diff --git a/ci/README.rst b/ci/README.rst
index 21b8d4d40732c7cb59397ab7532c4300f6c1fb2a..5be2a79d987767f6f54fe3f3d2040ca7ec448768 100644
--- a/ci/README.rst
+++ b/ci/README.rst
@@ -1,50 +1,4 @@
 Continuous integration howto
-Docker reminder
-Use docker_images/osname/Dockerfile to create a docker image :
-For example::
-    cd docker_images/debian
-    docker build -t fperignon/hysop
-To start the image::
-   docker run -ti fperignon/hysop bash
-Images list::
-   docker images
-Then tag and push image on docker hub (might need login)::
-     docker tag image_id fperignon/hysop:debian
-     docker push fperignon/hysop:debian
-Pick image id in docker images list.
-To use a given docker image in job:
-image: fperignon/hysop:debian
-The image will be pulled from docker hub.
-yml driver
-See gitlab-ci documentation : http://docs.gitlab.com/ce/ci/yaml/README.html
-In script, use -DCI_CONFIG=<something> option for cmake to send runner information to dashboard.
+See scripts in utils to build, run, push and pull the docker image for continuous integration tests.