diff --git a/Examples/NS_planeJet.py b/Examples/Plane_jet/NS_planeJet_CPU.py
similarity index 59%
rename from Examples/NS_planeJet.py
rename to Examples/Plane_jet/NS_planeJet_CPU.py
index a050b048cf593fa2d4ceafd2ba49ebb6c7a26fff..636b0b104d1dafdc589cdb1b3eb999205fced425 100644
--- a/Examples/NS_planeJet.py
+++ b/Examples/Plane_jet/NS_planeJet_CPU.py
@@ -8,26 +8,20 @@ All parameters are set and defined in python module dataTG.
 import parmepy as pp
-from parmepy.constants import ORDER, np, PARMES_REAL
+from parmepy.constants import ORDER, np, PARMES_REAL, HDF5
 from parmepy.f2py import fftw2py
-import numpy as np
 from parmepy.fields.continuous import Field
-from parmepy.variables.variables import Variables
 from parmepy.mpi.topology import Cartesian
 from parmepy.operator.advection import Advection
 from parmepy.operator.stretching import Stretching
 from parmepy.operator.poisson import Poisson
 from parmepy.operator.diffusion import Diffusion
-from parmepy.operator.adapt_timestep import AdaptTimeStep
 from parmepy.operator.redistribute import Redistribute
 from parmepy.problem.navier_stokes import NSProblem
 from parmepy.operator.monitors.printer import Printer
 from parmepy.operator.monitors.energy_enstrophy import Energy_enstrophy
 from parmepy.problem.simulation import Simulation
-from parmepy.operator.adapt_timestep import AdaptTimeStep
-from parmepy.methods_keys import Scales
 from parmepy.operator.differential import Curl
-from parmepy.numerics.updateGhosts import UpdateGhosts
 from parmepy.mpi.main_var import main_size
 from parmepy.methods_keys import Scales, TimeIntegrator, Interpolation,\
     Remesh, Support, Splitting, dtAdvecCrit, SpaceDiscretisation, GhostUpdate
@@ -36,7 +30,7 @@ from parmepy.numerics.integrators.runge_kutta3 import RK3 as RK3
 from parmepy.numerics.integrators.runge_kutta4 import RK4 as RK4
 from parmepy.numerics.finite_differences import FD_C_4, FD_C_2
 from parmepy.numerics.interpolation import Linear
-from parmepy.numerics.remeshing import L4_2 as rmsh
+from parmepy.numerics.remeshing import L6_4
 from parmepy.f2py import fftw2py
 # problem dimension
@@ -45,17 +39,16 @@ dim = 3
 nb = 129
 # number of ghosts in usual cartesian topo
-ADVECTION_METHOD = {Scales: 'p_66'}
+ADVECTION_METHOD = {Scales: 'p_64'}
 # ADVECTION_METHOD = {TimeIntegrator: RK2,
 #                     Interpolation: Linear,
-#                     Remesh: rmsh,
+#                     Remesh: L6_4,
 #                     Support: '',
 #                     Splitting: 'o2_FullHalf'}
 ## ----------- A 3d problem -----------
-print " ========= Start Navier-Stokes 3D (Taylor Green benchmark) ========="
 ## pi constant
 pi = np.pi
 cos = np.cos
@@ -75,40 +68,33 @@ randY = np.asarray(np.random.random([nb - 1, nb - 1,(nb - 1)/main_size]),
 randZ = np.asarray(np.random.random([nb - 1, nb - 1,(nb - 1)/main_size]),
                    dtype=PARMES_REAL, order=ORDER) - 0.5
-# ##initjet.f
-# width = 0.01
-# ampl3 = 0.3
-# ampl2 = 0.
-# ampl = 0.05
-# def computeVel(res, x, y, z, t):
-#     yy = abs(y - 0.5)
-#     aux=(0.1-2.*yy)/(4.*width)
-#     res[0][...] =0.5*(1.+tanh(aux))*(1.+ampl3*sin(8.*pi*(x)))*(1.+ampl*exp(-abs((0.1-2.*yy)/(4.*width)**2))*randX)
-#     res[1][...] = ampl*exp(-abs((0.1-2.*yy)/(4.*width)**2))*randY
-#     res[2][...] = ampl*exp(-abs((0.1-2.*yy)/(4.*width)**2))*randZ
-#     return res
-# def initScal(res, x, y, z, t):
-#     yy = abs(y - 0.5)
-#     aux=(0.1-2.*yy)/(4.*width)
-#     res[0][...] = 0.5*(1.+tanh(aux))*(1.+ampl2*exp(-abs((0.1-2.*yy)/(4.*width)**2))*randZ)
-#     return res
-# ## JCP initial condition
+width = 0.01
+ampl3 = 0.3
+ampl = 0.05
 def computeVel(res, x, y, z, t):
-    res[0][...] = 0.5*(1.-tanh((abs(y-0.5)-0.1/2.)/0.02))*(1.+0.3*sin(8*pi*x))
-    res[1][...] = 0.
-    res[2][...] = 0.
+    yy = abs(y - 0.5)
+    aux = (0.1 - 2. * yy) / (4. * width)
+    strg1 = exp(-abs(aux ** 2)) * randX
+    strg2 = exp(-abs(aux ** 2)) * randY
+    strg3 = exp(-abs(aux ** 2)) * randZ
+    res[0][...] = 0.5 * (1. + tanh(aux))
+    res[0][...] *= (1. + ampl3 * sin(8. * pi * x))
+    res[0][...] *= (1. + ampl * strg1)
+    res[1][...] = ampl * strg2
+    res[2][...] = ampl * strg3
     return res
 def initScal(res, x, y, z, t):
-    res[0][...] = 0.5*(1.-tanh((abs(y-0.5)-0.1/2.)/0.02))*(1.+0.3*sin(8*pi*x))
+    yy = abs(y - 0.5)
+    aux = (0.1 - 2. * yy) / (4. * width)
+    res[0][...] = 0.5 * (1. + tanh(aux))
+    #strg3 = exp(-abs(aux ** 2)) * randZ
+    #res[0][...] *= (1. + ampl2 * strg3)
     return res
 ## Fields
 velo = Field(domain=box, formula=computeVel,
              name='Velocity', isVector=True)
@@ -117,10 +103,6 @@ vorti = Field(domain=box,
 scal = Field(domain=box, formula=initScal,
               name='PassiveScalar', isVector=False)
-## Variables
-dt_adapt = Variables(domain=box, name='adaptative time step',
-                     data=[0.01])
 ## Variables
 ## Usual Cartesian topology definition
 # At the moment we use two (or three?) topologies :
@@ -166,27 +148,13 @@ poisson = Poisson(velo, vorti,
 c = Curl(velo, vorti,
          resolutions={velo: nbElem,
                       vorti: nbElem},
-         method={SpaceDiscretisation: fftw2py, GhostUpdate: False},
+         method={SpaceDiscretisation: fftw2py, GhostUpdate: True},
-## Tools Operators
-dtAdapt = AdaptTimeStep(velo, vorti,
-                        resolutions={velo: nbElem,
-                                     vorti: nbElem},
-                        dt_adapt=dt_adapt,
-                        method={TimeIntegrator: RK3,
-                                SpaceDiscretisation: FD_C_4,
-                                dtAdvecCrit: 'deform'},
-                        topo=topo,
-                        lcfl=0.125,
-                        cfl=None, # 0.5,
-                        prefix='./res_PS/dt_2p')
 ## Simulation
 simu = Simulation(tinit=0.0,
-                  tend=4.5, timeStep=dt_adapt,
-                  iterMax=10000)
+                  tend=4.5, timeStep=0.001,
+                  iterMax=1000000)
 # Bridges between the different topologies in order to
@@ -196,56 +164,49 @@ toGhost_vorti = Redistribute([vorti], advec, stretch)
 toGhost_velo = Redistribute([velo], poisson, stretch)
 # 2 - Stretching to Poisson/Diffusion
 fromGhost_vorti = Redistribute([vorti], stretch, diffusion)
-# 3 - Poisson to TimeStep
-distrPoissTimeStep = Redistribute([velo, vorti], poisson, dtAdapt)
 #  Define the problem to solve
-pb = NSProblem(operators=[toGhost_velo, advecScal, advec,
-                          toGhost_vorti,
-                          stretch,
-                          fromGhost_vorti,
-                          diffusion,
-                          poisson,
-                          distrPoissTimeStep, dtAdapt],
-               simulation=simu, dumpFreq=-1)
-## Setting solver to Problem (only operators for computational tasks)
+pb = NSProblem(operators=[
+        toGhost_velo,
+        advecScal,
+        advec,
+        toGhost_vorti,
+        stretch,
+        fromGhost_vorti,
+        diffusion,
+        poisson,
+        ], simulation=simu, dumpFreq=-1)
+## Setting solver to Problem (o nly operators for computational tasks)
 ## Diagnostics related to the problem
 topofft = poisson.discreteFields[poisson.vorticity].topology
-# energy = Energy_enstrophy(velo, vorti, isNormalized=True,
-#                           topo=topofft,
-#                           viscosity=VISCOSITY,
-#                           frequency=1,
-#                           prefix='./res_PS/energy_S128_2p.dat')
+energy = Energy_enstrophy(velo, vorti, isNormalized=True,
+                          topo=topofft,
+                          viscosity=VISCOSITY,
+                          frequency=1,
+                          prefix='./res_NS_planeJet/energy_ref.dat')
 # initialisation
-# p = Printer(variables=[scal,],
-#             topo=topofft,
-#             frequency=1,
-#             prefix='./res_PS/scal_S128_2p',
-#             ext=".vtk")
-# pb.addMonitors([p])
-# p._printStep()
-# pf = Printer(variables=[velo, vorti],
-#             topo=topofft,
-#             frequency=1,
-#             prefix='./res_PS/fields_S128_2p',
-#             ext=".vtk")
-# pb.addMonitors([pf])
-# pf._printStep()
+p = Printer(variables=[scal,],
+            topo=topofft,
+            frequency=100,
+            prefix='./res_NS_planeJet/scal_ref',
+            formattype=HDF5)
 def run():
@@ -261,4 +222,3 @@ print 'total time (rank):', MPI.Wtime() - time, '(', topo.rank, ')'
 ## Clean memory buffers
diff --git a/Examples/Plane_jet/NS_planeJet_CPU_MS.py b/Examples/Plane_jet/NS_planeJet_CPU_MS.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e4b06947c925b83826a468c497d535b50126b6a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Examples/Plane_jet/NS_planeJet_CPU_MS.py
@@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
+Taylor Green 3D : see paper van Rees 2011.
+All parameters are set and defined in python module dataTG.
+import parmepy as pp
+from parmepy.constants import ORDER, np, PARMES_REAL, HDF5
+from parmepy.f2py import fftw2py
+from parmepy.fields.continuous import Field
+from parmepy.mpi.topology import Cartesian
+from parmepy.operator.advection import Advection
+from parmepy.operator.stretching import Stretching
+from parmepy.operator.poisson import Poisson
+from parmepy.operator.diffusion import Diffusion
+from parmepy.operator.redistribute import Redistribute
+from parmepy.problem.navier_stokes import NSProblem
+from parmepy.operator.monitors.printer import Printer
+from parmepy.operator.monitors.energy_enstrophy import Energy_enstrophy
+from parmepy.problem.simulation import Simulation
+from parmepy.operator.differential import Curl
+from parmepy.mpi.main_var import main_size
+from parmepy.methods_keys import Scales, TimeIntegrator, Interpolation,\
+    Remesh, Support, Splitting, dtAdvecCrit, SpaceDiscretisation, GhostUpdate, MultiScale
+from parmepy.numerics.integrators.runge_kutta2 import RK2 as RK2
+from parmepy.numerics.integrators.runge_kutta3 import RK3 as RK3
+from parmepy.numerics.integrators.runge_kutta4 import RK4 as RK4
+from parmepy.numerics.finite_differences import FD_C_4, FD_C_2
+from parmepy.numerics.interpolation import Linear
+from parmepy.numerics.remeshing import L6_4
+from parmepy.f2py import fftw2py
+# problem dimension
+dim = 3
+# resolution
+nb = 129
+nb_s = 257
+# number of ghosts in usual cartesian topo
+ADVECTION_METHOD = {Scales: 'p_64', MultiScale: 'L4_4'}
+# ADVECTION_METHOD = {TimeIntegrator: RK2,
+#                     Interpolation: Linear,
+#                     Remesh: L6_4,
+#                     Support: '',
+#                     Splitting: 'o2_FullHalf'}
+## ----------- A 3d problem -----------
+## pi constant
+pi = np.pi
+cos = np.cos
+sin = np.sin
+exp = np.exp
+abs = np.abs
+tanh = np.tanh
+## Domain
+box = pp.Box(dim, length=[1., ]*3)
+## Global resolution
+nbElem = [nb] * dim
+nbElem_s = [nb_s] * dim
+randX = np.asarray(np.random.random([nb - 1, nb - 1,(nb - 1)/main_size]),
+                   dtype=PARMES_REAL, order=ORDER) - 0.5
+randY = np.asarray(np.random.random([nb - 1, nb - 1,(nb - 1)/main_size]),
+                   dtype=PARMES_REAL, order=ORDER) - 0.5
+randZ = np.asarray(np.random.random([nb - 1, nb - 1,(nb - 1)/main_size]),
+                   dtype=PARMES_REAL, order=ORDER) - 0.5
+width = 0.01
+ampl3 = 0.3
+ampl = 0.05
+def computeVel(res, x, y, z, t):
+    yy = abs(y - 0.5)
+    aux = (0.1 - 2. * yy) / (4. * width)
+    strg1 = exp(-abs(aux ** 2)) * randX
+    strg2 = exp(-abs(aux ** 2)) * randY
+    strg3 = exp(-abs(aux ** 2)) * randZ
+    res[0][...] = 0.5 * (1. + tanh(aux))
+    res[0][...] *= (1. + ampl3 * sin(8. * pi * x))
+    res[0][...] *= (1. + ampl * strg1)
+    res[1][...] = ampl * strg2
+    res[2][...] = ampl * strg3
+    return res
+def initScal(res, x, y, z, t):
+    yy = abs(y - 0.5)
+    aux = (0.1 - 2. * yy) / (4. * width)
+    res[0][...] = 0.5 * (1. + tanh(aux))
+    #strg3 = exp(-abs(aux ** 2)) * randZ
+    #res[0][...] *= (1. + ampl2 * strg3)
+    return res
+## Fields
+velo = Field(domain=box, formula=computeVel,
+             name='Velocity', isVector=True)
+vorti = Field(domain=box,
+              name='Vorticity', isVector=True)
+scal = Field(domain=box, formula=initScal,
+              name='PassiveScalar', isVector=False)
+## Variables
+## Usual Cartesian topology definition
+# At the moment we use two (or three?) topologies :
+# - "topo" for Stretching and all operators based on finite differences.
+#    --> ghost layer = 2
+# - topo from Advection operator for all the other operators.
+#    --> no ghost layer
+# - topo from fftw for Poisson and Diffusion.
+# Todo : check compat between scales and fft operators topologies.
+ghosts = [NBGHOSTS] * box.dimension
+topo = Cartesian(box, box.dimension, nbElem,
+                 ghosts=ghosts)
+## Navier Stokes Operators
+advec = Advection(velo, vorti,
+                  resolutions={velo: nbElem,
+                               vorti: nbElem},
+                  method=ADVECTION_METHOD
+                  )
+advecScal = Advection(velo, scal,
+                      resolutions={velo: nbElem,
+                                   scal: nbElem_s},
+                      method=ADVECTION_METHOD
+                      )
+stretch = Stretching(velo, vorti,
+                     resolutions={velo: nbElem,
+                                  vorti: nbElem},
+                     topo=topo
+                     )
+diffusion = Diffusion(vorti,
+                      resolution=nbElem,
+                      viscosity=VISCOSITY
+                      )
+poisson = Poisson(velo, vorti,
+                  resolutions={velo: nbElem,
+                               vorti: nbElem},
+                  projection=[True, 1, False],
+                  )
+c = Curl(velo, vorti,
+         resolutions={velo: nbElem,
+                      vorti: nbElem},
+         method={SpaceDiscretisation: fftw2py, GhostUpdate: True},
+         )
+## Simulation
+simu = Simulation(tinit=0.0,
+                  tend=4.5, timeStep=0.001,
+                  iterMax=1000000)
+# Bridges between the different topologies in order to
+# redistribute data.
+# 1 -Advection to stretching
+toGhost_vorti = Redistribute([vorti], advec, stretch)
+toGhost_velo = Redistribute([velo], poisson, stretch)
+# 2 - Stretching to Poisson/Diffusion
+fromGhost_vorti = Redistribute([vorti], stretch, diffusion)
+#  Define the problem to solve
+pb = NSProblem(operators=[
+        toGhost_velo,
+        advecScal,
+        advec,
+        toGhost_vorti,
+        stretch,
+        fromGhost_vorti,
+        diffusion,
+        poisson,
+        ], simulation=simu, dumpFreq=-1)
+## Setting solver to Problem (o nly operators for computational tasks)
+## Diagnostics related to the problem
+topofft = poisson.discreteFields[poisson.vorticity].topology
+energy = Energy_enstrophy(velo, vorti, isNormalized=True,
+                          topo=topofft,
+                          viscosity=VISCOSITY,
+                          frequency=1,
+                          prefix='./res_NS_planeJet/energy_ref_128-256.dat')
+# initialisation
+p = Printer(variables=[scal,],
+            topo=scal.discreteFields.keys()[0],
+            frequency=100,
+            prefix='./res_NS_planeJet/scal_ref_128-256',
+            formattype=HDF5)
+def run():
+    pb.solve()
+## Solve problem
+from parmepy.mpi import MPI
+print "Start computation ..."
+time = MPI.Wtime()
+print 'total time (rank):', MPI.Wtime() - time, '(', topo.rank, ')'
+## Clean memory buffers
diff --git a/Examples/demo_hybrid.py b/Examples/demo_hybrid.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5f788d4cf09f44dd0e5691df71c52f04a5fb5ed4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Examples/demo_hybrid.py
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+Task parallelism example.
+One process is dedicated to file outputs and other are computing the data.
+import parmepy as pp
+from parmepy.constants import np, VTK, HDF5
+from parmepy.mpi.main_var import main_size, main_rank, main_comm
+from parmepy.mpi.topology import Cartesian
+from parmepy.fields.continuous import Field
+from parmepy.operator.analytic import Analytic
+from parmepy.operator.redistribute_intercomm import RedistributeIntercomm
+from parmepy.operator.monitors.printer import Printer
+from parmepy.problem.problem_tasks import ProblemTasks
+from parmepy.problem.simulation import Simulation
+from parmepy.tools.problem2dot import toDot
+pi = np.pi
+cos = np.cos
+sin = np.sin
+def func(res, x, y, z, t=0.):
+    res[0][...] = 2. * sin(pi*x)**2*sin(2.*pi*y)*sin(2.*pi*z)*cos(t*pi/3.)
+    res[1][...] = -sin(2.*pi*x)*sin(pi*y)**2*sin(2.*pi*z)*cos(t*pi/3.)
+    res[2][...] = -sin(2.*pi*x)*sin(2.*pi*y)*sin(pi*z)**2*cos(t*pi/3.)
+    return res
+assert main_size > 1
+nb_elem = [65, ] * 3
+b = pp.Box()
+proc_tasks = [0,] * main_size
+proc_tasks[0] = 1
+comm_s = main_comm.Split(color=proc_tasks[main_rank], key=main_rank)
+if proc_tasks[main_rank] == 1:
+    topo = Cartesian(b, dim=1, globalMeshResolution=nb_elem,
+                     cutdir=[True, False, False],
+                     comm=comm_s
+                     )
+elif proc_tasks[main_rank] == 0:
+    topo = Cartesian(b, dim=2, globalMeshResolution=nb_elem,
+                     cutdir=[False, True, True],
+                     comm=comm_s
+                     )
+field = Field(domain=b, name="Test_Vec",
+              isVector=True, formula=func)
+op = Analytic([field], {field: nb_elem}, topo=topo, task_id=0)
+p = Printer(variables=[field],
+            topo=topo,
+            frequency=1,
+            prefix='./demo_task/',
+            formattype=HDF5, task_id=1)
+red = RedistributeIntercomm(field, topo, op, p, proc_tasks, main_comm,
+                                component=None)
+simu = Simulation(tinit=0.0, tend=3., timeStep=0.15, iterMax=200)
+pb = ProblemTasks([op, red, p], simu, proc_tasks)
+# As 1 process is only a printer, one need explicit discretize and
+# set the initialization topology for the field.
diff --git a/Examples/demo_mpi.py b/Examples/demo_mpi.py
index 6f5602d15ee1418791cb60e946c242f8533de7ae..8d22303e872c0a1821528e81158b8d79953648b9 100644
--- a/Examples/demo_mpi.py
+++ b/Examples/demo_mpi.py
@@ -10,6 +10,10 @@ from parmepy.operator.analytic import Analytic
 from parmepy.operator.redistribute import Redistribute
 from parmepy.operator.redistribute_intercomm import RedistributeIntercomm
+if PARMES_REAL is np.float32:
+    atol = 1.e-4
+    atol = 1e-10
 def func(res, x, y, z, t=0.):
     res[0][...] = x
@@ -48,7 +52,8 @@ def test_topologies(domain, topo_from, topo_to, init_formula):
     assert pp.constants.np.allclose(field.norm(topo_from),
-                                    field.norm(topo_to)), \
+                                    field.norm(topo_to),
+                                    atol=atol), \
         "[{0}] Data differs: norm, topo_from - topo_to = {1}".format(
             main_rank, field.norm(topo_from) - field.norm(topo_to))
@@ -142,7 +147,8 @@ if main_size > 2:
     for i in xrange(main_size):
         norms[i,:] = main_comm.bcast(norms[i,:], root=i)
     for i in xrange(main_size):
-        assert pp.constants.np.allclose(norms[i,:], norms[main_rank,:])
+        assert pp.constants.np.allclose(norms[i,:], norms[main_rank,:],
+                                        atol=atol)
     if main_rank == 0:
         print " Ok"
@@ -183,9 +189,14 @@ if main_size > 2:
     if proc_tasks[main_rank] == 0:
-    red = RedistributeIntercomm(field, topo, 1, 0, proc_tasks, main_comm,
+    op_from = Analytic([field], {field: [17, 17, 17]}, topo=topo, task_id=1)
+    op_to = Analytic([field], {field: [17, 17, 17]}, topo=topo, task_id=0)
+    red = RedistributeIntercomm(field, topo, op_from, op_to,
+                                proc_tasks, main_comm,
-    red_r = RedistributeIntercomm(field_r, topo, 0, 1, proc_tasks, main_comm,
+    red_r = RedistributeIntercomm(field_r, topo, op_to, op_from,
+                                  proc_tasks, main_comm,
@@ -194,23 +205,112 @@ if main_size > 2:
-    red.wait()
-    red_r.wait()
     norms = npw.zeros((main_size, 3))
     norms[main_rank, :] = field.norm(topo)
     for i in xrange(main_size):
         norms[i, :] = main_comm.bcast(norms[i, :], root=i)
     for i in xrange(main_size):
-        assert pp.constants.np.allclose(norms[i, :], norms[main_rank, :])
+        assert pp.constants.np.allclose(norms[i, :], norms[main_rank, :],
+                                        atol=atol)
     norms[main_rank, :] = field_r.norm(topo)
     for i in xrange(main_size):
         norms[i, :] = main_comm.bcast(norms[i, :], root=i)
     for i in xrange(main_size):
-        assert pp.constants.np.allclose(norms[i, :], norms[main_rank, :])
+        assert pp.constants.np.allclose(norms[i, :], norms[main_rank, :],
+                                        atol=atol)
     if main_rank == 0:
         print " Ok"
     if main_rank == 0:
         print "CASE 4 is not tested (require process number > 2)"
+## CASE 5:
+## Extending CASE 4: Using topology with ghosts
+if main_size > 2:
+    if main_rank == 0:
+        print "Testing CASE 5 ...",
+    b.reset()
+    proc_tasks = [0,] * main_size
+    proc_tasks[0:2] = [1, 1]
+    comm_s = main_comm.Split(color=proc_tasks[main_rank], key=main_rank)
+    if proc_tasks[main_rank] == 1:
+        topo = Cartesian(b, dim=1, globalMeshResolution=[17, 17, 17],
+                         cutdir=[True, False, False], ghosts=[2, 0, 1],
+                         comm=comm_s
+                         )
+    elif proc_tasks[main_rank] == 0:
+        topo = Cartesian(b, dim=2, globalMeshResolution=[17, 17, 17],
+                         cutdir=[False, True, True], ghosts=[2, 0, 1],
+                         comm=comm_s
+                         )
+    field = Field(domain=b, name="Test_Vec",
+                  isVector=True, formula=func)
+    field_r = Field(domain=b, name="Test_Vec_R",
+                    isVector=True, formula=func)
+    field.discretize(topo)
+    field_r.discretize(topo)
+    if proc_tasks[main_rank] == 1:
+        field.initialize(topo=topo)
+    if proc_tasks[main_rank] == 0:
+        field_r.initialize(topo=topo)
+    op_from = Analytic([field], {field: [17, 17, 17]}, topo=topo, task_id=1)
+    op_to = Analytic([field], {field: [17, 17, 17]}, topo=topo, task_id=0)
+    red = RedistributeIntercomm(field, topo, op_from, op_to,
+                                proc_tasks, main_comm,
+                                component=None)
+    red_r = RedistributeIntercomm(field_r, topo, op_to, op_from,
+                                  proc_tasks, main_comm,
+                                  component=None)
+    red.discretize()
+    red_r.discretize()
+    red.setUp()
+    red_r.setUp()
+    red.apply()
+    red_r.apply()
+    norms = npw.zeros((main_size, 3))
+    norms[main_rank, :] = field.norm(topo)
+    for i in xrange(main_size):
+        norms[i, :] = main_comm.bcast(norms[i, :], root=i)
+    for i in xrange(main_size):
+        assert pp.constants.np.allclose(norms[i, :], norms[main_rank, :],
+                                        atol=atol)
+    norms[main_rank, :] = field_r.norm(topo)
+    for i in xrange(main_size):
+        norms[i, :] = main_comm.bcast(norms[i, :], root=i)
+    for i in xrange(main_size):
+        assert pp.constants.np.allclose(norms[i, :], norms[main_rank, :],
+                                        atol=atol)
+    # Assert that ghosts have not been exchanged
+    if proc_tasks[main_rank] == 0:
+        assert np.allclose(field.discreteFields[topo].data[0][0:2, :, :], 0.,
+                           atol=atol)
+        assert np.allclose(field.discreteFields[topo].data[0][-2:, :, :], 0.,
+                           atol=atol)
+        assert np.allclose(field.discreteFields[topo].data[0][:, :, 0:1], 0.,
+                           atol=atol)
+        assert np.allclose(field.discreteFields[topo].data[0][:, :, -1:], 0.,
+                           atol=atol)
+    if proc_tasks[main_rank] == 1:
+        assert np.allclose(field_r.discreteFields[topo].data[0][0:2, :, :], 0.,
+                           atol=atol)
+        assert np.allclose(field_r.discreteFields[topo].data[0][-2:, :, :], 0.,
+                           atol=atol)
+        assert np.allclose(field_r.discreteFields[topo].data[0][:, :, 0:1], 0.,
+                           atol=atol)
+        assert np.allclose(field_r.discreteFields[topo].data[0][:, :, -1:], 0.,
+                           atol=atol)
+    if main_rank == 0:
+        print " Ok"
+    if main_rank == 0:
+        print "CASE 5 is not tested (require process number > 2)"
diff --git a/Examples/levelSet3D.py b/Examples/levelSet3D.py
index 326a6865793f35cf072c6942098d23f800c8f001..5eea9e816dc8867c872acdde17d38d34b12f6906 100755
--- a/Examples/levelSet3D.py
+++ b/Examples/levelSet3D.py
@@ -11,71 +11,74 @@ from parmepy.operator.analytic import Analytic
 from parmepy.problem.simulation import Simulation
 from parmepy.operator.redistribute import Redistribute
 from parmepy.methods_keys import TimeIntegrator, Interpolation, Remesh,\
-    Support, Splitting, MultiScale
+    Support, Splitting, MultiScale, Scales, MultiScale
 from parmepy.numerics.integrators.runge_kutta2 import RK2 as RK
 #from parmepy.numerics.integrators.runge_kutta4 import RK4 as RK
 from parmepy.numerics.interpolation import Linear
-from parmepy.numerics.remeshing import L2_1 as rmsh
-from parmepy.constants import np
+from parmepy.numerics.remeshing import L2_1 as rmsh, L4_2, L2_1, L4_4, L8_4
+from parmepy.constants import np, HDF5
 from parmepy.mpi.main_var import main_size
 sin, cos, pi, sqrt = np.sin, np.cos, np.pi, np.sqrt
-# def scalaire(res, x, y, z, t=0.):
-#     r = sqrt((x - 0.35) ** 2 + (y - 0.35) ** 2 + (z - 0.35) ** 2)
-#     res[0][...] = 0.
-#     res[0][r < 0.15] = 1.
-#     return res
+def scalaire(res, x, y, z, t=0.):
+    r = sqrt((x - 0.35) ** 2 + (y - 0.35) ** 2 + (z - 0.35) ** 2)
+    res[0][...] = 0.
+    res[0][r < 0.15] = 1.
+    return res
-# def vitesse(res, x, y, z, t=0.):
-#     res[0][...] = 2. * sin(pi*x)**2*sin(2.*pi*y)*sin(2.*pi*z)*cos(t*pi/3.)
-#     res[1][...] = -sin(2.*pi*x)*sin(pi*y)**2*sin(2.*pi*z)*cos(t*pi/3.)
-#     res[2][...] = -sin(2.*pi*x)*sin(2.*pi*y)*sin(pi*z)**2*cos(t*pi/3.)
-#     return res
+def vitesse(res, x, y, z, t=0.):
+    res[0][...] = 2. * sin(pi*x)**2*sin(2.*pi*y)*sin(2.*pi*z)*cos(t*pi/3.)
+    res[1][...] = -sin(2.*pi*x)*sin(pi*y)**2*sin(2.*pi*z)*cos(t*pi/3.)
+    res[2][...] = -sin(2.*pi*x)*sin(2.*pi*y)*sin(pi*z)**2*cos(t*pi/3.)
+    return res
 dim = 3
 boxLength = [1., 1., 1.]
 boxMin = [0., 0., 0.]
-v_nbElem = [257] * 3
-nbElem = [257] * 3
+nbElem_v = [129] * 3
+nbElem_s = [129] * 3
 timeStep = 0.025
 finalTime = 3.
 outputFilePrefix = './res3D/levelSet_3D'
-outputModulo = 1
-simu = Simulation(tinit=0.0, tend=finalTime, timeStep=timeStep, iterMax=120)
+outputModulo = 10
+simu = Simulation(tinit=0.0, tend=finalTime, timeStep=timeStep, iterMax=2000)
 ## Domain
 box = Box(dim, length=boxLength, origin=boxMin)
 ## Fields
-scal = Field(domain=box, name='Scalar', #formula=scalaire
+scal = Field(domain=box, name='Scalar', formula=scalaire
-velo = Field(domain=box, name='Velocity', isVector=True, #formula=vitesse
+velo = Field(domain=box, name='Velocity', isVector=True, formula=vitesse
 ## Operators
 advec = Advection(velo, scal,
-                  resolutions={velo: v_nbElem,
-                               scal: nbElem},
+                  resolutions={velo: nbElem_v,
+                               scal: nbElem_s},
                   method={TimeIntegrator: RK,
                           Interpolation: Linear,
-                          Remesh: rmsh,
-                          Support: 'gpu_2k',
-                          Splitting: 'o2_FullHalf',
-                          MultiScale: Linear},
-                  src=['./levelSet3D.cl'],
+                          Remesh: L6_4,
+                          Support: 'gpu_1k',
+                          Splitting: 'o2',
+                          MultiScale: L2_1},
+                  #src=['./levelSet3D.cl'],
+                  #device_type='cpu',platform_id=1,
+                  #batch_nb=2
 velocity = Analytic(velo,
-                    resolutions={velo: v_nbElem},
-                    method={Support: 'gpu'},
+                    resolutions={velo: nbElem_v},
+                    #method={Support: 'gpu'},
+                    #topo=advec.discreteFields[velo].topology
-distrForAdvecZ = Redistribute([velo], velocity, advec.advecDir[2], component=2)
+if main_size > 1:
+    distrForAdvecZ = Redistribute([velo], velocity, advec.advecDir[2],
+                                  component=2, name_suffix='Zin')
 # Sequential : no need of redistribute
@@ -90,7 +93,7 @@ p = Printer(variables=[scal],
-            ext=".vtk")
+            formattype=HDF5)
diff --git a/Examples/levelSet3D_hybrid.py b/Examples/levelSet3D_hybrid.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ce0790645e0cf31ac82ee9073d30232fb4bdd3a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Examples/levelSet3D_hybrid.py
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+Task parallelism example.
+One process is dedicated to file outputs and other are computing the data.
+import parmepy as pp
+from parmepy.constants import np, VTK, HDF5
+from parmepy.mpi.main_var import main_size, main_rank, main_comm
+from parmepy.mpi.topology import Cartesian
+from parmepy.fields.continuous import Field
+from parmepy.operator.advection import Advection
+from parmepy.operator.analytic import Analytic
+from parmepy.operator.redistribute_intercomm import RedistributeIntercomm
+from parmepy.operator.redistribute import Redistribute
+from parmepy.operator.monitors.printer import Printer
+from parmepy.problem.problem_tasks import ProblemTasks
+from parmepy.problem.simulation import Simulation
+from parmepy.tools.problem2dot import toDot
+from parmepy.methods_keys import TimeIntegrator, Interpolation, Remesh,\
+    Support, Splitting, MultiScale, Scales, MultiScale
+from parmepy.numerics.integrators.runge_kutta2 import RK2 as RK
+#from parmepy.numerics.integrators.runge_kutta4 import RK4 as RK
+from parmepy.numerics.interpolation import Linear
+from parmepy.numerics.remeshing import L2_1 as rmsh, L4_2, L2_1, L4_4, L8_4
+pi = np.pi
+cos = np.cos
+sin = np.sin
+sqrt = np.sqrt
+def scalaire(res, x, y, z, t=0.):
+    r = sqrt((x - 0.35) ** 2 + (y - 0.35) ** 2 + (z - 0.35) ** 2)
+    res[0][...] = 0.
+    res[0][r < 0.15] = 1.
+    return res
+def vitesse(res, x, y, z, t=0.):
+    res[0][...] = 2. * sin(pi*x)**2*sin(2.*pi*y)*sin(2.*pi*z)*cos(t*pi/3.)
+    res[1][...] = -sin(2.*pi*x)*sin(pi*y)**2*sin(2.*pi*z)*cos(t*pi/3.)
+    res[2][...] = -sin(2.*pi*x)*sin(2.*pi*y)*sin(pi*z)**2*cos(t*pi/3.)
+    return res
+dim = 3
+boxLength = [1., 1., 1.]
+boxMin = [0., 0., 0.]
+nbElem = [129] * 3
+assert main_size > 1
+proc_tasks = [0,] * main_size
+proc_tasks[0] = 1
+comm_s = main_comm.Split(color=proc_tasks[main_rank], key=main_rank)
+box = pp.Box(dim, length=boxLength, origin=boxMin)
+if proc_tasks[main_rank] == 1:
+    topo = box.getOrCreateTopology(1, gridResolution=nbElem,
+                     comm=comm_s
+                     )
+elif proc_tasks[main_rank] == 0:
+    topo = box.getOrCreateTopology(1, gridResolution=nbElem,
+                     comm=comm_s
+                     )
+## Fields
+scal = Field(domain=box, name='Scalar', formula=scalaire
+             )
+velo = Field(domain=box, name='Velocity', isVector=True, formula=vitesse
+             )
+op_velo = Analytic([velo], {velo: nbElem}, topo=topo, task_id=1)
+advec = Advection(velo, scal,
+                  resolutions={velo: nbElem,
+                               scal: nbElem},
+                  method={TimeIntegrator: RK,
+                          Interpolation: Linear,
+                          Remesh: L2_1,
+                          Support: 'gpu_1k',
+                          Splitting: 'o2',
+                          MultiScale: L2_1},
+                  topo=topo,
+                  task_id=0,
+                  )
+p = Printer(variables=[scal],
+            topo=topo,
+            frequency=5,
+            prefix='./levelset3D_hybrid/',
+            formattype=HDF5,
+            task_id=0)
+distrForAdvecZ = Redistribute([velo], None, advec.advecDir[2], component=2,
+                              task_id=0)
+redX = RedistributeIntercomm(velo, topo, op_velo, advec.advecDir[0],
+                             proc_tasks, main_comm,
+                            component=0)
+redY = RedistributeIntercomm(velo, topo, op_velo, advec.advecDir[1],
+                             proc_tasks, main_comm,
+                            component=1)
+redZ = RedistributeIntercomm(velo, topo, op_velo, distrForAdvecZ,
+                             proc_tasks, main_comm,
+                            component=2)
+distrForAdvecZ.opFrom = redZ
+simu = Simulation(tinit=0.0, tend=3., timeStep=0.025, iterMax=200)
+pb = ProblemTasks([op_velo, redX, redY, redZ, distrForAdvecZ, advec, p],
+                  simu, proc_tasks, dumpFreq=1000)
+from parmepy.tools.problem2dot import toDot
diff --git a/HySoP/hysop/domain/domain.py b/HySoP/hysop/domain/domain.py
index c280526a732af17439b99ba64c03410401b84131..3182ba6575d67da4145ed19d9a5581af11b7d61f 100644
--- a/HySoP/hysop/domain/domain.py
+++ b/HySoP/hysop/domain/domain.py
@@ -34,7 +34,8 @@ class Domain(object):
     def getOrCreateTopology(self, topoDim, gridResolution,
                             topoResolution=None, ghosts=None,
                             precomputed=False, localres=None,
-                            offset=None, fixedResolution=False):
+                            offset=None, fixedResolution=False,
+                            comm=None):
         This routines checks if a topology is present in the list
         of topologies of the domain.
@@ -49,13 +50,15 @@ class Domain(object):
         @return the required topology.
         if topoResolution is None:
-            newTopo = Cartesian(self, topoDim, gridResolution, ghosts=ghosts)
+            newTopo = Cartesian(self, topoDim, gridResolution, ghosts=ghosts,
+                                comm=comm)
         elif precomputed:
             newTopo = Cartesian.withPrecomputedResolution(self, topoResolution,
-                                                          ghosts=ghosts)
+                                                          ghosts=ghosts,
+                                                          comm=comm)
             if fixedResolution:
@@ -63,7 +66,7 @@ class Domain(object):
                 topoCreation = Cartesian.withResolution
             newTopo = topoCreation(self, topoResolution,
-                                   gridResolution, ghosts=ghosts)
+                                   gridResolution, ghosts=ghosts, comm=comm)
         otherid = self.register(newTopo)
         if otherid < 0:
             otherid = newTopo.getId()
diff --git a/HySoP/hysop/domain/obstacle/sphere.py b/HySoP/hysop/domain/obstacle/sphere.py
index 132c22ca439f8d10f1381757c72b8df818b33d0b..5d14340a780cbb3185963afb9fcbedeb72138777 100644
--- a/HySoP/hysop/domain/obstacle/sphere.py
+++ b/HySoP/hysop/domain/obstacle/sphere.py
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ class Sphere(Obstacle):
     def __init__(self, domain, position, radius=1.0,
-                 vd=0.0, porousLayers=None):
+                 vd=0.0, porousLayers=[]):
         Description of a sphere in a domain.
         @param domain : the physical domain that contains the sphere.
@@ -41,8 +41,6 @@ class Sphere(Obstacle):
         self.chi = [dist]
         ## List of thicknesses for porous layers
-        if porousLayers is None:
-            porousLayers = []
         self.layers = porousLayers
     def discretize(self, topo):
@@ -83,7 +81,7 @@ class HemiSphere(Sphere):
     x < xs for xs == x position of the center of the sphere.
     def __init__(self, domain, position, radius=1.0,
-                 vd=0.0, porousLayers=None):
+                 vd=0.0, porousLayers=[]):
         Description of a sphere in a domain.
         @param domain : the physical domain that contains the sphere.
diff --git a/HySoP/hysop/gpu/gpu_particle_advection.py b/HySoP/hysop/gpu/gpu_particle_advection.py
index d1c756ddb070527dacbfa5867ea54340d2001634..7f7cf9631ddb317c840cdf9dd1a24d94a1a8954c 100644
--- a/HySoP/hysop/gpu/gpu_particle_advection.py
+++ b/HySoP/hysop/gpu/gpu_particle_advection.py
@@ -17,10 +17,8 @@ from parmepy.gpu import cl
 from parmepy.gpu.tools import get_opencl_environment
 from parmepy.gpu.gpu_kernel import KernelLauncher
 from parmepy.tools.timers import Timer
-from parmepy.mpi.main_var import main_size
 from parmepy.operator.discrete.discrete import DiscreteOperator
 from parmepy.mpi import MPI
-from parmepy.mpi.main_var import main_rank
 from parmepy.numerics.updateGhosts import UpdateGhosts
@@ -37,11 +35,7 @@ class GPUParticleAdvection(ParticleAdvection):
                  part_position=None, part_advectedFields=None,
                  platform_id=0, device_id=0,
-                 method={TimeIntegrator: RK2,
-                         Interpolation: Linear,
-                         Remesh: L2_1,
-                         Support: 'gpu_2k',
-                         Splitting: 'o2'},
+                 method=None,
                  src=None, precision=PARMES_REAL, batch_nb=None,
@@ -65,6 +59,12 @@ class GPUParticleAdvection(ParticleAdvection):
         @param splittingConfig : Directional splitting configuration
+        if method is None:
+            method = {TimeIntegrator: RK2,
+                      Interpolation: Linear,
+                      Remesh: L2_1,
+                      Support: 'gpu_2k',
+                      Splitting: 'o2'}
         ParticleAdvection.__init__(self, velocity, advectedFields, d,
                                    part_position, part_advectedFields, method,
@@ -73,8 +73,12 @@ class GPUParticleAdvection(ParticleAdvection):
         self.user_gpu_src = src
         self.num_method = None
         self.dim = self.advectedFields[0].dimension
-        self.cl_env = get_opencl_environment(platform_id, device_id,
-                                             device_type, precision)
+        self.cl_env = get_opencl_environment(
+            platform_id, device_id,
+            device_type, precision,
+            comm=self.advectedFields[0].topology.comm)
+        self._main_rank = self.advectedFields[0].topology.comm.Get_rank()
+        self._main_size = self.advectedFields[0].topology.comm.Get_size()
         resol = self.advectedFields[0].topology.mesh.resolution
         v_resol = self.velocity.topology.mesh.resolution
@@ -109,7 +113,7 @@ class GPUParticleAdvection(ParticleAdvection):
             v_shape[batch_dir] /= batch_nb
             v_shape[batch_dir] += gh_velo[batch_dir]
             self.batch_nb[batch_dir] = batch_nb
-        if np.prod(self.batch_nb) > 1 and main_rank == 0:
+        if np.prod(self.batch_nb) > 1 and self._main_rank == 0:
             print "Using batch for variables:", self.batch_nb
         # Functions to get the appropriate vectors for the current direction
@@ -119,7 +123,7 @@ class GPUParticleAdvection(ParticleAdvection):
         if self.dim == 3 and self.dir == 1:
             self._reorderVect = lambda v: (v[1], v[0], v[2])
         if self.dim == 3 and self.dir == 2:
-            if main_size == 1 and self.method[Splitting].find('o2') >= 0:
+            if self._main_size == 1 and self.method[Splitting].find('o2') >= 0:
                 self._reorderVect = lambda v: (v[2], v[0], v[1])
                 self._reorderVect = lambda v: (v[2], v[1], v[0])
@@ -157,7 +161,7 @@ class GPUParticleAdvection(ParticleAdvection):
             "-D V_NB_I=V_NB_Y -D V_NB_II=V_NB_X -D V_NB_III=V_NB_Z",
             " -D NB_I=NB_Z -D NB_II=NB_Y -D NB_III=NB_X " +
             "-D V_NB_I=V_NB_Z -D V_NB_II=V_NB_Y -D V_NB_III=V_NB_X"]
-        if main_size == 1 and self.method[Splitting].find('o2') >= 0:
+        if self._main_size == 1 and self.method[Splitting].find('o2') >= 0:
             self._constants[2] = \
                 " -D NB_I=NB_Z -D NB_II=NB_X -D NB_III=NB_Y " + \
                 "-D V_NB_I=V_NB_Z -D V_NB_II=V_NB_X -D V_NB_III=V_NB_Y"
@@ -236,7 +240,7 @@ class GPUParticleAdvection(ParticleAdvection):
         #   3D: X(dt/2), Y(dt/2), Z(dt), Y(dt/2), X(dt/2)
         #   2D: X(dt/2), Y(dt), X(dt/2)
         if np.prod(self.batch_nb) == 1 and self.method[Splitting] == 'o2':
-            if main_size > 1:
+            if self._main_size > 1:
                 if self.dim == 2:
                     self.exec_list = [
                         [self._init_copy, self._compute],  # X(dt/2)
@@ -275,7 +279,7 @@ class GPUParticleAdvection(ParticleAdvection):
         #   X(dt/2), Y(dt/2), Z(dt/2), Z(dt/2), Y(dt/2), X(dt/2)
         elif np.prod(self.batch_nb) == 1 and \
                 self.method[Splitting] == 'o2_FullHalf':
-            if main_size > 1:
+            if self._main_size > 1:
                 if self.dim == 2:
                     self.exec_list = [
                         [self._init_copy, self._compute],  # X(dt/2)
@@ -432,7 +436,7 @@ class GPUParticleAdvection(ParticleAdvection):
         resol_tmp = np.empty_like(resol)
         # XY transposition settings
-        is_XY_needed = self.dir == 1 or (self.dir == 0 and main_size == 1)
+        is_XY_needed = self.dir == 1 or (self.dir == 0 and self._main_size == 1)
         if is_XY_needed:
             resol_tmp[...] = resol[...]
             if self.dir == 1:  # (XY -> YX)
@@ -463,7 +467,7 @@ class GPUParticleAdvection(ParticleAdvection):
             self.transpose_xy = KernelLauncher(
                 prg.transpose_xy, self.cl_env.queue, gwi, lwi)
-        is_XY_r_needed = self.dir == 1 and main_size > 1
+        is_XY_r_needed = self.dir == 1 and self._main_size > 1
         if is_XY_r_needed:
             # Reversed XY transposition settings (YX -> XY), only in parallel
             resol_tmp[...] = resol[...]
@@ -495,7 +499,7 @@ class GPUParticleAdvection(ParticleAdvection):
         resol = self.advectedFields[0].topology.mesh.resolution
         resol_tmp = np.empty_like(resol)
-        is_XZ_needed = self.dir == 2 or (self.dir == 1 and main_size == 1)
+        is_XZ_needed = self.dir == 2 or (self.dir == 1 and self._main_size == 1)
         # XZ transposition settings
         if is_XZ_needed:
             resol_tmp[...] = resol[...]
@@ -505,7 +509,7 @@ class GPUParticleAdvection(ParticleAdvection):
                 resol_tmp[2] = resol[2]
                 ocl_cte = " -D NB_I=NB_Y -D NB_II=NB_X -D NB_III=NB_Z"
             elif self.dir == 2:
-                if main_size == 1:  # YXZ -> ZXY
+                if self._main_size == 1:  # YXZ -> ZXY
                     resol_tmp[0] = resol[2]
                     resol_tmp[1] = resol[0]
                     resol_tmp[2] = resol[1]
@@ -539,7 +543,7 @@ class GPUParticleAdvection(ParticleAdvection):
             self.transpose_xz = KernelLauncher(
                 prg.transpose_xz, self.cl_env.queue, gwi, lwi)
-        is_XZ_r_needed = self.dir == 2 and main_size > 1
+        is_XZ_r_needed = self.dir == 2 and self._main_size > 1
         if is_XZ_r_needed:
             # Reversed XZ transposition settings (ZYX -> XYZ)
             resol_tmp[...] = resol[...]
@@ -655,7 +659,6 @@ class GPUParticleAdvection(ParticleAdvection):
         if split_id == 0:
             for v in self._work + self.advectedFields + [self.velocity]:
         self._the_apply(simulation, dtCoeff, split_id, old_dir)
         self._apply_timer.append_time(MPI.Wtime() - ctime)
diff --git a/HySoP/hysop/gpu/gpu_particle_advection_1k.py b/HySoP/hysop/gpu/gpu_particle_advection_1k.py
index 4ef0ac522a963caccd4d6fb7516e1393d1570243..5291647aaf4f0b15c5a15045fe41cf3ecdf4f2a2 100644
--- a/HySoP/hysop/gpu/gpu_particle_advection_1k.py
+++ b/HySoP/hysop/gpu/gpu_particle_advection_1k.py
@@ -26,11 +26,7 @@ class GPUParticleAdvection1k(GPUParticleAdvection):
                  part_position=None, part_advectedFields=None,
                  platform_id=0, device_id=0,
-                 method={TimeIntegrator: RK2,
-                         Interpolation: Linear,
-                         Remesh: L2_1,
-                         Support: 'gpu_1k',
-                         Splitting: 'o2'},
+                 method=None,
                  src=None, precision=PARMES_REAL, batch_nb=None,
@@ -56,6 +52,12 @@ class GPUParticleAdvection1k(GPUParticleAdvection):
         @param isMultiScale : Flag to specify if the velocity and advected
         fields are on different grids.
+        if method is None:
+            method = {TimeIntegrator: RK2,
+                      Interpolation: Linear,
+                      Remesh: L2_1,
+                      Support: 'gpu_1k',
+                      Splitting: 'o2'}
         GPUParticleAdvection.__init__(self, velocity, advectedFields, d,
                                       part_position, part_advectedFields,
                                       platform_id, device_id,
diff --git a/HySoP/hysop/gpu/gpu_particle_advection_2k.py b/HySoP/hysop/gpu/gpu_particle_advection_2k.py
index c004f741f218b5ae0e85813e79803820c5db4762..b66a79bec3c948a317f41bc2673a2119d37e0e49 100644
--- a/HySoP/hysop/gpu/gpu_particle_advection_2k.py
+++ b/HySoP/hysop/gpu/gpu_particle_advection_2k.py
@@ -25,11 +25,7 @@ class GPUParticleAdvection2k(GPUParticleAdvection):
                  part_position=None, part_advectedFields=None,
                  platform_id=0, device_id=0,
-                 method={TimeIntegrator: RK2,
-                         Interpolation: Linear,
-                         Remesh: L2_1,
-                         Support: 'gpu_2k',
-                         Splitting: 'o2'},
+                 method=None,
                  src=None, precision=PARMES_REAL, batch_nb=None,
@@ -55,6 +51,12 @@ class GPUParticleAdvection2k(GPUParticleAdvection):
         @param isMultiScale : Flag to specify if the velocity and advected
         fields are on different grids.
+        if method is None:
+            method = {TimeIntegrator: RK2,
+                      Interpolation: Linear,
+                      Remesh: L2_1,
+                      Support: 'gpu_2k',
+                      Splitting: 'o2'}
         GPUParticleAdvection.__init__(self, velocity, advectedFields, d,
                                       part_position, part_advectedFields,
                                       platform_id, device_id,
diff --git a/HySoP/hysop/gpu/tools.py b/HySoP/hysop/gpu/tools.py
index fe7767684aaa7a43abb2e386c78151d246757a83..b33a41a7385c9203c333183cd1f007890e23db17 100644
--- a/HySoP/hysop/gpu/tools.py
+++ b/HySoP/hysop/gpu/tools.py
@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ Tools for gpu management.
 from parmepy import __VERBOSE__
 from parmepy.constants import np
 from parmepy.gpu import cl, clTools, GPU_SRC, CL_PROFILE
-from parmepy.mpi.main_var import main_comm, main_rank
 import re
 FLOAT_GPU, DOUBLE_GPU = np.float32, np.float64
@@ -20,7 +19,7 @@ class OpenCLEnvironment(object):
     def __init__(self, platform_id, device_id, device_type,
-                 precision, gl_sharing=False):
+                 precision, gl_sharing=False, comm=None):
         """Create environment.
         @param platform_id : OpenCL platform id
         @param device_id : OpenCL device id
@@ -44,7 +43,12 @@ class OpenCLEnvironment(object):
         ## OpenCL queue
         self.queue = self._get_queue(self.ctx)
         ## MPI sub-communicator for all processes attached to the same device
-        self.gpu_comm = main_comm.Split(color=device_id, key=main_rank)
+        if comm is None:
+            from parmepy.mpi.main_var import main_comm
+        else:
+            main_comm = comm
+        self.gpu_comm = main_comm.Split(color=device_id,
+                                        key=main_comm.Get_rank())
         ## Memory Pool allocator (immediate allocator)
         self.memPool = clTools.MemoryPool(
@@ -320,7 +324,8 @@ class OpenCLEnvironment(object):
         Parse the sources to handle single and double precision.
         gpu_src = ""
-        if self.precision is DOUBLE_GPU:
+        if cl.device_type.to_string(self.device.type) == 'GPU' and \
+                self.precision is DOUBLE_GPU:
             gpu_src += "#pragma OPENCL EXTENSION cl_khr_fp64: enable \n"
         if isinstance(files, list):
             file_list = files
@@ -505,7 +510,7 @@ class OpenCLEnvironment(object):
 def get_opengl_shared_environment(platform_id, device_id, device_type,
-                                  precision):
+                                  precision, comm=None):
     Get an OpenCL environment with OpenGL shared enable.
@@ -520,14 +525,15 @@ def get_opengl_shared_environment(platform_id, device_id, device_type,
     global __cl_env
     if __cl_env is None:
         __cl_env = OpenCLEnvironment(platform_id, device_id, device_type,
-                                     precision, gl_sharing=True)
+                                     precision, gl_sharing=True, comm=comm)
         __cl_env.modify(platform_id, device_id, device_type,
                         precision, gl_sharing=True)
     return __cl_env
-def get_opencl_environment(platform_id, device_id, device_type, precision):
+def get_opencl_environment(platform_id, device_id, device_type, precision,
+                           comm=None):
     Get an OpenCL environment.
@@ -541,7 +547,7 @@ def get_opencl_environment(platform_id, device_id, device_type, precision):
     global __cl_env
     if __cl_env is None:
         __cl_env = OpenCLEnvironment(platform_id, device_id, device_type,
-                                     precision)
+                                     precision, comm=comm)
         __cl_env.modify(platform_id, device_id, device_type,
diff --git a/HySoP/hysop/mpi/topology.py b/HySoP/hysop/mpi/topology.py
index 286a08c6d25b9ec334d4693f277c99e8aa11add8..cafa0549888db8cc41ce9dc62b9d322f6e31a1e0 100644
--- a/HySoP/hysop/mpi/topology.py
+++ b/HySoP/hysop/mpi/topology.py
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ To get more details try :
 from parmepy.constants import ORDER, np, PARMES_INDEX, debug, PARMES_INTEGER
 from parmepy.mpi.mesh import SubMesh
 from itertools import count
-from parmepy.mpi.main_var import main_comm, MPI
+from parmepy.mpi.main_var import MPI
 import parmepy.tools.numpywrappers as npw
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ class Cartesian(object):
     def __init__(self, domain, dim, globalMeshResolution,
-                 comm=main_comm, periods=None, ghosts=None, cutdir=None,
+                 comm=None, periods=None, ghosts=None, cutdir=None,
                  precomputed=False, localres=None, localoffset=None):
@@ -74,6 +74,8 @@ class Cartesian(object):
         # Mind the sequential case : dim from withConstr may be equal
         # to 0 if shape[:] = 1
         ## (Source) Communicator used to build the topology
+        if comm is None:
+             from parmepy.mpi.main_var import main_comm as comm
         self._comm_origin = comm
         ## number of process in comm_origin
         self._origin_size = self._comm_origin.Get_size()
@@ -244,7 +246,8 @@ class Cartesian(object):
     def withResolution(cls, domain, shape,
-                       globalMeshResolution, ghosts=None, periods=None):
+                       globalMeshResolution, ghosts=None, periods=None,
+                       comm=None):
         Compute a topology for a given shape of the processus grid.
         If the dimension of the topology is smaller than the domain dimension,
@@ -273,11 +276,13 @@ class Cartesian(object):
         cutdir = shape != 1
         return cls(domain, dim, globalMeshResolution, cutdir=cutdir,
-                   periods=periods, ghosts=ghosts, shape=shape)
+                   periods=periods, ghosts=ghosts, shape=shape,
+                   comm=comm)
     def withResolutionFixed(cls, domain, shape,
-                            globalMeshResolution, ghosts=None, periods=None):
+                            globalMeshResolution, ghosts=None, periods=None,
+                            comm=None):
         Compute a topology for a given shape of the processus grid.
         @param domain in which the topology is defined
@@ -295,11 +300,13 @@ class Cartesian(object):
             create a topology with 0 resolution in one direction."
         cutdir = shape != 1
         return cls(domain, dim, globalMeshResolution,
-                   cutdir=cutdir, periods=periods, ghosts=ghosts, shape=shape)
+                   cutdir=cutdir, periods=periods, ghosts=ghosts, shape=shape,
+                   comm=comm)
     def withCutdir(cls, domain, cutdir,
-                   globalMeshResolution, ghosts=None, periods=None):
+                   globalMeshResolution, ghosts=None, periods=None,
+                   comm=None):
         Compute a topology from a list of directions to be cut.
         @param domain in which the topology is defined
@@ -312,12 +319,14 @@ class Cartesian(object):
         cutdir = np.asarray(cutdir, dtype=np.bool)
         dim = cutdir[cutdir].size
         return cls(domain, dim, globalMeshResolution,
-                   cutdir=cutdir, periods=periods, ghosts=ghosts)
+                   cutdir=cutdir, periods=periods, ghosts=ghosts,
+                   comm=comm)
     def withPrecomputedResolution(cls, domain, shape,
                                   globalMeshResolution, localres,
-                                  offset, ghosts=None, periods=None):
+                                  offset, ghosts=None, periods=None,
+                                  comm=None):
         Compute a topology for a given shape of the processus grid
         and a given local mesh resolution/offset (example : output from
@@ -342,7 +351,8 @@ class Cartesian(object):
         return cls(domain, dim, globalMeshResolution,
                    precomputed=True, localres=localres, localoffset=offset,
-                   periods=periods, ghosts=ghosts, cutdir=cutdir, shape=shape)
+                   periods=periods, ghosts=ghosts, cutdir=cutdir, shape=shape,
+                   comm=comm)
     def __eq__(self, other):
diff --git a/HySoP/hysop/operator/adapt_timestep.py b/HySoP/hysop/operator/adapt_timestep.py
index b3c545633d10e02d4c9b924f98da0d79aa62f085..0abbd87fa63d28052af1159d2d5b289bc580407f 100755
--- a/HySoP/hysop/operator/adapt_timestep.py
+++ b/HySoP/hysop/operator/adapt_timestep.py
@@ -23,9 +23,9 @@ class AdaptTimeStep(Operator):
     def __init__(self, velocity, vorticity, resolutions,
-                 method={TimeIntegrator: RK3, SpaceDiscretisation: FD_C_4,
-                 dtAdvecCrit: 'vort'},
-                 topo=None, ghosts=None, prefix='./dt.dat', **other_config):
+                 method=None,
+                 topo=None, ghosts=None, prefix='./dt.dat',
+                 task_id=None, **other_config):
         Create a timeStep-evaluation operator from given
         velocity and vorticity variables.
@@ -47,8 +47,12 @@ class AdaptTimeStep(Operator):
         @param ghosts : number of ghosts points. Default depends on the method.
         Automatically computed if not set.
+        if method is None:
+            method = {TimeIntegrator: RK3,
+                      SpaceDiscretisation: FD_C_4,
+                      dtAdvecCrit: 'vort'}
         Operator.__init__(self, [velocity, vorticity], method, topo=topo,
-                          ghosts=ghosts)
+                          ghosts=ghosts, task_id=task_id)
         self.config = other_config
         ## velocity variable (vector)
         self.velocity = velocity
@@ -106,8 +110,3 @@ class AdaptTimeStep(Operator):
         self._isUpToDate = True
-    def apply(self, simulation=None):
-        # computation ...
-        self.discreteOperator.apply(simulation)
diff --git a/HySoP/hysop/operator/advection.py b/HySoP/hysop/operator/advection.py
index af1d91033db0fdbe59e35bdbc7de1e2153c496d7..0b8cf6ae7382182f622d16647cba96473a425b33 100644
--- a/HySoP/hysop/operator/advection.py
+++ b/HySoP/hysop/operator/advection.py
@@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ from parmepy.numerics.integrators.runge_kutta2 import RK2
 from parmepy.numerics.interpolation import Linear
 from parmepy.numerics.remeshing import L2_1
 from parmepy.fields.continuous import Field
-from parmepy.mpi import main_size, main_rank
 from parmepy.operator.redistribute import Redistribute
 from parmepy.operator.advectionDir import AdvectionDir
@@ -50,12 +49,8 @@ class Advection(Operator):
     def __init__(self, velocity, advectedFields, resolutions,
-                 method={TimeIntegrator: RK2,
-                         Interpolation: Linear,
-                         Remesh: L2_1,
-                         Support: '',
-                         Splitting: 'o2'},
-                 topo=None, ghosts=None, **other_config):
+                 method=None,
+                 topo=None, ghosts=None, task_id=None, **other_config):
         Create a Transport operator from given variables velocity and scalar.
@@ -68,6 +63,13 @@ class Advection(Operator):
         @param other_config : Method specific parameters
         @param topo : a predefined topology to discretize variables
+        if method is None:
+            method = {TimeIntegrator: RK2,
+                      Interpolation: Linear,
+                      Remesh: L2_1,
+                      Support: '',
+                      Splitting: 'o2',
+                      MultiScale: L2_1}
         v = [velocity]
         if isinstance(advectedFields, list):
             self.advectedFields = advectedFields
@@ -79,7 +81,8 @@ class Advection(Operator):
         for vv in self.advectedFields:
             vars_str += vv.name + ","
         Operator.__init__(self, v, method, topo=topo,
-                          ghosts=ghosts, name_suffix=vars_str[0:-1]+')')
+                          ghosts=ghosts, name_suffix=vars_str[0:-1] + ')',
+                          task_id=task_id)
         ## Transport velocity
         self.velocity = velocity
         ## Transported fields
@@ -114,7 +117,31 @@ class Advection(Operator):
         self._old_dir = 0
         self.splitting = []
         self._dim = self.velocity.dimension
-        self.advecDir = [None] * self._dim
+        self.advecDir = None
+        if not self._isSCALES:
+            particles_advectedFields = [
+                Field(adF.domain, name="Particle_AdvectedFields",
+                      isVector=adF.isVector)
+                for adF in self.advectedFields]
+            if self.method[Support].find('gpu_1k') >= 0:
+                particles_positions = None
+            else:
+                particles_positions = \
+                    Field(self.advectedFields[0].domain,
+                          name="Particle_Position",  isVector=False
+                          )
+            # Directional continuous Advection operators
+            self.advecDir = [None] * self._dim
+            for i in xrange(self._dim):
+                self.advecDir[i] = AdvectionDir(
+                    self.velocity, self.advectedFields, i,
+                    particles_advectedFields, particles_positions,
+                    self.resolutions,
+                    method=self.method, topo=self._predefinedTopo,
+                    ghosts=self.ghosts, isMultiScale=self._isMultiScale,
+                    task_id=task_id, name_suffix=vars_str[0:-1] + ')',
+                    **self.config)
     def discretize(self):
@@ -206,6 +233,10 @@ class Advection(Operator):
             # Scales nbcells equals resolutions - 1
             nbcells = np.asarray(self.resolutions[self.advectedFields[0]],
                                  dtype=PARMES_INDEX) - 1
+            if self._predefinedTopo is not None:
+                main_size = self._predefinedTopo.size
+            else:
+                from parmepy.mpi.main_var import main_size
             topodims = [1, 1, main_size]
             scalesres, scalesoffset, stab_coeff = \
@@ -242,31 +273,9 @@ class Advection(Operator):
         # --- GPU or pure-python advection ---
-            if self.advecDir[0] is None:
-                particles_advectedFields = [
-                    Field(adF.domain, name="Particle_AdvectedFields",
-                          isVector=adF.isVector)
-                    for adF in self.advectedFields]
-                if self.method[Support].find('gpu_1k') >= 0:
-                    particles_positions = None
-                else:
-                    particles_positions = \
-                        Field(self.advectedFields[0].domain,
-                              name="Particle_Position",  isVector=False
-                              )
-                # Directional continuous Advection operators
-                for i in xrange(self._dim):
-                    self.advecDir[i] = AdvectionDir(
-                        self.velocity, self.advectedFields, i,
-                        particles_advectedFields, particles_positions,
-                        self.resolutions,
-                        method=self.method, topo=self._predefinedTopo,
-                        ghosts=self.ghosts, isMultiScale=self._isMultiScale,
-                        **self.config)
-                for i in xrange(self._dim):
-                    self.advecDir[i].discretize()
-                self.discreteFields = self.advecDir[0].discreteFields
+            for i in xrange(self._dim):
+                self.advecDir[i].discretize()
+            self.discreteFields = self.advecDir[0].discreteFields
             self._my_setUp = self.setUp_Python
@@ -306,7 +315,6 @@ class Advection(Operator):
         # -- Final set up --
-        self.apply = self.discreteOperator.apply
         self._isUpToDate = True
     def setUp_Python(self):
@@ -315,6 +323,8 @@ class Advection(Operator):
         # If topologies differs between directions,
         # one need Redistribute
         # operators
+        main_size = self.advecDir[0].discreteFields[
+            self.velocity].topology.size
         if main_size > 1:
             # Build bridges
             self.bridges = self._dim * [None]
@@ -328,7 +338,8 @@ class Advection(Operator):
                             self.bridges[dfrom][dto] = Redistribute(
-                                self.advecDir[dto])
+                                self.advecDir[dto],
+                                name_suffix=str(dfrom)+'_'+str(dto))
         # Splitting configuration
@@ -410,23 +421,6 @@ class Advection(Operator):
                 s += " Total      : {0:9d}".format(total_lmem) + "Bytes"
                 print s
-    def addRedistributeRequirement(self, red):
-        if self._isSCALES:
-            self.discreteOperator.addRedistributeRequirement(red)
-        else:
-            dop = self.advecDir[0].discreteOperator
-            dop.addRedistributeRequirement(red)
-    def getRedistributeRequirement(self):
-        if self._isSCALES:
-            return self.discreteOperator.requirements
-        else:
-            req = []
-            for i in xrange(self._dim):
-                for r in self.advecDir[i].discreteOperator.requirements:
-                    req.append(r)
-            return req
     def _apply_noComm(self, simulation=None):
@@ -437,6 +431,8 @@ class Advection(Operator):
         Redefinition for advection. Applying a dimensional splitting.
+        for req in self.requirements:
+            req.wait()
         for split_id, split in enumerate(self.splitting):
                 simulation, split[1], split_id, self._old_dir)
@@ -452,6 +448,8 @@ class Advection(Operator):
         Redefinition for advection. Applying a dimensional splitting.
+        for req in self.requirements:
+            req.wait()
         for split_id, split in enumerate(self.splitting):
             # Calling the redistribute operators between directions
             if not self._old_dir == split[0]:
diff --git a/HySoP/hysop/operator/advection_dir.py b/HySoP/hysop/operator/advection_dir.py
index 79581f7998eeac243d5c1f40ee43d870dabbe646..44042b140f8b847f23cd3d4f8329be5cb61d27f8 100644
--- a/HySoP/hysop/operator/advection_dir.py
+++ b/HySoP/hysop/operator/advection_dir.py
@@ -3,14 +3,13 @@
 Advection of a field in a single direction.
-from parmepy.constants import debug, np, S_DIR
+from parmepy.constants import debug, np, S_DIR, PARMES_INDEX
 from parmepy.methods_keys import TimeIntegrator, Interpolation, Remesh, \
     Support, Splitting, MultiScale
 from parmepy.numerics.integrators.runge_kutta2 import RK2
 from parmepy.numerics.interpolation import Linear
 from parmepy.numerics.remeshing import L2_1
 from parmepy.operator.continuous import Operator
-from parmepy.mpi import main_size
 from parmepy.tools.timers import Timer
@@ -31,17 +30,22 @@ class AdvectionDir(Operator):
     def __init__(self, velocity, advectedFields, d, particle_fields,
                  particle_positions, resolutions,
-                 method={TimeIntegrator: RK2,
-                         Interpolation: Linear,
-                         Remesh: L2_1,
-                         Support: '',
-                         Splitting: 'o2'},
+                 method=None,
                  topo=None, ghosts=None, isMultiScale=False,
+                 task_id=None, name_suffix='',
+        if method is None:
+            method = {TimeIntegrator: RK2,
+                      Interpolation: Linear,
+                      Remesh: L2_1,
+                      Support: '',
+                      Splitting: 'o2',
+                      MultiScale: L2_1}
         v = [velocity]
         [v.append(f) for f in advectedFields]
         Operator.__init__(self, v, method, topo=topo,
-                          ghosts=ghosts)
+                          ghosts=ghosts, task_id=task_id,
+                          name_suffix=name_suffix + S_DIR[d])
         self.output = advectedFields
         self.input = [var for var in self.variables]
         ## Transport velocity
@@ -54,12 +58,15 @@ class AdvectionDir(Operator):
         ## resolutions[velocity] may return [32,32,32].
         self.resolutions = resolutions
         self._isMultiScale = isMultiScale
-        self._v_ghosts = [0, ]*self.domain.dimension
+        self._v_ghosts = np.array([0, ] * self.domain.dimension,
+                                  dtype=PARMES_INDEX)
         if self._isMultiScale:
-            self._v_ghosts = [2, ]*self.domain.dimension
+            self._v_ghosts = np.array([2, ] * self.domain.dimension,
+                                      dtype=PARMES_INDEX)
             if MultiScale in method.keys():
                 if method[MultiScale] == Linear:
-                    self._v_ghosts = [1, ]*self.domain.dimension
+                    self._v_ghosts = np.array([1, ] * self.domain.dimension,
+                                              dtype=PARMES_INDEX)
                     assert method[MultiScale] == L2_1
@@ -76,6 +83,11 @@ class AdvectionDir(Operator):
         Discretisation according to the chosen method.
         Available methods : See Advection.setUp
+        if self._predefinedTopo is not None:
+            main_size = self._predefinedTopo.size
+        else:
+            from parmepy.mpi import main_size
+        comm = None
         if main_size == 1:
             # - topologies creation and variables discretization -
             if self._predefinedTopo is not None:
@@ -93,29 +105,43 @@ class AdvectionDir(Operator):
                             self.domain.dimension, self.resolutions[v])
                     self.discreteFields[v] = v.discretize(topo)
+            topodims = np.ones((self.domain.dimension))
             if self._predefinedTopo is not None:
-                raise ValueError("User-defined topology is not\
+                if self._predefinedTopo.dim != 1:
+                    raise ValueError("User-defined topology is not\
                 (yet) allowed for advection.")
-            topodims = np.ones((self.domain.dimension))
-            # MPI topology depends on direction
-            if self.dir == self.domain.dimension - 1:
-                # Cut in first dir for last dir computations
-                topodims[0] = main_size
+                else:
+                    comm = self._predefinedTopo._comm_origin
+                    shape = self._predefinedTopo.shape
+                    size = self._predefinedTopo.size
+                    if self.dir == self.domain.dimension - 1 and \
+                        shape[-1] > 1:
+                        topodims[0] = size
+                    elif self.dir != self.domain.dimension - 1 and \
+                        shape[self.dir] > 1:
+                        topodims[-1] = size
+                    else:
+                        topodims[...] =  shape
-                # Cut in last dir
-                topodims[-1] = main_size
+                # MPI topology depends on direction
+                if self.dir == self.domain.dimension - 1:
+                    # Cut in first dir for last dir computations
+                    topodims[0] = main_size
+                else:
+                    # Cut in last dir
+                    topodims[-1] = main_size
             for v in self.variables:
                 if v == self.velocity:
                     topo = self.domain.getOrCreateTopology(
                         self.domain.dimension, self.resolutions[v],
                         topoResolution=topodims, fixedResolution=True,
-                        ghosts=self._v_ghosts)
+                        ghosts=self._v_ghosts, comm=comm)
                     topo = self.domain.getOrCreateTopology(
                         self.domain.dimension, self.resolutions[v],
-                        topoResolution=topodims, fixedResolution=True)
+                        topoResolution=topodims, fixedResolution=True,
+                        comm=comm)
                 self.discreteFields[v] = v.discretize(topo)
@@ -171,6 +197,8 @@ class AdvectionDir(Operator):
     def apply(self, simulation, dtCoeff, split_id, old_dir=None):
+        for req in self.requirements:
+            req.wait()
             simulation, dtCoeff, split_id, old_dir)
diff --git a/HySoP/hysop/operator/analytic.py b/HySoP/hysop/operator/analytic.py
index 0fbeba9ea656efb13bf6bfed7e364e1c10984a64..2f19be81c2f11243715e0ceb216cfd7b271483b3 100644
--- a/HySoP/hysop/operator/analytic.py
+++ b/HySoP/hysop/operator/analytic.py
@@ -14,7 +14,8 @@ class Analytic(Operator):
     def __init__(self, variables, resolutions, formula=None,
-                 ghosts=None, topo=None, doVectorize=False, method={}):
+                 ghosts=None, topo=None, doVectorize=False, method=None,
+                 task_id=None):
         Create an operator using an analytic formula to compute field(s).
         @param variables : list of fields on which this operator will apply.
@@ -27,8 +28,7 @@ class Analytic(Operator):
         @remark : method seems useless but it is useful for GPU.
         Operator.__init__(self, variables, ghosts=ghosts, topo=topo,
-                          method=method)
+                          method=method, task_id=task_id)
         if formula is not None:
             ## A formula applied to all variables of this operator
             self.formula = formula
@@ -45,7 +45,6 @@ class Analytic(Operator):
         ## Dict of resolutions (one per variable)
         self.resolutions = resolutions
         self.output = self.variables
-        self.requirements = []
     def discretize(self):
         if self._predefinedTopo is not None:
@@ -67,22 +66,13 @@ class Analytic(Operator):
     def setUp(self):
         self._isUpToDate = True
-    def addRedistributeRequirement(self, red):
-        self.requirements.append(red)
-    def getRedistributeRequirement(self):
-        return self.requirements
     def apply(self, simulation=None):
         assert simulation is not None, \
             "Missing simulation value for computation."
         # Calling for requirements completion
         for red in self.requirements:
         for v in self.variables:
diff --git a/HySoP/hysop/operator/continuous.py b/HySoP/hysop/operator/continuous.py
index 4f56a473488a6fe38ced93755707f38e854af13b..1d8d99a8a7f0b484fe884ec491858107560aef47 100644
--- a/HySoP/hysop/operator/continuous.py
+++ b/HySoP/hysop/operator/continuous.py
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ class Operator(object):
     def __init__(self, variables, method=None, topo=None, ghosts=None,
-                 name_suffix=''):
+                 name_suffix='', task_id=None):
         Build the operator.
         The only required parameter is a list of variables.
@@ -86,12 +86,15 @@ class Operator(object):
         if topo is not None:
             self._predefinedTopo = topo
             if self.ghosts is not None:
-                assert (self.ghosts == topo.ghosts), 'topo.ghosts and\
+                assert (self.ghosts == topo.ghosts).all(), 'topo.ghosts and\
                 input for ghosts must not be different'
                 self.ghosts = topo.ghosts
         self.name = self.__class__.__name__ + name_suffix
+        self.task_id = task_id
         self.timer = Timer(self)
+        ## Redistribute operator list that we must wait for.
+        self.requirements = []
     def getWorkLengths():
@@ -118,10 +121,10 @@ class Operator(object):
     def addRedistributeRequirement(self, red):
-        self.discreteOperator.addRedistributeRequirement(red)
+        self.requirements.append(red)
     def getRedistributeRequirement(self):
-        return self.discreteOperator.requirements
+        return self.requirements
     def setUp(self):
@@ -148,6 +151,8 @@ class Operator(object):
         parameters (time, time step, iteration number ...), see
         parmepy.problem.simulation.Simulation for details.
+        for req in self.requirements:
+            req.wait()
     def printComputeTime(self):
@@ -156,6 +161,7 @@ class Operator(object):
             self.time_info = self.discreteOperator.time_info
+            from parmepy.mpi.main_var import main_rank
             shortName = str(self.__class__).rpartition('.')[-1][0:-2]
             s = '[' + str(main_rank) + '] ' + shortName
             s += " : operator not discretized --> no computation, time = 0."
diff --git a/HySoP/hysop/operator/curlAndDiffusion.py b/HySoP/hysop/operator/curlAndDiffusion.py
index 46ebdbf394ea10658b21baf064e4e09ecec8e91d..a2db23ba354cff3bffc376cad2aef1c0ceb71c68 100644
--- a/HySoP/hysop/operator/curlAndDiffusion.py
+++ b/HySoP/hysop/operator/curlAndDiffusion.py
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ class Diffusion(Operator):
     def __init__(self, velocity=None, vorticity=None,
-                 resolutions=None, method='',
+                 resolutions=None, method=None, task_id=None,
@@ -35,7 +35,8 @@ class Diffusion(Operator):
         @param viscosity : viscosity of the considered medium.
         Operator.__init__(self, [velocity, vorticity], method,
-                          name="Curl and Diffusion")
+                          name="Curl and Diffusion",
+                          task_id=task_id)
         self.velocity = velocity
         self.vorticity = vorticity
         self.resolutions = resolutions
@@ -69,8 +70,3 @@ class Diffusion(Operator):
         self._isUpToDate = True
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    print __doc__
-    print "- Provided class : Diffusion"
-    print Diffusion.__doc__
diff --git a/HySoP/hysop/operator/density.py b/HySoP/hysop/operator/density.py
index 9baecde84bb3dfea294a91c66484c1758a171254..4ab66b4630d44cf04abc2a08a2e3f9fe1f11fa7f 100644
--- a/HySoP/hysop/operator/density.py
+++ b/HySoP/hysop/operator/density.py
@@ -15,7 +15,8 @@ class DensityVisco(Operator):
     def __init__(self, density, viscosity,
-                 resolutions=None, method='',
+                 resolutions=None, method=None,
+                 task_id=None,
@@ -24,7 +25,7 @@ class DensityVisco(Operator):
         @param velocity ContinuousVectorField : velocity variable.
         Operator.__init__(self, [density, viscosity], method,
-                          name="DensityVisco")
+                          name="DensityVisco", task_id=task_id)
         self.density = density
         self.viscosity = viscosity
@@ -56,8 +57,3 @@ class DensityVisco(Operator):
         self._isUpToDate = True
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    print __doc__
-    print "- Provided class : DensityVisco"
-    print DensityVisco.__doc__
diff --git a/HySoP/hysop/operator/differential.py b/HySoP/hysop/operator/differential.py
index 012be67917b9fd842a74039dbfdeab631c280074..56adbf6150a50ba77ed160e4ca570771161b5097 100644
--- a/HySoP/hysop/operator/differential.py
+++ b/HySoP/hysop/operator/differential.py
@@ -9,8 +9,7 @@ from parmepy.operator.discrete.differential import Curl_d, GradFD
 from parmepy.methods_keys import SpaceDiscretisation, GhostUpdate
 from parmepy.numerics.finite_differences import FD_C_4
 from parmepy.f2py import fftw2py
-from parmepy.mpi import main_size
-from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
+from abc import ABCMeta
 class Differential(Operator):
@@ -22,12 +21,12 @@ class Differential(Operator):
     def __init__(self, invar, outvar, resolutions,
-                 method=None, topo=None, ghosts=None):
+                 method=None, topo=None, ghosts=None, task_id=None):
         if method is None:
             method = {SpaceDiscretisation: FD_C_4, GhostUpdate: True}
         Operator.__init__(self, [invar, outvar], method, topo=topo,
-                          ghosts=ghosts)
+                          ghosts=ghosts, task_id=task_id)
         ## input variable
         self.invar = invar
         ## Curl of input
@@ -65,7 +64,7 @@ class Differential(Operator):
                 # according to fftw requirements.
                 localres, localoffset = fftw2py.init_fftw_solver(
                     self.resolution, self.domain.length)
+                from parmepy.mpi.main_var import main_size
                 topodims = np.ones((self.domain.dimension))
                 topodims[-1] = main_size
                 #variables discretization
@@ -92,7 +91,7 @@ class Differential(Operator):
             self.discreteFields[self.outvar].topology, \
             'Operator not yet implemented for multiple resolutions.'
 class Curl(Differential):
     Computes \f$ outVar = \nabla inVar \f$
diff --git a/HySoP/hysop/operator/diffusion.py b/HySoP/hysop/operator/diffusion.py
index 6680c28895a713f65d05fcbcab1e18553720f563..127a65eb2e9df563a8b17ba2b1155347128cec1c 100644
--- a/HySoP/hysop/operator/diffusion.py
+++ b/HySoP/hysop/operator/diffusion.py
@@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ from parmepy.operator.continuous import Operator
 from parmepy.f2py import fftw2py
 from parmepy.operator.discrete.diffusion_fft import DiffusionFFT
 from parmepy.constants import debug
-from parmepy.mpi import main_size
 import numpy as np
@@ -26,24 +25,25 @@ class Diffusion(Operator):
     def __init__(self, vorticity, resolution, viscosity, method=None,
-                 ghosts=None, **other_config):
+                 topo=None, ghosts=None, task_id=None, **other_config):
         Constructor for the diffusion operator.
         @param[in,out] vorticity : field \f$ \omega \f$
         @param[in] resolution :  \f$ \omega \f$ global resolution.
         @param[in] viscosity : \f$\nu\f$, viscosity of the considered medium.
+        # The only available method at the time is fftw
+        if method is None:
+            method = 'fftw'
         ## input/output field, solution of the problem
         self.vorticity = vorticity
         ## Global resolution for vorticity
         self.resolution = resolution
         ## viscosity
         self.viscosity = viscosity
-        Operator.__init__(self, [vorticity], method, ghosts=ghosts)
+        Operator.__init__(self, [vorticity], method=method, ghosts=ghosts,
+                          topo=topo, task_id=task_id)
         self.config = other_config
-        # The only available method at the time is fftw
-        if method is None:
-            self.method = 'fftw'
         self.input = [self.vorticity]
         self.output = [self.vorticity]
@@ -58,21 +58,32 @@ class Diffusion(Operator):
         localres, localoffset = fftw2py.init_fftw_solver(
             self.resolution, self.domain.length)
+        if self._predefinedTopo is not None:
+            main_size = self._predefinedTopo.size
+        else:
+            from parmepy.mpi.main_var import main_size
         topodims = np.ones((self.domain.dimension))
         topodims[-1] = main_size
         #variables discretization
         if self.ghosts is not None:
             raise AttributeError("Ghosts points not yet\
             implemented for diffusion operator.")
-        for v in self.variables:
-            topo = self.domain.getOrCreateTopology(self.domain.dimension,
-                                                   self.resolution, topodims,
-                                                   precomputed=True,
-                                                   offset=localoffset,
-                                                   localres=localres,
-                                                   ghosts=self.ghosts)
-            self.discreteFields[v] = v.discretize(topo)
+        if self._predefinedTopo is not None:
+            topo = self._predefinedTopo
+            assert (topo.shape == topodims).all(), 'input topology is\
+                    not compliant with fftw.'
+            for v in self.variables:
+                self.discreteFields[v] = v.discretize(topo)
+        else:
+            for v in self.variables:
+                topo = self.domain.getOrCreateTopology(
+                    self.domain.dimension,
+                    self.resolution, topodims,
+                    precomputed=True,
+                    offset=localoffset,
+                    localres=localres,
+                    ghosts=self.ghosts)
+                self.discreteFields[v] = v.discretize(topo)
     def setUp(self):
diff --git a/HySoP/hysop/operator/discrete/discrete.py b/HySoP/hysop/operator/discrete/discrete.py
index 4d34a475d5620b1ca03b7c3769e01c805c882b88..02d54ba6f81f7f6098385ce2e374c150110707b2 100644
--- a/HySoP/hysop/operator/discrete/discrete.py
+++ b/HySoP/hysop/operator/discrete/discrete.py
@@ -48,8 +48,6 @@ class DiscreteOperator(object):
         self._isUpToDate = False
         ## True if work arrays are provided by external call (self.setWorks)
         self.hasExternalWork = False
-        ## Redistribute operator list that we must wait for.
-        self.requirements = []
         self._apply_timer = ManualFunctionTimer('apply_function')
         # Local (optional) work arrays. Set with setWorks function
@@ -110,8 +108,7 @@ class DiscreteOperator(object):
         parameters (time, time step, iteration number ...), see
         parmepy.problem.simulation.Simulation for details.
-        for red in self.requirements:
-            red.wait()
+        pass
     def finalize(self):
@@ -120,9 +117,6 @@ class DiscreteOperator(object):
-    def addRedistributeRequirement(self, redistribute):
-        self.requirements.append(redistribute)
     def __str__(self):
         """Common printings for discrete operators."""
         shortName = str(self.__class__).rpartition('.')[-1][0:-2]
diff --git a/HySoP/hysop/operator/monitors/monitoring.py b/HySoP/hysop/operator/monitors/monitoring.py
index ab6a943c5c6b1c596e4f1788c58b82aa1f454bd2..c8703fbb466a5a3635e5e3f45a7e8bd8af29b12f 100644
--- a/HySoP/hysop/operator/monitors/monitoring.py
+++ b/HySoP/hysop/operator/monitors/monitoring.py
@@ -13,14 +13,14 @@ class Monitoring(Operator):
     __metaclass__ = ABCMeta
-    def __init__(self, variables, topo, frequency):
+    def __init__(self, variables, topo, frequency, task_id=None):
         """ Constructor
         @param variables : list of fields to monitor.
         @param topo : topo on which fields are to be monitored
         @param frequency : output rate.
         @param name : Monitor name.
-        Operator.__init__(self, variables, topo=topo)
+        Operator.__init__(self, variables, topo=topo, task_id=task_id)
         ## Monitor frequency
         self.freq = frequency
         ## Object to store computational times of lower level functions
diff --git a/HySoP/hysop/operator/monitors/printer.py b/HySoP/hysop/operator/monitors/printer.py
index 0549e6811abf68995acf42d1418af7d97c5ed98d..cf2ade524589d9e3ce5c15ac12f5a2cac387c577 100644
--- a/HySoP/hysop/operator/monitors/printer.py
+++ b/HySoP/hysop/operator/monitors/printer.py
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ class Printer(Monitoring):
     Performs outputs in VTK images.
     def __init__(self, variables, topo, frequency=0,
-                 prefix=None, formattype=None):
+                 prefix=None, formattype=None, task_id=None):
         Create a results printer for given fields, filename
         prefix (relative path) and an output frequency.
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ class Printer(Monitoring):
         @param prefix : output file name prefix.
         @param ext : output file extension, default=.vtk.
-        Monitoring.__init__(self, variables, topo, frequency)
+        Monitoring.__init__(self, variables, topo, frequency, task_id=task_id)
         ## output file name prefix
         if prefix is None:
             self.prefix = './out_'
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ class Printer(Monitoring):
         self._call_number = 0
         ## shortcut to topo name
         self.topo = self._predefinedTopo
-        self._xmf = ""
+        self._xmf_data_files = []
         # Create output dir if required
         if self.topo.rank == 0:
@@ -81,6 +81,15 @@ class Printer(Monitoring):
         # Force synchro to be sure that all output dirs
         # have been created.
+        if self.formattype == VTK:
+            self._get_filename = lambda i: self.prefix + \
+                "{0}_iter_{1:03d}".format(self.topo.rank, i)
+        elif self.formattype == HDF5:
+            self._get_filename = lambda i: self.prefix + \
+                "{0}procs_iter_{1:03d}".format(self.topo.size, i) + '.h5'
+        elif self.formattype == DATA:
+            self._get_filename = lambda i: self.prefix + \
+                "{0}_iter_{1:03d}.dat".format(self.topo.rank, i)
     def setUp(self):
@@ -101,6 +110,27 @@ class Printer(Monitoring):
     def finalize(self):
         if self.freq == -1:
+        if self.formattype == HDF5 and self.topo.rank == 0:
+            # Write the xmf file driving all h5 files.
+            # Writing only one file
+            # We have a temporal list of Grid => a single xmf file
+            # Manual writing of the xmf file because "XDMF library very
+            # difficult to compile and to use"
+            #  [Advanced HDF5 & XDMF - Groupe Calcul]
+            f = open(self.prefix + str(self.topo.size) + 'procs.xmf', 'w')
+            f.write("<?xml version=\"1.0\" ?>\n")
+            f.write("<!DOCTYPE Xdmf SYSTEM \"Xdmf.dtd\">\n")
+            f.write("<Xdmf Version=\"2.0\">\n")
+            f.write(" <Domain>\n")
+            f.write("  <Grid Name=\"CellTime\" GridType=\"Collection\" ")
+            f.write("CollectionType=\"Temporal\">\n")
+            for ds_names, i, t in self._xmf_data_files:
+                f.write(_TemporalGridXMF(
+                        self.topo, ds_names, i, t, self._get_filename(i)))
+            f.write("  </Grid>\n")
+            f.write(" </Domain>\n")
+            f.write("</Xdmf>\n")
+            f.close()
     def _build_vtk_dict(self):
@@ -154,9 +184,6 @@ class Printer(Monitoring):
             except AttributeError:
-        # Set output file name
-        filename = self.prefix + str(self.topo.rank)
-        filename += '_' + "iter_{0:03d}".format(ite)
         ## VTK output \todo: Need fix in 2D, getting an IOError.
         if self.formattype == VTK:
@@ -170,12 +197,12 @@ class Printer(Monitoring):
             ##               for i in xrange(self.topo.mesh.dim)])
             spacing = [0] * 3
             spacing[:dim] = [self.topo.mesh.space_step[i] for i in xrange(dim)]
-            evtk.imageToVTK(filename, origin=orig, spacing=spacing,
+            evtk.imageToVTK(self._get_filename(ite),
+                            origin=orig, spacing=spacing,
         elif self.formattype == HDF5:
-            filename = self.prefix + str(self.topo.size)
-            filename += "procs_iter_{0:03d}".format(ite) + '.h5'
+            filename = self._get_filename(ite)
             # Write the h5 file
             # (force np.float64, ParaView seems to not be able to read float32)
             # Writing compressed hdf5 files (gzip compression seems the best)
@@ -214,33 +241,11 @@ class Printer(Monitoring):
                     # Of the dataset (of site global resolution)
                     ds[sl] = \
+            self._xmf_data_files.append((datasetNames, ite, t))
-            if self.topo.rank == 0:
-                # Write the xmf file driving all h5 files.
-                # Writing only one file
-                # We have a temporal list of Grid => a single xmf file
-                # Manual writing of the xmf file because "XDMF library very
-                # difficult to compile and to use"
-                #  [Advanced HDF5 & XDMF - Groupe Calcul]
-                self._xmf += _TemporalGridXMF(
-                    self.topo, datasetNames, ite, t, filename)
-                f = open(self.prefix + str(self.topo.size) + 'procs.xmf', 'w')
-                f.write("<?xml version=\"1.0\" ?>\n")
-                f.write("<!DOCTYPE Xdmf SYSTEM \"Xdmf.dtd\">\n")
-                f.write("<Xdmf Version=\"2.0\">\n")
-                f.write(" <Domain>\n")
-                f.write("  <Grid Name=\"CellTime\" GridType=\"Collection\" ")
-                f.write("CollectionType=\"Temporal\">\n")
-                f.write(self._xmf)
-                f.write("  </Grid>\n")
-                f.write(" </Domain>\n")
-                f.write("</Xdmf>\n")
-                f.close()
         elif self.formattype == DATA:
-            filename += '.dat'
-            f = open(filename, 'w')
+            f = open(self._get_filename(ite), 'w')
             shape = self.topo.mesh.resolution
             coords = self.topo.mesh.coords
             pbDimension = self.domain.dimension
diff --git a/HySoP/hysop/operator/multiphase.py b/HySoP/hysop/operator/multiphase.py
index d527e2c9c169ef99d7bf5d8910dac702cb5d9943..72fc91854ee19c718b3daf94e3e21bf268cd1e3c 100644
--- a/HySoP/hysop/operator/multiphase.py
+++ b/HySoP/hysop/operator/multiphase.py
@@ -16,8 +16,8 @@ class Baroclinic(Operator):
     def __init__(self, velocity, vorticity, viscosity, density,
-                 resolutions=None, topo=None, ghosts=None, method='',
-                 **other_config):
+                 resolutions=None, topo=None, ghosts=None, method=None,
+                 task_id=None, **other_config):
         Create a Pressure operator from given velocity variables.
@@ -25,7 +25,8 @@ class Baroclinic(Operator):
         @param velocity ContinuousVectorField : velocity variable.
         Operator.__init__(self, [velocity, vorticity, density], method,
-                          topo=topo, ghosts=ghosts, name="Pressure")
+                          topo=topo, ghosts=ghosts, name="Pressure",
+                          task_id=task_id)
         self.velocity = velocity
         self.vorticity = vorticity
diff --git a/HySoP/hysop/operator/penalization.py b/HySoP/hysop/operator/penalization.py
index d48d02d5d6d7d5013c6daca482d8ed95a519550f..6af9deeac58b8389c0dcdea039432d785e674061 100644
--- a/HySoP/hysop/operator/penalization.py
+++ b/HySoP/hysop/operator/penalization.py
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ class Penalization(Operator):
     def __init__(self, variables, obstacles, coeff,
                  resolutions=None, method=None, topo=None,
-                 ghosts=None, **other_config):
+                 ghosts=None, task_id=None, **other_config):
         @param[in,out] variables : list of fields to be penalized
@@ -33,7 +33,11 @@ class Penalization(Operator):
         @param[in] resolutions :  list of resolutions (one per variable)
-        Operator.__init__(self, variables, method={}, topo=topo, ghosts=ghosts)
+        if method is None:
+            method = {}
+        Operator.__init__(self, variables, method=method,
+                          topo=topo, ghosts=ghosts,
+                          task_id=task_id)
         ## domain where penalization must be applied.
         ## A parmepy.domain.obstacle .
diff --git a/HySoP/hysop/operator/poisson.py b/HySoP/hysop/operator/poisson.py
index 4dfd696896e6a10bc1137b0b80e5d3bb9543e2d1..6d266d724885056052434e9fa9882b3245ecc804 100644
--- a/HySoP/hysop/operator/poisson.py
+++ b/HySoP/hysop/operator/poisson.py
@@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ from parmepy.operator.discrete.poisson_fft import PoissonFFT
 from parmepy.variables.variables import Variables
 from parmepy.constants import debug
 import numpy as np
-from parmepy.mpi.main_var import main_size
 class Poisson(Operator):
@@ -27,7 +26,7 @@ class Poisson(Operator):
     def __init__(self, velocity, vorticity, resolutions, ghosts=None,
-                 method=None,
+                 method=None, topo=None, task_id=None,
         Constructor for the Poisson problem.
@@ -44,7 +43,8 @@ class Poisson(Operator):
         ## the same resolution.
         self.resolutions = resolutions
-        Operator.__init__(self, [velocity, vorticity], method, ghosts=ghosts)
+        Operator.__init__(self, [velocity, vorticity], method, ghosts=ghosts,
+                          topo=topo, task_id=task_id)
         self.config = other_config
         if method is None:
             self.method = 'fftw'
@@ -81,18 +81,29 @@ class Poisson(Operator):
         localres, localoffset = fftw2py.init_fftw_solver(
             self.resolution, self.domain.length)
+        if self._predefinedTopo is not None:
+            main_size = self._predefinedTopo.size
+        else:
+            from parmepy.mpi.main_var import main_size
         topodims = np.ones((self.domain.dimension))
         topodims[-1] = main_size
         #variables discretization
-        for v in self.variables:
-            topo = self.domain.getOrCreateTopology(self.domain.dimension,
-                                                   self.resolution, topodims,
-                                                   precomputed=True,
-                                                   offset=localoffset,
-                                                   localres=localres,
-                                                   ghosts=self.ghosts)
-            self.discreteFields[v] = v.discretize(topo)
+        if self._predefinedTopo is not None:
+            topo = self._predefinedTopo
+            assert (topo.shape == topodims).all(), 'input topology is\
+                    not compliant with fftw.'
+            for v in self.variables:
+                self.discreteFields[v] = v.discretize(topo)
+        else:
+            for v in self.variables:
+                topo = self.domain.getOrCreateTopology(
+                    self.domain.dimension,
+                    self.resolution, topodims,
+                    precomputed=True,
+                    offset=localoffset,
+                    localres=localres,
+                    ghosts=self.ghosts)
+                self.discreteFields[v] = v.discretize(topo)
     def setUp(self):
diff --git a/HySoP/hysop/operator/redistribute.py b/HySoP/hysop/operator/redistribute.py
index 52ed863cd7a32017fe235db216637e1b4ecfc968..ce306e8a9fc3b27052f9942dc16dd8d568bb4394 100644
--- a/HySoP/hysop/operator/redistribute.py
+++ b/HySoP/hysop/operator/redistribute.py
@@ -23,7 +23,6 @@ from parmepy import __VERBOSE__
 from parmepy.constants import debug, PARMES_MPI_REAL, ORDERMPI, np, S_DIR
 from parmepy.operator.continuous import Operator
 from parmepy.mpi.topology import Bridge
-from parmepy.mpi import main_rank, main_comm
 from parmepy.methods_keys import Support
@@ -36,7 +35,8 @@ class Redistribute(Operator):
-    def __init__(self, variables, opFrom, opTo, method=None, component=None):
+    def __init__(self, variables, opFrom, opTo, method=None, component=None,
+                 task_id=None, name_suffix=''):
         Create an operator to distribute data between two mpi topologies for a
@@ -49,25 +49,22 @@ class Redistribute(Operator):
         @param component: components of vector fields to consider (default:
         None, all components are taken).
-        Operator.__init__(self, variables, method)
+        if not isinstance(variables, list):
+            variables = [variables]
+        vars_str = "_("
+        for vv in variables:
+            vars_str += vv.name + ","
+        vars_str = vars_str[:-1] + ')'
+        if not component is None:
+            vars_str += S_DIR[component]
+        Operator.__init__(self, variables, method, task_id=task_id,
+                          name_suffix=vars_str + name_suffix)
         ## Source Operator
         self.opFrom = opFrom
         ## Targeted operator
         self.opTo = opTo
-        # Then check if variables belong to both operators
-        # And check if variables have enought components.
-        for v in self.variables:
-            assert v in opFrom.variables and v in opTo.variables, \
-                'Redistribute error : one of the variable is not present\
-                in both source and target operator.'
-            if component is not None:
-                assert component >= 0, 'component needs to be positive'
-            assert v.nbComponents > component, \
-                'Redistribute error : variable ' + str(v.name) + ' do not \
-                have enough components (' + str(component) + ')'
         self.input = self.output = self.variables
         self.evts = []
         self._toHost_fields = []
@@ -88,6 +85,11 @@ class Redistribute(Operator):
             self._r_types[v] = {}
             self._s_types[v] = {}
+        # Enable desynchronization: the opTo operator must call the wait
+        # function of this redistribute. This operator have to know self.
+        self.opTo.addRedistributeRequirement(self)
     def discretize(self):
@@ -97,6 +99,17 @@ class Redistribute(Operator):
         Computes intersection of two topologies.
+        # Then check if variables belong to both operators
+        # And check if variables have enought components.
+        for v in self.variables:
+            assert v in self.opFrom.variables and v in self.opTo.variables, \
+                'Redistribute error : one of the variable is not present\
+                in both source and target operator.'
+            if self.component is not None:
+                assert self.component >= 0, 'component needs to be positive'
+            assert v.nbComponents > self.component, \
+                'Redistribute error : variable ' + str(v.name) + ' do not \
+                have enough components (' + str(self.component) + ')'
         assert self.opFrom.isUp() and self.opTo.isUp(), \
             """You should setup both opFrom and opTo operators
             before any attempt to setup a redistribute operator."""
@@ -122,28 +135,28 @@ class Redistribute(Operator):
             opTo_is_device = False
         if not opFrom_is_device and not opTo_is_device:
-            # case: opFrom(host) --bridge--> opTo(host)
-            self.apply = self._bridges
+            # case: opFrom(host) --host--> opTo(host)
+            self.apply = self._host
             self.wait = self._wait_host
             # Have on device operators
             self.wait = self._wait_all
             if opFrom_is_device and not opTo_is_device:
-                # case: opFrom(GPU) --toHost--bridge--> opTo(host)
-                self.apply = self._apply_toHost_bridges
+                # case: opFrom(GPU) --toHost--host--> opTo(host)
+                self.apply = self._apply_toHost_host
             elif not opFrom_is_device and opTo_is_device:
-                # case: opFrom(host) --bridge--toDevice--> opTo(GPU)
-                self.apply = self._apply_bridges_toDevice
+                # case: opFrom(host) --host--toDevice--> opTo(GPU)
+                self.apply = self._apply_host_toDevice
-                # case: opFrom(GPU) --toHost--bridge--toDevice--> opTo(host)
+                # case: opFrom(GPU) --toHost--host--toDevice--> opTo(host)
                 # Transfers are removed if variables are batched
                 if np.any([self.opFrom.discreteFields[v].isBatch
                            for v in self.variables] +
                            for v in self.variables]):
-                    self.apply = self._bridges
+                    self.apply = self._host
-                    self.apply = self._apply_toHost_bridges_toDevice
+                    self.apply = self._apply_toHost_host_toDevice
         # Build bridges and toTransfer lists
         self.bridges = {}
@@ -168,9 +181,8 @@ class Redistribute(Operator):
             if opTo_is_device:
-        # Enable desynchronization: the opTo operator must call the wait
-        # function of this redistribute. This operator have to know self.
-        self.opTo.addRedistributeRequirement(self)
+        self._main_comm = self.opFrom.discreteFields[v].topology.getParent()
+        self._main_rank = self._main_comm.Get_rank()
         # Flag telling if there will be some mpi data transfers.
         self._useless_transfer = {}
@@ -213,27 +225,26 @@ class Redistribute(Operator):
         self._isUpToDate = True
-    def _apply_toHost_bridges_toDevice(self, simulation=None):
+    def _apply_toHost_host_toDevice(self, simulation=None):
         if __VERBOSE__:
-            print "{"+str(main_rank)+"}", "_apply_toHost_bridges_toDevice"
+            print "{0} APPLY toHOST+HOST+toDEVICE".format(self._main_rank)
-        self._bridges()
+        self._host()
-    def _apply_toHost_bridges(self, simulation=None):
+    def _apply_toHost_host(self, simulation=None):
         if __VERBOSE__:
-            print "{"+str(main_rank)+"}", "_apply_toHost_bridges"
+            print "{0} APPLY toHOST+HOST".format(self._main_rank)
-        self._bridges()
+        self._host()
-    def _apply_bridges_toDevice(self, simulation=None):
+    def _apply_host_toDevice(self, simulation=None):
         if __VERBOSE__:
-            print "{"+str(main_rank)+"}", "_apply_bridges_toDevice"
-        self._bridges()
+            print "{0} APPLY HOST+toDEVICE".format(self._main_rank)
+        self._host()
@@ -257,7 +268,7 @@ class Redistribute(Operator):
                 if not self._useless_transfer[v]:
-    def _bridges(self, simulation=None):
+    def _host(self, simulation=None):
         Proceed with data redistribution from opFrom to opTo
@@ -267,7 +278,7 @@ class Redistribute(Operator):
         # (use buffers for mpi send/recv? )
         # - move MPI datatypes into the bridge? --> and free MPI type properly
         if __VERBOSE__:
-            print "{" + str(main_rank) + "}", "_apply_bridges"
+            print "{0} APPLY HOST".format(self._main_rank)
         self.r_request = {}
         self.s_request = {}
         for v in self.variables:
@@ -275,7 +286,7 @@ class Redistribute(Operator):
             # Apply for each component considered
             for d in self._range_components(v):
                 if __VERBOSE__:
-                    print "{" + str(main_rank) + "}", "_apply_bridges", \
+                    print "{0} APPLY HOST".format(self._main_rank), \
                         self.opFrom.discreteFields[v].name, '->', \
                 vTo = self.opTo.discreteFields[v].data[d]
@@ -286,13 +297,13 @@ class Redistribute(Operator):
                 for rk in br.recvFrom.keys():
                     self.r_request[v_name + str(rk)] = \
-                        main_comm.Irecv([vTo, 1, self._r_types[v][rk]],
+                        self._main_comm.Irecv([vTo, 1, self._r_types[v][rk]],
                                         source=rk, tag=rk)
                     self._hasRequests = True
                 for rk in br.sendTo.keys():
                     self.s_request[v_name + str(rk)] = \
-                        main_comm.Issend([vFrom, 1, self._s_types[v][rk]],
-                                         dest=rk, tag=main_rank)
+                        self._main_comm.Issend([vFrom, 1, self._s_types[v][rk]],
+                                         dest=rk, tag=self._main_rank)
                     self._hasRequests = True
     def _wait_host(self):
@@ -301,7 +312,7 @@ class Redistribute(Operator):
         of all communication requests.
         if __VERBOSE__:
-            print "{" + str(main_rank) + "}", "WAITING MPI", self._hasRequests
+            print "{0}", "WAIT MPI".format(self._main_rank), self._hasRequests
         if self._hasRequests:
             for rk in self.r_request.keys():
@@ -311,7 +322,7 @@ class Redistribute(Operator):
     def _wait_device(self):
         if __VERBOSE__:
-            print "{" + str(main_rank) + "}", "WAITING OPENCL"
+            print "{0}".format(self._main_rank), "WAITING OPENCL"
         for dv in self._toDevice_fields + self._toHost_fields:
diff --git a/HySoP/hysop/operator/redistribute_intercomm.py b/HySoP/hysop/operator/redistribute_intercomm.py
index a4119ccd8bdc1d201b502a2db11890655feb0226..ebe3927f5d181900c1c3b94055fa9641830b9797 100644
--- a/HySoP/hysop/operator/redistribute_intercomm.py
+++ b/HySoP/hysop/operator/redistribute_intercomm.py
@@ -7,9 +7,11 @@ the destination.
 It relies on a Bridge_intercomm.
-from parmepy.constants import debug, PARMES_MPI_REAL, ORDERMPI, S_DIR
+from parmepy.constants import debug, PARMES_MPI_REAL, ORDERMPI, S_DIR, np
+from parmepy import __VERBOSE__
 from parmepy.operator.continuous import Operator
 from parmepy.mpi.topology import Bridge_intercomm
+from parmepy.methods_keys import Support
 class RedistributeIntercomm(Operator):
@@ -19,7 +21,7 @@ class RedistributeIntercomm(Operator):
     Transfers data from topology of id_from to the id_to.
-    def __init__(self, variables, topo, id_from, id_to,
+    def __init__(self, variables, topo, op_from, op_to,
                  proc_tasks, parent_comm,
                  method=None, component=None):
@@ -39,18 +41,29 @@ class RedistributeIntercomm(Operator):
         @remark : proc_tasks size and number of processus in parent_comm
         must be equal.
-        Operator.__init__(self, variables, method)
+        if not isinstance(variables, list):
+            variables = [variables]
+        vars_str = "_("
+        for vv in variables:
+            vars_str += vv.name + ","
+        vars_str = vars_str[:-1] + ')'
+        if not component is None:
+            vars_str += S_DIR[component]
+        Operator.__init__(self, variables, method, name_suffix=vars_str)
         assert parent_comm.Get_size() == len(proc_tasks), \
             "Parent communicator ({0})".format(parent_comm.Get_size()) + \
             " and size of the task id array " + \
             "({0}) are not equal".format(len(proc_tasks))
         self.topo = topo
-        self.id_from = id_from
-        self.id_to = id_to
+        self.opFrom = op_from
+        self.opTo = op_to
+        self.id_from = self.opFrom.task_id
+        self.id_to = self.opTo.task_id
         self.parent_comm = parent_comm
         self._dim = topo.domain.dimension
         self.proc_tasks = proc_tasks
         self.input = self.output = self.variables
+        self.component = component
         if component is None:
             # All components are considered
             self._range_components = lambda v: range(v.nbComponents)
@@ -70,6 +83,10 @@ class RedistributeIntercomm(Operator):
         for v in self.variables:
             self._r_types[v] = {}
             self._s_types[v] = {}
+        self._toHost_fields = []
+        self._toDevice_fields = []
+        for v in self.variables:
+            self.discreteFields[v] = v.discretize(self.topo)
     def discretize(self):
@@ -82,11 +99,63 @@ class RedistributeIntercomm(Operator):
         assert self.topo.isUpToDate, \
             """You should setup topology
             before any attempt to setup a redistribute operator."""
+        # Look for an operator opertating on device.
+        try:
+            opFrom_is_device = \
+                self.opFrom.method[Support].find('gpu') >= 0
+        except KeyError:  # op.method is a dict not containing Support in keys
+            opFrom_is_device = False
+        except IndexError:  # op.method is a sting
+            opFrom_is_device = False
+        except TypeError:  # op.method is None
+            opFrom_is_device = False
+        try:
+            opTo_is_device = \
+                self.opTo.method[Support].find('gpu') >= 0
+        except KeyError:  # op.method is a dict not containing Support in keys
+            opTo_is_device = False
+        except IndexError:  # op.method is a sting
+            opTo_is_device = False
+        except TypeError:  # op.method is None
+            opTo_is_device = False
+        if not opFrom_is_device and not opTo_is_device:
+            # case: opFrom(host) --bridge--> opTo(host)
+            self._the_apply = self._apply_host
+        else:
+            # Have on device operators
+            if opFrom_is_device and not opTo_is_device:
+                # case: opFrom(GPU) --toHost--bridge--> opTo(host)
+                self._the_apply = self._apply_toHost_host
+            elif not opFrom_is_device and opTo_is_device:
+                # case: opFrom(host) --bridge--toDevice--> opTo(GPU)
+                self._the_apply = self._apply_host_toDevice
+            else:
+                # case: opFrom(GPU) --toHost--bridge--toDevice--> opTo(host)
+                # Transfers are removed if variables are batched
+                if np.any([self.opFrom.discreteFields[v].isBatch
+                           for v in self.variables] +
+                          [self.opTo.discreteFields[v].isBatch
+                           for v in self.variables]):
+                    self._the_apply = self._host
+                else:
+                    self._the_apply = self._apply_toHost_host_toDevice
         # Build bridges and toTransfer lists
         self.bridge = Bridge_intercomm(self.topo, self.parent_comm,
                                        self.id_from, self.id_to,
+        for v in self.variables:
+            # toTransfer list completion
+            if self.proc_tasks[self._parent_rank] == self.id_from:
+                if opFrom_is_device:
+                    self._toHost_fields.append(self.opFrom.discreteFields[v])
+            if self.proc_tasks[self._parent_rank] == self.id_to:
+                if opTo_is_device:
+                    self._toDevice_fields.append(self.opTo.discreteFields[v])
         for v in self.variables:
             dv = v.discreteFields[self.topo]
             transfers = self.bridge.transfers
@@ -99,7 +168,7 @@ class RedistributeIntercomm(Operator):
                     substart = tuple(
                         [transfers[from_rk][i][0] for i in range(self._dim)])
                     self._r_types[v][from_rk] = \
-                        PARMES_MPI_REAL.Create_subarray(dv[0].shape,
+                        PARMES_MPI_REAL.Create_subarray(dv.data[0].shape,
@@ -113,18 +182,69 @@ class RedistributeIntercomm(Operator):
                     substart = tuple(
                         [transfers[to_rk][i][0] for i in range(self._dim)])
                     self._r_types[v][to_rk] = \
-                        PARMES_MPI_REAL.Create_subarray(dv[0].shape,
+                        PARMES_MPI_REAL.Create_subarray(dv.data[0].shape,
+        self._isUpToDate = True
+    @debug
     def apply(self, simulation=None):
-        Proceed with data redistribution from opFrom to opTo
+        Apply this operator to its variables.
+        @param simulation : object that describes the simulation
+        parameters (time, time step, iteration number ...), see
+        parmepy.problem.simulation.Simulation for details.
+        for req in self.requirements:
+            req.wait()
+        self._the_apply(simulation)
+    def _apply_toHost_host_toDevice(self, simulation=None):
+        if __VERBOSE__:
+            print "{0} APPLY toHOST+HOST+toDEVICE".format(self._parent_rank)
+        if self.proc_tasks[self._parent_rank] == self.id_from:
+            self._toHost()
+            self._wait_device()
+        self._host()
+        self._wait_host()
+        if self.proc_tasks[self._parent_rank] == self.id_to:
+            self._toDevice()
+            self._wait_device()
+    def _apply_toHost_host(self, simulation=None):
+        if __VERBOSE__:
+            print "{0} APPLY toHOST+HOST".format(self._parent_rank)
+        if self.proc_tasks[self._parent_rank] == self.id_from:
+            self._toHost()
+            self._wait_device()
+        self._host()
+        self._wait_host()
+    def _apply_host_toDevice(self, simulation=None):
+        if __VERBOSE__:
+            print "{0} APPLY HOST+toDEVICE".format(self._parent_rank)
+        self._host()
+        self._wait_host()
+        self.parent_comm.Barrier()
+        if self.proc_tasks[self._parent_rank] == self.id_to:
+            self._toDevice()
+            self._wait_device()
+    def _apply_host(self, simulation=None):
+        if __VERBOSE__:
+            print "{0} APPLY HOST".format(self._parent_rank)
+        self._host()
+        self._wait_host()
+    def _host(self, simulation=None):
+        """
+        Proceed with data redistribution from opFrom to opTo
+        """
+        self.parent_comm.Barrier()
         self.r_request = {}
         self.s_request = {}
         for v in self.variables:
@@ -137,18 +257,48 @@ class RedistributeIntercomm(Operator):
                     for from_rk in transfers.keys():
                         self.r_request[v_name + str(from_rk)] = \
-                                [dv[d], 1, self._r_types[v][from_rk]],
+                                [dv.data[d], 1, self._r_types[v][from_rk]],
                                 source=from_rk, tag=from_rk)
                 # Set Sending
                 if self.proc_tasks[self._parent_rank] == self.id_from:
                     for to_rk in transfers.keys():
                         self.s_request[v_name + str(to_rk)] = \
-                                [dv[d], 1, self._r_types[v][to_rk]],
+                                [dv.data[d], 1, self._r_types[v][to_rk]],
                                 dest=to_rk, tag=self._my_rank)
-    def wait(self, simulation=None):
+    def _toHost(self):
+        """
+        Proceed with data transfer of variables from device to host
+        """
+        if __VERBOSE__:
+            print "{0} APPLY toHOST".format(self._parent_rank)
+        for v in self.variables:
+            dv = self.opFrom.discreteFields[v]
+            if dv in self._toHost_fields:
+                dv.toHost(self.component)
+    def _toDevice(self):
+        """
+        Proceed with data transfer of variables from device to host
+        """
+        if __VERBOSE__:
+            print "{0} APPLY toDEVICE".format(self._parent_rank)
+        for v in self.variables:
+            dv = self.opTo.discreteFields[v]
+            if dv in self._toDevice_fields:
+                dv.toDevice(self.component)
+    def _wait_device(self):
+        if __VERBOSE__:
+            print "{0} WAIT OPENCL".format(self._parent_rank)
+        for dv in self._toDevice_fields + self._toHost_fields:
+            dv.wait()
+    def _wait_host(self, simulation=None):
         """Wait for requests completion."""
+        if __VERBOSE__:
+            print "{0} WAIT MPI".format(self._parent_rank)
         for rk in self.r_request:
         for rk in self.s_request:
@@ -186,3 +336,6 @@ class RedistributeIntercomm(Operator):
                 if not res:
                     return res
         return res
+    def finalize(self):
+        pass
diff --git a/HySoP/hysop/operator/stretching.py b/HySoP/hysop/operator/stretching.py
index cffb0527f98762e7078ad4e6e531d50d794c97d2..374ac299cf3cd01cf687ce02eb5747343eac024b 100755
--- a/HySoP/hysop/operator/stretching.py
+++ b/HySoP/hysop/operator/stretching.py
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ class Stretching(Operator):
     def __init__(self, velocity, vorticity, resolutions,
-                 method=None, topo=None, ghosts=None):
+                 method=None, topo=None, ghosts=None, task_id=None):
         Create a Stretching operator from given
         velocity and vorticity variables.
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ class Stretching(Operator):
         Autom. computed if not set.
         Operator.__init__(self, [velocity, vorticity], method, topo=topo,
-                          ghosts=ghosts)
+                          ghosts=ghosts, task_id=task_id)
         ## velocity variable (vector)
         self.velocity = velocity
         ## vorticity variable (vector)
@@ -116,7 +116,3 @@ class Stretching(Operator):
         self._isUpToDate = True
-    def apply(self, simulation=None):
-        # computation ...
-        self.discreteOperator.apply(simulation)
diff --git a/HySoP/hysop/operator/velocity_correction.py b/HySoP/hysop/operator/velocity_correction.py
index 0eb9c56119dbc6d2316d1f35d76cba1012b58a19..45bbada897349c258756c79811b6fa553d6a4117 100755
--- a/HySoP/hysop/operator/velocity_correction.py
+++ b/HySoP/hysop/operator/velocity_correction.py
@@ -13,25 +13,26 @@ import numpy as np
 class VelocityCorrection(Operator):
-    The velocity field is corrected after solving the 
-    Poisson equation. For more details about calculations, 
-    see the "velocity_correction.pdf" explanations document 
+    The velocity field is corrected after solving the
+    Poisson equation. For more details about calculations,
+    see the "velocity_correction.pdf" explanations document
     in ParmeDoc directory.
     def __init__(self, velocity, vorticity, resolutions,
-                 topo=None, **other_config):
+                 topo=None, task_id=None, **other_config):
-        Corrects the values of the velocity field after 
-        solving Poisson equation in order to prescribe proper 
+        Corrects the values of the velocity field after
+        solving Poisson equation in order to prescribe proper
         mean flow and ensure the desired inlet flowrate.
         @param velocity field
         @param resolutions : grid resolution of velocity
         @param topo : a predefined topology to discretize velocity
-        Operator.__init__(self, [velocity, vorticity], topo=topo)
+        Operator.__init__(self, [velocity, vorticity], topo=topo,
+                          task_id=task_id)
         self.config = other_config
         ## velocity variable (vector)
         self.velocity = velocity
@@ -64,8 +65,3 @@ class VelocityCorrection(Operator):
         self._isUpToDate = True
-    def apply(self, simulation=None):
-        # computation ...
-        self.discreteOperator.apply(simulation)
diff --git a/HySoP/hysop/problem/navier_stokes.py b/HySoP/hysop/problem/navier_stokes.py
index f40c5284e0db709e8a9b6ddd61a56c01c730cdfe..4aa5ca521b6b5ac2990ec031df8e533025690885 100644
--- a/HySoP/hysop/problem/navier_stokes.py
+++ b/HySoP/hysop/problem/navier_stokes.py
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ class NSProblem(Problem):
     Navier Stokes problem description.
-    def __init__(self, operators, simulation, monitors=[],
+    def __init__(self, operators, simulation, monitors=None,
                  dumpFreq=100, name=None):
         Problem.__init__(self, operators, simulation,
diff --git a/HySoP/hysop/problem/problem.py b/HySoP/hysop/problem/problem.py
index 680c912c3f3ab29f6803aafbdefb05c2defe698c..46c05d89d3ff7f86968b6dec331de8b15111be5e 100644
--- a/HySoP/hysop/problem/problem.py
+++ b/HySoP/hysop/problem/problem.py
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ class Problem(object):
         return object.__new__(cls, *args, **kw)
-    def __init__(self, operators, simulation, monitors=[],
+    def __init__(self, operators, simulation, monitors=None,
                  dumpFreq=100, name=None):
         Create a transport problem instance.
@@ -45,6 +45,8 @@ class Problem(object):
         self.name = name
         ## Problem operators
         self.operators = operators
+        if monitors is None:
+            monitors = []
         for m in monitors:
         ## Computes time step and manage iterations
@@ -182,7 +184,8 @@ class Problem(object):
             for op in self.operators:
                 if __VERBOSE__:
                     print main_rank, op.__class__.__name__
-                op.apply(self.simulation)
+                    op.apply(self.simulation)
             testdump = \
                 self.simulation.currentIteration % self.dumpFreq is 0
diff --git a/HySoP/hysop/problem/problem_tasks.py b/HySoP/hysop/problem/problem_tasks.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ba67f14845c00d0a6175e1d8459d91b05b7841d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HySoP/hysop/problem/problem_tasks.py
@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
+@file problem_tasks.py
+Extending problem description to handle tasks parallelism.
+Each operator owns a task id that define a process group that are sharing the
+same tasks.
+from parmepy.constants import debug
+from parmepy import __VERBOSE__
+from parmepy.problem.problem import Problem
+from parmepy.operator.monitors.monitoring import Monitoring
+from parmepy.operator.redistribute import Redistribute
+from parmepy.operator.redistribute_intercomm import RedistributeIntercomm
+from parmepy.tools.timers import timed_function
+class ProblemTasks(Problem):
+    """
+    As in Problem, it contains several operators and monitors that apply
+    on variables. The operators are labeled by task_id that defines
+    a identifier of a task.
+    Tasks are subset of operators and are assigned to a subset of the MPI
+    process by means of the task_list parameter.
+    """
+    @debug
+    def __new__(cls, *args, **kw):
+        return object.__new__(cls, *args, **kw)
+    @debug
+    def __init__(self, operators, simulation, tasks_list, monitors=None,
+                 dumpFreq=100, name=None, main_comm=None):
+        """
+        Creates the problem.
+        @param operators : list of operators.
+        @param simulation : a parmepy.simulation.Simulation object
+        to describe simulation parameters.
+        @param tasks_list : list of task identifiers for each process rank
+        @param monitors : list of monitors.
+        @param name : an id for the problem
+        @param dumpFreq : frequency of dump (i.e. saving to a file)
+        for the problem; set dumpFreq = -1 for no dumps. Default = 100.
+        @param main_comm : MPI communicator that contains all process
+        involved in this problem.
+        @remark : process number in communicator main_comm must equal the
+        length of tasks_list.
+        """
+        Problem.__init__(self, operators, simulation, monitors=monitors,
+                         dumpFreq=dumpFreq, name=name)
+        self.tasks_list = tasks_list
+        if main_comm is None:
+            from parmepy.mpi.main_var import main_comm
+        self.main_comm = main_comm
+        self._main_rank = self.main_comm.Get_rank()
+        assert self.main_comm.Get_size() == len(self.tasks_list), \
+            "The given task list length (" + str(self.tasks_list) + ") " \
+            "does not match the communicator size" \
+            " ({0})".format(self.main_comm.Get_size())
+    def pre_setUp(self):
+        """
+        - Removes operators and monitors that not have the same task identifier
+        as the current process
+        - Keep the Redistribute_intercomm in both 'from' and 'to' task_id
+        - Partial setup : only for 'computational' operators
+        (i.e. excluding monitors, rendering, data distribution ...)
+        - Initialize variables.
+        """
+        if self._isReady:
+            pass
+        self.operators_backup = []
+        ## Remove operators with a tasks not handled by this process.
+        for op in self.operators[::-1]:
+            self.operators_backup.append(op)
+            if not isinstance(op, RedistributeIntercomm):
+                if op.task_id != self.tasks_list[self._main_rank]:
+                    self.operators.remove(op)
+            else:
+                if op.id_from != self.tasks_list[self._main_rank] and \
+                        op.id_to != self.tasks_list[self._main_rank]:
+                    self.operators.remove(op)
+        for op in self.operators:
+            if not isinstance(op, Monitoring):
+                if not isinstance(op, Redistribute):
+                    if not isinstance(op, RedistributeIntercomm):
+                        op.discretize()
+        for op in self.operators:
+            if not isinstance(op, Monitoring):
+                if not isinstance(op, Redistribute):
+                    if not isinstance(op, RedistributeIntercomm):
+                        op.setUp()
+        # Build variables list to initialize
+        # These are operators input variables that are not output of
+        # previous operators in the operator stack.
+        # Set the variables input topology as the the topology of the fist
+        # operator that uses this variable as input.
+        self.input = []
+        for op in self.operators[::-1]:
+            for v in op.output:
+                if v in self.input:
+                    self.input.remove(v)
+            for v in op.input:
+                if not v in self.input:
+                    self.input.append(v)
+                    if not isinstance(op, Monitoring):
+                        if not isinstance(op, Redistribute):
+                            if not isinstance(op, RedistributeIntercomm):
+                                v.setTopoInit(op.discreteFields[v].topology)
+        self._isReady = True
+    @debug
+    @timed_function
+    def setUp(self):
+        """
+        Prepare operators (create topologies, allocate memories ...)
+        """
+        # Set up for 'computational' operators
+        if not self._isReady:
+            self.pre_setUp()
+        for v in self.input:
+            v.initialize()
+        # other operators
+        for op in self.operators:
+            if isinstance(op, Monitoring):
+                op.setUp()
+        for op in self.operators:
+            if isinstance(op, RedistributeIntercomm):
+                op.setUp()
+        for op in self.operators:
+            if isinstance(op, Redistribute):
+                op.setUp()
+        if __VERBOSE__ and self._main_rank == 0:
+            print "===="
+    @debug
+    @timed_function
+    def solve(self):
+        """
+        Solve problem.
+        Performs simulations iterations by calling each
+        operators of the list until timer ends.\n
+        At end of time step, call an io step.\n
+        Displays timings at simulation end.
+        """
+        self.main_comm.Barrier()
+        if self._main_rank == 0:
+            print "\n\n Start solving ..."
+        while not self.simulation.isOver:
+            self.simulation.printState()
+            for op in self.operators:
+                op.apply(self.simulation)
+            testdump = \
+                self.simulation.currentIteration % self.dumpFreq is 0
+            self.simulation.advance()
+            if self._doDump and testdump:
+                self.dump()
+    @debug
+    def finalize(self):
+        """
+        Finalize method
+        """
+        if self._main_rank == 0:
+            print "\n\n==== End ===="
+        ## We terminate monitors before operators.
+        for op in self.operators:
+            if isinstance(op, Monitoring):
+                op.finalize()
+                self.timer = self.timer + op.timer
+        for op in self.operators:
+            if not isinstance(op, Monitoring):
+                op.finalize()
+                self.timer = self.timer + op.timer
+        var = []
+        for op in self.operators:
+            for v in op.variables:
+                if not v in var:
+                    var.append(v)
+        for v in var:
+            v.finalize()
+            try:
+                self.timer = self.timer + v.timer
+            except AttributeError:
+                pass
+        if self._main_rank == 0:
+            print "===\n"
diff --git a/HySoP/hysop/problem/transport.py b/HySoP/hysop/problem/transport.py
index 621d9a16baae5a33d9c3fcb00dea9a571755050c..b8ae53beb2c0a62dc0aab59cf32b8f3dabfd8925 100644
--- a/HySoP/hysop/problem/transport.py
+++ b/HySoP/hysop/problem/transport.py
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ class TransportProblem(Problem):
     Transport problem description.
-    def __init__(self, operators, simulation, monitors=[],
+    def __init__(self, operators, simulation, monitors=None,
                  dumpFreq=100, name=None):
         Problem.__init__(self, operators, simulation, monitors,
                          dumpFreq, name="Transport Problem")
diff --git a/HySoP/hysop/tools/problem2dot.py b/HySoP/hysop/tools/problem2dot.py
index ac966fe1573defc87652552d20206f95407a1ed4..93dab83e5cf2b1629cb40167b44deffccaf786c3 100644
--- a/HySoP/hysop/tools/problem2dot.py
+++ b/HySoP/hysop/tools/problem2dot.py
@@ -3,10 +3,11 @@
 Converts a problem instance to a graph throw dot syntax.
+from parmepy.operator.advection import Advection
 from parmepy.operator.monitors.monitoring import Monitoring
 from parmepy.operator.redistribute import Redistribute
-from parmepy.methods_keys import Support
-from parmepy.constants import S_DIR
+from parmepy.operator.redistribute_intercomm import RedistributeIntercomm
+from parmepy.mpi.main_var import main_rank
 import pydot
 colors = [
@@ -20,144 +21,110 @@ colors = [
-def _operators2node(op_list, ltopos):
-    """Create nodes from operators list"""
-    nodes = {}
-    for op_id, op in enumerate(op_list):
-        label = "op"+str(op_id)
-        if not isinstance(op, Redistribute):
-            label += "_" + op.__class__.__name__
-        else:
-            if op.component is None:
-                for v in op.variables:
-                    label += "_R_" + v.name
-            else:
-                for v in op.variables:
-                    label += "_R_" + v.name + S_DIR[op.component]
-        if isinstance(op, Redistribute):
-            shape = 'octagon'
-        elif isinstance(op, Monitoring):
-            shape = 'ellipse'
-        else:
-            shape = 'box'
-        if not isinstance(op, Redistribute):
-            c_id = ltopos.index(op.discreteFields[op.variables[0]].topology)
-            try:
-                if op.method[Support].find('gpu') >= 0:
-                    c_id = len(ltopos)
-                    c_id += ltopos.index(
-                        op.discreteFields[op.variables[0]].topology)
-            except:
-                pass
-        else:
-            c_id = -1
-        nodes[op] = pydot.Node(op_id, label=label, fillcolor=colors[c_id],
-                               shape=shape,
-                               fontname='times-bold', style='filled')
-    return nodes
-def defaultEdges(op, op_id, op_list, op_nodes, black_list=[]):
-    """Create edges to given operator from the operator list"""
-    edges = []
-    for v in op.input:
-        if not v in black_list:
-            v_from = None
-            i_from = op_id - 1
-            while(v_from is None):
-                if not isinstance(op_list[i_from], Redistribute):
-                    if v in op_list[i_from].output:
-                        v_from = op_list[i_from]
-                i_from -= 1
-            color = 'black'
-            if i_from < 0:
-                color = colors[0]
-            if not isinstance(op, Redistribute):
-                edges.append(pydot.Edge(op_nodes[v_from], op_nodes[op],
-                                        label=v.name, color=color))
-            else:
-                edges.append(pydot.Edge(op_nodes[v_from], op_nodes[op],
-                                        color=color))
-    return edges
+def get_shape(op):
+    if isinstance(op, Redistribute) or isinstance(op, RedistributeIntercomm):
+        return 'octagon'
+    elif isinstance(op, Monitoring):
+        return 'ellipse'
+    else:
+        return 'box'
 def toDot(pb, filename='graph.pdf'):
-    """Create a dot grapg from problem operator list"""
-    graph = pydot.Dot(pb.__class__.__name__, graph_type='digraph')
-    # Build a topology set (for colors)
-    topos = []
-    topos_gpu = []
-    #nt = 0
-    for op in pb.operators:
-        if not isinstance(op, Redistribute):
+    if main_rank == 0:
+        all_ops = []
+        all_vars = []
+        tasks = []
+        for op in pb.operators:
+            if isinstance(op, Advection) and not op.advecDir is None:
+                for ad_op in op.advecDir:
+                    all_ops.append(ad_op)
+                    tasks.append(ad_op.task_id)
+            else:
+                all_ops.append(op)
+                tasks.append(op.task_id)
             for v in op.variables:
-                t = op.discreteFields[v].topology
-                try:
-                    if op.method[Support].find('gpu') >= 0:
-                        if not t in topos_gpu:
-                            topos_gpu.append(op.discreteFields[v].topology)
-                    else:
-                        if not t in topos:
-                            topos.append(op.discreteFields[v].topology)
-                except:
-                    if not t in topos:
-                        topos.append(op.discreteFields[v].topology)
-    # Build nodes from operators
-    op_nodes = _operators2node(pb.operators, topos)
-    for n in op_nodes.values():
-        graph.add_node(n)
+                all_vars.append(v)
+        all_vars = list(set(all_vars))
+        tasks = list(set(tasks))
-    # Build edges
-    edges = []
-    for i in xrange(len(pb.operators) - 1, -1, -1):
-        op = pb.operators[i]
-        if not isinstance(op, Monitoring):
-            req_vars = []
-            # Create edges for redistribute requirements
-            for req in op.getRedistributeRequirement():
-                for v in req.output:
-                    color = 'black'
-                    if pb.operators.index(req) > pb.operators.index(op):
-                        color = 'red'
-                    edges.append(pydot.Edge(op_nodes[req], op_nodes[op],
-                                            color=color))
-                    req_vars.append(v)
-            # Create edges for other variables
-            ed = defaultEdges(op, i, pb.operators, op_nodes,
-                              black_list=req_vars)
-            edges += ed
-    for i in xrange(len(pb.operators) - 1, -1, -1):
-        op = pb.operators[i]
-        if isinstance(op, Monitoring):
-            ed = defaultEdges(op, i, pb.operators, op_nodes,
-                              black_list=req_vars)
-            edges += ed
-    for e in edges:
-        graph.add_edge(e)
+        all_edges = {}
+        for op_id, op in enumerate(all_ops):
+            for v in op.input:
+                out = None
+                for req in op.requirements:
+                    if v in req.output:
+                        out = req
+                i = op_id-1
+                while(out is None):
+                    if v in all_ops[i].output:
+                        if isinstance(all_ops[i], RedistributeIntercomm):
+                            if op == all_ops[i].opTo:
+                                out = all_ops[i]
+                        else:
+                            if not isinstance(all_ops[i], Redistribute):
+                                out = all_ops[i]
+                    i = i-1
+                if (out, op) in all_edges.keys():
+                    all_edges[(out, op)].append(v.name)
+                else:
+                    all_edges[(out, op)] = [v.name]
-    # Add key
-    subg = pydot.Subgraph('Key', rank='same')
-    subg.add_node(pydot.Node('Computational', shape='box'))
-    subg.add_node(pydot.Node('Monitoring', shape='ellipse'))
-    subg.add_node(pydot.Node('Redistribute', shape='octagon'))
-    a = pydot.Node('a', shape='point')
-    b = pydot.Node('b', shape='point')
-    e = pydot.Edge(a, b, color=colors[0], label='New iteration')
-    subg.add_node(a)
-    subg.add_node(b)
-    subg.add_edge(e)
-    for t_id, t in enumerate(topos):
-        subg.add_node(pydot.Node('Topo'+str(t_id), shape='plaintext',
-                                 fontcolor=colors[t_id]))
-    for t_id, t in enumerate(topos_gpu):
-        subg.add_node(pydot.Node('Topo'+str(topos.index(t))+'_GPU',
-                                 shape='plaintext',
-                                 fontcolor=colors[len(topos)+topos.index(t)]))
-    graph.add_subgraph(subg)
-    # Write graph in the format specified by filename extension
-    graph.write(filename, format=filename.split('.')[-1])
+        graph = pydot.Dot(pb.__class__.__name__, graph_type='digraph')
+        sub_graphs = {}
+        nodes = {}
+        edges = {}
+        from_start = {}
+        to_end = {}
+        # Start iteration node
+        G_start = pydot.Node(-1, label="START", shape='none')
+        graph.add_node(G_start)
+        # End iteration node
+        G_end = pydot.Node(-2, label="END", shape='none')
+        graph.add_node(G_end)
+        if len(tasks) > 1:
+            for t in tasks:
+                if t is None:
+                    c = 'white'
+                else:
+                    c = colors[tasks.index(t)]
+                sub_graphs[t] = pydot.Subgraph('cluster_' + str(t),
+                                               label='',
+                                               color=c)
+        else:
+            sub_graphs[tasks[0]] = graph
+        for op_id, op in enumerate(all_ops):
+            label = 'Op' + str(op_id) + '_' + op.name
+            nodes[op] = pydot.Node(op_id, label=label,
+                                   shape=get_shape(op))
+            sub_graphs[op.task_id].add_node(nodes[op])
+        for e in all_edges.keys():
+            if all_ops.index(e[0]) < all_ops.index(e[1]):
+                edges[e] = pydot.Edge(nodes[e[0]], nodes[e[1]],
+                                      label='_'.join(list(set(all_edges[e]))),
+                                      color='black')
+                graph.add_edge(edges[e])
+            else:
+                if (e[0], G_end) in to_end.keys():
+                    to_end[(e[0], G_end)] += all_edges[e]
+                else:
+                    to_end[(e[0], G_end)] = all_edges[e]
+                if (G_start, e[1]) in from_start.keys():
+                    from_start[(G_start, e[1])] += all_edges[e]
+                else:
+                    from_start[(G_start, e[1])] = all_edges[e]
+        for e in to_end.keys():
+            edges[e] = pydot.Edge(nodes[e[0]], e[1],
+                                  label='_'.join(list(set(to_end[e]))),
+                                  color='black')
+            graph.add_edge(edges[e])
+        for e in from_start.keys():
+            edges[e] = pydot.Edge(e[0], nodes[e[1]],
+                                  label='_'.join(list(set(from_start[e]))),
+                                  color='black')
+            graph.add_edge(edges[e])
+        if len(tasks) > 1:
+            for t in tasks:
+                graph.add_subgraph(sub_graphs[t])
+        graph.write(filename + '.dot', format='dot')
+        graph.write(filename, format=filename.split('.')[-1])