --git a/HySoP/hysop/numerics/interpolation.py b/HySoP/hysop/numerics/interpolation.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..06acbd1091f21a9d01f6630be05b43c737b57dd6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HySoP/hysop/numerics/interpolation.py
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+@package parmepy.numerics.interpolators.interpolation
+from parmepy.constants import np, PARMES_REAL, ORDER
+from parmepy.numerics.method import NumMethod
+class Linear(NumMethod):
+    """Remshing with M6prime function"""
+    def __init__(self, f):
+        NumMethod.__init__(self)
+        self.name = 'LinearInterpolation'
+        self.field = f
+    def __call__(self, x, y):
+        """
+        Remesh particles at position ppos with scalar
+        pscal along direction d.
+        @param ppos : particle position
+        @param pscal : particle scalar
+        @param d : splitting direction
+        """
+        raise ValueError("Not implemented")
diff --git a/HySoP/hysop/numerics/method.py b/HySoP/hysop/numerics/method.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..bfe58adc62d97ed035d8d925afa19757dd7ab671
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HySoP/hysop/numerics/method.py
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+@package parmepy.numerics.method
+Numerical method interface.
+from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
+class NumMethod(object):
+    """Abstract description of numerical method. """
+    __metaclass__ = ABCMeta
+    @abstractmethod
+    def __init__(self):
+        """ Creates a numerical method."""
+        self.name = ''
+    @abstractmethod
+    def __call__(self):
+        """Call the method"""
+        pass
diff --git a/HySoP/hysop/numerics/remeshing/__init__.py b/HySoP/hysop/numerics/remeshing/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3ae374d3bc7dc977e39288ab8c6dd0930c993659
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HySoP/hysop/numerics/remeshing/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+@package parmepy.fields
+Everything concerning Fields.
diff --git a/HySoP/hysop/numerics/remeshing/m6prime.py b/HySoP/hysop/numerics/remeshing/m6prime.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..17e1e928b6fb6ee19e6eec6d8e30bf34ccc07570
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HySoP/hysop/numerics/remeshing/m6prime.py
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+@package parmepy.numerics.remeshing
+from parmepy.constants import np, PARMES_REAL, ORDER
+from parmepy.numerics.remeshing.remeshing import Remeshing
+class M6Prime(Remeshing):
+    """Remshing with M6prime function"""
+    def __init__(self, dim):
+        Remeshing.__init__(self, dim)
+        self.name = 'M6Prime'
+        self._alpha = lambda y, s: s * y * (
+            y * (y * (y * (13. - 5. * y) - 9.) - 1.) + 2.) / 24.
+        self._beta = lambda y, s: s * y * (
+            y * (y * (y * (25. * y - 64.) + 39.) + 16.) - 16.) / 24.
+        self._gamma = lambda y, s: s * (
+            y * y * (y * (y * (126. - 50. * y) - 70.) - 30.) / 24. + 1.)
+        self._delta = lambda y, s: s * y * (
+            y * (y * (y * (50. * y - 124.) + 66.) + 16.) + 16.) / 24.
+        self._zeta = lambda y, s: s * y * (
+            y * (y * (y * (61. - 25. * y) - 33.) - 1.) - 2.) / 24.
+        self._eta = lambda y, s: s * y * y * y * (
+            y * (5. * y - 12.) + 7.) / 24.
+    def __call__(self, ppos, pscal, d):
+        """
+        Remesh particles at position ppos with scalar
+        pscal along direction d.
+        @param ppos : particle position
+        @param pscal : particle scalar
+        @param d : splitting direction
+        """
+        size = ppos.shape
+        row, col = np.indices(size)
+        row_i = np.array(row)
+        floor = np.floor(ppos * size[d])
+        y = np.array(ppos * size[d] - floor, dtype=PARMES_REAL, order=ORDER)
+        result = np.zeros(size, dtype=PARMES_REAL, order=ORDER)
+        ind = floor.astype(np.int32) % size[d]
+        # alpha
+        row = (ind - 2) % size[d]
+        for i in xrange(size[d]):
+            sl = self.slice_i_along_d(i, d)
+            result[row[sl], col[sl]] = result[row[sl], col[sl]] +\
+                self._alpha(y[sl], pscal[sl])
+        # beta
+        row = (ind - 1) % size[d]
+        for i in xrange(size[d]):
+            sl = self.slice_i_along_d(i, d)
+            result[row[sl], col[sl]] = result[row[sl], col[sl]] +\
+                self._beta(y[sl], pscal[sl])
+        # gamma
+        row = (ind) % size[d]
+        for i in xrange(size[d]):
+            sl = self.slice_i_along_d(i, d)
+            result[row[sl], col[sl]] = result[row[sl], col[sl]] +\
+                self._gamma(y[sl], pscal[sl])
+        # delta
+        row = (ind + 1) % size[d]
+        for i in xrange(size[d]):
+            sl = self.slice_i_along_d(i, d)
+            result[row[sl], col[sl]] = result[row[sl], col[sl]] +\
+                self._delta(y[sl], pscal[sl])
+        # zeta
+        row = (ind + 2) % size[d]
+        for i in xrange(size[d]):
+            sl = self.slice_i_along_d(i, d)
+            result[row[sl], col[sl]] = result[row[sl], col[sl]] +\
+                self._zeta(y[sl], pscal[sl])
+        # eta
+        row = (ind + 3) % size[d]
+        for i in xrange(size[d]):
+            sl = self.slice_i_along_d(i, d)
+            result[row[sl], col[sl]] = result[row[sl], col[sl]] +\
+                self._eta(y[sl], pscal[sl])
+        return result
diff --git a/HySoP/hysop/numerics/remeshing/m8prime.py b/HySoP/hysop/numerics/remeshing/m8prime.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f07b152c14d923a6094e4435c81774b438d9b205
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HySoP/hysop/numerics/remeshing/m8prime.py
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+@package parmepy.numerics.remeshing
+from parmepy.constants import np, PARMES_REAL, ORDER
+from parmepy.numerics.remeshing.remeshing import Remeshing
+class M6Prime(Remeshing):
+    """Remshing with M6prime function"""
+    def __init__(self, dim):
+        Remeshing.__init__(self, dim)
+        self.name = 'M8Prime'
+        raise ValueError("Not implemented")
+        self._alpha = lambda y, s: s * y * (
+            y * (y * (y * (13. - 5. * y) - 9.) - 1.) + 2.) / 24.
+        self._beta = lambda y, s: s * y * (
+            y * (y * (y * (25. * y - 64.) + 39.) + 16.) - 16.) / 24.
+        self._gamma = lambda y, s: s * (
+            y * y * (y * (y * (126. - 50. * y) - 70.) - 30.) / 24. + 1.)
+        self._delta = lambda y, s: s * y * (
+            y * (y * (y * (50. * y - 124.) + 66.) + 16.) + 16.) / 24.
+        self._zeta = lambda y, s: s * y * (
+            y * (y * (y * (61. - 25. * y) - 33.) - 1.) - 2.) / 24.
+        self._eta = lambda y, s: s * y * y * y * (
+            y * (5. * y - 12.) + 7.) / 24.
+    def __call__(self, ppos, pscal, d):
+        """
+        Remesh particles at position ppos with scalar
+        pscal along direction d.
+        @param ppos : particle position
+        @param pscal : particle scalar
+        @param d : splitting direction
+        """
+        size = ppos.shape
+        row, col = np.indices(size)
+        row_i = np.array(row)
+        floor = np.floor(ppos * size[d])
+        y = np.array(ppos * size[d] - floor, dtype=PARMES_REAL, order=ORDER)
+        result = np.zeros(size, dtype=PARMES_REAL, order=ORDER)
+        ind = floor.astype(np.int32) % size[d]
+        # alpha
+        row = (ind - 2) % size[d]
+        for i in xrange(size[d]):
+            sl = self.slice_i_along_d(i, d)
+            result[row[sl], col[sl]] = result[row[sl], col[sl]] +\
+                self._alpha(y[sl], pscal[sl])
+        # beta
+        row = (ind - 1) % size[d]
+        for i in xrange(size[d]):
+            sl = self.slice_i_along_d(i, d)
+            result[row[sl], col[sl]] = result[row[sl], col[sl]] +\
+                self._beta(y[sl], pscal[sl])
+        # gamma
+        row = (ind) % size[d]
+        for i in xrange(size[d]):
+            sl = self.slice_i_along_d(i, d)
+            result[row[sl], col[sl]] = result[row[sl], col[sl]] +\
+                self._gamma(y[sl], pscal[sl])
+        # delta
+        row = (ind + 1) % size[d]
+        for i in xrange(size[d]):
+            sl = self.slice_i_along_d(i, d)
+            result[row[sl], col[sl]] = result[row[sl], col[sl]] +\
+                self._delta(y[sl], pscal[sl])
+        # zeta
+        row = (ind + 2) % size[d]
+        for i in xrange(size[d]):
+            sl = self.slice_i_along_d(i, d)
+            result[row[sl], col[sl]] = result[row[sl], col[sl]] +\
+                self._zeta(y[sl], pscal[sl])
+        # eta
+        row = (ind + 3) % size[d]
+        for i in xrange(size[d]):
+            sl = self.slice_i_along_d(i, d)
+            result[row[sl], col[sl]] = result[row[sl], col[sl]] +\
+                self._eta(y[sl], pscal[sl])
+        return result
diff --git a/HySoP/hysop/numerics/remeshing/remeshing.py b/HySoP/hysop/numerics/remeshing/remeshing.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..66362b247a3def35f28c0d15e114d44f7c261023
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HySoP/hysop/numerics/remeshing/remeshing.py
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+@package parmepy.numerics.remeshing.remeshing
+from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
+from parmepy.constants import np, PARMES_REAL, ORDER
+from parmepy.numerics.method import NumMethod
+class Remeshing(NumMethod):
+    """Remshing with M6prime function"""
+    __metaclass__ = ABCMeta
+    @abstractmethod
+    def __init__(self, dim):
+        NumMethod.__init__(self)
+        self.name = 'M6Prime'
+        self._slice_all = [slice(None, None, None)
+                            for d in xrange(dim)]
+    def slice_i_along_d(self, i, d):
+        l = list(self._slice_all)
+        l[d] = i
+        return tuple(l)
+    @abstractmethod
+    def __call__(self, ppos, pscal, d):
+        """
+        Remesh particles at position ppos with scalar
+        pscal along direction d.
+        @param ppos : particle position
+        @param pscal : particle scalar
+        @param d : splitting direction
+        """
+        pass
diff --git a/HySoP/hysop/numerics/splitting.py b/HySoP/hysop/numerics/splitting.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2af8963c8dbf6b5680b5b345a3d35a570e55d212
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HySoP/hysop/numerics/splitting.py
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+@package parmepy.numerics.splitting
+Splitting operator representation
+from parmepy.numerics.method import NumMethod
+class Splitting(NumMethod):
+    """
+    Splitting operator representation.
+    Operator of operators applying in a Strang splitting.
+    Implements a 2nd order splitting in 3D:
+    @li X-dir, half time step
+    @li Y-dir, half time step
+    @li Z-dir, full time step
+    @li Y-dir, half time step
+    @li X-dir, half time step
+    \n
+    Implements a 2nd order splitting in 2D:
+    @li X-dir, half time step
+    @li Y-dir, full time step
+    @li X-dir, half time step
+    """
+    def __init__(self, function, dim, config='o2_lastFull'):
+        """
+        Create a Splitting operator on a given list of operators and a dimension.
+        @param operators : list of operators to split.
+        @param dim : problem dimension.
+        """
+        self.name = "splitting"
+        ## Operators to split
+        self.function = function
+        ## Splitting at 2nd order.
+        self.splitting = []
+        if config == 'o2_lastFull':
+            ## Half timestep in all directions but last
+            [self.splitting.append((i, 0.5)) for i in xrange(dim - 1)]
+            self.splitting.append((dim - 1, 1.))
+            [self.splitting.append((dim - 2 - i, 0.5)) for i in xrange(dim - 1)]
+        else:
+            ## Half timestep in all directions
+            [self.splitting.append((i, 0.5)) for i in xrange(dim)]
+            [self.splitting.append((dim - 1 - i, 0.5)) for i in xrange(dim)]
+    def __call__(self, t, dt):
+        """
+        Apply Remeshing operator.
+        @param t : current time.
+        @param dt : time step.
+        """
+        for split_id, split in enumerate(self.splitting):
+            #print "direction : " + str(split[0]) +\
+            #    " dt*" + str(split[1]) + " id:" + str(split_id)
+            self.function(t, dt * split[1], split[0], split_id)
+    def __str__(self):
+        s = "Splitting (DiscreteOperator). Splitting steps : \n"
+        for split in self.splitting:
+            s += "direction : " + str(split[0]) + " dt=" + str(split[1]) + "\n"
+        s += "Concerned operators : \n"
+        for op in self.operators:
+            s += str(op)
+        return s
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    print __doc__
+    print "- Provided class : Splitting"
+    print RemeshingDOp.__doc__
diff --git a/HySoP/hysop/obstacle/__init__.py b/HySoP/hysop/obstacle/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100755
index b07d2f1c5eaad83311cc0dd55e921e78432f36de..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/HySoP/hysop/obstacle/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-@package parmepy.obstacle
-Everything concerning obstacles.
diff --git a/HySoP/hysop/operator/advec_and_remesh_d.py b/HySoP/hysop/operator/advec_and_remesh_d.py
index 38e927542794cf9c719ab805573db8a9b2964d78..1c254d071e302857d34b7c3e40f86adbbcffe7ac 100644
--- a/HySoP/hysop/operator/advec_and_remesh_d.py
+++ b/HySoP/hysop/operator/advec_and_remesh_d.py
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ class Advec_and_Remesh_d(DiscreteOperator):
                 evt_init = self.init_copy.launch(self.scalar.gpu_data,
-                if self.scalar.domain.dimension == 2:
+                if self.scalar.topology.dim == 2:
                     evt_init = self.init_transpose.launch(self.scalar.gpu_data,
@@ -90,8 +90,8 @@ class Advec_and_Remesh_d(DiscreteOperator):
-                                        self.gpu_precision(self.scalar.domain.origin[splittingDirection]),
-                                        self.gpu_precision(self.scalar.domain.step[splittingDirection]))
+                                        self.gpu_precision(self.scalar.topology.mesh.origin[splittingDirection]),
+                                        self.gpu_precision(self.scalar.topology.mesh.size[splittingDirection]))
             for df in self.output:
                 df.contains_data = False
             # Get timpings from OpenCL events
diff --git a/HySoP/hysop/operator/advec_scales.py b/HySoP/hysop/operator/advec_scales.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 9521a4af62b44f39b3c94ad6e8ad61dc291c27f1..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/HySoP/hysop/operator/advec_scales.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-@package parmepy.operator Advec_scales
-Continous Advection operator using Scales code (Jean-Baptiste)
-from continuous import ContinuousOperator
-from advec_scales_d import Advec_scales_d
-class Advec_scales(ContinuousOperator):
-    """
-    Advection scales operator representation
-    """
-    def __init__(self, stab_coeff=None, velocity=None, advectedField=None, addField=None):
-        """
-        Constructor.
-        Create an Advection operator using scales code (JB) from given velocity variables.
-        @param velocity ContinuousVectorField : velocity variable.
-        @param advectedField ContinuousVector/ScalarField : variable to advect.
-        """
-        ContinuousOperator.__init__(self)
-        self.stab_coeff = stab_coeff
-        self.velocity = velocity
-        self.advectedField = advectedField
-        self.addField = addField
-        self.addVariable([velocity, advectedField, addField])
-    def discretize(self, idVelocityD=0, idAdvectedFieldD=0, idAddFieldD=0, topology=None):
-        """
-        Advection operator discretization method.
-        Create a discrete advection operator from given specifications.
-        @param idVelocityD : Index of velocity discretisation to use for advection.
-        @param idAdvectedFieldD : Index of field discretisation to advect.
-        @param topology : topology of the input fields
-        """
-        if self.discreteOperator is None:
-            self.discreteOperator = Advec_scales_d(self, idVelocityD, idAdvectedFieldD, idAddFieldD, self.stab_coeff, topology)
-    def __str__(self):
-        """ToString method"""
-        s = " Advection scales operator (ContinuousOperator)"
-        if self.discreteOperator is not None:
-            s += "with the following discretization:\n"
-            s += str(self.discreteOperator)
-        else:
-            s += ". Not discretised"
-        return s + "\n"
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    print __doc__
-    print "- Provided class : Advec_scales"
-    print Advec_scales.__doc__
diff --git a/HySoP/hysop/operator/advection.py b/HySoP/hysop/operator/advection.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..56dfa4b7b47bf54ad88df87401a3b0cc171e56b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HySoP/hysop/operator/advection.py
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+@package parmepy.operator.advection
+Advection operator representation.
+from parmepy.operator.continuous import Operator
+from parmepy.mpi.topology import Cartesian
+class Advection(Operator):
+    """
+    Advection operator representation.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, velocity, scalar):
+        """
+        Create an Transport operator from given variables velocity and scalar.
+        @param velocity : velocity variable.
+        @param scalar : scalar variable.
+        """
+        Operator.__init__(self)
+        ## Transport velocity
+        self.velocity = velocity
+        ## Transported scalar
+        self.scalar = scalar
+        self.addVariable([velocity, scalar])
+    def setUp(self, resolutions=None, method='',
+              idVelocityD=0, idScalarD=0, **other_args):
+        """
+        Transport operator discretization method.
+        Create an discrete Transport operator from given specifications.
+        @param idVelocityD : Index of velocity discretisation to use.
+        @param idScalarD : Index of scalar discretisation to use.
+        @param method : the method to use.
+        """
+        print resolutions
+        self.resolutions = resolutions
+        if resolutions is None:
+            raise ValueError("Advection setUp: no resolution given.")
+        #variables discretization
+        print "Variables discretization"
+        for v in self.variables:
+            topo = Cartesian(v.domain, v.domain.dimension, resolutions[v])
+            v.discretize(topo)
+            print str(v)
+            print 'Initialization',
+            v.initialize()
+        if self.discreteOperator is None:
+            if method.find('gpu_2k') >= 0:
+                from parmepy.operator.gpu_particle_advection_2k \
+                    import GPUParticleAdvection
+                self.discreteOperator = \
+                    GPUParticleAdvection(self, idVelocityD, idScalarD)
+            elif method.find('gpu_1k') >= 0:
+                from parmepy.operator.gpu_particle_advection_1k \
+                    import GPUParticleAdvection
+                self.discreteOperator = \
+                    GPUParticleAdvection(self, idVelocityD, idScalarD)
+            elif method.find('scales') >= 0:
+                from parmepy.operator.scales_advection \
+                    import ScalesAdvection
+                ScalesAdvection(self, idVelocityD, idScalarD)
+            else:
+                print "Using default advection operator"
+                from parmepy.operator.particle_advection \
+                    import ParticleAdvection
+                self.discreteOperator = \
+                    ParticleAdvection(self, idVelocityD, idScalarD)
+            self.discreteOperator.setUp(method,
+                                        **other_args)
+    def __str__(self):
+        """ToString method"""
+        s = "Advection operator (ContinuousOperator)"
+        if self.discreteOperator is not None:
+            s += " with the following discretization:\n"
+            s += str(self.discreteOperator)
+        else:
+            s += ". Not discretised"
+        return s + "\n"
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    print __doc__
+    print "- Provided class : Advection"
+    print Advection.__doc__
diff --git a/HySoP/hysop/operator/continuous.py b/HySoP/hysop/operator/continuous.py
index 89a6871ceec661ea1ac3cda9c0a996bc67b12c76..88aaae842f8c69b974a1208acb839e0e6a204da3 100644
--- a/HySoP/hysop/operator/continuous.py
+++ b/HySoP/hysop/operator/continuous.py
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Operator representation.
 from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
-class ContinuousOperator:
+class Operator(object):
     Continuous operator abstract description.
@@ -22,10 +22,8 @@ class ContinuousOperator:
         self.variables = []
         ## Operator discretization.
         self.discreteOperator = None
-        ## Is need to split operator
-        self.needSplitting = False
         ## Timings informations
-        self.timings_info = ["", ""]
+        self.time_info = ["", ""]
     def addVariable(self, cVariable):
@@ -46,33 +44,25 @@ class ContinuousOperator:
         return self.discreteOperator.apply(*args)
-    def setMethod(self, method):
-        """
-        Sets method to use in apply method.
-        @param method : the method to use.
-        """
-        if self.discreteOperator is not None:
-            self.discreteOperator.setMethod(method)
-        else:
-            raise ValueError("Cannot set mumerical method to non discretized operator")
     def printComputeTime(self):
         """Displays compute time for operator."""
         if self.discreteOperator is not None:
-            self.timings_info = self.discreteOperator.timings_info
+            self.time_info = self.discreteOperator.time_info
-            raise ValueError("Cannot print compute time of a non discretized operator")
+            raise ValueError("Cannot print compute time" +
+                             "of a non discretized operator")
-    def discretize(self, *spec):
+    def setUp(self, *spec):
         Abstract method.
         Must be implemented by sub-class.
         @param *spec : discretization specifications.
-        raise NotImplementedError("Need to override method in a subclass of ContinuousOperator")
+        raise NotImplementedError("Need to override method in " +
+                                  "a subclass of ContinuousOperator")
 if __name__ == "__main__":
     print __doc__
diff --git a/HySoP/hysop/operator/diffusion.py b/HySoP/hysop/operator/diffusion.py
index dedaa0a55d865eb2423c0b4a110978bcb27e55a2..e87fd29126072635167a8189198833bc88224acb 100644
--- a/HySoP/hysop/operator/diffusion.py
+++ b/HySoP/hysop/operator/diffusion.py
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-@package parmepy.operator Diffusion
+@package parmepy.operator.diffusion
 Continous Diffusion operator (F2PY)
-from continuous import ContinuousOperator
-from diffusion_d import Diffusion_d
+from parmepy.operator.continuous import Operator
+from diffusion_fft import DiffusionFFT
-class Diffusion(ContinuousOperator):
+class Diffusion(Operator):
     Diffusion operator representation using FFT
@@ -21,13 +21,14 @@ class Diffusion(ContinuousOperator):
         @param vorticity ContinuousVectorField : vorticity variable.
         @param viscosity : viscosity of the considered medium.
-        ContinuousOperator.__init__(self)
+        Operator.__init__(self)
         self.velocity = velocity
         self.vorticity = vorticity
         self.viscosity = viscosity
         self.addVariable([velocity, vorticity])
-    def discretize(self, idVelocityD=0, idVorticityD=0, topology=None):
+    def setUp(self, resolutions=None, method='',
+              idVelocityD=0, idVorticityD=0):
         Diffusion operator discretization method.
         Create a discrete Diffusion operator from given specifications.
@@ -35,8 +36,12 @@ class Diffusion(ContinuousOperator):
         @param idVelocityD : Index of velocity discretisation to use.
         @param idVelocityD : Index of vorticity discretisation to update.
-        if self.discreteOperator is None:
-            self.discreteOperator = Diffusion_d(self, idVelocityD, idVorticityD, self.viscosity, topology)
+        ## Create topology here for FFT
+        topology = None
+        self.discreteOperator = DiffusionFFT(self,
+                                             idVelocityD, idVorticityD,
+                                             self.viscosity)
+        self.discreteOperator(topology)
     def __str__(self):
         """ToString method"""
diff --git a/HySoP/hysop/operator/diffusion_d.py b/HySoP/hysop/operator/diffusion_fft.py
similarity index 93%
rename from HySoP/hysop/operator/diffusion_d.py
rename to HySoP/hysop/operator/diffusion_fft.py
index f3af5ed3cfe8e0833aad2bfa9e9f314f8496f2b1..6c48eaec6e27d78e36899247839fa04be0031625 100644
--- a/HySoP/hysop/operator/diffusion_d.py
+++ b/HySoP/hysop/operator/diffusion_fft.py
@@ -4,19 +4,18 @@
 Discrete Diffusion operator using FFT
 from parmepy.f2py import fftw2py
-from discrete import DiscreteOperator
-from parmepy.constants import ORDER, PARMES_REAL
-import numpy as np
+from parmepy.operator.discrete import DiscreteOperator
+from parmepy.constants import np, ORDER, PARMES_REAL
 import time
-class Diffusion_d(DiscreteOperator):
+class DiffusionFFT(DiscreteOperator):
     Operator representation.
     def __init__(self, diff, idVelocityD=0, idVorticityD=0,
-                 viscosity=0.1, topology=None):
+                 viscosity=0.1):
         @param velocity : descretized velocity to use.
@@ -27,13 +26,15 @@ class Diffusion_d(DiscreteOperator):
         self.velocity = diff.velocity.discreteField[idVelocityD]
         self.vorticity = diff.vorticity.discreteField[idVorticityD]
         self.viscosity = viscosity
+        self.compute_time = 0.
+    def setUp(self, method='', topology=None):
         self.topology = topology
         self.ghosts = topology.ghosts
         self.resolution = topology.mesh.resolution
         self.dim = topology.dim
-        self.compute_time = 0.
-    def apply(self, t, dt):
+    def apply(self, t, dt, ite):
         Apply operator.
diff --git a/HySoP/hysop/operator/discrete.py b/HySoP/hysop/operator/discrete.py
index 3160a4a27b69c415042eff8e5942d468b480be41..26e94fe1214938ba8736d64d924e5c682ae68277 100644
--- a/HySoP/hysop/operator/discrete.py
+++ b/HySoP/hysop/operator/discrete.py
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Discrete operator representation.
 from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
-class DiscreteOperator:
+class DiscreteOperator(object):
     Abstract description of a discretized operator.
@@ -14,57 +14,39 @@ class DiscreteOperator:
     __metaclass__ = ABCMeta
-    def __init__(self):
+    def __init__(self, numMethod=None):
         Create an empty discrete operator.
         ## Input variables
-        self.input = None
+        self.input = []
         ## Output variables
-        self.output = None
+        self.output = []
         ## variables
         self.variables = []
         ## Operator numerical method.
-        self.numMethod = None
-        ## DiscreteOperator is a discrete operator
-        self.discreteOperator = self
+        self.numMethod = numMethod
         ## Total compute time
         self.total_time = 0.
         ## Operator name
         self.name = "?"
         ## Timings informations
-        self.timings_info = ["", ""]
-    def setMethod(self, method):
-        """
-        Set the numerical method used by operator when calling applyOperator.
-        @param method : Numerical method.
-        """
-        self.numMethod = method
-    def addVariable(self, cVariable):
-        """
-        Add an continuous variables to the operator.
-        @param cVariable : list of variables to add.
-        """
-        for v in cVariable:
-            if self.variables.count(v) == 0:
-                self.variables.append(v)
+        self.time_info = ["", ""]
     def printComputeTime(self):
         """Print total computing time."""
-        raise NotImplementedError("Need to override method in a subclass of DiscreteOperator")
+        raise NotImplementedError("Need to override method in " +
+                                  "a subclass of DiscreteOperator")
-    def apply(self):
+    def apply(self, t, dt, ite):
         Abstract method, apply operaton on a variable.
         Must be implemented by sub-class.
-        raise NotImplementedError("Need to override method in a subclass of DiscreteOperator")
+        raise NotImplementedError("Need to override method in " +
+                                  "a subclass of DiscreteOperator")
     def __str__(self):
         """ToString method"""
diff --git a/HySoP/hysop/tools/energy_enstrophy.py b/HySoP/hysop/operator/energy_enstrophy.py
similarity index 90%
rename from HySoP/hysop/tools/energy_enstrophy.py
rename to HySoP/hysop/operator/energy_enstrophy.py
index a165cd64c4cd691a141287076c3503925c404500..b80249d47bddbc20b3eb93fdf7c105cf14c55129 100644
--- a/HySoP/hysop/tools/energy_enstrophy.py
+++ b/HySoP/hysop/operator/energy_enstrophy.py
@@ -3,13 +3,13 @@
 @package physics
 Compute Energy and Enstrophy
-import numpy as np
+from parmepy.constants import np
 import mpi4py.MPI as MPI
-from parmepy.tools.diagnostics import Diagnostics
+from parmepy.operator.monitors.monitoring import Monitoring
 import time
-class Energy_enstrophy(Diagnostics):
+class Energy_enstrophy(Monitoring):
     Compute the forces according the Noca s formula
@@ -24,11 +24,10 @@ class Energy_enstrophy(Diagnostics):
         @param frequency : output file producing frequency.
         @param outputPrefix : file name prefix, contains relative path.
-        Diagnostics.__init__(self, frequency, outputPrefix)
+        Monitoring.__init__(self, frequency)
         self.topology = topology
         self.velocity = velocity
         self.vorticity = vorticity
-        self.frequency = frequency
         self.outputPrefix = outputPrefix
         self.dim = topology.dim
         self.resolution = topology.mesh.resolution
@@ -38,9 +37,9 @@ class Energy_enstrophy(Diagnostics):
         if (self.topology.rank == 0):
             self.f = open(self.outputPrefix, 'w')
-    def process(self, ite, t, dt):
+    def __call__(self, t, dt, ite):
-        Computation of kinetic energy, enstrophy & 
+        Computation of kinetic energy, enstrophy &
         Checking energy and enstrophy decay (--> is(recoveredViscosity == viscosity) ?)
         velo = self.velocity.discreteField[0]
diff --git a/HySoP/hysop/operator/gpu_particle_advection_1k.py b/HySoP/hysop/operator/gpu_particle_advection_1k.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..02fa85c3bdeead6228091cf4072a7b04521ef0c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HySoP/hysop/operator/gpu_particle_advection_1k.py
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+@package parmepy.operator.gpu_particle_advection
+Discrete advection representation
+from parmepy.constants import np
+from parmepy.operator.particle_advection import ParticleAdvection
+from parmepy.fields.continuous import Field
+from parmepy.fields.gpu_discrete import GPUVectorField
+from parmepy.fields.gpu_discrete import GPUScalarField
+from parmepy.gpu import PARMES_REAL_GPU, PARMES_DOUBLE_GPU, \
+    _check_double_precision_capability
+from parmepy.numerics.gpu_kernel import KernelLauncher
+from parmepy.numerics.gpu_kernel import KernelListLauncher
+from parmepy.numerics.splitting import Splitting
+class GPUParticleAdvection1k(ParticleAdvection):
+    """
+    Particle advection operator representation on GPU.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, advec, idVelocityD=0, idScalarD=0,
+                 platform_id=0, device_id=0,
+                 device_type='gpu'):
+        """
+        Create a Advection operator.
+        Work on a given scalar at a given velocity to produce scalar
+        distribution at new positions.
+        @param advec : Transport operator
+        @param idVelocityD : Index of velocity discretisation to use.
+        @param idScalarD : Index of scalar discretisation to use.
+        @param method : the method to use.
+        """
+        raise ValueError("Not implemented")
+    def setUp(self, method='', src=None, precision=PARMES_REAL_GPU):
+        pass
+    def _apply_in_dir(self, t, dt, d, split_id):
+        """
+        Apply advection operator.
+        @param t : current time.
+        @param dt : time step.
+        @param d : Direction of splitting.
+        Advection algorithm:
+        @li 1. Particle initialization : \n
+                 - by copy scalar from grid to particles if previous splitting
+                 direction equals current splitting direction.\n
+                 - by transposition of scalar from grid to particle.
+        @li 2. Particle advection :\n
+                 - compute particle position in splitting direction as a
+                 scalar. Performs a RK2 resolution of dx_p/dt = a_p.
+        @li 3. Profile timings of OpenCL kernels.
+        """
+        # Particle init
+        if split_id == 0:
+            evt_init = self.init_copy.launch(self.scalar.gpu_data,
+                                             self.part_scalar.gpu_data)
+        else:
+            if self.scalar.topology.dim == 2:
+                evt_init = \
+                    self.init_transpose.launch(self.scalar.gpu_data,
+                                               self.part_scalar.gpu_data)
+            else:
+                if min(split_id, d) == 0:
+                    evt_init = \
+                        self.init_transpose.launch(0, self.scalar.gpu_data,
+                                                   self.part_scalar.gpu_data)
+                else:
+                    evt_init = \
+                        self.init_transpose.launch(1, self.gpu_scalar.gpu_data,
+                                                   self.part_scalar.gpu_data)
+        # Advection
+        evt_advec = self.num_advec.launch(self.velocity.gpu_data[d],
+                                          self.part_position.gpu_data,
+                                          self.gpu_precision(dt),
+                                          self.coord_min[d],
+                                          self.mesh_size[d])
+        self.num_advec.finish()
+        # remeshing
+        evt_remesh = self.num_remesh.launch(self.part_position.gpu_data,
+                                            self.part_scalar.gpu_data,
+                                            self.scalar.gpu_data,
+                                            self.coord_min[d],
+                                            self.mesh_size[d])
+        for df in self.output:
+            df.data_on_device = True
+            df.contains_data = False
+        # Get timpings from OpenCL events
+        self.queue.finish()
+        c_time_init = (evt_init.profile.end - evt_init.profile.start) * 1e-9
+        c_time_advec = (evt_advec.profile.end - evt_advec.profile.start) * 1e-9
+        c_time_remesh = (evt_remesh.profile.end -
+                         evt_remesh.profile.start) * 1e-9
+        self.compute_time[d] += c_time_advec
+        self.compute_time_remesh[d] += c_time_remesh
+        if split_id == 0:
+            self.compute_time_copy[d] += c_time_init
+        else:
+            self.compute_time_swap[min(split_id, d)] += c_time_init
+        self.total_time += (c_time_advec + c_time_remesh + c_time_init)
+        return (c_time_advec + c_time_remesh + c_time_init)
+    def apply(self, t, dt, ite):
+        self.numMethod(t, dt)
+    def printComputeTime(self):
+        self.time_info[0] = "\"Advection total\" "
+        self.time_info[0] += "\"copy\" \"swap xy\" \"swap xz\" "
+        self.time_info[0] += "\"Advection x\" \"Advection y\" \"Advection z\" "
+        self.time_info[0] += "\"Remeshing x\" \"Remeshing y\" \"Remeshing z\" "
+        self.time_info[1] = str(self.total_time) + "  "
+        self.time_info[1] += str(self.compute_time_copy[0]) + "  "
+        self.time_info[1] += str(self.compute_time_swap[0]) + "  "
+        self.time_info[1] += str(self.compute_time_swap[1]) + "  "
+        self.time_info[1] += str(self.compute_time[0]) + "  "
+        self.time_info[1] += str(self.compute_time[1]) + "  "
+        self.time_info[1] += str(self.compute_time[2]) + "  "
+        self.time_info[1] += str(self.compute_time_remesh[0]) + "  "
+        self.time_info[1] += str(self.compute_time_remesh[1]) + "  "
+        self.time_info[1] += str(self.compute_time_remesh[2]) + "  "
+        print "Advection total time : ", self.total_time, self.call_number
+        print "\t Advection init copy :", self.compute_time_copy,
+        print self.init_copy.call_number
+        print "\t Advection init swap :", self.compute_time_swap,
+        print self.init_transpose.call_number
+        print "\t Advection :", self.compute_time,
+        print self.num_advec.call_number
+        print "\t Remeshing :", self.compute_time_remesh,
+        print self.num_remesh.call_number
+    def __str__(self):
+        s = "Advection_P (DiscreteOperator). " + DiscreteOperator.__str__(self)
+        return s
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    print __doc__
+    print "- Provided class : Transport_d"
+    print AdvectionDOp.__doc__
diff --git a/HySoP/hysop/operator/gpu_particle_advection_2k.py b/HySoP/hysop/operator/gpu_particle_advection_2k.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..564cef2b9584799848cd17702a24bd6015e0f2b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HySoP/hysop/operator/gpu_particle_advection_2k.py
@@ -0,0 +1,488 @@
+@package parmepy.operator.gpu_particle_advection
+Discrete advection representation
+from parmepy.constants import np
+from parmepy.operator.particle_advection import ParticleAdvection
+from parmepy.fields.continuous import Field
+from parmepy.fields.gpu_discrete import GPUVectorField
+from parmepy.fields.gpu_discrete import GPUScalarField
+from parmepy.gpu import PARMES_REAL_GPU, PARMES_DOUBLE_GPU, \
+    _check_double_precision_capability
+from parmepy.numerics.gpu_kernel import KernelLauncher
+from parmepy.numerics.gpu_kernel import KernelListLauncher
+from parmepy.numerics.splitting import Splitting
+class GPUParticleAdvection(ParticleAdvection):
+    """
+    Particle advection operator representation on GPU.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, advec, idVelocityD=0, idScalarD=0,
+                 platform_id=0, device_id=0,
+                 device_type='gpu'):
+        """
+        Create a Advection operator.
+        Work on a given scalar at a given velocity to produce scalar
+        distribution at new positions.
+        @param advec : Transport operator
+        @param idVelocityD : Index of velocity discretisation to use.
+        @param idScalarD : Index of scalar discretisation to use.
+        @param method : the method to use.
+        """
+        ParticleAdvection.__init__(self, advec, idVelocityD, idScalarD)
+        self.name = "advection_gpu"
+        self.num_method = None
+        self.resolution = self.scalar.topology.mesh.resolution
+        self.compute_time_remesh = [0., 0., 0.]
+        print "=== OpenCL environment ==="
+        #Get platform.
+        try:
+            ## OpenCL platform
+            self.platform = cl.get_platforms()[platform_id]
+        except IndexError:
+            print "  Incorrect platform_id :", platform_id, ".",
+            print " Only ", len(cl.get_platforms()), " available.",
+            print " Getting defalut platform. "
+            self.platform = cl.get_platforms()[0]
+        print "  Platform   "
+        print "  - Name       :", self.platform.name
+        print "  - Version    :", self.platform.version
+        #Get device.
+        try:
+            ## OpenCL device
+            self.device = self.platform.get_devices(
+                eval("cl.device_type." + device_type.upper()))[device_id]
+        except cl.RuntimeError as e:
+            print "RuntimeError:", e
+            self.device = cl.create_some_context().devices[0]
+        except AttributeError as e:
+            print "AttributeError:", e
+            self.device = cl.create_some_context().devices[0]
+        print "  Device"
+        print "  - Name                :",
+        print self.device.name
+        print "  - Type                :",
+        print cl.device_type.to_string(self.device.type)
+        print "  - C Version           :",
+        print self.device.opencl_c_version
+        print "  - Global mem size     :",
+        print self.device.global_mem_size / (1024 ** 3), "GB"
+        print "===\n"
+        #Creates GPU Context
+        ## OpenCL context
+        self.ctx = cl.Context([self.device])
+        #Create CommandQueue on the GPU Context
+        ## OpenCL command queue
+        self.queue = cl.CommandQueue(
+            self.ctx, properties=cl.command_queue_properties.PROFILING_ENABLE)
+    def setUp(self, method='', src=None, precision=PARMES_REAL_GPU):
+        ## Result position
+        self.method = method
+        self.user_gpu_src = src
+        self.gpu_precision = precision
+        ## Optimal work item number
+        if len(self.resolution) == 3:
+            self.workItemNumber = 64 if min(self.resolution) >= 64 \
+                else min(self.resolution)
+        else:
+            self.workItemNumber = 256 if min(self.resolution) >= 256 \
+                else min(self.resolution)
+        print " Work-Item number: ", self.workItemNumber
+        dim = self.scalar.topology.dim
+        self.coord_min = np.ones(4, dtype=self.gpu_precision)
+        self.mesh_size = np.ones(4, dtype=self.gpu_precision)
+        self.coord_min[0:dim] = np.asarray(self.scalar.topology.mesh.origin,
+                                           dtype=self.gpu_precision)
+        self.mesh_size[0:dim] = np.asarray(self.scalar.topology.mesh.step,
+                                           dtype=self.gpu_precision)
+        if len(self.resolution) == 3:
+            self.gwi = (int(self.workItemNumber),
+                        int(self.resolution[1]), (self.resolution[2]))
+            self.lwi = (int(self.workItemNumber), 1, 1)
+        else:
+            self.gwi = (int(self.workItemNumber),
+                        int(self.resolution[1]))
+            self.lwi = (int(self.workItemNumber), 1)
+        print "=== Kernel sources ==="
+        self.build_options = ""
+        if _check_double_precision_capability(self.device,
+                                              self.gpu_precision):
+            self.build_options += " -cl-fp32-correctly-rounded-divide-sqrt "
+        if self.gpu_precision is PARMES_REAL_GPU:
+            self.build_options += " -cl-single-precision-constant"
+        self.build_options += " -D WIDTH=" + str(self.resolution[0])
+        self.build_options += " -D WGN=" + str(self.workItemNumber)
+        self.gpu_src = self._collect_usr_cl_src(src)
+        self.gpu_src += self._collect_kernels_cl_src()
+        print "===\n"
+        print "=== Kernel sources compiling ==="
+        ## Build code
+        if self.gpu_precision is PARMES_REAL_GPU:
+            prg = cl.Program(self.ctx, self.gpu_src.replace('.0', '.0f'))
+        else:
+            prg = cl.Program(self.ctx, self.gpu_src.replace('float', 'double'))
+        ## OpenCL program
+        self.prg = prg.build(self.build_options)
+        print "Compiler options : ",
+        print self.prg.get_build_info(
+            self.device, cl.program_build_info.OPTIONS)
+        print "Compiler status : ",
+        print self.prg.get_build_info(
+            self.device, cl.program_build_info.STATUS)
+        print "Compiler log : ",
+        print self.prg.get_build_info(self.device, cl.program_build_info.LOG)
+        print "===\n"
+        print "=== OpenCL Buffer allocations ==="
+        self._buffer_allocations()
+        print "===\n"
+        print "=== OpenCL Buffer initialisation ==="
+        self._buffer_initialisations()
+        print "===\n"
+        print "=== OpenCL Kernels affectation ==="
+        self.num_advec = KernelLauncher(self.prg.advection,
+                                        self.queue,
+                                        self.gwi,
+                                        self.lwi)
+        self.num_remesh = KernelLauncher(self.prg.remeshing,
+                                         self.queue,
+                                         self.gwi,
+                                         self.lwi)
+        self.init_copy = KernelLauncher(self.prg.copy,
+                                        self.queue,
+                                        self.copy_gwi,
+                                        self.copy_lwi)
+        if len(self.resolution) == 3:
+            self.init_transpose = \
+                KernelListLauncher([self.prg.transpose_xy,
+                                    self.prg.transpose_xz],
+                                   self.queue,
+                                   [self.transpose_xy_gwi,
+                                    self.transpose_xz_gwi],
+                                   [self.transpose_xy_lwi,
+                                    self.transpose_xz_lwi])
+        else:
+            self.init_transpose = \
+                KernelLauncher(self.prg.transpose_xy,
+                               self.queue,
+                               self.transpose_xy_gwi,
+                               self.transpose_xy_lwi)
+        print "===\n"
+        self.numMethod = Splitting(self._apply_in_dir, self.scalar.dimension)
+        print "Method used:", self.name
+    def _buffer_initialisations(self):
+        data, transfer_time, compute_time = 0, 0., 0.
+        for gpudf in self.variables:
+            match = 'init' + gpudf.name
+            initKernel = None
+            # Looking for initKernel
+            for k in self.prg.all_kernels():
+                k_name = k.get_info(cl.kernel_info.FUNCTION_NAME)
+                if match.find(k_name) >= 0:
+                    initKernel = cl.Kernel(self.prg, k_name)
+            if initKernel is not None:
+                kl = KernelLauncher(initKernel, self.queue,
+                                    self.gwi, self.lwi)
+                if gpudf.vector:
+                    args = [gpudf.gpu_data[d]
+                            for d in xrange(len(self.resolution))]
+                    args.append(self.coord_min)
+                    args.append(self.mesh_size)
+                    evt = kl.launch(*tuple(args))
+                else:
+                    args = [gpudf.gpu_data]
+                    args.append(self.coord_min)
+                    args.append(self.mesh_size)
+                    evt = kl.launch(*tuple(args))
+                self.queue.finish()
+                temp_time = (evt.profile.end - evt.profile.start) * 1e-9
+                print "Done in ", temp_time, "sec"
+                compute_time += temp_time
+                gpudf.contains_data = False
+                gpudf.data_on_device = True
+            else:
+                if gpudf.contains_data:
+                    print gpudf.name, ":",
+                    temp_data, temp_time = gpudf.toDevice()
+                    data += temp_data
+                    transfer_time += temp_time
+        if data > 0:
+            print "Total Transfers : ", data, "Bytes transfered at ",
+            print "{0:.3f} GBytes/sec".format((data * 1e-9) / transfer_time)
+        if compute_time > 0.:
+            print "Total Computing  : ", compute_time, "sec"
+    def _buffer_allocations(self):
+        ## Velocity.
+        GPUVectorField.fromVectorField(
+            self.queue, self.advec.velocity.discreteField[self.idVelocityD],
+            self.gpu_precision)
+        self.velocity = self.advec.velocity.discreteField[self.idVelocityD]
+        ## Transported scalar.
+        GPUScalarField.fromScalarField(
+            self.queue, self.advec.scalar.discreteField[self.idScalarD],
+            self.gpu_precision)
+        self.scalar = self.advec.scalar.discreteField[self.idScalarD]
+        ## Particle position
+        particle_position = Field(self.scalar.topology.domain,
+                                  "Particle_Position",
+                                  vector=False)
+        particle_position.discretize(self.scalar.topology)
+        GPUScalarField.fromScalarField(
+            self.queue, particle_position.discreteField[0],
+            self.gpu_precision)
+        self.part_position = particle_position.discreteField[0]
+        ## Result scalar
+        particle_scalar = Field(self.scalar.topology.domain,
+                                "Particle_Scalar",
+                                vector=False)
+        particle_scalar.discretize(self.scalar.topology)
+        GPUScalarField.fromScalarField(
+            self.queue, particle_scalar.discreteField[0],
+            self.gpu_precision)
+        self.part_scalar = particle_scalar.discreteField[0]
+        self.particle_variables = [self.part_position, self.part_scalar]
+        self.variables = [self.scalar, self.velocity,
+                          self.part_position, self.part_scalar]
+        total_mem_used = 0
+        for gpuv in self.variables:
+            total_mem_used += gpuv.mem_size
+        print "Total Global Memory used : ", total_mem_used,
+        print "Bytes (", total_mem_used / (1024 ** 2), "MB)",
+        print "({0:.3f} %)".format(
+            100 * total_mem_used / (self.device.global_mem_size * 1.))
+    def _collect_kernels_cl_src(self):
+        gpu_src = ""
+        if len(self.resolution) == 3:
+            if self.gpu_precision is PARMES_REAL_GPU:
+                src_advec = 'advection_3D_opt4_builtin.cl'
+            else:
+                src_advec = 'advection_3D_opt2_builtin.cl'
+        else:
+            if self.gpu_precision is PARMES_REAL_GPU:
+                src_advec = 'advection_2D_opt4_builtin.cl'
+            else:
+                src_advec = 'advection_2D_builtin.cl'
+        f = open(GPU_SRC + src_advec)
+        print  "   - advection:", f.name
+        gpu_src += "".join(f.readlines())
+        f.close()
+        ## remeshing
+        if len(self.resolution) == 3:
+            if self.method.find('m6prime'):
+                src_remesh = 'remeshing_3D_opt4_private4.cl'
+                src_remesh_weights = 'weights_m6prime_opt4_builtin.cl'
+            else:
+                src_remesh = 'remeshing_m8prime_3D_opt4_private4.cl'
+                src_remesh_weights = 'weights_m8prime_opt4_builtin.cl'
+        else:
+            if self.method.find('m6prime'):
+                src_remesh = 'remeshing_2D_opt4_noBC.cl'
+                src_remesh_weights = 'weights_m6prime_builtin.cl'
+            else:
+                src_remesh = 'remeshing_m8prime_2D_opt4_noBC.cl'
+                src_remesh_weights = 'weights_m8prime_builtin.cl'
+        f = open(GPU_SRC + src_remesh_weights)
+        gpu_src += "".join(f.readlines())
+        print  "   - remeshing weights:", f.name
+        f.close()
+        f = open(GPU_SRC + src_remesh)
+        print  "   - remeshing:", f.name
+        gpu_src += "".join(f.readlines())
+        f.close()
+        ## copy
+        if len(self.resolution) == 3:
+            if self.gpu_precision is PARMES_REAL_GPU:
+                src_copy = 'copy_3D_opt4.cl'
+                self.build_options += " -D TILE_DIM_COPY=16 -D BLOCK_ROWS_COPY=8"
+                self.copy_gwi = (int(self.resolution[0] / 4), int(self.resolution[1] / 2), int(self.resolution[2]))
+                self.copy_lwi = (4, 8, 1)
+            else:
+                src_copy = 'copy_3D_locMem.cl'
+                self.build_options += " -D TILE_DIM_COPY=32 -D BLOCK_ROWS_COPY=8"
+                self.copy_gwi = (int(self.resolution[0]), int(self.resolution[1] / 4), int(self.resolution[2]))
+                self.copy_lwi = (32, 8, 1)
+        else:
+            if self.gpu_precision is PARMES_REAL_GPU:
+                src_copy = 'copy_2D_opt2.cl'
+                self.build_options += " -D TILE_DIM_COPY=16 -D BLOCK_ROWS_COPY=8"
+                self.copy_gwi = (int(self.resolution[0] / 2), int(self.resolution[1] / 2))
+                self.copy_lwi = (8, 8)
+            else:
+                src_copy = 'copy_2D_opt2.cl'
+                self.build_options += " -D TILE_DIM_COPY=32 -D BLOCK_ROWS_COPY=2"
+                self.copy_gwi = (int(self.resolution[0] / 2), int(self.resolution[1] / 16))
+                self.copy_lwi = (16, 2)
+        f = open(GPU_SRC + src_copy)
+        print  "   - copy:", f.name
+        gpu_src += "".join(f.readlines())
+        f.close()
+        ## transpose
+        if len(self.resolution) == 3:
+            if self.gpu_precision is PARMES_REAL_GPU:
+                src_transpose_xy = 'transpose_3D_xy_coalesced_locPad_Diag_2Dslice_opt2.cl'
+                self.build_options += " -D TILE_DIM_XY=16 -D BLOCK_ROWS_XY=8"
+                self.transpose_xy_gwi = (int(self.resolution[0] / 2), int(self.resolution[1] / 2), int(self.resolution[2]))
+                self.transpose_xy_lwi = (8, 8, 1)
+                src_transpose_xz = 'transpose_3D_xz_coalesced_locPad_Diag_bis_3DBlock.cl'
+                self.build_options += " -D TILE_DIM_XZ=16 -D BLOCK_ROWS_XZ=4"
+                self.transpose_xz_gwi = (int(self.resolution[0]), int(self.resolution[1] / 4), int(self.resolution[2] / 4))
+                self.transpose_xz_lwi = (16, 4, 4)
+            else:
+                src_transpose_xy = 'transpose_3D_xy_coalesced_locPad_Diag_2Dslice_opt4.cl'
+                self.build_options += " -D TILE_DIM_XY=32 -D BLOCK_ROWS_XY=4"
+                self.transpose_xy_gwi = (int(self.resolution[0] / 4), int(self.resolution[1] / 8), int(self.resolution[2]))
+                self.transpose_xy_lwi = (8, 4, 1)
+                src_transpose_xz = 'transpose_3D_xz_coalesced_Diag_bis_3DBlock.cl'
+                self.build_options += " -D TILE_DIM_XZ=8 -D BLOCK_ROWS_XZ=2"
+                self.transpose_xz_gwi = (int(self.resolution[0]), int(self.resolution[1] / 4), int(self.resolution[2] / 4))
+                self.transpose_xz_lwi = (8, 2, 2)
+        else:
+            if self.gpu_precision is PARMES_REAL_GPU:
+                src_transpose_xy = 'transpose_2D_xy_coalesced_locPad_Diag_opt4.cl'
+                self.build_options += " -D TILE_DIM_XY=32 -D BLOCK_ROWS_XY=8"
+                self.transpose_xy_gwi = (int(self.resolution[0] / 4), int(self.resolution[1]) / 4)
+                self.transpose_xy_lwi = (8, 8)
+            else:
+                src_transpose_xy = 'transpose_2D_xy_coalesced_locPad_Diag_opt4.cl'
+                self.build_options += " -D TILE_DIM_XY=32 -D BLOCK_ROWS_XY=2"
+                self.transpose_xy_gwi = (int(self.resolution[0] / 4), int(self.resolution[1]) / 16)
+                self.transpose_xy_lwi = (8, 2)
+        f = open(GPU_SRC + src_transpose_xy)
+        print  "   - transpose_xy:", f.name
+        gpu_src += "".join(f.readlines())
+        f.close()
+        if len(self.resolution) == 3:
+            f = open(GPU_SRC + src_transpose_xz)
+            gpu_src += "".join(f.readlines())
+            f.close()
+        return gpu_src
+    def _collect_usr_cl_src(self, usr_src):
+        print "usr src", usr_src
+        gpu_src = ""
+        if usr_src is not None:
+            if isinstance(usr_src, list):
+                for src in usr_src:
+                    print "Sources files (user): ", src
+                    f = open(src, 'r')
+                    gpu_src += "".join(f.readlines())
+                    f.close()
+            else:
+                print "Sources files (user): ", usr_src
+                f = open(usr_src, 'r')
+                gpu_src += "".join(f.readlines())
+                f.close()
+        return gpu_src
+    def _apply_in_dir(self, t, dt, d, split_id):
+        """
+        Apply advection operator.
+        @param t : current time.
+        @param dt : time step.
+        @param d : Direction of splitting.
+        Advection algorithm:
+        @li 1. Particle initialization : \n
+                 - by copy scalar from grid to particles if previous splitting
+                 direction equals current splitting direction.\n
+                 - by transposition of scalar from grid to particle.
+        @li 2. Particle advection :\n
+                 - compute particle position in splitting direction as a
+                 scalar. Performs a RK2 resolution of dx_p/dt = a_p.
+        @li 3. Profile timings of OpenCL kernels.
+        """
+        # Particle init
+        if split_id == 0:
+            evt_init = self.init_copy.launch(self.scalar.gpu_data,
+                                             self.part_scalar.gpu_data)
+        else:
+            if self.scalar.topology.dim == 2:
+                evt_init = \
+                    self.init_transpose.launch(self.scalar.gpu_data,
+                                               self.part_scalar.gpu_data)
+            else:
+                if min(split_id, d) == 0:
+                    evt_init = \
+                        self.init_transpose.launch(0, self.scalar.gpu_data,
+                                                   self.part_scalar.gpu_data)
+                else:
+                    evt_init = \
+                        self.init_transpose.launch(1, self.gpu_scalar.gpu_data,
+                                                   self.part_scalar.gpu_data)
+        # Advection
+        evt_advec = self.num_advec.launch(self.velocity.gpu_data[d],
+                                          self.part_position.gpu_data,
+                                          self.gpu_precision(dt),
+                                          self.coord_min[d],
+                                          self.mesh_size[d])
+        self.num_advec.finish()
+        # remeshing
+        evt_remesh = self.num_remesh.launch(self.part_position.gpu_data,
+                                            self.part_scalar.gpu_data,
+                                            self.scalar.gpu_data,
+                                            self.coord_min[d],
+                                            self.mesh_size[d])
+        for df in self.output:
+            df.data_on_device = True
+            df.contains_data = False
+        # Get timpings from OpenCL events
+        self.queue.finish()
+        c_time_init = (evt_init.profile.end - evt_init.profile.start) * 1e-9
+        c_time_advec = (evt_advec.profile.end - evt_advec.profile.start) * 1e-9
+        c_time_remesh = (evt_remesh.profile.end -
+                         evt_remesh.profile.start) * 1e-9
+        self.compute_time[d] += c_time_advec
+        self.compute_time_remesh[d] += c_time_remesh
+        if split_id == 0:
+            self.compute_time_copy[d] += c_time_init
+        else:
+            self.compute_time_swap[min(split_id, d)] += c_time_init
+        self.total_time += (c_time_advec + c_time_remesh + c_time_init)
+        return (c_time_advec + c_time_remesh + c_time_init)
+    def apply(self, t, dt, ite):
+        self.numMethod(t, dt)
+    def printComputeTime(self):
+        self.time_info[0] = "\"Advection total\" "
+        self.time_info[0] += "\"copy\" \"swap xy\" \"swap xz\" "
+        self.time_info[0] += "\"Advection x\" \"Advection y\" \"Advection z\" "
+        self.time_info[0] += "\"Remeshing x\" \"Remeshing y\" \"Remeshing z\" "
+        self.time_info[1] = str(self.total_time) + "  "
+        self.time_info[1] += str(self.compute_time_copy[0]) + "  "
+        self.time_info[1] += str(self.compute_time_swap[0]) + "  "
+        self.time_info[1] += str(self.compute_time_swap[1]) + "  "
+        self.time_info[1] += str(self.compute_time[0]) + "  "
+        self.time_info[1] += str(self.compute_time[1]) + "  "
+        self.time_info[1] += str(self.compute_time[2]) + "  "
+        self.time_info[1] += str(self.compute_time_remesh[0]) + "  "
+        self.time_info[1] += str(self.compute_time_remesh[1]) + "  "
+        self.time_info[1] += str(self.compute_time_remesh[2]) + "  "
+        print "Advection total time : ", self.total_time, self.call_number
+        print "\t Advection init copy :", self.compute_time_copy,
+        print self.init_copy.call_number
+        print "\t Advection init swap :", self.compute_time_swap,
+        print self.init_transpose.call_number
+        print "\t Advection :", self.compute_time,
+        print self.num_advec.call_number
+        print "\t Remeshing :", self.compute_time_remesh,
+        print self.num_remesh.call_number
+    def __str__(self):
+        s = "Advection_P (DiscreteOperator). " + DiscreteOperator.__str__(self)
+        return s
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    print __doc__
+    print "- Provided class : Transport_d"
+    print AdvectionDOp.__doc__
diff --git a/HySoP/hysop/operator/monitors/__init__.py b/HySoP/hysop/operator/monitors/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..430a206ea3619dd4a0923cf131408ed6e1825a44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HySoP/hysop/operator/monitors/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+@package parmepy.operator
+Everything concerning operators.
diff --git a/HySoP/hysop/tools/compute_forces.py b/HySoP/hysop/operator/monitors/compute_forces.py
similarity index 95%
rename from HySoP/hysop/tools/compute_forces.py
rename to HySoP/hysop/operator/monitors/compute_forces.py
index 0dc4efeb18aa95476db2456ceb4349452e4979c7..53c85bb73ba60a7316baa1843a00204c555da3af 100644
--- a/HySoP/hysop/tools/compute_forces.py
+++ b/HySoP/hysop/operator/monitors/compute_forces.py
@@ -3,16 +3,15 @@
 @package physics
 Compute forces
-from parmepy.constants import PARMES_REAL, PARMES_INTEGER, PI
-import numpy as np
+from parmepy.constants import np, PARMES_REAL, PARMES_INTEGER, PI
 from parmepy.operator.fct2op import Fct2Op
 from parmepy.operator.differentialOperator_d import DifferentialOperator_d
-from parmepy.tools.diagnostics import Diagnostics
+from parmepy.operator.monitors.monitoring import Monitoring
 from parmepy.mpi import main_comm, MPI
 import time
-class Compute_forces(Diagnostics):
+class Compute_forces(Monitoring):
     Compute the forces according the Noca s formula
@@ -22,16 +21,16 @@ class Compute_forces(Diagnostics):
                  frequency=None, outputPrefix=None):
-        @param velocity : Continuous velocity field 
-        @param vorticity : Continuous vorticity field 
+        @param velocity : Continuous velocity field
+        @param vorticity : Continuous vorticity field
         @param topology : Local topology
-        @param obstacle : Continuous obstacle 
-        @param boxMin : Global minimum coordinates of the control volume 
-        @param boxMax : Global maximum coordinates of the control volume 
+        @param obstacle : Continuous obstacle
+        @param boxMin : Global minimum coordinates of the control volume
+        @param boxMax : Global maximum coordinates of the control volume
         @param frequency : output file producing frequency.
         @param outputPrefix : file name prefix, contains relative path.
-        Diagnostics.__init__(self, frequency, outputPrefix)
+        Monitoring.__init__(self, frequency)
         self.velocity = velocity
         self.vorticity = vorticity
         self.topology = topology
@@ -39,7 +38,6 @@ class Compute_forces(Diagnostics):
         self.boxMin = boxMin
         self.boxMax = boxMax
         self.Re = Reynolds
-        self.frequency = frequency
         self.outputPrefix = outputPrefix
         self.dim = topology.dim
         self.res = topology.mesh.resolution
@@ -78,18 +76,18 @@ class Compute_forces(Diagnostics):
         distMin = self.boxMin - self.coordMin
         distMax = self.boxMax - self.coordMax
         for i in xrange(self.dim):
-            if (distMin[i]>=0. and distMax[i]<=0.): 
+            if (distMin[i]>=0. and distMax[i]<=0.):
             # the control volume is included inside the local domain
                 tmp_ind[i][0] = distMin[i] // self.step[i] # Down, West, South
                 tmp_ind[i][1] = self.res[i] -2. * self.ghosts[i] + distMax[i] // self.step[i] -1# Up, East, North
-            if (distMin[i]>=0. and self.boxMin[i]<= self.coordMax[i] and distMax[i]>=0.): 
+            if (distMin[i]>=0. and self.boxMin[i]<= self.coordMax[i] and distMax[i]>=0.):
             # only min corner of control volume is included inside the local domain
                 tmp_ind[i][0] = distMin[i] // self.step[i]
                 tmp_ind[i][1] = self.res[i] -2. * self.ghosts[i] - 1
-            if (distMin[i]<=0. and self.boxMax[i]>= self.coordMin[i] and distMax[i]<=0.) : 
+            if (distMin[i]<=0. and self.boxMax[i]>= self.coordMin[i] and distMax[i]<=0.) :
             # only max corner of control volume is included inside the local domain
                 tmp_ind[i][1] = self.res[i] -2.*self.ghosts[i] + distMax[i] // self.step[i] -1
-            if (distMin[i]<=0. and distMax[i]>=0.): 
+            if (distMin[i]<=0. and distMax[i]>=0.):
             # the local domain is included inside the control volume
                 tmp_ind[i][1] = self.res[i] - 2. * self.ghosts[i] - 1
@@ -108,7 +106,7 @@ class Compute_forces(Diagnostics):
 #        ind[self.Up] = ind[self.Up] - 1
 #        ind[self.East] = ind[self.East] - 1
 #        ind[self.North] = ind[self.North] - 1
         # Count the number of points on each face and inside the domain
         nbPoints = np.zeros(2 * self.dim, dtype=PARMES_INTEGER)
         nbPoints[self.Down] = (ind[self.East] - ind[self.West] + 1) * (ind[self.North] - ind[self.South] + 1)
@@ -218,7 +216,7 @@ class Compute_forces(Diagnostics):
         uinf = 1.
         self.coef = 2. / (uinf ** 2 * PI * self.obstacle.radius ** 2)
-    def process(self, ite, t, dt):
+    def __call__(self, t, dt, ite):
         Computation of the drag according to the "impulsion" formula presented by
         Noca et. al in Journal of Fluids and Structures, 1999
@@ -261,9 +259,9 @@ class Compute_forces(Diagnostics):
     def integrateOnBox(self, force, vort, chi, dvol, dt):
-        Return -1/(dim-1)*d/dt int_over_control_box coord X vorticity 
+        Return -1/(dim-1)*d/dt int_over_control_box coord X vorticity
-        fact = - dvol / ((self.dim - 1) * dt) 
+        fact = - dvol / ((self.dim - 1) * dt)
         int1 = np.zeros(self.dim, dtype=PARMES_REAL)
         # For all points in the box
         for ind in xrange (chi.shape[1]):
@@ -279,13 +277,13 @@ class Compute_forces(Diagnostics):
         force = force + fact * (int1 - self.bufferForce) # 1st order time integration
         self.bufferForce = int1 # Save for next time step ...
-        return force 
+        return force
     def integrateOnSurface(self, force, velo, vort, chi, NormalVec, Re, dsurf):
         Compute integrals on surface to calculate forces acting on the body.
-        See (2.1) of Noca 1999 or (52) of Plouhmans 2002 
-        Integrals on the obstacle are neglected. 
+        See (2.1) of Noca 1999 or (52) of Plouhmans 2002
+        Integrals on the obstacle are neglected.
         fact = 1. / (self.dim - 1)
@@ -353,7 +351,7 @@ class Compute_forces(Diagnostics):
                 X_n_DivT[2] = - coords[0] * self.a[i,j,k] - coords[1] * self.b[i,j,k]
                 n_T[0] = - 1. / self.Re * (self.jacobian[2][i,j,k] + self.jacobian[6][i,j,k])
                 n_T[1] = - 1. / self.Re * (self.jacobian[5][i,j,k] + self.jacobian[7][i,j,k])
-                n_T[2] = - 1. / self.Re * 2 * self.jacobian[8][i,j,k] 
+                n_T[2] = - 1. / self.Re * 2 * self.jacobian[8][i,j,k]
             if (chi.all() == self.chi_north.all()): # normalVec = (0,0,1)
                 X_n_DivT[0] = - coords[2] * self.a[i,j,k]
@@ -361,7 +359,7 @@ class Compute_forces(Diagnostics):
                 X_n_DivT[2] = coords[0] * self.a[i,j,k] + coords[1] * self.b[i,j,k]
                 n_T[0] = 1. / self.Re * (self.jacobian[2][i,j,k] + self.jacobian[6][i,j,k])
                 n_T[1] = 1. / self.Re * (self.jacobian[5][i,j,k] + self.jacobian[7][i,j,k])
-                n_T[2] = 1. / self.Re * 2 * self.jacobian[8][i,j,k] 
+                n_T[2] = 1. / self.Re * 2 * self.jacobian[8][i,j,k]
             int2 = int2 + fact * X_n_DivT + n_T
         # Product with element of surface and sum to the total (input) force
diff --git a/HySoP/hysop/operator/monitors/monitoring.py b/HySoP/hysop/operator/monitors/monitoring.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ac23e3aaa3e31ae5f1e36757c7077d0dfaa09458
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HySoP/hysop/operator/monitors/monitoring.py
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+@package parmepy.operator.monitors.monitoring
+from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
+from parmepy.operator.continuous import Operator
+class Monitoring(Operator):
+    """Abstract description a monitor. """
+    __metaclass__ = ABCMeta
+    @abstractmethod
+    def __init__(self, frequency):
+        """ Constructor
+        @param dimension integer : domain dimension.
+        """
+        Operator.__init__(self)
+        ## Monitor frequency
+        self.freq = frequency
+    def setUp(self, *spec):
+        pass
+    def printComputeTime(self):
+        pass
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    print __doc__
+    print "- Provided class : Monitoring (abstract)."
+    print Monitoring.__doc__
diff --git a/HySoP/hysop/tools/printer.py b/HySoP/hysop/operator/monitors/printer.py
similarity index 57%
rename from HySoP/hysop/tools/printer.py
rename to HySoP/hysop/operator/monitors/printer.py
index d29e85438207437fd5b678d5b4ff4847d29d9059..1e6c7c1dda56ba039ed1bb34f362fcb700c86caa 100644
--- a/HySoP/hysop/tools/printer.py
+++ b/HySoP/hysop/operator/monitors/printer.py
@@ -3,34 +3,33 @@
 Classes for handling ouputs.
-from ..constants import *
+from parmepy.constants import np, S_DIR
+from parmepy.operator.monitors.monitoring import Monitoring
 import evtk.hl as evtk
 import time
-class Printer():
+class Printer(Monitoring):
     Basic printer.
     Performs outputs in VTK images.
-    def __init__(self, fields=[], frequency=0, outputPrefix='./out_'):
+    def __init__(self, frequency=0, fields=[], outputPrefix='./out_'):
-        Create a results printer for given fields, filename prefix (relative path) and an output frequency.
+        Create a results printer for given fields, filename
+        prefix (relative path) and an output frequency.
         @param fields : Fields to output.
         @param frequency : output file producing frequency.
         @param outputPrefix : file name prefix, contains relative path.
-        ## Printer frequency
-        self.freq = frequency
+        Monitoring.__init__(self, frequency)
         ## Filename prefix
         self.outputPrefix = outputPrefix
         ## Fields to output
         self.fields = fields
-        ## Iterations counter
-        self.ite = 0
         ## Method to collect data in case of distributed data
         self.get_data_method = None
         if self.freq != 0:
@@ -40,6 +39,10 @@ class Printer():
             self.step = self._passStep
         ## Printing compute time
         self.compute_time = 0.
+        self.call_number = 0
+    def apply(self, t, dt, ite):
+        self.step(ite)
     def _build_vtk_dict(self):
         """Build a dictionary from fields to VTK image."""
@@ -49,7 +52,8 @@ class Printer():
                 if f.vector:
                     for d in xrange(len(df.data)):
                         if len(df.data[d].shape) == 2:
-                            res[df.name + S_DIR[d]] = np.expand_dims(df.data[d], axis=2)
+                            res[df.name + S_DIR[d]] = np.expand_dims(
+                                df.data[d], axis=2)
                             res[df.name + S_DIR[d]] = df.data[d]
@@ -64,13 +68,14 @@ class Printer():
         if callable(method):
             self.get_data_method = method
-            raise ValueError("Cannot set non callable method to get data to print. Given method : " + str(method))
+            raise ValueError("Cannot set non callable method to get data " +
+                             "to print. Given method : " + str(method))
-    def _passStep(self):
+    def _passStep(self, ite):
         """A code method that do nothing."""
-    def _printStep(self):
+    def _printStep(self, ite):
         Printer core method.
@@ -78,54 +83,63 @@ class Printer():
         VTK images are writed. If fails, classical ascii output is performed.
         t = time.time()
-        if (self.ite % self.freq) == 0:
+        if (ite % self.freq) == 0:
+            self.call_number += 1
             print "== IO"
-            if self.get_data_method is not None:
-                for f in self.fields:
-                    for df in f.discreteField:
-                        if not df.contains_data:
-                            print "Data transfer : ", f.name, ":",
-                            self.get_data_method(df)
-            filename = self.outputPrefix + "results_{0:05d}.dat".format(self.ite)
+            for f in self.fields:
+                for df in f.discreteField:
+                    df.toHost()
+            filename = self.outputPrefix + "results_{0:05d}.dat".format(ite)
             print "Print file : " + filename
             ## VTK output \todo: Need fix in 2D, getting an IOError.
-            try:
+            if self.fields[0].domain.dimension == 3:
                 evtk.imageToVTK(filename, pointData=self._build_vtk_dict())
-                print "not yet implemented"
-            except IOError:
+            else:
                 ## Standard output
                 f = open(filename, 'w')
-                shape = self.fields[0].domain.discreteDomain.resolution
-                step = self.fields[0].domain.discreteDomain.step
+                shape = self.fields[0].discreteField[0].topology.mesh.resolution
+                coords = self.fields[0].discreteField[0].topology.mesh.coords
                 if len(shape) == 2:
-                    for i in xrange(shape[0]-1):
-                        for j in xrange(shape[1]-1):
-                            f.write("{0:8.12} {1:8.12} ".format(i * step[0], j * step[1]))
+                    for i in xrange(shape[0] - 1):
+                        for j in xrange(shape[1] - 1):
+                            f.write("{0:8.12} {1:8.12} ".format(
+                                    coords[0][i, 0], coords[1][0, j]))
                             for field in self.fields:
                                 if field.vector:
-                                    f.write("{0:8.12} {1:8.12} ".format(field.discreteField[0][0][i, j],
-                                                                        field.discreteField[0][1][i, j]))
+                                    f.write("{0:8.12} {1:8.12} ".format(
+                                            field.discreteField[0][0][i, j],
+                                            field.discreteField[0][1][i, j]))
-                                    f.write("{0:8.12} ".format(field.discreteField[0][i, j]))
+                                    f.write("{0:8.12} ".format(
+                                            field.discreteField[0][i, j]))
-                    for i in xrange(shape[0]-1):
-                        for j in xrange(shape[1]-1):
-                            for k in xrange(shape[2]-1):
-                                f.write("{0:8.12} {1:8.12} {2:8.12} ".format(i * step[0], j * step[1], k * step[2]))
+                    for i in xrange(shape[0] - 1):
+                        for j in xrange(shape[1] - 1):
+                            for k in xrange(shape[2] - 1):
+                                f.write("{0:8.12} {1:8.12} {2:8.12} ".format(
+                                        coords[0][i, 0, 0],
+                                        coords[1][0, j, 0],
+                                        coords[2][0, 0, k]))
                                 for field in self.fields:
                                     if field.vector:
-                                        f.write("{0:8.12} {1:8.12} {2:8.12} ".format(field.discreteField[0][0][i, j, k],
-                                                                                     field.discreteField[0][1][i, j, k],
-                                                                                     field.discreteField[0][2][i, j, k]))
+                                        f.write("{0:8.12} {1:8.12} {2:8.12} ".format(
+                                                field.discreteField[0][0][i, j, k],
+                                                field.discreteField[0][1][i, j, k],
+                                                field.discreteField[0][2][i, j, k]))
-                                        f.write("{0:8.12} ".format(field.discreteField[0][i, j, k]))
+                                        f.write("{0:8.12} ".format(
+                                                field.discreteField[0][i, j, k]))
                 print "==\n"
-        self.ite += 1
         self.compute_time += (time.time() - t)
+    def printComputeTime(self):
+        self.time_info[0] = "\"IO\" "
+        self.time_info[1] = str(self.compute_time) + "  "
+        print "IO total time : ", self.compute_time, self.call_number
 if __name__ == "__main__":
     print __doc__
diff --git a/HySoP/hysop/operator/multiphase.py b/HySoP/hysop/operator/multiphase.py
index 2756c963c480bf4cc34288267927a64fb444d8b0..20eb5f64e4bc7596f677943250382fefd3311a7f 100644
--- a/HySoP/hysop/operator/multiphase.py
+++ b/HySoP/hysop/operator/multiphase.py
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-@package parmepy.operatorPressure
+@package parmepy.operator.multiphase
 MultiPhase Rot Grad P
-from continuous import ContinuousOperator
+from parmepy.operator.continuous import Operator
 from stretching_d import Stretching_d
-class Pressure(ContinuousOperator):
+class Pressure(Operator):
     Pressure operator representation
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ class Pressure(ContinuousOperator):
         self.viscosity = viscosity
         self.addVariable([velocity, vorticity, density])
-    def discretize(self, topology=None, idVelocityD=0, idVorticityD=0, idDensityD=0):
+    def setUp(self, resolutions=None, idVelocityD=0, idVorticityD=0, idDensityD=0):
         Pressure operator discretization method.
         Create a discrete Pressure operator from given specifications.
@@ -39,8 +39,11 @@ class Pressure(ContinuousOperator):
         @param propertyOp : choice of the property garantied by the stretching Op ( divConservation or massConservation)
         @param method : the method to use. (Euler, RK, ..) default : RK3
-        if self.discreteOperator is None:
-            self.discreteOperator = Pressure_d(self, topology, idVelocityD, idVorticityD, idDensityD)
+        #compute topologies here
+        self.topology = None
+        self.discreteOperator = Pressure_d(self, idVelocityD, idVorticityD, idDensityD)
+        self.discreteOperator.setUp(self.topology)
     def __str__(self):
         """ToString method"""
diff --git a/HySoP/hysop/operator/multiphase_d.py b/HySoP/hysop/operator/multiphase_d.py
index 7a83dacc00aa4e304a267a4269330cf4ad9bb550..2a685b4e27847b2232024adf132ac6556cd50959 100644
--- a/HySoP/hysop/operator/multiphase_d.py
+++ b/HySoP/hysop/operator/multiphase_d.py
@@ -3,10 +3,10 @@
 @package operator
 Discrete MultiPhase Rot Grad P
-from discrete import DiscreteOperator
-from differentialOperator import DifferentialOperator
-from differentialOperator_d import DifferentialOperator_d
-import numpy as np
+from parmepy.operator.discrete import DiscreteOperator
+from parmepy.operator.differentialOperator import DifferentialOperator
+from parmepy.operator.differentialOperator_d import DifferentialOperator_d
+from parmepy.constants import np
 import numpy.testing as npt
 import time
 import sys
@@ -16,7 +16,8 @@ class Pressure_d(DiscreteOperator):
     Operator representation.
-    def __init__(self,pressureOp , topology=None, IdVelocityD=0, IdVorticityD=0, IdDensityD=0 ):
+    def __init__(self,pressureOp, IdVelocityD=0,
+                 IdVorticityD=0, IdDensityD=0 ):
         Create the old velocity field to compute the -Dp/rho
@@ -24,20 +25,22 @@ class Pressure_d(DiscreteOperator):
         @param operator.
+        self.velocity_old = np.copy(pressureOp.velocity.discreteField[IdVelocityD].data)
+        self.velocity_new = pressureOp.velocity.discreteField[IdVelocityD]
+        self.vorticity = pressureOp.vorticity.discreteField[IdVorticityD]
+        self.density = pressureOp.density.discreteField[IdDensityD]
+        self.compute_time = 0.
+    def setUp(self, method='', topology=None):
         ## Topology of the obstacle
         if(topology is not None):
             self.topology = topology
             raise NotImplementedError()
-        self.velocity_old = np.copy(pressureOp.velocity.discreteField[IdVelocityD].data)
-        self.velocity_new = pressureOp.velocity.discreteField[IdVelocityD]
-        self.vorticity = pressureOp.vorticity.discreteField[IdVorticityD]
-        self.density = pressureOp.density.discreteField[IdDensityD]
         self.resolution = self.topology.mesh.resolution
         self.meshSize = self.topology.mesh.size
-        self.compute_time = 0.
-    def apply(self, t, dt):
+    def apply(self, t, dt, ite):
         Apply operator.
@@ -61,7 +64,7 @@ class Pressure_d(DiscreteOperator):
         self.timings_info[0] = "\"Pressure calculation total\""
 #        self.timings_info[1] = str(self.total_time)
 #        print "Multiphase total time : ", self.total_time
-        print "Time of the last Dp/rho calculation loop :", self.compute_time 
+        print "Time of the last Dp/rho calculation loop :", self.compute_time
     def __str__(self):
         s = "Pressure_d (DiscreteOperator). " + DiscreteOperator.__str__(self)
diff --git a/HySoP/hysop/operator/particle_advection.py b/HySoP/hysop/operator/particle_advection.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3f58ecee3f23fe13ed6b21d0289efb42c17e70d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HySoP/hysop/operator/particle_advection.py
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+@package parmepy.operator.particle_advection
+Discrete advection representation
+from parmepy.constants import np
+from parmepy.operator.discrete import DiscreteOperator
+from parmepy.fields.continuous import Field
+from parmepy.gpu import PARMES_REAL_GPU
+from parmepy.numerics.interpolation import Linear
+from parmepy.numerics.splitting import Splitting
+import time
+class ParticleAdvection(DiscreteOperator):
+    """
+    Particle advection operator representation.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, advec, idVelocityD=0, idScalarD=0):
+        """
+        Create a Advection operator.
+        Work on a given scalar at a given velocity to produce scalar
+        distribution at new positions.
+        @param advec : Transport operator
+        @param idVelocityD : Index of velocity discretisation to use.
+        @param idScalarD : Index of scalar discretisation to use.
+        @param result_position : result position.
+        @param result_scalar : result scalar.
+        @param method : the method to use.
+        """
+        DiscreteOperator.__init__(self)
+        self.idVelocityD = idVelocityD
+        self.idScalarD = idScalarD
+        self.advec = advec
+        ## Velocity.
+        self.velocity = advec.velocity.discreteField[idVelocityD]
+        ## Transported scalar.
+        self.scalar = advec.scalar.discreteField[idScalarD]
+        self.variables = [self.velocity, self.scalar]
+        self.input = [self.velocity, self.scalar]
+        self.output = [self.scalar]
+        self.method = None
+        ## Compute time detailed per directions
+        self.compute_time = [0., 0., 0.]
+        ## Compute time for copy detailed per directions
+        self.compute_time_copy = [0., 0., 0.]
+        ## Compute time for transposition detailed per directions
+        self.compute_time_swap = [0., 0., 0.]
+        self.call_number = [0, 0, 0]
+        self.name = "advection_default"
+        self.num_method = None
+    def setUp(self, method=''):
+        ## Result position
+        particle_position = Field(self.advec.scalar.domain,
+                                  "Particle_Position",
+                                  vector=False)
+        particle_position.discretize(self.scalar.topology)
+        self.part_position = particle_position.discreteField[0]
+        ## Result scalar
+        particle_scalar = Field(self.advec.scalar.domain,
+                                "Particle_Scalar",
+                                vector=False)
+        particle_scalar.discretize(self.scalar.topology)
+        self.part_scalar = particle_scalar.discreteField[0]
+        self.method = method
+        if self.method.find('rk2') >= 0:
+            self.name += '_rk2'
+            from parmepy.numerics.integrators.runge_kutta2 import RK2
+            self.num_advec = RK2()
+        else:
+            self.name += '_rk2'
+            from parmepy.numerics.integrators.runge_kutta2 import RK2
+            self.num_advec = RK2()
+        if self.method.find('m6prime') >= 0:
+            self.name += '_m6prime'
+            from parmepy.numerics.remeshing.m6prime import M6Prime
+            self.num_remesh = M6Prime(self.scalar.dimension)
+        else:
+            self.name += '_m6prime'
+            from parmepy.numerics.remeshing.m6prime import M6Prime
+            self.num_remesh = M6Prime(self.scalar.dimension)
+        self.interpolation = [Linear(self.velocity[d])
+                              for d in xrange(self.scalar.dimension)]
+        self.numMethod = Splitting(self._apply_in_dir, self.scalar.dimension)
+        print "Method used:", self.name
+    def _apply_in_dir(self, t, dt, d, split_id):
+        """
+        Apply advection operator.
+        @param t : current time.
+        @param dt : time step.
+        @param d : Direction of splitting.
+        Advection algorithm:
+        @li 1. Particle initialization : \n
+                 - by copy scalar from grid to particles if previous splitting
+                 direction equals current splitting direction.\n
+                 - by transposition of scalar from grid to particle.
+        @li 2. Particle advection :\n
+                 - compute particle position in splitting direction as a
+                 scalar. Performs a RK2 resolution of dx_p/dt = a_p.
+        @li 3. Profile timings of OpenCL kernels.
+        """
+        self.part_scalar[...] = self.scalar[...]
+        self.part_position[...] = self.scalar.topology.mesh.coords[d]
+        self.part_position[...] = self.num_advec(self.interpolation[d],
+                                                 t, dt,
+                                                 self.part_position.data)
+        self.scalar[...] = self.num_remesh(self.part_position.data,
+                                           self.part_scalar.data,
+                                           d)
+    def apply(self, t, dt, ite):
+        self.numMethod(t, dt)
+    def printComputeTime(self):
+        pass
+        # self.timings_info[0] = "\"Advection total\" \"copy\" \"swap xy\" \"swap xz\" \"Advection x\" \"Advection y\" \"Advection z\" "
+        # self.timings_info[1] = str(self.total_time) + "  " + str(self.compute_time_copy[0]) + "  "
+        # self.timings_info[1] += str(self.compute_time_swap[0]) + "  " + str(self.compute_time_swap[1]) + "  "
+        # self.timings_info[1] += str(self.compute_time[0]) + "  " + str(self.compute_time[1]) + "  " + str(self.compute_time[2]) + "  "
+        # print "Advection total time : ", self.total_time, self.call_number
+        # print "\t Advection init copy :", self.compute_time_copy, self.init_copy.call_number
+        # print "\t Advection init swap :", self.compute_time_swap, self.init_transpose.call_number
+        # print "\t Advection :", self.compute_time, self.numMethod.call_number
+    def __str__(self):
+        s = "Advection_P (DiscreteOperator). " + DiscreteOperator.__str__(self)
+        return s
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    print __doc__
+    print "- Provided class : Transport_d"
+    print AdvectionDOp.__doc__
diff --git a/HySoP/hysop/operator/penalization.py b/HySoP/hysop/operator/penalization.py
index d667256b1faa9937f2a74dc606dfa7f80a5c4472..16f490e6c64108023fc8e25fd3794420532e41d3 100644
--- a/HySoP/hysop/operator/penalization.py
+++ b/HySoP/hysop/operator/penalization.py
@@ -4,11 +4,11 @@
 Penalization operator representation
-from continuous import ContinuousOperator
-from penalization_d import Penalization_d
+from parmepy.operator.continuous import Operator
+from parmepy.operator.penalization_d import Penalization_d
-class Penalization(ContinuousOperator):
+class Penalization(Operator):
     Penalization operator representation
@@ -31,14 +31,14 @@ class Penalization(ContinuousOperator):
         self.lambd = lambd
         self.addVariable([velocity, vorticity])
-    def discretize(self, idVelocityD=0, idVorticityD=0, idObstacleD=0):
+    def setUp(self, idVelocityD=0, idVorticityD=0, idObstacleD=0):
         Penalization operator discretization method.
         Create a PenalizationDOp.PenalizationDOp from given specifications.
-        if self.discreteOperator is None:
-            self.discreteOperator = Penalization_d(self, idVelocityD, idVorticityD, idObstacleD)
+        self.discreteOperator = Penalization_d(self, idVelocityD, idVorticityD, idObstacleD)
+        self.discreteOperator.setUp()
     def __str__(self):
         """ToString method"""
diff --git a/HySoP/hysop/operator/penalization_d.py b/HySoP/hysop/operator/penalization_d.py
index 4b7bb9d110fb31f6560426c52b43d9eeb35dafe3..8341bf7010c46d3460174e7c405eb1ea1ea8af26 100644
--- a/HySoP/hysop/operator/penalization_d.py
+++ b/HySoP/hysop/operator/penalization_d.py
@@ -3,11 +3,10 @@
 @package operator
 Discrete penalization representation
-from discrete import DiscreteOperator
-from differentialOperator_d import DifferentialOperator_d
-from parmepy.physics.compute_forces import Compute_forces
-import pyopencl as cl
-import numpy as np
+from parmepy.operator.discrete import DiscreteOperator
+from parmepy.operator.differentialOperator_d import DifferentialOperator_d
+#from parmepy.physics.compute_forces import Compute_forces
+from parmepy.constants import np
 import time
@@ -45,7 +44,10 @@ class Penalization_d(DiscreteOperator):
 #        if (self.topology.rank == 0):
 #            self.f = open('./res/NocaForces.dat', 'w')
-    def apply(self, t, dt):
+    def setUp(self, method=''):
+        pass
+    def apply(self, t, dt, ite):
         self.compute_time = time.time()
@@ -87,7 +89,7 @@ class Penalization_d(DiscreteOperator):
         self.timings_info[0] = "\"Penalization total\""
         self.timings_info[1] = str(self.total_time)
         print "Penalization total time : ", self.total_time
-        print "Time of the last Penalization iteration :", self.compute_time 
+        print "Time of the last Penalization iteration :", self.compute_time
     def __str__(self):
         s = "Penalization_d (DiscreteOperator). " + DiscreteOperator.__str__(self)
diff --git a/HySoP/hysop/operator/poisson.py b/HySoP/hysop/operator/poisson.py
index 9209beee4fdb76690a8240acb271480dcad77810..76581f494bda369af101bfc33a1236fd6917e96f 100644
--- a/HySoP/hysop/operator/poisson.py
+++ b/HySoP/hysop/operator/poisson.py
@@ -3,11 +3,11 @@
 @package parmepy.operator Poisson solver
 Continous Poisson solver operator (F2PY)
-from continuous import ContinuousOperator
-from poisson_d import Poisson_d
+from parmepy.operator.continuous import Operator
+from parmepy.operator.poisson_fft import PoissonFFT
-class Poisson(ContinuousOperator):
+class Poisson(Operator):
     Poisson solver operator representation using FFT
@@ -25,7 +25,8 @@ class Poisson(ContinuousOperator):
         self.vorticity = vorticity
         self.addVariable([velocity, vorticity])
-    def discretize(self, idVelocityD=0, idVorticityD=0, topology=None):
+    def discretize(self, resolutions=None, method='',
+                   idVelocityD=0, idVorticityD=0,):
         Poisson solver operator discretization method.
         Create a discrete Poisson solver operator from given specifications.
@@ -34,8 +35,10 @@ class Poisson(ContinuousOperator):
         @param idVelocityD : Index of vorticity.
         @param topology : topology of the input fields
-        if self.discreteOperator is None:
-            self.discreteOperator = Poisson_d(self, idVelocityD, idVorticityD, topology)
+        #create topology here
+        topology=None
+        self.discreteOperator = Poisson_d(self, idVelocityD, idVorticityD)
+        self.discreteOperator.setUp(topology)
     def __str__(self):
         """ToString method"""
diff --git a/HySoP/hysop/operator/poisson_d.py b/HySoP/hysop/operator/poisson_fft.py
similarity index 94%
rename from HySoP/hysop/operator/poisson_d.py
rename to HySoP/hysop/operator/poisson_fft.py
index 39774764250442665c4ee015e964994688b852f0..4fcdd70f633d2e13820bbf234a54cd82958032a9 100644
--- a/HySoP/hysop/operator/poisson_d.py
+++ b/HySoP/hysop/operator/poisson_fft.py
@@ -4,18 +4,17 @@
 Discrete Poisson solver operator using FFT
 from parmepy.f2py import fftw2py
-from discrete import DiscreteOperator
-from parmepy.constants import ORDER, PARMES_REAL
-import numpy as np
+from parmepy.operator.discrete import DiscreteOperator
+from parmepy.constants import np, ORDER, PARMES_REAL
 import time
-class Poisson_d(DiscreteOperator):
+class PoissonFFT(DiscreteOperator):
     Operator representation.
-    def __init__(self, poisson, idVelocityD=0, idVorticityD=0, topology=None):
+    def __init__(self, poisson, idVelocityD=0, idVorticityD=0):
         @param velocity : descretized velocity to update from vorticity.
@@ -25,14 +24,16 @@ class Poisson_d(DiscreteOperator):
         self.poisson = poisson
         self.velocity = poisson.velocity.discreteField[idVelocityD]
         self.vorticity = poisson.vorticity.discreteField[idVorticityD]
+        self.compute_time = 0.
+    def setUp(self, method='', topology=None):
         self.topology = topology
         self.ghosts = topology.ghosts
         self.resolution = topology.mesh.resolution
         self.dim = topology.dim
         self.coords = topology.mesh.coords
-        self.compute_time = 0.
-    def apply(self, t, dt):
+    def apply(self, t, dt, ite):
         Apply operator.
@@ -80,7 +81,7 @@ class Poisson_d(DiscreteOperator):
         # computation of the current flow rate: int_y int_z uX dydz
         debX = 0.
-        debX = np.sum(self.velocity[0][0,ind1a:ind1b, ind2a:ind2b]) 
+        debX = np.sum(self.velocity[0][0,ind1a:ind1b, ind2a:ind2b])
         debX = debX * self.topology.mesh.size[1] * self.topology.mesh.size[2]
         self.velocity[0][ind0a:ind0b, ind1a:ind1b, ind2a:ind2b] = \
@@ -91,7 +92,7 @@ class Poisson_d(DiscreteOperator):
         # computation of the current flow rate: int_y int_z uY dydz
         debY = 0.
-        debY = np.sum(self.velocity[1][0,ind1a:ind1b, ind2a:ind2b]) 
+        debY = np.sum(self.velocity[1][0,ind1a:ind1b, ind2a:ind2b])
         debY = debY * self.topology.mesh.size[1] * self.topology.mesh.size[2]
         # computation of omega_z circulation
@@ -109,7 +110,7 @@ class Poisson_d(DiscreteOperator):
         # computation of the current flow rate: int_y int_z uZ dydz
         debZ = 0.
-        debZ = np.sum(self.velocity[2][0,ind1a:ind1b, ind2a:ind2b]) 
+        debZ = np.sum(self.velocity[2][0,ind1a:ind1b, ind2a:ind2b])
         debZ = debZ * self.topology.mesh.size[1] * self.topology.mesh.size[2]
         # computation of omega_y circulation
@@ -134,7 +135,7 @@ class Poisson_d(DiscreteOperator):
         self.timings_info[0] = "\"Poisson solver total\""
         self.timings_info[1] = str(self.total_time)
 #        print "Poisson total time : ", self.total_time
-        print "Time of the last Poisson solver loop :", self.compute_time 
+        print "Time of the last Poisson solver loop :", self.compute_time
     def __str__(self):
         s = "Poisson_d (DiscreteOperator). " + DiscreteOperator.__str__(self)
diff --git a/HySoP/hysop/operator/remeshing.py b/HySoP/hysop/operator/remeshing.py
index 59d9aa7db469d9c318b4549768cdf03e83be5ee5..7d6c9e90fd15fd011660c9bc1f5645c6241e9c3c 100644
--- a/HySoP/hysop/operator/remeshing.py
+++ b/HySoP/hysop/operator/remeshing.py
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
 Discrete remeshing representation
-from .discrete import DiscreteOperator
-from ..constants import *
-import pyopencl as cl
+from parmepy.operator.discrete import DiscreteOperator
+from parmepy.constants import np
+from parmepy.gpu import PARMES_REAL_GPU
 import time
@@ -60,8 +60,8 @@ class Remeshing(DiscreteOperator):
             evt = self.numMethod.launch(self.ppos.gpu_data,
-                                        self.gpu_precision(self.res_scalar.domain.origin[splittingDirection]),
-                                        self.gpu_precision(self.res_scalar.domain.step[splittingDirection]))
+                                        self.gpu_precision(self.res_scalar.topology.mesh.origin[splittingDirection]),
+                                        self.gpu_precision(self.res_scalar.topology.mesh.size[splittingDirection]))
             for df in self.output:
                 df.contains_data = False
             # Get timpings from OpenCL events
diff --git a/HySoP/hysop/operator/advec_scales_d.py b/HySoP/hysop/operator/scales_advection.py
similarity index 90%
rename from HySoP/hysop/operator/advec_scales_d.py
rename to HySoP/hysop/operator/scales_advection.py
index e3ade527e8ffcc1f6c1526dada8a6a0337083329..04e753ca668f11935023905dc34e20f28cd979a1 100644
--- a/HySoP/hysop/operator/advec_scales_d.py
+++ b/HySoP/hysop/operator/scales_advection.py
@@ -1,22 +1,20 @@
 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-@package operator
+@package parmepy.operator.scales_advection
 Discrete Advection operator using scales code (Jean-Baptiste)
 from parmepy.f2py import scales2py
-from discrete import DiscreteOperator
-from parmepy.constants import ORDER, PARMES_REAL
-import numpy as np
+from parmepy.operator.discrete import DiscreteOperator
+from parmepy.constants import np, ORDER, PARMES_REAL
 import time
-class Advec_scales_d(DiscreteOperator):
+class ScalesAdvection(DiscreteOperator):
     Operator representation.
-    def __init__(self, advec, idVelocityD=0, idAdvectedFieldD=0,
-                 idAddFieldD=0, stab_coeff=None, topology=None):
+    def __init__(self, advec, idVelocityD=0, idAdvectedFieldD=0):
         @param stab_coeff : stability coefficient
@@ -28,16 +26,24 @@ class Advec_scales_d(DiscreteOperator):
         self.velocity = advec.velocity.discreteField[idVelocityD]
         self.advectedField = \
+        self.variables = [self.velocity, self.advectedField]
+        self.input = [self.velocity]
+        self.output = [self.advectedField]
+        self.compute_time = 0.
+    def setUp(self, method='',
+              idAddFieldD=0, stab_coeff=None, topology=None):
         self.addField = \
+        self.variables.append(self.addField)
+        self.output.append(self.addField)
         self.stab_coeff = stab_coeff
         self.topology = topology
         self.ghosts = topology.ghosts
         self.resolution = topology.mesh.resolution
         self.dim = topology.dim
-        self.compute_time = 0.
-    def apply(self, t, dt):
+    def apply(self, t, dt, ite):
         Apply operator.
diff --git a/HySoP/hysop/operator/splitting.py b/HySoP/hysop/operator/splitting.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 50fe86aba0ad7f318ab28a4765f12dc18216ad35..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/HySoP/hysop/operator/splitting.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
-@package parmepy.operator.splitting
-Splitting operator representation
-from .discrete import DiscreteOperator
-import time
-class Splitting(DiscreteOperator):
-    """
-    Splitting operator representation.
-    Operator of operators applying in a Strang splitting.
-    Implements a 2nd order splitting in 3D:
-    @li X-dir, half time step
-    @li Y-dir, half time step
-    @li Z-dir, full time step
-    @li Y-dir, half time step
-    @li X-dir, half time step
-    \n
-    Implements a 2nd order splitting in 2D:
-    @li X-dir, half time step
-    @li Y-dir, full time step
-    @li X-dir, half time step
-    """
-    def __init__(self, operators=[], dim=3):
-        """
-        Create a Splitting operator on a given list of operators and a dimension.
-        @param operators : list of operators to split.
-        @param dim : problem dimension.
-        """
-        DiscreteOperator.__init__(self)
-        ## Operators to split
-        self.operators = operators
-        ## Splitting at 2nd order.
-        self.splitting = []
-        ## Half timestep in all directions
-        # [self.splitting.append((i, 0.5)) for i in xrange(dim)]
-        # [self.splitting.append((dim - 1 - i, 0.5)) for i in xrange(dim)]
-        ## Half timestep in all directions but last
-        [self.splitting.append((i, 0.5)) for i in xrange(dim - 1)]
-        self.splitting.append((dim - 1, 1.))
-        [self.splitting.append((dim - 2 - i, 0.5)) for i in xrange(dim - 1)]
-        ## Compute time detailed per directions and per operators
-        self.compute_time_details = [[0. for i in xrange(dim)] for op in self.operators]
-        self.name = "splitting"
-    def apply(self, t, dt):
-        """
-        Apply Remeshing operator.
-        @param t : current time.
-        @param dt : time step.
-        """
-        c_time = 0.
-        for split in self.splitting:
-            #print "direction : " + str(split[0]) + " dt*" + str(split[1])
-            op_index = 0
-            for op in self.operators:
-                temp_time = op.apply(t, split[1] * dt, split[0])
-                c_time += temp_time
-                self.compute_time_details[op_index][split[0]] += temp_time
-                op_index += 1
-        self.total_time += c_time
-        return c_time
-    def printComputeTime(self):
-        print "Splitting total time : ", self.total_time
-        self.timings_info[0] = "\"Splitting total\" "
-        self.timings_info[1] = str(self.total_time) + " "
-        for op in self.operators:
-            print "  ",
-            op.printComputeTime()
-            self.timings_info[0] += op.timings_info[0]
-            self.timings_info[1] += op.timings_info[1]
-    def __str__(self):
-        s = "Splitting (DiscreteOperator). Splitting steps : \n"
-        for split in self.splitting:
-            s += "direction : " + str(split[0]) + " dt=" + str(split[1]) + "\n"
-        s += "Concerned operators : \n"
-        for op in self.operators:
-            s += str(op)
-        return s
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    print __doc__
-    print "- Provided class : Splitting"
-    print RemeshingDOp.__doc__
diff --git a/HySoP/hysop/operator/stretching.py b/HySoP/hysop/operator/stretching.py
index d26922c8d4cbdd7ec9396abe28ce095e2b3447d5..a2cb5946441ef60ea41f60e439d16f7cdfd53187 100755
--- a/HySoP/hysop/operator/stretching.py
+++ b/HySoP/hysop/operator/stretching.py
@@ -1,17 +1,16 @@
 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-@package parmepy.operator.Stretching
+@package parmepy.operator.stretching
 Stretching operator representation
-from continuous import ContinuousOperator
-from stretching_d import Stretching_d
-from parmepy.integrator import RK3
+from parmepy.operator.continuous import Operator
+from parmepy.operator.stretching_d import Stretching_d
-class Stretching(ContinuousOperator):
+class Stretching(Operator):
     Stretching operator representation
@@ -32,8 +31,8 @@ class Stretching(ContinuousOperator):
         self.vorticity = vorticity
         self.addVariable([velocity, vorticity])
-    def discretize(self, topology=None, idVelocityD=0,
-                   idVorticityD=0, propertyOp='divConservation', method=RK3):
+    def setUp(self, resolutions=None, method='RK3',
+              idVelocityD=0, idVorticityD=0, propertyOp='divConservation'):
         Stretching operator discretization method.
         Create a discrete Stretching operator from given specifications.
@@ -44,10 +43,11 @@ class Stretching(ContinuousOperator):
         the stretching Op ( divConservation or massConservation)
         @param method : the method to use. (Euler, RK, ..) default : RK3
-        if self.discreteOperator is None:
-            self.discreteOperator = Stretching_d(self, topology, idVelocityD,
-                                                 idVorticityD, propertyOp,
-                                                 method)
+        #create topology here
+        topology = None
+        self.discreteOperator = Stretching_d(self, idVelocityD,
+                                             idVorticityD)
+        self.discreteOperator.setUp(method, topology, propertyOp)
     def __str__(self):
         """ToString method"""
diff --git a/HySoP/hysop/operator/stretching_d.py b/HySoP/hysop/operator/stretching_d.py
index b4af77e31948f9b921a8127951467eeae2825e4e..ff6bbe3ae6780dd8d32ade4d810698e71f816837 100755
--- a/HySoP/hysop/operator/stretching_d.py
+++ b/HySoP/hysop/operator/stretching_d.py
@@ -5,10 +5,13 @@
 Discrete stretching representation
-from discrete import DiscreteOperator
-from differentialOperator_d import DifferentialOperator_d
+from parmepy.operator.discrete import DiscreteOperator
+from parmepy.operator.differentialOperator_d import DifferentialOperator_d
 from fct2op import Fct2Op
-import parmepy.integrator as integrator
+from parmepy.numerics.integrators.euler import Euler
+from parmepy.numerics.integrators.runge_kutta2 import RK2
+from parmepy.numerics.integrators.runge_kutta3 import RK3
+from parmepy.numerics.integrators.runge_kutta4 import RK4
 import time
@@ -18,8 +21,7 @@ class Stretching_d(DiscreteOperator):
     DiscreteOperator.DiscreteOperator specialization.
-    def __init__(self, stretch, topology=None, idVelocityD=0, idVorticityD=0,
-                 propertyOp='divConservation', method=None):
+    def __init__(self, stretch, idVelocityD=0, idVorticityD=0):
         Create a Stretching operator on a given continuous domain.
@@ -35,8 +37,12 @@ class Stretching_d(DiscreteOperator):
         self.vorticity = stretch.vorticity.discreteField[idVorticityD]
 #        ## input fields
 #        self.input = [self.velocity, self.vorticity]
+    def setUp(self, topology=None, propertyOp='divConservation',
+              method=None):
         self.propertyOp = propertyOp
-        self.method = method
+        if method == 'RK3':
+            self.method = RK3
         ## self.name = "stretching"
         self.topology = topology
@@ -110,16 +116,16 @@ class Stretching_d(DiscreteOperator):
     def stabilityTest(self, dt, maxi, method):
         dtstretch = dt
         cststretch = 0.
-        if method == integrator.Euler:
+        if isinstance(method, Euler):
             cststretch = 2.0
             dtstretch = min(dtstretch, cststretch / maxi)
-        if method == integrator.RK2:
+        if isinstance(method, RK2):
             cststretch = 2.0
             dtstretch = min(dtstretch, cststretch / maxi)
-        if method == integrator.RK3:
+        if isinstance(method, RK3):
             cststretch = 2.5127
             dtstretch = min(dtstretch, cststretch / maxi)
-        if method == integrator.RK4:
+        if isinstance(method, RK4):
             cststretch = 2.7853
             dtstretch = min(dtstretch, cststretch / maxi)
         if dt == dtstretch:
diff --git a/HySoP/hysop/operator/tests/__init__.py b/HySoP/hysop/operator/tests/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..430a206ea3619dd4a0923cf131408ed6e1825a44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HySoP/hysop/operator/tests/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+@package parmepy.operator
+Everything concerning operators.
diff --git a/HySoP/hysop/operator/tests/test_advection.py b/HySoP/hysop/operator/tests/test_advection.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..bcdeb201136e7b1f4a43ac934c65425594203596
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HySoP/hysop/operator/tests/test_advection.py
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+Testing parmepy.operator.advection
+import parmepy as pp
+from parmepy.operator.advection import Advection
+from parmepy.fields.continuous import Field
+def test_setUp():
+    dom = pp.box.Box()
+    resolTopo = [33, 33, 17]
+    csf = Field(dom)
+    cvf = Field(dom, vector=True)
+    advec = Advection(cvf, csf)
+    advec.setUp(resolutions={csf: [33, 33, 17],
+                             cvf: [33, 33, 17]},
+                method='')
+    # advec = Advection(cvf, csf)
+    # advec.setUp(resolutions={csf: [33, 33, 17],
+    #                          cvf: [33, 33, 17]},
+    #             method='gpu_2k_rk2_m6prime')
diff --git a/HySoP/hysop/operator/tests/test_particle_advection.py b/HySoP/hysop/operator/tests/test_particle_advection.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6706b7599c4aa6f0482d6d41f0398d7cd90ec50a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HySoP/hysop/operator/tests/test_particle_advection.py
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+Testing parmepy.operator.particle_advection
+from parmepy.domain.box import Box
+from parmepy.fields.analytical import AnalyticalField
+from parmepy.operator.advection import Advection
+import pytest
+def test_null_velocity():
+    dom = Box(dimension=2, origin=[0., 0.], length=[1., 1.])
+    resolTopo = [33, 33]
+    csf = AnalyticalField(dom, formula=lambda x, y: 1.)
+    cvf = AnalyticalField(dom, vector=True, formula=lambda x, y: (0., 0.))
+    advec = Advection(cvf, csf)
+    advec.setUp(resolutions={csf: [33, 33],
+                             cvf: [33, 33]},
+                method='')
+    pytest.raises(ValueError, advec.apply, 0., 1., 1)
+#    advec.apply(0., 1., 1)
diff --git a/HySoP/hysop/operator/transport.py b/HySoP/hysop/operator/transport.py
deleted file mode 100644
index b130522ccd68df9fc098920dcc8df3d4a663337d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/HySoP/hysop/operator/transport.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-@package parmepy.operator.transport
-Transport operator representation.
-from .continuous import ContinuousOperator
-from .transport_d import Transport_d
-from .advec_and_remesh_d import Advec_and_Remesh_d
-class Transport(ContinuousOperator):
-    """
-    Transport operator representation.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, velocity, scalar, include_remesh=False):
-        """
-        Create an Transport operator from given variables velocity and scalar.
-        @param velocity : velocity variable.
-        @param scalar : scalar variable.
-        """
-        ContinuousOperator.__init__(self)
-        ## Transport velocity
-        self.velocity = velocity
-        ## Transported scalar
-        self.scalar = scalar
-        self.needSplitting = True
-        self.addVariable([velocity, scalar])
-        self.include_remesh = include_remesh
-    def discretize(self, idVelocityD=0, idScalarD=0, result_position=None, result_scalar=None, method=None):
-        """
-        Transport operator discretization method.
-        Create an discrete Transport operator from given specifications.
-        @param idVelocityD : Index of velocity discretisation to use.
-        @param idScalarD : Index of scalar discretisation to use.
-        @param result_position : result position.
-        @param result_scalar : result scalar.
-        @param method : the method to use.
-        """
-        if self.discreteOperator is None:
-            if self.include_remesh:
-                self.discreteOperator = Advec_and_Remesh_d(self, idVelocityD, idScalarD, result_scalar, method)
-            else:
-                self.discreteOperator = Transport_d(self, idVelocityD, idScalarD, result_position, result_scalar, method)
-    def __str__(self):
-        """ToString method"""
-        s = "Advection operator (ContinuousOperator)"
-        if self.discreteOperator is not None:
-            s += " with the following discretization:\n"
-            s += str(self.discreteOperator)
-        else:
-            s += ". Not discretised"
-        return s + "\n"
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    print __doc__
-    print "- Provided class : Advection"
-    print Advection.__doc__
diff --git a/HySoP/hysop/operator/transport_d.py b/HySoP/hysop/operator/transport_d.py
index c1dd96a4b1248c88657b68e214a9fe53a09ccf57..df8e385e53e666bd6bd40e3615b1fc5038946e39 100644
--- a/HySoP/hysop/operator/transport_d.py
+++ b/HySoP/hysop/operator/transport_d.py
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
 Discrete transport representation
-from ..constants import *
-from .discrete import DiscreteOperator
-import pyopencl as cl
+from parmepy.constants import np
+from parmepy.operator.discrete import DiscreteOperator
+from parmepy.gpu import PARMES_REAL_GPU
 import time
@@ -15,10 +15,12 @@ class Transport_d(DiscreteOperator):
-    def __init__(self, advec, idVelocityD=0, idScalarD=0, result_position=None, result_scalar=None, method=None):
+    def __init__(self, advec, idVelocityD=0, idScalarD=0,
+                 result_position=None, result_scalar=None, method=None):
         Create a Advection operator.
-        Work on a given scalar at a given velocity to produce scalar distribution at new positions.
+        Work on a given scalar at a given velocity to produce scalar
+        distribution at new positions.
         @param advec : Transport operator
         @param idVelocityD : Index of velocity discretisation to use.
@@ -61,10 +63,12 @@ class Transport_d(DiscreteOperator):
         Advection algorithm:
         @li 1. Particle initialization : \n
-                 - by copy scalar from grid to particles if previous splitting direction equals current splitting direction.\n
+                 - by copy scalar from grid to particles if previous splitting
+                 direction equals current splitting direction.\n
                  - by transposition of scalar from grid to particle.
         @li 2. Particle advection :\n
-                 - compute particle position in splitting direction as a scalar. Performs a RK2 resolution of dx_p/dt = a_p.
+                 - compute particle position in splitting direction as a
+                 scalar. Performs a RK2 resolution of dx_p/dt = a_p.
         @li 3. Profile timings of OpenCL kernels.
         c_time, c_time_init = 0., 0.
@@ -75,7 +79,7 @@ class Transport_d(DiscreteOperator):
                 evt_init = self.init_copy.launch(self.scalar.gpu_data,
-                if self.scalar.domain.dimension == 2:
+                if self.scalar.topology.dim == 2:
                     evt_init = self.init_transpose.launch(self.scalar.gpu_data,
@@ -91,8 +95,8 @@ class Transport_d(DiscreteOperator):
             evt = self.numMethod.launch(self.velocity.gpu_data[splittingDirection],
-                                        self.gpu_precision(self.scalar.domain.origin[splittingDirection]),
-                                        self.gpu_precision(self.scalar.domain.step[splittingDirection]))
+                                        self.gpu_precision(self.scalar.topology.mesh.origin[splittingDirection]),
+                                        self.gpu_precision(self.scalar.topology.mesh.size[splittingDirection]))
             for df in self.output:
                 df.contains_data = False
             # Get timpings from OpenCL events
diff --git a/HySoP/hysop/operator/velocity.py b/HySoP/hysop/operator/velocity.py
index 00e9c7e2ac314f1fe42897df56c68c0efbfe0dd1..1db3f034f0b4a3ab9fd4d8932e7337b88c266b92 100644
--- a/HySoP/hysop/operator/velocity.py
+++ b/HySoP/hysop/operator/velocity.py
@@ -3,11 +3,12 @@
 Velocity operator representation.
-from .continuous import ContinuousOperator
-from .velocity_d import Velocity_P
+from parmepy.operator.continuous import Operator
+from parmepy.mpi.topology import Cartesian
+from parmepy.operator.velocity_d import Velocity_P
-class Velocity(ContinuousOperator):
+class Velocity(Operator):
     Velocity operator representation.
@@ -23,7 +24,7 @@ class Velocity(ContinuousOperator):
         self.velocity = velocity
-    def discretize(self, idVelocityD=0, method=None):
+    def setUp(self, resolutions=None, method=''):
         Advection operator discretization method.
         Create an AdvectionDOp.AdvectionDOp from given specifications.
@@ -31,8 +32,12 @@ class Velocity(ContinuousOperator):
         @param idVelocityD : Index of velocity discretisation to use.
         @param method : the method to use.
-        if self.discreteOperator is None:
-            self.discreteOperator = Velocity_P(self, idVelocityD, method)
+        topo = Cartesian(self.velocity.domain,
+                         self.velocity.domain.dimension,
+                         resolutions[self.velocity])
+        self.velocity.discretize(topo)
+        self.discreteOperator = Velocity_P(self, idVelocityD)
+        self.discreteOperator.setUp(method)
     def __str__(self):
         """ToString method"""
diff --git a/HySoP/hysop/operator/velocity_d.py b/HySoP/hysop/operator/velocity_d.py
index 72592f36a99aa13f4eaf16124deb5d7c370485a9..886261aa70f2917465d6edc2eb888ec35f37585c 100644
--- a/HySoP/hysop/operator/velocity_d.py
+++ b/HySoP/hysop/operator/velocity_d.py
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
 Velocity operator representation.
-from ..constants import *
-from .discrete import DiscreteOperator
-import pyopencl as cl
+from parmepy.constants import np
+from parmepy.gpu import cl
+from parmepy.operator.discrete import DiscreteOperator
 import time
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ class Velocity_P(DiscreteOperator):
     Velocity computation from analytical expression.x
-    def __init__(self, velocity_Op, idVelocityD=0, method=None):
+    def __init__(self, velocity_Op, idVelocityD=0):
         Create a Velocity operator.
@@ -33,6 +33,9 @@ class Velocity_P(DiscreteOperator):
         self.name = "velocity"
         self.gpu_precision = PARMES_REAL_GPU
+    def setUp(self, method=''):
+        raise NotImplemented("Not implemented")
     def apply(self, t, dt):
         c_time = 0.
         if self.numMethod is not None:
diff --git a/HySoP/hysop/problem/problem.py b/HySoP/hysop/problem/problem.py
index 39926bf869ce508d53ad89a16ad9ea454880e6e6..be071715cacc1857357366434cd8889d0c6817c0 100644
--- a/HySoP/hysop/problem/problem.py
+++ b/HySoP/hysop/problem/problem.py
@@ -3,11 +3,11 @@
 Complete problem description.
-from parmepy.particular_solvers.basic import ParticleSolver
-from parmepy.particular_solvers.gpu import GPUParticleSolver
+from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
+from parmepy.operator.monitors.monitoring import Monitoring
-class Problem():
+class Problem(object):
     Problem representation.
@@ -19,76 +19,40 @@ class Problem():
     Finally, the problem handle outputs thanks to a io object.
-    def __init__(self, topology, operators, params=None):
+    __metaclass__ = ABCMeta
+    @abstractmethod
+    def __init__(self, operators, monitors=[]):
         Create a transport problem instance.
-        @param topology : underlying topology.
-        \todo make topology transparent to user.
         @param operators : list of operators.
-        @param params : unused.
-        ## Problem domains
-        self.domains = []
-        ## Prolem variables
-        self.variables = []
         ## Problem operators
         self.operators = operators
+        for m in monitors:
+            self.operators.append(m)
         ## Problem topology
-        self.topology = topology
-        ## Solver for problem
-        self.solver = None
+        self.topology = []
         ## Computes time step and manage iterations
         self.timer = None
-        ## IO manager
-        self.io = None
         ## Timings informations
-        self.timings_info = ["", ""]
-        for op in self.operators:
-            self.addVariable(op.variables)
-        for v in self.variables:
-            self.addDomain(v.domain)
-    def setTimer(self, t):
-        """
-        Set timer.
-        @param t : timer.
-        """
-        self.timer = t
-    def setIO(self, io):
-        """
-        Set IO.
-        @param io : io interface.
-        """
-        self.io = io
-    def addDiagnostics(self, diagnostics):
-        """
-        Add diagnostics.
-        @param diagnostics : list of diagnostics related to the problem.
-        """
-        self.diagnostics = diagnostics
+        self.time_info = ["", ""]
-    def setSolver(self, t_end, dt, solver_type='gpu', **kwargs):
+    def setUp(self, t_end, dt):
         Set solver.
         @param t_end : duration of the simulation.
         @param dt : simulation time step.
-        @param solver_type : type of solver to use. Default : gpu solver.
-        @param **kwargs : dynamic dictionary of arguments specific to solver.
-        if solver_type == 'basic':
-            self.solver = ParticleSolver(self, t_end, dt, **kwargs)
-        elif solver_type == 'gpu':
-            self.solver = GPUParticleSolver(self, t_end, dt, **kwargs)
-        else:
-            raise ValueError("Unknown solver type : " + str(solver_type))
-    def initSolver(self):
-        """Initialize solver."""
-        if self.solver is not None:
-            self.solver.initialize()
+        self.timer = Timer(t_end, dt)
+    def _collect_topologies(self):
+        for op in self.operators:
+            for v in op.variables:
+                for topo in v.topologies:
+                    if topo not in self.topology:
+                        self.topology.append(topo)
     def solve(self):
@@ -101,77 +65,28 @@ class Problem():
         ## Iterations counter
         ite = 0
         print "\n\n Start solving ..."
-        if not self.solver.isInitialized:
-            self.initSolver()
-        self.io.step()
+        for op in self.operators:
+            if isinstance(op, Monitoring):
+                op.apply(self.timer.t, self.timer.dt, ite)
         while not self.timer.end:
-            if (self.topology.rank == 0):
+            ite = ite + 1
+            if (self.topology[0].rank == 0):
                 print "==== Iteration : {0:3d}   t={1:6.3f} ====".format(
-                    self.timer.ite + 1, self.timer.t + self.timer.dt)
+                    self.timer.ite, self.timer.t + self.timer.dt)
             for op in self.operators:
-                op.apply(self.timer.t, self.timer.dt)
+                op.apply(self.timer.t, self.timer.dt, ite)
-            self.io.step()
-            [d.process(ite, self.timer.t, self.timer.dt) for d in self.diagnostics]
-            ite = ite + 1
         print "\n\n End solving\n"
-        self.solver.end()
         print "=== Timings ==="
-        if (self.topology.rank == 0):
-            print "IO total", self.io.compute_time
-            self.timings_info[0] += "\"IO\" "
-            self.timings_info[1] += str(self.io.compute_time) + " "
+        if (self.topology[0].rank == 0):
             for op in self.operators:
-                self.timings_info[0] += op.timings_info[0]
-                self.timings_info[1] += op.timings_info[1]
+                self.time_info[0] += op.time_info[0]
+                self.time_info[1] += op.time_info[1]
             print "\n"
             print "===\n"
-    def addVariable(self, cVariable):
-        """
-        Add an continuous variables to the operator.
-        Also add variables' domains to the operator.
-        @param cVariable ContinuousVariable.ContinuousVariable :
-        variables to add.
-        """
-        try:
-            for v in cVariable:
-                if self.variables.count(v) == 0:
-                    self.variables.append(v)
-        except (TypeError):
-            if self.variables.count(cVariable) == 0:
-                self.variables.append(cVariable)
-    def addDomain(self, cDomain):
-        """
-        Add an domain to the operator.
-        @param cDomain : domain to add
-        """
-        try:
-            for d in cDomain:
-                if self.domains.count(d) == 0:
-                    self.domains.append(d)
-        except (TypeError):
-            if self.domains.count(cDomain) == 0:
-                self.domains.append(cDomain)
-    def addOperator(self, op, index=None):
-        """
-        Add operator to problem.
-        @param op : operator.
-        @param index : operator index.
-        """
-        if not op in self.operators:
-            if index is None:
-                self.operators.append(op)
-            else:
-                self.operators.insert(index, op)
     def __str__(self):
         """ToString method"""
@@ -190,7 +105,48 @@ class Problem():
         return s
+class Timer:
+    """
+    Manage time steps and simulation end.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, t_end, dt, t_init=0.):
+        """
+        Creates a Timer.
+        @param t_end : Simulation final time.
+        @param dt : Time step.
+        @param t_init : Simulation starting time.
+        """
+        ## Simulation final time
+        self.t_end = t_end
+        ## Simulation time step
+        self.dt = dt
+        ## Simulation current time
+        self.t = t_init
+        ## Is simulation is terminated
+        self.end = False
+        ## Iteration counter
+        self.ite = 0
+    def step(self):
+        """
+        Update current time.
+        """
+        if self.t < self.t_end:
+            self.ite += 1
+            self.t += self.dt
+            if self.t >= self.t_end:
+                self.end = True
+    def __str__(self):
+        s = "Timer (DiscreteOperator). "
+        return s
 if __name__ == "__main__":
     print __doc__
-    print "- Provided class : Problem"
+    print "- Provided class : problem, Timer"
     print Problem.__doc__
+    print Timer.__doc__
diff --git a/HySoP/hysop/problem/transport.py b/HySoP/hysop/problem/transport.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4d25501018507045c142f2b3b58cf42f220f5a14
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HySoP/hysop/problem/transport.py
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+@package parmepy.probem.tranport
+from parmepy.problem.problem import Problem
+class TransportProblem(Problem):
+    """
+    Transport problem description.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, advection, velocity=None, monitors=[]):
+        if velocity is not None:
+            Problem.__init__(self, [advection, velocity], monitors)
+        else:
+            Problem.__init__(self, [advection], monitors)
+        self.advection = advection
+        self.velocity = velocity
+    def setUp(self, t_end, dt,
+              advection_config,
+              velocity_config=None):
+        if velocity_config is None and self.velocity is not None:
+            raise ValueError("A configuration for velocity operator" +
+                             " is required")
+        Problem.setUp(self, t_end, dt)
+        self.advection.setUp(**advection_config)
+        if self.velocity is not None:
+            self.velocity.setUp(velocity_config)
+        self._collect_topologies()
diff --git a/HySoP/hysop/tools/diagnostics.py b/HySoP/hysop/tools/diagnostics.py
deleted file mode 100644
index c716eae9fe6278728d57ea56339a2f3875d2c098..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/HySoP/hysop/tools/diagnostics.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-"""@package parmepy.physics.diagnostics
-Classes for diagnostics description.
-from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
-class Diagnostics:
-    """Abstract description of diagnostics. """
-    __metaclass__ = ABCMeta
-    @abstractmethod
-    def __init__(self, frequence=None, outputPrefix=None):
-        """ Constructor
-        @param frequence : output file producing frequency.
-        @param outputPrefix : file name prefix, contains relative path.
-        """
-        ## Domain dimension.
-        self.frequence = frequence
-        self.outputPrefix = outputPrefix
-    @abstractmethod
-    def process(self, time=None, timeStep=None):
-        """
-        @param time : current time.
-        @param timeStep : time step.
-        """
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    print __doc__
-    print "- Provided class : Diagnostics (abstract)."
-    print Diagnostics.__doc__
diff --git a/HySoP/hysop/tools/timer.py b/HySoP/hysop/tools/timer.py
deleted file mode 100644
index d3013a3cbafdcc77b69ecdf61fa30542b2025d48..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/HySoP/hysop/tools/timer.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-@package parmepy.tools.timer
-Time steps manager.
-import time
-class Timer:
-    """
-    Manage time steps and simulation end.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, t_end, dt, t_init=0.):
-        """
-        Creates a Timer.
-        @param t_end : Simulation final time.
-        @param dt : Time step.
-        @param t_init : Simulation starting time.
-        """
-        ## Simulation final time
-        self.t_end = t_end
-        ## Simulation time step
-        self.dt = dt
-        ## Simulation current time
-        self.t = t_init
-        ## Is simulation is terminated
-        self.end = False
-        ## Iteration counter
-        self.ite = 0
-    def step(self):
-        """
-        Update current time.
-        """
-        if self.t < self.t_end:
-            self.ite += 1
-            self.t += self.dt
-            if self.t >= self.t_end:
-                self.end = True
-    def __str__(self):
-        s = "Timer (DiscreteOperator). "
-        return s
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    print __doc__
-    print "- Provided class : RemeshingDOp"
-    print RemeshingDOp.__doc__
diff --git a/HySoP/setup.py.in b/HySoP/setup.py.in
index 382cf67474699cfe012d19336bf1348e1aa65c5b..c0de913d7206152db0dcdb7dc4c07278b1aa54fe 100644
--- a/HySoP/setup.py.in
+++ b/HySoP/setup.py.in
@@ -14,28 +14,22 @@ name = '@PYPACKAGE_NAME@'
 # List of modules (directories) to be included
 packages = ['parmepy',
-            ## 'parmepy.domain.tests',
-            'parmepy.integrator',
-            'parmepy.obstacle',
+            'parmepy.operator.monitors',
-            'parmepy.particular_solvers',
-            'parmepy.physics',
-            ## 'parmepy.test',
-            ## 'parmepy.test.test_domain',
-            ## 'parmepy.test.test_field',
-            ## 'parmepy.test.test_operator',
-            ## 'parmepy.test.test_particular_solvers',
-            ## 'parmepy.solvers'
+            'parmepy.numerics',
+            'parmepy.numerics.integrators',
+            'parmepy.numerics.remeshing',
-#            'examples']
 if("@USE_MPI@" is "ON"):
+if("@WITH_GPU@" is "ON"):
+    packages.append('parmepy.gpu')
 # Enable this to get debug info
@@ -65,7 +59,7 @@ if(enable_fortran is "ON"):
     withscales = '@WITH_SCALES@'
     if(withscales is "ON"):
         if(withfftw is "OFF"):
@@ -75,7 +69,7 @@ if(enable_fortran is "ON"):
     options = [('F2PY_REPORT_ON_ARRAY_COPY', '1')]
     if(os.uname()[0] == 'Linux'):
     parpyModule = Extension(name='parmepy.f2py',
@@ -88,7 +82,7 @@ else:
 config = Configuration(name=name,
       description='Particular Methods implementation in Python',
@@ -99,9 +93,9 @@ config = Configuration(name=name,
       package_dir={'': '@CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR@'},
-      data_files=[('./parmepy/particular_solvers/gpu_src',
-                   ['@CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR@/parmepy/particular_solvers/gpu_src/' + cl_file
-                    for cl_file in os.listdir('@CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR@/parmepy/particular_solvers/gpu_src/')
+      data_files=[('./parmepy/gpu/cl_src',
+                   ['@CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR@/parmepy/gpu/cl_src/' + cl_file
+                    for cl_file in os.listdir('@CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR@/parmepy/gpu/cl_src/')
                     if cl_file[0]!='.' and cl_file[-3:]=='.cl'])]