diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt
index 3b5fb6a5d3ec5f9a24153141bf07f3bd4d6a779d..e2750a84254497bceee6a8ae1a184e0e47123e61 100755
--- a/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -469,7 +469,7 @@ add_custom_target(pyclean COMMAND rm -f ${PYCFILES}
 # ============= Tests =============
-    set(TEST_TIMEOUT 10 CACHE STRING "Default value for test runtime limit (in seconds)")
+    set(TEST_TIMEOUT 15 CACHE STRING "Default value for test runtime limit (in seconds)")
     set(TEST_TIMEOUT 500 CACHE STRING "Default value for test runtime limit (in seconds)")
diff --git a/docs/sphinx/contacts.rst b/docs/sphinx/contacts.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f8646da86d08ebdf50a0f31bbc9fac93f4c59db0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/sphinx/contacts.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+.. _contacts:
+.. topic:: HySoP development team
+	`Laboratoire Jean Kuntzmann`_, Grenoble.
+	**E-Mail** : hysop-members@lists.forge.imag.fr
+.. _Laboratoire Jean Kuntzmann: http://ljk.imag.fr
diff --git a/hysop/default_methods.py b/hysop/default_methods.py
index 425cafd5f9e8e7f7886dead7cf75c825aa6c5fd8..d1e20b5c0545f6ce67d535b35f356d1e54bf4a03 100644
--- a/hysop/default_methods.py
+++ b/hysop/default_methods.py
@@ -4,39 +4,54 @@ from hysop.methods_keys import TimeIntegrator, Interpolation, GhostUpdate,\
     Remesh, Support, Splitting, MultiScale, Formulation, SpaceDiscretisation, \
     dtCrit, Precision
 from hysop.constants import HYSOP_REAL
-from hysop.numerics.integrators.runge_kutta2 import RK2
-from hysop.numerics.integrators.runge_kutta3 import RK3
-from hysop.numerics.finite_differences import FDC4, FDC2
+from hysop.numerics.odesolvers import RK2, RK3
 from hysop.numerics.interpolation import Linear
 from hysop.numerics.remeshing import L2_1, Linear as Rmsh_Linear
+from hysop.numerics.finite_differences import FDC4, FDC2
 #from hysop.operator.discrete.stretching import Conservative
 ADVECTION = {TimeIntegrator: RK2, Interpolation: Linear,
              Remesh: L2_1, Support: '', Splitting: 'o2', MultiScale: L2_1,
              Precision: HYSOP_REAL}
-from hysop.numerics.finite_differences import FDC4, FDC2
+"""Advection operators default setup
 DIFFERENTIAL = {SpaceDiscretisation: FDC4, GhostUpdate: True}
+"""Differential operators (finite differencies based) default setup
 ADAPT_TIME_STEP = {TimeIntegrator: RK3, SpaceDiscretisation: FDC4,
                    dtCrit: 'vort'}
+"""Adaptative time step default setup
 BAROCLINIC = {SpaceDiscretisation: FDC4}
+"""Baroclinic operators default setup
 MULTIPHASEBAROCLINIC = {SpaceDiscretisation: FDC4}
 MULTIPHASEGRADP = {SpaceDiscretisation: FDC4}
 DIFFUSION = {SpaceDiscretisation: 'fftw', GhostUpdate: True}
+"""Differential operators (finite differencies based) default setup
 POISSON = {SpaceDiscretisation: 'fftw', GhostUpdate: True,
            Formulation: 'velocity'}
+"""Poisson operators default setup
 STRETCHING = {TimeIntegrator: RK3, Formulation: "Conservative",
               SpaceDiscretisation: FDC4}
+"""Stretching operators default setup
 FORCES = {SpaceDiscretisation: FDC2}
+"""Drag/lift computation operators default setup
-MULTIRESOLUTION_FILER = {Remesh: Rmsh_Linear, }
+MULTIRESOLUTION_FILTER = {Remesh: Rmsh_Linear, }
+"""filters operators default setup
diff --git a/hysop/domain/box.py b/hysop/domain/box.py
index cbf6317fc5d6b267bb700bc9db88947335aaac6f..7a45d2e8142165a21bc9071ac7869d4f89efddb1 100644
--- a/hysop/domain/box.py
+++ b/hysop/domain/box.py
@@ -40,16 +40,16 @@ class Box(Domain):
         super(Box, self).__init__(**kwds)
-        ##  Box length.
+        #  Box length.
         if length is None:
             length = [1.0] * self.dimension
         if origin is None:
             origin = [0.] * self.dimension
         self.length = npw.const_realarray(length)
-        ##  Box origin
+        #  Box origin
         self.origin = npw.const_realarray(origin)
-        ## Maximum Box position. max = origin + length
+        # Maximum Box position. max = origin + length
         self.end = self.origin + self.length
         # set periodic boundary conditions
         if self.boundaries is None:
diff --git a/hysop/domain/tests/test_box.py b/hysop/domain/tests/test_box.py
index d9ab03cd0075118da370971ed1b1b04e54a78d9f..24a12f79a52c1a6222ea2fd973dce23fb8b16332 100755
--- a/hysop/domain/tests/test_box.py
+++ b/hysop/domain/tests/test_box.py
@@ -124,20 +124,16 @@ def test_topo_plane():
 def test_topo_from_mesh():
     # e.g. for fftw
     dom = Box(proc_tasks=proc_tasks)
-    from hysop.f2hysop import fftw2py
-    if dom.is_on_task(CPU):
+    from hysop import __FFTW_ENABLED__
+    if dom.is_on_task(CPU) and __FFTW_ENABLED__:
+        from hysop.f2hysop import fftw2py
         localres, global_start = fftw2py.init_fftw_solver(
             r3D.resolution, dom.length, comm=comm_s.py2f())
         print localres, global_start
         topo = dom.create_plane_topology_from_mesh(localres=localres,
-    elif dom.is_on_task(GPU):
-        topo = dom.create_topology(discretization=r3DGh, dim=2)
-    if dom.is_on_task(CPU):
         assert (topo.mesh.resolution == localres).all()
         assert (topo.mesh.start() == global_start).all()
         assert topo.dimension == 1
         assert (topo.shape == [1, 1, comm_s.Get_size()]).all()
-    elif dom.is_on_task(GPU):
-        assert topo.size == 1
diff --git a/hysop/domain/tests/test_subset.py b/hysop/domain/tests/test_subset.py
index 8501fc3b41600e3b9a4efb28eae4338d08ae069e..8f3de686d3983a3ceb67fbbdd0ac7ad16a78b60b 100755
--- a/hysop/domain/tests/test_subset.py
+++ b/hysop/domain/tests/test_subset.py
@@ -183,7 +183,8 @@ def init_subtract_lists(discr, fileref):
     sd = Field(domain=topo.domain, is_vector=False, name='s2').discretize(topo)
     indices = Subset.subtract_list_of_sets(box, obs, topo)
     sd[0][indices] = 2.
-    return np.allclose(sd[0][topo.mesh.compute_index], vd[0][topo.mesh.compute_index])
+    return np.allclose(sd[0][topo.mesh.compute_index],
+                       vd[0][topo.mesh.compute_index])
 def test_subtract_list_3d():
diff --git a/hysop/numerics/odesolvers.py b/hysop/numerics/odesolvers.py
index 00d55837f9f5d90e2f4d5ad9e1550469ca289e57..1ef90454caee2dccefc7ae143851999d217505ac 100755
--- a/hysop/numerics/odesolvers.py
+++ b/hysop/numerics/odesolvers.py
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ class ODESolver(object):
                                   for i in xrange(len(self.in_indices))])
-            subsize = wk_prop['rwork']
+            subsize = topo.mesh.resolution
         return WorkSpaceTools.check_work_array(len(wk_prop), subsize, rwork)
diff --git a/hysop/numerics/tests/test_odesolvers.py b/hysop/numerics/tests/test_odesolvers.py
index f1122cda86fecf782515dcc4d78752eaacbd3f39..b75b58418116b2d85df91718fbd0260984050f48 100755
--- a/hysop/numerics/tests/test_odesolvers.py
+++ b/hysop/numerics/tests/test_odesolvers.py
@@ -44,8 +44,12 @@ def rhs3d(t, y, work):
     return work
-# -- 1D cases --
 def integrate(integ, nb_steps):
+    """Execute odesolver 'integ' nb_steps times.
+    * integ must be an instance of an odesolver (i.e. Euler, RK2 ...).
+    * the system must be 1D.
+    """
     t = start
     time_points = np.linspace(start, end, nb_steps)
     dtt = time_points[1] - time_points[0]
@@ -67,8 +71,12 @@ def integrate(integ, nb_steps):
     return dtt, err
-# -- 3D cases --
 def integrate_3d(integ, nb_steps):
+    """Execute odesolver 'integ' nb_steps times.
+    * integ must be an instance of an odesolver (i.e. Euler, RK2 ...).
+    * 3D system
+    """
     t = start
     time_points = np.linspace(start, end, nb_steps)
     dtt = time_points[1] - time_points[0]
@@ -114,7 +122,7 @@ def run_integ(integrator, order):
 def run_integ_3d(integrator, order):
-    nb_steps = 100
+    nb_steps = 50
     wk_prop = integrator.get_work_properties(3, topo3d)['rwork']
     work = []
     for shape in wk_prop:
@@ -126,7 +134,7 @@ def run_integ_3d(integrator, order):
 def run_integ_3d_no_work(integrator, order):
-    nb_steps = 100
+    nb_steps = 50
     dt, err = integrate_3d(integrator(3, topo3d, f=rhs3d), nb_steps)
     for e in err:
         assert e < dt ** order
@@ -170,7 +178,7 @@ def test_rk4_3d():
 def test_user_defined_common_workspace():
     integrators = {Euler: 1, RK2: 2, RK3: 3, RK4: 4}
-    nb_steps = 100
+    nb_steps = 50
     wk_prop = {}
     for integ in integrators:
         wk_prop[integ] = integ.get_work_properties(3, topo3d)['rwork']
diff --git a/hysop/operator/absorption_BC.py b/hysop/operator/absorption_BC.py
index 303ac78ae6344c1f3b70a3a05d62c58e525f5c59..4d27323be8ef208f5144740406e2781e97919ff1 100755
--- a/hysop/operator/absorption_BC.py
+++ b/hysop/operator/absorption_BC.py
@@ -69,5 +69,5 @@ class AbsorptionBC(Computational):
                                cb=self.cb, rwork=rwork, iwork=iwork)
             # Output setup
             self._set_io('absorption_BC', (1, 2 + self.domain.dimension))
-            self.discrete_op.setWriter(self._writer)
+            self.discrete_op.set_writer(self._writer)
             self._is_uptodate = True
diff --git a/hysop/operator/adapt_timestep.py b/hysop/operator/adapt_timestep.py
index b298ea7200e214064203ce4cd26b060907e17924..1e07503556f74572e89e0332df56600ea4c39e72 100755
--- a/hysop/operator/adapt_timestep.py
+++ b/hysop/operator/adapt_timestep.py
@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ class AdaptTimeStep(Computational):
                             rwork=rwork, iwork=iwork)
         # Output setup
         self._set_io('dt_adapt', (1, 7))
-        self.discrete_op.setWriter(self._writer)
+        self.discrete_op.set_writer(self._writer)
         self._is_uptodate = True
     def wait(self):
diff --git a/hysop/operator/custom.py b/hysop/operator/custom.py
index d7d8d91243f6cea3beeb39f01fc544c534c0fd40..5af161e895e8daab3d2fd387bbd7a37ce7a821d2 100644
--- a/hysop/operator/custom.py
+++ b/hysop/operator/custom.py
@@ -41,5 +41,5 @@ class CustomMonitor(Computational):
             # Output setup
             self._set_io(self.function.__name__, (1, 1 + self.res_shape))
-            self.discrete_op.setWriter(self._writer)
+            self.discrete_op.set_writer(self._writer)
             self._is_uptodate = True
diff --git a/hysop/operator/discrete/discrete.py b/hysop/operator/discrete/discrete.py
index 2069227a8f868aa77fe26757b35379b338d82a0c..94e5418a36211662fa301e44a68349ff8d862da7 100755
--- a/hysop/operator/discrete/discrete.py
+++ b/hysop/operator/discrete/discrete.py
@@ -99,29 +99,7 @@ class DiscreteOperator(object):
             for v in self.variables:
                 assert v.topology.is_consistent_with(toporef)
-    def get_work_properties(self):
-        """
-        Get properties of internal work arrays.
-        Returns
-        -------
-        dictionnary
-           keys = 'rwork' and 'iwork', values = list of shapes of internal
-           arrays required by this operator (real arrays for rwork, integer
-           arrays for iwork).
-        Example
-        -------
-        >>> works_prop = op.get_work_properties()
-        >>> print works_prop
-        {'rwork': [(12, 12), (45, 12, 33)], 'iwork': None}
-        means that the operator requires two real arrays of
-        shape (12,12) and (45, 12, 33) and no integer arrays
-        """
-        return {'rwork': None, 'iwork': None}
-    def _set_work_arrays(self, rwork, iwork):
+    def _set_work_arrays(self, rwork=None, iwork=None):
         To set the internal work arrays used by this operator.
@@ -134,7 +112,7 @@ class DiscreteOperator(object):
-    def setWriter(self, writer):
+    def set_writer(self, writer):
         Assign a writer to the current operator
@@ -159,8 +137,8 @@ class DiscreteOperator(object):
     def __str__(self):
         """Common printings for discrete operators."""
-        shortName = str(self.__class__).rpartition('.')[-1][0:-2]
-        s = shortName + " discrete operator. \n"
+        short_name = str(self.__class__).rpartition('.')[-1][0:-2]
+        s = short_name + " discrete operator. \n"
         if self.input is not None:
             s += "Input fields : \n"
             for f in self.input:
diff --git a/hysop/operator/discrete/energy_enstrophy.py b/hysop/operator/discrete/energy_enstrophy.py
index 974cf16653d0d9cb964118068af4830ea13c8ee7..06c77227017485e7f467f425ccfb56f415a9fe98 100644
--- a/hysop/operator/discrete/energy_enstrophy.py
+++ b/hysop/operator/discrete/energy_enstrophy.py
@@ -1,38 +1,41 @@
 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-@file energy_enstrophy.py
-Compute Energy and Enstrophy
+"""Discrete operator to compute Energy and Enstrophy
 from hysop.constants import debug
 from hysop.tools.profiler import profile
 import hysop.tools.numpywrappers as npw
 from hysop.operator.discrete.discrete import DiscreteOperator
+from hysop.tools.misc import WorkSpaceTools
 class EnergyEnstrophy(DiscreteOperator):
-    """
-    Discretization of the energy/enstrophy computation process.
+    """Discretization of the energy/enstrophy computation process.
     def __init__(self, velocity, vorticity, is_normalized=True, **kwds):
-        Constructor.
-        @param velocity : discretization of the velocity field
-        @param vorticity : discretization of the vorticity field
-        @param coeffs : dict of coefficients
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        velocity : :class:`~hysop.operator.field.discrete.DiscreteField`
+            velocity discrete fields
+        vorticity : :class:`~hysop.operator.field.discrete.DiscreteField`
+            vorticity discrete fields
+        isNormalized : boolean
+            true if enstrophy and energy values have to be normalized
+            by the domain lengths.
-        ## velocity field
+        # velocity field
         self.velocity = velocity
-        ## vorticity field
+        # vorticity field
         self.vorticity = vorticity
         assert 'variables' not in kwds, 'variables parameter is useless.'
         super(EnergyEnstrophy, self).__init__(variables=[velocity, vorticity],
-        ## Coeffs for integration
+        # Coeffs for integration
         self.coeff = {}
-        ## Global energy
+        # Global energy
         self.energy = 0.0
-        ## Global enstrophy
+        # Global enstrophy
         self.enstrophy = 0.0
         topo_w = self.vorticity.topology
         topo_v = self.velocity.topology
@@ -52,37 +55,11 @@ class EnergyEnstrophy(DiscreteOperator):
         v_ind = self.velocity.topology.mesh.compute_index
         w_ind = self.vorticity.topology.mesh.compute_index
-        shape_v = self.velocity.data[0][v_ind].shape
-        shape_w = self.velocity.data[0][w_ind].shape
-        # setup for rwork, iwork is useless.
-        if rwork is None:
-            # ---  Local allocation ---
-            if shape_v == shape_w:
-                self._rwork = [npw.zeros(shape_v)]
-            else:
-                self._rwork = [npw.zeros(shape_v), npw.zeros(shape_w)]
-        else:
-            assert isinstance(rwork, list), 'rwork must be a list.'
-            # --- External rwork ---
-            self._rwork = rwork
-            if shape_v == shape_w:
-                assert len(self._rwork) == 1
-                assert self._rwork[0].shape == shape_v
-            else:
-                assert len(self._rwork) == 2
-                assert self._rwork[0].shape == shape_v
-                assert self._rwork[1].shape == shape_w
-    def get_work_properties(self):
-        v_ind = self.velocity.topology.mesh.compute_index
-        w_ind = self.vorticity.topology.mesh.compute_index
-        shape_v = self.velocity.data[0][v_ind].shape
-        shape_w = self.velocity.data[0][w_ind].shape
-        if shape_v == shape_w:
-            return {'rwork': [shape_v], 'iwork': None}
-        else:
-            return {'rwork': [shape_v, shape_w], 'iwork': None}
+        size_v = self.velocity.data[0][v_ind].size
+        size_w = self.vorticity.data[0][w_ind].size
+        size_work = max(size_w, size_v)
+        lwork = 1
+        self._rwork = WorkSpaceTools.check_work_array(lwork, size_work, rwork)
@@ -94,23 +71,24 @@ class EnergyEnstrophy(DiscreteOperator):
         vd = self.velocity
         # get the list of computation points (no ghosts)
         nbc = vd.nb_components
-        v_ind = self.velocity.topology.mesh.compute_index
+        ic = self.velocity.topology.mesh.compute_index
         # Integrate (locally) velocity ** 2
         local_energy = 0.
+        size_v = vd[0][ic].size
         for i in xrange(nbc):
-            self._rwork[0][...] = vd[i][v_ind] ** 2
-            local_energy += npw.real_sum(self._rwork[0])
+            self._rwork[0][:size_v] = (vd[i][ic] ** 2).flat
+            local_energy += npw.real_sum(self._rwork[0][:size_v])
         # --- Enstrophy computation ---
-        vortd = self.vorticity
-        nbc = vortd.nb_components
-        w_ind = self.vorticity.topology.mesh.compute_index
+        wd = self.vorticity
+        nbc = wd.nb_components
+        ic = self.vorticity.topology.mesh.compute_index
+        size_w = wd[0][ic].size
         # Integrate (locally) vorticity ** 2
-        work = self._rwork[-1]
         local_enstrophy = 0.
         for i in xrange(nbc):
-            work[...] = vortd[i][w_ind] ** 2
-            local_enstrophy += npw.real_sum(work)
+            self._rwork[0][:size_w] = (wd[i][ic] ** 2).flat
+            local_enstrophy += npw.real_sum(self._rwork[0][:size_w])
         # --- Reduce energy and enstrophy values overs all proc ---
         # two ways : numpy or classical. Todo : check perf and comm
diff --git a/hysop/operator/discrete/stretching.py b/hysop/operator/discrete/stretching.py
index 4f1527605ff478edb26a6ee5192bafc220d5c9af..8e3d2e16d71cdd3464bcdb90293a241eb4c8391b 100755
--- a/hysop/operator/discrete/stretching.py
+++ b/hysop/operator/discrete/stretching.py
@@ -5,33 +5,26 @@ Formulations:
 * :class:`~hysop.operator.discrete.stretching.Conservative`
 * :class:`~hysop.operator.discrete.stretching.GradUW`
-* :class:`~hysop.operator.discrete.stretching.Symmetric`
 from hysop.constants import debug, WITH_GUESS
 from hysop.methods_keys import TimeIntegrator, SpaceDiscretisation
 from hysop.operator.discrete.discrete import DiscreteOperator
-from hysop.numerics.integrators.euler import Euler
-from hysop.numerics.integrators.runge_kutta2 import RK2
-from hysop.numerics.integrators.runge_kutta3 import RK3
-from hysop.numerics.integrators.runge_kutta4 import RK4
 import hysop.numerics.differential_operations as diff_op
 import hysop.tools.numpywrappers as npw
 from hysop.numerics.update_ghosts import UpdateGhosts
 from hysop.tools.profiler import profile
+from hysop.tools.misc import WorkSpaceTools
 from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
 import math
+import numpy as np
 ceil = math.ceil
 class Stretching(DiscreteOperator):
-    """
-    Abstract interface to stretching discrete operators.
-    Three formulations are available:
-    - conservative, see operator.discrete.stretching.Conservative
-    - 'Grad(UxW), see operator.discrete.stretching.GradUW
-    - Symmetric, see operator.discrete.stretching.Symmetric
+    """Abstract interface to stretching discrete operators.
+    Check user guide to see the available formulations.
     __metaclass__ = ABCMeta
@@ -61,6 +54,8 @@ class Stretching(DiscreteOperator):
         self._ti_work = None
         # Work vector used by numerical diff operator.
         self._str_work = None
+        # all works vectors are set in base class init,
+        # thanks to _set_work_arrays function.
         super(Stretching, self).__init__(variables=[self.velocity,
                                                     self.vorticity], **kwds)
@@ -75,94 +70,74 @@ class Stretching(DiscreteOperator):
         # prepare ghost points synchro for velocity and vorticity
         self._synchronize = UpdateGhosts(self.velocity.topology,
-                                         self.velocity.nb_components
-                                         + self.vorticity.nb_components)
+                                         self.velocity.nb_components +
+                                         self.vorticity.nb_components)
-        # A function to compute the gradient of a vector field
+        # A function to compute the gradient of the velocity.
         # Work vector is provided in input.
         self.strFunc = \
         # Time integrator
         self.timeIntegrator = \
-                                        self._ti_work,
+                                        rwork=self._ti_work,
+        # In self._integrate ti_work is used as in/out parameters in the rhs,
+        # of the time-integrator so it needs a reshape.
+        # Warning : this is done without any memory realloc.
+        for i in xrange(len(self._ti_work)):
+            self._ti_work[i] = self.timeIntegrator.rwork[i]
     def _set_work_arrays(self, rwork=None, iwork=None):
-        shape_v = self.velocity.data[0][...].shape
         ti = self.method[TimeIntegrator]
-        # work list length for time-integrator
-        work_length_ti = ti.getWorkLengths(3)
-        rwork_length = work_length_ti + self.formulation.get_work_length()
-        # setup for rwork, iwork is useless.
-        if rwork is None:
-            # ---  Local allocation ---
-            self._rwork = []
-            for _ in xrange(rwork_length):
-                self._rwork.append(npw.zeros(shape_v))
-        else:
-            assert isinstance(rwork, list), 'rwork must be a list.'
-            # --- External rwork ---
-            self._rwork = rwork
-            assert len(self._rwork) == rwork_length
-            for wk in rwork:
-                assert wk.shape == shape_v
-        self._ti_work = self._rwork[:work_length_ti]
-        self._str_work = self._rwork[work_length_ti:]
+        topo = self.velocity.topology
+        nbc = self.velocity.nb_components
+        # properties of working arrays required for time-integrator
+        wk_prop = ti.get_work_properties(nbc, topo)['rwork']
+        lenti = len(wk_prop)
+        # properties of working arrays required for differential operations,
+        wk_prop += self.formulation.get_work_properties(topo)['rwork']
+        subshape = np.prod(topo.mesh.resolution)
+        self._rwork = WorkSpaceTools.check_work_array(len(wk_prop),
+                                                      subshape, rwork)
+        self._ti_work = self._rwork[:lenti]
+        self._str_work = self._rwork[lenti:]
     def update_ghosts(self):
+        """Ghost points synchronization
-        Update ghost points values
-        """
-        self._synchronize(self.velocity.data + self.vorticity.data)
-    def _apply(self, t, dt):
-        # Synchronize ghost points
         self._synchronize(self.velocity.data + self.vorticity.data)
-        # Compute stretching term (rhs) and update vorticity
-        self._compute(dt, t)
     def apply(self, simulation=None):
+        """Solve stretching equation and update vorticity
-            """
         assert simulation is not None, \
             "Missing simulation value for computation."
-        # current time
-        t = simulation.time
         # time step
         dt = simulation.time_step
-        self._apply(t, dt)
-#    def apply(self, simulation=None):
-#        """
-#        """
-#        assert simulation is not None, \
-#            "Missing simulation value for computation."
-#        # time step
-#        dt = simulation.time_step
-#        # current time
-#        t = simulation.time
-#        # Synchronize ghost points of velocity
-#        self._synchronize(self.velocity.data + self.vorticity.data)
-#        self._compute(dt, t)
+        # current time
+        t = simulation.time
+        # Synchronize ghost points of velocity
+        self._synchronize(self.velocity.data + self.vorticity.data)
+        self._compute(dt, t)
     def _compute(self, dt, t):
-        """
+        """Abstract interface to local stretching resolution
     def _integrate(self, dt, t):
-        # - Call time integrator -
+        """Apply time integrator
+        """
         # Init workspace with a first evaluation of the
         # rhs of the integrator
         self._ti_work[:self.nb_components] = \
@@ -182,8 +157,9 @@ class Conservative(Stretching):
         # Right-hand side for time integration
         def rhs(t, y, result):
-            result = self.strFunc(y, self.velocity.data, result)
-            return result
+            """rhs used in time integrator
+            """
+            return self.strFunc(y, self.velocity.data, result)
         super(Conservative, self).__init__(formulation=diff_op.DivWV,
                                            rhs=rhs, **kwds)
@@ -199,10 +175,10 @@ class GradUW(Stretching):
     def __init__(self, **kwds):
-        # a vector to save diagnostics computed from GradVxW (max div ...)
-        self.diagnostics = npw.ones(2)
         def rhs(t, y, result):
+            """rhs used in time integrator
+            """
             result, self.diagnostics =\
                 self.strFunc(self.velocity.data, y, result, self.diagnostics)
             return result
@@ -211,22 +187,15 @@ class GradUW(Stretching):
                                      rhs=rhs, **kwds)
         # stability constant
-        self.cststretch = 0.
         # Depends on time integration method
-        timeint = self.method[TimeIntegrator]
-        classtype = timeint.mro()[0]
-        if classtype is Euler:
-            self.cststretch = 2.0
-        elif classtype is RK2:
-            self.cststretch = 2.0
-        elif classtype is RK3:
-            self.cststretch = 2.5127
-        elif classtype is RK4:
-            self.cststretch = 2.7853
+        self.cststretch = self.method[TimeIntegrator].stability_coeff()
+        # a vector to save diagnostics computed from GradVxW (max div ...)
+        self.diagnostics = npw.zeros(2)
+        self.diagnostics[1] = self.cststretch
-    def _compute(self, t, dt):
+    def _compute(self, dt, t):
         # Compute the number of required subcycles
         ndt, subdt = self._check_stability(dt)
         assert sum(subdt) == dt
@@ -255,12 +224,11 @@ class GradUW(Stretching):
         return nb_cycles, subdt
-class StretchingLinearized(Stretching):
-    """By default: Conservative formulation
+class StretchingLinearized(Conservative):
+    """Conservative formulation of the linearized stretching.
     def __init__(self, vorticity_BF, usual_op, **kwds):
         # vorticity of the base flow (steady solution)
         self.vorticity_BF = vorticity_BF
         # prepare ghost points synchro for vorticity_BF
diff --git a/hysop/operator/drag_and_lift.py b/hysop/operator/drag_and_lift.py
index 537a767396e889a5e58affc5a36c9f50ca993819..0ded0b6fd0dd3694e6dd284b4bc774e670528533 100755
--- a/hysop/operator/drag_and_lift.py
+++ b/hysop/operator/drag_and_lift.py
@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ class MomentumForces(Forces):
             # output setup
             self._set_io('drag_and_lift', (1, 4))
-            self.discrete_op.setWriter(self._writer)
+            self.discrete_op.set_writer(self._writer)
             self._is_uptodate = True
     def get_work_properties(self):
@@ -266,5 +266,5 @@ class NocaForces(Forces):
             # output setup
             self._set_io('drag_and_lift', (1, 4))
-            self.discrete_op.setWriter(self._writer)
+            self.discrete_op.set_writer(self._writer)
             self._is_uptodate = True
diff --git a/hysop/operator/energy_enstrophy.py b/hysop/operator/energy_enstrophy.py
index a59c1edeb1816023ceb6113400be8ffc0eb0a3e3..5251e6502a9003d28bc8890fb88af8e41521e179 100644
--- a/hysop/operator/energy_enstrophy.py
+++ b/hysop/operator/energy_enstrophy.py
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-@file energy_enstrophy.py
-Compute Energy and Enstrophy
+"""Compute Energy and Enstrophy from velocity and vorticity
+See :ref:`energy_enstrophy`.
 from hysop.operator.discrete.energy_enstrophy import EnergyEnstrophy as DEE
 from hysop.operator.computational import Computational
@@ -10,78 +11,71 @@ from hysop.operator.continuous import opsetup
 class EnergyEnstrophy(Computational):
-    Computes enstrophy and the kinetic energy
-    \f{eqnarray*}
-    enstrophy = \frac{1}{\Omega}\int_\Omega \omega^2 d\Omega
-    \f} with \f$\Omega\f$ the volume or surface of the physical domain
-    \f$\omega\f$ the vorticity and
-    \f{eqnarray*}
-    energy = \frac{1}{2\Omega}\int_\Omega v^2 d\Omega
-    \f}
+    Computes enstrophy and kinetic energy
     def __init__(self, velocity, vorticity, is_normalized=True, **kwds):
-        Constructor.
-        @param velocity field
-        @param vorticity field
-        @param isNormalized : boolean indicating whether the enstrophy
-        and energy values have to be normalized by the domain lengths.
-        Default file name = 'energy_enstrophy.dat'
-        See hysop.tools.io_utils.Writer for details
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        velocity, vorticity : :class:`~hysop.operator.field.continuous.Field`
+            velocity and vorticity fields
+        isNormalized : boolean
+            true if enstrophy and energy values have to be normalized
+            by the domain lengths.
+        Notes
+        -----
+        By default, values at each time step are appended
+        to energy_enstrophy file. See :ref:`operators_io`
+        for more details.
         assert 'variables' not in kwds, 'variables parameter is useless.'
         super(EnergyEnstrophy, self).__init__(variables=[velocity, vorticity],
-        ## velocity field
+        # velocity field
         self.velocity = velocity
-        ## vorticity field
+        # vorticity field
         self.vorticity = vorticity
-        ## are the energy end enstrophy values normalized by domain lengths ?
+        # are the energy end enstrophy values normalized by domain lengths ?
         self.is_normalized = is_normalized
-        ## self._buffer_1 = 0.
-        ## self._buffer_2 = 0.
+        # self._buffer_1 = 0.
+        # self._buffer_2 = 0.
         self.input = [velocity, vorticity]
         self.output = []
     def get_work_properties(self):
-        if not self._is_discretized:
-            msg = 'The operator must be discretized '
-            msg += 'before any call to this function.'
-            raise RuntimeError(msg)
+        super(EnergyEnstrophy, self).get_work_properties()
         vd = self.discreteFields[self.velocity]
         wd = self.discreteFields[self.vorticity]
         v_ind = vd.topology.mesh.compute_index
         w_ind = wd.topology.mesh.compute_index
-        shape_v = vd[0][v_ind].shape
-        shape_w = wd[0][w_ind].shape
-        if shape_v == shape_w:
-            return {'rwork': [shape_v], 'iwork': None}
-        else:
-            return {'rwork': [shape_v, shape_w], 'iwork': None}
+        size_v = vd[0][v_ind].size
+        size_w = wd[0][w_ind].size
+        size_work = max(size_v, size_w)
+        # work array is a flat array, shared between energy and enstrophy
+        return {'rwork': [size_work], 'iwork': None}
     def setup(self, rwork=None, iwork=None):
         if not self._is_uptodate:
             self.discrete_op = DEE(self.discreteFields[self.velocity],
-                                        self.discreteFields[self.vorticity],
-                                        self.is_normalized,
-                                        rwork=rwork)
+                                   self.discreteFields[self.vorticity],
+                                   self.is_normalized,
+                                   rwork=rwork)
             # Output setup
             self._set_io('energy_enstrophy', (1, 3))
-            self.discrete_op.setWriter(self._writer)
+            self.discrete_op.set_writer(self._writer)
             self._is_uptodate = True
     def energy(self):
-        """
-        Return last computed value of the energy
+        """Return last computed value of the energy
         return self.discrete_op.energy
     def enstrophy(self):
-        """
-        Return last computed value of the enstrophy
+        """Return last computed value of the enstrophy
         return self.discrete_op.enstrophy
diff --git a/hysop/operator/monitoringPoints.py b/hysop/operator/monitoringPoints.py
index d67adc99fc418be061980f985aca2f1561d02f7c..4626d22899dea2b613d3f8f5fa59dd52af3eab7a 100644
--- a/hysop/operator/monitoringPoints.py
+++ b/hysop/operator/monitoringPoints.py
@@ -63,6 +63,6 @@ class MonitoringPoints(Computational):
                                       self.monitPt_coords, rwork=rwork)
             # Output setup
             self._set_io('monit', (1, 3))
-            self.discrete_op.setWriter(self._writer)
+            self.discrete_op.set_writer(self._writer)
             self._is_uptodate = True
diff --git a/hysop/operator/poisson.py b/hysop/operator/poisson.py
index 5151d2380bb00321dd18aac451c85f0322a21b56..324ed1168d074be0c8756d0d46475c910af00daa 100644
--- a/hysop/operator/poisson.py
+++ b/hysop/operator/poisson.py
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ from hysop.operator.reprojection import Reprojection
 from hysop.methods_keys import SpaceDiscretisation, Formulation
 from hysop.operator.continuous import opsetup
 import hysop.default_methods as default
+from hysop import __FFTW_ENABLED__
 class Poisson(Computational):
@@ -83,7 +84,7 @@ class Poisson(Computational):
     def discretize(self):
         # Poisson solver based on fftw
-        if self.method[SpaceDiscretisation] is 'fftw':
+        if self.method[SpaceDiscretisation] is 'fftw' and __FFTW_ENABLED__:
             super(Poisson, self)._fftw_discretize()
             if self.withCorrection:
                 toporef = self.discreteFields[self.output_field].topology
@@ -102,7 +103,7 @@ class Poisson(Computational):
-            raise AttributeError("Method not yet implemented.")
+            raise AttributeError("Method not implemented.")
@@ -131,3 +132,6 @@ class Poisson(Computational):
         self._is_uptodate = True
+    def get_work_properties(self):
+        return {'rwork': None, 'iwork': None}
diff --git a/hysop/operator/profiles.py b/hysop/operator/profiles.py
index ac7dfbdfe8486f5a6b0695f48dade759752a87b6..3f74bbb2949f5415c8120e1b016876df0470421d 100644
--- a/hysop/operator/profiles.py
+++ b/hysop/operator/profiles.py
@@ -70,6 +70,6 @@ class Profiles(Computational):
             # Output setup
             self._set_io('profile', (1, 9))
-            self.discrete_op.setWriter(self._writer)
+            self.discrete_op.set_writer(self._writer)
             self._is_uptodate = True
diff --git a/hysop/operator/reprojection.py b/hysop/operator/reprojection.py
index ded88362032a68c7d6bb576cb926316b65d7ee7f..d252314a26d80063fbff29a7aa76e18e9e1546b2 100644
--- a/hysop/operator/reprojection.py
+++ b/hysop/operator/reprojection.py
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ class Reprojection(Computational):
                                        self.frequency, rwork=rwork,
         self._set_io('reprojection', (1, 4))
-        self.discrete_op.setWriter(self._writer)
+        self.discrete_op.set_writer(self._writer)
         self._is_uptodate = True
     def do_projection(self, ite):
diff --git a/hysop/operator/residual.py b/hysop/operator/residual.py
index 077f52632b343d85a6f096231bcf7aac7332115e..3eeee3530c037548dd0f3b6fe7eb73cf29ac2eb5 100644
--- a/hysop/operator/residual.py
+++ b/hysop/operator/residual.py
@@ -48,6 +48,6 @@ class Residual(Computational):
             # Output setup
             self._set_io('residual', (1, 3))
-            self.discrete_op.setWriter(self._writer)
+            self.discrete_op.set_writer(self._writer)
             self._is_uptodate = True
diff --git a/hysop/operator/stretching.py b/hysop/operator/stretching.py
index 4b183ac67e907c3f5086649baffab1ecdf774b10..7c58412dc859bdc732da4c2f4f6c4a97c948c22e 100755
--- a/hysop/operator/stretching.py
+++ b/hysop/operator/stretching.py
@@ -70,58 +70,26 @@ class Stretching(Computational):
         self.output = [self.vorticity]
     def get_work_properties(self):
-        """
-        Get properties of internal work arrays. Must be call after discretize
-        but before setup.
-        Returns
-        -------
-        dictionnary
-           keys = 'rwork' and 'iwork', values = list of shapes of internal
-           arrays required by this operator (real arrays for rwork, integer
-           arrays for iwork).
-        Example
-        -------
-        >> works_prop = op.get_work_properties()
-        >> print works_prop
-        {'rwork': [(12, 12), (45, 12, 33)], 'iwork': None}
-        means that the operator requires two real arrays of
-        shape (12,12) and (45, 12, 33) and no integer arrays
-        """
-        if not self._is_discretized:
-            msg = 'The operator must be discretized '
-            msg += 'before any call to this function.'
-            raise RuntimeError(msg)
+        super(Stretching, self).get_work_properties()
         # Get fields local shape.
         vd = self.discreteFields[self.velocity]
-        shape_v = vd[0][...].shape
         # Collect info from numerical methods
         # --> time-integrator required work space
         ti = self.method[TimeIntegrator]
-        rwork_length = ti.getWorkLengths(3)
+        topo = vd.topology
+        nbc = self.velocity.nb_components
+        res = ti.get_work_properties(nbc, topo)
         # ---> differential operator work space
         if self.formulation is GradUW:
-            rwork_length += diff_op.GradVxW.get_work_length()
+            dop = diff_op.GradVxW
         elif self.formulation is Conservative:
-            rwork_length += diff_op.DivWV.get_work_length()
-        res = {'rwork': [], 'iwork': None}
-        # Set rwork shapes
-        for _ in xrange(rwork_length):
-            res['rwork'].append(shape_v)
+            dop = diff_op.DivWV
+        res['rwork'] += dop.get_work_properties(topo)['rwork']
         return res
     def discretize(self):
-        if self.method[SpaceDiscretisation] is FDC4:
-            nbghosts = 2
-        else:
-            raise ValueError("Unknown method for space discretization of the\
-                stretching operator.")
+        nbghosts = self.method[SpaceDiscretisation].ghosts_layer_size
         super(Stretching, self)._standard_discretize(nbghosts)
@@ -142,7 +110,6 @@ class StretchingLinearized(Stretching):
     (\om_b \cdot \nabla)u
     def __init__(self, velocity_BF, vorticity_BF, **kwds):
@@ -151,13 +118,12 @@ class StretchingLinearized(Stretching):
         velocity_BF, vorticity_BF : base flow fields :
         **kwds : extra parameters for base class
         * The default formulation is the 'Conservative' one.
         * The default solving method is finite differences, 4th order,
         in space and Runge-Kutta 3 in time.
         super(StretchingLinearized, self).__init__(**kwds)
         self.variables[velocity_BF] = None
@@ -167,7 +133,6 @@ class StretchingLinearized(Stretching):
         self.velocity_BF = velocity_BF
         # Base flow vorticity variable (vector)
         self.vorticity_BF = vorticity_BF
         # Usual stretching operator to compute the
         # first term of the linearized rhs: (w'.grad)ub
         self.usual_stretch = Stretching(self.velocity_BF, self.vorticity,
@@ -175,18 +140,13 @@ class StretchingLinearized(Stretching):
     def discretize(self):
-        if self.method[SpaceDiscretisation] is FDC4:
-            nbghosts = 2
-        else:
-            raise ValueError("Unknown method for space discretization of the\
-                         stretching operator.")
+        nbghosts = self.method[SpaceDiscretisation].ghosts_layer_size
         super(StretchingLinearized, self)._standard_discretize(nbghosts)
     def setup(self, rwork=None, iwork=None):
@@ -198,11 +158,9 @@ class StretchingLinearized(Stretching):
         method_lin = self.method.copy()
         method_lin[TimeIntegrator] = Euler
         self.discrete_op =\
-            StretchLinD(velocity=self.discreteFields[self.velocity],
-                        vorticity=self.discreteFields[self.vorticity],
-                        vorticity_BF=self.discreteFields[self.vorticity_BF],
-                        usual_op=self.usual_stretch.discrete_op,
-                        method=method_lin, rwork=rwork, iwork=iwork)
+            SLD(velocity=self.discreteFields[self.velocity],
+                vorticity=self.discreteFields[self.vorticity],
+                vorticity_BF=self.discreteFields[self.vorticity_BF],
+                usual_op=self.usual_stretch.discrete_op,
+                method=method_lin, rwork=rwork, iwork=iwork)
         self._is_uptodate = True
diff --git a/hysop/operator/velocity_correction.py b/hysop/operator/velocity_correction.py
index 088eabd876bf26f84df9e8304f84fba237feb5a2..7cdd7e1c4676984390f22acbecd21f94576b0419 100755
--- a/hysop/operator/velocity_correction.py
+++ b/hysop/operator/velocity_correction.py
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ class VelocityCorrection(Computational):
             # Output setup
             self._set_io('velocity_correction', (1, 2 + self.domain.dimension))
-            self.discrete_op.setWriter(self._writer)
+            self.discrete_op.set_writer(self._writer)
             self._is_uptodate = True
     def computeCorrection(self):
diff --git a/hysop/operators.py b/hysop/operators.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9dfb7a2ebdacc4e8c8f664cf85540036ed9c2753
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hysop/operators.py
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+"""Shortcuts for operators import
+Allows things like:
+from hysop.operators import Advection
+import hysop.operator.stretching
+import hysop.operator.differential
+import hysop.operator.analytic
+import hysop.operator.penalization
+import hysop.operator.drag_and_lift
+import hysop.operator.hdf_io
+import hysop.operator.poisson
+import hysop.operator.advection
+import hysop.operator.energy_enstrophy
+Stretching = hysop.operator.stretching.Stretching
+Curl = hysop.operator.differential.Curl
+Grad = hysop.operator.differential.Grad
+DivAdvection = hysop.operator.differential.DivAdvection
+Analytic = hysop.operator.analytic.Analytic
+Penalization = hysop.operator.penalization.Penalization
+PenalizeVorticity = hysop.operator.penalization.PenalizeVorticity
+MomentumForces = hysop.operator.drag_and_lift.MomentumForces
+NocaForces = hysop.operator.drag_and_lift.NocaForces
+HDF_Reader = hysop.operator.hdf_io.HDF_Reader
+HDF_Writer = hysop.operator.hdf_io.HDF_Writer
+Poisson = hysop.operator.poisson.Poisson
+Advection = hysop.operator.advection.Advection
+EnergyEnstrophy = hysop.operator.energy_enstrophy.EnergyEnstrophy
diff --git a/hysop/tools/misc.py b/hysop/tools/misc.py
index a065daba83f264055e67b56f316fbec716051a86..ce8c646dfba0cc91422175afe97eb75efdba1660 100644
--- a/hysop/tools/misc.py
+++ b/hysop/tools/misc.py
@@ -120,6 +120,8 @@ class WorkSpaceTools(object):
                     assert len(np.where(
                         np.asarray(wk.shape) > 1)[0]) == 1, msg2
+                for i in xrange(len(result)):
+                    assert npw.arrays_share_data(result[i], work[i])
             except AttributeError:
                 # Work array has been replaced by an OpenCL Buffer
@@ -231,7 +233,9 @@ class WorkSpaceTools(object):
         shapes = [(0,), ] * lwork
         for prop in properties:
             lp = len(prop)
-            shapes[:lp] = np.maximum(shapes[:lp], prop)
+            for i in xrange(lp):
+                shapes[i] = tuple(np.maximum(shapes[i], np.prod(prop[i])))
+        print shapes
         work = [npw.zeros(shape) for shape in shapes]
         return work
diff --git a/hysop/tools/tests/test_work_arrays.py b/hysop/tools/tests/test_work_arrays.py
index dfb07f0e8331fee5286891b9a3ca82312f76ace1..e6f79b488f125435c6fc44051c7cf36959f47809 100644
--- a/hysop/tools/tests/test_work_arrays.py
+++ b/hysop/tools/tests/test_work_arrays.py
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ from hysop import Field, Box
 from hysop.operators import Stretching, EnergyEnstrophy, Curl
 from hysop.tools.misc import WorkSpaceTools
 import hysop.tools.numpywrappers as npw
+from hysop.constants import HYSOP_REAL, HYSOP_INTEGER
 cos = np.cos
 sin = np.sin
@@ -53,6 +54,70 @@ def init():
     return op, simu
+def test_build_work_1():
+    """Build work array. Input = nb of required arrays
+    and a common shape for all of them.
+    """
+    # First case : create a work list
+    inshape = (12,)
+    work = WorkSpaceTools.check_work_array(3, inshape)
+    assert len(work) == 3
+    for wk in work:
+        assert wk.shape == inshape
+        assert wk.dtype == HYSOP_REAL
+    # Second case : 'reuse' memory from a predefined work array
+    inshape2 = (3, 4)
+    work2 = WorkSpaceTools.check_work_array(2, inshape2, work)
+    assert len(work2) == 2
+    for i in xrange(len(work2)):
+        assert work2[i].shape == inshape2
+        # ensure that work[i] and work2[i] use the same memory
+        assert npw.arrays_share_data(work2[i], work[i])
+def test_build_work_2():
+    """Build work array. Input = nb of required arrays
+    and list of shapes for those arrays.
+    """
+    inshapes = [(12,), (27,), (30,)]
+    work = WorkSpaceTools.check_work_array(3, inshapes)
+    assert len(work) == 3
+    for i in xrange(len(work)):
+        assert work[i].shape == inshapes[i]
+        assert work[i].dtype == HYSOP_REAL
+    # Second case : 'reuse' memory from a predefined work array
+    inshapes2 = [(3, 2, 2), (3, 8)]
+    work2 = WorkSpaceTools.check_work_array(2, inshapes2, work)
+    assert len(work2) == 2
+    for i in xrange(len(work2)):
+        assert work2[i].shape == inshapes2[i]
+        # ensure that work[i] and work2[i] use the same memory
+        assert npw.arrays_share_data(work2[i], work[i])
+def test_build_work_3():
+    """Same as above but for integers
+    """
+    inshapes = [(12,), (27,), (30,)]
+    work = WorkSpaceTools.check_work_array(3, inshapes,
+                                           data_type=HYSOP_INTEGER)
+    assert len(work) == 3
+    for i in xrange(len(work)):
+        assert work[i].shape == inshapes[i]
+        assert work[i].dtype == HYSOP_INTEGER
+    # Second case : 'reuse' memory from a predefined work array
+    inshapes2 = [(3, 2, 2), (3, 8)]
+    work2 = WorkSpaceTools.check_work_array(2, inshapes2, work)
+    assert len(work2) == 2
+    for i in xrange(len(work2)):
+        assert work2[i].shape == inshapes2[i]
+        # ensure that work[i] and work2[i] use the same memory
+        assert npw.arrays_share_data(work2[i], work[i])
 def test_default_work():
     """Default case : each op has its own work (or no work at all)
@@ -122,9 +187,3 @@ def test_common_work():
         ll = min(lref, lw)
         for i in xrange(ll):
             assert npw.arrays_share_data(wkref[i], w[i])
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    test_default_work()
-    test_no_common_work()
-    test_common_work()