diff --git a/docs/sphinx/conf.py.in b/docs/sphinx/conf.py.in
index 31fe2749ff73432ec2b93c543c466235a800adf2..8399b4a984cfc674a93c06e90e22f278927f4e77 100644
--- a/docs/sphinx/conf.py.in
+++ b/docs/sphinx/conf.py.in
@@ -185,10 +185,10 @@ html_static_path = ['_static']
 #    '**': ['menu.html',],# 'searchbox.html'],
 #   'using/windows': ['windowssidebar.html', 'searchbox.html'],
-html_sidebars = {
-    '**': ['menu.html',],# 'searchbox.html'],
-#   'using/windows': ['windowssidebar.html', 'searchbox.html'],
+# html_sidebars = {
+#     '**': ['menu.html', ],# 'searchbox.html'],
+#     'using/windows': ['windowssidebar.html', 'searchbox.html'],
+# }
 # Additional templates that should be rendered to pages, maps page names to
 # template names.
diff --git a/docs/sphinx/hysop.bib b/docs/sphinx/hysop.bib
index 5ba5c1351f9b04a32d262f71e1ef471f682db7a9..63a5a0eae611353ecdb131dcf8a714f378faf3d6 100644
--- a/docs/sphinx/hysop.bib
+++ b/docs/sphinx/hysop.bib
@@ -42,3 +42,10 @@
 	Title = {A comparison of methods for evaluating time-dependent fluid dynamic forces on bodies, using only velocity fields and their derivatives},
 	Volume = {13},
 	Year = {1999}}
+  title={Vortex methods: theory and practice},
+  author={Cottet, Georges-Henri and Koumoutsakos, Petros D},
+  year={2000},
+  publisher={Cambridge University Press}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/sphinx/install_guide/index.rst b/docs/sphinx/install_guide/index.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4e6ed9939f2779d0577feba7632894921c216f82
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/sphinx/install_guide/index.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+.. hysop_install_guide:
+HySoP installation guide
+HySoP is written in Python (main user interface and high level functionnalities) and Fortran.
+Quick start and install
+   cd path_to_build
+   cmake path_to_sources
+   make -j N
+   make install
+* -jN for make command runs the build process on N processes. Choose a value of N that fits with your machine.
+* depending on your system you may need to set PYTHONPATH to where hysop has been installed::
+    export PYTHONPATH=hysop_install_path:${PYTHONPATH}
+  Check the end of cmake output, where the proper command will be indicated.
+Then just run python interactively and ::
+  >>> import hysop
+  >>> dir(hysop)
+or run python on an hysop example file::
+  mpirun -np 4 python your_file.py
+.. _hysop_config:
+Configuration options
+cmake configuration may be customized by user, using::
+  cmake -DOPTION_NAME=option_value path_to_source
+'OPTION_NAME' being one of the options described below.
+* FFTW_DIR : where to find fftw if it's not in a "standard" place.
+* WITH_SCALES=ON/OFF : to compile an HySoP version including scales (default = on)
+* WITH_TESTS=ON/OFF: enable testing (i.e. prepare target "make test", default = off)
+.. _hysop_dependencies:
+* python > 2.7
+* a proper mpi implementation including a fortran compiler
+* fftw
+* cmake > 2.8
+* numpy, mpi4py, h5py
+.. _hysop_install:
+What will be installed
+* python package in PREFIX/lib/pythonX.Y/site-packages/hysop/
+* library in PREFIX/lib/pythonX.Y/site-packages/hysop/lib
+* fortran modules in PREFIX/lib/pythonX.Y/site-packages/hysop/include/Modules
+* CMake configuration files in PREFIX/lib/pythonX.Y/site-packages/hysop/share/CMake
diff --git a/docs/sphinx/users_guide/absorption_bc.rst b/docs/sphinx/users_guide/absorption_bc.rst
index c50a907f0e27d5b2e1b7ef64a3b730b945acda2f..1f16a5490d04810b789d19757ff1a67c2d593ebf 100644
--- a/docs/sphinx/users_guide/absorption_bc.rst
+++ b/docs/sphinx/users_guide/absorption_bc.rst
@@ -17,11 +17,11 @@ where f is the smoothing function defined as follows :
 .. math::
-   f(x) =   \begin{cases}
+   f(x) = \begin{cases}
     1,  \text{ if } x < x_b\\
-    \frac{tanh(\epsilon(x - x_c)) - tanh(\epsilon(x_e - x_c))}, \text{ if } x_b < x < x_e \\
+    \frac{tanh(\epsilon(x - x_c)) - tanh(\epsilon(x_e - x_c))}{tanh(\epsilon(x_b - x_c)) - tanh(\epsilon(x_e - x_c))}, \text{ if } x_b < x < x_e \\
     0 \text{ if } x > x_e
-  \end{cases}
+    \end{cases}
 with :math:`x_c = \frac{x_b + x_e}{2}` (we refer to the figure below for a schematic description of the absorption process).
@@ -56,3 +56,36 @@ not the case when the vorticity is absorbed as follows :
 Indeed, defining the absorbed vorticity as the curl of the absorbed velocity to project the vorticity in the space of divergence free vector fields
 (see :ref:`vorticity_projection`). In practice, vorticity absorption based on equation 6 is responsible for reflexion effects and produces spurious oscillations (see drag plots for instance).
 From an algorithmic point of view, the vorticity absorption is applied before solving the Poisson equation.
+The corresponding operator is :class:AbsorptionBC`, build with the standard parameters of all operators, plus:
+* a float, req_flow_rate, to set required value of the flow rate at the outlet.
+* a 'x_range' vector, to set the coordinates delimitating the absorption domain, x_range=[xb, xe]
+* an optional 'filter_func' parameter, list of two python functions, used to set the filter function and its derivative
+      d3d = Discretization([33, 33, 33])
+      dom = Box([1., ] * dim)
+      v = Field(dom, name='velo', is_vector=True)
+      w = Field(dom, name='vorti', is_vector=True)
+      # -- Build and apply absorption operator on w --
+      # set flowrate
+      flowrate = VariableParameter(data=10.)
+      # set layer size
+      x_range = [0.9, 1.]
+      op = AbsorptionBC(v, w, flowrate, x_range,
+                        discretization=d3d)
+      op.discretize()
+      op.setup()
+      simu = Simulation(nb_iter=100)
+      simu.initialize()
+      op.apply(simu)
+One may also choose user-defined functions to apply in the absorption area (in place of the tanh-like function shown above).
+See the example in test_absorption_bc.py file.
diff --git a/docs/sphinx/users_guide/custom.rst b/docs/sphinx/users_guide/custom.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..74499c519d2aa96d0e3463d3b909efcf0746b926
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/sphinx/users_guide/custom.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+.. _custom:
+User-defined operator
+A specific operator class, :class:`~hysop.operator.custom.Custom` is available in hysop to allow users to
+define their own operator.apply, thanks to a python function.
+.. code::
+   # v1, v2, v3 some continuous fields
+   iop = IOParams('somefile.dat', fileformat=IO.ASCII)
+   my_op = Custom(function=my_function, in_fields=[v1, v2], out_fields=[v3],
+                  diagnostics_shape=(1,2), io_params=iop, ...)
+   my_op.discretize()
+   my_op.setup()
+   simu = Simulation(nb_iter=10)
+   my_op.apply(simu)
+A call to my_op.apply(simu) will run 'my_func(simu, [v1, v2], [v3], buffer)'
+and write 'buffer' into a file (defined as usual with iop).
+* my_func arguments list MUST match the following::
+     def my_func(sim, in_fields, out_fields=None, diagnostics=None):
+         # optionally compute out_fields depending on in_fields
+         out_fields[0].data[1] = 2 * in_fields[0].data[0]
+	 # optionally compute some diagnostics
+	 diagnostics[0,0] = sim.time
+	 diagnostics[0,1] = out_fields[0].data[0].max()
+* diagnostics_shape arg must corresponds to the shape of the buffer written in the function
+  and buffer must be a 2D array (i.e. diagnostics_shape a tuple like (nx, ny)).
+* if diagnostics_shape is None, no file output will be done and obviously in that case,
+  diagnostics must not be filled in my_func
+* as usual real use-case are available in operator/test/test_custom.py
diff --git a/docs/sphinx/users_guide/operators.rst b/docs/sphinx/users_guide/operators.rst
index a9107f4226a2cffeb9d3e54cddd356477342797d..861af66d70722a7d53c6996b431b894d10872465 100644
--- a/docs/sphinx/users_guide/operators.rst
+++ b/docs/sphinx/users_guide/operators.rst
@@ -116,3 +116,4 @@ Review
+   custom
diff --git a/docs/sphinx/users_guide/stretching.rst b/docs/sphinx/users_guide/stretching.rst
index 79d00d7f01a686a53192459cfc7bcc1b0a86e7da..c8a37b0e951aa5177e595d804734a51f00e21a25 100644
--- a/docs/sphinx/users_guide/stretching.rst
+++ b/docs/sphinx/users_guide/stretching.rst
@@ -4,6 +4,19 @@ Stretching
 .. currentmodule:: hysop.operator.stretching
+The stretching equation, :math:`\frac{\partial\omega}{\partial t} = (\omega.\nabla)u`
+which models the lengthening of vortices in a three-dimensional flow,
+may be given under several formulations :cite:`Cottet2000vortex`:
+.. math::
+   \frac{\partial\omega}{\partial t} &=& [\nabla u] . \omega \\
+                                     &=& [\nabla u]^T . \omega \\
+				     &=& \nabla.(\omega:u)
@@ -20,7 +33,7 @@ Two formulations are proposed :
   .. math::
-   \frac{\partial \omega}{\partial t} = (\omega .\nabla)u
+   \frac{\partial \omega}{\partial t} = [\nabla u]^T . \omega
 The default is 'conservative'.
@@ -46,10 +59,35 @@ TO BE REVIEWED
 Linearized Stretching
-Specific formulation to solve the linearized stretching equation, 
+In the context of a global linear stability study of the Navier-Stokes equation, one may have to formulate and solve
+a "linearized stretching". See details in :ref:`global_linear_stability`.
+Let us decompose the vorticity and the velocity fields into the sum of the steady state solution, :math:`(.)_b`, and a perturbation,
 .. math::
-   \frac{\partial \omega}{\partial t} &=& (\omega \cdot \nabla)u_b + (\om_b \cdot \nabla)u
+   (\omega,u) = (\omega' + \omega_b, u' + u_b)
+then the stretching part of the governing equations writes:
+.. math::
+   \frac{\partial\omega'}{\partial t} = \underbrace{(\omega'\cdot\nabla)u_b}_{A} + \underbrace{(\omega_b\cdot\nabla)u'}_{B}
+The corresponding operator is :class:`StretchingLinearized`, built with the same parameters as for the standard stretching
+plus two fields corresponding to the steady state part of the velocity and the vorticity ('BF' below stands for 'Base Flow'):
+.. code::
+   stretch_lin = StretchingLinearized(velocity_BF=v_b, vorticity_BF=w_b,
+                                      velocity=v, vorticity=w, ...)
+Notice that time-integrator for part A of the equation above is user-defined but set to Euler scheme for part B.
diff --git a/hysop/constants.py.in b/hysop/constants.py.in
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2dda2f611000d144d3f26f9a12a1505e2edeb4a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hysop/constants.py.in
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+"""Default values for constant parameters used
+in hysop package.
+Mostly deals with float/int numbers precision and
+some labels for numerical methods and operators.
+This file is generated from constants.py.in
+and it's probably a bad idea to modify it.
+from hysop import __DEBUG__, __PROFILE__
+import numpy as np
+import math
+__MPI_ENABLED__ = "@USE_MPI@" is "ON"
+if __MPI_ENABLED__:
+    from hysop.mpi import MPI
+PI = math.pi
+"""Set default type for real and integer numbers"""
+"""Size in memory of hysop real default type"""
+HYSOP_INDEX = np.uint32
+"""type for array indices"""
+HYSOP_INTEGER = np.int32
+"""type for integers"""
+HYSOP_DIM = np.int16
+"""integer used for arrays dimensions"""
+if __MPI_ENABLED__:
+    """float type used in MPI"""
+    """integer type used in MPI"""
+    """Default array layout for MPI"""
+"""default array layout (fortran or C convention)"""
+EPS = np.finfo(HYSOP_REAL).eps
+"""machine epsilon for HYSOP_REAL"""
+# to check array ordering with :
+# assert tab.flags.f_contiguous is CHECK_F_CONT
+if ORDER is 'F':
+    CHECK_F_CONT = True
+    """True if array layout is fortran"""
+    CHECK_F_CONT = False
+XDIR = 0
+"""label for x direction"""
+YDIR = 1
+"""label for y direction"""
+ZDIR = 2
+"""label for z direction"""
+"""Tag for periodic boundary conditions"""
+S_DIR = ["_X", "_Y", "_Z"]
+"""Directions string"""
+Optimisation level for time integrators :
+no need to recompute the right-hand side, an initial guess
+must be given in input arguments.
+ """
+"""Optimisation level for time integrators :
+no need to recompute the right-hand side, an initial guess
+must be given in input arguments and we ensure that
+y is different from result arg.
+"""Default value for task id (mpi task)"""
+def _debugdecorator(f):
+    if __DEBUG__:
+    # function f is being decorated
+        def decorator(*args, **kw):
+            # Print informations on decorated function
+            if f.__name__ is '__new__':
+                fullclassname = args[0].__mro__[0].__module__ + '.'
+                fullclassname += args[0].__mro__[0].__name__
+                print ('Instanciate :', fullclassname,)
+                print (' (Inherits from : ',)
+                print ([c.__name__ for c in args[0].__mro__[1:]], ')')
+            else:
+                print ('Call : ', f.__name__, 'in ', f.__code__.co_filename,)
+                print (f.__code__.co_firstlineno)
+            # Calling f
+            r = f(*args, **kw)
+            if f.__name__ is '__new__':
+                print ('       |-> : ', repr(r))
+            return r
+        return decorator
+    else:
+        #define empty debug decorator:
+        return f
+debug = _debugdecorator
+"""Debug decorator
+Usage: @debug before function definition you want to debug
+# redefine profile decorator
+if __PROFILE__:
+    from memory_profiler import profile
+    prof = profile
+    """Profiling decorator
+    Usage: @profile before function you want to profile
+    """
+    def prof(f):
+        # Nothing ...
+        return f
diff --git a/hysop/default_methods.py b/hysop/default_methods.py
index df41a328e367e5f79221d04f65ae1954c4646eb2..ad08c9a7434d4ce5a960de1101afa6b403dc74a8 100644
--- a/hysop/default_methods.py
+++ b/hysop/default_methods.py
@@ -9,8 +9,7 @@ from hysop.numerics.interpolation import Linear
 from hysop.numerics.remeshing import L2_1, Linear as Rmsh_Linear
 from hysop.numerics.finite_differences import FDC4, FDC2
 from hysop.problem.simulation import O2
-#from hysop.operator.discrete.stretching import Conservative
+from hysop.operator.discrete.stretching import Conservative
 ADVECTION = {TimeIntegrator: RK2, Interpolation: Linear,
@@ -44,7 +43,7 @@ POISSON = {SpaceDiscretisation: 'fftw', GhostUpdate: True,
 """Poisson operators default setup
-STRETCHING = {TimeIntegrator: RK3, Formulation: "Conservative",
+STRETCHING = {TimeIntegrator: RK3, Formulation: Conservative,
               SpaceDiscretisation: FDC4}
 """Stretching operators default setup
diff --git a/hysop/f2hysop.pyf.in b/hysop/f2hysop.pyf.in
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a11194e7df7e5f7f02bb55b202ff01bf3faa85e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hysop/f2hysop.pyf.in
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+!    -*- f90 -*-
+! Generated file - Do not edit.
+! Note: the context of this file is case sensitive.
+python module f2hysop ! in
+  interface
+      ! Example
+      include '@CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR@/hysop/fortran/template.pyf'
+      ! precision
+      include '@CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR@/hysop/f2py/parameters.pyf'
+      ! fftw
+      include '@CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR@/hysop/f2py/fftw2py.pyf'
+      ! scales
+      include '@CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR@/hysop/f2py/scales2py.pyf'
+  end interface
+end python module f2hysop
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hysop/methods.py b/hysop/methods.py
index 65e2e9b0d27c63fb24d3b907552c59348027e5c1..3437bc3c028e446e9998f3f2f82c91a593c8145d 100644
--- a/hysop/methods.py
+++ b/hysop/methods.py
@@ -23,6 +23,11 @@ that can be imported by final user.
 import hysop.numerics.odesolvers as odesolvers
+import hysop.numerics.interpolation as interpolation
+import hysop.numerics.remeshing as remesh
+import hysop.numerics.finite_differences as fd
+import hysop.operator.discrete.stretching as strd
 RK2 = odesolvers.RK2
 """Runge-Kutta 2 integration"""
@@ -36,7 +41,6 @@ Euler = odesolvers.Euler
 """Euler integration"""
 # Remesh
-import hysop.numerics.remeshing as remesh
 L2_1 = remesh.L2_1
 L2_2 = remesh.L2_2
 L2_3 = remesh.L2_3
@@ -54,16 +58,13 @@ Rmsh_Linear = remesh.Linear
 # A completer ...
 # Interpolation
-import hysop.numerics.interpolation as interpolation
 Linear = interpolation.Linear
 # Finite differences
-import hysop.numerics.finite_differences as fd
 FDC4 = fd.FDC4
 FDC2 = fd.FDC2
 FD2C2 = fd.FD2C2
 # Stretching formulations
-import hysop.operator.discrete.stretching as strd
 Conservative = strd.Conservative
 GradUW = strd.GradUW
diff --git a/hysop/operator/absorption_bc.py b/hysop/operator/absorption_bc.py
index 8e9c46f9f07f7953bb8bbaedf69e3ba46cc2613d..7927106886d195c24400774e63981f62bc062eab 100755
--- a/hysop/operator/absorption_bc.py
+++ b/hysop/operator/absorption_bc.py
@@ -3,6 +3,8 @@
 by vorticity absorption in order to set the far field
 velocity to u_inf at the inlet)
+See :ref:`absorption_bc`.
 from hysop.constants import debug
 from hysop.operator.discrete.absorption_bc import AbsorptionBC as Dab
@@ -119,3 +121,6 @@ class AbsorptionBC(Computational):
             self._set_io('absorption_BC', (1, 2 + self.domain.dimension))
             self._is_uptodate = True
+    def wait(self):
+        print "TEMP WAIT FOR TEST"
diff --git a/hysop/operator/analytic.py b/hysop/operator/analytic.py
index 9e3cf0c179ac01ca4c7b59090299efe19597c9ff..46cbe93fbba2e327fe1bc49490d940536cca0956 100644
--- a/hysop/operator/analytic.py
+++ b/hysop/operator/analytic.py
@@ -1,6 +1,4 @@
-@file operator/analytic.py
-Initialize fields on a grid, with a user-defined function
+"""Initialize fields on a grid, with a user-defined function
 from hysop.constants import debug
 from hysop.operator.continuous import opsetup, opapply
@@ -15,18 +13,27 @@ class Analytic(Computational):
     def __init__(self, formula=None, vectorize_formula=False, **kwds):
-        """
-        Operator to apply a user-defined formula onto a list of fields.
-        @param formula : the formula to be applied
-        @param vectorize_formula : true if formula must be vectorized (numpy),
-        default = false.
+        """ Apply a user-defined formula onto a list of fields.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        formula : python function
+            the formula to be applied
+        vectorize_formula : boolean, optional
+            true if formula must be vectorized (numpy), default = false.
+        Notes
+        -----
+        see :ref:`analytical_operator` for details on
+        the authorized signature for input formula or check
+        test_analytic.py
         super(Analytic, self).__init__(**kwds)
         isGPU = False
         if 'method' in kwds.keys() and Support in kwds['method'].keys():
             isGPU = kwds['method'][Support].find('gpu') >= 0
         if formula is not None:
-            ## A formula applied to all variables of this operator
+            # A formula applied to all variables of this operator
             self.formula = formula
             for v in self.variables:
                 v.set_formula(formula, vectorize_formula)
diff --git a/hysop/operator/baroclinic.py b/hysop/operator/baroclinic.py
index 7937b55a558377a6420c858b106630bfb1aed6c5..83ff508e7f5e7d960a1b2026b398698135497955 100644
--- a/hysop/operator/baroclinic.py
+++ b/hysop/operator/baroclinic.py
@@ -75,6 +75,8 @@ class Baroclinic(Computational):
         self._is_uptodate = True
     def initialize_velocity(self):
+    def get_work_properties(self):
+        return {'rwork': None, 'iwork': None}
diff --git a/hysop/operator/continuous.py b/hysop/operator/continuous.py
index 65623755a9f7b67f2493164d63cc20dba0f61754..055497d796bde3676e6885ca0317f47efafdd8cb 100755
--- a/hysop/operator/continuous.py
+++ b/hysop/operator/continuous.py
@@ -266,11 +266,8 @@ class Operator(object):
                 # default values for iop
                 self.io_params = IOParams(filename, fileformat=IO.ASCII)
-                if self.io_params.fileformat is not IO.ASCII:
-                    self.io_params.fileformat = IO.ASCII
-                    msg = 'Warning, wrong file format for operator output.'
-                    msg += 'This will be reset to ASCII.'
-                    print msg
+                msg = 'Error, wrong file format for operator output.'
+                assert self.io_params.fileformat is IO.ASCII, msg
             self._writer = io.Writer(io_params=self.io_params,
@@ -322,8 +319,8 @@ def opapply(f):
         """decorate 'apply' method"""
         # get 'continuous' base class and run its apply function
         # --> call wait function of ops in wait_list
-        t0 = ftime()
         name = inspect.getmro(args[0].apply.im_class)
+        t0 = ftime()
         #t0 = ftime()
         res = f(*args, **kwargs)
diff --git a/hysop/operator/custom.py b/hysop/operator/custom.py
index 5af161e895e8daab3d2fd387bbd7a37ce7a821d2..8fdc409f89646021533725e6b5474e7a23dad8bf 100644
--- a/hysop/operator/custom.py
+++ b/hysop/operator/custom.py
@@ -1,45 +1,65 @@
-@file custom.py
+"""Interface to set a user-defined operator
 from hysop.operator.computational import Computational
-from hysop.operator.discrete.custom import CustomMonitor as CM
-from hysop.operator.discrete.custom import CustomOp as CO
+from hysop.operator.discrete.custom import Custom as CO
 from hysop.operator.continuous import opsetup
-class CustomOp(Computational):
-    def __init__(self, in_fields, out_fields, function, **kwds):
-        super(CustomOp, self).__init__(**kwds)
+class Custom(Computational):
+    """User-defined generic operator
+    """
+    def __init__(self, function, in_fields, out_fields=None,
+                 diagnostics_shape=None, **kwds):
+        """
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        in_fields: list of :class:`~hysop.fields.discrete.DiscreteField`
+             input fields args. for function, see notes below
+        out_fields: list of :class:`~hysop.fields.discrete.DiscreteField`
+             output fields args for function, see notes below
+        function: python function
+             a user defined function, called by this op.apply method.
+        diagnostics_shape: tuple, optional
+             shape of the data expected to be written into file.
+        Notes
+        -----
+        A function is used to set the behavior of the current operator,
+        during apply call.
+        This function must look like::
+            def some_func(simulation, in_fields, out_fields, diagnostics=None):
+                # do things ...
+        and compute out_fields values and optionnaly some diagnostics.
+        See :ref:`custom`
+        """
+        super(Custom, self).__init__(**kwds)
         self.function = function
         self.input = in_fields
-        self.output = out_fields
+        if out_fields is not None:
+            self.output = out_fields
+        self._diagnostics_shape = diagnostics_shape
+    def discretize(self):
+        super(Custom, self)._standard_discretize()
     def setup(self, rwork=None, iwork=None):
         if not self._is_uptodate:
-            self.discretize()
             self.discrete_op = CO(
-                [self.discreteFields[f] for f in self.input],
-                [self.discreteFields[f] for f in self.output],
-                self.function,
+                in_fields=[self.discreteFields[f] for f in self.input],
+                out_fields=[self.discreteFields[f] for f in self.output],
+                function=self.function,
-            self._is_uptodate = True
+            if self._diagnostics_shape is not None:
+                assert isinstance(self._diagnostics_shape, tuple)
+                assert len(self._diagnostics_shape) == 2
+                self._set_io(self.function.__name__, self._diagnostics_shape)
+                self.discrete_op.set_writer(self._writer)
-class CustomMonitor(Computational):
-    def __init__(self, function, res_shape=1, **kwds):
-        super(CustomMonitor, self).__init__(**kwds)
-        self.function = function
-        self.res_shape = res_shape
-        self.input = self.variables
-    @opsetup
-    def setup(self, rwork=None, iwork=None):
-        if not self._is_uptodate:
-            self.discretize()
-            self.discrete_op = CM(self.function, self.res_shape,
-                                  variables=self.discreteFields.values())
-            # Output setup
-            self._set_io(self.function.__name__, (1, 1 + self.res_shape))
-            self.discrete_op.set_writer(self._writer)
             self._is_uptodate = True
+    def get_work_properties(self):
+        return {'rwork': None, 'iwork': None}
diff --git a/hysop/operator/discrete/__init__.py b/hysop/operator/discrete/__init__.py
index 70f15434bdf7ca63593af802292c2fbb54364f1c..e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391 100644
--- a/hysop/operator/discrete/__init__.py
+++ b/hysop/operator/discrete/__init__.py
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-## @package hysop.operator.discrete
-# Discrete operators classes.
-# A DiscreteOperator is an object that represents the discretisation of a
-# continuous operator for a specific given method and of its variables for
-# some resolutions.
-# Example: if we want to perform the advection of a scalar at
-# velocity v using scales with M4 remesh, we define the following continuous
-# operator :
-# nbElem = [65, 65, 65]
-# advec = Advection(velo, scal,
-#                   resolutions={velo: nbElem,
-#                                scal: nbElem},
-#                   method = 'scales, p_M4',)
-# ...
-# advec.setup()
-# ...
-# advec.apply()
-# \endcode
-# setup call will result in the creation of a ScalesAdvection operator
-# and apply will perform a call to scale's solver.
diff --git a/hysop/operator/discrete/custom.py b/hysop/operator/discrete/custom.py
index 20b6aa4daf32ae48f394566a99509914fca27823..85929894c8827ed5a30e5fd182085b68abe2c715 100644
--- a/hysop/operator/discrete/custom.py
+++ b/hysop/operator/discrete/custom.py
@@ -1,28 +1,55 @@
+"""User-defined discrete operator"""
 from hysop.operator.discrete.discrete import DiscreteOperator
-class CustomOp(DiscreteOperator):
-    def __init__(self, in_fields, out_fields, function, **kwds):
-        super(CustomOp, self).__init__(**kwds)
-        self.function = function
-        self._in_fields = in_fields
-        self._out_fields = out_fields
+class Custom(DiscreteOperator):
+    """User-defined operator: action defined by an external function.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, function, in_fields, out_fields=None, **kwds):
+        """
-    def apply(self, simulation):
-        self.function(simulation, self._in_fields, self._out_fields)
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        in_fields: list of :class:`~hysop.fields.discrete.DiscreteField`
+             input fields args. for function, see notes below
+        out_fields: list of :class:`~hysop.fields.discrete.DiscreteField`
+             output fields args for function, see notes below
+        function: python function
+             a user defined function, called by this op.apply method.
+        Notes
+        -----
+        A function is used to set the behavior of the current operator,
+        during apply call.
+        This function must look like::
-class CustomMonitor(DiscreteOperator):
-    def __init__(self, function, res_shape=1, **kwds):
-        super(CustomMonitor, self).__init__(**kwds)
+            def some_func(simulation, in_fields, out_fields=None, diag=None):
+                # do things ...
+        and compute out_fields values.
+        """
+        # callback for apply function
         self.function = function
-        self.res_shape = res_shape
+        super(Custom, self).__init__(**kwds)
+        # in/out fields must obviously belong to variables
+        self.input = in_fields
+        if out_fields is not None:
+            self.input += out_fields
+            self.output = out_fields
+        msg = 'Custom: all in/out fields must belong to op variables.'
+        assert set(self.input).intersection(set(self.variables)) == \
+            set(self.input), msg
+        self._in_fields = in_fields
+        self._out_fields = out_fields
     def apply(self, simulation=None):
+        if self._writer is not None:
+            diagnostics = self._writer.buffer
+        else:
+            diagnostics = None
+        self.function(simulation, self._in_fields, self._out_fields,
+                      diagnostics)
         ite = simulation.current_iteration
-        values = self.function(simulation,
-                               self.variables)
         if self._writer is not None and self._writer.do_write(ite):
-            self._writer.buffer[0, 0] = simulation.time
-            self._writer.buffer[0, 1:] = values
diff --git a/hysop/operator/discrete/profiles.py b/hysop/operator/discrete/profiles.py
index 97e1a3682ab610f0e5e47577e42649eb3067b8a2..68373ef77a6365fc46cc7bf3366247cc953dba46 100644
--- a/hysop/operator/discrete/profiles.py
+++ b/hysop/operator/discrete/profiles.py
@@ -87,17 +87,6 @@ class Profiles(DiscreteOperator):
                 assert self._rwork[0].shape == shape_v
                 assert self._rwork[1].shape == shape_w
-    def get_work_properties(self):
-        v_ind = self.velocity.topology.mesh.compute_index
-        w_ind = self.vorticity.topology.mesh.compute_index
-        shape_v = self.velocity.data[0][v_ind].shape
-        shape_w = self.velocity.data[0][w_ind].shape
-        if shape_v == shape_w:
-            return {'rwork': [shape_v], 'iwork': None}
-        else:
-            return {'rwork': [shape_v, shape_w], 'iwork': None}
     def apply(self, simulation=None):
diff --git a/hysop/operator/discrete/stretching.py b/hysop/operator/discrete/stretching.py
index f35e2d07ba9d8d62abc9a869f9be13a68c7be3a8..4aebd947b92b94f861d514cbcb56c98116731de8 100755
--- a/hysop/operator/discrete/stretching.py
+++ b/hysop/operator/discrete/stretching.py
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ Formulations:
 from hysop.constants import debug, WITH_GUESS
 from hysop.methods_keys import TimeIntegrator, SpaceDiscretisation
 from hysop.operator.discrete.discrete import DiscreteOperator
-import hysop.numerics.differential_operations as diff_op
+from hysop.numerics.differential_operations import GradVxW, DivWV
 import hysop.tools.numpywrappers as npw
 from hysop.numerics.update_ghosts import UpdateGhosts
 from hysop.tools.profiler import profile
@@ -30,13 +30,19 @@ class Stretching(DiscreteOperator):
     __metaclass__ = ABCMeta
-    def __init__(self, velocity, vorticity, formulation, rhs, **kwds):
+    def __init__(self, velocity, vorticity, formulation,
+                 rhs, extra_ghosts_fields=None, **kwds):
         """Abstract interface for stretching operator
         velocity, vorticity : :class:`~hysop.fields.discrete.DiscreteField`
         formulation : one of the discrete stretching classes.
+        rhs : python function
+            right-hand side for the time integrator
+        extra_ghosts_fields : int, optional
+            number of additional numpy arrays to be synchronized (mpi),
+            default = None, i.e. synchro of vorticity and velocity components.
         **kwds : extra parameters for base class
@@ -69,9 +75,12 @@ class Stretching(DiscreteOperator):
         self.nb_components = 3  # Stretching only in 3D and for vector fields.
         # prepare ghost points synchro for velocity and vorticity
+        nb_ghosts_fields = self.velocity.nb_components + \
+            self.vorticity.nb_components
+        if extra_ghosts_fields is not None:
+            nb_ghosts_fields += extra_ghosts_fields
         self._synchronize = UpdateGhosts(self.velocity.topology,
-                                         self.velocity.nb_components +
-                                         self.vorticity.nb_components)
+                                         nb_ghosts_fields)
         # A function to compute the gradient of the velocity.
         # Work vector is provided in input.
@@ -161,8 +170,8 @@ class Conservative(Stretching):
             return self.strFunc(y, self.velocity.data, result)
-        super(Conservative, self).__init__(formulation=diff_op.DivWV,
-                                           rhs=rhs, **kwds)
+        super(Conservative, self).__init__(
+            formulation=DivWV, rhs=rhs, **kwds)
     def _compute(self, dt, t):
@@ -183,8 +192,7 @@ class GradUW(Stretching):
                 self.strFunc(self.velocity.data, y, result, self.diagnostics)
             return result
-        super(GradUW, self).__init__(formulation=diff_op.GradVxW,
-                                     rhs=rhs, **kwds)
+        super(GradUW, self).__init__(formulation=GradVxW, rhs=rhs, **kwds)
         # stability constant
         # Depends on time integration method
@@ -236,52 +244,61 @@ class StretchingLinearized(Stretching):
         self.usual_op = usual_op
+        # boolean used  to switch between two rhs forms:
+        # either rhs(t, y) = div(y:u) (if true)
+        # or rhs(t,y) = div(y:w_bf) (if false)
+        self._divwu = True
-        def rhs(t, y, result, form):
+        def rhs(t, y, result):
             """rhs used in time integrator
-            if form == "div(w:u)":
+            if self._divwu:
                 result = self.strFunc(y, self.velocity.data, result)
                 result = self.strFunc(y, self.vorticity_BF.data, result)
             return result
-        super(StretchingLinearized, self).__init__(formulation=diff_op.DivWV,
-                                                   rhs=rhs, **kwds)
+        super(StretchingLinearized, self).__init__(
+            formulation=DivWV, rhs=rhs,
+            extra_ghosts_fields=self.vorticity_BF.nb_components,
+            **kwds)
-    def _integrate(self, dt, t):
+    def _compute(self, dt, t):
         # - Call time integrator (1st term over 3) -
         # Init workspace with a first evaluation of the div(wb:u') term in the
         # rhs of the integrator
+        self._divwu = True
         self._ti_work[:self.nb_components] = \
             self.timeIntegrator.f(t, self.vorticity_BF.data,
-                                  self._ti_work[:self.nb_components],
-                                  "div(w:u)")
+                                  self._ti_work[:self.nb_components])
         # perform integration and save result in-place
         self.vorticity.data = self.timeIntegrator(t, self.vorticity.data, dt,
         # - Call time integrator (2nd term over 3) -
         # Init workspace with a first evaluation of the div(u':wb) term in the
         # rhs of the integrator
+        self._divwu = False
         self._ti_work[:self.nb_components] = \
             self.timeIntegrator.f(t, self.velocity.data,
-                                  self._ti_work[:self.nb_components],
-                                  "div(u:w)")
+                                  self._ti_work[:self.nb_components])
         # perform integration and save result in-place
         self.vorticity.data = self.timeIntegrator(t, self.vorticity.data, dt,
-    def _compute(self, dt, t):
-        # No subcycling for this formulation
-        self._integrate(dt, t)
+    def apply(self, simulation=None):
+        assert simulation is not None, \
+            "Missing simulation value for computation."
+        # time step
+        dt = simulation.time_step
+        # current time
+        t = simulation.time
-    def _apply(self, t, dt):
         # Synchronize ghost points
-        self._synchronize(self.velocity.data + self.vorticity.data)
-        self._synchronize_vort_BF(self.vorticity_BF.data)
+        self._synchronize(self.velocity.data + self.vorticity.data +
+                          self.vorticity_BF.data)
         # Compute the 2 first "stretching" terms (div(wb:u') and div(u':wb))
         # and update vorticity for each of them
         self._compute(dt, t)
         # Compute the 3rd stretching term (div(w':ub)) and update vorticity
-        self.usual_op._apply(t, dt)
+        self.usual_op.apply(simulation)
diff --git a/hysop/operator/profiles.py b/hysop/operator/profiles.py
index 3f74bbb2949f5415c8120e1b016876df0470421d..3ce3cd9ce21cbb480712a88d278cd54189a0bc1e 100644
--- a/hysop/operator/profiles.py
+++ b/hysop/operator/profiles.py
@@ -1,7 +1,4 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-@file profiles.py
-Compute and print velo/vorti profiles
+"""Compute and print velo/vorti profiles
 from hysop.operator.discrete.profiles import Profiles as ProfD
 from hysop.operator.computational import Computational
@@ -13,7 +10,7 @@ class Profiles(Computational):
     Compute and print velo/vorti profiles
-    def __init__(self, velocity, vorticity, prof_coords, 
+    def __init__(self, velocity, vorticity, prof_coords,
                  direction, beginMeanComput, **kwds):
@@ -30,24 +27,21 @@ class Profiles(Computational):
         assert 'variables' not in kwds, 'variables parameter is useless.'
         super(Profiles, self).__init__(variables=[velocity, vorticity],
-        ## velocity field
+        # velocity field
         self.velocity = velocity
-        ## vorticity field
+        # vorticity field
         self.vorticity = vorticity
-        ## X and Y coordinates of the profile
+        # X and Y coordinates of the profile
         self.prof_coords = prof_coords
-        ## profile direction (0, 1 or 2)
+        # profile direction (0, 1 or 2)
         self.direction = direction
-        ## time at which the computation of mean profile must begin
+        # time at which the computation of mean profile must begin
         self.beginMeanComput = beginMeanComput
         self.input = [velocity, vorticity]
         self.output = []
     def get_work_properties(self):
-        if not self._is_discretized:
-            msg = 'The operator must be discretized '
-            msg += 'before any call to this function.'
-            raise RuntimeError(msg)
+        super(Profiles, self).get_work_properties()
         vd = self.discreteFields[self.velocity]
         wd = self.discreteFields[self.vorticity]
         v_ind = vd.topology.mesh.compute_index
@@ -72,4 +66,3 @@ class Profiles(Computational):
             self._set_io('profile', (1, 9))
             self._is_uptodate = True
diff --git a/hysop/operator/stretching.py b/hysop/operator/stretching.py
index c0e242cbd3d7fa48b379448e8aaf12359528c65b..80095bb777ec5d782f36fa38fa702c34d2ff6ab1 100755
--- a/hysop/operator/stretching.py
+++ b/hysop/operator/stretching.py
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ from hysop.operator.computational import Computational
 from hysop.operator.continuous import opsetup
 from hysop.operator.discrete.stretching import Conservative, GradUW
 from hysop.operator.discrete.stretching import StretchingLinearized as SLD
-import hysop.numerics.differential_operations as diff_op
+from hysop.numerics.differential_operations import GradVxW, DivWV
 from hysop.numerics.odesolvers import Euler
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ class Stretching(Computational):
     _authorized_methods = [FDC4]
+    _authorized_formulations = [Conservative, GradUW]
     def __init__(self, velocity, vorticity, **kwds):
@@ -61,11 +62,9 @@ class Stretching(Computational):
         # Formulation used for the stretching equation.
         # Default = conservative form.
-        if self.method[Formulation] == "GradUW":
-            self.formulation = GradUW
-        else:
-            self.formulation = Conservative
+        self.formulation = self.method[Formulation]
+        msg = 'Stretching error : unknown formulation.'
+        assert self.formulation in self._authorized_formulations, msg
         self.input = [self.velocity, self.vorticity]
         self.output = [self.vorticity]
@@ -81,9 +80,10 @@ class Stretching(Computational):
         res = ti.get_work_properties(nbc, topo)
         # ---> differential operator work space
         if self.formulation is GradUW:
-            dop = diff_op.GradVxW
+            dop = GradVxW
         elif self.formulation is Conservative:
-            dop = diff_op.DivWV
+            dop = DivWV
         res['rwork'] += dop.get_work_properties(topo)['rwork']
         return res
@@ -103,12 +103,10 @@ class Stretching(Computational):
 class StretchingLinearized(Stretching):
-    """Solve the linearized stretching equation, i.e:
+    """Solve the linearized stretching equation
+    See details in :ref:`stretching`.
-    \f{eqnarray*}
-    \frac{\partial \omega}{\partial t} &=& (\om \cdot \nabla)u_b +
-    (\om_b \cdot \nabla)u
-    \f}
     def __init__(self, velocity_BF, vorticity_BF, **kwds):
diff --git a/hysop/operator/tests/test_absorption_bc.py b/hysop/operator/tests/test_absorption_bc.py
index 173e207043e400d21257c10e24b1f20f7d3434d6..8f97dd6c244ee6f982e361783404a2fa5724e12f 100644
--- a/hysop/operator/tests/test_absorption_bc.py
+++ b/hysop/operator/tests/test_absorption_bc.py
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ def init_test(dim, discr, ext_filter, filter_func=None):
     flowrate = VariableParameter(data=uinf)
     x_range = [0.9, 1.]
     op = AbsorptionBC(v, w, flowrate, x_range,
-                      discretization=d3d, filter_func=filter_func)
+                      discretization=discr, filter_func=filter_func)
     wk_prop = op.get_work_properties()['rwork']
diff --git a/hysop/operator/tests/test_custom.py b/hysop/operator/tests/test_custom.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6f92c54ff6500b5c80c762ad72d6ef948ea10f1b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hysop/operator/tests/test_custom.py
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+"""Test user-defined (custom) operator
+from hysop.operator.custom import Custom
+from hysop import Field, Discretization, Box, Simulation, IOParams, IO
+import numpy as np
+import os
+d2d = Discretization([33, 65], [2, 0])
+d3d = Discretization([33, 65, 33], [2, 0, 1])
+def func3d(sim, f_in, f_out, d=None):
+    """A test function, for a 3d domain,
+    no diagnostics
+    """
+    nbc = f_in[0].nb_components
+    for d in xrange(nbc):
+        f_out[0][d] = d * f_in[0][d] + + f_in[1][0] + np.cos(sim.time)
+def func3d_with_diag(sim, f_in, f_out, diagnostics):
+    """A test function, for a 3d domain,
+    no diagnostics
+    """
+    nbc = f_in[0].nb_components
+    for d in xrange(nbc):
+        f_out[0][d] = d * f_in[0][d] + f_in[1][0] + np.cos(sim.time)
+    diagnostics[0, 0] = sim.time
+    diagnostics[0, 1] = f_out[0].data[0].min()
+    diagnostics[0, 1] = f_out[0].data[0].max()
+def init_custom(dim, discr, func, do_write=False):
+    """Test build and apply, without
+    writer.
+    """
+    dom = Box(length=[1., ] * dim)
+    v1 = Field(name='v1', is_vector=True, domain=dom)
+    v2 = Field(name='v2', is_vector=False, domain=dom)
+    v3 = Field(name='v3', is_vector=True, domain=dom)
+    topo = dom.create_topology(discr)
+    v1.randomize(topo)
+    v2.randomize(topo)
+    if do_write:
+        iop = IOParams('/tmp/hysop_custom_test.dat', fileformat=IO.ASCII)
+        d_shape = (1, 3)
+    else:
+        iop = None
+        d_shape = None
+    op = Custom(in_fields=[v1, v2], out_fields=[v3],
+                variables=[v1, v2, v3], discretization=discr,
+                function=func, io_params=iop,
+                diagnostics_shape=d_shape)
+    op.discretize()
+    op.setup()
+    sim = Simulation(nb_iter=10)
+    sim.initialize()
+    nbc = v1.nb_components
+    vd1 = v1.discretize(topo)
+    vd2 = v2.discretize(topo)
+    vd3 = v3.discretize(topo)
+    while not sim.is_over:
+        op.apply(sim)
+        for d in xrange(nbc):
+            tmp1 = d * vd1[d] + + vd2[0] + np.cos(sim.time)
+            assert np.allclose(vd3[d], tmp1)
+        sim.advance()
+    if do_write:
+        assert os.path.isfile(iop.filename)
+def test_custom_op_1():
+    """Test build and apply, without
+    writer.
+    """
+    init_custom(3, d3d, func3d)
+def test_custom_op_2():
+    """Test build and apply, with
+    output in a file
+    """
+    init_custom(3, d3d, func3d_with_diag, True)
diff --git a/hysop/operator/tests/test_diff_poisson_3D.py b/hysop/operator/tests/test_diff_poisson_3D.py
index 9dbea2debb24c60df61232202dd76a34a856b649..0268a81acc2bac6be3205253dcccdc8364a51210 100755
--- a/hysop/operator/tests/test_diff_poisson_3D.py
+++ b/hysop/operator/tests/test_diff_poisson_3D.py
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ from hysop.operator.poisson import Poisson
 from hysop.operator.diffusion import Diffusion
 from math import sqrt, pi, exp
 from hysop.problem.simulation import Simulation
+from hysop import testsenv
 def computeVel(x, y, z):
@@ -36,6 +37,7 @@ def computeVort(x, y, z):
     return wx, wy, wz
 def test_Diff_Poisson():
     # Parameters
     nb = 33
@@ -44,16 +46,16 @@ def test_Diff_Poisson():
     from hysop.tools.parameters import Discretization
     d3D = Discretization([nb, nb, nb])
-    ## Domain
+    # Domain
     box = pp.Box(length=boxLength, origin=boxMin)
-    ## Fields
+    # Fields
     velo = pp.Field(domain=box, formula=computeVel,
                     name='Velocity', is_vector=True)
     vorti = pp.Field(domain=box, formula=computeVort,
                      name='Vorticity', is_vector=True)
-    ## FFT Diffusion operators and FFT Poisson solver
+    # FFT Diffusion operators and FFT Poisson solver
     diffusion = Diffusion(variables={vorti: d3D}, viscosity=0.002)
     poisson = Poisson(velo, vorti, discretization=d3D)
diff --git a/hysop/operator/tests/test_differential.py b/hysop/operator/tests/test_differential.py
index 9eaa3895b537fd371434e01bcad3d3fd734697d3..2a9c983dcea199c5355c746ba0cd6ace9d16d279 100755
--- a/hysop/operator/tests/test_differential.py
+++ b/hysop/operator/tests/test_differential.py
@@ -9,12 +9,11 @@ from hysop.methods_keys import SpaceDiscretisation
 from hysop.methods import FDC4, FDC2
 from hysop.operator.differential import Curl, Grad, DivAdvection
 from hysop.tools.parameters import Discretization
+from hysop import testsenv
 # Domain and topologies definitions
-nb = 65
 import math
+nb = 65
 Lx = Ly = Lz = 2. * math.pi
 box1_3d = Box(length=[Lx, Ly, Lz], origin=[0., 0., 0.])
 box1_2d = Box(length=[Lx, Ly], origin=[0., 0.])
@@ -91,6 +90,8 @@ def grad_velo_2d(res, x, y, t):
 def check(op, ref_formula, topo, op_dim=3, order=4):
+    """Apply operator 'op' and compare its results with some references.
+    """
     # Reference field
     ref = Field(domain=topo.domain, formula=ref_formula, nb_components=op_dim,
@@ -116,6 +117,10 @@ def check(op, ref_formula, topo, op_dim=3, order=4):
 def call_op(class_name, ref_formula, topo, use_work=False,
             op_dim=3, method=None, order=4, vform=velocity_f):
+    """init and set an operator of type 'class_name'
+        and call check function on this operator.
+    """
     # Velocity and result fields
     velo = Field(domain=topo.domain, formula=vform, is_vector=True,
@@ -139,6 +144,10 @@ def call_op(class_name, ref_formula, topo, use_work=False,
 def call_op_fft(class_name, ref_formula, dom, discr,
                 op_dim=3, method=None, order=4, vform=velocity_f):
+    """init and set an operator of type 'class_name'
+        and call check function on this operator. FFTW method.
+    """
     # Velocity and result fields
     velo = Field(domain=dom, formula=vform, is_vector=True,
@@ -180,6 +189,12 @@ def test_curl_fd_3_2d():
             method=method, vform=velocity_f2d)
+def test_curl_fd_work():
+    method = {SpaceDiscretisation: FDC4}
+    call_op(Curl, vorticity_f, topo3_3d, method=method, use_work=True)
 def test_curl_fft_1():
     method = {SpaceDiscretisation: 'fftw'}
     d1_3d_nog = Discretization([nb, nb, nb])
@@ -228,17 +243,17 @@ def test_grad_3():
     call_op(Grad, grad_velo, topo3_3d, op_dim=9, method=method, order=2)
+def test_grad_3_work():
+    method = {SpaceDiscretisation: FDC2}
+    call_op(Grad, grad_velo, topo3_3d, op_dim=9, method=method, order=2,
+            use_work=True)
 def test_grad_3_2d():
     method = {SpaceDiscretisation: FDC4}
     call_op(Grad, grad_velo_2d, topo3_2d, op_dim=4, method=method,
-def test_curl_fd_work():
-    method = {SpaceDiscretisation: FDC4}
-    call_op(Curl, vorticity_f, topo3_3d, use_work=True, method=method)
 def divadvection_func(res, x, y, z, t):
     res[0][...] = - cos(z) * cos(z) * (cos(x) * cos(x) - sin(x) * sin(x)) - \
         cos(z) * cos(z) * (cos(y) * cos(y) - sin(y) * sin(y))
diff --git a/hysop/operator/tests/test_diffusion.py b/hysop/operator/tests/test_diffusion.py
index 6473a8b5d9ba226f8e7ba1717ff72fa2cf2335a6..cc3e80f86a461c55a3e2b4bf2a8f3df1681a005a 100755
--- a/hysop/operator/tests/test_diffusion.py
+++ b/hysop/operator/tests/test_diffusion.py
@@ -7,10 +7,11 @@ from hysop.tools.parameters import Discretization
 import numpy as np
 import hysop.tools.numpywrappers as npw
 import math
+from hysop import testsenv
 pi = math.pi
 sin = np.sin
 cos = np.cos
-## Physical Domain description
+# Physical Domain description
 dim = 3
 LL = 2 * pi * npw.ones((dim))
 cc = 2 * pi / LL
@@ -32,6 +33,7 @@ def computeVort2D(res, x, y, t):
     return res
 def test_Diffusion3D():
     dom = pp.Box(length=LL)
@@ -50,6 +52,7 @@ def test_Diffusion3D():
 def test_Diffusion3D_2():
     dom = pp.Box(length=LL)
@@ -68,6 +71,7 @@ def test_Diffusion3D_2():
 def test_Diffusion2D():
     dom = pp.Box(length=LL[:2])
diff --git a/hysop/operator/tests/test_operators.py b/hysop/operator/tests/test_operators.py
index 1b184f29bd99d3faa2e2df79e48e613ebdbdb16e..f49e10dc2c667895b52c7546330781d4cb6bda12 100644
--- a/hysop/operator/tests/test_operators.py
+++ b/hysop/operator/tests/test_operators.py
@@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-@file test_operators.py
-tests for operators general interface
+"""tests for operators general interface
 from hysop.mpi.tests.utils import create_multitask_context, CPU, GPU, OTHER
diff --git a/hysop/operator/tests/test_Stretching.py b/hysop/operator/tests/test_stretching.py
similarity index 65%
rename from hysop/operator/tests/test_Stretching.py
rename to hysop/operator/tests/test_stretching.py
index 3a0f89b2fed9091b517e316a9d4d795279cbb653..97dae7246c14c4e86a8bd398d49e3707760d3fdf 100755
--- a/hysop/operator/tests/test_Stretching.py
+++ b/hysop/operator/tests/test_stretching.py
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 from hysop import Field, Box
 import numpy as np
-from hysop.operator.stretching import Stretching, StretchingLinearized
+from hysop.operator.stretching import Stretching, StretchingLinearized, GradUW
 from hysop.problem.simulation import Simulation
 from hysop.methods_keys import TimeIntegrator, Formulation,\
@@ -15,46 +15,13 @@ cos = np.cos
 sin = np.sin
-def compute_vel(res, x, y, z, t):
-    amodul = cos(pi * 1. / 3.)
-    pix = pi * x
-    piy = pi * y
-    piz = pi * z
-    pi2x = 2. * pix
-    pi2y = 2. * piy
-    pi2z = 2. * piz
-    res[0][...] = 2. * sin(pix) * sin(pix) \
-        * sin(pi2y) * sin(pi2z) * amodul
-    res[1][...] = - sin(pi2x) * sin(piy) \
-        * sin(piy) * sin(pi2z) * amodul
-    res[2][...] = - sin(pi2x) * sin(piz) \
-        * sin(piz) * sin(pi2y) * amodul
-    return res
-def compute_vort(res, x, y, z, t):
-    amodul = cos(pi * 1. / 3.)
-    pix = pi * x
-    piy = pi * y
-    piz = pi * z
-    pi2x = 2. * pix
-    pi2y = 2. * piy
-    pi2z = 2. * piz
-    res[0][...] = 2. * pi * sin(pi2x) * amodul *\
-        (- cos(pi2y) * sin(piz) * sin(piz) +
-         sin(piy) * sin(piy) * cos(pi2z))
-    res[1][...] = 2. * pi * sin(pi2y) * amodul *\
-        (2. * cos(pi2z) * sin(pix) * sin(pix) +
-         sin(piz) * sin(piz) * cos(pi2x))
-    res[2][...] = -2. * pi * sin(pi2z) * amodul *\
-        (cos(pi2x) * sin(piy) * sin(piy) +
-         sin(pix) * sin(pix) * cos(pi2y))
+# 3d discretisation with size 2 ghosts layer
+d3d = Discretization([65, ] * 3, [2, ] * 3)
-    return res
-def computeVelBF(res, x, y, z, t):
+def compute_vel(res, x, y, z, t):
+    """3d vector field
+    """
     amodul = cos(pi * 1. / 3.)
     pix = pi * x
     piy = pi * y
@@ -71,7 +38,9 @@ def computeVelBF(res, x, y, z, t):
     return res
-def computeVortBF(res, x, y, z, t):
+def compute_vort(res, x, y, z, t):
+    """3d vector field
+    """
     amodul = cos(pi * 1. / 3.)
     pix = pi * x
     piy = pi * y
@@ -97,13 +66,8 @@ def computeVortBF(res, x, y, z, t):
 def init(method=None, work=False):
     """Build, init, setup for operator
-    nb = 33
-    box_length = [1., 1., 1.]
-    box_min = [0., 0., 0.]
-    nb_elem = Discretization([nb, nb, nb], [2, 2, 2])
     # Domain
-    box = Box(length=box_length, origin=box_min)
+    box = Box()
     # Fields
     velo = Field(
@@ -112,17 +76,22 @@ def init(method=None, work=False):
     vorti = Field(
         domain=box, formula=compute_vort,
         name='Vorticity', is_vector=True)
-    op = Stretching(velo, vorti, discretization=nb_elem, method=method)
+    # Stretching operator
+    op = Stretching(velo, vorti, discretization=d3d, method=method)
     rwork = None
     if work:
+        # Find required size for internal work vector, if needed
         wkp = op.get_work_properties()['rwork']
+        # Allocate work space
         rwork = WorkSpaceTools.check_work_array(len(wkp), wkp[0])
     topo = op.discreteFields[velo].topology
-    velo.initialize(topo=topo)
-    vorti.initialize(topo=topo)
     simulation = Simulation(start=0, end=1., time_step=0.05)
+    # initialize fields and simu
+    velo.initialize(topo=topo)
+    vorti.initialize(topo=topo)
+    simulation.initialize()
     return op, simulation
@@ -136,7 +105,7 @@ def test_stretching():
 def test_stretching_external_work():
-    """User-defined work arrays
+    """Default setup but with user-defined work arrays
     op, simu = init(work=True)
@@ -145,43 +114,58 @@ def test_stretching_external_work():
 def test_stretching_graduw():
     """GradUW formulation
-    method = {TimeIntegrator: RK3, Formulation: "GradUW",
+    method = {TimeIntegrator: RK3, Formulation: GradUW,
               SpaceDiscretisation: FDC4}
     op, simu = init(method=method)
+# def test_compare_stretching():
+#     """Run conservative and graduv form,
+#     check if results are close enough
+#     """
+#     op1, simu = init()
+#     op1.apply(simu)
+#     method = {TimeIntegrator: RK3, Formulation: GradUW,
+#               SpaceDiscretisation: FDC4}
+#     op2, simu = init(method=method)
+#     op2.apply(simu)
+#     w1 = op1.discrete_op.vorticity
+#     w2 = op2.discrete_op.vorticity
+#     h = w1.topology.mesh.space_step.max()
+#     for d in xrange(op1.domain.dimension):
+#         print np.abs((w1[d] - w2[d])).max()
+#         assert np.allclose(w1[d], w2[d], atol=h ** 2)
 def init_linearized(method=None, work=False):
-    """Build, init, setup for operator
+    """Build, init, setup for linearized stretching
-    nb = 33
-    box_length = [1., 1., 1.]
-    box_min = [0., 0., 0.]
-    nb_elem = Discretization([nb, nb, nb], [2, 2, 2])
     # Domain
-    box = Box(length=box_length, origin=box_min)
+    box = Box()
-    # Fields
+    # Base fields:
+    velo_bf = Field(
+        domain=box, formula=compute_vel,
+        name='VelocityBF', is_vector=True)
+    vorti_bf = Field(
+        domain=box, formula=compute_vort,
+        name='VorticityBF', is_vector=True)
+    # Perturbations
     velo = Field(
         domain=box, formula=compute_vel,
         name='Velocity', is_vector=True)
     vorti = Field(
         domain=box, formula=compute_vort,
         name='Vorticity', is_vector=True)
-    velo_bf = Field(
-        domain=box, formula=computeVelBF,
-        name='VelocityBF', is_vector=True)
-    vorti_bf = Field(
-        domain=box, formula=computeVortBF,
-        name='VorticityBF', is_vector=True)
     # Usual stretching operator
-    stretch1 = Stretching(velo, vorti, discretization=nb_elem)
+    stretch1 = Stretching(velo, vorti, discretization=d3d)
+    # Linearized stretching
     stretch2 = StretchingLinearized(velocity=velo, vorticity=vorti,
-                              velocity_BF=velo_bf,
-                              vorticity_BF=vorti_bf,
-                              discretization=nb_elem, method=method)
+                                    velocity_BF=velo_bf,
+                                    vorticity_BF=vorti_bf,
+                                    discretization=d3d, method=method)
     rwork = None
@@ -189,6 +173,7 @@ def init_linearized(method=None, work=False):
         wkp = stretch2.get_work_properties()['rwork']
         rwork = WorkSpaceTools.check_work_array(len(wkp), wkp[0])
     topo = stretch1.discreteFields[velo].topology
+    # initialize all fields
@@ -196,6 +181,7 @@ def init_linearized(method=None, work=False):
     simulation = Simulation(start=0, end=1., time_step=0.05)
+    simulation.initialize()
     return stretch1, stretch2, simulation
@@ -210,13 +196,7 @@ def test_stretching_linearized():
 def test_stretching_external_work_graduv():
     """User-defined work arrays for GradUW formulation
-    method = {TimeIntegrator: RK3, Formulation: "GradUW",
+    method = {TimeIntegrator: RK3, Formulation: GradUW,
               SpaceDiscretisation: FDC4}
     op, simu = init(work=True, method=method)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    test_stretching()
-    test_stretching_external_work()
-    test_stretching_graduw()
-    test_stretching_external_work_graduv()
diff --git a/trashed_examples/LevelSet3D/levelSet3D.py b/trashed_examples/LevelSet3D/levelSet3D.py
index 2ee37c14589160681b89cace46f1a8f2b7c050b7..ef4b982ed43346ca34f9816921c242ebeb1750cb 100644
--- a/trashed_examples/LevelSet3D/levelSet3D.py
+++ b/trashed_examples/LevelSet3D/levelSet3D.py
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ from hysop.numerics.remeshing import L6_4 as remesh_formula
 from hysop.numerics.remeshing import Linear
 from hysop.operator.advection import Advection
 from hysop.operator.analytic import Analytic
-from hysop.operator.custom import CustomMonitor
+from hysop.operators import Custom
 from hysop.operator.hdf_io import HDF_Writer
 from hysop.gpu.gpu_transfer import DataTransfer
 from hysop.problem.problem import Problem
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ def vitesse(res, x, y, z, t=0.):
     return res
-def volume(_simu, var):
+def volume(_simu, var, **kwds):
     v_loc = np.sum(var[0].data[0] > 0.5) * np.prod(
     return main_comm.allreduce(sendobj=v_loc, op=MPI.SUM)
@@ -96,9 +96,9 @@ topo_s = advec.advec_dir[0].discreteFields[scal].topology
 velocity = Analytic(variables={velo: topo_v},
                     method={Support: 'gpu'})
-volume_m = CustomMonitor(function=volume, res_shape=1,
-                         variables={scal: topo_s},
-                         io_params=IOParams(filename="volume.dat"))
+volume_m = Custom(function=volume, diagnostics_shape=(1, 2),
+                  in_fields=[scal], variables={scal: topo_s},
+                  io_params=IOParams(filename="volume.dat"))
 p = HDF_Writer(variables={scal: topo_s},
diff --git a/trashed_examples/LevelSet3D/levelSet3D_Scales.py b/trashed_examples/LevelSet3D/levelSet3D_Scales.py
index 251b45a43f73837ee812b1ddaaffdb9b5e5f4ff1..4572efca65c05ea6a821d5ec7c7fc02ed89eef70 100644
--- a/trashed_examples/LevelSet3D/levelSet3D_Scales.py
+++ b/trashed_examples/LevelSet3D/levelSet3D_Scales.py
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ from hysop.tools.parameters import Discretization, IOParams
 from hysop.methods_keys import Scales, MultiScale
 from hysop.operator.advection import Advection
 from hysop.operator.analytic import Analytic
-from hysop.operator.custom import CustomMonitor
+from hysop.operators import Custom
 from hysop.operator.hdf_io import HDF_Writer
 from hysop.problem.problem import Problem
 from hysop.problem.simulation import Simulation
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ def vitesse(res, x, y, z, t=0.):
     return res
-def volume(_simu, var):
+def volume(_simu, var, **kwds):
     v_loc = np.sum(var[0].data[0] > 0.5) * np.prod(
     return main_comm.allreduce(sendobj=v_loc, op=MPI.SUM)
@@ -68,9 +68,9 @@ topo_s = advec.discreteFields[scal].topology
 velocity = Analytic(variables={velo: topo_v})
-volume_m = CustomMonitor(function=volume, res_shape=1,
-                         variables={scal: topo_s},
-                         io_params=IOParams(filename="volume.dat"))
+volume_m = Custom(function=volume, res_shape=1,
+                  in_fields=[scal], discretization=topo_s,
+                  io_params=IOParams(filename="volume.dat"))
 p = HDF_Writer(variables={scal: topo_s},
diff --git a/trashed_examples/LevelSet3D/levelSet3D_Scales_MultiScale.py b/trashed_examples/LevelSet3D/levelSet3D_Scales_MultiScale.py
index b50c7baed82c2fc85b038266d226360af67f4ae3..8b970f960006b1dade145fbb5d8d4bb85a06f456 100644
--- a/trashed_examples/LevelSet3D/levelSet3D_Scales_MultiScale.py
+++ b/trashed_examples/LevelSet3D/levelSet3D_Scales_MultiScale.py
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ from hysop.tools.parameters import Discretization, IOParams
 from hysop.methods_keys import Scales, MultiScale
 from hysop.operator.advection import Advection
 from hysop.operator.analytic import Analytic
-from hysop.operator.custom import CustomMonitor
+from hysop.operators import Custom
 from hysop.operator.hdf_io import HDF_Writer
 from hysop.problem.problem import Problem
 from hysop.problem.simulation import Simulation
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ def vitesse(res, x, y, z, t=0.):
     return res
-def volume(_simu, var):
+def volume(_simu, var, **kwds):
     v_loc = np.sum(var[0].data[0] > 0.5) * np.prod(
     return main_comm.allreduce(sendobj=v_loc, op=MPI.SUM)
@@ -69,9 +69,9 @@ advec.discretize()
 velocity = Analytic(variables={velo: topo_v})
-volume_m = CustomMonitor(function=volume, res_shape=1,
-                         variables={scal: topo_s},
-                         io_params=IOParams(filename="volume.dat"))
+volume_m = Custom(function=volume, diagnostics_shape=(1, 2),
+                  in_fields=[scal], variables={scal: topo_s},
+                  io_params=IOParams(filename="volume.dat"))
 p = HDF_Writer(variables={scal: topo_s},
diff --git a/trashed_examples/LevelSet3D/levelSet3D_gpu.py b/trashed_examples/LevelSet3D/levelSet3D_gpu.py
index b12d157daac86fcc9af693a5d49003d7552b6fb3..e51895da6366910a6085b1fd090d6a696582473c 100755
--- a/trashed_examples/LevelSet3D/levelSet3D_gpu.py
+++ b/trashed_examples/LevelSet3D/levelSet3D_gpu.py
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ from hysop.numerics.remeshing import L6_4 as remesh_formula
 from hysop.numerics.remeshing import Linear
 from hysop.operator.advection import Advection
 from hysop.operator.analytic import Analytic
-from hysop.operator.custom import CustomMonitor
+from hysop.operators import Custom
 from hysop.operator.hdf_io import HDF_Writer
 from hysop.gpu.gpu_transfer import DataTransfer
 from hysop.problem.problem import Problem
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ def vitesse(res, x, y, z, t=0.):
     return res
-def volume(_simu, var):
+def volume(_simu, var, **kwds):
     v_loc = np.sum(var[0].data[0] > 0.5) * np.prod(
     return main_comm.allreduce(sendobj=v_loc, op=MPI.SUM)
@@ -88,9 +88,9 @@ topo_s = advec.advec_dir[0].discreteFields[scal].topology
 velocity = Analytic(variables={velo: topo_v})
-volume_m = CustomMonitor(function=volume, res_shape=1,
-                         variables={scal: topo_s},
-                         io_params=IOParams(filename="volume.dat"))
+volume_m = Custom(function=volume, diagnostics_shape=1,
+                  in_fields=[scal], variables={scal: topo_s},
+                  io_params=IOParams(filename="volume.dat"))
 p = HDF_Writer(variables={scal: topo_s},
diff --git a/trashed_examples/LevelSet3D/levelSet3D_gpu_MultiScale.py b/trashed_examples/LevelSet3D/levelSet3D_gpu_MultiScale.py
index 2bfef8a41982257b679f9180b8b25a79b9b833bb..3d05e5019213b42d16b5135878ac931f47d1840d 100644
--- a/trashed_examples/LevelSet3D/levelSet3D_gpu_MultiScale.py
+++ b/trashed_examples/LevelSet3D/levelSet3D_gpu_MultiScale.py
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ from hysop.numerics.remeshing import L6_4 as remesh_formula
 from hysop.numerics.remeshing import Linear
 from hysop.operator.advection import Advection
 from hysop.operator.analytic import Analytic
-from hysop.operator.custom import CustomMonitor
+from hysop.operators import Custom
 from hysop.operator.hdf_io import HDF_Writer
 from hysop.gpu.gpu_transfer import DataTransfer
 from hysop.problem.problem import Problem
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ def vitesse(res, x, y, z, t=0.):
     return res
-def volume(_simu, var):
+def volume(_simu, var, **kwds):
     v_loc = np.sum(var[0].data[0] > 0.5) * np.prod(
     return main_comm.allreduce(sendobj=v_loc, op=MPI.SUM)
@@ -89,9 +89,9 @@ topo_s = advec.advec_dir[0].discreteFields[scal].topology
 velocity = Analytic(variables={velo: topo_v})
-volume_m = CustomMonitor(function=volume, res_shape=1,
-                         variables={scal: topo_s},
-                         io_params=IOParams(filename="volume.dat"))
+volume_m = Custom(function=volume, diagnostics_shape=(1, 2),
+                  in_fields=[scal], variables={scal: topo_s},
+                  io_params=IOParams(filename="volume.dat"))
 p = HDF_Writer(variables={scal: topo_s},
diff --git a/trashed_examples/LevelSet3D/levelSet3D_only_gpu.py b/trashed_examples/LevelSet3D/levelSet3D_only_gpu.py
index 5a87c8e07f120f1c90c351b78b58cc290b46d794..a163a5fd25e6216c551015af7378c953c4672cce 100644
--- a/trashed_examples/LevelSet3D/levelSet3D_only_gpu.py
+++ b/trashed_examples/LevelSet3D/levelSet3D_only_gpu.py
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ from hysop.numerics.remeshing import L6_4 as remesh_formula
 from hysop.numerics.remeshing import Linear
 from hysop.operator.advection import Advection
 from hysop.operator.analytic import Analytic
-from hysop.operator.custom import CustomMonitor
+from hysop.operators import Custom
 from hysop.operator.hdf_io import HDF_Writer
 from hysop.gpu.gpu_transfer import DataTransfer
 from hysop.problem.problem import Problem
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ from hysop.problem.simulation import Simulation
 sin, cos, pi, sqrt = np.sin, np.cos, np.pi, np.sqrt
-def volume(_simu, var):
+def volume(_simu, var, **kwds):
     v_loc = np.sum(var[0].data[0] > 0.5) * np.prod(
     return main_comm.allreduce(sendobj=v_loc, op=MPI.SUM)
@@ -78,9 +78,9 @@ topo_s = advec.advec_dir[0].discreteFields[scal].topology
 velocity = Analytic(variables={velo: topo_v},
                     method={Support: 'gpu'})
-volume_m = CustomMonitor(function=volume, res_shape=1,
-                         variables={scal: topo_s},
-                         io_params=IOParams(filename="volume.dat"))
+volume_m = Custom(function=volume, diagnostics_shape=(1, 2),
+                  in_fields=[scal], variables={scal: topo_s},
+                  io_params=IOParams(filename="volume.dat"))
 p = HDF_Writer(variables={scal: topo_s},
diff --git a/trashed_examples/LevelSet3D/levelSet3D_only_gpu_MultiScale.py b/trashed_examples/LevelSet3D/levelSet3D_only_gpu_MultiScale.py
index 5a689da0c2cf7752957fa921bd2ddb76b9a5fc2a..0726d2328d3ba3fdbb281acce52108d4e5c5b79d 100644
--- a/trashed_examples/LevelSet3D/levelSet3D_only_gpu_MultiScale.py
+++ b/trashed_examples/LevelSet3D/levelSet3D_only_gpu_MultiScale.py
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ from hysop.numerics.remeshing import L6_4 as remesh_formula
 from hysop.numerics.remeshing import Linear
 from hysop.operator.advection import Advection
 from hysop.operator.analytic import Analytic
-from hysop.operator.custom import CustomMonitor
+from hysop.operators import Custom
 from hysop.operator.hdf_io import HDF_Writer
 from hysop.gpu.gpu_transfer import DataTransfer
 from hysop.problem.problem import Problem
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ from hysop.problem.simulation import Simulation
 sin, cos, pi, sqrt = np.sin, np.cos, np.pi, np.sqrt
-def volume(_simu, var):
+def volume(simu, var, **kwds):
     v_loc = np.sum(var[0].data[0] > 0.5) * np.prod(
     return main_comm.allreduce(sendobj=v_loc, op=MPI.SUM)
@@ -80,9 +80,9 @@ topo_s = advec.advec_dir[0].discreteFields[scal].topology
 velocity = Analytic(variables={velo: topo_v},
                     method={Support: 'gpu'})
-volume_m = CustomMonitor(function=volume, res_shape=1,
-                         variables={scal: topo_s},
-                         io_params=IOParams(filename="volume.dat"))
+volume_m = Custom(function=volume, diagnostics_shape=(1, 2),
+                  in_fields=[scal], variables={scal: topo_s},
+                  io_params=IOParams(filename="volume.dat"))
 p = HDF_Writer(variables={scal: topo_s},
diff --git a/trashed_examples/LevelSet3D/levelSet3D_python.py b/trashed_examples/LevelSet3D/levelSet3D_python.py
index fc845ee45bc9242367b87fec1b67ce2a2322a848..3a3d071d9243ca0eb4ce620e73978329100a8b63 100644
--- a/trashed_examples/LevelSet3D/levelSet3D_python.py
+++ b/trashed_examples/LevelSet3D/levelSet3D_python.py
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ from hysop.numerics.remeshing import L2_1 as remesh_formula
 from hysop.numerics.interpolation import Linear
 from hysop.operator.advection import Advection
 from hysop.operator.analytic import Analytic
-from hysop.operator.custom import CustomMonitor
+from hysop.operators import Custom
 from hysop.operator.hdf_io import HDF_Writer
 from hysop.gpu.gpu_transfer import DataTransfer
 from hysop.problem.problem import Problem
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ def vitesse(res, x, y, z, t=0.):
     return res
-def volume(_simu, var):
+def volume(_simu, var, **kwds):
     v_loc = np.sum(var[0].data[0] > 0.5) * np.prod(
     return main_comm.allreduce(sendobj=v_loc, op=MPI.SUM)
@@ -100,9 +100,9 @@ topo_s = advec.advec_dir[0].discreteFields[scal].topology
 velocity = Analytic(variables={velo: topo_v})
                     #method={Support: 'gpu'})
-volume_m = CustomMonitor(function=volume, res_shape=1,
-                         variables={scal: topo_s},
-                         io_params=IOParams(filename="volume.dat"))
+volume_m = Custom(function=volume, diagnostics_shape=(1, 2),
+                  in_fields=[scal], variables={scal: topo_s},
+                  io_params=IOParams(filename="volume.dat"))
 p = HDF_Writer(variables={scal: topo_s},
diff --git a/trashed_examples/Multiphase/NS_planeJet_hybrid_MS_MP.py b/trashed_examples/Multiphase/NS_planeJet_hybrid_MS_MP.py
index 0529eebf6eb0a9f50727fd60fe460482381f0a36..bcf74505fc3fb023a20fe7a8f10f2a043b913dad 100644
--- a/trashed_examples/Multiphase/NS_planeJet_hybrid_MS_MP.py
+++ b/trashed_examples/Multiphase/NS_planeJet_hybrid_MS_MP.py
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ from hysop.operator.stretching import Stretching
 from hysop.operator.poisson import Poisson
 from hysop.operator.differential import Curl
 from hysop.operator.adapt_timestep import AdaptTimeStep
-from hysop.operator.custom import CustomMonitor
+from hysop.operators import Custom
 from hysop.operator.redistribute_inter import RedistributeInter
 from hysop.operator.redistribute_intra import RedistributeIntra
 from hysop.gpu.gpu_transfer import DataTransfer
@@ -372,13 +372,14 @@ if IS_OUTPUT:
-    maxvelo = CustomMonitor(variables={velo: topo_F_0g_1d},
-                            function=calc_maxvelo,
-                            res_shape=3,
-                            mpi_params=mpi_params_UW,
-                            io_params=IOParams(frequency=1,
-                                               filename='maxvelo.dat',
-                                               fileformat=ASCII))
+    maxvelo = Custom(in_fields=[velo],
+                     variables={velo: topo_F_0g_1d},
+                     function=calc_maxvelo,
+                     diagnostics_shape=(1, 4),
+                     mpi_params=mpi_params_UW,
+                     io_params=IOParams(frequency=1,
+                                        filename='maxvelo.dat',
+                                        fileformat=ASCII))
     if box.is_on_task(TASK_UW):
         for op in (p_velo, p_velo_xy, p_velo_xz, energy, maxvelo):
diff --git a/trashed_examples/Multiphase/RTI.py b/trashed_examples/Multiphase/RTI.py
index 4534e86e61e2c3e6a5e131084012d1e86a212df0..2e23829a6b00e086a4fbe07a68629b54074ce483 100644
--- a/trashed_examples/Multiphase/RTI.py
+++ b/trashed_examples/Multiphase/RTI.py
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ from hysop.operator.multiresolution_filter import MultiresolutionFilter
 from hysop.operator.multiphase_gradp import MultiphaseGradP
 from hysop.operator.multiphase_baroclinic_rhs import MultiphaseBaroclinicRHS
 from hysop.operator.adapt_timestep import AdaptTimeStep
-from hysop.operator.custom import CustomMonitor
+from hysop.operators import Custom
 from hysop.operator.redistribute_inter import RedistributeInter
 from hysop.operator.redistribute_intra import RedistributeIntra
 from hysop.gpu.gpu_transfer import DataTransfer
@@ -338,13 +338,14 @@ if IS_OUTPUT:
-    maxvelo = CustomMonitor(variables={velo: topo_C_1d},
-                            function=calc_maxvelo,
-                            res_shape=3,
-                            mpi_params=mpi_params_UW,
-                            io_params=IOParams(frequency=1,
-                                               filename='maxvelo.dat',
-                                               fileformat=ASCII))
+    maxvelo = Custom(in_fields=[velo],
+                     variables={velo: topo_C_1d},
+                     function=calc_maxvelo,
+                     diagnostics_shape=(1, 4),
+                     mpi_params=mpi_params_UW,
+                     io_params=IOParams(frequency=1,
+                                        filename='maxvelo.dat',
+                                        fileformat=ASCII))
     if box.is_on_task(TASK_UW):
         for op in (p_velo, energy, maxvelo):
diff --git a/trashed_examples/Plane_jet/NS_planeJet_hybrid_MS.py b/trashed_examples/Plane_jet/NS_planeJet_hybrid_MS.py
index bee1729fe1b86ccafb94b021338fe88ea2b9c978..6f65a4f347897448a95269ecbcb04f6a8ae99cc9 100644
--- a/trashed_examples/Plane_jet/NS_planeJet_hybrid_MS.py
+++ b/trashed_examples/Plane_jet/NS_planeJet_hybrid_MS.py
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ from hysop.operator.stretching import Stretching
 from hysop.operator.poisson import Poisson
 from hysop.operator.differential import Curl
 from hysop.operator.adapt_timestep import AdaptTimeStep
-from hysop.operator.custom import CustomMonitor
+from hysop.operators import Custom
 from hysop.operator.redistribute_inter import RedistributeInter
 from hysop.operator.redistribute_intra import RedistributeIntra
 from hysop.gpu.gpu_transfer import DataTransfer
@@ -299,13 +299,14 @@ if IS_OUTPUT:
-    maxvelo = CustomMonitor(variables={velo: topo_CPU_velo_scales},
-                            function=calc_maxvelo,
-                            res_shape=3,
-                            mpi_params=mpi_params_UW,
-                            io_params=IOParams(frequency=1,
-                                               filename='maxvelo.dat',
-                                               fileformat=ASCII))
+    maxvelo = Custom(in_fields=[velo],
+                     variables={velo: topo_CPU_velo_scales},
+                     function=calc_maxvelo,
+                     diagnostics_shape=(1, 4),
+                     mpi_params=mpi_params_UW,
+                     io_params=IOParams(frequency=1,
+                                        filename='maxvelo.dat',
+                                        fileformat=ASCII))
     if box.isOnTask(TASK_UW):
         for op in (p_velo, p_velo_xy, p_velo_xz, energy, maxvelo):
diff --git a/trashed_examples/RMI/RMI_hybrid.py b/trashed_examples/RMI/RMI_hybrid.py
index 7f2076058b223e14f49e3867aed4564430df7c81..e895a25898d893256719293fff857570657810c0 100644
--- a/trashed_examples/RMI/RMI_hybrid.py
+++ b/trashed_examples/RMI/RMI_hybrid.py
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ from hysop.operator.baroclinic import Baroclinic
 from hysop.operator.penalization import PenalizeVorticity
 from hysop.operator.poisson import Poisson
 from hysop.operator.adapt_timestep import AdaptTimeStep
-from hysop.operator.custom import CustomMonitor, CustomOp
+from hysop.operators import Custom
 from hysop.operator.redistribute_inter import RedistributeInter
 from hysop.operator.redistribute_intra import RedistributeIntra
 from hysop.gpu.gpu_transfer import DataTransfer
@@ -129,17 +129,15 @@ def func_scal_to_rho(simu, f_in, f_out):
 temp_maxvelo = npw.zeros((3, ))
-maxvelo_values = npw.zeros((3, ))
-def calc_maxvelo(simu, v):
+def calc_maxvelo(simu, v, w=None, maxvelo_values):
     temp_maxvelo[0] = np.max(np.abs(v[0].data[0]))
     temp_maxvelo[1] = np.max(np.abs(v[0].data[1]))
     temp_maxvelo[2] = np.max(np.abs(v[0].data[2]))
     v[0].topology.comm.Allreduce(sendbuf=[temp_maxvelo, 3, HYSOP_MPI_REAL],
                                  recvbuf=[maxvelo_values, 3, HYSOP_MPI_REAL],
-    return maxvelo_values
 ctime = MPI.Wtime()
 # Domain
@@ -222,10 +220,11 @@ advec = Advection(velo,
                   method={Scales: 'p_64', MultiScale: 'L4_4'})
 stretch = Stretching(velo, vorti, discretization=d_uw_ghosts,
-scal_to_rho = CustomOp([scal, ], [rho, ], func_scal_to_rho,
-                       variables={scal: d_uw_ghosts,
-                                  rho: d_uw_ghosts},
-                       mpi_params=mpi_params_UW)
+scal_to_rho = Custom(in_fields=[scal, ], out_fields=[rho, ],
+                     function=func_scal_to_rho,
+                     variables={scal: d_uw_ghosts,
+                                rho: d_uw_ghosts},
+                     mpi_params=mpi_params_UW)
 penal = PenalizeVorticity(velocity=velo, vorticity=vorti,
                           obstacles=[bc_t, bc_b], coeff=1e8,
@@ -291,13 +290,14 @@ if IS_OUTPUT:
-    maxvelo = CustomMonitor(variables={velo: topo_CPU_velo_scales},
-                            function=calc_maxvelo,
-                            res_shape=3,
-                            mpi_params=mpi_params_UW,
-                            io_params=IOParams(frequency=1,
-                                               filename='maxvelo.dat',
-                                               fileformat=ASCII))
+    maxvelo = Custom(in_fields=[velo],
+                     variables={velo: topo_CPU_velo_scales},
+                     function=calc_maxvelo,
+                     diagnostics_shape=(1, 4),
+                     mpi_params=mpi_params_UW,
+                     io_params=IOParams(frequency=1,
+                                        filename='maxvelo.dat',
+                                        fileformat=ASCII))
     if box.is_on_task(TASK_UW):
         for op in (p_velo, p_rho, energy, maxvelo):