diff --git a/Examples/demo_2D_real-time.py b/Examples/demo_2D_real-time.py
index 6b6f28df292644995174cf41e35d87121854494e..4ed123c8035f71b87ebc9ef07f9e5bdddb162a45 100755
--- a/Examples/demo_2D_real-time.py
+++ b/Examples/demo_2D_real-time.py
@@ -1,29 +1,28 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env python
-import time
 import parmepy
 from parmepy.domain.box import Box
 from parmepy.gpu import PARMES_REAL_GPU, PARMES_DOUBLE_GPU
+#parmepy.gpu.CL_PROFILE = True
 from parmepy.fields.continuous import Field
 from parmepy.operator.advection import Advection
 from parmepy.problem.transport import TransportProblem
 from parmepy.operator.analytic import Analytic
 from parmepy.gpu.QtRendering import QtOpenGLRendering
+from parmepy.problem.simulation import Simulation
 import math
-import sys
 import numpy as np
-parmepy.gpu.CL_PROFILE = False
 norm2 = lambda x, y: x * x + y * y
 norm1 = lambda x, y: abs(x) + abs(y)
 norminf = lambda x, y: max(abs(x), abs(y))
 def initScalar(x, y):
-    return math.exp(-(norm2(x - 0.5, y - 0.75)/0.0225)**6) \
-        + 0.75*math.exp(-(norm2(x - 0.75, y - 0.25)/0.0225)**6) \
-        + 0.5*math.exp(-(norm1(x - 0.4, y - 0.4)/0.1)**6) \
-        + 0.25*math.exp(-(norminf(x - 0.6, y - 0.5)/0.08)**6)
+    return math.exp(-(norm2(x - 0.5, y - 0.75) / 0.0225) ** 6) \
+        + 0.75 * math.exp(-(norm2(x - 0.75, y - 0.25) / 0.0225) ** 6) \
+        + 0.5 * math.exp(-(norm1(x - 0.4, y - 0.4) / 0.1) ** 6) \
+        + 0.25 * math.exp(-(norminf(x - 0.6, y - 0.5) / 0.08) ** 6)
     # if norm2(x - 0.5, y - 0.75) < 0.0225:
     #     return  0.25
     # elif norm2(x - 0.75, y - 0.25) < 0.0225:
@@ -36,62 +35,66 @@ def initScalar(x, y):
     #     return 0.
-def run(nb=257):
-    dim = 2
-    boxLength = [1., 1.]
-    boxMin = [0., 0.]
-    if isinstance(nb, list):
-        nbElem = nb
-    else:
-        nbElem = [nb, nb]
-    timeStep = 0.075
-    finalTime = 3.0 + timeStep
-    ## Domain
-    box = Box(dim, length=boxLength, origin=boxMin)
-    ## Fields
-    scal = Field(domain=box, name='Scalar', formula=initScalar)
-    velo = Field(domain=box, name='Velocity', isVector=True)
-    ## Operators
-    advec = Advection(velo, scal,
-                      resolutions={velo: nbElem,
-                                   scal: nbElem},
-                      method='gpu_1k_m6prime',
-                      #src=['./demo_2D.cl'],
-                      precision=PARMES_REAL_GPU,
-                      splittingConfig='o2'
-                      )
-    velocity = Analytic(velo,
-                        resolutions={velo: nbElem},
-                        method='gpu',
-                        src=['./demo_2D.cl'],
-                        precision=PARMES_REAL_GPU,
-                        )
-    render = QtOpenGLRendering(scal)
-    # Problem
-    pb = TransportProblem([velocity, advec],
-                          monitors=[render])
-    # Setting solver to Problem
-    pb.setUp(finalTime, timeStep)
-    # We copy the first discretisation of scalar
-    scalar_initial = np.copy(scal.discreteFields.values()[0].data)
-    ## Solve problem
-    pb.solve()
-    scal_disc = scal.discreteFields.values()[0]
-    scal_disc.toHost()
-    print 'Erreur : ', np.max(np.abs(scalar_initial -
-                                     scal_disc.data)) / np.max(scalar_initial)
-    print np.linalg.norm(scalar_initial - scal_disc.data, ord=2)/np.linalg.norm(scalar_initial, ord=2)
-    pb.finalize()
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    run([513, 513])
+def vitesse(x, y, t=0):
+    vx = -math.sin(x * math.pi) ** 2 * math.sin(y * math.pi * 2.) * \
+        math.cos(t * math.pi / 3.)
+    vy = math.sin(y * math.pi) ** 2 * math.sin(x * math.pi * 2.) * \
+        math.cos(t * math.pi / 3.)
+    return vx, vy
+dim = 2
+boxLength = [1., 1.]
+boxMin = [0., 0.]
+nbElem = [513, 513]
+timeStep = 0.075
+finalTime = 3.0 + timeStep
+simu = Simulation(0., finalTime, int(finalTime / timeStep))
+## Domain
+box = Box(dim, length=boxLength, origin=boxMin)
+## Fields
+scal = Field(domain=box, name='Scalar', formula=initScalar)
+velo = Field(domain=box, name='Velocity', isVector=True)
+## Operators
+advec = Advection(velo, scal,
+                  resolutions={velo: nbElem,
+                               scal: nbElem},
+                  method='gpu_1k_m6prime',
+                  #src=['./demo_2D.cl'],
+                  precision=PARMES_REAL_GPU,
+                  splittingConfig='o2'
+                  )
+velocity = Analytic(velo,  # formula=vitesse,
+                    resolutions={velo: nbElem},
+                    method='gpu',
+                    src=['./demo_2D.cl'],
+                    precision=PARMES_REAL_GPU,
+                    )
+render = QtOpenGLRendering(scal)
+# Problem
+pb = TransportProblem([velocity, advec], simu,
+                      monitors=[render])
+# Setting solver to Problem
+# We copy the first discretisation of scalar
+scalar_initial = np.copy(scal.discreteFields.values()[0].data)
+## Solve problem
+scal_disc = scal.discreteFields.values()[0]
+print 'Erreur : ', np.max(np.abs(scalar_initial -
+                                 scal_disc.data)) / np.max(scalar_initial)
+print np.linalg.norm(scalar_initial - scal_disc.data, ord=2) / \
+    np.linalg.norm(scalar_initial, ord=2)
diff --git a/Examples/levelSet2D.py b/Examples/levelSet2D.py
index a0a2e0de9e71f9b33117a1c032a5c22cc9e54b68..84a59b5f96a42b5a020caaeb3c7916be6994e290 100755
--- a/Examples/levelSet2D.py
+++ b/Examples/levelSet2D.py
@@ -1,119 +1,99 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env python
-import time
 from parmepy.domain.box import Box
 from parmepy.gpu import PARMES_REAL_GPU
 from parmepy.fields.continuous import Field
 from parmepy.operator.advection import Advection
 from parmepy.problem.transport import TransportProblem
 from parmepy.operator.monitors.printer import Printer
+from parmepy.problem.simulation import Simulation
 from parmepy.operator.analytic import Analytic
-import math
-import sys
+# import math
 # def vitesse(x, y):
 #     vx = -math.sin(x * math.pi) ** 2 * math.sin(y * math.pi * 2)
 #     vy = math.sin(y * math.pi) ** 2 * math.sin(x * math.pi * 2)
 #     return vx, vy
-def vitesse(x, y, t, dt, ite):
-    vx = -math.sin(x * math.pi) ** 2 * math.sin(y * math.pi * 2)*math.cos(t*math.pi/3.0)
-    vy = math.sin(y * math.pi) ** 2 * math.sin(x * math.pi * 2)*math.cos(t*math.pi/3.0)
-    return vx, vy
-def scalaire(x, y):
-    rr = math.sqrt((x - 0.5) ** 2 + (y - 0.75) ** 2)
-    if rr < 0.15:
-        return 1.
-    else:
-        return 0.
-def run(nb=257):
-    dim = 2
-    boxLength = [1., 1.]
-    boxMin = [0., 0.]
-    if isinstance(nb, list):
-        nbElem = nb
-    else:
-        nbElem = [nb, nb]
-    timeStep = 0.025
-    finalTime = 3.
-    outputFilePrefix = './res_2D/levelSet_2D_rect_'
-    outputModulo = 1
-    t0 = time.time()
-    ## Domain
-    box = Box(dim, length=boxLength, origin=boxMin)
-    ## Fields
-    scal = Field(domain=box, name='Scalar')
-    velo = Field(domain=box, name='Velocity', isVector=True)
-    ## Operators
-    advec = Advection(velo, scal,
-                      resolutions={velo: nbElem,
-                                   scal: nbElem},
-                      method='gpu_1k_m4prime',
-                      #method='gpu_1k_m6prime',
-                      #method='gpu_1k_m8prime',
-                      #method='gpu_2k_m4prime',
-                      #method='gpu_2k_m6prime',
-                      #method='gpu_2k_m8prime',
-                      #method='scales'
-                      src=['./levelSet2D.cl'],
-                      precision=PARMES_REAL_GPU,
-                      #precision=PARMES_DOUBLE_GPU,
-                      #splittingConfig='o2'
-                      #splittingConfig='y_only'
-                      splittingConfig='o2_FullHalf'
-                      )
-    velocity = Analytic(velo,
-                        resolutions={velo: nbElem},
-                        method='gpu',
-                        src=['./levelSet2D.cl'],
-                        precision=PARMES_REAL_GPU,
-                        )
-    ##Problem
-    #pb = TransportProblem([advec],
-    pb = TransportProblem([velocity, advec],
-                          monitors=[Printer(fields=[scal],
-                                            frequency=outputModulo,
-                                            outputPrefix=outputFilePrefix)])
-    ## Setting solver to Problem
-    pb.setUp(finalTime, timeStep)
-    t1 = time.time()
-    ## Solve problem
-    timings = pb.solve()
-    tf = time.time()
-    print "\n"
-    print "Total time : ", tf - t0, "sec (CPU)"
-    print "Init time : ", t1 - t0, "sec (CPU)"
-    print "Solving time : ", tf - t1, "sec (CPU)"
-    print ""
-    return (pb.time_info[0] + "\"Solving time\" \"Init time\" \"Total time\"",
-            pb.time_info[1] + str(tf - t1) + " " + str(t1 - t0) + " " + str(tf - t0))
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    run(257)
-    # timings = {}
-    # f = open('bench_levelSet2D.dat', 'w')
-    # header = "#size dim nPart "
-    # sizes = xrange(128, 4096+2048+1, 128)
-    # sizes = xrange(128, 512+1, 128)
-    # sizes = [1024,2048,4096,4096+2048]
-    # for s in sizes:
-    #     h, t = run(s)
-    #     timings[s] = t
-    # header += h
-    # f.write(header + "\n")
-    # for s in sizes:
-    #     f.write(str(s) + " " + str(2) + " " + str(s**2) + " " + str(timings[s]) + "\n")
-    # f.close()
+# def vitesse(x, y, t=0):
+#     vx = -math.sin(x * math.pi) ** 2 * math.sin(y * math.pi * 2) * \
+#         math.cos(t * math.pi / 3.)
+#     vy = math.sin(y * math.pi) ** 2 * math.sin(x * math.pi * 2) * \
+#         math.cos(t * math.pi / 3.)
+#     return vx, vy
+# def scalaire(x, y):
+#     rr = math.sqrt((x - 0.5) ** 2 + (y - 0.75) ** 2)
+#     if rr < 0.15:
+#         return 1.
+#     else:
+#         return 0.
+dim = 2
+boxLength = [1., 1.]
+boxMin = [0., 0.]
+nbElem = [1025, 1025]
+timeStep = 0.025
+finalTime = 3.
+outputFilePrefix = './res_2D/levelSet_2D_rect_'
+outputModulo = 0
+simu = Simulation(0., finalTime, int(finalTime / timeStep))
+## Domain
+box = Box(dim, length=boxLength, origin=boxMin)
+## Fields
+scal = Field(domain=box, name='Scalar')
+velo = Field(domain=box, name='Velocity', isVector=True)
+## Operators
+advec = Advection(velo, scal,
+                  resolutions={velo: nbElem,
+                               scal: nbElem},
+                  method='gpu_2k_m4prime',
+                  #method='gpu_1k_m6prime',
+                  #method='gpu_1k_m8prime',
+                  #method='gpu_2k_m4prime',
+                  #method='gpu_2k_m6prime',
+                  #method='gpu_2k_m8prime',
+                  #method='scales'
+                  src=['./levelSet2D.cl'],
+                  precision=PARMES_REAL_GPU,
+                  #precision=PARMES_DOUBLE_GPU,
+                  #splittingConfig='o2'
+                  #splittingConfig='y_only'
+                  #splittingConfig='o2_FullHalf'
+                  )
+velocity = Analytic(velo,
+                    resolutions={velo: nbElem},
+                    method='gpu',
+                    src=['./levelSet2D.cl'],
+                    precision=PARMES_REAL_GPU,
+                    )
+#pb = TransportProblem([advec],simu,
+pb = TransportProblem([velocity, advec], simu,
+                      monitors=[Printer(fields=[scal],
+                                        frequency=outputModulo,
+                                        prefix=outputFilePrefix)])
+## Setting solver to Problem
+## Solve problem
+th, tt = pb.timer.toString()
+for op in pb.operators:
+    oth, ott = op.timer.toString()
+    th += oth
+    tt += ott
+print th
+print tt
diff --git a/Examples/levelSet3D.py b/Examples/levelSet3D.py
index 9a78e45696a666b96c9398302755fe41930b5367..23afc96eb98d1b7cb6e7d3064b1f12275087e00f 100755
--- a/Examples/levelSet3D.py
+++ b/Examples/levelSet3D.py
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env python
-import time
 import parmepy as pp
 from parmepy.gpu import PARMES_REAL_GPU, PARMES_DOUBLE_GPU
 from parmepy.fields.continuous import Field
@@ -7,100 +6,81 @@ from parmepy.operator.advection import Advection
 from parmepy.problem.transport import TransportProblem
 from parmepy.operator.monitors.printer import Printer
 from parmepy.operator.analytic import Analytic
-from math import sin, cos, pi
-import sys
-def vitesse(x, y, z, t=0, dt=0, ite=0):
-    vx = 2. * sin(pi*x)**2*sin(2.*pi*y)*sin(2.*pi*z)*cos(t*pi/3.)
-    vy = -sin(2.*pi*x)*sin(pi*y)**2*sin(2.*pi*z)*cos(t*pi/3.)
-    vz = -sin(2.*pi*x)*sin(2.*pi*y)*sin(pi*z)**2*cos(t*pi/3.)
-    return vx, vy, vz
-def run(nb=257):
-    dim = 3
-    boxLength = [1., 1., 1.]
-    boxMin = [0., 0., 0.]
-    if isinstance(nb, list):
-        nbElem = nb
-    else:
-        nbElem = [nb, nb, nb]
-    timeStep = 0.05
-    finalTime = 3.
-    outputFilePrefix = './res3D_new/levelSet_3D_'
-    outputModulo = 1
-    t0 = time.time()
-    ## Domain
-    box = pp.Box(dim, length=boxLength, origin=boxMin)
-    ## Fields
-    scal = Field(domain=box, name='Scalar')
-    velo = Field(domain=box, name='Velocity', isVector=True)
-    ## Operators
-    advec = Advection(velo, scal,
-                      resolutions={velo: nbElem,
-                                   scal: nbElem},
-                      #method='scales',
-                      method='gpu_1k_m4prime',
-                      #method='gpu_1k_m6prime',
-                      #method='gpu_1k_m8prime',
-                      #method='gpu_2k_m4prime',
-                      #method='gpu_2k_m6prime',
-                      #method='gpu_2k_m8prime',
-                      src=['./levelSet3D.cl'],
-                      precision=PARMES_REAL_GPU,
-                      #precision=PARMES_DOUBLE_GPU,
-                      splittingConfig='o2'
-                      #splittingConfig='o2_FullHalf'
-                      )
-    velocity = Analytic(velo,  # formula=vitesse,
-                        resolutions={velo: nbElem},
-                        method='gpu',
-                        src=['./levelSet3D.cl'],
-                        precision=PARMES_REAL_GPU,
-                        )
-    ##Problem
-    #pb = TransportProblem([advec],
-    pb = TransportProblem([velocity, advec],
-                          monitors=[Printer(fields=[scal],
-                                            frequency=outputModulo,
-                                            outputPrefix=outputFilePrefix)])
-    ## Setting solver to Problem
-    pb.setUp(finalTime, timeStep)
-    t1 = time.time()
-    ## Solve problem
-    timings = pb.solve()
-    tf = time.time()
-    print "\n"
-    print "Total time : ", tf - t0, "sec (CPU)"
-    print "Init time : ", t1 - t0, "sec (CPU)"
-    print "Solving time : ", tf - t1, "sec (CPU)"
-    print ""
-    return pb.time_info[0] + "\"Solving time\" \"Init time\" \"Total time\"", pb.time_info[1] + str(tf - t1) + " " + str(t1 - t0) + " " + str(tf - t0)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    run([129, 129, 129])
-    # timings = {}
-    # f = open('bench_levelSet3D.dat', 'w')
-    # header = "#size dim nPart "
-    # sizes = xrange(32, 256+32*3+1, 32)
-    # #sizes = [256+32+32+32]
-    # for s in sizes:
-    #     h, t = run(s)
-    #     timings[s] = t
-    # header += h
-    # f.write(header + "\n")
-    # for s in sizes:
-    #     f.write(str(s) + " " + str(3) + " " + str(s**3) + " " + str(timings[s]) + "\n")
-    # f.close()
+from parmepy.problem.simulation import Simulation
+# from math import sin, cos, pi
+# def scalaire(x,y,z):
+#     return 1.
+# def vitesse(x, y, z, t=0):
+#     vx = 2. * sin(pi*x)**2*sin(2.*pi*y)*sin(2.*pi*z)*cos(t*pi/3.)
+#     vy = -sin(2.*pi*x)*sin(pi*y)**2*sin(2.*pi*z)*cos(t*pi/3.)
+#     vz = -sin(2.*pi*x)*sin(2.*pi*y)*sin(pi*z)**2*cos(t*pi/3.)
+#     return vx, vy, vz
+dim = 3
+boxLength = [1., 1., 1.]
+boxMin = [0., 0., 0.]
+nbElem = 3 * [129]
+timeStep = 0.05
+finalTime = 3.
+outputFilePrefix = './res3D_new/levelSet_3D_'
+outputModulo = 1
+simu = Simulation(0., finalTime, int(finalTime / timeStep))
+## Domain
+box = pp.Box(dim, length=boxLength, origin=boxMin)
+## Fields
+scal = Field(domain=box, name='Scalar')
+velo = Field(domain=box, name='Velocity', isVector=True)
+## Operators
+advec = Advection(velo, scal,
+                  resolutions={velo: nbElem,
+                               scal: nbElem},
+                  #method='scales',
+                  method='gpu_1k_m4prime',
+                  #method='gpu_1k_m6prime',
+                  #method='gpu_1k_m8prime',
+                  #method='gpu_2k_m4prime',
+                  #method='gpu_2k_m6prime',
+                  #method='gpu_2k_m8prime',
+                  src=['./levelSet3D.cl'],
+                  precision=PARMES_REAL_GPU,
+                  #precision=PARMES_DOUBLE_GPU,
+                  splittingConfig='o2'
+                  #splittingConfig='o2_FullHalf'
+                  )
+velocity = Analytic(velo,
+                    resolutions={velo: nbElem},
+                    method='gpu',
+                    src=['./levelSet3D.cl'],
+                    precision=PARMES_REAL_GPU,
+                    )
+#pb = TransportProblem([advec],
+pb = TransportProblem([velocity, advec], simu,
+                      monitors=[Printer(fields=[scal],
+                                        frequency=outputModulo,
+                                        prefix=outputFilePrefix)])
+## Setting solver to Problem
+## Solve problem
+th, tt = pb.timer.toString()
+for op in pb.operators:
+    oth, ott = op.timer.toString()
+    th += oth
+    tt += ott
+print th
+print tt