From 587c750b7be05a90be6eaac73f136431a874238a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?Franck=20P=C3=A9rignon?= <>
Date: Mon, 23 May 2016 14:00:59 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Fix tests, pep8 things (renaming ...). Push for CI, see
 gitlab for tests.

 hysop/mpi/                       | 323 ++++++++++++--
 hysop/mpi/                 | 135 ------
 hysop/mpi/               | 115 -----
 hysop/mpi/tests/            |  11 +-
 hysop/operator/            | 504 +++++++++++++++++++++-
 hysop/operator/      | 183 --------
 hysop/operator/      | 211 ---------
 hysop/operator/    |  61 ---
 hysop/operator/tests/ |   5 +-
 hysop/problem/                  | 173 ++++----
 hysop/problem/            |   3 +-
 hysop/problem/tests/       |   0
 hysop/problem/tests/    | 115 ++++-
 hysop/problem/tests/     |   5 +-
 hysop/problem/                |   9 +-
 hysop/tools/                |   3 +-
 hysop/tools/tests/        |  17 +-
 17 files changed, 995 insertions(+), 878 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 hysop/mpi/
 delete mode 100644 hysop/mpi/
 delete mode 100644 hysop/operator/
 delete mode 100644 hysop/operator/
 delete mode 100644 hysop/operator/
 delete mode 100644 hysop/problem/tests/

diff --git a/hysop/mpi/ b/hysop/mpi/
index f07f590e5..e5d799771 100644
--- a/hysop/mpi/
+++ b/hysop/mpi/
@@ -1,10 +1,19 @@
-Tools to compute the intersection between
-two HySoP topologies.
+"""Tools to compute the intersection between two topologies.
+`.. currentmodule : hysop.mpi.bridge
+* :class:`~Bridge` for topologies/operators defined
+  inside the same mpi communicator
+* :class:`~BridgeInter`
+* :class:`~BridgeOverlap` for topologies defined
+  inside the same mpi parent communicator and
+  with a different number of processes
 from hysop.mpi.topology import Cartesian, TopoTools
 from import Utils
+from hysop.mpi import MPI
+import as npw
 class Bridge(object):
@@ -13,9 +22,13 @@ class Bridge(object):
     def __init__(self, source, target):
-        """
-        @param source : topology that owns the source mesh
-        @param target : topology of the targeted mesh
+        """Intersection between two topologies.
+        See users' manual for details
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        source, target : :class:`~hysop.mpi.topology.Cartesian`
+            topologies that own the source mesh and targeted mesh
         # -- All dictionnaries belows used rank number (in parent comm)
         # as keys. --
@@ -43,7 +56,7 @@ class Bridge(object):
     def _check_topologies(self):
-        # First check if source and target are complient
+        """Check if source/target topologies exists and are complient"""
         msg = 'Bridge error, one or both topologies are None.'
         msg = 'Bridge error, input source/target must be topologies.'
         assert isinstance(self._source, Cartesian), msg
@@ -59,9 +72,9 @@ class Bridge(object):
         self._rank = self.comm.Get_rank()
     def _build_send_recv_dict(self):
-        # Compute local intersections : i.e. find which grid points
-        # are on both source and target mesh.
+        """Compute local (mpi) intersection of two topologies
+        i.e. find which grid points are on both source and target mesh.
+        """
         # Get global indices of the mesh on source for all mpi processes.
         indices_source = TopoTools.gather_global_indices(self._source)
@@ -104,27 +117,32 @@ class Bridge(object):
         self._recv_indices = {rk: convert(self._recv_indices[rk])
                               for rk in self._recv_indices}
-    def hasLocalInter(self):
+    def has_local_inter(self):
+        """True if local mesh points are also present on remote mesh
+        """
         return self._rank in self._send_indices
-    def localSourceInd(self):
+    def local_source_ind(self):
+        """indices of points (in the local mesh) that
+        also belong to remote mesh
+        """
         if self._rank in self._send_indices:
             return self._send_indices[self._rank]
             return {}
-    def localTargetInd(self):
+    def local_target_ind(self):
+        """indices of points (in the remote mesh)
+        that also belong to the local mesh
+        """
         if self._rank in self._recv_indices:
             return self._recv_indices[self._rank]
             return {}
-    def recvTypes(self):
-        """
-        Return the dictionnary of MPI derived types
+    def recv_types(self):
+        """Returns the dictionnary of MPI derived types
         received on targeted topology.
-        @param data_shape : shape (numpy-like) of the original array
-        @return : a dict of MPI types
         if self._recv_types is None:
             data_shape = self._target.mesh.resolution
@@ -132,15 +150,270 @@ class Bridge(object):
         return self._recv_types
-    def sendTypes(self):
-        """
-        Return the dictionnary of MPI derived types
-        send from source topology.
-        @param data_shape : shape (numpy-like) of the original array
-        @return : a dict of MPI types
+    def send_types(self):
+        """Returns the dictionnary of MPI derived types sent by source topology.
         if self._send_types is None:
             data_shape = self._source.mesh.resolution
             self._send_types = TopoTools.create_subarray(self._send_indices,
         return self._send_types
+class BridgeInter(object):
+    """Intersection between two topologies defined
+    on two different mpi communicators.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, current, parent, source_id, target_id):
+        """Intersection between two topologies defined
+        on different mpi communicators (i.e. implies mpi intercomm)
+        See users' manual for details
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        current : :class:`~hysop.mpi.topology.Cartesian`
+        parent : MPI.COMM
+            mpi communicator that must owns all the
+            processes involved in source and target.
+        source_id, target_id : int
+            mpi task ids for the source/target.
+            Required if source/target is None
+            else infered from source/target.
+        """
+        # The aim of a bridge if to compute the intersection of mesh grids
+        # on source topology with those on target topology, to be able to tell
+        # who must send/recv what to which process.
+        # This is done in steps:
+        # - the indices of grid points of each process are gathered
+        # onto the root process, for both source and target --> global_indices.
+        # We compute global indices (i.e. relative to the global grid)
+        # - an intercommunicator is used to broadcast these indices
+        # from source to the processes of target.
+        # source task number
+        self.source_id = source_id
+        # target task number
+        self.target_id = target_id
+        assert isinstance(current, Cartesian)
+        assert isinstance(parent, MPI.Intracomm)
+        self._topology = current
+        # current task id
+        current_task = self._topology.domain.current_task()
+        # True if current process is in the 'from' group'
+        task_is_source = current_task == self.source_id
+        # True if current process is in the 'to' group
+        task_is_target = current_task == self.target_id
+        # Ensure that current process belongs to one and only one task.
+        assert task_is_source or task_is_target
+        assert not(task_is_source and task_is_target)
+        # Create an intercommunicator
+        # Create_intercomm attributes are:
+        #   - local rank of leader process for current group (always 0)
+        #   - parent communicator
+        #   - rank of leader process in the remote group
+        # rank of the first proc belonging to the remote task
+        # (used as remote leader)
+        proc_tasks = self._topology.domain.tasks_list()
+        if task_is_source:
+            remote_leader = proc_tasks.index(self.target_id)
+        elif task_is_target:
+            remote_leader = proc_tasks.index(self.source_id)
+        self.comm = self._topology.comm.Create_intercomm(0, parent,
+                                                         remote_leader)
+        current_indices, remote_indices = self._swap_indices()
+        self._tranfer_indices = {}
+        current = current_indices[self._topology.rank]
+        for rk in remote_indices:
+            inter = Utils.intersl(current, remote_indices[rk])
+            if inter is not None:
+                self._tranfer_indices[rk] = inter
+        # Back to local indices
+        convert = self._topology.mesh.convert2local
+        self._tranfer_indices = {rk: convert(self._tranfer_indices[rk])
+                                 for rk in self._tranfer_indices}
+        self._transfer_types = None
+    def _swap_indices(self):
+        """collect current/remote indices
+        """
+        # First, we need to collect the global indices, as arrays
+        # since we need to broadcast them later.
+        current_indices = TopoTools.gather_global_indices(self._topology,
+                                                          toslice=False)
+        # To allocate remote_indices array, we need the size of
+        # the remote communicator.
+        remote_size = self.comm.Get_remote_size()
+        dimension = self._topology.domain.dimension
+        remote_indices = npw.dim_zeros((dimension * 2, remote_size))
+        # Then they are broadcasted to the remote communicator
+        rank = self._topology.rank
+        current_task = self._topology.domain.current_task()
+        if current_task is self.source_id:
+            # Local 0 broadcast current_indices to remote comm
+            if rank == 0:
+                self.comm.bcast(current_indices, root=MPI.ROOT)
+            else:
+                self.comm.bcast(current_indices, root=MPI.PROC_NULL)
+            # Get remote indices from remote comm
+            remote_indices = self.comm.bcast(remote_indices, root=0)
+        elif current_task is self.target_id:
+            # Get remote indices from remote comm
+            remote_indices = self.comm.bcast(remote_indices, root=0)
+            # Local 0 broadcast current_indices to remote comm
+            if rank == 0:
+                self.comm.bcast(current_indices, root=MPI.ROOT)
+            else:
+                self.comm.bcast(current_indices, root=MPI.PROC_NULL)
+        # Convert numpy arrays to dict of slices ...
+        current_indices = Utils.array_to_dict(current_indices)
+        remote_indices = Utils.array_to_dict(remote_indices)
+        return current_indices, remote_indices
+    def transfer_types(self):
+        """Return the dictionnary of MPI derived types
+        used for send (if on source) or receive (if on target)
+        """
+        if self._transfer_types is None:
+            data_shape = self._topology.mesh.resolution
+            self._transfer_types = TopoTools.create_subarray(
+                self._tranfer_indices, data_shape)
+        return self._transfer_types
+class BridgeOverlap(Bridge):
+    """
+    Bridge between two topologies that:
+    - have a different number of mpi processes
+    - have common mpi processes
+    i.e. something in between a standard bridge with intra-comm and
+    a bridge dealing with intercommunication. This is probably
+    a very pathologic case ...
+    The main difference with a standard bridge is that
+    this one may be call on processes where either source
+    or target does not exist.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, comm_ref=None, **kwds):
+        """Bridge between two topologies that:
+        * have a different number of mpi processes
+        * have common mpi processes
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        comm_ref : MPI.COMM
+            mpi communicator used for all global communications.
+            It must include all processes of source and target.
+            If None, source.parent() is used.
+        Notes
+        -----
+        this is something in between a standard bridge with intra-comm and
+        a bridge dealing with intercommunication. This is probably
+        a very pathologic case ...
+        The main difference with a standard bridge is that
+        this one may be call on processes where either source
+        or target does not exist.
+        """
+        self.comm = comm_ref
+        self.domain = None
+        super(BridgeOverlap, self).__init__(**kwds)
+    def _check_topologies(self):
+        # First check if source and target are complient
+        if self.comm is None:
+            if self._source is not None:
+                self.comm = self._source.parent()
+            else:
+                self.comm = self._target.parent()
+        # To build a bridge, all process in source/target must be in self.comm
+        # and there must be an overlap between source
+        # and target processes group. If not, turn to intercommunicator.
+        if self._source is not None and self._target is not None:
+            msg = 'BridgeOverlap error: mpi group from '
+            msg += 'source and topo must overlap. If not '
+            msg += 'BridgeInter will probably suits better.'
+            assert TopoTools.intersection_size(self._source.comm,
+                                               self._target.comm) > 0, msg
+            assert self._source.domain == self._target.domain
+        if self._source is not None:
+            assert isinstance(self._source, Cartesian)
+            s_size = self._source.size
+            assert TopoTools.intersection_size(self._source.comm,
+                                               self.comm) == s_size
+            self.domain = self._source.domain
+        if self._target is not None:
+            assert isinstance(self._target, Cartesian)
+            t_size = self._target.size
+            assert TopoTools.intersection_size(self._target.comm,
+                                               self.comm) == t_size
+            self.domain = self._target.domain
+        self._rank = self.comm.Get_rank()
+    def _build_send_recv_dict(self):
+        # Compute local intersections : i.e. find which grid points
+        # are on both source and target mesh.
+        indices_source = TopoTools.gather_global_indices_overlap(self._source,
+                                                                 self.comm,
+                                                                 self.domain)
+        indices_target = TopoTools.gather_global_indices_overlap(self._target,
+                                                                 self.comm,
+                                                                 self.domain)
+        # From now on, we have indices_source[rk] = global indices (slice)
+        # of grid points of the source on process number rk in parent.
+        # And the same thing for indices_target.
+        dimension = self.domain.dimension
+        # Compute the intersections of the mesh on source with every mesh on
+        # target (i.e. for each mpi process).
+        if self._rank in indices_source:
+            current = indices_source[self._rank]
+        else:
+            current = [slice(None, None, None), ] * dimension
+        for rk in indices_target:
+            inter = Utils.intersl(current, indices_target[rk])
+            if inter is not None:
+                self._send_indices[rk] = inter
+        if self._source is not None:
+            # Back to local indices
+            convert = self._source.mesh.convert2local
+            self._send_indices = {rk: convert(self._send_indices[rk])
+                                  for rk in self._send_indices}
+        if self._rank in indices_source:
+            current = indices_target[self._rank]
+        else:
+            current = [slice(None, None, None), ] * dimension
+        for rk in indices_source:
+            inter = Utils.intersl(current, indices_source[rk])
+            if inter is not None:
+                self._recv_indices[rk] = inter
+        if self._target is not None:
+            convert = self._target.mesh.convert2local
+            self._recv_indices = {rk: convert(self._recv_indices[rk])
+                                  for rk in self._recv_indices}
diff --git a/hysop/mpi/ b/hysop/mpi/
deleted file mode 100644
index 85f37b8a2..000000000
--- a/hysop/mpi/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,135 +0,0 @@
-Tools to compute the intersection between
-two HySoP topologies.
-from hysop.mpi.topology import Cartesian, TopoTools
-from import Utils
-from hysop.mpi import MPI
-import as npw
-class BridgeInter(object):
-    """
-    todo
-    """
-    def __init__(self, current, parent, source_id, target_id):
-        """
-        @param source : topology that owns the source mesh
-        @param target : topology of the targeted mesh
-        """
-        # The aim of a bridge if to compute the intersection of mesh grids
-        # on source topology with those on target topology, to be able to tell
-        # who must send/recv what to which process.
-        # This is done in steps:
-        # - the indices of grid points of each process are gathered
-        # onto the root process, for both source and target --> global_indices.
-        # We compute global indices (i.e. relative to the global grid)
-        # - an intercommunicator is used to broadcast these indices
-        # from source to the processes of target.
-        ## source task number
-        self.source_id = source_id
-        ## target task number
-        self.target_id = target_id
-        assert isinstance(current, Cartesian)
-        assert isinstance(parent, MPI.Intracomm)
-        self._topology = current
-        # current task id
-        current_task = self._topology.domain.current_task()
-        # True if current process is in the 'from' group'
-        task_is_source = current_task == self.source_id
-        # True if current process is in the 'to' group
-        task_is_target = current_task == self.target_id
-        # Ensure that current process belongs to one and only one task.
-        assert task_is_source or task_is_target
-        assert not(task_is_source and task_is_target)
-        # Create an intercommunicator
-        # Create_intercomm attributes are:
-        #   - local rank of leader process for current group (always 0)
-        #   - parent communicator
-        #   - rank of leader process in the remote group
-        # rank of the first proc belonging to the remote task
-        # (used as remote leader)
-        proc_tasks = self._topology.domain.tasks_list()
-        if task_is_source:
-            remote_leader = proc_tasks.index(self.target_id)
-        elif task_is_target:
-            remote_leader = proc_tasks.index(self.source_id)
-        self.comm = self._topology.comm.Create_intercomm(0, parent,
-                                                         remote_leader)
-        current_indices, remote_indices = self._swap_indices()
-        self._tranfer_indices = {}
-        current = current_indices[self._topology.rank]
-        for rk in remote_indices:
-            inter = Utils.intersl(current, remote_indices[rk])
-            if inter is not None:
-                self._tranfer_indices[rk] = inter
-        # Back to local indices
-        convert = self._topology.mesh.convert2local
-        self._tranfer_indices = {rk: convert(self._tranfer_indices[rk])
-                                 for rk in self._tranfer_indices}
-        self._transfer_types = None
-    def _swap_indices(self):
-        # First, we need to collect the global indices, as arrays
-        # since we need to broadcast them later.
-        current_indices = TopoTools.gather_global_indices(self._topology,
-                                                          toslice=False)
-        # To allocate remote_indices array, we need the size of
-        # the remote communicator.
-        remote_size = self.comm.Get_remote_size()
-        dimension = self._topology.domain.dimension
-        remote_indices = npw.dim_zeros((dimension * 2, remote_size))
-        # Then they are broadcasted to the remote communicator
-        rank = self._topology.rank
-        current_task = self._topology.domain.current_task()
-        if current_task is self.source_id:
-            # Local 0 broadcast current_indices to remote comm
-            if rank == 0:
-                self.comm.bcast(current_indices, root=MPI.ROOT)
-            else:
-                self.comm.bcast(current_indices, root=MPI.PROC_NULL)
-            # Get remote indices from remote comm
-            remote_indices = self.comm.bcast(remote_indices, root=0)
-        elif current_task is self.target_id:
-            # Get remote indices from remote comm
-            remote_indices = self.comm.bcast(remote_indices, root=0)
-            # Local 0 broadcast current_indices to remote comm
-            if rank == 0:
-                self.comm.bcast(current_indices, root=MPI.ROOT)
-            else:
-                self.comm.bcast(current_indices, root=MPI.PROC_NULL)
-        # Convert numpy arrays to dict of slices ...
-        current_indices = Utils.array_to_dict(current_indices)
-        remote_indices = Utils.array_to_dict(remote_indices)
-        return current_indices, remote_indices
-    def transferTypes(self):
-        """
-        Return the dictionnary of MPI derived types
-        used for send (if on source) or receive (if on target)
-        @param data_shape : shape (numpy-like) of the original array
-        @return : a dict of MPI types
-        """
-        if self._transfer_types is None:
-            data_shape = self._topology.mesh.resolution
-            self._transfer_types = TopoTools.create_subarray(
-                self._tranfer_indices, data_shape)
-        return self._transfer_types
diff --git a/hysop/mpi/ b/hysop/mpi/
deleted file mode 100644
index e4f75ba06..000000000
--- a/hysop/mpi/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,115 +0,0 @@
-Tools to compute the intersection between
-two HySoP topologies defined on the same comm but for a
-different number of processes.
-from hysop.mpi.topology import Cartesian, TopoTools
-from import Utils
-from hysop.mpi.bridge import Bridge
-class BridgeOverlap(Bridge):
-    """
-    Bridge between two topologies that:
-    - have a different number of mpi processes
-    - have common mpi processes
-    i.e. something in between a standard bridge with intra-comm and
-    a bridge dealing with intercommunication. This is probably
-    a very pathologic case ...
-    The main difference with a standard bridge is that
-    this one may be call on processes where either source
-    or target does not exist.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, comm_ref=None, **kwds):
-        """
-        @param comm_ref : mpi communicator used for all global communications.
-        It must include all processes of source and target.
-        If None, source.parent() is used.
-        """
-        self.comm = comm_ref
-        self.domain = None
-        super(BridgeOverlap, self).__init__(**kwds)
-    def _check_topologies(self):
-        # First check if source and target are complient
-        if self.comm is None:
-            if self._source is not None:
-                self.comm = self._source.parent()
-            else:
-                self.comm = self._target.parent()
-        # To build a bridge, all process in source/target must be in self.comm
-        # and there must be an overlap between source
-        # and target processes group. If not, turn to intercommunicator.
-        if self._source is not None and self._target is not None:
-            msg = 'BridgeOverlap error: mpi group from '
-            msg += 'source and topo must overlap. If not '
-            msg += 'BridgeInter will probably suits better.'
-            assert TopoTools.intersection_size(self._source.comm,
-                                               self._target.comm) > 0, msg
-            assert self._source.domain == self._target.domain
-        if self._source is not None:
-            assert isinstance(self._source, Cartesian)
-            s_size = self._source.size
-            assert TopoTools.intersection_size(self._source.comm,
-                                               self.comm) == s_size
-            self.domain = self._source.domain
-        if self._target is not None:
-            assert isinstance(self._target, Cartesian)
-            t_size = self._target.size
-            assert TopoTools.intersection_size(self._target.comm,
-                                               self.comm) == t_size
-            self.domain = self._target.domain
-        self._rank = self.comm.Get_rank()
-    def _build_send_recv_dict(self):
-        # Compute local intersections : i.e. find which grid points
-        # are on both source and target mesh.
-        indices_source = TopoTools.gather_global_indices_overlap(self._source,
-                                                                 self.comm,
-                                                                 self.domain)
-        indices_target = TopoTools.gather_global_indices_overlap(self._target,
-                                                                 self.comm,
-                                                                 self.domain)
-        # From now on, we have indices_source[rk] = global indices (slice)
-        # of grid points of the source on process number rk in parent.
-        # And the same thing for indices_target.
-        dimension = self.domain.dimension
-        # Compute the intersections of the mesh on source with every mesh on
-        # target (i.e. for each mpi process).
-        if self._rank in indices_source:
-            current = indices_source[self._rank]
-        else:
-            current = [slice(None, None, None), ] * dimension
-        for rk in indices_target:
-            inter = Utils.intersl(current, indices_target[rk])
-            if inter is not None:
-                self._send_indices[rk] = inter
-        if self._source is not None:
-            # Back to local indices
-            convert = self._source.mesh.convert2local
-            self._send_indices = {rk: convert(self._send_indices[rk])
-                                  for rk in self._send_indices}
-        if self._rank in indices_source:
-            current = indices_target[self._rank]
-        else:
-            current = [slice(None, None, None), ] * dimension
-        for rk in indices_source:
-            inter = Utils.intersl(current, indices_source[rk])
-            if inter is not None:
-                self._recv_indices[rk] = inter
-        if self._target is not None:
-            convert = self._target.mesh.convert2local
-            self._recv_indices = {rk: convert(self._recv_indices[rk])
-                                  for rk in self._recv_indices}
diff --git a/hysop/mpi/tests/ b/hysop/mpi/tests/
index 5bfe802d8..936fb00c1 100755
--- a/hysop/mpi/tests/
+++ b/hysop/mpi/tests/
@@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
 from import Box
 from import Discretization
-from hysop.mpi.bridge import Bridge
+from hysop.mpi.bridge import Bridge, BridgeInter, BridgeOverlap
 from hysop.mpi import main_size, main_comm
-from hysop.mpi.bridge_overlap import BridgeOverlap
-from hysop.mpi.bridge_inter import BridgeInter
+from hysop.mpi.tests.utils import create_subtopos, create_inter_topos
 import math
@@ -77,7 +78,7 @@ def test_bridgeInter2D():
     CPU = 1
     GPU = 4
     bridge = BridgeInter(topo1, main_comm, source_id=CPU, target_id=GPU)
-    tr = bridge.transferTypes()
+    tr = bridge.transfer_types()
     assert bridge is not None
     assert isinstance(tr, dict)
     # We cannot really check something interesting,
@@ -104,7 +105,7 @@ def test_bridgeInter3D():
     CPU = 1
     GPU = 4
     bridge = BridgeInter(topo1, main_comm, source_id=CPU, target_id=GPU)
-    tr = bridge.transferTypes()
+    tr = bridge.transfer_types()
     assert bridge is not None
     assert isinstance(tr, dict)
     # We cannot really check something interesting,
diff --git a/hysop/operator/ b/hysop/operator/
index f43866672..bf21b5eb2 100644
--- a/hysop/operator/
+++ b/hysop/operator/
@@ -1,17 +1,29 @@
-Abstract interface for data redistribution.
+"""Setup for data transfer/redistribution between topologies or operators
+`.. currentmodule : hysop.operator.redistribute
+* :class:`~RedistributeIntra` for topologies/operators defined
+  inside the same mpi communicator
+* :class:`~RedistributeInter` for topologies/operators defined
+  on two different mpi communicator
+* :class:`~RedistributeOverlap` for topologies defined
+  inside the same mpi parent communicator and
+  with a different number of processes
+* :class:`~Redistribute` abstract base class
 from hysop.operator.continuous import Operator
 from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
 from hysop.mpi.topology import Cartesian
 from hysop.operator.computational import Computational
+from hysop.operator.continuous import opsetup, opapply
+from hysop.mpi.bridge import Bridge, BridgeOverlap, BridgeInter
+from hysop.constants import S_DIR, debug
 class Redistribute(Operator):
-    """
-    Bare interface to redistribute operators
+    """Abstract interface to redistribute operators
     __metaclass__ = ABCMeta
@@ -19,11 +31,17 @@ class Redistribute(Operator):
     def __init__(self, source, target, component=None,
                  run_till=None, **kwds):
-        @param source : topology or computational operator
-        @param target : topology or computational operator
-        @param component : which component must be distributed (default = all)
-        @param run_till : a list of operators that must wait for the completion
-        of this redistribute before any apply.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        source, target: :class:`~hysop.mpi.topology.Cartesian` or
+         :class:`~hysop.operator.computational.Computational
+            topologies or operators that own the source mesh and targeted mesh
+        component: int
+            which component of the field must be distributed (default = all)
+        run_till: list of :class:`~hysop.operator.computational.Computational
+            operators that must wait for the completion of this redistribute
+            before any apply.
         # Base class initialisation
         super(Redistribute, self).__init__(**kwds)
@@ -44,7 +62,7 @@ class Redistribute(Operator):
             assert self.component >= 0, 'component value must be positive.'
             self._range_components = lambda v: (self.component)
-        ## Bridge between topology of source and topology of target
+        # Bridge between topology of source and topology of target
         self.bridge = None
         # True if some MPI operations are running for the current operator.
         self._has_requests = False
@@ -78,11 +96,16 @@ class Redistribute(Operator):
         super(Redistribute, self).setup(rwork, iwork)
     def _check_operator(self, op):
-        """
-        @param op : a computational operator
-        - check if op is really a computational operator
-        - discretize op
-        - check if all required variables (if any) belong to op
+        """ ensure op properties:
+           * check if op is really a computational operator
+           * discretize op
+           * check if all required variables (if any) belong to op
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        op : :class:`~hysop.operator.computational.Computational
+                :param:  op : a computational operator
         assert isinstance(op, Computational)
@@ -156,10 +179,14 @@ class Redistribute(Operator):
             assert v.domain is self.domain
     def _set_topology(self, current):
-        """
-        @param current: a topology or a computational operator
-        This function check if current is valid, fits with self.variables
+        """This function check if current is valid, fits with self.variables
         and get its topology to set self._topology.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        current : :class:`~hysop.mpi.topology.Cartesian` or
+         :class:`~hysop.mpi.operator.computational.Computational`
         if isinstance(current, Cartesian):
             result = current
@@ -182,3 +209,442 @@ class Redistribute(Operator):
     def computation_time(self):
+class RedistributeIntra(Redistribute):
+    """Data transfer between two operators/topologies.
+    Source and target must:
+    - be defined on the same communicator
+    - work on the same number of mpi process
+    - work with the same global resolution
+    """
+    def __init__(self, **kwds):
+        """Data transfer between two operators/topologies defined on the
+        same communicator
+        Source and target must:
+        * be defined on the same communicator
+        * work on the same number of mpi process
+        * work with the same global resolution
+        """
+        # Base class initialisation
+        super(RedistributeIntra, self).__init__(**kwds)
+        # Warning : comm from io_params will be used as
+        # reference for all mpi communication of this operator.
+        # --> rank computed in refcomm
+        # --> source and target must work inside refcomm
+        # If io_params is None, refcomm will COMM_WORLD.
+        # Dictionnary of discrete fields to be sent
+        self._vsource = {}
+        # Dictionnary of discrete fields to be overwritten
+        self._vtarget = {}
+        # dictionnary which maps rank with mpi derived type
+        # for send operations
+        self._send = {}
+        # dictionnay which maps rank with mpi derived type
+        # for send operations
+        self._receive = {}
+        # dictionnary which map rank/field name with a
+        # receive request
+        self._r_request = None
+        # dictionnary which map rank/field name with a
+        # send request
+        self._s_request = None
+        # Set list of variables and the domain.
+        self._set_variables()
+        # Set mpi related stuff
+        self._set_domain_and_tasks()
+    @opsetup
+    def setup(self, rwork=None, iwork=None):
+        # At setup, source and topo must be either
+        # a hysop.mpi.topology.Cartesian or
+        # a computational operator.
+        msg = 'Redistribute error : undefined source of target.'
+        assert self._source is not None and self._target is not None, msg
+        t_source = self._set_topology(self._source)
+        t_target = self._set_topology(self._target)
+        source_res = t_source.mesh.discretization.resolution
+        target_res = t_target.mesh.discretization.resolution
+        msg = 'Redistribute error: source and target must '
+        msg += 'have the same global resolution.'
+        assert (source_res == target_res).all(), msg
+        # Set the dictionnaries of source/target variables
+        self._vsource = {v: v.discretize(t_source)
+                         for v in self.variables}
+        self._vtarget = {v: v.discretize(t_target)
+                         for v in self.variables}
+        # We can create the bridge
+        self.bridge = Bridge(t_source, t_target)
+        # Shape of reference is the shape of source/target mesh
+        self._send = self.bridge.send_types()
+        self._receive = self.bridge.recv_types()
+        self._set_synchro()
+        self._is_uptodate = True
+    def _set_synchro(self):
+        """
+        Set who must wait for who ...
+        """
+        # Check input operators
+        if isinstance(self._source, Computational):
+            #  redistribute must wait for source if a variable of redistribute
+            # is an output from source.
+            for v in self.variables:
+                vout = v in self._source.output or False
+            if vout:
+                self.wait_for(self._source)
+                # And source must wait for redistribute
+                # if a variable of red. is an output from source.
+                self._source.wait_for(self)
+        if isinstance(self._target, Computational):
+            # target operator must wait for
+            # the end of this operator to apply.
+            self._run_till.append(self._target)
+        # Add this operator into wait list of
+        # operators listed in run_till
+        for op in self._run_till:
+            op.wait_for(self)
+        self._is_uptodate = True
+    def add_run_till_op(self, op):
+        """Add an operator to the wait list"""
+        self._run_till.append(op)
+        op.wait_for(self)
+    @opapply
+    def apply(self, simulation=None):
+        # Try different way to send vars?
+        # - Buffered : copy all data into a buffer and send/recv
+        # - Standard : one send/recv per component
+        # --- Standard send/recv ---
+        br = self.bridge
+        # reset send/recv requests
+        self._r_request = {}
+        self._s_request = {}
+        basetag = self._mpis.rank + 1
+        # Comm used for send/receive operations
+        # It must contains all proc. of source topo and
+        # target topo.
+        refcomm = self.bridge.comm
+        # Loop over all required components of each variable
+        for v in self.variables:
+            for d in self._range_components(v):
+                v_name = + S_DIR[d]
+                # Deal with local copies of data
+                if br.has_local_inter():
+                    vTo = self._vtarget[v].data[d]
+                    vFrom = self._vsource[v].data[d]
+                    vTo[br.local_target_ind()] = vFrom[br.local_source_ind()]
+                # Transfers to other mpi processes
+                for rk in self._receive:
+                    recvtag = basetag * 989 + (rk + 1) * 99 + (d + 1) * 88
+                    mpi_type = self._receive[rk]
+                    vTo = self._vtarget[v].data[d]
+                    self._r_request[v_name + str(rk)] = \
+                        refcomm.Irecv([vTo, 1, mpi_type],
+                                      source=rk, tag=recvtag)
+                    self._has_requests = True
+                for rk in self._send:
+                    sendtag = (rk + 1) * 989 + basetag * 99 + (d + 1) * 88
+                    mpi_type = self._send[rk]
+                    vFrom = self._vsource[v].data[d]
+                    self._s_request[v_name + str(rk)] = \
+                        refcomm.Issend([vFrom, 1, mpi_type],
+                                       dest=rk, tag=sendtag)
+                    self._has_requests = True
+    def wait(self):
+        if self._has_requests:
+            for rk in self._r_request:
+                self._r_request[rk].Wait()
+            for rk in self._s_request:
+                self._s_request[rk].Wait()
+        self._has_requests = False
+    def test_requests(self):
+        res = True
+        for rk in self._r_request.keys():
+            res = self._r_request[rk].Test()
+            if not res:
+                return res
+        for rk in self._s_request.keys():
+            res = self._s_request[rk].Test()
+            if not res:
+                return res
+    def test_single_request(self, rsend=None, rrecv=None):
+        """if neither rsend or rrecv is given return
+        True if all communication request are complete
+        else check for sending to rsend or receiving from rrecv.
+        Process ranks should be those in parent_comm.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        rsend : string
+            discrete variable name + S_DIR + rank of the process
+            to which a message has been sent
+            and for which we want to test message completion.
+        rrecv : string
+            discrete variable name + S_DIR + rank of the process
+            from which a message has been receive
+            and for which we want to test message completion.
+        """
+        if rsend is not None or rrecv is not None:
+            send_res = True
+            recv_res = True
+            if rsend is not None:
+                send_res = self._s_request[rsend].Test()
+            if rrecv is not None:
+                recv_res = self._r_request[rrecv].Test()
+            res = send_res and recv_res
+            return res
+        else:
+            return self.test_requests()
+class RedistributeInter(Redistribute):
+    """Operator to redistribute data from one communicator to another.
+    Source/target may be either a topology or a computational operator.
+    It implies mpi inter-communications.
+    """
+    @debug
+    def __init__(self, parent, source_id=None, target_id=None, **kwds):
+        """redistribute data from one communicator to another.
+        Source/target may be either a topology or a computational operator.
+        It implies mpi inter-communications.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        parent : MPI.COMM
+            mpi communicator that must owns all the
+            processes involved in source and target.
+        source_id, target_id : int
+            mpi task ids for the source/target.
+            Required if source/target is None
+            else infered from source/target.
+        See other required parameters in base class.
+        """
+        super(RedistributeInter, self).__init__(**kwds)
+        # parent communicator, that must contains all processes
+        # involved in source and target tasks.
+        self.parent = parent
+        # set source and targets ids.
+        # They must be known before setup.
+        # Either they can be infered from source and target
+        # or must be set in argument list, if either source
+        # or target is undefined on the current process.
+        if self._source is None:
+            assert source_id is not None
+        if self._target is None:
+            assert target_id is not None
+        self._source_id = source_id
+        self._target_id = target_id
+        # Set list of variables and domain.
+        self._set_variables()
+        # Set mpi related stuff
+        self._set_domain_and_tasks()
+        # Domain is set, we can check if we are on source or target
+        current_task = self.domain.current_task()
+        self._is_source = current_task == self._source_id
+        self._is_target = current_task == self._target_id
+        assert self._is_target or self._is_source
+        assert not (self._is_target and self._is_source)
+        nbprocs = len(self.domain.tasks_list())
+        msg = "Parent communicator size and number of procs "
+        msg += "in domain differ."
+        assert parent.Get_size() == nbprocs, msg
+        # the local topology. May be either source or target
+        # depending on the task of the current process.
+        self._topology = None
+        # dictionnary which maps rank with mpi derived type
+        # used for send/recv operations (send on source, recv on target ...)
+        self._transfer_types = None
+        # dictionnary which maps rank/field name with a
+        # send/recv request
+        self._requests = {}
+    @debug
+    @opsetup
+    def setup(self, rwork=None, iwork=None):
+        # First of all, we need to get the current topology:
+        if self._is_source:
+            assert self._source is not None
+            self._topology = self._set_topology(self._source)
+        elif self._is_target:
+            assert self._target is not None
+            self._topology = self._set_topology(self._target)
+        # Now we can build the bridge (intercomm)
+        self.bridge = BridgeInter(self._topology, self.parent,
+                                  self._source_id, self._target_id)
+        # And get mpi derived types
+        self._transfer_types = self.bridge.transfer_types()
+        self._set_synchro()
+        self._is_uptodate = True
+    def _set_synchro(self):
+        """
+        Set who must wait for who ...
+        """
+        if self._is_source and isinstance(self._source, Computational):
+            #  redistribute must wait for source if a variable of redistribute
+            # is an output from source.
+            for v in self.variables:
+                vout = v in self._source.output or False
+            if vout:
+                self.wait_for(self._source)
+                # And source must wait for redistribute
+                # if a variable of red. is an output from source.
+                self._source.wait_for(self)
+        if self._is_target and isinstance(self._target, Computational):
+            # target operator must wait for
+            # the end of this operator to apply.
+            self._run_till.append(self._target)
+        # Add this operator into wait list of
+        # operators listed in run_till
+        for op in self._run_till:
+            op.wait_for(self)
+    def add_run_till_op(self, op):
+        """Add an operator to the wait list"""
+        if self._is_target:
+            self._run_till.append(op)
+            op.wait_for(self)
+    @debug
+    @opapply
+    def apply(self, simulation=None):
+        # --- Standard send/recv ---
+        self._requests = {}
+        # basetag = self._mpis.rank + 1
+        # Comm used for send/receive operations
+        # It must contains all proc. of source topo and
+        # target topo.
+        refcomm = self.bridge.comm
+        # Map between rank and mpi types
+        # Loop over all required components of each variable
+        for v in self.variables:
+            rank = self._topology.comm.Get_rank()
+            for d in self._range_components(v):
+                v_name = + S_DIR[d]
+                vtab = v.discreteFields[self._topology].data[d]
+                for rk in self._transfer_types:
+                    if self._is_target:
+                        # Set reception
+                        self._requests[v_name + str(rk)] = \
+                            refcomm.Irecv([vtab[...], 1,
+                                           self._transfer_types[rk]],
+                                          source=rk, tag=rk)
+                    if self._is_source:
+                        self._requests[v_name + str(rk)] = \
+                            refcomm.Issend([vtab[...], 1,
+                                            self._transfer_types[rk]],
+                                           dest=rk, tag=rank)
+                    self._has_requests = True
+    def wait(self):
+        if self._has_requests:
+            for rk in self._requests:
+                self._requests[rk].Wait()
+        for v in self.variables:
+            for d in self._range_components(v):
+                vtab = v.discreteFields[self._topology].data[d]
+        self._has_requests = False
+    def test_requests(self):
+        res = True
+        for rk in self._requests:
+            res = self._requests[rk].Test()
+            if not res:
+                return res
+class RedistributeOverlap(RedistributeIntra):
+    """A specific redistribute where source and target do not work with the same
+    group of mpi processes.
+    Requirements :
+    - work only on topologies, not on operators
+    - same global resolution for both topologies
+    - group from source topology and target topology MUST overlap.
+    """
+    @opsetup
+    def setup(self, rwork=None, iwork=None):
+        """
+        Check/set the list of variables to be distributed
+        What must be set at setup?
+        ---> the list of continuous variables to be distributed
+        ---> the bridge (one for all variables, which means
+        that all vars must have the same topology in source
+        and the same topology in target.
+        ---> the list of discrete variables for source and
+        for target.
+        """
+        if self._source is not None:
+            self._vsource = self._discrete_fields(self._source)
+        if self._target is not None:
+            self._vtarget = self._discrete_fields(self._target)
+        # We can create the bridge
+        self.bridge = BridgeOverlap(source=self._source, target=self._target,
+                                    comm_ref=self._mpis.comm)
+        # Build mpi derived types for send and receive operations.
+        # Shape of reference is the shape of source/target mesh
+        if self._source is not None:
+            self._send = self.bridge.send_types()
+        if self._target is not None:
+            self._receive = self.bridge.recv_types()
+        self._set_synchro()
+        self._is_uptodate = True
+    def _discrete_fields(self, topo):
+        """Return the dictionnary of discrete fields for topo
+        and the variables of this operator.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        topo : :class:`~hysop.mpi.topology.Cartesian`
+        """
+        assert isinstance(topo, Cartesian)
+        return {v: v.discretize(topo) for v in self.variables}
diff --git a/hysop/operator/ b/hysop/operator/
deleted file mode 100644
index 36cc97eca..000000000
--- a/hysop/operator/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,183 +0,0 @@
-Data transfer between two topologies/operators, defined on
-different mpi tasks (i.e. intercommunication).
-from hysop.constants import debug, S_DIR
-from hysop.mpi.bridge_inter import BridgeInter
-from hysop.operator.redistribute import Redistribute
-from hysop.operator.computational import Computational
-from hysop.operator.continuous import opsetup, opapply
-class RedistributeInter(Redistribute):
-    """
-    Operator to redistribute data from one communicator to another.
-    Source/target may be either a topology or a computational operator.
-    It implies mpi inter-communications.
-    """
-    @debug
-    def __init__(self, parent, source_id=None, target_id=None, **kwds):
-        """
-        @param parent : parent mpi communicator that must owns all the
-        processes involved in source and target.
-        @param source_id: mpi task id for the source.
-        Required if source is None else infered from source.
-        @param target_id:  mpi task id for the target.
-        Required if target is None else infered from target.
-        See other required parameters in base class.
-        """
-        super(RedistributeInter, self).__init__(**kwds)
-        ## parent communicator, that must contains all processes
-        ## involved in source and target tasks.
-        self.parent = parent
-        # set source and targets ids.
-        # They must be known before setup.
-        # Either they can be infered from source and target
-        # or must be set in argument list, if either source
-        # or target is undefined on the current process.
-        if self._source is None:
-            assert source_id is not None
-        if self._target is None:
-            assert target_id is not None
-        self._source_id = source_id
-        self._target_id = target_id
-        # Set list of variables and domain.
-        self._set_variables()
-        # Set mpi related stuff
-        self._set_domain_and_tasks()
-        # Domain is set, we can check if we are on source or target
-        current_task = self.domain.current_task()
-        self._is_source = current_task == self._source_id
-        self._is_target = current_task == self._target_id
-        assert self._is_target or self._is_source
-        assert not (self._is_target and self._is_source)
-        nbprocs = len(self.domain.tasks_list())
-        msg = "Parent communicator size and number of procs "
-        msg += "in domain differ."
-        assert parent.Get_size() == nbprocs, msg
-        # the local topology. May be either source or target
-        # depending on the task of the current process.
-        self._topology = None
-        # dictionnary which maps rank with mpi derived type
-        # used for send/recv operations (send on source, recv on target ...)
-        self._transfer_types = None
-        # dictionnary which maps rank/field name with a
-        # send/recv request
-        self._requests = {}
-    @debug
-    @opsetup
-    def setup(self, rwork=None, iwork=None):
-        # First of all, we need to get the current topology:
-        if self._is_source:
-            assert self._source is not None
-            self._topology = self._set_topology(self._source)
-        elif self._is_target:
-            assert self._target is not None
-            self._topology = self._set_topology(self._target)
-        # Now we can build the bridge (intercomm)
-        self.bridge = BridgeInter(self._topology, self.parent,
-                                  self._source_id, self._target_id)
-        # And get mpi derived types
-        self._transfer_types = self.bridge.transferTypes()
-        self._set_synchro()
-        self._is_uptodate = True
-    def _set_synchro(self):
-        """
-        Set who must wait for who ...
-        """
-        if self._is_source and isinstance(self._source, Computational):
-            #  redistribute must wait for source if a variable of redistribute
-            # is an output from source.
-            for v in self.variables:
-                vout = v in self._source.output or False
-            if vout:
-                self.wait_for(self._source)
-                # And source must wait for redistribute
-                # if a variable of red. is an output from source.
-                self._source.wait_for(self)
-        if self._is_target and isinstance(self._target, Computational):
-            # target operator must wait for
-            # the end of this operator to apply.
-            self._run_till.append(self._target)
-        # Add this operator into wait list of
-        # operators listed in run_till
-        for op in self._run_till:
-            op.wait_for(self)
-    def add_run_till_op(self, op):
-        """Add an operator to the wait list"""
-        if self._is_target:
-            self._run_till.append(op)
-            op.wait_for(self)
-    @debug
-    @opapply
-    def apply(self, simulation=None):
-        """
-        Apply this operator to its variables.
-        @param simulation : object that describes the simulation
-        parameters (time, time step, iteration number ...), see
-        hysop.problem.simulation.Simulation for details.
-        """
-        # --- Standard send/recv ---
-        self._requests = {}
-        # basetag = self._mpis.rank + 1
-        # Comm used for send/receive operations
-        # It must contains all proc. of source topo and
-        # target topo.
-        refcomm = self.bridge.comm
-        # Map between rank and mpi types
-        # Loop over all required components of each variable
-        for v in self.variables:
-            rank = self._topology.comm.Get_rank()
-            for d in self._range_components(v):
-                v_name = + S_DIR[d]
-                vtab = v.discreteFields[self._topology].data[d]
-                for rk in self._transfer_types:
-                    if self._is_target:
-                        # Set reception
-                        self._requests[v_name + str(rk)] = \
-                            refcomm.Irecv([vtab[...], 1,
-                                           self._transfer_types[rk]],
-                                          source=rk, tag=rk)
-                    if self._is_source:
-                        self._requests[v_name + str(rk)] = \
-                            refcomm.Issend([vtab[...], 1,
-                                            self._transfer_types[rk]],
-                                           dest=rk, tag=rank)
-                    self._has_requests = True
-    def wait(self):
-        if self._has_requests:
-            for rk in self._requests:
-                self._requests[rk].Wait()
-        for v in self.variables:
-            for d in self._range_components(v):
-                vtab = v.discreteFields[self._topology].data[d]
-        self._has_requests = False
-    def test_requests(self):
-        res = True
-        for rk in self._requests:
-            res = self._requests[rk].Test()
-            if not res:
-                return res
diff --git a/hysop/operator/ b/hysop/operator/
deleted file mode 100644
index c9062f9cf..000000000
--- a/hysop/operator/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,211 +0,0 @@
-Setup for data transfer/redistribution between two topologies
-or operators  inside the same mpi communicator.
-from hysop.operator.redistribute import Redistribute
-from hysop.operator.continuous import opsetup, opapply
-from hysop.mpi.bridge import Bridge
-from hysop.constants import S_DIR
-class RedistributeIntra(Redistribute):
-    """
-    Data transfer between two operators/topologies.
-    Source and target must:
-    - be defined on the same communicator
-    - work on the same number of mpi process
-    - work with the same global resolution
-    """
-    def __init__(self, **kwds):
-        # Base class initialisation
-        super(RedistributeIntra, self).__init__(**kwds)
-        # Warning : comm from io_params will be used as
-        # reference for all mpi communication of this operator.
-        # --> rank computed in refcomm
-        # --> source and target must work inside refcomm
-        # If io_params is None, refcomm will COMM_WORLD.
-        # Dictionnary of discrete fields to be sent
-        self._vsource = {}
-        # Dictionnary of discrete fields to be overwritten
-        self._vtarget = {}
-        # dictionnary which maps rank with mpi derived type
-        # for send operations
-        self._send = {}
-        # dictionnay which maps rank with mpi derived type
-        # for send operations
-        self._receive = {}
-        # dictionnary which map rank/field name with a
-        # receive request
-        self._r_request = None
-        # dictionnary which map rank/field name with a
-        # send request
-        self._s_request = None
-        # Set list of variables and the domain.
-        self._set_variables()
-        # Set mpi related stuff
-        self._set_domain_and_tasks()
-    @opsetup
-    def setup(self, rwork=None, iwork=None):
-        # At setup, source and topo must be either
-        # a hysop.mpi.topology.Cartesian or
-        # a computational operator.
-        msg = 'Redistribute error : undefined source of target.'
-        assert self._source is not None and self._target is not None, msg
-        t_source = self._set_topology(self._source)
-        t_target = self._set_topology(self._target)
-        source_res = t_source.mesh.discretization.resolution
-        target_res = t_target.mesh.discretization.resolution
-        msg = 'Redistribute error: source and target must '
-        msg += 'have the same global resolution.'
-        assert (source_res == target_res).all(), msg
-        # Set the dictionnaries of source/target variables
-        self._vsource = {v: v.discretize(t_source)
-                         for v in self.variables}
-        self._vtarget = {v: v.discretize(t_target)
-                         for v in self.variables}
-        # We can create the bridge
-        self.bridge = Bridge(t_source, t_target)
-        # Shape of reference is the shape of source/target mesh
-        self._send = self.bridge.sendTypes()
-        self._receive = self.bridge.recvTypes()
-        self._set_synchro()
-        self._is_uptodate = True
-    def _set_synchro(self):
-        """
-        Set who must wait for who ...
-        """
-        from hysop.operator.computational import Computational
-        # Check input operators
-        if isinstance(self._source, Computational):
-            #  redistribute must wait for source if a variable of redistribute
-            # is an output from source.
-            for v in self.variables:
-                vout = v in self._source.output or False
-            if vout:
-                self.wait_for(self._source)
-                # And source must wait for redistribute
-                # if a variable of red. is an output from source.
-                self._source.wait_for(self)
-        if isinstance(self._target, Computational):
-            # target operator must wait for
-            # the end of this operator to apply.
-            self._run_till.append(self._target)
-        # Add this operator into wait list of
-        # operators listed in run_till
-        for op in self._run_till:
-            op.wait_for(self)
-        self._is_uptodate = True
-    def add_run_till_op(self, op):
-        """Add an operator to the wait list"""
-        self._run_till.append(op)
-        op.wait_for(self)
-    @opapply
-    def apply(self, simulation=None):
-        # Try different way to send vars?
-        # - Buffered : copy all data into a buffer and send/recv
-        # - Standard : one send/recv per component
-        # --- Standard send/recv ---
-        br = self.bridge
-        # reset send/recv requests
-        self._r_request = {}
-        self._s_request = {}
-        basetag = self._mpis.rank + 1
-        # Comm used for send/receive operations
-        # It must contains all proc. of source topo and
-        # target topo.
-        refcomm = self.bridge.comm
-        # Loop over all required components of each variable
-        for v in self.variables:
-            for d in self._range_components(v):
-                v_name = + S_DIR[d]
-                # Deal with local copies of data
-                if br.hasLocalInter():
-                    vTo = self._vtarget[v].data[d]
-                    vFrom = self._vsource[v].data[d]
-                    vTo[br.localTargetInd()] = vFrom[br.localSourceInd()]
-                # Transfers to other mpi processes
-                for rk in self._receive:
-                    recvtag = basetag * 989 + (rk + 1) * 99 + (d + 1) * 88
-                    mpi_type = self._receive[rk]
-                    vTo = self._vtarget[v].data[d]
-                    self._r_request[v_name + str(rk)] = \
-                        refcomm.Irecv([vTo, 1, mpi_type],
-                                      source=rk, tag=recvtag)
-                    self._has_requests = True
-                for rk in self._send:
-                    sendtag = (rk + 1) * 989 + basetag * 99 + (d + 1) * 88
-                    mpi_type = self._send[rk]
-                    vFrom = self._vsource[v].data[d]
-                    self._s_request[v_name + str(rk)] = \
-                        refcomm.Issend([vFrom, 1, mpi_type],
-                                       dest=rk, tag=sendtag)
-                    self._has_requests = True
-    def wait(self):
-        if self._has_requests:
-            for rk in self._r_request:
-                self._r_request[rk].Wait()
-            for rk in self._s_request:
-                self._s_request[rk].Wait()
-        self._has_requests = False
-    def test_requests(self):
-        res = True
-        for rk in self._r_request.keys():
-            res = self._r_request[rk].Test()
-            if not res:
-                return res
-        for rk in self._s_request.keys():
-            res = self._s_request[rk].Test()
-            if not res:
-                return res
-    def test_single_request(self, rsend=None, rrecv=None):
-        """
-        if neither rsend or rrecv is given return
-        True if all communication request are complete
-        else check for sending to rsend or
-        receiving from rrecv. Process ranks
-        should be given in parent_comm.
-        @param rsend : discrete variable name + S_DIR + rank of the process
-        to which a message has been sent
-        and for which we want to test
-        message completion.
-        @param  rrecv : discrete variable name + S_DIR + rank of the process
-        from which a message has been receive
-        and for which we want to test
-        message completion.
-        """
-        if rsend is not None or rrecv is not None:
-            send_res = True
-            recv_res = True
-            if rsend is not None:
-                send_res = self._s_request[rsend].Test()
-            if rrecv is not None:
-                recv_res = self._r_request[rrecv].Test()
-            res = send_res and recv_res
-            return res
-        else:
-            return self.test_requests()
diff --git a/hysop/operator/ b/hysop/operator/
deleted file mode 100644
index 6206f2502..000000000
--- a/hysop/operator/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-Setup for data transfer/redistribution between two topologies defined on the
-same mpi parent communicator but with a different number of processes.
-from hysop.operator.continuous import opsetup
-from hysop.operator.redistribute_intra import RedistributeIntra
-from hysop.mpi.bridge_overlap import BridgeOverlap
-class RedistributeOverlap(RedistributeIntra):
-    """
-    A specific redistribute where source and target do not work with the same
-    group of mpi processes.
-    Requirements :
-    - work only on topologies, not on operators
-    - same global resolution for both topologies
-    - group from source topology and target topology MUST overlap.
-    """
-    @opsetup
-    def setup(self, rwork=None, iwork=None):
-        """
-        Check/set the list of variables to be distributed
-        What must be set at setup?
-        ---> the list of continuous variables to be distributed
-        ---> the bridge (one for all variables, which means
-        that all vars must have the same topology in source
-        and the same topology in target.
-        ---> the list of discrete variables for source and
-        for target.
-        """
-        if self._source is not None:
-            self._vsource = self._discrete_fields(self._source)
-        if self._target is not None:
-            self._vtarget = self._discrete_fields(self._target)
-        # We can create the bridge
-        self.bridge = BridgeOverlap(source=self._source, target=self._target,
-                                    comm_ref=self._mpis.comm)
-        # Build mpi derived types for send and receive operations.
-        # Shape of reference is the shape of source/target mesh
-        if self._source is not None:
-            self._send = self.bridge.sendTypes()
-        if self._target is not None:
-            self._receive = self.bridge.recvTypes()
-        self._set_synchro()
-        self._is_uptodate = True
-    def _discrete_fields(self, topo):
-        """
-        @param topo : a Cartesian HySoP topology
-        Return the dictionnary of discrete fields for topo
-        and the variables of this operator.
-        """
-        from hysop.mpi.topology import Cartesian
-        assert isinstance(topo, Cartesian)
-        return {v: v.discretize(topo) for v in self.variables}
diff --git a/hysop/operator/tests/ b/hysop/operator/tests/
index ce9cadda0..67198bc34 100755
--- a/hysop/operator/tests/
+++ b/hysop/operator/tests/
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
-from hysop.operator.redistribute_intra import RedistributeIntra
-from hysop.operator.redistribute_inter import RedistributeInter
-from hysop.operator.redistribute_overlap import RedistributeOverlap
+from hysop.operator.redistribute import RedistributeIntra,\
+    RedistributeInter, RedistributeOverlap
 from import Discretization, MPIParams
 from hysop import testsenv
 import hysop as pp
diff --git a/hysop/problem/ b/hysop/problem/
index 9cb16aaba..1cfce768a 100644
--- a/hysop/problem/
+++ b/hysop/problem/
@@ -1,28 +1,22 @@
-Complete problem description.
+"""Description of a problem, i.e. a sequence of operators
 from hysop.constants import debug
 import cPickle
-from hysop import __VERBOSE__
-from hysop.operator.redistribute import Redistribute
-from hysop.operator.redistribute_intra import RedistributeIntra
+from hysop import __VERBOSE__, __GPU_ENABLED__
+from hysop.operator.redistribute import Redistribute, RedistributeIntra
 from import profile, Profiler
 from hysop.mpi import main_rank
-from hysop.gpu.gpu_transfer import DataTransfer
+if __GPU_ENABLED__:
+    from hysop.gpu.gpu_transfer import DataTransfer
+    DataTransfer = int
 class Problem(object):
-    """
-    Problem representation.
-    Contains several operators that apply on variables.
-    Variables are defined on different domains.\n
-    Each operator is set up and variables are initialized in a set up step.\n
-    To solve the problem, a loop over time-steps is launched. A step consists
-    in calling the apply method of each operators.\n
-    To finish, a finalize method is called.\
+    """Problem representation.
+    A problem is a sequence of operators applied on a set of
+    continuous fields.
@@ -31,52 +25,57 @@ class Problem(object):
     def __init__(self, operators, simulation,
-                 dumpFreq=100, name=None):
+                 dump_freq=100, name=None):
-        Create a transport problem instance.
-        @param operators : list of operators.
-        @param simulation : a hysop.simulation.Simulation object
-        to describe simulation parameters.
-        @param name : an id for the problem
-        @param dumpFreq : frequency of dump (i.e. saving to a file)
-        for the problem; set dumpFreq = -1 for no dumps. Default = 100.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        operators : list of :class:`~hysop.operator.continuous.Continuous`
+            sequence of operators used to define the problem
+        simulation : :class:`~hysop.problem.simulation.Simulation`
+            description of the time discretisation
+        dump_freq : real; optional
+            frequency of dump to file for the problem.
+            Set dump_freq = -1 for no dumps. Default = 100,
+            i.e. every 100 time steps.
+        name : string, optional
+            id for the problem
-        ## Problem name
+        # Problem name = name
-        ## Problem operators
+        # Problem operators
         self.operators = operators
-        ## Computes time step and manage iterations
+        # Computes time step and manage iterations
         self.simulation = simulation
+        # all variables must be defined on the same domain.
         vref = self.operators[0].variables.keys()[0]
         self.domain = vref.domain
+        msg = "All variables must be defined on the same domain."
         for op in self.operators:
             for v in (v for v in op.variables if v is not vref):
                 print id(v.domain), id(self.domain)
                 print v.domain, self.domain
                 if self.domain is not v.domain:
-                    raise ValueError("Problem must have only one " +
-                                     "domain for variables.")
-        ## A list of variables that must be initialized before
-        ## any call to op.apply()
+                    raise ValueError(msg)
+        # A list of variables that must be initialized before
+        # any call to op.apply()
         self.input = []
-        ## call to problem.dump frequency during apply.
-        if dumpFreq >= 0:
-            ## dump problem every self.dumpFreq iter
-            self.dumpFreq = dumpFreq
-            self._doDump = True
+        # call to problem.dump frequency during apply.
+        if dump_freq >= 0:
+            # dump problem every self.dump_freq iter
+            self.dump_freq = dump_freq
-            self._doDump = False
-            self.dumpFreq = 100000
+            self.dump_freq = None
-        ## Id for the problem. Used for dump file name.
+        # Id for the problem. Used for dump file name.
         if name is None:
    = 'HySoPPb'
    = name
-        ## Object to store computational times of lower level functions
+        # Object to store computational times of lower level functions
         self.profiler = Profiler(self, self.domain.comm_task)
-        ## Default file name prefix for dump.
+        # Default file name prefix for dump.
         self.filename = str(
         self._filedump = self.filename + '_rk_' + str(main_rank)
@@ -84,16 +83,15 @@ class Problem(object):
         # and when variables are initialized (i.e. after a call to pre_setup)
         # Note : 3 categories of op : computation (stretching, poisson ...),
         # and data distribution (Redistribute)
-        self._isReady = False
+        self._is_ready = False
     def setup(self):
-        """
-        Prepare operators (create topologies, allocate memories ...)
+        """Prepare operators (create topologies, allocate memories ...)
         # Set up for 'computational' operators
-        if not self._isReady:
+        if not self._is_ready:
         print "Fin setup op"
         # for v in self.input:
@@ -113,61 +111,61 @@ class Problem(object):
             print ("====")
     def pre_setup(self):
+        """Discretization and setup for computational operators
+         and fields initialization
-        - Partial setup : only for 'computational' operators
-        (i.e. excluding rendering, data distribution ...)
-        - Initialize variables.
-        """
-        if self._isReady:
-            pass
+        if self._is_ready:
+            return
         for op in self.operators:
             if not isinstance(op, Redistribute) and \
                not isinstance(op, DataTransfer):
-        for op in self.operators:
-            if not isinstance(op, Redistribute) and \
-               not isinstance(op, DataTransfer):
         if __VERBOSE__ and main_rank == 0:
             print ("==== Variables initialization ====")
-        # Build variables list to initialize
-        # These are operators input variables that are not output of
-        # previous operators in the operator stack.
-        # Set the variables input topology as the the topology of the fist
-        # operator that uses this variable as input.
+        # Build the list of 'input' variables, that must be initialized.
+        # 'input' fields are variables that are not output of
+        # any previous operators in the operator sequence.
         self.input = []
+        # First, all operators input vars are appended to input list
         for op in self.operators:
             for v in op.input:
                 if v not in self.input:
-        for op in self.operators[::-1]:
-            for v in op.output:
-                if v in self.input:
+        # Then starting from the last op, vars which are 'input' of
+        # an operator AND output of a previous op are removed
+        for op in self.operators[-1::-1]:
+            for v in self.input:
+                if v in op.output:
-            for v in op.input:
-                if not v in self.input:
+                if v in op.input:
-        self._isReady = True
+        self._is_ready = True
     def solve(self):
-        """
-        Solve problem.
+        """Apply all operators of the problem, for all simulation
+        time steps
+        * init simulation
+        * for each time step:
+            * apply all operators
+            * increment time step
+            * dump problem (for concerned values, depend on dump_freq)
-        Performs simulations iterations by calling each
-        operators of the list until timer ends.\n
-        At end of time step, call an io step.\n
-        Displays timings at simulation end.
+        # Init simulation
         if main_rank == 0:
             print ("\n\n Start solving ...")
+        # Run simulation
         while not self.simulation.is_over:
             if main_rank == 0:
@@ -176,11 +174,12 @@ class Problem(object):
                 if __VERBOSE__:
                     print (main_rank,
-            testdump = \
-                self.simulation.current_iteration % self.dumpFreq is 0
+            testdump = False
+            if self.dump_freq is not None:
+                testdump = \
+                    self.simulation.current_iteration % self.dump_freq is 0
-            if self._doDump and testdump:
+            if testdump:
@@ -221,11 +220,14 @@ class Problem(object):
         return s
     def dump(self, filename=None):
-        """
-        Serialize some data of the problem to file
+        """Serialize some data of the problem to file
         (only data required for a proper restart, namely fields in self.input
         and simulation).
-        @param filename : prefix for output file. Real name = filename_rk_N,
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        filename : string
+            prefix for output file. Real name = filename_rk_N,
         N being current process number. If None use default value from problem
         parameters (self.filename)
@@ -262,10 +264,9 @@ class Problem(object):
     def setDumpFreq(self, freq):
+        """set rate of problem.dump call (every 'rate' iteration)
+        :param : the frequency of output. <0 or None means no output.
-        set rate of problem.dump call (every 'rate' iteration)
-        @param freq : the frequency of output
-        """
-        self.dumpFreq = freq
+        self.dump_freq = freq
         if freq < 0:
-            self._doDump = False
+            self.dump_freq = None
diff --git a/hysop/problem/ b/hysop/problem/
index 2a5b2904b..1acbe8e93 100644
--- a/hysop/problem/
+++ b/hysop/problem/
@@ -5,8 +5,7 @@ same tasks.
 from hysop.constants import debug
 from hysop import __VERBOSE__
 from hysop.problem.problem import Problem
-from hysop.operator.redistribute_inter import RedistributeInter
-from hysop.operator.redistribute_intra import RedistributeIntra
+from hysop.operator.redistribute import RedistributeInter, RedistributeIntra
 from hysop.operator.redistribute import Redistribute
 from hysop.gpu.gpu_transfer import DataTransfer
 from import profile
diff --git a/hysop/problem/tests/ b/hysop/problem/tests/
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29bb..000000000
diff --git a/hysop/problem/tests/ b/hysop/problem/tests/
index beb982de0..7528861ca 100755
--- a/hysop/problem/tests/
+++ b/hysop/problem/tests/
@@ -1,18 +1,91 @@
+"""Tests simulation time loop parameters
-tests simulation incr and io_utils writer
-from hysop.problem.simulation import Simulation
+from hysop.problem.simulation import Simulation, eps
 from import Writer, IOParams, IO
+from hysop.mpi import main_rank
+import numpy as np
+def run_simu(s):
+    i = 0
+    tref = s.start
+    while not s.is_over:
+        assert s.current_iteration == i
+        assert s.time == tref + s.time_step
+        tref = s.time
+        i += 1
+        s.advance()
+def test_simu_default():
+    s = Simulation(nb_iter=10)
+    assert s.time == 0.
+    assert s.end == 1.
+    assert np.allclose(s.time_step, 1. / 10., rtol=eps)
+    s.initialize()
+    assert np.allclose(s.time, s.time_step)
+    run_simu(s)
+    assert np.allclose(s.time, s.end)
+    assert s.current_iteration == 9
+    assert s.nb_iter == 10
+    s.finalize()
+    assert np.allclose(s.time, s.end)
+    assert s.current_iteration == -1
+    assert s.is_over
-simu = Simulation(start=0.0, end=1.0, nb_iter=10)
+    s.initialize()
+    assert s.current_iteration == 0
+    assert not s.is_over
+    assert np.allclose(s.time, 0.1)
+    assert s.time == 0.1
+def test_simu_2():
+    s = Simulation(time_step=0.1, max_iter=5)
+    assert s.time == 0.
+    assert s.end == 1.
+    assert np.allclose(s.time_step, 1. / 10.)
+    s.initialize()
+    assert np.allclose(s.time, s.time_step)
+    run_simu(s)
+    assert s.current_iteration == 4
+    assert np.allclose(s.time, s.start + 5 * s.time_step)
+def test_simu_adapt():
+    s = Simulation(time_step=0.1)
+    s.initialize()
+    i = 0
+    tref = s.start
+    while not s.is_over:
+        assert s.current_iteration == i
+        assert s.time == tref + s.time_step
+        tref = s.time
+        if s.current_iteration == 5:
+            s.update_time_step(s.time_step * 0.5)
+        s.advance()
+        i += 1
+    assert np.allclose(s.time, s.end)
+    assert np.allclose(s.time_step, 0.05)
+    assert s.current_iteration == 13
 def test_simu_incr():
+    simu = Simulation(start=0.0, end=1.0, nb_iter=10)
     io_params = IOParams(filename='temp_test', frequency=2,
     wr = Writer(io_params)
-    assert wr.do_write(simu.current_iteration)
+    leader = io_params.io_leader
+    if main_rank == leader:
+        assert wr.do_write(simu.current_iteration)
+    else:
+        assert not wr.do_write(simu.current_iteration)
@@ -20,37 +93,47 @@ def test_simu_incr():
     count = 1
     while not simu.is_over:
-        if count % 2 == 0:
+        if count % 2 == 0 and main_rank == leader:
             assert wr.do_write(simu.current_iteration)
             assert not wr.do_write(simu.current_iteration)
-        simu.print_state()
         count += 1
-    assert simu.current_iteration == 10
+    assert simu.current_iteration == 9
-    assert wr.do_write(simu.current_iteration)
+    if main_rank == leader:
+        assert wr.do_write(simu.current_iteration)
+    else:
+        assert not wr.do_write(simu.current_iteration)
 def test_simu_incr2():
+    simu = Simulation(start=0.0, end=1.0, nb_iter=10)
     io_params = IOParams(filename='temp_test', frequency=3,
+    leader = io_params.io_leader
     wr = Writer(io_params)
-    assert wr.do_write(simu.current_iteration)
-    simu.time_step = 0.10000000001
+    if main_rank == leader:
+        assert wr.do_write(simu.current_iteration)
+    else:
+        assert not wr.do_write(simu.current_iteration)
+    simu.update_time_step(0.10000000001)
     assert not wr.do_write(simu.current_iteration)
     count = 1
     while not simu.is_over:
-        if count % 3 == 0:
+        if count % 3 == 0 and main_rank == leader:
             assert wr.do_write(simu.current_iteration)
             assert not wr.do_write(simu.current_iteration)
-        simu.print_state()
         count += 1
-    assert simu.current_iteration == 10
+    assert simu.current_iteration == 9
-    assert wr.do_write(simu.current_iteration)
+    if main_rank == leader:
+        assert wr.do_write(simu.current_iteration)
+    else:
+        assert not wr.do_write(simu.current_iteration)
diff --git a/hysop/problem/tests/ b/hysop/problem/tests/
index 3b4fbe77b..92d6f4302 100644
--- a/hysop/problem/tests/
+++ b/hysop/problem/tests/
@@ -56,9 +56,8 @@ def assertion(dim, boxLength, boxMin, nbElem, finalTime, time_step,
     velo = Field(domain=box, formula=v, vectorize_formula=True,
                  name='Velocity', is_vector=True)
     advec = Advection(velo, scal, discretization=Discretization(nbElem))
-    simu = Simulation(start=0.0, end=finalTime, time_step=time_step, max_iter=1)
-    print "velo dom ...", id(velo.domain)
-    print "scal dom ...", id(scal.domain)
+    simu = Simulation(start=0.0, end=finalTime,
+                      time_step=time_step, max_iter=1)
     pb = TransportProblem([advec], simu)
     initial_scalar = npw.copy(scal.discreteFields.values()[0].data[0])
diff --git a/hysop/problem/ b/hysop/problem/
index 8cbfdbe19..7544a6adf 100644
--- a/hysop/problem/
+++ b/hysop/problem/
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
+"""Transport problem
+todo : proper description
 from hysop.problem.problem import Problem
 from hysop.operator.advection import Advection
@@ -11,10 +12,10 @@ class TransportProblem(Problem):
     Transport problem description.
     def __init__(self, operators, simulation,
-                 dumpFreq=100, name=None):
+                 dump_freq=100, name=None):
         super(TransportProblem, self).__init__(
             operators, simulation,
-            dumpFreq=dumpFreq, name="TransportProblem")
+            dump_freq=dump_freq, name="TransportProblem")
         self.advection, self.velocity = None, None
         for op in self.operators:
             if isinstance(op, Advection):
diff --git a/hysop/tools/ b/hysop/tools/
index 6eab223eb..a052a2f97 100644
--- a/hysop/tools/
+++ b/hysop/tools/
@@ -2,8 +2,7 @@
 from hysop.operator.advection import Advection
-from hysop.operator.redistribute import Redistribute
-from hysop.operator.redistribute_inter import RedistributeInter
+from hysop.operator.redistribute import Redistribute, RedistributeInter
 from hysop.mpi import main_rank
 import pydot
 colors = [
diff --git a/hysop/tools/tests/ b/hysop/tools/tests/
index 5823d1ec2..370b88969 100755
--- a/hysop/tools/tests/
+++ b/hysop/tools/tests/
@@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
-Unitary tests for module
+"""Unitary tests for module
 from import Profiler, profile, FProfiler, ftime
 from hysop.mpi import main_comm
 class A_class(object):
+    """A fake class to be profiled"""
     def __init__(self): = 'A_class'
         self.profiler = Profiler(self, main_comm)
@@ -33,16 +34,16 @@ def test_profilers():
     assert len(a.profiler._elems.keys()) == 2
     assert a.n == 1  # the function have been called
-    assert a.profiler['call'].n == 1
+    assert a.profiler['call'].nb_calls == 1
     assert len(a.profiler._elems.keys()) == 3
     assert a.n == 12  # the call and call_other functions have been called
-    assert a.profiler['call'].n == 2
-    assert a.profiler['call_other'].n == 1
+    assert a.profiler['call'].nb_calls == 2
+    assert a.profiler['call_other'].nb_calls == 1
     assert len(a.profiler._elems.keys()) == 3
     assert a.n == 112  # the call and call_other functions have been called
-    assert a.profiler['call'].n == 2
-    assert a.profiler['call_other'].n == 1
-    assert a.profiler['manual'].n == 1
+    assert a.profiler['call'].nb_calls == 2
+    assert a.profiler['call_other'].nb_calls == 1
+    assert a.profiler['manual'].nb_calls == 1