diff --git a/hysop/backend/device/opencl/opencl_fft.py b/hysop/backend/device/opencl/opencl_fft.py
index cc4e2330a89bc24917997e325e3639f115af19d4..07d3b680b3870ba47f0e250806d6424b90b287b0 100644
--- a/hysop/backend/device/opencl/opencl_fft.py
+++ b/hysop/backend/device/opencl/opencl_fft.py
@@ -1,7 +1,14 @@
 import warnings
 import numpy as np
-from gpyfft.fft import FFT, gfft, GFFT
+    from gpyfft.fft import FFT, gfft, GFFT
+except ImportError as e:
+    class FFT():
+        def __init__(self):
+            assert False, "Du to gpyfft import error ({}), this class is useless".format(e)
+    gfft, GFFT = None, None
+    print e
+    print "Some functionnalities may not work. It seems that hysop is called from non OpenCL machine."
 from hysop import vprint
 from hysop.tools.types import first_not_None
 from hysop.tools.warning import HysopWarning
@@ -11,9 +18,10 @@ from hysop.tools.numpywrappers import npw
 from hysop.backend.device.opencl import cl, clArray
 from hysop.backend.device.codegen.base.variables import dtype_to_ctype
 class OpenClFFT(FFT):
-    def __init__(self, context, queue, in_array, 
+    def __init__(self, context, queue, in_array,
                  out_array=None, axes=None,
                  fast_math=False, real=False,
@@ -28,9 +36,9 @@ class OpenClFFT(FFT):
             axes = np.argsort(in_array.strides)
             axes = np.asarray(axes)
         t_strides_in, t_distance_in, t_batchsize_in, t_shape, axes_transform = \
-                self.calculate_transform_strides(axes, in_array)
+            self.calculate_transform_strides(axes, in_array)
         if (out_array is not None):
             t_inplace = False
@@ -44,7 +52,7 @@ class OpenClFFT(FFT):
                     assert (out_array.offset + out_array.nbytes) < in_array.offset
                     t_inplace = True
-            msg='error finding transform axis (consider setting axes argument)'
+            msg = 'error finding transform axis (consider setting axes argument)'
             assert np.all(axes_transform == axes_transform_out), msg
             out_array = in_array
@@ -57,29 +65,29 @@ class OpenClFFT(FFT):
             precision = gfft.CLFFT_DOUBLE
         if in_array.dtype in (np.float32, np.float64):
-            layout_in  = gfft.CLFFT_REAL
+            layout_in = gfft.CLFFT_REAL
             layout_out = gfft.CLFFT_HERMITIAN_INTERLEAVED
             expected_out_shape = list(in_array.shape)
             expected_out_shape[axes_transform[0]] = \
-                    expected_out_shape[axes_transform[0]]//2 + 1
-            msg='output array shape {} does not match expected shape: {}'
-            msg=msg.format(out_array.shape, expected_out_shape)
+                expected_out_shape[axes_transform[0]]//2 + 1
+            msg = 'output array shape {} does not match expected shape: {}'
+            msg = msg.format(out_array.shape, expected_out_shape)
             assert out_array.shape == tuple(expected_out_shape), msg
         elif in_array.dtype in (np.complex64, np.complex128):
             if not real:
-                layout_in  = gfft.CLFFT_COMPLEX_INTERLEAVED
+                layout_in = gfft.CLFFT_COMPLEX_INTERLEAVED
                 layout_out = gfft.CLFFT_COMPLEX_INTERLEAVED
-                layout_in  = gfft.CLFFT_HERMITIAN_INTERLEAVED
+                layout_in = gfft.CLFFT_HERMITIAN_INTERLEAVED
                 layout_out = gfft.CLFFT_REAL
                 t_shape = t_shape_out
         if t_inplace and ((layout_in is gfft.CLFFT_REAL) or
                           (layout_out is gfft.CLFFT_REAL)):
-            assert ((in_array.strides[axes_transform[0]] == in_array.dtype.itemsize) and \
+            assert ((in_array.strides[axes_transform[0]] == in_array.dtype.itemsize) and
                     (out_array.strides[axes_transform[0]] == out_array.dtype.itemsize)), \
-                    'inline real transforms need stride 1 for first transform axis'
+                'inline real transforms need stride 1 for first transform axis'
         self.t_shape = t_shape
         self.batchsize = t_batchsize_in
@@ -93,24 +101,24 @@ class OpenClFFT(FFT):
         plan.batch_size = self.batchsize
         plan.precision = precision
         plan.layouts = (layout_in, layout_out)
         assert not keep_buffer_offset
-        (in_data, out_data) = self.set_offset_callbacks(plan, in_array, out_array, 
-                                                              layout_in, layout_out,
-                                                              keep_buffer_offset)
+        (in_data, out_data) = self.set_offset_callbacks(plan, in_array, out_array,
+                                                        layout_in, layout_out,
+                                                        keep_buffer_offset)
         self.plan = plan
-        self.in_array  = in_array
+        self.in_array = in_array
         self.out_array = out_array
         self.in_data = in_data
         self.out_data = out_data
         self.temp_buffer = None
-        self._baked      = False
-        self._allocated  = False
+        self._baked = False
+        self._allocated = False
     def set_offset_callbacks(self, plan, in_array, out_array, layout_in, layout_out,
-                                    keep_buffer_offset):
+                             keep_buffer_offset):
             if keep_buffer_offset:
                 raise clArray.ArrayHasOffsetError
@@ -131,38 +139,38 @@ class OpenClFFT(FFT):
             post, output_buffer_offset = self.post_offset_callback(out_array, layout_out)
             plan.set_callback('post_callback', post, 'post', user_data=None)
-        self.input_buffer_offset  = input_buffer_offset
+        self.input_buffer_offset = input_buffer_offset
         self.output_buffer_offset = output_buffer_offset
         return (in_data, out_data)
     def bake(self):
         if self._baked:
-            msg='Plan was already baked.'
+            msg = 'Plan was already baked.'
             raise RuntimeError(msg)
         msg = 'Baking {}[precision={}, shape={}, inplace={}, layout_in={}, layout_out={}]'.format(
-                self.__class__.__name__, 
-                self.precision, self.t_shape, self.t_inplace, 
-                self.layout_in, self.layout_out)
+            self.__class__.__name__,
+            self.precision, self.t_shape, self.t_inplace,
+            self.layout_in, self.layout_out)
         self._baked = True
         return self
     def allocate(self, buf=None):
         if self._allocated:
-            msg='Plan was already allocated.'
+            msg = 'Plan was already allocated.'
             raise RuntimeError(msg)
         size = self.plan.temp_array_size
-        if (size>0):
+        if (size > 0):
             if (buf is None):
-                msg='Allocating temporary buffer of size {} for clFFT::{}.'
-                msg=msg.format(bytes2str(size), id(self))
+                msg = 'Allocating temporary buffer of size {} for clFFT::{}.'
+                msg = msg.format(bytes2str(size), id(self))
                 warnings.warn(msg, HysopWarning)
                 buf = cl.Buffer(self.context, cl.mem_flags.READ_WRITE, size=size)
                 self.temp_buffer = buf
             elif (buf.size != size):
-                msg='Buffer does not match required size: {} != {}'
-                msg=msg.format(buf.size, size)
+                msg = 'Buffer does not match required size: {} != {}'
+                msg = msg.format(buf.size, size)
                 raise ValueError(msg)
                 self.temp_buffer = buf.data
@@ -174,9 +182,9 @@ class OpenClFFT(FFT):
     def enqueue(self, queue=None, wait_for_events=None, direction_forward=True):
         Enqueue transform with array base_data.
-        /!\ Do not forget to offset input and output by array.offset 
-            within custom user callbacks, only base_data is passed 
-            to ensure OpenCL pointers alignment of kernel arguments. 
+        /!\ Do not forget to offset input and output by array.offset
+            within custom user callbacks, only base_data is passed
+            to ensure OpenCL pointers alignment of kernel arguments.
             See self.set_offset_callbacks().
@@ -184,21 +192,21 @@ class OpenClFFT(FFT):
         queue = first_not_None(queue, self.queue)
         if self.t_inplace:
-            events = self.plan.enqueue_transform((queue,), 
-                                            (in_data,), 
-                                            direction_forward=direction_forward, 
-                                            temp_buffer=self.temp_buffer, 
-                                            wait_for_events=wait_for_events)
+            events = self.plan.enqueue_transform((queue,),
+                                                 (in_data,),
+                                                 direction_forward=direction_forward,
+                                                 temp_buffer=self.temp_buffer,
+                                                 wait_for_events=wait_for_events)
-            events = self.plan.enqueue_transform((queue,), 
-                                            (in_data,), (out_data),
-                                            direction_forward=direction_forward, 
-                                            temp_buffer=self.temp_buffer, 
-                                            wait_for_events=wait_for_events)
+            events = self.plan.enqueue_transform((queue,),
+                                                 (in_data,), (out_data),
+                                                 direction_forward=direction_forward,
+                                                 temp_buffer=self.temp_buffer,
+                                                 wait_for_events=wait_for_events)
         return events
     def enqueue_arrays(self, *args, **kwds):
-        msg='Enqueue arrays is not supported.'
+        msg = 'Enqueue arrays is not supported.'
         raise NotImplementedError(msg)
@@ -212,94 +220,94 @@ class OpenClFFT(FFT):
     def _assert_ready(self):
         if __debug__ and not self.ready:
-            msg='Plan is not ready:'
-            msg+='\n  *baked:     {}'
-            msg+='\n  *allocated: {}'
-            msg+='\n'
-            msg=msg.format(self._baked, self._allocated)
+            msg = 'Plan is not ready:'
+            msg += '\n  *baked:     {}'
+            msg += '\n  *allocated: {}'
+            msg += '\n'
+            msg = msg.format(self._baked, self._allocated)
             raise RuntimeError(msg)
     def check_dtype(cls, dtype, layout):
             if not is_complex(dtype):
-                msg='Layout is {} but got array with dtype {}.'
-                msg=msg.format(layout, dtype)
+                msg = 'Layout is {} but got array with dtype {}.'
+                msg = msg.format(layout, dtype)
                 raise RuntimeError(msg)
         elif layout in (gfft.CLFFT_REAL,):
             if not is_fp(dtype):
-                msg='Layout is CLFFT_REAL but got array with dtype {}.'
-                msg=msg.format(dtype)
+                msg = 'Layout is CLFFT_REAL but got array with dtype {}.'
+                msg = msg.format(dtype)
                 raise RuntimeError(msg)
-            msg='Unsupported data layout {}.'
-            msg=msg.format(layout)
+            msg = 'Unsupported data layout {}.'
+            msg = msg.format(layout)
             raise NotImplementedError(msg)
     def pre_offset_callback(self, in_array, layout_in):
         dtype = in_array.dtype
         fp = dtype_to_ctype(dtype)
         self.check_dtype(dtype, layout_in)
         if (in_array.offset % dtype.itemsize) != 0:
-            msg='Unaligned array offset.'
+            msg = 'Unaligned array offset.'
             raise RuntimeError(msg)
         base_offset = (in_array.offset // dtype.itemsize)
         callback = \
-        '''
+            '''
         {fp} pre_callback(__global void* input,
                           const uint offset,
                           __global void* userdata) {{
-            __global {fp}* in = (__global {fp}*) input; 
+            __global {fp}* in = (__global {fp}*) input;
             return in[{base_offset}uL+offset];
         '''.format(fp=fp, base_offset=base_offset)
         input_buffer_offset = '{}uL'.format(base_offset)
         return callback, input_buffer_offset
     def post_offset_callback(self, out_array, layout_out):
         dtype = out_array.dtype
         self.check_dtype(dtype, layout_out)
         fp = dtype_to_ctype(dtype)
         if (out_array.offset % dtype.itemsize) != 0:
-            msg='Unaligned array offset.'
+            msg = 'Unaligned array offset.'
             raise RuntimeError(msg)
         base_offset = (out_array.offset // dtype.itemsize)
         callback = \
-        '''
+            '''
         void post_callback(__global void* output,
                            const uint offset,
                           __global void* userdata,
                            const {fp} fftoutput) {{
-            __global {fp}* out = (__global {fp}*) output; 
+            __global {fp}* out = (__global {fp}*) output;
             out[{base_offset}uL+offset] = fftoutput;
         '''.format(fp=fp, base_offset=base_offset)
         output_buffer_offset = '{}uL'.format(base_offset)
         return callback, output_buffer_offset
     def allocate_plans(cls, operator, plans):
         tmp_size = max(plan.required_buffer_size for plan in plans)
-        msg='Allocating an additional {} temporary buffer for clFFT in operator {}.'.format(
-                bytes2str(tmp_size), operator.name)
+        msg = 'Allocating an additional {} temporary buffer for clFFT in operator {}.'.format(
+            bytes2str(tmp_size), operator.name)
-        if (tmp_size>0):
+        if (tmp_size > 0):
             tmp_buffer = operator.backend.empty(shape=(tmp_size), dtype=npw.uint8)
             for plan in plans:
                 if (plan.required_buffer_size > tmp_buffer.nbytes):
-                    msg='\nFATAL ERROR: Failed to allocate temporary buffer for clFFT.'
-                    msg+='\n => clFFT expected {} bytes but only {} bytes have been allocated.\n'
-                    msg=msg.format(plan.required_buffer_size, tmp_buffer.nbytes)
+                    msg = '\nFATAL ERROR: Failed to allocate temporary buffer for clFFT.'
+                    msg += '\n => clFFT expected {} bytes but only {} bytes have been allocated.\n'
+                    msg = msg.format(plan.required_buffer_size, tmp_buffer.nbytes)
                     raise RuntimeError(msg)
-                elif (plan.required_buffer_size>0):
+                elif (plan.required_buffer_size > 0):
                     buf = tmp_buffer[:plan.required_buffer_size]
@@ -310,4 +318,3 @@ class OpenClFFT(FFT):
             tmp_buffer = None
         return tmp_buffer